Employment Certification英国签证在职证明英文版

英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除)CertificationVisa OfficerConsular Section, Embassy,Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆)ConsulateCompany: (公司名称)Add: (公司地址)Tel:(区号—公司电话) Fax:(区号—公司传真)Dear Sir or Madam:I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务)in this company。
I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务)in our units. (His/Her)monthly salary is about (申请人月收入)RMB,and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时间)。
(she/he) has been allowed for a leave to visit Australia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期).We will keep (his/her)position during (his/her)visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia.Best Regards(领导本人签名)(日期)The registration number as which the units is registered in the business bureau(营业执照注册号)。

英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除)CertificationVisa OfficerConsular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆) Consulate Company: (公司名称)Add: (公司地址)Tel:( 区号-公司电话) Fax:(区号-公司传真)Dear Sir or Madam:I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务) in this company. I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务) in our units. (His/Her) monthly salary is about (申请人月收入) RMB, and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时间).(she/he) has been allowed for a leave to visitAustralia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期).We will keep (his/her) position during (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia.Best Regards(领导本人签名)(日期)The registration number as which the units is registered in the business bureau(营业执照注册号).注:1.在职证明需打印成英文2.凡样本中标红的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留标红在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“英国签证在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中英国签证在职证明参考样本译文 (请使用时删除)在职证明英国驻北京/上海领事馆签证处:公司名称:地址:电话:传真:尊敬的先生/女士:我是XXX,在此公司担任XXX职务。

附件1:在职证明参考样本TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)has been working in our company for XXXX(工作年限,请填阿拉伯数字)years. We understand that he/she will have a X-day-holiday (具体行程天数) to England and other European Countries from XXXX(出发日期) to XXXX(结束日期),.All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself /our company .He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our companyafter his/her visit to European countries.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual Income Time of entering workXXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人拼音姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature (领导的中文签名)Company’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXX (公司电话)Add: XXXXXX (公司地址)Company Name: XXXXXX (公司名称)Date: 201X-X-X (日期)注:1.男性申请人请保留斜杠前的称谓,将斜杠及杠后称谓删去,女性申请人反之。

在职证明英国大使馆签证处:兹证明女士(护照号码),自至今已在_____工作 8 年。
现在我学院担任 _____一职,年收入为人民币元。
现准其在 ____期间自费前往英国旅游,并督导其遵守当地法律按时归国。
负责人签名:公司全称及公章:电话日期:年月日TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Ms. has been working with since June 30th, 2005. She will be on travelling purposes visiting BRITAIN from to . All the expenses including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by herself. She will be back on time as her schedule planned and shall continue to work with us after her visit to BRITAIN.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual IncomeYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leaderPosition of the leaderSignatureCompany’s StampTel:Add:Company Name:第十三章:干燥通过本章的学习,应熟练掌握表示湿空气性质的参数,正确应用空气的H–I 图确定空气的状态点及其性质参数;熟练应用物料衡算及热量衡算解决干燥过程中的计算问题;了解干燥过程的平衡关系和速率特征及干燥时间的计算;了解干燥器的类型及强化干燥操作的基本方法。

英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除)CertificationVisa OfficerConsular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆) ConsulateCompany: (公司名称)Add: (公司地址)Tel:( 区号-公司电话) Fax:(区号-公司传真)Dear Sir or Madam:I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务) in this company. I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务) in our units. (His/Her) monthly salary is about (申请人月收入) RMB, and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时间).(she/he) has been allowed for a leave tovisit Australia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期).We will keep (his/her) position during (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia.Best Regards(领导本人签名)(日期)The registration number as which the units is registered in the business bureau(营业执照注册号).注:1.在职证明需打印成英文2.凡样本中标红的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留标红在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“英国签证在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中英国签证在职证明参考样本译文(请使用时删除)在职证明英国驻北京/上海领事馆签证处:公司名称:地址:电话:传真:尊敬的先生/女士:我是XXX,在此公司担任XXX职务。

出国中英文在职证明第一篇:出国中英文在职证明附件1:在职证明参考样本TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs, Mr./ Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日).He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other Schengen countries from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself/XXXX(出资方的公司名称或个人名字).He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to Schengen Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)Company’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXXDate of BirthXXXXXXPassport-No.PositionAnnual Income GXXXXXXXXXXRMB XXXX XXXX附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官XXX先生/女士自XXXX年X月X日(现公司入职时间某年某月某日)在我公司工作。

公司总经理:年月日Confirmation of employmentIt is certified that Wang Sheng chuan(Passport No.E31431553)is our formal employee, who entered our company in 1983.9, as worker, with average monthly salary of RMB 4334.8, and annual salary of RMB 52018.Our company agrees him to have a vacation to Germany to visit relatives in June 2014.and will give him normal salary during his vacation;we guarantee him will come back to China on time.1.All his costs in the vication will borne by himself.2.He will abide by the local laws and regulations.3.After the end of the holiday he will be returned, holdshisoffice.Tel*************Luzhong Mining Co., Ltd.of Xiaoguanzhuang Iron MineDate:March 28 2014th第二篇:中英文版在职证明(办理签证时使用)公司抬头纸在职证明兹证明人名(护照号:)为我公司正式在职员工,年月入职,职位为,平均月收入约元人民币,年收入:元人民币我司同意她在年月日至日带薪休假去旅游,并保证她会按时返回中国。

在职证明英国大使馆签证处:兹证明女士(护照号码),自至今已在_____工作 8 年。
现在我学院担任 _____一职,年收入为人民币元。
现准其在 ____期间自费前往英国旅游,并督导其遵守当地法律按时归国。
负责人签名:公司全称及公章:电话日期:年月日TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Ms. has been working with since June 30th, 2005. She will be on travelling purposes visiting BRITAIN from to . All the expenses including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by herself. She will be back on time as her schedule planned and shall continue to work with us after her visit to BRITAIN.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Annual IncomeYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leaderPosition of the leaderSignatureCompany’s StampTel:Add:Company Name:第十三章:干燥通过本章的学习,应熟练掌握表示湿空气性质的参数,正确应用空气的H–I 图确定空气的状态点及其性质参数;熟练应用物料衡算及热量衡算解决干燥过程中的计算问题;了解干燥过程的平衡关系和速率特征及干燥时间的计算;了解干燥器的类型及强化干燥操作的基本方法。

希望能够得到您的支持!非常感谢!XXXXXXXXX(公司)此盖单位公章和负责人签名单位联系电话:单位地址:日期:英文模板在下面请用公司抬头纸打印TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader:(领导人姓名)Position of the leader:(领导人职位)Signature:(领导的签名)Company’s Stamp:(公司盖章)Company Name:(公司名称)Add:(公司地址)Tel: XXX-XXXXXX(公司电话)Fax: XXX-XXXXXX(公司传真)Date: 201X-X-X(日期)注:1.需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持为全英文格式2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰证明内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的证明中4.请不要将“附件1:在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中5、红色的she和he是男女选择词语,请选择其中一个后删去。
学校放假信样板学校抬头放假证明XXX同学是我校X年级学生,我校放假时间是XXXX年XX月XX日至XXXX 年XX月XX日,共计X 天。

01 DEC 2014VISA SECTIONCANADA(国家) EMBASSY BEIJINGRE: Visa applicationDear Sir or Madam:This is to certify that Ms. /Mr(名字)is employee of our company , she/he has been employed by our company since2006 (入职年份),she/he intend to visit CANADA(国家)from 01-12-2014 to 13-12-2014(赴国外时间).The detail is listed as following:Name D. O. B Title rganization assport No SalaryMs. Zhang Ruijie 名字21-10-1978生日Manager职位Henan Silin departmentstore Co., LTD 公司名字护照号RMB 8000月薪Our company would like to guarantee that the applicant would obey all the laws and regulation of Canada(国家)and return to China on time.All expenses for her/him travel in Canada(国家) will be paid by herself/himself(费用谁承担).It will be highly appreciated if you could kindly grant visa for the applicant.Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.With best regardsManager Position: 准假人英文职称Manager Signature:准假人姓名拼音(不能为申请人本人)中文签名负责人手写签名公司盖章Company:公司英文名称Tel:(区号)公司电话Fax:(区号)公司传真Address:公司英文地址备注:1.所有红色字体请替换内容并删除,建议用公司正规抬头纸打印!。
签证英文 工作证明模板

签证英文工作证明模板Work Certificate for Visa Application.To Whom It May Concern:I am writing to certify the employment status of [Full Name of the Applicant], who is currently employed with our esteemed organization. This certificate is being issued to support his/her visa application and to validate his/her professional credentials.Position Held:[Applicant's Position in the Company]Details of Employment:1. Date of Commencement: [Applicant's Start Date at the Company]2. Salary: [Applicant's Monthly/Annual Salary]3. Responsibilities: [Applicant's Job Responsibilities and Duties]Professional Background:[Applicant's Brief Professional Background,Highlighting Key Achievements and Experience]Character and Conduct:We would like to emphasize that [Applicant's Full Name] has been an asset to our company. He/She exhibits exceptional professionalism, dedication, and commitment towards fulfilling his/her duties. His/Her colleagues and superiors alike admire him/her for his/her positiveattitude and exceptional work ethic.Reason for Visa Application:[Applicant's Purpose for Seeking the Visa, e.g.,Business Trip, Conference Attendance, etc.]Conclusion:We fully support [Applicant's Full Name]'s visa application and confirm that he/she holds a legitimate reason for seeking the visa. We assure you that he/she will abide by the laws and regulations of the host country and will return to [Home Country] upon the completion ofhis/her intended purpose.We kindly request that you process his/her visa application favorably, as we value his/her contribution to our organization and look forward to his/her continued success.Thank you for considering our request. We are at your service for any further information or clarification you may require.Sincerely,。

Dear Sir or Madam:
This is to certify Mr. (ID number: ) is the employee of our work unit. He is of the. His passport number is . His month salary is RMB .
Mr. will go to the United Kingdom during , We hereby guarantee that Mr. will obey laws and decrees in the UK and return to China on schedule. He will resume his duty in our company upon the return after the trip.
We sincerely hope you can issue appropriate Visa to him. Your favorable consideration will be very much appreciated.。

出国旅游在职证明中英对照版第一篇:出国旅游在职证明中英对照版在职证明Certificate of Employment致:英国驻上海总领事馆To British Consulate-General in Shanghai,兹证明XX(出生日期XX), 护照号码(XX),自2012年10月起,于本公司担任办公室经理职务,月薪税后9,000元。
This is to certify that XX(birthday of XX)(passport number of XX)has been employed by our company as the Office Manager from October 2012.Her after-tax monthly salary is 9,000 Yuan.She intends to take a trip in the United Kingdom from August 13, 2015 to August 20, 2015.Our company will keep her position and all treatments during her trip.此次旅游的所有费用包括:机票费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由她本人承担。
All costs of this trip will be undertaken by her, including the air ticket, lodging fee and medical insurance, etc.We guarantee that she will obey the local laws and regulations during her overseas travel.Meanwhile, we also guarantee that she will come back to China on time and continue to work at our company.特此证明,Hereby certify公司名称:XX有限公司XX Co., Ltd.日期:2015年7月7日Date: July 7, 2015第二篇:出国旅游在职证明在职证明兹证明我单位(姓名)先生/女士,(于年月日出生,身份证号码:,自年月至今在我单位工作,任职为(职务),月收入约为元。

TEபைடு நூலகம்:FAX:

在职证明(中英)签证用第一篇:在职证明(中英)签证用TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr./ Ms.XXX(申请人姓名)works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX(现单位入职时间某年某月某日).He/She will be on traveling purposes visiting your country in XX.XXXX(出国时间某年某月).All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself / herself.He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to AustraliaNameDate of BirthPassport-No.PositionAnnual IncomeXXXXXXXXXXGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)C ompany’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXCompany Name: XXXXXX注:1.在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式2.凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“附件1:英文在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中致:签证官XXX 先生/女士自X年X月X日(现单位入职时间某年某月某日)在我们公司工作。
Employment Certification在职证明-中英模板

Employment Certification在职证明To whom it may concern:敬启者:This is to certify that [Name](Identification Number:;Passport Number:)is a full time employee of [Company Name] since [Date]. Currently this employee is holding a position of [Job Title] with a monthly income of RMB[] before tax.兹证明,[姓名](身份证号码:;护照号:)自[入职日期]至今为[公司]在职员工,目前担任[职位名称]一职,税前月收入为人民币[]元。
We have approved employee’s person leave to [Country] from [Date] to [Date].All the expenses during the travel will be borne by herself.我们已经批准了该员工自[日期]到[日期]前往[国家]的个人休假,所有费用会由本人承担。
We hereby guarantee that [Name] will obey the local laws and will come back to China on time,and retain the position until return.我们担保[姓名]会遵守当地法律并准时回国,并保留其职位至其回国。
The letter is issued only for the purpose of Visa Application.此证明仅用于办理签证申请使用。
Yours sincerely公司名:公司地址:联系电话:日期:。