



EASE软件适用性及正确使用的探讨高玉龙【摘要】To study the applicability of EASE software,And involved in the use of applicable room size、Sound-absorbing material database and the loudspeaker database and many other aspects need to pay attention to, for the hall amplification systems engineering general layout generate ideas, to guide the project.%探讨EASE软件的适用范围,以及使用中涉及适用房间的大小、吸声材料数据库和扬声器数据库等诸多方面需要注意的问题,为厅堂扩声系统工程总体布局产生思路,以指导工程实施。

【期刊名称】《演艺科技》【年(卷),期】2016(000)007【总页数】4页(P24-27)【关键词】EASE软件;声学设计;适用性;房间大小;声场环境;声学参数;模拟【作者】高玉龙【作者单位】【正文语种】中文1.1 适用房间大小EASE软件适用于声学意义上的大房间,即处于临界频率以上。

1.2 适用声场环境EASE软件中包括标准运算模块、计入反射的标准运算模块和AURA运算模块。







工程方案设计为了达到并超过相关国家标准的技术指标,我们借助先进的计算机声场模拟软件EASE 4.1根据厅堂的实际尺寸对音响系统的扩声效果进行了模拟计算。











什么是Ease声场设计Ease声场设计是一款由AFMG Technologies GmbH公司开发的声场模拟软件。




1. 精确的声音模拟Ease通过准确的声音模拟,可以帮助用户在计算机上模拟真实环境中的声音传播情况。



2. 高效的系统优化Ease提供了各种工具和功能,可以帮助用户优化声音系统的配置。



3. 提供全面的数据分析Ease不仅可以帮助用户进行声场模拟,还可以提供全面的数据分析。



4. 方便易用的界面Ease声场设计软件拥有直观、清晰的用户界面,使得用户能够轻松上手并快速掌握各类功能和操作。




目录一、扩声系统特性指标:....................................... - 2 -二、本扩声系统计算分析结论:................................. - 3 -1. 最大声压级............................................. - 3 -2. 传声增益............................................... - 3 -3. 声场不均匀度........................................... - 3 -4. 总噪声................................................. - 3 -5. 系统噪声............................................... - 3 -6. 语言清晰度:........................................... - 4 -7. 辅音清晰损失度: ........................................ - 5 -三、声场模拟分析图册:....................................... - 6 -1.扬声器布置图:........................................... - 6 - 2.观众席听音区和混响时间:................................. - 8 - 3.-3dB/-6dB等压线覆盖图: ................................. - 9 - 4.总声场声压级覆盖图:.................................... - 11 - 5.快速语言传递指数(RASTI)模拟图:....................... - 12 - 6.辅音清晰度(ALC)模拟图:............................... - 13 -一、扩声系统特性指标:本次多功能厅的扩声系统根据《厅堂扩声系统设计规范》(G B 50371-2006)多用途类扩声系统声学特性指标(一级)进行设计。



EASE的出图方式(以直达声为例) a: b:
一、计算和显示厅堂里直达声和混响总声压级的分布曲线(Total SPL )
二、计算和显示厅堂听音区不同频率下的声场声压级分布曲线(Direct SPL)
1. EASE作为建筑电声计算机辅助设计软件,能使声学研究者、建筑师、音 响工程师、建筑装修设计师预计建筑的声学、扩声系统包括扬声器布置方 案。通过EASE模拟设计可以直观地看到设计项目的厅堂扩声系统预期的 声学特性效果图,了解厅堂建筑内所采用的吸声材料、扬声器型号、摆放 位置、角度以及扬声器的相关数据,对实际的建设项目具有良好的指导作 用。 2. EASE可以提供厅堂建筑模型、直达声分布曲线图、混响时间与频率的关 系曲线、ALC和STI等等。通过改变听音面的吸声材料等模拟手段来改变 声场环境对声音的影响,从而达到近似理想的实际设计效果。 3. 在舞台方面,音箱位置的摆放及选型,会得到怎样的音质效果都可以通过 EASE模拟出效果。
音频部:段文青 2016.06.17
一、进入目录1“ CD_EASE4.3.8安装光盘”,运行“setup”,安装 EASE.4.3.8 二、进入目录2“破解” 1、将文件 “UserInfo.euf”复制到EASE软件安装目录,如 “C:\Program Files\EASE 4.3\Easepath” ; 2、运行 "RegEase",例如“用户状态”显示“登录用户:hahan /用户ID:(null) / 注册句柄:89406”,则表明破解成功;若显示“EASE4.1/4.2 没有注册,因 此没有用户状态”,则点击“注册”按钮进行破解; 3、运行EASE软件,若主菜单包含6个下拉菜单,则表明破解成功。



建筑设计软件操作指南说明书1. 引言建筑设计软件是现代建筑师、工程师和设计师不可或缺的工具之一。


2. 软件界面建筑设计软件通常包含菜单栏、工具栏、绘图区和属性区。




3. 新建项目在开始设计前,首先需要创建一个新的项目。



4. 绘制基本图形建筑设计软件提供了各种绘图工具,如线段、矩形、圆形等。



5. 编辑图形在绘制完基本图形后,你可能需要对其进行编辑和修改。



6. 应用图层图层是建筑设计软件中重要的功能之一,它可以帮助你对图形进行分组和管理。


7. 导入和导出文件建筑设计软件支持多种文件格式的导入和导出,方便与其他软件进行数据交流。


8. 使用样式和模板建筑设计软件通常提供了各种预设样式和模板,以帮助用户快速创建和编辑图形。


9. 进行3D建模建筑设计软件中的3D建模功能可以帮助用户更直观地呈现设计效果。





27 3
28 BAFL22F
0.82 0.90 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 在下列频率下的吸声系数 (f : Hz )
100 200 400 800
125 250 500
瓷砖, 8"X16" 石板 / 玻璃
0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.17 0.51 0.70 0.15 0.07 0.05 0.04
11 60%
60% Sound Absorbing
5 30%
30% Sound Absorbing
7 40%
40% Sound Absorbing
8 RY























四 重要资料索引
官方网站 试用版下载 案例下载
三 运行环境
Software and Hardware Requirements Minimum Software Requirements: • Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) and Windows 7 • Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 (or later) • Microsoft .NET Framework v 2.0, which can be downloaded from here: /downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4 b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5 • Microsoft .NET Framework v 4.0, which can be downloaded from here: /downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=9CFB2D51-5FF4-4 491-B0E5-B386F32C0992 Minimum Hardware Requirements: • 1 GB RAM (2 GB or more recommended, especially for Vista and 7) • 1000 x 600 display resolution (1024 x 768 or higher recommended display resolution) • 1.5 GHz processor speed or higher • Multiple processors (cores) are supported and recommended



第一部分1.在CAD里建模(建立房间内墙面的(与声音接触的墙面)一个仅由线组成的立体框架):A . 打开CAD,新建一个界面,(新建界面多为二维的)B . 将二维界面转换成三维界面,其过程如下:a.用鼠标右击界面上方工具栏任何位置均可出现b.点击视图-----出现视图菜单栏c. 一般选择西南等轴测,(可根据作图习惯更改)C. 画房间框架注意以下几点a.线与线之间不可以重叠线重叠b.线与线之间端点必须完全接合,不能有空隙或交叉c. 只画墙内面(如图)d. 线与线交接时,不可跨节点做线,(即交点的左右必须是单独的两条线段、即使在一条直线上也不能用一根线段代替。



2.将图另存存为2004 .dxf格式(对象导到原点)文件——另存为——文件类型选(AutoCAD 2004/LT2004DXF(*.dxf))——保存3.Ease中导入dxf图形:打开EASE,a.file------import/export-------b.确定—(新界面)tools ----importDXF----(选择所要导入的DXF文件)——打开(选毫米Millmeter)——OK——保存(文件类型:EASE Project File)---关闭(所有与EASE有关界面)。

c.打开新保存的文件类型:EASE Project File的文件()——(双击)room Edit-----(双击)modify data(打开编辑界面)------给对象添加面(把不用的点去掉)建面过程(有点构成面):左边工具栏inset face,将同一个面上的点依次相连————面建成,————是————OK即可。



5.5 线阵列扬声器DLL数据库 第6章 EASE4.1房间模型的建立 6.1 建模规则 6.1.1 房间模型 6.1.2 建模规则 6.2 建模流程图 6.3 基于几何数据绘制房间模型 6.3.1 基本画法 6.3.2 复制法 6.3.3 拉伸法 6.3.4 序列法 6.3.5 镜像法 6.3.6 对象组法 6.3.7 插入听声面、测试点 6.3.8 设置吸声材料 6.3.9 查找孔洞以封闭房间 6.3.10 设置纹理 6.4 房间模型中其他数据元素输入 6.4.1 插入扬声器 6.4.2 插入灯光源 6.4.3 插入红外辐射板 6.5 其他建模方法 6.5.1 插入二维造型 6.5.2 插入三维造型 6.5.3 利用建模模板 6.5.4 导入EASE低版本模型 6.6 查看房间模型 6.6.1 房间建模图 6.6.2 房间建模数据 6.6.3 房间建模渲染图 6.7 建模设计举例 6.7.1 小礼堂设计要求 6.7.2 小礼堂建模步骤 第7章 EASE4.1房间声学特性的模拟研究 7.1 二维运算 7.1.1 声学特性运算 7.1.2 显示分辨率 7.1.3 全频段运算 7.1.4 声学特性评估界面 7.1.5 查看声场声压级 7.1.6 查看C测量参量 7.1.7 查看语言清晰度 7.1.8 查看其他声学参量 7.1.9 分辨率设置对声学参量运算精度的影响 7.2 计入反射的二维运算 7.3 三维运算 7.4 直达声 7.4.1 直达声预听 7.4.2 直达声序列图 7.4.3 直达声波形图 7.5 局部声线跟踪 7.6 高级声学特性研究 7.6.1 声线跟踪 7.6.2 声线命中 7.6.3 镜像命中 7.6.4 分离命中文件
封面 书名 版权 前言 目录 第1章 声学基础 1.1 引言 1.2 声学基本知识 1.2.1 关于声音 1.2.2 声音级的概念 1.2.3 声源 1.2.4 人耳对声音的感知效应 1.2.5 噪声 1.3 建筑声学 1.3.1 厅堂音质 1.3.2 音质的主观评价 1.3.3 厅堂混响时间 1.3.4 声音吸收、反射、扩散与透射 1.3.5 纤维吸声材料 1.3.6 泡沫吸声材料 1.3.7 颗粒吸声材料 1.3.8 金属吸声材料 1.3.9 共振吸声结构 1.3.10 其他吸声材料 1.3.11 扩散结构 1.4 电声学 1.4.1 扬声器分类 1.4.2 扬声器特性指标 1.4.3 线阵列及其特性 1.4.4 扬声器选用 1.4.5 扬声器系统的合理设计和使用 1.5 厅堂建筑音质设计要求 1.5.1 声学设计标准 1.5.2 对不同功能厅堂音质设计要求 1.6 音质评价参量 第2章 音质计算机辅助设计程序原理 2.1 厅堂音质经典设计方法 2.1.1 厅堂音质的影响因素 2.1.2 经典设计方法 2.1.3 验证及修改设计 2.2 计算机辅助设计是发展趋势 2.2.1 声学模拟和预测的发展历程 2.2.2 发展趋势 2.3 音质计算机辅助设计原理 2.3.1 声场模拟程序常用算法 2.3.2 建立计算机模型 2.3.3 进行声学参数模拟 2.3.4 可听化技术 2.3.5 计算机—缩尺模型混合法 2.4 音质计算机辅助设计程序 2.5 音质设计程序用户群体 第3章 EASE4.1程序概要 3.1 程序版本 3.2 程序安装与注册 3.2.1 硬件配置 3.2.2 程序安装



• 与传统设计方法相比,利用EASE进行声 学模拟设计和数据分析可以达到事半功 倍的效果,并可以提供厅堂建筑模型、 混响时间与频率关系曲线、辅音清晰度 损失率曲线分布图、快速语言传递指数 分布曲线图、听音面在7个频率段下的总 声压级分布曲线等。
• 文件安装时推荐默认安装目录,安装完 英文以及中文汉化文件后再将光盘中的 扬声器数据库、吸音材料数据文件复制 到C/EASE4Data目录中; • 保管好注册程序文件,建议作备份保存, 对于重新安装系统、格式化硬盘不应影 响注册文件的使用,只需参考安装步骤 重新安装即可。
第二章EASE4.0主程序工具条图标详解 • 首先了解EASE4.0的界面以及功能
• 辅音清晰度损失率(Alcon%)分布图
• 快速语言传递指数分布图
• 等压线形式显示绘图量值差别 • 以栅格形式显示绘图量值差别
EASE4.0 二维绘图模块工具图标
• 显示彩色或黑白的颜色开关
• 标注线(值)切换开关 • 3dB覆盖线
• 6dB覆盖线
EASE4.0 二维绘图模块工具图标
• 9dB覆盖线
• 1、2、3….N表示已经保存过的工程文件 记录,直接点击可打开相应的文件,功 能同打开文件( Ctar+o)操作相同。 • 退出X :表示退出EASE4.0主程序。
• 工程数据P:打开工程数据编辑器,调用 一个项目数据并可以对数据进行修改。 • 检查数据C (快捷键 F5)对设计的房间 模型数据进行自动检测。
• 沿着Y轴观看房间视图,端面视图



使用EASE软件中一些误区的讨论(待续)高玉龙【摘要】在厅堂扩声系统工程设计中,大多采用声学模拟软件EASE进行室内声环境设置和扬声器布置,进而对工程完成后的室内一些声学参量做出预测,用于厅堂扩声系统工程投标中.然而这里最重要的一点就是要正确使用EASE软件.有鉴于此,就需要对使用EASE软件中存在的一些误区进行深入讨论.这些误区涉及正版EASE 软件的版本配置,涉及适用房间的大小,涉及到吸声材料数据库和扬声器数据库等诸多方面.只有走出这些误区才能正确把握EASE的使用,使该软件更好地服务于厅堂声学设计.【期刊名称】《电声技术》【年(卷),期】2012(036)001【总页数】7页(P12-18)【关键词】EASE;声学大房间;AURA运算模块;吸声材料数据库;扬声器数据库【作者】高玉龙【作者单位】天津市电视技术研究所,天津300191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU1121 引言厅堂建筑音质设计正面临着从传统的经典设计模式向计算机辅助设计模式转变,这是计算机硬件、声场数字模拟与厅堂音质设计相结合技术发展的必然趋势。











e a s e软件介绍牟得喜 The latest revision on November 22, 2020EASE 软件介绍牟得喜作者简介:本人主要从事音视频系统的设计工作,希望与行业里的前辈和同事学习交流。


一 EASE 基本信息EASE是Electro Acoustic Simulator for Engineers 的英文缩写, 意思是电子声学模拟工程软件。






二EASE的主要功能1)建造房间模型,进行建声设计和电声系统配置;2)计算和显示厅堂的混响时间及其频率特性;3)计算和显示厅堂的声压级分布曲线;a)计算和显示直达声声场的声压级分布曲线b) 计算和显示直达声和混响声的总声压级分布曲线4)计算和显示厅堂的声音质量;a)辅音清晰度损失b)快速语言传递指数 c)声音清晰度5)查看声音的传输特性;a)声线跟踪b)影视显示6)预听厅堂的声音效果;7)计算直达声与混响声的声能比;8)计算和显示一定时间内的直达声与混响声声能之和;9)计算和显示扬声器在听众区的瞄准点及声场的等声压级图;10)显示扬声器在-3Db、-6dB、-9dB覆盖角的声线图;11)计算和显示在听众席某一测试点处的频率响应曲线。

三EASE软件操作介绍1 EASE软件界面介绍下面是EASE软件启动时的界面,如下图所示。

图1 EASE软件启动界面使用者在 EASE 软件的工程编辑窗口中进行各种模型的建立,当然也可以在CAD软件中建立相应的厅堂模型,通过改格式导到EASE软件中,需要注意的是要正确选定模型比例和单位。


1. 计算和显示厅堂混响时间与频率的关系曲线 2. 计算和显示厅堂听音区在不同频率下的直达声分布 3. 计算和显示厅堂听音区声场总分布 4. 计算和显示厅堂听音区辅音清晰度损失率分布曲线(ALC) 5. 计算和显示厅堂听音区快速语言传递分布曲线(STI) 6. 计算和显示声音的清晰度:
五、ALC(辅音清晰度损失百分比) 辅音清晰度损失百分比(%ALCONS)是一种语言可懂度的度量方法。在 EASE中0%~3.3%为优,3.3%~6.6%为良好,6.6%~14.7%为一般,14.7%~ 33.6%为较差,33.6%以上为差.一般小于10%为好。
2. EASE可以提供厅堂建筑模型、直达声分布曲线图、混响时间与频率的关 系曲线、ALC和STI等等。通过改变听音面的吸声材料等模拟手段来改变 声场环境对声音的影响,从而达到近似理想的实际设计效果。
3. 在舞台方面Βιβλιοθήκη 音箱位置的摆放及选型,会得到怎样的音质效果都可以通过 EASE模拟出效果。
六、STI(语言传输指数) 在某些条件下的一种简化形式,用来测定与可懂度有关的语言传输质量。
在EASE中0.75~1(含0.75)为优,0.6~0.75(含0.6)为良好,0.45~0.6(含 0.6)为一般,0.3~0.45(含0.3)为较差,小于0.3为差.一般大于0.5为好。
一、计算和显示厅堂里直达声和混响总声压级的分布曲线(Total SPL )



声场分析计算机模拟声场分析 (2)1. EASE 4.3电脑设计系统简介 (2)2. 分析依据: (2)3. 电视电话会议室声场分析 (4)4. 电视电话会议室分析结果 (11)5. 作战指挥室声场分析 (12)6. 作战指挥室分析结果 (19)计算机模拟声场分析为使武警水电会场声学方案设计更好地符合实际的效果,运用当代先进的计算机模拟技术,根据实际尺寸建立计算机建筑模型,对方案设计的音响效果进行计算机模拟验证,以确认设计的合理性,以及能满足技术要求,达到预期效果。


1.EASE 4.3电脑设计系统简介EASE(全称ELECHO ACOUSTIC SIMNLATOR FOR ENGINEER)是由德国人在九十年代中期开发的通用数据库,现已成为世界上最为广泛使用的声学设计软件。


我们现在使用的是EASE 4.3版本,主要用它进行模拟验算的声学参数有:•声场声压的分布——对声场的均匀度、频率响应及分布进行分析计算•声场清晰度的计算——对声音清晰度的分析计算2.分析依据:武警水电电视电话会议室以及作战指挥室扩声系统属厅堂扩声。


RASTI----快速语言传输指数(rapid speech transmission index)是语言传输指数法(STI法)在某些条件下的一种简化形式,用来测定与可懂度有关的语言传输质量。


海基科技--EASE Focus 中文简介

海基科技--EASE Focus 中文简介

一 简介
EASE Focus 是一个三维的声学模拟软件,可以用来构造和模拟线性体系、数位控制器以及常规的扬声器。

EASE Focus 对于最终用户来说是免费的,但是对于扬声器制造厂商来说,他们需要购买license 将其品牌添加到扬声器的数据库中。

二 软件介绍
与EASE Focus 1 相比EASE Focus 2添加了许多新功能,使用户能够更逼真的模拟复杂的声音体系。

• 直达声的3D 模拟,可在横截面及纵截面显示。

• 支持GLL 格式文件,可以与EASE 等其他AFMG 公司的软件进行数据交换。

• 一个项目支持多种声源:线性排列及常规的扬声器。

• 支持数位控制器及其他扬声器;需要额外的DLL 如:束流控制过滤器。

• 用虚拟平衡器来进行模拟
• 提供20 Hz 到20 kHz 的频率范围
• 精确度高(源于内部数据的高分辨率及GLL 格式的数据)。

更多详情请参照AFMG 白皮
书和AES 文章。

• 支持多国语言:德语、英语、西班牙语、意大利语、葡萄牙语及法语。

三 运行环境
Windows 2000, XP , Vista 及 Win7
四 重要资料索引







第二部分音乐厅音响系统设计2.1 扩声系统声学特性指标参照《演出场所扩声系统的声学特性指标》WH/T18-2003大音乐厅扩声系统室内一级标准。

2.2 模型建立及混响时间设计2.2.1 建立模型首先通过使用EASE软件按照音乐厅的建筑尺寸在计算机上建立仿真模型。

2.2.2 观众厅的混响时间设计在已建立的音乐厅声学模型上对观众厅的侧墙、后墙、顶棚、地面、座椅等定义相应的吸声材料后进行分析与计算,观众厅混响时间如下:2.3 音乐厅扩声系统设计2.3.1 中央扬声器组主要用于中间声道的人声和乐器独奏的扩声。

在舞台口上方拱顶声桥内中央位置,布置了一组2只同轴二分频全频音箱COAD CO-15覆盖二层池座观众区。

布置了一组2只同轴二分频全频音箱COAD CO-15覆盖一层楼座观众区。


为避免前区声压级高,后区声压级低的不均匀弊端,在舞台口两侧安置了2只COAD CO-15全音域音箱,分别安装在与中央声道同高度分别向池座中、后区扩声。


一组:选用2只COAD SUB118超低音箱。

另一组,选用2只2只COAD SUB118超低音箱。

2.3.4 拉声像扬声器系统在舞台台唇镶嵌方式布置4只COAD CO-8小型全频扬声器。




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1EASE Software © Copyright ADA (Acoustic Design Ahnert), GermanyTutorialRH 545 4/16/04 Version are due to the following individuals whoprepared this manual.Carl DorwaldtofRenkus-Heinz, Inc.Foothill Ranch, CaliforniaUSAWith the able assistance ofDr. Wolfgang AhnertStefan FeistelDr. Waldemar RichertFrank SiegmannKaren IrmscherEmad El-SaghirBruce OlsonofADA (Acoustic Design Ahnert)Berlin, Germany2Licensing AgreementThe software and/or databases described in this document are furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. No part of this document and/or database may be reproduced or transmit-ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use, without the written permission of Renkus-Heinz, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Renkus-Heinz.) Limited WarrantyRenkus-Heinz and ADA have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this manual and make no warranties with respect to this documentation and disclaim any implied warranties of merchantabil-ity or fitness for a particular purpose. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Renkus-Heinz and ADA make no warranties that such files and features as mentioned in this documentation exist on the distribution disks or as part of the materials distributed.The Loudspeaker DatabaseThe loudspeaker database supplied with your copy of EASE contains data from numerous loud-speaker manufacturers in addition to data from Renkus-Heinz. Renkus-Heinz and ADA have given all loudspeaker manufacturers equal opportunity and instructions for supplying loudspeaker data. If you require loudspeaker data not currently supplied with EASE, or if you have problems with the supplied data, please contact that manufacturer directly. As a matter of policy, Renkus-Heinz and ADA include data as supplied by the loudspeaker manufacturers and assume no responsibility for its accuracy.TrademarksEASE, EASE JR, EARS, AURA and ADA are registered trademarks of Acoustic Design Ahnert.Windows 98, 2000, XP & NT, DOS and DirectX are registered trademarks of Microsoft.AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk.LAKE Convolution is a registered trademark of Lake Technology Limited.CADP is a registered trademark of JBL Professional.VMAx Virtual Home Theater is a registered trademark of Harman International.CopyrightsRenkus-Heinz Inc. 2004. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of AmericaADA (Acoustic Design Ahnert) Berlin, Germany34Processor RAMDisk Space Req. (for program)Disk Space Req.(for Databases)Graphics Screen Resolution Video Driver Sound CardEASE EASE JR300 MHz 128 MB 70 MB 500 MB 256 Colors 800 x 600Open GL**compatible 16-Bit StereoEARS EARS RT EASE EASE JR EARS EARS RT MINIMUMRECOMMENDED300 MHz 12870 MB 500 MB 256 Colors 800 x 600Open GL**compatible 16-Bit Stereo***Maximum Available Maximum Available 70 MB 500 MB True Colors (24-Bit)1024 x 768Open GL**compatible 16-Bit Stereo.Maximum Available Maximum Available 70 MB 500 MBTrue Colors (24-Bit)1024 x 768Open GL**compatible 16-Bit Stereo***OPERATING SYSTENSEASE 4.1, EARS 4.1, EARS RT 4.1 and AURA are designed to run on Windows 98, Windows 2000, Win-dows NT* and Windows XP. Windows 95 is not supported and Windows ME (Millennium Edition) is not recommended.EASE 4.1, EARS 4.1, EARS RT 4.1 and AURA will also run on Mac’s using Virtual PC software.* NT 4.0 must have Service Pack 4, version 4 installedNOTES** To use EASE & EASE JR, the OpenGL driver provided by the 3D graphics card must have the following characteristics:1. Full support of Open GL: Version 1.1 or later.2. An OpenGL Installable Client Driver (ICD): The 3D graphics card must provide a full ICD in its OpenGL driver software. The “miniGL” drivers provided by some 3D graphics cards are not adequate for EASE &EASE JR.*** DirectX7 or higher must be installed to use the Lake Convolution software. A full duplex sound card is needed to fully utilize EASE RT.Equipment RequirementsAURA 300 MHz Maximum Available 70 MB 500 MB 256 Colors 800 x 600Open GL**compatible 16-Bit StereoAURA Maximum Available Maximum Available 70 MB 500 MBTrue Colors (24-Bit)1024 X 768Open GL**compatible 16-Bit StereoProgram SupportIf you have a question about EASE / EASE JR / EARS / AURA or run into a problem and cannot find the answer in this manual or on our website, call our Technical Support staff. Before you call, please:Review the subject in this manual.Have your User ID number handy and know what version number you are using. You will find the User ID number on the rear of your EASE & EASE Guard CD jewel cases. The version number can be found in the About screen under the Help pull down menu.Have a clear description of the problem and the wording of any error messages.Call from a telephone located near your computer and have your computer running, so you can refer to the screen during the call.EASE / EARS/ AURA TECHNICAL SUPPORTPhone: 949 588 9997Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time.Ask for:Carl Dorwaldt (Extension 108)Jim Mobley (Extension 104)Jonas Domkus (Extension 135)E-mailCarl@Jim@Jonas@IR InfraRed Technical SupportIf you have a problem relating to the IR InfraRed Simulation Module,call Bruce Olson:Phone: 763-493-5835Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Central TimeE-mail: bcolson@5TABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL INFORMATIONLicensing & Trademark Information3Equipment Requirements4Program Support5Table of Contents6Installation Instructions11Registration Instructions13Online Licensing15Offline Licensing16Importing/Exporting License Keys17Termination Keys18 Protect License19Program Updates19Loudspeaker Database Updates19Recovering Lost License Keys19 PART 1. OVERVIEWGeneral Information22Program Structure23Brief Recap of Key Commands24Starting EASE26Option Settings29 Opening a Project31Project Data Files32 Project Options34Viewing a Project35Using The Walker39Calculation Setup Menus40Calculations Menu44Edit Project Menu Tool Bars46Vision52 PART 2. CONSTRUCTING A MODELNaming a Project57Loading Loudspeakers and Wall Materials61Printing Wall Material DataBase62Room Modeling Techniques63Room Entry666Edit Project Options68Entering V ertices71Entering Faces74Making Steps77Adding Seating Areas (Coat Feature)81Closing a Room83Reverb Times83Adding Audience Areas84Adding Listener Seats85Adding Loudspeakers86Setting Loudspeakers Power Levels87 Aiming Loudspeakers90Distance Calculations97Adding Edges98Adding Windows98Using Extrude99 Adding / Changing Face Colors100Using Vision103Making Global Material Changes109Finding And Fixing Holes110Finding Unknown Dimensions114 PART 3. ALTERNATE ROOM INPUT METHODSCreate Shape Examples120Creating Curved Surfaces124Using Extrude126Creating Rooms with Curved Ceilings and Walls128Cutting Faces into Two Faces (Using Fixed Cut)135Adding Interior Shapes137Using Extrude Faces139 Using Mirror Insertion140Using Sequence126Using Insert Audience Area147145 Adding Listener Seat Grids148Adding Loudspeaker Grids (distributed Loudspeaker Systems)149Adding Steps / Bleachers151Using Prototype Rooms154Prototype Room Models157Using Objects1687PART 4. CLUSTER BUILDINGUsing Main Speaker Base178Using Edit Project187Using Cluster Objects189Creating CASE Drawings190Creating New Loudspeaker Files193PART 5. USING OPTIMIZE RTOptimize RT196 PART 6. ROOM INVESTIGATIONSArea Mapping202Moving Audience Areas203 Setup Options / Direct Sound203Display Resolution208All Mapping210View Calculations Window210Displays Types:Direct SPL214ALcons / Articulation Loss215RASTI216C Measurements217Pressure Levels219Sum / Total SPL219D/R Ratio219Critical Distance220Arrival Time220Lspk Overlap221ITD Gap223Aiming222Local Decay Time224 Standard Mapping With Reflections226Room Mapping227Auralize Direct Sound228Local Ray Tracing230 PART 7. Import/Export Module - - DXF Import and ExportIntroduction234Import EASE 2.1234Export EASE 3.0 Project235Import CADP2235Import ASC112368Import ASCII (EASE 2.1)234Export ASCII234DXF File Transfer235Exporting DXF Files from EASE235Importing EASE DXF Files into AutoCAD236Importing AutoCAD DXF Files into EASE239Helpful Hints for non-AutoCAD users244 PART 8. VISIONIntroduction248Creating a New Light Source (Light Source Editor)248Creating a New Texture (Texture Editor)252Assigning Textures to the Model256Using EASE Vision258 PART 9. ADVANCED ACOUSTICAL INVESTIGATIONSRay Tracing264View Trace File269Movies274 Ray Tracing Impacts275View Impact File280Probe280Display Types281Schroeder RT287 Mirror Image Impacts292Split Impact File293Update Impact File293 PART 10. AURALIZATIONAuralization296Step 1. Creating the Reflectogram297Step 2. Adding a Tail to the Reflectogram299Using Add Random Tail299Using Predicted Impacts301 Step 3. Combining the Reflectogram with theCharacteristics of Hearing304Step 4. The Final Convolution3069EARS Options310EARS RT Real Time Auralization315 PART 11. AURAConstructing an Aura Room Model320AURA Introduction323AURA Mapping326Echograms332EDT (Early Decay Time)333T Measures334Definition335Articulation Loss (ALcons)336Speech Transmission Index (STI)337C Measures337Center Time338LF & LFC Measures339Sound Strength340Echo Speech340Echo Music341 Echograms341Echo Speech341Echo Music341 Histograms342Particle Loss Method344AURA Response347AURA Improvements353Scattering Wizard353PART 12. IR INFRAREDIR Infrared358Inserting Emitters359Calculations361Creating New IR Devices366Radiators367Modulators370PART 13. INDEX37310INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSImportant: Before you attempt to install EASE 4.1 on your computer, make sure you have read the equipment requirements on page 4 of this manual and have sufficient memory and hard disk space.The program and data bases will occupy almost 600 MB of hard disk space ( or more if you are not running a FAT32 system). Windows also likes to have open hard disk space at least equal to the amount of RAM for use as virtual memory. Thus, if you have 128 MB of RAM you need at least 728 MB of hard disk space just to load and operate the program.This assumes your machine is set up for FAT32 operation. If it isn't, your hard disk space requirements almost double! FAT32 (for NT systems NTFS) is an enhancement of the File Allocation Table (FAT and FAT16) file system format. It stores data much more efficiently and speeds up operation.You can check your machine's setup by selecting the hard drive (s) with your right mouse button and then selecting Properties from the Option menu. If your machine is set up for FAT32 operation, the Properties' window will show FAT32 as the File System. If you are running FAT16, either FAT or FAT16 will be listed as the File System. If you are not running FAT32, you most likely will be able to upgrade to FAT32. This change should be made on the drive (s) you intend to use for EASE 4.0 and/ or the data files. Select Program/Accessories/System Tools/Drive Converter (FAT32) and them follow the prompts.Note 1: If you have EASE 3.0 installed on your machine, you do not need to uninstall it before installing EASE 4.1. The two programs are compatible and can run side by side on the same machine. You will be asked by the 4.1 install program if you want to uninstall EASE 3.0, but you do not have to.Note 2: If you have EASE 4.0 installed on your machine, you do not need to uninstall 4.0 before installing 4.1. The 4.1 Install routine will automatically ask if you want to uninstall the previous version. Answer Yes to both uninstall prompts. You will also be asked about removing a number of “Shared Files.”’ We recommend answering Yes to All. Note that installing the newer version will not affect either your License Key or your project files.The Uninstall routine will not remove the EASE 4.0 Data folder. However, the Install routine will overwrite old data with new data during the installation. To save the old data files intact, rename them before beginning the installation. For example, change the existing EASE40Data folder name to EASE40DataOld.Note 3: If you are running Windows 2000, make sure you have local system Administrative Access Permissions to the EASE 4.0 Install folder, Windows System folder and System Registry before beginning the installation.EASE 4.1 requires that users be assigned either Power User or Administrative Permissions when Windows 2000 is used. Failure to assign these Permissions causes EASE 4.0 to perform incorrectly. Refer to your Windows 2000 Help system for information about assigning Administrative Permissions.Note 4: If you are using a Virus protection program, you should disable it before beginning the installation.Important: A complete EASE 4.1 installation is a 3-step procedure. First, you install the EASE program (from the EASE 4.1 Program CD), then you install EASE Guard (from the EASE Guard License Control CD) and then you obtain a License Key which unlocks the program.To install EASE 4.1:1.Insert the EASE 4.1 CD-ROM into your CD drive. The Install program should open automatically.If it doesn’t, proceed to steps 2 and 3.2.From the Start menu select Settings, then Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs.3.Click on Install and follow the prompts.Note: If for some reason Windows can not locate the EASE setup program, click on the Browse button to manually locate the Setup program on the EASE 4.1 CD. Double-click on the Setup.exe file to launch the Setup program.4.During the installation routine, you will be given 3 installation options:Complete will install the Program and the Speaker, Material and Example Databases plusadditional (Textures, Lights and Infrared devices) databases. You will be given theopportunity to select the location for the Program and the Databases. Note that the Program and the Databases may be stored on different drives. We recommend installing both on your C drive.You will also be given the chance to select the Material databases you want to install andwhich manufacturer's Loudspeaker Files will be installed.Program Only will install just the program; no databasesData Only will install only the Databases you select.The installation program will install the EASE Program and Databases and place an EASE shortcut icon on your desktop.NOTE: You will not be able to use the program, except in the Demo mode, until you have also installed the EASE Guard License Control program and obtained a License Key.Your EASE License allows you to install and run the program simultaneously on up to 5 machines. Use of the program is controlled by License Keys issued by ADA, with each EASE License entitling you to 5 License Keys.If you want to use the program on more than 5 machines, you must purchase additional Licenses. Each additional License allows you to use the program on 5 additional machines.License Keys are managed and controlled by the EASE Guard License Control program.Key elements of the EASE Guard program are the:USER ID NumberThe USER ID number is the identification number assigned to your company at the time you purchased the License. It includes details on any previous EASE licenses you owned and identifies what version of EASE you purchased; for example EASE or EASE JR. You cannot obtain a License Key without it. You will find your USER ID Number on the rear of the EASE and EASE Guard CD jewel cases.Reference FileThe Reference File (sometimes called Reference Key) is a file (an .erf, Ease Reference File) generated by the EASE Guard program and placed in the EaseLicenseFiles folder on your computer. It identifies your computer and its operating system in the EASE Guard License Control program and will be linked to your License Key. This file is different for each computer and, if you use the program on more than one computer, each will have its own unique Reference File.Note that any change in your computer’s operating system will be detected by EASE Guard, the link between your computer and the License Key will be broken and the program will revert to the Demo mode. You will have lost your License Key and will not be able to run EASE until you have obtained a replacement License Key from ADA.License FileThe License File (sometimes called License Key) is a file (an .elf Ease License File) generated by ADA. It is linked to your USER ID Number and to your computer’s Reference File and unlocks the specific EASE version you purchased.REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Insert the EASE Guard CD-ROM into your CD drive. The Install program should openautomatically If it doesn’t, proceed to steps 2 and 3.2.From the Start menu select Settings, then Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs.3.Click on Install and follow the prompts.Note: If for some reason Windows can not locate the EASE Guard setup program, click on the browse button to manually locate the Setup program on the EASE Guard CD.Double-click on the Setup.exe file to launch the Setup program.4. As soon as the EASE Guard installation is completed, start EASE by double clicking on the EASE Icon.5.Then double click on the Register Icon in the EASE 4.0 desktop window or open theHelp pull down menu and select Register.6.This will open the EASE Registration prompt shown below.7.An affirmative answer will close EASE, launch the EASE Guard program and open thescreen shown below.EASE 4.1 offers 2 ways for you to obtain a License Key, Online and by File.The Online method is by far the fastest and the easiest, if you have access to the Web from your computer. It is the method recommended for everyone who has direct Web access from theircomputer. The File method is for those who do not have access to the Web from their computer. ONLINE LICENSING1.If you have automatic direct access to the Web, make sure that Online Licencing is selected andthen click on Download License.This will connect you to the EASE License website on the ADA FTP server, send your computer’s reference information to the website and, if everything checks out, generate your License Key and download and install it on your computer. The entire operation is automatic and takes only a few seconds. It’s that simple.Note that the Licence Status fields will now show the Version you have installed (for example, EASE or EASE JR), your company’s name and the number of Licences (License Keys) available on your computer. It will read 1, since you downloaded only 1 License Key.Note 1: If you do not have automatic access to the Web and must “log on” to gain access, be sure to “log on” to the Web before starting the Online Licensing procedure.Note 2: If you receive an Error message at this point and are unable to download a License Key, it’s probably because your “Firewall” is blocking it. Try turning off the Firewall or use your network browser to connect to a website and then try again. If you still are unable to download a License Key, use the Offline Licensing method to obtain a key.2.If at this point you press the Info button, it will show that you still have four Licenses available todownload. Do not download them unless you have a specific need for them. They are safer stored on the ADA FTP server than they would be stored on your computer.Downloading and storing additional License Keys on your computer is not recommended.Spare Keys are far safer stored on the ADA FTP server.3.If you have a second computer with Web access, you can download a License Key to it byfollowing the same procedure you used with the first computer.Other users within your company can, of course, obtain License Keys for their computers byfollowing the same procedure.4.If you have a second computer that doesn’t have access to the Web, you can download a secondLicense File (Key) onto your computer and then Export it to the computer that doesn’t have Web access. Exporting License Keys will be covered later in this section.Note 1: The Export procedure should be used only for computers that do not have Web access.The automated download procedure eliminates any human errors and is far more fool proof. It is recommended for any computer with Web access.OFFLINE LICENSING ( LICENSING BY FILE)1.If you do not have access to the Web, you will need to create a Reference File and send it to ADAby e-mail or regular mail. ADA will then generate the License File and return it to you in the same fashion.2.For Offline Licensing, click on the Licencing By File button. This will open the screen shownbelow.3.Click on Create Reference File to open a Save File window. Use the Save In window to select thestorage location for the Reference File; for example, Desktop or My Documents.4.Copy the Reference File onto a floppy and then either mail it to ADA or use a computer with e-mail capabilities to e-mail it to ADA.ADA Acoustic Design AhnertArkonastrasse 45-49D-13189 Berlin, GermanyFax: + 49 30 4670 9220E-mail: licence@ada-acousticdesign.de5. ADA will then return a License File to you.6.When you receive your Licence File, copy it onto your computer. Then open EASE and return tothe Licencing By File window.7.Select Install Licence, Browse to the Licence File and click on Open to install the License Key. Exporting License Keys (OffLine Licensing)The Import/Export folder in the Licencing By File window allows you to import or export License Keys from one computer to another computer.1. The first step in exporting a License Key to another computer, to your laptop for example, is to load EASE and EASE Guard onto that computer (EASE refers to it as the Target computer). Then open EASE on the Target computer and go to Register/Licenceing By File and Import/Export. Next, click on Create Reference File and follow the prompts to save it to a logical location, such as a floppy disk. Then, move it to your computer.2 The second step is to open EASE on your computer, the one having a valid license (EASE refers to it as the Source computer), and open the Import/Export section of the Licenceing By File window. 3. Next, select Export Licence. This will open an Open File Window. Browse to the Reference File you just moved to this computer, select it and then click on the Open button. This will generate a Licence Key export file and open a Save File window. Enter a logical location for the file and then click on Save.4. The fourth and final step is to move this file to the Target computer and then Import it into EASE. Select Import Licence from the Import/Export folder under the Register/Licensing By File window. This will open the Open File window, browse to the License Key file, select it and then clickon Open. This will install the License Key and you’ll be up and running.TERMINATING LICENSE KEYS (Offline Licensing)The proper procedure to follow if you decide to upgrade your old computer or replace it a new one is to officially Terminate your computer’s License Key. This protects you from losing your License Key in the transition. Remember, any change in your computer’s operating system will be detected by EASE Guard and the link between your computer and the License Key will be broken.To Terminate your computer’s License Key, select the Terminate folder under the Register/Licens-ing By File window. Then press the Terminate Licence button. This will open a Save File window.Enter a logical location for the file and then click on Save. A Send E-mail Now prompt will appear. If you have direct access to the Web, clicking on Yes will send the Termination file to ADA. If you don’t have direct access, Save the file and then either mail it to ADA or use a computer that has E-mail capabilities to E-Mail it to ADA.Note: Online users do not need to “Terminate” their License Keys. Instead, they can simply Upload them to the ADA website and then Download them again after they have made the computer changes.The Remove License button is used only to correct licensing problems resulting from software or hardware errors. Don’t use it unless you are having problems and ADA tells you to use it.Don’t use it without their knowledge and consent, as it will remove all licensing information from your computer and complicate the task of recovering the lost License Key. PROTECT LICENCEFor those who want to maintain tight control over their EASE License Keys, EASE 4.1 includes a Protect Licence feature. It is accessible under the Help pull down menu. Protect Licence, when activated, removes the EASE Guard program from that computer making it impossible for the user to access the EASE website to download additional License Keys.PROGRAM UPDATESThe latest EASE 4.1 program updates are also stored on the ADA FTP server and can be easily downloaded by any Licensed user having direct access to the Web. Open the Help pull down menu and select EASE Update. This will automatically connect you to the ADA FTP server and, if you are not running the latest version, automatically update your program to the latest version. SPEAKER DATABASE UPDATESLoudspeaker database updates are also stored on the EASE website and can be easily downloaded by any Licensed user having access to the web. Open the Help pull down menu and select Speaker Base Update. This will automatically connect you to the EASE Website and allow you to download any new loudspeaker Databases you want.RECOVERING LOST LICENSE KEYSAt some point in time, through no fault of your own, you may lose a License Key. Your hard drive will crash and burn and you will lose everything on it, or someone unfamiliar with EASE will decide it’s time to reformat your computer without your knowledge, or some other unforeseen event will occur.When you lose a License Key, it is imperative that you immediately get in touch with ADA at “licence@ada-acousticdesign.de” and let them know what happened. They are the only one who can issue a replacement for the lost License Key.To assist you in this process, EASE includes a License Information collection tool. It gathers all of your computer’s Licensing Files and compresses them into a single Zip file that you can either send to ADA for archive purposes or store on a floppy in a safe spot.We strongly recommend that you create this archive file as soon as you have obtained your License Key and update it whenever you make any alterations to your computer.To create this archive, go to the Help pull down menu and select Create Status Report. This will open the screen shown below.As you can see, it gives you the opportunity to just save the file on your hard drive or to also send it to ADA. The choice is yours. No matter which you choose, we suggest that you immediately use Windows to copy this file onto a Floppy and then store the Floppy in a safe place.Then, if you should ever lose your License Key, it is an easy matter to attach it to an E-mail to ADA. Your E-Mail should explain what happened and request a replacement License Key. The Ease40Info file will give them all the information they need.The correct E-mail address for ADA is licence@ada-acousticdesign.de.ADA will get back to you as quickly as possible.。
