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that (没有实在意义,不充当句子成份)

whether (是否,不充当句子成份,可以引导各类名词性从句,一般可以和or, or not 连用)

if (是否,不充当句子成份,引导宾语从句。注意:它还可以引导条件状语从句,表“如果”)

as if (好像,可引导表语从句。注意:它还可以引导方式状语从句。)because (因为,可引导表语从句。它还可以引导原因状语从句。) B.连接代词:

who (谁,在从句中作主语、表语)

whom (谁,在从句中作宾语、表语)

whose (谁的,在从句中作定语)

what (在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语时泛指事物,没有具体的含义,但作定语时可以翻译为“什么”;另外,它还可以用来


which (哪一个/些,在从句中充当宾语和定语,一般强调在某一范围内的(哪个//些….)

whoever (无论谁,在从句中作主语、表语)

whomever (无论谁,在从句中作宾语)

whosever (无论谁的,在从句中作定语)

whatever (在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语和定语时可以翻译为“无论什么”)

whichever (无论哪一个/些,一般在从句中充当宾语、和定语,而且强调在某一范围中的“无论哪一个/些”)

C.连接副词:(注意:所有的连接副词在从句中都是充当状语) when (什么时候)

where (哪里/在某处)

why (为什么)

how (1、多么,后接形容词或副词;2、怎么样,如何,修饰动词,说明动作实行的方式)

how many (多少,后接可数名词)

how much (多少,接不可数名词)

how long (多长,指时间,回答可用“for+一段时间”)

how far (多远,指路程或距离)

how soon (多快,指时间,回答可用“in+一段时间”)

how fast (多快,指速度)

however (1、无论多么,后接形容词或副词;2、怎么样,如何,修饰动词,说明动作实行的方式)

wherever (无论哪里)

whenever (无论何时//什么时候)

Cf. no matter how

no matter where

no matter when


II. 各类名词性复合句的句型结构特点:


主语从句+ 主句的谓语动词+ (宾语)+ 状语或其他That he failed the math exam surprised all of us.

That you joined us made all of us happy.

That he didn’t care for money was a lie.

Whether we’ll go out for an o uting depends on the weather.

What he did added to our difficulty.

What surprised everybody was that he didn’t come to the meeting.


a. 主句的主语+主句的谓语动词(vt. // vi. +prep./adv.)+宾语从句

The manager came out to see what was the matter.

Have you decided which subject you are going to choose?

He asked me how soon we would finish the work.

We have to find out whose fault it was.

b. 主句的主语+主句的谓语+其他+ 介词+宾语从句

The importance of bringing in new machines lies in that they can help to produce more clothes.

The soldiers stood there still except that his lips were moving.

What we eat now is very different from what we used to eat.

Finally they decided to settle in what is called New England now.

Give the book to whomever you meet in the classroom.

I know nothing about whether Mr. Smith’s operation had been successful.


主句的主语+主句的谓语动词be //link v. +表语从句

The question is whether our meeting should be put off.

He is a lazy boy and that is why he is always late for school.


抽象名词+ 同位语从句(一般用that引导-----陈述语气)常见的抽象名词有:truth fact news information idea// viewpoint------have an idea----陈述语气have no idea-----疑问语气problem question belief faith order command request requirement demand suggestion advice proposal insistence fear hope wish

The question whether he will come or not is not settled.

Do you have any idea when he will set off?

I didn’t know the fact that he was angry until you told me.

Nothing can change his faith that he can be a very successful man in the near future.

The idea that we try again is a good one.

III. 各类从句的特定句型:

1)主语从句:用it 作形式主语的句型

a.It + be + adj.//n. +主语从句

** It is natural // important // necessary // surprising //

strange // funny + that 引导的主语从句,从句的谓语动

词可以用(should) + do // be done 的形式

It is natural that we should learn English well.

It is important that we (should) keep the balance of nature.

It is natural that you (should) forget it first.

It is strange that you (should) say no.

b.It + be + V.(p.p.) +主语从句

It is requested that Miss Wang (should) give a speech at

the meeting.

It is suggested that we (should) have a meeting next week.

It is ordered that we (should) go to the place where we are

needed best.

c.It (so) + happened +主语从句

It so happened that I was at the spot at that time.

It happened that I was out that day.

d.It + matters //mattered (much//little) +主语从句

It matters much whether you are determined or not if you

want to succeed.

e.It + doesn’t//didn’t matter +主语从句

It doesn’t matter whether we have money or not..

f.It + seems//seemed (to sb) + adj.//n. + 主语从句

It seems to me quite strange that he should be so rude to

his classmates.

g.It + depends +主语从句

It depends whether we can do it with fewer workers and

less money.

h.It is no wonder + that主语从句

It is no wonder that he got high marks in the exam.

It is no wonder that you misunderstood him.

i.It makes no // little // great … difference +主语从句

It won’t make any difference whether she will accept the

invitation or not.

It made great difference whether he would come to my

birthday party or not.

2)宾语从句:用it 作形式宾语的句型

a.make// find// feel // think // consider // believe // suppose + adj.

// n. +宾语从
