SAFETY (安规)测试规范
1.目的Purpose依据国际标准(IEC)&国标(GB)执行产品之高压(Hi-pot)与接地(Grounding),漏电流(Leakage Current)测试,以验证产品设计是否符合安规要求.2.适用范围Scope凡Monitor厂所设计生产之液晶显示器(LCD Monitor)皆适用.3.权责Authority and Responsibility3.1QRE: 执行测试,并对问题点提报及对策改善追踪;3.2工程部: 工程问题分析及对策;3.3研发部: 设计问题分析及对策.4.名词定义Terms Definition4.1 Hi-pot Test: 高压测试;4.2 Grounding Test: 接地测试4.3 Leakage Current Test: 漏电流测试4.4 Insulation Resistance Test:绝缘阻抗测试5.作业流程Operation FlowNA6.作业内容Operation Description6.1测试仪器设备:安归测试仪(EXTECH 7442);6.2 测试条件与规格(以下测试如客户有要求﹐则依照客户规格执行)6.2.1. Hi-pot Test高压测试(一次侧接地):-电压1500V~4242V-高压电流:3500 uA(Max);-测试时间:60秒6.2.2. Grounding Test接地测试:-主接地(产品电源插座)至二次侧GND(信号线夹具):电流25A/30A;-阻抗须小于0.1欧姆;-测试时间:60秒/120秒(以CB Report或国际标准作参考).6.2.3. Leakage Current Test漏电流测试:-输入电压: 242V 被测机台POWER ON-允许最大电流值:: 3.5 mA;-测试时间: 60秒钟.6.3测试程序6.3.1 测试前必须检查仪器功能,如:发光发声,RESET功能键等;校准测试电压,漏电限流,时间等6.3.2 连接条件测试于机台电源线的平行刀插头和所有可及的金属部分,测试前及测试过程中,接触点需保持良好6.3.3 Hi-pot & Grounding Test测试方法1)将POWER开关置于”开”的位置,电源指示灯(GREEN)亮;2)依测试要求设定第一步为高压测试之测试参数;3)依测试要求设定第二步接地测试之测试参数;4)参数设定OK进行产品测试,将高压与接地测试线插入测试产品电源座,接地线之具与信号线连接好;5)连接线OK,则按START(ON)键,测试人员观察读数是否正常,欧姆指数须小于0.1欧姆;6)若产品测试NG则蜂鸣器响,按重置钮(RESET)晌声停止;若测试OK,则亮绿灯;7)测试完毕,记录报表.6.4. Leakage Current Test 测试方法6.4.1连接好被测机台(用AC变频器输出不同测试电压),设定好测试时间:静态,动态分别为30秒钟;6.4.2先将被测机台置于POWER ON状态,AC变频器输出电压为242V,按START键开始测试;6.4.3将AC变频器输出电压为242V, 按START键开始测试漏电流值;6.4.4将被测机台置于POWER OFF状态AC变频器输出电压为242V,按START键开始测试;6.4.5将AC变频器输出电压为242V, 按START键开始测试漏电流值;6.4.6记录各步之测试结果.6.5 Insulation Resistance Test测试方法6.5.1连接好被测机台(用AC变频器输出不同测试电压),设定好测试时间.6.5.2先将被测机台置于POWER ON状态,AC变频器输出电压为242V,按START键开始测试;6.6. 测试不良处理6.6.1高压或接地测试不良应立即通知生产线,品保安规负责人员及工程单位分析原因,不论其为人为因素,或材料不良均能采取立即改善行动;6.6.2将此批产品全部重工,并重新作高压与接地测试OK后,方可出货.7 .参考资料Concerned DocumentsNA8.附录Attachment8.1附录一Safety Test Report(MH3QM032-01)﹐共一页。
EVT: Engineering Verification Test工程验证测试产品开发初期的设计验证。
DVT: Design Verification Test设计验证测试解决样品在EVT阶段的问题后进行,对所有信号的电平和时序进行测试,完成安规测试,由RD和DQA(Design Qualiy Assurance)验证。
DMT: Design Maturity Test成熟度验证可与DVT同时进行,主要极限条件下测试产品的MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure)。
HALT(High Accelerated Life Test)&HASS(High Accelerated Stress Screen)等,是检验产品潜在缺陷的有效方法。
MVT: Mass-Production Verification Test量产验证测试验证量产时产品的大批量一致性,由DQA验证。
PVT: Pilot-run Verification Test小批量过程验证测试,验证新机型的各功能实现状况并进行稳定性及可靠性测试MP: Mass-Production量产附: [制造部常用英文]Engineer 工程PE: Products Engineer; 生产工程Process engineer 制程工程TE: Test Engineer 测试工程ME: Manufacturing Engineer; 制造工程; Mechanical Engineer 机械工程IE: Industrial Engineer 工业工程DCC: Document Control Center 文管中心BOM: Bill OF Material 材料清单ECN: Engineering Change Notice 工程变动公告TECN: Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程临时变动公告ATY: Assembly Test Yield Total Yield 直通率TPM: Total Productivity MaintenancePM: Product Manager; Project ManagerECR: Engineering Change Request 工程变更申请ECO: Engineering Change Request 工程变更指令EN: Engineering Notice 工程通报WPS: Work Procedure Sheet 工作说明书ICT: In Circuit Test 电路测试P/R: pilot run; C/R control run T/R trial run 试做EVT: engineer Verification Test 工程验证测试DVT: Design Verification Test 设计验证测试MVT: Mass Verification Test 多项验证测试ORT: On Going Reliability Test 出货信赖性测试S/W:software 软件H/W: hardware 硬件DCN: Design Change Notice 设计变更通知PVT: Production Verification Test 生产验证测试MTF: Modulation Transfer Function 调整转换功能CAT: Carriage Alignment Tool 载器调整具ID: Industrial Design 工业设计(外观设计)PCBA: Printed Circuit Board Assembly 电路板组装F/T: Function Test 功能测试CCD: Charge Coupled Device 扫描仪之读器ERS: External Reference Spec 外部规格PMP: Production Management Plan 工程管理计划QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QRA :Quality & Reliability Assurance质量与可靠性保证MQA :Manufacturing Quality Assurance 制造质量保证DQA: Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证QC: Quality Control 质量控制IQC: Incoming Quality Control 收益质量控制VQC: Vendor Quality Control 售货质量控制IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程质量控制OQA: Out going Quality Control 出货质量控制QE: Quality Engineer 质量工程AQL: Acceptable Quality Level 可接受的质量水平DPPM: Defective Pieces Per Million units 百万件中有损件数PPM: Pieces Per Million 百万分之一CS: Custom Service 顾客服务MRB: Marerial Review BoardDMR Defective Material Report 材料缺陷报告RMA: Return Marerial Administration 材料回收处理Life Test 寿命测试T/C: Temperature Cycle 温度循环H/T: High Temperature Test 高温测试L/T: Low Temperature Test 低温测试ISO: International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织SPC: Statistic process control 统计过程控制5S: 整理.整顿.清理.清扫.素养VMI: Visual Mechanical Inspection 外观机构检验MIL-STD: Military Standard 美军标准SPEC: Specification 规格AVL: Approval Vendor List 合格厂商QVL: Qualified Vendor List 合格厂商FQC: Final Quality Control 最终质量控制OBA: Open Box Audit 成品检验EAR: Engineering Analysis RequestFAI: First Article Inspection 首件检验VQM: Vendor Quality Management 厂商质量管理CAR: Corrective Action Request 改进对策要求4M: Man; Machine; Material; Method 人,机,材,方法5M: Man; Machine; Material; Method; Mwasurment 人,机,材,方法,测量MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure 平均寿命TTL: TotalFIN Finance&Accounting 财务与账目P&L: Profit & LosePV : Performance Variance 现象差异3 Element of Cost = M,L,OM: Material 材料L: Labor 人力Overhead 管理费用Fix OH Fix Overhead 固定管理费用Var OH Variable Overhead 不定管理费用COGS Cost Of Goods Sold 工厂制造成本AR: Account Receivable 应收AP: Account Payable 应支MIS Management Information System 资迅管理系统IS: Information System 资迅系统IT: Information Technology 系统技术MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求计划I2:Information Integration System 资迅整合系统SAP: System Application Programming 系统申请项目ERP: Enterprise Resource Programming 企业资源项目HR Human Resource 人力资源PR: Public relation 公共关系T/O: Turn Over Rate=Monthly T/O Total People*12 GR: General Affair 总务Organization 组织HQ Head Quarter 总公司Chairmen 主席Lite-On Group 光宝集团President总裁Executive Vice President 常务副总裁Vice President 副总裁HR Human Resource 人力资源部FIN Finance 财务Sales 销售R&D: Research & Developing 研发部QA: 质量保证QA DQA CSMIS: Management Information System 资迅管理系统PUR 采购PurchasingIMD: Image Management Division 影像管理事业部ITS: Information Technology System 计算机部QRA: Quality Reliability Assurance 品保部MFG: Manufacturing 制造部PMC: Production & Material Control 生(产)物(料)管(理) Materials 材料PC: Production Control 生产控制MPS: Mass Production Schedule 量产计划FGI: Finished goods Inventory 成品存货UTS: Units To Stock 存货单元WIP: Working In Process Inventory 在制品C/T: Cycle Time 循环时间,瓶颈WD: Working Days 工作天MTD: Month To Days 月初到今日(例如总表整理) YTD: Year To Days年初到今日SO: Sales Order 销售清单MO: Manufacture Order 制造清单BTO: Build To Order 订单生产P/N: Part Number 料号MC: Material Control 材料控制MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求计划INV: Inventory 存货清单Inv Turn Over Days=INVS/NSB X WD 库存周转天数PSI: Production Shipping Inventory 预备待出货JIT: Just In Time 实时Safety Inventory 安全存量CKD: Completed Kits Delivery 全件组装出货SKD: Semi Kits Delivery 半件(小件)组装出货W/H: Warehouse 仓库Rec: Receiving Center 接收中心Raw MTL 原物料F/G: finish goods 成品Import/Export 进出口SI: Shipping Instruction 发货指令PL: Packing List 包装清单Inv: Shipping Invoice 出货发票ETD: Estimate Arrive 预估离开时间BL: Bill of Landing 提货单(海运)AWB: Air Way Bill 提货单(空运)MAWA: Master Air Way Bill 主提货单HAWB: House Air Way Bill 副提货单TEU: Twenty foot Equipment Unit(Contain) 二十英尺货柜FEU: Forty foot Equipment Unit(Contain) 四十英尺货柜CY: Container Yard 货柜场THC: Terminal Handing Charge 码头费ORC: Original Receiving Charge 码头费PUR: Purchasing 采购FOB: Free on Board 货运至甲板(离岸价)CIF: Cost Insurance Freight 成本+运费+保险OA: Open Account 开户TT: Telegram Transfer 电汇COD: Cash On DeliveryCRP: Cost Reduction Program 降低成本方案PR: Purchasing Requisition 采购申请PO: Purchasing Order 采购单MFG Manufacturing Production 制造生产DL: Director Labor 直接人工IDL: Indirect Labor 间接人工DLH: Direct Labor Hours 直接工时Productivity=UTS/DLHPPH: Pieces Per Hour 每小时件数Efficiency=Actual/Target(%)DT: Machine Down Time 停机时间AI: Auto Insertion 自动插入MI: Manual Insertion 人工插入SMD: Surface Mount Device 表面粘着零件SMT: Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术B/I: Burn In(for how many hours at how many degree) 烧机WI: Work Instruction 工作说明SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 作业指导书R/I: Run In 运转机器ESD: Electrical Static Discharge 静电释放MP: Mass Production 量产RDT :Reliability Demonstration Test。
安规常用测试标准和测试项目安规常用测试标准和测试项目一:ITE: 信息技术设备的安全Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirementsGB 4943-2001 EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009 IEC 60950-1:2005 UL 60950-1:2007 AS/NZS 60950-1:20061. 最大输出电压、电流、VA值测试2. 输入测试3. 标签耐久性测试4. 危险能量测试5. 电容放电测试6. 危险电压测试7. SELV 可靠性测试 8. 限电流电路测试9.限功率测试10.保护接地之阻抗11. 潮态测试 12. 爬电距离和电气间隙13. 工作电压 14. 电源线拉力测试15. 稳定性测试 16. 稳定力测试17.30N稳定力测试 18. 250N稳定力测试19.钢球冲击测试 20.跌落测试21.应力消减测试 22.载重测试23. 直插设备力矩测试 24. 温升测试25. 球压测试 26.接触电流试验27.电气强度测试 28. 异常测试29. 马达过载测试30. 锁马达测试二:A V: 音频、视频及类似电子设备安全要求Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirementsGB 8898-2001 EN 60065:2002/A1:2006/A11:2008 IEC60065:2005 UL 60065-2003 AS/NZS 60065:2002+A1:20061. 输入测试2. 标签耐久性测试3. 温升测试4. 绝缘材料之热抵抗性5. 吸湿性材料测试6. 接触电流测试7. 外壳开孔 8. 端子装置9.电容放电测试10.抗外部力11. 潮态测试 12. 绝缘电阻测试13. 抗电强度测试 14. 工作电压测试15. 故障测试 16. 撞击测试17. 冲击测试 18. 跌落测试19. 应力消除测试 20. 驱动件的固定测试21. 抽屉的拉力测试 22. 伸缩型或杆状天线的机械性测试23. 爬电距离和电气间隙 24. 保护接地之阻抗25. 直插设备力矩测试 26. 电源软线推拉力测试27. 扭力矩测试 28. 稳定性测试29. 稳定性测试不大于1o不光滑面30. 顶端稳定性测试31.墙或天花板安装式设备的稳定性测试三:家用和类似用途电器Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements GB 4706.1-2005 IEC 60335-1:2006 EN 60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A2:2006 AS/NZS 60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A2:20061. 标志和说明2. 对触及带电部件的防护3. 电动器具的启动4. 输入功率和电流5. 发热6. 工作温度下的泄漏电流和电气强度7. 耐潮湿 8. 泄漏电流和电气强度9.变压器和相关电路的过载保护10.耐久性11. 非正常工作 12. 稳定性和机械危险13. 机械强度 14. 结构15. 内部布线 16. 元件17. 电源连接和外部软线 18. 外部导线用接线端子19. 接地措施 20. 螺钉和连接21. 电气间隙、爬电距离和固体绝缘 22. 耐热和耐燃23. 防锈 24. 辐射、毒性和类似危险四:灯具第1部分: 一般要求与试验Luminaires -- Part 1: General requirements and testsGB 7000.1-2007 IEC 60598-1:2008EN 60598-1:2008 AS/NZS 60598-1:20081. 标志和说明2. 结构3. 外部接线和内部接线4. 接地规定5. 防触电保护6. 防尘、防固体异物和防水7. 绝缘电阻和电气强度 8. 爬电距离和电气间隙9.耐久性试验和热试验10.耐热、耐火和耐起痕11. 螺纹接线端子 12. 无螺纹接线端子和电气连接件五:灯的控制装置第1部分:一般要求和安全要求Lamp controlgear-Part 1:General and safety requirements 灯的控制装置第1部分:一般要求和安全要求GB GB19510.1-2004 IEC 61347-1:2007EN 61347-1:2008 AS/NZS 61347-1:20081. 标签擦拭试验2. 接地电阻3. 电容充放电试验4. 潮态试验5. 绝缘电阻6. 电气强度7. 热耐久性试验 8. 异常试验9.电气间隙和爬电距离10.灼热丝试验11. 针焰试验 12. 接触电流六:电力变压器、电源、电抗器和类似产品的安全第1部分:通用要求和试验Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products - Part 1: General requirements and tests 分:通用要求和试验GB19212.1-2008 IEC 61558-1:2005+A1:2009EN 61558-1:2005+A1:2009 AS/NZS 61558-1:2005+A1:20091. 标签耐久性测试2. 危险带电部件可接触性3. 插头放电测试4. 输入电压偏差5. 负载输出测试6. 短路电压7. 温升测试 8. 短路测试9.过载测试10.弹簧撞击锤撞击测试11. 跌落测试 12. 滚桶测试13. 电源线弯曲测试 14. 电源线拉力测试15. 潮态测试 16. 绝缘电阻测试17. 电气强度测试 18. 泄漏电流测试19. 倍压倍频测试 20.直插设备力矩测试21. 接地电阻测试 22. 螺丝扭力测试23. 爬电距离、电气间隙和固体绝缘 24. 球压测试25. 灼热丝测试。
测试项目1、高压测试:Dielectric Voltage withstand test高压测试为一种国际安规认证机构所要求的必测项目,产品须于出厂前座百分比的测试,它对产品而言,为品质的保证及电气安全性的指标,其测试方式是将一高于正常工作电压的异常电压加在产品上测试,并且这个电压须持续一段时间,最后判定只要无绝缘崩溃情形,即可算是通过此测试2、绝缘阻抗测试Insulation resistance test绝缘阻抗于相关的两点施加直流电压,最高可达1000伏特,通常使用单位为欧姆,可判定良品及不良品3、接地阻抗测试Ground bond test接地阻抗测试为测试产品的接地点,对产品的外壳或者金属部分,施加一个恒流电源来测试两点间的阻抗大小,一般产品规定测试25安培,阻抗不得大于0.1欧姆,而CSA则要求量测40安培检测,可检测出接地点螺丝未锁紧,接地线径太小,接地线路断路等问题4、泄露电流测试Touch current test是指当设备供应电流时,流经设备金属可接触部分经人体至接地部分或可接触部分的电流。
load test and short-circuit test 负载试验(短路试验)plugging 反接制动与反向intermittent periodic duty 反复短时工作制feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路luminous intensity 发光强度distributed capacitance 分布电容split phase motor 分相电动机fractional horsepower motor 分马力电动机nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear (circuit) element 非线性(电路)元件nonlinearity 非线性second class load 二级负荷rated condition 额定工况rated value 额定值short-time duty 短时工作制short circuit current 短路电流short circuit 短路series resonance 串联谐振transducer 传感器(变换器)magnetic core 磁心magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetic field 磁场magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通密度superconductor 超导体uninterrupted duty 长期工作制programmed control 程序控制stepping motor 步进电动机parallel resonance 并联谐振differentiation protection 差动保护tachogenerator 测速发电机protective circuit 保护电路open loop control 闭环控制apparent power 表现功率comparator 比较器nominal value 标称值speed governing by frequency convertion 变频调速speed governing by pole changing 变极调速ampere-turns 安匝safety voltage 安全电压semiconductor devices 半导体器件thyristor 半导体开关元件semiconductor 半导体(absolute)magnetic permeability (绝对)磁导率current rating (of cable) [电缆的]载流量breaking capacity (of a switching device or a fuse)[开关电器的或熔断器的]分断能力auxiliary circuit(of a switching device) [开关电器的]辅助电路alternating component (of a pulsating voltage or current)[脉动电压或电流的]交流分量direct component(of a pulsating voltage or current)脉动电压或电流的]直流分量TTL circuitPI TTL电路PI regulatorPID 调节器PID regulatorPD 调节器PD regulator 调节器main circuit 主电路neutral point 中性点medium frequency 中频active power 有功功率active element 有源元件first class load 一级负荷hard magnetic material 硬磁材料direct control 直接控制direct coupling 直接耦合remote control 遥控sine wave 正弦波rectiffication 整流illuminance 照度operational amplifier 运算放大器load rate 用电负荷率piezoelectric effect 压电效应selector 选择器oxidation stability 氧化稳定性couplingMOS 耦合MOS circuit 电路linear control system 线性控制系统linear(circuit)element 线性(电路)元件linearity 线性gas protection 瓦斯保护reactive power 无功功率passive element 无源元件eddy current 涡流synchronous speed 同步转速on-load factor 通电持续率micromotor 微电机differentiator 微分电路regulated power supply 稳压电源voltage stabilizing circuit 稳压电路sequential order of the phases,phase sequence 相序phase 相位(位相,相角)phase displacement 相位移temperature rise 温升connection diagram of windings 绕组联结圈winding 绕组servo system 随动系统detuning 失调distortion 失真digital integrated circuit 数字集成电路digital display 数字显示digital quantity 数字量capacitive reactance 容抗third class load 三级负荷three-phase and three-wire sysyem 三相三线制three-phase and four-wire system 三相四线制soft magnetic material 软磁材料thermo-electric effect 热电效应thermal stability 热稳定性thermistor 热敏电阻servomotor 伺服电动机servo mechanism 伺服机构output 输出input 输入flashover,arc-over 闪络D filp flop D触发器DTL circuit DTL电路logic circuit 逻辑电路excitation 励磁(激磁)contravariant 逆变bus,busbar 母线(汇流排)continuous control 连续控制continuous system 连续系统interlock 连锁connection symbol 联结组标号torque motor 力矩电动机analog quantity 模拟量potential drop of internal resistance 内阻压降whirling speeds 临界转速full load 满载pulsating current 脉动电流pulsating voltage 脉动电压pulser,pulse generator 脉冲发生器puncture test 耐压试验ideal inductor 理想电感器ideal resistor 理想电阻器ideal voltage source 理想电压源ideal capacitor 理想电容器ideal current source 理想电流源ideal amplifier 理想放大器ideal transformer 理想变压器temperature classification,thermal stability classification 耐热等级filtering,filtration 滤波discrete system 离散系统zero-sequence protection 零序保护load,charge 负载(负荷)inductosyn 感应同步器induced voltage 感应电压inductive reactance 感抗high frepuency 高频photoelectric effect 光电效应overcurrent protection 过电流保护overvoltage protection 过电压保护mains frequency 工频power factor 功率因数constant control system 恒值控制系统phasing 核相(定相)glow discharge 辉光放电fundamental wave 基波integrator 积分电路mutual induction 互感应commutation 换向change-over switching 换接parasitic capacitance 寄生电容detector 检测装置relay protection 继电保护skin effect 集肤效应coercive force 矫顽力demodulation 解调dielectric loss 介质损耗contact voltage 接触电压contact resistance 接触电阻earth fault 接地故障ground device 接地装置resistance of an earthed conductor,earthing resistance 接地电阻cut-off 截止partial discharge 局部放电insulation resistance 绝缘电阻absorptance(absorption ratio) of insulation resistance 绝缘电阻的吸收比step vlotage 跨步电压programmable logic controllers 可编程序控制器no-load test 空载试验noload operation 空载运行open-circuit voltage 开路电压open loop control 开环控制diamagnetism 抗磁性control circuit 控制电器shielded cable 屏蔽电缆gas chromatograph test 气相色谱试验gas conduction 气体导电air gap 气隙signal circuit 信号电路small-power motor 小功率电动机resonance 谐振harmonic 谐波impedance 阻抗optimum control 最优控制autonomous control 自治调节synchro,selsyn 自整角机automatic reclosing equipment 自动重合闸automatic protection device 自动保护装置automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic regulating system 自动调节系统slip 转差率electric circuit 电路electric current 电流bridge 电桥armature reaction 电枢反应voltage,electric potential difference 电压(电位差)electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕(放电)power supply 电源electric field 电场electromagnetic wave 电磁波electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotive force 电动势inductor 电感线圈electric arc 电弧electric spark 电火花electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀dielectric 电介质reactance 电抗clearance 电气间隙electronic approach switch 电子接近开关conductance 电导equivalent electric circuit 等效电路earth,ground 地speed regulation,speed governing 调速speed governing system 调速系统range of speed regulation 调速范围speed governing by voltage regulation 调压调速modulation 调制amplitude modulation 调幅frequency modulation 调频2、IEC试验室产品Abrasion test 磨损测试设备Apparatus for burning test (vertical and horizontal) 水平垂直燃烧测试设备Apparatus for production testing of hand tools for live working 手动测试工具Apparatus for winding a flexible pipe 软管弯折试验设备Appliance couplers test equipment (various) 各类测试连接器Automatic & manual production test equipment - for final control 自动/手动产品测试设备- 出厂控制Ball-pressure test apparatus 球压测试装置Bending equipment for conduits 管路弯折设备Bump test 冲击测试Burning test, horiz. 燃烧测试(水平)Cable test apparatus (various) 各类线缆测试Draining current measuring equipment 损耗电流测试设备Drip proof test(special) 淋浴测试Drop test 跌落测试Dust chamber 防尘箱Dynamometers 功率计Earth bond resistance tester Earthing resistance test appliance 接地电阻测试设备Electric resistance of non-metallic materials 非金属材料的电阻测试Gauges and similar mechanical checking devices 量规或类似测试装置Electrode arrangements 测试电极装置Flexing test equipment 弯折试验Fume cupboard (protective cabinet) 防护罩Flexing test apparatus for cables 线缆弯折试验装置Flame hoods 燃烧罩Endurance test appliance for plugs 插头寿命测试Equipment for testing refrigerators 冰箱测试设备Endurance test appliance 寿命测试Gauges for appliance inlets Gauges for finished lamps 灯具量规Gauges for lampholders 灯座量规Hot wire ignition test 热丝引燃测试Hipot testers Hot mandrel test apparatus 高压机High voltage test appliance 耐压测试High frequency spark generator 高频火花发生器High current transformers 高电流变送器High current arc ignition test 大电流起弧测试Heating tests 高温测试Heating cabinets 高温试验箱Hand held shower 手持花洒Ground continuity testers 接地电阻测试Gauges for plugs and sockets 插头插座量规Humidity chambers 横湿箱Gauges for starters 发动机量规Impact balls 冲击球Glass vessel for microwave oven testing 微波炉测试的玻璃容器Impact hammers 冲击锤Glow-wire test apparatus 灼热丝测试设备Impact weight apparatus Inductive loads 电感负载Jet nozzles 喷嘴Lampholder testing apparatus (various) 各类灯座测试设备Kit bunsen burner/ needle flame test 燃烧测试套件(本申/ 针焰)Leakage current test appliance 泄露电流测试设备Laboratory power supply with isolation and regulation 可控分离实验室电源Loading weights (various) 各类负重Laboratory stablized power supply unit 稳压源Luminaries testing equipment (various) 照明测试设备Measuring equipment for testing switches and socket-outlets (with DPM) 测试开关和插头插座测试设备Megohmeter 兆欧表Mechanical resistance testing apparatus for el. Irons Mechanismus for burning tests (vert. And horiz.) 水平或垂直燃烧机架Needle flame burners 针焰燃烧工具Needle flame miniature burner 微型针焰燃烧工具Surge test circuit 浪涌测试Needle flame tester 针焰测试Resistance loads 电阻负载Scratch test equipment 刮擦测试设备Power sources 电源Probe for measuring surface temperature 表面温度探头Pendulum hammer 摆锤Plugs for endurance tests of socket-outlets 插头插座寿命测试Needle flame thermometer 针焰温度表Plugs and socket test equipment (various) 各类插头插座设备Splash testing apparatus 溅水测试Pendulum impact test apparatus 摆锤冲击测试Spray apparatus, tubes 喷水测试Solderability test apparatus 可焊性的测试设备Standard test enclosure 标准测试附件Temperature during operation, measuring equipment 温度测试Thermocouples 热电偶Temperature measurement 温度测试Test apparatus for IP tests IP 测试Torque test equipment 扭力测试Test finger nail 测试指甲Test panes for hob elements 燃气炉测试盘Test fingers 测试指Torsion apparatus 扭转测试Test hook 测试钩Tracking index apparatus 漏电起痕测试仪Test knifes 测试刀模Water evaporator 水蒸发器Test pin 测试真Tumbling barrel 滚筒试验装置Test probe 测试探头Variacs Vessel for testing induction hotplates 测试热传导的容器3、设备修理corrective maintenance 改善修理back repair rate 返修率stepped(sizing) repair 分级修理decentralized maintenance system 分散修理制waste and ungraded product and back repair loss 废次品及返修损失unscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间periodic repair task 定期修理作业periodic repair 定期维修法location accuracy 定位精度transmission accuracy 传动精度revision of overhaul plan 大修计划修改assesment of overhaul plan 大修计划考核overhaul planning 大修计划编制basis of overhaul plan 大修计划依据fulfilment rate of overhaul plan 大修计划完成率implementation of overhaul plan 大修计划实施overhaul cost 大修费用overhaul cost 大修成本构成overhaul cost analysis 大修成本分析fulfilment rate of overhaul cost 大修成本完成率overhaul guarantee 大修保修interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle 大修周期guarantee system of overhaul quality 大修质量保证体系overhaul quality evaluation 大修理质量评定overhaul quality control 大修理质量控制overhaul,capital repair 大修assembly repair 部件修理法partial repair 部分修理法compensation method 补偿法production program of spqre parts 备件生产计划stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 标准尺寸修理法“eight steps”method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修(状态监测维修)quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络计划maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔(正常运行时间)economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济分析maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步修理法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修(项目修理)repair on commission 外委修理(TPM)total production maintenance system 全员参加的生产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备修理计划acceptance check for equipment repair 设备修理验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度修理计划technical check of equipment 设备技术考核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修计划monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度修理计划equipment maintenance plan 设备维修计划three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修计划annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度修理计划breakdown maintenance 事后修理first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动计划MIS maintenance 管理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性修理rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间(分厂)maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 检验centralized maintenance system 集中修理制geometric accuracy 几何精度seasonal repair 季节性修理repair out of plan 计划外修理scheduled maintenance 计划维修planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制planned repair 计划修理contact accuracy 接触精度emergency repair task 紧急修理作业machining and fitting method on the spot 就地加工修配法precision index 精度指数accuracy standard 精度标准precision retaining ability 精度保持性precision reserve 精度储备fine repair 精修fine repair mechanic 精修技工economic accuracy 经济精度balancing precision grade 平衡精度等级mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time 平均修理时间minor repair 小修fitting method 修配法repair link 修配环repair specification 修理任务书repair rasks dispatch 修理施工调度repair time, shutdown time 修理时间downtime quota for equipment repair 修理停歇时间定额repair facilities 修理用设备repair quality 修理质量repair quality index 修理质量指标repair quality plan 修理质量计划repair quality assessment 修理质量考核repair symbols 修理标识repair cost assessment 修理成本考核repair size 修理尺寸repair quota 修理定额repair cost quota 修理费用定额repair scheme 修理方案repair manhour quota 修理工时定额repair manhours assessment 修理工时考核repair technology 修理工艺maintenance engineering truck 修理工程车maintenance tool 修理工具repair time limit assessment 修理工期考核repair assessment 修理考核inspection before repair 修前预检measuring and drawing before repair 修前测绘inquiry before repair 修前访问service after repair 修后服务optimum repair cycle 最优修理周期assembly accuracy 装配精度electric repair shop 电修车间(分厂)maintenance electrician 电修技工repair cost accounting for single equipment 单台设备修理费用核算adjustment method 调整法adjusting link 调整环4、设备管理probability 概率(几率)variance 方差decentralized maintenance 分散维修dynamic test 动态试验power facilities management 动力设备设施管理duct-proof and protective equipment management 除尘、防护设备管理sampling investigation 抽样调查domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理standard deviation 标准偏差budget of installation 安装预算machine contracting system 包机制regulation of check and lubrication before on shift 班前检查与润滑制度shift relief system [设备]交接班制度《Equipment Management Regulation》《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《repair [设备]修理maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修key-point investigation 重点调查management of key-point equipment 重点设备管理key-point equipment 重点设备liability accident 责任事故exponential distribution 指数分布histogram 直方图prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付prophylactic test 预防性试验prevention first 预防为主orthogonal design 正交设计法(正交试验法)normal distribution 正态分布transportation vehicle management system 运输车辆管理制度three guarantees of quality 质量“三包”accident due to quality 质量事故management regulation of pressure vessel 压力容器管理制度mean time to failure 无故障运行时间Weibull distribution 威布尔分布idle equipment management 闲置设备管理制度idle plant 闲置设备statistical analysis 统计分析maintainability 维修性maintenance information management 维修信息管理combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合random event 随机事件numerical control (NC) equipment management 数控设备管理three-level service system 三级保养制mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical model 数学模型mathematical statistics 数理统计technical facilities in production 生产技术装备production equipment 生产设备life cycle cost (LCC) 寿命周期费用mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse 润滑油库管理制度commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合investigation on plant 设备调研reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比plant check system 设备点检制度environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性complete set of plant 设备的成套性safety of plant 设备的安全性productivity of plant 设备的生产率durability of plant 设备的耐用性flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage 设备状态监测与诊断技术管理equipment condition management systen 设备状态管理制度total plant management 设备综合管理dynamic management system of plant assets 设备资产动态管理制度plant leasing 设备租赁preparation system before equipment repair 设备修前准备制度man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备修理工时定额expense quota for equipment repair 设备修理费用定额material quota for equipment repair 设备修理材料定额acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度equipment model 设备型号type of equipment 设备型式economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命operation and business management system 设备经营管理制度technical document of plant 设备技术档案technical conditions of equipment 设备技术状况technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态管理management system for technical document and file of plant 设备技术资料管理制度technical properties of plant 设备技术性能technical life of equipment 设备技术寿命specialized cooperation of plant maintenance 设备检修专业化协作planning and management regulation of plant maintenance 设备检修计划管理制度plant maintenance plan 设备检修计划plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工management of equipment order contract 设备合同管理feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性分析investment plan of plant 设备规划performance of plant 设备功能(效能)operational capability of plant 设备工作能力examination and check systems of plant management 设备管理考核制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management 设备管理经济责任制度post standard of plant management 设备管理岗位标准plant management systems 设备管理制度downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)plant engineering modernization 设备管理现代化plant management, plant enginerring 设备管理fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产管理制度equipment failure 设备故障plant renewal management 设备更新管理制度plant renewal 设备更新plant replacement 设备更换post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任equipment modification management system 设备改造管理制度plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造classified management of plant 设备分级管理operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq 设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines”of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律”operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件管理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory 设备备件库房管理制度to quote plant price 设备报价discard of plant 设备报废equipment installation management 设备安装管理equipment installation 设备安装tours system to inspect plant 设备巡回检查制度to enquire plant price 设备询价plant model selection 设备选型acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度statistic-reporting system of plant 设备统计报表制度technical document and date for plant maintenance 设备维修技术资料management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术管理制度equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额equipment service specification 设备维护规程unit account of plant 设备台帐equipment perfectness norm 设备完好标准plant in good condition 设备完好claims for equipment 设备索赔specifications of usage 设备使用规程information feedback management in initial operation period of pl 设备使用初期信息反馈管理management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护管理制度life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程管理life of equipment 设备寿命lubrication management regulation of plant 设备润滑管理制度“five fixation” of lubrication 设备润滑“五定”accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度three do not let pass of plant accident 设备事故“三不放过”plant accident 设备事故region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期管理和后期管理regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期管理规定wear compensation for plant 设备磨损补偿plant ageing 设备老化arithmetic mean 算术平均值(均值)coercionary service system 强制保养制effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数economic management system of plant 设备经济管理制度excellence selection activity in plant management 设备管理评优活动Pareto chart 排列图(帕累托图)load test 负荷试验breakdown time 故障停机时间technological adaptability 工艺适应性supervision of engineering facilities 工程设备监理management of proccess-control-point equipment 工序控制点设备管理contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除combined maintenance 混合维修regression analysis 回归分析interval between inspections 检查间隔期socialization of maintenance 检修社会化centralized maintenance 集中维修technical advancement 技术先进性combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合computer-aided plant management 计算机辅助设备管理P)planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制度(ЛЛFOB of imported equipment 进口设备离岸价imported equipment management 进口设备管理CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备management of precise,large scale,rare equipment 精、大、稀设备管理“five fixed” of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定”economy 经济性static test 静态试验open-case inspection 开箱检查average deviation 平均偏差mean waiting time,MWT 平均等待时间repair cycle 修理周期structure of repair cycle 修理周期结构combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数time between repairs 修理间隔期leased equipment management system 租赁设备管理制度time value of fund 资金的时间价值natural accident 自然事故self-made equipment 自制设备management system for selfmade equipment 自制设备管理制度self-made spare parts management system 自制备件管理制度combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合transfer of facility 转让设备(设备调剂)typical investigation 典型调查areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心recovery ratio of used oil 废油回收率perfectness ratio of power plant 动力设备完好率fulfillment ratio of periodic service 定期保养完成率mean downtime(days) due to overhaul 大修理平均停歇天数perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率qualification ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率availability of plant in use 在用设备可利用率utilization ratio of installed equipments 已安装设备利用率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 万元固定资产年创利润率maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value 万元产值占用维修费用installation ratio of owned equipments 实有设备安装率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备资产投资回收期newness degree of plant 设备新度profit ratio vs net book value of plant 设备净资产创利润率utilization ratio of planned time of plant 设备计划台时利用率constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比load rate of plant 设备负荷率back repair rate 设备返修率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant 设备制度台时利用率idelness ratio of plant 设备闲置率plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比perfectness ratio of plant 设备完好率plant daily service fulfillment ratio 设备日常保养完成率incident frequency 设备事故频率utilization ratio 设备利用率down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故[故障]停机率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan 清洗换油计划完成率mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair 每个修理复杂系数平均大修理成本maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient 每个复杂系数占用维修费用industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 每万元固定资产创工业增加值率failure intensity 故障强度failure frequency 故障频率perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments 精大稀设备完好率availability 可利用率(有效利用率)mean down time,MDT 平均停机时间mean time between failture 平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间fulfillment ratio of repair plan 修理计划完成率。
安规测试项目英文说明测试项目收费标准功率测量 Input test 200元/次温升测试 Heating test 500元/次潮湿试验 Humidity Test 800元/天高低温试验 Thermal shock 200元/h漏电流测试 Leakage current 200元/次耐压测试 Electric Strength test 200元/次绝缘电阻测量 Insulation resistance 200元/次接地电阻测试 Earth continuity test 200元/次电源线拉力测试 Cord anchorage test 200元/次稳定性测试 Stability test 200元/次插头扭矩测试 Plug torque test 200元/次冲击试验 Impact test 200元/次工作电压测量 Working Voltage 300元/次元器件异常测试 Fault conditions test 500元/次过载测试 Overload test 500元/次马达堵转试验 Motor lock-rotor test 400元/次插头放电测试 Cap. Discharge 200元/次螺丝扭力测试 Screw torque test 200元/次滚筒跌落试验 Tumbling test 400元/次球压测试 Ball pressure test 400/材料灼热丝试验 Glow-wire test 400/材料针焰试验 Needle flame test 400/材料UL250(家用冰箱)、UL399(饮水机)、UL471(商用冰箱)、UL499(发热类非厨房器具)、UL507(风扇包含抽油烟机)、UL859(个人护理用品)、UL982(马达类食物处理器)、UL1012(非二类电源)、UL1026(发热类厨房器具)、UL1082(煮水类加热器具)、UL1083(油炸锅)、UL1278(电暖器)、UL1310(充电器)、UL1647(按摩器具)、UL1004&UL2111(马达)、UL1678(音频、视频设备、支架、壁架、电视支架类产品)及UL1778(UPS不间断电源)等标准的UL、ETL目击许可;对于灯具与照明器具类,我们同样能提供包含UL1598(固定式灯具)、UL153(移动式灯具)、UL1993(节能灯)、UL496(灯头)、UL935(用于萤光灯的镇流器)、UL1012(调光器)及UL1029(用于放电灯的镇流器)、UL8750(用于照明产品的LED光源)。
直流断路器安规测试计划内容Direct current (DC) circuit breakers are essential components in electrical systems to protect against overcurrent and short circuits. It is crucial to conduct safety testing on DC circuit breakers to ensure they meet relevant standards and regulations. A comprehensive testing plan should include various assessments to verify that the circuit breakers can safely interrupt the flow of current when necessary.直流(DC)断路器是电气系统中至关重要的组件,用于保护免受过电流和短路的影响。
One aspect of the testing plan is to assess the insulation resistance of the DC circuit breakers. Insulation resistance testing helps determine if there are any electrical leaks or breakdowns in the insulation material, which could lead to safety hazards. By measuring the insulation resistance, testers can assess the overall integrity of thecircuit breaker and identify any potential weaknesses that need to be addressed.测试计划的一个方面是评估直流断路器的绝缘电阻。
1. 整機測試項目 (Whole unit test item)
※ 測試目的 (Purpose of test) ※ 測試方法 (Method of test) ※ 結果判定 (Verdict of test result)
1.1 溫升測試 (Temperature rise test)
1.15 傳導,輻射騷擾測試
(Conducted & radiated disturbance measurement)
目的: 考量產品正常工作時對外界環境產生的干擾
2. 部件測試項目 (Parts test item)
※ 測試目的 (Purpose of test) ※ 測試方法 (Method of test) ※ 結果判定 (Verdict of test result)
目的: 考量產品的整體機械強度
1.9 滾筒跌落測試(Tumbling barrel test)
目的: 考量產品的整體機械強度
1.10 振動測試 (Vibration test)
目的: 模擬產品單體及產品包裝箱在運輸途中遭受振動而引起的潛在破壞
1.11 電氣間隙&爬電距離量測 (Clearance & Creepage distance measurement)
目的: 考量產品在正常,異常工作時各部件的發熱狀況及產品的熱平衡
一 4
1.2 耐厭測試 (Electric strength test)
低电压指令LVD简介LVD低电压指令(Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC),LVD 的目标为确保低电压设备在使用时的安全性。
设备的设计和结构应保证在按其预定用途,在正常工作条件下或故障条件下使用时不会出现危险,特别是对下列危险进行评估:1)电击(Electric Shock);2)危险能量(Energy hazard);3)火灾(Fire);4)机械和热的危险(Mechanic and heat hazard);5)辐射危险(Radiation hazard);6)化学的危险(Chemical Hazard)。
安规需检测零部件安规测试中有安规要求的零部件包括:- 电源线(flexible cables and cords),插头(plug),插座(socket-outlet),耦合器(coupler),连接器(connector),AC Inlet,SOCKET,X/Y 电容(X /Y capacitor),保险丝(Fuse),开关(switch),温控器(thermostat),调光器(dimmer),定时器(timer),转换器(converter),马达(motor),喇叭(Speaking),镇流器(ballast),继电器(relay),非整体灯座(lamp holder),保险座(fuse-holder)。
测试项目CE-LVD测试项目如下/Test Items:Input test功率测试Heating test温升测试Humidity test湿度测试Glow-wire test灼热丝试验态测试Over Load test过载测试Leakage current measurements漏电流测试Electric Strength test耐压测试Earth continuity test接地电阻测试Cord anchorage test电源线拉力测试Stability test稳定性测试Plug torque test插头扭矩测试Impact test冲击测试Capacitor discharge test at plug插头放电测试Fault conditions test元器件破坏测试Working voltage measurement工作电压测试Motor lock-rotor test马达堵转测试Low and high temperature test高低温测试Tumbling test 滚筒跌落测试Insulation resistance test绝缘电阻测试Ball pressure test球压测试Screw Torque test螺丝扭力测试Needle flame test针焰试验样品的提供要求1 主测(系列测试)型号准备2-4 只/型号完整的样品;2 如需使用专用工具进行装配的,应随机提供专用工具;3 如产品需要在特殊的负载下正常工作,应同负载一起送样,使产品能够正常工作;4 对于产品需有配件(控制器,连接线缆,软件等)才能正常工作产品,应连接好,使产品能够正常工作;5 对于需要充电器的产品,需要提供充电器,(需在产品上标注充电器不需测试);6 对于变压器等有灌封要求的产品,灌封(SEALED)和不灌封(UNSEALED)样品要分别提供。
设备部分或全部功能丧失,但是不会对使用人员带来危险,Safety is safety norms, at present is refers to the electronic products in the design must be kept and abide by the regulations. Safety features are: safety emphasis on the protection of the use and maintenance personnel, is we use electronic product convenient at the same time, do not let the electronic products bring us at risk, allow equipment part or all function is lost. Equipment part or all function is lost, but will not use personnel to bring the danger,“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,凡是贴有“CE”标志的产品就可在欧盟各成员国内销售,无须符合每个成员国的要求,"CE" mark is a kind of security authentication marks, all labeled "CE" marks of products can be in the European Union members of domestic sales, does not need to meet the requirements of each member,为什么要执行RoHS指令?汞、镉、铅、六价铬、聚溴联苯(PBB)、聚溴二苯醚(PBDE)的成分仍有可能对人类健康和环境形成危险。
专业灯饰英语battery light kit 电池式灯具lamp lens 灯玻璃Acid-proof paint 耐酸涂料/耐酸油漆acoustic reflection shell 声反射罩ambient brightness 室内亮度ambient color 环境色/环境颜色ambient temperature/environment temperature 环境温度ambient thermostatic switch 环境温度恒温ambient vibration 环境振动ambiguity error 模糊误差amethyst/purple 紫色ammeter 电流表ampere 电流安培amplifier/magnifier 放大器anacamptometer 反射计anaclasimeter 屈光检查计angle of adjustment (聚光灯的)调整角度angle of approach light 机场着陆指示灯angle welding 角焊angular dimension 角度标注angular frequency 波长精确度angular frequency 角频率angular unit 角度单位annealing 退火annealing lamp 炼韧灯aperiodic component 非周期部分aperiodic current 非周期电流aperiodic damping 非周期阻尼apex 顶点apparent resistance 视在电阻apparent temperature 表观温度appearance 外观appearance potential spectrometer 出现电热谱仪appearance potentical 出现电位append 附加的applicability 适用性atmosphere pressure 大气压力atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面atrament 黑色物质Auto Re-connect 自动连线color/colour 颜色件derust 除锈EM 电迁fire retardant solution 防火液fireproofing grade 防火等级Firework lamp 烟花灯fitting 装配fixed 固定的fixture/luminaire 灯具flame case hardening 火焰加热表面淬火Floor lamp/standard lamp 落地灯flow 流量flower lamp 花灯FogFractional error 相对误差Fragrance Lamp 香薰灯Frame lamp 架子灯Frame lamp/Worklite(工作灯)支架灯Garden lamp/courtyard lamp/dooryard lamp/yard lamp 庭院灯gardening light 园林灯gas composition test 气体成分试验Gas discharge lamp 气体放电灯glass envelope's outer diameter 玻壳外径Glass shell 镜面外壳glass tube 玻管governor 调速器Grade of Protection 防护等级gradient 倾斜率/梯度graduated filter 渐变滤片grain 微粒Green ground lamp/grassplot lamp 草地灯inner hull 内壳板inner valve spring 气门内弹簧worldlightingtrade Skype即时通讯工具lamp cover 灯罩Lamp cup 灯杯lamp disc/lamp house 灯盘/灯罩lamp driver 灯驱动器lamp embryo 灯胚lamp fittings 灯具配件lamp holder switch 灯头开关Lamp holder/lamp jack/lamp base/lamp cap/socket pin/cap 灯座/管座/灯头/灯泡头/管帽lamp housing 灯壳lamp lumen depreciation factor,LLD 灯管流明降落系数lamp oil 灯油Lamp pole 灯杆lamp ring 灯圈lamp ring 灯圈lamp scale 灯标度lamp seat/lamp carrier 灯座Lamp shade/lamp screen/lamp-chimney/lampshade/smokebell /lamp-house 灯罩lamp shielding angle 电灯遮光角lamp switch 灯开关/电灯开关lamp test 灯测试lampadite 铜锰土lance-shaped knife 枪状刀landing-switch 层位开关Landscape Lamp/Landscape Lighting 景观灯/观景灯lap width 搭接宽度lapjoint 搭接lapping compound 研磨化合物/抛光化合物law of mass action 质量酌定律Lawn lamp 草坪灯/草地灯lay days | | laying days 允许装卸时间layout 布置lazuline 青金石蓝的LCL/less-than-carload 零担的货运LDO 低漏失LDPE 低密度聚乙烯lead 导线/铅lead wire 导线Lead-in 引入线leaf spring center bolt 钢板弹簧中心/螺栓leaf spring center bolt 钢板弹簧中心螺栓leak test 漏泄试验leakage flux 漏通量leather outer cover 皮外罩leather seat cover 皮座套LED 发光二极管led cover LED灯罩LED/Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LED/light-emitting diode LED灯/发光二极管LED's color LED颜色left fork 叉车legend 图例length//footage/linear (or lineal) measure 长度lengthen 拉长/调整长度lens 透镜lens cover 透镜盖Lens Flare 眩光Lens Length 镜头长度lens reflector 透镜反射罩let-down flow rate 下泄流量libration 振动License Agreement 许可协议授权合约light 光light absorption coefficient 吸光系数light centre length 发光中心强度light color 光色LIGHT DEVICE OF PIT INSPECTION 底坑检修照明装置light intensity 光强度light loss factor/LLF/maintenance factor 光损失系数Light Pen 光笔light scantling vessel 轻构船light shield 遮光罩light source filter 光源滤光镜Lighting copper fitting 灯饰铜配件Lighting crystal fitting 灯饰水晶配件Lighting Effect 光照效果lighting equipment 灯饰设备lighting fittings/light fittings 灯饰配件lighting fixture 照明器材line check 小检修line conditioner 线性调节器line contact 线接触Line lamp/track lamp 吊线灯line regulation 线调整率line Supervisor 生产线主管line voltage regulation 电源电压调整率linear absorption coefticient 线性吸收系数Linear fluorescent light tube 荧光灯管Linear light/light linear 走线灯linearity temperature range 线性温度范围Lines (轮船/航空/航运等)公司lining of car 车身衬里linker 连接器liquid honing 液体喷砂法liquid temperature 流体温度liquid-crystal light modulators 液晶调制器load regulation 负载调整率Sorted by Philip from Hunan 由湖南侯松林整理Load Signal 负荷信号load test 负载测试Load testing 负载测试load-balancing 负载平衡load-carrying 承载负载的loading 装载Loading Cable. 装线电缆long perfomance life 使用寿命长久long wave 长波loop 循环loop/turn/winding 线圈mach 马赫/速度单位Mach number 马赫数machine oil 机油macula 黑点magenta 红紫色magnesium bulb/magnesian bulb 镁灯泡Magnet ring 磁环/磁性材料magnetic blow-out arrester 磁吹避雷器magnetic field sensor 磁场传感器maple 淡棕色marble 大理石Marble lamp 石艺灯Marble Stone Lamp 云石灯mark 标记Market Light 超市灯marking/sign 标志maroon 褐红色martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭MA-scope MA型显示massprop 质量特性match 匹配/相符material check list 物料检查表material condition 材质条件/包容条件material condition symbols 包容条件符号/材质条件符号materials 材质Materials Library 材质库materials/stuff/ 材料/材质matte surface 无泽面mauve 紫红max allowable continuous working current 最大允许连续工作电流Max Current/current draw/maximum current 最大电流max deflection of linearity 最大线性偏移Max pressure loss 最大压力损失MAX WATTS 最大功率max working power 最大工作功率MAXmaxwell 麦克斯韦/磁通单位mBGA(Micro Ball Grid Array)微型球栅阵列封装Sorted by Philip from Hunan 由湖南侯松林整理Mean Failure Time MFT 平均故障时间Mean Time Between Failure MTBF 平均故障间隔时间Mean Time To Repair MTTR 平均故障维修时间measure 量具measurement ton,M/T 尺寸吨Measuring of clearance and creepage distance 电气间隙爬电距离测定Measuring of dissipation power 耗散功率的测定Measuring of insulating resistance 绝缘电阻测定Measuring of leakage current 漏电电流测定Measuring of noise 噪音测定Mechanical and electrical durability test 机械寿命和电寿命试验mechanical impurities 机械杂质mechanical lifetime 机械寿命Mechanical Load-Transfer Devices 机械传重设备店Mosquito killer lamp 灭蚊灯most economic control(MEC) 最经济控制most economic observing(MEO), 最经济预测mothermounting height above the work-plane 工作面上安装高度MOV 贴片压敏电阻Movable light-source 可移动光源nominal 名义上的/标称的/额定的Nominal voltage 标称电压nomogram/nomograph 列线图non-aflatoxin certificate 无黄曲霉素证明书Normal Temperature test 温升测试OLGA(Organic Land Grid Array)基板栅格阵列optical colorimetry 目视比色法optical colourimeter 光学色度计optical combiner 光组合器optical valley 光谷optical,mechanical and electronic integration 光机电一体化order polynomial 多项式的Order success rate 订单成功率Ornaments 灯饰工艺摆饰other electron component 其它电子元件outdoor lamp 室外灯具/户外灯具outdoor lighting 室外灯具/户外照明Outdoor wall lamp 户外壁灯primary color 原色(红、蓝、黄)esponse 响应restoration 修理retainer 定位器socket switch 插座式开关/灯头开关。
.EN60335-1: 2002+ A11, A1:
.OEM:显示母证书持有者的名称, 地址, 对于母证书有可
.费用:TUV收取CoCo--LicenseLicense费用为费用为RMB 5200RMB 5200左右左右
..普通PVC线(IEC 60227的53号线—
H05VV-F& H05VVH2-F )可用于质量超
括电压, 频率, 安装条件等, Max. 温控/
Child Safety Test儿童安全测试
Colorfastness Test色牢度测试
Ease of Assembly Test易组装测试
Resistance to Environmental Exposure
Hardness test for cutting edge / blade刃口硬度测试
This is an electronically control document and may not be revised without approval from the document controller. All paper copies are considered to be
No. Test Performed 1 Pedestal Base Strength Test- Static
Lawn and Garden
(Gas Grill/ Gasoline Powered Product/ Electric Gardening Tool/
Ye s
2 Dynamic Load Test (Drop test)扭力测试
3 Static Load Test静载测试
4 Stability Test稳定性测试
5 Strength Test (Arm, Leg, Backrest, etc.)强度测试
6 Flammability Test可燃性测试
7 Ignition Test点火测试
8 Electrical Voltage - Input/Output Test电压输入输出测试
9 Switch Operability Test开关操作测试 10 Leakage Current Test漏电流测试 11 Dielectric Withstand Test 12 Strain Relief Test拉伸疲劳测试 13 Charger Electrical Test充电测试 14 Durability Test耐久测试 15 Temperature Test温度测试 16 Operability Test操作测试 17 Rain Test淋雨测试 18 Corrosion Test耐腐蚀测试 19 Cleanability Test清洁度测试 20 Handle Pull Test手柄拉力测试
安规---必须记好这些load test and short-circuit test 负载试验(短路试验)plugging 反接制动与反向intermittent periodic duty 反复短时工作制feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路luminous intensity 发光强度distributed capacitance 分布电容split phase motor 分相电动机fractional horsepower motor 分马力电动机nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear (circuit) element 非线性(电路)元件nonlinearity 非线性second class load 二级负荷rated condition 额定工况rated value 额定值short-time duty 短时工作制short circuit current 短路电流short circuit 短路series resonance 串联谐振transducer 传感器(变换器)magnetic core 磁心magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetic field 磁场magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通密度superconductor 超导体uninterrupted duty 长期工作制programmed control 程序控制stepping motor 步进电动机parallel resonance 并联谐振differentiation protection 差动保护tachogenerator 测速发电机protective circuit 保护电路open loop control 闭环控制apparent power 表现功率comparator 比较器nominal value 标称值speed governing by frequency convertion 变频调速speed governing by pole changing 变极调速ampere-turns 安匝safety voltage 安全电压semiconductor devices 半导体器件thyristor 半导体开关元件semiconductor 半导体(absolute)magnetic permeability (绝对)磁导率current rating (of cable) [电缆的]载流量breaking capacity (of a switching device or a fuse)[开关电器的或熔断器的]分断能力auxiliary circuit(of a switching device) [开关电器的]辅助电路alternating component (of a pulsating voltage or current)[脉动电压或电流的]交流分量direct component(of a pulsating voltage or current)脉动电压或电流的]直流分量TTL circuitPI TTL电路PI regulatorPID 调节器PID regulatorPD 调节器PD regulator 调节器main circuit 主电路neutral point 中性点medium frequency 中频active power 有功功率active element 有源元件first class load 一级负荷hard magnetic material 硬磁材料direct control 直接控制direct coupling 直接耦合remote control 遥控sine wave 正弦波rectiffication 整流illuminance 照度operational amplifier 运算放大器load rate 用电负荷率piezoelectric effect 压电效应selector 选择器oxidation stability 氧化稳定性couplingMOS 耦合MOS circuit 电路linear control system 线性控制系统linear(circuit)element 线性(电路)元件linearity 线性gas protection 瓦斯保护reactive power 无功功率passive element 无源元件eddy current 涡流synchronous speed 同步转速on-load factor 通电持续率micromotor 微电机differentiator 微分电路regulated power supply 稳压电源voltage stabilizing circuit 稳压电路sequential order of the phases,phase sequence 相序phase 相位(位相,相角)phase displacement 相位移temperature rise 温升connection diagram of windings 绕组联结圈winding 绕组servo system 随动系统detuning 失调distortion 失真digital integrated circuit 数字集成电路digital display 数字显示digital quantity 数字量capacitive reactance 容抗third class load 三级负荷three-phase and three-wire sysyem 三相三线制three-phase and four-wire system 三相四线制soft magnetic material 软磁材料thermo-electric effect 热电效应thermal stability 热稳定性thermistor 热敏电阻servomotor 伺服电动机servo mechanism 伺服机构output 输出input 输入flashover,arc-over 闪络D filp flop D触发器DTL circuit DTL电路logic circuit 逻辑电路excitation 励磁(激磁)contravariant 逆变bus,busbar 母线(汇流排)continuous control 连续控制continuous system 连续系统interlock 连锁connection symbol 联结组标号torque motor 力矩电动机analog quantity 模拟量potential drop of internal resistance 内阻压降whirling speeds 临界转速full load 满载pulsating current 脉动电流pulsating voltage 脉动电压pulser,pulse generator 脉冲发生器puncture test 耐压试验ideal inductor 理想电感器ideal resistor 理想电阻器ideal voltage source 理想电压源ideal capacitor 理想电容器ideal current source 理想电流源ideal amplifier 理想放大器ideal transformer 理想变压器temperature classification,thermal stability classification 耐热等级filtering,filtration 滤波discrete system 离散系统zero-sequence protection 零序保护load,charge 负载(负荷)inductosyn 感应同步器induced voltage 感应电压inductive reactance 感抗high frepuency 高频photoelectric effect 光电效应overcurrent protection 过电流保护overvoltage protection 过电压保护mains frequency 工频power factor 功率因数constant control system 恒值控制系统phasing 核相(定相)glow discharge 辉光放电fundamental wave 基波integrator 积分电路mutual induction 互感应commutation 换向change-over switching 换接parasitic capacitance 寄生电容detector 检测装置relay protection 继电保护skin effect 集肤效应coercive force 矫顽力demodulation 解调dielectric loss 介质损耗contact voltage 接触电压contact resistance 接触电阻earth fault 接地故障ground device 接地装置resistance of an earthed conductor,earthing resistance 接地电阻cut-off 截止partial discharge 局部放电insulation resistance 绝缘电阻absorptance(absorption ratio) of insulation resistance 绝缘电阻的吸收比step vlotage 跨步电压programmable logic controllers 可编程序控制器no-load test 空载试验noload operation 空载运行open-circuit voltage 开路电压open loop control 开环控制diamagnetism 抗磁性control circuit 控制电器shielded cable 屏蔽电缆gas chromatograph test 气相色谱试验gas conduction 气体导电air gap 气隙signal circuit 信号电路small-power motor 小功率电动机resonance 谐振harmonic 谐波impedance 阻抗optimum control 最优控制autonomous control 自治调节synchro,selsyn 自整角机automatic reclosing equipment 自动重合闸automatic protection device 自动保护装置automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic regulating system 自动调节系统slip 转差率electric circuit 电路electric current 电流bridge 电桥armature reaction 电枢反应voltage,electric potential difference 电压(电位差)electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕(放电)power supply 电源electric field 电场electromagnetic wave 电磁波electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotive force 电动势inductor 电感线圈electric arc 电弧electric spark 电火花electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀dielectric 电介质reactance 电抗clearance 电气间隙electronic approach switch 电子接近开关conductance 电导equivalent electric circuit 等效电路earth,ground 地speed regulation,speed governing 调速speed governing system 调速系统range of speed regulation 调速范围speed governing by voltage regulation 调压调速modulation 调制amplitude modulation 调幅frequency modulation 调频2、IEC试验室产品Abrasion test 磨损测试设备Apparatus for burning test (vertical and horizontal) 水平垂直燃烧测试设备Apparatus for production testing of hand tools for live working 手动测试工具Apparatus for winding a flexible pipe 软管弯折试验设备Appliance couplers test equipment (various) 各类测试连接器Automatic & manual production test equipment - for final control 自动/手动产品测试设备- 出厂控制Ball-pressure test apparatus 球压测试装置Bending equipment for conduits 管路弯折设备Bump test 冲击测试Burning test, horiz. 燃烧测试(水平)Cable test apparatus (various) 各类线缆测试Draining current measuring equipment 损耗电流测试设备Drip proof test(special) 淋浴测试Drop test 跌落测试Dust chamber 防尘箱Dynamometers 功率计Earth bond resistance tester Earthing resistance test appliance 接地电阻测试设备Electric resistance of non-metallic materials 非金属材料的电阻测试Gauges and similar mechanical checking devices 量规或类似测试装置Electrode arrangements 测试电极装置Flexing test equipment 弯折试验Fume cupboard (protective cabinet) 防护罩Flexing test apparatus for cables 线缆弯折试验装置Flame hoods 燃烧罩Endurance test appliance for plugs 插头寿命测试Equipment for testing refrigerators 冰箱测试设备Endurance test appliance 寿命测试Gauges for appliance inlets Gauges for finished lamps 灯具量规Gauges for lampholders 灯座量规Hot wire ignition test 热丝引燃测试Hipot testers Hot mandrel test apparatus 高压机High voltage test appliance 耐压测试High frequency spark generator 高频火花发生器High current transformers 高电流变送器High current arc ignition test 大电流起弧测试Heating tests 高温测试Heating cabinets 高温试验箱Hand held shower 手持花洒Ground continuity testers 接地电阻测试Gauges for plugs and sockets 插头插座量规Humidity chambers 横湿箱Gauges for starters 发动机量规Impact balls 冲击球Glass vessel for microwave oven testing 微波炉测试的玻璃容器Impact hammers 冲击锤Glow-wire test apparatus 灼热丝测试设备Impact weight apparatus Inductive loads 电感负载Jet nozzles 喷嘴Lampholder testing apparatus (various) 各类灯座测试设备Kit bunsen burner/ needle flame test 燃烧测试套件(本申/ 针焰)Leakage current test appliance 泄露电流测试设备Laboratory power supply with isolation and regulation 可控分离实验室电源Loading weights (various) 各类负重Laboratory stablized power supply unit 稳压源Luminaries testing equipment (various) 照明测试设备Measuring equipment for testing switches and socket-outlets (with DPM) 测试开关和插头插座测试设备Megohmeter 兆欧表Mechanical resistance testing apparatus for el. Irons Mechanismus for burning tests (vert. And horiz.) 水平或垂直燃烧机架Needle flame burners 针焰燃烧工具Needle flame miniature burner 微型针焰燃烧工具Surge test circuit 浪涌测试Needle flame tester 针焰测试Resistance loads 电阻负载Scratch test equipment 刮擦测试设备Power sources 电源Probe for measuring surface temperature 表面温度探头Pendulum hammer 摆锤Plugs for endurance tests of socket-outlets 插头插座寿命测试Needle flame thermometer 针焰温度表Plugs and socket test equipment (various) 各类插头插座设备Splash testing apparatus 溅水测试Pendulum impact test apparatus 摆锤冲击测试Spray apparatus, tubes 喷水测试Solderability test apparatus 可焊性的测试设备Standard test enclosure 标准测试附件Temperature during operation, measuring equipment 温度测试Thermocouples 热电偶Temperature measurement 温度测试Test apparatus for IP tests IP 测试Torque test equipment 扭力测试Test finger nail 测试指甲Test panes for hob elements 燃气炉测试盘Test fingers 测试指Torsion apparatus 扭转测试Test hook 测试钩Tracking index apparatus 漏电起痕测试仪Test knifes 测试刀模Water evaporator 水蒸发器Test pin 测试真Tumbling barrel 滚筒试验装置Test probe 测试探头Variacs Vessel for testing induction hotplates 测试热传导的容器3、设备修理corrective maintenance 改善修理back repair rate 返修率stepped(sizing) repair 分级修理decentralized maintenance system 分散修理制waste and ungraded product and back repair loss 废次品及返修损失unscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间periodic repair task 定期修理作业periodic repair 定期维修法location accuracy 定位精度transmission accuracy 传动精度revision of overhaul plan 大修计划修改assesment of overhaul plan 大修计划考核overhaul planning 大修计划编制basis of overhaul plan 大修计划依据fulfilment rate of overhaul plan 大修计划完成率implementation of overhaul plan 大修计划实施overhaul cost 大修费用overhaul cost 大修成本构成overhaul cost analysis 大修成本分析fulfilment rate of overhaul cost 大修成本完成率overhaul guarantee 大修保修interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle 大修周期guarantee system of overhaul quality 大修质量保证体系overhaul quality evaluation 大修理质量评定overhaul quality control 大修理质量控制overhaul,capital repair 大修assembly repair 部件修理法partial repair 部分修理法compensation method 补偿法production program of spqre parts 备件生产计划stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 标准尺寸修理法“eight steps”method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修(状态监测维修)quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络计划maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔(正常运行时间)economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济分析maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步修理法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修(项目修理)repair on commission 外委修理(TPM)total production maintenance system 全员参加的生产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备修理计划acceptance check for equipment repair 设备修理验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度修理计划technical check of equipment 设备技术考核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修计划monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度修理计划equipment maintenance plan 设备维修计划three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修计划annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度修理计划breakdown maintenance 事后修理first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动计划MIS maintenance 管理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性修理rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间(分厂)maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 检验centralized maintenance system 集中修理制geometric accuracy 几何精度seasonal repair 季节性修理repair out of plan 计划外修理scheduled maintenance 计划维修planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制planned repair 计划修理contact accuracy 接触精度emergency repair task 紧急修理作业machining and fitting method on the spot 就地加工修配法precision index 精度指数accuracy standard 精度标准precision retaining ability 精度保持性precision reserve 精度储备fine repair 精修fine repair mechanic 精修技工economic accuracy 经济精度balancing precision grade 平衡精度等级mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time 平均修理时间minor repair 小修fitting method 修配法repair link 修配环repair specification 修理任务书repair rasks dispatch 修理施工调度repair time, shutdown time 修理时间downtime quota for equipment repair 修理停歇时间定额repair facilities 修理用设备repair quality 修理质量repair quality index 修理质量指标repair quality plan 修理质量计划repair quality assessment 修理质量考核repair symbols 修理标识repair cost assessment 修理成本考核repair size 修理尺寸repair quota 修理定额repair cost quota 修理费用定额repair scheme 修理方案repair manhour quota 修理工时定额repair manhours assessment 修理工时考核repair technology 修理工艺maintenance engineering truck 修理工程车maintenance tool 修理工具repair time limit assessment 修理工期考核repair assessment 修理考核inspection before repair 修前预检measuring and drawing before repair 修前测绘inquiry before repair 修前访问service after repair 修后服务optimum repair cycle 最优修理周期assembly accuracy 装配精度electric repair shop 电修车间(分厂)maintenance electrician 电修技工repair cost accounting for single equipment 单台设备修理费用核算adjustment method 调整法adjusting link 调整环4、设备管理probability 概率(几率)variance 方差decentralized maintenance 分散维修dynamic test 动态试验power facilities management 动力设备设施管理duct-proof and protective equipment management 除尘、防护设备管理sampling investigation 抽样调查domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理standard deviation 标准偏差budget of installation 安装预算machine contracting system 包机制regulation of check and lubrication before on shift 班前检查与润滑制度shift relief system [设备]交接班制度《Equipment Management Regulation》《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《repair [设备]修理maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修key-point investigation 重点调查management of key-point equipment 重点设备管理key-point equipment 重点设备liability accident 责任事故exponential distribution 指数分布histogram 直方图prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付prophylactic test 预防性试验prevention first 预防为主orthogonal design 正交设计法(正交试验法)normal distribution 正态分布transportation vehicle management system 运输车辆管理制度three guarantees of quality 质量“三包”accident due to quality 质量事故management regulation of pressure vessel 压力容器管理制度mean time to failure 无故障运行时间Weibull distribution 威布尔分布idle equipment management 闲置设备管理制度idle plant 闲置设备statistical analysis 统计分析maintainability 维修性maintenance information management 维修信息管理combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合random event 随机事件numerical control (NC) equipment management 数控设备管理three-level service system 三级保养制mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical model 数学模型mathematical statistics 数理统计technical facilities in production 生产技术装备production equipment 生产设备life cycle cost (LCC) 寿命周期费用mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse 润滑油库管理制度commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合investigation on plant 设备调研reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比plant check system 设备点检制度environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性complete set of plant 设备的成套性safety of plant 设备的安全性productivity of plant 设备的生产率durability of plant 设备的耐用性flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage 设备状态监测与诊断技术管理equipment condition management systen 设备状态管理制度total plant management 设备综合管理dynamic management system of plant assets 设备资产动态管理制度plant leasing 设备租赁preparation system before equipment repair 设备修前准备制度man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备修理工时定额expense quota for equipment repair 设备修理费用定额material quota for equipment repair 设备修理材料定额acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度equipment model 设备型号type of equipment 设备型式economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命operation and business management system 设备经营管理制度technical document of plant 设备技术档案technical conditions of equipment 设备技术状况technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态管理management system for technical document and file of plant 设备技术资料管理制度technical properties of plant 设备技术性能technical life of equipment 设备技术寿命specialized cooperation of plant maintenance 设备检修专业化协作planning and management regulation of plant maintenance 设备检修计划管理制度plant maintenance plan 设备检修计划plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工management of equipment order contract 设备合同管理feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性分析investment plan of plant 设备规划performance of plant 设备功能(效能)operational capability of plant 设备工作能力examination and check systems of plant management 设备管理考核制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management 设备管理经济责任制度post standard of plant management 设备管理岗位标准plant management systems 设备管理制度downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)plant engineering modernization 设备管理现代化plant management, plant enginerring 设备管理fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产管理制度equipment failure 设备故障plant renewal management 设备更新管理制度plant renewal 设备更新plant replacement 设备更换post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任equipment modification management system 设备改造管理制度plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造classified management of plant 设备分级管理operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq 设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines”of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律”operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件管理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory 设备备件库房管理制度to quote plant price 设备报价discard of plant 设备报废equipment installation management 设备安装管理equipment installation 设备安装tours system to inspect plant 设备巡回检查制度to enquire plant price 设备询价plant model selection 设备选型acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度statistic-reporting system of plant 设备统计报表制度technical document and date for plant maintenance 设备维修技术资料management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术管理制度equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额equipment service specification 设备维护规程unit account of plant 设备台帐equipment perfectness norm 设备完好标准plant in good condition 设备完好claims for equipment 设备索赔specifications of usage 设备使用规程information feedback management in initial operation period of pl 设备使用初期信息反馈管理management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护管理制度life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程管理life of equipment 设备寿命lubrication management regulation of plant 设备润滑管理制度“five fixation” of lubrication 设备润滑“五定”accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度three do not let pass of plant accident 设备事故“三不放过”plant accident 设备事故region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期管理和后期管理regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期管理规定wear compensation for plant 设备磨损补偿plant ageing 设备老化arithmetic mean 算术平均值(均值)coercionary service system 强制保养制effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数economic management system of plant 设备经济管理制度excellence selection activity in plant management 设备管理评优活动Pareto chart 排列图(帕累托图)load test 负荷试验breakdown time 故障停机时间technological adaptability 工艺适应性supervision of engineering facilities 工程设备监理management of proccess-control-point equipment 工序控制点设备管理contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除combined maintenance 混合维修regression analysis 回归分析interval between inspections 检查间隔期socialization of maintenance 检修社会化centralized maintenance 集中维修technical advancement 技术先进性combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合computer-aided plant management 计算机辅助设备管理P)planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制度(ЛЛFOB of imported equipment 进口设备离岸价imported equipment management 进口设备管理CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备management of precise,large scale,rare equipment 精、大、稀设备管理“five fixed” of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定”economy 经济性static test 静态试验open-case inspection 开箱检查average deviation 平均偏差mean waiting time,MWT 平均等待时间repair cycle 修理周期structure of repair cycle 修理周期结构combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数time between repairs 修理间隔期leased equipment management system 租赁设备管理制度time value of fund 资金的时间价值natural accident 自然事故self-made equipment 自制设备management system for selfmade equipment 自制设备管理制度self-made spare parts management system 自制备件管理制度combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合transfer of facility 转让设备(设备调剂)typical investigation 典型调查areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心recovery ratio of used oil 废油回收率perfectness ratio of power plant 动力设备完好率fulfillment ratio of periodic service 定期保养完成率mean downtime(days) due to overhaul 大修理平均停歇天数perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率qualification ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率availability of plant in use 在用设备可利用率utilization ratio of installed equipments 已安装设备利用率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 万元固定资产年创利润率maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value 万元产值占用维修费用installation ratio of owned equipments 实有设备安装率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备资产投资回收期newness degree of plant 设备新度profit ratio vs net book value of plant 设备净资产创利润率utilization ratio of planned time of plant 设备计划台时利用率constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比load rate of plant 设备负荷率back repair rate 设备返修率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant 设备制度台时利用率idelness ratio of plant 设备闲置率plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比perfectness ratio of plant 设备完好率plant daily service fulfillment ratio 设备日常保养完成率incident frequency 设备事故频率utilization ratio 设备利用率down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故[故障]停机率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan 清洗换油计划完成率mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair 每个修理复杂系数平均大修理成本maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient 每个复杂系数占用维修费用industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 每万元固定资产创工业增加值率failure intensity 故障强度failure frequency 故障频率perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments 精大稀设备完好率availability 可利用率(有效利用率)mean down time,MDT 平均停机时间mean time between failture 平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间fulfillment ratio of repair plan 修理计划完成率。
风扇安规中英文版 UL507
Part 1 – General Requirements, for all product 通用部分;
Part 2 – For specific product types 特殊类型产品. Consist of:
-Section 1 – Mechanical Construction, 机械结构; -Section 2 – Electrical Construction, 电气结构; -Section 3 – Components, 零部件; -Section 4 – Safety Test, 测试; -Section 5 – Marking and Instructions,铭牌、说明书。
Section 1 – Mechanical Construction
Accessibility of Live Parts 在检查器具是否符合标准要求时,一般,不用工具可以拆卸的部件应该被拆卸。过滤 器的过滤网,即使需要工具来拆卸,也应该拆卸后进行检查。该手指测试时不能施加 外力。 UL 测试手指 CSA 测试探针
Push Back Relief Test
Tests of Switches and Controls/ Overload Impact Test on Guards # Static Force Test on Guards
Impeller Test for Portable Fans/ Impeller Test for Freestanding Fans and Window Fans #
Drop Test # Security of Handle Test Stability Test # Abnormal Temperature Probe Test # Resistance to Impact Test
Approved by/date
测试仪器Test apparatus
仪器编号Number of the apparatus
Test item
Test method and requirement
Test result判定Βιβλιοθήκη VerdictNG
试验后样机处理(The sample disposaled of after the test):
of test samples
Sign for date
Test date
Temp. Humd.
Test purpose
[]性能测试(performance test)[]安规测试(safety test)[]可靠性测试(Reliability test)[]作为设计参考数据(as design
产品实验报告(Product test report)
版本version:A3表格编号table number:LC/QR-23-001
Product Name
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SAFETY(安规)测试规范1.目的Purpose依据国际标准(IEC)&国标(GB)执行产品之高压(Hi-pot)与接地(Grounding),漏电流(Leakage Current)测试,以验证产品设计是否符合安规要求.2.适用范围Scope凡Monitor厂所设计生产之液晶显示器(LCD Monitor)皆适用.3.权责Authority and Responsibility3.1QRE: 执行测试,并对问题点提报及对策改善追踪;3.2工程部: 工程问题分析及对策;3.3研发部: 设计问题分析及对策.4.名词定义Terms Definition4.1 Hi-pot Test: 高压测试;4.2 Grounding Test: 接地测试4.3 Leakage Current Test: 漏电流测试4.4 Insulation Resistance Test:绝缘阻抗测试5.作业流程Operation FlowNA6.作业内容Operation Description6.1测试仪器设备:安归测试仪(EXTECH 7442);6.2 测试条件与规格(以下测试如客户有要求﹐则依照客户规格执行)6.2.1. Hi-pot Test高压测试(一次侧接地):-电压1500V~4242V-高压电流:3500 uA(Max);-测试时间:60秒6.2.2. Grounding T est接地测试:-主接地(产品电源插座)至二次侧GND(信号线夹具):电流25A/30A;-阻抗须小于0.1欧姆;-测试时间:60秒/120秒(以CB Report或国际标准作参考).6.2.3. Leakage Current Test漏电流测试:-输入电压: 242V 被测机台POWER ON-允许最大电流值:: 3.5 mA;-测试时间: 60秒钟.6.3测试程序6.3.1 测试前必须检查仪器功能,如:发光发声,RESET功能键等;校准测试电压,漏电限流,时间等6.3.2 连接条件测试于机台电源线的平行刀插头和所有可及的金属部分,测试前及测试过程中,接触点需保持良好6.3.3 Hi-pot & Grounding Test测试方法1)将POWER开关置于”开”的位置,电源指示灯(GREEN)亮;2)依测试要求设定第一步为高压测试之测试参数;3)依测试要求设定第二步接地测试之测试参数;4)参数设定OK进行产品测试,将高压与接地测试线插入测试产品电源座,接地线之具与信号线连接好;5)连接线OK,则按START(ON)键,测试人员观察读数是否正常,欧姆指数须小于0.1欧姆;6)若产品测试NG则蜂鸣器响,按重置钮(RESET)晌声停止;若测试OK,则亮绿灯;7)测试完毕,记录报表.6.4. Leakage Current Test 测试方法6.4.1连接好被测机台(用AC变频器输出不同测试电压),设定好测试时间:静态,动态分别为30秒钟;6.4.2先将被测机台置于POWER ON状态,AC变频器输出电压为242V,按START键开始测试;6.4.3将AC变频器输出电压为242V, 按START键开始测试漏电流值;6.4.4将被测机台置于POWER OFF状态AC变频器输出电压为242V,按START键开始测试;6.4.5将AC变频器输出电压为242V, 按START键开始测试漏电流值;6.4.6记录各步之测试结果.6.5 Insulation Resistance Test测试方法6.5.1连接好被测机台(用AC变频器输出不同测试电压),设定好测试时间.6.5.2先将被测机台置于POWER ON状态,AC变频器输出电压为242V,按START键开始测试;6.6. 测试不良处理6.6.1高压或接地测试不良应立即通知生产线,品保安规负责人员及工程单位分析原因,不论其为人为因素,或材料不良均能采取立即改善行动;6.6.2将此批产品全部重工,并重新作高压与接地测试OK后,方可出货.7 .参考资料Concerned DocumentsNA8.附录Attachment8.1附录一Safety Test Report(MH3QM032-01)﹐共一页。
load test and short-circuit test 负载试验(短路试验)plugging 反接制动与反向intermittent periodic duty 反复短时工作制feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路luminous intensity 发光强度distributed capacitance 分布电容split phase motor 分相电动机fractional horsepower motor 分马力电动机nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear (circuit) element 非线性(电路)元件nonlinearity 非线性second class load 二级负荷rated condition 额定工况rated value 额定值short-time duty 短时工作制short circuit current 短路电流short circuit 短路series resonance 串联谐振transducer 传感器(变换器)magnetic core 磁心magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetic field 磁场magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通密度superconductor 超导体uninterrupted duty 长期工作制programmed control 程序控制stepping motor 步进电动机parallel resonance 并联谐振differentiation protection 差动保护tachogenerator 测速发电机protective circuit 保护电路open loop control 闭环控制apparent power 表现功率comparator 比较器nominal value 标称值speed governing by frequency convertion 变频调速speed governing by pole changing 变极调速ampere-turns 安匝safety voltage 安全电压semiconductor devices 半导体器件thyristor 半导体开关元件semiconductor 半导体(absolute)magnetic permeability (绝对)磁导率current rating (of cable) [电缆的]载流量breaking capacity (of a switching device or a fuse)[开关电器的或熔断器的]分断能力auxiliary circuit(of a switching device) [开关电器的]辅助电路alternating component (of a pulsating voltage or current)[脉动电压或电流的]交流分量direct component(of a pulsating voltage or current)脉动电压或电流的]直流分量TTL circuitPI TTL电路PI regulatorPID 调节器PID regulatorPD 调节器PD regulator 调节器main circuit 主电路neutral point 中性点medium frequency 中频active power 有功功率active element 有源元件first class load 一级负荷hard magnetic material 硬磁材料direct control 直接控制direct coupling 直接耦合remote control 遥控sine wave 正弦波rectiffication 整流illuminance 照度operational amplifier 运算放大器load rate 用电负荷率piezoelectric effect 压电效应selector 选择器oxidation stability 氧化稳定性couplingMOS 耦合MOS circuit 电路linear control system 线性控制系统linear(circuit)element 线性(电路)元件linearity 线性gas protection 瓦斯保护reactive power 无功功率passive element 无源元件eddy current 涡流synchronous speed 同步转速on-load factor 通电持续率micromotor 微电机differentiator 微分电路regulated power supply 稳压电源voltage stabilizing circuit 稳压电路sequential order of the phases,phase sequence 相序phase 相位(位相,相角)phase displacement 相位移temperature rise 温升connection diagram of windings 绕组联结圈winding 绕组servo system 随动系统detuning 失调distortion 失真digital integrated circuit 数字集成电路digital display 数字显示digital quantity 数字量capacitive reactance 容抗third class load 三级负荷three-phase and three-wire sysyem 三相三线制three-phase and four-wire system 三相四线制soft magnetic material 软磁材料thermo-electric effect 热电效应thermal stability 热稳定性thermistor 热敏电阻servomotor 伺服电动机servo mechanism 伺服机构output 输出input 输入flashover,arc-over 闪络D filp flop D触发器DTL circuit DTL电路logic circuit 逻辑电路excitation 励磁(激磁)contravariant 逆变bus,busbar 母线(汇流排)continuous control 连续控制continuous system 连续系统interlock 连锁connection symbol 联结组标号torque motor 力矩电动机analog quantity 模拟量potential drop of internal resistance 内阻压降whirling speeds 临界转速full load 满载pulsating current 脉动电流pulsating voltage 脉动电压pulser,pulse generator 脉冲发生器puncture test 耐压试验ideal inductor 理想电感器ideal resistor 理想电阻器ideal voltage source 理想电压源ideal capacitor 理想电容器ideal current source 理想电流源ideal amplifier 理想放大器ideal transformer 理想变压器temperature classification,thermal stability classification 耐热等级filtering,filtration 滤波discrete system 离散系统zero-sequence protection 零序保护load,charge 负载(负荷)inductosyn 感应同步器induced voltage 感应电压inductive reactance 感抗high frepuency 高频photoelectric effect 光电效应overcurrent protection 过电流保护overvoltage protection 过电压保护mains frequency 工频power factor 功率因数constant control system 恒值控制系统phasing 核相(定相)glow discharge 辉光放电fundamental wave 基波integrator 积分电路mutual induction 互感应commutation 换向change-over switching 换接parasitic capacitance 寄生电容detector 检测装置relay protection 继电保护skin effect 集肤效应coercive force 矫顽力demodulation 解调dielectric loss 介质损耗contact voltage 接触电压contact resistance 接触电阻earth fault 接地故障ground device 接地装置resistance of an earthed conductor,earthing resistance 接地电阻cut-off 截止partial discharge 局部放电insulation resistance 绝缘电阻absorptance(absorption ratio) of insulation resistance 绝缘电阻的吸收比step vlotage 跨步电压programmable logic controllers 可编程序控制器no-load test 空载试验noload operation 空载运行open-circuit voltage 开路电压open loop control 开环控制diamagnetism 抗磁性control circuit 控制电器shielded cable 屏蔽电缆gas chromatograph test 气相色谱试验gas conduction 气体导电air gap 气隙signal circuit 信号电路small-power motor 小功率电动机resonance 谐振harmonic 谐波impedance 阻抗optimum control 最优控制autonomous control 自治调节synchro,selsyn 自整角机automatic reclosing equipment 自动重合闸automatic protection device 自动保护装置automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic regulating system 自动调节系统slip 转差率electric circuit 电路electric current 电流bridge 电桥armature reaction 电枢反应voltage,electric potential difference 电压(电位差)electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕(放电)power supply 电源electric field 电场electromagnetic wave 电磁波electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotive force 电动势inductor 电感线圈electric arc 电弧electric spark 电火花electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀dielectric 电介质reactance 电抗clearance 电气间隙electronic approach switch 电子接近开关conductance 电导equivalent electric circuit 等效电路earth,ground 地speed regulation,speed governing 调速speed governing system 调速系统range of speed regulation 调速范围speed governing by voltage regulation 调压调速modulation 调制amplitude modulation 调幅frequency modulation 调频2、IEC试验室产品Abrasion test 磨损测试设备Apparatus for burning test (vertical and horizontal) 水平垂直燃烧测试设备Apparatus for production testing of hand tools for live working 手动测试工具Apparatus for winding a flexible pipe 软管弯折试验设备Appliance couplers test equipment (various) 各类测试连接器Automatic & manual production test equipment - for final control 自动/手动产品测试设备- 出厂控制Ball-pressure test apparatus 球压测试装置Bending equipment for conduits 管路弯折设备Bump test 冲击测试Burning test, horiz. 燃烧测试(水平)Cable test apparatus (various) 各类线缆测试Draining current measuring equipment 损耗电流测试设备Drip proof test(special) 淋浴测试Drop test 跌落测试Dust chamber 防尘箱Dynamometers 功率计Earth bond resistance tester Earthing resistance test appliance 接地电阻测试设备Electric resistance of non-metallic materials 非金属材料的电阻测试Gauges and similar mechanical checking devices 量规或类似测试装置Electrode arrangements 测试电极装置Flexing test equipment 弯折试验Fume cupboard (protective cabinet) 防护罩Flexing test apparatus for cables 线缆弯折试验装置Flame hoods 燃烧罩Endurance test appliance for plugs 插头寿命测试Equipment for testing refrigerators 冰箱测试设备Endurance test appliance 寿命测试Gauges for appliance inlets Gauges for finished lamps 灯具量规Gauges for lampholders 灯座量规Hot wire ignition test 热丝引燃测试Hipot testers Hot mandrel test apparatus 高压机High voltage test appliance 耐压测试High frequency spark generator 高频火花发生器High current transformers 高电流变送器High current arc ignition test 大电流起弧测试Heating tests 高温测试Heating cabinets 高温试验箱Hand held shower 手持花洒Ground continuity testers 接地电阻测试Gauges for plugs and sockets 插头插座量规Humidity chambers 横湿箱Gauges for starters 发动机量规Impact balls 冲击球Glass vessel for microwave oven testing 微波炉测试的玻璃容器Impact hammers 冲击锤Glow-wire test apparatus 灼热丝测试设备Impact weight apparatus Inductive loads 电感负载Jet nozzles 喷嘴Lampholder testing apparatus (various) 各类灯座测试设备Kit bunsen burner/ needle flame test 燃烧测试套件(本申/ 针焰)Leakage current test appliance 泄露电流测试设备Laboratory power supply with isolation and regulation 可控分离实验室电源Loading weights (various) 各类负重Laboratory stablized power supply unit 稳压源Luminaries testing equipment (various) 照明测试设备Measuring equipment for testing switches and socket-outlets (with DPM) 测试开关和插头插座测试设备Megohmeter 兆欧表Mechanical resistance testing apparatus for el. Irons Mechanismus for burning tests (vert. And horiz.) 水平或垂直燃烧机架Needle flame burners 针焰燃烧工具Needle flame miniature burner 微型针焰燃烧工具Surge test circuit 浪涌测试Needle flame tester 针焰测试Resistance loads 电阻负载Scratch test equipment 刮擦测试设备Power sources 电源Probe for measuring surface temperature 表面温度探头Pendulum hammer 摆锤Plugs for endurance tests of socket-outlets 插头插座寿命测试Needle flame thermometer 针焰温度表Plugs and socket test equipment (various) 各类插头插座设备Splash testing apparatus 溅水测试Pendulum impact test apparatus 摆锤冲击测试Spray apparatus, tubes 喷水测试Solderability test apparatus 可焊性的测试设备Standard test enclosure 标准测试附件Temperature during operation, measuring equipment 温度测试Thermocouples 热电偶Temperature measurement 温度测试Test apparatus for IP tests IP 测试Torque test equipment 扭力测试Test finger nail 测试指甲Test panes for hob elements 燃气炉测试盘Test fingers 测试指Torsion apparatus 扭转测试Test hook 测试钩Tracking index apparatus 漏电起痕测试仪Test knifes 测试刀模Water evaporator 水蒸发器Test pin 测试真Tumbling barrel 滚筒试验装置Test probe 测试探头Variacs Vessel for testing induction hotplates 测试热传导的容器3、设备修理corrective maintenance 改善修理back repair rate 返修率stepped(sizing) repair 分级修理decentralized maintenance system 分散修理制waste and ungraded product and back repair loss 废次品及返修损失unscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间periodic repair task 定期修理作业periodic repair 定期维修法location accuracy 定位精度transmission accuracy 传动精度revision of overhaul plan 大修计划修改assesment of overhaul plan 大修计划考核overhaul planning 大修计划编制basis of overhaul plan 大修计划依据fulfilment rate of overhaul plan 大修计划完成率implementation of overhaul plan 大修计划实施overhaul cost 大修费用overhaul cost 大修成本构成overhaul cost analysis 大修成本分析fulfilment rate of overhaul cost 大修成本完成率overhaul guarantee 大修保修interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle 大修周期guarantee system of overhaul quality 大修质量保证体系overhaul quality evaluation 大修理质量评定overhaul quality control 大修理质量控制overhaul,capital repair 大修assembly repair 部件修理法partial repair 部分修理法compensation method 补偿法production program of spqre parts 备件生产计划stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 标准尺寸修理法“eight steps”method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修(状态监测维修)quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络计划maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔(正常运行时间)economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济分析maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步修理法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修(项目修理)repair on commission 外委修理(TPM)total production maintenance system 全员参加的生产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备修理计划acceptance check for equipment repair 设备修理验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度修理计划technical check of equipment 设备技术考核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修计划monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度修理计划equipment maintenance plan 设备维修计划three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修计划annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度修理计划breakdown maintenance 事后修理first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动计划MIS maintenance 管理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性修理rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间(分厂)maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 检验centralized maintenance system 集中修理制geometric accuracy 几何精度seasonal repair 季节性修理repair out of plan 计划外修理scheduled maintenance 计划维修planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制planned repair 计划修理contact accuracy 接触精度emergency repair task 紧急修理作业machining and fitting method on the spot 就地加工修配法precision index 精度指数accuracy standard 精度标准precision retaining ability 精度保持性precision reserve 精度储备fine repair 精修fine repair mechanic 精修技工economic accuracy 经济精度balancing precision grade 平衡精度等级mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time 平均修理时间minor repair 小修fitting method 修配法repair link 修配环repair specification 修理任务书repair rasks dispatch 修理施工调度repair time, shutdown time 修理时间downtime quota for equipment repair 修理停歇时间定额repair facilities 修理用设备repair quality 修理质量repair quality index 修理质量指标repair quality plan 修理质量计划repair quality assessment 修理质量考核repair symbols 修理标识repair cost assessment 修理成本考核repair size 修理尺寸repair quota 修理定额repair cost quota 修理费用定额repair scheme 修理方案repair manhour quota 修理工时定额repair manhours assessment 修理工时考核repair technology 修理工艺maintenance engineering truck 修理工程车maintenance tool 修理工具repair time limit assessment 修理工期考核repair assessment 修理考核inspection before repair 修前预检measuring and drawing before repair 修前测绘inquiry before repair 修前访问service after repair 修后服务optimum repair cycle 最优修理周期assembly accuracy 装配精度electric repair shop 电修车间(分厂)maintenance electrician 电修技工repair cost accounting for single equipment 单台设备修理费用核算adjustment method 调整法adjusting link 调整环4、设备管理probability 概率(几率)variance 方差decentralized maintenance 分散维修dynamic test 动态试验power facilities management 动力设备设施管理duct-proof and protective equipment management 除尘、防护设备管理sampling investigation 抽样调查domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理standard deviation 标准偏差budget of installation 安装预算machine contracting system 包机制regulation of check and lubrication before on shift 班前检查与润滑制度shift relief system [设备]交接班制度《Equipment Management Regulation》《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《repair [设备]修理maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修key-point investigation 重点调查management of key-point equipment 重点设备管理key-point equipment 重点设备liability accident 责任事故exponential distribution 指数分布histogram 直方图prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付prophylactic test 预防性试验prevention first 预防为主orthogonal design 正交设计法(正交试验法)normal distribution 正态分布transportation vehicle management system 运输车辆管理制度three guarantees of quality 质量“三包”accident due to quality 质量事故management regulation of pressure vessel 压力容器管理制度mean time to failure 无故障运行时间Weibull distribution 威布尔分布idle equipment management 闲置设备管理制度idle plant 闲置设备statistical analysis 统计分析maintainability 维修性maintenance information management 维修信息管理combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合random event 随机事件numerical control (NC) equipment management 数控设备管理three-level service system 三级保养制mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical model 数学模型mathematical statistics 数理统计technical facilities in production 生产技术装备production equipment 生产设备life cycle cost (LCC) 寿命周期费用mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse 润滑油库管理制度commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合investigation on plant 设备调研reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比plant check system 设备点检制度environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性complete set of plant 设备的成套性safety of plant 设备的安全性productivity of plant 设备的生产率durability of plant 设备的耐用性flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage 设备状态监测与诊断技术管理equipment condition management systen 设备状态管理制度total plant management 设备综合管理dynamic management system of plant assets 设备资产动态管理制度plant leasing 设备租赁preparation system before equipment repair 设备修前准备制度man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备修理工时定额expense quota for equipment repair 设备修理费用定额material quota for equipment repair 设备修理材料定额acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度equipment model 设备型号type of equipment 设备型式economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命operation and business management system 设备经营管理制度technical document of plant 设备技术档案technical conditions of equipment 设备技术状况technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态管理management system for technical document and file of plant 设备技术资料管理制度technical properties of plant 设备技术性能technical life of equipment 设备技术寿命specialized cooperation of plant maintenance 设备检修专业化协作planning and management regulation of plant maintenance 设备检修计划管理制度plant maintenance plan 设备检修计划plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工management of equipment order contract 设备合同管理feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性分析investment plan of plant 设备规划performance of plant 设备功能(效能)operational capability of plant 设备工作能力examination and check systems of plant management 设备管理考核制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management 设备管理经济责任制度post standard of plant management 设备管理岗位标准plant management systems 设备管理制度downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)plant engineering modernization 设备管理现代化plant management, plant enginerring 设备管理fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产管理制度equipment failure 设备故障plant renewal management 设备更新管理制度plant renewal 设备更新plant replacement 设备更换post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任equipment modification management system 设备改造管理制度plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造classified management of plant 设备分级管理operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq 设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines”of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律”operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件管理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory 设备备件库房管理制度to quote plant price 设备报价discard of plant 设备报废equipment installation management 设备安装管理equipment installation 设备安装tours system to inspect plant 设备巡回检查制度to enquire plant price 设备询价plant model selection 设备选型acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度statistic-reporting system of plant 设备统计报表制度technical document and date for plant maintenance 设备维修技术资料management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术管理制度equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额equipment service specification 设备维护规程unit account of plant 设备台帐equipment perfectness norm 设备完好标准plant in good condition 设备完好claims for equipment 设备索赔specifications of usage 设备使用规程information feedback management in initial operation period of pl 设备使用初期信息反馈管理management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护管理制度life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程管理life of equipment 设备寿命lubrication management regulation of plant 设备润滑管理制度“five fixation” of lubrication 设备润滑“五定”accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度three do not let pass of plant accident 设备事故“三不放过”plant accident 设备事故region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期管理和后期管理regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期管理规定wear compensation for plant 设备磨损补偿plant ageing 设备老化arithmetic mean 算术平均值(均值)coercionary service system 强制保养制effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数economic management system of plant 设备经济管理制度excellence selection activity in plant management 设备管理评优活动Pareto chart 排列图(帕累托图)load test 负荷试验breakdown time 故障停机时间technological adaptability 工艺适应性supervision of engineering facilities 工程设备监理management of proccess-control-point equipment 工序控制点设备管理contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除combined maintenance 混合维修regression analysis 回归分析interval between inspections 检查间隔期socialization of maintenance 检修社会化centralized maintenance 集中维修technical advancement 技术先进性combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合computer-aided plant management 计算机辅助设备管理P)planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制度(ЛЛFOB of imported equipment 进口设备离岸价imported equipment management 进口设备管理CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备management of precise,large scale,rare equipment 精、大、稀设备管理“five fixed” of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定”economy 经济性static test 静态试验open-case inspection 开箱检查average deviation 平均偏差mean waiting time,MWT 平均等待时间repair cycle 修理周期structure of repair cycle 修理周期结构combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数time between repairs 修理间隔期leased equipment management system 租赁设备管理制度time value of fund 资金的时间价值natural accident 自然事故self-made equipment 自制设备management system for selfmade equipment 自制设备管理制度self-made spare parts management system 自制备件管理制度combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合transfer of facility 转让设备(设备调剂)typical investigation 典型调查areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心recovery ratio of used oil 废油回收率perfectness ratio of power plant 动力设备完好率fulfillment ratio of periodic service 定期保养完成率mean downtime(days) due to overhaul 大修理平均停歇天数perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率qualification ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率availability of plant in use 在用设备可利用率utilization ratio of installed equipments 已安装设备利用率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 万元固定资产年创利润率maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value 万元产值占用维修费用installation ratio of owned equipments 实有设备安装率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备资产投资回收期newness degree of plant 设备新度profit ratio vs net book value of plant 设备净资产创利润率utilization ratio of planned time of plant 设备计划台时利用率constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比load rate of plant 设备负荷率back repair rate 设备返修率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant 设备制度台时利用率idelness ratio of plant 设备闲置率plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比perfectness ratio of plant 设备完好率plant daily service fulfillment ratio 设备日常保养完成率incident frequency 设备事故频率utilization ratio 设备利用率down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故[故障]停机率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan 清洗换油计划完成率mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair 每个修理复杂系数平均大修理成本maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient 每个复杂系数占用维修费用industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 每万元固定资产创工业增加值率failure intensity 故障强度failure frequency 故障频率perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments 精大稀设备完好率availability 可利用率(有效利用率)mean down time,MDT 平均停机时间mean time between failture 平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间fulfillment ratio of repair plan 修理计划完成率。
安规测试失败处理流程安规概念什麼是安規安規乃是產品安全規範的簡稱,它一般的基本概念是指設計者在了解安全需要的原則,必須釆取措施,以預防發生以下情形,導致人員.財產的損壞:*電擊*能量衝擊的危險*火災*機械或熱源的危險*輻射源的危險*化學物的危險各國為了確保本國人民的生命和財產安全面邀請相關學者共同制定了產品安全規範,以減少本國市面上產品對于使用者人身或財產所造成的危險性.凡商品在進入本國巿場上販賣前.必須經過本國相關產品安全規範的驗証測試,取得認可証書后,才可在本國巿面上販賣.世界各國標準,机構代號◆JIS-日本工業標準◆CCIB-中國進出口商品檢驗局◆CCC-中國電氣產品驗証測試所◆FIMKO-芬蘭電氣標準◆DEMKO-丹麥電氣驗証實驗所◆SEMKO-瑞典電氣驗証測試所◆NEMKO-挪威電氣驗証測試所◆VDE-德國電机工程師協會◆T ÜV-德國技術驗証協會◆BSI-英國標準協會◆EC-歐洲共同市場◆EN-歐洲標準◆CSA-加拿大標準協會◆CUL-加拿大保險實驗所◆UL-美國保險業實驗室◆MIL-STD-美國軍方標準◆ISO-國際標準化組織◆IEC-國際電工委員會安规常识在产线进行的安规测试一般只是针对电击损害进行预防。
人体的安全限值電壓為AC 42.2V,DC 60V,超過此值稱為危险電压.專用于連接電源中性線(零線)的端子應用大寫字母N標明,火线用L表示。
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冲击试验 Impact test 200元/次
工作电压测量 Working Voltage 300元/次
元器件异常测试 Fault conditions test 500元/次
过载测试 Overload test 500元/次
马达堵转试验 Motor lock-rotor test 400元/次
测试项目 收费标准
功率测量 Input test 200元/次
温升测试 Heating test 500元/次
潮湿试验 Humidity Test 800元/天
高低温试验 Thermal shock 200元/h
漏电流测试 Leakage current 200元/次
耐压测试 Electric Strength test 200元/次
绝缘电阻测量 Insulation resistance 200元/次
接地电阻测试 Earth continuity test 200元/次
电源线拉力测试 Cord anchorage test 200元/次
稳定性测试 Stability test 200元/次
插头扭矩测试 Plug torque test 200元/次
插头放电测试 Cap. Discharque test 200元/次
滚筒跌落试验 Tumbling test 400元/次
球压测试 Ball pressure test 400/材料
灼热丝试验 Glow-wire test 400/材料