(整理)3 3207-100兆天线用户手册.

电源DC5V 2A2Link灯不亮故障可能有以下故障a光纤是否已断;方法:可以用激光笔或是强光手电筒对一头照光,查看另一头是否有可见光。
C 光纤插头是否插反d.跳线类型与设备接口匹配3网络丢包严重可能故障如下:a收发器的电端口与网络设备接口,或两端设备接口的双工模式不匹配。
c光纤连接问题,跳线是否对准设备接口,尾纤与跳线及耦合器不匹配4时通时断现象a可能为光路衰减太大,此时用光功率计测量接收端的光功率,如果在接收灵敏范围附近1-2DB之内可基本判断为光路故障;b可能是交换故障,把交换机换成PCc 可能为收发器故障,把收发器两端接PC(不通过交换机),两端对PING没问题后,从一端向另一端传送一个较大文件(100M)以上,观察速度,如果速度慢(200M以下的文件传送15分钟以上),可基本判断为收发器故障。
此情况一般是交换机引起,6收发器RJ45口与其他设备连接时,中间有交换机设备时使用平行双绞线;直接连设备后,使用交叉双绞线;7Txlink 灯不亮A双绞线接错 B 水晶头接触不良C设备没正常连接8Txlink灯不闪烁却常亮传输距离过长或是直接与PC连接时兼容问题9 指示灯正常但无法传输断电重启。

Rev 0505 High Gain Omni-Directional Antenna User Guidefor Models:WI-ANT-P6 Omni-Directional 6 dBd Pole remote antennaWI-ANT-P6-A-10 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 10 ft cableWI-ANT-P6-A-25 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 25 ft cableAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A Division of Adaptive Instruments Corp.577 Main Street · Hudson, MA 01749 U.S.A.TE L:800-879-6576·978-568-0500FAX:978-568-9085Email:*******************************Rev Date Notes InitialsRelease TH1.0 1/17/2005TH0505 05/17/2005 Updated format, changedan installation picture.AccutechA Division of Adaptive Instruments Corp.577 Main Street · Hudson, MA 01749 USATEL: 800-879-6576 · 978-568-0500FAX: 978-568-9085Email: *******************************Web: Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505Table of Contents1.ABOUT THE HIGH GAIN OMNI-DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA (1)2.INSTALLING THE HIGH GAIN ANTENNA WITH THE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR (2)2.1.Package Contents (2)2.2.Antenna & Lightning Arrestor Connection (3)3.INSTALLING THE HIGH GAIN ANTENNA (6)3.1.Package Contents (6)3.2.Antenna Connection (7)4.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (9)4.1.High Gain Omni-Directional Antenna (9)4.2.Mounting bracket dimensioned drawing (10)Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 05051. About the High Gain Omni-DirectionalAntennaHigh gain and remote antennas can increase the transmission distanceof the Accutech Wireless Sensors. For even greater transmissiondistance, a high gain directional antenna (Yagi) may be purchased as anintegral part of a field unit.Warning! Any Base Radio with an omni-directional antenna is forordinary locations only.This manual will guide you through the steps to connect a High GainOmni-Directional Antenna with or without a lightning arrestor to a BaseRadio. If you are using a lightning arrestor, go to section 2. If you are notusing a lightning arrestor, go to section 3.The following model numbers are covered in this guide:Remote AntennasWI-ANT-P6 Omni-Directional 6 dBd Pole remote antennaWI-ANT-P6-A-10 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 10 ft cableWI-ANT-P6-A-25 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 25 ft cableEach of the above High Gain Remote Antenna models can be used withany of the following Base Radio model numbers:Base RadiosWI-BR-R10-4XN EMA 4X Base Radio w/10 ft cable and RS-485 output for rmt antenna WI-BR-R10-4X-MOD NEMA 4X Base Radio w/10 ft cable, RS-485 & Modbus, for rmt antenna WI-BR-R25-4X NEMA 4X Base Radio w/25 ft cable and RS-485 output for rmt antenna WI-BR-R25-4X-MOD NEMA 4X Base Radio w/25 ft cable, RS-485 & Modbus, for rmt antenna1Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 05052. Installing the High Gain Antenna with theLightning ArrestorThis section will show you how to install the high gain antenna with thelightning arrestor. If you are not using the lightning arrestor, go to Section3. For additional information about the Base Radio see the Base RadioUser Manual. Any of the Base Radio model numbers mentioned insection 1 may be used with the following remote antenna models:WI-ANT-P6-A-10 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 10 ftcableWI-ANT-P6-A-25 Omni 6 dBd remote antenna w/lightning arrestor & 25 ftcable2.1. Package ContentsThe high gain Omni 6 dBd antenna with the lightning arrestor kit comescomplete with:[1] High gain antenna pole[2] 2 Mounting brackets for the high gain antenna[3] Lightning arrestor assembly consisting of lightning arrestor and 10’of 10 AWG ground wire[4] Coaxial cable assembly attached to the l ightning arrestor:10’ length for WI-ANT-P6-A-1025’ length for WI-ANT-P6-A-25[5] Waterproofing material for the antenna coaxial connectionT he following comes attached to the Base Radio:cableassembly:[6] Coaxial10’ length for WI-BR-R10-4X and WI-BR-R10-4X-MOD25’ length for WI-BR-R25-4X and WI-BR-R25-4X-MODAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 22.2. Antenna & Lightning Arrestor ConnectionAttention!For installation inordinary locations only!Antenna connected to Lightning Arrestor and Base Radio3Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 0505Warning! Always use caution when installing this antenna. You canbe seriously injured if this antenna comes near or in contact with apower line. Follow all local and national electrical coderequirements when installing the Base Radio with the high gainantenna.[1] Select the locations for the high gain antenna, the lightningarrestor and Base Radio.It is recommended that the lightning arrestor be mounted in closeproximity to the building egress. The lightning arrestor should bemounted indoors unless you have the weatherproof enclosure.The location for the high gain antenna should be selected basedon optimal positioning for RF communications with the field unitsand allow for sufficient length of coaxial cable to reach the buildingegress.The Base Radio should be installed in a location where there issufficient coaxial cable available to reach the building egress.Warning! Any Base Radio with an omni-directional antenna is forordinary locations only.[2] P osition the antenna sothat the gold sleeve clearsany obstructions. Thisincludes masts and towersections.[3] Mount the antenna usingthe 2 mounting brackets.One clamp must beplaced at the center of thegold sleeve, the other atany point below.[4] Connect the Base Radio coaxial cable to the lightning arrestor andtighten by hand.[5] Attach the ground wire to a suitable earth ground connection. Keepthis wire as short as possible. Make sure this connection conformsto electrical code requirements.[6] Connect the lightning arrestor coaxial cable to the antenna andhand-tighten.[7] Install a drip loop in the cable to insure proper drainage.Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 4[8] Wrap the antenna connection with the supplied waterproofingmaterial.Note Do not cover the drain holes on the bottom of the antenna asthey provide drainage for moisture.[9] Finished.5Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 05053. Installing the High Gain AntennaThis section will show you how to install the high gain antenna without alightning arrestor. If you are using a lightning arrestor, go to section 2.For additional information about the Base Radio see the Base RadioUser Manual.Warning! This configuration is for indoor use only. If you aremounting the antenna outdoors, a lightning arrestor must be used.Any of the Base Radio model numbers mentioned in section 1 may beused with the following remote antenna model:WI-ANT-P6 Omni-Directional 6 dBd Pole remote antenna3.1. Package ContentsThe high gain Omni 6 dBd antenna kit comes complete with:[1] High gain antenna pole[2] 2 Mounting brackets for the high gain antenna[3] Waterproofing material for the antenna coaxial connectionT he following comes attached to the Base Radio:assembly:[4] Coaxialcable10’ length for WI-BR-R10-4X and WI-BR-R10-4X-MOD25’ length for WI-BR-R25-4X and WI-BR-R25-4X-MODAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 63.2. Antenna ConnectionAttention!For installation inordinary locations only!Antenna connected to Base Radio7Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 0505Warning! Always use caution when installing this antenna. You canbe seriously injured if this antenna comes near or in contact with apower line. Follow all local and national electrical coderequirements when installing the Base Radio with the high gainantenna.[1] Select the locations for the high gain antenna and Base Radio.The location for the high gain antenna should be selected basedon optimal positioning for RF communications with the field units.Warning! Any Base Radio with an omni-directional antenna is forordinary locations only.[2] Position the antenna sothat the gold sleeve clearsany obstructions. Thisincludes masts and towersections.[3] Mount the antenna usingthe 2 mounting brackets.One clamp must beplaced at the center of thegold sleeve, the other atany point below.[4] Connect the Base Radio coaxial cable to the antenna and hand-tighten.[5] Install a drip loop in the cable to insure proper drainage.[6] Wrap the connection with the supplied waterproofing material.Note Do not cover the drain holes on the bottom of the antenna asthey provide drainage for moisture.[7] Finished.Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 84. Technical Specifications4.1. High Gain Omni-Directional AntennaBase Radio High Gain Omni-Directional AntennaLength65”Gain 6 dBd (less cable loss ≈ 0.04 dBd/ft)Weight 6 lbsPolarization VerticalMounting Heavy wall gold anodized 1 ¼” aluminum withbrackets included10’ or 25’Base Radio coaxialcable length9Accutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide 05054.2. Mounting Bracket Dimensioned DrawingMounting bracket dimensioned drawingAccutech High Gain Omni-Directional Remote Antenna User Guide Rev 0505 10______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Division of Adaptive Instruments Corp.577 Main Street · Hudson, MA 01749 U.S.A.TE L: 800-879-6576 · 978-568-0500FAX: 978-568-9085Email: ******************************* Accutech, a division of Adaptive Instruments Corp., is a leading edge,technology-driven developer, manufacturer and supplier of embeddedmicroprocessor-based electronics. Based in Hudson, Massachusetts,Accutech is the most successful leading independent producer ofwireless instrumentation on the market today.Accutech customers include large national companies in the oil andgas, chemicals, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, primary materialsprocessing, and energy industries. In addition to the wireless productline, Accutech also offers a traditional wired line of temperature,pressure and differential pressure instrumentation.In the process control field, where quality is taken for granted and newtechnology is announced daily, we have deliberately concentrated ourefforts on the development of instrumentation that makes businesssense. The result is a product range that is rugged, secure, andreliable and works in even the most hazardous environments. We givecompanies the tools to reduce costs, save time, enhance safety,improve environmental performance and cut waste.The next industrial revolution is right now. Let Accutech show you howto realize gains in operating efficiency.Visit us at: Or call us at +1 800 879-6576 Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in USA. Copyright 2005 Adaptive Instruments, Corp.。

电波传播,主要有三种途径:●直接波: 这是指从发射天线到接收天线之间,不经过任何发射,直接到达,电波就象一束光一样,所以有人称它为视线传播。
3 3207-100兆天线用户手册

3207型号天线系统设置和用户手册The World Leader inSubsurface Imaging™美国劳雷工业有限公司目录3207型天线 (3)3207P和3207AP操作注意事项 (4)1.理解电子单元 (4)2.操作模式 (6)2.1双体天线浅部探测模式 (6)2.2双体天线深部探测模式 (7)2.3单体天线(3207AP) (8)3仪器部件和连接装置图 (10)3.1部件列表 (10)3.2硬件连接图 (11)4距离测量选项 (12)5软件系统设置--标准设置 (14)5.1 3207AP单体天线参数设置 (14)5.2 3207P双体天线参数设置 (15)5.3 天线参数 (15)附图3207型天线3207型号天线用于深部探测,可有效对地下土壤和岩石结构成图。
包括两个3207盒子,中间通过玻璃纤维竿子连接,或者采用不通的间距用于CMP 测量分析。
接收天线采用769DA2型号电子单元,仅仅用于接收电磁波,通过out 输出端口连接至发射天线电子单元。
FOX-727 天线说明书

MANUAL INSTRUCCIONESPOR FAVOR LEA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES ANTES DEL MONTAJECARACTERÍSTICAS1.Bibanda 2m/70cm.2.El tipo de elemento independiente garantiza una buena ganancia y rendimiento en comparacióncon monobandas.3.Boom, elementos y soportes de acero inoxidable que garantizan una durabilidad superior y unavida útil prolongada en todas las condiciones climáticas.4.Ligero, compacto y fácil de instalar y volver a montar.ESPECIFICACIONESTipo ............................................... Y agi, 3 elementos 144 MHz,, 5 elementos 430 MHzFrecuencias .................................... 144-146 / 430-440 MHzPotencia máxima ........................... 50 W (FM)Impedancia .................................... 50 ΩRelación FB .................................... > 12dBLongitud boom .............................. 113 cm.Conector ........................................ S O239Diámetro mástil ............................. 30 – 55 mmPeso ............................................... 870 grs.MONTAJE1.Identifique y organice los 8 elementos y la unidad de alimentación de la antena.Consulte la tabla de colores.e una arandela plana y una tuerca de mariposa para cada elemento y la unidad de alimentación (con Raa yRab) de acuerdo con el código de color al boom.3.Inserte la varilla de ajuste A y B en la unidad de alimentación.La varilla A (larga) debe estar en el orificio más alejado del conector SO239. La varilla B (corta) debe estar en el orificio más cercano del conector SO239. Con la llave hexagonal que se proporciona, apriete las varillas en la unidad de alimentación con los tornillos de fijación. Adjunte barras de cortocircuito según el diagrama.4.Consulte el dibujo y coloque la abrazadera del cable en el boom hacia adelante desde la ubicación del soportedel perno en U y en el mismo lado que la unidad de alimentación eléctrica..5.Monte la antena en el mástil en posición horizontal o vertical (desplace la antena si es necesario cuandoutilice un mástil de metal; consulte el diagrama).6.Conecte el cable coaxial con el conector PL259 a la unidad de alimentación e inserte el cable coaxial en laabrazadera. Use cinta aislante o ataduras de cables para asegurar el cable coaxial a lo largo del boom. AJUSTE R.O.E.1.Ajuste la ROE en la frecuencia central de cada banda. Mueva la barra de cortocircuito más lejos del conectorpara aumentar la frecuencia central donde la ROE es óptima.2.Asegúrese de que las tuercas de mariposa estén apretadas en la barra de cortocircuito.。


二、产品组成1. 主体:由天线罩、电路板和连接线组成;2. 天线罩:用以保护并增强天线的接收和传输性能;3. 电路板:包含天线信号处理电路和连接接口。
三、使用步骤1. 连接电源:将电源线插入电源插座,并将电源插头插入电子天线的电源接口;2. 连接信号源:根据需要,选择相应的接口连接电视、电台或其它设备,确保连接稳定;3. 调整天线的方向:将电子天线放置在合适的位置,确保天线罩朝向信号源的方向;4. 搜索信号:在电视或设备的菜单中,选择自动搜索信号功能,等待搜索完成;5. 完成设置:根据信号搜索结果,完善设备的信号设置,并根据需要进行调整。
四、注意事项1. 安装位置:电子天线最好放置在接收信号最佳的位置,避免阻挡或干扰天线的信号接收;2. 稳定连接:使用连接线时请确保插头插紧,连接稳定,避免信号中断或质量下降;3. 室内使用:电子天线主要用于室内使用,如果需要室外使用,请确保防水措施;4. 信号调整:如果信号接收不理想,可以尝试调整天线的位置或方向,或使用信号放大器进行增强;5. 保养维护:请定期清洁电子天线,保持天线罩的干净,以提高信号接收效果。
五、故障排除1. 无信号:请检查信号源是否正常工作,确认连接线是否插紧,信号接口是否正确;2. 信号质量差:请检查天线的位置和方向,尝试调整天线的角度或位置,或使用信号放大器;3. 无法搜索到信号:请检查设备的信号设置是否正确,或尝试重新搜索信号。
六、免责声明1. 本产品仅适用于合法的无线电接收和传输应用,禁止用于非法用途;2. 用户在使用本产品时需遵守当地的无线电法规和相关规定;3. 由于用户的不当使用或违规操作所引起的问题和责任,本公司概不负责;4. 如有任何疑问或问题,请联系售后服务部门。
Magnum Dynalab室内FM天线说明书

T H E E-Z I N E F O R F R U G A L A U D I O E N T H U S I A S T S Affordable $$AudioIssue Number 45: September 2009Magnum Dynalab Indoor FM Antenna'sBy Anthony Nicosia**********************************SpecificationsSR-100 Silver Ribbon Tunable FM AntennaAn indoor Antenna for both enhanced FM performance and HDTV broad-castsSpecificationsBase measures 3.5” width x 2.5” deep x 3/4” highMaximum height of antenna fully extended: approx. 37.5”Maximum width of antenna fully spread: approx. 32”Cord is approx. 3' longWarranty: twenty four month limited warranty applies to the first end userPrice: $35MD-205 Signal Sleuth FM signal AntennaAccording to Magnum Dynalab “In an independent test, using a commer-cially available FM tuner, the following percentile improvements were at-tained with the SLEUTH on line:Sensitivity (under 1dB limiting) -170%Spurious Response Rejection -90%Image Rejection -380%Ultimate Sensitivity was rated at 70dB+Also, the total harmonic distortion (THD) re-mained unchanged indicating the Sleuthadded no measurable distortion of its own.”SpecificationsCircuit: 3 varactor-tuned RF stagesGain: VARIABLE -30dB thru +30dBTuning Range: 88-110 MHzBandwidth: Better than 400KHzNoise: Less than 4dBDistortion: 0%Antenna Input: 75 ohmsPower Required: 230/240/110 voltsSize: 17” x 1.75' x 6”43.18cm x 4.45cm x 15.24cmWeight: 6 lbs/ 2.65KGWarranty: twenty four month limited warranty applies to the first end userPrice: $435Company InformationMagnum Dynalab Ltd.8 Strathearn Avenue, Unit 9Brampton, OntarioCanadaL6T 4L9Telephone: (905) 791-5888Toll free in North America 1-800-551-1430Fax: (905) 791-5583International Fax: (1) (905) 791-5583US Contact Telephone, toll free: 1-800-551-4130Web address: Email address: **********************L ooking back twenty-five years ago to 1984, we see a time when Magnum Dynalab introduced its very first product, the Signal Sleuth, which was designed to boost and stabilize FM signals. According to Larry Zurowski, the president of Magnum Dynalab, the biggest difference between that Signal Sleuth and today’s model is that the gain curve is now more consistent across the FM band. Later, in September of 1985, the company marketed the FT 101, which was her-alded as their first FM tuner. Magnum Dynalab now makes FM tuners, an integrated FM receiver, an integrated ampli-fier as well as a selection of both indoor and outdoor antennas. Having recently, in the June 2009 issue of “AffordableAudio”, taken a look back at the 1960's McIntosh MR67 tube tuners I can only wish I’d had today’s Magnum Dynalab products around to help with the review.I have, as of late, been using a TERK FM+ Indoor Antenna, which was recommended to me by a friend. Unfortunately, I live in a more difficult environment than his, and while this inexpensive antenna priced at only $9.99 worked better than no antenna it still left me with a desire for something more substantial. When I first contacted Larry Zurowski I was completely upfront with him in explaining that I lived in an area that has great difficulty getting a proper reception. I explained that I am situated at the bottom of a very high steep hill where FM reception is poor, even when it comes to capturing local stations. Add this to the fact that there are large commercial planes flying relatively low, from the San Francisco airport, and you have an FM reception nightmare. Larry never addressed this issue, but rather sent me an email saying he would send the requested products as soon as he could get me an SR-100 Silver Ribbon Tunable FM Antenna, which were at the time on backorder. A few weeks latter both the SR-100 and Signal Sleuth arrived neatly packaged and in perfect condition.To tell you the truth I did not expect very much in the way of an improvement with the SR-100 antenna as I was al-ready using an indoor antenna for my MR-67 tuner. Having tried a variety of other indoor style antennas I never did have much luck picking up stations and was resigned to the fact that I must go the outdoor antenna route. After all this was only a thirty-five dollar investment, how much of a difference would it make being that I live in a difficult FM recep-tion area? As it turned out, it made a huge difference. I was floored with the vast improvement this indoor antenna made and had to put my own antenna back in just to see if maybe the moon and stars were aligned differently that day and had somehow cleared the skies for superior FM reception. But no, switching back to my original antenna resulted in a poorer performance once again that allowed for some stations to drift and others to be difficult to pull in properly. After reinserting the SR-100 I found everything to be right once again. I was sold and spent the rest of the morning listening to music via my newly revamped FM tuner setup. With the SR-100 I was able to pull in stations that before were “edged” with static but now were quite silent. I felt a greater depth to the music as this silent background now af-forded me a clearer window with which to hear through, and I enjoyed each musical performance anew. Whereas be-fore I would glide the tuning knob through the various frequencies to hear plenty of static, now for the most part there was silence. It was not so much that it pulled in stations that I could not capture before but rather for me it made the stations I was already receiving sound clearer and more powerful. I liked what it brought to my system as it quite sim-ply did the job it was intended to accomplish and did so for the paltry sum of only thirty-five dollars. Having had other “rabbit ear” style antennas in my listening room before, I must say that my wife finds them quite unattractive, but not so with the SR-100. Its combination of mostly black and silver (an Oakland Raiders fans delight, yes we live less than an hour from their stadium) coupled with its slender simple appearance worked just fine for us from an aesthetics point of view.OperationNow in steps Magnum Dynalab's MD-205 Signal Sleuth FM signal Antenna. Take note that the Sleuth’s performance will be directly related to the quality of the antenna attached, as well of course as the reception within the area and the attributes of the tuner used in conjunction with it. It is a tunable RF processor for FM stations across the 88-108 MHZ frequency bandwidth. I naturally used Magnum Dynalabs own SR-100 Silver Ribbon antenna for this evaluation but as previously stated you might even want to try one of their more powerful outdoor antennas for a more “startling” experi-ence. I say startling because that is what this combination of SR-100 and MD-205 felt like to me. For a complete in-structional aide of how to set-up the MD-205 please read the owners manual, but for now let me give you a quick summation of the process which may at first seem a little complicated. With your purchase you will be supplied with a patch cord with 'F' connectors on both ends. Connect the FM tuner to the MD-205 via this patch cord to the area marked “Output to Tuner”. Connect the MD-205 to your antenna by way of the connector labeled “Antenna Input”. Please make sure that both switches located on the front of the MD-205 one labeled “Power”, is in the off position, the other “Antenna Signal”, is in the Bypass position. The FM tuner should also be turned off. Now use the supplied fac-tory power cord to plug the unit into an outlet. Be very careful as “Significant damage will be done to the unit if the wrong voltage is applied”. Appropriate voltage should be marked on the back of the unit. Alright, now turn on the MD-205 by moving the power switch to the “ON” position and then switch the antenna signal switch to the “Amplify” posi-tion making sure that all the LED lights turn on with each flip of the switch. Now that it is connected and functioning properly let me explain how to use the Sleuth when dialing in different radio stations, in order to help you tune them in for better reception.The following should be performed with the tuner's Mute switched “OFF” and the Sleuth's RF Gain control fully turned in the counter-clockwise position past where a 'click' is heard. First turn on the Sleuth with the Antenna Signal switch set to bypass, then turn on your FM Tuner. Make sure that the tuner is set to stereo. Tune to a station that has a fairly strong signal in your area and then set the Sleuth's tuning control to the same approximate frequency. There is no digi-tal readout for this, so you have got to trust what we used to do before digital readout, look with your own eyes and listen with your own ears. Now you can switch the Antenna Signal switch to the 'Amplify' position. As you then rotate the RF Gain control to fully clockwise and you will start to feel a click. Looking at the signal strength on the tuner you will rotate the Sleuth's Tune control until you find the highest reading on the signal strength meter, or until you perceive the clearest audio signal. Switching back to the RF Gain control, now rotate it counterclockwise until you get a weaker signal and then rotate it back clockwise until the audio signal is at its optimum. It is now time to turn the Mute switch to the 'ON' position. When you need to switch frequencies on your tuner simply turn the Antenna switch on the Sleuth to the 'bypass' position then tune your FM Tuner to the next desired station. Turn the Sleuth to the corresponding fre-quency, turn the Antenna switch back to amplify and rotate the Gain control and the Tuning Knob on the Sleuth to re-gain optimal signal strength or until it sounds best to your own ears.ImpressionsOnce again this Magnum Dynalab product impressed me with its ability to do exactly what it was designed for. It sepa-rated weaker stations by allowing you to finely tune them in and then boosted their signal with up to 30dB of gain, thereby adding power to the selected frequency. The affects of the Sleuth reminded me of a Vinyl pressed Master Re-cording where music would seem to spring forth from a background of dead silence, quite impressive indeed. As the Sleuth tuned in radio station after station, using the units gain control knob to put on the finishing touches, I was al-ways amazed at how the stations snapped into focus allowing me to hear music as if I had purchased a much more expensive tuner. The only two regrets I had concerning my review of the Sleuth were that I was not using one of their outdoor antennas, to see how good my MR67 tuner could actually be, and secondly that I was not using a modern day tuner made by Magnum Dynalab.ConclusionBoth the SR-100 Silver Ribbon antenna and the MD-205 Signal Sleuth FM signal Antenna added no coloration of their own to the sound, yet they did have an enormous affect on the musical performances heard through them. I suggest that both be used together in order to realize the full potential of each. The SR-100's job is to capture local FM radio stations and is an excellent alternative for audiophiles who do not want to install an outdoor antenna or those of us on a more stringent budget. It is tunable, to maximize FM reception, and, as my wife and I found, quite attractive. The Sleuth on the other hand is a device designed to tune in the weaker FM radio stations in your area, separate them from the stronger ones and add up to a 30dB boost of gain to the appropriate signal. While it is in itself no substitute for a good tuner or antenna it will enhance their performance by its ability to add three RF stages and power to the signal. Using them both together I found the quality of my FM reception vastly expanded while my listening pleasure increased immeasurably. FM broadcasts tuned in easily and the added background silence was indeed a welcome addition. Both products are very highly recommended.The Listening Environment:The review room is eighteen feet eight inches long by thirteen feet wide. The loudspeakers and equipment are kept on the short wall. The cathedral ceiling starts at eight feet and sloops upwards to thirteen feet at its peak in the middle spanning across the short length of the room for the full thirteen feet height. The hardwood floor has a nine by six foot oriental rug lying down the long ways toward the system placed dead center in between, yet not under, the listener and the review equipment The room has no doors, but has two openings. One is in front of the right Legacy Focus 20/20 loudspeaker, which gives access to the hallway while the other is behind the listening position and opens to the formal dinning area. The room is treated with two floor standing acousti-cal panels, one behind each speaker, and the audio equipment is located in a Cherry Synergy Twin S30 Salamander audio rack against and in the middle of the short wall. I have two power conditioners that plug into a PS Audio Power Port receptacle located behind the audio rack. There are also two Blue Circle Audio MKIII Power Line Pillows, one on each of two outlets on the long walls next to and behind each loudspeaker. The Legacy speakers are located about six feet seven inches from the rear wall to their front panel. They are also twenty one inches from the rooms side walls to the middle of each loudspeakers. The Legacy's are twelve feet apart from each other to form a triangle with the listening position that is also angled at twelve feet from loudspeaker to listener. In the corner of each short wall behind the Legacy's are a pair of 1989 Klipsch Klipschorn loudspeakers that are some-times used for reviews. If the Klipsch loudspeakers are used I would then reposition the two acoustical panels to slightly behind the listening position one to the left and the other to the right of it.Review Equipment:McIntosh MR67 Tube Tuner and matching wood cabinet with slant legsMonarchy Audio SM-70 Pro power amplifiers (2 used in mono block configuration), Monarchy Audio M24 Preamplifier, Samsung HD-841 Cd/SACD/DVD Audio universal player, Oracle Delphi MK I turntable, Grace 707 tonearm and Denon DL-301MK II Moving Coil stereo cartridge, Whest Phonostage.20 + MsU.20 power supply(for Moving Coil or Moving Magnet cartridges)PS Audio power port receptacle, Two Blue Circle Audio Mk III power line conditioners, Acoustic Revive RTP-4 Series power con-ditionerm, Kimber Kable 4TC loudspeaker cable with matching jumper wires, Kimber Kable Hero and Tonik InterconnectsTek Line, PC-8 Signature power cords, two six foot lengths, Mr. Cable,The Musician power cord, a nine foot lengthMonarchy Audio AC-1 power cord, two six foot lengths, Cherry Synergy Twin S30 Salamander audio rack。

8. 1锅1机极化角A
9.1锅多机极化角B 10.1锅多机极化角C
11.左旋11880 12.右旋12100 13. 右旋12140 14.菜单15.系统设置
QQ:852427001 全部配件保换不保修,自购买日起三个月内保换。
16.默认设置17.密码0000、9999 18.搜索节目19.手动单频点搜索
20.搜索11880 21.搜索12100 22.搜索12140
CommScope 5-4端口扇形天线(2300-2700MHz)说明书

4-port sector antenna, 4x 2300–2700 MHz, 65° HPBW, 2x RET withmanual overrideIntegrated Internal Remote Electrical Tilt (RET), with independent control of electrical tilt withmanual override on all arraysGeneral SpecificationsAntenna Type SectorBand Single bandGrounding Type RF connector inner conductor and body grounded to reflector andmounting bracketPerformance Note Outdoor usage | Wind loading figures are validated by wind tunnelmeasurements described in white paper WP-112534-ENRadome Material Polyester fiberglass pultrusionRF Connector Interface7-16 DIN FemaleRF Connector Location BottomRF Connector Quantity, high band4RF Connector Quantity, total4Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) InformationRET Interface8-pin DIN MaleRET Interface, quantity 1 maleInput Voltage10–30 VdcInternal RET High band (2)Power Consumption, idle state, maximum 2 WPower Consumption, normal conditions, maximum13 WProtocol3GPP/AISG 2.0 (Single RET)DimensionsWidth300 mm | 11.811 inDepth115 mm | 4.528 inLength1077 mm | 42.402 inNet Weight, without mounting kit13 kg | 28.66 lb15Page ofPage of 25Port ConfigurationElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohmOperating Frequency Band 2300 – 2700 MHz Polarization±45°Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Band, MHz 2300–25002500–2700Gain, dBi17.217.8Beamwidth, Horizontal, degrees 6563Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees 7 6.5Beam Tilt, degrees 0–100–10USLS (First Lobe), dB1818Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°, dB 3030Isolation, Cross Polarization, dB 3030VSWR | Return loss, dB 1.43 | 15.01.43 | 15.0PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc-150-150Input Power per Port, maximum, watts250250Mechanical SpecificationsWind Loading @ Velocity, maximum450.0 N @ 160 km/h (101.2 lbf @ 160 km/h) Wind Speed, maximum200 km/h (124 mph)Packaging and WeightsWidth, packed366 mm | 14.409 inDepth, packed213 mm | 8.386 inLength, packed1260 mm | 49.606 inWeight, gross21.5 kg | 47.399 lbRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCHINA-ROHS Below maximum concentration valueISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system ROHS CompliantUK-ROHSCompliantIncluded ProductsT-045-GL-E–Adjustable Tilt Pipe Mounting Kit for 2.0"-4.5" (60-115mm) OD round members for panelantennas. Includes 2 clamp sets.* FootnotesPerformance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performancePage of35Adjustable Tilt Pipe Mounting Kit for 2.0"-4.5" (60-115mm) OD roundmembers for panel antennas. Includes 2 clamp sets.Product ClassificationProduct Type Adjustable tilt mounting kitGeneral SpecificationsApplication OutdoorColor SilverDimensionsCompatible Length, maximum1200 mm | 47.244 inCompatible Length, minimum850 mm | 33.465 inCompatible Diameter, maximum115 mm | 4.528 inCompatible Diameter, minimum60 mm | 2.362 inAntenna-to-Pipe Distance85 mm | 3.346 inBracket-to-Bracket Distance761 mm | 29.961 inWeight, net 6 kg | 13.228 lbMaterial SpecificationsMaterial Type Galvanized steelMechanical SpecificationsMechanical Tilt0°–10°Packaging and WeightsIncluded Brackets | HardwarePackaging quantity1Regulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCHINA-ROHS Below maximum concentration value45Page ofISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHS CompliantUK-ROHSCompliantPage of55。

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When ordering replacement parts or equipment information, the full part identification number should be included. This applies to all parts : components, kits, or chassis. If the part number is not known, include the chassis or kit number of which it is a part, and a sufficient description of the required component for proper identification.
包装 ............................................................................................. 31 调整 ............................................................................................. 32 PC 板

天线座架形式采用有限可控立柱式俯仰-方位型,保证天线系统具有0°~360°的方位转动和 0°~ 90°的俯仰转动范围。
SCE-370B型天线安装、维护、使用手册2. 3.7米天线技术指标SCE-370A型天线安装、维护、使用手册3.天线系统的安装(结构图见附图1)天线安装分以下几个步骤:1.安装天线座座架的安装:从座架包装箱取出方位架(序号7)和底架(序号8),将底架下法兰盘与地基相连接(在连接之前,应清理地基表面及地脚螺栓上的锈灰并上机油),用6个M20的螺母、平垫圈、弹簧垫圈仔细拧紧。
Trimble Spectra Precision LL100N 用户指南说明书

User GuideBedienungsanleitung Manuel de l´utilisateurGuida per l´uso Gúia del usuarioGebruikershandleidingOperatörshandbok BetjeningsvejledningGuia do Usuário Bruksanvisning Käyttäjän opasРуководство пользователяTrimble Construction Division 5475 Kellenburger Road Dayton, Ohio 45424-1099U.S.A.+1-937-245-5600 Phone© 2008, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. PN Q103740 (01/08)© 2008, Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved PN 94038 Rev. C (11/13)Trimble - Spectra Precision Division 5475 Kellenburger Road Dayton, Ohio 45424 U.S.A.+1-937-245-5600 PhoneLL100N94038 Rev. C (11/13)13210operation.Thank you for choosing one of the Spectra Precision Lasers from the Trimble family of precision horizontal lasers.The LL100N is a simple-to-use laser that allows you to take accurate horizontal measurements, using a hand-held or rod mounted receiver.General Construction 7Determining the Height of Instrument (HI) 7Using the Y-Axis Single Slope Mode 7 CALIBRATION 8 Checking Calibration of the Y- and X-Axes 8 PROTECTING THE UNIT 8885.COMPONENTS1 Power Button2 Battery LED3 Manual/Standby Button (remote control)4 Leveling LED5 Manual/HI-Warning LED6 Up and Down Arrow Buttons (remote control)7 Left and Right arrow Buttons (remote control)8 Infrared-receiver for remote control9 Removable Rotor Cage10 Sighting Guides11 Rotor/Beam Exit12 Handle13 Battery compartment/door14 5/8x 11 Tripod Mounts15 Rubber feetHow to Use the Laser SystemPowering the LaserBatteriesInstalling BatteriesOpen the battery door using your fingers, a coin or a screwdriver.Insert batteries into the housing so that the negative poles are toward the bigger battery spiral spring.Push down on the battery door until the latch “clicks” into position.Laser SetupPosition the laser horizontally or vertically (tripod mount and rubber feet downward!) on a stable platform, wall mount or tripod at the desired elevation. The laser recognizes automatically whether it is used horizontally or vertically when switched on.Note: The laser always operates in MANUAL mode in the Vertical position.Turning On/Off the LaserPress the power button 1 to turn on the laser.Note: The laser always powers up in the automatic self-leveling mode. The LEDs (2, 4 and 5) are turned on for 2 seconds.The laser is level when the leveling indicator 4 is no longer flashing (once every second).For the first five minutes after the laser self levels, the LED 4 lights solid. After five minuts the LED 4 starts flashing every four seconds to let you know the laser is still level while conserving battery life.If the laser is positioned beyond it´s self-leveling range of ±8%, the laser beam, and manual and leveling indicators flash simultaneously. Turn the unit off, reposition the laser within the self-leveling range and turn it on again.Note: If the laser is out of its self-leveling range and remains out of it for more than 10 minutes, the unit shuts down completely.Note:After the laser has been level for more than 5 minutes in horizontal mode, the HI (height of instrument) alert activates. If the laser is disturbed (tripod bumped, etc.) so that when it re-levels the laser beam elevation changes by more than 3 mm (1/8 in.), the HI alert shuts down the laser and rotor, and the red LED flashes two times per second (twice the manual-mode rate). To restore level, turn the laser off and on. After the laser has re-leveled, check your initial reference elevation.In order to switch the laser off, press the power button again.Activating/Deactivating Standby ModeStandby mode is a power-saving feature that conserves laser battery life.Press and hold the remote control’s manual button for 3 seconds to activate standby mode.Note: When standby mode is activated, the laser beam, rotor, self-leveling system, and LEDs shut down, but the HI alert remains activated.6To let you know that the laser is in standby mode, the battery LED flashes every 4 seconds.To deactivate standby mode and restore full operation of the laser, press and hold the remote control’s manual button for 3 seconds.The laser and all other functions turn on again.Using the Manual ModeIn horizontal mode pressing the manual button on the remote control changes the laser from automatic self-leveling mode to Manual mode. Manual mode is indicated by the flashing (once every second) red LED 5.In Manual mode (horizontal), the Y-axis can be sloped by pressing the Up- and Down-Arrow-buttons on the remote control. Additionally, the X-axis can be sloped by pressing the Left- and Right-Arrow-buttons on the remote control. To resume automatic self-leveling mode, press the manual button again.In vertical mode, the laser is always in MANUAL mode. Pressing the up and down arrow buttons align the laser beam to the right/left side, and the left and right arrow buttons at the remote control adjust the slope of the laser beam.To resume automatic self-leveling mode, press the manual button again.Using the Y- Single Slope ModeThe Manual button on the remote control toggles the unit to Manual, the Y-axis Single Slope Mode, then Automatic Mode. To activate the Y-axis single slope mode, press the manual button at the remote control twice. This is indicated by the simultaneously flashing red 5 and green 4 LEDs (once every second).In Y-axis single slope mode, the Y-axis can be sloped by pressing the Up- and Down-Arrow-buttons on the remote control, while the X-axis remains in automatic self leveling mode (e.g. when setting up sloped ceilings or drive ways).To resume automatic self-leveling mode from Y-axis single slope mode, press the manual button again. APPLICATIONSGeneral ConstructionDetermining the Height of Instrument (HI)The height of instrument (HI) is the elevation of the laser’s Array beam.The HI is determined by adding the grade-rod reading to abenchmark or known elevation.1. Set up the laser and place the grade rod on a job-sitebenchmark (BM) or known elevation.2. Slide the receiver up/down the grade rod until it shows anon-grade reading.3. Add the grade-rod reading to the benchmark to determinethe height of instrument.Example:Benchmark = 30.55 m (100.23 ft)Rod reading = +1.32 m (+4.34 ft)Height of instrument = 31.87 m (104.57 ft)Use this HI as a reference for all other elevations.Using the Y-Axis Single Slope Mode1. Set up the laser over the reference point (A).2. Look over the rotor to align the laser to the desired direction hubin the axis that is supposed to be used in automatic self-leveling Array mode. Turn the laser on the tripod until it is properly aligned.3. Attach a receiver to a grade rod. Set the grade rod on the self-levelingaxis direction hub to check the laser’s elevation (B).Note: Use this HI as a reference for checking the alignmentof the laser after setting the slope for the other axis.4. Activate the Y-axis single slope mode by pressing the manual buttonat the remote control twice.5. Check the laser’s elevation on the slope axis directly in front of thelaser.76. Set the grade rod on the slope axis direction hub to adjust the laser’s elevation without changing the heightof the receiver on the grade rod (C).7. Press the up and down arrow buttons until you get an on-grade reading on the receiver.8. Recheck the laser’s elevation in automatic self-leveling axis using the HI in step 3 (B).If the HI has been changed, rotate the laser on the tripod until you get an on-grade reading again. Make sure, you DON’T change the height of the receiver on the grade rod.CALIBRATIONChecking Calibration of the Y- and X-Axes1. Set up the laser 30 m (100 ft) from a wall and allow it to level. Array2. Raise/lower the receiver until you get an on-grade reading for the+Y axis. Using the on-grade marking notch as a reference, make amark on the wall.Note: For increased precision, use the fine-sensitivity setting(1.5 mm/1/16 in.) on the receiver.3. Rotate the laser 180° (-Y axis toward the wall) and allow the laserto re-level.4. Raise/lower the receiver until you get an on-grade reading for the–Y axis. Using the on-grade marking notch as a reference, make amark on the wall.5. Measure the difference between the two marks. If they differ morethan 6 mm at 30 m (1/4 inch at 100 feet), the laser needs calibrating.6. After checking the Y-axis, rotate the laser 90°. Repeat the abovestarting with the + X axis facing the wall.Note: If calibration is required, please, refer to thecalibration instructions on our Trimble website/support.shtmlPROTECTING THE UNITDo not expose the unit to extreme temperatures or temperature changes (do not leave inside the car).The unit is very robust and can resist damage if dropped even from tripod height. Before continuing your work, always check the leveling accuracy. See Checking Calibration section.The laser is water protected and can be used indoors and outdoors.CLEANING AND MAINTENANCEDirt and water on the Rotor/Beam Exit (Component 11) will influence beam quality and operating range considerably.Remove dirt on the housing with a lint-free, warm, wet and smooth cloth. Do not use harsh cleansers or solvents.Allow the unit to air dry after cleaning it.89PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENTThe unit, accessories and packaging ought to be recycled.This manual is made of non-chlorine recycling paper.All plastic parts are marked for recycling according to material type.Do not throw used batteries into the garbage, water or fire. Remove them in compliance with environmental requirements.Notice to Our European Union CustomersFor product recycling instructions and more information,please go to: /environment/summary.html Recycling in EuropeTo recycle Trimble WEEE, call: +31 497 53 2430, and ask for the “WEEE associate,” or mail a request for recycling instructions to:Trimble Europe BVc/o Menlo Worldwide Logistics Meerheide 455521 DZ Eersel, NL3 Year Limited WarrantyTrimble warrants the LL100N to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of three years. For the first 12 months, Trimble or its authorized service center will repair or replace, at its option, any defective part, or the entire product, for which notice has been given during the warranty period. For months 13 through 36 an exchange fee may apply. If required, travel and per diem expenses to and from the place where repairs are made will be charged to the customer at the prevailing rates. Customers should send the product to Trimble Navigation Ltd. or the nearest authorized service center for warranty repairs or exchange, freight prepaid. Any evidence of negligent, abnormal use, accident, or any attempt to repair the product by other than factory-authorized personnel using Trimble certified or recommended parts, automatically voids the warranty. The foregoing states the entire liability of Trimble regarding the purchase and use of its equipment. Trimble will not be held responsible for any consequential loss or damage of any kind. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, except as set forth above, including any implied warranty merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby disclaimed. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied.TECHNICAL DATALeveling accuracy 1,3: ± 3 mm/30 m, 1/8“ @ 100 ft, 20 arc seconds Rotation:appr. 600 rpmOperational area 1,2: appr. 350 m (1150 feet) diameter with detector Laser type: red diode laser 650 nm Laser class:Class 2, <3mW Self-leveling range: appr. ± 5°Leveling time:appr. 30 sec Leveling indicators: LED flashes Laser beam diameter 1:appr. 5 mmOperating range using remote control: up to 30m (100 ft)Power supply: 2 x 1.5V Mono cells type D (LR20)Battery life 1:alkaline: 80 hours; NiMH: 35 hours Dust- and waterproof: IP54Operating temp.: 23°F...113°F (-5°C ... 45°C)Storage temp.:-4°F...158°F (-20°C ... 70°C)Tripod attachments: 5/8 x 11 horizontally and vertically Weight:1.5 kg (3.3 lbs)Low voltage indication: flashing/shining of the battery indicator Low voltage disconnection:unit shuts off1) at 21° Celsius2) under optimal atmospheric circumstances3) along the axisDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWeTrimble Kaiserslautern GmbH declare under our sole responsibility that the product LL100N to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards EN 61000-6-3:2007 + A1:2010, EN 61000-6-2:2005 and EN 60825-1:2007following the provisions of directive Electromagnetic compatibility 2004/108/EC.The managing directorElectro-Magnetic CompatibilityDeclaration of ConformityThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B Limits for radio noise for digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.This device complies with part 15 off the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.Note: The product been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. The product generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the product off and on. The user is encouraged to try to eliminate the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the product and the receiver.• For more information, consult your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician.Caution: Changes or modifications to the product that are not expressly approved by Trimble could void authority to use the equipment.10。

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M-409 M-527短波天线使用说明书

M-409、M-527短波天线使用说明书M-409短波天线是一款工作在3.5MHz、7 MHz、14 MHz、21 MHz、29 MHz的五波段缩短型短波天线,3.5MHz、7 MHz、21 MHz共用一对振子,14 MHz、29 MHz 用一对振子,最长的一对振子长度小于20米,因此适合在较小的场地、空间工作。
而M-527短波天线则是一款工作在业余黄金频段的7 MHz、14 MHz、21 MHz 三波段缩短型短波天线,只用一对振子长度约10米。
1. M-409、M-527短波天线线圈及BALUN的使用建议因成都没有北方严寒,南方的酷暑,所以M-409、M-527没有经过严格的考验,为了避免灾难的发生,请注意以下几点。
M-409、M-527各波段的振子长度分别是M-409天线:A段3.7m (M-527天线J段3.7m)2根,B段4.2m (M-527天线K段0.8m )2根,C段2.8m (M-527天线L段1.4m)2根,D段2.8m 2根,E 段1.4m 2根,以上包括打结、折返等安装尺寸。

Laplace Instruments LtdLAPLACE INSTRUMENTS LTDRF300Large Loop Antenna (Van Leen Loop)2 metre diameterMk II-AUSER MANUALVer 2.00 October 2011Serial number: XXXXDistributed by:Reliant EMC LLC3311 Lewis AveSignal Hill CA 90755408-916-5750This Page intentionally blankIndex1.0 Introduction2.0 Packing List3.0 Assembly4.0 Calibration loop5.0 Calibration6.0 OperationAppendixA. Calibration dataB. Latest changes to standardsCISPR15 & CISPR16.This Page intentionally blank1.0 IntroductionThe RF300 large loop antenna has been developed to meet the requirements of EN55015: 2006 + A2: 2009, section 9.9.1, which refers to CISPR16-1-4: 2007 + A1: 2008 section 4.6.1. This specifies the limits for magnetic field induced current for luminaires with lamp operating frequencies in excess of 100Hz.Construction of the RF300 is as detailed in annex C of EN55016. This antenna is fully compliant with the standard and details of the calibration factors are included in this manual. These antenna factors should be added to the results to obtain correct measurements that can be compared directly with the limits.Test setup and limits should be conducted as required by EN55015, section 4.4.The design of the RF300 is such that it can be readily erected and provide a rigid and stable configuration for accurate and repeatable measurements.A calibration loop (RF300C) is available as an option if on-site calibration is deemed necessary. The RF300C allows the calibration loop to be used on all three axes and rotated within each as required by the standards.Quantity Item2 Plates A2 Plates B4 Plates C8 Plates D3 Loop antennas (Blue)4 Corner posts4 Base extensions1 Central pillar4 Saddle Clips31 Grip screws (M10)31 Grip nuts (M10)8 M6 x 12 screws and nuts3 Loop transducers (current sensors)1 Switch Unit1 Short BNC—BNC cable, patch cable1 BNC—BNC cable (5m), output cable3 BNC—BNC cable (1.5m), loop leads1 10dB attenuator2 TiewrapsFigure 15Arrangement at top of loops. Use 2 tywraps in series for adequatelength.5.0 CalibrationThe calibration technique is fully described in CISPR16. It requires the use of a signal generator covering the range 9KHz to 30MHz with a50ohm output that is calibrated for 1v rms emf.See appendix AThe calibration data for each loop is virtually identical. The following details therefore apply to all three axes, although full data for each axis is given in the appendix.For reference, the ‘ideal’ curve is shown in graph 1. This is taken directly from EN55016, annex C, Figure C8.The antenna factor data for the RF300 are also given.This ‘antenna factor’ correction data effectively converts the output from the RF300 (measured in dBuV) directly to dBuA.The data can be used with any analyser or receiver capable of EMC measurements.The estimated measurement uncertainty is 3dB.For a detailed explanation of the calibration of the RF300 and discussion of changes to CISPR15 (EN55015) and CISPR16, see appendix BIf using the SA1002 or SA3000 analyser:The RF300 is listed under the normal Inputs menu. Just select this device and the software automatically applies the appropriate correction factors so that the trace reads correctly in dBuA and can be compared directly with the EN55015 limits.Further details are given in section 6.16.0 OperationDetails of the measurements and limits are given in EN55015, section 4.4. A copy of this should be consulted if performing compliance tests.The UUT should be mounted on a wooden frame or table in the centre of the antenna. The position is not critical.Connecting cables to the EUT should leave the volume enclosed by the loops in such a way as to be kept away from the loops to avoid capacitive coupling. See Fig C6 in CISPR16.Each axis (loop) should be measured in turn. Each should meet the requirements of the standard. The loops are individually selected by connecting the short patch lead to the appropriate input socket as shown in fig 11.6.1 Measurement with the SA1002 or SA3000 and EMCEngineer Windows software.1. Select the RF300 item under the input menu. The vertical scale will indicate units of dBuA. (If this item is not available, you need a later version of the software. Contact your supplier)2 Under the limits menu, select the EN55015 ......... 2m loop antenna limit line.3. Connect the switch unit to the analyser input.4. With the UUT switched off, check the background signal level. At frequencies below 1MHz, the background can be very strong. If strong signals do exist, check that the analyser is not in compression by changing the input attenuator setting on the analyser and comparing scans. Apart from the base line, the traces should overlay. If this happens then it is OK to use the analyser with that attenuator setting. If not, increase the attenuation and try again.5. If the background is strong, it is advisable to either find a ‘quieter’ location or screen the room.6. Switch the UUT on. Check the levels of signal over the background levels using the techniques used for conventional radiated testing as described in the user guide.The levels displayed are fully compensated for the RF300 characteristicsAPPENDIX ACALIBRATION DATA1. CISPR16 ‘ideal’ plot2. Calibration data.3. RF300 actual sensitivity plots and RF300correction plot (Antenna Factor)This Page intentionally blankThis Page intentionally blankThis Page intentionally blankAppendix BChanges to standards CISPR15 and CISPR16, 2009Technical Report Laplace Instruments Ltd January 2010 RF300 Large loop antenna, an analysis of changes to the standards These changes are due to the amendments to CISPR15 and CISPR16The latest versions are now …..CISPR15:2006 + A2:2009 andCISPR16-1-4:2007 + A1:2008The key changes related to LLAs are:1. Sections related to the construction and specification of LLAs are moved fromCISPR15 to CISPR16. Note that in the new CISPR15, the requirements for theLLA are referred to Section 4.7.1 in the new CISPR16, which does not exist! Itseems that the reference should be to Section 4.6.1. The same error is repeated in CISPR16 which again refers in Annex C to the non-existent section 4.7.2. The definition of the calibration data has been re-defined.PreviousCISPR15New CISPR16 Notes Significant changesAnnex B Annex C Description, construction andvalidation of LASBoth annexes combined into one.Annex CClause B1 Clause C1 Introduction Loop antenna named LAS (LoopAntenna SystemClause B2 Clause C2 Construction of LAS Additional requirements for cables andconnectors.Clause C3 Construction of loop Information previously included withdiagrams now included in text. Note lowR for inner conductor is required.Clause B3 ----- Positioning of the LAS Requirement for minimum distance tonearby objects,…… not included in newCISPR16Clause B4 Clause C4 Validation New definition for validation factor. (seebelow).Figure B1 Figure C1 General view NoneFigure B2 Figure C2 Position of slits NoneFigure C3 Construction of slits NoneFigure C5 Metal box for current probe NoneFigure B3 Figure C4 Example slit construction NoneFigure B4 Figure C8 Validation factor Converted from dBuA to dB(Ω). Seebelow.Figure C7 Positions of calibration loop NoneFigure C9 Construction of calibration loop NoneFigure C1 Figure C11 Sensitivity vs diameter NoneFigure C2 Figure C10 Conversion factors between loopcurrent and magnetic fieldstrength at a distance. Factors for magnetic field with electric field added. Factors for distance 30m removed.Note 1.The details of the LLA were given in Annex B of CISPR15. These are now transferred to Annex C of CISPR16. Most of the content has remained the same, but Table 1 summarises the changes.Note 2CISPR15 gave the verification data as a plot of loop current in dBuA vs frequency for the standard test signal (1V, open circuit voltage with a source impedance of50ohm). This seems to be a straightforward method, especially as the limits are quoted in dBuA, so it’s a direct correlation between the calibration loop and the limits.CISPR16 is essentially the same information, but presented differently. It specifies the relationship between the source voltage (1V, as specified above) and the output current in the loop as measured by the current probe. Note that the current probe has a transfer characteristic of 1V/A. The relationship between volts and current is ohms, hence the use of dB(ohms) as the ‘validation factor’.The result is therefore a conversion factor scaled in dB(Ω) to convert current to voltage,CISPR16 defines the validation factor dB(Ω) = 20*log(Vs/Ii) where Vs is the source voltage and Ii is the loop current.Vs = 1V = 1,000,000uVUnder ‘old’ CISPR15, for Ii @ 100KHz = 46dBuA = 200uASo the new CISPR16 value is 20*log(1000000/200) = 74 dB(Ω)andOld CISPR15 for Ii @ 30MHz = 29dBuA = 29uASo the new CISPR16 value is 20*log(1000000/29) = 91 dB(Ω)These calculations confirm the relationship between the CISPR15 plot and the CISPR16 validation factor.The plots in the standards assume a current probe with a 1V/A transfer function. Such probes are ‘active’ but provide a flat frequency response. The RF300 uses passive probes which have a non-flat frequency response. This is not important if the probe is ‘inside’ the calibration loop and has a linear transfer function with amplitude. These factors hold true for the probe that is used. So the RF300 antenna uses an antenna factor correction to produce a calibration that agrees with the validation factor. This antenna factor is supplied with each antenna, and is equivalent to the correction factors as supplied with all EMC antennas, test cells, LISNs and other types of transducer.Using the antenna factor data with the RF300 enables the output to be compared directly with the limits as specified in EN55015.LAPLACE INSTRUMENTS LTDDistributed by:Reliant EMC LLC3311 Lewis AveSignal Hill CA 90755408-916-5750。
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3207型号天线系统设置和用户手册The World Leader inSubsurface Imaging™美国劳雷工业有限公司目录3207型天线 (3)3207P和3207AP操作注意事项 (4)1.理解电子单元 (4)2.操作模式 (6)2.1双体天线浅部探测模式 (6)2.2双体天线深部探测模式 (7)2.3单体天线(3207AP) (8)3仪器部件和连接装置图 (10)3.1部件列表 (10)3.2硬件连接图 (11)4距离测量选项 (12)5软件系统设置--标准设置 (14)5.1 3207AP单体天线参数设置 (14)5.2 3207P双体天线参数设置 (15)5.3 天线参数 (15)附图3207型天线3207型号天线用于深部探测,可有效对地下土壤和岩石结构成图。
包括两个3207盒子,中间通过玻璃纤维竿子连接,或者采用不通的间距用于CMP 测量分析。
接收天线采用769DA2型号电子单元,仅仅用于接收电磁波,通过out 输出端口连接至发射天线电子单元。
"Marker O"标记接口,用于连接遥控标记器(单独销售)。
图1 769DA2型发射/接收器778型号发射器,仅用于3207P天线对。
图2 778电子单元接口2.操作模式3207有三种操作模式:1.双体天线浅部探测2.双体天线深部探测3.单体天线(3207AP,和769DA2发射/接收电子单元)2.1双体天线浅部探测模式双体天线浅部探测模式,连接两个3207天线盒子至紧密接触。
连接共2部分,第一部分利用玻璃纤维杆连接;第二部分利用metal grounding接地金属片连接(见图3)。
图3 3207双体天线浅部探测连接图778型号发射器插入3207盒子。
图4 双体天线深部探测连接图此时不能利用金属片连接。
2.3单体天线(3207AP)图5 单体天线769DA2连接图利用769DA2电子单元接入3207盒子,组成100兆单体天线。
3.2硬件连接图图6 双体天线(浅部探测)图7 双体天线(深部探测)图8 双体天线3207P完整安装图4距离测量选项3207单体、双体天线,采用距离测量方式,建议使用620型号测距轮编码器。
图9 620型号测距轮图9为620型号测距轮编码器。
图10 620型号测距轮编码器正确安装图图11 605型号接口盒安装图5软件系统设置--标准设置根据SIR系统操作说明书设置参数,尤其是一些特定控制单元。
5.1 3207AP单体天线参数设置利用3207天线,参数设置为:系统运行模式:连续测量,距离测量发射率:50KHz ------ Transmit Rate记录长度:300纳秒--------------- Range增益点数:5 -------------------------- number of gain points垂直低通滤波器: 300MHz --------- IIR Low Pass filter垂直高通滤波器: 25MHz ----------- IIR High Pass filter叠加:0 扫描,(32,点测模式64)------ Stacking采样点数:512------------------------- samples / scan数据位:16 ----------------------------- bits / sample扫描/秒:16 ---------------------------- scans / second5.2 3207P双体天线参数设置3207双体天线参数设置,深部探测增加记录长度。
系统运行模式:连续测量,距离测量发射率:25KHz(6KHz) ---------------- Transmit Rate记录长度:300纳秒+ -------------- Range增益点数:5垂直低通滤波器: 300MHz --------- IIR Low Pass filter垂直高通滤波器: 25MHz ----------- IIR High Pass filter叠加:0 扫描,(32,点测模式64)------ Stacking采样点数:512------------------------- samples / scan数据位:16 ----------------------------- bits / sample扫描/秒:16(8)---------------------------- scans / second5.3 天线参数中心频率:100MHz脉冲宽度:10ns单体天线尺寸:95.25 × 55.75 × 26.5 cm3207AP单体天线:16kg3207P双体天线:32kg620型号编码器参数417 刻度/米(ticks/meter)。
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