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I’ll leave you both to talk. 我先走,你们两位慢慢聊。 Thank you very / so much. 很感谢你 Thanks a lot. 多谢 That’s very kind of you. 你真是太好了 You’re (very) (most) welcome. 不用谢
I’m afraid that I don’t know. Sorry. 恐怕我不知道。对不起。
I’m sorry to bother / trouble you. 很抱歉打扰 / 麻烦你
Don’t worry about it. 别放在心上 It doesn’t matter. 没关系
Can you tell me the exact problem, please? 您能确切的告诉我问题在哪里吗? I’m sure you’ll agree that it was an accident. 我确信你同意那是一次意外. If you would give me a moment, I’ll get some one to deal with the problem. 请给我点时间,我会派人处理的
I’m well / fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你 Very well, thank you. 很好,谢谢 Goodbye / Bye-bye / Bye / See you later. 再见 Good night. 晚安 My name is Li Ming./ I am Li Ming. 我的名字叫李明 / 我是李明。
I assure you that we will deal with the staff member concerned. 我向您保证,我们会处理相关人员
Please excuse me, but I need your help.
Pardon me, Can you help Fra Baidu biblioteke, please?
Hello/Hi. 哈罗 / 嗨! Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上 / 下午 / 晚上好! It’s good to see you. 见到你很高兴 How are you? 你好吗? How are things with you? 近来好吗?
I’m (very) happy /glad /pleased to meet you. 见到你很高兴
It’s good / nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 How do you do? 你好 I’d like you to meet my friend Li Ming. 我想让你认识一下我的朋友李明. This is my classmate Zhao Wei. 这是我的同学赵伟.
It’s my pleasure. 别客气 Please don’t mention it. 那没什么 That’s alright / OK. 不用谢 Not at all. 那没什么 I’m (really) sorry. 对不起(我真的很抱歉)
Please accept our / my apologies. 请接受我 / 我们的歉意 It was my mistake. 是我的错 The mistake was entirely mine / ours. 这都是我 / 我们的错 I do apologize. 我确实要道歉 It was our / my fault. 是我 / 我们的错