
篇一:《双立人》双立人、WMF、Fissler三大德系厨房用具品牌使用简版心得(2012-06-08 09:53:44)转载▼标签德国高压锅双立人304不锈钢厨具分类生活艺术【前言】目前,这三个德国品牌几乎瓜分了中国高端厨房用具市场,在中国市场上和消费者中间具有极高的知名度。
目前在国内销售的双立人刀具最好是TWIN OLYMP系列,8件套刀带旋转刀架专柜价格在6000元以上。


特百惠通用炊具祝贺您选择特百惠Mastro精钢锅具系列asDFgJmH功能与优点高端Mastro精钢锅具系列让您宛若专业大厨,其卓越性能、耐用性和独特设计,将带给您从未有过的烹饪享受!本品适用于所有炉 灶:• 特百惠Mastro 5L多用锅和28cm平底煎锅 ◦锅身三层结构,中间是铝,内外层是18/8不锈钢。
• 特百惠Mastro 32cm炒锅 ◦炒锅三层结构,由 铝、18/8不锈钢、磁性不锈钢组合,确保在所有炉灶上使用,快递传热且保温性好使用方法及注意事项• 仔细阅读锅具使用手册 • 第一次使用前请先清洗干净。
• 锅底大小应与所使用的灶眼大小一致。
• 用锅具煮盐水时,要在水沸腾后加入盐,确保盐在水中均匀分散。
• 请勿将本品放入微波炉、篝火、烤架顶部或烤焙用具下使用。
• 请勿在烤架或烤架上使用玻璃盖• 请勿将空锅放在高温炉具上,也不要让锅干烧。
• 锅具内有热油时,切勿倒水。
• 请勿抛掷锅具。
• 虽然锅盖选用钢化玻璃制成的,但掉在地上可能会摔碎,拿放时应当小心。
• 锅具叠放时,锅与锅之间垫一块布,以保护锅具的内外表面。
• 超过建议的温度可能会使锅具表面变色为黄色。
• 放入烤箱使用,一定要戴手套把锅从烤箱里取出来• 将热锅放在餐桌或工作台上时,一定要使用餐垫。
清洗指南• 清洗前,先让锅具慢慢冷却。
• 如果食物粘锅,将锅具浸泡在加入洗洁精的热水中,可有效清除粘住的食物。
• 只可使用非研磨性、非氯化物清洁用品,如海绵、尼龙刷或特百惠超细纤维毛巾。
• 请勿用钢丝球或金属制品清洁锅具,它们会刮伤锅具。
• 洗碗机可以安全清洗本品,但我们建议手洗,洗碗机清洗过程中,本品触碰到其他锅或金属表面,可能会损坏。

德国菲仕乐Fissler综合说明+菜谱德国菲仕乐Fissler 锅具使用过程中的注意事项在燃气上使用锅具,请不要让燃气的火焰超过锅底。
1.菲仕乐锅具采用18/10 医用不锈钢。
炒锅常见问题:*如何使锅具有不粘的功能?将锅放在热源上加热3 至5 分钟后,将少量水珠撒入锅,如果水珠被吸干或者四处跳跃,则说明温度尚未达到。

Congratulations on your new Fissler wok. Your wok unites the centuries-old tradition enjoyed by this Far Eastern piece of cooking equipment with modern design and the technologies used in Western stoves.It opens up a whole new world of cooking to you – with a thousand delicacies drawn from an exotic gastronomic culture.You can also use your wok for Western dishes and for Wester ways of preparing foods.You will see that this is actually an all-purpose cooking device in which you can cook many things more simply and more gently.And there is another characteristic of your Fissler wok that you will soon learn to love:It is conducive to social gatherings. Just put it in the middle of the table and serve right out of it.It is sure to quickly be surrounded by happy ,satisfied faces.What dishes can you cook in your wok?Since your wok is both a pot and a pan,you can cook a lorge variety of dishes in it:●Asian dishes●Stir-fry,noodle or rice dishes●Meat dishes,such as aliced or diced meats●Deep-fried meats,vegetables,fruit and pasta●SoupsGeneral instructions for all woks●As a rule,woks with plastic handles should not be used in theoven.For woks with metal handles,we recommend always using suitable potholders or mitts to protect your hands,especially with a gas stove or oven.●When using the wok,make sure that you place it safely in the meddleof the burner.●In order to prevent burns as the result of fat foaming over orspattering when deep-frying,never fill the wok more than one-third full of oil.Only use high-heat cooking oils or vegetable fats.Do not usea lid when deepfrying,and do not overheat the fat;never exceed200℃.●You can save energy by making use of the heat stored in thehigh-quality Fissler bases,simply by turning down the heat source early and turning it off even before the end of the cooking period.The diameter of the burner should be the same as or smaller than the diameter of the wok base.Effective base diameter and burner sizeWhile the work is cooling off,it is possible for the tightly closing lid to be ,,suked”onto it .To prevent this,wipe off the edges of the wok and the lid so that they are dry before permitting them to cool.If the lid should still be difficult to remove,you can release the pressure by reheating the wok.Please do not use the glass lid in the oven.Do not cool the hot glass lid with cold water,for the temperature shock could damage the lid.Once the wok has been used several times,the plastic handle may become loose.For your own safety,you should immediately tighten the loosened screw with a suitable screwdriver.For your own safety,you should immediately replace cracked handles with original Fissler replacement parts.Never add salt to cold water.Always wait and add it to boiling water,then stir.Adding salt to cold water can result in an extremely high concentration of salt on the bottom of the wok,which can cause corrosion spots to form.These changes in the stainless steel can no longer be removed,but they will not impair the wok’s functional and cooking properties.When using the wok in the oven(only if it has stainless steel handles), do not heat the pan to over 220℃.Do not use the oven’s grill feature with sealed woks.Glass ceramic cooking surface:To prevent scratches on the glass ceramic cooking surface,always lift the wok before changing its position on the cooking surface.Fissler is not liable for damage which could otherwise result.When pans with an exposed aluminum base are moved back and forth on ceramic surfaces,this can leave marks.These can generally be removed with a commercially available glass ceramic cleaning product. Never overheat the wok.If the wok is overheated,its base can take on a golden discoloration,although this discoloration will not affect how well the wok functions.In the case of extreme overheating,the base can be damaged.If this should happen ,never remove the wok from the burner.In extreme cases of overheating the aluminum in the base can melt and liquefy.If the wok should overheat,never try to remove it from the burner,to prevent risking burns from hot aluminum spillage.Turn off the burner,allow the wok to cool off,and air out the room.Base:Your wok can basically be used on all conventional electric and gas stoves.The base will lie flat on your glassceramic cooking zone or burner and has the best cooking properties.During the cooking process,your wok absorbs the heat quickly,distributes it evenly on the base,and stores it well.If you own a wok with the cookstar all-stove base,or if the word”Induction”is embossed is the base stamp,you can use it on all types of stoves,even induction.Induction cooking:To prevent overheating of the wok due to the high power of induction stoves,be sure to follow the directions provided by the manufacturer of your stove.Never heat the wok unattended,empty or at the highest heat setting.A humming sound may be heard when you are using your wok.This sound has technical reasons and does not indicat that your stove or cookware is defective.Always place the pot in the middle of the cooking zone.Always use a wok that is the same size as the cooking zone or larger(see table),for otherwise the cooking zone may not react to the bottom of the wokInstructions for sealed woksBefore using your wok for the first time,wash it thoroughly and boil some water in it for tow minutes.When using it again:1.Rub a little oil into the wok(using 3-4 drops on a paper towel).2.Heat the wok at a medium setting (2/3 of your stove’s maximumheat).Place the food to be fried in the wok, and brown it on all sides.If the wok has a nonstick sealing ,never cut in it with a knife,and never use sharp-edged instruments in it to turn foods.To prevent overheating,never heat the sealed wok unattended or at the highest heat setting.If you are using your wok in the oven,never heat the oven to over 220℃,and do not use the grill.Overheating will damage the nonstick property of the sealing and can cause it to burn and smoke to form.If this should happen,turn off the heat source,open the oven door if you are using the oven ,and air the room out completely.So that you can enjoy your pan for a long time to come,we recommend washing it by hand with warm water,using dishwashing liquid and a soft sponge.Never sue abrasive or scouring cleaning agents.You should not place your wok in the dishwasher,as the dishwasher detergent could damage the nonstick sealing and corrode the material.After you clean the wok and before you use it ,rub a little vegetable oil into it.Do not store foods in the wok,especially those that contain salt or acid.Store them separately in appropriate bowls orcontainers.Failure to do so can result in damage to the sealing.\Instructions for the non-sealed wokBefore using your wok for the first time,wash it thoroughly and then boil some water in it with a dash of lemon juice. Woks made of stainless steel can be placed in the dishwasher.In doing so,use common household products in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer,but no industrial detergents or highly concentrated cleaning products.Discolorations that may appear on the handles or the base in the course of time will not affect how well the wok functions.When cleaning the wok by hand,simply use hot water and conventional dishwashing liquid and a cloth,sponge,or soft brush.Do not use hard objects,steel wool, or scouring powder.Dry it immediately,so that water spots cannot form.Any stubborn food resdues can be removed with Fissler Stainless Steel Cleaner.You can ensure a lasting shine with the Fissler Stainless Steel Care.It is also outstanding for removing white or iridescent spots.How to cook in your wokQuick stir-frying:Cut the ingredients into thin sticks,slices or cubes.Add some oil to the wok,and then cook the ingredients in it,turning them constantly with the turner.If your wok has a concave inner surface,it will be very easy to turn the ingredients,and you will need very little oil.You can add the ingredients to the wok little by little,first those that need longer to cook,then those that cook more quickly.Or else you can remove individual ingredients from the wok when they are finished and then mix them all together at the end.add pastes or dried and soaked mushrooms right to the hot oil for the fullest aroma.Deep-fryingFor deep-frying,fill the wok at most one-third full with oil and heat it.Only use high-heat cooking oil or vegetable fats.Place the food to be deep-fried in the hot fat-but not too much at one time.Turn the pieces during the deep-frying rack,place them on it.If not ,use paper towels.Never use a lid when deep-frying,and neverheat the fat to a temperature of over 200℃.Frying at high temperatures(stainless steel wok):Heat the wok up empty,then sprinkle a few drops of cold water into it.If they form clear beads that”dance”around the pan,the right temperature has reached for frying meat.The meatwill adhere to the surface to begen with.After a few minutes,however,it will separate from the surface by itself and can then be turned.If you have a wok with the novogrill frying surface,you can fry your meat with or without fat,as you wish,and still enjoy good fat distribution and a grill effect. WarrantyIf you should have a complaint within the current legal warranty guidelines,if not otherwise indicated,please return the entire unit,together with your receipt,to your dealer,or send the product,well packed,to:Fissler Customer Service,Harald-Fissler-Strasse 10,55768 Hoppstadten-Weiersbach,Germany,Phone:+49(0)6781-403-556 or Fissler GmbH,Kefergasse 2,1140 Vienna,Austria.Phone:+43(0)222-91 47 62 20.Our warranty does not cover damage caused by improper use or non-observance of the instructions for use,e.g.overheating,discoloration,scratches,being dropped on the floor,or improper cleaning or cleaning in the dishwasher.Also excluded are purely visual signs of use.恭喜你购买了新的菲仕乐锅具。

无毒、耐用及多功能的安利不锈钢复合式厨具适合各种烹调方式,提供您和您家人 一世享用。安利icook不锈钢复合式金锅系列采用更高科技的材质和结合了各种锅具的 特色,让您在烹调时保存食物天然的原汁原味与养分。 低温,低油,低烟,导热均匀,不释放毒素,超硬终生使用,
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
使用方法及注意事项 •第 一次使用安利不锈钢厨具: 请先用稀释的安利浓缩洗碟精加上少量的醋清洗锅具表面,以清除制造过程 中可能残留的油渍与金属磨光剂,并于清水冲洗干净后擦干。 •使用完请立即清洗安利不锈钢厨具﹕ 清洗锅具时请用安利浓缩洗碟精以热水清洗并用布将锅具擦拭干净。为了锅 具变形,不可将温度高的锅具直接与冷水接触。长期使用洗碗机清洗锅具会 使锅具的手柄变钝,因此建议用手洗的方式以延长锅子的美观。 •清洗锅内残留的盐渍及水痕: 在锅内倒入少许的醋或少许的柠檬汁来溶解锅内的残留物,再用纸巾以画圆 圈的方式针对斑印处来清洗,并以稀释的浓缩洗碟精及清水冲洗干净并擦干 。如果长时间将残留的食物及油渍留在锅中,有可能会造成锅子生锈或腐蚀 的情形。 •食盐应撒在食物上,避免与锅身直接接触: 烹调时,请先将食盐溶解与水或 酱汁里。如果将食盐直接洒于锅面,未溶解的盐经二次加热后会在锅内产生 黑斑或细小凹孔。 •切勿使用钢刷或菜瓜布于亮面: 安利 Scrub Buds 金刚刷只限用于清洗锅子的内部 及锅底;请勿使用菜瓜布或其它磨损力强的清洁用具(研磨剂)清洗金属亮面 ,以免刮伤不锈钢亮面。 •请勿在锅面上直接切割食材:以免损坏锅具。 •选用适当尺寸的锅盖:锅盖应与锅具的大小相符 。 •选用适当尺寸的炉具﹕锅具直径应与炉面直径相符,例如:使用瓦斯炉时 ,炉火不可烧出锅身两侧。若炉具大于锅子,直接的炉火可能会毁损锅柄。 •导热特强,无需大火:为延长厨具的使用寿命,请使用小火或中火烹调 。 •烧焦的食物: 如果在烹调的过程中有食物烧焦的情形发生,请将烧焦的食物 自锅中移起,待锅子冷却后用安利浓缩洗碟精加热水浸泡一会儿,再加以清 洗。如果有难以清理的油渍或食物残渣,请于锅子内加入少许的水,待水煮 沸后再以温水热水加以清洗。

WARNING: If the information in these instructions is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causingproperty damage, personal injury, or loss of life.Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this fire pit when in use.This appliance is designed only for burning wood and similar low-density materials. This appliance is not intended for use with coal or any high-density combustible materials.This fire pit can only be used on top of concrete pads, bare dirt areas, and gravel covered areas. Do not use this appliance on top of any wood covered deck or walkway area. Doing so may cause the wood surface to catch onfire leading to property damage or personal injury.This fire pit can only be used outdoors in open areas.Maintain a minimum of 10 feet, horizontally, between this fire pit and any building structure or vehicle.Do not attempt to transport this fire pit while hot or when a fire is burning in it.Stainless SteelThe surface of this fire pit is stainless steel and suspectable to showing fingerprints. This is completely natural and normal. See the care and cleaning instruction below.Hot Surfaces are NormalBe aware that the surfaces of this fire pit can be too hot to touch. This level of surface temperature is considered normal and does not indicate any hazardous situation. Use protective gloves when handling hot parts.After each use, wait for the fire to burn out and cool completely before attempting to remove the ashes.GENERAL INFORMATIONAlways keep the fire pit clear and away from combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids during use.1.3 WARRANTY POLICY STATEMENTExtreme Fire extends this Limited Lifetime Warranty to the original purchaser of this appliance provided the product remainsin the original place of installation. The items covered by this limited warranty and the period of such coverage is set forth inthe table below.Some conditions apply (see below).The policy is not transferable, amendable, or negotiable under any circumstances.1.3.1 ConditionsWarranty protects against defect in manufacture or Extreme Fire assembled components only, unless herein specified otherwise.Any part(s) found to be defective dupit the warranty period as outlined above will be repaired or replaced at Extreme Fire’s option through an accredited distributor, dealer or pre-approved and assigned agent provided that the defective part is returned to the distributor, dealer or agent for inspection if requested by Extreme Fire. Alternatively, Extreme Fire may at its own discretion fully discharge all its obligations under the warranty by refunding the verified purchase price of the product to the original purchaser. The purchase price must be confirmed by the original Bill of Sale.The authorized selling dealer, or an alternative authorized Extreme Fire dealer if pre-approved by Extreme Fire, is responsible for all in-field diagnosis and service work related to all warranty claims. Extreme Fire is not responsible for results or costs of workmanship of unauthorized Extreme Fire dealers or agents in the negligence of their service work.At all times Extreme Fire reserves the right to inspect reported complaints on location in the field claimed to be defective prior to processing or authorizing of any claim. Failure to allow this upon request will void the warranty.All warranty claims must be submitted by the dealer servicing the claim, including a copy of the Bill of Sale (proof of purchase by you). All claims must be complete and provide full details as requested by Extreme Fire to receive consideration for evaluation. Incomplete claims may be rejected.Unit must be installed according to all manufacturers’ instructions as per the manual.All Local and National required codes must be met.The original purchaser is responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the unit, as outlined in the owner’s manual. As outlined below, the warranty may be voided due to problems caused by lack of cleaning or maintenance.Repair/replacement parts purchased by the consumer from Extreme Fire after the original coverage has expired on the unit will carry a 90-day warranty, valid with a receipt only. Any item shown to be defective will be repaired or replaced at our discretion. No labor coverage is included with these parts.1.3.2 ExclusionsThis Limited Lifetime Warranty does not extend to rust or corrosion of any kind due to a lack of maintenance or the presence of corrosive chemicals (i.e., chlorine, salt, air, etc.).Malfunction, damage, or performance-based issues as a result of environmental conditions, location, chemical damages, operator error, abuse, misuse, use of improper fuels, lack of regular maintenance and upkeep, acts of God, weather related problems from hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes/bolts or acts of terrorism or war, which result in malfunction of the appliance are not covered under the terms of this Limited Lifetime Warranty.Extreme Fire has no obligation to enhance or modify any unit once manufactured (i.e., as products evolve, field modifications or upgrades will not be performed on existing appliances).This warranty does not cover dealer travel costs for diagnostic or service work. All labor rates paid to authorized dealers are subsidized, pre-determined rates. Dealers may charge homeowner for travel and additional time beyond their subsidy.Any unit showing signs of neglect or misuse will not be covered under the terms of this warranty policy and may void this warranty. This includes units with rusted or corroded parts which have not been reported as rusted or corroded within three (3) months of purchase.Units which show evidence of being operated while damaged, or with problems known to the purchaser and causing further damages will void this warranty.Minor movement, expansion and contraction of the steel is normal and is not covered under the terms of this warranty.Freight damages for products or parts are not covered under the terms of the warranty.Products made or provided by other manufacturers and used in conjunction with the Extreme Fire appliance without prior authorization from Extreme Fire may void this warranty.1.3.3 Limitations of LiabilityThe original purchaser’s exclusive remedy under this warranty, and Extreme Fire’s sole obligation under this warranty, express or implied, in contract or in tort, shall be limited to replacement, repair, or refund, as outlined above. IN NO EVENT WILL Extreme Fire BE LIABLE UNDER THIS WARRANTY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, Extreme Fire MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THE WARRANTY SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO DURATION OF THE EXPRESSED WARRANTY SPECIFIED ABOVE. IF IMPLIED WARRANTIES CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED, THEN SUCH WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY.Some U.S. states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.Customers located outside the U.S. should consult their local, provincial, or national legal codes for additional terms which may be applicable to this warranty.1.3.4 How to Obtain Warranty ServiceCustomers should contact the authorized selling dealer to obtain warranty service. In the event the authorized selling dealer is unable to provide warranty service, please contact Extreme Fire by mail at the address listed below. Please include a brief description of the problem and your address, email, and telephone contact information. A representative will contact you to make arrangements for an inspection and/or warranty service.Warrantor:Extreme Fire3010 Spring Industrial Dr.Powder Springs, GA 301271-888-830-0044。

不锈钢复底高身汤煲连盖Stock pot with lid,s/sart. h. lt. SP-32020 20 20 6.2不锈钢复底矮身汤锅连盖Sauce pot with lid,s/s Casserole pot with lid,s/scm.不锈钢复底炖锅连盖art. h. lt.cm. cm.不锈钢单柄复底高身汁煲连盖Saucepan with lid,s/s不锈钢单柄复底矮身汁煲连盖不锈钢单柄复底煎锅2不锈钢单柄复底不粘煎锅不锈钢双耳复底煎锅不锈钢双耳复底灼面锅连盖Sauce pot with lid,s/s不锈钢双耳复底不粘煎锅三层钢双耳炖锅连盖Casserole pot with lid,3-ply 三层钢单柄高身汁锅连盖Saucepan with lid,3-ply 1.2.3. Serie 3-ply is especially designed for professional kitchens,features super heat-conductive multi-layer construction that distributsheat from bottom to rim quickly and evenly. Outside mirror polish and inside satin polishedNon-drip edge1.2. 3. 4. 三层钢专业厨房锅具是由18/10优质不锈钢、3003铝合金、18/0导磁不锈钢三种材料一次整体成型,无焊接接口设计;功能超卓,导热均匀快速。
三层钢双耳汤锅连盖Saucepot with lid,3-ply 三层钢单柄矮身汁锅连盖Saucepan with lid,3-ply 三层钢单柄煎锅Frypan,3-ply 三层钢单柄直身煎锅Frypan,3-ply T HREE -p LYSERIES COOKWAREart.h. lt.cm. art.h.lt.cm.art.h.lt.cm.外层: 18/0导磁不锈钢夹层: 铝内层: 18/10优质不锈钢18/018/10不锈钢港式平盖汤桶HK soup pot with Lid, stackable,s/s 不锈钢港式平盖汤锅HK low soup pot with Lid, stackable,s/s art.h. lt.cm. cm. 不锈钢平盖汤煲Vegetable insert pot with lid, s/s VP-02 12.0 19.5 2.0art. h.cm. lt.不锈钢平盖四方汤桶(无耳)不锈钢平盖四方汤桶(有耳)Square bain marie pot with lid, stackable,s/s 加厚不锈钢方形酱汁盆Bain-marie pan ,heavy,stackable,s/s 加厚不锈钢方形酱汁盆Bain-marie pan ,heavy,stackable,s/s 加厚不锈钢方形酱汁盆Bain-marie pan ,heavy,stackable,s/s 0824-75 24.0×24.0 7.5 4.0art.h.dim.cm. art. h.art. h.dim.cm. dim.cm. lt.不锈钢欧式复底矮煲low sauce pot with Lid, Sandwich-bottom, s/s铝带盖双耳高身汤煲Stock pot with lid,aluminium 铝带盖双耳矮身汤锅Saucepot with lid,aluminium 铝带盖双耳炖煲Casserole pot with lid,aluminium 铝带盖单柄汁煲Saucepan with lid, aluminium 铝雪平锅Japanese saucepan, aluminium 铝不粘复底雪平锅(适用于电磁炉)Japanese saucepan, non stick, aluminium 铝砂光煎锅Frypan, aluminium 铝不粘煎锅Frypan,non stick,aluminium 法式双耳不粘煎锅(饺子煎盘)Paella pan, non stick, aluminium art.h.lt.cm.art.h.lt.cm.art.h.lt.cm.art. h.lt.cm.cm.art.h. cm. 日本耐磨不粘复底煎锅(橙色)Frypan, non stick, orange 日本耐磨不粘复底深煎锅(橙色)Saucepan, non stick, orange 日本耐磨不粘复底炒锅(橙色)Flat bottom wok pan, non stick, orange 日本耐磨不粘复底玉子烧(橙色)Japanese egg frypan, non stick, orange 高级不粘复底煎锅(绿色)Frypan, non stick, green 高级复底不粘煎锅(不锈钢空心手柄)Non-stick frypan w/ s/s handle, Alum 太极焖锅(复底,可用于电磁炉)Dutch oven, Aluminium Non-stick, Korean寿喜烧锅Sukiyaki cooker 韩式可折叠柄煎锅(铸铝不粘)Cast alum non-stick grill pan , Folding handle art. dim.cm. h. 日式双面煎烤盘(铸铝不粘)Double side grill pan, Non-stick art. dim.cm. h . CAK-52864 24x24 3.5CAK-52964 28x28 4.0高级不粘复底双耳汤锅(绿色)Sauce pot, non stick,green 高级不粘复底单柄奶锅(绿色)Saucepan, non stick, green art.h.lt.cm.New range on cast aluminium absolutely undefromable with the highest日式汤锅(铸铝不粘)Round soup pot with glass lid 四方汤锅(铸铝不粘)Square cassrole with glass lid韩式火锅(铸铝不粘)Round shallow cassrole with glass lid日式奶锅(铸铝不粘) Milk pan with glass lid 日式高身煎锅(铸铝不粘)Super saute pan with glass lid, heavy duty日式煎锅(铸铝不粘)Super frypan ,heavy duty韩式格珊煎锅(铸铝不粘) Square grill ,heavy duty韩式双耳炒锅(铸铝不粘)Super WokCAK-52405CAK-52405D意大利披萨煎锅(铸铝不粘)Crepes pan, non stick cast aluminiuart. h.cm.cm.art. h. cm. 铸铁柄铝不粘煎锅Frypan, non stick, cast iron handle 铸铁柄蛋形铝不粘煎鱼锅Oval fish frypan, non-stick,cast iron handle 蛋形铝不粘坑纹煎烤盘Open oval grill pan, non-stick 特富龙铝不粘煎锅(红色)Frypan, non stick,red 铸铁柄铝不粘煎锅Saucepan, non stick, cast iron handle 铁柄铝不粘煎蛋锅Non-stick blinis pan,iron handle 四方形铝不粘煎烤盘Open square grill pan, on-stick 特富龙铝不粘煎锅带玻璃盖(红色)Frypan with glass cover,non stick,red 铸铁柄铝不粘煎锅Crepe pan, non stick, cast iron handle 铝合金陶瓷不粘煎锅(可以使用金属铲Ceramic non-stick frypan, alum-steel 四方形铝不粘坑纹煎锅Ridged square frypan, non-stick 普通款铝不粘煎锅(红色)Can use a metal turner铝特厚双耳烤盘(4.0mm厚)铝西式特厚坑纹烘烤盘(1.6mm厚)铝西式加深烤盘Roasting pans,aluminium 铝西式深烤盘Bake roasting pans,aluminium 铝特厚双耳烤盘(4.0mm厚)Heavy duty roasting pans, aluminium 铝特厚双耳不粘烤盘(4.0厚)Heavy duty roasting pans, non stick,aluminium art. h. lt.dim.cm. art. h.不锈钢蒸鱼盆Fish kettle,18-10 s/s 铝西式特厚烘烤盘(1.6mm厚)dim.cm.铸铝高盖深鱼炉Covered roaster, cast aluminium art. dim.cm. h. lt.order to be used as a serving dish.art. 不锈钢复底轻便锅(带盖)Portable cooking pots, Sandwich-bottom art. h. 不锈钢炸鱼锅(配不锈钢漏篮和盖)Fryer-pot with basket and lid,s/s art. h. lt.FFP-09 30 13 9.0cm. 不锈钢三层节能蒸锅(复底/单底)Steamers/Cookers, 3-piece set w/ base art.cm. cm.黑铁西式煎锅Blacksteel frypan 黑铁西式煎锅(柄耳)Blacksteel frypan with side handle 黑铁西式薄饼煎盘(浅底)Blacksteel crepes pan 黑铁西式煎锅(煎蛋专用)Blacksteel omelet pan 黑铁俄式饼煎锅Can use a metal turner本系列锅具均可使用金属锅铲,使用便利、安全卫生THREE-PLY SERIES FRYPANS/WOK三层钢陶瓷不粘煎锅(可以使用金属锅铲)3-ply Ceramic frypan,18-10 s/s 三层钢陶瓷不粘双耳煎锅(可以使用金属锅铲)3-ply Ceramic French omelet pan,18-10 s/s 三层钢陶瓷不粘炒锅(可以使用金属锅铲)3-ply Ceramic wok w/ lid,18-10 s/s SW-300T1 30 9.0art. h.cm. art. h.cm. Steel由三层材料(18-10不锈钢、3003铝合金、铜)一次整体成型,无焊接接口设计 。
煎锅-Silitan CeraProtect 2说明书

04 – 11 12 – 19 20 – 27 28 – 35 36 – 43 44 – 49
Pfannen - Silitan / CeraProtect.
Pfannen mit Silitan / CeraProtect Antihaftversiegelung →→ Langlebig und widerstandfähig. →→ Exzellente Antihaftwirkung.
Dann erst das Bratgut in die Pfanne
Fall sollte die Pfanne mit Pflanzenöl legen.
(kein Olivenöl) und Küchenpapier
gut ausgerieben werden. Die Pfanne Beim Braten mit wenig Fett fehlt
Pfannen Silitan / CeraProtect
DE Bedienungs- und Pflegehinweise
EN Instructions for use and care
FR Conseils d‘utilisation et d‘entretien
ES Indicaciones de manejo y cuidado
Robuste, langlebige Oberfläche. →→ Kein Anhaften der Speisen. →→ Beste Wärmeleitung und
-speicherung. →→ Zeit- und energiesparend. →→ Perfekt für fettarmes und
九阳 电饼铛 煎烤机 JK30-J15 使用说明书

目录第一章安全注意事项 (x)第二章产品部件名称 (x)第三章使用方法 (x)第四章清洁及保养 (x)第五章故障分析及排除 (x)第六章产品基础信息和装箱明细 (x)第七章电气原理图 (x)有害物质限制使用标识表 (x)售后服务 (x)第一章安全注意事项警告:对可能导致人员危险、重伤、重大财产损失的风险要警惕。
Philips HD3060 米饭锅说明书

Specifications are subject to change without notice © 2014 Koninklijke Philips N.V .All rights reserved.HD3060_UM_TW_V2.0HD3060Register your product and get support at/welcomeAlways there to help you1 Y our rice cookerCongratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips!T o fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /welcome.2 ImportantPlease read this safety leaflet carefully before you use the rice cooker and save it for future reference.Danger• Do not immerse the rice cooker in water, nor rinse it under the tap.Warning• This appliance shall not be used by children from 0 year to 8 years. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above if they are continuously supervised. This appliance can be used by people with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children aged less than 8 years. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children.• Children shall not play with the appliance.• Cooking appliances should bepositioned in a stable situation with the handles (if any) positioned to avoid spillage of the hot liquids.• This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:•staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments; • farm houses;• by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;• bed and breakfast type environments.•Make sure that the damaged power cord is replaced by Philips, a service center authorized by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.•The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or a separate remote-control system.•Check if the voltage indicated on the rice cooker corresponds to the local power voltage before you connect it.•Only connect the rice cooker to a grounded power outlet. Always make sure that the plug is inserted firmly into the power outlet.•Do not use the appliance if the plug, the power cord, the inner pot, the sealing ring, or the main body is damaged.•Do not let the power cord hang over the edge of the table orworktop on which the rice cooker stands.•Make sure the heating element, the temperature sensor, and the outside of the inner pot are clean and dry before you put the plug in the power outlet.•Do not plug in the rice cooker or press any of the buttons on the control panel with wet hands.ENUser manualCaution• Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or that Philips does not specifically recommend. If you use suchaccessories or parts, your guarantee becomes invalid.• Do not expose the rice cooker to high temperatures, nor place it on a working or still hot stove or cooker.• Do not expose the rice cooker to direct sunlight.• Place the rice cooker on a stable, horizontal, and level surface.• Always put the inner pot in the rice cooker before you put the plug in the power outlet and switch it on.• Do not place the inner pot directly over an open fire to cook rice.• Do not use the inner pot if it is deformed.• The accessible surfaces maybecome hot when the rice cooker is operating. T ake extra caution when touching the rice cooker.• Beware of hot steam coming out of the steam vent during cooking or out of the rice cooker when you open the lid. Keep hands and face away from the rice cooker to avoid the steam.• The inner pot and steamer during and after cooking process, may be hot and heavy.• Do not lift and move the rice cooker while it is operating.• Do not exceed the maximum water level indicated in the inner pot to prevent overflow which might cause potential hazard.•Do not place the cooking utensils inside the pot while cooking, keeping warm or reheating rice.• Only use the cooking utensilsprovided. Avoid using sharp utensils.•T o avoid scratches, it is notrecommended to cook ingredients with crustaceans and shellfish. Remove the hard shells before cooking.•Do not insert metallic objects or alien substances into the steam vent.•Do not place a magnetic substance on the lid. Do not use the rice cooker near a magnetic substance.• Always let the rice cooker cool down before you clean or move it.•Always clean the rice cooker after use. Do not clean the rice cooker in dishwasher.• Always unplug the rice cooker if not used for a longer period.•If the rice cooker is usedimproperly or for professional or semiprofessional purposes, or if it is not used according to the instructions in this user manual, the guarantee becomes invalid and Philips refuses liability for any damage caused.Power failure backup functionThis appliance has a backup function that remembers the status before a power failure.• If the power failure occurs during a cooking process, and the power supply is resumed within two hours, the countdown of the cooking time continues where it left off.• If the power failure occurs when the appliance is at preset mode, and the power supply is resumed within two hours, the countdown of the preset time continues where it left off.• If the power supply is resumed after two hours, the appliance will not resume the previous work, but be in standby mode.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.3 What’s in the box (fig. 1)a Rice cooker main unit e Measuring cupb Power cord f Warranty cardc Rice scoop g User manuald Soup ladle4 OverviewProduct overview (fig. 2)h Steam valve m Heating element i Lid release button n Cooker handle j Control panel o Water level indications k Main unit p Inner potl Power socketq Detachable inner lidControls overview (fig. 3)r Display screen v Menu button s Preset button w Warm/Off button t Cooking time button x Start buttonu Reheat buttonCooking time regulating rangeProgram Default cooking time Time regulation Preset time Rice about 35 min N/A 24 hr Soup 2 hr 1-4 hr 24 hr Congee2 hr 1-4 hr 24 hr Stew 2 hr 1-4 hr 24 hr Y ogurt 6 hr 4-12 hr 24 hr Reheat 25 min 25-59 min N/A Claypot rice about 1 hr 20 minN/A24 hrWarm12 hrActivated automatically after cooking functions are finished (excluding yogurt)5 Using the rice cookerBefore first use1 T ake out all the accessories from the inner pot. Remove all packaging materials of the inner pot.2Clean the parts of the rice cooker thoroughly before using the rice cooker for the first time (see chapter ‘Cleaning’).Cooking rice (fig. 4 & 5)1 Measure the rice accurately by using the measuring cup provided; level the rice off at the top of the cup to maintain accuracy.2Rinse the rice thoroughly.3 Put the pre-washed rice in the inner pot.4Add water to the level indicated on the scale inside the inner pot that corresponds to the number of cups of rice used. Then smooth the rice surface.»For instance, if you cook 4 cups of rice, add water up tothe 4-cup level indicated on the scale.5 Press the lid release button to open the lid.6Wipe the outside of the inner pot dry, then put it in the rice cooker. Check if the inner pot is in proper contact with the heating element.7 Close the lid of the rice cooker, and put the plug in the power socket.8isselected.9 cooking.10 When the cooking is finished, you will hear 4 beeps and the selected cooking function light will be off.11»Making soup (fig. 6)1Put ingredients and water into the inner pot.2 Follow steps 6 and 7 in “Cooking rice”.3is selected.»T o set a different cooking time, refer to chapter “Adjustingthe cooking time”.4 cooking.5 When the cooking is finished, you will hear 4 beeps and the selected cooking function light will be off.6»Cooking congee (fig. 6)1Follow steps 1 to 7 in “Cooking rice”.2is selected.»T o set a different cooking time, refer to chapter “Adjustingthe cooking time”.3 cooking.4 When the cooking is finished, you will hear 4 beeps and the selected cooking function light will be off.5»Stewing (fig. 6)1 Put the food and ingredients in the inner pot.2 Follow steps 6 and 7 in “Cooking rice”.3selected.»T o set a different cooking time, refer to chapter “Adjustingthe cooking time”.4 cooking.5 When the cooking is finished, you will hear 4 beeps and the selected cooking function light will be off.6»Making yogurt (fig. 7)1Whisk the ingredients for the yogurt well and put them in the sealed containers.2 Put the containers in the inner pot. Make sure that containers sealed.3 Pour some water in the inner pot. Make sure that half of the containers are immersed in water.4 Follow steps 6 and 7 in “Cooking rice”.5is selected.»T o set a different cooking time, refer to chapter “Adjustingthe cooking time”.6 cooking.7When the cooking is finished, the rice cooker beeps and switches to stand by mode automatically.Cooking claypot rice (fig. 8)1 Follow steps 1 to 7 in “Cooking rice”.2 function is selected.3 cooking.4 After the rice is cooked for some time, the rice cooker beeps for a while.5 Add the ingredients for the claypot rice by placing them on top of the rice. Close the lid to resume the cooking process.6 When the cooking is finished, you will hear 4 beeps and the selected cooking function light will be off.7» Question?Contact PhilipsTW使用手冊Reheating (fig. 9)1 Loosen the cooled rice and evenly distribute it in the inner pot.2 Pour some water onto the rice to prevent it from becoming too dry. The quantity of the water depends on the amount of rice.3 Follow steps 6 and 7 in “Cooking rice”.4 Press the reheating button ( ).»T o set a different cooking time, refer to chapter “Adjustingthe cooking time”.5cooking.6 When the cooking is finished, you will hear 4 beeps and the selected cooking function light will be off.7»Adjusting the cooking time (fig. 10 & 11)Y ou can adjust the cooking time for reheat, yogurt, congee,soup and stew. Refer to the “Functions overview” table for the time regulation of each function.After you have selected the desired cooking function using the menu button, the default cooking time will be displayed on the screen.1 press the cooking time button ( and the hour unit starts flashing on the display.23 After the hour unit is set, wait for a few seconds before the hour unit is confirmed, and the minute unit starts flashing on the display.4Press the cooking time button repeatedly to set the minute unit.Preset time for delayed cooking (fig. 12)Y12 »and the hourunit starts flashing.3 unit.4 When the hour unit is set, wait for a few seconds before the hour unit is confirmed, and the minute unit starts flashing on the display.5 minute unit.6press and hold the start button ( »The preset indicator lights up in yellow when the presettimer is activated. It turns blue when the preset time has elapsed.7The cooking will be finished when the preset time has elapsed. The rice cooker beeps and switches to keep-warm or standby mode automatically.Setting up child lock (fig. 13)T o protect your child from using the rice cooker, you can set up the child lock function.•press and hold the cooking time button• T o unlock, 3 seconds again.»The child lock icon disappears from the display screen.Keep-warm modeThe rice cooker provides you with easy control over the keep-warm function.• T o keep rice in the rice cooker for later consumption, use thekeep-warm mode; otherwise, the rice may develop a foul odor or spoil.• Do not use the keep-warm mode in the below situations:• Keeping rice warm for more than 12 hours.• Keeping rice warm with leftovers.• Reheating the cooled rice.• Keeping rice warm when it contains additional ingredients and seasonings.• Keeping food other than rice warm.• Keeping rice warm when rice scoop has been left in the inner pot.• When keeping a small amount of rice warm, gather the ricetowards the center of the inner pot to prevent drying.6 Cleaning and MaintenanceInteriorInside of the outer lid and the main body:• Wipe with wrung out and damp cloth.• Make sure to remove all the food residues stuck to the ricecooker.Heating element:• Wipe with wrung out and damp cloth.• Remove food residues with wrung out and damp cloth ortoothpicks.ExteriorOutside of the main body:• Wipe with a cloth damped with soap water.• Only use soft and dry cloth to wipe the control panel.• Make sure to remove all the food residues around the controlpanel.AccessoriesRice scoop, soup ladle, inner pot, measuring cup, and detachable inner lid:• Soak in hot water and clean with sponge.7 EnvironmentDo not throw away the appliance with normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an officialcollection point for recycling. By doing this, you can help to preserve the environment.8 Guarantee and serviceIf you need service or information, or if you have a problem, visit the Philips website at or contact the Philips Customer Care Center in your country. Y ou can find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet. If there is no Customer Care Center in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.9 T roubleshootingIf you encounter problems when using this rice cooker, check the following points before requesting service. If you cannot solve the problem, contact the Philips Consumer Care Center in your country.Error SolutionError message (E1, E2, E3, or E4) appears on the display.There has been a power failure during cooking. T ake the appliance to your Philips dealer or a service center authorized by Philips.The cooker does not switch to keep warm mode automatically.The temperature control is defective. T ake the appliance to your Philips dealer or a service center authorized by Philips.10 SpecificationsModel Number HD3060Rated power output 330W Rated capacity0.7L1 您的微電腦迷你電子鍋感謝您購買本產品。


wmf压力锅使用说明书时间:2015-11-14来源:海达范文网篇一:wmf高压锅说明书wmf高压锅说明书:WMF 世界第一厨具品牌福腾宝★宝贝概况★:品名:WMF/福腾宝Perfect Plus 4.5L压力锅(Perfect Plus Pressure Cooker Set)产地:德国材质:特质不锈钢18/10 Stainless Steel货号:07-9312-6040构成:锅体 4.5L 锅体含盖最高:18cm上盖锅体含把最宽:44cm蒸屉与支架锅体直径:24cm多层金属底: 1作为新贵阶层,一个美妙的夜晚应该是这样的:高朋满座、共进晚餐时,那评价女主人厨艺时的由衷赞美、那讨论文艺复兴时的优雅谈吐、那高脚杯里荡漾的情调、那精美盘边上的美妙花纹、和,那华美的福腾宝餐具上闪现的明亮光泽……★本品特点★:4.5L压力锅+屉组合:煎、炸、炖、煮、焖、炒、烤、烙、涮、蒸十项全能好帮手。

wmf压力锅使用说明书【篇一:wmf压力锅中文说明书】wmf说明书wmf 压力锅操作指南目录1.安全须知2.定时器操作3.使用新压力锅4.使用注意事项5.压力锅烹饪方法6.4 种给高压锅降压的方法7.压力锅的保养和维护(清洁、储藏和维护)8.多功能使用方法9.质量保证10.免责声明11.常见问题解决12.烹饪时间表1.安全须知1、在使用压力锅之前请仔细阅读操作手册和指南。
10、不要给压力锅加入超过容积 2/3 的水。
如果使用在烹饪过程中会膨胀的食材,例如大米和干蔬菜,最多加入压力锅容积 1/2 的水,并且仔细阅读操作手册关于这部分的详细说明。
Magma 烤锅系列产品说明书

OWNER’S MANUALCROSSOVER SERIES GRILL BOX TOP CO10-103NOTE: This product REQUIRES the use of a single or double burner Firebox to provide the source of PONENT PARTS & INSTALLATIONALL COMPONENTS SOLD SEPARATELY. VISIT TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL ITEMSTo install any cooking component,simply place it into the Firebox until it is snug on the box.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATINGIF YOU SMELL GAS 1. Disconnect gas to the appliance. 2. Extinguish any open flame. 3. If odor continues, immediately leave the premises and call your gas supplier or local fire department.FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY If stored indoors, detach hoses and leave fuel cylinder outdoors, with valve closed and plugged.FUEL TYPEThis unit is designed for use with propane only. No other fuel is approved for use with this unit. For Natural Gas appliation, contact Magma. 1.*10-773 Replacement Grill Grates*FUEL CYLINDER Always store fuel bottles in a safe outdoor area with valve closed and plugged. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for proper use and stor-age of propane cylinders. Do Not Place Propane Cylinders Directly Under Any Part of the Burners.FOR YOUR SAFETY Follow all safety, set-up, lighting and cooking instructions. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.CARBON MONOXIDE HAZARD This appliance can produce carbon monoxide which has no odor. Using it in an enclosed space can kill you. Never use this appliance in an enclosed space such as a camper, tent, car or home.PROP 65WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Chromium (hexavalaent compounds), which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to: LIMITED WARRANTYMagma Products, LLC guarantees this product to be free from defects in materials or workmanship to the original consumer. This guarantee is for the periods herein specified when used under normal and reasonable conditions, one (l) year from the date of orig -inal purchase. This warranty does not include the cost of property damage or any inconvenience due to the failure of the product. Nor does it cover damage due to misuse, abuse, accident, or damage resulting from transportation of the product. Nor does it include damage resulting from the commercial use of this product. Nor does it include, on stainless steel products, “Surface Rust”; Excessive Corrosion due to exposure to salt water; or Discoloration or Corrosion caused by exposure to excessive heat or failure to properly clean and care for the stainless steel surfaces.If the product fails to operate due to a defect in materials or workmanship during the warranty period, the defective part will be repaired or replaced at Magma’s option. If you wish to obtain performance under this limited warranty, contact Magma’s Customer ServiceDepartmentviatelephoneat(562)627-0500,***********************************,orviaU.S.PostalServicemailat “Magma Products, LLC, Attention Customer Service, 3940 Pixie Ave. Lakewood, CA, 90712”. The defective part, along with proof of purchase, must be returned postage prepaid to Magma Products, LLC. We suggest that you keep your purchase receipt as we may require reasonable proof of purchase.In the state of California only, if refinishing or replacement of the product is not commercially practicable, the retailer selling the product, or Magma Products, LLC, will refund the purchase price paid for the product, less the amount directly attributable to use by the original consumer prior to the discovery of the nonconformity. In addi- tion, in the state of California only, you may take the product to the retail establishment from which it was purchased or to any retail establishment selling this product in order to obtain performance under this warranty. All implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration to the express warranty periods specified herein for the parts described herein. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Neither Magma dealers, nor the retail establishment selling this product has any authority to make any warranties or to promise remedies in addition to or inconsistent with those stated above. Magma’s maximum liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the product paid by the original consumer. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusions may not apply to you. The warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.MAGMA and the Magma logo are registered trademarks of Magma Products, LLC Magma Products, LLC 3940PixieAvenue,Lakewood,CA90712USA|562-627-0500|**********************|2.PRODUCT REGISTRATIONRegister your product today for support.Visit /pages/submit-your-product-registration or scan the QR code.。

manual guide & recipes 万能焖烧锅使用指南与食谱Spend only one quarter ofthe usual cooking time to prep your food,and quality meals are served in no time! Save time, energy and have a hassle free cookingon the go no matter how busy you are.省时节能的新时代煮法 - 膳魔师焖烧锅!可以大大的缩短烹饪时间,无论何时何地,都可以享受到热腾腾的健康料理。
Product Intro产品介绍//////////////////////////////////////////////// 6Tips 贴士1.1 Maintenance 保养方法/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7How To Use 使用方式2.1 Cautions for operation 使用注意事项 ////////////////////////////////////// 102.2 Cautions for cooking 烹调注意事项//////////////////////////////////////// 11FAQs 常见问题3.1 About Product 关于商品////////////////////////////////////////////////// 123.2 Daily Usage 日常使用//////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13Menu 食谱4.1 Basics 基本料理Red Rice 红糙米饭 /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 164.2 Soups 汤品ABC Soup ABC汤 //////////////////////////////////////////////////// 20Arrowroot and Water Chestnuts Vegetarian Soup 马蹄粉葛汤 ///////////// 22Ginseng Herbal Chicken Soup 人参药材鸡汤 //////////////////////////// 24Lotus Root and Peanut Soup 莲藕花生汤 /////////////////////////////// 26Five-Element Vegetarian Soup 五行素菜汤///////////////////////////// 284.3 Main Dish 主菜Baked Cheese and Vegetable Frittata 烘蔬菜嫩蛋 //////////////////////// 32Lamb Stew 焖羊肉/////////////////////////////////////////////////// 34Oyster Chicken & Century Egg Porridge 蠔干皮蛋鸡肉粥 ///////////////// 36Sesame Mushroom Rice 麻油香菇饭 /////////////////////////////////// 38Stew-Fried Luffa Gourds 焖炒丝瓜 ///////////////////////////////////// 404.4 Desserts 甜品Gingko Nut & Water Chestnut 白果马蹄糖水 //////////////////////////// 44Sweet Potato Ginger 双色番薯糖水 //////////////////////////////////// 46 Key Contents目录////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4.5 Litre orClean with a soft damp towel soaked withneutral food cleanser. Remember not tosoak it in water, or water will be absorbedinto the lid of the slit.用布沾中性食品清洁剂扭干后擦拭。

智能电子煎锅用户手册 2023

智能电子煎锅用户手册 20231. 引言感谢您选择使用我们的智能电子煎锅。
2. 产品概述智能电子煎锅是一款结合了现代科技与烹饪技巧的高端电器。
3. 规格参数- 尺寸:XXcm×XXcm×XXcm- 重量:XXkg- 电压:XXXV- 频率:XXHz- 功率:XXXW- 容量:XX升- 材质:不锈钢、陶瓷涂层等4. 使用准备在开始使用智能电子煎锅之前,请确保以下准备工作已经完成:- 将煎锅放置在平稳的水平表面上。
- 插好电源并确保电源开关处于关闭状态。
- 清洁煎锅内部和外部。
5. 操作方法5.1 开机与关机- 打开电源开关,煎锅将开始自检程序并显示欢迎界面。
- 根据屏幕提示,选择开始烹饪或者其他功能。
- 在使用完毕后,关闭电源开关,煎锅将自动关机。
5.2 温度与时间设定- 在屏幕上选择相应的烹饪模式。
- 使用-和+按钮调整温度和时间。
- 确认设置后,煎锅将开始预热并开始烹饪。
5.3 食材处理与放置- 根据食谱或自己的需求,将食材洗净、切割或处理。
- 将处理好的食材放入煎锅内,注意不要超过煎锅的容量限制。
- 盖上适配的锅盖,保证食材和调味料充分混合均匀。
5.4 烹饪过程- 在煎锅屏幕上观察烹饪进度和温度变化。
- 如果需要翻煎或搅拌食材,请使用合适的工具,并确保安全操作。
- 在烹饪结束后,煎锅会发出提醒音,同时自动转入保温模式。
6. 温馨提示- 请勿在使用过程中触摸煎锅表面,避免烫伤。
- 使用煎锅时,请保持周围环境通风良好。
- 清洁煎锅时,请先断开电源并等待其冷却后进行。
- 请勿将煎锅浸入水中,以免损坏电子部件。
- 请置放在儿童无法触及的地方,避免意外发生。
7. 常见问题解答Q1:为什么煎锅不能正常开机?A1:请检查电源连接是否正常,并确保电源开关是否打开。
飞利浦 HD976X 2 空气煎炸锅 用户手册说明书

用户手册HD976X2目录重要信息3电磁场 (EMF) 5自动断电5简介5基本说明6首次使用之前8使用准备8放置可拆卸滤网底部和减脂器8食物表格9使用本产品11空气煎炸11烹饪期间更改为其他预设15使用手动模式16随时更改烹饪温度或时间17选择保温模式18自制炸薯条18清洁19存储20回收21保修和支持21故障排除214简体中文-本产品不能利用外部定时器或独立的遥控器系统操作。
产品的后面、两侧和上方应至少留出 10 厘米的空间。
-在Airfryer 空气炸锅中使用随附的附件时,附件也将受热。
-本产品的设计使用环境温度为 5°C 到 40°C 之间。
-在处理或清洁产品之前,必须先让产品冷却大约 30 分钟。
放入炸篮中的食材量不得超过 MAX 指示线。
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尺寸:24CM 单煎锅:1KG 材质:进口304#不锈钢+铝合金 工艺:铝合金陶瓷不粘涂层
纯无机陶瓷涂层,无PFOA 和PTFA 等有害物质,是通过美国 FDA 认证的无毒性生态涂料的环保煎锅。
工艺 特点
锅内采用纯无机陶瓷涂料 完全依托生态陶瓷涂层的不粘
内部及其光滑、耐磨,烹饪时可以放射出红外线,使食物受热均匀,加速食物熟成,节能 高科技负离子技术,有效的防止霉和细菌类繁殖,抗菌效果达到99.9%; 同时具备不锈钢独有的高硬度、易清洁功能
原生态 纯天然 高矿物 陶瓷涂层 进口顶级304#医用不锈钢+铝合金原料
名称 铝合金陶瓷涂层煎锅
4点 3点