必背范文14 便条-2017年




便条/留言条/便函(Notes)写作要点-便条类似于非正式的简短书信,格式较随意通常不需要写收信人和寄信人的地址结束语也可省略不需要信封日期可以略去不写,也可在便条上方注明(必要是可以注明具体时刻,但年份可省略,因为其内容多为近期内的事情)-便条一般采用非正式或口语表达便条常用语1.通知前往某处As soon as / when you receive this note, please come to ….见条后请即到……Come / Go to …as soon as you see the note.见条后请即到……Upon receiving this note, please come to my office.见条后,请立即来我办公室。

2.辞行It is a pity not t be able to see / meet you. I …很遗憾未能见到你,我……This is to say goodbye to you. (infml)想和你说声再见/与你告别。

(非正式)This is to bid you farewell. (fml)今特来向你辞行。

(正式)3.其它I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliestconvenience.如您方便,请早日来电,我将不胜感激。

Delighted! Will call at 2 p.m. tomorrow.来条收悉,定于明天下午两点拜访。

I shall be very happy to call at your house at 6:30 this evening.我定于今晚6:30去你家,望等候。

Please accept this little gift as a small token of my esteem foryou.奉上这小小的礼物,以表达我对您的崇高敬意。



情景三:当你想托人办事,但是别人不在,而 又打不通或者不便于直接说的情况下应该怎么办?
便条四要素:称呼、正文、署名、日期 (一)语言通俗平实,套话空话较少。
请代购《演讲与口才》十本,尽快寄来,谢谢! (二)内容简明扼要,篇幅比较简短。
情景一:当你因为生病或者有事需要向学校请 假的时候,应该怎么履行手续? 情景二:当你接了重要的 必须转告给A,一时 又无法联系A,而你又不得不离开的时候,怎样 保证A能够知道此事? 情景三:当你想托人办事,但是别人不在,而 又打不通或者不便于直接说的情况下应该怎么办?
年11月11日 年4月18 今天母亲突然重病住院,父亲又因公在外,需我前往医院护理,特请假一天,请予批准。
儿子 因单位有事,我要去单位一趟,大约两个小
时以后回来。饭菜在冰箱里,你自己拿出来用 微波炉加热一下再吃。
妈妈 即刻
1、请假条:设置情境,请给班主任写 一份请假条。
2、留言条:课本练习P32。 3、托事条:托小花帮忙从饭堂打饭。
情景三:当你想托人办事,但是别人不在,而 又打不通或者不便于直接说的情况下应该怎么办?



中考英语书面表达便条必背范文习题答案Writing 1假设你是初三学生李华,星期天你要和你的同班同学李明一起去敬老院参加义务劳动,你去找他,但他没有在家,你给他留言说明要求,内容如下:(1)9:30在学校门口集合;(2)带劳动工具(洗衣粉、理发工具、除草工具等);(3)自带午饭,骑自行车前往。


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】Dear Li Ming,This Sunday we'll go to the nursing home and do some voluntary work. You were out, when I visited you. Therefore, I had to leave a message to you. We'll meet at the gate of our school at 9:30 tomorrow morning and start out together by bike. So you should take your bike. And don't forget to take some washing powder, barber tools and weeding tools so that we can help them with washing clothes, cutting their hair and get rid of some weed in the garden. At last, you should remember to take some food for lunch because we'll stay there for chatting with them at noon.If you come back, please phone me at once.Yours,Li HuaWriting 2假如你叫李明,因患重感冒今,明两天不能上学。



13种便条谢写作范文TEM-4便条写作范文【一】邀请(1)发出邀请范文1April 20, 2008 Dear Fiona,I am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours. The party will be held in Room 6 of Lijing Hotel at 5:00 p.m. today, I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy time together. Please let me know whether you can make it.Yours,Amelia 范文2April 20, 2008 Dear Fiona,Here is a piece of good news for you. The The Russian National Ballet Troupe will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it .The performance will begin at seven o?clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience.Yours,Amelia 范文3April 20, 2008 Dear Professor Zhou,I am Amelia from class 052; I need you to give me some suggestion on my project. If it doesn?t trouble you too much, shall we have a meet at your office tomorrow? Time is up to you..Respectful yours,Amelia 范文4(通知)April 20, 2008 Dear girls and boys in Class 0403,This Saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at Singeing dining hall, there will be a ball held by Class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. And we?ll ha ve a chance of communication, which will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselves together.Yours,MikeMonitor of Class 0301 (2)接受邀请April 20, 2008 Dear Amelia,It?s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to come. I will go to the place right after Ifinish my work at about 5 p.m. this evening. (如果是办在家里:I shall be very happy to call at your house right after I finish my work at 6:30 this evening.) Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours,Fiona (3)拒绝邀请April 20, 2008 Dear Amelia,It?s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to but I have a meeting to attend this evening, please give my best regards to them all and I hope my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience, have fun..Yours,Amelia 【二】请假条Ask for leave 向上级或老师请假Apply for 意为“申请”,较为郑重,常用于书面语中。




1. 标题(可省略)如果是比较正式或者为了明确内容性质,可以加上标题,如“请假便条”“留言便条”等。

2. 称呼。


3. 正文。



4. 署名。


5. 日期。






















































便条范文模板篇11. 结构的含义作用:①使文章言之有体。







2. 安排结构的原则③要适应不同文体的要求。



3. 结构的要求便条范文模板篇2范例--便条便条就是一种简单的书信,内容简短,大多是临时*的留言、要求等。






















文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!便条的范文十篇100字(优选9篇)便条的范文十篇100字第1篇梦想失去了,青春之花也便凋零了,因为梦想是青春的光和热。



日常生活中遇到下列情景该怎么办?接到公司总部的电话,电话说公 司董事长将于下午两点飞抵机场,要求公司李经理 前去接机,并且在接机的同时带上与别的公司合作 的一个合同协议。小王接完电话后由于当时李经理 不在,电话又无法打通,而她自己恰好又是不得不 离开,所以他给李经理写了一张留言条。结果李经 理在看了留言条后居然自己坐着飞机飞往总公司了, 给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 • 附:便条 李经理: 我是小王,今天总公司打电话说要你下午两点 带上与XXX公司的合作协议前往机场,并且去会见 董事长。 小王 4 月5日
情景一:当自己请别人办事,但是别人不 在而电话又打不通或者不便于直接说的情况 下应该怎么办? 情景二:当你接了别人重要的电话必须转 告给别 人,一时又无法联系,而你又不得 不离开的时 候,如何保证别人能够知道此 事? 情景三:当你因为生病或者有事需要向学 校请假的时候应该怎么履行手续?
不 可 或 缺
标题 称谓(称呼、向谁请假) 正文(请假事由、希望语) 落款(署名和日期)
c、“请假条” 书写格式 :
(一)标题: 写在称谓的上一行居中处 (二)称谓: 另起一行,顶格写,并在称谓后加冒号。 (三)正文 : 称谓写好后,另起一行空两格写正文。
请 假 条 王老师: 今天家母突然重病住院,父亲又公出在外,需我前往医院 护理,特请假一天,望老师批准。 此致 敬礼 学生 :李明 2010年5月8日

假如你发烧39度,医生建议你卧床 休息一天,你要给张老师写一张请假 条,请试写。
请 假 条
张老师: 我发烧39度,到医院看医生,医生建议我 卧床休息,特向您请假一天,望批准。



便条写作范例(1)感谢便条(Thank-you note)Dec. 22, 2004 Dear Jennie,How trilled I was when I got the Tang Dynasty tri-color porcelain horse from you as a Christmas present! It is what I have long wanted for I am a crazy collector of this kind of porcelain. I showed it off to my friends and everybody admired me for having such a considerate friend like you. Thank you very much!Yours,Mary(2)提供信息的便条(A note of giving information)Before you leave university you want to sell your bike. Write a note describing the condition of your bike, how much you would like for it, and where you can be contacted.June 30, 2004 Dear fellow students,Before graduating from the university, I’d like to sell my lady’s red 24-inch bike. Because of my good maintenance, every part of the bike is in good condition. I am sure it can last for another four years. My offer for it is 188 yuan (RMB). Any one who is interested in it may call me at 67701234. Your early reply is greatly appreciated.Yours,Jane(3)邀请便条(A note of invitation)Mr. Johnson has just returned from the United States and your department is going to invite him to give a talk on “The American Culture”. Write him a note expressing your interest and inviting him to be a guest speaker.Sept. 9, 2004 Dear Doctor Johnson,Very glad to learn that you’ve returned from the United States. How is the journey? We know, as an expert in American literature, you are very busy with your research. But is it possible for you to give us a lecture on it since all the English majors in our school are keen on this subject? Would 7 p.m. next Tuesday (Sept. 14) be convenient to you?Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Jane(4)接受邀请的便条( A note of accepting an invitation)You, Wang Ling, have received a note from Zhou Wei, a close friend of yours, inviting you to her birthday party on the coming Saturday. Now write to inform her of your acceptance of the invitation.Dear Zhou Wei,Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party to be held this coming Saturday in your house. Happy birthday! As an intimate friend of yours, I’m sure to come. It’s said you’ve also invited several other former classmates so we’ll have a golden chance to meet each other and have a good chat. By the way, is there anything I can do for you in the preparation of your party? Anyway I’ll give you a surprise that day.Yours,Wang Ling(5)谢绝邀请的便条( A note of declining an invitation )Your friends want to make a trip to Hangzhou and you intended to join them in their trip. But now for some reasons you can’t go with them. Please give your reasonsMay 11, 2004 Dear friends,Terribly sorry to tell you that I’m unable to join you in your trip to Hangzhou this time as we planned simply because something unexpected happened to our family. My grandfather fell down from the stairs and had his leg broken and he is now in hospital. I’ll have to look after him these days since my parents are out on business. Hope there will be another chance for me to go outing with you. Anyway, enjoy yourselves!Yours,Jane(6)表示祝贺的便条( A note of congratulations)You have received a note from Li Ming, your primary school classmate who has been awarded the Best Athlete for 2004. Write a note to congratulate him on his recent success.Dec. 24, 2004 Dear Li Ming,Very glad to learn the news that you were awarded the Best Athlete for 2004. Congratulations! Your great achievement has fully reflected the result of your hard training, which started as early as in the primary school when we watched you practise in the sports ground. Your strong will to win has left a deep impression on us all. I sincerely hope that, with great efforts, you’ll work more wonders.Best wishes.Yours,Jack(7)表示同情的便条( A note of sympathy)You have learned that your friend Jimmy is ill these days. Write him a note expressing your concern, asking after his health and give your best wishes.Dear Jimmy,Awfully sorry to learn that you’ve been down with a bad cold. How are you feeling now? Have you been to the doctor? You’d better keep warm, drink more water and simply take a good rest. Don’t worry about your study for, as a good friend of yours, I’ll lend you the notes I have taken in class. Everyone here is asking after you. Hope you’ll have a quick recovery.Best wishes.Yours,Jane(8)表示安慰的便条(A note of condolence)Write a note of condolence to your teacher whose son has just broken a leg and is in hospital now.Oct. 2, 2004 Dear Prof. Leibo,I was shocked to learn the news that your little son Bob had broken his leg. How is he now? How did he get injured? If I were not engaged in an important exam, I would go to see him at once for we all love him very much. Please give our best regards to him and tell him not to worry too much. As soon as I am free, I’ll certainly visit him in the hospital. If there is anything I can help, don’t hesitate to let me know.Yours,Peter(9)关于安排的便条( a note of arrangement)You want to tell your classmate about your arrangements for the spring outing, but he is not at home. Leave a note to him, telling him that it is scheduled to leave at about 7 a.m. that all the students will gather at the school gate.May 7,2004 Dear Lingling,Just now I went to your dormitory to tell you the arrangements of our spring outing this coming Saturday, but you were out. So I have to leave a note to you. We are scheduled to leave at 7 a.m. by our school bus. All the outing goers are expected to gather fifteen minutes earlier at the school gate. Would you be there on time? See you then.Yours,Berry(10)表示抱歉的便条(A note of apology)You were unable to reach school on time to keep an appointment with the tutor because of a sudden downpour. Write to explain the whole situation and ask for another appointment.June 2, 2004 Dear Prof. Wang,Very sorry to have failed to keep an appointment with you this morning. It was the sudden downpour that prevented me from keeping it. When I was riding towards school, it suddenly showered so I had to find shelter as I didn’t take my raincoat with me. So what a pity I couldn’t meet you! Is it possible for me to make another appointment, say, next Tuesday afternoon?Looking forward for your reply.Yours,Tom(11)询问便条(A note of inquiry)You have seen an advertisement in the evening paper offering a scholarship in literature. Write to the advertiser asking for details.May 9, 2004 Dear Sir,Having read the advertisement in Xinming Evening Newspaper offering a scholarship in literature. I’m quite interested but there are still some questions concerning the scholarship. For instance, what qualifications should an applicant have? How can I apply for it? When is the deadline for the application? I’ll appreciate it very much if you could give me all the information about the scholarship.Looking forward for your reply.Yours,Jane(12)回答询问的便条(A note of replying to an inquiry)You have just received a note from Wang Wei, your classmate, inquiring about the lecture to be held next Friday. Write to him, giving details of time, content and speaker.Aug.23, 2004 Dear Wang Wei,Your note has just been received. Here is some information about the lecture to be held next Friday. Professor Johnson, an expert on American Culture, will give us a lecture about the Civil War in the lecture room on the second floor of the Classroom Building, which is scheduled to start at 2 p.m. I am told there will be many a student who would like to listen to it, so you’d better go there a bit earlier.Yours,Da Ming(13)提建议的便条(A note of suggestion)Write a note to the next door neighbor suggesting that she turn down the music a bit.July 1, 2004 Dear Mary,These days I’m busy preparing for my final exam so that I sit up late at night every day. A quiet environment is what I need most at present. You are known as a music fan enjoying listeningto the music in the evening. I don’t intend to ask you to give up your hobby. But may I ask you a favor? Would you please turn down the music a bit? Thanks a lot.Yours,Linda(14)请求帮助的便条( A note asking help)You have returned home to find your bedroom roof has been leaking and your new dictionary and text books are ruined. Write a note to your janitor, asking for immediate action.Aug.25, 2004 Dear Sir,The moment I opened the bedroom door, I was appalled by what I had seen. The bedroom roof was leaking and my new dictionary and textbooks were all ruined. As an English major, how can I go on with my study without a dictionary? So I demand that actions should be taken as soon as possible. Your timely help would, of course, be greatly appreciated.Yours,Jack。












**即日...便条的格式先在什么写称呼,什么写作文May 15th Dear Alice. I wonder if you eould lend me your Chinese-English dictionary. I will return it three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. However, I often meetsome Chinese words which I don't know how to say in English. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. I will take good care of your dictionary. I will definitely not damage it. Thank you very much! Jenny亲爱的艾丽丝:我想知道你能否把你的汉英词典借给我,三天后还给你。

























可用Dear Sir or Madame,Dear Tom等正式称呼,也可直呼其名。



写给亲人和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或My Dear再加上表示关系的称呼或直呼其名。

便条 整理加范文

便条  整理加范文



























条据是作为某种凭据的便条。 它是日常生活中常见而又比较 简便的应用文。 常用的条据有 借条、收条、欠条
(单据) (便条) 请假条、留言条、 托事条



(1)标题 在条据正文上方,写明条据名称。如:请假条。 (2)称谓

请 假 条

张老师: 我收到区学联的通知,要我代表我校学生会参加会议。特此请假 一天(2月29日),请您批准。 此致 敬礼! 附:开会通知 08年2月28日 学生 :刘琳

“此致”应空两格,敬礼应顶格写 署名和日期位置颠倒 日期不具体,年份应该写全

李老师: 今天下午我来找您,有重要事情商量, 不巧没找到,不能久等。晚上七时再来,请 等我。谢谢! 学生:徐伟 ×年×月×日
称谓 正文应当多用礼貌用语,不可因未见到对方而有 所抱怨。留言中应说清事由,或留下再次联络的 方式。 结束语,一般用“谢谢”、“祝好”等简短表示 祝愿或谢意的词结尾。 落款:署名、日期。
在条据标题下的一行顶格写姓名或称谓(写给谁)。如:“ XX 同
志”、“XX老师”等。 (3)正文

(4)署名和日期 署名与日期写在正文的右下角。

(一)标题 写明“请假条”,在文的正中间。 (二)称谓 写明向谁请假,即单位有关部门或领导。 (三)正文 陈述请假理由,请假起止日期等有关情况。结尾处常 用“请批准”、“请予批准”等希望语。 (四)礼貌用语 一般使用“此致”、“敬礼”,也有省略不用的。 “此致”空两格写,“敬礼”另起一行顶格写。 (五)署名、日期 写明请假人姓名、日期。


xx计划生育干部学院教材 科
经手人 高大明 武伟林 2010年4月28日
3、欠条。借钱或物品,到期不能全部归还, 应收回原借条,另写一张单据,约定在一定 期限内归还尚余部分,这样的单据叫欠条。 欠条的特征是原来借的钱或物品,已还清一 部分,尚余部分要在新的商定期限内归还, 因此不能与借条混淆。
刘老师: 我今天腹泻,四肢无力,经医生诊断,
属于急性肠炎,需要休息三天,不能上课, 特此请假。恳望批准。
学生 李晴 2009年1月4日
张老师: 我收到区学联的通知,要我代表我校学
生会参加会议。下午我不能到校上课,特此 请假半天。
此致 敬礼
学生 李琳留言条
王新同志: 今天上午九点,我来宣传部找您研究如
何落实市委《关于开展纪念改革开放三十周 年系列活动的通知》的精神,您不在,下午 三点我再来,请在办公室等我。
此致 敬礼
张浩 2009年11月18 日
亚平同学: 今天下午五点特地上门拜访,不想你不
在。本来想约你去探望刚退休的李老师,你 交际能力强,有你在场气氛也好。今晚七点 我再来找你,咱们能不能一起去?
• 2、留言条。有时找人有事,对方不在,又 不能久等,可写留言条。这种情况下,留 言条一般要写明来访目的、未遇心情及希 望和要求。如果以前没有交往,还要做自 我介绍。如果必须和对方面谈,还要把约 定面谈的时间、地点写明白,便于对方准 备。另外,有时替别人接了电话,或代别 人商洽某件事情,怕事后忘了,也可以用 留言条,转告对方。
3、署名:正文写完后,低一行,于单据的右 下角,写上开凭证人的所在单位及姓名。重 要凭证还需加盖图章。 4、日期:在署名的下一行写明年、月、日。



英语专四便条写作范文12类便条范文1. 通知NOTICEWe warmly invite you to take part in a ball to be held by the Mouse Club on this Saturday evening from 7 to 9 at Canteen 1. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, food and various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, which can enhance our friendship. Come and enjoy ourselves together.Mouse Club2. 接受邀请June 6Dear Tom,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, and I am glad to be present. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this afternoon. Thank you again for your hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours, Jack3. 感谢邀请July 7Dear Tom,I’m writing to show my gratitude for your inviting me to your birthday party. That was a really wonderful party. I appreciate your consideratearrangement and wonderful performance. And it also offered me a chance to meet many old friends. I really enjoyed that night and I will keep it in my memory for life.Yours, Jack4. 祝贺August 8Dear Tom,I am so excited to learn that you’ve been admitted by Forest Cook Studies College as a graduate. Warm congratulations on the realization of your dream. This has meant years of your hard work, and you can really be proud of it. Your success is really an encouragement to me and I wish we can meet there next year. Best wishes to you.Yours, Jack5. 道歉Sept. 9Dear Minnie,12类便条范文I am sorry I missed seeing you last night. The fact is that my director at the last moment asked me to prepare an urgent cartoon and it had been about 10:30 when I finished it. I am terribly sorry. I would like to ask you out this weekend as an apology. Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply.Yours truly,Mickey6. 请求October 10,Dear Professor Tom,I am wondering if you could kindly e-mail the handout you distributed before your last night lecture on “How to Catch a Mouse”. I was late due to a minor traffic accident on my way, and it is a pity that I failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my anti-cat union, so I will appreciate it if you could send a copy to nocat@. Heartfelt thanks.Yours sincerely,Jack7. 安慰November 11,Dear Tom,I felt very sorry indeed when I heard of your being bitterly beat by the hostess, and I am anxious to know how you are now.I am sure you are having a hard time. I wish you could take good care of yourself and have a speedy recovery. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the kitchen soon.Yours, Jack8. 投诉December 12Dear Sir or Madam,I bought a Nokia Z521 cell phone from your branch at Mouse Club on Saturday December 11 but now I find that for some reason I cannot make outgoing calls but can only receive calls. I would like you to change it for another of the same model or refund my money. I enclose a copy of the receipt and guarantee.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Tom9. 邀请January 1Dear Professor Jack,I am a mouse language major at Cat University and wonder if it is possible for you to give us a lecture on “The Peaceful Coexistence of Mouse and Cat”. We have heard so much about your theory and would love to listen to your12类便条范文lecturing it in person. We have provisionally booked the lecture hall for 2 p.m. on Tuesday January 3. Please let us know if this date is convenient for you.Yours sincerely,Tom10. 呼吁February 2Dear fellow mice,Some of you may have heard about Tom, our playmate, who has recently contracted Cat Flu. As this will mean a lengthy and expensive hospital stay and as her parents have limited financial resources, I am sure you would like to make a contribution towards the medical fees so that Tom can receive the best treatment. Donations can be made to the Save Tom Fund at the mouse branch of the Animal Protection Bank.Mouse Red Cross11. 请假March 3Dear Mr. Wilson,I am writing to ask for a leave of three days beginning on Oct.3 as a telegram from my parents has just arrived saying that my grandma is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once. I miss my grandma very much and I hope that my request will be granted.Yours sincerely,John Smith12. 推荐April 4Dear Tom,I’ve just come back from one-week stay in Hangzhou and I think it would be an ideal place for you to visit in summer. Hangzhou is well known for its West Lake, which deserves its fame as a paradise on earth. You would certainly love the foodstuff with local flavor. Remember to take some good hiking boots and a big rucksack for souvenirs.。



Sample 1 3:00 p.m. Saturday Dear Alice, I have two tickets of tonight’s concert. I’m sure you love to go. I will meet you at 6:00 p.m. at the entrance to the concert. Please do call me if there is any change. Annie Sample 2 15:00 Jan. 5th Lin, I won’t be in our dormitory tonight because my mother has come here to see me and I plan to stay in the hotel nearby. Besides I have asked our teacher for a day’s leave. Would you do me a favor by handing in my English assignment to the teacher? It is on my desk. Thanks. Lin Ming 11
格式 多数便条的书写格式包括以下几个部分: 多数便条的书写格式包括以下几个部分: 1)日期(Date):日期写在右上角。 日期(Date):日期写在右上角。 ):日期写在右上角 2)称呼(Salutation):称呼可以正式(如Dear 称呼(Salutation):称呼可以正式( ):称呼可以正式 Mr. White), 也可以随便些(如Dear Peter)。 White) 也可以随便些( Peter)。 3)正文(Text):正文写明要留言的内容,但 正文(Text):正文写明要留言的内容, ):正文写明要留言的内容 语言要简单扼要,通俗口语化, 语言要简单扼要,通俗口语化,把事情说清楚就 可以。 可以。 4)署名(Signature):署名部分写上留条人的 署名(Signature): ):署名部分写上留条人的 姓名,写在右下角。如果是很熟悉的人, 姓名,写在右下角。如果是很熟悉的人,只要写 上名就可以了,如John,Kate等,也可以写上 上名就可以了, John,Kate等 2 全名, Smith。 全名,如John Smith。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素;1)Date:便条日期(写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角日期通常有下列两种定法:(a)月、日、年:如August 15, 200__________ (b)日、月、年:如15th august, 200___________2)Salutation:称呼(顶格写起,自成一行)3)Body:正文4)结束语(在正文之后隔两三行偏右方开始写,开头字母大写,最后一个词后面用逗号,Yours sincerely, Yours truly,5) Signature:署名(在结束语的正下方)必备开头道歉类别便条在你不小心损坏他人东西时,在你失约时,在你违背自己的诺言时…,你需要向别人道歉。


套句:道歉行为:I’m writing to show my apology for…/ I would like to express my apologies for not being able to…I’m sorry to say that I’ve not finished reading it through, and have to keep it until next Sunday.Excuse me for my delaying in turning in my assignment.道歉理由:I had a minor accident./ I had a minor operation.弥补纠正及其承诺:I am sure I can make up the loss by… I promise it will never happen again.It would be very kind(considerate) of you to give me another chance to…( to give me another two days 进一步致歉: Many apologies. / Do please forgive me.祝贺类别便条祝贺类便条的写作步骤为:表祝贺之情,然后说明所做事情的意义,最后表达白己的祝福。

该类便条在语体上的要求为:欢快、分享喜悦、流畅常用句型:It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world.I was pleasantly surprised to read in the newspaper that you…We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life and in your career.Congratulations on your promotion/graduation/ success/progress/ achievements.Wish you the best luck and every happiness. Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Here is a word of cheer on your birthday from a warm friend. Congratulations and all good wishes to you!告示类别便条告示类便条具有很强的实用性,它可以用来表达转让信息,也可以表达求购信息。


I write to inform you that we have found your bag. A fax has just come to hand saying that…All the students are invited to attend the party to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow.All the party members of the university are requested to attend the meeting…All students who are interested in calligraphy are warmly welcome. Please notify the others concerned.咨询类别便条欲向他人咨询某事而所要咨询的人不在时使用。


常用句型:With reference to your advertisement on the local newspaper I want to know more about…I have learned from my friend that it will be held a party on Monday. I just want to know specifically abo ut…It is reported that…Would you please be so kind as / kindly to give me more information about…?I would appreciate your kindness if you can provide me with more details about…I would be very grateful to you if you let me know… Thank you for your time and efforts…拒绝类别便条当你收到来自同学、家人或朋友的邀请或其他请求并无法做到时,那么你必须委婉地表达你的拒绝之意。



常用句型:I would like to accept… , but I can not due to… I am writing to apologize for being unable to…I want to thank you for the consideration and courtesy given to me. Anyway I feel sorry for disappointing you!I hope and am sure we will have opportunity to cooperate in the future.致谢便条:套句:致谢内容,交代感谢原因:I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed the weekend in your village.I am writing to express my appreciation for all that you did for me during my visit in Shanghai.I am writing to tell you how much I appreciate your hospitality.Thank you so much for your assistance/ for the information your gave us.进一步解释对方的帮助给自己带来的好处,再次致谢,回馈承诺Please accept my warmest thanks,I hope I have the chance to reciprocate your kindness.请求便条套句:请求帮助:Would you do me a favor? Would you be so kind as to…? Could I trouble you to send this book for me? I wonder if you would tell me…?If it is not too troublesome, could you…? I hope this request will not trouble you too much.请求允许:Please give me a few more days. May I have a look at your dictionary?Would you mind if I opened the window? I wonder if I could open the door.Would it be possible to have a talk with you?请求做事(要求与暗示):Let‟s go to the bookstore this afternoon I want to have a look at your book.I wish you could… I would like ask you to clean the room.You are making a big mess. I feel a bit hungry now. What time is it now?抱怨投诉便条套句:行为描述I’m writing to bring your attention to the problems I have had with …Here’s the problem…解决方式的要求:It would be very kind( considerate) of you toaddress this problem soon. / take steps to rectify this situation soon. / turn it down a little?敦促或威胁:Frankly, I really can‟t put up with the situation any more. You must rectify the situation, or I will take it to the court . If you can‟t give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association. 学科#网必备范文Writing1外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机场。
