Mechanics of Writing 英文写作过程

CHAPTER1Mechanics of WritingError-free writing requires more than just using good grammar.You must also usecorrect mechanics of writing in your documents.The mechanics of writing specifies theestablished conventions for words that you use in your documentation.Grammarreflects the forms of words and their relationships within a sentence.For instance,ifyou put an apostrophe in a plural word(“Create twofile’s”),you have made amistake in the mechanics of writing,not grammar.The mechanics of writing guidelines in this chapter work well for computerdocumentation,but other style guides might suggest different rules that are equallyeffective.In most cases,which rules you follow doesn’t matter as long as you areconsistent within your document or documentation set.See Chapter2for optionsrelated to the use of text and graphical elements,such as section headings,tables,andcross-references.This chapter discusses the following topics:I“Capitalization”on page2I“Contractions”on page4I“Gerunds and Participles”on page5I“Numbers and Numerals”on page6I“Pronouns”on page10I“Technical Abbreviations,Acronyms,and Units of Measurement”on page11I“Punctuation”on page141CapitalizationThe chief reason to capitalize a word is that the word is proper,not because the wordhas greater status than other words.A proper noun identifies a specific member of aclass.A common noun,on the other hand,denotes either the whole class or any randommember of the class.For example,King Henry VIII(a particular member of a class)was a king of England(the class itself).Answering the following question can help you determine whether a noun is proper.If the answer is yes,the noun is probably a common noun.Does an article or other limiting word appear before the noun?Limiting wordsinclude“a,”“the,”“this,”“some,”and“certain.”Notice the difference between the following sentences:Use a text editor to change the information in yourfile.Use Text Editor to change the information in yourfile.In thefirst sentence,the article“a”makes clear that the writer is not pointing to aparticular member of the group of text editors.Therefore,“text editor”is a commonnoun.But in the second sentence,the absence of an article or limiting word helps toclarify that the writer is pointing to only one member of the group.In that case,capitalize the proper noun“Text Editor.”Note–See Chapter13and Chapter14for examples of how to capitalize glossary andindex entries,respectively.Use an industry-accepted dictionary or other resource to verify capitalization ofcomputer terms.Refer to“Reference Works”on page328in Appendix D for suggestedresources.What to CapitalizeCapitalize the following items:I Proper nounsI The letters of many abbreviations and acronymsI Thefirst letter of thefirst word in numbered or bulleted listsI Thefirst letter of thefirst word infigure callouts(see“Writing Callouts forIllustrations”on page214)2Read Me First!I Thefirst letter of these terms when they are followed by a letter or number:“table,”“figure,”“example,”“appendix,”“chapter,”“section,”“part,”and“step”The font style and capitalization in cross-references might differ because theseaspects are determined by your template or tool.Go to Chapter3.See Section9in the reference manual.See the following table.I The Roman numeral that designates the sequence of a part divider in a manualPart IIII Thefirst letter of each term that identifies the name of a key on a keyboardControl-AEscape keythe M keyCtrl-Shift-QI Thefirst letter of thefirst word in a sentence,unless the sentence begins with aliteral command name or other literal computer term that is not capitalizedWrite in a way that avoids such occurrences.Incorrect:format enables you to divide the disk into slices.Correct:Use the format utility to divide the disk into slices.I Thefirst letter of thefirst word of a complete sentence following a colonThe software saves time:You can now press a single key to accomplish whatused to take hours of complex calculations.Select from two options:The Save option stores your changes and the Discardoption erases your changes.I Thefirst letter of thefirst word in a title or heading,thefirst letter of all otherwords in a title or heading except conjunctions,articles,prepositions of fewer than four letters,and the“to”in infinitivesSee“Using the Mouse”on page11.How to Delete Text With the Cut Function KeyI Thefirst letter of the second element of a hyphenated compound word in a title orheading unless the element is an article,preposition,or coordinating conjunction Installing a Half-Inch Disk DriveConfiguring the Audio-in ComponentI Figure captions,example captions,table captions,and table column headings,using the same rules as for titles and section headingsI Hardware switch names and buttonsPower-On/Off switchStandby switchPower buttonChapter1•Mechanics of Writing3What Not to CapitalizeDo not capitalize the following items:I The word“page”when followed by a numberRefer to page45.I The spelled-out words in most acronyms and abbreviations,even though thewords ordinarily appear in a shortened form in capital lettersfield-replaceable unit(FRU)direct memory access(DMA)I The“x”in hexadecimal text,as in“0x8E”I The“x”in“x86”I The“x”in dimensions,as in“12x12inches”I Any word for the sole reason of emphasizing it(use italic for emphasis)I The words“release”or“version”unless these words are part of a product nameI Variable names that are used in code examplesI Command and function namesI Words infigure callouts other than thefirst word,proper nouns,abbreviations,oracronymsI Thefirst word following a colon if the word begins a text fragmentThis button has only one purpose:to shut down the system.ContractionsContractions can potentially cause confusion for localization or nonnative Englishspeakers.When using contractions,follow these guidelines:I Never use a contraction when you want to emphasize the negative.Incorrect:Don’t press the Escape key.Correct:Do not press the Escape key.I Avoid obscure contractions,nonstandard usage,and regionalisms such as“mustn’t,”“mightn’t,””you’d best,”“shan’t,”“ain’t,”or“don’t”to mean“doesnot.”I Never create your own contractions.I Avoid adding“’s”for“is”or“has”to form a contraction(for example,“that’s”).This construction can be confused with possessive constructions.4Read Me First!I Use“it’s”and“its”correctly.“Its”is the possessive of“it.”“It’s”is the contraction of“it is.”If you must use these constructions,make sure that the antecedent is clear.Its features include expanding and contracting list items.It’s the correct contraction to use.The following contractions are not usually a problem for translators:“can’t,”“isn’t,”and“don’t”(for“do not”).Gerunds and ParticiplesWhen you use a gerund or a participle,ensure that the phrase or sentence in which the gerund or the participle is used is unambiguous.A participle is based on a verb,ends with“-ing”or“-ed,”and functions as an adjective.A gerund is also based on a verb and ends with“-ing,”but a gerund is used as a noun.Confusion can arise when a gerund is followed immediately by a noun because the gerund could be misinterpreted as a modifier.For example,the sentence“Moving companies can be a growth opportunity in an economic decline”is ambiguous because you can interpret“moving”in either of the following ways:The movement of companies can be a growth opportunity in an economic decline.The moving services industry can be a growth opportunity in an economic decline. Follow these guidelines when using gerunds and participles:I Rewrite sentences to avoid gerunds that are immediately followed by nouns.Tip–In many instances,you can avoid ambiguity by preceding the noun with an article or possessive pronoun.Incorrect:Disabling network services prevents IP packets from doing any harm to thesystem.Correct:Disabling the network services prevents IP packets from doing any harm to the system.The disabling of network services prevents IP packets from doing any harm to the system.If you disable network services,the IP packets do not harm the system.Chapter1•Mechanics of Writing5I Rewrite sentences to avoid participles that have ambiguous meanings.The following sentence is ambiguous because you do not know whether theparticiple“using”applies to the term“request”or“Document Editor.”The Document Editor sends an edit message request using thefile name as aparameter for the message.You can interpret this sentence in either of the following ways:The Document Editor sends an edit message request that uses thefile name as aparameter for the message.The Document Editor uses thefile name as a parameter for the message to sendthe message.The following sentence is ambiguous because you do not know whether theparticiple“used“applies to the term“variables”or“semaphores.”Semaphores are almost as powerful as conditional variables used in conjunctionwith mutexes.You can interpret this sentence in either of the following ways:Semaphores are almost as powerful as conditional variables that are being usedin conjunction with mutexes.Semaphores are almost as powerful as conditional variables when thesemaphores are used in conjunction with mutexes.Numbers and NumeralsA number is expressed by numerals(1,2,3,4),by Roman numerals(I,II or i,ii),or bywords.Cardinal numbers use words such as“one,two,three.”Ordinal numbers usewords such as“first,second,third.”In computer documentation,you most often use numerals when numbers arediscussed in text.6Read Me First!Spelling Out NumbersSpell out numbers in the following situations:I Numbers from zero through nine,unless the number is part of a measurement or isused in standards that are approved by organizations such as InternationalOrganization for Standardization(ISO)three computers(a count)3MIPS(a measurement)XDRfits into the presentation layer(layer6)of the ISO reference model.I Common units of time,greater than one second,from zero through ninefive minutesthree daysI ApproximationsYou can choose from hundreds of applications for your computer.I The zeroes in extreme values,such as“million”and“billion,”but precede thesewords with a numeral3million instructions per secondI Any number that begins a sentenceTenfiles are required.I A number that is immediately followed by a numeralPrint twelve500,000-bytefiles.Print12of the500,000-bytefiles.Using NumeralsUse numerals in the following cases:I Numbers10or greaterI Numbers less than10if they are of the same type and appear in the same sentence,paragraph,or bulleted list as numbers of10or greaterThe menu offers11options,but you use only4options.I Numbers less than10if they are used in terms common to standards that areapproved by organizations such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO)XDRfits into the presentation layer(layer6)of the ISO reference model.I Negative numbersI Most fractions(see“Using Fractions”on page9)I All percentagesChapter1•Mechanics of Writing7I All decimals,including the leading zero0.151.25I All measurements(see“Units of Measurement”on page13)6pounds3.5-inch disk drive12x12feetI Units of time smaller than one second5millisecondsI Bit and byte references4bytes8-bit colorI Chapter,section,page,step,figure,example,and table numbersStep4Section6.2I Part e uppercase Roman numerals,for example,“Part IV”Punctuating Numbers and NumeralsNumbers and numerals generally require the same punctuation as words.Punctuatingnumbers and numerals becomes troublesome,however,when the numbers arecompounded.Follow these guidelines:I Do not hyphenate numbers or numerals when they serve as single modifiers.Yourfile contains500,000bytes.I Hyphenate numbers or numerals in compound modifiers.Print the500,000-bytefile.I Do not use a comma in numerals of four digits.10286000I Use a comma in numerals of more than four digits.10,000600,000For more information about appropriate use of numbers and numerals,see“Numbers,Symbols,and Punctuation”on page144.8Read Me First!Using FractionsThe usage of numerals for fractions depends on the context.Sometimes,spelling out the fraction or using decimals is the preferred form.Follow these guidelines:I Use numerals for fractions in tables and for units of measurement,but spell outcommon fractions in running text.½-inch tape drivehalf the users in the testI Use a space between a numeral and its related fraction.8½inchesI If a fraction is used in a compound modifier,insert a hyphen between the fractionand its unit of measurement.8½-inch widthI Use decimals when decimals are the industry standard.3.5-inch disketteI In a table in which you are using a numeric modifier of a fraction to save space,spell out the modifying numeral to avoid confusion.In tables:ten½-inch tape drives(there are ten drives for½-inch tape)In tables:10½-inch tape drive(the drive is for10½-inch tape)Preferred in text:10tape drives for½-inch tapeChapter1•Mechanics of Writing9PronounsFollow these guidelines for the use of pronouns:I Avoid the indefinite pronoun or indefinite possessive pronoun,especially at thebeginning of a sentence,unless the noun to which the pronoun or possessivepronoun refers is clear.A pronoun that forces a reader to search for an antecedent can frustrate or misleadthe reader.Pronouns that typically cause this type of confusion include“it,”“they,”“its,”“theirs,”“this,”“these,”“that,”and“those.”Incorrect:It also describes how to install the software.Correct:This chapter also describes how to install the software.Incorrect:You can use these either individually or together.Correct:You can use these two options either individually or together.Incorrect:The value in this variable is used to determine when to pause during longdisplay output,such as during a software dump.Its value is reset each time theok prompt is displayed.Correct:The value in this variable is used to determine when to pause during longdisplay output,such as during a software dump.The variable’s value is reseteach time the ok prompt is displayed.I Do not usefirst person pronouns.Incorrect:We recommend that you install the custom components only on large systems.Correct:Install the custom components only on large systems.Incorrect:We can write a protocol specification that describes the remote version ofprintmessage().Correct:You can write a protocol specification that describes the remote version ofprintmessage().10Read Me First!Technical Abbreviations,Acronyms,and Units of MeasurementComputer documentation requires extensive use of abbreviations,acronyms,and units of measurement,many of which have become generally accepted“words”in the industry language.As with any word in a sentence,use abbreviations,acronyms,and units of measurement accurately and with consistent meaning in your documents.Do not create your own abbreviations or acronyms.Rely on industry definitions for these terms.Reference books of this type include The New IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms,IBM Dictionary of Computing,and Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary.Abbreviations and AcronymsAn abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase that is used in place of the entire word or phrase.“CPU”for central processing unit,“Btu”for British thermal unit,and“SGML”for Standard Generalized Markup Language are examples of abbreviations.An acronym is an easily pronounceable word formed from the initial letters or major parts of a compound term.“GUI”for graphical user interface,“pixel”for picture element,and“ROM”for read-only memory are common acronyms.Basic Guidelines for Abbreviations and AcronymsWhen using abbreviations or acronyms,follow these guidelines:I Do not use the Latin abbreviations e.g.,i.e.,vs.,op.cit.,viz.,and etc.I In most cases,write out the full word or phrase and enclose its abbreviation oracronym in parentheses thefirst time the word or phrase is used.Then,continue using the abbreviation or acronym alone.A local area network(LAN)consists of computer systems that can communicatewith one another through connecting hardware and software.Your companyprobably uses a LAN.I Do not spell out acronyms and abbreviations that are trademarked terms.I Avoid using acronyms and abbreviations in the plural form.Acronyms and abbreviations in the plural form can potentially cause problems for assistive technologies and for localization.I If you cite a term only once or twice in a document,show both the abbreviation oracronym and the spelled-out version at each occurrence.Chapter1•Mechanics of Writing11I If an abbreviation or acronym is used often in a document,repeat the spelled-outversion at thefirst appearance in each chapter where the abbreviation or acronymappears.I When writing out the full word or phrase,do not capitalize any letters unless theletters are capitalized as part of a standard or begin a proper noun.floating-point unit(FPU)Internet Protocol(IP)I Do not shorten trademarked terms.I When using an acronym,ensure that its pronunciation is natural and obvious to areader.The acronym“SCSI,”for example,is pronounced“scuzzy.”A user who does notknow that“SCSI”is pronounceable might expect to see“an SCSI port,”not“a SCSIport.”In such cases,provide a pronunciation key when youfirst use the acronymby itself,as in this example:A small computer system interface(SCSI,pronounced“scuzzy”)cable connectsthe disk drive to the SCSI port.Punctuating Abbreviations and AcronymsWhile you usually do not have to add punctuation to abbreviations and acronyms,thefollowing list provides a few exceptions:I Use periods in abbreviations that look like words.U.S.for United Statesno.for numberI Use punctuation marks other than a period in abbreviations or acronyms whenthat punctuation is standard form.I/O for input/output3-D for three-dimensionalI Add an“s”and no apostrophe to form the plural of abbreviations or acronyms thatcontain no periods.PCsISVsGUIsI Add an apostrophe and“s”to form the plural of abbreviations or acronyms thatuse internal periods.M.S.’sPh.D.’s12Read Me First!Units of MeasurementWhen abbreviating units of measurement,follow these guidelines:I Do not abbreviate common units of measurement,such as inches,pounds,feet,centimeters,and meters,unless space conservation is an overriding concern.You may use abbreviations within tables,for example.I Do not use the#symbol to indicate“pound”or“number,”a single quotation mark(’)to indicate“foot,”or a double quotation mark(“)to indicate“inch.”I Use standard abbreviations for units of measurement with great care.For example,the difference between Mb and MB is the difference between amegabit and a megabyte.Avoid this confusion by consistently spelling out a term like“megabyte”or by using the less-abbreviated form,“Mbyte.”I Do not add“s”for the plural of units of measurement.Abbreviations for units of measurement already account for plurals.For example,the abbreviations for1kilowatt and10kilowatts are written the same way:kW.I Use periods in abbreviations of units of measurement that look like words.in.for inchoz for ounce,lb for pound(because“oz”and“lb”are not words)I Leave a space between a numeral and an abbreviation unless the industry standardfor a particular unit of measurement does not include a space or unless theabbreviation resembles a word.12mm220V,10AI Include the metric or U.S.equivalent of a unit of measurement when appropriate.1in.(2.54cm)0.45359kg(1lb)Chapter1•Mechanics of Writing13PunctuationThis section reviews basic punctuation rules and guidelines for American English,notes exceptions,and suggests alternatives.The section is organized alphabetically.Note–Traditional punctuation marks have specialized meanings in the context ofprogramming languages.A classic example is that of quotation marks in the C shell orBourne shell.These shells have specialized,nonintuitive meanings for single quotes,double quotes,and back quotes.Watch for these types of specialized usages in yourwriting and editing.ApostropheUse an apostrophe in the following situations:I In e an apostrophe to replace letters that are omitted in acontraction.can’tisn’tI In place of e an apostrophe to replace omitted e thisinformal construction sparingly.Class of’66Technology of the’90sI For e an apostrophe to denote the possessive case of a noun.Add an apostrophe and an“s”to most indefinite pronouns,singular nouns(including collective nouns),and plural nouns that do not end in“s.”the manager’s responsibilitiessomeone’s systemthe group’s privilegespeople’s rightsTo form the possessive of singular nouns ending in“s”or its sound,you often addan apostrophe and an“s.”the mouse’s buttonsthe bus’s capacity14Read Me First!Add only the apostrophe when the addition of an“s”produces an awkwardsound.Plirg Systems’employeesIn a few cases,however,either is acceptable.M.Travis’sfilesM.Travis’filesAdd an apostrophe to form the possessive of plural nouns that end in“s.”the Travises’filesthe boards’interruptsAdd an apostrophe and an“s”to the last word of a compound to form thepossessive of most compound constructions.each other’sfilesanyone else’s businessThe possessive of two or more names depends on ownership.In thefirst example, ownership is joint.In the second example,ownership is individual.Malcolm and Mary’sfilesMalcolm’s and Mary’sfilesI To form e an apostrophe to form the plurals of most numerals andsymbols,lowercase letters,and single uppercase letters.Use an apostrophe to form the plurals of abbreviations and acronyms that useinternal periods.P’s and Q’s~’s and#’s1’sPh.D.’sThe apostrophe is not necessary,although not incorrect,when you are forming the plural of two or more unitary uppercase letters or numerals.CPUsuser IDsoperating system of the1990sSingle lowercase letters and single uppercase letters are awkward in the plural possessive form.Rewrite to avoid this problem.Chapter1•Mechanics of Writing15BracketsBrackets are not substitutes for parentheses.To preserve their unique service asmeaningful signals to your readers,construct sentences in a way that minimizes thegrammatical need for brackets.Use brackets in the following situations:I Within parenthetic e brackets to insert a parenthetic word or phrase intomaterial that is already enclosed by parentheses.Placing comments within a menufile often makes sense.(See page154ofAdvanced Skills,Revision A[May,1991]for related information.)I In optional command-line e brackets to set off an optional part of acommand line.date[yymmddhhmm]ColonThe following sections describe appropriate use of a colon.When to Use a ColonUse a colon in the following situations:I To introduce a list.When introducing a list,use a colon if the introduction isclearly anticipatory of the list,especially if the introduction contains phrasing suchas“the following”or“as follows.”Default settings include four secondary groups:operator,devices,accounts,and networks.The following options are available from the Diagnostics menu:I Test ComputerI Inspect ComputerI Upgrade SoftwareIf the introduction is complete in itself,use a period.See“Capitalizing andPunctuating Lists”on page39for other guidelines to use when punctuating lists. 16Read Me First!Ensure that any introductory text that ends in a colon is a complete sentence or a noun phrase.Avoid sentence fragments for introductory text that ends in a colon.Incorrect:For example,in your startup script,set:Correct:For example,in your startup script,set the following parameters: When the introduction to steps in a procedure is a complete sentence,the use of a colon is optional.If numbered steps immediately follow the statement,you can generally use a colon.If numbered steps do not immediately follow the statement, use a period.Learn how to send a message by following these steps:Follow the steps in this section to send a message.I Before explanatory e a colon to indicate that the initial clause will befurther explained or illustrated by information that follows the colon.The colon serves as a substitute for phrases such as“in other words,”“namely,”or “for instance.”Notice in the next example that thefirst word following the colon is capitalized.Capitalize thefirst word of the statement if the statement is a complete sentence.Do not capitalize thefirst word if the statement is a sentence fragment.This software project was bad from the start:Customer requirements werenever defined,management was not committed to the project,and thedeadlines were unrealistic.I After an e a colon after an introduction to a statement or question.Here is the choice:Do you want to save thefile or delete it?Remember this cardinal rule:Never reboot your system until you have savedall of yourfiles.I Before“for example”and similar e a colon before expressionssuch as“for example,”“that is,”and“namely”when the expression causes a major break in theflow of the sentence.Take precautions to preserve your data:For example,the best precaution thatyou can take is to save yourfiles often.I With the name of a disk e a colon after the name of a specific disk drive.Insert the diskette into drive A:and press Return.Chapter1•Mechanics of Writing17When Not to Use a ColonDo not use a colon in the following situations:I To introduce afigure or a table.Figure3–2shows the relationship between servers and clients.Table4–7lists the features and their corresponding UNIX®commands.The followingfigure shows the parts of the editing window.I When referring to screen elements in text.When afield name,menu option,orany element on the screen is followed by a colon,omit the colon in text.The Printers menu(even though the on-screen label is“Printers:”)The Hosts option(even though the on-screen label is“Hosts:”)I To introduce headings.Incorrect:<Level2Head>Preinstallation ChecklistBefore you begin the installation,verify several things about your system:<Level3Head>Check the ConfigurationCorrect:<Level2Head>Preinstallation ChecklistBefore you begin the installation,verify several things about your system.<Level3Head>Check the ConfigurationI At the end of a procedure heading.Incorrect:To Configure Your System:Correct:To Configure Your SystemI In a list that is introduced by“includes”or“are”within a sentence.Incorrect:The base colors that are used in four-color printing are:cyan,magenta,yellow,and black.Correct:The base colors that are used in four-color printing are cyan,magenta,yellow,and black.18Read Me First!。

机械专业类英语文章阅读篇一:机械专业英语作文1Mechanical engineeringEngineering Science in life are widely used, especially in mechanical engineering in the application of life is almost throughout life in all its aspects, to automobiles, aircraft, small electric fans, umbrella, all of these and related machinery. The project includes many subjects, but the mechanical engineering is one of the most important subjects, not only because of our life and itis closely related to, but with the progress of the times, people have to rely on mechanical engineering products, in automation today, machine instead of many this is the part of the human labor, improve the efficiency and save time.As a result of mechanical engineering in every aspect of life, therefore, as an engineer, be faced with a great many challenges, in addition to a solid with knowledge, but also keep pace with the times, familiar with the machinery and related software, can be very good use of software, and as a an engineer, we should try our best to design and produce and closely related to the life of the machine, and can in life play a real role, also have only such, we address and remission now social needs, therefore, the mechanical engineering in the future social development, will play the important role, especially China s case, the industry also is not very developed, machinery can be greater development space.Before the industrial revolution, machinery is mostly wood structure, wood made by hand by. The development of social economy,the demand for mechanical products. The bulk of the production increasing and precision processing technology progress, promote the mass production method ( interchangeability of parts production, professional division of labor and cooperation, water processinglines and assembly lines ) formation. Study of mechanical products in the manufacturing process, especially when used in the pollution of the environment and natural resources excessive consumption problems and their treatment measures. This is a modern mechanical engineering is an especially important task to grow with each passing day, andits importance.Application of mechanical products. This includes selection, ordering, acceptance, installation, adjustment, operation, maintenance, repair and transformation of the industrial use of machinery and complete sets of machinery and equipment, to ensurethat the mechanical products in the long-term use of reliability and economy.As a student, we are now the most important to learn professional knowledge, only in this way, can we later life and learning, to doits part.机械工程工程科学在生活中应用广泛,特别是机械工程在生活中的应用几乎就是遍布了生活中的各个方面,大到汽车、飞机,小到电风扇、雨伞,这些都和机械有关。

专业介绍英文写作Title: The Essence of English Writing: A Professional IntroductionEnglish writing is a fundamental skill in today's globalized world, essential for professionals across various industries. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to the intricacies of professional English writing, focusing on the core elements that contribute to effective communication.Understanding the Basics: Grammar, Syntax, and MechanicsThe foundation of effective English writing lies in a solid grasp of grammar, syntax, and mechanical elements. Grammar refers to the rules governing the structure of sentences, ensuring clarity and avoiding errors. Syntax concerns the order and structure of words in a sentence, contributing to the flow and comprehension. Mechanics 涵盖了基本的写作技巧,如 punctuation, spelling, and formatting. Proficient writers demonstrate a consistent command of these foundational elements.Developing Readability: Style and ToneBeyond the technical aspects, professional English writing demands a distinct style and tone. Readability is key in conveying information clearly and persuasively. Writers must develop a voice that is consistent and appropriate for their audience and purpose. Establishing a tone that is either formal or informal depends on the context, with the ability to adjust tone enhancing communication.Enhancing Clarity with Organized StructureThe organization of ideas is vital in professional writing. Begin by stating the main idea clearly, followed by well-constructed paragraphs that support the main argument. Use headings and subheadings to guide the reader through complex ideas, ensuring a logical flow. Conclude with a summary or call to action that reinforces the main message.Proofreading and Editing: The Final TouchesThe final stage of professional English writing is proofreading and editing. This step is crucial in polishing the piece, catching any errors or inconsistencies, and refining the overall readability. Writers should proofread their work, checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Seeking a second pair of eyes for editing can further enhance clarity and conciseness.In conclusion, professional English writing is a skill that requires dedication and practice. By mastering the basics, developing a distinct style and tone, organizing ideas effectively, and meticulously proofreading and editing, writers can achieve excellence in this vital communication tool.。

机械设计制造及其自动化自我介绍英文English:Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a mechanical design and manufacturing major at [Name of University]. I am passionate about this field because it combines my interest in engineering, problem-solving, and creativity. I have always been fascinated by how things work and how they can be improved, which is why I chose to study mechanical design and manufacturing.Throughout my studies, I have gained a solid foundation in mechanical engineering principles, including mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. I have also developed strong technical skills in computer-aided design (CAD) software, such as SolidWorks and AutoCAD. I believe that having a strong theoretical understanding combined with practical skills is essential in becoming a successful mechanical designer and manufacturer.In addition to my academic achievements, I have also participated in several extracurricular activities related to mechanical design andmanufacturing. For instance, I was part of a team that competed in the annual Robotics Challenge, where we designed and built a functioning robotic arm. This experience allowed me to apply my knowledge in a real-world setting and enhanced my problem-solving abilities. I have also completed an internship at a local manufacturing company, where I gained hands-on experience in product design, manufacturing processes, and quality control.I am a highly motivated individual who thrives in a team setting, as I believe that collaboration and communication are vital in achieving optimal results. I enjoy working with diverse individuals who bring different perspectives and ideas to the table. I am also a quick learner and adapt easily to new technologies and software, which is crucial in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape.In conclusion, my passion for mechanical design and manufacturing, combined with my strong technical skills and practical experience, make me well-suited for a career in this field. I am eager to apply my knowledge and contribute to the development of innovative and efficient mechanical systems. Thank you for considering my application.中文翻译:大家好,我叫[你的名字],我是 [大学名称] 机械设计与制造专业的学生。

机械专业介绍英语作文The field of mechanical engineering is a diverse and dynamic discipline that encompasses the design, development, and implementation of a wide range of mechanical systems and devices. As a mechanical engineering student, I have had the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of this fascinating field, and I am excited to share my insights with you.At the core of mechanical engineering is the understanding and application of fundamental principles of physics, mathematics, and materials science. Mechanical engineers utilize these principles to create innovative solutions to complex problems, ranging from the design of simple machines to the development of advanced technologies that power our modern world.One of the key aspects of mechanical engineering is the design process. Mechanical engineers are responsible for conceptualizing, designing, and optimizing the performance of mechanical systems and components. This involves the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software, finite element analysis (FEA) tools, and other advanced modeling and simulation techniques to test and refine their designs.Another crucial aspect of mechanical engineering is the manufacturing and production of mechanical systems. Mechanical engineers work closely with manufacturing teams to ensure that their designs can be effectively and efficiently produced. This may involve the selection of appropriate materials, the implementation of advanced manufacturing processes, and the development of quality control measures to ensure the reliability and durability of the final product.In addition to design and manufacturing, mechanical engineers are also involved in the operation and maintenance of mechanical systems. They may be responsible for troubleshooting and repairing equipment, optimizing system performance, and developing preventive maintenance strategies to ensure the long-term reliability and efficiency of mechanical systems.One of the most exciting aspects of mechanical engineering is the opportunity to work on a wide range of applications and industries. Mechanical engineers can be found in sectors such as aerospace, automotive, energy, healthcare, and manufacturing, among others. This diversity of applications allows mechanical engineers to apply their skills and knowledge to solve complex problems and contribute to the advancement of technology and society.As a mechanical engineering student, I have had the privilege of exploring various specializations within the field. For example, I have delved into the design and analysis of thermal systems, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as well as the development of advanced energy conversion technologies, such as wind turbines and solar power systems.I have also had the opportunity to work on projects that involve the design and optimization of mechanical components, such as gears, bearings, and linkages. These projects have allowed me to apply my knowledge of materials science, solid mechanics, and dynamic systems to create innovative solutions that improve the performance and reliability of mechanical systems.In addition to technical skills, mechanical engineers must also possess strong problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication abilities. Effective collaboration with cross-functional teams, including engineers from other disciplines, as well as with clients and stakeholders, is essential for the successful completion of projects.As I look to the future, I am excited about the potential of mechanical engineering to continue driving technological advancements and contributing to the betterment of our world. With the rapid pace of innovation and the growing demand forsustainable and efficient solutions, I believe that mechanical engineering will play an increasingly important role in addressing global challenges, such as climate change, energy security, and healthcare.In conclusion, the field of mechanical engineering is a dynamic and multifaceted discipline that offers a wealth of opportunities for those who are passionate about technology, innovation, and problem-solving. As a mechanical engineering student, I am proud to be part of a profession that is at the forefront of shaping the future and improving the quality of life for people around the world.。

Mechanical engineering is an incredibly vast anddiverse field that encompasses the design, development, and operation of machines. It is a highly interdisciplinaryfield that draws upon principles from physics, mathematics, and materials science to create solutions to real-world problems. Mechanical engineers play a vital role in many industries, including transportation, manufacturing, energy, and healthcare.Education and Training。
To become a mechanical engineer, a strong foundation in mathematics and science is essential. Most mechanical engineers hold a bachelor's degree in mechanicalengineering from an accredited university. Some may alsochoose to pursue a master's degree or doctorate in mechanical engineering or a related field.Career Opportunities。
Mechanical engineers are in high demand across a wide range of industries. Some of the most common job titles for mechanical engineers include:Design Engineer。

学科英语口述作文模板英文回答:1. Introduction。
Good morning, respected examiners. It is an honor to present my oral dissertation on the topic of [topic]. Today, I will explore the multifaceted nature of this subject, examining its historical significance, contemporary relevance, and potential implications for the future.2. Historical Significance。
Historically, [topic] has played a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the world. From its origins in [time period], we can trace its evolution and development through various eras and civilizations. Its influence has extended across multiple disciplines, including [list of disciplines].3. Contemporary Relevance。
In the present day, [topic] continues to hold great significance. It is a key factor in addressing global challenges such as [list of challenges]. Furthermore, it is essential for fostering innovation, technological advancements, and social progress.4. Potential Implications。

机械专业介绍英语作文Mechanical engineering is a diverse field of study that encompasses the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical systems. It plays a crucial role in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, energy, and robotics. Mechanical engineers are responsible for creating efficient and reliable products and systems, utilizing principles of physics and material science.Mechanical engineering involves a wide range of disciplines, such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of materials, and dynamics. Students in this field learn how to apply scientific principles to solve real-world problems, design machines and structures, and optimize processes for maximum efficiency.Career opportunities for mechanical engineers are vast and varied. Graduates may work in research and development, manufacturing, project management, or consulting. They may be involved in designing new products, improving existing systems, or ensuring that machinery meets safety and quality standards.In conclusion, mechanical engineering is a challenging and rewarding field that offers opportunities to innovate and make a tangible impact on society through the creation of advanced technologies and solutions.中文翻译:机械工程是一个涵盖机械系统设计、分析和制造的多样化领域。

Case Study: Designing an Automotive Suspension System
For example, let's consider the design of an automotive suspension system. A suspension system is responsible for providing a smooth ride while maintaining the stability and control of the vehicle. A mechanical engineer would use CAD software to design the various components of the suspension system, such as the springs, dampers, and control arms.
After the initial design is complete, the engineer would then analyze the system using finite element analysis (FEA) software. This allows them to simulate the behavior of the system under different road conditions, such as potholes or speed bumps. By analyzing the stresses and displacements in the components, the engineer can identify potential design issues and make necessary modifications to improve the performance and safety of the suspension system.

机械专业英文自我介绍(精选14篇)机械专业英文篇1Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers (my dear professors)。
I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is ___.I am ___ years old. I come from _______, a very beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in _______university in July, 20xx. And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to ________ University.Generally speaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.Ok, that's all, thank you for your attention.机械专业英文自我介绍篇2It is my plesure to meet you .today i am here to apply for the position of foreign trade clerk(or assistant,now let me tell you a little bit about myself.i am from jiangxi province . there are four members in my family,my parents,my elder sister and i. i amalways a energetic and enthusiastic person that have many hobbies .well ,i am fond of all kinds of outdoor activities such as playing tennis , doing some physicalsports and so on. (you can also say i am interested in…or doing sth is also my favourite activity)this year i will gratuade from tian jin foreign studyings university, with major in foreign trade(or international trade)。

介绍机械工程简短英语作文Mechanical engineering is a field that focuses on the design, development, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It involves the use of principles of physics and materials science to create machines and devices that can perform a wide range of functions.In mechanical engineering, professionals work on a variety of projects, from designing and building engines, to developing new manufacturing processes, to creating innovative new products. They use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create detailed plans and specifications for their projects.One of the key aspects of mechanical engineering is problem-solving. Engineers are constantly faced with challenges and obstacles that they must overcome in order to create successful designs. They must be able to think critically and creatively in order to come up witheffective solutions.Another important aspect of mechanical engineering is the focus on efficiency and sustainability. Engineersstrive to create designs that are not only effective and reliable, but also environmentally friendly and cost-effective. This often involves finding ways to reduce waste, improve energy efficiency, and minimize the environmental impact of their projects.Overall, mechanical engineering is a diverse and dynamic field that offers a wide range of opportunities for those with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. It requires a strong foundation in math, science, and technology, as well as the ability to think critically and creatively.。

机械英语作文模板英文回答:Mechanical Engineering Essay Template。
Introduction:Begin with a captivating hook that introduces the topic of mechanical engineering.Provide a brief overview of the field, including its importance and applications.State your thesis statement, clearly outlining the main argument or purpose of your essay.Body Paragraph 1:Discuss the fundamental principles of mechanical engineering, such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, andsolid mechanics.Provide examples of how these principles are applied in real-world applications.Explain the role of computer-aided design (CAD) andfinite element analysis (FEA) in modern mechanical engineering.Body Paragraph 2:Explore the various subfields of mechanical engineering, including:Aerospace engineering。
Automotive engineering。
Manufacturing engineering。

机械工程专业学生自我介绍英语版Hi everyone,I’m thrilled to have the chance to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am a mechanical engineering student. I come from [Your City/Country], which has always been a place close to my heart. From a young age, I have been fascinated by how machines work and the mechanics behind them, which eventually led me to pursue my studiesin this area.Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a deep passion for mechanical engineering and all its potential applications. One notable highlight was when I participated in a robotics competition during high school, where our team designed and built an autonomous robot. The experience not only honed my technical skills but also taught me valuable lessons about teamwork, problem-solving, and the importance of precision in this field.During my time at university, I’ve actively sought outopportunities to expand my knowledge beyond the classroom.I took part in various projects that involved designing prototypes for different mechanical systems, from small-scale mechanisms to more complex structures like engine components. One project that I found particularly enriching was developing a sustainable energy source using kinetic motion – it was truly fulfilling to see theoretical concepts come to life through practical application.Aside from academics, I’m an avid reader with aninsatiable curiosity about the latest advancements in technology and engineering. It’s fascinating how innovations are constantly reshaping the industry, and staying up-to-date on these developments allows me to approach problems with fresh perspectives.Looking ahead, I aspire to contribute meaningfully within the field of mechanical engineering, possibly specializing in renewable energy or automating processes. With every challenge that comes my way, whether it’s mastering complex equations or refining intricate designs, I am committed to learning and growing as a future engineer.In closing, my journey thus far has fueled my determination to make a tangible impact through innovative solutions in mechanical engineering. As Mahatma Gandhi once said: “The future depends on what you do today.” And today marks another step forward on this rewarding path.Thank you for your attention.。

机械专业英语自我介绍Good morning / afternoon / evening, my name is is., I am honored to have this opportunity to introduce the opportunity. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.I am a three years at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and majored in mechanical master, Chinese PR.Withtremendous interest in industrial engineering, I am writing this letter to apply for acceptance into your pH. d.graduate project.In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of science and Technology (SOCIAL) -- widely considered one of the best engineering schools Chinese. During the following undergraduate study, my grades remain outstanding in the whole department. Every semester I won the first prize in 1999, I have the privilege to enter the graduate entrance examination to give up.Research experience and academic activityIn retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, has been ready until I get a doctorate. My future research interests include: network scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm (especially genetic algorithm and neural network), the network of supply chain research, hybrid system performance Petrie analysis and network and data mining.I am from Tiananmen mechanical design manufacturing and automation of * * * University, I actively try to learn the professional knowledge, through learning, a better grasp of the basic theoretical knowledge of the profession, the mechanical drawing of learning, so I have a certain ability of hand drawing, can skilled operate CAD, Pro/E and other graphics software. Mechanical principle and design of the study, make me know the basic structure and design of general parts, familiar with the machining process of parts. In addition, the study of electromechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, electric control and other knowledge. Metalworking practice learning welding, The production process of casting, sand casting, the main processing methods and applications of knowledge worker. In metalworking practice learning welding, casting, sand casting production process, the main processing bench method and the application of basic metal cutting lathe, milling machine, CNC machining technology and so on, as well as in electrical engineering practice, design and production of PCB board.Please believe, as long as you are given the opportunity, I will use my excellent performance to return your trust.。

Deciding the title of the essay Purpose: 1) To attract the reader 2) To give the reader an idea of what the essay is about 3) To provide focus for the essay Rules for title: 1) clear, concise and precise
It moves down and up conforming to the Writing task Meanwhile, her double chin is her rhythm. another great feature, which seems to give her voice more power. Above all, you can see what an extraordinary woman she is, so can you guess who she is?
Choose which are subjects and topics? sports, foreign students in U.S Universities, what makes a champion soccer player, education, why I play soccer, my first trip abroad, open classrooms and traditional classrooms, one tour in the USA, world travel, music in elementary school
Comparing some terms
―subject‖, ―topic‖ and ―title‖

学科介绍作文英文范文英文:Subject Introduction。
As a student, I have been exposed to various subjects in school. Each subject has its own unique characteristics and has contributed to my growth and development in different ways. In this essay, I will introduce some of the subjects I have studied and explain why I find them interesting.Firstly, I would like to talk about English. English is a global language and is widely used in communication, business, and entertainment. I find English interesting because it allows me to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Moreover, English literature is rich in history and culture, and reading classic novels and poems has broadened my horizons and enhanced my language skills.Secondly, I want to mention Mathematics. Mathematics is a subject that requires logical thinking and problem-solving skills. I find it fascinating how a simple equation can explain complex phenomena in the world. For example, the Fibonacci sequence can be observed in nature, such asin the arrangement of leaves on a stem or the spiral pattern of a seashell. Mathematics has also helped me develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential in many aspects of life.Lastly, I would like to discuss History. History is the study of the past, and it helps us understand how the world has evolved over time. By learning about historical events and figures, we can gain insights into human behavior and society. For instance, studying the causes and consequences of World War II has taught me the importance of peace and diplomacy. History has also taught me to appreciate the diversity and complexity of different cultures and civilizations.中文:学科介绍。

自我介绍英文版大学生机械工程系Self-IntroductionHello everyone, my name is David and I am currently a sophomore student majoring in Mechanical Engineering at the university. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself and share some of my interests and experiences with you.First and foremost, I have always been passionate about mechanical engineering since I was a child. I have always been fascinated by how machines work and how they are designed. This passion has driven me to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am excited to learn more about this field and contribute to the industry in the future.During my time in university, I have been actively involved in various activities related to my major. I have participated in several engineering competitions and projects, where I had the chance to apply my knowledge and skills in real-life situations. These experiences have not only helped me improve my technical abilities but also taught me how to work effectively in a team and solve problems collaboratively.Apart from academics, I also enjoy exploring new hobbies and interests. In my free time, I like to play the guitar andcompose music. I find music to be a great way to relax and express myself creatively. I also like to participate in sports activities such as basketball and swimming to stay fit and healthy.In terms of my career goals, I aspire to work for a reputable engineering firm after graduation. I aim to gain hands-on experience in the field and eventually become a professional mechanical engineer. I am also interested in pursuing further studies and obtaining a master's degree to further enhance my skills and knowledge.Overall, I am a dedicated and hardworking student who is committed to pursuing excellence in my academic and personal endeavors. I believe that with perseverance and determination, I can achieve my goals and make a positive impact in the field of mechanical engineering. Thank you for taking the time to read my self-introduction, and I look forward to getting to know all of you better in the future.。

最新机械专业自我介绍英语Hello everyone,My name is XXX and I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all of you today. I am currently a mechanical engineering major student, passionate about applying my knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems and contribute to the development of the industry. In this self-introduction, I will discuss my educational background, work experience, as well as my personal interests and future aspirations.To begin with, I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at XXX University. Through my coursework, I have developed a solid foundation in basic engineering principles, such as thermodynamics, mechanics, and materials science. Moreover, I have also taken advanced courses in subjects like design and manufacturing, solid mechanics, and fluid dynamics. These courses have not only equipped me with theoretical knowledge but have also provided me with practical experiences through hands-on projects and experiments.In terms of work experience, I have had the opportunity to intern at several reputable mechanical engineering firms. Last summer, I worked as an intern at XX Company, where I was involved in the design and development of a new prototype for an automated assembly line. This experience allowed me to gain valuable insights into the practical aspects of mechanical engineering, such as designing components, analyzing systems, and troubleshooting. Additionally, I was able to improve my communication and teamwork skills through collaborating with professionals fromdifferent departments.Outside of my academic and work life, I have always been passionate about staying updated with the latest developments in the mechanical engineering field. I enjoy reading technical journals and attending industry conferences. The fast-paced nature of the industry fascinates me, and being aware of the newest trends and breakthroughs helps me stay motivated and inspired. I also believe in the importance of continuous learning, which is why I actively seek opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills. For instance, I recently completed an online course on computational modeling and simulation, which has been instrumental in enhancing my problem-solving abilities.Looking ahead, my ultimate goal is to become a professional mechanical engineer and make significant contributions to the industry. I am particularly interested in the field of robotics and automation, as I believe it has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing processes and improve overall efficiency. I aspire to work on projects that integrate innovative technologies with mechanical principles to create cutting-edge solutions. Additionally, I am also interested in leveraging my skills to address environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable development.In conclusion, my passion for mechanical engineering, coupled with my educational background and work experience, has prepared me for the challenges and opportunities in the industry. I am committed to continuously improving myself and staying at the forefront of the latest advancements in the field. With a strongfoundation in engineering principles, practical experience, and a drive for innovation, I am confident that I can make a positive impact in the future. Thank you for your attention, and I am looking forward to interacting with all of you during this session.Certainly! Here are some additional points you can consider including in your self-introduction:1. Research and Projects: In addition to my coursework and internships, I have also been actively involved in research and independent projects. For example, I have worked on a research project to design and optimize the thermal performance of a solar collector. This project allowed me to apply my knowledge of heat transfer and fluid dynamics to solve real-world problems. I also collaborated with a team on a capstone project, where we designed and developed a novel energy-efficient heating system for a residential building. These experiences have strengthened my analytical and problem-solving skills while also fostering my ability to work effectively as part of a team.2. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: I strongly believe in the importance of leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities to enhance personal development and contribute to society. During my time at university, I have served as a committee member of the Mechanical Engineering Association, where I organized events such as workshops and guest lectures to provide opportunities for students to gain industry exposure. I have also actively participated in volunteering activities, such as mentoring high school students and organizing charity drives. These experiences have enhanced my communication, leadership, and organizational skills while also instilling a sense of socialresponsibility.3. Technical Skills: Along with my theoretical knowledge, I have acquired proficiency in various technical skills relevant to mechanical engineering. I am proficient in using software such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and ANSYS for computer-aided design, simulation, and analysis. I also have hands-on experience with machining tools, 3D printers, and rapid prototyping techniques. Additionally, I am familiar with programming languages such as MATLAB and Python, which allows me to analyze and process experimental data efficiently. These technical skills enable me to tackle complex engineering problems and provide innovative solutions efficiently.4. Cross-Disciplinary Approach: I believe that the future of engineering lies in embracing a cross-disciplinary approach. To broaden my understanding of different fields, I actively engage with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and attend workshops and seminars across various engineering disciplines. This approach allows me to gain insights and perspectives from different domains, fostering creativity and innovation.5. Professional Development: I am committed to my professional development and staying updated with the evolving technology and industry trends. I regularly participate in workshops, webinars, and conferences to expand my knowledge base and network with industry professionals. I am also in the process of obtaining certification in Lean Six Sigma, which will enable me to optimize processes and improve efficiency in engineering projects.6. Communication and Language Skills: As a mechanical engineer, effective communication plays a crucial role in collaborating with team members, conveying ideas to clients, and presenting findings to stakeholders. I have honed my communication skills through presentations, reports, and interpersonal interactions during group projects and internships. Additionally, being bilingual in English and XXX (or any other relevant language) allows me to communicate effectively with diverse teams and clients.By highlighting these additional aspects, you can demonstrate your well-roundedness, adaptability, and determination to excel in the field of mechanical engineering. Remember to tailor your self-introduction to align with the specific audience or occasion, and feel free to include any other relevant achievements or experiences that showcase your passion, dedication, and potential.。

学科介绍作文英文英文:As a student, I have studied a variety of subjects, each with its own unique characteristics and importance. In this essay, I will introduce some of the subjects that I have learned and explain why they are important.Firstly, English is a subject that I have studied since primary school. It is a global language that is widely used in business, education, and communication. Learning English has allowed me to communicate with people from different countries and cultures, and has opened up opportunities for me to study abroad and work in international companies.Secondly, mathematics is another subject that I have studied since primary school. It is a subject that requires logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Mathematics is essential in many fields such as science, engineering, and finance. It has helped me to develop my analytical skillsand has given me a better understanding of the world around me.Thirdly, history is a subject that I have studied since middle school. It is a subject that teaches us about the past and helps us to understand the present. History allows us to learn from the mistakes and successes of our ancestors, and to appreciate the diverse cultures and traditions of different countries.Lastly, physical education is a subject that I have studied since primary school. It is a subject that promotes physical health and fitness, and helps us to develop teamwork and leadership skills. Physical education has taught me the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and has given me the opportunity to participate in various sports and activities.中文:作为一名学生,我学习了各种各样的学科,每个学科都有其独特的特点和重要性。

介绍机电工程学院的英语文章范文Here is an English essay introducing the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, with a word count of over 1000 words:The School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: A Beacon of Innovation and ExcellenceThe School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is a renowned institution that has been at the forefront of technological advancements for decades. Located in the heart of a bustling city, this school has established itself as a hub of innovation, where students and faculty come together to push the boundaries of what is possible in the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering.Boasting a rich history that spans over a century, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering has earned a reputation for its exceptional academic programs, cutting-edge research, and state-of-the-art facilities. The school's curriculum is meticulously designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of mechanical and electrical engineering, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape.One of the school's hallmarks is its commitment to hands-on learning. Students are encouraged to get involved in a wide range of practical projects, from designing and building robotic systems to developing innovative energy solutions. These experiential learning opportunities allow students to translate the theoretical concepts they learn in the classroom into tangible, real-world applications, preparing them for the challenges they will face in their future careers.The school's faculty is composed of renowned experts in their respective fields, who bring a wealth of industry experience and cutting-edge research to the classroom. These dedicated professionals not only share their knowledge with their students but also actively engage them in collaborative research projects, fostering a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment.In addition to its academic programs, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is home to several state-of-the-art research centers and laboratories. These facilities provide students and faculty with access to the latest technologies and equipment, enabling them to conduct groundbreaking research that has the potential to reshape the future of mechanical and electrical engineering.One such research center is the Advanced Robotics and AutomationLaboratory, where researchers are exploring the frontiers of robotic systems. Here, students have the opportunity to work alongside leading experts in the field, developing innovative robotic solutions that could revolutionize industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare.Another notable research center is the Energy and Sustainability Research Institute, where faculty and students are tackling the global challenges of energy production and resource conservation. Through their work, they are developing cutting-edge technologies and solutions that will help to secure a more sustainable future for our planet.Beyond the classroom and research laboratories, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is also known for its vibrant student life. The school boasts a diverse range of student organizations and clubs, providing opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities, network with their peers, and develop essential leadership and teamwork skills.One such organization is the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Student Council, which serves as a voice for the student body, organizing events, fundraisers, and community outreach initiatives. Through their involvement in the council, students gain valuable experience in project management, event planning, and publicspeaking, all of which are highly sought-after skills in the engineering industry.Another popular student group is the Robotics Club, where students from across the engineering disciplines come together to design, build, and compete with their own custom-built robots. These competitive events not only foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork but also provide students with the opportunity to showcase their technical skills and creativity on a national and international stage.The School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering's commitment to excellence extends beyond the boundaries of the campus. The school has established strong partnerships with industry leaders and research organizations, providing students with opportunities for internships, co-op programs, and professional networking. These valuable connections not only enhance the learning experience but also give students a competitive edge in the job market upon graduation.In addition to its impressive academic and research achievements, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is also known for its dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. The school actively celebrates the diversity of its student body, offering programs and initiatives that promote equity, access, andrepresentation in the engineering fields.One such initiative is the Women in Engineering Mentorship Program, which pairs female students with experienced professionals in the industry, providing them with the guidance, support, and role models they need to succeed in a traditionally male-dominated field.The school's commitment to diversity and inclusion extends beyond gender, with programs and initiatives that celebrate the rich cultural and ethnic diversity of the student body. These efforts not only enrich the learning environment but also prepare students to navigate the increasingly global and interconnected world of engineering.In conclusion, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is a truly exceptional institution that is shaping the future of engineering. Through its world-class academic programs, cutting-edge research, and vibrant student life, the school is producing the next generation of innovators and leaders who will drive the technological advancements that will transform our world. Whether you are a prospective student, a industry partner, or a member of the broader community, the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is a place where the impossible becomes possible.。
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b. 便条(10%) 便条要求根据提示写大约50~60词的通知、便条、请柬等,
2.测试目的: 按照教学大纲要求测试学生在基础阶段末期用英语书面表
III. 评分标准
1.思想内容(50%):观点清楚,前后无矛盾,并有充分恰 当的例子说明自己的观点.
2.组织结构(10%):细节安排有条理,叙述层次清楚,段 落之间联系自然,句子连贯。
2.Learn idiomatic English
One bad habit is to translate a Chinese composition into English sentence by sentence because the two languages have many differences in terms of diction, sentence structure, idioms and culture.
《英语写作手册(第三版)》用清晰、浅易的英语 写成,宗旨是帮助学生掌握英语写作的基本知识 和基本技巧,提高英语写作水平。与同类书相比, 本书突出了实用和多举范例的特点,所选范文既 有英、美作家的作品,又有中国学生的习作,易于 学习模仿。第三版中的练习设计更加生动活泼, 针对性更强。
Arrangement 1. 2cm at the top 2. 2cm at the bottom 3. 1.5cm on the left 4. 1.5cm on the right
1)Paraphrase 改写句子 2)Read books and write book reports. 3)Keep a diary.
There are only two ways to learn to write: to read, to read, and to write and to write.
conjunctions and/or/but….
to+…Leabharlann Question mark ?
Quotation mark “…”
1. The first line (the first word ) 2. Arabic numerals 3. No period in the end 4. No period, comma, semicolon, colon,
(a) 语法(20%):没有句子结构上的重大错误,拼写、 标点、大小写等正确,引用原文适度,不超过作者文章的 10%。
(b) 用词(15%):用词,包括习惯用语正确恰当。
(c) 得体(5%):语言得体,语气恰当,以理服人,有 说服力。
IV. 参考书目 1.《英语写作手册》,丁往道主编; 2.《英语写作技巧新编》,汪福祥主编; 3.《北大英文写作教程》,Dina M.Coffman主编; 4.《大学英语写作教程》,麻保金主编。
How to Write Well in English
1.Reading is essential for writing.
Generally, people have two purposes in reading: (1) obtaining information, (2) learning the language.
Full attendance Active participation Well-done assignments Eager to practice writing
平时成绩(30%) + 期末考试(70%)
平时成绩 100
出勤 20
课堂 表现
作业 30
期中 测试
In order to improve language competence, we should pay attention to language learning rather than to obtaining information.
The breeze just kissed the lake and stirred the trees.
4. Good writing can lead to success in college and future career development.
5. Writing sharpens and improves thinking, thus enriching our personal growth.
《英语写作手册 第三版》(A Handbook Wring 3rd ed), 主编:丁往道、吴冰等, 外研社版。 本书是作者在总结自已几十年丰富的英语写作教学经验, 研究近年国内外英语写作教学方法的基础上推出的新作。 全书共分8章,分别讲解了文稿格式和标点符号,选词, 造句,段落,摘要,作文,应用文以及学术论文的写作 的用法。
英语写作课的教学内容主要有:文稿格式,选词,句 子种类,句子典型错误,段落,摘要与读书报告,应用文 写作,及四种文体写作。
Basic knowledge about writing: Mechanics / Manuscript format Diction Sentence types Typical sentence mistakes Paragraph and whole composition Summary and book report
Why writing is important to us?
1. Writing is a basic requirement for English majors.
2. Writing is a way to evaluate our language proficiency.
3. Writing can strengthen our abilities in reading comprehension and oral English.
说到办公室里明争暗斗那一套,保罗可算是无 师自通。
Paul doesn’t need any lessons when it comes to office politics.
Distance from the event should make the memories less painful.
Four types of writing: Description Narration Exposition Argumentation
Practical writing: Notice and note Letter writing
II. 英语专业四级考试(TEM4)写作大纲:
Best Ways to Say “I Love You”
a clean, well-lighted place
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
different views on Jane Eyre
Different Views on Jane Eyre
1. where i lived, and what i lived for 2. are transgenic crops safe? 3. well-known dramatists of the ming dynasty 4. a day to remember 5. approaches to teaching english as a foreign
3. Practice makes perfect
Robert Louis Stevenson, a British writer in the 19th century, pointed out in his essay “Early Efforts at Writing” that good writing depends on practice and imitation. Stevenson said, “As I walked, my mind was busy fitting what I saw with appropriate words.”
Hit-and-Run Accidents
the anti-poverty
The Anti-Poverty Program
health and wealth, which is to prefer Health and Wealth, Which is to Prefer?
best ways to say I love you
英语专业四级考试共有六项(听写,听力理解,完型填空 ,语法词汇和阅读,写作 ),写作占25%。
(也附有写作提纲)写一篇200字左右的短文,能做到内容切 题完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰 当。时间35分钟。作文题目主要属于叙述文,说明文,议论文 的范围。
question mark or exclamation in the beginning.
Study the following examples:
my first visit to the great wall
My First Visit to the Great Wall
hit-and-run accidents
Importance of English Writing