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11年汽车品牌选择变化(国产升、日系降) There is no denying that self-owned technologies and enhanced qualities are of vital importance to our choice of domestic brands of cars.
随着中国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高, With the rapid growth of China’s economy and the improved standard of living of Chinese people,
BBC调查:英国农民常用词汇量1500. 人的词汇量是有限的,所要表达的内容是无限的! 把有限的词汇量投入到无限的表达当中去!
Book foolish
Face exam
Certificates have low golden level
大量阅读 input 多读优秀范文
框架句型(10) + 临场发挥(3) 全文13句 每句15字。 背诵 + 仿写 高分作文都是走进考场前都写好的!
临场发挥 两大战术
14分档 漂漂亮亮
11分档 清清楚楚
逻辑关系表达多样性。转折:but, however In contrast, instead, in comparison, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely 高级结构犯错: Only when we take immediate actions, can a disaster be prevented.
07年交通事故数上升 There is no denying that traffic safety is of vital importance to our society and each family.
09年手机短信利弊 10年手机使用人数上升 There is no denying that text message ∕mobile phone is of vital importance to our efficient communication in daily life.
05年黄金周环保问题 There is no denying that environmental protection is of vital importance to our country’s cultural, educational and economic life.
06年工程硕士录取人数增加 08年重新考大学 There is no denying that further education ∕life-long learning is of vital importance to the career development of people.
8分档 马马虎虎
•能用并列,条件,因果,转折,让步等结构的连 词和从句。 •词汇多样性。 •允许语法错误:everybody are so happy. 前提不影 响理解。 •此类错误尽量避免。改卷理论与实际间的差距。
5分档 跌跌爬爬
I think ……. I also think ……… I still think ……… Do you think so?
I believe In my opinion, From my perspective, As far as I am concerned,
2分档 狗屁不通
Long eyes
Live till old learn till old
Machines of studying
Musical machine
知之为知之,不知为不知 Know is know, no know is no know.
考研英语 写作
Writing 25-30%
Section A 小作文 10% 100 words social letters 1.求职信 2.辞职信 3.请求信 4.建议信 5.询问信 6.邀请信 7.抱怨信 8.道歉信 9.致谢信 10.推荐信 便签、备忘录、告示、摘要写作(中翻英)
Section B 大作文 15-20% Essay 议论文 1.图表分析 06、07、10、11、12、13、14、15 2.现象分析 05、08 3.看图说话(思维+语言)【未考过】考研英语一每年必考 4.正反观点 09、03、04
不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,我都将勇往 直前,义无反顾,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。
复杂中文 — complicated English 简单中文 — simple English
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 尽自己最大努力直到死为止。 I will devote all myself to the people and my country until / till the last day of my life.
作文很恐怖 一生写过3篇英语作文 1.中考 2.高考 3.四级
Creative writing
Controlled writing 最低目标 15-20分
1. 散文派 型散神更散 (framework) 2. 深沉派 立意深刻、思想深远 (language) 3. 野兽派 龙飞凤舞、字迹潦草、乱涂乱画(handwriting, grammar) 4. 两面派 金玉其外,败絮其中。
教育很重要。 Education is very important. 5分档 There is no denying that education is very important. 11分档 There is no denying that education is of vital importance to our country’s cultural, educational and economic life. 14分档