Speed Sensor Technology 速度传感器




铁道车辆专业英语 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020Chapter1IntroductiontoRailwayLocomotive机车freightwagon货车passengercoach客车multipleunits动车组metrocar地铁车辆lightrail轻轨railwayservicecars铁路服务车Rail铁轨standardgauge标准轨距narrowgauge,broadgauge窄轨,宽轨Trackbed道床Sleeper,枕木Crosstie枕木Ballast,subballast,道砟,底部道砟fastener紧固件Turnout道岔Derail(derailment)脱轨Crossing平交道口colliery:煤矿quarry:采石场flangedsteelwheels:有凸缘钢轮copperore:铜矿speakof:谈到,提及backbone:骨干bulkfreight:散装货物masscommutationtraffic:大规模通勤运输shorthaul:短途运输Merchandisetraffic:货物运输Depreciation:(反-appreciation),减值,折旧,贬值Settling:沉降,沉积bulkfreight:散装货物Subgrade:地基,路基Soilstratum:地层Embankment:堤坝Trimoff:修剪Organictopsoil:有机表层土Civilengineering:土木工程Earthwork:土方,土方工程Gravitywall:重力墙Drainage:排水系统,排水装置Realestate:房地产,不动产Crane:起重机Tamper:捣固机Trolley:台车,手推车,电车Headway:进展,向目标前进Chapter2TheTrainCoach,carriage,客车Monorail单轨Refrigeratorwagon冷藏车High-speedrailways高速铁路Maglev磁悬浮Open-toppedwagon敞顶车Cograilway嵌齿铁路Rubber-tiredunderground橡胶轮地铁Siding旁轨,支线Freighttrain货运列车Passengertrain旅客列车Heavyfreight重载货运Sleepingcar卧铺车Diningcar餐车Run-aroundtrack调车线Inter-citytrain城际列车Localtrain管内列车,慢车Elctrictraction电力牵引Stopper慢车Double-deckedpassengertrain双层旅客列车Motorcar(trailercar)动力车(拖车)Container集装箱车Tanker罐车Drivingcab司机室TOFC平板拖车Boxwagon棚车Coupler车钩Maintenanceofway道路维护Long-distancetrain长途列车ChannelTunnel海峡隧道parcel:package包裹Travellingpostoffices:移动邮局Centrifugalforce:离心力pram:婴儿车Wheelchair:轮椅Conurbation:有卫星城市的大都市elevatedstructure:高架结构Accelerate(decelerate):加速(减速)Tram,trolley,streetcar:有轨电车Flexibility:机动,灵活Lowloder:低架拖车Sneakinto:偷偷地摸进Stowaway:偷乘,搭白车Fatality:disasterKit:工具包,装备earnone‘skeep:值得雇用,挣饭吃Showup:揭露,露出Deadendterminal:闭塞终端Bufferstop:止冲器Crossover:转辙轨Locomotiveescape:机车折返Phaseout:逐步淘汰,逐步停止Intensiveservice:auxiliaryequipment:辅助设备,备用设备,附属设备Heavymaintenance:大修Whilst:时时,同时,whilePush-pull:推挽Intervalservice:Keepatforefrontof:保持在……最前沿trainloading:列车运载量Traincapacity:列车运载能力Densityofpassengers:乘客密度Loadfactor:上座率Patronage:保护,光顾,赞助Highdegreeofstandardisation:高度标准化Headstock,endsill,pilot:endbeamBellmouth:钟形口,喇叭口Lineup:整队,排列Semipermanentcoupler:半永久车钩Beboltedtogether:螺栓连接Cushioning:减震,缓冲Uncoupling:解钩,拆开(反,coupling)Buckeye,KnuckleandJanneycoupler:詹式车钩Couplerknuckle(jaw):钩舌Couplerhead:钩头Hingepin:折页销Fullyautomaticcoupler:全自动车钩Disengage:脱离pneumatical:风力的,空气的Keepingoodworkingorder:保持正常运转状态Drawgear:牵引装置Bolt:螺栓Pedal:踏板Funicular:索道Coupleralignmentbar:车钩调直杆Pushbutton:按钮Shockabsorber:减震器Multicorecable:多芯电缆Chapter7RailwayCars(1)Baggage行列车Coach客车Combine合造车Dome圆顶车Lounge游乐车Dinner餐车Observation了望车Sleeper,sleepingcar,Pullman卧铺车RPO铁路邮政车Housingcar封闭车Autorack,autocarrier汽车运输车Boxcar,orvan棚车Refrigeratorcar,reefer冷藏车Stockcar牲畜车Opentopcar敞车Gondola敞车Hopper漏斗车Ballastcar砟车Flatcar平车Depressed-centerflatcar凹底平车Piggybackcar背负式车Schnabelcar钳夹车Tankcar罐车Caboose守车Snowplow除雪犁Dynamometercar动力检测(试验)车Encompasss:包围,环绕,构成,包括Listedinalphabeticorder:按字母顺序排列lining:衬里,衬套,内层,linedwithContamination:污染,玷污Corrosiveaction:腐蚀作用Stainlesssteel:不锈钢Glassenamel:玻璃釉彩,搪瓷Pocketforstake:柱插口Tie-downpoint:栓柱Manualbrakeequipment:手制动Airbrakeequipment:空气制动primaryunderframe:主车架,主底架Cumbersome:笨重的Intermodalshipping:联合运输Tonnage:吨位log:木材,原木Lumber:木材Slopedown:向下斜Scrapmetal:金属屑,废金属Aggregate:粒料,总计,聚集Woodchip:木屑,木片Dropend:落端门Shovel:铲Perishablefreight:易腐货物spoiling:变坏,损毁Insulation:绝缘层,保温层Keepout:Coolingsystem:冷却系统Coldbrine:冷盐水Waterproof:防水的Airtight:密封的,气密的Warehouse:仓库,库房Breakage:破坏,破损Barrel:桶Drum:鼓型圆桶safetyvalve:安全阀Chapter8RailwayCars(2)FormoreinformationseeTiltingtrain摆式列车Head-endequipment车端设备Branchline支线Air-conditionedhardseatcar空调硬座车seatingcapacity定员Lengthbetweentruckpivotcenters车辆定距tareweight空重Clearance间隙Wheelbase轴距Gauge轨距Constructionalspeed构造速度Wheeldiameter车轮直径Stanhope:轻便马车enroute:在途中Streamlined:流线型的Ornate:装饰的,华丽的,(文体)绚丽的todate:到此为止Aluminumsteel:铝钢,含铝钢evolveinto:发展[进化]成Fluted:有凹槽的Conveyance:运输Rowuponrow:一排排,一行行carry-on:手提行李,手提的Aisle:走廊Partitionedinto:分割,分隔开efficiencyapartment:有小厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓房间,公寓小套间Interior:内部Galley:厨房Recede:后退,倒退,变得模糊Felloutofuse:开始不用,渐废Vantage:优势,有利情况Roofline:屋顶轮廓线Dumbwaiter:楼上楼下送饭菜的小升降机,可移动的上菜架或上菜桌Aluminumofhighstrengthalloy:高强度铝合金pane:长方块,尤指窗格,窗格玻璃,边,面,方框Vestibule:门廊,前厅Chapter9BogieRidecomfort乘坐舒适性Irregularity轨道不平顺Wheeltread车轮踏面Suspension悬挂系统Treadgradient踏面锥度Flange轮缘Runningperformance运行品质Articulatedbogies铰接式转向架Lowercenterofgravity低重心Swinghanger摇枕吊Bolsterbogie摇枕转向架Bolsterlessbogie无摇枕转向架Wheelsethunting轮对蛇行Anti-yawdamper抗蛇行减震器Suspensiongear悬挂装置JR日本铁路Bogieframe构架Lateraldamper横向减震器Tractiontransferdevice牵引装置Brakeequipment制动装置Axlebearingandaxlebox轴箱轴承及轴箱Axlespring轴箱弹簧Brakedisk制动盘Tractionmotor牵引电机Gearbox齿轮箱,减速箱Wheelset轮对Tractionforce牵引力Airspring,airbag空气弹簧Sidebeam侧梁Coilspring圆弹簧Crossbeam横梁Presswelding压力焊Bearing轴承Supportrigidity支撑刚度Pedestalswingspringtype导框式定位Play,游间,游隙,摆动量Leafspring板弹簧 IStypeIS拉板式定位Bendingstrength弯曲强度Unsprungmass(weight)Non-sprungmass簧下质量Axlebeamtype转臂式定位Cylindricalrollerbearing圆柱滚子轴承Ballbearing球轴承Overhaul大修Nosesuspensiondevice轴悬,臂式悬挂装置Cardandrivingdevice万向轴驱动Torqueconverter变扭器Wheeltreadbrake踏面制动Discbrake盘型制动Brakeshoe闸瓦Frictionalheat摩擦热Brakepad制动闸片Motorbraking动力制动Quilldrive空心轴驱动Hollowshaft空心轴Gearwheel,drivengear从动齿轮Pinion,drivinggear主动齿轮Electriclocomotive电力机车Railhead轨头Reprofile镟修Wheel/railinterface轮轨关系Lubricant润滑物Flattedwheel车轮擦伤Bogietransom转向架横梁Brakecylinder制动缸Parkingbrake停车制动Heavydutybrake重载制动Framemountedmotor架悬式电机Liftinglug吊耳Gearbox齿轮箱Compressedair压缩空气WSP(wheelslideprotection)车轮防滑装置Speedsensor速度传感器Pendulum(titling)bogie摆式转向架Servicelife使用寿命Designconcept设计理念Runningspeed运行速度Maximumspeed最大速度Lateralforce横向力Transitioncurve过渡曲线Circularcurve圆曲线Self-steeringbogie自导向转向架Runningstability运行平稳性Forcedsteeringbogie迫导向转向架Obscurity:隐蔽,偏僻,含糊Abrasion:磨耗Intermsof:accordingtoIncomparisonto:对比Besensitiveto:对……敏感Rotationalresistance:回转阻尼Harmonic:谐波,和声,谐函数Isolate…from…:隔离Becommercializedfor:商业化,商品化Weldingtechnology:焊接技术Generalstructure:一般结构Rolledsteel:钢材,轧制钢Seamlesssteelpipe:无缝钢管Criticalcomponent:关键部件Corrugatedwheel:波形辐板车轮Susceptibleto:易受影响的Massimbalance:动量不平衡Resonance:共振Putintoservice:投入运营,交付使用Rightanglecardandrivingdevice:直角万向轴驱动装置Impede:stopForgedsteel:锻钢Porcupine:豪猪Rubberbushedlinks:用橡胶衬里的连杆Gearwheel:大齿轮Inrelationto:withregardto,关于,涉及,与……比较Degreeofconing:锥度Squealingnoise:尖啸Flangeorrailgreasing:轮缘或轨道油脂Slippage:滑动Weledsteelboxformat:焊接箱型结构Pressagainst:压向Neutralsection:分相区Leadingbogie:导向架Chapter10VehicleSuspensionVehiclesuspension车辆悬挂系统Cushionsystem缓冲系统Laminatedsteelspring板弹簧Axleload轴重Carryingload载重Springhanger弹簧吊Springlank弹簧托板Swinglink吊杆Sideframe侧架,侧梁Sidebearer(bearing)旁承 Centerbearing下心盘Equalizerbarsuspension均衡梁式悬挂系统Commonwealthbogie均衡梁式转向架Levellingvalve高度调节阀Solidrubbersuspensionpack橡胶堆悬挂系统Parlance:idiom,谈话,说法,用法Taketheformofleafsteelspring:采用板弹簧型式Securingstrap:保护带,安全带Beleftoutforsimplicity:为简便起见,不显示(去掉)……Endon:从一端看,从端面看,一端向前地Rivete:铆钉,固定Sideview:侧视图Simplifieddiagram:简图Sidewaysmovement:侧面运动Reversal:逆转Durability:耐久性,耐用性;坚固Axleboxyoke:轴箱轭RubberChevron:V型橡胶Boardingandalighting:上车,落下Intermittentgentlehissing:断断续续的轻微的咝咝声Alightfrom:走下来,下车Chapter11BrakingKineticenergy动能Airbrakesorpneumaticbrakes空气制动Brakepipe列车管,制动管Compressor空气压缩机Mainreservoir主风缸Driver’sbrakevalve司机阀Equalisingreservoir均衡风缸Feedvalve给气阀;进给阀Anglecock截断塞门,折角塞门Hose橡胶软管(制动软管)Auxiliaryreservoir辅助风缸Triplevalve三通阀Brakecylinder制动缸Brakeblock闸瓦Relayvalve延迟阀Failsafe失效安全Frictionmaterial摩擦材料Compositionmaterial复合材料Brakerigging制动装置Rateofapplication制动倍率Slidevalve滑阀Graduatingvalve递动阀,节制阀Regulatingvalve调整阀,调节阀Propagationrate制动波速Distributor分配阀Diaphragm,膜片Throttle节流阀slackaction列车冲动E-Pbrake电空制动Dynamicbraking动力制动Rheostaticbraking电阻制动Regenerativebraking再生制动Psi:Poundspersquareinch磅/平方英尺Replenished:补充Trigger:打开,激发,引起Distributor:分配阀Sophisticated:复杂的Choke:阻气门Inshot:跃升装置;跃升timelapse:时滞,时延Elusive:令人困惑的;油滑的;难记忆的Spur:踢马剌,剌激物,刺激Essentialingredient:关键因素Thyristor:闸流晶体管;半导体开关元件;可控硅;硅可控整流器Circuitry:电路,线路Resistor:电阻器Powerelectronic:电力电子Chapter12DepotsandWorkshopsSlidingdoor滑动门,塞拉门Routineexamination常规检查Consumable易损易耗件Maintenanceregime维修体制Existingrailway既有铁路Maintenancemanagement维修管理Interchangeability互换性Operatingpattern运行模式Converging聚集,会合Marshalling编组Electrifiedrailway电气化铁路currentcollectionequipment吸流装置Audit审计Performanceindicator绩效指标maintenancestandard维修标准Commonsense:常识Revisit:再访,重游,重临Drawon:戴上,吸收,利用,引诱,向...提取,招来,临近Rectify:矫正,调整Progressivelyadverseeffecton:日益增加的反作用Morale:士气,民心Upholstery:室内装潢Clomaticcondition:天气条件OfequalimportanceChore:家务杂事Contractual:契约的Goodaccesstocomponents:零部件的易接近性Superfluous:多余的,过剩的,过量的Watertight:不漏水的,水密的Thwarted:反对;阻挠,挫败,妨碍Overlook:俯瞰,耸出,远眺,没注意到Refitting:整修,改装premise:房产;房屋Planningstage:计划阶段Termini:目的地,界标,terminus的复数Converging:集中,收敛,会聚Proximity:接近,亲近Jack:插孔,插座,起重器,千斤顶,男人Inspectionpit:检查坑Walkway:走道,人行道Wheelturningfacility:车轮加工设备ConstructedwashroadDe-icingarrangement:防止结冰,装以除冰装置,除冰Firealarm:火灾报警Chapter13DevelopingMaglevTrainsMagneticfield磁场Maglev磁悬浮Propulsion推进Levitation悬浮Guidance导向Attractiveforce吸引力Ferromagnetic电磁铁的Magneticrepulsion磁力推进Superconductingmagnet超导磁体Linearmotor线性电机Magnetizingrail磁化轨道Payloadweight负载Dynamicload动载荷Electrodynamicsuspension,EDS电力悬浮Electromagneticsuspension,EMS电磁悬浮Noconsensusexistson:Levitate:(使)轻轻浮起,(使)飘浮空中Cryogenics:低温学Linearsynchronousmotor:LSM同步直线电机Linearinductionmotor:LIM直线感应电机Gasturbine:燃气涡轮Turboprop:涡轮螺旋桨发动机Concurrently:同时发生的事件,并发的,协作的,一致的Availabilitycrisis:Metropolitan:大城市Turbulence:骚乱,动荡,(液体或气体的)紊乱HSGT,high-speedGroundTransportationACT:FRA:FederalRailroadAdministration联邦铁路管理局[美]Chapter14PowerSupplyofElectricTractionPowersupply供电Electrictractionsystem电力牵引系统Overheadwire接触网Powertransmission电力传输Thirdrail第三轨Collector受流器Pantograph受电弓Returncircuit回路Substation配电站Earthingprotection接地保护Signallingcircuit信号电路Catenary接触网Dropper吊线Electricarc电弧Mast柱子Boostertransformer,BT吸流变流器Returnwire回流线Trackmagnet轨道磁铁Neutralsection分相区Communicationcable通信线缆Pigtail引线Diaper:尿布Inparallelwith:与...平行,与...同时,与...并联Microprocessor:微处理器Gripwith:掌握,理解Electrolysis:电解Insulated:绝缘的,insulation,insulatorManhole:(锅炉,下水道供人出入检修用的)人孔,检修孔Atone’speril:由某人自担风险Takeprecautionstodo:采取防范措施Aggravate:使恶化,加重Stitching:用U字钉钉箱,缝纫Sag:松弛,下陷,下垂,(物价)下跌,漂流Evacuate:疏散,撤出,排泄Visualintrusion:视觉障碍,妨碍Chapter15TheLightRailTransitionCBI英国工业联合会Urbantransportpolicy城市交通政策Urbansprawl城市扩张Lightrail轻轨Roadtransport路面交通Steepgradient大坡道sharpcurve小半径曲线Criteria标准Congestedurbanarea:拥挤的城市区域HouseofCommonsTransportCommittee:上议院交通委员会Congested:拥挤的Pedestrians:步行者Cyclists:骑脚踏车的人Publictransportuser;公共交通使用者Motorists:乘汽车者AMA:AssociationofMetropolitanAuthorities Intractable:难处理的Down-marketed:价廉质次的,低档市场的Parkandride:停车换乘Pollutant:污染物质Resurgence:复苏Overambitious:野心太大的Tyne:泰恩河Underutilized:为充分利用的Newcastle:纽卡斯尔。

SpeedSys Tx0-series 速度传感器速度监测系列数据手册说明书

SpeedSys Tx0-series 速度传感器速度监测系列数据手册说明书

SpeedSys Tx0-seriesSpeed transmitters, monitors & switchesThe SpeedSys Tx0-series is a range of speedmeasurement systems that deliver extensivespeed monitoring functions to rotatingequipment. The Tx0-series converts the signalsfrom speed sensors to processed outputs. Thesystem features a small technical footprint withlow impact installation and is available insingle-, double-, and triple-channel versions tosuit any application.SPEED MONITORING FOR A WIDE RANGE OF APPLICATIONS▪Speed monitoring and switching on rotating equipment.▪Advanced signal conditioning and conversion into highly accurate outputs for further processing▪Multi-channel devices feature extensive monitoring functions, including reverse rotation, creep,overspeed, underspeed, acceleration, standstill, and dynamic sensor monitoring. Typical applications include:▪Compressors and pumps ▪Microturbines▪Wind turbines▪Gas and steam turbines ▪Marine applications▪Elevators▪General automationKEY FEATURES▪Very fast system response to overspeed condition▪Two fast responding relays per channel.▪Modbus connectivity *▪Suitable for 3-wire voltage sensors and 2-wire voltage sensors * Not available for SpeedSys T10ASYSTEM OVERVIEWInterfaces T10 / T10A T20 T30Sensor inputs 1x sensor input 2x sensor input 3x sensor input Digital inputs 1x digital input 2x digital input 3x digital inputRelay outputs 1x DPST1x SPST 2x DPST2x SPST3x DPST3x SPSTAnalog outputs 1x analog output 2x analog output 3x analog outputFrequency outputs 1x frequency output 2x frequency output 3x frequency output Power supply 1x power supply 2x power supply 3x power supplyModbus 1x Modbus TCP * 1x Modbus TCP 1x Modbus TCP Speed monitoring T10 / T10A T20T30Overspeed Yes Yes YesUnderspeed Yes Yes YesAcceleration Yes * Yes YesStandstill / creep Yes * Yes YesReverse rotation - Yes YesDynamic channel monitoring - Yes YesSoftware voting - 1oo2; 2oo2 1oo2; 2oo2;1oo3; 2oo3; 3oo3 * Not available for SpeedSys T10AINPUTSensor inputSensor input Input for (a) 3-wire voltage, (b) 2-wire voltageFrequency range T10, T20, T30 0.025 Hz to 35 kHzFrequency range T10A0.025 Hz to 10 kHzMeasurement accuracy 0.05 %(a) 3-wire voltage inputInput type 3-wire voltage input (typical: Hall effect or proximity sensor)Sensor power supply 24.0 V (@ 25 mA)Input range 0 V to 24 VTrigger level (programmable) 0 V to 12 VImpedance 500 kΩ (typical)Sensor monitoring Open circuit detection, sensor power supply short circuit detection(b) 2-wire voltage inputInput type 2-wire voltage input (typical: electromagnetic sensor)Sensor power supply n/aInput range 20 mV RMS to 80 V RMSTrigger level (programmable) -12 V to 12 VImpedance 100 kΩDigital inputInput range0 V to 24 V, max 25 mALogic “0”< 10 VLogic “1”> 14 VImpedance 1 kΩOUTPUTRelaysNumber T10 / T10A – 2 high speed relaysT20 – 4 high speed relaysT30 – 6 high speed relaysTypes T10 / T10A – 1x DPST (2x COM & 2x NO) and 1x SPST (1x COM and 1x NO)T20 – 2x DPST (2x COM & 2x NO) and 2x SPST (1x COM and 1x NO)T30 – 3x DPST (2x COM & 2x NO) and 3x SPST (1x COM and 1x NO)Function User-configurable relays for speed limits (e.g., overspeed or underspeed) Maximum switching capacity30 V DC / 2 A (resistive load)30 V DC / 100 mA (inductive load)Hysteresis User-configurableTrip state User-configurable normally open or normally closedAnalog outputNumber T10 / T10A – 1x analog output.T20 – 2x analog output.T30 – 3x analog output.Type 4 to 20 mA current loop.Function User-configurable range to transmit current output value equivalent to themeasured speed.Resolution 16 bit (0 – 24 mA)Accuracy 0.1 %Digital frequency outputNumber T10 / T10A – 1x frequency output.T20 – 2x frequency output.T30 – 3x frequency output.Type Digital open collector output.Signal Max 24 V DC / 10 mA.Status LED indicatorsLED indicators T10 / T10A – 1x relay status & 1x system statusT20 – 2x relay status & 2x system statusT30 – 3x relay status & 3x system statusSYSTEM FEATURESReaction timeSpeed measurement time (T m) Dependent on signal frequency and averaging, typically ≤ 2 ms at high speedapplicationsHardware reaction time (T h) Relays: ≤ 30 msAnalog out: ≤ 100 msTotal reaction time (T h + T m) Relays, typical: ≤ 32 msAnalog out, typical: ≤ 100 msPC interface TCP/IP programming and status reading(Windows® 10 and higher proprietary software application)Modbus interface Modbus TCP *Power supply inputInput voltage range 24 V DC (18 V DC– 31,2 V DC)Current consumption T10 / T10A – max 160 mAT20 – max 320 mA (max 160 mA / channel)T30 – max 480 mA (max 160 mA / channel)Reverse polarity protection YesHeat dissipation T10 / T10A – max 4 WT20 – max 8 WT30 – max 12 WHousingMaterial Polyamide (PA 66 GF 30)Dimensions T10 / T10A –22,5 x 117 x 114 mm (0.89 x 4.61 x 4.49”)T20 – 45,0 x 117 x 114 mm (1.78 x 4.61 x 4.49”)T30 –67.5 x 117 x 114 mm (2.67 x 4.61 x 4.49”)Weight T10 / T10A – 240 gT20 – 324 gT30 – 414 gMounting assembly DIN railConnectors Push-in type terminalsEnvironmental conditionsOperating temperature-20 to 60 °C (-4 to 140 °F)Storage temperature -40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185 °F)Operating & storage humidity 75% averaged over the year; up to 90% for max 30 days. Condensation to beavoided.Ingress protection IP20 according to IEC 60529Indoor use or use in a protective enclosureOther Overvoltage category IIPollution degree 2Warranty 24 months from date of invoice* Not available for SpeedSys T10ADIMENSIONS AND MOUNTINGCONNECTION DIAGRAM ** T10A is equal to T10APPROVALSInternational standards CE; UKCA Electromagnetic compatibility Conform EN 61326-1 Environmental RoHS 2Marine type approval Pending ** Not available for SpeedSys T10A。




















传感器分类及20种常见传感器目录1.常用传感器的分类 (1)1.1.按被测物理量分类 (1)1.2.按工作的物理基础分类 (2)2. 20种常见的传感器 (2)2. 1. 温度传感器(TemPeratUreSenSor): (2)2. 2. 湿度传感器(HUmidity Sensor) : (2)2. 3. 光敏传感器(Light Sensor): (2)2. 4. 声音传感器(SoUnd Sensor) : (3)2. 5. 压力传感器(PreSSUre Sensor): (3)2. 6. 位移传感器(PoSition Sensor): (3)2. 7.加速度传感器(ACCelerometer): (3)2. 8. 磁感应传感器(MagnetiC Sensor) : (4)2. 9. 接近传感器(ProXirnity Sensor) : (4)2. 10. 电容传感器(CaPaCitiVe Sensor): (4)2. 11. 气体传感器(GaSSenSor): (5)2. 12. 颜色传感器(ColOrSenSor): (6)2. 13. 生物传感器(BiOIogiCaISenSor): (7)2. 14. 速度传感器(SPeedSenSor): (8)2. 15. 重量传感器(WeightSenSor): (9)2. 16. 红外传感器(InfraredSenSor): (9)2. 17. 压敏传感器(PreSSUre-SenSitiVeSenSOr): (10)2. 18.射频识别传感器(RFlD): (11)2. 19. 光电传感器(PhotOdeteCtOr): (13)2. 20.位角传感器(AngUIar Position Sensor): (14)1.常用传感器的分类Ll.按被测物理量分类机械量:长度、厚度、位移、速度、加速度、转数、质量,重量、力、压力、力矩;声:声压、噪声;温度:温度、热量、比热;磁:磁通、磁场;光:亮度、色彩。

【汽车传感器原理与检修】汽车传感器原理与检修 第八章 速度与加速度传感器

【汽车传感器原理与检修】汽车传感器原理与检修 第八章  速度与加速度传感器
车速传感器一般用于测量汽车的行驶速度,以便使发动机的控制、自动起动 、ABS、牵引力控制系统、活动悬架、导航系统等装置能正常工作,这种传感器主 要有簧片开关式、光电式、霍尔效应式、磁阻元件式、电磁感应式等几种,但簧片 开关式目前已不多用。
轮速传感器即车轮速度传感器,用于检测车轮速度,并将其转化为电信号 输入ABS(防抱死制动系统)ECU,用于计算车轮的圆周速度。目前轮速传感器 在ABS中应用越来越广泛,逐步取代了减速度传感器、车身速度传感器和蓄压器 压力传感器。轮速传感器主要有电磁感应式和霍尔效应式两种。
另外一种形式的舌簧开关式传感器是阻断型,如图8-6(a),为使舌簧开关能闭能 开,磁铁必须装在一个转动的轴上,使磁铁转动或用一个转动的齿轮来隔断其磁通 。当齿轮的齿处于磁铁和舌簧管之间时,磁通离开簧片,这时触点弹开,见图8-6( b)。无论采取哪种方法,都可以从触点开闭时发出的信号指示轴的转动位置。
对于装设自动变速器的汽车,车速传感器也叫变速器输出轴转速传感器 ,用于检测汽车的车速信号,并将该信号输入ECU,实现ECU对变速器的换挡 控制及对发动机的控制;同时将车速信号提供给车速里程表,用以指示汽车行 驶速度,记录汽车行驶里程。而对于装设手动变速器的汽车,车速传感器仅仅 将检测到的车速信号提供给车速里程表,用于指示汽车行驶速度,记录汽车行 驶里程。
舌簧开关式、电磁感应式、光电式、霍尔效应式、磁阻元件式、多普勒雷达式 等几种。常用的有舌簧开关工、可变磁阻式、电磁感应式、光电式和霍尔式几 种。
1. 舌簧开关式转车传感器的结构与原理
舌簧开关式车速传感器用于旧式汽车的车速报警系统中,在新型的轿车中很少用 到,其结构如图8-7所示。舌簧开关(图中的簧片开关)是一个内装两个细长触点 的小玻璃管,触点由铁、镍等容易被磁铁吸引的强磁性材料制成。舌簧开关传感 器置于车速表的转子附近,当车速表驱动轴转动时,带动转子和永久磁铁旋转, 使磁铁的N、S极靠近或远离舌簧开关的触点。在变化的磁场作用下,舌簧开关的 两触点有时互相吸引而闭合,有时相互排斥而断开,从而形成了触点的开关作用 。

Honeywell 速度传感器产品范围指南说明书

Honeywell 速度传感器产品范围指南说明书

Speed Sensors Product Range GuideWith more than 50,000 products ranging from snap-action, limit, toggle, and pressure switches to position, speed, pressure, and airflow sensors, Honeywell has one of the broadest sensing and switching portfolios.Honeywell sensor, switch, and control components are tailored to exact specifications for stronger performance, longer productivity, and increased safety. Enhanced accuracy and durability are built into every part, improving output and endurance. For our customers, this can reduce expenditures and operational costs. Our global footprint and channels help to competitively price such components for your chosen application and provide immediate technical support.While Honeywell’s switch and sensor solutions are suitable for a wide array of basic and complex applications, our custom-engineered solutions offer enhanced precision, repeatability, and ruggedness. We offer domain knowledge and technology resources, along with a close working relationship, to develop and deliver cost-effective, individually tailored solutions. Whether clean-slate development or simple modifications to an existing design are needed, our expertly engineered solutions help to meet the most stringent requirements with world-class product designs, technology integration, and customer-specific manufacturing.Global service, sourcing, and manufacturing. Industry-leading engineers. Value-added assemblies and solutions. A one-stop, full-service, globally competitive supplier.For innovation that’s well apart, there’s only HoneywellTable of ContentsMagnetoresistive Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5Hall-effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Value Added Magnetic Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8Active Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10Passive Speed Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113NanopowerSeriesStandardPowerSeries2SS52MSeriesVF401APS00BDescription omnipolar MRsensor IComnipolar MRsensor IComnipolar MRdigital sensor IC2-wire MRfine pitch ringmagnet sensor IChigh resolutionmagneticdisplacementMagnetic Sensors |Magnetoresistive Sensor ICs1Dimensions:• SOT-23: 2,8 mm x 2,9 mm [0.11 in x 0.11 in]• Flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• VF-401 flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,06 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]• U-Pack: 4,5 mm x 4,5 mm [0.18 in x 0.18 in] (not including leads)• SOIC-8: 4,9 mm x 6,0 mm [0.19 in x 0.24 in]SL353SS30AT,SS40A,SS50ATSS311PT,SS411PSS340RT,SS440RSeriesDescriptionmicropower omnipolarHall-effect digitalsensor IClow-cost bipolarHall-effect digitalsensor IClow-cost bipolarHall-effect digital sensorIC with built-in pull-uplow-cost unipolarHall-effect digitalsensor ICFeaturescombined with very lowaverage current reducespower consumptionspeed capability, reversepolarity protectionlow voltage, enhancedsensitivityNorth pole (SS340RT)or South pole (SS440R),multiple magneticsensitivities (high,medium, and low) Magnetic Sensors |Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs1Dimensions:• SOT-23: 2,8 mm x 2,9 mm [0.11 in x 0.11 in]• Flat TO-92-style: 3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]5SS345PT, SS445PSS351AT, SS451A, SS551ATSS360NT , SS360ST , SS360ST-10K, SS460S, SS460S-T2 VF360NT , VF360ST , VF460SSS360PT, SS460P, SS460P-T2unipolar Hall-effect digital sensor IC with built-in pull-up resistor low-cost omnipolarHall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity, latching Hall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity, latching Hall-effect digital sensor IC high sensitivity latching digital Hall-effect sensor IC with built-in pull-up resistor pole (SS345PT) or a South pole (SS445P)protection, typical operating point of 85 G at 25°C [77°F]no chopper stabilizationstandard for potential use in automotive applications, fastest response time in its class class, no chopper stabilization, operates from only 30 Gausstypical, at 25°C [77°F]Magnetic Sensors |Hall-effect Digital and Linear Sensor ICsDigitalVF526DTLinearSS490 SeriesSS39ET, SS49E, SS49E-F, SS49E-L, SS49E-T2, SS49E-T3, SS59ET1Dimensions:• 4-Pin SIP: 3,6 mm x 5,1 mm [0.14 in x 0.20 in]• SOT-89B: 4,2 mm x 4,5 mm [0.16 in x 0.18 in]• Flat TO-92-style:3,0 mm x 4,0 mm [0.12 in x 0.16 in] (not including leads)7Series103SR (digital)103SR (linear)Magnetic Sensors | Value AddedSeries SR16/SR17SR3SR4Description low-cost Hall-effect vane sensor Hall-effect digital position sensor magnetoresistive digitalMagnetic Sensors |Value Added9Series SNG-Q SNDH-T SNDH-HDescription quadrature speed and direction quadrature speed and direction single Hall-effect speed sensorFeaturesplatform-based approachenables cost-competitivenessand mechanical and electricalconfigurability; designed forpotential applications whereenhanced accuracy is required todetect small target featuresoffset self calibration, short circuitand reverse voltage protection,low jitter output, near zero speedavailable, zero speed sensingversions available, range of con-nector options Speed Sensors |ActiveSpeed Sensors |ActiveSeries584XXFeaturesproduces constant amplitude output signals suitable for direct use in many digital andlogic control applications, internal digital signal conditioningSeriesLCZZH10Featuresomni-directional sensor to target, low power consumption, zero speed, digital outputomni-directional sensor to target, low powerconsumption, zero speed, digital output11SeriesVRS General PurposeVRS Hazardous LocationVRS High OutputDescription/potential applicationsused where medium to high speeds or in electrically noisy environments with relatively small air gaps existused where explosion-proof or intrinsically safe sensors are requiredused where higher output voltages are needed, perform best at low to mediumspeeds with medium to high impedance loads (sealed front-end versions for use where the sensor is exposed to fluids, lubricants or adverseSeriesVRS High ResolutionVRS High TemperatureVRS Power OutputDescription/potential applicationsused where precise timing pulse is required, and/or fine pitch gears are usedused where the sensor is exposed to temperatures up to 260ºC [450ºF] (sealed front-end versions for use where the sensor is exposed to fluids, lubricants or adverse used where driving lowresistance loads at large air gaps is required, and larger actuators are usedSpeed Sensors |PassiveWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period . Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details . If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective . The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application .Specifications may change without notice . The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing . However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use .005911-11-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA May 2017© 2017 Honeywell International Inc . All rights reserved .Find out moreTo learn more about Honeywell’s sens-ing and switching products, call +1-815-235-6847, email inquiries to *********************, or visit Honeywell Sensing and Internet of Things 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 honeywell .com。








具体工作原理如下:1. 传感器中有一个霍尔元件,可以感知周围的磁场。

2. 物体上附着有一个磁源,当物体运动时,磁源也会随之移动,从而改变周围的磁场。

3. 传感器感知到磁场的变化,并将其转化为电信号。

4. 根据磁场的变化情况和传感器的特性曲线,可以计算出物体的速度。

二、速度传感器芯片的应用领域速度传感器芯片广泛应用于汽车、机器人、无人机等领域,其中一些常见的应用包括:1. 汽车领域:速度传感器芯片广泛应用于汽车的车速测量、制动系统、巡航控制等方面。


2. 机器人领域:速度传感器芯片常用于机器人的定位和导航系统中。


3. 无人机领域:速度传感器芯片可以用于测量无人机的飞行速度和高度,从而实现无人机的自动控制和稳定飞行。

4. 工业自动化领域:速度传感器芯片可以用于监测工业设备的运动状态,从而实现智能化的生产和维护管理。

三、速度传感器芯片的特点和优势速度传感器芯片具有以下特点和优势:1. 高精度:速度传感器芯片具有很高的精度,可以测量物体的微小位移和速度变化。

2. 快速响应:速度传感器芯片可以实时感知物体的运动,并迅速输出测量结果。

3. 低功耗:速度传感器芯片通常具有低功耗的特点,可以有效延长设备的电池寿命。

4. 小尺寸:速度传感器芯片体积小,可以方便地嵌入各种设备中,不占用太多的空间。


















1. 机械原理。





2. 光电原理。





3. 电磁原理。





4. 超声波原理。

























光电式速度传感器工作原理光电式速度传感器(Optical Speed Sensor),是一种通过光电转换原理,将物体运动的速度转换成电信号输出的传感器。







二、特点1. 高精度: 光电式速度传感器具有高精度的测量能力,可以快速准确地测量物体的速度,特别是对于高速运动的物体,能够准确地检测其速度和方向。

2. 宽测量范围:该传感器可以测量很大的速度范围,从几厘米每秒到几百米每秒不等。


3. 高稳定性: 该传感器具有较高的稳定性,可以在长时间使用过程中保持高精度和可靠性。



三、应用光电式速度传感器广泛应用于控制和测量领域,其主要应用领域包括:1. 机械工业:用于机器生产线上的物体的速度和位置控制;2. 轨道交通:用于测量电车、地铁等列车的速度和位置;3. 航空航天:用于测量飞行器的速度和位置;4. 安防领域:用于测量和监控交通工具、航空器、船只等在运行过程中的速度和方向。




巡航控制系统的工作原理巡航控制系统(Cruise Control System)是现代汽车中的一种电子设备,用于帮助驾驶员在高速公路等适当的道路条件下保持车辆的稳定速度。



1. 传感器巡航控制系统利用速度传感器(Speed Sensor)来测量车辆的实际速度。


另外,加速度传感器(Acceleration Sensor)也可以用来测量车辆的加速度,以便系统更精确地调整引擎的输出功率。

2. 油门位置传感器油门位置传感器(Throttle Position Sensor)用来测量驾驶员脚下加在油门踏板上的力度,以确定引擎的输出功率。


3. 控制单元巡航控制系统的控制单元(Control Unit)是系统的“大脑”,它接收传感器的信号并根据设定的速度来控制引擎的输出功率。


4. 速度设定驾驶员可以通过巡航控制系统的仪表盘上的按钮或控制杆来设定期望的巡航速度。


5. 操作模式巡航控制系统通常有两种操作模式:主动模式和被动模式。




6. 刹车和取消巡航控制系统通常会配备一个刹车开关,用来取消巡航控制系统的功能。




























轮速传感器(Wheel Speed Sensor)是用于测量车轮转速的装置,主要由以下几个组成部分:
1. 感应器:一般采用磁电感应原理或霍尔效应原理,通过感应车轮旋转时产生的磁场变化或磁极之间的磁通量变化来判断车轮转速。

2. 磁环:由永磁材料制成的环形磁体,通常固定在车轮轴上,与感应器之间产生磁场。

3. 连接线:将感应器与车辆的电器系统连接起来,传输感应器检测到的信号。

4. 信号处理器:将传感器接收到的模拟信号转换为数字信号,并进行放大、滤波和校正等处理,最终输出给车辆的控制单元或仪表盘。

5. 其他附件:例如安装支架、防尘罩、连接器等。




OPERATION MANUAL CMCP575-XXX-XXXSpeed TransmitterREV. A 5-26-2009Model Description:The CMCP575 is a Frequency to DC Transmitter. The transmitter accepts a periodic waveform and computes ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY. The CMCP575 is factory set to provide a 4-20mA output proportional to this level within a specified range such as 0-5,000 RPM. The 4-20 mA output is suitable for direct connection to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or Distributed Control System (DCS). Additionally, the CMCP575 mounts on standard DIN rail.The CMCP575 can easily be calibrated in the field with the use of a frequency generator. Additional outputs are provided to supply your control system with a wide variety of outputs such as 0-20mA, 0-10mA, 0-1mA, 1-5VDC, 0-5VDC, or 0-10VDC.Power:The CMCP575 requires externally supplied DC power. The chosen power supply should have a nominal output of +24Vdc and be capable of supplying a minimum of 30mA for eachCMCP575 in the system. A linear-regulated power-supply dedicated to the transmitter is recommended. It is also recommended that connections between the power supply and the transmitter be made with twisted-shielded instrument cable. The cable shield should float at the transmitter and connect to common at the power-supply, system common end only. Transducer:The CMCP575 is factory configured for use with the sensor requested. The specific type is identified under the “Input Type” on the side label. The most common type of sensors are the Eddy Probe and Hall Effect Sensor. Sensor requirements can be found on the specifications page of this manual. The wire used to connect the sensor to the transmitter should be an overall shielded cable. The shield must be grounded at the input negative of the CMCP575 and left floating at the sensor.Transducer Cable:It is strongly recommended that the transmitter be mounted as close as practical to the associated transducer. This will prevent signal distortion associated with current drive limitations, and will minimize interference from external electro-magnetic noise sources (EMI). A well shielded, properly installed transducer cable is absolutely necessary to obtain reliable operation. Twisted-shielded cables designed and pre-fitted with the proper transducer connector, and sold for this specific purpose are highly recommended. The cable shield should be open at the transducer end, and connected to the input negative on the transmitter only. The cable should be routed as far away from other electrical circuits as possible, and run in metal conduit where possibleCMCP575 OPERATION MANUAL PAGE 2Full Scale Range:The CMCP575 is supplied factory calibrated for the full-scale range specified at the time of order. Other ranges may be implemented by changing the calibration as needed. See the “Test and Calibration” section of this manual for more information. The factory calibrated range is listed on the side label as a dash number.4-20 mA Output:The primary output of the transmitter is the 4-20 mA current output which is proportional to the full scale range of the unit. IE: If the range is 0 – 5,000 RPM, then 4 mA indicates a reading of 0 RPM and 20 mA indicates a reading of 5,000 RPM. This output is intended to drive a maximum resistive load of 950 Ohms with respect to system common at the PLC/DCS input.Setup:The CMCP575 units are factory calibrated per order. Usually, a complete re-calibration is not required unless you want to change the input type, output type, or the range of the unit. A calibration sticker located on the side of the unit identifies the model, calibration and options present.Test/Calibration Instruments:The test equipment listed below is required to perform Zero and span calibrations:(1) +24 Vdc linear regulated power supply(1) 4.5 digit DC/True RMS reading digital volt/current meter. Fluke 87 or better(1) Sine wave signal generator with floating output.Configuration:Note: For re-calibration of the existing range proceed to the “Calibration” section of this manual.1.Open the case to gain access to the pc boards. The larger board is the input pcb and thesmaller board is the output / power pcb.2.The CMCP575 is capable of both zero based and 20% elevated (i.e. 4-20mA or 1-5VDC) output zero values. Follow the input configuration jumper settings under“Tables” page of this manual.3.Set switch 3, position 1 to the on position and adjust the output ZERO potentiometer forthe proper output.4.Set switch 3, position 1 to the off position and position 2 to on. Adjust the output SPANpotentiometer for full scale output. Repeat steps C and D until you reach the desiredaccuracy. Note: You can check the mid-scale value by setting both 3 positions 1 and 2 to the on position simultaneously.5.Return both switch 3 positions 1 and 2 to the off position; reassemble the case, andproceed to the calibration section below to finish the configuration.CMCP575 OPERATION MANUAL PAGE 3Calibration:1.Adjust the hysteresis control for stable operation at the minimum input amplitude. If thehysteresis is set too high, the unit will stop responding.2.Apply the FULL SCALE input value at the input terminals of the unit. Depress and holdthe SPAN input calibration push button until the SPAN status led flashes. The FULLSCALE value is now set and should correspond to the selected output setting. Thetransmitter is now set for ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY and ZERO frequency is assumed to be the transmitter ZERO output. Proceed to Step 4. If you are calibrating forFREQUENCY DEVIATION, proceed to Step 3 below.3.Apply the lower frequency of your FREQUENCY DEVIATION span to the transmitterinput. Depress and hold the ZERO input calibration button switch until the ZERO status LED flashes. The FREQUENCY DEVIATION is now set, the output should be at your zero value after a short delay.4.Calibration is complete. Check the calibration with various input values and verify thecorresponding output values.Troubleshooting Guide:Note: The CMCP575 is made of small components. Troubleshooting beyond the below steps may be difficult. We do not recommend attempting to repair the unit in the field, thus will void the warranty. STI offers a very responsive repair policy. Please contact us for more information on repair.ActionSymptom CorrectiveNo Output 1.Check the input and output connections carefully.2.Check that the power supply polarity is correct and that theoutput loop power is present on the indicated terminals.3.Check that the input source is correct and that it changesmagnitude between zero and full scale values whenadjusted.4.Make sure the output loop is complete and that the correctmeter range is selected.5.Make sure the hysteresis potentiometer is not too high. Theunit will stop responding to the input signal if its amplitudeis less than the hysteresis setting.6.All external checks are complete, problems seem to beinternal. Contact STI.Tables:CMCP575 OPERATION MANUAL PAGE 4Output Configuration JumpersOutput Output PCB (Small Board) Input PCB (Large Board) J1 J2 J14-20mA A A B 0-20mA A A A 0-10mA A B A 0-1mA A C A 1-5VDC B A B 0-5VDC B A A 0-10VDC C A AConfiguration Switch 3Switch Position Function1 Off NormalOperation On Output the Zero Value2 Off NormalOperation On Output the Span Value1 and2 Off NormalOperation On Output the MID Scale Value3,4,5,6,7,8 NotUsed PCB Layout:CMCP575 OPERATION MANUAL PAGE 5CMCP575 OPERATION MANUAL PAGE 6。






1. 拌和站(Mixing Station):拌和站是指用于将不同物料进行混合的设备。


2. 皮带机(Conveyor Belt):皮带机是一种通过循环运行的带状装置,用于将物料从一个地方输送到另一个地方。


3. 皮带(Belt):皮带是皮带机的核心部件,它由多层织物和橡胶组成,具有较高的强度和耐磨性。


4. 皮带张紧装置(Belt Tensioning Device):皮带张紧装置用于调整和维持皮带的张力。


5. 皮带对中装置(Belt Alignment Device):皮带对中装置用于调整和维持皮带的对中状态。


6. 皮带速度传感器(Belt Speed Sensor):皮带速度传感器用于测量皮带的运行速度。


7. 皮带清扫装置(Belt Cleaning Device):皮带清扫装置用于清除皮带表面的杂质和积聚物。


8. 皮带保护装置(Belt Protection Device):皮带保护装置用于保护皮带免受外部环境和物料的损害。


VRS产品说明书:Variable Reluctance Speed电磁速度传感器

VRS产品说明书:Variable Reluctance Speed电磁速度传感器

Application NoteVRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsSensing and Control1.0 General InformationCompletely self-powered, VRS (Variable Reluctance Speed) sensors are simple, rugged devices that do not require an external voltage source for operation. (See Figure 1.)VRS sensors are generally used to provide speed, timing orsynchronization data to a display (or control circuitry) in the form of a pulse train. 2.0Potential ApplicationsEngine RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) measurement on aircraft, automobiles, boats, buses, trucks and rail vehiclesMotor RPM measurement on drills, grinders, lathes and automatic screw machinesProcess speed measurement on food, textile, woodworking, paper, printing, tobacco and pharmaceutical industrymachineryMotor speed measurement of electrical generatingequipmentSpeed measurement of pumps, blowers, mixers, exhaust and ventilating fansFlow measurement on turbine metersMotor RPM measurement on precision camera, taperecording and motion picture equipmentWheel-slip measurement on autos and locomotivesFlow measurement on turbine metersMPH measurement on agricultural equipmentSome of the unique features that make the use of VRS sensors valuable in these potential applications include:Self-powered operationError-free conversion of actuator speed to output frequency Simple installation No moving partsUseable over a wide range of speedsAdaptable to a wide variety of configurationsThese properties have led to wide-spread use in manyindustries. As a result, VRS sensors are known by many use-related names such as:Magnetic-pickups Speed sensors Motion sensors, Pulse generators Frequency generators Variable reluctance sensors Transducers Magnetic probes Timing probes Monopoles Pick-offs 3.0 Principles of OperationThe output signal of a VRS sensor is an ac voltage that varies in amplitude and wave shape as the speed of the monitored device changes, and is usually expressed in peak-to-peakvoltage (Vp-p). One complete waveform (cycle) occurs as each actuator passes the sensing area (pole piece) of the sensor.The most commonly used actuator is a metal gear; however, bolt heads (cap screws are not recommended), keys, keyways, magnets, holes in a metal disc and turbine blades are allappropriate. In all cases, the target material must be a ferrous metal, preferably unhardened.A permanent magnet is the heart of a VRS sensor and establishes a fixed magnetic field. An output signal isgenerated by changing the strength of this field. This is caused by the approach and passing of a ferrous metal target near the pole piece. The alternating presence and absence of ferrous metal (gear tooth) varies the reluctance, or “resistance of flow” of the magnetic field, which dynamically changes the magnetic field strength. This change in magnetic field strength induces a current into a coil winding which is attached to the output terminals. (See Figures 2 and 3.)VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed Sensors2 Honeywell Sensing and ControlFigure 3: Low Reluctance Position of Magnetic CircuitIf a standard gear is used as an actuator, this output signal resembles a sine wave if viewed on an oscilloscope. (See Figures 4, 5, 6.)Figure 6: Steel Sprocket4.0 Potential Application ConsiderationsVRS sensors are not designed for sensing extremely low speeds. The target passing the pole piece of the sensor must be traveling at a minimum velocity, or surface speed, toprovide an adequate output voltage. Typical minimum surface speeds for each of Honeywell’s VRS sensor product offerings can be found in the VRS sensor product documentation .Proper VRS sensor selection requires that the sensor:Provide the required Vp-p at the minimum speed of interest. Will still function properly at the maximum operating frequency of the application.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsHoneywell Sensing and Control 35.0 Standard Test ConditionsThroughout the VRS product documentation, an output voltage specification is given, expressed in Vp-p, for each sensor. This reference voltage is the minimum guaranteed peak to peak output voltage of the sensor as tested by the factory, and is the starting point for the series of calculations that will provide the actual output voltage the sensor will provide in the application. The reference voltage value is established by testing the sensor under one of the conditions in Table 1.*IPS = inches per second. 6.0Polarity of OutputThe polarity of the output signal is usually of no concern for most applications. For those situations where polarity is important, the following applies to all VRS sensors:When ferrous metal approaches the pole piece of a given sensor:Pin B will be positive with respect to Pin A.The white lead will be positive with respect to the black lead. 7.0 Gear Tooth ConfigurationFor every gear tooth configuration, there is an optimum pole piece size and shape to achieve maximum output voltage from the sensor. This relationship is noted in Figure 7.= Dimension of top tooth E = Clearance= Height of toothF = Gear thickness The optimum dimensions of A , B and C are given as they relate to D , the pole piece diameter of the VRS sensor being used. The optimum relationship for maximum output is as follows:A equal to or greater than DB equal to or greater than CC equal to or greater than three timesDE as small as possibleF equal to or greater than DThe above configuration is usually not available in a stock gear; however, it is seldom necessary to have the maximum output. Very close to the maximum output may be generated by conventional stock gears if the tooth width A is equal to or greater than the pole piece diameter D and C is 1.5 times D .For ease of alignment, gear thickness should be two or three times the pole piece diameter. 8.0 Example Calculation: Actual Output Voltage for a Given ApplicationUse the following calculation sequence to determine if a certain VRS sensor will work in a specific application. In this example:The calculations use imperial units. For metric calculations, substitute appropriate units. Sensor size is not critical.Data for the calculations is given in Table 2.When the actuator is a gear, an excellent staring point inchoosing a sensor is to match the pole piece diameter as close as possible to the gear pitch.Because overall sensor size is of no concern in this example, an examination of the 5/8 diameter VRS sensor shows that a 20 pitch gear is ideal for both the 3010 General Purpose and 3030 High Output devices. Note that the 3010 GeneralPurpose device has a lower output voltage than the 3030 High Output device.The low resistance and inductance are desirablecharacteristics for areas of high electrical noise and for high frequency applications. The 3030’s higher output is desirable for lower speeds.The example calculation first looks at the 3010 General Purpose device.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed Sensors4 Honeywell Sensing and Control8.1. Calculate the gear diameter:If a VRS sensor is going to be an appropriate choice, it must be able to work at the lowest speed of interest; however, the missing gear diameter must first be calculated:GEAR DIAMETER = TOTAL # OF TEETH + 2GEAR PITCH 62203.1 in==8.2. Calculate the minimum surface speed:MIN SURFACE SPEED = 100 x 3.1 x 3.146016.2 in/s=8.3. Calculate the output at the calculated minimum surface speed:The product data shows that the output of the 3010 General Purpose device is 40 Vp-p; however, this output is at 1000 IPS. The output of the 3010 General Purpose device at 16.2 IPS surface speed must be determined.Because output voltage changes in an approximate linear response to speed, use the following ratio:REF VOLTAGE OUT REF SURFACE SPEED =UNKNOWN VOLTAGE OUT ACTUAL SURFACE SPEED401000 x16.2==0.648 Vp-pBecause the sensor needs a minimum of 1 Vp-p to operate, the 3010 General Purpose device is now disqualified as an acceptable choice.Next, consider the higher output 3030 High Output sensors. The output of the 3030 High Output device is 190 Vp-p at 1000 IPS. Using the same ratio:1901000 x16.2== 3.078 Vp-p8.4. Consider the gear pitch/pole piece factor.Table 3 shows that the output from a sensor having a 0.106” dia. pole piece (3030 High Output) when sensing a 20 pitch gear is 100%. Therefore, no correction factor is applied. The output voltage remains at 3.078 Vp-p.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsHoneywell Sensing and Control 58.5. Calculate the Effect of the Load Resistance of the Sensor Being DrivenIn this example, the load resistance of the sensor being driven is 10 kOhm. Because this change is also a linear function, use the following ratio:PRESENT VOLTAGE OUT TOTAL RESISTANCE*=UNKNOWN VOLTAGE OUTLOAD RESISTANCE 3.07811200x 10000 ==2.748 Vp-p*Total Resistance = Load Resistance +Sensor Resistance.Figure 8 shows the equivalent circuit in this example.8.6. Consider the Allowable Air GapAir gap is also known as the pole piece clearance. In this example, the air gap is 0.010 in. Figures 9 and 10 show that the output of the 3030 High Output at 0.010 in is 60% of the present value.Figure 9. 3030 Output for Pole Pieces Less ThanFigure 10. 3030 Output Pole Pieces Greater Than or EqualAll the variables that have an effect on the actual outputvoltage at the lowest speed of interest have been considered, and the 3030 High Output device has been found to be appropriate.If the result at this point would have been less than1 Vp-p, it would have been necessary to look at a near-zero or zero-speed sensor for this application.8.7. Ensure the Sensor Will Function at the Maximum Frequency of the ApplicationMAX FREQUENCY =MAX RPM x # OF GEAR TEETH601000 x 6060 =1000 kHz==1 kHzThe 3030 High Output product specifications show a typical frequency response of 15 kHz. 1 kHz is obviously well withinthis limit. 9.0Sensor Selection Process SummaryPotential applications with limited mounting space will indicate the smaller diameter sensors, then apply the previous calculations.When possible, select a sensor with lower coilresistance/inductance to minimize unwanted noise signals, drive lower impedance loads, and operate at higher frequencies.When the target allows, use a sensor with a larger polepiece diameter to provide maximum output voltage and allow use of larger air gap settings.Use a chisel tip pole piece to maximize output from fine gear pitches or to provide an accurate timing pulse from a similar “knife edge” type actuator.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsSensing and ControlHoneywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 /sensing 005934-2-ENJune 2012Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.10.0VRS Sensor General NotesAll housings, unless otherwise noted, are 303 stainless steel.Recommended cabling is twisted pair, shielded type.All pole pieces are conical, except 0.187 in units, which arestraight, and chisel units, which are indicated where used.All sensors are designed to operate in moderate oil/fluidsplash applications up to the rated temperature. For heavyoil/fluid splash, immersion. or if any differential pressureexists, sealed front end sensors are recommended.If a VRS sensor is mounted completely surrounded byferrous metal, a 10% to 20% output voltage reduction mayoccur.Recommended max. mounting torques are given in Table 4.Table 4. Recommended Max. Mounting TorquesPERSONAL INJURYWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free ofdefective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’sstandard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwiseby Honeywell in writing; please refer to your orderacknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specificwarranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywellduring the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace,at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. Thefore going is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all otherwarranties, expressed or implied, including those ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In noevent shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special,or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, throughour literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to thecustomer to determine the suitability of the product in theapplication.Specifications may change without notice. The information wesupply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of thisprinting. However, we assume no responsibility for its useWARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this application sheet is forreference only. Do not use this document as a productinstallation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied witheach product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result indeath or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide networkof sales offices, representatives and distributors. Forapplication assistance, current specifications, pricing or nameof the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local salesoffice or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828; +65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481; +44 (0)1698 481676 FaxLatin America +1-305-805-8188; +1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945; +1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。

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Our products are widely regarded as the most durable and reliable products on the global market. Swiss quality standards are high and we push the standards higher every.
液压行业中如Caterpillar, John Deere, Bosch-Rexroth, Parker 等等,Hydraulic industry, Caterpillar, John Deere, Bosch-Rexroth, Parker, etc., 我们与这些世界著名的公司一起成长和发展,如今,为了更好的服务中国区域内客户,我们09年在太仓成立工厂,设立研发、生产、技术服务、销售等部门为中国客户提供有关转速方面的解决方案hese world renowned companies to facilitate growth and new product development. Now, in order to better serve our customers in China. We set up factory in Taicang in 2009 and established an R & D deptartment, production, technical services, marketing and support departments, to provide the relevant solutions for customer in China.
Our markets in china have end customers which are often government owned companies. there are many suppliers and many distributor all competing for business, but they dont offer our knowledge, experience, quality or support gained over many years.
the rest of the world.
Many engineers today are designing the produts
that will be sold in the markets for many years ahead. Technology in china is changing rapidly, more sophisticated sensor technology is being demanded by each new product offering.
We have the capability of Independent design, and special production. We have capacity for both large automotive quantities and low volume high quality production. We have extensive industry experience, and exceed all industry standards. Particularly in the turbocharger industry, our sensors are rated as high as 320 degrees in temperature stability, we are a world leader in high durability applications and develop products to promote turbocharger technological innovation and development.
The jaquet success story in Europe and USA was driven by increasing environmental standards, China is following a policy of introducing these standards and an accelerated time line.
瑞士杰凯特集团拥有120多年的历史,长期专注于转速的测量、监控和保护,在世界范围内拥有长期稳定的客户群和合作伙伴,如世界著名的柴油发动机制造商MAN, Wartsila, 如涡轮增压器制造商ABB, IHI, Cummins, Honeywell, Borgwarner。
Jaquet Group has 120 years of speed measurement history, with long-term focus on speed measurement, monitoring and protection of machines, we have a worldwide customer base with long-term stability and global partners such as the world's leading diesel engine manufacturers MAN, Wartsila, ABB, IHI, Cummins, Honeywell, Borgwarner.
China is the second biggest global economy, measured in GDP and growing fast. China is the worlds factory, more engineers graduate chinese universities each year than in the whole of
目前,国内的发动机和涡轮增压器测试台以及实际应用中,广泛使用Jaquet 速度传感器和转速表。我们一直致力与中国的生产厂家合作,共同推动技术发展,实现节能减排。能够给客户提供优质服务,一直是我们Jaquet的宗旨。
At present, the Engine and Turbocharger test cells and field applications, both use Jaquet speed sensors and tachometers. We are committed to cooperation with manufacturers in China, to Jointly promote technology development and improve energy conservation - to Provide quality services to customers, has always been Jaquet’s aim.
We aim to exceed our customers expectation in both quality and service. technology increasing rapidly customer service expectation higher. Rely on us.