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Audience flow: 受众流动

受众从某一节目或时段转向另一个节目或时段的程度.T he extent to which audiences persist from one program or time period to the next. See audience duplication, inheritance effects.

Audience duplication: 受众重叠

一种累计受众测量. 显示了一个节目或媒介的受众成为另一个节目或媒介受众的程度.A cumulative measure of the audience that describes the extent to which audience members for one program or station are also in the audience of another program or station.

Audience fragmentation: 受众细分

是一种媒介的受众分散在该媒介的众多节目中的现象.如: 有线电视进一步细

分了电视观众, 使个频道的观众份额减少.A phenomenon in which the audience for a medium is distributed across a large number of program services. Cable is said to fragment the television audience,

resulting in a decreased average audience share for each channel.

Audience polarization: 受众两极分化

是一种与受众细分有关的现象.某媒介或频道的受众比起一般受众更多地收看/收听该媒介或频道.A phenomenon associated with audience fragmentation, in which the audiences for channels or stations use them more intensively than an average audience member.

Audience turnover: 受众周转

是一种受众行为.通常表示为某媒介累计受众与平均15分钟受众的比例.A phenomenon of audience behavior usually expressed as the ratio of a station's cumulative audience to its average quarter hour audience.

Available audience: 可得受众


使用了某媒介的受众.T he number of people who are, realistically, in a position to use a medium at any point in time. It is often operationally deaned as those actually using the medium (i.e., PUT or PUR levels).

Average audience rating: 平均受众视听率

在特定时期内,某媒介或节目平均时间点的视听率.例如: 测量仪数据报告的是在一个电视节目中平均每分钟的观众量.T he rating of a station or program at an average point in time within some specified period of time. Metered data, for example, allow reports of audience size in an average minute during a television program.

AQH (Average Quarter Hour):平均15分钟间隔(AQH)

用于报告特定时段内平均受众量的标准时间单位.(如:AQH 视听率, AQH 受众

份额).T he standard unit of time for reporting average audience estimates(e.g.,AQH rating, AQH share)within specified dayparts.

Away from home listening: 户外收听

户外广播收听的预测.通常指车中收听或工作中收听.E stimate of radio listening that occurs outside the home. Such listening usually takes place in a car or workplace.

Basic cable: 基本有线电视


的有线电视网,以及接通服务.T he programming services provided by a cable system for the lowest of its monthly charges. These services typically include local television signals, advertiser-supported cable networks, and local access.

Block programming: 节目组合

是将类似节目编排在一起的做法.旨在提高受众流动.T he practice of scheduling similar programs in sequence to promote audience flow.

Cable system: 有线电视系统

一种影像传送系统.它根据协议, 使用同轴电缆和光纤电缆向家庭传输多频道

电视节目.A video distribution system that uses coaxial cable and optical fiber to deliver multichannel service to households within a geographically defined franchise area.

Cable penetration: 有线电视渗透


分比.T he extent to which households in a given market subscribe to cable service. Typically expressed as the percent of all TV households that subscribe to basic cable.

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