the renaissance 文艺复兴时英国文学

the renaissance 文艺复兴时英国文学
the renaissance 文艺复兴时英国文学

Renaissance(14th—mid 17th

-It’s the rebirth of Greek and Roman cultures. It sprang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. Two features are striking of this movement. One is the thirst for the classical literature and the other is the keen interest in life and human activities.

The Renaissance

A thirsty curiosity for classical literature.Old manuscripts were dug out. There arose a general revival of the study of Greek and Latin authors.. While people learned to admire their works as models of literary form they also caught something very different in spirit from the medieval Catholic dogma.

So the love of classics was in fact also an expression of the general dissatisfaction with the Catholic and feudal ideas.

B. The keen interest in life and human activities. People ceased to look upon themselves as living only for God and a future world. Thinkers, artists, and poets showed their admiration for human beauty and human achievements. So arose humanism—the key-note of the Renaissance, reflecting the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. Ideas: both man and the world are hindered from infinite improvement by external checks; man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of human intellect.

The Chief Characteristics of the Background of the Renaissance

This is a greatest and most advanced revolution in the human history. This is the age the giants are needed and produced ------F. Engles

Here from Engels’analysis we may see the chief characteristics of the Renaissance: (1)Politically the feudal nobility lost their power and with the establishment of the great monarchies there was the centralization of power necessary for the development of the bourgeoisie;

(2)The Catholic Church was either substituted by Protestantism as a result of the so-called Reformation (as in Germany and England) or weakened in its dictatorship over men’s minds (as in Italy and France and Spain);

(3)Geographical discoveries opened up colonial expansion and trade routes to distant parts of the world and brought back gold and silver and other wealth and also broadened men’s mental horizons;

(4) In the countryside the peasants were terribly exploited and they either rose in uprisings or ran away and flocked to the cities and added to the proletariat there; (5) In the cities the merchants and the master artisans grew in wealth and in power and became the bourgeoisie while handicraft turned gradually into manufacture and the modern proletariat sprang up among the employed workers in the factories; and finally,

(6) Culturally, as the interest in God and in the life after death was transformed into the exaltation of man and an absorption in earthly life and as materialistic philosophy and scientific thought gradually replaced the church dogmas and religious mysticism of the Middle Ages, a totally new culture rose out of the revival of the old culture of

ancient Greece and Rome and out of the emergence of a new philosophy and science and art and literature through the exploration of the infinite capabilities of man . Examples

①Copernicus (哥白尼) asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe;

②The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced S hakespeare and many others;③Boccaccio(卜伽邱) wrote tales of eternal charm;④Marco Polo (马可波罗) made journeys into the remote kingdom of China;⑤Michelangelo (米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Raphael (拉斐尔),and Titian (提香) created paintings and sculptures that are invaluable treasures of the world.Humanism

Humanism is the key note of the Renaissance. The humanists put man at the center of their beliefs and hold that man is the measure of all things. By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they believed that man had not only the right to enjoy the beauty of life, but the ability to perfect and perform wonders. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are representatives of English humanists.

The Renaissance in England

Some major historic events:

a. The War of Roses (1455-1488) and the establishment of the dynasties of Henry VII and VIII—the centralized monarchy.

b. The Enclosure movement (“sheep devoured Men”)

c. The religious reformation, establishment of the Anglican Church

d. Flourishing in the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)

e. defeating the Spanish Invincible fleet “Armada”in 1588 and the establishment of the hegemony(霸权)on the seas.

f. The geographical exploration and trade expansion brought about the growth of the cities and the development of the capitalist textile industry.

The House of Tudor, one of the English ruling dynasties (1485-1603), including Henry VII and his descendants Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.


Tudor Dynasty

Henry VII (acceded to throne in 1485)

Henry VIII (acceded to throne in 1509)

Edward VI (acceded to the throne in 1547)

Mary I (acceded to the throne in 1553 and ruled until 1557)

Queen Elizabeth I (acceded to the throne in 1558 and ruled until 1603)

The Reformation

(1) There is an inevitable conflict between the regime(统治)of the Roman Catholic Church and the establishment of an absolute monarchy in England, Hence the far-reaching movement of the Reformation. (2) Under the reign of Henry Ⅷ, England witnessed some rapid social changes. Feudalism was on the decline, population increased fast, printing machines became popular, and intellectual knowledge was spreading rapidly. Henry Ⅷwas a strong king and he always had a

will of his own.

(3) One thing he did during his reign sowed the seed of trouble for England for many years to come. He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon, who had borne only one daughter, Mary. When the Pope in Rome refused to end their marriage, he rebelled by marrying Anne Boleyn without permission. He soon declared himself head of the English Church. So England was separated from Rome. During the reign of his successor, the child king Edward Ⅵ, the Protestant movement developed rapidly.

But he died young and the next monarch, Queen Mary, was a devout Catholic. Her attempts to restore Catholicism to England resulted in internal conflicts and much bloodshed. The bloody religious persecution came to a stop after the church settlement of Queen Elizabeth.

(4) The Protestant Reformation was in essence a political movement in a religious guise, a part of the long struggle of the bourgeois class for power.

Defeating the Spanish Invincible Fleet “Armada”

The War with Spain

Reason: Commercial Expansion

Time : 1588.5.28 –1588.7.29 –the end of Sep.,1588

Winner: the English bourgeoisie defeated the Spanish feudalism

The Spanish Armada was a fleet of warships that attempted to destroy the English fleet in 1588. The English defeated the Armada, however, by sending small boats to set a fire to float among the Spanish ships as they lay at anchor off the French coast near Calais. About 60 English ships sank two Spanish ships and damaged over 50 more. The crippled Armada then sailed back toward Spain, but heavy winds wrecked many more ships. Out of the original number of 130 ships in the Armada, only 67 returned to Spain.

the Hundred-year W ar with France


Consequences: The English's being driven out of France is regarded as a blessing for both countries. If the English had remained in France, the superior size and wealth of France would have hindered the development of a separate English national identity, while France was hindered so long as a foreign power occupied so much French territory.

The English Bible

The English translation of the Bible emerged as a result of the struggle between Protestantism and Catholicism; ★John Wycliffe (约翰·维克利夫, 1330-1384): Translated the first complete English Bible; ★William Tyndal (威廉·廷代尔) : Translated the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament. ★Authorized V ersion: In 1604 James I decided to have a new translation of the Bible. And in 1611 the Authorized V ersion appeared. It was under the auspices of James I, so, called King James Bible. It was the work of many learned scholars headed by Bishop Lancelot Andrewes (兰斯洛特·安德鲁斯主教) and was regarded as “the noblest monument of English prose.”.

★Social influence:

The new translation had an enormous impact on the English people. Within a short period of three years after its publication, the Bible had been printed 14 times, and it has been read by millions of people throughout the world ever since.

Influence on English language and literature:

Its style and brilliant language have profoundly influenced the succeeding generations of writers.

(1) Old English speech; (2) Extensive use of concrete terms and images (具体的词语和比喻);

(3) Straightforward (简单易懂的) phrases and sentences;

(4) Its simple,smooth,and rhythmic language has strongly influenced the English people;it enters into the style of the most ambitious English writers;and it forms a basic part of the English people's everyday speech.

★Example: Two different versions of the Twenty-third Psalm.

History Periods of Great Britain

The House of Roman(55BC—410AD)

The House of Anglo—Saxon(449—1066)

The House of Normandy (1066-1135)

The House of Blois (1135-1154)

The House of Plantaganet (1154-1399)

The House of Lancaster (1399-1461) and (1470-1471)

The House of Y ork (1461-1470) and (1471-1483)

The History of the British Royalty

The British Monarchy is one of the most famous and longest lasting monarchies. The modern monarchy dates from the Norman conquest when William the Conquerer defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Since that battle, England has been ruled by eight major dynasties, these are the Norman, Plantaganet, Lancaster, Y ork, Tudor, Stuart, Hannover, and Windsor. The only time during this period that England was without a monarch was between 1649-1660, when England was declared a Republic after the execution of Charles I.

The English Renaissance As a historical period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, the Renaissance, which started in Italy and gradually spread over Europe, began to show its effect in England at the first half of the 16th century. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.

By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. Oxford and Cambridge became the center of English Renaissance. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English Renaissance.

The division of the English Renaissance

a. Beginning: the last years of the 15-th century---first half of the 16-th century

b. Flourishing: the Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)

c. Declining: the period of James I (1603-1625) early 17-th century A. At the beginning of the century: Utopia, More’s

masterpiece, written in the form of a conversation between More and a returned voyager, Hythloday; divided into 2 books: The 1st—a long discussion on the social conditions of England, the 2nd describes in detail an ideal communist society, Utopia. The name “Utopia”comes from 2 Greek words meaning “no place”and was adopted by More as the name of his ideal commonwealth. It has been since used to designate the ideal state. B. The 1st half of the century: lyrical poems by Thomas Wyatt, the first to introduce the sonnet into Eng lit. Earl of Surrey wrote the first English blank verse.

C. The 2nd half of the century: lyrical poetry became widespread in England. The outstanding lyrical and epic poets: Philip Sidney, Thomas Campion, and Edmund Spenser, the last, the “poet’s poet”, the author of the greatest epic poem of the time The Fairy Queen.

D. Modern English: The publication of Spenser’s first work The Shepherd’s Calendar marked the budding of the Renaissance flower, the language then to be called Modern English, to distinguish from the Middle English of Chaucer’s day.

E. Novel, drama, essay in the 2nd half of the century:

Novel: Another typical literary form—Romance written for the “gentle readers”. John Lyly’s Euphues (1580), the representative of such works, written in a peculiar style known as “Euphuism”(绮丽体), which consists of the use of balanced sentences and words alliterating, riming or identical, e.g. “the hot liver of a headless lover”.

Drama: The greatest, Christopher Marlowe, the most gifted of the “University wits”. Best plays: Tamburlaine (1587), Ambition; The Jew of Malta (1592), Greed for Wealth; Doctor Faustus (1588), Desire for Knowledge.

Essay:at the end of the century the great English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon wrote his famous philosophical and literary works.、

University Wits 大学才子

It is a group of playwrights and pamphleteers in the Elizabethan Age, of whom John Lily, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Nashe, Robert Green, and Thomas Kyd, were the chief ones.

All these writers except Thomas Kyd took degrees from universities like Oxford and Cambridge.

William Shakespeare1564-1616

All the world 's a stage, And all the men and women merely players.”

1) He was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon.

2) He once went to the local grammar school at seven.

3) At 14, he left school and became a teacher.

4) In 1582, he was married to Anne Hathaway.

5) He went to London and began writing in 1586 or 1587.

6) He later became part owner of the theatre Globe.

7) He returned to his native town in 1611.

8) He died on April 23, 1616 and was buried in Stratford Church.

Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies

Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth.

Shakespeare’s greatest comedies The Merchant of V enice

A Midsummer Night's Dream As Y ou Like It The Twelfth Night

Three Styles of Sonne t Petrarchan Style: abba abba cdecde/cdcdcd Spenserian Style: abab bcbc cdcd ee

Shakespearian Style: abab cdcd efef gg

Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare Theme

The poet first sings high praise of the youth of his friend; then he believes his poetry will bring eternity to the one he loves and eulogizes (praises).

Rhyme scheme: iambic pentameter, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg

Shall I︱compare ︱thee to ︱ a sum ︱mer’s day ︱?

Thou art ︱more love ︱ly and ︱more tem ︱perate ︱

Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare Theme

The poet first complains of his miseries and dissatisfaction caused by misfortune, then shows us his great joy at the thought of his friend and his sweet love. And his state of mind changes from the abyss of miseries to the crest of joy because of the sweet love/friendship.

Analysis of Hamlet’s character and his revenge

Hamlet, a frail and weak-minded youth? A thought-sick dreamer? A man active in thought but passive and slow in action? Why does he delay taking revenge for his father? These are the important factors to understand Hamlet’s character and the play (It is called “a play in play ”).

1) Hamlet, a humanist, a man free from medieval prejudices and superstitions; has an unbounded love for the world rather than for heaven; cherishes a profound reverence for man, and a firm belief in man’s power over destiny.

2) His intellectual is outstanding. A close observer of men and manners. Through the infidelity of his mother, the servility of the courtiers, the falsehood of his school fellows, and finally the crime of his uncle, discovers the world wicked and unjust. His observation of the world is summed up in a bitter sentence: “Denmark is a prison”.

3) Melancholy is the key-note of his character. a) REVENGE: The triple wrongs: murder, usurpation, incest. By meditation he knows revenge is easy, but not merely personal one. His mere revenge upon his uncle would in no way solve the problems that trouble and upset him; to expose the roots of the evil and to establish a reign of justice. He has to consider the fate of his country, not merely his personal wrongs. He said “The time is out of joint: --- O cursed spite, /That ever I was born to set it right!”

b) PURPOSE: delay killing Claudius to kill the soul as well as the body: Responsibility--then the abrupt death of the king might cause panic to the people and danger to the state, so he considers not his personal wrong but the fate, the future of his country.

Story of “The Merchant of Venice

Comedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, performed about 1596-97, printed in a quarto edition from "foul papers" in 1600. Much less lighthearted than Shakespeare's other comedies, the work is a serious study of love and marriage and of the abuse of wealth.

Bassanio, a noble but penniless V enetian, asks his wealthy merchant friend Antonio for a loan so as to impress and woo the heiress Portia in Belmont. Antonio, whose money is invested in foreign ventures, borrows the sum from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender (usurer), on the condition that if the loan cannot be repaid in three months, Antonio will forfeit a pound of flesh. Meanwhile, Bassanio has met the terms of Portia's father's will by selecting from three caskets the one that contains her portrait, and he and Portia get married. News arrives that Antonio's ships have been lost on the sea.

Unable to collect on his loan, Shylock attempts to use justice to enforce a terrible, murderous revenge on Antonio--he wants the pound of flesh Antonio scornfully assured him. His plan is foiled by Portia, disguised as a lawyer, who turns the tables on Shylock by a legal quibble: he must take flesh only, and if any blood is spilled Shylock must die. Thus, the contract is canceled, and Shylock is ordered to give half of his estate to Antonio, who agrees not to take the money if Shylock converts to Christianity and restores his disinherited daughter Jessica, who has married a Christian, to his will. Shylock has little choice but to agree. The play ends with the news that, in fact, some of Antonio's ships have returned safe. (see also Index: Bassanio (fictional character, Antonio (fictional character, "The Merchant of V enice", Portia (fictional character, "The Merchant of V enice", Shylock (fictional character) Among the play's several notable secondary characters is Lancelot Gobbo, who when the play begins is in the service of Shylock. He decides to serve Bassanio instead. The Merchant of V enice introduced two expressions to the English language: "a pound of flesh," to signify an extortionate payment or bargain, and "shylock," to indicate an extortionate creditor. The character of Shylock has been the subject of modern scholarly debate over whether the playwright displayed anti-Semitism or religious tolerance in his characterization, for, despite his stereotypical usurious nature, Shylock is depicted as understandably full of hate, having been both verbally and physically abused by Christians, and he is given one of Shakespeare's most eloquent speeches ("Hath not a Jew eyes? . . . "

Analysis of Shylock He is greedy, miserly, fierce and malicious;

He is adept at scheming and sets a trap artfully;

He pockets insults and watches for a chance to take revenge;

He is eloquent and unyielding;

He defends his rights and interests and national dignity.

He is also a victim of racial discrimination

and religious persecution (sympathy).

Analysis of Portia

As we can see, Portia finds a legal flaw by her wisdom, attends the trial as a lawyer, and then defends Antonio successfully and Shylock gets his life again thanks to the mercy and kindness of the Duke.

She is beautiful, kind, friendly, wise, experienced, calm, cultured, independent, with justice, and gracious.

Life of Francis Bacon(1561-1626)

Born into a noble family, he was son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Seal,

and of the learned Ann Cook, sister-in-law to Lord Burleigh, greatest of Queen Elizabeth’s statesmen.

At 12,he went to Cambridge; at 16, he took up law.

At 17, he was in France in the train of the English ambassador.

Appointed Lord Chancellor in 1618 ,Bacon was removed from office 3 years later for accepting a bribe from a litigant. Alexander Pope summed up his character as follows: If parts allure thee, think how Bacon shines, the wisest, brightest and meanest of mankind while Ben Johnson declares him to be “one of the greatest man and most worthy of admiration that had been in many ages.”

In 1626, he died in London.

His works:Three types: the philosophical, the literary, and the professional works. 1) Philosophical works:

Advancement of Learning学术的进展;

Novum Organum (The New Instrument) 新工具; New Atlantis新大西岛;

2) Literary works:

Essays随笔(Of Truth; Of Friendship; Of Studies; Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self)

3) Professional works:

Maxims of the Law法律箴言Reading on the Stature of Uses谈使用法则

Mottos by Francis Bacon

Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.


It is impossible to love and be wise. 要恋爱而又要理智是不可能的。

This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly 当人心最软弱的时候,爱情最容易入侵,那就是当人得意春风,忘乎所以和处境窘困孤独凄零的时候,虽然后者未必能得到爱情。人在这样的时候最急于跳入爱情的火焰中由此可见,“爱情”实在是“愚蠢”的儿子

In beauty, that of favor, is more than that of color; and that of decent and gracious motion, more than that of favor 形体之美要胜于颜色之美,而优雅行为之美又胜于形体之美

There is no man that imparteth his joys to his friends, but that he joyeth the more; and no man that imparteth is griefs to his friends, but he grieveth the less. 与友分享欢乐者,无不欢乐倍增;与友分担哀伤者,无不哀伤减半

Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set 美德好比宝石,在朴素背景的衬托下反而更华丽。

Y oung men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, fitter for new projects than for settled business年轻人适合发明甚于评价,适合执行而甚于决策;适合从事新项目甚于固定职业。

Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men’s nurses. 妻子是年轻时的情人,中年时的伴侣,老年时的陪护。


An essay is a short composition in prose that undertakes to discuss a matter, express a point of view, persuade us to accept a thesis on any subject, or simply to entertain. Francis Bacon’s Essays has been recognized as an important landmark in the development of English prose.

In Francis Bacon’s Essays, one sees a glorious literary world –lofty, marvelous, terse, pithy, full of wisdom and practicality. Here, Bacon endeavors to “study the simple natures of such things as ambition, beauty, studies, wisdom, revenge, love”and the like. These themes are grave, serious and instructive, and “they come home to men’s business and bosoms”because they must have “recorded experiences derived from history and his own observations.”

Of Studies

It is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different way adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character. Forceful and persuasive, compact and precise, Of Studies reveals to us Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning.

Summary of the content of “Of studies

This essay deals with the uses and abuses of studies, the proper and improper ways to pursue one’s studies and different effects of different books upon the formation of human character.

Stylistic Features of “Of Studies”1Conciseness of expressions

2Simplicity of diction

3Trio structure

4Rhetoric devices

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. parallelism

D. climax

5close logical reason

Writing Style of Bacon's Essays

Bacon's essays have a literary style peculiar to their own. They are noted for heir clearness, brevity and force of expression. Bacon’s chief concern is to express his thought with clearness and in as few words as possible. His sentences are short, pointed, incisive, and often of balanced structure. Many of them have become wise old sayings. Generally Speaking, Bacon's literary style has three prominent qualities: directness, terseness, and forcefulness.

Bacon’s Importance to Literature

He was the first English writer to pay attention to the audience to whom he was writing.

He wrote the greatest tracts on education in the English language, Advancement of Learning.

He and Newton represent the advancement of science during the 17th century. In fact, Bacon devised the inductive method of doing research.

He introduced the essay as a literary form into the English language.

His Achievements

As a literary man, Bacon is the first English essayist, whose Essays won him a high place in the history of English literature. As a philosopher, he is the founder of

English materialistic philosophy. He advocates the inductive method of reasoning. In his famous plea for progress, Bacon demands three things: 1) the free investigation of nature, 2) the discovery of facts instead of the blind belief in theories 3) the verification of results by experiment rather than by argument. In our day, these are the ABC of science, but in Bacon's time they were revolutionary, Marx called him "the real father of English materialism & experimental science of modern times in general."











.. ;.. 一.中古英语时期 Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly a dventures or other heroic deeds. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance Renaissance r efers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth r eigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance i s the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance E ngland are Christopher Marlowe and W illiam Shakespeare. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe. Francis Bacon was the best known essayist of this period. “Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. Thomas More ——Utopia Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene C. Beowulf D. Hamlet 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare “All t he world 's a stage, a nd all the men and women merely p layers.”——William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have

自考英美文学选读 第一章 文艺复兴时期(英国)(课文翻译)

英美文学选读翻译(英语专业自考) 第一部分:英国文学 第一章文艺复兴时期 文艺复兴标志着一个过渡时期,即中世纪的结束和现代社会的开始。一般来说,文艺复兴时期是从十四世纪到十七世纪中叶。它从意大利兴起,伴随着绘画、雕塑和文学领域的百花齐放,而后文艺复兴浪潮席卷了整个欧洲。文艺复兴,顾名思义即重生、复苏,是由一系列历史事件激发推动的,其中包括对古希腊罗马文化的重新发现。地理天文领域的新发现,宗教改革及经济发展。因此,文艺复兴从本质上是欧洲人文主义者竭力摒弃中世纪欧洲的封建主义,推行代表新兴城市资产阶级利益的新思想,并恢复早期宗教的纯洁性,远离腐败的罗马天主教廷的一场运动。 文艺复兴浪潮影响到英国的速度比较慢,不仅因为英国远离欧洲大陆,而且还因为其国内的动荡不安。乔叟去世后的一个半世纪是英国历史上最动荡不安的时期。好战的贵族篡取了王位,使英国走上自我毁灭之路。著名的玫瑰之战就是极好的例子。后来理查三世的恐怖统治标志着内战的结束,在都铎王朝的统治下英国的民族情感又成长起来。然而直到亨利八世统治期间(1509-1547),文艺复兴的春风才吹入英国。在亨利八世的鼓励下,牛津的改革派学者和人文主义者们将古典文学引入英国。基于古典文学作品及《圣经》的教育重获生机,而十五世纪就被广泛传阅的文学作品则更加流行了。自此,英国的文艺复兴开始了。英国,尤其是英国文学进入了黄金时代。这个时期涌现出莎士比亚、斯宾塞、约翰逊、锡德尼、马洛、培根及邓恩等一大批文学巨匠。但英国的文艺复兴并未使新文学与旧时代彻底决裂,带有十四、十五世纪特点的创作态度与情感依然贯穿在人文主义与改革时代。 人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。它源于努力恢复中世纪产生的对古希腊罗马文化的尊崇。人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以"人"为中心,人是万物之灵。通过这些对古代文化崭新的研究,人文主义者不仅看到了光彩夺目的艺术启明星,还在那古典作品中寻求到了人的价值。在中世纪的社会中,个人完全隶属于封建统治,没有独立和自由可言;在中世纪的神学理论中,人与周围世界的关系仅仅是人消极适应或消极遁世,不允许追求快乐,以备死后灵魂得以超脱。然而人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到了充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是光荣的生命,人自己可以不断发展,至善至美,而且人们生存的世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑、探索以及享受。由此,人文主义者通过强调人类的尊严、强调今生今世的重要性,喊出了他们的信仰,即人类不仅有权利在今生今世美好生活,而且还有能力完善自我,创造奇迹。人文主义遍布英国思想领域的。标志是荷兰学者伊拉斯谟先后到牛津大学与剑桥大学讲授古典文化研究。托马斯·漠尔、克利斯朵夫·马洛和威廉·莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。


英国文学(1) -----古英语—文艺复兴 Chapter I An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature & The Renaissance Period I. 古英语(文学)Old English—Anglo-Saxon, language spoken by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes 449 (the Anglo-Saxon Invasion) -1066 (the Norman Conquest) Beowulf-- the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons (最高成就) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle II. 中世纪英语(文学) Medieval (Middle) English—With the three languages intermingling, Old English developed into Middle English 1066 - middle 14th century

1. Romance—the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England (封建英国最流行的文学形式,取材 于贵族,为 贵族而作)2. 民间流行文学—Piers the Plowman by William Langland (written version) the Ballads (oral form)(英国民间文学最重要的一个分支) 3. 乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer ----the father of English poetry (wisdom, humor, humanity) The Canterbury Tales---the first time to use ―heroic couplet‖英雄双韵体诗4. 文学术语----Alliteration;Epic;

第三章 文艺复兴时期文学

第三章文艺复兴时期文学一、单项选择题 1.欧洲资产阶级文学的真正开端是()。 A.浪漫主义文学B.人文主义文学 C.古典主义文学D.启蒙运动文学 2.人文主义思想的核心是()。 A.基督教精神B.理性主义 C.对“人”的肯定D.平等、博爱思想 3.人文主义文学的基本主题是()。 A.歌颂现世生活B.讲究理性、学习知识 C.追求爱情幸福D.反封建反教会 4.意大利的人文主义文学先驱是()。 A.彼特拉克B.但丁 C.薄伽丘D.拉伯雷 5.法国近代第一位抒情诗人是()。 A.拉伯雷B.斯宾塞 C.蒙田D.龙沙 6.蒙田的《随笔集》是法国近代第一部()。 A.短篇小说集B.抒情诗集 C.散文集D.文学评论集 7.被称为西班牙“民族戏剧之父”的是()。 A.斯宾塞B.维伽 C.马洛D.本·琼生 8.薄伽丘在其《十日谈》等作品中宣扬的是()。 A.大自然的奇迹B.幸福在人间 C.人权高于一切D.科学、理性 9.被称为“英国诗歌之父”的是()。 A.托马斯·莫尔B.斯宾塞 C.乔叟D.莎士比亚 10.标志文艺复兴时期英国非戏剧文学高峰的是()。 A.《仙后》B.《乌托邦》 C.《坎特伯雷故事集》D.《随笔集》 11.塞万提斯的“在监狱里诞生的孩子”指的是()。 A.《伽拉苔亚》B.《奴曼西亚》 C.《惩恶扬善故事集》D.《堂·吉诃德》 12.维伽的《羊泉村》直接描写的是()。 A.男女间的爱情B.农民对领主的反抗 C.婚姻和家庭问题D.对开明君主的歌颂 13.文艺复兴时期欧洲文学的主题是()。 A.封建文学B.教会文学 C.民间文学D.人文主义文学 14.文艺复兴运动的发源地是()。 A.英国B.西班牙 C.意大利D.法国


第二讲英国“文艺复兴”文学 2.1 文艺复兴 “文艺复兴”作为一场席卷欧洲的文化运动标志着欧洲从中世纪走向现代的转折。始于14世纪的意大利,以美术、雕塑、文学艺术等的繁荣为标志,经由中欧、法国,最后传到不列颠。“复兴”在这里指对欧洲古典即古希腊古罗马时期的艺术的重新挖掘和张扬,是指欧洲的文艺经过漫长中世纪基督教神学一统天下的黑暗时代后又重新恢复了古典时代的辉煌。在英国,“文艺复兴”运动主要表现为都铎王朝时期文学的繁荣。代表人物莎士比亚。 欧洲文艺复兴运动的历史背景包括政治、经济、宗教、科技、文化等诸多方面,这些因素互相推动,它们根植于中世纪,却又共同从成了一种与中世纪决裂的历史局面。 首先是对古希腊古罗马文化的重新发现。 地理和科学的新发现。哥伦布达伽马 16世纪德意志神学家马丁路德发起宗教改革 文艺复兴主要体现在2个方面:人文主义的张扬;基督教神学的改革。 2.2 英国文艺复兴 根据文坛和文学创作所呈现出的不同特点,英国文艺复兴可以分为3个主要阶段: 第一,15世纪末---16世纪前半叶,复兴初期,研究古希腊罗马哲学,印刷术传入英国推动了人文主义文化的传播。 代表:托马斯莫尔《乌托邦》 第二,伊丽莎白时代,英国文艺复兴的鼎盛时代。 代表:莎士比亚的戏剧和斯宾塞的诗歌 第三,从莎士比亚去世到17世纪中期。英国文艺复兴的晚期,运动逐渐走向低落。 代表:哲学家及散文家弗兰西斯培根 文艺复兴时期英国文学的主要特征是诗歌和戏剧成为英国文坛的主流。 2.3代表作家及作品 2.3.1 托马斯莫尔(Thomas More) 出生于中产阶级家庭,其父为皇家法官。希望其成为律师 1504,26岁成为下院议员。反对亨利七世,退出政坛。 15.9,亨利八世即位,恢复政治生涯,次年被委派位伦敦助理行政官,官至财政部长,下议院议长和帝国大法官。 因反对亨利八世与教会对抗被斩首。


文艺复兴时期英国文学概述 文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期-17世纪初) 相对于欧洲其他国家来说,英国的文艺复兴起始较晚,通常认为是在15世纪末。文艺复兴时期形成的思想体系被称为人文主义,它主张以人为本,反对中世纪以神为中心的世界观,提倡积极进取、享受现世欢乐的生活理想。托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More, 1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(Utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、人们和谐相处的理想国。Utopia现已成为空想主义的代名词,但乌托邦是作者对当时社会状况进行严肃思考的结果。《乌托邦》开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河,这一传统从培根的《新大西岛》(The New Atlantis)、斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》(Gulliver's Travels)、勃特勒的《埃瑞璜》(Erewhon)一直延续到20世纪的科幻小说。文艺复兴时期诗歌创作繁荣,埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser, 1552-1599)的长诗《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)歌颂女王,宣扬人文主义思想。他创造的"斯宾塞诗体"每节诗有九行,韵律复杂,具有柔和动听、萦绕耳际的音乐性。弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon, 1561-1626)是这一时期最重要的散文家,他对文学的主要贡献是《论说文集》(Essays),共58篇。这些文章题材广泛,内容涉及哲学、宗教、政治制度以及婚姻、爱情、友谊、园艺、读书等,文笔典雅,略带古风而又明白畅达。英国戏剧起源于中世纪教堂的宗教仪式,取材于圣经故事的神秘剧和奇迹剧在14、15世纪英国舞台上占有主导地位,随后出现了以抽象概念作为剧中人物的道德剧。到了16世纪末,戏剧进入全盛时期。克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe, 1564-1593)冲破旧的戏剧形式的束缚,创作了一种新戏剧。《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)、《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)、《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta)等剧作反映了文艺复兴时期那种永无止境的探索精神和极端的个人主义精神。马洛将戏剧情节集中于一个主要角色的做法、他对人物性格的分析以及他的素体诗戏剧对白,对英国戏剧的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 英国文艺复兴时期最杰出的作家是威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare, 1564-1616),他的全部作品包括两首长诗,154首十四行诗和38部(一说39部)戏剧。莎士比亚的主要剧作有喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice),悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)、《哈


文艺复兴时期英国文学 1. What is Renaissance? How and why did it come about? 2. What is the development of drama? What were the original forms and content and practice of drama? 3. Why did drama flourish in Elizabethan age? Who are the major playwrights of the time? 4. Who is Marlowe? What contributions did he make to English drama? 5. Who is Shakespeare? What famous and great plays (history, comedy, tragedy)? What features? 6. What did Ben Jonson write about? What representative work? 7. Prepare the excerpt from Hamlet (31-32). What is it mainly about? What humanist idea can you find in the soliloquy? 8. What was the most important translation of the time? Reference questions on Shakespeare and Hamlet 1. Why is Shakespeare an eternal subject of study? Where lies his greatness? 2. What are the themes of Hamlet? 3. What is the significance of Hamlet as a character? 4. What is blank verse? 5. What is soliloquy? Text study 1 Hamlet’s soliloquy “To be or not to be” 1. What is the main idea of Hamlet’s soliloquy? Summarize in one or two sentences the main idea of the soliloquy? 2. How does the soliloquy reflect the spirit of the time or the idea of humanism? 3. How do you analyze Hamlet’s argument in terms of structure? Text study 2 The Merchant of Venice / The Trial Scene Pre-reading The most interesting character in this play is Shylock. Some people think him as a cruel miser, deserving his punishment while others consider him a victim of discrimination. From what you know of the play, what do you think of this character? To what extent does this character deserves our sympathy? Discuss with your classmates. Discussion 1. After reading the “trial scene”, have you changed your idea about Shylock? Refer to the questions in Pre-reading, and try to defend your position with evidence from the text. 2. Portia gives an eloquent speech on mercy when she tries to persuade Shylock to give up his bond. Consider the punishment received by Shylock, do you think the Christians are being merciful to Shylock?

The Renaissance英国文学文艺复兴时期总结

The Renaissance This is a greatest and most advanced revolution in the human history. This is the age the giants are needed and produced. ------F. Engles <1> Brief introduction ?Renaissance in European history, refers to the period between 14th century to 17th century. It started in Italy and ended in England and Spain. ?“Renaissance” means “revival”, the revival of interest in Ancient Greek and Roman culture and getting rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introducing new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie. ?Renaissance sprang first in Italy (Florence and Venice) with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture, and gradually spread all over Europe; ?Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical arts and science (ancient Greek and Roman culture) after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. During the period of Renaissance: 1. the Roman Catholic Church was shaken, 2. old sciences revived and new sciences emerged, 3. national languages and cultures took shape, 4. art and literature flourished Brief introduction ?There arose an interest in the manuscripts surviving from ancient Greece and Rome. Classical learning and philosophy were enthusiastically studied. ?The intellectual wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome encouraged a rebirth of human spirit,a realization of human potential for development and creation. ?Never before in human history were men and women so eager to create and discover something new.In Italy a group of artists,scientists,politicians,and writers created the most brilliant page of culture and science in Renaissance Europe. Examples: ①Copernicus (哥白尼) asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe; ②The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced Shakespeare and many others; ③Boccaccio(卜伽邱) wrote tales of eternal charm: The Decameron; ④Marco Polo (马可波罗) made journeys into the remote kingdom of China; ⑤Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Raphael (拉斐尔),and Titian (提香) created paintings and sculptures that are invaluable treasures of the world. <2>Essence and features ?Essence: It is the reflection of the rise of bourgeoisie in the sphere of cultural life. (另版本):Renaissance, in essence, is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to: to get rid of conservatism in Feudalist Europe; to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities. Briefly it is the reflection of the rise of bourgeoisie in the sphere of cultural life. ?Features: there are two striking features ①A thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.


Chapter I The Renaissance Period (一) 文艺复兴时期概述 1. 识记:(1)文艺复兴时期的界定 (2)历史文化背景 2. 领会: (1)文艺复兴运动的意义与影响 (2)文艺复兴时期的文学特点 (3)人文主义的主张及对文学的影响 3. 应用:文艺复兴,人文主义及玄学诗等名词的解释 I. 应用 Definitions of the Literary Terms: 1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14th & 17th centuries. It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "revival," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoveries in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expansion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. Humanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new learning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, but the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. 3. Spenserian stanza: Spenserian stanza was invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter & the last line in iambic hexameter, rhyming ababbcbcc. ? 4. Metaphysical poetry: The term "metaphysical poetry" is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassic periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech. The imagery in drawn from the actual life. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet's beloved, with God, or with himself. 5. The Renaissance hero: A Renaissance hero refers to one created by Christopher Marlowe in his drama. Such a hero is always individualistic and full of ambition, facing bravely the challenge from both gods and men. He embodies Marlowe's humanistic ideas of human dignity and capacity. Different from the tragic hero in medieval plays, who seeks the way to heaven through salvation and god's will,


英美文学选读选择题 1. _______, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Exodus C. Beowulf D. The Legend of Good Women 2. The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely ______________. A.William Langlan d’ s Piers Plowman B.Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales C.John Gower’s Confession Amantis D.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 3. With classical culture and the()humanistic ideas coming into England, the English Renaissance began flourishing. A. French B. German C. Italian D. Greek 4. During the reign of_______, England started its Religious Reformation and broke away from Rome. A. Henry VII B. Henry VIII C. Edward VI D. Queen Elizabeth 5. The Protestant movement, which was seen as a means to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption and superstition of the Middle Ages, was initiated by _______. A. Francis Bacon B. Martin Luther C. Thomas More Utopia D. William Shakespeare 6.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events EXCEPT_________. A.the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture B.the vast expansion of British colonies in North America C.the new discoveries in geography and astrology D.the religious reformation and the economic expansion 7. In Renaissance, the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to do the following EXCEPT ______. A. getting rid of those old feudalist ideas B. getting control of the parliament and government C. introducing new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie D. recovering the purity of the early church, from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church 8. Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissance humanism? A. Cultivation of the art of this world and this life.


I.Multiple Choice Old and Medieval Period 1. ____ Beowulf ___, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A. The Canterbury Tales B. Exodus C. D. The Legend of Good Women 3. The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely __ B.Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales____________. A.William Langland’ s Piers Plowman C.John Gower’s Confession Amantis D.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2.Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ___. A.Piers Plowman B.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C.Confessio Amantis D.The Canterbury Tales 1. ____ A. B. George Gordon Byron C. Edmund Spenser D. Robert Browning 1.Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of B.


文艺复兴时期 人文主义文学的基本内容 1、以人为中心,赞美人的美好,反对神的权威。《哈姆雷特》 2、宣扬个人解放,反对禁欲主义,追求人生幸福。《第十二夜》 3、追求自由平等,反对等级观念。《终成眷属》《十日谈》只有品德使生时平等的我们发生 了贵贱之分 4、崇尚理性,反对蒙昧。知识就是力量。《巨人传》《堂吉诃德》 人文主义思想的出发点是人性论 反封建更偏重伦理道德与生活,而不是推翻封建主义,后者是启蒙文学的目的。 反宗教是在承认宗教的前提下,偏于揭露教会的腐败与黑暗 文艺复兴时期文学的地位 是欧洲近代文学的开端,也是希腊文化之后欧洲文学是的有一个高峰 欧洲文艺复兴时期文学的特点 1、这一时期的文学具有反封建反宗教的特色 2、在现实主义的基础上具有浓厚的浪漫主义色彩。具体表现为形象的夸张,抒情的气氛, 对乌托邦未来的向往。 3、这一时期是欧洲主要国家文学诞生的时期 这一时期现实主义的特征 1、反映广阔的社会现实 2、忠于现实的同时又浓厚的浪漫主义色彩,主要表现为形象的夸张,抒情的气氛和对乌托 邦的向往 3、在人物塑造上达到新的高度,塑造了许多典型的形象,如堂吉诃德,哈姆雷特。 悲喜剧混合:这是文艺复兴时期的首创,突破了古希腊、罗马戏剧悲剧喜剧的严格界限。在一出戏里,悲剧喜剧因素结合。有意大利剧作家瓜里尼首创的田园诗体悲喜剧混杂剧。这是新剧种对美学的戏剧范畴的发展。 悲喜剧因素混杂在一起,丰富了作品的表现力,增强了作品的感染力。莎士比亚喜剧为悲喜剧提供了范例。《威尼斯商人》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 流浪汉小说:商业化的产物,地理大发现和世界旅行的直接后果。《小赖子》 人性概念的发展 人性是有价值判断的,有人性美,也有人性丑。并非说到人性都是好的。这是对作品评价的一个尺度。 人性是一个发展的概念,它为社会文化条件所决定,随着科学、哲学、历史的发展而不断流动变迁。 《十日谈》描写的某些人性在当时曾对社会的发展起进步作用,具有历史的合理性,发展到今天则走向自己的反面,成为腐朽没落的东西。比如纵欲的渲染和损人利己的肯定。意大利 美术三杰:达芬奇,米开朗琪罗,拉斐尔 文学巨星:薄伽丘,彼特拉克,但丁 彼特拉克:十四行诗,主要描写爱情 薄伽丘:《但丁论》 《十日谈》1、自然性:肯定情欲,歌颂爱情 2、社会性:要求平等,维护尊严 3、阶级性:肯定享乐,宣扬利己 4、个性:赞美聪明,歌颂进取
