


• LED是英文light emitting diode的缩写,即:光线激发二极 管,属于一种半导体元器件.发光二极管的核心部分是由p型 半导体和n型半导体组成的晶片,在p型半导体和n型半导体 之间有一个过渡层,称为p-n结.在某些半导体材料的PN结 中,注入的少数载流子与多数载流子复合时会把多余的能 量以光的形式释放出来,从而把电能直接转换为光能.PN结 加反向电压,少数载流子难以注入,故不发光.这种利用注入 式电致发光原理制作的二极管叫发光二极管,通称LED.当 它处于正向工作状态时<即两端加上正向电压>,电流从 LED阳极流向阴极时,半导体晶体就发出从紫外到红外不同 颜色的光线,光的强弱与电流有关.打个比方,LED就像一个 汉堡,可以发光的材料是夹层中的"肉饼",而上下的电极就是 夹肉的面包.
• 11.发光效率高:发热小,90%的电能转化为可见光〔普通 白炽灯80%的电能转化为热能,仅有20%电能转化为光能〕
• 12.安全系数高:所需电压、电流较小,发热较小,不产生安 全隐患,于矿场等危险场所.〔LED使用低压直流电即可驱 动,对使用环境要求较低〕
• 13.市场潜力大:低压、直流供电,电池、太阳能供电,于边 远山区及野外照明等缺电、少电场所.
• 2.按发光二极管的结构分:有全环氧包封、金属底座环氧 封装、陶瓷底座环氧封装及玻璃封装等结构.
• 3.按发光管出光面特征分:圆灯、方灯、矩形、面发光管、 侧向管、表面安装用微型管等.圆形灯按直径分为φ2mm、 φ4.4mm、φ5mm、φ8mm、φ10mm及φ20mm等.国外通 常把φ3mm的发光二极管记作T-1;把φ5mm的记作T-1 〔3/4〕;把φ4.4mm的记作T-1〔1/4〕.


飞利浦灯泡培 训
1、飞利浦石英灯泡- 强度高!
采用石英玻璃,分子结构规律紧密,强度高。可加更 大气压从而增加了寿命。
• 石英玻璃比列非常重要,技术含量也很高,使得 很多跨国大公司望而怯步,但国内一些小单位倒是 无畏困难,积极仿造,可谓“精神可嘉”
H7 投射式和反射式两种
• H7S 投射式车灯专用 • H7R 反射式车灯专用
注 : 1. H4 仅有反射式车灯
2. 全系列均有E-Mark 认证
24754 超亮、超长寿、耐震
HeavyDuty 隆重上市
• 省钱是根本 安全最省钱前面已讲了事故多发在晚上
• 明智使用飞利浦耐震灯泡 1. 飞利浦灯泡寿命至少是一般灯泡的 3-5 倍。 a. 按使用寿命计算就省钱了.
W + 2 Br WBr2
1000° C
2Br 石英玻璃 W 钨丝 結合 分解
在适当的温度条件下,从灯丝蒸发出来的钨原子在泡壁区 域内与卤素(碘,氟,氯,溴等)反应形成挥发性的卤钨化 合物。当卤钨化合物扩散到较热的灯丝周围区域时又分解成 卤素和钨,释放出来的钨部分回到灯丝上,而卤素再继续扩 散到温度较低的区域与钨化合,这一过程称为卤钨循环或再 生循环.
- 强度高 - 物理特性
- 化学特性
- 抗紫外线
为什么大家喜欢用飞利浦了?原因一就是石英玻璃。那么,原因二?原因三? 原因四?原因五…
卤素系列: 飞利浦-精准钨丝配置
定位偏差 (ghost image) 更模糊 More haze 輝度下降50%


❖ 灯具术语和定义 ❖ 照明的基本概念 ❖ 照明术语及颜色和波长 ❖ 灯具的防护等级 ❖ 灯具的符号说明 ❖ 标记灯具的解释 ❖ 照明灯具分类 ❖ 灯具基本安规知识 ❖ LED灯具的结构 ❖ 常见LED灯具灯头 ❖ 温度对LED灯具的影响 ❖ 推动LED产业的国家政策及前景 ❖ LED一些成品灯具的主要参数 ❖ LED日光灯节能及参数对比
❖ 中红外线红光:

4600nm - 1600nm --不可见光
❖ 低红外线红光:

1300nm - 870nm --不可见光

850nm - 810nm -几乎不可见光
❖ 近红外线光:(780~740nm)
❖ 红色光:
❖ 630nm - 620nm - 橙红 (公司生产) ❖ 橙色光:
❖ 605nm - 琥珀色光(市场用580-595代替) ❖ 绿 色:
❖ (4) 半间接灯具(simi-indirect lighting luminaire) 灯具向下光通占10%-40%,它的向下分量往往只用来产生与天棚相称的 亮度,此分量过多或分配不适当也会产生直接或间接眩光等一些缺陷。 上面敞口的半透明罩属于这一类。它们主要作为建筑装饰照明,由于大 部分光线投向顶棚和上部墙面,增加了室内的间接光,光线更为柔和宜 人。
❖ 525nm - 纯绿色 (公司生产) ❖ 蓝 色:
❖ 470nm - 460nm-鲜亮蓝色;(公司生产) ❖ 450nm - 纯蓝色 ; (公司生产) ❖ UV-A型紫外线光: ❖ 370nm -几乎是不可见光,受木质玻璃滤 光时显现出一个暗深紫色。
灯具的防护等级 (IP表示防护,后面第1个数字表灯具防尘,第2个数字表示灯具防水)



• Batwing
• Lambertian
• Side Emitting
Philip Lumileds 先近的封装 术、 材料及分级再结 合其均匀的萤光 粉涂布制程, 粉涂布制程,造 就出无与伦比的 LUXEON高功率 高功率LED, 高功率 , 可为广泛的各式 应用提供所需的 白光品质。 白光品质。
LUXEON Rebel 是第一个可提供最低性能保障的高功率 LED。LUXEON Rebel 在高功率 LED 的尺寸、设计参数、 可靠性及使用寿命各方面均奠定了业界中的最新评比指 标。 LUXEON Rebel 的设计可在 350mA至1000mA的电流下 发挥最佳效能,尺寸仅 3 x 4.5mm,封裝面积比其它表 面黏著式高功率 LED 小 75%。
LUXEON® 产品系列
LUXEON Rebel 流明成本效益最高的 高功率 LED LUXEON K2 操作范围最广照明成 本最低的 LED 光源
LUXEON I 日常用途的完美方案
LUXEON III 一流的性能及价值 LUXEON V 可提供极高的发光密度, 其每单体封装流明数是 LUXEON I的4倍
• 2005年初,Lumileds还发布了名为K2的新产品,它可以 看作是基于LUX III,改变封装的产品,产品的健壮性进 一步提高,但是,由于光效并没有提高,甚至比U bin的 LUX III还略差,并没有引发市场的太大反应,大部分产 品仍然使用LUX III。Lumileds在K2上的努力的效果直到 两年以后才体现出来。 • LUXEON K2 在光输出、散热管理及量产性方面为业界 奠定了更高的标准。 • 采用 TFFC 封装技术的 LUXEON K2 在 1000mA 电流下 进行测试与分级,是业界中最佳的高功率发光二极体, 可发挥一流的光输出、持久寿命及运作范围特性。

菲利普TrueForce LED高光亮度灯泡说明书

菲利普TrueForce LED高光亮度灯泡说明书

Instant retrofitwith immediate energy savingsPhilips TrueForce LED high lumen lamp for high bay lighting is a direct replacement for 400W and 250W metal halide lamps which will deliver substantial energy savings.TrueForce high lumen lampFor high baylighting applicationsLEDBene fi ts•50,000 hour LED lifetime 2 vs a typical 20,000 hour rated average life for metal halide lamps •Energy saving over 50%3•Easy to install – works on existing ballasts •Direct LED replacement solution without changing the fixtur e•Instant on – no warm up time compared to metal halide•Lamp will operate on 400W, 350W, 320W and 250W 1 ballastsFeatures•Standard EX39 base to replace E and O rated metal halide lamps•Works on probe and pulse start ballasts 1•80 CRI version provides uplight to illuminate transparent re fl ectors•Watts: 165, Lumens: 20,000, Color (K): 4000•LED lifetime: 50,000 hours 2•Pleasant white light with 70 and 80 CRI options •5-year limited warranty depending upon operating hours †•Narrow and wide beam options to ensure uniform light distribution in applicationFootnotes on next page.Product Number Grainger Number Order CodeNom. Watts Replacement Watts Volts Lamp Type BaseLED Lifetime 2 (hrs.)Approx Lumens Color Temp (K)CRI Dim46560953XF99165HB/LED/740/ND 105250N/A N/A EX3950,00014,000400070No 46562553XG01165HB/LED/740/ND 105250N/A N/A EX3950,00014,000400070No 46565853XG02165HB/LED/840/ND 105250N/A N/A EX3950,00013,000400080No 46567453XG03165HB/LED/840/ND 105250N/A N/A EX3950,00013,000400080No 46560953XF99165HB/LED/740/ND 165400N/A N/A EX3950,00020,000400070No 46562553XG01165HB/LED/740/ND 165400N/A N/A EX3950,00020,000400070No 46565853XG02165HB/LED/840/ND 165400N/A N/A EX3950,00019,000400080No 46567453XG03165HB/LED/840/ND 165400N/AN/AEX3950,00019,000400080NoOrdering, Electrical and Technical Data (Subject to change without notice)Shipping Data (Subject to change without notice)Product Number SKU UPC (0-46677)Outer Bar Code (5-00-46677)Case Qty.Case Weight (lbs.)Case Volume (cu.ft.)Pallet Qty.SKUs per Layer Layers High SKUDimensions (L x W x H) (In.)CaseDimensions (L x W x H) (In.)PalletDimensions (L x W x H) (In.)46560946560546560029.05 1.41641649.6 x 9.6 x 11.019.8 x 10.2 x 12.048.0 x 40.9 x 54.146562546562946562429.05 1.41641649.6 x 9.6 x 11.019.8 x 10.2 x 12.048.0 x 40.9 x 54.146565846565046565529.05 1.41641649.6 x 9.6 x 11.019.8 x 10.2 x 12.048.0 x 40.9 x 54.146567446567446567929.051.41641649.6 x 9.6 x 11.019.8 x 10.2 x 12.048.0 x 40.9 x 54.1Estimated lighting costs using a standard 400W MH400/U Metal halide lamp Present Wattage 458W × Annual operating hours 4,000hrs= 1,832,000 Watt-Hours ÷ 1,000= 1,832 kWh per year × kWh rate of $0.11=$201.52 per year× 100 lamps$20,152.00 annual energy cost per spaceEstimated lighting costs using a Philips LED High bay replacement lamp Present Wattage 200W × Annual operating hours 4,000hrs= 800,000 Watt-Hours ÷ 1,000= 800 kWh per year × kWh rate of $0.11=$88.00 per year× 100 lamps$8,800.00 annual energy cost per space Total estimated annual savings ◊$11,352.00◊ Based on 100 lamps per space operating at 4,000 hours per yearEnergy Saving SolutionThis example shows an application of 100 165W LEDmetal halide replacement lamps operating on an M59 ballast, operating 4,000 hours per year at a cost of $0.11 per kWh. Replacing 100 st andard 400W MH400/U met al halide lamps with the Philips LED replacement lamps can pro vide signific ant energy cost savings of $11,352.00 per year. Your actual savings may vary depending on the energy costs in your geographic location.WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSRisk of property damage or personal injury – The weight of the lamp is within the UL weight specification of a mogul (E39) base. However, before installing the lamp please ensure that the lamp holder (or socket) is notdamaged or loose. The lamp holder (or socket) must be secured firmly to the fixture. If the lamp holder is damaged, corroded, charred or blackened, it must be replaced.CAUTION: Risk of electric shock— do not use where directly exposed to water.NOTES: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rule. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-005. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This lamp is suitable for dry and/or damp locations (indoor & outdoor applications). Suitable for use in outdoor luminaires as these luminaires provide a damp location for the lamp.Footnotes from front:† For details, please visit /support/support/warranty1. Please refer to /trueforce for most up to date compatibility guide.2. L ED lifetime means the length of time (in hours) until half of the LED light sources maintain at least 70% of their initial lumen output (B50,L70).3. LED system watts of 200W compared to 458W system watts for an MH400/U.SD0817F。

Philips CoreLine LED灯具说明书

Philips CoreLine LED灯具说明书

Real professionals count on Philips CoreLineBurn with shame or glow withpride?LED rangeCoreLines"Longer lifetimes, reduced maintenance, fewer replacements and energy savings of up to 80 %compared with conventional lighting make it easy for real pros to say: Let’s switch to LEDs!"in 5 easy steps.22Overview productsGet the full specifications forevery product in the range.CoreLine websiteGo online for a completeCoreLine resource.30ssa v i n g,a ff -t o-i n s t a i p s.c o.u kCoreLinedownlightCoreLine CoreLineCoreLine CoreLinesurface-mountedluminaireCoreLineCoreLine CoreLinetempo familyCoreLineLED rangeProductoverview CoreLinedownlightCoreLineSlimDownlightBenefits• Substantial energy savings and longer lifetime reduceoperational cost• One-to-one replacement from conventional luminairesto LED luminaires• Covers more professional applications due to DALIdimming and aluminum reflectorFeatures• Available in 1100 and 2100 lumen versions• Energy-efficient: up to 100 lm/W• DALI version available• Choice of color temperature: 3000 and 4000 K• Protected glass available as an option(also enables IP44 protection)Features• Diffuse light quality• Product height of less than 50 mm: fits more ceiling types• Surface-mounted version enables luminaire to bepositioned anywhere• Available in 1000 and 2000 lumen versions• Choice of color temperature: 3000 and 4000 KApplicationGeneral lighting in corridors / Retail stores /Reception areas / Indoor circulation areasCFL EM CoreLinedownlightWattage miniWattage compact54 W66 W11 W22 WLifetime10,000 hrs50,000 hrsSavings over life*1100 lm£277.732100 lm£305.5075 %Up toenergy savings70 %Up toenergy savingsCFL EM CoreLineSlimDownlightWattage miniWattage compact54 W66 W13 W28 WLifetime10,000 hrs50,000 hrsSavings over life*1000 lm£283.292000 lm£211.08ApplicationGeneral lighting in corridors / Retail stores /Reception areas / Indoor circulation areasBenefits• Substantial energy savings and longer lifetime reduceoperational cost• One-to-one replacement from conventional luminairesto LED luminaires• Covers more professional applications due to DALIdimming and aluminum reflectorDN130B Mini DN135B LED10SDN135B LED10SDN135C LED10S DN135C LED20SDN135B LED20SDN131B Mini DN135B LED20SDN130B Compact DN135C LED10SDN131B Compact DN135C LED20SMiniCompactCoreLineLED rangeProductoverviewBenefits• General lighting - replacing conventional TL-D and TL-5• 3.3 x longer lifetime• Slim design and <41 mm height• Office compliant optic available - OC versionApplicationGeneral lightingAccessoriesRC134B *See page 13TL-D/ TL-5CoreLine recessedluminaireWattage63 W72 W63 W72 W34 W n on-office compliant34 W non-office compliant30.5 W o ffice compliant30.5 W office compliantLifetime25,000 hrs15,000 hrs50,000 hrs50,000 hrsSavings over life*non-office compliant£213.85office compliant£255.51CoreLinepanelApplicationGeneral lightingAccessoriesRC125B & RC127V *See page 13TL-D/ TL-5CoreLine panelWattage63 W72 W36 W (non-)office compliant36 W (non-)office compliantLifetime25,000 hrs15,000 hrs50,000 hrs50,000 hrsSavings over life*non-office compliant£211.08RC134B W60L60RC134B W60L60RC134B W30L120RC134B W30L120Features• Integrated LED technology• Slim housing• Surface-mounted version also available (also suitable forsuspension)• Improved efficacy up to 123lm/W and IP44 ratingEmergency• Emergency 3 hour versions availableFeatures• Integrated LED technology• Slim square housing• Choice of two colour temperatures: 3000 and 4000 K• Non-Office Compliant (NOC) version and Office Compliantversion (OC) available• Up to 100lm/W efficacy and IP44 rated from front side• Easy installation with push in connector for “loop in- loopout” connectionEmergency• Emergency 3 hour versions available50 %Up toenergy savings60 %Up toenergy savingsCoreLinerecessed luminaireBenefits• General lighting - replacing conventional TL-D and TL-5• 3.3 x longer lifetime• Easy connection• Office compliant version for low glare lighting• Suspension possible with accessory suspension setRC125B, RC127V, W60L60RC127V, W30L120RC127V W30L120CoreLine Accessories12NCDescriptionProduct text910925864621RC134Z CFRM-PLC W60L60 WHCoreline RC134B Plaster ceiling frame adaptor for 600x600mm 910925864623RC134Z CFRM-PLC W30L120 WHCoreline RC134B Plaster ceiling frame adaptor for 300x1200mmPlaster Ceiling AccessoriesSuspension AccessoriesFeatures• Integrated LED technology • Slim housing• Suspension set available as an accessory• Recessed version also available for use in grid ceilings • Improved efficacy up to 123lm/W• Easy installation with push in connector for “loop in- loop out” connectionEmergency• 3 hour Emergency version availableCoreLinesurface-mounted luminaireBenefits• General lighting - replacing conventional TL -D and TL -5• 3.3 x longer lifetime• Slim design and <47 mm height • Suspension set available for suspended applications Application General lighting AccessoriesSM134V *See page 1360 %Up toenergy savingsSavings over life*non-office compliant£213.85office compliant£255.51TL -D / TL -5CoreLine surface- mounted luminaireWattage63 W 72 W 63 W 72 W 34 W non-office compliant 34 W non-office compliant 30.5 W office compliant 30.5 W office compliant Lifetime25,000 hrs 15,000 hrs50,000 hrs50,000 hrsSM134V W60L60SM134V W20L120CoreLine Recessed RC134B12NCDescriptionProduct text910925864854SM134Z SME-5Coreline SM134V Suspension set with electrical cable 5-pole.For PSD (with power cable)910925864856SM134Z SME-3Coreline SM134V Suspension set with electrical cable 3-pole.For PSU (with power cable)910925864855SM134Z SMSCoreline SM134V Suspension set without power cableSuspension AccessoriesCoreline Suspension SM134V12NCDescriptionProduct text910930031018RC125Z SMB W60L60Coreline RC125B,RC127V Surface mounted suspension set for 600x600mm 910930031218RC125Z SMB W30L12Coreline RC127V Surface mounted suspension set for 300x1200mmSurface Mounted AccessoriesCoreline Panel RC125B,RC127V12NCDescription Product text910930031318RC125Z SMB-PLCCoreline RC125B,RC127V Plaster ceiling version (PCV)Plaster Ceiling AccessoryCoreline Panel RC125B, RC127V12NCDescription Product text910930031418RC125Z SME-2 WH Coreline Panel RC125B Suspension set910503910138RC127Z SME-2 WH Coreline Panel Suspension set for PSU(Non- dimming)910503910139RC127Z SME-4 WHCoreline Panel Suspension set for PSD (Dimming)Coreline Panel RC125B,RC127VCoreLineLED rangeProductoverviewCoreLinewall-mountedluminaireBenefits• General lighting - replacing traditionalwall-mounted luminaires• 5 x longer lifetime• IP65 and IK10 with built-in controls• DimmableApplicationCorridors / Staircases / Public entrance areas / Bathrooms /Emergency exits / Parking garages / Outdoor safety lighting55 %Up toenergy savingsElectronic PL-C CoreLine wall-mounted luminaireWattage1 x 18 W2 x 18 W2 x 26 W8 W18 W24 WLifetime10,000 hrs 50,000 hrsSavings over life*LED12S£163.86LED16S£222.19WL120VWL121VFeatures• Unobtrusive design• Three lumen packages replacing traditional wall-mountedluminaires with 1x18 W / 2x18• W / 2x26 W PL-C• Water- and vandal-proof as standard• Phase-cut dimming as standard• Frosted diffuser ensuring homogeneous light effect andvisual comfort• Optional emergency lighting• Optional on/off movement detection or programmed100%-10%-0% corridor dimming functionalityCoreLinerecessed spotBenefits• High-end materials for decorative applicationsand special anti-glare optics• 80% energy saving and 15 x longer lifetime comparedto halogen luminaire• Slim design fits most ceiling types, and dimming driverworks with 99 % of wall-mounted dimmersApplicationReception areas / Decorative applications /Retail stores / Corridorenergy savingsHalogen / CDM-TStandardCoreLinerecessed spotWattage54 W30 W10 W16 WLifetime2,000 hrs10,000 hrs50,000 hrs50,000 hrsSavings over life*650 lm£349.94RS141B ALURS141BRS141 WHFeatures• Available in fixed and adjustable versions• Different finishes available• Choice of color temperatures: 2700, 3000, 4000 K• Push-in connector with through-wiring option• High Performance Dimming driver• Chip-on-Board (COB) technologyFeatures• Reliable integrated LED technology, ensuring maintenance-free installation and a long lifetime• Can be used to replace traditional waterproof luminaires ranging from 18 to 58 W TL -D • Wide-beam light distribution• Diffuser with optical element ensures visual comfort• Ceiling-mounted bracket and suspension hooks included; installation can be made vandal-proof by additional screw fixation of mounting brackets• Easy installation with through wiring connection CoreLine batten Emergency• 3 hour Emergency version for L1200(4ft) and L1500(5ft)Benefits• General lighting - replacing conventional TL -D • 3.3 x longer lifetime• Installation flexibility and lengths same as TL -D • Excellent performance and light quality with frosted diffuserApplicationGeneral lighting / Assembly lines / Cove lighting50 %Up toenergy savingsEmergency• 3 hour Emergency versions availableBenefits• Industrial lighting - replacing conventional TL -D and TL -5• 3.3 x longer lifetime• Installation flexibility and lengths same as TL -D 64 %energy savingsCoreLine batten19 W BN124CBN124C L600BN124C L1200BN124C L1500Features• Reliable integrated LED technology, ensuring maintenance-free installation and a long lifetime• Can be used to replace traditional 2x18W, 2x36W &amp; 2x58W TL -D battens• Through-wiring standard included• Frosted diffuser ensures visual comfortCoreLine high-bay Benefits• Industrial lighting - point-for-point replacement of 250 W and 400 W conventional HPI high-bays • 5 x longer lifetime• Reduced maintenance• Excellent performance and light quality - CRI ≥ 80• Easy to install due to hook mounting and external IP65 connectorApplicationWarehouses / Industry / Major halls / Supermarkets69 %Up toenergy savingsCoreLine trunkingBenefits• Replacement for conventional TL -D and TL -5 • 3.6 x longer lifetime• Reduced maintenance and best lumens per € solution • Excellent beam shapes and sparkle for product enhancementApplication71 %Up toenergy savingsBY120PBY121PFeatures• High efficiency: 125 lumens per watt• Consistent color rendering (CRI = 80) in compliance with EN-12464-1• Lifetime of 50,000 hoursFeatures• Highly efficient and reliable LED boards• Advanced optics enable precise and energy-saving beam shapes• Simplicity: only two 12 NC codes needed to make a light line• Requires much less packaging than fluorescent, reducing total installation timeEmergency• 3 hour Emergency versions availableFeatures (CoreLine tempo large)• Highly efficient: up to 130 lm/W• Designed for 1:1 retrofit replacement of conventional technology up to 400 W HPI-T• System flux: 8000,12000,16 000, 21000 and 26000 lm • Long lifetime of 70 000 hours (L80B10 at Ta 25°C)• High-performance asymmetrical and symmetrical optics • U-shaped universal mounting bracket and external quick 3-poleIP68 connector• High surge protection : 6 kV/8kV• Robust design IP66-IK08• Extension of the options for projects : Dali control, 3000KCCT, special coatings...21 20CoreLineLED rangeProductoverview CoreLinetemposmallBenefits• Point-to-point replacement for 70 W conventional HIDfloodlight• High-performance asymmetrical andsymmetrical optics• U-shaped universal mounting bracket and external quick3-pole IP68 connector• Reliable quality: Die-casting aluminum housing guaranteesrobustness, vibration proof, wind force protectionApplicationGeneral outdoor / Billboards / Building facadesenergy savings* B ased on European average of 12 pence/kW hours including maintenance and lamp replacement cost.CoreLinetempolargeup to 217 WBenefits• Point-to-point replacement for 150 W and 250 Wconventional HID floodlights• High-performance asymmetrical andsymmetrical optics• U-shaped universal mounting bracket and external quick3-pole IP68 connector• Reliable quality: Die-casting aluminum housing guaranteesrobustness, vibration-proof, wind force protectionApplicationGeneral outdoor / Industrial Areas / Parking lots / Buildingfacades / Security and amenity lighting66 %Up toenergy savingsSavings over life*£370.31Savings over life*£1407.17HID CoreLinetempo smallWattage70 W38 WLifetime10,000 hrs70,000 hrsHID CoreLinetempo largeWattage150 W250 W60 W / 93 W / 120 W /162 W / 217 WLifetime10,000 hrs70,000 hrsBVP110BVP130OverviewApplication bungles application bundles?CoreLine waterproof LED60S and Movement detector LRM1040LED34S VAR-PC and Presence detector LRM1000Small car park CoreLine waterproof LED40S and Movement detector LRM1040With the introduction of LED lighting technology, you can now offer your clients the cutting edge of lighting. Compared to conventional products, LED lamps and luminaires offer much lower energy consumption and a much longer 70 %Up to energy savingsCoreLineLED rangeOverviewproducts Overview productsCoreLine downlight 11 W50,000 hrs80 %1100 lm3000 K≥ 80DN130B LED10S/830 PSU PI6 WH871869685222400910500457699 11 W50,000 hrs80 %1100 lm4000 K≥ 80DN130B LED10S/840 PSU PI6 WH87186968526990091050045772422 W50,000 hrs75 %2100 lm3000 K≥ 80DN130B LED20S/830 PSU PI6 WH87186968522480091050045770222 W50,000 hrs75 %2100 lm4000 K≥ 80DN130B LED20S/840 PSU PI6 WH87186968527120091050045772611 W50,000 hrs80 %1100 lm3000 K≥ 80DN131B LED10S/830 PSU PI6 ALU87186968522620091050045770411 W50,000 hrs80 %1100 lm4000 K≥ 80DN131B LED10S/840 PSU PI6 ALU87186968527360091050045772822 W50,000 hrs75 %2100 lm3000 K≥ 80DN131B LED20S/830 PSU PI6 ALU87186968522860091050045770622 W50,000 hrs75 %2100 lm4000 K≥ 80DN131B LED20S/840 PSU PI6 ALU87186968527500091050045773013 W50,000 hrs70 %1000 lm3000 K≥ 80DN135B LED10S/830 PSU II WH87186960704209991050391011013 W50,000 hrs70 %1000 lm4000 K≥ 80DN135B LED10S/840 PSU II WH87186960704379991050391011128 W50,000 hrs60 %2000 lm3000 K≥ 80DN135B LED20S/830 PSU II WH87186960704449991050391011228 W50,000 hrs60 %2000 lm4000 K≥ 80DN135B LED20S/840 PSU II WH87186960704519991050391011313 W50,000 hrs70 %1000 lm3000 K≥ 80DN135C LED10S/830 PSU II WH87186960704689991050391011413 W50,000 hrs70 %1000 lm4000 K≥ 80DN135C LED10S/840 PSU II WH87186960704759991050391011528 W50,000 hrs60 %2000 lm3000 K≥ 80DN135C LED20S/830 PSU II WH87186960704829991050391011628 W50,000 hrs60 %2000 lm4000 K≥ 80DN135C LED20S/840 PSU II WH871869607049999910503910117CoreLine recessedluminaire34 W50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/840 PSU W60L60 NOC87186993481750091092586477527 W50,000 hrs60 %2700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED27S/840 PSU W60L60 NOC87186993482360091092586478134 W50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/840 PSU W30L120 NOC87186993481820091092586477627 W50,000 hrs60 %2700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED27S/840 PSU W30L120 NOC87186993482430091092586478230.5 W50,000 hrs54 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/840 PSU W60L60 OC87186993482980091092586478730.5 W50,000 hrs54 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/840 PSU W30L120 OC87186993483040091092586478834.5 W50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/830 PSU W60L60 OC87186993483110091092586478934.5 W50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/830 PSU W30L120 OC87186993483280091092586479035.5 W50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/840 PSD W60L60 OC87186993480450091092586476235.5 W50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/840 PSD W30L120 OC87186993481130091092586476935.5 W50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/830 PSD W60L60 OC87186993481370091092586477135.5 W50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80RC134B LED37S/830 PSD W30L120 OC871869934815100910925864773Accesories------RC134Z CFRM-PLC W60L60 WH-910925864621------RC134Z CFRM-PLC W30L120 WH-910925864623CoreLine panel36 W50,000 hrs50 %3600 lm4000 K≥ 80RC125B LED36S/840 PSU W60L60 NOC87186960703140091050391025536 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm 3000 K≥ 80RC125B LED34S/830 PSU W60L60 NOC87186960703210091050391025636 W50,000 hrs50 %3600 lm4000 K≥ 80RC127V LED36S/840 PSU W60L60 OC87186960708880091050391025936 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm3000 K≥ 80RC127V LED34S/830 PSU W60L60 OC87186960708950091050391026036 W50,000 hrs50 %3600 lm4000 K≥ 80RC127V LED36S/840 PSU W30L120 OC87186960709010091050391026136 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm3000 K≥ 80RC127V LED34S/830 PSU W30L120 OC87186960709180091050391026236 W50,000 hrs50 %3600 lm4000 K≥ 80RC127V LED36S/840 PSD W60L60 OC87186960709250091050391026336 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm3000 K≥ 80RC127V LED34S/830 PSD W60L60 OC87186960709320091050391026436 W50,000 hrs50 %3600 lm4000 K≥ 80RC127V LED36S/840 PSD W30L120 OC87186960709490091050391013436 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm3000 K≥ 80RC127V LED34S/830 PSD W30L120 OC87186960709560091050391013536 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm4000 K≥ 80RC125B LED36S/840 PSU ELB3 W60L60 NOC87186993949980091050046521336 W50,000 hrs50 %3400 lm4000 K≥ 80RC127V LED36S/840 PSD ELB3 W60L60 OC87186993950180091050046521536 W50,000 hrs50 %3600 lm4000 K≥ 80RC127V LED36S/840 PSU ELB3 W60L60 OC871869939500100910500465214Accessories------RC127Z SME-2 WH871869607334699910930031418------RC127Z SME-4 WH-910503910139------RC125Z SMB-PLC871869607333999910930031318------RC125Z SMB W60L60871869607330899910930031018------RC125Z SMB W30L120871869607332299910930031218CoreLinerecessed spot8 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm2700 K≥ 85RS140B LED6-32-/827 PSR PI6 WH871869938277300 9124014830318 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm3000 K≥ 85RS140B LED6-32-/830 PSR PI6 WH8718699382780009124014830328 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm4000 K≥ 85RS140B LED6-32-/840 PSR PI6 WH871869938279700 9124014830338 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm2700 K≥ 85RS140B LED6-32-/827 PSR PI6 ALU871869938287200 9124014830458 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm3000 K≥ 85RS140B LED6-32-/830 PSR PI6 ALU871869938288900 9124014830468 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm4000 K≥ 85RS140B LED6-32-/840 PSR PI6 ALU871869938289600 9124014830478 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm2700 K≥ 85RS141B LED6-32-/827 PSR PI6 WH871869938280300 9124014830348 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm3000 K≥ 85RS141B LED6-32-/830 PSR PI6 WH871869938281000 9124014830358 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm4000 K≥ 85RS141B LED6-32-/840 PSR PI6 WH871869938282700 9124014830368 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm2700 K≥ 85RS141B LED6-32-/827 PSR PI6 ALU871869938290200 9124014830488 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm3000 K≥ 85RS141B LED6-32-/830 PSR PI6 ALU871869938291900 9124014830498 W50,000 hrs80 %650 lm4000 K≥ 85RS141B LED6-32-/840 PSR PI6 ALU871869938292600 91240148305011 W50,000 hrs80 %900 lm3000 K≥ 85RS140B LED9-32-/830 PSR PI6 WH871869938285800 91240148303911 W50,000 hrs80 %900 lm4000 K≥ 85RS140B LED9-32-/840 PSR PI6 WH871869938286500 91240148304011 W50,000 hrs80 %900 lm3000 K≥ 85RS141B LED9-32-/830 PSR PI6 WH871869938283400 91240148303711 W50,000 hrs80 %900 lm4000 K≥ 85RS141B LED9-32-/840 PSR PI6 WH871869938284100 912401483038CoreLinesurface-mountedluminaire34 W 50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/840 PSU W60L60 NOC87186993486940091092586482827 W 50,000 hrs60 %2700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED27S/840 PSU W60L60 NOC87186993487550091092586483434 W 50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/840 PSU W20L120 NOC87186993487000091092586482927 W 50,000 hrs60 %2700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED27S/840 PSU W20L120 NOC87186993487620091092586483530.5 W 50,000 hrs54 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/840 PSU W60L60 OC87186993488160091092586484034.5 W 50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/830 PSU W60L60 OC87186993488300091092586484230.5 W 50,000 hrs54 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/840 PSU W20L120 OC87186993488230091092586484134.5 W 50,000 hrs51 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/830 PSU W20L120 OC87186993488470091092586484335.5 W 50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/840 PSD W60L60 OC87186993486180091092586482035.5 W 50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/830 PSD W60L60 OC87186993486560091092586482435.5 W 50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm4000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/840 PSD W20L120 OC87186993486320091092586482235.5 W 50,000 hrs50 %3700 lm3000 K≥ 80SM134V LED37S/830 PSD W20L120 OC871869934867000910925864826Accessories------SM134Z SMS34896000910925864855------SM134Z SME-334897700910925864856------SM134Z SME-534895300910925864854CoreLinewall-mountedluminaire24 W50,000 hrs55 %1600 lm4000 K≥ 80WL120V LED16S/840 PSU WH87186960663319991050391001018 W50,000 hrs50 %1200 lm4000 K≥ 80WL120V LED12S/840 PSU WH8718696066355999105039100128 W50,000 hrs55 %500 lm4000 K≥ 80WL121V LED5S/840 PSU WH87186960663799991050391001424 W50,000 hrs55 %1600 lm3000 K≥ 80WL120V LED16S/830 PSU WH87186960663939991050391001618 W50,000 hrs50 %1200 lm3000 K≥ 80WL120V LED12S/830 PSU WH8718696066416999105039100188 W50,000 hrs55 %500 lm3000 K≥ 80WL121V LED5S/830 PSU WH87186960664309991050391002024 W50,000 hrs55 %1600 lm4000 K≥ 80WL120V LED16S/840 PSU MDU WH87186962411720091050045481618 W50,000 hrs50 %1200 lm4000 K≥ 80WL120V LED12S/840 PSU MDU WH8718696241059009105004548048 W50,000 hrs55 %500 lm4000 K≥ 80WL121V LED5S/840 PSU MDU WH87186962429020091050045479118 W50,000 hrs50 %1200 lm3000 K≥ 80WL120V LED12S/830 PSU MDU WH8718696240991009105004547978 W50,000 hrs55 %500 lm3000 K≥ 80WL121V LED5S/830 PSU MDU WH87186962428890091050045478927 26trunking tempo small30Lighting pros know how important it is to have the right tools. Which is why when you choose CoreLine you get much more than a high-quality range of LED luminaires and sensors that work together seamlessly – you get full back up and support from Philips. On our website you’ll find a wide range of free lighting tools that help you make the most out of CoreLine products. From detailed case studies to helpful installation videos our services help you work smarter and better. CoreLine.Just the beginning What better way to discover new lighting solutions than to see how the products have been used before? Read up on our case studies and pick up some extra inspiration!Case studies。


能发出舒适的白色或冷色日光(2700K/6500K),具有良好的显色性(CRI > 80)
LED 闪烁/闪炫筒灯
Consumer Luminaires
Coco Sun
消费群体: -- 修葺房屋或新购住宅的业主们 - 渴望通过能负担得起的先进技术达到节省能源的目的 - 重视性能和设计 - 更喜欢安装简易和低维护的产品 市场定位 一二线城市 -- 应用环境 - 起居室、卧室、走廊 - 场地和/或重点照明
Essential LED Spot
7x0.5W, 12x0.5W, 15x0.5W, 20x0.5W
30581, 30595: 102 x 102 x 67mm (开孔规格: φ85 x 85mm) 30582, 30596: 110 x 110 x 76mm (开孔,单位:毫米: φ90 x 90mm) 30583, 30597: 116 x 116 x 80mm (开孔,单位:毫米φ100 x 100mm) 30584, 30598: 140 x 140 x 80mm (开孔,单位:毫米φ130 x 130mm)



5、保护视力:直流驱动,无频闪。普通灯都是交 流驱动,就必然产生频闪。
白炽灯 节能灯 LED灯
1500小 时 5000小 时 25000 小时
功耗 100W
单价 1万小时 电价 1万小时消耗 耗电 (0.48 产品数量 元/度)
3元 1000度 480元 7只(21元)
40W 25元 400度 192元 2只(50元)
7W 72元 70度 33.6元 1只(72元)
501元 242元 105.6元
为了节能和环保,各国都制订了淘汰白炽 灯的时间表:
澳大利亚、阿根廷和意大利率先于2010年 停止了白炽灯的销售;
1、高效节能:一千小时仅耗几度电;发热小,90% 的电能转化为可见光。
2、超长寿命:半导体芯片发光,无灯丝,不易破 碎,使用寿命可达两万小时;
3、光线健康:光线中不含紫外线和红外线,不产 生辐射。普通灯光线中含有紫外线和红外线;
4、绿色环保 不含汞和氙等有害元素,利于回收 和,不会产生电磁干扰(普通灯管中含有汞和铅等 元素,节能灯中的电子镇流器会产生电磁干扰);
因为钨丝上细微的电阻差别造成温度不一,在电阻较 大的地方,温度上升得较高,钨丝亦升华得较快,造 成钨丝变细,电阻进一步增大循环,最终令钨丝烧断 。这个问题一直困扰着电灯泡的寿命,直到工程师发 现以惰性气体代替真空可以减慢钨丝的升华。今天多 数的电灯泡内都是注入氮、氩或氪气,一般寿命为 1000小时左右。
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