固体 YAG 激光 1064nm
光学 晶体 532nm
光学 晶体 266nm
激光基本谐波的倍频 = 基波波长的一半。对于YAG激光,它的含义是1064nm的一半,即532nm。
E -mai l : sales@chi
LD 泵浦
M 2( M 平 方 )
代表激光束横向模式的光强分布。 M2 本质上是光束质量的衡量标准。M2=1视作理想的单模激光
N d : YA G
掺钕钇铝石榴石。钕用于掺杂YAG晶体以帮助吸收光线。YAG晶体用作激光介质, 即由它生成用于产生打标激光的光线。
© KEYENCE CORPORATION, 2007Fra bibliotek入射光束
扩束器通常有一个凹透镜和一个凸透镜。激光束的入射角通过凹透镜按指定的比率扩大,使得光束 在通过凸透镜传播时成为平行光束。
[为什么要扩大光速直径?] 激光束在目标上的光点直径在很大程度上受激光束在f- 透镜处的直径影响。如果聚焦距离保持不 变,则通过增加激光束在f- 处的直径,可以减少目标上的光点直径。
A/O Q开关
在激光打印机中专指圆筒形的光导体,以区别于光导板、光导带,最简单的鼓是在鼓筒两端安上齿轮Gear、导电片Electrical Contract做成一个完整的单鼓。
光导鼓/感光鼓Photoreceptive Drum:它更强调是具有光导性能的鼓状物,把鼓定性了。
有机光导鼓Organic Photoconductor Drum / OPC Drum:有机光导材料来源广泛,价格便宜,性能优越,又无污染,已经取代了过去的其它光导材料,成了OPC鼓的一统天下。
成像组件/暗盒/鼓粉组件Photorecepotor Cartridge / lmaging Unit:以光导鼓为核心,加上充电辊、显影辊、清洁刮板等零件,组成一个能把光电信号产生的静电潜像变成可见图像的装置。
鼓组件Drum Cartridge / Drum Unit / Drum Kit:有时成像组件就是鼓组件,如HP、Canon系列。
显影组件Developer Cartridge / TD Cartridge:显影组件中必须有显影辊,它能吸附色粉,并使它带电,进而将色粉转移到鼓表面。
粉组件T oner Unit / Toner Kit / Toner Cartridge:相对某些鼓组件来说,它可能就是个显影组件。
激光、光电、光学词汇中英文对照1. 激光(Laser)2. 光电效应(Photoelectric Effect)3. 光学(Optics)4. 光纤(Fiber Optic)5. 光谱(Spectrum)6. 折射率(Refractive Index)7. 透镜(Lens)8. 反射(Reflection)9. 干涉(Interference)10. 衍射(Diffraction)11. 偏振(Polarization)12. 激光切割(Laser Cutting)13. 激光焊接(Laser Welding)14. 光电探测器(Photoelectric Detector)15. 光电传感器(Photoelectric Sensor)16. 光学显微镜(Optical Microscope)17. 光学望远镜(Optical Telescope)18. 光学镜头(Optical Lens)19. 光学滤波器(Optical Filter)20. 光学编码器(Optical Enr)21. 光学通信(Optical Communication)22. 光学存储(Optical Storage)24. 光学子系统(Optical Subsystem)25. 光学设计(Optical Design)26. 光学加工(Optical Fabrication)27. 光学镀膜(Optical Coating)28. 光学检测(Optical Inspection)29. 光学成像(Optical Imaging)30. 光学治疗(Optical Therapy)31. 光学材料(Optical Materials)32. 光学元件(Optical Elements)33. 光学路径(Optical Path)34. 光学平台(Optical Platform)35. 光学子件(Optical Component)36. 光学连接器(Optical Connector)37. 光学开关(Optical Switch)38. 光学调制器(Optical Modulator)39. 光学衰减器(Optical Attenuator)40. 光学放大器(Optical Amplifier)41. 光学显示器(Optical Display)42. 光学子午线(Optical Meridian)43. 光学分辨率(Optical Resolution)44. 光学畸变(Optical Distortion)45. 光学厚度(Optical Thickness)46. 光学密度(Optical Density)48. 光学干涉仪(Optical Interferometer)49. 光学相干断层扫描(Optical Coherence Tomography)50. 光学扫描器(Optical Scanner)51. 光学跟踪(Optical Tracking)52. 光学遥感(Optical Remote Sensing)53. 光学成像系统(Optical Imaging System)54. 光学跟踪系统(Optical Tracking System)55. 光学定位系统(Optical Positioning System)56. 光学子午仪(Optical Meridian Instrument)57. 光学补偿器(Optical Compensator)58. 光学补偿器(Optical Corrector)59. 光学基准(Optical Reference)60. 光学基准面(Optical Reference Plane)这些词汇涵盖了激光、光电和光学领域的基本概念、技术和设备。
激光加工专业术语英文翻译激光加工专业术语中英互译激光加工技术laser processing technology 送粉法激光熔覆laser cladding with powder feed 送丝法激光熔覆laser cladding with filler wire 预置法激光熔覆material preset laser cladding 激光表面合金化层laser surface alloying layer激光表面合金化厚度laser surface alloying layer thickness激光修复laser repairing 激光修复技术laser repairing technology前处理pre-treatment 后处理post- treatment激光熔覆laser cladding 激光熔覆材料laser cladding materials 激光熔覆层laser cladding layer 热影响区heat-affected zone 单道熔覆single-pass cladding 多道熔覆multi-pass cladding 搭接overlapping 搭接率overlapping ratio单层熔覆single-layer cladding 多层熔覆multi-layer cladding 抬升量lift distance 激光熔池laser molten pool重熔深度remelt depth 熔覆层堆高clad height熔覆层厚度clad thickness 结合界面bonging interface熔覆路径cladding track 熔覆速度cladding speed熔覆方向cladding direction 送粉速率powder feeding rate同轴送粉coaxial powder feeding 旁轴送粉paraxial powder feeding送粉头powder feeding head 载气carrier gas保护气shielding gas 推积速率deposition rate激光表面合金化laser surface alloying 稀释率dilution ratio激光重熔laser remelting 激光热处理laser heat-treatment激光淬火laser quenching 激光退火laser annealing激光冲击强化laser shock peening 激光焊接laser welding激光立体成形laser solid forming 激光再制造laserremanufacturing。
激光的单词单词:laser1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:一种通过受激辐射而产生、放大的高能量光束,具有高度的方向性、单色性和相干性。
1.3英文解释:A device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation.1.4相关词汇:- 同义词:light amplifier。
- 派生词:laser - printed(激光打印的)、laser - pointer(激光笔)。
---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“laser”是“Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”(受激辐射光放大)的首字母缩写词,起源于20世纪中期的科学研究。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- laser beam:激光束。
例句:The laser beam can cut through the metal precisely. 翻译:激光束能够精确地切割金属。
- laser pointer:激光笔。
例句:The teacher used a laser pointer to highlight the important points on the screen. 翻译:老师用激光笔在屏幕上突出重点。
- laser surgery:激光手术。
例句:He had laser surgery to correct his vision. 翻译:他做了激光手术来矫正视力。
激光加工专业术语中英互译激光加工技术laser processing technology 送粉法激光熔覆laser cladding with powder feed 送丝法激光熔覆laser cladding with filler wire 预置法激光熔覆material preset laser cladding 激光表面合金化层laser surface alloying layer激光表面合金化厚度laser surface alloying layer thickness激光修复laser repairing 激光修复技术laser repairing technology前处理pre-treatment 后处理post- treatment激光熔覆laser cladding 激光熔覆材料laser cladding materials激光熔覆层laser cladding layer 热影响区heat-affected zone单道熔覆single-pass cladding 多道熔覆multi-pass cladding搭接overlapping 搭接率overlapping ratio单层熔覆single-layer cladding 多层熔覆multi-layer cladding抬升量lift distance 激光熔池laser molten pool重熔深度remelt depth 熔覆层堆高clad height熔覆层厚度clad thickness 结合界面bonging interface熔覆路径cladding track 熔覆速度cladding speed熔覆方向cladding direction 送粉速率powder feeding rate同轴送粉coaxial powder feeding 旁轴送粉paraxial powder feeding送粉头powder feeding head 载气carrier gas保护气shielding gas 推积速率deposition rate激光表面合金化laser surface alloying 稀释率dilution ratio激光重熔laser remelting 激光热处理laser heat-treatment激光淬火laser quenching 激光退火laser annealing激光冲击强化laser shock peening 激光焊接laser welding激光立体成形laser solid forming 激光再制造laser remanufacturing。
《激光》 知识清单
![《激光》 知识清单](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d69e9835571252d380eb6294dd88d0d233d43c87.png)
《激光》知识清单一、什么是激光激光,英文全称为“Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”,意思是“通过受激辐射光放大”。
A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for Communication B11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES) C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper Facsimiles。
横模(transvers mode)
1、激光(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)意思是“光受激辐射放大”。
激光数控技术专业英语词汇,你知多少?激光切割机、激光雕刻机、激光打标机在使用的途中,会遇到很多专业的术语,或者专属的英文解释单词,您又了解多少呢?1)计算机数值控制(Computerized Numerical Control, CNC)用计算机控制加工功能,实现数值控制。
3)机床坐标系(Machine Coordinate Systern )固定于机床上,以机床零点为基准的笛卡尔坐标系。
4)机床坐标原点(Machine Coordinate Origin )机床坐标系的原点。
5)工件坐标系(Workpiece Coordinate System )固定于工件上的笛卡尔坐标系6)工件坐标原点(Wrok-piexe Coordinate Origin)工件坐标系原点。
7)机床零点(Machine zero )由机床制造商规定的机床原点。
8)参考位置(Reference Position )机床启动用的沿着坐标轴上的一个固定点,它可以用机床坐标原点为参考基准9)绝对尺寸(Absolute Dimension)/绝对坐标值(Absolute Coordinates)距一坐标系原点的直线距离或角度。
10)增量尺寸(Incremental Dimension )/增量坐标值(Incremental Coordinates)在一序列点的增量中,各点距前一点的距离或角度值。
11)最小输人增量(Least Input Increment)在加工程序中可以输人的最小增量单位。
12)命令增量(Least command Increment)从数值控制装置发出的命令坐标轴移动的最小增量单位。
A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic Chemicals激光产品网A02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera Lenses激光产品网B01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic Filters激光产品网B04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser Modules B06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser Modules B06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-Switches激光产品网B07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)激光产品网B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for CommunicationB11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125 B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140 B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLE激光产品网B12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical Attenuators激光产品网B13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES)C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)激光产品网C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement Equipment C02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement Equipment激光产品网C03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length Interferometers激光产品网C05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors激光产品网C06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW Discs激光产品网。
可变光圈(Iris diaphragm):镜头内部用来控制阑孔大小的机械装置。
隔离放大器(Isolation amplifier):输入和输出电路经过特殊设计,可以避免两者互相影响的放大器。
激光(Laser):Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 的缩写。
前缘(Leading edge):脉冲升高部分的主部,其位置一般位于总振幅的10-90%处。
镜头速度(Lens speed / f-number):镜头的透光能力。
比较快的镜头的值可能是f / 1.4,而f / 8的镜头其速度就相当低了。
透镜系统(Lens system):指两个或多个透镜的有机组合。
光(Light):眼睛可以看到的电磁射线,波长在400nm(蓝色)到750 nm(红色)的范围内。
A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for Communication B11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES) C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper Facsimiles。
对水进行化学、物理处理并除去溶解物质的水。 由于要求水冷冷却式激光刻印机的冷却水为绝缘体,所以使用纯水。 10.6 微米的波长振荡。 是以二氧化碳为介质的激光, 用于加工机械及刻印。 指激光连续振荡的状态。
CO2 激光 (CO2 laser) CW (continuous wave)
与谐振器光轴成垂直方向的模式。有以一个点为激光束强度分布断面形状的 单一模式和显示多条激光束的多模式。 激光振荡器照射出的激光变宽的角度。
拉伸器 (stretcher) LD
Laser Diode 的简称。 与半导体激光意思相同。
LD 激发 (LD pumping) 连续波 (continuous wave) 离子交换
方向性 (光波以直线形式传播) 单色性 相干性
激光 (laser)
普通的光 激光束
灯泡 许多不同的波长
激光 单一波长 波峰和波谷排列一致
激光防护眼镜 (laser glasses) 激光二极管 (laser diode)
用于保护眼睛不受激光伤害的防护眼镜。 选择波长最佳的眼镜。 通过半导体材料产生激光的器件的总称。
导引激光 (alignment beam) DEEP UV (deep uv) DPSS (DPSS) 短脉冲激光 (short pulse laser) 端面泵浦 (end pumping) 多模式 (multi mode)
所谓导引激光指的是显示激光照射位置并进行调整的补助光。 刻印激光为不可见光,因此利用可见且可确认的导引激光进行调整。 只在真空区域易传播,波长短于 200 nm 的光。 准分子激光的 ArF (193 nm) 及 F2 (157 nm) 相当于真空紫外线光。 Diode Pumping Solid State 的简称。与 LD 固体激发激光同义。
Electr omagn etic电磁的pri ncipl e原则pr incip al主要的macro scopi c宏观的m icros copic 微观的di ffere ntial微分vec tor矢量scala r标量pe rmitt ivity介电常数p hoton s光子os cilla tion振动dens ity o f sta tes态密度dime nsion ality维数tra nsver se wa ve横波d ipole mome nt偶极矩diode二极管mo no-ch romat ic单色t empor al时间的spati al空间的veloc ity速度wavepacke t波包be perp endic ularto线垂直 be n omalto线面垂直isot ropic各向同性的anist ropic各向异性的vacuu m真空as sumpt ion假设semic onduc tor半导体nonm agnet ic非磁性的cons idera ble大量的ultr aviol et紫外的diama gneti c抗磁的p arama gneti c顺磁的a ntipa ramag netic反铁磁的f erro-magne tic铁磁的negl igibl e可忽略的condu ctivi ty电导率intri nsic本征的ine quali ty不等式infra red 红外的weak ly do ped弱掺杂heav ily d oped重掺杂a s econd deri vativ e intime对时间二阶导数vani sh消失t ensor张量ref racti ve in dex折射率cruc ial主要的quan tum m echan ics量子力学tra nsiti on pr obabi lity跃迁几率de lve研究infin ite无限的rele vant相关的the rmody namic equi libri um热力学平衡(动态热平衡)f ermio ns费米子boson s波色子p otent ial b arrie r势垒st andin g wav e驻波tr avell ing w ave行波degen eracy简并con verge收敛div erge发散phon ons声子singu larit y奇点(奇异值)ve ctorpoten tial向量式par tical-wave dual ism波粒二象性ho mogen eous均匀的ell iptic 椭圆的re asona ble公平的合理的r eflec tor反射器char acter istic特性pre requi site必要条件qu adrat ic二次的predo minan tly最重要的gau ssian beam s高斯光束azimu th方位角evolv e推到sp ot si ze光斑尺寸radi us of curv ature曲率半径c onven tion管理hype rbole双曲线hy perbo loid双曲面rad ii半径a sympt ote渐近线apex顶点rig orous精确地ma nifes tatio n体现表明wavediffr actio n波衍射a pertu re孔径c omple x bea m rad ius 复光束半径le nslik e med ium类透镜介质be adja centto与之相邻conf ocalbeam共焦光束aunity dete rmina nt单位行列式wav eguid e波导il lustr ation说明ind uctio n归纳sy mmetr ic对称的stead y-sta te稳态b e con siste nt wi th与之一致soli d cur ves实线dashe d cur ves虚线be id entic al to相同eig enval ue本征值notew orthy关注的co unter act抵消reinf orce加强themodal disp ersio n模式色散the g roupveloc ity d isper sion群速度色散c hanne l波段re petit ion r ate重复率over lap重叠intui tion直觉mate rialdispe rsion材料色散i nform ation capa city信息量fee d int o注入de rivefrom由之产生se mi-in tuiti ve半直觉inter modemixin g模式混合pulse dura tion脉宽mech anism原理dis sipat e损耗de signa te by命名为to a la rge e xtent在很大程度上etal on标准具arche type圆形inte rfero meter干涉计be attr ibute d to归因于rou ndtri p 一个往返infin ite g eomet ric p rogre ssion无穷几何级数cons ervat ion o f ene rgy能量守恒fre e spe ctral rang e自由光谱区refl ectio n coe ffici ent(f racti on of theinten sityrefle cted)反射系数t ransm issio n coe ffici ent(f racti on of theinten sitytrans mitte d)透射系数opti cal r esona tor光学谐振腔un ity归一optic al sp ectru m ana lyzer光谱分析g reque ncy s epara tions频率间隔s canni ng in terfe romet er扫描干涉仪swe ep移动r eplic a复制品a mbigu ity不确定simu ltane ous同步的long itudi nal l asermode纵模deno minat or分母f iness e精细度t he li mitin g res oluti on极限分辨率the widt h ofatra nsmis sionbandp ass透射带宽col limat ed be am线性光束nonc ollim atedbeam非线性光束t ransi ent c ondit ion瞬态情况sph erica l mir ror 球面镜loc us(lo ci)轨迹expon entia l fac tor指数因子rad ian弧度confi gurat ion不举inter cept截断back andforth反复spa tical mode空间模式a lgebr a代数in prac tice在实际中sy mmetr ical对称的a s ymmet rical conf oralreson ator对称共焦谐振腔crit eria准则conc entri c同心的b iperi odiclensseque nce双周期透镜组序列stab le so lutio n稳态解e quiva lentlens等效透镜ve rge 边缘self-cons isten t自洽re feren ce pl ane参考平面off-axis离轴sha ded a rea阴影区clea r are a空白区p ertur batio n扰动ev oluti on渐变d ecay减弱unim odual matr ix单位矩阵disc repan cy相位差longi tudin al mo de in dex纵模指数res onanc e共振qu antum elec troni cs量子电子学phe nomen on现象e xploi t利用sp ontan eousemiss ion自发辐射ini tial初始的the rmody namic热力学in phase同相位的p opula tioninver sion粒子数反转t ransp arent透明的th resho ld阈值p redom inate over占主导地位的mono chrom atici ty单色性spati cal a nd te mpora l coh erenc e时空相干性by v irtue of利用direc tiona lity方向性sup erpos ition叠加pum p rat e泵浦速率shunt分流cor ona b reakd own电晕击穿aud acity畅通无阻v ersat ile用途广泛的ph otoel ectri ceff ect光电效应qua ntumdetec tor量子探测器qu antum effi cienc y量子效率vacuu mpho todio de真空光电二极管p hotoe lectr ic wo rk fu nctio n光电功函数cath ode阴极anode阳极for midab le苛刻的恶光的ir respe ctive无关的im pinge撞击inturn依次capa citan ce电容p hotom ultip lier光电信增管p hotoc onduc tor光敏电阻jun ctionphot odiod e结型光电二极管av alanc he ph otodi ode雪崩二极管sh ot no ise 散粒噪声th ermal nois e热噪声Inthischapt er we cons iderMaxwe ll’sequat ionsand w hat t hey r eveal abou t theprop agati on of ligh t invacuu m and in m atter. Weintro ducethe c oncep t ofphoto ns an d pre senttheir dens ity o f sta tes.S incethe d ensit y ofstate s isa rat her i mport ant p roper ty,no t onl y for phot ons,w e app roach this quan tityin arathe r gen eralway.We wi ll us e the dens ity o f sta tes l ateralsofor o ther(quasi-) pa rticl es in cludi ng sy stems of r educe ddim ensio nalit y.Inaddit ion,w e int roduc e the occu patio n pro babil ity o f the se st atesfor v ariou s gro ups o f par ticle s.在本章中,我们讨论麦克斯韦方程和他们显示的有关光在真空中传播的问题。
《激光》 知识清单
![《激光》 知识清单](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/653efb8c77eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef7bb0d1273.png)
《激光》知识清单一、什么是激光激光,英文名“Laser”,是“Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”的缩写,意思是“通过受激辐射光放大”。
英文名Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation,意思是“通过受激辐射光扩大”。
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光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)Laser GlossaryABLATION: The removal of material or tissue by melting, evaporation, or vaporization. ABSORB: To transform radiant energy into a different form, usually with a resultant rise in temperature.ABSORBANCE: The ability of a medium to absorb radiation depending on temperature and wavelength. Expressed as the negative common logarithm of the transmittance.ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT: The amount of radiant energy absorbed per unit or path-length.ACTIVE MEDIUM: A medium in which lasing will take place, rather than absorption, at a given wavelength.AFOCAL: Literally, “without a focal length”; an optical system with its object and image point at infinity.AMPLIFICATION: The growth of the radiation field in the laser resonator cavity. As the light wave bounces back and forth between the cavity mirrors, it is amp stimulated emission on each pass through the active medium.AMPLITUDE: The maximum value of the electromagnetic wave, measured from the mean to the extreme; put simply, the height of the wave. (See drawing under )ANGLE OF INCIDENCEANGSTROM UNIT: A unit of measurement for a wavelength of light (written ?, equal to one ten billionth of a meter (10-10 meter). Occasionally still used.ANODE: An electrical element in laser excitation which attracts electrons from a cathode. An anode can be cooled directly by water or by radiation.AR COATINGS: Anti-reflection coatings, used on the backs of laser output mirrors to suppress unwanted multiple reflections which reduce power. AUTOCOLLIMATOR: A single instrument combining the functions of a telescope and a collimator to detect small angular displacements of a mirror by means of its own collimated light.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.AXIAL-FLOW LASER: The simplest and most efficient of the gas lasers. An axial 光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)flow of gas is maintained through the tube to replace those gas molecules depleted by the electrical discharge used to excite the gas molecules to the lasing state. (See .”)AXIS, OPTICAL AXIS: The optical center-line for a lens system; the line passing through the centers of curvature of the optical surfaces of a lens.BEAM BENDER: Hardware assembly or optical device, such as a mirror, capable of changing laser beam direction; used to re-point the beam and in “folded,” compact delivery systems.BEAM DIAMETER: The diameter of that portion of the beam which contains 86% of the output power.BEAM EXPANDER: Optical device increasing beam diameter and reducing divergence. Result: A smaller focused spot for more distance between lens and part. BEAM SPLITTING: Optically splitting a laser beam into two or more beams, allowing work on more than one side of a part at the same time—but at somewhat less power than with a multiple-output beam system.BREWSTER WINDOWS: The transmissive end (or both ends) of the laser tube, made of transparent optical material and set at Brewster’s angle in gas lasers to achieve zero reflective loss of vertically polarized light. Non-standard on industrial lasers, but a must if polarization is desired.BRIGHTNESS: The visual sensation of the luminous power of a light beam, as opposed to scientifically measured power of the beam.CALORIMETER: An instrument which measures the heat generated by absorption of the laser beam—another way to measure laser power.CATHODE: The element providing the electrons for the electrical discharge used to excite the lasing medium.CO2 LASER: A laser largely used in industry in which the primary lasing medium is carbon dioxide.COAXIAL GAS: Most laser welding is done with a shield of inert gas flowing over the work surface to prevent plasma oxidation and absorption, to blow away debris, and to control heat reaction. The gas jet has the same axis as the beam so the two can be aimed together.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.COHERENT LIGHT, COHERENT RADIATION: Radiation composed of wave trains vibrating in phase with each other. Simply expressed: parallel rays of light.COLLIMATED LIGHT: Divergent light rays rendered parallel by means of a lens or other device, allowing a sharp image of the object to be focused at the focal plane of the lens.COLLIMATION: The process by which divergent rays (white, or natural, light) are converted into parallel rays (coherent light).CONVERGENCE: The bending of light rays toward each other, as by a positive (convex) lens.CURRENT SATURATION: Maximum flow of electric force in a conductor; in a laser, the point at which further electrical charge will not increase lasing action.CW: The continuous-emission mode of a laser, as opposed to pulsed operation. DEPTH OF FIELD: The working range of the beam, a function of wavelength, diameter of the unfocused beam, and focal length of the lens. To achieve a small diameter spot size, and thus a high power density, a short depth of field must be accepted.DIVERGENCE: The angle at which the laser beam spreads in the far field; the bending of rays away from each other, as by a concave lens or convex mirror.DRIFT, ANGULAR: All undesirable variations in output (either amplitude or frequency); angular drift of the beam, measured in milliradians before, during, and after warm-up.DUTY CYCLE: The length of time the laser beam is actually cutting, drilling, welding, or heat-treating, as compared to the entire work cycle time.ELECTRIC VECTOR: The electric field associated with a light wave and having both direction and amplitude. Commonly represented by a line with an arrowhead. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE: A disturbance which propagates outward from an electric charge which oscillates or is accelerated. Includes radio waves; X-rays; gamma rays; and infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light.EMISSIVITY, EMITTANCE: Rate at which emission takes place; the ratio of the radiant energy emitted by a source or surface to that emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.ENHANCED PULSING: Electronic modulation of a laser beam to produce high peak power at the initial stage of the pulse. This allows rapid vaporization of the material without heating the surrounding area. Such pulses are many times the peak powerEXPOSURE: A measure of the total radiant energy incident on a surface per unit area; radiant exposure.FAR-FIELD IMAGING: An imaging technique with solid-state lasers that has several limitations: non-uniform energy distribution, very short working distances, and poor control of hole geometry.FLASHLAMP: Source of powerful light; often in the form of a helical coil and used to excite photon emission in a solid-state laser.FLEXOGRAPHY: A printing process involving laser-engraved, seamless rubber plates. FLUORESCENCE: The glow induced in a material when bombarded by light. Brewster windows of fused silica fluoresce in UV light, increasing absorption of laser radiation and degrading laser mode and output.FLUX: The radiant, or luminous, power of a light beam; the time rate of the flow of radiant energy across a given surface.FOCUS: Noun: The point where rays of light meet which have been converged by a lens, giving rise to an image of the source. Verb: To adjust focal length for the clearest image.FOCAL POINT in laser work, the focal point of the beam relative to the work surface has a critical effect, such as the depth and shape of drilled holes. When the focal point is at the surface, holes are of uniform diameter. When the focus is below the surface, conical holes are drilled.FOLDED RESONATOR: Construction in which the interior optical path is bent by mirrors mounted on corner blocks bolted into pre-aligned position, permitting compact packaging of a long laser cavity.FREQUENCY: The number of light waves passing a fixed point unit of time, or the number of complete vibrations in that period of time.GAIN: Another term for amplification, usually referring to the efficiency of a lasing medium in attaining a population inversion. High gain is typically more than 50% per pass of the light wave between cavity mirrors.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.4 光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)GAS DISCHARGE LASER: A laser containing a gaseous lasing medium in a glass tube in which a constant flow of gas replenishes the molecules depleted by the electricity or chemicals used for excitation. The discharged gas can be filtered and 90% recycled for economy.GAS JET ASSIST: An assisting coaxial gas, such as oxygen, argon, or nitrogen, which may be used to achieve very high power levels for cutting certain metals.GAS TRANSPORT: A laser design which generates very high beam power within a fairly small resonator structure. Long electrodes parallel the axis and gas is circulated across the resonator cavity.GAUSSIAN: The “normal curve,” or normal distribution, an example of which is the symmetrical bell shape of the holes created by the uncorrected, unfocused laser beam in its optimum mode. A Gaussian laser beam has most of its energy in the center.HAZ: Heat-Affected Zone, or the area where laser beam and metal (or other) surface are in contact.HELIUM-NEON LASER: (“HeNe”), Laser in which the active medium is a mixture of helium and neon, which is in the visible range. Used widely in industry for alignment, recording, printing, and measuring, it is also valuable as a pointer or aligner of invisible CO2 laser light.HEAT SINK: A substance or device used to dissipate or absorb unwanted heat, as from a manufacturing process (or, with lasers, from reflected rays).HERTZ: The approved international term, abbreviated Hz, which replaces CPS for cycles per second.IMAGE: The optical reproduction of an object, produced by a lens or mirror. A typical positive le ns converges rays to form a “real” image which can bephotographed. A negative lens spreads rays to form a “virtual” image which can’t be projected.INCIDENT LIGHT: A ray of light that falls on the surface of a lens — or any other object. The “angle of incidence” is the angle made by the ray with a perpendicular to the surface.INTENSITY: The magnitude of radiant energy (light) per unit, such as time or reflecting surface.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.ION LASER: A type of laser employing a very high discharge current, passing down a small bore to ionize a noble gas such as argon or krypton. The ionization process creates a population inversion for lasing to occur. A research laser useful for some industrial applications. IONIZATION: The process by which ions are formed. IRRADIATION: Exposure to radiant energy, such as heat, X-rays, or light; the productof irradiance and time. JOULE: One watt per second; a measurement frequently given for laser output in pulsed operation. KEYHOLING: In welding, the deep-penetration holes, which fill quickly with molten metal, that can be made in a few milliseconds by laser. LASER: An acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser is a cavity that has mirrors at the ends and is filled with lasable material such as crystal, glass, liquid, gas, or dye. These materials must have atoms, ions, or 光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)) molecules capable of being excited to a metastable state by light, electric discharge, or other stimulus. The transition from this metastable state back to the normal ground state is accompanied by the emission of photons which form a coherent beam. LASER ACCESSORIES: The hardware and options available for lasers, such as secondary gases, Brewster windows, Q-switches, and electronic shutters. LASER HARDENING: Laser-beam traversal of metal to harden quenching process producing the maximum hardness for most metals. LASER OSCILLATION: The buildup of the coherent wave between laser cavity end mirrors. In CW mode, the wave bounding back and forth between mirrors transmits a fraction of its energy on each trip; in pulsed operation, emission happens instantaneously. LASER ROD: A solid-state, rod-shaped lasing medium in which ion excitation is caused by a source of intense light, such as a flashlamp. Various materials are used for the rod, the earliest of which was synthetic ruby crystal. © Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. 6LEADING EDGE SPIKE: The initial pulse in a series of pulsed laser emissions, often useful in starting a reaction at the target surface. The trailing edge of the laser power is used to maintain the reaction after the initial burst of energy.LIGHT: The range of electromagnetic radiation frequencies detected by the eye, or the wavelength range from about 400 to 750 nanometers. It is sometimes extended to include photovoltaic effects and radiation beyond visible limits.LIGHT REGULATION: A form of power regulation in which output power is maintained at a constant level by controlling discharge current.LUMINANCE: Commonly called illumination; the luminous or visible flux per unit area on a receiving surface at any given point.MENISCUS LENS: The lens used primarily in CO2 lasers by Coherent, Inc. It has one side convex, the other concave.METASTABLE, METASTABLE STATE: Unstable condition in which the energy of a molecule is at some discrete level above the lowest, or ground state. It is this condition which is necessary for emission of photons in a laser. (From quantum theory.) MICROM ETER: A “MY-kro’ mee-ter” is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter, or one micron. (Not to be confused with my-KROM’-a-ter, a measuring instrument used with a telescope, microscope, or laser for fine focusing). MILLIJOULE: One thousandth of a Joule.MODE: A particular functioning arrangement, setup, or condition for laser operation, such as continuous emission, pulses, or grouped pulses. “Mode” also describes the ) MODULATION: The ability to superimpose an external signal on the output beam of the laser as a control.MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT: Theoretically, light consisting of just one wavelength. Since no light is completely monochromatic, it usually consists of a very narrow band of wavelengths. Lasers provide the narrowest bands.NANOMETER: A unit of length in the International System of Units (SI) equal to one billionth of a meter (10-9 meter). Once called a millimicron, it is used to represent wavelength. Abbreviated ”nm.“光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.NEAR FIELD IMAGING: A solid-state laser imaging technique offering control of spot size and hole geometry, adjustable working distance, uniform energy distribution, and easily produced range of spot sizes.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)Nd:GLASS LASER: A solid-state laser of Neodymium:glass offering high power or short pulses, or both, for specific industrial applications.Nd:YAG LASER: A solid-state laser of Neodymium:Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet, similar to the Nd:glass laser. Both are pumped by flashlamp.NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, a group which defines and recommends safety standards for electrical equipment.NOISE: Unwanted, minor currents or voltages in an electrical system.OBJECT: The subject matter or figure imaged by, or seen through, an optical system.OPTICAL DENSITY: Protection factor provided by a filter (such as used in eyewear, viewing windows, etc.) at a specific wavelength. Each unit of OD represents a 10x increase in protection.OPTICAL FIBER: Filament of quartz or other optical material capable of transmitting light along its conformation and emitting it at the end.OPTICAL PUMPING: Exciting the lasing medium by the application of light rather than electrical discharge from anode and cathode.OUTPUT COUPLER: The resonator mirror which transmits light; the one at the opposite end is totally reflective.OUTPUT POWER: The energy per second emitted from the laser in the form of coherent light, usually measured in watts for continuous-wave operation and joules for pulsed operation.OXYGEN ASSIST: In certain cutting operations, coaxial oxygen initiates an exothermic reaction to enhance the cutting rate for thick metals; in other words, oxygen actually does the cutting, with the reaction being maintained by the laser beam. PHOTOACOUSTIC EFFECTS: Arises with the use of very short-durationhigh-energy laser pulses, at pulse durations typically below 10 microseconds. Significant amounts of energy are absorbed and a rapid expansion occurs in the tissue, generating an acoustic shock wave that causes mechanical disruption to cellular structures.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. PHOTOCHEMICAL EFFECTS : Effects that occur from long exposure durations at energy dependent process (a function of the total quantity of radiation absorbed rather than its rate of absorption). PHOTOMETER: An instrument which measures luminous intensity. PHOTON: In quantum theory, the elemental unit of light, having both wave and particle behavior. It has motion, but no mass or charge.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)) incident power levels insufficient to cause damaging photothermal effects. It is an PHOTOTHERMAL EFFECTS: The damage mechanism for acute laser injury (i.e. for injury immediately following exposure). The radiation incident at the surface is absorbed in the underlying tissue, increasing the temperature of the tissue to the level at which damage can occur, and laser burns result. It is a power dependent process (a function of the RATE at which energy is absorbed rather than the total quantity of energy involved). PLASMA: In laser welding, a metal vapor thatforms above the spot where the beam reacts with the metal surface. Also used to describe the laser tube (plasma tube, discharge tube) which contains the completely ionized gas in certain lasers. POINTING ERRORS: Beam movement and divergence, often preventable by using short path-lengths. POLARIZATION: Restriction of the vibrations of the electromagnetic field to a single plane, rather than the innumerable planes rotating about the vector axis. This prevents optical losses at interfaces between the lasing medium and optical elements. Various forms of polarization include random, linear (plane), vertical, horizontal, elliptical, and circular. Of two polarization components (so-called), S and P, the P component has zero losses at Brewster’ angle. (See “ s BREWSTER WINDOWS.” l = wavelength E = electric vector H = magnetic vector. ) . Wave amplitude of a plane-polarized beam POPULATION INVERSION: When more molecules (atoms, ions) in a laser are in a metastable state than in the ground state (a situation needed for sustaining a high rate of stimulated emissions), a “ population inversion”is said to exist. Without a popul ation inversion, there can be no lasing action. POWER DENSITY: The amount of radiant energy concentrated on a surface. © Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. 9 POWER METER: An accessory used to monitor laser beam power at the rear station.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)reflector, tune the beam for optimum power, or monitor power delivered to the work POWER RAMPING: A controlled change in the power level of a laser beam, either linearly, as up a ramp, across, and down again—or in several discrete steps. Useful for smooth completion of circular welds and for preventing fractures from rapid cooling.PULSE ENERGY: The power of a single, brief emission from a laser programmed for pulsed behavior rather than continuous operation. Pulse energy can be severalPULSE TAIL: Pulse decay time, which can be shortened (by using a special mixture of gases) to allow for fast repetition of laser pulses within a given length of time.PUMP). Q: The energy-storing efficiency of a laser resonator. The higher the “Q,” the less energy loss.Q-SWITCH: A device that has the effect of a shutter moving rapidly in and out of the beam to “spoil” the resonator’s normal Q, keeping it low to prevent lasing action until a high level of energy is stored. Result: a giant pulse of power when normal Q is restored. RADIAN: An arc in a circle, equal in length to the radius; an angle (57.3? at the center of a circle, formed by 2 radii cutting off such an arc. Thus one rad = 57.3?RADIANCE: Brightness; the radiant energy per unit solid angle and per unit projected area of a radiating surface.RADIANT ENERGY: Energy traveling as wave motion; specifically, the energy of electromagnetic waves (light, X-rays, radio, gamma rays).RADIANT FLUX: The rate of emission or transmission of radiant energy.RADIANT INTENSITY: Radiant power, or flux, expressed as emission per unit solid angle about the direction of the light in a given length of time.RADIANT POWER: The amount of radiant energy available per unit; the radiant flux. RAMAN EFFECT: Part of the energy in a photon is transferred to (or from) the vibrational/rotational energy of a molecule.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.RAMPER: Power controls for accomplishing the ramping steps; may becomputer-controlled.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)REFLECTANCE: The ratio of the reflected flux to the incident flux, or the ratio of reflected light to light falling on the object.REFLECTION: The return of radiant energy (incident light) by a surface, with no change in wavelength.REFRACTION: The change of direction of propagation of any wave, such as an electromagnetic wave, when it passes from one medium to another in which the wave velocity is different. Simply put, the bending of incident rays as they pass from one medium to another, such as air to water.RESOLUTION: Resolving power, or the quantitative measure of the ability of an optical instrument to produce separable images of different points on an object; the capability of making distinguishable the individual parts of an object, closely adjacent images, or sources of light.RESONATOR: The mirrors (or reflectors) making up the laser cavity containing the laser rod or tube. The mirrors reflect light back and forth to build up amplification under an external stimulus. Emission is through one of them, called a coupler, which is partially transmissive.RMS: Units of electronic noise; the letters stand for Root-Mean-Square. ROCKWELL C: A scale or test used to define hardness in metals, particularly steel and titanium.ROTATING LENS: Beam delivery in a circular movement for cutting large-diameter holes. (De-focusing the beam for this lowers power density and increases drilling time.) SPECTRAL RESPONSE: The response of a device or material to monochromatic light as a function of wavelength.STABILITY: Temperature, electrical, dimensional, and power stability areimportant attributes in a working laser. The Everlase™ series of industrial lasers achieve such stability through circulating coolant, cast iron end pieces, permanent alignment, electrical control, and kinematic mounting. Result: long-term variation of only +/- 2% of rated power.STIMULATED EMISSION: When an atom, ion, or molecule capable of lasing is excited to a higher energy level by an electric charge or other means, it will© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. spontaneously emit a photon as it decays to the normal ground state. If that photon passes near another atom of the same frequency which is also at some metastable energy level, the second atom will be stimulated to emit a photon. Both photons will be of the same wavelength, phase, and spatial coherence. Light amplified in this manner is intense, coherent (collimated or parallel), and monochromatic. In short, laser light. TEM: Abbreviation for Transverse Electromagnetic Mode, the cross-sectional shape of the working laser beam. An infinite number of shapes can be produced, but only a relatively small number are needed for industrial applications. In general, “the higher the TEM, the coarser the focusing.”• TEM00: A Gaussian-curve mode that is the best collimated and produces the smallest spot of high power density for drilling, welding and cutting.• TEM01: Divided into two equal beams for special applications.THRESHOLD: During excitation of the laser medium, this is the point where lasing begins.TRANSFORMATION HARDENING: A process well-suited to lasers which involves hardening metal by heating it to the critical temperature for transformation, quenching it, and solidifying it with uniform distribution of its carbon content.TRANSMISSION: In optics, the passage of radiant energy (light) through a medium. TRANSMITTANCE: The ratio of transmitted radiant energy to incident radiant energy, or the fraction of light that passes through a medium.TREPANNING THE BEAM: Relative motion of the beam with respect to the part, ). VIGNETTING: The loss of light through an optical element when the entire bundle does not pass through; an image or picture that shades off gradually into the background.VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMISSION/TRANSMITTANCE: The amount of visible light usable to the eye that passes through a filter. As a rule of thumb, as optical density increases, visible light transmission decreases — but not always.WAVE: An undulation or vibration, a form of movement by which all radiant energy of the electromagnetic spectrum is thought to travel.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. WAVELENGTH: The fundamental property of light—the length of the light wave, crest to crest) are the micron, the nanometer, and (earlier) the angstrom.WINDOW: A piece of glass with plane parallel sides which admits light into or through an optical system and excludes dirt and moisture.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)which determines its color. Common units of measurement (which is usually from© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. 13。