外经贸实用英语口语 lesson 13 shipment

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hot/peak/high/busy season 旺季 dead/off/slack/low/dull season 淡季
3. customs formalities 海关手续
customs 海关;关税,多用复数形式。 作“海关”意义解释而单独使用时还要大写, 作主语时后面所跟的动词一般用单数。 It took us only four minutes to get through the Customs. 我们仅花四分钟就过了海关。 The Customs has detained the shipment. 海关已把货扣留了。 The customs were paid. 关税已付。
Lesson 13 Shipment
Learning Objectives
To learn useful expressions about how to negotiate shipment terms and make shipping arrangements
To learn about some leading shipping companies in the world
4. You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer.
你可以相信,我们最不愿使客户失望。 You may take it from me that … 请相信我的话,…… You may take it from me that this kind of packing is absolutely suitable for market sales. 请相信,这种包装绝对适合超市销售。 the last thing we want to do 我们最不愿做的事情
5. A timely delivery means a lot to us.
及时交货对我们来说很重要。 mean 意为“有意义,有价值”,常和a lot, much, little, a great deal, everything, nothing 等词连用。 This transaction means a great deal to us. 这笔生意对我们来说很重要。 Early delivery means very much to us. 早交货对我们来说很重要。 The high cost of living means nothing to some people. 对某些人来说,高昂的生活费用算不了什么。
3. I was just informed by the China National Chartering Corporation that liner space for America up to the end of October has been fully booked.
我刚接到中国租船公司的通知,说10月底之前到美国 的班轮舱位都已订满了。 inform告知,告诉 该词常有下列用法:
2. You surely know that transshipment adds to the expenses and sometimes may delay the arrival.
你肯定知道转船会增加费用,有时还可能延误抵达。 add to sth 使……增加 Any delay in shipment will add to the cost for storing the goods up. 装船期的任何延误都会增加货物的储存费。 add sth to 把……加到…… Can we add your commission to your price ? 可以把你的佣金加到货价里吗?
Conversation C
Focus on: Transshipment Carriers Optional port of destination
1. There are very few direct steamersห้องสมุดไป่ตู้sailing for your port.
开往你港的直达船很少。 sail v. 航行 There are many direct steamers sailing from Qingdao to Kobe. 从青岛到神户有很多直达船。
To be able to describe shipping formalities
Conversation A
Focus on: Time of shipment
1. effect shipment办理装船、装运 arrange shipment 安排装运 expedite shipment 加速装运 extend shipment 延期装运 advance shipment 提前装运
Conversation B
Focus on: Delay in shipment
1. … and we can’t get hold of enough of it to complete the production of the entire lot.
……我们找不到足够的拉链以完成整批货的生产。 get hold of 找到,弄到手 We'll do our best to get hold of a good supply to you. 我们会尽力为你找一个好的供货商。
effect v. 办理,如: effect insurance 办理投保 effect payment 办理支付 effect delivery 办理交货
2. November is the season for this commodity in our market.
11月是这种产品在我们市场上的销售季节。 season 此处指 selling season 或 shopping season 销售季节