
In conclusion, Michael Jordan's impact on the sport of basketball and popular culture is unparalleled. His extraordinary talent, relentless drive, and global appeal have solidified his status as a true icon. From his humble beginnings in North Carolina to his ascent to worldwide fame, Jordan's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and dedication. His legacy will continue to inspire and resonate with fans and aspiring athletes for generations to come.

乔丹名人堂演讲英文乔丹名人堂演讲英文Thank you! Thank you!I told my friends I would come here to say “thank you” then walked off. I can’t, it’s no way. I getso many people I can thank. In all the videos, you never just saw me, also Scottie Pippen and the championship we won. I’ve got a lot of questions over the last four weeks. Anybody says “well, why do you pick David Thompson?” I know why, David knows why and maybe you guys don’t know. But as I grow up in North Carolina, I was eleven years old, 1974, I think, when David won the championship. I hated North Carolina,but I ended up in North Carolina. But I was in love with David Thompson, not just for the game basketball, but in terms of what he represented. You know, we all, as David says or said we go through trails and tribulations. And he did, and I was inspired by him. And when I called him and asked him to stand up for me,I know I shocked a shoot out of him. I know I did. But he is very kind to say, ”Yeath, I’ll doit.” That is not disrespect to the North Carolina guy; we all know I am true blue North Carolina guy to the heart. Coach Smith, Larry Brown, Sam Perkins, James Worthy, you know all of those guys.I’d like to start to my parents. You guys see all the I-likes. What is about me that you guys don’t know? As I set up here and watch all the other guys give their history. So many things I didn’t know about Jerry Sloan. And we lived on the phone, but I didn’t know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade. Even David Robinson, I have known David for some time. You know, but I found some things, good things or bad things about him that I didn’t know. And Chipson, I’ve known Chipson for years. My father and my mother spent a lot time with Mike and found out good things about her, but what about me that you guys don’t know?I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever askfor. As brothers, in terms of competition. My brother Larry is an ideal situation with small things coming with small packages. This do fall me every single day. To the extend that my mother used to come out and make us come in because we were fighting way too much. My older brother was always gone. He is served in the army for 31 years. And the competition didn’t stop there. My sister who is one year younger than me,never want to be alone by herself. She took classes, extra classes, graduated from high school with me, to go to university North Carolina with me, and to graduate fairer than me. And you guys wanna know where my competition nature comes from, it came from them,it came from my older sister and she is not here today. My father who is not here today, obviously he is with us, all of us. My competitive nature has gone a long way from the first time I picked up any sports, baseball, football, run-track, basketball, anything in this class I played.They started to fire me; you know that firestarted from my parents. As I moved on my career,people add wood to that fire. Coach Smith, what can I say about him? He is a legendary coach. Lerold Smith, now you guys think that’s a mistake. Lerold Smith was the guy when I got kicks he got picked in the team. He is here tonight. He is still the same six seven guy. He is not even bigger. His level is even about the same. But he started the whole process for me, because when he made the team and I didn’t, I wanted to prove, not just to Lerold Smith, not just to myself, but to the coach who actually picked Lerold over me. I wantto make sure he understood you made a mistake, dude.Buss Peterson, My roommate. When I first met Buss, all I heard about was that this kid from AshvilleNorth Carolina was clearly unplayed against but he has never played against me then, so how do you come to be the player of the year? Is that some type of media, exposure, you know I came from Wilmington, you know, where two channel, channel ABC and channel NBC that I never saw NBA at all when I grow up. They didn’t have CBS receiver in North Carolina or Wilmington also. Buss Peterson became a dead on my board. When I get achance to meet Peterson on the basketball court. But he is a great person. It isn’t the fault of his. It was just my competitive natures. I didn’t think he can beat me or is better than me as a basketball player. And he became my roommate. From that point on, he became my focal point not knowingly. He didn’t know it, but he did. And Coach Smith, the day when he was on the Sports Illustrated, he named four starters and he didn’t name me. That burned me up, because I got to be on that Sports Illustrate. He had his own vision about giving a freshman that exposure, Itotally understand that but from a basketball sense I deserve to be on that Sports Illustrated, and he understands that.And it didn’t stop there. My competitive natures went right into the pros, I get to the bulls which I am very proud. At the time Jerry Reinsdorf didn’t own the team. It was another organiation Reinsdorf drafted me. Kevin Loughery was my first coach. Kevin used to take practice and put me in starting five. You know, he made a competitive thing where the losing team hadto run. So now we are almost on the winning team, halfway on the game, halfway on the situation, he switched me to the losing team. So I took that as a competitive thing, but you were trying to test me and by nine times out of ten the second team would come back to win no matter what he did. So I appreciated Kevin to give me that challenge, providing that type of fire with me and he threw another log on that fire for me. Jerry Reinsdorf, I mean what else can I say. The next year when I came back I broke my foot; I was out of 65 games. And when I came back I wanna play. The doctor came with his old theory that you can play only seven minutes a game, but I am practicing two hours a day. I am say ing, well, I don’t agree with that math. And back then, whoever has the worst record gets the most balls in Ping-Pang balls, you know you can decide what pick you can have, but I don’t care about that. I just wanted to win. I wanna made to playoffs. I wanna keep that energy going in Chicago. So I had to go into his office and sat down with him and say “Jerry, I actually think I should play morethan 14 minutes and practice more than two hours. He said “We have to protect the long-term investment we’ve invested on you. I said “I really think I should be able to play.” He said “Let me ask you this, if you had a headache.” At that time, there was ten percent that I can hurt my ankle or my foot. He said “You had a headache and you got ten capsules, and one of them is coated with poison, would you take it?” I looked him and say “It depends on how bad is that headache. How bad is that headache” .Jerry looked me and say “You are OK, I guess you had a good answer, you can go back to play. You let me allow you to go b ack and play.” You know, Jerry provided a lot of difficult obstacles for me but at the same time the guy gave me a opportunity to perform at the highest level in terms of basketball. The bulls, the whole bulls organiation, you know, they did great adjustments for me and all my teammates. Believe me I had a lot of teammates in all the 14 years I playedfor the bulls. I respect each one of them. I just want them to win. No matter how you looked at it. DougCollins came the same time when I was trying to playat the summer time. He said “well, you are part ofthe organiation and the organiation said you can’t play at the summer time. I said “you read the things in my contract; in my contract I have the ‘love the game’ clause. That means I can play anytime I wan t, any place I want And Doug looked at me and said “you are right, you are right.” And that’s how we became a little closer. Jerry Krause is right there and Jerry is not here. Obviously I don’t know who’d invite him, I didn’t. But, I hope he understands it goes a long way. He is a very competitive person. I was a very competitive person. He said organiations win championships. I said “I didn’t see organiations playing with the flu in Utah. I didn’t see it playing with a bad ankle.” Granted, granted, I think organiations put together teams, but at the end of the day, team’s got to go out and play. I think the players win the championship, and the organiation has something to do with it, don’t get me wrong. Butdon’t try to put the organiation above players.Because player still got to go out of there and perform. You guys got to pay us, but I am still to out to play.Obviously you’ve seen my kids Marcus and Jeffery.I love you guys. I think you guys represent a lot of me and a lot of different person as your mum, you represent them as well. You know, I think you guys have a heavy burden. I wouldn’t want to be you guys if I had to. You know, because all the expectations you have to deal with. I mean, look around you, they charge a thousand dollars ticket for this thing, for this holy event. It used to be 200 dollars, but I paid it. You know, I have no choice. I have a lot of families and a lot of friend I have to bring in. So thank all of you to raising ticket price. I love you guys, you guys have a host of people supporting you, family, friends, people that you don’t know,relatives coming our of the woodworks. You know, no matter how you look at it, but I think we taught you right. Your mum and I, hopefully you can make theright decisions when the time comes. My mum, what canI say about my mum, my mum never stays still. Youthink I am busy. She is always on the go. Without her, she is rough, she is unbelievable. Even right now, she takes over two jobs. She is unbelievable woman. As I experienced the failure each everyday, it is her. She classically keeps me focus on the good things about life. You know, how people perceive you, how you respect them, you know, what’s good for the kids, what’s good for you, you know, how you perceive public, take a second thoughts and pause to think about things you should do. These all came from my parents, you know, came from my mum. She is still like this these days, I am 46 years old, she is still parenting me today. That’s a good thing. I’ll love her to death. I’ll love her to death.And I will thank a couple of people that you guys probably wouldn’t even think I will thank. Isaiah Thomas, Magic Johnson and George Gervin. They are the so-called freeing-out in my rookie season. I wouldn’t remember you guys gave me the motivation to say, you know what? Evidently I haven’t proved enough to theseguys. I’ve got to prove these guys that I deserve what I got at this level. No matter what people have said, if it is rumor, I never took it is truth. But you guys never froe me up, because I was yet happy to be there no matter how you look at it. From that point forward, I wanted to prove to you, Magic, Larry, Gorge and everybody that I deserve to be on this level as much as anyone else. And hopefully over the whole period of career I have done that, without a doubt. Even in the Detroit, we’ve done that.Pat Riley, you and I go way back. I still remember in Pat Riley, in Pat Riley. I was coming in there, got leaving; you decided to stay a couple of days. You were coming into my suite and told me to get out of my suite. You slid a note on the leak of my door, although you had to move, you didn’t move. You slid the note, saying” I enjoyed the competition, congratulation, but we will meet again. And I take the heart in that, because I think in all I can see you are competitive and even from a coach standing point. You challenge me every time I play the Nicks, theHeats, I don’t think you are with the Lakers, but every time I play against you, you have “Jordan Stoppers” on your team, you hav e John Starks who I love. You even had my friend Oakley says “We can’t go to the lunch, we can’t go to the dinner together, because this guy hit me harder than anybody else in the league. He was my best friend. Patrick Erving and I are the same age. We came up at the same time. But we can’t go to the lunch together. Why is this an issue? You think I play against Patrick any different than I play anybody else? No, no. They had your learned guy became the Nicks, coach after you, Jeff van gundy. He said I can’t be player fairly and I may dead on the basketball court. Where is it come from? I just happen to be a friendly guy. I get along with everybody, but at the same time when the light comes on, I am more competitive than anybody. So you guys, I must say thank you for giving me the motivation that I desperately needed.Phil Jackson is, to me, is a professional Dean Smith. He challenged me mentally, not just physically.You know, he understood the game, along with Tex Wenter. They taught me a lot about the basketball game. Tex being the specialist, I can never please Tex. AndI love Tex. Tex is not here. And I know he is here in spirit. I can remember a game coming after the basketball court; we were down five to ten points. And I go off about 25 points, we came back to win the game. As we walked out the floor and Tex looked me and said “you know, there is ‘I’ in ‘team’.” I said “there is not ‘I’ in ‘team’, but there is ‘I’in ‘win’.” I think he got my message. I will do anything to win. You know, that means we play team format to win. That means I will do what I have to do. No matter how you look at it. Then you had all your media message “Scoring champion can’t win a NBA title”. You are not good as Magic Johnson, you arenot good as Larry Bird. You are good, but you are not good as those guys. I have to listen to all this. And that put so much wood on that fire. It kept me each everyday trying to get better as a basketball player.I am not saying they were wrong. I may look at themfrom a different perspective. But at the same time as a basketball player, I am trying to become the best I can. You know, for someone like me who achieve a lotin this kind of career, you look for any kind of messages that people may say or do to get youmotivated to play the game basketball to the highest level. Because that’s what I feel when I assail at my best.And my last example and the last you guys probably have seen. I hate to do it to them. He is such a nice guy. When I first met Bryon Russell, John and Karl, I was in Chicago in 1994. I was working out for baseball and they all came down for workout and shooting around.I came over and say “Hello”, and at this time I had no thoughts of coming back and playing the game of basketball. Bryon Russell came over to me and said “why d id you quit? why did you quit? You know I could guard you, if I ever see you in a pair of shorts”. Do you remember? John. When I did decide to come back in 1995 and we played Utah in 96, I’m at the centercircle and Bryon Russell is standing next to me. Isaid “You remember the conversation you made in 1994 about ‘I think I can guard you, I can shut you down, I would love to play against you?’ Well, you are about to get your chance, and believe me ever since that day he got his chance, I don’t know how succ eed he was. I think he got his chance. From this day forward, if he ever say me in shorts, I would come at him.I know you guys got to go. I know I’ve been up here a lot longer than I told my friends I was gonna up here, I cried, I was supposed to get up , said “Thank you” and walked off and I am not able to do that. So I appreciate it. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. As I close, the game basketball has been everything to me, my refuge, a place I am always gone when I need to find comfort and peace. I t’s been a source of intense pain and a source of most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. The one that no one of you can imagine. It’s been a relationship of number of intersection. It gave me the great expects and love for the game. It provided me with a platformand shared my passions with millions in the way I neither expected nor could imagine in my career. I hope it’s given millions of people touch and optimism to achieve their goals through hard work, perspiration and positive attitude. Although I am recognied with this honor of being in the Hall of Fame, I don’t look this moment as final relationship between me and the basketball. It simply a continuation of something I started a long time ago. One day, you may look up a senior player at a game of 50.Oh, no. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Never say never, because limits, like fear, are often just an illusion.Thank you very much!。
I believe I can flyPPT课件

• I used to think that I could not go on • 我原以为我无法坚持下去 • And life was nothing but an awful song • 生活一无是处如同一首糟糕的歌曲 • But now I know the meaning of true love • 但现在我知道了真爱的含义 • I'm leaning on the ever lasting arms • 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀
• If I can see it, then I can do it • 只要我能看见希望,我就能成功 • If I just believe it, there's nothing to it • 如果我相信我能行,那就没有什么不可以 • I believe I can fly • 我相信我能够飞翔 • I believe I can touch the sky • 我相信我能触摸到天际
• I believe I can fly • 我相信我能飞翔 • I believe I can fly • 我相信我能飞翔 • I believe I can fly • 我相信我能飞翔 • Hey, cause I believe in me, oh • 因为我相信自己
• If I can see it, then I can do it • 如果我能看见希望,我就能成功 • If I just believe it, there's nothing to it • 如果我相信我能行,那就没有什么不可以 • I believe I can fly • 我相信我能飞翔 • I believe I can touch the sky • 我相信我能触摸到天际

From now on, Jordan overlord among states an alliance
But in 1993, Jordan 3 after connecting a hat, chose to back service.
Back service reason, Jordan thinks basketball lost a challenge and also had leaving of his father a life time
After backing service, Jordan chose baseball
Although he is very with talent in basketball, not such on baseball
So, in 1995, Jordan comes out again and just comes out again shocked whole allianceses, the war spins in this year 72 win, don't also hang to read of obtain a total dan In 2001, Jordan again comes out again
On March 19, 2010, already exservice exceed a gram of Er?Jordan successfully procures a NBA summer Luo especially wildcat brigade, become the owner of wildcat brigade.It is only because the passion to basketball.
大学英语示范课课件 迈克乔丹介绍

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
C ontents Goal Fear Commitment Teamwork Fundamentals Leadership
Goals can’t decide anything, but it is like a compass in a ship. Without compass the ship in the ocean would lose its destination and the time to arrive.
My own agenda
Paragra phs 1-2 3-4
Main ideas
Although every one had a different agenda for me, I had my own. I set short time goals and focused on them. When a goal was achieved, I set another realistic goal. I visualized where I wanted to be and gained confidence every time I reached my goal. Take small steps and try your best and you will achieve your goals.
I can’t accept not trying
Who is Michael Jordan Introduction About his biography I can’t accept not trying Structure of the text

乔丹退役演说Jordan Retirement(世界名人英语演讲稿)I am here to announce my retirement from the game ofbasketball. It won't be another announcement to baseball oranything to that nature.Mentally, I'm exhausted, I don't feel I have a challenge.Physically, I feel great. The last time in 1993 I had otheragendas. I felt that I wanted to play baseball and I felt that atmy age, it was a good opportunity and time to do it. And withthe death of my father, and I was basically trying to deal withthat.Actually I talked to Jerry last year once the season ended and Itold Jerry at that time, mentally, I was a little exhausted. I didn't know if I would play next year. I wanted to put him on awareness so that he could possibly prepare going into next season. And Jerry, once we had our conversation, wanted me to take time as I did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision.I retired the first time when Phil Jackson was the coach. And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time, mentally finding the challenge for myself. Although he can somehow present challenges for me. I don't know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season." Even though middle way of this season I wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season I was mentally drained and tired. So I can't say that he would have restored that.I will support the Chicago Bulls. I think the game itself is a lot bigger than Michael Jordan. I've been given an opportunity by people before me, to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Doctor J, Eljohn Baylor, Jerry West. These guys played the game way before Michael Jordan was born and Michael Jordan came on the heels of all that activity. Mr Stern and what he's done for the league, gave me an opportunity to play the game of basketball. I played it to the best I could play it, I tried to enhance the game itself. I've tried to be the best basketball player that I could be.我在这里宣布从篮球场上退役,而且这次退役后不会再去从事棒球或其他类似的运动。

乔丹英语发言稿Ladies and gentlemen,It is with great honor and privilege that I stand before you today to speak about one of the greatest athletes of all time – Michael Jordan. Today, we will delve into his life, his accomplishments, his struggles, and above all, the lessons we can learn from him.Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He grew up in a small town in North Carolina called Wilmington. From a young age, Michael had a passion for basketball. He spent countless hours practicing on the court, honing his skills and developing a work ethic that would become the hallmark of his career.In high school, Michael quickly rose to prominence, leading his team to two state championships. His skills were so exceptional that he earned a scholarship to the University of North Carolina. It was during his time in college that he truly made a name for himself. In 1982, he hit the game-winning shot in the NCAA Championship, solidifying his status as a rising star.Soon after, Michael made the decision to leave college early and enter the NBA draft. He was selected third overall by the Chicago Bulls, and thus began the legendary career that would make him a household name across the globe. Throughout his career, Michael Jordan achieved numerous accolades, establishing himself as the greatest basketball player of all time.Six NBA championships, five regular season MVP awards, 14NBA All-Star selections – these are just a few of the many accomplishments that adorn Jordan's resume. However, it wasn't just his statistical prowess that made him a legend. It was his determination, his competitiveness, and his unquenchable thirst for success.One of the defining moments of Jordan's career came in 1993 when he announced his retirement from basketball to pursue a career in baseball. Many were surprised by this decision, but it showcased Jordan's fearlessness and his desire to constantly challenge himself. Although his baseball career was short-lived, he returned to basketball two years later, leading the Bulls to three more championships.But it wasn't just Jordan's on-court achievements that made him an icon. He revolutionized the game of basketball, popularizing his signature "Air Jordan" sneakers and inspiring a generation of athletes. He was a cultural phenomenon, transcending the boundaries of sports to become a global superstar.However, it is important to remember that Jordan faced his fair share of difficulties and setbacks. He encountered numerous failures and disappointments throughout his career, but it was his ability to persevere and overcome these obstacles that truly set him apart. He once said, "I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."Michael Jordan's story is not just about basketball. It is a story of resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit. His success did not come easily – it came through hard work, sacrifice,and an unwavering belief in oneself. This is a lesson that we can all take to heart, regardless of our chosen paths in life.In conclusion, Michael Jordan will forever be remembered as a basketball legend. His impact on the sport and the world as a whole is immeasurable. But more importantly, his journey serves as a source of inspiration for all of us. Whether it is on the basketball court, in the office, or in our personal lives, we can all strive to embody the traits that made Jordan great – dedication, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.Thank you.。

7,is b1ill9Ga9te6s-.98); Rookie of the Year
7,is bill Gates .
He is(, 1by9fa8r,5an)d; w1ill4b-etfiomr a etimAe tollc-oSmtea, thre; bAesltlb-aSskteatbrall player in the history of the game.
In 1996, "Life" magazine named the post-war American's 50 most outstanding famous, Jordan ranked No.
Jordan and China
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
jordan is everywhere
• March 19, 2010, Michael Jordan has retired acquisition NBA Charlotte Bobcats , becoming the owner of the Charlotte Bobcats. 2010年3月19日,已经退役的迈 克尔·乔丹成功收购NBA 夏洛特山猫队 ,成 为山猫队的老板。

乔丹名人堂演讲英文乔丹名人堂演讲英文Thank you! Thank you!I told my friends I would come here to say “thank you” then walked off. I can’t, it’s no way. I get so many people I can thank. In all the videos, you never just saw me, also Scottie Pippen and the championship we won. I’ve got a lot of questions over the last four weeks. Anybody says “well, why do you pick David Thompson?” I know why, David knows why and maybe you guys don’t know. But as I grow up in North Carolina, I was eleven years old, 1974, I think, when David won the championship. I hated North Carolina, but I ended up in North Carolina. But I was in love with David Thompson, not just for the game basketball, but in terms of what he represented. You know, we all, as David says or said we go through trails and tribulations. And he did, and I was inspired by him. And when I called him and asked him to stand up for me, I know I shocked a shoot out of him. I know I did. But he is very kind to say, ”Yeath, I’ll do it.” That is not disrespect to the North Carolina guy; we all know I am true blue North Carolina guy to the heart. Coach Smith,Larry Brown, Sam Perkins, James Worthy, you know all of those guys.I’d like to start to my parents. You guys see all the I-likes. What is about me that you guys don’t know? As I set up here and watch all the other guys give their history. So many things I didn’t know about Jerry Sloan. And we lived on the phone, but I didn’t know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade. Even David Robinson, I have known David for some time. You know, but I found some things, good things or bad things about him that I didn’t know. And Chipson, I’ve known Chipson for years. My father and my mother spent a lot time with Mike and found out good things about her, but what about me that you guys don’t know?I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever ask for. As brothers, in terms of competition. My brother Larry is an ideal situation with small things coming with small packages. This do fall me every single day. To the extend that my mother used to come out and make us come in because we were fighting way too much. My older brother was always gone. He is served in the army for 31 years. And the competition didn’t stop there. My sister who is one year younger than me, never want to be alone by herself. She took classes, extra classes, graduated from high school with me, to go touniversity North Carolina with me, and to graduate fairer than me. And you guys wanna know where my competition nature comes from, it came from them, it came from my older sister and she is not here today. My father who is not here today, obviously he is with us, all of us. My competitive nature has gone a long way from the first time I picked up any sports, baseball, football, run-track, basketball, anything in this class I played.They started to fire me; you know that fire started from my parents. As I moved on my career, people add wood to that fire. Coach Smith, what can I say about him? He is a legendary coach. Lerold Smith, now you guys think that’s a mistake. Lerold Smith was the guy when I got kicks he got picked in the team. He is here tonight. He is still the same six seven guy. He is not even bigger. His level is even about the same. But he started the whole process for me, because when he made the team and I didn’t, I wanted to prove, not just to Lerold Smith, not just to myself, but to the coach who actually picked Lerold over me. I want to make sure he understood you made a mistake, dude.。

Emotional expression
Passionate delivery
Michael Jordan's speeches are often filled with passion, allowing him to connect with his audience on an emotional level.
Facing challenges
Michael Jordan believes that setbacks and challenges are inevitable on the road to success. He advises to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than stumbling blocks.
The ability to handle pressure is crucial for success, according to Jordan. He advises to stay calm and collected when the stakes are high and the pressure is mounting.
Jordan stresses the need for selfdiscipline and the ability to set personal standards that are higher than what is required or expected. He credits much of his success to the rigorous training and dietary changes he implemented early in his career.

Earvin Johnson, he is the best legendary point guard(控球后卫 /组织后卫) of all time. His performance from the field is the best annotation(诠释) of at a standard point guard should do. He led Lakers to a contemporary dynasty against the contemporary Celtics led by Bird.
NBA、regarded as the God wearing NO.23 .
Before NBA
MJ was SG in NCAA.
Jordan made his first final shot (绝杀) in NCAA Finals.
In MJ‟s first season, he scored 28.2 points , made 6.5 rebounds and 5.8 assists on average. And he shot 51.5 percent from the field. Therefore, he was awarded the best rookie instead of the first pick, Olajuwon. 乔丹新秀赛季交出了场均28.2 分+6.5篮板+5.8助攻的华丽数 据,场上命中率为51.5%。因 此,乔丹力压同届选秀状元奥 拉朱旺当选成为最佳新秀。
Larry Bird, “The Bird”. He once led Celtics to the big one in NBA, Celtics led by Bird even won eight successive NBA championship, which might be a unbreakable record in NBA history! The competition between Lakers and Celtics is the most amazing games in 1980s.

迈克尔·乔丹迈克尔·乔丹Ten years ago, Michael Jordan retired from the Chicago Bulls. At the time, he said he might consider returning to basketball one day. Michael Jordan did return to the game -- not once, but twice. Last month, he retired for the third time. Shep O-Neal reports.Michael Jordan is widely considered basketball’s best player ever. He became known as Air Jordan. He seemed to fly through the air with the ball. He also gained wide notice by helping to sell products. Businesses paid him tens of millions of dollars.Michael Jordan attended the University of North Carolina. He joined the Chicago Bulls in nineteen-eighty-four. He led the Bulls to six world championships during his thirteen years with the team.Michael Jordan first retired from the Bulls in nineteen-ninety-three. He played baseball for a short time, but returned to the team in nineteen-ninety-four. He retired again five years later. He said it was time to do something else. But he could not end his relationship with basketball.Michael Jordan became president of operations for the Washington Wizards, the team in the nation"s capital. But the Wizards were not a very good team. So Michael Jordan decided to help by playing again.His involvement as a player brought more people to watchthe games. But the Wizards did not reach the playoffs in the two years that Michael Jordan played with them.He plans to continue as president of basketball operations for the Wizards. He says his experience playing with the team will help him in that job. For example, he is in a better position to decide who should play on the team in the future.Michael Jordan is forty years old now. He says it was fun to be around the young players. He says playing again helped him unders。

Relaxing Time
• Michael Jordan right now just plays the game of golf on his days off, but one day we might all see him playing on the PGA Tour if he can get his game where he feel he can win at that level.
• Michael Jordan is unarguably the best basketball player to ever player the game, and arguably the best athlete ever to compete at such a high spectrumI step onto the court, I’m ready to play. And if you’re playing against me, then you’d better be ready too. If you’re not going to compete, then I’ll dominate you.’
The Family Man
• Accompanied here by his wife Juanita, his sons Jeffrey and Marcus, and his little girl Jasmine. Jordan misses the times he is not with them and hopes the best for them in their futures.
Rare Air
• Michel Jordan has been apart and the running bull for the Chicago Bulls six championships in the past decade. He has been league MVP numerous times for the regular season and post-season. He has led the league in scoring just about every year he has played and been the reason why the NBA is where it is today.

Six-time NBA champion
Jordan and Nike
He make the "Nike"from a small company become world-famous super giant
During his career He brought to the NBA at least 10 billion dollars .
The List of the best idol in USA
1 约翰·肯尼迪(John Kennedy) 2 玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe) 3 猫王(Elvis Presley) 4 约翰·韦恩(John Wayne) 5 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr 6 迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan) 7 詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean) 8 弗兰克·西纳特拉(Frank Sinatra) 9 海明威(Hemingway) 10 罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)
jordan is everywhere
Jordan and China
The spirit of sports
I hope sharing with all of you as an encouragement.
Thank you !
1988 Slam Dunk champion
Who stayed in the air the longest time in the world,no one can hover over one seconds.
Honors: Six-time NBA champion (1991-93, 1996-98); NBA MVP (1988, '91, '92, '96, '98); 10-time All-NBA First Team (1987-93, 1996-98); All-NBA Second Team (1985); Defensive Player of the Year (1988); Nine-time AllDefensive First Team (1988-93, 1996-98); Rookie of the Year (1985); 14-time All-Star; All-Star MVP (1988, '96, '98); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History (1996); Two-time Olympic gold medalist (1984, '92).
迈克尔 乔丹 英文介绍

Where it all started for Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan has been a great athlete since junior high school.He was interested in many sports,especally baseball and basketball.Jordan pitched on the baseball team,played quarter back on the football team and was guard on the basketball team.Although he was involved in all these things,he was very unpopular.Mike was teased for the way he looked,his haircut and the way he stuck his tongue out when he played basketball. 迈克尔· 乔丹从中学时就是很棒的运动天才, 他对很多运动感兴趣,尤其是棒球和篮球,他在 棒球队当投手,橄榄球队做四分卫,篮球队里司 职后卫。尽管参加所有这些运动,但是他还是不 受欢迎。迈克因为他的长相、他的发型以及他打 篮球是经常伸舌头被取笑。
Professional career
1.Early NBA years (1984–1987) 2.Pistons roadblock (1987–1990) 3.First three-peat (1991–1993) 4.First retirement and baseball career (1993–1994) 5."I'm back": Return to the NBA (1995) 6.Second three-peat (1995–1998) 7.Second retirement (1999–2001) 8.Washington Wizards comeback (2001–2003)

乔丹是历史上最值钱的体育偶像之一, 他是Nike, Gatorade, Hanes, McDonald„s 和MCI的主要代言人. 他在88年首次出现在Wheaties box的广 告上并随即成为了他们的代言人。 Nike为乔丹设计的系列签名鞋叫做“飞人乔丹(Air Jordan)”。对于这个 系列球鞋的追求甚至导致了一个叫做“抢鞋帮”的事件,即年轻少年被人用 枪指着把乔丹鞋交出来。设计者汀克· 哈特菲尔德(Tinker Hatfield)把篮球 鞋工业带到了一个新的高度。后来Nike把这条生产线从自己的厂家分出来, 专门叫做“乔丹牌”. 被这个公司签下的球员们被称为“Jordan Team”。雷 -阿伦(Ray Allen), 迈克尔-芬利(Michael Finley), 克里斯-安德森 (Derek Anderson), 埃迪-琼斯(Eddie Jones), 麦克-毕比(Mike Bibby), 加里佩顿(Gary Payton), 昆汀· 理查德森(Quentin Richardson), 理查德-汉密尔顿(Richard Hamilton), 卡梅隆-安东尼 (Carmelo Anthony),克里斯-保罗(Chris Paul),德怀恩-韦德 (Dwyane Wade)等都是其成员。不光篮球, 乔丹的触角也伸向其他体育领 域,像棒球和榄球;当然大学篮球也是一个大市场,他赞助了北卡和辛辛那 提等大学篮球名校。
19、1988-1989赛季公牛主力组织后卫受伤,乔丹代替打 1、职业生涯场均30.123分,历史第一(张伯伦 29、全明星票王次数最多9次 组织后卫,结果总共11场比赛,乔丹获得了10场3 以30.06分第二) 30、另外他还有个不光彩记录,参加三分球大赛最低分5分 双,其中连续7场3双,列NBA连续3双次数的第二名 2、十次得分王,历史第一 31、全明星投篮总数最多233次 (第一名是张伯伦的连续9次),但保持历史三双最 3、连续七次得分王(和张伯伦共享)历史第一 32、全明星投中次数最多110次 高频率 4、连续866场比赛得分过两位数,历史第一 33、NBA历史上第一位拥有“世纪运动员”的称号 20、抢断王最多3次(也是历史记录和几个人分享)分 34、唯一做到三进三出 5、单赛季场均得分30+次数最多,8次历史第一 别是1988年3.16次,1990年2.77次,1993年2.83 次 35、唯一能让联盟破例允许他把已经退役的球衣23号重新 6、季后赛平均每场得分33.4分,历史第一 21、1989年在对波士顿的比赛,全场拿下52分和9次抢 穿回 7、季后赛职业生涯总得分5987,历史第一 断,其中上半场8次抢断创造了NBA历史半场断球记 36、MJ是唯一使他自己不曾效力的球队在自家球馆内挂上 8、唯一超过40岁,且拿40+的球员 (MJ)自己球衣的球员 录(和多人分享这一记录,他职业生涯最高为10 9、1995—96赛季,乔丹带领公牛队获得常规赛 37、MJ还是唯一代表美国大学篮球队和美国梦之队分别获 次,有10场比赛单场断球在8次以上) 72胜10负的战绩,历史第一 得奥运会金牌的球员 22、后卫职业生涯的盖帽最高记录,共893次全明星赛记 38、乔丹是历史上第一个能在复出后还带领球队连得3次 10、入选"最佳阵容"次数最多,共10次 录: NBA总冠军的人 11、入选"最佳防守阵容"次数最多,共9次 23、1997年,获得全明星赛历史上首个“三双”——14 39、01年复出时将那年的所有工资(大约100万美元)捐给 12、NBA季后赛连续两场50+球员 分、 911受难者,是NBA史上唯一一个捐自己全年工资的。 13、NBA季后赛连续三场45+球员 11个篮板、11次助攻 40、在40岁以上还在征战NBA并且在NBA打过15个赛系的情 24、全明星抢断次数最多38次 14、个人单赛季场均得分最高:常规赛平均每 况下,职业生涯得分每个赛季都高于20分,也是前无古人 的。 25、连续2届扣篮大赛冠军 场37.1分(1986-1987赛季) 41、职业生涯总共有28次绝杀,历史第二;29次投失关键 迄今为止只有他和理查德森、内特罗宾逊(200815、单场比赛单节罚球命中次数最多,罚中13 球,绝杀命中率几乎高达恐怖的50%。 2010)卫冕扣篮冠军 球。 42、为联盟带来的收入至少在100亿美元以上,为联盟中第 26、全明星半场最高盖帽4次 16、全明星总得分262分历史第一 一人,甚至可以说是世界体坛第一人 27、全明星单场最高进17球 17、总决赛6场比赛命中最多,101个;平均得 43、97-98赛季的年薪为3319万美元,是联盟史上迄今为止 乔丹在那年全场23投17中,得到40分,8篮板,3助 分最高41.0分(1991—1992) 年薪最高 攻,4断球,4盖帽,得到mvp 44、联盟里唯一一位复出2次的球员 18、两次奥运会金牌(1984,1992) 28、单场投篮最多27次
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Jordan as we know has set records that have yet to be broken and he has accomplished things that were thought to be impossible to accomplish. For example, on May 6, 1998, M.J. became the first player in history to be to the NBA All-Defensive First Team nine times. Jordan has also earned nine individual scoring titles, four Most Valuable Player awards, and he averaged 31.7 points per game which is the highest in NBA history. These are some of his accomplishments on 。 the court.“I often wonder make history by just doingwhat it would feel like to something that I enjoy. ” Obviously Jordan doesn’t have to wonder, he already knows .
• 迈克尔·乔丹从 中学时就是很棒的 这一切开始的地方 -迈克尔乔丹 运动天才,他对很 多运动感兴趣,尤 其是棒球和篮球, 他在棒球队当投手, 橄榄球队做四分卫, 篮球队里司职后卫。 尽管参加所有这些 运动,但是他还是 不受欢迎。迈克因 为他的长相、他的 发型以及他打篮球 是经常伸舌头被取 笑。
Despite all of this criticism Mike had to endure,he came out on top.It wasn't because all of him,but because he has a father behind him helping him to fulfill his dreams.When Michael's father saw that he was interested in basketball,he constructed a court in the back yard for him to practice on,and from then on Mike has been playing the game and playing it well. He went on to play it at North Carolina in his freshman year, in his junior year he was drafted by the Bull's,and he led them to many te in Mike's game years his father was murdered ,he had a hard time in his game,but as you can see nothing can stop him,and still,everybody want to be like Mike.
• “在确定结束他
的职业生涯,他创 造了他自己的运动 品牌,精明如他, 虽然没有人能模仿 迈克到底,但机会 嗅觉让他会在这样 一个计算机生成的 模拟几乎足够的世 界创造”。
Michael Jordan is some one who is worth recognition. He is someone who I look up to when it comes to the game. Jordan has accomplished a lot, and it wasn’t all fun and games, it took a lot of hard work, practice and effort to be one of the greatest basketball players of all times. Now do you see why everyone wants to be like Mike? Everyone wants the fame, the fortune and the just plain and simply the life that Michael Jordan lives. Jordan is an example that what ever you dream to become, it is possible to become just that. And whatever your goal is, you can reach it, with a little hard work, effort, and commitment.
THANK Y是最 后的胜利者,但这并只是他的功劳,迈克 的父亲在背后帮他去实现他的梦想,当他 父亲发现他对篮球感兴趣时,就在后院为 他建了一个球场让他练习,就是从那时起 迈克开始打好的,在他菜鸟赛季在北卡罗 来纳州打球,第二年他参加选秀被公牛队 选中,之后帮助公牛队获得很多冠军,之 后迈克的父亲被谋杀了,他在比赛中变得 低迷,但是没有什么可以阻止他,所有人 仍然都想成为迈克那样
迈克尔· 乔丹是那些应该值得肯定的人,他是 那些一进入球场我就非常敬重的人。乔丹已 经完成了很多,不仅仅是比赛,想一直做以 为最伟大的篮球运动员还需要艰苦的奋斗、 练习和努力。现在你知道为什么每个人都想 成为乔丹,每个人都想要他的名声,他的财 富,他一帆风顺的生活,乔丹是你梦想成为 的目标,而且这是可能实现的,不管你有什 么理想,你可以达成,只要你用一点点小小 的努力,努力和承诺。
everyone want to be Michael Jordan
The best known athlete in the world. He is, by far, and will be for a time to come, the best basketball player in the history of the game. He is the master of masters, know as the Gods wears NO.23 .He ranked NO.2 in the “Athlete of the Century ”,he spread this sports to every corner of the world.His impact cover any one of the big Hollywood star.
I In 1996 ,"LIFE" magazine named the postwar American's 50 most outstanding famous. Jordan ranked NO.9,and the N0.7 is Bill Gates.
Where it all started for Michael Jordan Michael Jordan has been a great athlete since junior high school.He was interested in many sports,especally baseball and basketball.Jordan pitched on the baseball team,played quarter back on the football team and was guard on the basketball team.Although he was involved in all these things,he was very unpopular.Mike was teased for the way he looked,his haircut and the way he stuck his tongue out when he played basketball.
"At the presumed end of his career, he has created his own line of cologne and clothing, presuming shrewdly[∫ru:dli] that, while no one can be like Mike exactly, the chance to smell and dress like him will be — in a world given over to computer generated simulations — virtually enough".
乔丹保持着一些现在都没有打破的记录, 他完成了那些被认为不可能完成的事情,例 如,1998年5月6日,迈克尔。乔丹成为历 史上第一个9次入选NBA最佳防守第一阵容 的球员,乔丹也赢得9个人得分王头衔,4个 最有价值球员奖,他平均每场31.7分也是 NBA历史最高。这些都是他在球场上的一些 成就。“我经常诧异我只是做了我喜欢的事 情,却创造了历史”,很显然,乔丹没有必 要怀疑,他早就知道他能够做到这些
飞人——迈克尔 乔丹
• 这个世界上最著名的运动员。他是,到目 前为止,并将一段时间来,在游戏历史上 最好的篮球运动员。他是高手中的高手, 知道神穿着23号。他排名第2的“本世纪最 佳运动员”,他把这个运动到世界的每个 角落。他的影响覆盖的好莱坞大明星的任 何一个。
1996年,“生活”杂志列出了美国战后50大杰 出的名人,乔丹排名第9,第7是比尔· 盖茨