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华为 S5700 基础配置命令
Warning: The action will delete the saved configuration in the device.
The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:
Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the configuration file for the ne
xt startup:flash:/vrpcfg.zip, Continue?[Y/N]:
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:
# 设置设备的名称为GSH-FZ-Front
[Quidway] sysname Quidway
# 设置查看设备的时区,时间
#telnet 远程登录
[Quidway] aaa
//////[Quidway-aaa] local-user ccssoft password cipher p@ssw0rd privilege level 15 [Quidway-aaa] local-user ccssoft password simple ccssoft
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ccssoft service-type telnet
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ccssoft privilege level 15 //特权等级设置
[Quidway-aaa] quit
[Quidway]user-interface vty 0 4 //设置5个虚拟终端,也就是说最多有5个终端同时连接[Quidway - vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa //验证方式设置
[Quidway -ui-vty0-4]quit
#ssh 远程登录
步骤 1 在服务器端生成本地密钥对
[Quidway] sysname SSH Server
[SSH Server] rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: Quidway_Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 512]: 768
Generating keys...
..........++++++++++++ ...................................++++++++
步骤 2 在服务器端配置VTY 用户界面
[SSH Server] user-interface vty 0 4
[SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode aaa
[SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[SSH Server-ui-vty0-4] quit
若配置登录协议为SSH,则S5700 设备将自动禁止Telnet 功能。步骤 3 在服务器端配置SSH 用户的用户名和密码
[SSH Server] aaa
[SSH Server-aaa] local-user client001 password cipher huawei
[SSH Server-aaa] local-user client001 privilege level 3
[SSH Server-aaa] local-user client001 service-type ssh
[SSH Server-aaa] quit
步骤 4 使能STelent 功能,并配置用户的服务类型为STelnet [SSH Server] stelnet server enable
[SSH Server] ssh authentication-type default password
[Quidway] vlan 10
[Quidway-vlan10] quit
#改Vlan1 IP:
[Quidway]interface vlanif 1
[Quidway]ip address
[Quidway] int gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] port link-type access
[Quidway] vlan 131
[Quidway-vlan131] port gigabitethernet 0/0/21 to 0/0/22 [Quidway-Vlan131] quit
[Quidway] interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/23
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/23] port link-type trunk
[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/23] port trunk allow-pass vlan 128 131
[Quidway] stp mode {stp | rstp | mstp}