
(完整版)《英美文学》练习题库及答案I Of the four alternative answer, choose the one that would best complete the statement:1. Benjamin Franklin was born in the family of a small ___________ .A. LandlordB. merchantC. lawyerD. clergyman2. Ralph Waldo Emerson 'asdilneg reputation began with the publication of ___________ .A. EssaysB. NatureC. OversoulD. Self-Relience3. Ellen Poe was both a poet and a ____________________ .A. dramatistB. essayist C actor D. fiction writer.4. Nathaniel Hawthorne ' s view of man and human history originates in __________________ .A. PuritanismB. SocialismC. TranscendentalismD. naturalism5. Walt Whitman was born and brought up in a family of a _____________ .A. PeasantB. carpenterC. captainD. printer6. Mark Twain ' s first successful literary work is _____________________________ .A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyB. Life on the MississippiC. The Adventure of Tom SawyerD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn7. Closely related to Emily Dickinson ' s religious poetry are her poems concerning ________________A. ChildhoodB.youth and happinessC. lonelinessD. death and immortality8. Among the works of Dreiser, the bet known to the Chinese readers is _______________ .A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. Th FinancierD. The Titan9. Robert Frost ' s works mainly focus on the landscape and people in ___________________ .A. the WestB. American SouthC. New EnglandD. Mississippi10. Most of the plays Eugene O l w 'roNt e ilare ______________________ .A. comediesB. . romancesC. historical plays D tragedies11. Scott Fitzgerald is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the ____________________ .A. modern timeB. young AmericansC. Jazz AgeD. Guilded Age12. ____________________________ is Hemingway ' smasterpiece, which is about the old fishermanSantiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin.A. Farewell to ArmsB. For whom the Bell TollsC. The Sun Also RisesD. The Old Man and The Sea13. As a great fiction writer, William Faulker devotes most of his works to the description of the life and the people in the _______________________________ .A. American WestB. New England in AmericaC. American SouthD. American North14. When he was young, Benjamin Franklin became an apprentice in a ________________ .A. printing houseB. storeC. Tailor ' s shopD. factory15. Ralph Emerson was born in a family of a ___________________ .A. merchantB. businessmanC. clergymanD. writer16. Ellen Poe began his literary career by writing _________________ ;A. short storiesB. playsC. essaysD. poems17. According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is ________ in every hearer, which may remain latent, perhaps,英美文学》练习测试题库及答案本科through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.A. evilB. virtueC. kindn essD. tragedy18. Whitman is radically innovative in term of form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subjects and new feeli ngs is ____________ .A. bla nk verseB. free verseC. heroic coupletD. sonnet19. Mark Twain shaped the world ' s view of America and made a comb in ati on of serious literature and _______A. America n folk humorB. En glish folkloreC. America n traditi onal valuesD. funny jokes20. Altogether, Emily Dick inson wrote ____ poems, of which only sever n had appeared duri ng her lifetime.A. 1145B. 1775C. 897D. 78521. Theodore Dreiser is gen erally ack no wledged as one of America' s literaryA. realistsB. n aturalistsC. roma ntistsD. modernists 22. In Frost ' s poems, images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from ___________________A. the simple country lifeB. the urba n lifeC. the life on the seaD. the adve ntures and trips23. Scott Fitzgerald never spared an intimate touch in his fiction to deal with the bankruptcy of the24. Eugene O ' Neill is regarded as the founder of American _____________________ .A. poetryB. dramaC. ficti onD. literature25. _________________ is Hemingway ' s masterpiece, which tellsa story about the tragic love of a woundecAmerican soldier with a British nurse.C. For Whom the Bell Tolls 26. William Faulk ner was born ina family of a ______________________ .A. mercha ntB. colonelC. man agerD. doctor27. In his essays, ______ p ut forward his philosophy of the over soul, the importa nt of the In dividual and Nature.A. Natha niel HawthorneB. Washi ngton IrvingC. Mark Twai nD. Ralph Waldo Emers on28. The chief spokesma n of New En gla nd Transcenden talism is _______A. Natha niel HawthorneB. Ralph Waldo Emers onC. Henry David ThoreauD. Wash ington Irvi ng29. _____ l iterary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much to do with his black” vision of life and human beings.A. Herma n Melville'sB. Washi ngton Irvi ng'sC. Nathaniel Hawthorne'sD. Walt Whitman s30. Most of the poems in ____ sing of the en-masse and the self as well.A. Leaves of GrassB. Drum TapsC. North of Bost onD. The Can tos31. In ____ , Whitma n airs his sorrow at Preside nt Lin colnsdeath.A. Cavalry Crossing a FordB. A Pact ”C. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom 'dD. There was a Child Went Forth ”A. America n DreamB. ruli ng classes B. America n Capitalists D.America n bourgeoisieA. A Farewell to ArmsB. The Sun Also RisesD. In Our Time32.In ___ , Whitman's own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young growingAmerica.A. “A Pact”B. “Song of Myself ”C. “There was a Child Went Forth”D. “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”33.In _____ , Hawthorne sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.A. “The Custom-House”B. “Young Goodman Brown”C. “Rappaccini's Daughter”D. “The Birthmark"34. _____ is called by Hemingway the one from which“all modern American literature c omes”.A. The adventures of Huckleberry FinnB. The Adventures of Tom aSwyerC. The Gilded AgeD. Life on the Mississippi35. Theodore Dreiser's forgiving treatment of the career of his heroine in ____ also draws heavily upon thenaturalistic understanding of sexuality.A McTeague B. An American Tragedy C. Sister Carri e D. The Genius36. _____ is a great giant of American, whom H.L.Mencken considers “the true father of our nationalliterature.”A. Henry JamesB. Washington IrvingC. Mark TwainD. Theodore Dreiser37. _____ is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Innocents AbroadD. Life on the Mississippi38. _____ is described by Mark Twain as a boy with“a sound heart and a deformed conscienc”e.A. Tom SawyerB. Huckleberry FinnC. JimD.Tony39. _______ is considered to be Theodore Dreise'sr greatest work.A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. The FinancierD. The Titan40. The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the most successful in all hisexperiments, is ______A. Arthur MillerB. Tennessee WilliamC. George Bernard ShawD. Eugene O'Neil41. The well- known soliloquy by Hamlet “ T o be , or not to be ' shows hisA. hatred for his uncleB. love for lifeC. resolution of revengeD. inner- strife42. _______ is a play that concerns the problem of modern ma'sn identity.A. The Hairy ApeB. Long Day's Journey Into NightC. The Iceman ComethD. The Emperor Jones43.In a tragic sense, ______ is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable forces in whichonly a partial victory is possible.A. For Whom the Bell TollsB. In Our TimeC. The Old Man and the SeaD. A Farewell to Arms44. Faulkner once said that _________ is a story of “ lost innocence,'which proves itself to be andintensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.A. The Sound and the FuryB. Light in AugustC. Go Down, MosesD. Absalom, Absalom! 45.In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner makes best use of the __________________________ devices in narration.A. RomanticB. RealisticC. GothicD. Modernist46. _____ is Hemingway's first true novel in which he depictsa vivid portrait of “The lost Generation.”A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimeD. For Whom the Bell Tolls47. The only dramatist ever to win a Nobel Prize was _________ .A. Bernard ShawB. Eugene O'NeilC. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. William Shakespeare48. __________________________ By means of “free verse,” believes that he has turned the poem into anopen field, an area of vitalpossibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.A. Emily DickinsonB. Walt WhitmanC. Robert FrostD. Ezra Pound49. An eccentric woman who refuses to accept the passageoftime, or the inevitable change and loss thataccompanies it may probably refer to ______ .A. Irene in The Man of PropertyB. Emily in A Rose for EmilyC. Catherine in Wuthering HeightsD. the widow Douglas in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn50. One source of evil that Nathaniel Hawthorne is concerned most is overreaching intellect. Which of the following stories is one of this kind?A. Rappaccini's DaughterB. Young Goodman BrownC. The Minister's Black VeilD. The Birthmark51. “In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel. ”This is the last sentence of __________ .A. Sister CarrieB. An American TragedyC. The GeniusD. Jane Eyre 52.In Walt Whitman's “There was a Child Went Forth”, the child refers to _________________________________________ .A. the poet himself as a childB. any American childC. the young AmericaD. one of the poet's neighbor53. The ______ techniques are used in some of Eugene O'Neil 's plays to highlight the theatrical effect of therupture between the two sides of an individual human being, the private and the public.A. naturalisticB. expressionisticC. stream-of-consciousnessD. metaphysical54. Which of the following is true as far as Emily Dickinson 's poetry is concerned? A. She seldom uses dashes.B. All her poems are about death or immorality.C. Her poems are very personal and meditativeD. Her poems usually have well-chosen titles. 55.In his poems, Whitman tends to use ___________________ .A. oral EnglishB. the King 's EnglishC. American EnglishD. old English56. As far as Nathaniel Hawthorne's art is concerned, which of the following statement is true? A. His The Scarlet Letter tells a love story.B. His art is deeply influenced by Puritanism because he was a puritan himself.C. Young Goodman Brownis a story about superstition.D. Ambiguity is one of the salient characteristics of his art.57. “I like to see it lap the Miles—And lick the Valleys up —And stop to feed itself at Tanks—And the n ---- ” (Emily Dick inson, “like to see it lap the Miles—)Here “it” refers to _____ .A. loveB. deathC. a flyD. the train58. Which of the following statements concerning Theodore Dreise'rs style is correct?A. Dreiser'sCowperwood trilogy includes The Financier, The Titan and The GeniusB. His novels have little detail descriptions of characters and events.C. His novels are written in refined language.D. His style is not polished but very serious.59. ____ has long been well known as a poet who can hardly be classified with the old or the new.A. Ezra PoundB. Robert Lee FrostC. T. S. EliotD. Emily Dickinson60. F. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully employs the device of having events observe by ___________ to his greatadvantage.。

Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die?Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lover s’separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.In the first verse, the poet used virtuous men’s death metaphor for lovers’separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’ separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’two legs metaphor for poet himself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he will separate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they away from each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime, or vision itself. The list is almost infinite. The point is, the Ti ger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities.Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings.5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to a rose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line of the stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has been deeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit, and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.•And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; My capta in’ implied meaning is Abraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then;our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincoln was assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Lincoln’ contribution and expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person who fails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire.Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dying man understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun. It reminds usof childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of the beginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural part of the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go on another journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the long travel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village' stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem representsa moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almostaesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life, and he has his own obligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on his trip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to have the real life.Though the real life is so hard,he must back to it,and reach his goal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die before fulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us to finish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping on reaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals. 11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels●In this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians. What doesthis “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeois society of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …●What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput and theneighbouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire?(1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled party accordingto the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable;Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs . (2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledged that a singleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What is the relationship between money and marriage?Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2) First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from the material conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that what is good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic ending of thelove between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to find a way out?Key: Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducted a series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton families justifiable? Whatis the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of the revenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.•What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants• 1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key:a: a property requiring much care and expense and yielding littleprofitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to othersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of the body ofthe women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting.How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1.'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said. 'It's not really anoperation at all.'2. 'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let theair in.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1. Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened and be reducedimmunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to that she cannot be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comes a stop suddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has made up her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig?What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the man likes thewomenfrom the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compels his loverto have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make an accurateconclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings—she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related events skillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death means the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened bythe possible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us to face the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, butthat the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impression ofGwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character? (1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person.(3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker” in the play.What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone? What are the major images and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life inEight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class”is even more terribly dehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. Besides, man’s des ire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。
1.Herman Melville’s ______ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry.A. Billy BuddB. The Old Man and the SeaC. White JacketD. Moby DickIn addition to his novels, _______ wrote about 120 short stories and sketches. Among them are Y oung Goodman Brown and The Minister’s Black V eil.A. Henry David ThoreauB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. Ralph Waldo EmersonD. Herman Melville______ is an appalli ng fictional version of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s belief that “the wrong doing of one generation lives into the successive ones” and that evil will come out of evil though it may take generations to happen.A. The Marble FaunB. The Blithedale RomanceC. Y oung Goodman BrownD. The House of Seven GablesWhich is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?A. The Conduct of LifeB. Representative MenC. English TraitsD. The American ScholarWhich is generally as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism?A. NatureB. WaldenC. On BeautyD. Self-RelianceThere is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentali sm was actual l yon the Puritan soil.A. UnitarianismB. MysticismC. RomanticismD. Puritanism“The universe is composed of Nature and the soul… Spirit is present everywhere”. This is the voice of the book Nature written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which pushed American romanticisminto a new Phase, the phase of New England ______.A. RomanticismB. TranscendentalismC. SymbolismD. NaturalismWashington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book, of which the most famous and anthologized are ____ and The Legend of Sl eepy H oll ow.A. A History of New Y orkB. The PioneersC. Rip V an WinkleD. Leatherstocking TalesWashington Irving’s first book appeared in 1809, titled ______.A. The History of New Y orkB. The Marble FaunC. The American ScholarD. The Cop and the AnthemIn the early 19th century American moral values were essentially Puritan. Nothing has left a deeper imprint on the character of the people as a whole than did _____.A. RationalismB. RomanticismC. SentimentalismD. PuritanismWhich is the character who appears in the novel Moby Dick?A. Hester PrynneB. PearlC. Mr. HooperD. AhabHerman Melville called his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne ______ in A meri can li terature.A. The transcendentalistB. The largest brain with the largest heartC. The American scholarD. Father of American poetryNathaniel Hawthorne is a master of psychological insight and central subject of his major works is the human soul. Choose his short story from the following ones.A. OmooB. Unc le Tom’s CabinC. Y oung Goodman BrownD. The PearlThe finest example of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan in ______.A. The Marble FaunB. The Ambitious GuestC. The Scarlet LetterD. Y oung Goodman BrownFrom Henry David Thoreau’s jail experience came his famous essay, ______ which states Thoreau’s belief that no man should violate his conscience at the command of a government.A. Common SenseB. Civil DisobedienceC. WaldenD. NatureWhich essay is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?A. Self-RelianceB. The American ScholarC. The Divinity School AddressD. Of StudiesWhich book is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?A. Nature D. The RhodoraB. English TraitsC. NatureD. The RhodoraC. The RhodoraD. Representative Men B. English TraitsC. NatureD. The RhodoraForm the following, choose the characteristics of Ral ph W al do Emerson’s poetry.A. Being highly individualB. Harsh rhythmsC. Lack of form and polishD. All of the aboveRalph Waldo Emers on’s first book _____ is the fundamental document of his philosophy, and expresses his constant, deeply felt love for he natural scenes.A. Leatherstocking TalesB. WaldenC. NatureD. Daisy MillerChoose William Cullen Bryant’s poem fr om the following ones.A. V oices of the NightB. LigeiaC. Song of MyselfD. ThanatopsisIn 1817, the stately poem called Thanatopsis introduced he best poet _____ to appear in America up to that time.A. Edward TaylorB. William Cullen BryantC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Philip FreneauChoose Washington Irving’s works from the following items.A. WaldenB. A History of New Y orkC. Self-RelianceD. Sister CarrieIn the 19th century America, Romanticism had certain general characteristics. Choose such characteristics from the following items.A. Moral enthusiasmB. Faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perceptionC. Presumption about the corrosive effect of human societyD. All of the aboveHerman Melvi lle’s _____ is not only an adventure story, but also a significant philosophical work on spiritual exploration.A. The EggB. The Over-SoulC. NatureD. Moby DickA new _____ had appeared in England in the last years of the 18th century. It spread to continental Europe and then came to America early in the 19th century.A. RealismB. RomanticismC. NaturalismD. . Critical realismTranscendentalism appealed to those who disdained the hash God of the Puritan ancestors, and it appealed to those who scorned the pale deity of New England _____.A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. HumanismD. UnitarianismLed by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson and _____, there arose a kind of teaching of transcendentalism in the early 19th century.A. Mark TwainB. Theodore DreiserC. Henry David ThoreauD. Herman MelvilleTranscendentalists recognized ______ as the “hi ghest power of the soul”.A. intuitionB. thinkingC. logicD. date of the senses_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club.A. HawthorneB. ThoreauC. WhitmanD. EmersonThe appearance of The Scarlet letter marked the maturity of Nathaniel Hawthorne as a novelist. Soon he composed the other three important novels including _____, The Blithedale Romance and The Marble Faun.A. WaldenB. The House of the Seven GablesC. The PrairieD. The Fall of the House of UsherTranscendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in _____ and Thoreau.A. JeffersonB. OversoulC. FreneauD. EmersonRalph Waldo Emerson’s essay The American Scholar____ has been regarded as “Americas Declaration of Intellectual Independence”. It called on American writers to write about America in a way peculiarly American.At 19 in 1802_Washington Irving ___began to write a series of sketches or essays on the theatre and the New Y ork society, using the name of Jonathan Oldstyle.__Herman Melville___is famous for writing stories about the sea and the islands of the Southern Pacific. In his masterpiece Moby Dick, he tells a story of a Whaling voyage which is set a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.Herman Melville’s world classic novel Moby Dick was dedicated to _Nathaniel Hawthorne___, a novelist.Herman Melville is best known as the author of one book named _Moby Dick___, which is, critics have agreed, one of the world’s greatest masterpieces.Ralph _Waldo___ Emerson was responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England.The civil war of 1861~1865 ended in the defeat of the Southerners and the abolition of__Slavery____.___Ralph Waldo Emerson__was a great American Transcendentalist and revolutionary Romanticist, whose first book Nature is the fundamental document of hi s phil osophy.In the early 19th century Rip V an Winkle had established __Washington Irving________’s reputation at home and abroad, and designated the beginning of A meri can Romanti ci sm.Another renowned New England Transcendentalist was _Henry David Thoreau___, a friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson and his junior by some 14 years._Washington Irving___’s Rip V an Winkle is a fantasy tale about a man who somehow stepped outside the main stream of life.27. The Transcendental Club often met at _Ralph Waldo Emerson____’s home i n Concord.In The Pioneers, __Natty Bumppo__ represents the ideal American, living a virtuous and free life in God’s world.In the early 19th century, Washington Irving wrote The Sketch Book___which became the first work by an American writer to win financial success on both si des of the A tl anti c.The first important American novelist was _James Fenimore Cooper___.In 1823 Cooper James Fenimore wrote The Pioneers, the first of the five novels that make up _The Leatherstocking Tales___.The remaining four books: The Last of Mohicans (1826), The Prairie (1827), The Pathfinder (1840), and The Deerslayer (1841), continue the story of Natty Bumppo, one of the most famous characters in American fiction.In 1845, Thoreau began a two year residence at _Walden___ Pond.The short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is taken from Washington Irving’s work named___The Sketch Book___.E merson’s truest disciple, the man who put into practice many of Emerson’s theories, was Henry __David__ Thoreau._____Edgar Allan Poe__’s poems have the musical quality and romantic beauty. The Raven is his best-known poem.Published in 1823, _The Pioneers____ was the first of the Leatherstcoking Tales, in their order of publication time, and probably the first true romance of the frontier in American literature.Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, of which the most famous and anthol ogi zed i s_Ri p V an Wi nkl e___.__Washington Irving__was regarded as the first great prose stylist of American romanticism.__Washington Irving___was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War.Washington Irving’s first book appeared in 1809.It was entitled _The History of New Y ork___.In 1836, a little book came out which made a tremendous impact on the intellectual life of America. It was entitled Nature by _Ralph Waldo Emerson___.The way in which __Nathaniel Hawthorne__ wrote The Scarlet letter suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American puritan moralism.The American Romantic Period stretches form the end of the 18th century through the outburst of the __Civil War__.To A Waterfowl is perhaps the peak of _William Cullen Bryant___’s work, it has been called by an eminent English critic “the most perfect brief poem in the language.”Emerson’s first book in 1836_Nature___brought American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism.The central figure in the Leatherstocking Tales is Natty Bumppo____, who goes by the various names of Leatherstocking, Deerslayer, Pathfinder and Hawkeye.Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s novel_The Scarl et Letter___.Herman Melville’s novel__Moby Dick__ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale.The English author named _Sir Walter Scott____ was, in a way, responsible for the romantic description of landscape in American literature and the development of American Indian romance. His Waverly novels were models for American historical romance.Leaves of Grass, either in content or form, is an epoch-making work in American literature; its democratic content marked the shift from romanticism to realism, and its free verse____form broke from old poetic conventions to open a new road for American poetry.In 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne brought out his masterpiece _The Scarlet Letter___, the story of a triangular love affair in colonial America.. In Washington Irving’s work _The Sketch Book___appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature.For the whole 19th century _Emily Dickinson___was the only woman poet who enjoys high academic esteem today. She has been acclaimed as a poet of philosophical and tragic dimensions, a poet who was responsive to the challenging questions of man, nature and human consciousness.The American Transcendentalists formed a club called__the Transcendental Cl ub____.As a philosophical and literary movement, _____ flourished in New England form the 1830s to the Civil War.A. modernismB. sentimentalismC. rationalismD. transcendentalism。

英语文学作品赏析50题1. In the poem, the image of the rose often represents _____.A. love and beautyB. sadness and painC. anger and hateD. fear and anxiety答案:A。
玫瑰在诗歌中通常象征着爱与美,选项A 符合常见的文学象征意义。
选项B 中悲伤和痛苦一般不由玫瑰来代表;选项C 愤怒和憎恨与玫瑰的象征意义相差较大;选项D 恐惧和焦虑也不是玫瑰常见的象征。
2. The rhyme scheme of the poem is _____.A. ABABB. AABBC. ABBAD. ABCD答案:A。
ABAB 是一种常见的韵律模式,在很多诗歌中被使用。
AABB 是每行的韵脚相同;ABBA 则是首尾押韵;ABCD 是没有固定韵律规律。
3. The main theme of the poem is about _____.A. nature and its beautyB. human relationshipsC. war and destructionD. the passage of time答案:A。
选项B 人类关系在诗中未重点体现;选项C 战争与破坏并非主题重点;选项D 时间的流逝在诗中没有突出展现。
4. In the poem, the use of metaphor can be found in _____.A. "The stars are like diamonds in the sky."B. "The wind sings a gentle song."C. "The tree stands tall and proud."D. "The river flows swiftly."答案:A。

英美文学鉴赏复习题:1.Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare^ Sonnet 18?A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.B ・The speaker satirizes human vanity.C.>The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D.The speaker meditates on man's salvation.c2. __________ used narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds.A.SonnetB. RomanceC. NovelD. Dramab3.The hero of romance was usually the ________ ,who set out a journey to accomplish some missions—to protect the church, to attack infidelity, to rescue a maidento meet a challenge, or to obey a knightly command.A.soldierB. poetC. knightD. singerc4. ___ marked the beginning of Romanticism in English poetry.A.Wuthering HeightsB. A Red, Red RoseC. Lyrical BalladsD. Ode to the West Wind5.“So long as man can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."This quotation is a _____ .A. quatrainB. ballad歌谣,小曲C. trimeter三音步的诗D. couplet对句,对联d6."If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” is an epigrammatic line from ______ .A. She Walks in BeautyB. Ode to the West WindC. The Solitary ReaperD. On the Seas and Far Awayb7. ________ i s the national epic of the Anglo-Saxon and English people.A. Hamlet B・Beowulf C. Utopia D. Lyrical Balladsb8.Which of the following is not included in the most famous four tragedies of William Shakespeare?A. HamletB. OthelloC. The Merchant of VeniceD. King Lear9. __________ is the forerunner of English realistic novel, also the writer of thefamous novel a Robinson Crusoe".A. Henry FieldingC. Daniel Defoe B・ Samuel Richardson Jonathan Swiftc10・ Which of the following was not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?A. The American ScholarB. NatureC. Self-RelianceD. Waldend11.He was called “ father of American Literature^ and his stories “ Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” are widely read even today. Who is he?A. Washington IrvingB. Sherwood AndersonC. Mark TwainD. Ernest Hemingwaya12.Generally speaking, which literary school was Mark Twain grouped into?A. romanticism B<realism C.naturalism D. post-modernismb13.The major trend in American literature in the first half of the 19th century is ______A. romanticismB. realismC. sentimentalismD. naturalism a14.Who is usually acknowledged as the originator of detective fiction?A. Washington IrvingB. William Dean HowellsC. Mark TwainD. Edgar Allan Poed15.Which of the following is NOT true about Robert Burns?A.He wrote in Scottish dialect.B.He was a peasant poet.C.His language is plain.D.A Red Red Rose y Auld Lang Syne and The Song of Innencenc are his poems.d16.In his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry, which is called “ ____________________A. free verseB. blank verseC. alliterationD. end rhyminga17.The five "I” s in Romanticism is: Imagination, Intuition, Idealism,______________ ・A. integrality and InspirationB. Inspiration and IndividualityC. Individuality and integralityD. integrality and Industr18./ Died for Beauty was written by _____________ ?A. Walt WhitmanB. Emily DickinsonC・ Robert Frost D. Stephen Crane19・ Which literary school was Charles Dickens generally grouped into?A.The English Critical Realism of the Nineteenth CenturyB.The English Realistic School of the Eighteenth CenturyC.The English Romanticism of the Nineteenth CenturyD.The English Modernism of the Twentieth CenturyA20.Which of the following was not written by Thomas Hardy?A. Tess ofD'Urberville B・Far from the Madding Crowd21. American literature is based on a myth, that is, the Biblical myth ofA. Genesis C ・ the Deliverance from Slavery 自己找答案22. Among four of the following writers , who was the author of Invisible Man ?B. Richard Wright( 1908-1960D. Frederick Douglass A27. The hero of romance was usually the ____________ , who set out a journey toaccomplish some missions —to protect the church, to attack infidelity, to rescue a maiden, to meet a challenge, or to obey a knightly command.A. soldier B ・ poet C. knight D. singer28. Which of the following is a comedy by William Shakespeare?A. HamletB. OthelloC. The Merchant of VeniceD33. The major trend in American literature in the last decade of the 19th century wasA. romanticismB. modernismC. sentimentalismd39. Which literary school was Charles Dickens generally grouped into?A. The English Critical Realism of the Nineteenth CenturyB ・ The English Realistic School of the Eighteenth CenturyC ・ The English Romanticism of the Nineteenth CenturyD. The English Modernism of the Twentieth Century40. Poor Richard's Almanac was a calendar, which includes a large amount of Be the Garden of EdenD ・ Song of Songs A. Ralph Waldo Ellison C ・Langston HughesB. modernismC. sentimentalismD. naturalism37.Who wrote Catch-22 (1961) 一 absurdist technique? A. Sherwood Anderson C ・ Joseph Heller c 3&/ Died for Beauty was written by A. Henry David Thoreau C. Robert Frost the first book to treat the absurdist theme with B. Ernest Hemingway D. Thomas PynchB. Emily DichinsonD. Stephen Crane 36. Who wrote the famous short story The Triumph of the Egg?information about weather, astronomy, puzzles, mathematics, practical household, etc. It was written by _______________ .41. "Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines ; The underlined phrase refers toA. black holeB. the sunC. the moonD. the star42. __________ was categorized into the group of dark romanticism. He believedthat there was evil in every human heart, which might remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstance might rouse it to activity.A. Ralph Waldo EmersonB. Hermen MelvilleC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Edgar Allan Poe Many consider American writers Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville tobe the major Dark Romantic authors 43. Renaissance originated in _____ i n the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe until the 17th century.A. ItalyB. GermanC. BritainD. Greece44. As a philosophical and literary movement, the main issues involved in the debate of Transcendentalism are generally concerning ________________________ .A. nature, man and the universeB ・ the relationship between man and womanC. the development of Romanticism in American literatureD. the cold, rigid rationalism of Unitarianisma46. In the title Vanity Fair, “Fair” means ______ .A. town B market C. place D. equalityb48. _________ believes that the chief aim of literary creation is beauty, and "the death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world/'A. Walt WhitmanB. Edgar Allen PoeC. Anne BradstreetD. Ralph Waldo Emerson b49・ Idealized figures most often appear in ____ .A. Romantic poetryB. Renaissance dramaC. Enlightenment literatureD. Victorian novelsa50. ___ employs the language of common man in literary writing.A. Thomas HardyB. Emily Bronte.C. William WordsworthD. John Milton c51. Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale •Chillingworth and Pearl are most likely characters in ______ •A. Washington IrvingC. Thomas Jefferson B. Jonathan Edwards De Benjamin FranklinA. The House of the Seven GablesB. The Scarlet Letter 红字C. The Portrait of a LadyD. The Pioneers52.The Victorian Age witnessed the perfection of _______ in the hands of Thackeray and Dickens.A. poetryB. dramaC. novelD. epicc53.All the following issues EXCEPT ________ were emphasized by the British Romantic writers.A. individual feelingsB. idea of survival of the fittestC. strong imagination D・ return to natureb54."Where thoughts serenely sweet express / How pure, how dear theirdwelling-placet The underlined part means ______ -A. beautyB. wisdomC. brainD. heartc55.All of the following poets are regarded as “Lake Poets” EXCEPT________ .A. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB. Robert SoutheyC. William WordsworthD. William Blaked56.Which of the following is NOT the virtue that Franklin enumerated in his The Autobiography?A. TemperanceB. Humanity (Humility)C. FrugalityD. Immoderation57.Renaissance was the humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature,and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe until the 17th century. The underlined word means _______________ .A GreekB GermanC oldD Greek and Roman58.Didactic and satirical literature was dominant in the _____ •?A. Renaissance B・ Age of EnlightenmentC. Victorian Age D age of Romanticismc背诵并需要注意评论:1.Sonnet 182.Psalm of Life3.1 am Nobody4.The Solitary Reaper5.My Luve is a Red, Red Rose6.13 virtues in "Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin气翻译、评论)问答题7.American Romanticism&Britsh Romanticism9.American Transcendentalism。

英美文学试题及答案# 英美文学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 威廉·莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,哈姆雷特的叔叔是谁?A. 克劳狄斯B. 波洛尼乌斯C. 劳提斯D. 格特鲁德答案:A2. 简·奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,伊丽莎白·班纳特最终与谁结婚?A. 达西先生B. 宾利先生C. 柯林斯先生D. 维克汉姆答案:A3. 爱伦·坡的短篇小说《黑猫》中,主人公最终因为什么而陷入疯狂?A. 酗酒B. 谋杀C. 赌博D. 爱情答案:B4. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》中,拉姆齐夫人的丈夫是谁?A. 拉姆齐先生B. 班克斯先生C. 塔斯先生D. 卡迈克尔先生答案:A5. 马克·吐温的《汤姆·索亚历险记》中,汤姆·索亚的好友是谁?A. 哈克贝利·芬B. 乔·哈珀C. 贝基·撒切尔D. 印第安·乔答案:A6. 乔治·奥威尔的《1984》中,主要的反乌托邦政府机构是什么?A. 思想警察B. 真理部C. 爱情部D. 和平部答案:B7. 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的《白鲸》中,亚哈船长的主要目标是什么?A. 寻找新大陆B. 捕获白鲸C. 探索未知海域D. 寻找宝藏答案:B8. 亨利·詹姆斯的《鸽之翼》中,主角伊莎贝尔·阿彻最终与谁结婚?A. 吉尔伯特·奥斯蒙德B. 拉尔夫·杜恩C. 爱德华·罗斯科D. 亨利·杜恩答案:A9. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗歌《未选择的路》中,诗人选择了哪条路?A. 一条人迹罕至的路B. 一条宽阔平坦的路C. 一条充满荆棘的路D. 一条充满鲜花的路答案:A10. 埃德加·爱伦·坡的《乌鸦》中,乌鸦反复说的词是什么?A. 永不B. 死亡C. 寂静D. 疯狂答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的悲剧性。

Word 资料Tragedies 四大悲剧Romeo and Juliet 《 罗密欧与朱丽叶》 Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》 Othello 《奥赛罗》 King Lear 《尔王》 Macbeth 《麦克白》 Comedies 喜剧Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非As You Like I 皆大欢喜 Twelfth Night 第十二夜 The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人An Essay on Criticism 《批评论》“A Tale of a Tub ”《一个木桶的故事》 “The Battle of the Books ”《书籍之战》 “A Modest Proposal ”《一个温和的建议》 “Gulliver ’s Travels ”《格列佛游记》A Red, Red Rose 红红的玫瑰 Auld lang Syne 往昔的时光Lyrical Ballads (1798)《抒情歌谣集》I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》又叫《云中漫步》Childe Harold ’s Pilgrimage 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》 Don Juan 《唐璜》 She Walks in BeautySense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》 Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》Mansfield Park 《曼斯菲尔德公园》Persuasion 《劝导》 Emma 《爱玛》Northanger Abbey 《诺桑觉寺》Jane Eyre 《简·爱》 Shirley 《雪利》Villette 《维莱特》 The Professor 《教授》Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄 》 A n n e B r o nt ë安妮 The Mill on the Floss 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》1.Romances and Fantasies 罗曼史和幻想小说 The Trumpet Major 《号兵长》2. Novels of Ingenuity 机敏和经验小说 Desperate Remedies 《非常手段》3. Novels of Character & Environment 性格和环境小说The Return of the Native 《还乡》Tess of the D ’Urbervilles, a Pure Woman Faithfully Portrayed《德伯家的苔丝》 Jude the Obscure 《无名的裘德》collections of short stories :Twice-Told Tales (1837) 《再讲一遍的故事》 Novels The Scarlet Letter 《红字》 The House of the Seven Gables (1851), 《带有七个尖角阁的房子》The Blithedale Romance (1852)《福谷传奇》, The Marble Faun (1860)《玉石雕像》Major worksTypee, 泰皮an account of his stay with the cannibals. OMOO,欧穆 the sequel of Typee, and gained a huge success as the first novel.Billy Budd比理巴德(1924) Moby Dick 大白鲸 Because I could not stop for Death I Died for Beauty“Belle of Amherst ” I ’m Nobody “The Soul selects Her own society” I NEVER LOST AS MUCH BUT TWICE Wild Nights-Wild Nights! If you were coming in the fall A bird came down the walkThe Gilded Age 《镀金时代》 “The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg ”1900《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记TheAdventures of Huckleberry Finn 《(顽童历险记)》Sister Carrie 《嘉丽妹妹》:Jennie Gerhardt 《珍妮姑娘》: a sequel of Sister Carrie. Trilogy of Dreiser: The Financier 《金融家》, The Titan《巨头》, The Stoic 《斯多噶》,An American Tragedy 《美国的悲剧》The Genius 《天才》 The Sun Also Rises(Novel)太阳照样升起Men Without Women (Short Stories)没有女人的男人A Farewell to Arms(Novel) 永别了,武器Death in the Afternoon (Novel)午后之死Green Hills of Africa (Novel)非洲的青山To Have and Have Not (Novel)虽有犹无For Whom the Bell Tolls (Novel)丧钟为谁而鸣Across the River and into the Trees过河入林The Old Man and the Sea(Novel)老人与海翻译Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And Summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimm’d; But thy eternal Summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’stNor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal line to time thou grow’st.So long as men can breath or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.我能否将你比作夏天?你比夏天更美丽温婉。

英美文学选读简答题和话题讨论一、简答题1. 简述《哈姆雷特》中哈姆雷特的人物形象及其性格特点。
2. 分析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的人物形象及其象征意义。
3. 简述《简·爱》中简·爱的人物形象及其成长历程。
4. 分析《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的人物形象及其复仇心理。
5. 简述《了不起的盖茨比》中绿色灯光的象征意义。
二、话题讨论1. 《哈姆雷特》中的复仇主题:讨论哈姆雷特的复仇行为是否合理,以及复仇对个人和社会的影响。
2. 《了不起的盖茨比》中的美国梦:分析盖茨比追求的美国梦的内涵及其破灭的原因,探讨美国梦的实质。
3. 《简·爱》中的女性独立:讨论简·爱如何通过自身努力实现独立,以及女性独立在现代社会的重要性。
4. 《呼啸山庄》中的爱与恨:分析希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳之间的爱与恨,探讨爱与恨对个人命运的影响。
5. 英美文学中的道德观念:比较《哈姆雷特》、《了不起的盖茨比》、《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》中的道德观念,探讨这些作品对现代社会的启示。
二、话题讨论(续)6. 《哈姆雷特》中的戏剧冲突:分析哈姆雷特与克劳狄斯之间的戏剧冲突,探讨冲突对人物命运的影响。
7. 《了不起的盖茨比》中的社会阶层:讨论盖茨比与黛西之间的社会阶层差异,探讨社会阶层对个人命运的影响。
8. 《简·爱》中的教育与自我认知:分析简·爱在教育过程中的自我认知变化,探讨教育对个人成长的重要性。
9. 《呼啸山庄》中的家庭关系:讨论希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的家庭关系,探讨家庭关系对个人心理的影响。
10. 英美文学中的爱情观念:比较《哈姆雷特》、《了不起的盖茨比》、《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》中的爱情观念,探讨这些作品对现代爱情的启示。
三、案例分析1. 分析《哈姆雷特》中哈姆雷特的“延宕”行为,探讨其心理动机及对剧情发展的影响。
2. 分析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的性格缺陷,探讨其悲剧命运的成因。

英美文学考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 英国文学史上被称为“英国诗歌之父”的诗人是:A. 乔叟B. 莎士比亚C. 弥尔顿D. 拜伦答案:A2. 下列哪部作品不是简·奥斯汀的小说?A. 《傲慢与偏见》B. 《理智与情感》C. 《简·爱》D. 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》答案:C3. 美国文学中,被誉为“美国文学之父”的作家是:A. 爱伦·坡B. 马克·吐温C. 华盛顿·欧文D. 亨利·詹姆斯答案:C4. 以下哪位作家是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 狄更斯B. 哈代C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 简·奥斯汀答案:C5. 美国文学中的“迷惘的一代”是指:A. 第一次世界大战后的作家群体B. 第二次世界大战后的作家群体C. 独立战争后的作家群体D. 内战后的作家群体答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 威廉·莎士比亚的四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和________。
答案:《麦克白》2. 《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家________创作的一部以20世纪20年代的纽约为背景的小说。
答案:F·司各特·菲茨杰拉德3. 英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·华兹华斯与________共同发起了浪漫主义诗歌运动。
答案:塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治4. 美国诗人沃尔特·惠特曼的代表作是________,它被认为是美国文学史上的里程碑。
答案:《草叶集》5. 英国现代主义诗人T.S.艾略特的代表作《荒原》是一首________诗。
答案:长三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述乔治·奥威尔的《1984》中“老大哥”的象征意义。

英美文学理论试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪位作家被认为是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 查尔斯·狄更斯B. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫C. 简·奥斯汀D. 威廉·莎士比亚答案:B2. 《了不起的盖茨比》的作者是谁?A. 欧内斯特·海明威B. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德C. 约翰·斯坦贝克D. 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔答案:B3. 在《简·爱》中,简·爱最终与谁结婚?A. 爱德华·罗切斯特B. 圣约翰·里弗斯C. 乔治·林恩D. 威廉·桑菲尔德答案:A4. 以下哪部作品不是亨利·詹姆斯的作品?A. 《贵妇人的画像》B. 《好兵之帅》C. 《白鲸》D. 《鸽翼》答案:C5. 以下哪位诗人不是浪漫主义诗人?A. 威廉·华兹华斯B. 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治C. 珀西·比希·雪莱D. 托马斯·哈代答案:D6. 《荒原》是哪位诗人的作品?A. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特B. 埃兹拉·庞德C. T.S.艾略特D. 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝答案:C7. 《呼啸山庄》的作者是谁?A. 艾米莉·勃朗特B. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特C. 安妮·勃朗特D. 乔治·艾略特答案:A8. 在《老人与海》中,老渔夫圣地亚哥最终捕获了什么?A. 一条大马林鱼B. 一条鲨鱼C. 一条金枪鱼D. 一条鲸鱼答案:A9. 《傲慢与偏见》的作者是谁?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 乔治·艾略特C. 勃朗特三姐妹D. 玛丽·雪莱答案:A10. 《尤利西斯》的作者是谁?A. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯B. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德C. 欧内斯特·海明威D. 威廉·福克纳答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些作品属于现代主义文学?A. 《好兵之帅》B. 《荒原》C. 《了不起的盖茨比》D. 《简·爱》答案:B, C2. 以下哪些作家属于维多利亚时代?A. 查尔斯·狄更斯B. 乔治·艾略特C. 托马斯·哈代D. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫答案:A, B, C3. 以下哪些作品是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的?A. 《达洛维夫人》B. 《到灯塔去》C. 《好兵之帅》D. 《贵妇人的画像》答案:A, B4. 以下哪些作品是亨利·詹姆斯的?A. 《好兵之帅》B. 《鸽翼》C. 《白鲸》D. 《贵妇人的画像》答案:A, B, D5. 以下哪些作家是19世纪的?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 威廉·华兹华斯C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 托马斯·哈代答案:A, B, D三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述现代主义文学的特点。

高中英语文学鉴赏单选题60题(含答案)1.In "Pride and Prejudice", Elizabeth Bennet is known for her_____.A.shynessB.arroganceC.intelligenceD.cowardice答案:C。
Elizabeth Bennet 在《傲慢与偏见》中以聪明、机智、有主见著称。
选项A,shyness( 害羞)不符合她的性格特点;选项B,arrogance( 傲慢)不是她的主要特点;选项D,cowardice( 胆小)也与她的形象不符。
2.In "Romeo and Juliet", Romeo is characterized by his_____.A.crueltyB.cowardiceC.passionD.indifference答案:C。
Romeo 在(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中充满激情。
选项A,cruelty 残忍)与他的形象不符;选项B,cowardice 胆小)错误,他很勇敢;选项D,indifference(冷漠)不正确,他对朱丽叶充满爱意。
3.In "Jane Eyre", Jane is known for her_____.A.conformityB.weaknessC.independenceD.arrogance答案:C。
Jane Eyre 以独立、坚强著称。
选项A,conformity( 顺从)不符合;选项B,weakness( 软弱)错误;选项D,arrogance( 傲慢)不对。
4.In "Moby Dick", Captain Ahab is known for his_____.A.cowardiceB.reasonablenessC.obsessionD.kindness答案:C。
Captain Ahab 在(《白鲸》中对Moby Dick 充满执念。

英国文学参考试题和答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国文学中被称为“文学之父”的是哪位作家?A. 乔叟B. 莎士比亚C. 弥尔顿D. 狄更斯答案:A2. 下列哪部作品是乔叟的代表作?A. 《坎特伯雷故事集》B. 《失乐园》C. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》D. 《格列佛游记》答案:A3. 莎士比亚的四大悲剧中不包括以下哪部作品?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《奥赛罗》C. 《麦克白》D. 《威尼斯商人》答案:D4. 英国浪漫主义文学的代表人物不包括以下哪位?A. 华兹华斯B. 柯勒律治C. 拜伦D. 狄更斯答案:D5. 以下哪部作品是简·奥斯汀的代表作?A. 《傲慢与偏见》B. 《呼啸山庄》C. 《简·爱》D. 《理智与情感》答案:A6. 英国现代主义文学的代表人物不包括以下哪位?A. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫B. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯C. 托马斯·哈代D. T.S. 艾略特答案:C7. 以下哪部作品是乔治·奥威尔的代表作?A. 《动物庄园》B. 《美丽新世界》C. 《1984》D. 《好兵之死》答案:C8. 以下哪位作家是“愤怒的青年”运动的代表人物?A. 阿兰·西利托B. 约翰·奥斯本C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 乔治·奥威尔答案:B9. 以下哪部作品是威廉·戈尔丁的代表作?A. 《蝇王》B. 《老人与海》C. 《荒原》D. 《好兵之死》答案:A10. 以下哪位作家是后现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 萨尔曼·鲁西迪B. 伊恩·麦克尤恩C. 多丽丝·莱辛D. 托马斯·哈代答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国文学史上第一部现实主义小说是________的作品《鲁滨逊漂流记》。
答案:丹尼尔·笛福2. 英国文学中“湖畔诗人”包括威廉·华兹华斯、________和塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治。

Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,” impressions me most because of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θ consonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lovers’ separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the’s death metaphor for lovers’ separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’ two legs metaphor for poet himself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he will separate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they away from each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime, or vision itself.The list is almost infinite. The point is, the Tiger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities. Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings.5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to a rose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line of the stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has been deeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit, and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.• And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; My captain’ implied meaning is Abraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then; our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincoln was assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Lincoln’ contribution and expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest bythose who ne’er succeed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person who fails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire. Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dying man understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun.It reminds us of childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of the beginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural part of the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go on another journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the long travel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village' stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem represents a moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almost aesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actuallya symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life,and he has his own obligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on his trip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to have the real life. Though the reallife is so hard,he must back to it,and reach his goal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die before fulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us to finish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping on reaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals.11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels●In this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians.What does this “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeois society of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …●What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput andthe neighbouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire?(1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled partyaccording to the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable; Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs .(2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledgedthat a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want ofa wife”? What is the relationship between money and marriage? Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2)First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from thematerial conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her? Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that whatis good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic endingof the love between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to finda way out?Key:Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducteda series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton familiesjustifiable? What is the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of the revenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.• What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize? Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants• 1. What is a “white elephant ”according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key: a: a property requiring much care and expense and yieldinglittle profitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value toothersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of thebody of the women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting. How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1. 'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said.'It's not really an operation at all.'2.'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It'sjust to let the air in.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1.Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened andbe reduced immunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to thatshe can not be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comesa stop suddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has madeup her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig? What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the manlikes the women from the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compelshis lover to have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make anaccurate conclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings— she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related events skillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death means the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened by the possible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us toface the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a wearylife, but that the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impressionof Gwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character?(1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways. (2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person. (3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker”in the play. What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone?What are the major images and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and ModernLife in Eight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which showsO'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class” is even more terribly dehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. Besides, man’s desire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. Numerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.。

一、选择题1. 威廉·莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,主角哈姆雷特的著名独白“生存还是毁灭”出现在第几幕?A. 第一幕B. 第二幕C. 第三幕D. 第四幕答案:C. 第三幕2. 简·奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,达西先生最初对伊丽莎白·班纳特的印象是什么?A. 聪明机智B. 傲慢无礼C. 温柔善良D. 普通平凡答案:B. 傲慢无礼3. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》中,灯塔象征着什么?A. 希望与指引B. 孤独与隔绝C. 家庭与亲情D. 艺术与创造答案:A. 希望与指引二、简答题1. 请简述查尔斯·狄更斯的《双城记》中,卡顿牺牲自己的生命以救露西的情节及其意义。
2. 描述托马斯·哈代的《德伯家的苔丝》中,苔丝悲剧命运的起因及其对社会的批判。
三、论述题1. 分析乔治·奥威尔的《1984》中,对极权主义社会的描绘及其对现代社会的警示意义。

英美文学欣赏考题整理及答案Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty,love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,themost beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressionsyou can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing,the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, theshepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fieldsbreathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,” impressions me mostbecause of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tonestep ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θ consonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use ofphonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ]and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die?Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lover s’ separation. As the poem metaphors, the poetbelieved he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry whenIn the first verse, the poet used virtuous men’s death metaphor for lovers’separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’ separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’ two legs metaphor for poethimself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he willseparate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they awayfrom each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholarshave hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artisticcreation, history, the sublime, or vision itself. The list is almost infinite. Thepoint is, the Ti ger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits thepossibilities. Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame,he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. Hecan also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings.5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to arose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line ofthe stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has beendeeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit,and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining anemissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.• And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspiciouscircumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She mayhave been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; M y captain’ implied meaning isAbraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then;our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincolnwas assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Lincoln’ contributionand expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’ersucceed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person whofails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire.Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dyingman understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun. It reminds us of childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of thebeginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural partof the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go onanother journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the longtravel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village'stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem representsa moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almostaesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesomeand restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life, and he has his ownobligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on histrip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to havethe real life. Though the real life is so hard,he must back to it,and reach hisgoal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die beforefulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as weusually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us tofinish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping onreaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals. 11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s TravelsIn this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians. What does this “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeoissociety of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput and the neighbouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire? (1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled party accordingto the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable;Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs . (2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledged that a singleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What is therelationship between money and marriage?Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2) First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from the material conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that what is good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic ending of thelove between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to find a way out?Key: Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducted a series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton families justifiable? Whatis the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of therevenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.• What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants• 1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key: a: a property requiring much care and expense and yielding littleprofitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to othersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of the body ofthe women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting.How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1.'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said. 'It's not really anoperation at all.'2. 'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let the airin.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1. Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened and be reducedimmunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to that she cannot be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comes a stopsuddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has made up her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig?What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the man likes thewomen from the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compels his loverto have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make an accurateconclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings— she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related eventsskillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death mean s the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened by the p ossible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us to face the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, butthat the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by themyths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impression ofGwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character? (1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person.(3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker” in the play.What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone? What are the majorimages and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life inEight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class” is even more terriblydehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. B esides, man’s desire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.。

高中英语文学鉴赏练习题50题带答案1. In "Hamlet", Hamlet's famous soliloquy "To be, or not to be" mainly reflects his _.A. determination to revengeB. struggle with moral and existential questionsC. love for OpheliaD. fear of his uncle答案解析:B。
2. In "Jane Eyre", Jane refuses to marry Rochester when she discovers _.A. he has a wife locked in the atticB. he is not as wealthy as she thoughtC. he has a bad temperD. he is involved in a crime答案解析:A。
3. In "Pride and Prejudice", Elizabeth Bennet's initial prejudice against Mr. Darcy is mainly due to _.A. his prideful behavior at the ballB. his lower social statusC. his bad reputation in the townD. his rude language答案解析:A。

英美文学试题及答案### 英美文学试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的代表作?A. 《悲惨世界》B. 《哈姆雷特》C. 《安娜·卡列尼娜》D. 《了不起的盖茨比》答案:B2. 爱伦·坡的哪部短篇小说被誉为哥特式恐怖小说的经典之作?A. 《黑猫》B. 《红死病的假面舞会》C. 《乌鸦》D. 《告密的心》答案:B3. 以下哪位作家是现代主义文学的代表人物?A. 简·奥斯汀B. 乔治·奥威尔C. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫D. 马克·吐温答案:C#### 二、填空题4. 英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·华兹华斯在其作品《_______》中表达了对自然的热爱和对简单生活的向往。
答案:《抒情歌谣集》5. 弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的悲剧性结局反映了20世纪20年代美国社会的一种_______。
答案:幻灭#### 三、简答题6. 简述《简·爱》中简·爱的独立精神。
7. 描述《老人与海》中老渔夫桑地亚哥的形象。

自考英美文学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,主人公哈姆雷特的著名独白“生存还是毁灭”出自以下哪一幕?A. 第一幕第一场B. 第三幕第一场C. 第二幕第二场D. 第四幕第四场答案:B2. 在《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的豪宅位于哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 芝加哥C. 洛杉矶D. 旧金山答案:A3. 下列哪部作品不是简·奥斯汀所著?A. 《傲慢与偏见》B. 《理智与情感》C. 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》D. 《简·爱》答案:D4. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》中,主人公拉姆齐夫人的丈夫是一位:A. 作家B. 画家C. 哲学家D. 科学家答案:B5. 在《老人与海》中,老渔夫圣地亚哥与哪种海洋生物搏斗?A. 鲨鱼B. 鲸鱼C. 马林鱼D. 海豚答案:C6. 以下哪位诗人不属于浪漫主义诗人?A. 威廉·华兹华斯B. 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治C. 约翰·济慈D. 罗伯特·布朗宁答案:D7. 《简·爱》的作者是谁?A. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特B. 艾米莉·勃朗特C. 乔治·艾略特D. 简·奥斯汀答案:A8. 在《呼啸山庄》中,希斯克利夫是如何获得财富的?A. 继承B. 赌博C. 经商D. 抢劫答案:A9. 《雾都孤儿》的主人公奥利弗·特威斯特最终成为了:A. 律师B. 医生C. 作家D. 教师答案:B10. 《了不起的盖茨比》中,盖茨比的悲剧结局是由于:A. 他的财富B. 他的爱情C. 他的野心D. 他的虚荣答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国文学史上的“湖畔诗人”包括威廉·华兹华斯、________和塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治。
答案:罗伯特·骚塞2. 《荒原》是现代主义诗人________的代表作之一。

高中英语文学鉴赏练习题50题含答案解析1. In the poem, the image of “a rose” is often used to represent _____.A.loveB.hateC.angerD.sadness答案解析:A。
2. The rhyme scheme of a certain poem is ABAB. Which of the following lines would fit the B rhyme?A.“The sky is blue, so bright and new.”B.“The sea is wide, a sight to abide.”C.“The clouds are white, a lovely sight.”D.“The stars are bright, shining through the night.”答案解析:B。
ABAB 的韵律模式中,第二句和第四句押韵。
选项B 中的“abide”与第一句中的“new”押韵,符合B 韵。
选项 A 中的“new”与第一句重复;选项C 中的“sight”与第一句不押韵;选项D 中的“night”与第一句不押韵。
3. The theme of a poem about a lonely traveler is most likely _____.A.adventureB.lonelinessC.joyD.excitement答案解析:B。
选项A“adventure”( 冒险)、选项C“joy”( 快乐)和选项D“excitement” 兴奋)都与“孤独旅行者”的情境不太相符。
4. In a poem, the use of “crackling fire” as an image might suggest _____.A.warmthB.dangerfortD.chaos答案解析:C。
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Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θ consonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lover s’separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the’s death metaphor for lovers’separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’ two legs metaphor for poet himself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he will separate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they away from each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime, or vision itself.The list is almost infinite. The point is, the Tiger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities. Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings. 5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to a rose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line of the stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has been deeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit, and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.• And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; My capta in’ implied meaning is Abraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then; our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincoln was assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Lincoln’ contribution and expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest bythose who ne’er succeed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person who fails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire. Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dying man understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun.It reminds us of childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of the beginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural part of the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go on another journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the long travel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village' stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem represents a moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almost aesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actuallya symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life,and he has his own obligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on his trip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to have the real life. Though the reallife is so hard,he must back to it,and reach his goal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die before fulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us to finish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping on reaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals.11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels●In this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians.What does this “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeois society of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …●What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput andthe neighbouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire?(1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled partyaccording to the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable; Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs .(2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledgedthat a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want ofa wife”? What is the relationship between money and marriage? Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2)First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from thematerial conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that whatis good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic endingof the love between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to finda way out?Key:Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducteda series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton familiesjustifiable? What is the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of the revenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.• What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants• 1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key: a: a property requiring much care and expense and yieldinglittle profitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value toothersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of thebody of the women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting. How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1. 'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said.'It's not really an operation at all.'2.'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It'sjust to let the air in.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1.Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened andbe reduced immunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to thatshe can not be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comesa stop suddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has madeup her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig? What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the manlikes the women from the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compelshis lover to have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make anaccurate conclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings— she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related events skillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death means the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened by the possible suffering i n the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us toface the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a wearylife, but that the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impressionof Gwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character?(1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person. (3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker”in the play. What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone?What are the major images and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and ModernLife in Eight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,”and where the “Capitalist class” is even more terribly dehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. Besides, man’s desire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.。