




( ) 1. Father usually ______ his newspaper after dinner.

A. read

B. reads

C. reading

D. is reading

( ) 2. The Blacks often ______ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.

A. go

B. goes

C. is going

D. are going

( ) 3.Look! The boy ______ with his mother in the pool.

A. is swimming

B. is swimming

C. are swimming

D. are swiming

( ) 4.--- What is Tom doing in the classroom? --- He ______ something on the blackboard.

A. draws

B. draw

C. is drawing

D. are drawing.

( ) 5.Old Tom usually ______ up at six and ______ sports in the garden.

A. gets, dos

B. gets, does

C. get, does

D. gets, do

( ) 6. It’s ten o’clock and Jack ______ still(仍然) ______ his homework.

A. is, do

B. is, doing

C. are, do

D. are, doing

( ) 7. The waiters ______ to work at five every morning.

A. start

B. starts

C. starting

D. are starting

( ) 8.I ______ a letter, so I can’t go out with you.

A. is writing

B. am writing

C. am writeing

D. am writting

( )9.A hundred days _____ quite a long time.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. has

( )10. --______ late for the meeting next time. –Sorry, I won’t.

A. Don’t

B. Don’t be

C. Won’t be

D. Be not

( )11. My mother _____ noodles, but my father ______.

A. likes, doesn’t

B. don’t like, do

C. likes, didn’t

D. didn’t like, do

( )12. The picture ______ nice.

A. looks

B. is looked

C. look

D. is looking

( )13. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it ______ tomorrow.

A. don’t rain

B. doesn’t rain

C. won’t rain

D. isn’t rain

( )14. We are always ready _______ others.

A. to helping

B. to help

C. help

D. helping

( )15. I often hear her ______ about the boy.

A. talking

B. talk

C. to talk

D. talked

( )16. He’s already a litt le weak in Chinese, ______ he ?

A. is

B. isn’t

C. has

D. hasn’t

( )17.Potatoes are ______ in the field by the farmers.

A. grow

B. growing

C. grown

D. grew

( )18. Does she have a watch? – Yes, she ______.

A. have

B. do

C. has

D. does

( )19. She _____ English very much now.

A. is liking

B. likes

C. liked

D. is teaching

( )20. She has no paper to _____ . Why not give her some?

A. write

B. be writing

C. write on

D. write in

()21. Does Mr Know-all know ______ keys?

A. to make

B. how to make

C. how make

D. making

( )22. Does your mother ______ English now?

A. teaches

B. teach

C. taught

D. is teaching

( )23. Jack usually ______ mistakes last term. But this term he does better.

A. makes

B. made

C. does

D. did

( )24. The boy is too young, please ______ carefully.

A. look after him

B. look him after

C. look at him

D. look him at

( )25. She ______ you to come to my birthday party.

A. hopes

B. wishes

C. want

D. lets

( )26. --Where is Frank now? -- He ______ his bike in the yard.

A. fixes up

B. fixing up

C. is fixing up

D. fixed

( )27. Bob often ______ his mother with the housework on Sundays.

A. help

B. helping

C. helps

D. helped

( )28. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it ______ tomorrow.

A. don’t rain

B. doesn’t rain

C. won’t rain

D. isn’t rain

( )29. If it _____ tomorrow, I will go by car.

A. rain

B. will rain

C. rains

D. would rain

( )30. --What a nice garden! –She ______ it every day.

A. is cleaning

B. has cleaned

C. cleans

D. clean

( )31. --Where is Peter? -- He ______ his homework in the room.

A. is doing

B. does

C. did

D. do

( )32. The teacher told us that light ______ much faster than sound.

A. travels

B. traveled

C. was

D. will be

( )33. My mother told us that Taiwan ______ part of China.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

( )34. Do you know bananas _____ in Hainan?

A. grows

B. is grown

C. grew

D. are grown

( )35. The clothes ______very soft.

A. are felt

B. are feeling

C. feel

D. feels

( )36. The supermarket is far from Mary’s house. So she _____ only once a week.

A. goes shopping

B. has been there

C. was shopping

D. has gone there ( )37. Don’t make so much noise. We _____ to the music.

A. are listening

B. listen

C. listened

D. have listened

( )38. I’ll go swimming with you if I _____ free tomorrow.

A. will be

B. shall be

C. am

D. was

( )39. – Oh, Mrs. King, your sweater looks nice. Is it _____ wool ?

-- Yes, and it’s _____ Inner Mongolia.

A. made of, made by

B. made of, made in

C. made by, made for

D. made by, made from


( )1. Her hope _______ the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. to take part in

B. is to take part in

C. taking part in

D. will take part in ( )2. --- Can I go to Beijing for my holiday, Dad? --- You can when you _______ a bit older.

A. will get

B. get

C. are getting

D. got

( )3. If he _______harder, he will catch up with us soon.

A. study

B. studies

C. will study

D. studied

( )4. --- Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.

--- I won’t. As soon as he _______, I’ll ask him to write to you.

A. will come

B. came

C. comes

D. is coming

( )5. --- Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.

--- Really? Where _______ he _______?

A. has; gone

B. will; go

C. did; go

D. would; go

( )6. Frank _______ to see his grandma if he _______ free tomorrow.

A. will come; will be

B. comes; is

C. will come; is

D. comes; will be

( )7. There _______ a talk on science in our school next Monday.

A. will give

B. will be

C. is going to give

D. is

( )8. --- Shall we go shopping now?

--- Sorr y, I can’t. I _______ my shirts.

A. wash

B. washes

C. washed

D. am washing

( )9. I believe that those mountains _______ with trees in a few years’ time.

A. are covered

B. will be covered

C. are covering

D. will cover

( )10. It is said that about 400 cars _______ in the factory next month.

A. were produced

B. will produce

C. are produced

D. will be produced

( )11. --- Are you free this afternoon?

--- No. I’ll have an English composition _______ this afternoon.

A. to write

B. wrote

C. to be writing

D. to be written

( )12. --- Come back home every month.

--- I _______.

A. will

B. must

C. should

D. can

( )13. A robot _______ think of itself; it _______ be told what to do.

A. can’t; must

B. couldn’t; can

C. may not; will

D. mustn’t, may


( )1. The mother asked the boy _______ down the ladder, but he went on _______ instead.

A. come; climbing

B. to come; to climb

C. to come; climbing

D. coming; climbing

( )2. The teacher asked the students to close the windows _______ the wind from _______ the papers away.

A. to stop; blowing

B. stopping; blowing

C. to stop; blow

D. stopped; blow

( )3. The sick man stayed in bed, _______ very terrible.

A. felt

B. feeling

C. is feeling

D. was feeling

( )4. Yesterday I heard a story _______ by my friend.

A. told

B. telling

C. to tell

D. tell

( )5. The boy was made _______ there for an hour by his father.

A. standing

B. stand

C. to stand

D. stands

( )6. I saw him _______ into the small store.

A. went

B. going

C. to go

D. has gone

( )7. He raised his voice to make everybody in the room ______ him clearly.

A. hear

B. to hear

C. hearing

D. heard

( )8. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth _______ around the sun.

A. was moving

B. moved

C. has moved

D. moves

( )9. Oh, it’s you. I’m sorry I _______ know you _______ here.

A. don’t; are

B. didn’t; are

C. didn’t; were

D. don’t; wer e

( )10. Mr LuXun died in 1936. He _______ a lot of famous novels.

A. wrote

B. was writing

C. has written

D. would write

( )11. --- How was your weekend on the farm?

--- Great! We _______ with the farmers.

A. enjoy ourselves

B. went fishing

C. will work

D. make friends ( )12. --- What did Mr Jones do before he moved here?

--- He _______ a city bus for over twenty-five years.

A. is driving

B. drove

C. has driven

D. drives

( )13. Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.

A. buys

B. is buying

C. bought

D. will buy

( )14. --- Liu Mei can’t come tonight.

--- Why? But she _______ me she would come.

A. tells

B. told

C. is told

D. had told

( )15. He turned off the light and then _______.

A. leaves

B. has left

C. will leave

D. left


( )1. How long have you _______ here?

A. come

B. got

C. arrived

D. been

( )2. My grandpa died _________.

A. at the age of my2

B. for2 years

C. when I was 2.

D. my age was 6. ( )3. I have ______ the car for a year.

A. bought

B. sold

C. had

D. buy

( )4. China has ________ the host for the 2008 Olympic Games since July 13, 2001

A. become

B. been

C. became

D. turned

( )5. ______ the supermarket _____ for long?----No. It ____ half a year ago.

A.Has… opened / was open

B. Is …opened/ was…opened

C. Has… been open /opened

D. was…opened/ was…opened

( )6. I’m sorry to hear that the girl ______ home for 2 days.

A. left

B. is away from

C. has left

D. has been away from

( )7. They have ______ the League.

A. joined

B. been

C. joined in

D. take part in

( )8. ---Where are the Greeks? ----They ________ for a few minutes.

A. have gone

B. have been here

C. have been away

D. have disappeared ( )9. Jane has _____ to BeiJing. She will come back tomorrow.

A. been

B. gone

C. went

D. never been

( )10. It is ten years _____ I last saw her.

A. after

B. since

C. for

D. that

( )11.---Who will go to the station to meet Lorry? ---I will. I _____ her several times.

A. met

B. have met

C. had met

D. will meet

( )12. It’s 7:00. I can’t believe you ________ to school yet, Tony.

A. have gone

B. haven’t gone

C. don’t go

D. did go

( )13. ---What a nice dress! How long _____ you _____ it? ---Just 2 weeks.

A. will, buy

B. did, buy

C. are, having

D. have, had

( )14.---Do you know Lydia very well?

---Yes, She and I _____ friends since we were very young.

A. have made

B. have become

C. have been

D. have turned

( )15. The Smiths _______ in China for 8 years.

A. has lived

B. lived

C. have been

D. live

( )16. ---Hello, this is Mr Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr Black?

--- Sorry. He ______ the Bainiao Park.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. went to

D. will go to

( )17. ---How long have you _____ ? --- Since 1990.

A.bought the MP4

B. joined the Party

C. become a midfield player

D. lived in the town ( )18. ---Where is Allen? --- He ____ America on business. He ___ back in 2 weeks.

A. has gone to, comes

B. has been to, will be

C. has gone to, will be

D. has been to, will come

( )19. His grandma _______ for a year.

A. died

B. has been dead

C. has been death

D. was died

( )20. What ________ with the clothes?

A. has been done

B. has done

C. have done

D. have been done

( )21. ---Nancy, will you go to see the film Cold Mountain this evening?

--- No, I won’t. I _____ it already.

A. saw

B. have seen

C. see

D. will see

( )22. ----____ you ever ____ to the US? --- Yes, twice.

A. Have, gone

B. Have, been C, Do, go D. were, going

( )23. Look! What a clean room! Who ______ it?

A. has tidied

B. is tidying

C. will tidy

D. tidied

( )24. The EXPO(世博园) ________hundreds of millions of visitors since it opened.

A. attracted

B. attracts

C. has attracted

D. will attract

( )25. ----How is your grandma? I _____her for long. ----She’s fine, but busy.

A. missed

B. have met

C. haven’t seen

D. didn’t see

( )26. ---What are you going to do this weekend? --- I ____ yet.

A. haven’t decided

B. didn’t decide

C. have decided

D. didn’t decide

( )27. ---- _____ you ______ your lunch? --- Yes. I _______ it at 1:00 pm.

A. Did, have

B. Have, had

C. Are, having

D. were, having

( )28. Everyone _______ the Great Wall before.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. has been in

D. have been to

( )29. We have lived here ________ 5 years ago.

A. for

B. since

C. in

D. before

( )30. ---Where have you _______ these days? --- I have _____ to Dalian with my family.

A. been, gone

B. been, been

C. gone, been

D. gone, gone


( )31. How long have you _____ this book?(哈尔滨)

A. bought

B. borrowed

C. had

D. lent

()32. ---- Where’s Peter? --- He ______ to Nanjing. (沈阳)

A. is going

B. has been

C. has gone

D. went

( ) 33. You’ve never seen such a wonderful film before, ________?

A. haven’t you

B. have you

C. do you

D. don’t you

( )34. ---I have watched the game. ---When _____ you _____ it?

A. have, watched

B. do, watch

C. did, watch

D. will, watch

( )35.The old ________ lonely at all since we began to visit them once a week.

A. don’t feel

B. hasn’t felt

C. haven’t felt

D. didn’t feel

( )36.His sist er ______ her hometown for three years. She’ll return next year.

A. left

B. has left

C. has been away

D. has been away from

( )37.I ______ to Canada twice. It’s so beautiful.

A. won’t go

B. have gone

C. don’t go

D. have been

( )38. Peter says that the whites are on holiday, but no one knows _______.

A. where they have been

B. they went where

C. where are they from

D. where they have gone

( )39. --- How long have you -______ the book? --- For several weeks

A. bought

B. borrowed

C. lent

D. kept

( )40 . ---Has the match started? --- Started? Finished! Guo Yue ______.

A. is winning

B. wins

C. will win

D. has won



()1. It ______ 3 years since he left us.

A. is

B. has been

C. was

D. were

( ) 2. 15 years ________ since I became a teacher.

A. passed

B. has past

C. have passed

D. has passed

( )3. They told us that they ________ three hundred trees by the time the workers got there.

A. have planted

B. planted

C. had planted

D. were planting

( )4. My daughter won’t go to sleep until I _______ back.

A. go

B. goes

C. have gone

D. will go

( )5. Kitty ________ games while I was cooking.

A. plays

B. was playing

C. make

D. does

( )6. What ______ they doing then on the hill?

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. was

( )7. He ________ his homework this time yesterday.

A.does B. was doing C. is doing D. is

( )8.The letter _______ a week ago and it______ yesterday.

A. posted; arrived

B. was posted; arrived

C. is posted; arrived

D. has posted; has arrived

( )9.They ________ friends since they met in Shanghai.

A. have made

B. have become

C. have been

D. have turned

( )10. The workers __________ many toys in the factory last year.

A. invent

B. invented

C. invention

D. inventing


一、选择题 1.— Who ________the classroom tomorrow, Tony? — Our group. A.will clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.clean 2.We’re not sure _______ there’ll be _______ or not tomorrow. A.if; rains B.if; rainy C.whether; raining D.whether; rain 3.— Look at my new watch. —Well, it’s so cool! When and where________you buy it? A.Do B.will C.did D.Are 4.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 5.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 6.It’s 4:00 p.m. The students _____ in the pool. A.swim B.swam C.swims D.are swimming 7.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 8.Which of the following sentences is correct? A.He came in and sat down. B.We all like . C.When we met. He didn't say hello. D.We went out, headed for the bus stop. 9.Sorry, Jenny isn’t here. She________ up some lights in the garden. A.put B.puts C.is putting D.has put 10.—Have you written a litter to your brother? —Yes, I have. I________one last Sunday. A.was writing B.wrote C.have written 11.The Great Wall (长城) ________ long and it ________ a long history (历史). A.has; is B.is; is C.is; has D.have; has 12.—Listen!Who in the music room? —It must be Sally. She there every day. A.sings, sings B.is singing, sings C.sings, is singing 13.My mother when I got home yesterday. A.will cook B.cooks C.has cooked D.was cooking 14.My father is a teacher and he ___________ in this school for about twenty years. A.works B.is working C.was working D.has worked 15.— Could you please tell me yesterday? — In the bookshop nearby.


中考英语常考题集锦 一、名词、冠词 1.– What can I do for you? -- I’d like two _______. A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 答案: B. (选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题.不要马虎, 这里box 和apple都是可数名词) 2.Help yourself to _________. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken 答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数) 3..________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.) 4.Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.) 5.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当“人”讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等) 6.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 答案: B (选择C的同学要注意应用two months’; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有“—“ 后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.)

中考英语动词时态填空 基础 提高 综合

基本型 用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1. A cow _______ (eat) grass but gives milk. 2. The room is dirty. I _______ (clean) it in a minute. 3. Mary _______ (sing) three songs already. Let her have a rest. 4. It is late at night. Dad _______ still _______ (work) at the desk. 5. Tell Robert to turn off the lights before he _______ (go) out. 6. He put on his clothes and _______ (hurry) to school without breakfast. 7. He _______ (fall) and _______ (hit) his leg on a table that day. 8. She _____ _____ (be) there twice already. 9. What time ______ Jim ______ (get) up every day 10. Look! Tom ________ (mend) the car over there. You ______ ______ (not sweep) the floor yesterday. ______ (hold) on a minute, please! I __ (look) for a piece of paper now. If you _______ (speak) too loudly in public places, other people ________ (not be) pleased. “The light in the classroom _______ (be) on.” “Oh, sorry, I forgot ________ (turn) it off.” “Hoe about all of us _______ (take) a short rest?” “Sorry, I feel like _______ (watch) TV after supper.” ________ (not worry). He’ll come back soon. ________ February usually ________ (have) 28 days? “I’ve _______ (have) another letter from him,” Mr. White said. “His leg’s ________ (get) worse. That’s too bad.” ______ you ________ (wait) for a bus now? We ________ (not go) climbing the hills if it rains tomorrow. 提高型 1. “I’ve finished my homework.” “When ____ you _____ it?” A. have; finished B. do; finish C. did; finish D. will; finish 2. Judy _____ the Great Wall twice, and now she still _____ to go there.) A. went to; wanted B. goes to; wants C. has gone to; wants D. has been to; wants 3. They usually _____ TV in the evening. A. watch B. will watch C. are watching D. watches 4. The child _____ crying when he saw his mother. A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. stopping 5. What were the twins talking about when you _____ them? A. had seen B. were seeing C. saw D. see 6. Please buy some stamps for me if you _____ the post office. A. pass B. will pass C. have passed D. passed 7. –Where is Jim?-He ____ to the library. A. went B. has been C. goes D. has gone 8. Kate ____ to bed until her father returned yesterday evening. A. won’t go B. doesn’t go C. went D. didn’t go


动词时态、语态专项训练 一、单项选择: 1、When I her in the hall, she was playing the piano. A.see B.saw C.will see D.am seeing 2、I’ll go with you as soon as I my work. A.will finish B.finished C.finish D.would finish 3、He will do better in English if he harder. A.will work B.works C.working D.work 4、Since he came here last year, we happy. A.are B.have been C.had been D.were 5、Peter the work in a week. A.have finished B.finishes C.is finishing D.will finish 6、open the window. A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Please 7、These books in the library for a long time. A.have kept B.had kept C.have been kept D.were kept 8、Many sheep eating grass.A.is B.are C.was 9、I come here tonight? No, you needn’t. A.May B.Can C.Must D.Shall 10、The Green family London for nearly two years. They all miss their hometown very much. A.left B.will leave C.have left D.have been away from 11、Her grandparents for ten years. A.died B.have died C.were dead D.have been dead 12、You’d better to see the doctor. A.to go B.go C.went D.going 13、My father enjoys to light music. A.listens B.to listen C.listening D.listened 14、When you the museum? A.would visit B.did visit C.have visit D.had visited 15、He told them on with the work. A.to go B.going C.go D.went 二、用动词的适当形式填空: 1、I’ll give the book to him as soon as he back(come). 2、the baby crying yet? (stop) 3、I don’t know whether Mother me to Beijing next month.(take) 4、She on her coat and went out. (put) 5、“What are they doing?” “They ready for the sports meeting.” (get)


一、选择题 1.Jack ______ a good rest as soon as he finishes the exam. A.has B.had C.is having D.will have 2.—Look, Tom's parents look so sad. —Maybe they what's happened. A.knew B.have known C.has known D.will know 3.—Surprise! Cindy is singing in the concert. —But she ______. A.will refuse B.refused C.refuses D.has refuse 4.Dick __________ in America, but he has been ___________ Chinese food since he moved to China. A.used to live; used to eating B.is used to live; used to eat C.is used to live; used to eating D.used to living; used to eat 5.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 6.I like this dress very much. It soft and smooth. A.feels B.touches C.is felt D.is touched 7.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 8.Sorry, Jenny isn’t here. She________ up some lights in the garden. A.put B.puts C.is putting D.has put 9.—I called you at three yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t in. —I ________ a meeting at that time. A.had B.was having C.have had D.would have 10.—I'm sorry. There was too much traffic on the road. —Never mind. The meeting________for only 5 minutes. A.has begun B.has stopped C.has been on 11.—Where are you going, Bob? —To go hiking. Eric____________ for me at the school gate! A.was waiting B.waits C.waited D.is waiting 12.John and Mary ________ good eating habits but Eric ________. A.have; don’t B.has; doesn’t C.have; doesn’t D.has; don’t 13.Look! The boy________ the flowers in the garden. He________the flower to grow fast. A.waters, wants B.is watering, wants


2018年全国各地中考英语试题分类汇编目录 专题一:名词(39题) 专题二:冠词(32题) 专题三:代词(50题) 专题四:数词(14题) 专题五:介词(40题) 专题六:连词(18题) 专题七:形容词和副词(76题) 专题八:动词和动词短语(71题) 专题九:疑问词(24题) 专题十:情态动词(38题) 专题十一:非谓语动词(38题) 专题十二:动词时态(64题) 专题十三:动词语态(30题) 专题十四:宾语从句(38题) 专题十五:状语从句(37题) 专题十六:定语从句(18题) 专题十七:主谓一致和倒装(7题) 专题十八:感叹句(17题) 专题十九:祈使句(8题) 专题二十:there be 句型(4题) 专题二十一:反义疑问句(4题) 专题二十二:交际用语(58题)

2018年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编 专题一:名词 1.—What is the______of your excellent spoken English? —Practice makes perfect! 【2018安徽】 A. result B. influence C. duty D. secret 2.—How beautiful Ezhuo is becoming! —Yeah,there’s no______Ezhou will develop into a modern city in the near future. 【2018鄂州市】 A. challenge B. doubt C. purpose D. decision 3. — My dear, you have made ______ in your English this term. Well done! —Thank you, mum. I will keep on working hard.【2018施恩】 A. a progress B. progress C. progresses 4. — I'm thirsty, Mom. I'd like something to drink. — We only have some _______ in the fridge.【2018黄冈市】 A. oranges B. ice-cream C. juice D. cheese 5. In fact, pandas have become so popular that they are now a ______of China. 【2018黄石市】 A. subject B. symbol C. sign D. spirit 6. —Mom. I’m thirteen now, Can I ride a bike to s chool? —Yes, you can. But you must follow the traffic ______on the way.【2018襄阳市】 A. rules B. plans C. safety D. accident 7. —The best _______ to come to Yichang is spring. —I think so. The green water and green mountains are unforgettable. 【2018宜昌】 A. environment B. journey C. temperature D. season 8. National Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV. It means a growing _____ in traditional culture among China’s youth. 【2018连云港】 A. interest B. direction C. habit D. dream 9. — Do you have this T-shirt in a small_______? —I'm afraid not. It only comes in medium. 【2018南京市】 A. size B. colour C. material D. taste 10. —I don’t know how to use the App Fun Dubbing. —Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of ______ in doing it. 【2018福建A】 A. experience B. trouble C. courage 11. — How far is it from Chongqing to Guiyang? —It’'s about two_______ride by high-speed train. 【2018重庆B】 A.hour B. hour’s C. hours D. hours’ 12. —Kate, I' m going shopping. Anything to buy for you? —Yes, that will save me a_____.【2018武汉市】 A hand B. trip C. visit D.bill 13. — Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?


中考英语时态专项练习 中考英语时态专练(一) 1.If he (go) to the party, he’ll have a good time. 2.I (not finish) my homework yet.I am afraid I can’t go to the park with you. 3.Please be quiet.The children (sleep). 4.Tiangong 1, China’s first space lab, (return) to the earth after finishing its job on April 2, 2018. 5.Mary (talk) on the phone, so I just nodded to her and went away. 6.—Why are you in such a hurry? —My cousin (wait) for me outside. We are going to see a film together. 7.Betty (watch) television on every Friday evening. 8.France is a beautiful country and (cover) an area of over 260,000 square miles. 9.Trust me. I (keep) it between you and me, I promise. Talk now. 10.Tom with his classmates (succeed) in passing the English exam so far. 11.Taizhou and Changzhou (separate) by the Yangtze River, and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future. 12.Qian Xuesen (consider) as “Father of Missile (导弹) in China”. 13.Libraries or reading corners (build) in hope primary schools along the way of Long March in a few years. 14.The old car (produce) in Germany in the 1960s. 15.The dress made of silk (feel) very soft. 16.The passengers (tell) just now that the highway was closed because of the heavy fog. 17.There is something wrong with my car. It needs (repair) as soon as possible. 18.Children under 18 (not allow) to watch this show without their parents. 19.He asked, “Where can this kind of bike (buy)?” 20.I’m busy today. I have a lot of clothes (wash). 21.She wants to know if there a flower show next week. (be)


2012年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编——动词时态及动词【2012福建福州】35. — Listen, the music _____________sweet. — It's Yesterday Once More, my favorite. A. sounds B. smells C. feels 【答案】A 【解析】选A。考查系动词的用法。sound意为“听起来”;smell意为“闻起来”;feel意为“感觉;摸起来”。由句中“the music”可知,此处句意为:这首音乐听起来很美。故选A。 【2012福建福州】37. — Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith? — Sorry, he isn't in. He _____________the office. A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been away 【答案】B 【解析】选B。考查现在完成时的用法。has been to表示去过某地,现在已经回来;has gong to表示去了某地,现在还没回来。由答语中“Sorry, he is n’t in”可知“史密斯先生不在家,他去了办公室”。故选B。 【2012福建福州】43. — Our classroom____________every day. — So it is. It's our duty to keep it clean and tidy. A. cleans B. is cleaning C. is cleaned 【答案】C 【解析】选A。考查被动语态的用法。由于句中主语“Our classroom”是事物,教室只能是被打扫,因此需要用被动语态来表达,由句中“every day”确定,此处应该用一般现在时,其结构为is cleaned。故选A。【2012贵州贵阳】36. “Have you ever been to Tokyo?” “Yes, I ______ there twice. It’s a modern city.” A. have gone B. have been C. had gone 【答案】B 考查动词时态及动词的用法。问句用的是现在完成时,答句也应该用现在完成时,前后时态一致。Have gone意为“去过,但还没回来”;have been意为“去了,回来了”。根据句意:你去过东京吗?我去过两次,它是一个现代城市。故选B. 【2012贵州贵阳】39. In order to make our hometown more beautiful, trees _______ around the city every year. A. plant B. are planted C. will plant 【答案】B 考查动词语态的用法。trees与plant存在着被动关系,应用动词的被动语态。根据句意:为了我们的家乡更美丽,每年围着城市多种些树。故选B.【2012贵州贵阳】41. If Bob ______ away from the junk food, he will be in good health. A. stay B. will stay C. stays 【答案】C 考查动词时态的用法。用在条件状语从句中,一般现在时表示一般将来时,主语是Bob,所以动词用单三形式。根据句意:如果波比远离垃圾食品,他就会很健康。故选C. 【2012.安徽省】35. To protect the environment, supermarket don’t _____ free plastic bags to shoppers. A.take B. show C. provide D. carry 【答案】C 【2012.安徽省】41. --Let's discuss the plan, shall we? --Not now. I_____ to an interview. A. go B. went C. am going D. was going 【答案】C 【2012.安徽省】49. The task____ in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest.



(2016·广东) 39. School violence(暴力) ____ much attention of the whole society and people are calling the government to make laws against it as early as possible. A. drew B. will draw C. has drawn D. was drawing 39. C考查时态。句意:学校暴力已经引起全社会的关注,人们呼吁政府尽早地制定法律。结合and后的句子“人们正呼吁政府尽可能早地制定法律”,可知该事件虽然发生在过去,但和现在有关,故用现在完成时。 (2016·广东)40. Unless the weather _____, will have to cancel the picnic. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve 40.B考查时态。句意:除非天气改善,否则我们必须取消野餐。unless相当于if not,意为“除非;如果不”,引导的是条件状语从句,该从句遵从“主将从现”的原则,主句为一般将来时故该从句用一般现在时,故选B。 (2016?河北)33. Grandpa _______ glasses when he reads.

A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was wearing 33. A考查动词时态。句意:爷爷读书时戴眼镜。句子前后时态保持一致,由下句“when he reads. ”可知用现在时,由此判断本题选A。(2016?河北)35. Just go down this road and you _______ the library next to the bank. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 35.D 考查动词时态。句意:沿着这条街走,紧挨着银行你会就看到图书馆。根据句意此时尚未看到图书馆故应该用将来时,故选D。(2016?河北)36.Our team _______ another point! I am sure we’ll win the game. A. will get B. has got C. is getting D. was getting 36.B考查动词时态。句意:我们队又得了一分!我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。由下句“我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。”可知上句应该是已经得了一分,应该用完成时,故本题选B。 (2016?湖北武汉)27. —Who is that lady? —She’s Miss Green. She ________ us


人教版中考英语专项训练动词的时态专项练习题及答案 一、初中英语动词的时态 1.James with the Greens the White Tower Park if it tomorrow. A.are going to; isn’t rainy B.are going to; doesn’t rain C.is going to ; won’t rain D.is going to; isn’t rainy 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果明天不下雨,James将和格林夫妇去白塔公园。If引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时从句用一般现在时。with the Greens在此是介词短语作后置定语真正的主语是James故谓语动词用单数。根据句意,故选D。 考点:考查if引导的从句的用法 2.The life we were used to _______ greatly since 1992. A.change B.have changed C.changing D.has changed 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们过去的生活自从1992年后有了巨大的变化。本题需要断句正确,we were used to作句子主语的定语,句子缺少谓语动词,根据时间状语since 1992,可知句子的谓语用现在完成时态,主语是the life 用第三人称has changed,故选D。 考点:考查完成时态的用法。 3.Ken, can you turn down the music a little? I _________ to study for my test. A.am trying B.try C.tried D.have tried 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:Ken,你能把音乐调小一点吗?我正在设法为我的考试学习。根据语境可知用现在进行时,其结构是be doing的形式,短语try to do sth.表示设法做某事。根据题意,故选A。现在进行时的基本结构 1肯定式:am/is/are+doing(现在分词) 否定式:am/is/are not +doing(现在分词) 一般疑问式:Am/Is/Are + 主语 +doing(现在分词)+ 其他 特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词+一般疑问式 They’re having a meeti ng now. 他们现在正在开会。 They aren't having a meeting now. 他们现在没有在开会。 Are they having a meeting now? 他们现在正在开会吗? What are they doing now? 他们现在正在做什么? 4. I _____ Chinese dishes for my foreign friends tomorrow evening. A.will cook B.have cooked



中考英语时态练习及答案 1.一般过去 2.一般现在。现在进行 4一般将来5过去进行6现在完成7过去完成8过去将来一般过去时专练 ( )1. The mother asked the boy _______ down the ladder, but he went on _______ instead. ( )2. The teacher asked the students to close the windows _______ the wind from _______ the papers away. A. to stop; blowing B. stopping; blowing C. to stop; blow D. stopped; blow ( )3. The sick man stayed in bed, _______ very terrible. A. felt B. feeling C. is feeling D. was feeling ( )4. Yesterday I heard a story _______ by my friend. A. told B. telling C. to tell D. tell ( )5. The boy was made _______ there for an hour by his father. A. standing B. stand C. to stand D. stands ( )6. I saw him _______ into the small store. A. went B. going C. to go D. has gone ( )7. He raised his voice to make everybody in the room ______ him clearly. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard ( )8. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth _______ around the sun. A. was moving B. moved C. has moved D. moves ( )9. Oh, it’s you. I’m sorry I _______ know you _______ here. A. don’t; are B. didn’t; are C. didn’t; were D. don’t; were ( )10. Mr LuXun died in 1936. He _______ a lot of famous novels. A. wrote B. was writing C. has written D. would write ( )11. --- How was your weekend on the farm? --- Great! We _______ with the farmers. A. enjoy ourselves B. went fishing C. will work D. make friends ( )12. --- What did Mr Jones do before he moved here? --- He _______ a city bus for over twenty-five years. A. is driving B. drove C. has driven D. drives ( )13. Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai. A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy ( )14. --- Liu Mei can’ A. tells B. told C. is told D. had told ( )15. He turned off the light and then _______. A. leaves B. has left C. will leave D. left 一般过去时专练 1-5 CABAC 6-10 BADCA 11-15 BBCBD 一般现在时与现在进行时专练 ( ) 1. Father usually ______ his newspaper after dinner. A. read B. reads C. reading D. is reading ( ) 2. The Blacks often ______ to the cinema on Saturday evenings. A. go B. goes C. is going D. are going ( ) 3.Look! The boy ______ with his mother in the pool. A. is swimming B. is swimming C. are swimming D. are swiming ( ) 4.--- What is Tom doing in the classroom --- He ______ something on the blackboard.
