Eminem英文介绍Rap king



Background Information-Birth name:Marshall Bruce Math rs III-lke Aiiletic-Nick name:Slim Shady-Born:Oct.17, 972 in Saint Joseph,MO-Genres:Hip Hop,Hardcore Rap-Oc upations:Rapper,Record ducer,Songwriter,Actor
Dear Slim,I wrote but you still ain't callin-I left m cell,my pager,and my home phone at the bottom-I sent two letters back in autumn,you must not-a got 'em-The e probably was a problem at the post office or someth n-Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jo 'em-but anyways;fuck it,what's been up?-Man how's yo r daughter?-My girlfriend's pregnant too,-I'm about t be a father-If I have a daughter,-guess what I'ma ca l her?-I'ma name her Bonnie-Sim,我写信给你,但是仍然没有你的回信-信的封底 我的手机、呼机、以及家里的电话-秋天有两封信退了回来,你一定没收到-可能是邮局或其它什么问题-有时候我匆匆 下地址,不太整洁,过于潦草了-操,不管它了。嘿,最近怎么样?-你的女儿还好吗?-我女朋友也怀孕了,我要当爸 拉-如果我有个女儿,猜我给她取什么名字?-我要叫她Bonnie


最喜欢的运动:篮球(水平非常高) 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色 喜爱的食物:牛肉 喜爱的快餐:汉堡王、麦当劳、温迪 喜爱的饮料:Mountain Dew 喜爱的电视剧:《南方公园》、《越狱》 喜爱的电影:《8英里》《How High》、《骇客帝国》和《Orange County》 不为人知道的秘密:完美主义者;自己理发;上台前会紧张;左撇子;为了扩大词汇量,曾每夜翻弄词典;曾在餐馆打工时,把歌词记录在发票上;对节奏很敏感,经常能跟着不同的节奏和编曲唱出即兴的歌,念出各种风格和调子的RAP;押韵能力超强,他的《My name is》和大量Freestyle都能体现他的押运能力,大致上都是两句一韵和一句两韵还有四句一韵。 偶像:Nas,Tupac Shakur ,marilyn manson 纹身图案: 左肩膀:蘑菇形状的骷髅,后面有着火的大厦。纪念已故叔叔“Ronnie Pilkington” (EM指出Ronnie是家庭中唯一关心他的人) 双前臂中间:“D”“12”意味“Dirty Dozen”在底特律组成乐队团 ,“D”和“12”左右各一个。 左腕:部落图腾 右前臂:“Hailie Jade”女儿名字 腹部肚脐:墓碑,上面是他前妻的名字,下的英文是“Rot in Pieces” 右腕里面:“Slit here” 右肩膀:女儿Hailie Jade的画像和玫瑰,下边有“Bonnie And Clyde”的字样,是为了遮住之前EM纹的那个“Eminem”的纹身。 左下臂:“Proof”字样的花纹纹身,因为一起玩到大的好伙伴Proof遭遇枪击被害,EM为了纪念好友纹上去的,图样与好友Proof右臂上的纹身一模一样。 首张专辑介绍: 阿姆的第一张专辑是《The Slim Shady LP》,Eminem真正的处女专辑是这张《Infinite》,早在阿姆被Dr.Dre签约发片以前,他已经依靠这张自己的地下专辑在底特律闯出了一点名号。今天回过头来听这张专辑,你依然会情不自禁地爆一句“Raw as”! 一般来说,一个艺人的第一张专辑常常是他最好的专辑——至少也是最好的之一。这张专辑通常能够反映艺人比较真实的一面,无论是技巧、题材、曲风和表现力,都因为没有受到唱片工业大染缸的浸泡而更纯更真,通常艺术造诣也会比较高。因此想看到一位艺人的真实功力,最好是去找他最初的那张专辑。 他是二十一世纪以来十年全球唱片销量最高的歌手 专辑「The Marshall Mathers LP」,是历史上最为畅销的饶舌专辑



姓名:陈曦班级:英教6班学号:1125010604日期:2013年10月31日The Real Slim ShadyMarshall Bruce Mathers Ⅲ,better known by his stage name Eminem and another Slim Shady,is a famous American rapper.As a white,it’s so unbelievable that Eminem achieve success in rapping,a world of black.He has been listed and ranked as one of the greatest artists of all time by many magazines,including Rolling Stones magazine which declared him The King of Hip Hop.In the meantime,he is in controversy all the time because his works is full of sex,violence,anti-homosexual,drugs and attack on other artists.You can find dirty words in every lyrics.Nevertheless,he is still my idol.A lot of elder people do not accept Eminem because they consider him a lunatic at best,who is only capable of saying some vulgar and indecent words,cursing others as well as asking for trouble.They think the works of Eminem’s refer to emotion of anti-homosexual,disgust to women and excessive description of violence,which influences the social atmosphere negatively to a large extent.For all the bitter criticism about him,as far as I am concerned,they are just far from understanding him and what he have been through.He lived poor life since he was born and his parents divorced when he was six years old.You can hard imagine that he hasn’t known,as yet,who his father is.His mother taking him to run around all along makes him change more than 20 schools. He grew up with malnutrition and maltreat from his mother,so he was thinner and smaller than his schoolmates,which makes him often bullied by others.He even once saw a corpse in the doorway of his home after school.So he found the world violence in his young mind.That’s why Eminem hate his parents,violence,policy,gentlemen,icons,even the whole world.And that’s also the reason I admire him.What he has experienced didn’t destroy him but make him stronger to confront life. He had found his talent in cadence and rhyme then he showed these to people by rap .He directly attack everything ever hurt him with sharp words,such as thegovernment,violence,war,pop stars and his mother,etc.Having been through such a extremely painful childhood,Eminem,however,refuse to compromise to this tough life and remain a intensive hope.He against domestic violence and become involved with charities,anti-war and drugs with an active attitude.In the end,Eminem is honoured as The Great White Hope through continuous perseverance.In my eyes,Eminem is not only a rapper but a culture that will affect and inspire the young generation.His fabulous story present us with indeed strong and confidence and his attitude towards life merits our admiration.。


I need something to pull me out this dump 我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去 I took my bruises, took my lumps 身上带着淤青和肿块 Fell down and I got right back up 摔倒了也立刻爬起来
就是在这样糟糕透顶的环境里,Eminem倔强的成长,踏 上了音乐的道路。
2019:Wake Up Shou 年度最佳自由式表演者 洛山矶举行的饶舌奥运会的自由式比赛的亚军
2000:美国告示牌排行榜专辑榜的冠军 2019:电影主题曲Lose Myself入围第75届奥斯卡金像奖的最佳电影主题曲
Academy Awards(奥斯卡颁奖礼) 2019:Best Original song(最佳原创歌曲): ——《Lose Yourself》
Music Type:Hip Hop,
Hardcore Pop
Eminem’s biggest breakthrough is that white man also can intervene to the black rule all the land of the rap ,and was so successful.
contrived, just an extension eye, an action of raising
hands, we can feel she looks like a painting which fulls of
arts. She is interested in philanthropy, and she gained

Eminem 多方面简介

Eminem 多方面简介

这里值得我们注意的事, 这里值得我们注意的事,中国武打明星李小龙也入选 其中。并且名列第七,在很长一段时间里, 其中。并且名列第七,在很长一段时间里,美国人为 这个中国武术明星痴迷。在美国人看来, 这个中国武术明星痴迷。在美国人看来,这个看起来 有些单薄的中国人是如此擅长于打斗, 有些单薄的中国人是如此擅长于打斗,并且他的出手 总是那么准确迅速和致命。一时间, 总是那么准确迅速和致命。一时间,“Chinese KungFu”席卷美国,成为了当时年轻人追随的热潮。 席卷美国, 席卷美国 成为了当时年轻人追随的热潮。 曾有位好莱坞导演这样说: 李小龙是美国电影史上, 曾有位好莱坞导演这样说:“李小龙是美国电影史上, 和美国社会史上诞生的最出色的东方人。在未来的200 和美国社会史上诞生的最出色的东方人。在未来的 年里, 年里,我想没有任何一个东方人能够超越他对美国的 影响。 影响。”
其中包括有着“地球上最尊贵的公主”之称的奥黛丽 其中包括有着“地球上最尊贵的公主”之称的奥黛丽. 赫本。她的美丽和善良无须我们过多的讲述, 赫本。她的美丽和善良无须我们过多的讲述,因为她 的美丽是语言难以形容的。她不用做作,不用刻意, 的美丽是语言难以形容的。她不用做作,不用刻意, 只是一个眼神的延伸,只是一个举手的动作, 只是一个眼神的延伸,只是一个举手的动作,就是一 副充满艺术美奂油画。一生热衷于慈善事业的她, 副充满艺术美奂油画。一生热衷于慈善事业的她,曾 获得联合国亲善大使,全球难民救助机构形象大使, 获得联合国亲善大使,全球难民救助机构形象大使, 以及很多很多的荣誉。她名列第一,无可争议。 以及很多很多的荣誉。她名列第一,无可争议。
• • • • •
艺名: 艺名:Eminem; 本名: 本名:Marshall Bruce Mathers III 马歇尔.布鲁斯 马泽斯三世) 布鲁斯.马泽斯三世 (马歇尔 布鲁斯 马泽斯三世) 昵称: 昵称:Slim Shady 别名:痞子阿姆 别名:



Greatest Hits代表 作
---Some of his most famous songs…
Love the Way You Lie (Ft. Rihanna) Stan
(Ft. Dido)
Not Afraid Lose Yourself
I Need A Doctor Space Bound
Eminem& Grmy
A story of Stan
• Eminem 的收获是数不清的美元和名望,而Slim Shady的罪 恶也露出端倪。
A story of Stan
• Stan作为Eminem的狂热歌迷多次给Eminem 写信却因为种种原因未得到回复,气急败 坏的Stan服下1000片安眠药(歌词是这么说 的)在酗酒的状态下将怀孕的女友锁在后 备箱,高速行驶在高速路,两人双双坠海 身亡。Eminem最后在给Stan回信时看到了 Stan和他女友坠亡的新闻。 • 最后Em以“Damn”结束
Most Successful Rapper Ever!
Eminem has thirteen Grammy Awards. And has been ranked number nine on MTV's list of The Greatest MCs of All Time. In 2003 he was listed as number thirteen on MTV's 22 Greatest Voices in Music and number 82 on Rolling Stone's “The Immortals”. In 2008, the readers of Vibe Magazine voted him “The Best Rapper Alive” & “The Best Rapper Ever”.



But they didn't want me neither so they left me on someone elses lawnБайду номын сангаасTill somebody finally took me in, my great aunt, uncle Edna 'n Charles They were the ones who were left in charge My elementary they gang up on me and sang this song It went a little something like mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb Debbie had a Satan spawn, Satan spawn Momma why do they keep saying this I just don’t understand, understand And by the way, where's my dad? Father please forgive me for I know not what I do I just never had the chance to ever meet you Therefore I did not know that I would grow to be My mother's evil seed and do these evil deeds
Evil Deeds
Lord please forgive me for what I do For I know not what I've done Father please forgive me for I know not what I do I just never had the chance to ever meet you Therefore I did not know that I would grow to be My mother's evil seed and do these evil deeds Momma had a baby and it's head popped off My momma don't want me, the next thing I know I'm gettin' dropped off Ring ring ring, on the door bell and the next door neighbors on their front porch



迈克尔杰克逊的介绍英语作文10字Michael Jackson, also known as the King of Pop, was a legendary American singer, songwriter, and dancer. He rose to fame in the1980s and became one of the most influential and iconic figures in the history of music and entertainment.迈克尔·杰克逊,也被称为流行音乐之王,是一位传奇的美国歌手、词曲作家和舞蹈家。


With his distinctive voice, innovative dance moves, and memorable music videos, Michael Jackson captivated audiences around the world. His album "Thriller" remains the best-selling album of all time, showcasing his unparalleled talent and creativity.凭借独特的声音、创新的舞蹈动作和令人难忘的音乐录影带,迈克尔·杰克逊征服了全球观众。


Beyond his musical accomplishments, Michael Jackson was also known for his philanthropic efforts. He supported numerous charities and humanitarian causes, using his fame and wealth to make a positive impact on the world.除了音乐成就外,迈克尔·杰克逊还以他的慈善事业而闻名。


Slim,我写信给你,但是仍然没有你的回信 信的封底有我的手机、呼机、以及家里的电话
秋天有两封信退了回来,你一定没收到 可能是邮局或其它什么问题
有时候我匆匆写下地址,不太整洁,过于ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้草了 操,不管它了。嘿,最近怎么样? 你的女儿还好吗? 我女朋友也怀孕了,我要当爸爸拉
如果我有个女儿,猜我给她取什么名字? 我要叫她Bonnie
The total number of awards obtained by Eminem was ranked third in the history, ranking after Madonna and Pitt - Gabriel.
He is the highest-selling singer in the world in the first decade of 21st century.
He shoots anyone he wanna shoot - his mom, his ex-wife, some stars and even politicians. So many people call him a ruffian.
13 Grammy
1 Oscar
6 Europe MTV
Lyric - Stan
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I.. got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window.. and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey, put your picture on my wall

Eminem英文介绍Rap king

Eminem英文介绍Rap king
他赢了很的奖,包括8项格莱美奖,1个奥斯卡,6 个欧洲最佳MTV奖 . Eminem获得的奖项总数位 居历史第三位,居麦当娜和皮特-加布里埃尔 之后。他是二十一世纪以来十年全球唱片销量 最高的歌手 他很重情义,因为他的朋友,说唱歌手Proof 的死,他甚至告别舞台五年,直到2009年复出。
More Than Music
“Proof” Is same as his dead best friend
Right wrist: “Slit here” Belly belly button:tomstone, the above is the name of his exwife ,below is “Rot in Pieces”
1997:Wake Up Shou 年度最佳自由式表演者 洛山矶举行的饶舌奥运会的自由式比赛的亚军 2000:美国告示牌排行榜专辑榜的冠军 2002:电影主题曲Lose Myself入围第75届奥斯卡金像奖的最佳电影主题 曲 Academy Awards(奥斯卡颁奖礼) 2003:Best Original song(最佳原创歌曲): ——《Lose Yourself》 MTV European Music Awards(欧洲音乐颁奖典礼) 1999:Best New Artist(最佳新艺人) (My Name Is) :Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人) 2000:Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人) :Best Album(最佳专辑) ——《The Marshall Mathers LP》 2001:Best Hip Hop Act(最佳hip-hop表演) 2002:Best Album (最佳专辑)(The Eminem Show) :Best Hip Hop Artist (最佳hip-hop艺人) :Best Male(最佳男歌手) :Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人) World Music Awards(世界音乐奖) 2005:Pop/Rock Artist (流行/摇滚艺术家) Rap/ Hip Hop Artist(说唱/hip-hop艺人) 2001:World Music Award For World‘s Best Selling Rap Artist (世界音乐奖:世界最畅销说唱歌手) The Source Hip Hop Music Awards(原创hip-hop音乐奖)



• There was a black guy said:“Eminem is the only white man I admire. • It’s said that white man cannot play hip-hop better than black guy. But Eminem proves it was absolutely wrong , because there is no distinction among human beings . Supposed you devoted yourself in it , you would eventually succeed. • 人种之间并无差异,正如俗语说:只要有恒心, 铁杵磨成针
The King of Rap Music
• He got 1 billion fans around the world,but ne never stops. His music , lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people. He just says:“I’m not a real person, I’m a ghost trapped in a beat.” It’s just Eminem,you may say him crazy,but rap made him, you just can’t help loving 他有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他从未停止过。 他有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他从未停止过。他的音 他的歌词和思想影响了无数的人,他说过: 乐,他的歌词和思想影响了无数的人,他说过:“我不是一 个真正的人,我是个困在节奏里的幽灵。” 个真正的人,我是个困在节奏里的幽灵。 这就是阿姆,你可能会说他太疯狂了,但说唱铸造了他, 这就是阿姆,你可能会说他太疯狂了,但说唱铸造了他,听 过他的歌你就会不情不自禁爱上他。 过他的歌你就会不情不自禁爱上他。



My topic today is about my favorite hip hop star—Eminem, who is known as “rap god”.His name's Bruce Marshall Mathers, but fans prefer to call him “Slim Shady”. He is a legend, not only he is white rapper, but also he has great talent in rap music. Eminem is “bound”very successful hip-hop “white”, one of the rap singers who are widely acclaimed music critics.His characteristic rap style is called hardcore. He has a strong sense of beat and rhyme. He can change his rap flow and style without any changes in beat.Eminem is not afraid to say anything about anyone and does so through his music, even he got 1 billion fans all around the world. He shot everyone he wants to shoot, his mom, his wife and some stars, too. Some people called him “ruffian”. But it’ll never happen to Hailie Jade, his daughter. He loves her so much that he wrote lots of songs for her, such as <mockingbird>. No matter how people says him a evil, they can’t deny that he is a great father. His music, his lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people. He just said:” I’m not a real person, I’m a ghost tapped in a beat.” It’s just Slim Shady. You may think he is c razy, but rap made him. Once you listened to his music, you are gonna fall in love with him.He won lots of awards but he didn’t care. He cares a lot about his friends. His song <I need a doctor> is written for Dr. Dre, his mentor. It is the time when Dr. Dre was tough that he can do nothing. The song impressed me a lot.No matter what happens, I would support him as always.。

英语 eminem 介绍 ppt

英语  eminem  介绍 ppt

• • 阿姆是“嘻哈”界极少数成功 的“白人”歌手之一,音乐也 受到乐评人广泛好评。他自己 作的歌词韵律感很强,也能够 在保持音乐节拍不变的情况下 在一首歌中改变好几次自己的 说唱节奏和风格。
EMINEM,the king of rap music.
He got 1 billion fans around the world,but he never stops.His muisc,lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people.He just says:"I'm not a real person,I'm a ghost trapped in a beat." It's just shady,you may say shady's crazy,but rap made him,you just can't help loving.
他得有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他从未停止。他的音乐,他 的歌词和思想影响了无数的人 他说过:“我不是一个真正的人, 我是个困在节奏理的幽灵。" 这就是shady,你可能会说他太疯狂了,但说唱铸造了他,听过他 的歌你就会情不自禁爱上他。
He shot anyone he wanna shoot,.his mom,his wife,some stars that he hate.So Some people call him ruffian.But it should be noted that it will never be Hailie Jade,his daugher.He loves her so much so that he wrote many songs for her.No matter how people say he is evil,he is always true to her.He is a great father

eminem PPt

eminem PPt

电影作品:《8 Mile》(八英里)
阿姆也凭借自己在电影中的一曲原唱 《Lose Yourself》荣登奥斯卡最佳原 唱奖,成为获得奥斯卡殊荣的流行音 乐界第一人。 新的领域开花结果,阿 姆酷爱的本行也没落后。同年,阿姆 推出了个人第三张专辑 《The Eminem Show》。 专辑销售一如既往 的火爆,阿姆也又一次站在格莱美奖 的领奖台上。《 The Eminem Show 》 荣获45届格莱美最佳说唱专辑奖,主 打歌曲《 Without Me 》荣获最佳短 MV奖。三张专辑,三获格莱美最佳说 唱专辑奖,阿姆没有辜负当年歌迷赐 予的昵称“Great White Hope”,如今 希望变成了的现实。虽然阿姆的成名 可谓平步青云,但是在生活上他历尽 艰辛。这位白人小伙凭着自己对说唱 音乐的痴迷,在黑人把持的说唱界获 得如此成就,印证了中国的一句老话: “事上无难事,只怕有心人。”
EMINEM是美国的一名说唱歌手。 其风格类型为:Hardcore Rap (硬核说唱)。埃米纳姆最大的突 破就是证明白人也能介入到黑人 一统天下的说唱(RAP)界中,而 且获得巨大的成功。同时他的叛 逆不仅长期以来深受美国青少年 喜爱,也让他在舆论中始终遭到 抨击。 国籍:美国 出生地:美国密苏里州圣约瑟夫 出生日期:1972年10月17日 职业:歌手 代表作品:《My Name Is》、《Without Me》、《Mockingbird》等 主要成就:九次获得格莱美奖 第75届奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲大奖 21世纪以来十年全球唱片销量最高
左肩膀:蘑菇形 状的骷髅,后面 有着火的大厦。 纪念已故叔叔 “Ronnie Pilkington” (EM 指出Ronnie是家 庭中唯一关心他 的人)



埃米纳姆《rap god》的英文完整歌词!!急!《Rap God》是美国说唱歌手埃米纳姆演唱歌曲,由埃米纳姆谱写,作为第二单曲收录在其专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP 2》中,于2013年10月14日由Aftermath娱乐、新视镜唱片和Shady唱片共同发行。


2014年9月10日,《Rap God》以6分钟3秒1560个单词,被吉尼斯世界纪录官方认证为“单词最多的热门歌曲” 。


《Rap God》创作背景音乐人DVLP在2011年制作出了歌曲的伴奏,埃米纳姆即兴创作出了歌曲的歌词。






他觉得有必要写首歌,来说明他在说唱界的地位《Rap God》歌曲歌词英文Rap God - EminemLook I was gonna go easy on youAnd not to hurt your feelingsBut I'm only going to get this one chanceSomething's wrong I can feel it(Six minutes Slim Shady you're on)Just a feeling I've gotLike something's about to happenBut I don't know whatIf that means what I think it meansWe're in trouble – big trouble –And if he is as bananas as you sayI'm not taking any chancesYou were just what the doctor orderedI'm beginning to feel like a Rap God Rap GodAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms are long enough to slapbox slapboxThey said I rap like a robot so call me RapbotBut for me to rap like a computer must be in my genesI got a laptop in my back pocketMy pen'll go off when I half-cock itGot a fat knot from that rap profitMade a living and a killing off itEver since Bill Clinton was still in officeWith Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut-sackI'm an MC still as honestBut as rude and indecent as all hellSyllables killaholic (Kill 'em all with)This slickety gibbedy hibbedy hip hopYou don't really wanna get into a pissing match with this rappidy rapPacking a Mac in the back of the AcPack backpack rap yep yackidy-yacAnd at the exact same timeI attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I'm practicing thatI'll still be able to break a motherfuckin' tableOver the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in halfOnly realized it was ironic I was signed to Aftermath after thefactHow could I not blow All I do is drop F-bombsFeel my wrath of attackRappers are having a rough time period here's a maxipadIt's actually disastrously bad for the wackWhile I'm masterfully constructing this masterpiece asI'm beginning to feel like a Rap God Rap GodAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms are long enough to slapbox slapboxLet me show you maintaining this shit ain't that hard that hardEverybody want the key andThe secret to rap immortality like I have gotWell to be truthful the blueprint's simply rageAnd youthful exuberanceEverybody loves to root for a nuisanceHit the earth like an asteroidDid nothing but shoot for the moon sinceMC's get taken to school with this musicCause I use it as a vehicle to bust a rhymeNow I lead a new school full of studentsMe I'm a product of Rakim Lakim Shabazz 2Pac N--W A Cube hey Doc Ren YellaEazy thank you they got SlimInspired enough to one day grow upBlow up and be in a positionTo meet Run DMC and induct them into the motherfuckin' Rock n'Roll Hall of FameEven though I walk in the churchAnd burst in a ball of flamesOnly Hall of Fame I be inducted in is the alcohol of fameOn the wall of shameYou fags think it's all a game 'til I walk a flock of flamesOff of planking tell me what in the fuck are you thinkingLittle gay looking boySo gay I can barely say it with a straight face looking boyYou witnessing a massacreLike you watching a church gathering take place looking boy Oy vey that boy's gay that's all they say looking boyYou get a thumbs up pat on the backAnd a way to go from your label everyday looking boyHey looking boy what you say looking boyI got a "hell yeah" from Dre looking boyI'mma work for everything I haveNever ask nobody for shit get outta my face looking boyBasically boy you're never gonna be capableTo keep up with the same pace looking boyI'm beginning to feel like a Rap God Rap GodAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodThe way I'm racing around the track call me Nascar Nascar Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park the White Trash GodKneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton no Asgard AsgardSo you be Thor and I'll be OdinYou rodent I'm omnipotentLet off then I'm reloading immediately with these bombs I'm totin'And I should not be wokenI'm the walking deadBut I'm just a talking head a zombie floatingBut I got your mom deep throatingI'm out my ramen noodleWe have nothing in common poodleI'm a doberman pinch yourself in the arm and pay homage pupilIt's me my honesty's brutalBut it's honestly futile if I don't utilize what I do thoughFor good at least once in a whileSo I wanna make sureSomewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and doodleEnough rhymes to maybe to tryAnd help get some people through tough timesBut I gotta keep a few punchlines just in caseCause even you unsignedRappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtimeI know there was a time where once IWas king of the undergroundBut I still rap like I'm on my Pharoahe Monch grindSo I crunch rhymes but sometimes when you combineAppeal with the skin color of mineYou get too big and here they come trying to censor youLike that one line I said on "I'm Back" from the Marshall Mathers LPOne where I tried to say I take seven kids from Columbine Put 'em all in a line add an AK-47 a revolver and a nineSee if I get away with it now thatI ain't as big as I wasBut I've Morphed into an immortal coming through theportalYou're stuck in a timewarp from 2004 thoughAnd I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme forYou're pointless as Rapunzel with fucking cornrowsYou're like normal fuck being normalAnd I just bought a new Raygun from the futureTo just come and shoot ya like when Fabolous made Ray J madCause Fab said he looked like a fag at Maywhether's padSingin' to a man while they played pianoMan oh man that was a 24/7 special on the cable channelSo Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next day ''Hey Fab I'mma kill you''Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed (JJ Fad)Uh sama lamaa duma lamaa you assuming I'm a humanWhat I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhumanInnovative and I'm made of rubberSo that anything you saying ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to youI'm never stating more than never demonstratingHow to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitatingNever fading and I know that the haters are forever waiting For the day that they can say I fell off they'd be celebrating Cause I know the way to get 'em motivatedI make elevating music you make elevator musicOh he's too mainstreamWell that's what they do when they get jealous they confuse itIt's not hip hop it's pop cause I found a hella way to fuse itWith rock shock rap with DocThrow on Lose Yourself and make 'em lose itI don't know how to make songs like thatI don't know what words to useLet me know when it occurs to youWhile I'm ripping any one of these verses diverse as youIt's curtains I'm inadvertently hurtin' youHow many verses I gotta murder to proveThat if you're half as nice at songs you can sacrifice virgins tooSchool flunkie pill junkyBut look at the accolades the skills brung meFull of myself but still hungryI bully myself cause I make me do what I put my mind toAnd I'm a million leagues above youIll when I speak in tonguesBut it's still tongue in cheek fuck youI'm drunk so Satan take the fucking wheelI'm asleep in the front seatBumping Heavy D and the Boys still chunky but funkyBut in my head there's somethingI can feel tugging and strugglingAngels fight with devils here's what they want from meThey asking me to eliminate some of the women hateBut if you take into consideration the bitter hatred that I had Then you may be a little patient andMore symphatetic to the situationAnd understand the discrimationBut fuck it life's handing you lemons make lemonade then But if I can't batter the womenHow the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake thenDon't mistake it for SatanIt's a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseasAnd take a vacation to trip a broadAnd make her fall on her face and don't be a retardBe a king Think not - why be a king when you can be a God 《Rap God》歌曲MV《Rap God》的音乐录影带于2013年11月27日发布,瑞奇·李担任导演、贾斯汀·迪纳和Kathy Angstadt担任制作人。


This is my view about Eminem. I hope all of you can listened to his music and love rap. thank you
He is the only singer I liked and there are two reasons for this
One is his reality and one is his fratenity [frə‘tə:niti](兄弟情义) with his friends
Most singers a singer who sings real But Eminem isin the word sing a lot of songs about Romance . But the fact is that they haven’t went songs. through the experience written in the lyrics at all. What he songs to us are all his real They are In making a he shot anyone feelings. justhis lyrics fuss [fʌs] 大惊小怪 about an imaginary 想像中的 illness (无病呻吟). and anything he wanna shoot : The sings,they song are unreal ! ,someare messing with his wife racist(种族歧视者) They the songs just for the sake[利益] of messing with it. stars even the government and the This violated ['vaɪə,let] 违犯the essence['ɛsns] society . 本质 of the music which appeared as the real feelings! He told us about his sad childhood , 世界上大部分歌手唱的大部分的歌曲是讲爱情的,不 told us his mother likes drugs ,his father 是失恋就是相恋.但是是事实,他们自己并没有经历过任 is a sot(酒鬼). 何有关歌词中提到的经历..他们是为了唱歌而唱歌! He sings songs for grating his rap (或者说为了利益而唱歌)这违背了音乐作为真情实感 teacher ,and sings songs to express his 显现的本质 ! love to his daughter.



2022欧美说唱歌手十大排行欧美说唱歌手排行榜前十名1.埃米纳姆(英语:Eminem,另有一艺名为Slim Shady),本名马修·布鲁斯·马瑟斯三世(Marshall Bruce Mathers III,1972年10月17日-),是奥斯卡得奖者及九次获得格莱美奖的美国饶舌歌手、音乐制作人及演员。

他在1997年被饶舌歌手兼制作人Dr. Dre开掘,其后签约至他的唱片公司Aftermath。


2. 纽约的Rap皇帝.Eninem的早期模仿对象JAY-Z的死对头,东岸的领军人物,被称做街头诗人,其作品It was written和I can早被认做是rap界的经典。

在多张畅销专辑推波助澜下,Nas已傲然成为90年代中后期Hip Hop 界的中坚份子。

但Nas出众的纽约Hip Hop气息,深深吸引歌迷。



在中慢版的节奏里,Nas以他滑溜如Q-Tip的嗓音,娓娓道来一篇篇urban tales,却自在得不带一丝压力。

3. Eric B&Rakim这对组合出自于纽约,Eric B & Rakim的影响远远超过了时间和空间的范围。







10首世界上唱的最快的歌【原创版】目录1.引言:世界上唱得最快的歌曲2.歌曲列表:10 首最快歌曲的简介和演唱者3.结论:这些歌曲展示了音乐的多样性和才华正文【引言】在音乐世界中,有时候速度就是一切。



今天我们将为您介绍 10 首世界上唱得最快的歌曲。

【歌曲列表】1."Rap God" - Eminem (2013)这首歌曲是 Eminem 在 2013 年发行的专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP 2》中的一首歌。

这首歌以每分钟 156 个单词的速度被认为是最快的说唱歌曲之一。

2."Thriller" - Michael Jackson (1982)这首由 Michael Jackson 演唱的歌曲是一首经典的流行歌曲,以其快速的节奏和令人印象深刻的音乐视频而广受好评。

3."Lose Yourself" - Eminem (2002)这首歌曲是 Eminem 的另一首代表作,歌曲中包含了许多复杂的韵脚和快速的说唱。

4."Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen (1975)这首由 Queen 演唱的歌曲被认为是 20 世纪最具代表性的摇滚歌曲之一,以其复杂的编曲和快速的演唱而闻名。

5."We Will Rock You" - Queen (1977)这首歌曲是 Queen 的另一首经典作品,以其简单的节奏和快速的合唱部分而备受喜爱。

6."The Message" - Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five (1982)这首经典的嘻哈歌曲被认为是最早的说唱歌曲之一,以其快速的节奏和极具感染力的歌词而闻名。

7."Hot for Teacher" - Van Halen (1984)这首歌曲是一首充满活力的摇滚歌曲,以其快速的吉他独奏和演唱而备受赞誉。



姆爷介绍英文作文英文,Hi everyone, today I want to introduce you to one of my favorite musicians, Moby. Moby is an American musician, DJ, and record producer. He has been active in the music industry since the 1980s and has released many successful albums, including "Play" and "18". His music is a unique blend of electronic, rock, and pop genres, and he is known for his use of samples and collaborations with other artists.One of the things I love about Moby is his commitment to animal rights and veganism. He has been a vegan for many years and is a strong advocate for animal welfare. In fact, he even owns a vegan restaurant in Los Angeles called "Little Pine". I think it's great when artists use their platform to promote important causes.Another thing I admire about Moby is his authenticity. He is not afraid to speak his mind and be true to himself, even if it means going against the mainstream. This isevident in his music, which often tackles political and social issues.Overall, I think Moby is a talented musician and agreat example of someone who uses their platform for good.I highly recommend checking out his music and supportinghis advocacy for animal rights.中文,大家好,今天我想介绍给大家我最喜欢的音乐人之一,姆爷。

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“Proof” Is same as his dead lit here” Belly belly button:tomstone, the above is the name of his exwife ,below is “Rot in Pieces”
Who he is!!
His name's Bruce Marshall Mathers,but his fans prefer to call him "slim shady".He is a legend,not just because he's white rapper,but his great talent in rap music.He can rap with any kind beat,and the lyrics are not gentle.
The film was a critical and financial success. Eminem won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Lose Yourself," the song which was iconic to this film.
The Us rap king——— Eminem!
Personal date
Birth Name: Marshall Bruce Mathers III Stage name : eminem Born: Oct.17, 1972 Genres: Hip Hop, Hardcore Rap Sign : balance Height:5’8”(173cm) Weight:76kg Blood type : AB Favorite sport : basketball
他赢了很的奖,包括8项格莱美奖,1个奥斯卡,6 个欧洲最佳MTV奖 . Eminem获得的奖项总数位 居历史第三位,居麦当娜和皮特-加布里埃尔 之后。他是二十一世纪以来十年全球唱片销量 最高的歌手 他很重情义,因为他的朋友,说唱歌手Proof 的死,他甚至告别舞台五年,直到2009年复出。
More Than Music
ALIASES riffraff
Left shoulder: To commemorate his uncle“Ronnie Pilkington” (EM 指出Ronnie是家 庭中唯一关心他 的人)
Right shoulder: His daughter’s face “Hailie Jade”his daughter’s name
The film is a semi-autobiography of Eminem, accounting of a young white rapper named Jimmy "BRabbit" Smith Jr. (Eminem) living in inner city Detroit, Michigan set in 1995, and his attempt to launch a rap career in an industry dominated by African Americans.
“这个男孩的音乐是突然之间闪 现出来的,像一架战略轰炸机一 样,打击了美国年轻人内心思想 的薄弱之处。他的音乐充斥着愤 怒,他用一种近乎于呐喊的音量 向我们阐述了一些关于暴力、毒 品、婊子、女人、同性恋、死亡、 阴谋和爱的故事。每一个故事都 贴切的体现了这一代70-80年代 出生的美国年轻人的悲哀。也是 整个美国社会的悲哀。短短时间 里,他就用歌声营造了属于他 的——EMINEM现象。”
2000:Lyricist Of The Year(年度作词奖) 2002:Lyricist Of The Year(年度作词奖) 2005:Lyricist Of The Year(年度作词奖) 2002:Music Video Of The Year(音乐电视奖) ——《Guilty Conscience》 2001:Best Video of the Year(年度最佳影片奖) ——《Stan》 Online Hip Hop Awards(网络在线hip-hop奖项) 2000:Best Artist Website(最佳艺术网站 —— <> Hottest Music Video(最热门音乐录影带) ——<Guilty Conscience> Best New Artist(最佳新艺人) ——《Hot 97 Picks》 Brit Awards(全英音乐奖) 2001:International male (国际男艺人) 2003:International Male Solo Artist(国际男歌手) 2003:International Album (环球专辑)——《The Eminem Show》 2005:International Male Solo Artist(国际男歌手) Billboard Music Awards(公告牌音乐奖) 2002:《The Eminem Show》获得: Album Of The Year(年度唱片奖)
1997:Wake Up Shou 年度最佳自由式表演者 洛山矶举行的饶舌奥运会的自由式比赛的亚军 2000:美国告示牌排行榜专辑榜的冠军 2002:电影主题曲Lose Myself入围第75届奥斯卡金像奖的最佳电影主题 曲 Academy Awards(奥斯卡颁奖礼) 2003:Best Original song(最佳原创歌曲): ——《Lose Yourself》 MTV European Music Awards(欧洲音乐颁奖典礼) 1999:Best New Artist(最佳新艺人) (My Name Is) :Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人) 2000:Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人) :Best Album(最佳专辑) ——《The Marshall Mathers LP》 2001:Best Hip Hop Act(最佳hip-hop表演) 2002:Best Album (最佳专辑)(The Eminem Show) :Best Hip Hop Artist (最佳hip-hop艺人) :Best Male(最佳男歌手) :Best Hip Hop Artist(最佳hip-hop艺人) World Music Awards(世界音乐奖) 2005:Pop/Rock Artist (流行/摇滚艺术家) Rap/ Hip Hop Artist(说唱/hip-hop艺人) 2001:World Music Award For World‘s Best Selling Rap Artist (世界音乐奖:世界最畅销说唱歌手) The Source Hip Hop Music Awards(原创hip-hop音乐奖)
R&B/ Hip Hop Album Of The Year(年度最佳R&B/hip-hop唱片奖) Best Album(最佳专辑) Best R&B/Hip Hop Album(最佳R&B/hip-hop专辑) 2003:《The Eminem Show》继续获得 Best Album(最佳专辑) Best Rap Album(最佳Rap专辑) 2003:Best Album‘s Artist(最佳专辑艺人) 2001:《The Real Slim Shady》获得 Maximum Vision Award(最佳视觉创意奖) Best Rap Hip Hop Clip(最佳说唱hip-hop嘻哈剪辑) 2003:American Music Awards(美国音乐奖) Favorite Pop/Rock Male Artist(最受欢迎的流行/摇滚男歌手) Favorite Pop/Rock Album (最受欢迎流行/摇滚专辑) ——《The Eminem show》 Favorite Hip-hop/R&B Male Artist (最受欢迎hip-hop/R&b男歌手) Favorite Hip-hop/R&B Album(最受欢迎hip-hop/R&B专辑) —— 《The Eminem Show》 2005:Favorite Rap/Hip-hop Male Artist(最受欢迎说唱/hip-hop男歌 手) 2006:Favorite Rap/Hip-hop Male Artist(最受欢迎说唱/hip-hop男歌 手)
他的名字叫 Bruce Marshall Mathers,但他的球迷喜欢叫他 “slim shady” 他是一个传奇 人物,这不仅因为他是个白人 说唱歌手,更是因为他在HipHop音乐上有着超越常人的天 赋,他会跟着任何旋律歌唱, 而且歌词口味很重。
Who he is!!
He got 1 billion fans around the world,but he never stops.His muisc,lyrics and thoughts effect lots of people.He just says:"I'm not a real person,I'm a ghost trapped in a beat." It's just shady,you may say shady's crazy,but rap made him,you just can't help loving.
他得有1亿多的歌迷遍布全世界,但他 从未停止。他的音乐,他的歌词和思 想影响了无数的人 他说过:“我不是 一个真正的人,我是个困在节奏理的 幽灵。" 这就是shady,你可能会说他太疯狂 了,但说唱铸造了他,听过他的歌你就 会情不自禁爱上他。