



Thanks to the Hope Project r,great changes have taken place in a country school,This school used to be called Lijiazhuang School。Most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education。The only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms。And all the teachers shared one room。The playground was nothing but an open land。

Things are different now。All the children who left school have come to continue their studies。In the schoolyard stands a two-storeyed teaching building。There are rooms for music,art and com-

puter teaching。The school is well equipped with sports goods。

The Project benefits the school a great deal。For this reason,it was renamed Hope School。







how to get good grades in college A few days ago, I did an interview on how to get good grades in college with some of my classmates. Among them, my first interview was a sunny boy named Wen Bing. He said," if you want to get good grades, you have to learn to manage your own time, only in this way can you study more effectively." Moreover, he also mentioned that we must go to the library more, because the atmosphere there is better for study. Then, other interview was a beautiful girl called Xiao Ling. She is more concerned about that listening to the teacher carefully in class. Thinking the content of the university class more than before, we cannot miss any information. Quite agreeing with them, I think these are the basis of getting good grades in college. And I want to add that no matter how to study, we should make a summary carefully in order to review better.


英语小短文带翻译100字20篇 1.A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day. 今天天气晴朗比较热。我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很快乐。 2.给笔友的一封信 Dear Lucy I am very glad to hear from you. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Lei. I am eleven years old. I am tall with a pair of glasses. Now I am studying at Yuying Primary School. I am in Class One,Grade 5. I like singing and playing the piano very much. I am good at English and Chinese. 很高兴收到你的来信。现在让我介绍我自己。我叫李雷。11岁。我高个子、带眼镜。我在育英小学。我在五年级一班。我非常喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴。我数学和语文学得都很好。 3。暑假打算 I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day . I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework. 我暑假会很忙。我每天要写作业。我打算去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。我要做运动,如:打乒乓球、游泳等。我要去看爷爷奶奶并在那住一周。我要帮父母做家务。 4.自我介绍 Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity. 大家好我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长英语和数学。我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游。我也喜欢打乒乓球。我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员。最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边。白色是我的最爱。因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征。 5.A nice Sunday It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada. Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing


初二英语作文300字集合10篇 My name is Rachael. When I grow up, I want to be a biology teacher because then I could teach children about the environment. I think that the world is a wonderful place, but I worry about it. People don't care about nature. They only care about making lots of money. They should remember that if we destroy all the trees, then we will not survive. I get sad, too, when people kill each other. Grown ups play silly games sometimes. It's no fun. 种花(planting flowers) Spring is coming. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. 春天来了。鸟语花香。我想把春天种到家里。于是我和爸爸到集市上买了一些花苗,准备种到院子里。 We prepared to plant them in the yard. When we were backing home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now. 我们俩手拿小铁锨,热火朝天地干着。不一会儿就种完了,现在我就可以耐心地等着家里春天的到来了。 We go to school for education. We learn Maths, English,Chinese, Physics and other subjects. School education is necessary and important. However, no one can learn everything from school. Even a very good teacher can not tell his students everything they want to know. Edison didn't have much schooling, but he became a famous scientist. It doesn't mean that school education is not important.He knew how to learn new things by himself. As a matter of fact, many things can be learned outside school by the students themselves. So we should learn how to learn at school. My deskmate is a girl, her name is Xiao Xue. She has long hair, her pony tail often whips my face when she turns around, but I don’t mind. She likes to wear the white dresses, they make her clean and innocent, which she is. She is very interested in painting, she also won an award


12月25日,我蹦蹦跳跳地走进教室。 第一项游戏开始了。只见老师在屏幕上显示出一张杂乱无章的字母表,说:“请你们把下列单词找出来,看看谁的眼睛最雪亮。我可是有礼物奖励哦。”我一看单词、顿时昏倒。Candy、ChristmasEve、England…都是些高难度的单词,再看看这巨大的单词表,让人眼花缭乱。过了一会儿,Bruse灵机一动,找到了一个Candy,就像一下子找到了我们大脑的钥匙,一“波”七嘴八舌的噪音向老师涌来。 还没等我们把礼物放入口袋,老师又宣布新的节目开始了。Una拿出三张单词表,她想干什么呢?原来,这是“我爱记单词”环节了。老师把我们分成三个小组,每组派出一位代表,轮流看单词表,每次10秒,共看三回,等所有代表都看好了,开始抢答,看哪位代表记住的单词最多就能为自已小组的小朋友赢取礼物。我第一个出马,可是拿到单词,顿时让我哭笑不得。笑的是因为单词量非常少,哭的是单词也实在太长了点。比如Boxingday、santaclues、ChristimasTree…由于紧张,我一个也没记住。接下来,幸好我们组的Rockit大显神威,一共记住了6个单词,才把我的损失弥补回来。 早晨,我背着“书包”走在去“学校”的路上——去上英语课。一路上我担 心极了:老师会不会很凶?会不会很严格?我从来没学过,会不会很难学……想到这,我害怕地紧紧拉着妈妈的手。 “零零零”……上课了,我这才发现原来它是那么好玩。老师姓王,叫Miss王,Miss 王上课时不时还送我们一些小玩意儿,有小熊猫等,于是我们便更加爱英语了。还有时侯,同学太紧张了,说:“Miss王,请问你贵姓啊?”老师却说:“我姓张!”大家笑得几乎直不起腰来。 下课了,虽然只有五分钟,但大家依就开心极了。瞧!一个同学跑到了讲台上,大声说:“请问哪种生物从高空落下没有反应?哈,不知道吧?是死鬼!”说完大摇大摆地走了。同学们一个个木鸡似的呆在那儿,半天才反应过来,摆出各种各样的神态来:有的装没听见,躲在一旁偷乐;有的大声“抗议”着;还有的甚至跑去叫Miss王,边跑边叫:“不得了了,这‘戏’没法看了,教室里闹活鬼了”…… 英语课真好玩! 我的课余生活很丰富,比如:学舞蹈、学英语、弹钢琴……期中,我最喜欢学英语。 我从幼儿园就开始学习英语了。刚开始学习时只是因为上英语课的时候,能和小朋友一起玩游戏、唱英语歌曲,觉得非常有趣,所以才走进这个英语学习班。随着学习内容的深入,学习时间的增加,我也曾有过放弃学习英语的念头,甚至还为这件事哭过鼻子。但是,当我想起“持之以恒”的故事时,我觉得自己克服困难,继续坚持下去。 妈妈很赞同我的做法。为此,还表扬了我。 去年,我参加了“人教派斯杯”全国少年儿童英语风采大赛。当我顺利地通过初赛的`时候,全家都为我感到高兴。当我通过复赛,获得了到北京参加决赛的机会时,全家人更为我欢呼。 去年暑假,我和爸爸妈妈一起开开心心去北京参加比赛,虽然我只拿到了一个“优秀奖”,但是妈妈鼓励我说比赛重在参与。 我的课余生活不但给我带来了快乐,也给全家人带来了快乐。 上次我写了英语第一课,这一次就让我来给你们讲一下我们正式上课的内容吧。 今天到了那里以后,老师就和我们说:“今天课间要排坐位,大家先随便坐,等下了第一节课我就给你们调座位。”于是,我和王悉璇又坐在了一起。第一节课老师给我们看了作业,我和王悉璇都得了最高分。然后老师又让我们复习了26个字母正确书写。包括他的正确读法。过了一会到课间休息的时候了,老师让我们出去站队,然后我们到外面站好队的时候。老师


关于自我介绍是英语作文300字精选5篇 学习英语,首先写的第一篇作文就是自我介绍,你会写了吗?下面就是小编给大家整理的关于自我介绍是英语作文300字精选5篇,希望大家喜欢! 关于自我介绍是英语作文1 If you come to Xi’an, you can’t miss the Terra Cotta Warriors. The Terra Cotta Warriors museum is in Lin Tong. It very special because it is one of the eigh wonders of the world. If you go to Lintong and visit the Terra Cotta Warriors ,you cant’t miss the Qin Ling Mountain, also. You can see lots of plants and animals in the mountain. They are so beautiful. If you have enough time, you can go to the Bell Tower, too .The Bell Tower have three floors. It is surrounded by the City Wall. There is a big bell in the tower. Walking down the sidewalk, you can see the Drum Tower and Muslim Street. On the Muslim Street, there are lots of delicious food, such as cold rice noodles, Chinese hamburgers , Paomoand so on. These foods can be found in all parts of Xi'an. My favourite food is Chinese hamburgers. This is Xi’an. I love it very much. 关于自我介绍是英语作文2 My name is Ye Lingyan, my English name is Peter. My hair is short, my eyes are big. I like watching TV, playing computer games and swimming. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at six thirty. I go to school at seven o'clock. I have lunch at eleven forty. From Monday to Friday, I have six classes every day. I go home at four o'clock. I have dinner at five. I go to bed at ten o'clock. I have a drum class. I really enjoy the class. 关于自我介绍是英语作文3 I'm Hua Zhengxian. I'm ten years old. I'm in Class 5,Grade 4. My hair


5篇实用英语作文100字范文 【篇一】Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest. I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet, playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolizing purity. 大家好我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实.我擅长英语和数学. 我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游.我也喜欢打乒乓球.我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员.最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边.白色是我的最爱.因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征. 【篇二】This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside. 这是我的房间。在窗口附近有一张书桌。我经常在那做我的家庭作业。您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。我坐那里,并且我能看外面的树和路。 【篇三】Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only


【实用】大学英语作文300字三篇 大学英语作文300字三篇 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是收集整理的大学英语作文300字3篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 大学英语作文300字篇1Dear John, I’m so glad to hear you will come to my country to learn Chinese in this winter holiday. I think it is the best way to improve your Chinese. When you get here, you may go to a Chinese language school. Remember to speak Chinese as much as possible in class. You can read some Chinese newspapers or books. You can see some famous Chinese films or listen to the radio in Chinese. It can improve your listening. Besides that(除此之外), how about writing to me in ChineseIt is good for your writing. I hope I can give you some help. See you soon. Yours, Lin Tao 大学英语作文300字篇2 After passing the 20xx College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list


英语作文读后感300字 读后感是指读了一本书,一篇文章,一段话,几句名言,一段音乐,或者一段视频后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章,看看下面的英语作文读后感300字吧! Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment. But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop. Every Girl Can Be A Princess A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart.


100字高中英语作文 全球化时代语境下,英语教育的地位越来越高。高中英语教学中,写作教学作为重要的组成部分,是培养学生英语综合应用能力的重要途径,也是英语基本能力的集中体现。下面,是为你整理的100字高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 100字高中英语作文篇1Every year, on June 7th and 8th is the biggest day for Chinese high school students, because they need to take part in the College Entrance Exam, which will decide their future. High school students study three years to prepare for this exam, they try their best get the highest mark, so that they can enter the ideal university. The parents also feel very nervous, they want to create the best environment for their kids to study, so they do a lot of things for their kids, helping them to win more time to go over the lesson. Some parents are even tempted by the commercial ads to buy all kinds of nutritions. The most exaggerating situation is that the students studying while they are injected with some nutrition. All the parents and teachers want the students get the best results in this big test. 每年,6月7日和8日是中国高中生最重要的一天,因为他们需要


Have personal, suffered two times in his life tragic accident. Unfortunately for the first time when he was 46 years old. An airplane accident, make him more than 65% of the skin are burnt out. In 16 times surgery, his face turned into a color board for skin grafts. His fingers, legs so small, and cannot be action, can only be collapsed in a wheelchair. Who would have thought that after six months, he personally drove the plane fly in the sky! Four years later, once again the unfortunate fate befall him, he is driving the plane on takeoff suddenly fell back into the runway, his 12 vertebrae are all crushed, permanently paralyzed from the waist down. But he did not take these disaster as his reason for depression, he said: \"I can do 10000 things before paralysis, now I can only do 9000 kinds, I can also put the attention and eyes can do 9000 things. I had two major setbacks in life, so, I can only choose not to bring frustration as his excuse to give up efforts.\" Is the life of the strong, Mitchell. Because he never give up efforts to become a millionaire, public speaker, entrepreneurs, and also to gain a foothold in the political arena.


精选高一的英语作文300字四篇 Guilin is in the north of Guangxi. The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand. There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin. If you come to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. Every year many tourists come to Guilin for a visit. You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River. You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin. Mrs Brown is an excellent teacher. She is a good-looking woman, with gentle manners and a kind smile. Mrs Brown likes her work very much. She works hard and tries her best to make every class perfect. Listening to her talk is an artistic treat indeed. She treats her students as her own children, not only strictly but also kindly. She always shows deep concern for them and makes great efforts to train them into persons of ability. All the students respect her very much. Last week, when I went to school, I found many of my friends were having a cellphone, they showed off their cellphones and talked to me how nice it was. So I want to have a cellphone, I am so afraid of telling my parents about my idea, they will be surpr ised and won’t understand why I need it. So I want to give them suggestion and see how they will act. 上周,当我去学校的时候,我发现很多我的朋友都有了手机,他们在我面前炫耀他们的手机,告诉我那是多么的美妙。因此我想要拥有一台手机,我很怕告诉父母我的想法,他们会感到吃惊,不会理解为什么我需要。所以我想给他们一些建议,看看他们的反应。 我最喜欢的运动是篮球。在电视看起来太酷了,我喜欢那些篮球明星自从我小的时候。 篮球需要速度、高度和技能。我跑、跳开关,并试图打击!我的身体所有部分在这项运动锻炼。我觉得我就像风飞在操场上为我的目标,这让我感觉太好了! 篮球需要快速反应和决策。当机会来临的.时候,它可能消失在下一秒。我应该留意看如鹰,决定和判断迅速豹,并运行它作为狼。


英语作文100字 篇一:My mother There’s no doubt that my mother gives all her love to me. I do believe she is a great person who makes my life beautiful and meaningful. She is an easygoing and kind woman with bright eyes and a lovely smile. Although she is often busy, I still feel that I am taken good care of by her. It’s a great pleasure to chat with her when I get into troubles. She always encourages me not to give up and tries to cheer me up by ing up with good solutions. In addition, I am fascinated by her cooking and writing. With her love, I feel like a fish swimming happily in a beautiful sea. I’ll cherish her love forever.篇二:My teacher My teacher, Miss Wang, helped me a lot in my middle school life. She is a kind easygoing woman. I must thank her for making a confident girl. I used to be a shy and unconfident girl. Mrs. Wang noticed me. She took good care of me and encouraged me to join the school speech contest. Of course, I failed. But Mrs. Wang cheered me up and said every man is the architect of his own future. From then on, I practiced every day. It goes without saying “No pain, no gain.” I won the contest in the second term. In my opinion, teachers are the same as gardeners and they volunteer today and gain tomorrow. Not only can they teach knowledge but also they can teach students how to be a successful man. Thank you, Mrs. Wang. You make a duck bee a beautiful swan. I want to be a teacher that as same as you in the future. 篇三:My opinion on Internet Hello, everyone! As you know, many students like to work on the Internet. Of course, it can bring us many good things. We can learn more knowledge outside our books, practice our spoken English with someone else and look up some useful information. At the same time, it can bring us some bad things as well. Some students have made too many friends, seen some bad information that is not good for us and spent too much time on it. We should know what to do and what not to do. That’s my idea. Thank you for listening! 篇三: My view on television Television has e into our life for many years. We can’t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can get happiness from the plays on television. We’ll


我的爱好英语作文300字 I love painting, when I was two or three years old on the wall or on the ground to draw the swallow, dog and other small animals. From the age of 5, I began to learn painting system. I draw a picture when I look at it carefully and then do it. On one occasion, I drew a picture of a lovely little boy, after finished watching very uncomfortable, after careful observation found hands length, has been modified to see is pleasing to the eye. Every time I draw the total some strange ideas, one time, I drew a picture of "I in space when the police on duty" of painting, painting a variety of vehicles from passing through the rainbow bridge, I was standing on a cloud, holding Command card, mighty directing traffic. The painting was praised by the teacher. I have not only the imagination, but also the realistic feeling. I remember when I was at eight years old, my county held primary school painting competition, I drew a picture of the yard movement "painting is a keen basketball match, a dribbling player carrying the ball quickly rushed over, a player who was greeted by anti blocking him, his teammates waved to him in meaning, let him the ball over. The rest of the players and the referee's faces are drawn to life, the audience's enthusiasm is also very hot scenes. In the end, the painting won the first prize. Now I have been on the five grade learning task is very heavy, time is very tight, but I do not forget to draw a picture every day, because I like painting, painting has become an important part of my life! 我爱好画画,两三岁时就爱在墙上或地上画燕子、小狗等小动物。从5岁起,我开始系统的学习画画至今。我画画时会先认真观察再动
