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The film Wonder(奇迹) is based on the best-selling novel of the same name. It tells a heart-warming growing story of 46 11-year-old boy. His name is Auggie. He was bor n with differences of his face. He doesn’t go to school 47 fifth grade, and before that his mother teaches him at home.

At school, he is often 48 at by his schoolmates because of his unusual appearance (外貌). It seems that 49 likes to make friends with him.

50 , Auggie has the strong support and love from his parents and sister. He finally inspires(鼓舞) the people around him with 51 , kindness and wisdom, and he wins their friendship, respect(尊敬) and love. And 52 the end, he becomes a wonder himsel f.

In the film, Auggie wears and astronaut’s helmet(头盔)to 53 his face. It shows he wants to protect himself, and also shows he wants to join the outside 54 .

We 55 different and hope to be treated with kindness, so let’s warm the world with kindness.

46.A.a B.an C. the D./

47.unless B. when C. though D. until

ughed B. laughing C. laughs D. laugh

49.A.somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

50.A.Secondly B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Probably

51.A.courage B. sadness C. illness D. silence

52.A.by B.at C.in D.to

53.A.move B. touch C. repair D. hide

54.A.world B. house C. government D. village

55.A.are both B. both are C. are all D. all are

One afternoon a few months after Tom and I were married, Max walked into the dini ng room, where I was looking through my old photos.

These months I was learning to let Max come ___16___ on his own. If I moved too quickly, he ran away. If I was __17__, we often ended up playing, laughing, and recentl y, even sitting together on the sofa with a book.

“Who’s that?”he pointed to one photo.’

“My mom. I suppose she is your __18___ Sylvia.”

“Cool. Who is that to me?”

“That was my grandfather. He died a few months ago.”

“Hmm. Too bad he had to die.”

Death is always a painful __19___, especially for a seven-year-old child who’d lost hi s mother only two years before. I secretly put away the pictures of __20___ relatives.

He began to finger through the photos. “Who is that to me?”

Under his finger I could see my own face. I should have known the answer to his _ _21___ question. But I said,“I’m your __22___ mom. I’m sorry that your first mom d ied.”

“What should I call you?”he asked.

Mom, I wanted to cry. I held back.

“You can call me Mom or Betsy. _______fells OK for you.

I waited, expecting a pronouncement of my new ___24__.

“Sweet,”he said, walking out of the room.

For a couple of days afterward, Max ___25__ a new title for me.“Can we go bowli ng?”“Can I watch TV?”he’d ask, and then ___26____ the questions by mouthing the word Mom. Mom was always __27____.

One weekend, he suddenly said, “I notice I don’t call you Mom.”

“I noticed that too.”

“__28___ I say Betsy, I mean Mom. Moms die, you know. I think it’s maybe __ 29__ if you’re just Betsy.”

Tears(眼泪) were filling my eyes.

“Hey, Betsy?”
