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GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 003 / 035 / 037
Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.
General statement:教育机构对学生的未来负有责任,应该尽可能的去帮助学生取得成功。
Thesis statement:帮助学生取得成功是教育机构的责任。
Development: 教育机构对学生的未来富有责任。
Giving a few second on interesting matter is better the spending an hours for boring issue”. It’s human’s tendency to work attentively and alertly on the issue which is of his interest and keeping him self away from annoying topic, even if it has been suggested and advised by many people. Interest and likeness of person matters a lot in his life.
Every one likes to work in the field of interest and if we talk about students then they prefer the subject and faculty of their interest. In case of some students, they get confused in deciding that what is of their interest and what they choose for they expertisment. Availability of many option leads to this short of situation.
After completing the secondary school education, it become very tough for students to select their main subject as a career option. As in their previous study there may be more then one subjects in which they are interested. So in this stage many influences effects on their thinking. What their colleagues are selecting as their field of further study, advices from parents and other relatives etc. take them to divert from their field of interest and catch up in any regardless field.
This is where the Educational institution can come in picture and helps out the future of the country. Teachers and professors in education institutes has better vision to understand the interest of the students and guide them in proper way. And it has been reviewed that students consider their teachers advices more compare to other.
Every one knows that “youth is the power of country”. To guide them in proper way is essential requirement for each country. If one intelligent student enters in the filed in which he should not be then he can not bring out from that situation and put him in proper place. In that case he works, but not with heart
and interest. And this mistake become mater of repentance for him for whole life. And no gain in the development of the country become possible from him.
So it is crucial for Educational institutes to help out student to lead them in appropriate future. There must be separate department in each institute to handle this stuff of guiding the students with highly qualified teachers. They should arrange Vocational guidance session to let the student to understand the filed of their interest and get information about there likeness. They must set arrangement to keep the students from being away from influences and listening words off heart towards their likeness. It also requires to give training to the teachers for this purpose.
Without Acquiring the youth of country in proper manner, progress of the country is not possible And Educational institutes are the main source to lead the student in the field of their interest and likeness. So they have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.
GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 006 / 014 / 096 / 116
A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.
language, mathematics, science, history, computer, form the same education background fundamental skills and knowledge, children grow up as informed and productive members of society. easier for college to build curriculua suitable for all freshmen
谁来决定课程,regulators quirky notions of what should be taught
3、实施主要国家课程的同时还需要设置地方性课程,符合地方需求,keep local culture
business courses suitable for children live in metropolitan, unsuitable for those live in hinterland; course on farming local culture,language,tradition,arts learn literature, works related with local life easier to understand, to preserve local culture and language
①can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors比如学习数学,物理,化学这些学科,培养足够的逻辑思维和认知能力cognitive skill
②有助于大学设置课程provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen,如果学生素质差别太大,很难找到一个合适的起点。
③但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the
application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.)。
④传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress –as some sort of threat to its authority and power. 比如国家间意识形态不同,各自通过统一的课程来攻击,贬低彼此,不利于培养思想完善的人
1 为了保证在大学入学考试时的公平性,以及培养一个人生存所必备的能力,国家需要制定统一的必修课【比如数学培养logic ability in order to form rigorous thought; history makes people get a general view of
a nation•••】
2 考虑到一些特殊情况,地区可以根据需要开设一些有自己特色的课;(例子,比如艺术院校的学生,除了学习国家规定的课程外,还必须学一些专业方面的知识;还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程;还有就是为特殊学生开设特殊的课程,包括handicapped one and generous one【这点不晓得有没有偏题】)
3 以统一课程为主,地方辅以需要的地方课。
二、国家统一的好处It is true that uniform courses have some merits with three aspects
a.基础技能b. 国家政治、地理等课程能更好把握整体,编写教材c. 一个社会的成员需要共同的背景
三、国家统一课程的优点地方学校也可以做到However, the regional schools can also provide core courses as same as the national curriculum, and even provide some special courses that combine with regional characteristics
a. 为了吸引学生,要把家长和学生看重的加入课程b.而且有地方特色的课程,比如local culture
四.不能把课程的决定交给官僚it's ill-conceived to delegate decisions about education to a few bureaucrats.
1.所有人都变成一样2. 选择变少,控制思想,降低创造力3.教育保持多样化
The children of a nation are its future. Along with becoming independent and successful, they are the ones to carry the responsibility of running the nation as well as developing it in the future. Therefore, it is very important to form a strong base in their formative years so that they are not only successful in the personal front but also turn out to be good citizens. Education plays an important role in forming the basis of a child's future. The curriculum should therefore be carefully chosen to fulfill these requirements. I believe that the curriculum being followed in a nation should be similar but schools should have some freedom to introduce or change it to a certain extent. While the larger part of the curriculum should be decided to remain similar on a national level, it should not be binding schools completely to follow it strictly.
Having a uniform curriculum is beneficial in many ways. It determines a standard level which is required by every student to clear before he is able to take another academic step. Each level prepares the student for the next level and this forms a stepwise format of learning. A common curriculum ensures a stable and universal learning pattern. It allows making the curriculum familiar throughout the nation and
it becomes easier to refer to it. There are many students who attend more than one school during their education. A common national curriculum is very important for such students who leave one school and join another at a different place. For example, consider the people in a transferable job like the defense. The children of a defense person have to go to different places along with their families. It is evident that they need to change their schools as often as their guardians get transferred to a new place. If there are no guidelines for curriculum given to schools, these children will have to face new and unfamiliar curriculums everywhere they go. This will make it difficult for them to cope up with the requirements of a new curriculum and they will be at a great disadvantage. According to me, a uniform curriculum at all places makes it easier for such people to change schools and adjust in a new environment without hampering their growth.
Today is the age of competition. In order to find a place anywhere the students need to compete with each other. Therefore, uniformity is required at some level so that there is fair competition. Generally, students have to face an entrance test at the college level to secure a seat. This entrance test is based on the knowledge acquired by students in their high schools. If there is variation in the curriculum that they have studied, the entrance test will not be made on similar lines for everyone. Hence, it would benefit some students who have studied that curriculum and the other students would be at a loss. There would be no way to judge their capabilities with the same parameters. Hence, it is very important that uniformity be maintained in the curriculum at the school level, and students be able to face fair competition when they leave school.
However, I maintain that along with following the national guidelines for curriculum, schools should have certain liberty in choosing the format of courses it offers. Each student is different and so are his abilities. While there are some students who are fast learners, some are average and some are extremely slow. Moreover, the interests of students vary. Keeping in mind the interests of students, the curriculum should be molded so that they retain their interest in studies altogether. Hence, schools should be allowed a certain amount of discretion in making certain changes according to the needs only for the betterment of all the students.
In the end I would I like to conclude that a uniform pattern on the whole is very important at a national level. However, at the same time, schools should not be bound to follow it blindly and should be able to make certain changes that help the students in their studies.
GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 008 / 111 / 149
Claim: In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years.
Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.
二、期限的好处changing leadership in a relative short period has some merits.
三、但有些领域独立性leaders need to have a relatively independence to make decisions and to expound their conclusions, whether or not those conclusions are palatable to their employers like governments or other powerful interests.1.Hayek
①Business, 新手要去适应,没时间;②了解市场,作出长期战略,要不然tunnel vision;③IBM,GE Outline2
对在位者来说,A有激励作用B防止腐败When leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power.
B通常来说,年轻力量更能创新A new leadership usually has greater initiative and would bring in new ideas.
如:美国大法官终身职位U.S. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Lifelong jobs。
美联储主席U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman。
4、有的职位是靠经累积起来的,如:商业或学术权威(academic authority)。
However, in private areas such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership.对新人来说,不断换届也有问题,他们可能还不熟悉,摸索都需要一段时间。
Limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiatives.
Is it necessary to have those in power step down after five years in office of various fields such as business politics or education? Is the change of leadership a better path to the success of a government, an enterprise or a school? Admittedly, new leadership composed mostly by young people is more likely to bring about new things by making a "long-wanted change", compared with those who have been in power for too long and are so used to the cliche of their government strategy and management style.
Often full of energy and with new visions, the new leadership could manage things from a different cutting edge and would be able to make renovations and lead a government or a company into a new stage of development. The precious creativity a team of new leadership has is often crucial to the reform of a government or renovation of a company and an organization. A good example of this is Barack Obama being able to win the US presidential election by promising a change to his country and the world.
However, it is undeniable at the same time that a veteran leader is often more experienced than a young leader who succeeds him. Most of the senior leaders in a government or a company are outstanding veterans who have not only fought for the organization, but also witnessed the growth of its development, and even the mistakes they have made. If a new leadership doesn't learn lessons from the past, they probably will make the same mistakes, and at higher costs for the government of company. In that sense, the value of experience an old team of leadership has gained should not be ignored anyhow during the re-election of an organization.
More importantly, any reform or innovation has to be based on the past which well represented the old leadership. Without such a base a government or a company may loose its identity and it's dangerous for the trial of a change or an overhaul. Let's consider the situation Barack Obama is facing again. No matter how ambitious the change he claimed he wanted to make, Obama can't make any change if it is not America and he won't be able to make his promise of the change serve his country without the hard work the former presidents of America have achieved before him.
As it has proved that the step down of those who have been in power for five years will give young leaders more chances to introduce reforms or make renovation to the development of a government or an
organization. However, it is not necessarily the best way to the success of a government or an enterprise to simply have their senior leaders replaced for the following two reasons. First, if the leaders who have been in power for five years are not old enough and there is still potential for them to improve and absorb new ideas. Second, if the young leader is not that mature to lead a government or an enterprise, the senior leader doesn't seem to be in a hurry to leave. He could have more promising young talents join his top decision-making team to make sure there are enough fresh ideas and suggestions provided and help the young potential leader to grow.
All in all, a new leadership embodies a possible reform or renovation of the strategy and management style of an old-fashioned government or company, which is good for the government or the enterprise to develop. But, the senior leader's experience can also make great contribution to the development of a government or a company so that the new may avoid unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, the change of a leadership and the combine of the advantages of both the senior and young leaders can be more beneficial to the development of a government or an organization.
1在government, politics领域最好是要定期更新领导者,因为when leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. 比如美国总统任期term四年,所以为了给自己积累政治资本,他们就在任期内不敢随意abuse power而是实行对国家有益的政策
比如美联储Federal 主席Federal Reserve Governor,宏观经济政策macroeconomic policies周期比较长,需要很长时间才能有效果,频繁人事改变不利于稳定。
a fixed tenure time,可以有效防止corruption和lack of initiatives,但不是所有行业都要换
1、防abuse power(Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Sir.Acton)如政治
A case in point is the incidence of Water Gate scandal. Nixon abused his power to spy the meeting of Democratic Party in order to maintain his position for a longer period of time which eventually led to his resignation from the presidency and destroyed the image of government in the mind of its citizens that aroused significant distrust in the government work.
3、有些部门不需要,如教育chaos and instability of the execution , short-term goals私人企业-没必要Outline3
1 诚然,新的领导者总会给机构带来活力。
因为新的领导进入该领域之后,会带来his unique理念和态度,从而打破很多原有的规则,为机构注入生机more active。
很多机构因为更换了领导从而达到了发展,比如苹果公司在上世纪90年代遭遇了前所未有的巨大危机,面临困难,苹果公司更换了CEO,让苹果的创始人之一Steve Jobs重回苹果,他的到来为苹果带来了翻天覆地的变化,他先打破惯例与微软合好,并先后推出了iPOD, iBOOK等极具竞争力的产品,使苹果公司一下重新成为最好的公司之一。
2 另外,一段时间更换领导者,可以避免一些腐败事情的发生。
3 然而,更换领导不能太频繁,比如5年似乎有点短。
比如,如果微软不是Bill Gates在领导着,那么很可能这个公司已经失去了它的特色,而因为不停的更换总裁变得方向不明确。
1 社会的飞速发展,人们的思想观念都发生改变,所以为了适应社会的发展,应该用发展的眼光看问题
新的好处:Innovation,reform,new idea, inspire young, prevent corruption and abuse of authority 美国的总统制度US presidency every four years
2 有的领域,需要老手,老的好处:experience,stability,long-term reform
eg法律制度最高法庭的大法官Justices of the Supreme Court
经济制度,美联储主席Alan Greenspan chairman of the Federal Reserve, from1988-2006retirement 教育制度,终身教授Lifetime tenure
3最保险的方法是灵活改变,可以定期考核assess regularly,不能一刀切,要综合考察,是不是有利于发展的,要稳定地可持续的发展,stable and sustainable development
1. 提纲出观点Limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiatives.
2. 在government, politics领域最好是要定期更新领导者,因为when leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power.
3. 新的领导可以带来新的思想,更好的管理理念,给企业注入新的活力。
4. 当然在一些领域尤其是business领域,更新领导者未必是获得成功的最好方式
可用名言:Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. ------Sir. Acton
Does a leader lose his charisma and competence after five years? The answer to this question is debatable. People in power may be competent enough to handle their responsibilities, but it would be a grave mistake not to give a chance to the others. It is likely that there may be someone else who is able to handle the same responsibilities in a better manner. Moreover, since the modern world now elects its leaders in almost all professions, it would be a wise decision to change the leadership regularly. It may not necessarily be after every five years. The duration may be further reduced or increased, but a change is inevitable for success in any enterprise.
There have been monarchs who have successfully ruled their countries for decades. On the other hand, there are examples of rulers who were overthrown in a coup because the public found that they were not worthy of the position of power held by them. If monarchy was indeed so successful, then why is it that democracy has replaced monarchy in most countries across the world? This is because there is the requirement of a change in leadership at regular intervals. This change of leadership serves two purposes. Firstly, the person in power is aware of the repercussions of carelessly handling his responsibilities. He knows that he can be removed from his post even before his tenure is over, so he puts in his best for doing what is expected of him. Secondly, this process ensures that new talent is given a chance to come and prove their competence in carrying out the tasks assigned to them. There is always the possibility of someone remaining in power for the next term also if the organization fails to identify a suitable
replacement for him. Therefore, a change in leadership is bound to bring in long-term benefits for the enterprise in addition to success in all its ventures.
It is an exhilarating feeling to have the power to make people dance to your whims and fancies. It is this feeling that is the reason behind the prevalent corruption amongst the people in power. We have heard of so many instances wherein the people in power have misused their official position for personal gains. Stories of embezzlement of accounts, fraud, bribery and nepotism have generally been found in the front pages of our national dailies. These are all related to the misuse of power by the people who have been placed in this position for the betterment of the organization that they work for. A change in leadership ensures that such people will eventually be removed after their tenure is over and the new person thus appointed may be much more honest and cooperative, thereby improving the working conditions in the organization.
There are numerous students who earn professional degrees every year. As technology keeps changing at short intervals, it would be a wise decision to try out new talent as they would be trained to keep instep with the latest developments. If the head of the computer department of a high school is a teacher who had graduated 10 years ago, wouldn't it be a better option to replace him with a teacher who has recently graduated and who is aware of the latest technological developments in the world of computer science. The school and the students will benefit from the knowledge of the new teacher who can give an entirely new dimension to the computer education being imparted in the school.
In sum, it becomes necessary to change the leadership at regular intervals in order to ensure that the best available talent in the market is tapped for leading an organization on the path to success.
GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 010 / 125 / 148
Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.
wilderness areas受到human civilization威胁,政府需要保护
1、环境破坏已经对生态平衡造成很大影响,环境破坏影响人类,迫切需要保护since the humans arrived in Australia, the species there have decreased sharply
The significance of preservation has already been seen in Australia, where lots of regulations have been set by the government to protect the wilderness areas, its wildlife have been preserved and thrived significantly.
Take the depletion of ozone layer in Antarctica as example. Due to the wildly use of refrigerator, a lot of gases spread to the atmosphere and thus leads to a thinner Ozone Layer. The Ozone Layer helps prevent unwanted ultraviolet radiation ,hence the temperature of the world is not too high. However, because of the depletion of Ozone Layer in Antarctica, the temperature in this area rises ,therefore the iceberg in this area thaw out and consequently result in a higher level of Ocean, which means a disaster to human beings.
3、政府有责任undeniable mission保护环境,个人的力量有限,政府可以采取更有效措施
Tibetan Antelope Tibetan pleatue
There is a long-standing non-governmental organization called wild yak team. Although they do many thing to combat with those evil strugglers, their efforts are slim. The first difficulty is that
they have no right to punish those evil strugglers. The only thing they could do is try to prevent those evil struggles. However their strength is too weak compared to the strugglers. Another difficulty they face to is that they even can’t ensure their survival. They can’t get money from the wild yak team, meanwhile most of their time are spent on protecting Tibetan Antelope and could not do other things to earn money.
1 荒野地带对生态环境有很大影响biological diversity natural balance
2 荒野地带对科研有很大作用
3 适当的利用
3、政府是有效的保护手段,如通过法律,很多国家都有相关的规定来保护;如:the 1964 Wilderness Act,自然保护区的建立;除此以外,人类自身也要通过宣传、教育自觉地进行保护;
一、应该保护virgin lands, 不然被破坏,为了descendants。
比individual effective
二、保护动植物For the purpose of protecting wild animals and plants, government needs to take actions.
①研究生物进化,和基因多样性provide abundant original information for the study of evolution, and add rich diversity to genetics.
②不保护可能灭绝,chain, delicate balance
③即使很偏远,take heart from extremely high profits,比如Tibetan Antelopes
三、对于有丰富资源的地区there may be rich energy sources or mineral resources in the wilderness areas.
①如果不保护等于让私人开采,而私人没有兴趣保护,violently, inefficiently
②为了应对能源危机,为了留给后代scientifically exploit
四、不保护就没机会了as some damages are irreversible, present inaction is tantamount to forever loss.
①Ancient time形成的Amazon rainforests 被砍伐,新雨林成长的时间很长,而这期间ecosystem may not revive from human damages;②Butterfly effect,全球变暖和deforestation
五、有人建议私人基金或非政府组织the argument against the claim which some opponents suggest may be non-government organizations like environmentalist association can also do well in protecting the wild areas.
①资金不足,因为没什么利润capital abundance;②不具备强制性powerful coercion