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evident adj 清晰易见的 显然的 • It is evident/obvious that 很显然
It was evident that the fat one would be awkward with the same shirt. • evidence n 证据; 依据
im 使…;加以…;饰以… + press 压 → 使压住 → impress印象 impress v. 使某人印象深刻 • impress sb with sth 使某人铭记某事 He impressed us with his honesty. 他的诚实打动了我们。 His honesty impressed us. • impress sth on sb The words impressed themselves on her memory. 那些话语她铭记在心里。
• a lot of lots of • plenty of • half of • part of • one third of The reason that you can't lose weight. • percent of
• What a coincidence! 太巧了! • It is a coincidence that 是巧合的事 • by coincidence • by accident • by chance 碰巧 偶然 不故意 • The cats make a heart-shape by coincidence.
• specifically adv 特有地 具体地 明确地
convince vt 使确信 使信服 con 加强 + vinc 征服,克服+e→彻底征服对方→使〔人〕确信
• convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事 • be convinced that 确信 You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你对这份工作的热情。 我确信他们会接住我。 I'd convinced myself(that)they shall catch me.
possession n 财产pl. 所有
The possession of wealth doesn’t necessarily bring happiness. be in possession of sth拥有某物 (主语是人) The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. 这伙人被逮住,人赃俱获。
I passed my driving test at the/my first attempt. 我一次性通过了驾照考试。 • in an attempt to do sth 尝试做某事
attempt vt. 尝试 企图
• attempt to do = seek to do sth 尝试做某事 He attempted to gain knowledge.
Chorus of tin-cans 易拉罐合唱团
• many tin-cans • a good/great many tin-cans • scores of tin-cans • a great/large small number of • hundreds/ thousands/millions/billions of • dozens of tin-cans
preference n. 偏爱;爱好;喜爱
• It's a matter of personal preference. 那是个人的爱好问题。 • have a preference for 喜爱 • prefer... to... 喜欢...胜过... I have a preference for lying on the sofa.
She always watches her figure. 她一直注意保持身材。
a political figure 政治人物 GDP figure 国内生产总值数据
figure vt. 认为 判断
• figure out 理解 想出 I can’t figure it out. We still haven’t figured out how to do it.
这是一件典型的中国陶器。 • typically adv 典型地 有代表性地 一向如此 向往常一样
predict vt 预言 预告 预测 prediction n 预言 预报
• It is impossible to predict what will happen. • 预知未来的事是不可能的。 • It’s predicted that 据预报
vt 将...上诉 n 呼吁 请求
• make/launch an appeal 发出呼吁 He made an appeal to her for help.
• lose one’s appeal for 失去对...的兴趣 • have no appeal for 引不起某人的兴趣 • be appealing 吸引人的 恳求的
I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humour. 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。 be possessed of=possess oneself of 具有某种品质/特征
Mr Smith was possessed of great self-confidence.
• manage to do sth 成功地做成了某事 succeed in doing sth
• attempted adj 未遂的 意图的 an attempted murder 蓄意谋杀
type n. 类型——typical adj 典型的 有代表性的
a typical case 典型案例 • be typical of ...是...的特点 • This is a typical example of Chinese pottery.
• with the aim of 旨在 意在 • take aim at 向...瞄准
• aim特指一个明确的目的,并意味着实现它要竭尽全力 • object 眼前的目标和努力的方向 • target 枪 箭的靶子 目标 对象 • purpose 通过一个坚决的深思熟虑的动作达到的结果 或心中的目标 • goal 经努力才能达到的目标
选修六 第一单元
faith n 信任 信心 信念——faithful adj. • have/lose faith in... 信任 相信 I have great faith in you─I know you'll do well. 我对你有信心——我知道你会干好的。 • keep faith with sb 守信于某人 • He has made one of the most powerful films of the year
• have/take possession of sth=have sth in one’s possession 拥有某物 The policeman took possession of the thief ’s bag. 警方扣押了小偷的背包。
attempt n 努力 尝试 企图
• make an/no attempt to do /at doing sth 尝试做某事 • at the/one’s first attempt 第一次尝试
Rabbit: can you catch me?
• a good/great deal of fat • much fat • much of fat • a large/great amount of fat
Fat: no, he can't.
• impress ——impression n. 印象 ——impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的
The book made a strong impression on her. 这本书对她的触动很大。 She was very impressive in the interview. 她在面试中表现得十分出色。
appeal vi. 有感染力 呼吁 求助 • appeal to sb for sth/to do sth
向某人呼吁/恳求 • The government is appealing to
everyone to save food. 政府呼吁民众节约粮食。 • appeal to 对某人有吸引力 • The movie has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 这部电影雅俗共赏,老少咸宜。
• aim (...) at...把...瞄准... He aimed (the gun) at the target and hit it.
adopt vt 采用 采纳 收养
• adopt one’s suggestion • adopt a method/an idea 采用方法 采纳意见 Huawei will adopt the chips researched on our own. • adopt...as...收养...作为... • be adopted from 选自 取自 • adopted adj 收养的 领养的 • adopted son/daughter
by keeping faith with his principles. 他秉承自己的风格,制作出了本年度美国最有感染力的影片之一。
aim n. 目标 目的 • achieve/realize one’s aim 达到目标 Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims . 要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。
aim v. 瞄准 向...方向努力
• aim at doing sth 力争做到 目的是做某事 He aims at promotion.
• aim to do sth 旨在做某事 打算做某事 He aims to be a doctor.
• be aimed at=be intended for 目的是 旨在 The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.
fragile glass 易碎的 玻璃制品
The woman's fragile face broke into a smile.
• allergic adj. 过敏的
I like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them. 我喜欢猫,但遗憾的是 我对猫过敏。
• adapt 使适应 改编 • adapt oneself to 使...适应 • It took him a while to adapt himself to his new
surroundings. • 他过了好一阵子才适应了新环境。
possess vt 具有 拥有(无进行时) 感受/想法支配某人的行为
It was predicted that the temperature of next month would continue to fall. 预计下个月气温会继续下降。
specific adj 确切的 speci 种类 + fic 具有某种性质的 → 分出类别 → 明确的 • specific instructions/purpose 明确的指示/目的 • to be more specific 更明确地说 • —I'd like your help tomorrow.我想让你明天来帮帮我 —Can you be more specific ?你能不能说得具体些?