



英语经典的励志口号精选英语经典励志口号1. Faith can move mountains 信念能移山。


)2. Difficult the first time, easy the second 一回生,二回熟。

3. Do one thing at a time, and do well 一次只做一件事,做到最好!4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。

5. Behind the mountains there are people to be found 天外有天,山外有山。

6. He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom 千里之行始于足下。

7. Wealth is the test of a mans character 财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

8. The best hearts are always the bravest 心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。

9. Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

10. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

11. A man is only as good as what he loves 一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。

12. Some thing is learned every time a book is opened 开卷有益。

13. The worse luck now, the better another time 风水轮流转。

14. The first step is as good as half over 第一步是最关键的.一步。



英文版的运动会口号1.拼搏奋进,永久进步,绽放青春,超越幻想1 hard work ahead,always progress,bloom of youth,beyond the dream2.团结拼搏,争创佳绩,飞跃幻想,超越刘翔2 unity and hard work,striving for success,leap dream,beyond the Liu Xiang3.挑战自我,突破极限,奋勉拼搏,勇于开拓The 3 challenge themselves,to break through the limit,hard work,the courage to open up4.呈现自我,争创新高,奥运精神,永驻我心4 show themselves,striving to be high,the Olympic spirit,always in my heart5.强身健体,立志成材,坚韧拼搏,超越极限5 physical fitness,determined to become a usefulperson,tenacious struggle,beyond the limit6.挥动激情,放飞幻想,青春无悔,激情无限The 6 wave of passion,flying dream,youth,passion Unlimited7.坚韧拼搏,勇夺第一,挑战自我,突破极限7 the tenacious struggle,won the first,challenge themselves,to break through the limit8.奋勉拼搏,勇于开拓,遵规守纪,团结互敬8 hard work,the courage to open up,disciplined,solidarity and mutual respect9.走出风采,踏出青春,初三九班,勇往直前9 out of style,stepped out of the youth,class nine,march forward courageously10.终极九班,气概非凡,放马金鞍,勇冠江山10 the ultimate nine class,the extraordinary momentum,horse saddle gold,Yong crown land11.九(几班可以自己填写)班一出,谁与争锋,横扫赛场,为我称雄11 nine class A,die another day,across the field,for I rule the roost12.九(几班可以自己填写)班无敌,所向披靡,风云变幻,惟我九班12 class nine invincible,carry the world before one,amidst the winds of change,but my class nine13.运动无限,实力尽献,田径场上,自由拘束The 13 movement of infinite strength,contribute,track and field,take one's ease。



If you think you can, you can. 相信自己能行。

1、To do the most, to show the best.尽力做,秀最佳。

2、Don’t be shy, just have a try.不要胆怯,勇于尝试。

3、Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。

4、The more noble,the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。

5、Nothing seek,nothingfind.没有追求就没有收获。

6、Do our best,enjoy ourselves.做最好的自己
7、More english,morefun.多些英语,多些快乐
8、Promise little,but do much.少许愿,多行动
9、Time lost cannot be won again.时光流逝,不可复得
10、If you think you can,you can.相信自己能行
11、Impossible is nothing. Just do it! 一切皆有可能。

12、Happy English, happy life. 快乐英语,快乐生活。

13、Never say die. Never give up. 永不言败,永不放弃。

14、Fly my English dream. 放飞我的英语梦想。

15、Do our best, enjoy ourselves. 做最好的自己。




Nothingisimpossibletoawillingheart./Wherether eisawillthereisaway.2、千里之行,始于足下。




Nothingistobegotwithoutpainbutpovert y.6、伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒。


Lostyearsareworsethanlostdolla rs.8、自助者天助。



Oneminuteonthestageneedstenyearspract iceoffstage.11、好的开端是成功的一半。








Theremembranceofthepastistheteacherofthef uture.19、君子之交淡如水。





Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way.2、千里之行,始于足下。

The longest journey begins with the first step.3、积少成多。

Every little helps.4、满招损,谦受益。

Pride hurts,modesty benefits.5、世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。

Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty.6、伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒。

Rome was not built in a day.7、一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴。

Lost years are worse than lost dollars.8、自助者天助。

God helps those who help themselves.9、欲速则不达。

More haste,less speed.10、台上一分钟,台下十年功。

One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.11、好的开端是成功的一半。

Well begun is half done.12、酒好不怕巷子深。

Good wine needs no bush.13、成功源于勤奋。

Industry is the parent of success.14、英雄所见略同。

Great minds think alike.15、熟能生巧。

Practice makes perfect.16、静水流深。

Still waters run deep.17、滴水穿石。

Little stone fell great oaks.18、前事不忘,后事之师。




grasp one today, more than two tomorrows.2、今天的栽种,明日的果实。

today's planting, the fruit of the tomorrow.3、锲而不舍,存义精思。

perseverance is the one that is perseverant.4、要成就大事,先做好小事。

to accomplish great things, do small things first.5、往者不可谏,来者犹可追。

it is not to be admonished by the traveller, and the coming is still chasing.6、横绝学海,笑傲苍穹。

the sea of learning, the smile of the sky.7、励志照亮人生,创业改变命运。

inspiration illuminates life, and entrepreneurship changes destiny.8、拼搏改变命运,励志照亮人生。

struggle to change the fate, inspiring life.9、只要你想,就一定能成功。

you will succeed as long as you think.10、言之无文,行而不远。

words are not written, but not far.11、精诚所至,金石为开。

sincere and sincere, gold and stone for the open.12、态度决定一切,细节铸就成功。

attitude determines everything, and details are successful.13、成功决不容易,还要加倍努力。

it's not easy to succeed, but to redouble your efforts.14、志存高远,发奋向上,走向成功。



简短有力的英语口号押韵工1. 求个英语口号,简洁,有气势一点,最好押韵1、To do the most, to show the best.2、Don't be shy, just have a try.3、Where there is a will,there is a way.4、The more noble,the more humble.5、Nothing seek,nothingfind.1、To do the most, to show the best.尽力做,秀最佳。

2、Don't be shy, just have a try.不要胆怯,勇于尝试。

3、Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。

4、The more noble,the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。

5、Nothing seek,nothingfind.没有追求就没有收获。

6、Do our best,enjoy ourselves.做最好的自己7、More english,morefun.多些英语,多些快乐8、Promise little,but do much.少许愿,多行动9、Time lost cannot be won again.时光流逝,不可复得10、If you think you can,you can.相信自己能行2. 关于励志的英语口号简短点的- be yourself, everybody else is taken. - let your light shine-choose happiness- keep calm and carry on- if you hate me, i don't really care. I don't live to please you!- wake up! the sun is coming!- wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine- your amazing just the way you are其实这些都不太励志。

keep passion 口号

keep passion 口号

keep passion 口号以下是"keep passion"的一些口号,为了使其更有趣和多样化,我加入了一些创意元素:1. 每天保持热情2. 火热的激情不息3. 持续散发激情的力量4. 热情是最好的驱动力5. 不断激发内心的热情6. 爱我所做,保持激情7. 激情点亮人生的火花8. 保持激情,创造奇迹9. 热情驱动成就更多10. 热情是成功的秘诀11. 用激情点燃未来的道路12. 心怀激情,无所不能13. 志存高远,激情驱动14. 激情铸就辉煌的明天15. 热情如火,不退不黯16. 爱你所做,保持热情17. 心怀激情,无限追求18. 热情点燃梦想的火焰19. 充满激情,不断前行20. 玩出激情,创造奇迹21. 热情追逐,成就无限22. 燃起激情,驱动前进23. 热情是成功的开始24. 火热激情,引领未来25. 坚持激情,开启新起点26. 热情绽放,人生精彩27. 爱你所爱,热情常在28. 热情驱动,创造辉煌29. 保持激情,再创辉煌30. 热情如火,不息不止31. 激情无限,成就非凡32. 热情追求,无所畏惧33. 燃烧激情,驱向辉煌34. 用激情铸就辉煌人生35. 热情点亮梦想的道路36. 感受激情,达成目标37. 燃烧心中的激情之火38. 激情决定表现的高度39. 保持热情,创造佳绩40. 热情之光,照亮前方41. 爱你所做,激情无限42. 热情洋溢,创造奇迹43. 保持激情,成就非凡44. 燃烧激情,超越极限45. 热情推动,追求卓越46. 激情引领,创造辉煌47. 爱心激昂,无人能敌48. 理想之火,燃烧激情49. 坚持激情,创造未来50. 热血激情,勇往直前51. 热情背后,功成名就52. 激情催生无限可能53. 爱我所爱,保持激情54. 真情燃烧,创造佳绩55. 激情高涨,奇迹出现56. 热情如火,创造奇迹57. 保持激情,成就梦想58. 爱你所爱,激情曼妙59. 真心奉献,燃烧激情60. 保持热情,书写辉煌。



【导语】以下关于英语加油⼝号由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注! 【篇1】1.有志者,事竟成.nothing is impossible to a willing heart./where there is a will there is a way。

2.千⾥之⾏,始于⾜下.the longest journey begins with the first step。

3.积少成多.every little helps。

4.满招损,谦受益.pride hurts,modesty benefits。

5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳⽽获.nothing is to be got without pain but poverty。

6.伟业⾮⼀⽇之功/冰冻三尺⾮⼀⽇之寒.rome was not built in a day。

7.⼀⼨光阴⼀⼨⾦,⼨今难买⼨光阴.lost years are worse than lost dollars。

8.⾃助者天助.god helps those who help themselves。

9.欲速则不达.more haste,less speed。

10.台上⼀分钟,台下⼗年功.one minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage。

11.好的开端是成功的⼀半.well begun is half done。

12.酒好不怕巷⼦深.good wine needs no bush。

13.成功源于勤奋.industry is the parent of success。

14.英雄所见略同.great minds think alike。

15.熟能⽣巧.practice makes perfect。

16.静⽔流深.still waters run deep。

17.滴⽔穿⽯.little stone fell great oaks。







口号创意1.Together we English, together we flourish!(一起学英语,共同成长!)2.English master, we are the team!(英语大师,我们是团队!)3.Unleash your English potential, strive for excellence!(发挥你的英语潜力,努力追求卓越!)4.English warriors, never surrender!(英语战士,永不投降!)5.In the realm of English, we reign supreme!(在英语的领域里,我们称雄!)6.No challenge too big, no English hurdle can defeat us!(没有什么挑战太大,没有什么英语难题可以打败我们!)7.United we learn, conquer English we shall!(团结一致学习,征服英语必将成功!)8.Dare to dream in English, dare to achieve the extraordinary!(敢于在英语中追逐梦想,敢于创造非凡!)9.English is our weapon, fluency is our power!(英语是我们的武器,流利是我们的力量!)10.We learn English not because we have to, but because we love toexcel!(我们学习英语不是因为我们必须,而是因为我们热爱超越!)口号的重要性一个霸气押韵的口号能够激发小组成员们学习英语的热情和动力。



英语⽐赛⼝号霸⽓押韵1. 有关运动会的英语标语1 Friendship first, competition second, race out of style, match the level2.团结拼搏,争创佳绩,飞跃梦想,超越刘翔2 unity and hard work, striving for success, leap dream, beyond the Liu Xiang3.挑战⾃我,突破极限,奋发拼搏,勇于开拓The 3 challenge themselves, to break through the limit, hard work, the courage to open up4.展现⾃我,争创新⾼,奥运精神,永驻我⼼4 show themselves, striving to be high, the Olympic spirit, always in my heart5.强⾝健体,⽴志成材,顽强拼搏,超越极限5 physical fitness, determined to become a useful person, tenacious struggle, beyond the limit6.挥动激情,放飞梦想,青春⽆悔,激情⽆限The 6 wave of passion, flying dream, youth, passion Unlimited7.顽强拼搏,勇夺第⼀,挑战⾃我,突破极限7 the tenacious struggle, won the first, challenge themselves, to break through the limit8.奋发拼搏,勇于开拓,遵规守纪,团结互敬8 hard work, the courage to open up, disciplined, solidarity and mutual respect9.⾛出风采,踏出青春,初三九班,勇往直前9 out of style, stepped out of the youth, class nine, march forward courageously10.终极九班,⽓势⾮凡,放马⾦鞍,勇冠江⼭10 the ultimate nine class, the extraordinary momentum, horse saddle gold, Yong crown land11.九(⼏班可以⾃⼰填写)班⼀出,谁与争锋,横扫赛场,为我称雄11 nine class A, die another day, across the field, for I rule the roost12.九(⼏班可以⾃⼰填写)班⽆敌,所向披靡,风云变幻,惟我九班12 class nine invincible, carry the world before one, amidst the winds of change, but my class nine13.运动⽆限,实⼒尽献,⽥径场上,⾃由⾃在The 13 movement of infinite strength, contribute, track and field, take one's ease14.拼搏奋进,永远进步,绽放青春,超越梦想14 hard work ahead, always progress, bloom of youth, beyond the dream2. 求个英语⼝号,简洁,有⽓势⼀点,最好押韵1、To do the most, to show the best.2、Don't be shy, just have a try.3、Where there is a will,there is a way.4、The more noble,the more humble.5、Nothing seek,nothingfind.1、To do the most, to show the best.尽⼒做,秀最佳。



有关英文的励志口号标语1.有关英文的励志口号标语1.积少成多.Every little helps。

2.眼见为实.Seeing is believing。

3.大智若愚.Cats hind their paws。

4.静水流深.Still waters run deep。

5.熟能生巧.Practice makes perfect。

6.未雨绸缪.Provide for a rainy day。

7.知识就是力量.Knowledge is power。

8.时不我待.Time and tide wait no man。

9.欲速则不达.More haste,less speed。

10.不进则退.Not to advance is to go back。

11.滴水穿石.Little stone fell great oaks。

12.趁热打铁.Strike while the iron is hot。

13.良药苦口.A good medicine tastes bitter。

14.英雄所见略同.Great minds think alike。

15.金钱不是万能.Money is not everything。

16.集思广益.Two heads are better than one。

17.Think twice before acting。


18.分价钱一分货.You get what you pay off。

19.Diamond cuts diamond。


20.Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?2.有关英文的励志口号标语1.Return of the king王者归来2.The waves破浪3. Flying hopes, aspirations放飞希望,势在必得破浪4. For the win狭路相逢勇者胜5. Only eight dou, warrior八斗之才,骁勇善战6. Death horizon 死亡地平线缩写 Dh.7. Combustion meteorite 燃烧陨石缩写 Cm.8. Sound of the silencing 静寂之声缩写 Sots.9. Infinite justice 无限正义缩写 IJ.10. Frantic metal 狂热金属缩写 Fm.11. Hope of the star 星之希望缩写 Hots.12. The star is at 星之所在缩写 Tsia.13. Reversal destiny 逆转命运缩写 Rd14. Grasping of the ghostdom 冥界之握缩写GoTG.15. Forest pray 森林的祈祷缩写 FP.16. Typhoon 旋风队17. we can be fighting for the win 我们为胜利而站18. Rockets火箭队19. get red Houston 红起来!休斯顿20. The unbeatable:永不言败3.有关英文的励志口号标语1.事成于和睦,力生于团结。




Try hard today and tomorrow will be brilliant.2、认真就是努力,努力就是进步。

To be serious is to work hard, and hard work is progress.3、习惯改变命运,细节铸就终身。

Habit changes fate, details create lifelong.4、短暂辛苦,终身幸福。

A short hard life is a happy life.5、直面挑衅,畅享成长。

Confronting provocation and enjoying growth.6、耕耘于分秒,收获于细微。

Ploughing in minutes and gains in finely.7、不吃饭则饥,不读书则愚。

He who does not eat is hungry, but he who reads is foolish.8、充满自信,勇往直前。

Full of confidence and go forward.9、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。

Habit determines achievement and detail determines destiny.10、厚德博学,自强不息。

Virtue is learned and striving for self-improvement.11、刻苦求学,踏实做人。

Study hard and be practical.12、为了梦想,我们不懈努力。

We work hard for our dream.13、人生彩排,每一天现场直播。

Life dress rehearsal, live every day.14、细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌。

Details decide success and brilliance.15、没有播种,何来收获。




下面是一些英文激励口号和它们的中文翻译:"Dream big, work hard, stay focused."中文:梦想远大,努力工作,保持专注。

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."中文:相信自己能做到,你已经成功了一半。

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."中文:成功不是终点,失败不是致命的:坚持不懈才是最重要的。

"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."中文:在每个困难中都蕴含着机遇。

"Your only limit is you."中文:你唯一的限制就是你自己。

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."中文:做出伟大工作的唯一途径是热爱自己的工作。

"Embrace the struggle and let it make you stronger."中文:拥抱挑战,让它让你更强大。

"Stay focused, stay humble, always hustle."中文:保持专注,保持谦逊,始终努力拼搏。

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."中文:每一项成就都始于决定去尝试。

"Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you."中文:自己努力,因为没有人会替你做这件事。




Till today, harvest tomorrow.2、东隅已逝,桑隅非晚。

The east corner is dead, the mulberry corner is not late.3、我运动,我健康,我参与,我最棒。

I exercise, I'm healthy, I'm involved, and I'm the best.4、团结友爱,拼搏进取。

Unity and love, struggle and enterprising.5、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。

The world is in the rise.6、想要受到别人尊敬,必须学会尊敬别人。

If you want to be respected, you must learn to respect others.7、学海无涯勤可渡,书山万仞志能攀。

There is no time to learn the sea.8、团结勤奋,勇争第一。

Unity and diligence are the first.9、好好学习,天天向上。

Study hard and make progress every day.10、挑战自我,突破极限。

Challenge yourself and break through the limit.11、今日披星戴月,明日成就梦想。

Today is the moon and the moon.12、同心同德,勇往直前。

In the same mind, go forward.13、人人心中有目标,失败成功我都要。

Everyone has a goal in the heart and I want to succeed.14、功崇惟志,业广为勤。

The work is highly active and the industry is widely used.15、高考不怕远征难,考后六月尽开颜。




那么关于英语的励志口号有哪些呢?下面是小编给大家整理的励志英语口号,供大家参阅!励志英语口号精选1. Diamond cuts diamond.强中更有强中手。

2. Truth never grows old真理永存。

3. Fly my English dream 放飞我的英语梦想。

4. No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。

5. 眼见为实。

Seeing is believing.6. A big tree falls not at the first stroke.一斧子砍不倒大树。

7. 千里之行,始于足下。

The longest journey begins with the first step.8. Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙。

9. No pains,no gains没有付出,没有收获10. Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success deponds on forethought.业精于勤,行成于思。

帮会名字11. English is the key to the world 英语是打开世界之门的钥匙。

12. Speak English, sing English We are happy 说英语,唱英语,大家都快乐。

13. Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

14. 一分价钱一分货。

You get what you pay off.15. 良药苦口。

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who knows! 天晓得!
it is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!
how come… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。

easy does it. 慢慢来。

don't push me. 别逼我。

come on! 快点,振作起来!
have a good of it. 玩得很高兴。

it is urgent. 有急事。

what is the fuss?吵什么?
still up?还没睡呀?
it doesn't make any differences. 没关系。

don't let me down. 别让我失望。

god works. 上帝的安排。

don't take ill of me. 别生我气。

hope so. 希望如此。

go down to business. 言归正传。

none of my business. 不关我事。

it doesn't work. 不管用。

i'm not going. 我不去了。

does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?
i don't care. 我不在乎。

not so bad. 不错。

no way! 不可能!
don't flatter me. 过奖了。

your are welcome. 你太客气了。

it is a long story. 一言难尽。

don't play possum! 别装蒜!make it up! 不记前嫌!
watch you mouth. 注意言辞。

any urgent thing?有急事吗?
how about eating out?外面吃饭怎样?
don't over do it. 别太过分了。

can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?
i'm afraid i can't. 我恐怕不能。

you want a bet?你想打赌吗?
what if i go for you?我替你去怎么样?
who wants?谁稀罕?
december heartbeat. 黄昏恋。

follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

cheap skate! 小气鬼!
go to hell!去死吧!
between us. 你知,我知。

big mouth! 多嘴驴!
sure thin! 当然!
i'm going to go. 我这就去。

never mind. 不要紧。

can-do. 能人。

close-up. 特写镜头。

drop it! 停止!
bottle it! 闭嘴!。
