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Socket-based file transfer software in the LAN


(College of Information Science and Engineering,Jishou University,Jishou,Hunan 416000)


In today's world of science and technology rapid development, particularly in the computer communications network of the Internet technology is changing, dizzying Liao chaos head Xia access. In the rapid development of today's computers and network, by means of a network exchange of information resources has brought great convenience to the people. A variety of file transfer system have been accepted by the majority of users. The most widely used file transfer tools such as QQ, UC, Internet Mail, Internet file transfer between them is often a very large dependence on the remote server, not the full

realization of the peer-to-peer secure file transfer. Even need to spend a lot of money to buy a variety of removable disk or LAN connection to the host hardware devices. Would be achieved because the transmission efficiency, and security threats are always subject to considerable restrictions. Under such circumstances, the development of a function is simple and practical, and portability LAN file transfer tool is imperative, the information exchanged between the use of technology are increasingly being used, such as the sharing of information between the information interaction, and file transmission. Designed a linux-based environment, the LAN file transfer software, linux environment is now very company to do the software starts the selected environment, the software to achieve the transmission of files in the LAN to facilitate the internal LAN exchange, information synchronization, and further increase efficiency

Key words:File transfer; socket; linux network programming; the linux system




1.2 开发环境介绍 (1)



2.1 文件传输的原理 (2)

2.2 文件传输软件的功能实现 (2)

2.2.1 socket函数介绍。。。。。。。2

2.2.2 Socket编程基础重要的数据结构 (6)

2.2.3 Socket提供的系统调用或函数的详细讲解 (6)

2.2.4 使用到的主要函数介绍(bind,listen,accpet) (6)

2.3 软件源代码 (7)

2.3.1 发送端源代码 (8)

2.3.2 接收端源代码 (9)

第三章文件传输软件的使用 (10)

3.1 接收端的使用………

3.2 发送端的使用。。。

3.3 测试结果。。。





