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How to treat our pets is also one aspect we really need to learn from the western countries.
3 A quotation
It is just a part of your life, but you are its full life. Love it. Love it forever. 或许它只是你生活中的一部分, 但你却是它生命的全部, 爱它,就爱它一辈子!
So you learn English and enjoy the cute animals at the same time.
2 Among a variety of social sciences and humanities documentary, there is no doubt that this one is a refreshing dessert.
Any questions ? ?
Thank you !
2016-2017年儿童剧全国巡演项目一览表: 家庭亲子互动儿童舞台剧《大头儿子和小头爸爸》 唯美欢乐海底探险儿童剧《潜艇总动员之南极大冒险》 热血•战斗•人偶剧《铠甲勇士》 情景游戏式互动人偶剧《熊出没之缤纷王座》 至呆至萌早教亲子儿童剧《Hello!宝宝豆》 经典童话人偶剧《小红帽》 经典浪漫童话剧《灰姑娘》 寓言故事十则《龟兔赛跑》 韩版经典亲子音乐剧《寻梦的猫》 韩版温馨亲子音乐剧《泰迪熊——梦的旅行》 韩版萌系亲子音乐剧《YooHoo带你环游世界》 多媒体视听亲子音乐会《音乐魔法屋》 龙猫和他的小伙伴们——动漫多媒体视听音乐会 原创音乐亲子剧《木偶奇遇记》 精彩欢乐·合家欢杂技剧《白雪公主》 经典新编·亲子合家欢杂技剧《花木兰》 格林童话经典人偶剧《睡美人》 大型雪景体验式儿童剧《雪孩子》 大型卡通音乐剧《白雪公主与七个小矮人》 大型卡通音乐剧《美人鱼》 大型卡通人偶剧《洋葱头历险记》 原版动画人偶剧《闯堂兔》之《嘻哈运动会》 儿童艺术剧院儿童剧《巴啦啦小魔仙之星》 魔幻泡泡秀——寻找美丽的泡泡公主 魔幻泡泡秀——爱丽丝梦游泡泡仙境 魔幻科学秀——外星人来啦 魔幻音乐秀——仙乐飘飘面包屋 魔幻体验秀——面粉奇幻体验馆 魔幻泡泡秀——七彩泡泡体验馆 以上项目为不完全统计,另外更多方案资料,欢迎洽谈 咨询。
The third episode
cats’ section
Domestic Shorthair
萨凡纳猫 Savannahs
西伯利亚森林猫 Siberians
The fourth episode
东尼奇猫 Maine Coons 美国卷耳猫 Tonkinese
cats’ section
缅因猫 American Curls
在看,好好玩啊!萌死了!!! 我刚也看了点,萌翻了 萌翻了。。我会说从第一集的时候就开始蹲等了么 我家宝宝被子里各种模仿小猫卖萌,可爱呀
Why I introduce this series of videos?
1 You can learn and enjoy at the same time.
Coபைடு நூலகம்ments on post bars
真可爱, 太给力了! 我一男的都觉得要融化了 立马去看了,可爱死了!!! 可爱到爆
对呀,霸气 看了一下就把我骨头萌酥了 结束啦。期待明天 昨天今天都看了,好可爱的
可爱死了昨天就看了,看了好想养狗啊啊啊啊啊 刚看完后过来的,那个雪球,萌到吐血! 以后天天10.30分守着看!萌晕了!!!!!! 昨晚无意转台看到了,看得心都快要融化了 对的 昨晚看到了 刚出生小奶狗爪子都是粉粉的 好可爱
It presents you a whole witness of the growth process of a cute pet.
Altogether there are six episodes. Each set include three breeds of kitties or puppies.
The fifth episode
斗牛獒 BullmastiffsJack 杰克罗素梗 Russells
cats’ section
葡萄牙水犬 Protuguese Water
The six episode
cats’ section
松狮犬 Chow
哈威那犬 罗德西亚脊背犬 Havanese Rhodesian Ridgebacks
At the beginning of the video, there is a small notice The following program contains materials that is just too cute. Viewer discretion is advised.
即将播放的内容含有过于可爱的内容, 小心被萌翻哦!
It has appropriate speaking speed, not too fast or too slow, and it’s easy too understand. Although there are several new words, you guess and remember them effortlessly according to animals’ actions.
too cute
The little film uses the advanced equipment, and wildlife documentary style.
Each episode followed three groups of born small pets. It recorded their lives, from birth to toddler and opened his eyes and then the touching moments of leaving their mothers.
The first episode
Dogs’ section
迷你澳大利亚牧羊犬 Mini Australian Shepherds
罗威那犬 Rottweilers
The second episode
布偶猫 Ragdolls 缅甸猫 Burmese
cats’ section
加拿大无毛猫 Sphynx