



每个动作必须保持2秒,腿或脚不能触地; 支撑转体的支撑必须保持2秒,无论在转体开始或结束或转体过程中; 转体必须完整,不完整转体的难度动作将予以降组。
整类难度动作必须最大极限的展示爆发力和最大的动作幅度 落地时必须保持完美的身体标准姿态 身体在空中的姿态必须清晰可辩 腾空接俯撑姿势落地时,脚和手必须以控制的方式同时落地 以劈叉姿势落地时,手可触地 单脚或双脚着地被认为是同一难度的不同形式,该规定同样适用于起跳
基本步伐和特殊内容 2分
成套动作必须展示出一系列传统的健美操 动作的组合或传统的健美操的变化,展示出充 分使用动作空间的复杂多变的手臂与步伐动作 在内的动作组合,不同水平的连接动作,不同 节奏变化和难度动作。 成套动作必须均衡,且健美操动作内容明 显,而非各个运动项目的动作组合或过多的纯 难度动作。
开始/结束姿势一单手或双手支撑地面,肘关节伸直,肩部平直,垂直 于地面,头部处于背部的延长线。 俯卧撑下降到最低点时,胸离地面的高度不得高于10公分。 俯卧撑的起落必须要有控制,两肩和两肘形成与地面垂直的方向。 俯卧撑腾起或由空中着地时,手脚必须以控制的方式同时离开或接触地面。 单臂、单臂单腿或分腿俯卧撑,两脚之间的距离非特殊规定,否定一律不 得超过肩宽。
俯撑着地时,身体其他部位不得触地; 转体不完全,难度分值将予以降组; 全部的跳于跃动作(团身跳除外):双腿至少达到水平,且躯干夹角最大为90 度; 团身跳双腿腾空后位臵:至少同腰高度。
第四章 裁 判
裁判组成(高级裁判组、裁判组) 裁判员职责及评分标准 艺术裁判
成套内容编排(音乐适宜性、强度、创造性) 竞技健美操内容(基本步伐和特定内容、过渡与连接、空间) 表演(表现力、合拍)



• 在开幕式和闭幕式上,所有运动员必须着本国 官方出场套服。
• 领奖时必须身着比赛服。
(一)特殊要求 (二)成套内容 (三)成套时间 (四)难度动作
• 成套动作必须展示出创造性,动作设计必须展 示竞技健美操特殊内容,动作变化以及音乐动 作与运动员的表演紧密相连。
• 女子单人 • 男子单人 • 混合双人 • 三人 • 集体六人
参加FIG成人赛事的运动员参赛年龄 必须是参赛当年为18周岁。
• 头发必须固定在头上。 • 参赛运动员必须穿着纯白色健美操鞋和袜。 • 身体禁止涂抹油彩,女运动员可以化淡妆。 • 服装上禁止使用松散或附加的饰物。 • 允许使用肉色绷带。 • 禁止佩带首饰。
• 在国际(高水平)赛事中,0.1和0.2的动作不计。 • 未列入表中的其他难度动作,将由难度裁判员现场评价。 • 难度裁判员只被允许现场评判0.3以下的新难度动作。
成套动作中所选择的难度动作必须体现出空中、站立和 地面三个空间的均衡性。 • 没有达到最低要求的难度动作为0分,但仍被视为是12个
• 超过12个难度动作
每超过一个 -1.0分
• 超过6次地面动作
每超过一个 -1.0分
• 超过2次成俯撑/或劈腿落地 每超过一个 -1.0分
• 难度动作重复
每次 -1.0分
• 难度动作缺组
每组 -1.0分
• 难度动作根据难度级别给分。 • 所得的全部难度分和组合加分相加,然后被
2除,所得结果即为难度分。 • 全部难度减分将加在一起予以计算。总减分



- - 1 -中国学生健身健美操竞赛评分规则(第三版)教育部中国大学生健美操艺术体操协会审定二00八年九月一日前言为响应全民健身计划和教育部关于学校体育“健康第一”、“终身体育”的新教育指导思想,在各级学校中普及和开展健身健美操运动,丰富学生体育锻炼的内容,增强学生体质。




教育部中国大学生健美操艺术体操协会二00八年九月一日- - 2 -教育部中国学生健身健美操竞赛评分规则目录第一章总则1.1宗旨1.2 竞赛性质1.3 参赛资格1.4 竞赛项目1.5 成套动作时间1.6 参赛人数与更换运动员1.7 竞赛场地1.8 竞赛程序1.9 出场顺序1.10 评分方法及计分方法1.11 音乐1.12 服装及仪容1.13 特别奖项1.14 奖励第二章成套动作评分2.1 成套动作的评分因素2.2 艺术编排的评分因素及标准2.3 完成情况的评分因素及标准2.4 评判长减分- - 3 -第三章专业评判委员会3.1评判组的组成和职责3.2评判员的职则第四章违例动作第五章纪律处罚第六章特殊情况附录一艺术评判评分指南附录二完成评判评分指南第一章总则1.1 宗旨A.为中国学生健身健美操竞赛提供客观统一的竞赛规则。





定 义
1.个人或团体间的相 艺术分应当反映出成套动作 1.所有的动作都是在赛场内进 混双:必须表现出男 配合也包括: 托举被定义为:一名或 运动员必须表现出相 一整套竞技健美操的动作包括: 行,运用音乐展现给观众。 中表现出的以上所有特点。 互配合,以及在队 A.身体互动:做地面动 多名运动员被举、抱、 运动员与女运动员之 互之间的交流(配合 健美操手臂与步伐的动作组合,应 1.操化动作 2.为了达到艺术效果,成套动 裁判应评判所有成套中出现 作时运动员之间的相互 支撑或借助外力离开地 形变化中的身体互 -复杂性 与协作)。这种交流 -协调性 -原创性 间的协作. 作和动作设计必须展现出创造 2.难度动作 关系。建议不止一次的 各难度动作在评分规则的难度动作 当表现出运动员的高协调性、高频率的 动作: 动。 面。由艺术裁判评定托 -多样性不仅可以通过复杂与 -动力性 -高频动作 性和体育运动特性。成套动作 三人和六人:必须表 3.过渡动作与连接动作 手臂与步伐的运动、在整个比赛场地空 表中均被列出,比赛中由难度裁判评定 1.如何作出以及是否合适 身体互动。 举在成套动作的出现位 也要有多样性,音乐、动作和 从一个造型、状态、风格、位置转度 -魅 力2.运动员必须突现团 -能 量 -强 现出一个团队的整体 原创动作设计同时通 4.托举(混双/三人/六人) 间中充分穿梭和移动、伴随音乐的特征, 该动作的编码和分值;同时由完成裁判 B.队形包括搭档之间的 2. 在成套动作中出现的时间 运动员表情高度相关。 置(时间和方位),是 换到另一个形式的动作,用以连接成套 联系两个不同内容的动作,该动作度 -耐 力 过队员间全身的动作 -速 队协作,展示出一 性. -爆发力 3.任何表现暴力和种族歧视以 位置以及改变位置到另 5.配合(混双/三人/六人) 否与音乐完整流畅地结 以及在赛场上的位置 创造性地表现出动感、节奏、连续的不 评价该动作的技术技巧,由艺术裁判进 中两个不同主题或段落,动作空间必须 本身不允许空间变化。 -力 量 和眼神交流的表达与 奏 -柔韧性 -节 个团体不同于个人 及有宗教和感情色彩的主题都 非常重视团队运动员 一个队形或者保持队形 合、是否具有创造性和 3.是否与音乐相符合,是否 同高低强度的操化动作。 行空间使用的均衡性、成套分布的合理 竞技健美操 不符合奥林匹克宗旨和国际健 改变。(地面-站立-腾空) -吸引力运动员表情、特征及风 -操化舞蹈 -弹 的优越性,并表现 间的和谐,展现出一 的方式,或当运动员在 动 原创性。混双、三人和 与 默契来强烈地感染观 的主要特征 性、动作连接的流畅性以及音乐结构的 美操联盟的道德标准。 出个体之间的配合 -乐格相符合 感做操化等动作时改变位 乐 -快 六人比赛中成套动作必 场单项运动员所无法 众。 -表 情 一致性方面的评定。 置到另一个队形的方式 性 须有3次托举。 -个 关系。 4.如何呈现 -新 意呈现的表演. -感染力



B组: 静力性力量 一般描述:
支撑组 分腿支撑 ,直角支撑 锐角支撑组 高直角支撑,锐角支撑 水平支撑组 文森支撑,肘撑,水平支撑
·支撑转体动作无论是在开始或结束位置,还是在转体过程中,整 个支撑过程必须保持2秒。
·身体各种姿势完全支撑在单手或双手上,只允许手触地面。 ·在整个技术动作过程中,双脚或臀部不得接触地面。
难度裁判 • 对于按照所提供难度动作的最低完成标准完成
的全部展示的难度动作进行0.0—1.0的评分;数 出所有难度动作的数量,并对最先完成的10个 难度动作予以评分;失误的难度动作被记为完 成的一个动作,但是分值为0分,并且将被记为 一个组别难度。
• 在C组难度动作中,以下完成形式将被视为相同分值: • . 以单脚或双脚起跳 • . 落地成纵劈腿或横劈腿姿态 • . 落地成单臂俯撑或文森姿态
• C组:转体360团身跳°+ 直体跳转360°成劈腿
• C组: 屈体分腿跳+ 屈体跳成俯撑
• C 组+ A组:屈体分腿跳成俯撑+俯卧撑腾起
• 技术技巧:在完成动作时,通过身体素质(主动和被动的柔韧、力量、幅度、爆发力和 耐力)表现出最高的精确度、正确的形态和身体标准姿态的能力。
• 形态:身体的位置和直观的形态。(例如:科萨克、团身跳、直角支撑、劈腿等)。
• 支撑腿伸直,髋与膝最大弯曲 接近10度。
• 上体以脊椎为中轴线,保持自然 直立。
• 幅度:以额状轴为准,摆动腿 髋与膝最小弯曲为90度。
Kick 踢腿跳
• 直腿高踢,足跟最低达到肩的高度,
• 只做屈髋踢腿动作,腿伸直—膝关 节没有动作。

2017-2020版竞技健美操规则 目录+总则

2017-2020版竞技健美操规则 目录+总则




a.b.FIG各成员协会c.国际专家及FIGd.FIG本周期化包括:∙预赛和决赛中分数相同时的排名∙的3个∙最多三个动作连接∙托举动作的数量减少至1∙部分难度动作分值的调整.、有氧踏板部分内容的修改FIG法国日本中国MariaFumea 成员罗马尼亚健美操技术委员会向LynHeward表示感谢,向舞蹈指导和前艺术体操冠军的合作和提出的建议表示深深谢意。


制图:ElenaKrioutchek 俄罗斯GeraldBidault 法国目录第一章总则1.1 竞技健美操9定义91.2 评分规则A 总目的B 裁判员C 高级裁判组1.3 竞赛10性质1.4 竞赛安排A 比赛周期B 比赛日程1.5 世界锦标赛报名程序1.6 运动员更换1.7 预赛和决赛A 预赛参赛人数B 决赛参赛人数C 同分数判决D 团体排名1.8 出场顺序A 抽签流程B 弃权1.9 场馆设施11111112121212131313131313131313131313第二章健美操世界锦标赛2.1 竞赛项目14A 项目数量14B 参赛人数142.2 参赛资格A 基本资格B 年龄C 国籍142.3 竞赛服装15A 国徽与广告标识1515153.1 成套内容16 3.2 成套时间3.3 音乐164.1 裁判员组成A 高级裁判组BC 技术监督17第五章评分5.1 艺术裁判 18A 要求 18B 创编 185.4 视线裁判 22 A 职责 22第七章技巧动作、违例动作和纪律处罚7.1 技巧动作和违例动作287.2 纪律处罚29A警告29成套动作应达到高强度的运动水平。


2013-2016 中国健美操协会
第一章 总则
1.1 竞技健美操定义
1.8 出场顺序
1.2 评分规则
1.9 场馆设施
1.3 竞赛
1.10 赛台和比赛场地
1.4 竞赛安排
第一章 总则
1.3 竞赛 性 1.4质 竞赛安排
A. 国周际期体联的正式官方比赛是健美操世界锦标赛。 B. 竞健赛美日操程世界锦标赛每两年举行一次。
1•健.5美世操界世锦界锦标标赛赛报比名赛程日序程总体安排参见技术规 1程•比.6第赛六运不部动得分员早艺于更术上换分午31.10。:00开始和晚于23:00结束。
1.11 音乐伴奏
1.5 世界锦标赛报名程序 1.12 成绩
1.6 运动员更换
1.13 颁奖
1.7 预赛与决赛
第二章 健美操世界锦标赛
2.1 竞赛项目
2.2 参赛资格
2.3 竞赛服装
第三章 成套创编
•比赛日程必须经过健美操技术委员会认可并且印 制成工作表。
第一章 总则
1.7 预赛和决赛
A. 预赛参赛人数
•B.男决单赛、参女赛单人、数混双和三人每国每项最多两人或两 •C.组各同。 项分前数八判名决参加决赛。 •D•任.在集组决何团预体 。 于名体赛五 以次排中人 下中名,、 得如任有 分果何氧:出名舞现次蹈得中和分如有相果氧等出踏,现板则得每并分国列相每。等项,最将多依一次取 • 最高完成分 • 最高艺术分 • 最高难度分 • 如果得分依旧相等,则并列。 • 在决赛中,任何名次中如果出现得分相等,则并列。



FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALEDE GYMNASTIQUEFONDÉE EN 1881AEROBIC GYMNASTICS DRAFT Code of Points 2009 – 2012Edition AUGUST 2008This Code of Points should be approved by the FIG Executive Committee to use from 1st January 2009.Please note that this Code of Points which also contains a number of technical aspects should be read in conjunction with the FIG Statutes and Technical Regulations. In cases of contradiction between the Code of Points and the Technical Regulations, the Technical Regulations take precedence.Copyright:The Code of Points is the property of the FIG.Any translation or reproduction of the Code is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the FIG.INTRODUCTION OF THE FIG CODE OF POINTS OF AEROBIC GYMNASTICS - EDITION 2009 - 2012By John ATKINSON - President FIG Aerobic Gymnastics CommitteeThe FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee is pleased to provide this final DRAFT of the Code of Points 2009 – 2012 to the FIG EC and the FIG Members Federations, proposed for implementation January 1st 2009.The Code of Points has taken into account suggestions made bya. The FIG Continental Unions Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committeeb. FIG Member Federationsc. IAF / ANAC.d. International Experts and FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Working Group Experts.e. FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Athletes Representativef. FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee MembersThe most important changes are reflected in :• FIG Code of Points Artistic contents and Appendix 1 rewritten• The roles, responsabilities and rights of the Superior Jury, Chair of Judges panel, Difficulty Judges and Judges were reviewed and approved by the FIG Executive, May 2007• Execution simplified with accompanying illustrated tables of deductions.• Written description in Appendix II reviewed and corrected• Minimum requirements reviewed and some Difficulty values readjusted• Categories IM & IW : length of exercise 1’30” and 10 difficulty elements• Co-efficient for Trios and Groups: 1.9 point for Women and Mixed categories, 2.0 points for Men categories• Floor area : 7m X 7m for Individual and 10 m X 10m for MP, TR and GR• The lifts have been reviewed in the light of prohibited elementsI wish to thank the present Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee for their unstinting work in creating this new Code of Points and on behalf of the Aerobic GymnasticsTechnical Committee, I wish also to thank N.Vieru (ROU) for his recommendations, advice and support during the last two cycles.IMPRESSUMAll of the members of the FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Committee contributed to the revision of this Code of Points.John Atkinson President GBRHans van der Krogt Secretary NEDMaria Mineva Vice President BULSergio Garcia Vice President ESPTammy Yagi Kitagawa Member JPNMaria Fumea Member ROMMireille Ganzin Member FRAThe Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee wishes to thank Dr. P.Wade (GBR) and Tonya Case (USA) President and Vice-President of the Acrobatics Gymnastics Technical Committee, Fernando Leon (COL ANAC), co-opted FIG Aerobic Gymnastics TC Member and the following persons for their contribution:Drawings:Elena Krioutchek RUSGerald Bidault FRAMarina Aagaard Salminen DENCopyright by FIGThis Code incl. Appendices or parts of it may not be copied or translated without the written approval of FIGTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION1.1 AEROBIC GYMNASTICS10Definition 101.2 The Code of Points10A General Purpose 10B Judges 10C Superior Jury 101.3 Competitions 11Status 111.4 Competition programme 11A Periods 11B Competition schedule 111.5 Entry Procedures for World Championships 11 1.6 Name Changes 111.7 Qualification Rounds and Finals 11A Number of Participants in the Qualification Round 11B Number of Participants in the Finals 11C Tie Breaking Rules 11D Ranking team 111.8 Starting Order 12A Drawing lots 12B Walk over 12 1.9 Facilities 12A Training area 12B Waiting area 121.10 National emblem - advertising logo 121.11 Podium and Competition Floor 13A Podium 13B Competition floor and area 13C. Seating 13D Restrictions 141.12 Musical accompaniment 14A Equipment 14B Recording 14C Quality 14D Music Rights 141.13 Results 14A Display and distribution of results 14B Protests 14C Final Results 141.14 Awards 14A Ceremonies 14B Awards 14CHAPTER 2THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN AEROBIC GYMNASTICS2.1 Categories 15A Number of categories 15B Number of competitors 152.2 Participation criteria 15A General rights 15B Age 15C Nationality 15 2.3 Dress Code 16A Profile 16B Attire 16C Uniform 16CHAPTER 3 COMPOSITION OF ROUTINES3.1 Special Requirements 17A Artistic 17B Execution 17C Difficulty 173.2 Composition Contents 17 3.3 Length 17 3.4 Music 17 3.5 Difficulty elements 183.6 Element pool & values 18A Structure 18B Difficulty elements not listed in the pool 18C New difficulty elements 18CHAPTER 4JUDGING 4.1 Composition of the Juries 18A Superior Jury 18B Judges Panel 184.2 Functions and criteria of the Juries 184.2.1 Superior Jury 184.2.2 Judges Panel 21A Artistic 22A.1 The Choerography composition 22A.2 The Aerobic content 23A.3 Presentation and musicality 23B Execution 231 Technical Skill 23a) Form, Posture and Alignment 23b) Precision 23c) Strength, Power, Muscular Endurance 242 Synchronisation (MP – TR – GR ) 24 C Difficulty 24Function 24Criteria 24Scoring 26D Line Judges 26E Chair of Judges Panel 26CHAPTER 5 SCORING5.1 General Principle 30Artistic score 30 Execution score 30 Maximum deviation allowed for Artistic and Execution 30 Difficulty score 30 Total score 30 Final score 30 Maximum deviation between extremes 30 Protests 305.2 Score Chart 31A Additions 31B Deductions 31C Scoring System 31D Scoring Example 31 CHAPTER 6PROHIBITED MOVES AND DISCIPLINARY PENALTIES6.1 Prohibited Moves 32 6.2 Disciplinary Penalties 32A Warnings 32B Disqualification 32CHAPTER 7EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCESExtraordinary cirdcumstances 32APPENDIX I GUIDE TO JUDGING ARTISTICAPPENDIX II GUIDE TO JUDGING EXECUTION AND DIFFICULTY APPENDIX III DIFFICULTY TABLES / ELEMENT POOL & VALUESGroup A – Dynamic strengthGroup B – Static strengthGroup C – Jumps and leapsGroup D – Balance & flexibilityAPPENDIX IV SHORTHAND SYMBOLSAPPENDIX V INTERNATIONAL AGE GROUP COMPETITIONCHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION1.1 AEROBIC GYMNASTICSDEFINITION OF AEROBIC GYMNASTICSAerobic gymnastics is the ability to perform continuous complex and high intensity movement patterns to music, which originate from traditional aerobic exercises : the routine must demonstrate continuous movement, flexibility, strength and the utilisation of the seven basic steps, with perfectly executed difficulty elements.DEFINITION OF AEROBIC MOVEMENT PATTERNSCombinations of basic aerobic steps together with arm movements : all performed to music, to create dynamic, rhythmic and continuous sequences of high and low impact movements.Routines should provide a high level of intensity.1.2 THE CODE OF POINTSA. GENERAL PURPOSEThe Code of Points provides the means of guaranteeing the most objective evaluation of routines in Aerobic Gymnastics at international level.B. JUDGES (see also 4.2.1)Judges must maintain a close involvement with Aerobic Gymnastics and constantly extend their practical knowledge. The basic prerequisites for their activities are:•An excellent knowledge of the FIG Code of Points•An excellent knowledge of the FIG Technical Regulations•An excellent knowledge of new difficulty elements The prerequisites for judging at official FIG competitions are:•to be in possession of a valid FIG Brevet of the current cycle•to have judged successfully at national competitions, at competitions between countries and at international invitationals.•to be listed in the FIG World List of judges•to have an excellent knowledge of Aerobic Gymnastics and to demonstrate sound unbiased judging.All members of the judging panel are obliged to:•attend all meetings, briefings and debriefings•be present at the competition area at the designated time according to the schedule•attend the competition orientation meetingDuring the competition each judge is requested:•not to leave the assigned seat•not to have contact with other persons•not to engage in discussions with coaches, competitors and other judges•to wear the prescribed competition-uniform(women: dark blue suit with skirt or trousers and white blouse)(men: dark blue jacket, grey trousers, light coloured shirt and tie).C. SUPERIOR JURY (see also 4.2.1)The Superior Jury is responsible for controlling the work of all judges and the Chair of Judges Panel according to the rules and to guarantee a correct publication of the final scores. It registers the deviations of the judges' scores.If there are repeated deviations, the Superior Jury has the right to warn and replace a judge.Violations of instructions from the Superior Jury, the Chair of Judges Panel and the Code may result in sanctions, as declared by the President of the FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Committee.Violations of the Code include:•intentional violation of the Code•intentionally giving an advantage or disadvantage to one or several competitors•not adhering to the instructions given by the Aerobic Gymnastics Committee, the Superior Jury or the Chair of Judges Panel•repeatedly giving scores that are too high or too low•not adhering to the instructions for an orderly and disciplined competition •not participating in the judges meetings•improper attireThe following sanctions can be declared by the Superior Jury or the Chair of Judges Panel:•verbal or written warning•exclusion from the respective competitionThe following sanctions can be declared by the Aerobic Gymnastics Committee: •expulsion as a judge from international competitions for a set period of time •lowering the category of brevet•withdrawal of the brevet•not accepting judges from an involved federation for a set period of time (see FIG Judges rules January 2005)1.3 COMPETITIONSSTATUSThe official FIG Aerobic Gymnastics competition is the World Aerobic Gymnastics Championships.1.4 COMPETITION PROGRAMMEA. PERIODSThe World Aerobic Gymnastics Championships are held every two years in the even years.B. COMPETITION SCHEDULEThe general layout for the World Aerobic Gymnastics Championships must be as follows (see T.R. 2008, section 6 art 3.1)Examples• 1st day: Qualifications IM / MP / GR• 2nd day : Qualifications IW / TR• 3rd day : Finals IM / MP - GR - IW / TROR• 1st day: Qualifications & Finals IM / MP• 2nd day : Qualifications & Finals IW / TR• 3rd day : Qualifications & Finals GRThe competitions may not start earlier than 10.00 hours and finish later than 23.00 hours.The competition schedule must be approved by the Aerobic Gymnastics Committee and published in the Work Plan. 1.5 ENTRY PROCEDURES FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS See Technical Regulations 2008 4.1 and item 2.2. of Chapter 2 of this Code of Points.1.6 NAME CHANGES(See Technical Regulations 2008 4.2) Normally no changes are allowed after the nominative entry. Where there are serious medical reasons exceptions may be made up to 24 hours prior to the competition.The decision is taken by the official representative of the FIG Medical Committee. The request must be made in writing and accompanied by a comprehensive medical report in the English language.1.7 QUALIFYING ROUNDS AND FINALSA. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE QUALIFYING ROUNDSThe maximum number for the Qualifying Rounds is two per category and Nation. (see Technical Regulations 2008 section 6 - 3.2b)B. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE FINALSA maximum of eight Individual Men and Women, Mixed Pairs, Trios or Groups (maximum two per category and nation) may participate in the finals.(see Technical Regulations 2008 section 6 - 3.2c)C. TIE BREAKING RULES(see Technical Regulations 2008 section 6 - 3.3)In case of a tie at any place the tie will be broken based on the following criteria in this order :•the highest total score in Execution•the highest total score in Artistic•the highest total score in Difficulty•all Execution judges scores are taken into consideration (without deleting the highest and the lowest)•the three highest Execution judges scores are taken into consideration•the two highest Execution judges scores are taken into consideration etc. •the highest Execution judge score is taken into consideration etc.•same procedure with the Artistic judges and the Difficulty judges.D. RANKING BY TEAM(see Technical Regulations 2008 section 6 - 3.2 d)1.8 STARTING ORDERA. PROCEDURE FOR DRAWING LOTS(see Technical Regulation 2008 section 1 Art 4.4)A draw will decide the starting order of the qualification rounds and the finals. Lots will be drawn in the presence of the President of the Aerobic Gymnastics TC or a nominated Aerobic Gymnastics TC member.1. The drawing of lots will take place within two weeks after the deadline of thedefinitive entry2. The federations will be informed by the Secretary General at least one monthbeforehand of the time and place of the drawing of lots and they will be entitled to be present at the draw.3. The media will be informed and allowed to send representatives and thelocal authority, in whose area the draw will be held, will be invited to send representatives.4. The lots shall be drawn by a “neutral” person or by computer.5. The draw will decide the order in which the lot for each team or gymnast willbe drawn and determine the order in which the team or gymnast will commence to compete in the competitionB. WALK OVERShould a competitor fail to appear on stage within 20 seconds after being called, a deduction of 0.5 shall be made by the Chair of the Judges Panel. Should a competitor fail to appear on stage within 60 seconds after being called, the start will be deemed as a Walk Over. Upon announcement of such a Walk Over the competitor loses his right to participate in the category in question. In EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES refer to chapter 7.1.9 FACILITIESA. TRAINING AREAA training hall is available to the competitors 2 days prior to the start of the competition. It is equipped with appropriate sound equipment and a full size competition floor. Access to the floor is given by a rotation schedule set up by the Organisers and approved by the Aerobic Gymnastics Committee. B. WAITING AREAA designated area connected to the Podium is referred to as the Waiting Area. It is only to be used by the competitors and their coaches of the next two starts. The area is not allowed to be used by any other person.1.10 NATIONAL EMBLEM - ADVERTISING LOGO1. A gymnast must wear a national identification or emblem on his/her leotard in accordance with the most recent FIG Regulation2 . A gymnast may only wear those logos advertising and sponsorships identifiers that are permitted in the most recent FIG regulations.RULES for ADVERTISING & PUBLICITY “COMPETITION ATTIRE - COMPETITION VENUE – APPARATUS”. FIG 2004The penalties for violations of the above rules and expectation is 0.2 point each time.1.11 PODIUM AND COMPETITION FLOOR A. PODIUMThe podium on which the competition takes place is 80 cm to 140 cm high andclosed off at the rear with a background. The podium is no less than 14 m x 14 mD. RESTRICTIONSCompetitors, coaches and all unauthorised persons are restricted from entering the waiting area during competition, except when called by an official of the OC or the FIG.Coaches have to remain in the Waiting Area while their competitors are competing. Coaches, competitors and all unauthorised persons are restricted from entering the judging area. Disregard of these restrictions may lead to the disqualification of the competitor by the Chair of Judges Panel.1.12 MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENTA. EQUIPMENTThe quality of the sound equipment must be of a professional standard and include, apart from the regular equipment, the following essential items: separate loud speakers for the competitors. A regular tape deck as well as a CD player. B. RECORDINGOne or more pieces may be mixed. Original music and sound effects are allowed. The music must be recorded on at the very beginning of side A on a regular cassette tape or a CD. Reel to reel is not permitted.Two copies must be brought to the competition and clearly marked with competitor’s name, country and category.C. QUALITYThe tape recording must meet professional standards regarding sound reproduction.D. MUSIC RIGHTSThe FIG and the Organising Committee cannot guarantee that the chosen music for a routine can be broadcast.Together with the nominative entry, a list of all the music, title, artist and composer used must be sent to the the competition organiser and for the World Championships to the FIG Secretariat. 1.13 RESULTSA. DISPLAY AND DISTRIBUTION OF RESULTSThe score given for each competitor by each judge and the final score must be displayed to the public. After the Qualification round, each participating member federation must receive a complete copy of the results. At the end of the competition, a complete set of results must be given to each participating member federation.B. PROTESTSNo protests are allowed against scores or results (For extraordinary circumstances see chapter 7).C. FINAL RESULTSFor each final there is no carry-over score. The classification is determined by the score obtained in the Final.In case of a tie at any place the tie will be broken based on the following criteria in this order :•the highest total score in Execution•the highest total score in Artistic•the highest total score in Difficulty•all Execution judges scores are taken into consideration (without deleting the highest and the lowest)•the three highest Execution judges scores are taken into consideration•the two highest Execution judges scores are taken into consideration etc. •the highest Execution judge score is taken into consideration etc.•same procedure with the Artistic judges and the Difficulty judges.1.14 AWARDS (see T.R. and Statute FIG Art 10.2 - 10.3)A. CEREMONIESSee special regulations for FIG medal award ceremonies. The detailed organisation must be approved by the responsible FIG official.B. AWARDSTrophies are given to the winners of each category and medals to the first three places. Diplomas are given to each finalist.A certificate of participation is given to all competitors and officials.CHAPTER 2 THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN AEROBIC GYMNASTICS 2.1 CATEGORIESA. NUMBER OF CATEGORIESThe World Aerobic Gymnastics Championships comprises the following 5 categories:Individual womenIndividual menMixed PairTrioGroups B. NUMBER OF COMPETITORSThe number and sex of the competitors in each category is:Individual women 1 female competitorIndividual men 1 male competitorMixed Pair 1 male / 1 female competitorTrio 3 competitors (males/females/mixed) Groups 6 competitors (males/females/mixed)2.2 PARTICIPATION CRITERIAA. GENERAL RIGHTSThe World Aerobic Gymnastics Championships are open to competitors who:- have been entered by their national federation affiliated to the FIG- fulfil the requirements of the FIG Statutes and the FIG Technical Regulations B. AGE (see T.R. FIG section 1, Art Reg 5.2)For official Senior competitions of the FIG, the participant must, in the year of the competition, have the following competition age : 18 years.C. NATIONALITY (see T.R. FIG section 1, Art Reg 5.3)Competitors and judges who change nationality must follow the Directives of the Olympic Charter and the FIG Statutes.Changes of nationality are dealt with by the FIG Executive Committee.2.3 DRESS CODEThe competitors dress must demonstrate that it subscribes to the sport profile of a Gymnastics discipline. Theatrical, musichall and circus dress is not allowed.A. PROFILEA neat and proper athletic appearance should be the overall impression.1. Hair must be secured close to the head.2. The competitors must wear white aerobics shoes and white socks that mustbe able to be seen by all judges.3. Body paint is not allowed. Make-up must be only for women and usedsparingly.4. Loose items and additions to the attire are not allowed.5. Skin coloured taping is allowed6. Jewellery must not be worn.B. ATTIRE1. Correct aerobics attire must be in non-transparent material andundergarments must not be shown.2. Attire for women may be with or without long sleeves (1 or 2). Longsleeves end at the wrist.3. Leotards must be designed in accordance with the written introduction 2.3.4. Attire for men : only the examples shown under “Men’s attire” areallowed.5. Attire depicting war, violence or religious themes is forbidden.WOMEN`S ATTIRE●Women must wear a one piece leotard with flesh coloured ortransparent tights. A top and trunk (two pieces) or a top and trunkconnected with only strings or bands is not allowed.●The neckline of the front and back of the leotard must be proper (nofurther than half of the sternum for the front and no further than thelower line of the shoulder blades for the back).●The cut of the leotard at the top of the legs must not go higher thanthe waist and the outside seam must pass through the crest ofilium. The leotard must cover the crotch completely.●Examples acceptable for WOMENa b c dThe examples shown “a to c” represent the same front and back of the leotard.The example “d” is the same leotard showing the front and the back.MEN`S ATTIRE●Men must wear a unitard or shorts and a form fitting top or leotard.●The attire must not have an open cut at the front or back.●The armhole must not be cut below shoulder blades (scapular)Acceptable Examples for MENe f g hThe examples shown “ e to h ” represent the same front and back of the leotard. Deductions for : incorrect attire : - 0.2 pt wrong attire : - 2.0 ptC. UNIFORMAt the Opening and Closing Ceremony all competitors must wear their country’s official national tracksuitCompetition attire is required for medal award Ceremonies.CHAPTER 3 COMPOSITION OF ROUTINES3.1 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTSA. ARTISTIC• To meet the artistic requirements, a routine and its choreography must demonstrate creativity and sports specific content. It should also show a variety of movements and a high degree of correlation between the music, movements and the competitors expression.• Themes showing violence and racism, as well as those with religious and sexual connotations, are not in keeping with the Olympic ideals and the FIG’s code of ethics.• For Mixed Pairs, Trios and Groups, three lifts are required in the routine. This may include the opening and ending.B. EXECUTION•All movements must be performed with perfect execution.C. DIFFICULTYIndividuals, Mixed Pairs,Trios and Groups:The routine must show a balance between airborne, standing and floor-work difficulty elements.• A maximum of 12 difficulty elements (MP, TR, GR) or 10 difficulty elements (IM, IW) must be performed by each competitor. Using only the 12 or 10 choosen elements, 2 elements can be combined from the same or different groups, but from different families.•An element which does not meet a minimum requirement is also counted in the 12 or 10 difficulty elements, will receive 0.0 pt value and will not count for the group.•To receive a diificulty value for each group, all the competitors must perform one element from each group without combination.•The difficulty score is the total value of the difficulty elements performed (max12 for MP, TR, GR and max 10 for IM & IW) plus the value of allcombinations.•All difficulty elements performed must be from different families.• A maximum of 6 difficulty elements (MP, TR, GR) or a maximum of 5 difficulty elements (IM, IW) on the floor is allowed including landing on the floor in split and in push up position. • A maximum of 2 difficulty elements from Group C are allowed landing in push up position and a maximum of 2 difficulty elements from group C are allowed landing in split position.Mixed Pairs and Trios:•To receive a difficulty value, all competitors must perform the same element at the same time or consecutively, in the same or different directions (except in a lift).Groups:•At least one element from each group of the element pool must be included. •In order to receive a difficulty value for these four difficulty elements, all competitors of the group must perform the same element at the same time or consecutively, in the same or different directions (except in a lift).•In order to receive a difficulty value for the remaining difficulty elements, the competitors may perform up to two different difficulty elements at the same time or consecutively. Any combination of competitors may perform these two different difficulty elements. (e.g. 1-5, 2-4, 3-3)3.2 COMPOSITION CONTENTSThe routine must show a balance between aerobic movement patterns (combinations of high and low movements), and difficulty elements.Arm and leg patterns must be strong and with a definite shape.It is essential to show a balanced use of all space, the floor surface, and airborne movements.3.3 LENGTHThe length of the routine is 1 minute 45 seconds for MP, TR and GR with a tolerance of plus or minus 5 seconds and 1 minute 30 seconds for Individual Women and Men with a tolerance of plus or minus 5 seconds.3.4 MUSICThe routine must be performed, in its entirety, to music.Any style of music adapted for Aerobic Gymnastics can be used.See Appendix I, Guide to judging Artistic pp 18 – 213.5 DIFFICULTY ELEMENTSThe routine must include a minimum of one element from each of the following groups of the element pool:GROUP A Dynamic strengthGROUP B Static strengthGROUP C Jumps and LeapsGROUP D Balance and FlexibilityA maximum of 12 difficulty elements (MP, TR, GR) or 10 diificulty elements (IM, IW) are allowed.The difficulty elements are optional; however, at International events (Seniors) difficulty elements with the value of 0.1 and 0.2 will not be considered as difficulty elements.3.6 ELEMENT POOL & VALUES (SEE APPENDIX III)A. STRUCTUREThe element pool (see Appendix III) is divided into 4 groups. The difficulty level is ranked from 0.1 to 1.0 point. B. DIFFICULTY ELEMENTS NOT LISTED IN APPENDIX III, ELEMENT POOL & VALUESThe Difficulty Judges are allowed to evaluate on sight difficulty elements not listed in Appendix III, Element Pool & Values with a value of 0.3 point.C. NEW DIFFICULTY ELEMENTSClassification of new difficulty elements can ONLY be made by the Aerobic Gymnastics Committee who will evaluate them once per year. Applications must be sent to the FIG Secretariat. They must be received in writing and accompanied by a video before 31st January.Difficulty elements submitted for evaluation must be filmed from two camera angles - from the front and the side. The difficulty elements must meet the minimum requirements and must be performed on a competition surface or a landing mat no higher than 15 cm. If the above requirements are not met, the Aerobic Gymnastics Committee will refuse to classify the difficulty elements. Notification of the classification will be given to the applying member federation before 30th March.The FIG Secretariat will publish the updated Element Pool once per year only.CHAPTER 4 JUDGING4.1 COMPOSITION OF THE JURIESA. SUPERIOR JURYPresident and Members of the FIG Aerobic GymnasticsTechnical Committee.B. JUDGES PANELS AT WORLD AND CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIPS,WORLD GAMES AND WORLD SERIES EVENTSArtistic Judges 4 Judges No 1-4 Execution Judges 4 Judges No 5-8 Difficulty Judges 2 Judges No 9-10 Line Judges 2 Judges No 11-12 Time Judge 1 Judge No 13 Chair of Judges Panel 1 Judge No 14 Total: 14 4.2 FUNCTIONS AND CRITERIA OF THE JURIES4.2.1 SUPERIOR JURY1. To supervise the competition and to deal with any breaches ofdiscipline or any extraordinary circumstances affecting the running ofthe competition.2. Where there is a grave error of judgement on the part of one, or severaljudges, such action as they consider necessary will be taken.3. Continually, to review the marks awarded by the judges and to issue awarning to any judge whose work is considered to be unsatisfactory orshowing partiality.4. Following the unsatisfactory result of any warning, to remove wherenecessary the offending judge.。


四、其它相关内容 1 违例动作 2 特殊情况
1 竞技健美操定义 竞技健美操是在音乐伴奏下,表现连ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
续复杂的和高强度动作能力的运动,该项 目起源于传统的有氧健身运动:成套动作 必须展示连续的动作组合,柔韧性,力量 与七种基本步伐的使用并结合难度动作高 质量的完美完成。
场地空间的使用 ● 全套动作必须有效的使用比赛场地。
● 必须表现出向前、向后、向左、向右、弧 线,对角线等各个方向的移动路线。
● 必须表现出全部三个空间(包括地面、站 立和腾空)的使用。
2 完成裁判评分内容
● 技术技巧:以最大的准确性完成动作的能力。 ◆ 身体姿态:完成难度动作、复杂的健美操步伐、
◆ 所得的全部难度分相加,然后被2除即为难 度得分。
◆ 全部难度减分加在一起被2除计入难度裁判 减分。
4 视线员 由坐在两个对角的视线员评判是否出
界。每出界一次-0.1分。 ◆ 每名裁判负责两条边线,标志带宽5厘 米是比赛场地的一部分,因此触线不扣分。
◆ 身体任何一个部位接触线外地面将减分。 肢体空中出线不扣分。
● 没有达到最低要求的难度动作为0分,但仍视为 12个难度动作中的一个。



竞技健美操评分规则————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:23 / 32国际体操联合会(FIG )竞技健美操 2009-2012评分规则2008年10月版目录第一章总则1.1竞技健美操10 1.9场馆设施12定义10 A 训练场地12B 等候场地121.2评分规则10A 总目的10 1.10国徽–广告标识12B 裁判员10C 高级裁判组101.11 赛台和比赛场地13 1.3 竞赛11 A 赛台13地位11 B 竞赛地板和竞赛区13C 座位区131.4竞赛安排11 D 限制14A 赛期11B 竞赛日程11 1.12 音乐伴奏14A 设备141.5 世界锦标赛报名程序11 B 录音14C 质量141.6更换运动员11 D 版权141.7 预赛与决赛11 1.13 成绩A 预赛参赛人数11 A 成绩公布与发放14B 决赛参赛人数11 B 抗议14C 同分数判决11 C 最后成绩14D 团体排名121.14 发奖1.8 出场顺序12 A 仪式14A 抽签12B 奖励14B 弃权124 / 32第二章健美操世界锦标赛2.1竞赛项目15 2.3 竞赛服装16A 项目数量15 A 着装16B 参赛人数15 B 比赛服16C 出场服162.2参赛资格15A 基本权利15B 年龄15C 国籍15第三章动作编排3.1 特殊要求17 3.5 难度动作18A 艺术性17B 完成17 3.6 难度动作表及分值18C 难度17 A 结构18B 未列入表中的新难度动作183.2编排内容17 C 新难度动作18 3.3成套时间173.4 音乐175 / 32第四章裁判4.1裁判组成18A 高级裁判组18 C 难度裁判24B 裁判组18职责24准则24 4.2 裁判员职责与评分标准18 评分264.2.1 高级裁判组18 D 视线员264.2.2 裁判组21E 裁判长26A 艺术裁判22A.1 操化动作、难度动作、过渡与连接和托举动作的成套编排22A.2 成套内容23A.3 表现力与音乐的使用 23B 完成裁判231 技术技巧23a) 外形、姿态与关节的正确位置23b) 准确性23c) 力量、爆发力与肌肉耐力242 合拍与一致性(混双, 三人, 六人)246 / 32第五章评分5.1总则30 5.2 评分表31艺术分30 A 加分31 完成分30 B 减分31 艺术分和完成分所允许的最大分差30 C 评分系统31 难度分30 D 评分举例31 总分30最后得分30最高分和最低分之间的最大分差30申诉30第六章违例动作和纪律处罚6.1违例动作32 6.2 纪律处罚32A 警告32B 取消资格32第七章特殊情况特殊情况327 / 328 / 32附录Ⅰ 艺术裁判员指南附录Ⅱ 完成和难度裁判员指南附录Ⅲ 难度动作表及分值A 组 – 动态力量B 组 - 静止力量C 组 – 跳与跃D 组 - 平衡与柔韧附录Ⅳ 速记符号附录Ⅴ 年龄组比赛第一章总则1.1竞技健美操竞技健美操的定义:竞技健美操是一项在音乐伴奏下,能够表现连续、复杂、高强度动作成套动作的运动项目,该项目起源于传统的有氧健身运动:成套动作必须通过连续的动作组合,展示运动员的柔韧性和力量、七种基本步伐的多样性操化动作组合、结合难度动作完美完成成套动作的竞技能力。

全国大众健美操比赛评分规则 PPT

全国大众健美操比赛评分规则 PPT
• 基本姿态和技术正确,动作优美。
2.2.3 表演和团队精神
• 表现力与热情:动作要展示内心的激情,体现一 种健康和向上的情绪。
• 队形:队形变化清晰、流畅,体现集体配合的意 识。
• 一致性:集体动作整齐,每个人在完成动作的时 间、空间、能力和表现力上一致。
2.3 裁判长减分
裁判长对比赛的过程进行组织和监控,并对下列 情况进行减分,每项均减 0.2 分: • 被叫到后 20秒内未出场 • 参赛人数不符合规定 • 成套时间不足或超过 • 着装不符合规定 • 比赛时掉物或装束散落
• 1.12.2 裁判员的评分去掉 1 个最高分和 1 个最低 分,中间 3个分数的平均分即为总分,再减去裁 判长减分即为最后得分。
• 1.12.3 对比赛成绩和结果不接受申述。 1.13 奖项设置与奖励办法
2.1 规定动作评分(10 分制)
• 动作与音乐 1)动作要充分表现音乐的情绪 2)动作和音乐节奏配合要准确:
若干动作不吻合 扣 0.1-0.2分 半套动作不吻合 扣 0.3-0.4 分 整套动作不吻合 扣 0.5 分或更多

评分因素与分值: • 动作设计 • 动作完成 • 表演和团队精神
3分 4分
• 2.2.1 动作设计 • 艺术性 1) 主题应健康、充满活力、富有激情,表演风格
有意干扰比赛者,将视情况给予以下处罚: • 警告。 • 取消比赛资格。 • 终生取消比赛资格。 • 取消健美操等级指导员资格。
• 自选动作:每队 3-16 人,性别不限,或按比赛规 程执行。
• 1.6 出场顺序

全国大众健美操比赛评分规则 PPT

全国大众健美操比赛评分规则 PPT
• 裁判组由 1 名裁判长、5-7 名裁判员、1 名记录 长、2-3 名记录员、1 名计时员(自选动作比 赛) 、1-2 名放音员、2-3名检录员、1 名宣告员 组成,也可根据比赛规模的大小适当增减裁判人 员。
1.12 评分方法
• 1.12.1 采取公开示分的方法,成套动作满分为 10 分制,裁判员的评分精确到0.1 分。
• 表演和团队精神
• 动作的完成
2.1.1 表演和团队精神
• 表现力与热情:动作要展示内心的激情,体现一 种健康和向上的情绪。
• 队形:队形变化清晰、流畅,体现集体配合的意 识。
• 一致性:集体动作整齐,每个人在完成动作的时 间、空间、能力和表现力上一致。
2.1.2 动作的完成 • 动作的正确性 1) 身体姿态舒展 2) 动作技术正确 3) 动作范围适当
和所有层次的比赛,包括各省市、区县、单位、 学校和全国的群众性健美操比赛,以及健美操大 众锻炼标准分区赛比赛和全国总决赛。
1.1 定义 健身健美操是在音乐伴奏下, 以身体练习为基本 手段、 以有氧运动为基础,达到增进健康、塑造 形体、改善气质、娱乐休闲的目的一项运动。
1.2 目的 制定本规则的目标是保证全国大众健美操比赛评 分的客观性、规范性和公正性。
• 基本姿态和技术正确,动作优美。
2.2.3 表演和团队精神
• 表现力与热情:动作要展示内心的激情,体现一 种健康和向上的情绪。
• 队形:队形变化清晰、流畅,体现集体配合的意 识。
• 一致性:集体动作整齐,每个人在完成动作的时 间、空间、能力和表现力上一致。
2.3 裁判长减分
裁判长对比赛的过程进行组织和监控,并对下列 情况进行减分,每项均减 0.2 分: • 被叫到后 20秒内未出场 • 参赛人数不符合规定 • 成套时间不足或超过 • 着装不符合规定 • 比赛时掉物或装束散落



半蹲 Squat 弓步 Lunge 提踵Calf raise
(1)五指并拢式 (2)分开式 (3)芭蕾舞式
(4)拳式 (5) 立掌式 (6)西班牙舞式
(1)举 Raise (2)屈臂 Bicep curl (3)伸臂 Tricep extention(kickback) (4)屈臂摆动 Low row (5)上提 Upright row (6)下拉 Putdown (7)胸前推 Chest press (8)冲拳 Punch (9)肩上推 Shoulder press (10)摆动 Swing (11)绕和绕环 Scoop 、Circle (12)交叉 Cross
支撑配合动作.包括开始和结束. • 3.难度:要求最多难度动作为12个.难度分是
关于弃权 • 运动员在开赛叫到后20秒不出场.将由裁
判长减0.5分.60秒后不出场为弃权.宣布 弃权后,运动员将失去比赛资格.
• 艺术性.成套动作必须展示出创造性.动作设 计必须展示竞技健美操特殊内容,动作变化 以及音乐动作与运动员的表演紧密相连.
主要是手臂和腿长的变化。为了增加练习 的强度 如:吸腿可以改成直腿踢腿 (六)单、双侧动作的变化 单侧动作指一次只练习一侧的上肢和腿部动 作。 双侧动作指一次同时练习双侧上肢和腿部 的动作。 如:做二次并步时一侧手臂的屈伸
主要是指冲击力的难度水平。增加练习强 度。 如:把低冲击力步伐迈步前点地改成高冲击 力步伐的前踢腿。 (八)动作平面的改变 如:前点地、侧点地、后摆腿的运动面都不 同。
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