
1. Cardinal numbers
7, 087,
87, 004,
first comma (counting from the right) is
“thousand”, and the numbers before the second
and the third comma are “million” and “billion”
1. Cardinal numbers
用over 来读分数线, 如: 32/46 读作:thirty- two over forty- six
2. Fraction, Decimal & Percentage
分数的读法 但要注意1/2, 1/4 和3/4 分别读作: 1/2 : a ( one) half 1/4 : a( one) quarter 3/4 : three quarters
thousand one hundred sixty-six point seven million
2. Fraction, Decimal & Percentage
分数的读法 分数的分子用基数词表示, 分母用序数词表示。若
分子大于1, 分母用复数, 如: 1/3 读作: a (one) third; 2/7 读作: two sevenths 2 1/2 读作:two and a half 1 5/9读作: one and five ninths 如果分子或分母数值较大, 或在数学计算中, 常常会

第二册第一单元关注猎豹(cheetahs in focus)猎豹有着在三秒内从零突然加速(sprint)到80千米/小时的惊人能力,它是世界上最快的陆地动物。
不幸的是,这种美丽腼腆的动物正处于濒临灭绝(becoming extinct)的境地。
为了帮助这种动物,国家地理杂志派了一支队伍深入到位于博茨瓦纳(Botswana)的莫雷米野生动物保护区(Moremi Wildlife Reserve)。
这次探险的领队是Chris Johns,他是一个有着25年经验的摄影师。
Chris已经计划这次旅程很久了,陪伴他的是导游Dave Hamman。
Dave已经在南非生活大半生了,他对这里很熟悉,他的知识将会非常有用,因为他们要向北走800多公里进入博茨瓦纳和美丽的奥卡万戈三角洲(Okavango Delta)。
到了晚上,Dave和Chris 仍继续向前开,他们需要深入到野生动物区开展他们的任务。
Chris :“猎豹是非洲保护问题的象征(metaphor)。
三维数字课堂七年级英语下册13. What do Ilike

三维数字课堂七年级英语下册13. What do Ilike听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。
(5分)()1、A. traffic B. train C. tell()2、A. taxi B. film C. ship()3、A. street B. sled C. straight()4、A. stop B. go C. wait()5、A. next weekend B. today C. tomorrow二、听录音,选择恰当的答语。
(10分)()1、A. You can take the No.15 busB. You can see the No.15 bus.C. Go straight and you can see the cinema.()2、A. It’s the post officeB. It’s next to the post office.C. It’s next to the superma rket.()3、A. No, it isn’t.B. No, there isn’t.C. Yes, there isn’t.()4、A. You’re right.B. You’re welcome.C. see you.三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。
(10分)()1、There is a new bookstore in my city.()2、I’m going to the library on foot tomorrow.()3、Turn right at the zoo.()4、Mike is going to play basketball after school.()5、Tina is going to Beijing with her mother.四、听对话并填空。
(10分)1、The __________ __________ is on your right.2、__________ do you get there? __________ __________.3、Turn right at the __________. Then you can see the __________.4、The nature park is __________ __________ my school.5、Jack is going to Hainan by __________.笔试部分一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

2022中考英语听力专项练习题03(题+听力材料+解析)(广安市专用)听力部分 (25分)一、听对话回答问题 (共5小题, 计5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What does the woman want to buy for her daughter? (原创)A. Apples.B.Grapes.C. Bananas.2. What does the man mean? (原创)A. It will rain tomorrow.B. It will be sunny tomorrow.C. It will be changeable.3.How much did the man’s daughter pay for her sweater? (原创)A.$50B.$75C.$254. Who is the tallest of the three? (原创)A. JackB.BillC. Tom.5. What are the two speakers probably talking about? (原创)A computer B. A telephone C. An elevator二、听较长对话,回答问题 (共6小题, 计12分)听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第8三个小题。
现在, 你有15秒钟的时刻阅读这两题。
6. Where are they talking? (依照听力特训改编)A. In the officeB. In the park.C. At the station.7. What does the man come here for?A. To learn English.B. To visit his friends.C. To spend his holiday.8.What’s the relationship between the speakers?A. Old friends.B. Classmates.C. Strangers听下面一段对话,回答第9至11三个小题。

英语听力下载mp3文本中英对照Searching For Earth’s Oldest LifeHave you wondered why it is scientists have concludedthat our planet is billions of years old?Sedimentary FossilsOne of the reasons is what researchers have discovered studying the remains of past life preserved in rocks, particularly sedimentary rocks. These rocks are formed from particles of mud and sand, typically when they settle to the bottom of a body of water. Fossils of organisms with hard body parts don’t appear in sedimentary rock old er than about 600 million years, but the Earth is estimated to be 4.6billion years old.To find the oldest life, paleontologists looked for it in the oldest sedimentary rock they could find. Sedimentaryrocks dating back to Earth’s earliest days are rar e. Some of the oldest known are about three and a half billion years old.StromatolitesIn these very old rocks, paleontologists have found something that looked familiar. Certain communities of microbes can form layered, rock-like mounds called stromatolites. Stromatolites grow in shallow bodies of water in many places around the world. In the 1980′s paleontologists found the remains of ancient stromatolites in 3.5 billion year old sedimentary rocks.Besides stromatolites, possible microscopic fossils have been found in rocks up to 3.5 billion years old. While the origin of these tiny structures is still intensely debated, many scientists are convinced that they are the remains of microorganisms. It appears that by at least 3.5 billion years ago, the oceans were teeming with life, and that the land was also colonized by microbes very early in Earth’s你有没有想过为什么科学家会认为地球已经有数十亿年的历史了?沉积化石理由之一便是研究人员在研究岩石特别是沉积岩中保存着的生物遗骸时找到了证据。

四年级下册同步第4单元听力录音材料Unit4听力材料课堂精练PartALet ' slearn一、你将听到一段天气预报,了解各大城市的天气情况后,请在相应的表格内打勾。
Goodorning.Thisistheeatherreport」t shotinBeijing」t ' scoldinHarbin」t ' sarinHongong.lt scoolinLhasa.Let ' stal 一.听录音,圈出你所听到的图片的字母编号。
It ' shottoday.It ' sspring」t ' sar.It ' scold.Putonyourcoat.It ' scooltoday」canearyshirt.canIearyseater?yes,youcan.二.听录音,判断下面各图是否与录音内容相符,相符的在该图片下面的括号里打“/,不符的打“X”。
It ' scooltoday.Putonyourseater.o,canIearyshirttoday?No,youcan ' t.It ' sartoday.Taeoffyourjacet.Theseareyshoes」lietheveryuch.It ' scoldinHongong.三、听录音,将句子补充完整。
It ' sartoday.Let ' splayfootball.Theseareyjeansandpants.hatcolourareyourshoes?Theyareblueandhite.四、根据录音中听到的问题,把下面每组中最合适的答案选出来。
canlearyT-shirt?It ' sartoday.canIearyjacet?hereareyshoes?hatcolourareyourjeans?hoseisthissirt?PartBLet ' slearn一、听录音,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住。

2018年12月英语六级听力答案解析:试卷一Conversation 1:本篇长对话是教育题材的,主要介绍的是《物理世界》这本书的一些情况,包括读者类型、内容以及特色。
Passage 1:本篇短文的主题是环境,讲的主要是近年来全球气候变暖,北极气温急速上升,严重威胁到了北极生物的生存。
做第9题需要理解原文的意思,进行同义替换;第10题所听即所得可得出答案;做第11题,用答案提示词but 来定位。
Passage 2:本篇短文的题材是教育,主要讲的是意志力对于成功的重要性,不同人群意志力的差异,以及想要成功需要转换对于意志力的观念。
Recording 1:本篇录音的题材是科技,主要讲的是人工智能的学习能力越来越强,将来几乎一半的工作将被它们取代,在某些领域表现甚至超过人类,但仍存在一些缺陷与不足。
Recording 2:本篇录音的题材是环保,主要讲的是可持续能源的话题,一位工程师Tim Councilman用太阳能开火车所做出的尝试,以及日本研究团队对环保材料做出的研究。

听力文章:关于计数的知识News That CountsA new number was discovered by a team of German mathematicians in January of this year. The previously unknown integer lies in the relatively unexplored region between the numbers 88,000,002,999 and 88,000,003,000. This unexpected integer has been provis ionally named “S,” for “Surprise,” until the mathematical community has determined its exact location and value.The existence of undiscovered whole numbers in the space between known integers has long been recognized as a possibility, according to theoretical mathematician and team leader Angela Zifferling at the Institute for Polynomial Advance in Töttingen, Germany.Crunching NumbersIt is largely because we are only used to counting up to a thousand or so in our everyday lives that we fail to notice the presence of so-called “inter-integral” numbers and other strange phenomena that lie in the incredibly distant regions of the number line.As Zifferling explains:“It’s as if you only made observations from here to the moon, and concluded that there isn’t anything much in outer space. We really have no idea what may exist in the remoter regions of the number line, because the simple fact is that the area beyond around one hundred billion is still almost completely unexplored.”If confirmed, the existence of number S would make calculations involving numbers in its region much more difficult, as it will probably be found to be exerting a kind of pressure on the whole numbers on either side of it in order to fit in. Mathematicians refer to this pressure as “integral crowding,” and say that it may increasingly be a problem as we move farther and farther from zero.mathematician n. 数学家integer n. [数] 整数;整体;完整的事物theoretical adj. 理论的;理论上的;假设的;推理的。

托福听力中哪些数字需要加强记录1.串数考点主要出如今telephone number, postcode, passport number, credit card number,flight number听写等。
.意0在串数中一般读O[?u]或者[zi?r?u, zi:r?u];两个相同数字相连。
如88一般会读作double8;三个相同数字相连,如888,可以读作triple8..意数字之间的吞音连读..意postcode,flight number,passport number 等都是数字+字母的形式,字母要大写。
2. 数字考点.位数听写留意十几和几十的区分。
如15 和50,要留意区分尾音-teen/ti:n/和-ty/ti/的区分。
One hundred 一般在录音中会读作a hundred, 通常a前边单词会与a连读,所以考生有时听不到几百,那就是100.同时也要留意吞音连读,如180,录音读作a hundre an eighty..数字留意熟识国外数字书写格式,三位一个逗号,这个逗号都代表这单位,比方1,000,000,000逗号分别代表这billion, million, thousand. 那在录音中比方听到twelve thousand, 我们直接写出12,000即可。
flower,plant,leaf,garden,nature,floral,rose,valentine,romantic,blossom,bouquet,sum mer,pattern,white,red,pink,soft,wallpaper,peony,cute时间,日期,年月,百分比3.日期考点针对date听写是听力中必考项目。

Geographical feature
Biggest continent
____________ sq. mi.
Largest ocean
____________ sq. mi.
Biggest island
____________ sq. mi.
area of 32,483 square miles.
• The smallest continent is Oceania, with an area of 2,966,000 square
miles, and the smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean with 5, 105,700
• Brazil ranks the fifth in its population. There the population was 159,884,000.
Next comes the Russian Federation, with the population of 147,105,000. The seventh in line is Pakistan, with an estimated population of 138,150,000. Japan is the country with eighth largest population. Its population estimated in 1997 reached 125,638,000. The next largest country in population is Bangladesh. The estimated population was 122, 013,000 in 1997. Nigeria in Africa ranks the tenth in its population. There are about 118,369,000 people living there. The eleventh? Mexico. According to statistics, its population is 96, 400,000 in 1997.
迪士尼神奇英语 第十一课 Numbers 数字

第十一课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English ,Magic English! Look and speak andsing and play!神奇英语,神奇英语!既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English ,Magic English! Have fun with Disneyevery day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Donald's having a picnic. Picnics are fun.唐老鸭正在野餐,野餐很有趣。
But here come the ants. There are many ants.可是蚂蚁来了。
Donald likes picnics. But he doesn't like ants.唐老鸭很喜欢野餐但他不喜欢蚂蚁The ants are coming. They want to eat Donald's food.蚂蚁们来了。
There are many, many ants. 有很多很多的蚂蚁。
An army of ants. ATTACK! The ants are everywhere.一支蚂蚁大军。
Shh! Donald's sleeping. And here come the ants. An army of ants. They take Donald's food.嘘!唐老鸭睡了。
They take his food away. Goodbye, food.它们拿走了他的食物。
They take Donald. They take Donald away. Goodbye, Donald.它们把唐老鸭带走了,它们把唐老鸭带走了。

bbc奇妙岛屿英文文章The BBC's documentary on the Wonder Islands is a mesmerizing journey into the heart of nature's splendor. Each island is a unique ecosystem, teeming with life that thrivesin harmony with its surroundings.The camera captures the vibrant colors of the coral reefs, where an underwater ballet of marine life unfolds. It's a testament to the delicate balance of the ocean's biodiversity, a spectacle that leaves viewers in awe.The islands' fauna is just as captivating. From theplayful antics of the island's monkeys to the majesty of the sea turtles, each creature adds to the tapestry of life that calls these islands home.The documentary also delves into the challenges these islands face. Climate change and human impact are notstrangers here, and the film highlights the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these paradises.Local communities play a pivotal role in preserving the islands' natural beauty. Their sustainable practices and respect for the environment serve as an example for the restof the world.The Wonder Islands are not just a haven for wildlife;they are a beacon of hope for the future of our planet. Thedocumentary is a call to action, urging us to cherish and protect these jewels of the Earth.As the sun sets over the islands, the documentary leaves us with a profound sense of connection to the natural world. It's a reminder that we are all part of a larger ecosystem, and that our actions have far-reaching consequences.In conclusion, the BBC's exploration of the Wonder Islands is both a visual feast and a powerful environmental message. It's a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the beauty of our planet and the responsibility we have to protect it.。

Unit One Numbers[00:04.70]1.Look at the calendar below.Circle the birthdays that you hear. [00:11.62]In my family there are seven people.My father's birthday is on July 29th.[00:20.06]My mthe's birthday is on November 24th.My older sister's birthday is on May 14th.[00:28.37]My older brother's birthday is on June 30th.My younger brother's birthday is on October 24st.[00:37.43]My younger sister's is on April 10th,and my birthday is on December lst.[00:45.04]2.Listen to the tape and write as much information in the chart as you can.[00:53.47]Bart:Listen,Carolyn,I just remembered.I need to got to the bank to cash some traveller's cheques.[01:00.21]What time to they close?[01:01.65]Carolyn:The bank close at three-thirty.[01:03.84]Bart:It closes at three-thirty,right.[01:06.77]Carolyn:And opens at nine-thirty.[01:08.44]Bart:And opens at nine-thirty in he moming,ah that's good. [01:11.94]And also-um-I need some stamps,to send some postcards.[01:16.56]Um-what time does the post office close?[01:19.18]Carolyn:Well,the post office doesn't close until five-thirty,so lyou have plenty of time.[01:23.85]Bart:Yeah,that's no problem,right,OK,[01:26.91]And-um-another question I had was-what is the best way to travel around London?[01:32.26]Carolyn:Oh...buess are by far the best way to travel.[01:35.01]Bart:Yeah,and do they run all night and...?[01:37.41]Carolyn:Er-yes,as a matter of fact they do,they start at five... [01:41.36]Bart:They start at five,yeah.[01:43.31]Carolyn:...and run to midnigh...[01:44.59]Bart:Yeah.[01:45.33]Carolyn:..and then other buses run throughout the night until morning,finishing in the morning.[01:49.95]Bart:OK,From special please,you mean?[01:52.85]Carolyn:Yes.[01:53.55]Bart:Yeah,right,Good,and what about the Underground,is that-er-the same?[01:59.01]Carolyn:Underground's about th same.[02:00.58]Bart:Yeah,starts at five and...[02:03.12]Carolyn:Finishes at midnight.[02:04.45]Bart:..finishes at midnight,right.[02:06.01]Robin:You know,the only times you really need to get right are the pub opening times.[02:11.37]arolyn:Pub licensing hours are ridiculous.[02:13.98]They open about ten to ten-thirty,close at three,[02:18.16]open in the afternoon about five-thirty,[02:21.11]and close again at eleven p.m.[02:23.46]Bart:Eleven![02:24.46]Carolyn:Yes,eleven![02:25.79]Bart:You mean I can't drink after eleven o'clock?[02:28.38]Carolyn:No.[02:29.00]Bart:Oh,that's amazing!I...I can't believe that![02:36.24]Number three[02:37.70]Look at the pictures.You will hear people talking about when five ofthe situations shown below will take place.[02:46.01]Match the conversations with the correct pictures and write down when they will be.[02:54.29]Sue:By the way,Aidan,can you tell me when the French history exam is?[03:00.24]Aidan:It's next week on Tuesday,a week today but there's a notice up for it if you have a look.[03:09.65]Fred:Oh,by the way,what time's that meeting on Monday?[03:13.67]Julie:Oh,it's in the afternoon.Three o'clck.[03:17.07]Fred:Right.[03:20.25]Mechanic:Hello.[03:22.29]Mr Cowin:Hello,I'm phoning about my car.[03:25.22]Mechanic:Er,What's the name,sir?[03:27.46]Mr Cowin:Em.Cowin.[03:29.37]Mechanic:Cowin,just a minute.Ah,yes,Er,should be ready late tomorrow.[03:37.55]Bob:When's the talk?[03:39.92]Jenny:It's next Wednesday,it's been changed.[03:44.97]Isla St.Clair:Isla St.Clair here and I just want to tell you that this Saturday morning on BRMB[03:51.78]I 'll be on the radio with Ed Doolan and the team just after eight o'clock.[03:57.19]Hope you can join us.[04:00.14]Number 4[04:01.29]Liten to the tape and fill in the missing information in this table. [04:09.63]A British Rail.Exeter.[04:12.63]B Is that a real person or a recorded message I'm speaking to? [04:16.60]A I'm real,madam.[04:18.43]B Thank goodness for that! I want to get to Oxford as early as possible tomorrow morning.[04:23.26]A There's a train that leaves Exeter at 7:07,arriving at Reading at 9:04.[04:30.08]B Oh dear,that's very early![04:32.07]A The next train is not until 8:45.[04:35.36]B In that case I'd better take the early one.[04:37.84]A You have to change at Reading,and your connection will arrive in Oxford at 9:55.[04:43.59]B How much is a single?[04:45.10]A Second class?[04:46.62]B Yes,please.[04:47.32]A It's £19.15.[04:49.96]B Thank you very much.[04:52.05]Nnmber 2[04:51.05]A National Express.[04:52.43]B Oh,you've answered at last![04:54.68]A I'm sorry sir,we're very busy.Can I help you?[04:57.68]B I want to get to Heathrow Airport tomorrow morning from Bath. [05:01.60]I have to be here at 12:30.[05:04.08]Which coach should I catch?[05:05.83]A There's coach that leaves Bath at 10:45,which gets to Heathrow at 12:40.[05:11.58]B No,that's bit tight,I'm afraid.What time's the one before that? [05:16.70]A They run every hour,so you should take the 9:45 in that case. [05:21.17]B And what's the return fare,please?[05:23.49]A £12.75.[05:25.48]B That's all I need to know.Thanks very much.[05:31.36]A All Mini Cabs.[05:33.65]B Can you tell me how much you would charge for a trip to Gatwick Airport?[05:37.60]A When do you wan to go?[05:38.98]B Well,it's a night flight leaving at 11:45 so I have to be there an hour beforehand.[05:45.07]How long does it take to get to Gatwick from here?[05:47.87]A About 40 minutes,Just a minute,I'll work out the price.[05:52.33]That'll be £26.[05:55.26]B Fine,Can you pick me up at ten o'clock tonight then?[05:58.71]No,you'd better make it a quarter to ten,to be on the safe side, [06:02.83]A Right,your name and address please?[06:06.93]Number 5[06:08.24]Write the numbers that you hear[06:16.52]Population[06:18.59]Here are the latest population figures.[06:20.94]There are about 56 million people living in the United Kingdom. [06:25.43]There are around 230 million people living in the United States. [06:30.24]There are about 15 million people living in Australia.[06:34.60]There are nearly 24,4 million people living in Canada.[06:39.17]There are about 3,1 million people living people in New Zealand.[06:44.16]There are about 268 million people living in the USSR.[06:49.10]There are about 800 million people living int India.[06:53.59]There are around I billion people living in China.[06:57.48]Distance[07:00.04]Here are some figures relating to distance.[07:03.39]It's about 8,300 km from New Youk to London.[07:09.08]It's about 15,800 km from New York to Tokyo.[07:14.98]It's around 19,200 km from New York to Beijing.[07:20.89]It's about 12,700 km from New York to Moscow.[07:27.08]It's about 17,500 km from New York to Sydney.[07:33.95]Areas(figures in this passage are only for lisening comprehension) [07:38.05]Here are some figures indicating area.[07:41.60]The size Canada is about 3,8 million square miles.[07:46.57]The size of the USSR is 8.6 million square miles.[07:51.50]The size of Japan is about 145.000 square miles.[07:56.57]The size of China is 3.6 million square miles,and the size of USA is the same,3.6 million square miles.[08:06.47]Number 6 Listen and write the answer.[08:11.43]1.Nine plus three[08:15.61]2.Twenty-one times two[08:19.58]3.Fiften minus eight[08:23.50]4.Seven times five[08:26.17]5.One hundred divided by four.[08:30.16]6.Eighty-three minus fifty-six[08:35.10]Number 7 Listen t each problem and write your answer on each line. [08:42.21]1.Here is a supermarket in the United States.[08:46.83]You want to but five peaches.[08:49.39]One peach costs 45 cents.How much are five peaches?[08:54.30]2.You are in a post office in Japan.One air mail stamp costs 150 yen. [09:01.67]You need three stamps.How much are these stamps?[09:05.87]3.You are driving on a highway in Italy.Your speed is 60 km per hour. [09:12.80]You drive for four hous.How far do you go?[09:17.11]4.You are in London at a Chinese-restaurant with six friends. [09:21.18]The cost for each person is five pounds.。

从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。
2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight16,250,064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty thousand sixty-four 5,237,166,234 five billion,two hundred and thirty-seven million,one hundred and sixty-six thousand,two hundred and thirty-four F(基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。
There are hundreds of people in the hall(大厅里有数以百计的人。
Thousands and thousands of people come to visit the Museum of Qin Terra-CottaWarriors and Horses every day(每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马涌博物馆They went to the theatre in twos and threes(他们三三两两地来到了剧院。
He became a professor in his thirties(他三十多岁时成为了教授。
She died of lung cancer in forties(她四十来岁时死于肺癌。

听力训练一:大瀑布国家公园(Niagara Falls National Park)大瀑布国家公园,位于美国和加拿大边界上,是世界闻名的自然奇观之一。
听力材料:Guide: Welcome to Niagara Falls National Park! As you can see, the falls are made up of three separate waterfalls: the American Falls, the Horseshoe Falls, and the Bridal Veil Falls. The American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls are both located on the American side of the border, while the Horseshoe Falls is mainly on the Canadian side. The thunderous sound and breathtaking beauty of the falls make it an unforgettable sight for all visitors. Now, let's move on to our next stop.Question: Where are the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls located?听力答案:The American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls are both locatedon the American side of the border.听力训练二:巴黎圣母院(Notre-Dame de Paris)巴黎圣母院是法国的一座历史悠久的天主教堂,位于塞纳河小岛上。

第一课:How many birds?
第二课:What color is it?
第三课:Where is it?
第四课:What can they do?
[磁带录音材料—听力原文和翻译]...Unit One 第一单元How can I get there? 我怎么到那儿?A: Hey, Robin. 嗨,罗宾。
Where is the science museum? 科学博物馆在哪儿?B: It's near the library. 在图书馆附近。
A: I see. 我明白了。
How can I get there? 我怎么到那儿?B: Turn right at the school. 到学校右转。
Then go straight. 然后直走。
A: OK. Let's go. 好的。
A: Excuse me. 打扰一下。
Can you help me? 可以帮个忙吗?B: Sure. 可以。
A: How can I get to the science museum? 我怎么可以到科学博物馆?B: It's over there. 在那边。
A: Thanks. 谢谢。
Oh, where is Robin? 哦,罗宾在哪儿?-------------------A Let's try 试一试Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. 吴一凡和罗宾在参观机器人。
Listen and tick. 听,并打勾。
A: These robots are so cool! 这些机器人真酷!I love this museum. 我喜欢这个博物馆。
B: Me too. 我也是。
Don't forget to buy some gifts for Grandpa. 别忘了给爷爷买一些礼物。
A: I know. 我知道。
But I really need to go to the bathroom. 不过我非常需要去一下洗手间。
Where is it? 洗手间在哪儿?B: It's on the second floor. 在二楼。

全新英语听力四年级提高版听力原文Track 1:Examiner: Hello, this is the listening test for the fourth grade. Please listen carefully to the following questions and choose the correct answers.Question 1: What is the weather like today?Answer choices: a) Sunny b) Cloudy c) RainyAnswer: a) SunnyQuestion 2: What is the name of the main character in the story?Answer choices: a) Jack b) Emma c) LucyAnswer: c) LucyQuestion 3: How many apples did Sarah buy at the store?Answer choices: a) Two b) Five c) TenAnswer: b) FiveQuestion 4: Where does Miss Green work?Answer choices: a) Hospital b) School c) SupermarketAnswer: b) SchoolExaminer: Welcome to the listening test for the fourth grade. In this section, you will hear a series of short conversations. Listen carefully and answer the questions.Question 1: What did Peter do last weekend?Answer choices: a) Went camping b) Watched a movie c) Studied at homeAnswer: a) Went campingQuestion 2: Where does Emily want to go for her birthday?Answer choices: a) Zoo b) Amusement park c) MuseumAnswer: b) Amusement parkQuestion 3: What animal is Ben's favorite?Answer choices: a) Dog b) Cow c) HorseAnswer: c) HorseQuestion 4: How does Sarah go to school every day?Answer choices: a) By bus b) By bicycle c) By carAnswer: b) By bicycleTrack 3:Examiner: This is the last section of the listening test. You will hear a longer story. Listen carefully and answer the questions.Once upon a time, there was a little squirrel named Sammy. Sammy lived in a beautiful forest with his family and friends. Every day, Sammy would go out and collect acorns for the winter.One day, while searching for acorns, Sammy saw a shiny object hidden under a pile of leaves. It was a golden key! Sammy didn't know what the key unlocked, but he was determined to find out.He asked his friends if they knew anything about the golden key, but nobody had seen it before. Sammy decided to embark on an adventure to discover the key's secret.After exploring for days, Sammy arrived at an old oak tree at the heart of the forest. There, hidden in a hollow, he found a treasure chest. Sammy's golden key unlocked the chest, revealing a precious necklace made of sparkling diamonds.Sammy realized that the necklace belonged to the Forest Queen, who had lost it many years ago. Sammy returned the necklace to the queen, who was very grateful. As a reward, she granted Sammy and his family a cozy nest in the tree hollow where they could live happily ever after.Question 1: Where did Sammy find the golden key?Answer choices: a) Under a pile of leaves b) Inside a tree c) Near a riverAnswer: a) Under a pile of leavesQuestion 2: What did the golden key unlock?Answer choices: a) A treasure chest b) A door c) A boxAnswer: a) A treasure chestQuestion 3: Who did the necklace belong to?Answer choices: a) Sammy b) Sammy's mother c) The Forest QueenAnswer: c) The Forest QueenQuestion 4: What did the Queen do to thank Sammy?Answer choices: a) Gave him a crown b) Gave him a necklace c) Gave him a new homeAnswer: c) Gave him a new homeThat's the end of the listening test. Thank you for your participation.注意:以上为根据题目要求编写的全新英语听力四年级提高版听力原文,请根据需要使用。
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英语听力材料下载:格陵兰岛神奇的计数法How People In Greenland Learn How To Count
Kids learn to count on their fingers, because they’re so, well, handy! And it makes sense–most number systems
originally developed as people counted using their fingers.
The counting system of native Greenlanders not only uses
all ten fingers, but all ten toes as well! Here’s how it works. The Greenlandic word for the number seven translates as, “second hand, two.” That means you count five on the
first hand and add two from the second, to make seven. After you run out of fingers, go for the toes. Thirteen translates
as “first foot, three.” That means you add all ten fingers plus three toes.
The counting system we use has a base of ten. Larger numbers are simply multiples of ten. For example, ten tens make one hundred. We’re so used to our base ten system that
it may seem like the only possibility. But the Greenlandic number system has a base of twenty, and others have a base of five. Of all the number systems ever invented, five, ten, and twenty are the most common bases.
It’s no coincidence that these bases match the number of fingers on one hand, or two hands, or all of our fingers and toes. The connection between fingers and counting is so close that several languages have just one word that means both “hand” and the number five. Even in English, the word digit describes either a number or a finger. So if anyone teases
you for counting on your fingers, just tell them you find
your digits quite handy!