序号英文全称中文解释1 Directional protection 方向保护2 Distance protection 距离保护3 Over current protection 过流保护4 Pilot protection 高频保护5 Differential protection 差动保护6 Rotor earth—fault protection 转子接地保护7 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护8 Over fluxing protection 过励磁保护9 Back-up protection 后备保护11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸12 Start up/Pick up 起动13 Breaker 断路器14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关15 Current transformer 电流互感器16 Potential transformer 电压互感器17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区18 Vibration/Oscillation 振荡19 Reliability 可靠性20 Sensitivity 灵敏性21 Speed 速动性22 Selectivity 选择性23 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器24 Time delay 延时25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁26 Incorrect tripping 误动27 Phase to phase fault 相间故障28 Earth fault 接地故障29 Through- fault 穿越故障30 Permanent fault 永久性故障31 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障32 Overload 过负荷34 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器35 Timer relay 时间继电器40 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器41 Recloser 重合闸42 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护43 Soft strap 软压板44 Hard strap 硬压板45 High resistance 高阻46 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动47 CT line—break CT断线48 PT line—break PT断线49 Secondary circuit 二次回路50 AC circuit breaker 交流开关电路51 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器52 Breaker point wrench 开关把手53 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈54 Bus bar 母线;导电条55 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器56 Bus bar disconnecting switch 分段母线隔离开关57 Bus compartment 母线室;汇流条隔离室58 Bus duct 母线槽; 母线管道59 Bus hub 总线插座60 Bus line 汇流线61 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器62 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期63 Bus reactor 母线电抗器64 Bus protection 母线保护65 Bus rings 集电环66 Bus rod 汇流母线67 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器68 Bus structure 母线支架;总线结构69 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关70 Bus—bar chamber 母线箱71 Bus—bar fault 母线故障72 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子73 Busbar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关74 Current attenuation 电流衰减75 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器76 Current balance type current differential relay 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器77 Current changer 换流器78 Current compensational ground distance relay 电流补偿式接地远距继电器79 Current consumption 电流消耗80 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器81 Coil curl 线圈82 Coil current 线圈电流83 Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗84 Coil inductance 线圈电感85 Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角86 Distance relay;impedance relay 阻抗继电器87 Power rheostat 电力变阻器88 Electrically operated valve 电动阀门89 Electrical governing system 电力调速系统90 Field application relay 励磁继电器; 激励继电器91 High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高压电瓷绝缘子92 Option board 任选板; 选配电路板;选择板93 Oscillator coil 振荡线圈94 Over—Voltage relay 过压继电器95 Power factor relay 功率因素继电器96 Protection against overpressure 超压防护97 Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置98 Protection device 保护设备; 防护设备99 Protection reactor 保护电抗器100 Protection screen 保护屏101 Protection switch 保护开关102 Insulator cap 绝缘子帽; 绝缘子帽103 Insulator chain 绝缘子串;绝缘子串104 Insulator arc—over 绝缘子闪络; 绝缘子闪络105 Insulator arcing horn 绝缘子角形避雷器; 绝缘子角形避雷器106 Insulator bracket 绝缘子托架; 绝缘子托架107 Impedance compensator 阻抗补偿器108 Resistance grounded neutral system 中心点电阻接地方式109 Reactance bond 电抗耦合;接合扼流圈110 Reactance of armature reaction 电枢反应电抗111 Under-Voltage relay 欠压继电器112 Voltage differential relay 电压差动继电器114 Relay must—operate value 继电器保证启动值115 Relay act trip 继电器操作跳闸116 Relay overrun 继电器超限运行117 Longitudinal differential protection 纵联差动保护118 Phase—angle of voltage transformer 电压互感器的相角差119 Zero—sequence current/residual current 零序电流120 Residual current relay 零序电流继电器121 Bus bar protection/bus protection 母线保护122 Breaker contact point 断路器触点123 Cut-off push 断路器按钮124 Gaseous shield 瓦斯保护装置125 Neutral—point earthing 中性点接地126 Internal fault 内部故障127 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点128 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器129 Fuse box/fusible cutout 熔断器130 Pulse relay/surge relay 冲击继电器131 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 中间继电器132 Common—mode voltage 共模电压133 Impedance mismatch 阻抗失配134 Intermittent fillet weld 间断角缝焊接135 Loss of synchronism protection 失步保护136 Closing coil 合闸线圈137 Electro polarized relay 极化继电器138 Power direction relay 功率方向继电器139 Direct—to—ground capacity 对地电容140 Shunt running 潜动141 Trip/opening 跳闸142 Trip switch 跳闸开关143 Receiver machine 收信机144 High—frequency direction finder 高频测向器145 Capacity charge 电容充电146 time over—current 时限过电流148 Surge guard 冲击防护149 Oscillatory surge 振荡冲击150 Fail safe interlock 五防装置151 Differential motion 差动152 Capacitive current 电容电流154 Time delay 延时156 Normal inverse 反时限157 Definite time 定时限158 Multi—zone relay 分段限时继电器159 Fail—safe unit 五防161 Unbalance current 不平衡电流162 Blocking autorecloser 闭锁重合闸163 Primary protection 主保护164 Tap 分接头165 YC (telemetering)遥测167 Fault clearing time 故障切除时间168 Critical clearing time 极限切除时间169 Switch station 开关站170 Traveling wave 行波171 Protection feature 保护特性172 Fault phase selector 故障选线元件173 Fault type 故障类型174 Inrush 励磁涌流175 Ratio restrain 比率制动176 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅利叶变换177 Short circuit calculations 短路计算178 Load flow calculations 潮流计算179 Oscillatory reactivity perturbation 振荡反应性扰动180 Quasi-steady state 准稳态181 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同步182 Protective relaying equipment 继电保护装置183 AC directional overcurrent relay 交流方向过流继电器184 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器185 Annunciator relay 信号继电器188 Carrier or pilot—wire receiver relay 载波或导引线接受继电器189 Current-limiting relay 限流继电器190 Definite time relay 定时限继电器192 Lockout relay 闭锁继电器;保持继电器;出口继电器193 Micro—processor based protective relay 微机继电保护194 Voltage —controlled overcurrent relay 电压控制过电流继电器196 Fault diagnosis 故障诊断197 Back-up protection 后备保护198 Overhead line 架空线199 High voltage line 高压线路200 Underground cable 埋地电缆201 Circuit breaker 断路器202 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁203 Interlock 闭锁204 Trigger 触发器205 Winding—to—winding insulation 绕组间的绝缘206 Porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子207 Tie line 联络线208 Leased line 租用线路209 Private line 专用线路211 Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端设备212 Economic dispatch system 经济调度系统213 State estimation 状态估计214 Trip by local protection 保护跳闸215 Close by local protection 保护合闸216 Operational (internal) overvoltage 操作(内部)过电压217 Sampling and holding 采样保持218 Synchronized sampling 采样同步219 Manipulation 操作220 Measuring/Metering unit 测量元件221 Locus of measured impedance 测量阻抗轨迹222 Differential mode interference 差模干扰223 Output (executive)organ 出口(执行)元件224 Overcurrent relay with undervoltage supervision 低电压起动的过电流保护225 Low impedance busbar protection 低阻抗母线保护228 Half-cycle integral algorithm 半周积分算法230 Coordination of relay settings 保护的整定配合231 Reach (setting) of protection 保护范围(定值)232 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段233 Percentage differential relay 比率差动继电器234 Electromagnetic relay 电磁型继电器236 Instantaneous undervoltage protection with current supervision 电流闭锁的电压速断保护237 Operating equation (criterion)动作方程(判据)238 Operating characteristic 动作特性239 Harmonic restraining 谐波制动241 Segregated current differential protection 分相电流差动保护242 Branch coefficient 分支系数243 Power line carrier channel (PLC)高频通道245 High speed signal acquisition system 高速数字信号采集系统246 Busbar protection with fixed circuit connection 固定联结式母线保护247 Fault recorder 故障录波器248 Fault phase selection 故障选相249 Optoelectronic coupler 光电耦合器件251 Compensating voltage 补偿电压252 Polarized voltage 极化电压253 Memory circuit 记忆回路254 Unblocking signal 解除闭锁信号255 Power system splitting and reclosing 解列重合闸256 Connection with 90 degree 90度接线257 Insulation supervision device 绝缘监视258 Inrush exciting current of transformer 励磁涌流259 Two star connection scheme 两相星形接线方式260 Zero mode component of traveling wave 零模行波261 Inverse phase sequence protection 逆相序保护262 Offset impedance relay 偏移特性阻抗继电器263 Frequency response 频率响应264 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸266 Permissive under reaching transfer trip scheme 欠范围允许跳闸式267 Slight (severe) gas protection 轻(重)瓦斯保护268 Man-machine interface 人机对话接口270 Three phase one shot reclosure 三相一次重合闸271 Out-of—step 失步272 Accelerating protection for switching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作275 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析276 Out flowing current 外汲电流277 False tripping 误动279 Turn to turn fault,inter turn faults 匝间短路280 Relay based on incremental quantity 增量(突变量)继电器281 Vacuum circuit breaker 真空开关282 Power swing (out of step) blocking 振荡(失步)闭锁284 Successive approximation type A/D 逐次逼进式A/D285 Infeed current 助增电流286 Self reset 自动复归287 Adaptive segregated directional current differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护288 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护289 Pilot protection 纵联保护291 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大灵敏角292 Out of service 退出运行294 Waveform 波形295 Outlet 出口296 Electromechanical 机电的297 Magnitude of current 电流幅值299 Traveling wave signal 行波信号300 Measurement signal 测量信号301 Traveling wave relay 行波继电器302 Transmission line malfunction 输电线路异常运行303 Subsystem 子系统304 Positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗305 Negative sequence impedance 负序阻抗306 Zero sequence impedance 零序阻抗307 Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器308 Frequency sensing 频率测量309 Cable relay 电缆继电器310 Under power protection 低功率保护311 Under voltage protection 低电压保护312 Transient analysis 暂态分析313 Voltage sensor 电压传感器314 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护315 Zero sequence current transducer 零序电流互感器316 Shunt 旁路,并联317 Series 串联,级数318 Parallel 并联319 Saturation 饱和320 Free-standing 独立的,无需支撑物的321 Troidal 环形的,曲面,螺旋管形322 Bushing 套管323 Magnetizing 磁化324 Dropout current 回动电流325 Reactor grounded neutral system 中性点电抗接地系统326 Grounding apparatus 接地装置327 Dual bus 双总线328 Thyristor 晶闸管329 Spark gap 火花隙330 Damping circuit 阻尼电路331 Discharge 放电332 Platform 平台333 Grading 等级334 Line trap 线路陷波器335 Field test 实地试验337 Off—position “断开"位置,“开路”位置338 Power—angle 功角339 Power-angle curve 功角特性曲线340 Torque—angle 转矩角341 Symmetrical components 对称分量342 Constant 常量,恒定343 Coupler 耦合器345 Concussion 震动348 Filter 滤波器349 Analogue 模拟350 Insulator 绝缘子351 Switch cabinet 开关柜352 Rated burden\load 额定负载353 Primary 一次侧的354 Remote—control apparatus 远距离控制设备355 Capacitance 电容356 Capacitor 电容器357 Reactance 电抗358 Inductor 电感359 Internal resistance 内阻360 Blow—out coil 消弧线圈361 Bundle—conductor spacer 分裂导线362 Bundle factor 分裂系数363 Electromotive force 电动势364 Volt-amphere characteristic 伏安特性365 Outgoing line 引出线366 electrolyte 电解质368 Load characteristic 负载特性369 Self—induction 自感370 Mutual—induction 互感371 Induction coefficient 感应系数372 Inductance couping 电感耦合373 Time—invariant 时不变的374 Terminal voltage 端电压375 Non-linear characteristics 非线性特性376 External characteristics 外特性378 Harmonic current 正弦电流379 Pole—pairs 极对数380 Quadrature 正交381 Angular velocity 角频率382 Magnetic induction 磁感应强度385 Armature 电枢386 Peak value (交变量的)最大值387 A mutually induced e.m。
Fundamentals of protection practiceThe purpose of an electrical power system is to generate and supply electrical energy to consumers. The system should be designed and managed to deliver this energy to the utilization points with both reliability and economy. As these two requirements are largely opposed, it is instructive to look at the reliability of a system and its cost and value to the consumer.One hand ,The diagram mast make sure the reliability in system design,. On the other hand, high reliability should not be pursued as an end in itself, regardless of cost, but should rather be balanced against economy,taking.Security of supply can be bettered by improving plant design, increasing the spare capacity margin and arranging alternative circuits to supply loads. Sub-division of the system into zones. each controlled by switchgear in association with protective gear. provides flexibility during normal operation and ensures a minimum of dislocation following a breakdown.The greatest threat to the security of a supply system is the short circuit,which imposes a sudden and sometimes violent change on system operation. The large current which then flows, accompanied by the localized release of a considerable quantity of energy, can cause fire at the fault location, and mechanical damage throughout the system, particularly to machine and transformer windings. Rapid isolation of the fault by the nearest switchgear will minimize the damage and disruption caused to the system.A power system represents a very large capital investment. To maximize the return on this outlay. the system must be loaded as much as possible. For this reason it is necessary not only to provide a supply of energy which is attractive to prospective users by operating the system ,but also to keep the system in full operation as far as possible continuously, so that it may give the best service to the consumer, and earn the most revenue for the supply authority. Absolute freedom from failure of the plant and system network cannot be guaran- teed. The risk of a fault occurring, however slight for each item, is multiplied by the number of such items which are closely associated in an extensive system, as any fault produces repercussions throughout the network. When the system is large, the chance of a fault occurring and the disturbance that a fault would bring are both so great that without equipment to remove faults the system will become, in practical terms, inoperable. The object of the system will be defeated if adequate provision for fault clearance is not made. Nor is the installation of switchgear alone sufficient; discriminative protective gear, designed according to the characteristics and requirements of the power system. must be provided to control the switchgear. A system is not properly designed and managed if it isnot adequately protected.Protective gearThis is a collective term which covers all the equipment used for detecting,locating and initiating the removal of a fault from the power system. Relays are extensively used for major protective functions, but the term also covers direct-acting a.c.trips and fuses.In addition to relays the term includes all accessories such as current and voltage transformers, shunts, d.c.and a.c. wiring and any other devices relating to the protective relays.In general, the main switchgear, although fundamentally protective in its function, is excluded from the term protective gear, as are also common services, such as the station battery and any other equipment required to secure opera- tion of the circuit breaker.ReliablityThe performance of the protection applied to large power systems is frequently assessed numerically. For this purpose each system fault is classed as an incident and those which are cleared by the tripping of the correct circuit breakers and only those, are classed as 'correct'. The percentage of correct clearances can then be determined.This principle of assessment gives an accurate evaluation of the protection of the system as a whole, but it is severe in its judgement of relay performance, in that many relays are called into operation for each system fault, and all must behave correctly for a correct clearance to be recorded. On this basis, a performance of 94% is obtainable by standard techniques.Complete reliability is unlikely ever to be achieved by further improvements in construction. A very big step, however, can be taken by providing duplication of equipment or 'redundancy'. Two complete sets of equipment are provided, and arranged so that either by itself can carry out the required function. If the risk of an equipment failing is x/unit. the resultant risk, allowing for redundancy, is x2. Where x is small the resultant risk (x2) may be negligible.It has long been the practice to apply duplicate protective systems to busbars, both being required to operate to complete a tripping operation, that is, a 'two-out-of-two' arrangement. In other cases, important circuits have been provided with duplicate main protection schemes, either being able to trip independently, that is, a 'one-out-of- two' arrangement. The former arrangement guards against unwanted operation, the latter against failure to operate.These two features can be obtained together by adopting a 'two-out-of-three' arrangement in which three basic systems are used and are interconnected so that the operation of any two will complete the tripping function. Such schemes have already been used to a limited extent and application of the principle will undoubtedly increase. Probability theory suggests that if a powernetwork were protected throughout on this basis, a protection performance of 99.98% should be attainable. This performance figure requires that the separate protection systems be completely independent; any common factors, such as common current transformers or tripping batteries, will reduce the overall performance.SELECTIVITYProtection is arranged in zones, which should cover the power system completely, leaving no part unprotected. When a fault occurs the protection is required to select and trip only the neareat circuit breakers. This property of selective tripping is also called 'discrimination' and is achieved by two general methods:a Time graded systemsProtective systems in successive zones are arranged to operate in times which are graded through the sequence of equipments so that upon the occurrence of a fault, although a number of protective equipments respond, only those relevant to the faulty zone complete the tripping functiopn. The others make incomplete operations and then reset.b Unit systemsIt is possible to design protective systems which respond only to fault conditions lying within a clearly defined zone. This 'unit protection' or 'restricted protection' can be applied throughout a power system and, since it does not involve time grading, can be relatively fast in operation.Unit protection is usually achieved by means of a comparison of quantities at the boundaries of the zone. Certain protective systems derive their 'restricted' property from the configuration of the power system and may also be classed as unit protection.Whichever method is used, it must be kept in mind that selectivity is not merely a matter of relay design. It also depends on the correct co-ordination of current transformers and relays with a suitable choice of relay settings, taking into account the possible range of such variables as fault currents. maximum load current, system impedances and other related factors, where appropriate. STABILITYThis term, applied to protection as distinct from power networks, refers to the ability of the system to remain inert to all load conditions and faults external to the relevant zone. It is essentially a term which is applicable to unit systems; the term 'discrimination' is the equivalent expression applicable to non-unit systems.SPEEDThe function of automatic protection is to isolate faults from the power system in a very much shorter time than could be achieved manually, even with a great deal of personal supervision. Theobject is to safeguard continuity of supply by removing each disturbance before it leads to widespread loss of synchronism, which would necessitate the shutting down of plant.Loading the system produces phase displacements between the voltages at different points and therefore increases the probability that synchronism will be lost when the system is disturbed by a fault. The shorter the time a fault is allowed to remain in the system, the greater can be the loading of the system. Figure 1.5 shows typical relations between system loading and fault clearance times for various types of fault. It will be noted that phase faults have a more marked effect on the stability of the system than does a simple earth fault and therefore require faster clearance. SENSITIVITYSensitivity is a term frequently used when referring to the minimum operating current of a complete protective system. A protective system is said to be sensitive if the primary operating current is low.When the term is applied to an individual relay, it does not reter to a current or voltage setting but to the volt-ampere consumption at the minimum operating current.A given type of relay element can usually be wound for a wide range of setting currents; the coil will have an impedance which is inversely proportional to the square of the setting current value, so that the volt-ampere product at any setting is constant. This is the true measure of the input requirements of the relay, and so also of the sensitivity. Relay power factor has some significance in the matter of transient performance .For d.c. relays the VA input also represents power consumption, and the burden is therefore frequently quoted in watts.PRIMARY AND BACK-UP PROTECTIONThe reliability of a power system has been discussed in earlier sections. Many factors may cause protection failure and there is always some possibility of a circuit breaker failure. For this reason, it is usual to supplement primary protection with other systems to 'back-up' the operation of the main system and to minimize the possibility of failure to clear a fault from the system. Back-up protection may be obtained automatically as an inherent feature of the main protection scheme, or separately by means of additional equipment. Time graded schemes such as overcurrent or distance protection schemes are examples of those providing inherent back-up protection; the faulty section is normally isolated discriminatively by the time grading, but if the appropriate relay fails or the circuit breaker fails to trip, the next relay in the grading sequence will complete its operation and trip the associated circuit breaker, thereby interrupting the fault circuit one section further back. In this way complete back- up cover is obtained; one more section is isolated than is desirable but this is inevitable in the event of the failure of circuit breaker. Wherethe system interconnection is more complex, the above operation will be repeated so that all parallel infeeds are tripped.If the power system is protected mainly by unit schemes, automatic back-up protection is not obtained, and it is then normal to supplement the main protection with time graded overcurrent protection, which will provide local back-up cover if the main protective relays have failed, and will trip further back in the event of circuit breaker failure.Such back-up protection is inherently slower than the main protection and, depending on the power system con- figuration, may be less discriminative. For the most important circuits the performance may not be good enouugh, even as a back-up protection, or, in some cases, not even possible, owing to the effect of multiple infeeds. In these cases duplicate high speed protective systems may be installed. These provide excellent mutual back-up cover against failure of the protective equipment, but either no remote back-up protection against circuit breaker failure or, at best, time delayed cover.Breaker fail protection can be obtained by checkina that fault current ceases within a brief time interval from the operation of the main protection. If this does not occur, all other connections to the busbar section are interrupted, the condition being necessarily treated as a busdar fault. This provides the required back-up protection with the minimum of time delay, and confines the tripping operation to the one station, as compared with the alternative of tripping the remote ends of all the relevant circults.The extent and type of back-up protection which is applied will naturally be related to the failure risks and relative economic importance of the system. For distribution systems where fault clearance times are not critical, time delayed remote back-up protection is adequate but for EHV systems, where system stability is at risk unless a fault is cleared quickly, local back-up, as described above, should be chosen.Ideal back-up protection would be completely indepen_ dent of the main protection. Current transformers, voltage transformers, auxiliary tripping relays, trip coils and d.c. supplies would be duplicated. This ideal is rarely attained in practice. The following compromises are typical:a. Separate current transformers (cores and secondary windings only) are used for each protective system, as this involves little extra cost or accommodation compared with the use of common current transformers which would have to be larger because of the combined burden.b. Common voltage transformers are used because duplication would involve a considerable increase in cost, because of the voltage transformers themselves, and also because of the increased accommodation which would have to be provided. Since security of the VT output is vital, it isdesirable that the supply to each protection should be separately fused and also continuously supervised by a relay which wil1 give an alarm on failure of the supply and, where appropriate, prevent an unwanted operation of the protection.c. Trip supplies to the two protections should be separately fused. Duplication of tripping batteries and of tripplng coils on circuit breakers is sometimes provided. Trip circuits should be continuously supervised.d. It is desirable that the main and back-up protections (or duplicate main protections) should operate on different princlples, so that unusual events that may cause failure of the one will be less likely to affect the other.继电保护原理发电并将电力供应给用户这就是电力系统的作用。
Protection relay(继电保护) 外文翻译资料
![Protection relay(继电保护) 外文翻译资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d96d3edf5fbfc77da269b199.png)
Protection relayProtective relayingProtective relaying is that area of power system design concerned with minimizing service interruption and limiting damage to equipment when failures occur. The function of protective relaying is to cause the prompt removal of a defective element from a power system. The defective element may have a short circuit or it may be operating in an abnormal manner. Protective relaying systems are designed to detect such failures or abnormal conditions quickly and to open a minimum of circuit breakers to isolate the defective element. The effect of quick isolation is threefold: (1) it minimizes or prevents damage to the defective element, thus reducing the time and expense of repairs and permitting quicker restoration of the element to service; (2) it minimizes the seriousness and duration of the defective elements affecting on the normal operation of the power system; and (3) it maximizes the power that can be transferred on power systems. The second and third points are of particular significance because they indicate the important role protective relaying plays in assuring maximum service reliability and in system design. The power that can be transmitted across system without the loss of synchronism is the function of fault clearing times. It is apparent that fast fault clearing times permit a higher power transfer than longer clearing times. High-speed clearing of faults can often provide a means for achieving higher power transfers and thereby defer investment in additional transmission facilities.A protective relaying system is based on detecting fault conditions by continuously monitoring the power system variables such as current, voltage, power, frequency, and impedance. Measuring of currents and voltage is performed by instrument transformers of the potential type (PT) or current type (CT). Instrument transformers feed the measured variables to the relay system, which in turn, upon detecting a fault, commands circuit breaker (CB) to disconnect the faulted section of the system.An electric power system is divided into several protective zones for generators, transformers, buses, transmission and distribution circuit, and motors. The division is such that zones are given adequate protection while keeping service interruption to a minimum. It is to be noted that each zone is overlapped to avoid unprotect (blind) areas. The connections of current transformers achieve the overlapping. The general philosophy ofrelay application is to divide the power system into zones that can be adequately protected by suitable protective equipment and can be disconnected from the power system in a minimum amount of time and with the least effect on the remainder of the power system. The protective relaying provided for each zone is divided into two categories: (1) primary relaying and (2) backup relaying. Primary relaying is the first line of defense when failures occur, and is connected to trip only the faulted element from the system. If a failure occurs in any primary zone the protective relays will operate to trip all of the breakers within that zone. If a breaker is omitted between two adjacent elements, both elements will be disconnected for a failure in either one. This latter arrangement is illustrated by the unit generator-transformer connection in the power plant. On bulk power generating and transmission systems, primary protection is designed to operate at high speed for all faults. Slower protection may be used in less important system areas but, in general, any system area will benefit by the fastest possible primary relaying.If the fault is not cleared by the primary protection, backup relaying operates to clear the fault from the system. In general, backup relaying disconnects a greater portion of the system to isolate the fault. Backup protection is provided for possible failure in the primary relaying system and for possible circuit breaker failures. Any backup scheme must provide both relay backup as well as breaker backup. Ideally, the backup protection should be arranged so that anything that may cause the primary protection to fail will not also cause failure of the backup protection. Moreover, the backup protection must not operate until the primary protection has been given an opportunity to function. As a result, there is time delay associated with any backup operation. When a short circuit occurs, both the primary and the backup protection start to operate. If the primary protection clears the fault, the backup protection will reset without completing its function. If the fault is not cleared by the primary protection, the backup relaying will time out and trip the necessary breakers to clear the fault from the system.There are two forms of backup protection in common use on power systems. They are remote backup and local backup.(1)Remote backup. In remote backup relaying, faults are cleared from the system onestation away from where the failure has occurred.(2)Local backup. In local backup relaying, faults are cleared locally in the samestation where the failure has occurred. For faults on the protected line, both the primary and the backup relays will operate to prepare tripping the line breaker. Relay backup may be just as fast as the front line relays. When either of these relays operates to initiate tripping of the line breaker, it also energizes a timer to start the breaker backup function. If the breaker fails to clear the fault, the line relays will remain picked up, permitting the timer to time out and trip the necessary other breakers on the associated bus section.Computer relayingThe electric power industry has been one of the earliest users of the digital computer as a fundamental aid in the various design and analysis aspects of its activity. Computer-based systems have evolved to perform such complex tasks as generation control, economic dispatch (treated in chapter 11)and load-flow analysis for planning and operation , to name just a few application areas. research efforts directed at the prospect using digital computers to perform the tasks involved in power system protection date back to the mien-sixties and were motivated by the emergence of process-control computers a great deal of research is going on in this field, which is now referred to as computer relaying. Up to the early 1980s there had been no commercially availability protection systems offering digital computer-based relays.However, the availability of microprocessor technology has provided an impetus to computer relaying.*Microprocessors used as a replace*and solid state relays non provide a number of advantages while meeting the basic protection philosophy requirement of decentralization.There are many perceived benefits of a digital relaying system:1.Economics: with the steady decrease in cost of digital hardware, coupled with theincrease in cost of conventional relaying. It seems reasonable to assume that computer relaying is an attractive alternative. Software development cost can be expected to be evened out by utilizing economies of scale in producing microprocessors dedicated to basic relaying tasks.2.Reliability: a digital system is continuously active providing a high level of aself-diagnosis to detect accidental failures within the digital relaying system.3.Flexibility: revisions or modifications made necessary by changing operationalconditions can be accommodated by utilizing the programmability features of a digitalsystem. This would lead to reduced inventories of parts for repair and maintenance purposes4.System interaction: the availability of digital hardware that monitors continuously thesystem performance at remote substations can enhance the level of information available to the control center. Post fault analysis of transient data can be performed on the basis of system variables monitored by the digital relay and recorded by the peripherals.The main elements of a digital computer-based relay are indicated in Figure 9-59. The input signals to the relay are analog (continuous) and digital power system variables. The digital inputs are of the order of five to ten and include status changes (on-off) of contacts and changes in voltage levels in a circuit. The analog signals are the 60-Hz currents and voltages. The number of analog signals needed depends on the relay function but is in the range of 3 to 30 in all cases. The analog signals are scaled down (attenuated) to acceptable computer input levels ( 10 volts maximum) and then converted to digital (discrete) form through analog/digital converters (ADC). These functions are performed in the block labeled “Analog Input Subsystem.”The digital output of the relay is available through the computer’s parallel output port, five-to-ten digital outputs are sufficient for most applications.The analog signals are sampled at a rate between 210 Hz to about 2000 Hz. The sampled signals are entered into the scratch pad (RAM) and are stored in a secondary data file for historical recording. A digital filter removes noise effects from the sampled signals. The relay logic program determines the functional operation of the relay and uses the filtered sampled signals to arrive at a trip or no trip decision which is then communicated to the system.The heart of the relay logic program is a relaying algorithm that is designed to perform the intended relay function such as over currents detection, differential protection, or distance protection, etc. It is not our intention in this introductory text to purse this involved in a relaying algorithm, we discuss next one idea for peak current detection that is the function of a digital over current relay.Microcomputer-based RelayingA newer development in the field of power system protection is the use of computers(usually microcomputers) for relaying. Although computers provide the same protection as that supplied by conventional relays, there are some advantages to the use of computer-based relaying. The logic capability and application expansion possibilities for computer-based, relaying is much greater than for electromechanical devices. Computer-base relaying samples the values of the current, voltage, and by use of A/D converters, change these analog values to digital form and then send them to the computer. In the event of a fault, the computer can calculate the fault’s current values and characteristics, and settings can be changed merely by reprogramming. Computer-based relaying are also capable of locating faults, which has been one of the most popular features in their application. In addition, self-checking features can be built in and sequence of events information can be downloaded to remote computers for fast analysis of relaying operations.Computer-based relaying system consists of subsystems with well defined functions. Although a specific subsystem may be different in some of its details, these subsystems are most likely to be incorporated in its design in some form. The block diagram in Figure 13-1 shows the principal subsystems of a computer-base relaying. The processor is the center of its organization. It is responsible for the execution of relaying programs, maintenance of various timing functions, and communicating with its peripheral equipment. Several types of memories are shown in Figure13-1-each of them serves a specific need. The Random Access Memory (RAM) holds the input sample data as they are brought in and processed. The Read Only Memory (ROM) or Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) is used to store the programs permanently. In some cases the programs may execute directly from the ROM if its read time is short enough. If this is not the case, the programs must be copied from the ROM into the RAM during an initialization stage, and then the real-time execution would take place from the RAM. The Erasable PROM (EPROM) is needed for storing certain parameters (such as the relaying settings) which may be changed from time to time, but once it is set it must remain fixed even if the power supply to the computer is interrupted.The relaying inputs are currents and voltages—or, to a lesser extent—digital signals indicating contact status. The analog signals must be converted to voltage signals suitable for conversion to digital from. The current and voltage signals obtained from current andvoltage transformer secondary windings must be restricted to a full scale value of +10 volts. The current inputs must be converted to voltages by resistive shunts. As the normal current transformer secondary currents may be as high as hundreds of amperes, shunts of resistance of a few milliohms are needed to produce the desired voltage for the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). An alternative arrangement would be to use an auxiliary current transformer to reduce the current to a lower level. An auxiliary current transformer serves another function: that of providing electrical isolation between the main CT secondary and the computer input system.Since the digital computer can be programmed to perform several functions as long as it has the input and output signals needed for those functions. It is a simple matter to the relaying computer to do many other substation tasks, for example, measuring and monitoring flows and voltages in transformers and transmission lines, controlling the opening and closing of circuit breakers and switches, providing backup for other devices that have failed, are all functions that can be taken over by the relaying computer. With the program ability and communication capability, the computer-based relaying offers yet another possible advantage that is not easily realizable in a conventional system. This is the ability to change the relay characteristics (settings) as the system conditions warrant it. With reasonable prospects of having affordable computer-based relaying which can be dedicated to a single protection function, attention soon turned to the opportunities offered by computer-based relaying to integrate them into a substation, perhaps even a system-wide network. Integrated computer systems for substations which handle relaying, monitoring, and control tasks offer novel opportunities for improving overall system performance.International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems继电保护1. 继电器当故障发生的时候继电器将电力系统的停电范围减小到最小,并且减小对设备的破坏。
Residual voltage ground-fault protection
100% Earth Fault Protection With 3RDHarmonics
Undercurrent or underpower
Unit Bearing Temperature High Trip
Bearing Oil Overtemperature
Bearing Sump Oil Overtemperature
Synchronism check
U/f prtection
Transformer Trip Circuit 1
Overcurrent with time delay
Ground-fault overcurrent with time delay
Power rheostat
Electrically op erated valve
Electrical gover ning system
Field app licati on relay
High tension electrical p orcelain in sulator
Breaker point wrench
Breaker trip coil
Bus bar
Bus bar curre nt tran sformer
Bus bar disc onn ect ing switch
Oscillatory surge
Fail safe in terlock
Differen tial motio n
Cap acitive curre nt
Time delay
Normal in verse
Defi nite time
电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差 动平衡式电流继电器
Current cha nger
Current compen sati onal ground dista nee relay
129 Close by local protection 保护合闸
130 Close-up fault 近距离故障
173 Current consumption 电流消耗
131 Closing coil 合闸线圈
174 Current differential criterion 电流差动判据
22 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护
68 Black-start 黑启动
23 Adaptive relaying 自适应继电保护
69 Blinker 继电器吊牌
24 Adaptive segregated directional
70 Bloching protection 闭锁式保护
62 Back-up protection 后备保护
17 Acceleration Trend Relay(ATR) 加速趋势继电器
63 Back-up ssystem 后备继电保护
18 Accurate Working Current 精确工作电流
64 Biased differential relaying 极化差动继电保护系统
19 Accurate Working voltage 精确工作电压
65 Bi-directional relay 双向继电器
20 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸
66 Bi-stable 双稳态
21 Adaptive features 自适应特性
67 Black-out area 停电区
113 Capacitor 电容器
160 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段
电力系统继电保护中英文对照表(doc 87页)
![电力系统继电保护中英文对照表(doc 87页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9fc396c9ff00bed5b9f31de9.png)
电力系统继电保护中英文对照表(doc 87页)1 Directional protection方向保护2 Distance protection距离保护3 Over current protection过流保护4 Pilot protection高频保护5 Differential protection差动保护6 Rotor earth-fault protection 转子接地保护7 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护8 Over fluxing protection过励磁保护9 Back-up protection后备保护11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸12 Start up/Pick up起动13 Breaker断路器14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关15 Current transformer 电流互感器16 Potential transformer 电压互感器17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区18 Vibration/Oscillation振荡19 Reliability可靠性20 Sensitivity灵敏性21 Speed速动性22 Selectivity选择性23 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器24 Time delay延时25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁26 Incorrect tripping误动27 Phase to phase fault相间故障28 Earth fault接地故障29 Through- fault穿越故障30 Permanent fault永久性故障31 Temporary fault瞬时性故障32 Overload过负荷34 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器35 Timer relay时间继电器40 Ground fault relay接地故障继电器41 Recloser重合闸42 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护43 Soft strap软压板44 Hard strap硬压板45 High resistance高阻46 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动47 CT line-breakCT断线48 PT line-breakPT断线49 Secondary circuit二次回路50 AC circuit breaker交流开关电路51 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器52 Breaker point wrench开关把手53 Breaker trip coil断路器跳闸线圈54 Bus bar母线; 导电条55 Bus bar current transformer母线电流变压器56Bus bar disconnecting switch分段母线隔离开关57Bus compartment母线室; 汇流条隔离室58Bus duct母线槽; 母线管道59Bus hub总线插座60Bus line汇流线61Bus insulator母线绝缘器62Bus request cycle 总线请求周期63Bus reactor母线电抗器64Bus protection母线保护65Bus rings集电环66Bus rod汇流母线67Bus section reactor 分段电抗器68Bus structure母线支架; 总线结构69Bus tie switch母线联络开关70Bus-bar chamber母线箱71Bus-bar fault母线故障72Bus-bar insulator母线绝缘子73Busbar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关74Current attenuation电流衰减75Current actuated leakage protector电流起动型漏电保护器76Current balance type current differential re 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电器77Current changer换流器78Current compensational ground distance re 电流补偿式接地远距继电器79Current consumption电流消耗80Coil adjuster线圈调节器81Coil curl线圈82Coil current线圈电流83Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗84Coil inductance线圈电感85Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角86Distance relay; impedance relay 阻抗继电器87Power rheostat电力变阻器88Electrically operated valve电动阀门89Electrical governing system电力调速系统90Field application relay励磁继电器; 激励继电器91High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高压电瓷绝缘子92Option board任选板; 选配电路板; 选择板93Oscillator coil振荡线圈94Over-Voltage relay过压继电器95Power factor relay功率因素继电器96Protection against overpressure超压防护97Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置98Protection device保护设备; 防护设备99Protection reactor保护电抗器100Protection screen保护屏101Protection switch保护开关102Insulator cap绝缘子帽; 绝缘子帽103Insulator chain绝缘子串; 绝缘子串104Insulator arc-over绝缘子闪络; 绝缘子闪络105Insulator arcing horn绝缘子角形避雷器; 绝缘子角形避雷器106Insulator bracket绝缘子托架; 绝缘子托架107Impedance compensator阻抗补偿器108 Resistance grounded neutral system 中心点电阻接地方式109 Reactance bond电抗耦合; 接合扼流圈110 Reactance of armature reaction电枢反应电抗111 Under-Voltage relay欠压继电器112 Voltage differential relay电压差动继电器114 Relay must-operate value继电器保证启动值115 Relay act trip继电器操作跳闸116 Relay overrun继电器超限运行117 Longitudinal differential protection 纵联差动保护118 Phase-angle of voltage transformer电压互感器的相角差119 Zero-sequence current/residual current 零序电流120 Residual current relay零序电流继电器121 Bus bar protection/bus protection母线保护122 Breaker contact point断路器触点123 Cut-off push断路器按钮124 Gaseous shield瓦斯保护装置125 Neutral-point earthing中性点接地126 Internal fault内部故障127 Auxiliary contacts辅助触点128 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器129 Fuse box/fusible cutout 熔断器130 Pulse relay/surge relay冲击继电器1帖帖七戒旅长2005七2007-10-26 11:14131 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay中间继电器132 Common-mode voltage共模电压133 Impedance mismatch阻抗失配134 Intermittent fillet weld间断角缝焊接135 Loss of synchronism protection失步保护136 Closing coil合闸线圈137 Electro polarized relay极化继电器138 Power direction relay功率方向继电器139 Direct-to-ground capacity 对地电容140 Shunt running潜动141 Trip/opening跳闸142 Trip switch跳闸开关143 Receiver machine收信机144 High-frequency direction finder 高频测向器145 Capacity charge电容充电146 time over-current时限过电流148 Surge guard冲击防护149 Oscillatory surge振荡冲击150 Fail safe interlock五防装置151 Differential motion差动152 Capacitive current 电容电流154 Time delay延时156 Normal inverse反时限157 Definite time定时限158 Multi-zone relay 分段限时继电器159 Fail-safe unit五防161 Unbalance current 不平衡电流162 Blocking autorecloser 闭锁重合闸163 Primary protection 主保护164 Tap分接头165 YC (telemetering)遥测167 Fault clearing time故障切除时间168 Critical clearing time 极限切除时间169 Switch station开关站170 Traveling wave行波171 Protection feature保护特性172 Fault phase selector故障选线元件173 Fault type故障类型174 Inrush励磁涌流175 Ratio restrain比率制动176 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅利叶变换177 Short circuit calculations短路计算178 Load flow calculations潮流计算179 Oscillatory reactivity perturbation 振荡反应性扰动180 Quasi-steady state准稳态181 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同步182 Protective relaying equipment继电保护装置183 AC directional overcurrent relay 交流方向过流继电器184 AC reclosing relay交流重合闸继电器185 Annunciator relay信号继电器188 Carrier or pilot-wire receiver relay载波或导引线接受继电器189 Current-limiting relay限流继电器190 Definite time relay定时限继电器192 Lockout relay闭锁继电器;保持继电器;出口继电器193 Micro-processor based protective relay 微机继电保护194 Voltage -controlled overcurrent relay 电压控制过电流继电器196 Fault diagnosis故障诊断197 Back-up protection 后备保护198 Overhead line架空线199 High voltage line高压线路200 Underground cable 埋地电缆201 Circuit breaker断路器202 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁203 Interlock闭锁204 Trigger触发器205 Winding-to-winding insulation 绕组间的绝缘206 Porcelain insulator瓷绝缘子207 Tie line联络线208 Leased line租用线路209 Private line专用线路211 Remote Terminal Unit远程终端设备212 Economic dispatch system经济调度系统213 State estimation状态估计214 Trip by local protection保护跳闸215 Close by local protection保护合闸216 Operational (internal) overvoltage 操作(内部)过电压217 Sampling and holding采样保持218 Synchronized sampling采样同步219 Manipulation操作220 Measuring/Metering unit测量元件221 Locus of measured impedance测量阻抗轨迹222 Differential mode interference差模干扰223 Output (executive) organ出口(执行)元件224 Overcurrent relay with undervoltage supervision低电压起动的过电流保护225 Low impedance busbar protection低阻抗母线保护回复2帖3帖七戒旅长2005六2007-10-26 11:15228 Half-cycle integral algorithm半周积分算法230 Coordination of relay settings保护的整定配合231 Reach (setting) of protection保护范围(定值)232 Coordination time interval保护配合时间阶段233 Percentage differential relay比率差动继电器234 Electromagnetic relay电磁型继电器236 Instantaneous undervoltage protection with current supervis 电流闭锁的电压速断保护237 Operating equation (criterion)动作方程(判据)238 Operating characteristic动作特性239Harmonic restraining谐波制动241Segregated current differential protection 分相电流差动保护242Branch coefficient分支系数243Power line carrier channel (PLC)高频通道245High speed signal acquisition system高速数字信号采集系统246Busbar protection with fixed circuit connection 固定联结式母线保护247Fault recorder故障录波器248Fault phase selection故障选相249Optoelectronic coupler光电耦合器件251Compensating voltage补偿电压252Polarized voltage极化电压253Memory circuit记忆回路254Unblocking signal解除闭锁信号255Power system splitting and reclosing 解列重合闸256Connection with 90 degree90度接线257Insulation supervision device绝缘监视258Inrush exciting current of transformer 励磁涌流259Two star connection scheme两相星形接线方式260Zero mode component of traveling wave 零模行波261Inverse phase sequence protection逆相序保护262Offset impedance relay偏移特性阻抗继电器263Frequency response频率响应264Activate the breaker trip coil起动断路器跳闸266Permissive under reaching transfer trip scheme 欠范围允许跳闸式267Slight (severe) gas protection轻(重)瓦斯保护268Man-machine interface人机对话接口270Three phase one shot reclosure三相一次重合闸271Out-of-step失步272Accelerating protection for switching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作275Abrupt signal analysis突变信号分析276Out flowing current外汲电流277False tripping误动279Turn to turn fault,inter turn faults 匝间短路280Relay based on incremental quantity 增量(突变量)继电器281Vacuum circuit breaker真空开关282Power swing (out of step) blocking 振荡(失步)闭锁284Successive approximation type A/D 逐次逼进式A/D285Infeed current助增电流286Self reset自动复归287Adaptive segregated directional current differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护288Adaptive relay protection自适应继电保护289Pilot protection纵联保护291Angle of maximum sensitivity最大灵敏角292Out of service退出运行294Waveform波形295Outlet出口296 Electromechanical机电的297Magnitude of current 电流幅值299Traveling wave signal行波信号300Measurement signal测量信号301Traveling wave relay行波继电器302Transmission line malfunction 输电线路异常运行303Subsystem子系统304Positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗305Negative sequence impedance 负序阻抗306Zero sequence impedance零序阻抗307Digital signal processor数字信号处理器308Frequency sensing频率测量309Cable relay电缆继电器310Under power protection低功率保护311Under voltage protection低电压保护312Transient analysis暂态分析313Voltage sensor电压传感器314Zero-sequence protection零序保护315Zero sequence current transducer 零序电流互感器316Shunt旁路,并联317Series串联,级数318Parallel并联319Saturation饱和320Free-standing独立的,无需支撑物的321Troidal环形的,曲面,螺旋管形322Bushing套管323Magnetizing磁化324Dropout current回动电流325Reactor grounded neutral system 中性点电抗接地系统326Grounding apparatus接地装置327Dual bus双总线328Thyristor晶闸管329Spark gap火花隙330Damping circuit 阻尼电路331 Discharge放电332Platform平台333Grading等级334Line trap线路陷波器335Field test实地试验337Off-position“断开”位置,“开路”位置338Power-angle功角339Power-angle curve功角特性曲线340Torque-angle转矩角341Symmetrical components 对称分量342Constant常量,恒定343Coupler耦合器345。
序号英文全称中文解释1 Directional protection 方向保护2 Distance protection 距离保护3 Over current protection 过流保护4 Pilot protection 高频保护5 Differential protection 差动保护6 Rotor earth—fault protection 转子接地保护7 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护8 Over fluxing protection 过励磁保护9 Back-up protection 后备保护11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸12 Start up/Pick up 起动13 Breaker 断路器14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关15 Current transformer 电流互感器16 Potential transformer 电压互感器17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区18 Vibration/Oscillation 振荡19 Reliability 可靠性20 Sensitivity 灵敏性21 Speed 速动性22 Selectivity 选择性23 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器24 Time delay 延时25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁26 Incorrect tripping 误动27 Phase to phase fault 相间故障28 Earth fault 接地故障29 Through- fault 穿越故障30 Permanent fault 永久性故障31 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障32 Overload 过负荷34 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器35 Timer relay 时间继电器40 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器41 Recloser 重合闸42 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护43 Soft strap 软压板44 Hard strap 硬压板45 High resistance 高阻46 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动47 CT line—break CT断线48 PT line—break PT断线49 Secondary circuit 二次回路50 AC circuit breaker 交流开关电路51 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器52 Breaker point wrench 开关把手53 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈54 Bus bar 母线;导电条55 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器56 Bus bar disconnecting switch 分段母线隔离开关57 Bus compartment 母线室;汇流条隔离室58 Bus duct 母线槽; 母线管道59 Bus hub 总线插座60 Bus line 汇流线61 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器62 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期63 Bus reactor 母线电抗器64 Bus protection 母线保护65 Bus rings 集电环66 Bus rod 汇流母线67 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器68 Bus structure 母线支架;总线结构69 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关70 Bus—bar chamber 母线箱71 Bus—bar fault 母线故障72 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子73 Busbar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关74 Current attenuation 电流衰减75 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器76 Current balance type current differential relay 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器77 Current changer 换流器78 Current compensational ground distance relay 电流补偿式接地远距继电器79 Current consumption 电流消耗80 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器81 Coil curl 线圈82 Coil current 线圈电流83 Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗84 Coil inductance 线圈电感85 Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角86 Distance relay;impedance relay 阻抗继电器87 Power rheostat 电力变阻器88 Electrically operated valve 电动阀门89 Electrical governing system 电力调速系统90 Field application relay 励磁继电器; 激励继电器91 High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高压电瓷绝缘子92 Option board 任选板; 选配电路板;选择板93 Oscillator coil 振荡线圈94 Over—Voltage relay 过压继电器95 Power factor relay 功率因素继电器96 Protection against overpressure 超压防护97 Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置98 Protection device 保护设备; 防护设备99 Protection reactor 保护电抗器100 Protection screen 保护屏101 Protection switch 保护开关102 Insulator cap 绝缘子帽; 绝缘子帽103 Insulator chain 绝缘子串;绝缘子串104 Insulator arc—over 绝缘子闪络; 绝缘子闪络105 Insulator arcing horn 绝缘子角形避雷器; 绝缘子角形避雷器106 Insulator bracket 绝缘子托架; 绝缘子托架107 Impedance compensator 阻抗补偿器108 Resistance grounded neutral system 中心点电阻接地方式109 Reactance bond 电抗耦合;接合扼流圈110 Reactance of armature reaction 电枢反应电抗111 Under-Voltage relay 欠压继电器112 Voltage differential relay 电压差动继电器114 Relay must—operate value 继电器保证启动值115 Relay act trip 继电器操作跳闸116 Relay overrun 继电器超限运行117 Longitudinal differential protection 纵联差动保护118 Phase—angle of voltage transformer 电压互感器的相角差119 Zero—sequence current/residual current 零序电流120 Residual current relay 零序电流继电器121 Bus bar protection/bus protection 母线保护122 Breaker contact point 断路器触点123 Cut-off push 断路器按钮124 Gaseous shield 瓦斯保护装置125 Neutral—point earthing 中性点接地126 Internal fault 内部故障127 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点128 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器129 Fuse box/fusible cutout 熔断器130 Pulse relay/surge relay 冲击继电器131 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 中间继电器132 Common—mode voltage 共模电压133 Impedance mismatch 阻抗失配134 Intermittent fillet weld 间断角缝焊接135 Loss of synchronism protection 失步保护136 Closing coil 合闸线圈137 Electro polarized relay 极化继电器138 Power direction relay 功率方向继电器139 Direct—to—ground capacity 对地电容140 Shunt running 潜动141 Trip/opening 跳闸142 Trip switch 跳闸开关143 Receiver machine 收信机144 High—frequency direction finder 高频测向器145 Capacity charge 电容充电146 time over—current 时限过电流148 Surge guard 冲击防护149 Oscillatory surge 振荡冲击150 Fail safe interlock 五防装置151 Differential motion 差动152 Capacitive current 电容电流154 Time delay 延时156 Normal inverse 反时限157 Definite time 定时限158 Multi—zone relay 分段限时继电器159 Fail—safe unit 五防161 Unbalance current 不平衡电流162 Blocking autorecloser 闭锁重合闸163 Primary protection 主保护164 Tap 分接头165 YC (telemetering)遥测167 Fault clearing time 故障切除时间168 Critical clearing time 极限切除时间169 Switch station 开关站170 Traveling wave 行波171 Protection feature 保护特性172 Fault phase selector 故障选线元件173 Fault type 故障类型174 Inrush 励磁涌流175 Ratio restrain 比率制动176 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅利叶变换177 Short circuit calculations 短路计算178 Load flow calculations 潮流计算179 Oscillatory reactivity perturbation 振荡反应性扰动180 Quasi-steady state 准稳态181 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同步182 Protective relaying equipment 继电保护装置183 AC directional overcurrent relay 交流方向过流继电器184 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器185 Annunciator relay 信号继电器188 Carrier or pilot—wire receiver relay 载波或导引线接受继电器189 Current-limiting relay 限流继电器190 Definite time relay 定时限继电器192 Lockout relay 闭锁继电器;保持继电器;出口继电器193 Micro—processor based protective relay 微机继电保护194 Voltage —controlled overcurrent relay 电压控制过电流继电器196 Fault diagnosis 故障诊断197 Back-up protection 后备保护198 Overhead line 架空线199 High voltage line 高压线路200 Underground cable 埋地电缆201 Circuit breaker 断路器202 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁203 Interlock 闭锁204 Trigger 触发器205 Winding—to—winding insulation 绕组间的绝缘206 Porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子207 Tie line 联络线208 Leased line 租用线路209 Private line 专用线路211 Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端设备212 Economic dispatch system 经济调度系统213 State estimation 状态估计214 Trip by local protection 保护跳闸215 Close by local protection 保护合闸216 Operational (internal) overvoltage 操作(内部)过电压217 Sampling and holding 采样保持218 Synchronized sampling 采样同步219 Manipulation 操作220 Measuring/Metering unit 测量元件221 Locus of measured impedance 测量阻抗轨迹222 Differential mode interference 差模干扰223 Output (executive)organ 出口(执行)元件224 Overcurrent relay with undervoltage supervision 低电压起动的过电流保护225 Low impedance busbar protection 低阻抗母线保护228 Half-cycle integral algorithm 半周积分算法230 Coordination of relay settings 保护的整定配合231 Reach (setting) of protection 保护范围(定值)232 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段233 Percentage differential relay 比率差动继电器234 Electromagnetic relay 电磁型继电器236 Instantaneous undervoltage protection with current supervision 电流闭锁的电压速断保护237 Operating equation (criterion)动作方程(判据)238 Operating characteristic 动作特性239 Harmonic restraining 谐波制动241 Segregated current differential protection 分相电流差动保护242 Branch coefficient 分支系数243 Power line carrier channel (PLC)高频通道245 High speed signal acquisition system 高速数字信号采集系统246 Busbar protection with fixed circuit connection 固定联结式母线保护247 Fault recorder 故障录波器248 Fault phase selection 故障选相249 Optoelectronic coupler 光电耦合器件251 Compensating voltage 补偿电压252 Polarized voltage 极化电压253 Memory circuit 记忆回路254 Unblocking signal 解除闭锁信号255 Power system splitting and reclosing 解列重合闸256 Connection with 90 degree 90度接线257 Insulation supervision device 绝缘监视258 Inrush exciting current of transformer 励磁涌流259 Two star connection scheme 两相星形接线方式260 Zero mode component of traveling wave 零模行波261 Inverse phase sequence protection 逆相序保护262 Offset impedance relay 偏移特性阻抗继电器263 Frequency response 频率响应264 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸266 Permissive under reaching transfer trip scheme 欠范围允许跳闸式267 Slight (severe) gas protection 轻(重)瓦斯保护268 Man-machine interface 人机对话接口270 Three phase one shot reclosure 三相一次重合闸271 Out-of—step 失步272 Accelerating protection for switching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作275 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析276 Out flowing current 外汲电流277 False tripping 误动279 Turn to turn fault,inter turn faults 匝间短路280 Relay based on incremental quantity 增量(突变量)继电器281 Vacuum circuit breaker 真空开关282 Power swing (out of step) blocking 振荡(失步)闭锁284 Successive approximation type A/D 逐次逼进式A/D285 Infeed current 助增电流286 Self reset 自动复归287 Adaptive segregated directional current differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护288 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护289 Pilot protection 纵联保护291 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大灵敏角292 Out of service 退出运行294 Waveform 波形295 Outlet 出口296 Electromechanical 机电的297 Magnitude of current 电流幅值299 Traveling wave signal 行波信号300 Measurement signal 测量信号301 Traveling wave relay 行波继电器302 Transmission line malfunction 输电线路异常运行303 Subsystem 子系统304 Positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗305 Negative sequence impedance 负序阻抗306 Zero sequence impedance 零序阻抗307 Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器308 Frequency sensing 频率测量309 Cable relay 电缆继电器310 Under power protection 低功率保护311 Under voltage protection 低电压保护312 Transient analysis 暂态分析313 Voltage sensor 电压传感器314 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护315 Zero sequence current transducer 零序电流互感器316 Shunt 旁路,并联317 Series 串联,级数318 Parallel 并联319 Saturation 饱和320 Free-standing 独立的,无需支撑物的321 Troidal 环形的,曲面,螺旋管形322 Bushing 套管323 Magnetizing 磁化324 Dropout current 回动电流325 Reactor grounded neutral system 中性点电抗接地系统326 Grounding apparatus 接地装置327 Dual bus 双总线328 Thyristor 晶闸管329 Spark gap 火花隙330 Damping circuit 阻尼电路331 Discharge 放电332 Platform 平台333 Grading 等级334 Line trap 线路陷波器335 Field test 实地试验337 Off—position “断开"位置,“开路”位置338 Power—angle 功角339 Power-angle curve 功角特性曲线340 Torque—angle 转矩角341 Symmetrical components 对称分量342 Constant 常量,恒定343 Coupler 耦合器345 Concussion 震动348 Filter 滤波器349 Analogue 模拟350 Insulator 绝缘子351 Switch cabinet 开关柜352 Rated burden\load 额定负载353 Primary 一次侧的354 Remote—control apparatus 远距离控制设备355 Capacitance 电容356 Capacitor 电容器357 Reactance 电抗358 Inductor 电感359 Internal resistance 内阻360 Blow—out coil 消弧线圈361 Bundle—conductor spacer 分裂导线362 Bundle factor 分裂系数363 Electromotive force 电动势364 Volt-amphere characteristic 伏安特性365 Outgoing line 引出线366 electrolyte 电解质368 Load characteristic 负载特性369 Self—induction 自感370 Mutual—induction 互感371 Induction coefficient 感应系数372 Inductance couping 电感耦合373 Time—invariant 时不变的374 Terminal voltage 端电压375 Non-linear characteristics 非线性特性376 External characteristics 外特性378 Harmonic current 正弦电流379 Pole—pairs 极对数380 Quadrature 正交381 Angular velocity 角频率382 Magnetic induction 磁感应强度385 Armature 电枢386 Peak value (交变量的)最大值387 A mutually induced e.m。
继电保护中英文对照表(1)2011-02-25 18:02:16 发表: dzbzw1 A lagging power-factor 滞后的功率因数2 A mutualky induced e.m.f 互感电动势3 a retarding torque 制动转矩4 Abnormal operating condition 不正常运行状态5 Abnormal overload 异常过载6 Abnormal overvoltage 事故过电压7 Abnormal state 非常态8 Above earth potential 对地电势9 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析10 Absolute potential 绝对电势11 AC circuit breaker 交流断路器12 AC component 交流分量13 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器14 AC distribution system 交流配电系统15 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器16 Accelerating protection forswitching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作17 Acceleration Trend Relay(ATR) 加速趋势继电器18 Accurate Working Current 精确工作电流19 Accurate Working voltage 精确工作电压20 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸21 Adaptive features 自适应特性22 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护23 Adaptive relaying 自适应继电保护24 Adaptive segregated directionalcurrent differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护25 Admittance relays 导纳型继电保护装置26 AI(artificial intelligence) 人工智能27 Air brake switch 空气制动开关28 Air breaker 空气断路器29 Air-blast circuit breaker 空气灭弧断路器30 Air-blast switch 空气吹弧开关31 Air-space cable 空气绝缘电缆32 Alarm 报警33 Alarm relay 报警信号继电器34 Alarm signal;alerting signal 报警信号35 Alive 带电的36 All-relay interlocking 全部继电连锁37 All-relay selector 全继电式选择器38 Amplitude Comparison 绝对值比较39 Analogue 模拟40 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大灵敏角41 Annunciator relay 信号继电器42 Approximation component 逼近分量43 Arc extinguishing coil 灭弧线圈44 Arc suppressing coil 消弧线圈45 Arc suppressing reactor 灭弧电抗器46 Arcing fault 电弧接地故障47 Armature 电枢48 Asymmetric load 不对称负载49 Asymmetric short circuit 不对称短路50 Asynchronous resistance 异步电阻51 Asynchronous tractance 异步电抗52 Attacted armature relay 衔铁(磁铁)吸合式继电器53 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同步54 Automatic reclosure 自动重合闸55 auto-put-into device of reserve-source 备用电源自动投入装置56 auto-recosing with self-synchronism 自同步重合闸57 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点58 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 辅助继电器/中间继电器59 B sampling function B样条函数60 Back-spin timer 反转时间继电器61 Back-up over-speed governor 附加超速保护装置62 Back-up protection 后备保护63 Back-up ssystem 后备继电保护64 Biased differential relaying 极化差动继电保护系统65 Bi-directional relay 双向继电器66 Bi-stable 双稳态67 Black-out area 停电区68 Black-start 黑启动69 Blinker 继电器吊牌70 Bloching protection 闭锁式保护71 Blocking relay 连锁继电器72 Blocking signal 闭锁信号73 Blow-out coil 灭弧线圈74 Branch coefficient 分支系数75 Breaker contact point 断路器触点76 Breaker pount wrench 开关把手77 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈78 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁79 Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护80 Bundle factor 分裂系数81 Bundle-conductor spacer 分裂导线82 Bus bar 母线;导电条83 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器84 Bus bar disconnecting swich 分段母线隔离开关85 Bus compartment 母线室;汇流条隔离室86 Bus coupler CB 母联断路器87 Bus duct 母线槽;母线管道88 Bus hub 总线插座89 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器90 Bus line 汇流线91 Bus protection(Bus-bar protection) 母线保护92 Bus protective relay 母线保护继电器93 Bus reactor 母线电抗器94 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期95 Bus rings 集电环96 Bus rod 汇流母线97 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器98 Bus structure 母线支架;总线结构99 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关100 Bus-bar chamber 母线箱101 Bus-bar fault 母线故障102 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子103 bus-bar protection withfixed circuit xonnection 固定联结式母线保护104 Bus-bar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关105 Bushing 套管106 bushing type xurrent transformer 套管式电流互感器107 Bypass 旁路108 Cable relay 电缆继电器109 Capacitance 电容110 Capacitance effect 电容效应111 Capacitance relay 电容继电器112 Capacitive current 电容电流113 Capacitor 电容器114 Capacitor of series compensation 串补电容115 Capacity charge 电容充电116 Capacity ground 电容接地117 Carrier channel 高频通道118 Carrier or pilot-wire receiver relay 载波或导引线接受继电器119 Carrier receiver 发讯机120 Carrier transmitter 收讯机121 Cascading outages 连锁故障122 Catch net (protecting net) 保护网123 Chatter 颤振124 Circuit breaker 断路器125 Circuit breaker failure protection 断路器失灵保护126 Circuit control relay 电路控制继电器127 Clip-on leads 夹式引线128 Clock 时钟129 Close by local protection 保护合闸130 Close-up fault 近距离故障131 Closing coil 合闸线圈132 Closing relay 合闸继电器133 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器134 Coil curl 线圈135 Coil current 线圈电流136 Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗137 Coil factor 线圈系数138 coil inductance 线圈电感139 Combined bus and transformer protection 母线和变压器共用保护140 Commissioning 投运141 Common-mode voltage 共模电压142 Communication channel 通讯通道143 Communication interface 通讯接口144 Compensation theorem(compensation principle) 补偿原理145 Compensation voltage(compensating voltage) 补偿电压146 Compound relay 复合继电器147 Concentrated coil 集中绕组148 Concussion 震动149 Conductance relay 电导继电器150 Configuration control 组态控制151 Connection with 90degree 90度接线152 Constant 常量153 Contact 触点154 Contact bounce 触点颤动155 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器156 Continuous load 持续负载157 Continuous rating 连续运行的额定值158 Converter relay 换流器继电器159 Coordination of relay settings 保护的整定配合160 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段161 Core 铁芯162 Counting relay 计数继电器163 Coupler 耦合器164 Critical clearing time 极限切除时间165 Cross-country faults “越野式”双相同时接地故障166 Crystal can relay 晶体密闭继电器167 CT line-break CT断线168 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器169 Current attenuation 电流衰减170 Current balance type currentdifferential relay 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器171 Current changer 换流器172 Current compensational ground distance relay 电流补偿式接地远距继电器173 Current consumption 电流消耗174 Current differential criterion 电流差动判据175 Current transformer 电流互感器176 Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角177 Current transformer saturation 电流互感器的饱和问题178 Current traveling wave 电流行波179 Current-balance relay 电流平衡式继电器180 Current-limiting relay 限流继电器181 Cut-off of supply 停止供电182 Cut-off push 断路器按钮183 Cut-off relay 断路继电器184 Cut-out relay 短路继电器185 Damping circuit 阴尼电路186 Dash current 冲击电流187 Data medium 数据载体188 Data processing 数据处理189 Data transmission 数据传输190 Dead zone(Blind spot) 死区191 Definite time 定时限192 Definite time relay 定时限继电器193 Delay-action relay 缓动继电器194 Delta 三角形195 Differential mode interference 差模干扰196 Differential motion 差动197 Differential protection 差动保护198 Differential protection withpercentage restraining 具有比率制动的差动继电器199 Differential relay 差动继电器200 Differential relay with fast saturatedcurrent transformer带有速饱和变流器的差动继电器201 Differential relay with RestraintCharacteristic 具有制动特性的差动继电器202 Digital protection 数字式保护203 Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器204 Direct axis 直轴205 Directional contact 方向触点206 Directional distance relay 方向距离继电器207 Directional over-current protection 方向过流保护208 Directional over-current relay 方向过流继电器209 Directional pilot relaying 方向纵联继电保护210 Directional protection 方向保护211 Direct-to-ground capacity 对地电容212 Discharge 放电213 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关214 Discontinuous relay 鉴别继电器215 Discriminating zone 判别区216 Dislocation 损失、故障引起的混乱217 Disruption 瓦解、系统解列218 Distance protection 距离保护219 Distance relay(impedance relay) 阻抗继电器220 Distributed capacitance of long line 长线分布电容221 Distribution feeder 配电馈线222 Diviation character 偏移特性223 Double bus bar protection 双母线保护224 Double-ended clip-on leads 双头夹式引线225 Dropout current 回动电流226 Dry-type transformer 干式变压器227 Dual bus 双总线228 Dynamic attributes 动态特性229 Dynamoelectric relay 电动式继电器230 Earth fault 接地故障231 Earth-leakage protection 对地漏电保护232 Economic dispatch system 经济调度系统233 Electric capacity 电容234 Electric interlock relay 连锁继电器235 Electric reset relay 电复位式继电器236 Electrical apparatus(equipments) 电器设备237 Electrical governing system 电力调速系统238 Electrical network(power network) 电网239 Electrically operated valve 电动阀门240 Electro polarized relay 极化继电器241 electrolyte 电解质242 Electromagnetic brake 电磁制动243 Electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩244 Electromagnetical relay 电磁式继电器245 Electromechanic relay 机电的246 Electromotive force 电动势247 Emergency service 事故运行248 Emergency standby 事故备用249 Energy direction relay 能量方向继电器250 Equivalent circuit 等值电路251 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁252 Excitation-loss relay 失磁继电器253 Expert system 专家系统254 Extermal characteristics 外特性255 Extinction coil 消弧线圈256 Extinguishing voltage 灭弧电压257 Extra high voltage 超高压258 Extra-high-voltage transmission line 超高压传输259 Fail safe interlock 五防装置260 Fail-safe unit 五防261 Failure rate 故障率262 False tripping 误动263 Fast ersponse 快速响应264 Fast-operate slow-release relay 快动缓释继电器265 Fast-release relay 快释放继电器266 Fault clearing time 故障切除时间267 Fault component 故障分量268 Fault detecting relay 故障检测继电器269 Fault diagnosis 故障诊断270 Fault line 故障线271 Fault location 故障定位272 Fault phase selection 故障选相273 Fault phase selector 故障选线元件274 Fault recorder 故障录波器275 Fault type 故障类型276 Fault-component algorithms 故障分量算法277 Faulted phase identification 故障相识别元件278 Faults recorder 故障录波279 Feedback 反馈280 Feeder 馈电线281 Fiber optical communication 光纤通信282 Fiber-Optic Pilot 光纤纵联保护283 Field application relay 励磁继电器;激励继电器284 Field failure protection of generator 发电机的失磁保护285 Field test 实地试验286 Filter 滤波器287 Finger 触点的接点288 Fourier algorithm 傅立叶算法289 Free-standing 独立的;无需支撑物的290 Frequency component 频率分量291 Frequency response 频率响应292 Frequency sensing 频率测量293 Frequency window 频窗294 Full-wave phase comparison protection 全波相位比较保护295 Fuse box(Fusible cutout) 熔断器296 Gaseous shield 瓦斯保护装置297 Gas-Insulater switchgear GIS 气体绝缘组合电器298 Generator 发电机299 Generator cutout relay 发电机断路继电器300 Generator Negative Current Protection 发电机负序电流保护301 Generator out of step protection 发电机失步保护302 Generator protection 发电机保护303 Generator protection for negativesequence current 发电机负序电流保护304 Generator stator single phase earth fault 发电机定子绕组单相接地保护305 Generator stator winding short circuit faults 发电机定子绕组短路故障306 Generator-transformer set 发电机-变压器组307 Graded time settings 阶梯型时间配置308 Grading 等级309 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器310 Ground-fault of ungrounded system 小电流接地系统311 Grounding apparatus 接地装置312 Half-cycle integral algorithm 半周积分算法313 Hard strap 硬压板314 Harmonic current 正弦电流315 Harmonic restraining 谐波制动316 Healthy phases 非故障相317 Heavy load 重负荷318 Hidden failures 隐形故障319 High impedance busbar differetial protection 高阻抗母线差动保护320 High resistance 高阻321 High sensitive relay 高灵敏度继电器322 High speed impedance relay 高速阻抗继电器323 High speed signal acquisition system 高速数字信号采集系统324 High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高压电瓷绝缘子325 High voltage line 高压线路326 High-frequency direction finder 高频测向器327 High-voltage relay 高压继电器328 Immune to electromagnetic interference 不受电磁干扰329 Impedance circle 阻抗圆330 Impedance compensator 阻抗补偿器331 Impedance converter 阻抗变换器332 Impedance mismatch 阻抗失配333 Impulsing relay 冲击继电器334 Inadvertent energization 过激磁335 Incorrect tripping 误动336 Inductance couping 电感耦合337 Induction coefficient 感应系数338 Induction cup relay 感应杯式继电器339 Induction disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器340 Induction type relay 感应式继电器341 Inductor 电感342 Infeed current 助增电流343 Inrush exciting current of transformer 励磁涌流344 Instantaneous protection 瞬时保护345 Instantaneous under voltageprotection with current supervision 电流闭锁电压速断保护346 Insulation supervision device 绝缘监视347 Insulator 绝缘子348 Insulator arcing horn 绝缘子角形避雷器349 Insulator arc-over 绝缘子闪络350 Insulator bracket 绝缘子托架351 Insulator cap 绝缘子帽352 Insulator chain 绝缘子串353 Inter turn faults 匝间短路354 Interlock 连锁355 Intermittent fault 间歇故障356 Intermittent fillet weld 间接角缝焊接357 Internal fault 内部故障358 Internal resistance 内阻359 Interrupting time 断路时间360 Intertripping underreach protection 远方跳闸欠范围保护361 Inverse phase sequence protection 逆相序保护362 Inverse power protection 逆功率保护363 Isolated neutral system 中性点绝缘系统364 Jumper connection 跳线365 Kalman filter algorithm 卡尔曼滤波算法366 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅里叶变换367 Leased line 租用线路368 LED 发光二极管369 Line trap 线路陷波器370 Load characteristic 负载特性371 Load flow calculations 潮流计算372 Load patterns 负荷形式373 Load schedule according to frequency change 按周波减载374 Load shedding 甩负荷375 Lockout relay 闭锁出口继电器376 Locus of measured impedance 测量阻抗轨迹377 Longitudinal differential protection 纵联差动保护378 Longitudinal differential relay 纵联差动继电器379 Loss of synchronism protection 失步保护380 Low impedance busbar protection 低阻抗母线保护381 Low-frequency component,subharmonic 低频分量,低次谐波382 Low-frequency high-voltage protection 低频高压试验383 Low-voltage protection 低压保护384 Low-voltage rekease relay 低压释放继电器385 Low-voltage relay 低压继电器386 Magnetic flux 磁通387 Magnetic induction 磁感应强度388 Magnetization curve 磁化曲线389 Magnetizing 磁化390 Magnetizing inrush current 劢磁涌流391 Magnitude of current 电流幅值392 Main protection 主保护393 Manipulating organ 操作单元394 Manipulation 操作395 Man-machine interface 人机对话接口396 Margin 裕度397 Measured impedance 测量阻抗398 Measurement 测量399 Measurement signal 测量信号400 Measuring unit 测量元件401 Mechanism latch 机械锁402 Memory circuit 记忆回路403 Metallic fault 金属性故障404 Micro-processor based protective relay 微机继电保护405 Microwave link protection 微波保护406 Minimum load impedance 最小负荷阻抗407 Motor-field failure relay 电动机磁场故障继电器408 Moving coil relay 动圈式继电器409 Muktiole-reclosing breaker 多次重合闸断路器410 Multi-ended circuit protection 多端线路保护411 Multi-finger contactor 多触点接触器412 Multi-phase compensated impedance relay 多相补偿式阻抗继电器413 Multiple earth 多重接地414 Multi-zone rekay 分段限时继电器415 Mutual-induction 互感416 Mutual-induction of zero sequence 零序互感的影响417 Mutually coupled lines 有互感线路418 Negative direction 反方向419 Negative phase relay 负相位继电器420 Negative sequence impedance 负序阻抗421 Negative-phase sequence impendence 负相序继电器422 Network topology 网络拓朴423 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器424 Neutral displacement protection 中性点过电压保护425 Neutral-current transformer 零序电流互感器426 Neutral-point earthing 中性点接地427 No-load release 无跳闸428 Non-linear characteristics 非线性特性429 Non-sinusoidal signal 非正弦信号430 Normal inverse 反时限431 Normally closed contacts 常闭节点432 Normally open contacts 常开节点433 Object-oriented 面向对向434 Off-peak 非峰值的435 Off-position 断开位置436 Offset impedance relay 偏移特性阻抗继电器437 Ohm relay 电阻继电器438 Oil-immersed type reactor 油浸式电抗器439 Open-phase relay 断相继电器440 Operating characteristic 动作特性441 Operating eqution(criterion) 动作方程(判据) 442 Operating load 运行负载443 Operating time 动作时间444 Operational(internal)over-voltage 操作(内部)过电压445 Optical link protection 光纤保护446 Option board 选择板447 Optoelectronic coupler 光电耦合器件448 Orthogonal 正交的449 Oscillation 振荡450 Oscillator coil 振荡线圈451 Oscillatory reactivity perturbation 振荡反应性扰动452 Oscillatory surge 振荡冲击453 Out flowing current 外汲电流454 Out going line 引出线455 Out of service 退出运行456 Out of step 失步457 Outlet 出口458 Output(executive) organ 出口(执行)元件459 Over current protection 过电流保护460 Over fluxing ptrtection 过励磁保护461 Over head line 架空线462 Over load 过负荷463 Over reach blocking scheme 超范围闭锁式464 Over voltage protection 过电压保护465 Over voltage relay 过压继电器531466 Over-current relay withunder-voltage supervision 低电压起动的过电流保护467 Over-load relay 过载继电器468 Over-load trip 过载跳闸469 Parallel 并联470 Parallel port 并联出口471 Peak value (交变量的)最大值472 Percentage differential protection 比率差动保护473 Percentage differential relay 比率差动继电器474 Permanent fault 永久性故障475 Permissive under reaching transfertrip scheme 欠范围允许跳闸式476 Permissive underreach protection 允许式欠范围保护477 Phase comparison protection 相位比较保护478 Phase comparison relay 相位比较继电器479 Phase segregated protection 分相保护480 Phase to phase fault 相间故障481 Phase-angle of voltage transformer 电压互感器的相角差482 Phase-shifting algorithm 移相算法483 Pilot protection 高频保护;纵联保护484 Pilot protection using distance relay 距离纵联保护485 Platform 平台486 Pneumatic 气动的487 Pockels effect 波克尔斯效应488 Polar characteristics 极化特性489 Polarized voltage 极化电压490 Pole-pairs 极对数491 Porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子492 Positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗493 Potential transformer 电压互感器494 Power direction relay 功率方向继电器495 Power factlr relay 功率因数继电器496 Power failure 电源故障497 Power line carrier 电力线载波498 Power line carrier channel 高频通道499 Power line carrier protection 电力线载波保护500 Power relay 功率继电器501 Power rheostat 电力变压器502 Power swing(out of step)blocking 振荡(失步)闭锁503 Power system analysis and computation 电力系统分析与计算504 Power system control 电力系统控制505 Power system oscillation 电力系统振荡506 Power system splitting and reclosing 解列重合闸507 Power system transients 电力系统暂态508 Power-angle 功角509 Power-angle curve 功角特性曲线510 Power-transfer relay 电源切换继电器511 Power-transformer relay 电力传输继电器512 Primary 一次侧的513 Primary protection 主保护514 Private line 专用线路515 Proportional Brake LongitudinalDifferential Protection 比例制动式纵差保护516 Protection against overpressure 超压防护517 Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置518 Protection criterion 保护判据519 Protection device 保护设备;防护设备520 Protection feature 保护特性521 Protection of generator-transformer set 发电机--变压器保护522 Protection reactor 保护电抗器523 Protection screen 保护屏524 Protection switch 保护开关525 Protective cap 保护帽526 Protective casing 保护外壳527 Protective cover(protective housing) 保护罩528 Protective device(protective gear) 保护装置529 Protective earthing 保护接地530 Protective earthing outer insulation 保护接地外绝缘531 Protective equipment 保护设备532 Protective gap 保护间隙533 Protective ground 保护性接地534 Protective link 保护线路535 Protective panel 保护屏柜536 Protective relaying equipment 继电保护装置537 Protective switch 保护开关538 Protective system 保护系统539 Protective transformer 保护变压器540 PT line-break PT断线541 Pulse 脉冲542 Pulse relay(surge relay) 冲击继电器543 Quadrature 正交544 Quadrature axis 交轴545 Quasi-steady state 准稳态546 Rated armature current 额定电枢电流547 Rated burden/Rated load 额定负载548 Rated primary voltage 一次额定电压549 Rated secondary voltage 二次额定电压550 Ratio restrain 比率制动551 Reach(setting)of protection 保护范围(定值)552 Reactance 电抗553 Reactance bond 电抗耦合554 Reactance of armature reaction 电枢反应电抗555 Reactive power cimpensation 无功补偿器556 Reactor grounded neutral system 中性点电抗接地系统557 Receiver machine 收信机558 Reclaim time 复归时间559 Recloser 重合闸560 Rectangular wave 矩形波561 Rectifier bridge 整流桥562 Recursive least square algorihm 最小二乘算法563 Redundancy of relaying system 保护配置的冗余度564 Relay acceleration after auto-reclosing 重合闸后加速保护565 Relay acceleration before auto-reclosing 重合闸前加速保护566 Relay act trip 继电器操作跳闸567 Relay based on incremental quantity 增量(突变量)继电器568 Relay based on transient component 暂态保护569 Relay location 保护安装处570 Relay must-operate value 继电器保证启动值571 Relay overrun 继电器超限运行572 Relay system configuration 保护配置573 Remote backup protection 远后备保护574 Remote controlled 遥控的575 Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端设备576 Remote-control apparatus 远程控制设备577 Reserve bus 备用母线578 Residual current 零序电流579 Residual current relay 零序电流继电器580 Residual magnetism 剩磁581 Resistance grounded neutral system 中性点接地方式582 Resultant torque 合成转矩583 Returning current of protection device 保护装置返回584 Reverse power flows 功率逆潮流585 Rotor 转子586 Rotor earth-fault protection 转子接地保护587 Rwliability 可靠性588 Sampling and holding 采样保持589 Sampling interruption service program 采样中断服务程序590 Satuation detection 饱和检测591 Saturation curve 饱和曲线592 SCADA 监控与数据采集593 Scalarproduct restraint differentrial relay 标积制动式差动继电器594 Scan 扫描595 Sealed transformer 密封式变压器596 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动597 Secondary circuit 二次回路598 Section selectovity of protection 保护的区选择性599 Sectionalizer 分段断路器600 Security 安全性601 Segregated current differential protection 分相电流差动保护602 Selectivity 选择性603 Self excited 自励604 Self reset 自动复归605 Self-check 自检606 Self-energizing 自激的607 Self-induction 自感608 Self-polarize mho 自极化姆欧(导纳)继电器609 Self-polarizing 电流极化继电器610 Semiconductor diode 半导体二极管611 Semi-orthogonal wavelet 半正交小波612 Sensitive polarized 灵敏极化继电器613 Sensitivity 灵敏性614 Sequence of events recorder 事件顺序记录器615 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸616 Serial port 串行接口617 Series 串联618 Series excited 串励619 Sesitive relay 灵敏继电器620 Setting calculation 整定计算621 Severe gas protection 重瓦斯保护622 Short circuit calculations 短路计算623 Short-term load forecasting 短期负荷预测624 Shunt 旁路;并联625 Shunt excited 并励626 Shunt running 潜动627 Shutter 挡板628 Sigle-phase transmission line 单相传输线629 Single-chip microcontroller 单片机630 Sinusoidal variations 正弦变量631 Slight gas protection 轻瓦斯保护632 Slow-to release relay 缓放继电器633 Soft strap 软压板634 Solenoid relay 螺管式继电器635 Spark gap 火花间隙636 Speed 速动性637 Splitphase transverse differential protection 裂相横差保护638 Spottily excited 他励639 Star 星形640 Start up(Pick up) 起动641 Starting current of protection device 保护装置启动电流642 State estimation 状态估计643 Static distance relay 静态距离继电器644 Static relay 静电继电器645 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护646 Stator ground protection based onzero sequence current 零序电流构成的定子接地保护647 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器648 Strap 压板649 Subsystem 子系统650 Successive approximation typw A/D 逐次逼近型A/D651 Superimposed component protection 叠加分量保护652 Surge guard 冲击防护653 Surge impedance 波阻抗654 Surge voltage 冲击电压655 Sustained faults 持续性故障656 Sustained overload 持续657 Switch cabinet 开关柜658 Switch station 开关站659 Switching surge 开关冲击660 Symmetrical 对称的661 Symmetrical comoinents 对称分量662 Synchronization check 同期检查663 Synchronized sampling 采样同步664 Synchronizing by reference parameter vector 参数矢量同步法665 Synchronous condenser 同步调相机666 Synchronous reactance 同步电抗667 Synchronous speed 同步转速668 Tap 分接头669 Telemeter data 遥测数据670 Temperature limiting relay 过热继电器671 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障672 Terminal board 端子排673 Terminal voltage 端电压674 Test-block 试验端子675 Test-plug 试验插头676 The applied voltage 外施电压677 The no-load power factor 空载功率因数678 Thermal protection 过热保护679 Thermostat relay 恒温继电器680 Three phase one shot reclosure 三相一次重合闸681 Three terminal line protection 三端线路保护682 Through-fault 穿越故障683 Thyristor 晶体管684 Tie line 联络线685 Time interval 时间间隔686 Time over-current 时限过电流687 Time pulse relay 定时脉冲继电器688 Time-current characteristic 时间-电流特性689 Time-delay relay 时间继电器690 Time-invariant 不变时的691 Timer relay 延时继电器692 Timing relay(Timed relay) 定时继电器693 Topological information 拓朴信息694 Topology analysis 拓朴分析695 Torque-angle 转矩角696 Torsional vibration 扭转振动697 Tower 杆塔698 Transfer of auxiliary supply 后备电源切换699 Transformation matrix 变换矩阵700 Transformer protection schemes 变压器保护配置原则701 Transient analysis 暂态分析702 Transistor(type)relay 晶体管(型)继电器703 Transition impedance 过渡阻抗704 Transmission line malfunction 输电线路异常运行705 Transmitting relay 发送继电器706 Transverse differential protection 横差保护707 Transverse differential protectionfor Generator turn-to-turn faults 发电机横差保护708 Traveling wave 行波709 Traveling wave protection 行波保护710 Traveling wave relay 行波继电器711 Traveling wave signal 行波信号712 Trigger 触发器713 Trip by lical protection 保护跳闸714 Trip relay 跳闸继电器715 Trip switch 跳闸开关716 Tripping battery 跳闸用蓄电池717 Troidal 环形的;曲面;螺旋管形718 Turn to turn gault 匝间短路719 Two star connection scheme 两相星形接线方式720 Two-phase grounding fault 两相接地短路故障721 Two-phase short circuit fault 两相短路故障722 Two-position relay 二位置继电器723 Ultra-high voltage transmission 超高压输电724 Unavailability 不可用率;失效率725 Unbalance current 不平衡电流726 Unblocking signal 解除闭锁信号727 Under power protection 低功率保护728 Under power relay 低功率继电器729 Under-frequency protection 低频保护730 Under-groind cable 地埋电缆731 Under-impedance relay 低阻抗继电器732 Under-load relay 负载不足继电器733 Under-voltage protection 欠压保护734 Under-voltage relay 欠压继电器735 Under-voltage release736 Under-voltage trip 低电压跳闸737 Unit protection 单元式保护738 Vacuum circuit breaker 真空开关739 Vacuum-tube relay 电子管继电器740 Variable bridge principle protection 变电桥保护741 Vibration 振荡742 Voltage balance relay 电压平衡继电器743 Voltage differential relay 电压差动继电器744 Voltage dip 电压下降745 Voltage inception angle 电压初始角746 Voltage instability 电压不稳747 Voltage regulation 电压调节748 Voltage responsive relay 电压响应继电器749 Voltage selection relay 电压选择继电器750 Voltage sensor 电压传感器751 Voltage traveling wave 电压行波752 Voltage waveform destortion 电压波形畸变753 Voltage-controlled over-current relay 电压控制过电流继电器754 Volt-amphere characteristic 伏安特性755 Wave impedance 波阻抗756 Wave propagation velocity 波速757 Waveform 波形758 Waveform identification 波形识别法759 Wavelet transform 小波变换760 Weak power end protection 弱电源端保护761 Winding-to-winding insulation 绕组间的绝缘762 Window function 窗函数763 Zero drift 零点漂移764 Zero mode component of traveling wave 零模行波765 Zero-power-factor 零功率因数766 Zero-sequence current 零序电流767 Zero-sequence current compensation 零序电流补偿768 Zero-sequence current relay 零序电流继电器769 Zero-sequence current transducer 零序电流互感器770 Zero-sequence impedance 零序阻抗771 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护910个继电保护英文名词来源[公司 --继保工作室--] 点击次数:453 最后更新:2010-7-1 14:27:51序号 英文全称 中文解释1 Directional protection 方向保护2 Distance protection 距离保护3 Over current protection 过流保护4 Pilot protection 高频保护5 Differential protection 差动保护6 Rotor earth‐fault protection 转子接地保护7 Stator earth‐fault protection 定子接地保护8 Over fluxing protection 过励磁保护9 Back‐up protection 后备保护11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸12 Start up/Pick up 起动13 Breaker 断路器14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关15 Current transformer 电流互感器16 Potential transformer 电压互感器17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区18 Vibration/Oscillation 振荡19 Reliability 可靠性20 Sensitivity 灵敏性21 Speed 速动性22 Selectivity 选择性23 Step‐type distance relay 分段距离继电器24 Time delay 延时25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁26 Incorrect tripping 误动27 Phase to phase fault 相间故障28 Earth fault 接地故障29 Through‐ fault 穿越故障30 Permanent fault 永久性故障31 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障32 Overload 过负荷34 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器35 Timer relay 时间继电器40 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器41 Recloser 重合闸42 Zero‐sequence protection 零序保护43 Soft strap 软压板44 Hard strap 硬压板45 High resistance 高阻46 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动47 CT line‐break CT断线48 PT line‐break PT断线49 Secondary circuit 二次回路50 AC circuit breaker 交流开关电路51 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器52 Breaker point wrench 开关把手53 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈54 Bus bar 母线; 导电条55 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器56 Bus bar disconnecting switch 分段母线隔离开关57 Bus compartment 母线室; 汇流条隔离室58 Bus duct 母线槽; 母线管道59 Bus hub 总线插座60 Bus line 汇流线61 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器62 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期63 Bus reactor 母线电抗器64 Bus protection 母线保护65 Bus rings 集电环66 Bus rod 汇流母线67 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器68 Bus structure 母线支架; 总线结构69 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关70 Bus‐bar chamber 母线箱71 Bus‐bar fault 母线故障72 Bus‐bar insulator 母线绝缘子73 Busbar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关74 Current attenuation 电流衰减75 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器。
Inadvertent Energisation
Definite Time Overcurrent Directional
Breaker Failure
Voltage and power directional rel.
Breaker failure
Tripping or Trip-Free Relay
Reluctance Torque Synchrocheck
Under Frenquency
Carrier interface
Lockout relay,start inhibit
Differential protection,generator
Differential protection,transf.
Winding Temperature
Intelligent Electronic Device
Network Disturbance Monitoring Equipment
电力系统继电保护中英文对照表中文词汇英文词汇电力系统Power system继电保护Relay protection保护装置Protective device故障Fault故障电流Fault current故障检测Fault detection故障分类Fault classification故障定位Fault location故障记录器Fault recorder过电压保护Overvoltage protection过电流保护Overcurrent protection地电流保护Earth current protection短路Short circuit短路电流Short circuit current瞬时值Instantaneous value时限值Time limit value跳闸Tripping启动电流Starting current感应式电流互感器Inductive current transformer 压板式电流互感器Plate-type current transformer 合闸Closing开关刀闸Switch disconnector接地刀闸Ground disconnector电流互感器Current transformer功率互感器Power transformer电压互感器Voltage transformer电流差动保护Current differential protection 电压差动保护Voltage differential protection 闭锁Blocking重保Backup protection保护跳闸Protection tripping故障保护Fault protection过零保护Zero-crossing protection过频保护Over-frequency protection沉侵保护Inrush protection远方保护Remote protection就地保护Local protection瞬变保护Transient protection空气开关Air switch隔离开关Isolation switch封闭开关Enclosed switch电力系统自动化Power system automation 故障指示灯Fault indicator电源Power supply接线Wiring电流Current电压Voltage功率Power频率Frequency相位Phase直流Direct current交流Alternating current以上是电力系统继电保护中英文对照表,希望对您有所帮助。
毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译外文题目: Protection Relay 中文题目:继电保护学院名称:电子与信息工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化班级:电气082继电保护摘要:继电保护非常重要,因为大部分的用户,是从分布线和分配制度以来,比任何其他部分的系统更容易受到破坏。
其中天津大学与南京电力自动化设备厂合作研究的500kv晶体管方向高频保护和南京电力自动化研究院研制的晶体管高频闭锁距离保护,运行于葛洲坝50 0 kv线路上,结束了500kv线路保护完全依靠从国外进口的时代。
IEEE继电保护功能代码中英文对照IEEE device numbers and functions for switchgear apparatus 开关装置的IEEE元件代码及功能(Relay symbols and device numbers; selection from IEC 617-,IEEE C37.2-1991 and IEEE C37.2-1979)The devices in switching equipments are referred to by numbers, with appropriate suffix letters when necessary, according to the functions they perform. 开关装置中的这些元件以代码及根据完成的功能所需的合适下标字母予以分类。
These numbers are based on a system adopted as standard for automatic switchgear by IEEE, and incorporated in American Standard C37.2-1979. This system is used in connection diagrams, in instruction books, and in specifications.这些代码以服务于自动开关装置的系统为标准,该系统被IEEE,包括美国标准C37.2-1979认证。
Device number 元件代码Definition and function定义和功能Note备注1 Master element is the initiating device, such as a control switch, voltage relay, float switch etc., that serveseither directly, or through such permissive devices as protective and time-delay relays, to place equipment in or out of operation.主要元件,是指控制开关、电压继电器、浮动开关等起动元件。
IEEE继电保护功能代码中英文对照IEEE Relay Protection FunctionsIntroduction介绍Overcurrent Protection过电流保护Code Name: 50/51Description: Detects excessive current flow in a power system and trips circuit breakers to isolate the fault.Code Name: 50BFDescription: Blocks the operation of the 50/51 function during transformer energization to prevent false tripping.Code Name: 50CADescription: Restricts the operation of the 50/51 functionto specific zones of protection to minimize unnecessary tripping.Code Name: 50GDescription: Detects ground faults and initiates appropriate actions to limit the fault current.Code Name: 50N/51NDescription: Operates the 50/51 function at a higher setting to account for inrush currents during motor start-up.Code Name: 50P/51PDescription: Operates the 50/51 function at a lower setting to provide better protection for motors against thermal overload.Code Name: 50Q/51QCode Name: 50R/51RDescription: Restrains the operation of the 50/51 function during system disturbances to avoid unnecessary tripping.Code Name: 50S/51SDescription: Supervises the 50/51 function to ensure proper operation and trips the circuit breaker if the function fails.Code Name: 50U/51UDescription: Provides protection against insufficient voltage levels and initiates actions to maintain acceptable voltage levels.Code Name: 50V/51VDescription: Detects voltage imbalances and takes corrective actions to restore balanced voltages.Code Name: 50/51ADescription: Operates the 50/51 function selectively to prioritize the tripping of the faulted circuit for faster fault isolation.Code Name: 50/51BCode Name: 50/51CVoltage Protection电压保护Code Name: 27Description: Detects and trips circuit breakers when undervoltage conditions occur.Code Name: 27FDescription: Blocks the operation of the 27 function during system energization to prevent false tripping.Code Name: 27UDescription: Detects and initiates corrective actions to maintain acceptable voltage levels during undervoltage conditions.Code Name: 59Description: Detects and trips circuit breakers when overvoltage conditions occur.Code Name: 59FDescription: Blocks the operation of the 59 function during system energization to prevent false tripping.Code Name: 59UDescription: Detects and initiates corrective actions to maintain acceptable voltage levels during overvoltage conditions.Distance Protection距离保护Code Name: 21Description: Measures the impedance between the relay location and the fault location to determine the fault distance.Code Name: 21NDescription: Operates the 21 function at a higher setting to account for the fault resistance.Code Name: 21QCode Name: 21RDescription: Restraints the operation of the 21 function during system disturbances to avoid unnecessary tripping.Code Name: 21SDescription: Supervises the 21 function to ensure proper operation and trips the circuit breaker if the function fails.Code Name: 21UDescription: Detects faults outside the reach of the 21 function and initiates appropriate actions for fault isolation.Code Name: 21VDescription: Detects the voltage collapse caused by faults and initiates actions to prevent system instability.Code Name: 21GDescription: Detects the direction of fault currents to determine the fault location.Code Name: 21YConclusion结论。
电力系统继电保护常用词汇910条(中英文对照)序号英文全称中文解释1 Directional protection 方向保护2 Distance protection 距离保护3 Over current protection 过流保护4 Pilot protection 高频保护5 Differential protection 差动保护6 Rotor earth-fault protection 转子接地保护7 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护8 Over fluxing protection 过励磁保护9 Back-up protection 后备保护11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸12 Start up/Pick up 起动13 Breaker 断路器14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关15 Current transformer 电流互感器16 Potential transformer 电压互感器17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区18 Vibration/Oscillation 振荡19 Reliability 可靠性20 Sensitivity 灵敏性21 Speed 速动性22 Selectivity 选择性23 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器24 Time delay 延时25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁26 Incorrect tripping 误动27 Phase to phase fault 相间故障28 Earth fault 接地故障29 Through- fault 穿越故障30 Permanent fault 永久性故障31 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障32 Overload 过负荷34 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器35 Timer relay 时间继电器40 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器41 Recloser 重合闸42 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护43 Soft strap 软压板44 Hard strap 硬压板45 High resistance 高阻46 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动47 CT line-break CT断线48 PT line-break PT断线49 Secondary circuit 二次回路50 AC circuit breaker 交流开关电路51 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器52 Breaker point wrench 开关把手53 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈54 Bus bar 母线; 导电条55 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器56 Bus bar disconnecting switch 分段母线隔离开关57 Bus compartment 母线室; 汇流条隔离室58 Bus duct 母线槽; 母线管道59 Bus hub 总线插座60 Bus line 汇流线61 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器62 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期63 Bus reactor 母线电抗器64 Bus protection 母线保护65 Bus rings 集电环66 Bus rod 汇流母线67 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器68 Bus structure 母线支架; 总线结构69 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关70 Bus-bar chamber 母线箱71 Bus-bar fault 母线故障72 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子73 Busbar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关74 Current attenuation 电流衰减75 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器76 Current balance type current differential relay 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器77 Current changer 换流器78 Current compensational ground distance relay 电流补偿式接地远距继电器79 Current consumption 电流消耗80 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器81 Coil curl 线圈82 Coil current 线圈电流83 Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗84 Coil inductance 线圈电感85 Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角86 Distance relay; impedance relay 阻抗继电器87 Power rheostat 电力变阻器88 Electrically operated valve 电动阀门89 Electrical governing system 电力调速系统90 Field application relay 励磁继电器; 激励继电器91 High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高压电瓷绝缘子92 Option board 任选板; 选配电路板; 选择板93 Oscillator coil 振荡线圈94 Over-V oltage relay 过压继电器95 Power factor relay 功率因素继电器96 Protection against overpressure 超压防护97 Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置98 Protection device 保护设备; 防护设备99 Protection reactor 保护电抗器100 Protection screen 保护屏101 Protection switch 保护开关102 Insulator cap 绝缘子帽; 绝缘子帽103 Insulator chain 绝缘子串; 绝缘子串104 Insulator arc-over 绝缘子闪络; 绝缘子闪络105 Insulator arcing horn 绝缘子角形避雷器; 绝缘子角形避雷器106 Insulator bracket 绝缘子托架; 绝缘子托架107 Impedance compensator 阻抗补偿器108 Resistance grounded neutral system 中心点电阻接地方式109 Reactance bond 电抗耦合; 接合扼流圈110 Reactance of armature reaction 电枢反应电抗111 Under-V oltage relay 欠压继电器112 Voltage differential relay 电压差动继电器114 Relay must-operate value 继电器保证启动值115 Relay act trip 继电器操作跳闸116 Relay overrun 继电器超限运行117 Longitudinal differential protection 纵联差动保护118 Phase-angle of voltage transformer 电压互感器的相角差119 Zero-sequence current/residual current 零序电流120 Residual current relay 零序电流继电器121 Bus bar protection/bus protection 母线保护122 Breaker contact point 断路器触点123 Cut-off push 断路器按钮124 Gaseous shield 瓦斯保护装置125 Neutral-point earthing 中性点接地126 Internal fault 内部故障127 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点128 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器129 Fuse box/fusible cutout 熔断器130 Pulse relay/surge relay 冲击继电器。
Fundamentals of protection practiceThe purpose of an electrical power system is to generate and supply electrical energy to consumers. The system should be designed and managed to deliver this energy to the utilization points with both reliability and economy. As these two requirements are largely opposed, it is instructive to look at the reliability of a system and its cost and value to the consumer.One hand ,The diagram mast make sure the reliability in system design,. On the other hand, high reliability should not be pursued as an end in itself, regardless of cost, but should rather be balanced against economy,taking.Security of supply can be bettered by improving plant design, increasing the spare capacity margin and arranging alternative circuits to supply loads. Sub-division of the system into zones. each controlled by switchgear in association with protective gear. provides flexibility during normal operation and ensures a minimum of dislocation following a breakdown.The greatest threat to the security of a supply system is the short circuit,which imposes a sudden and sometimes violent change on system operation. The large current which then flows, accompanied by the localized release of a considerable quantity of energy, can cause fire at the fault location, and mechanical damage throughout the system, particularly to machine and transformer windings. Rapid isolation of the fault by the nearest switchgear will minimize the damage and disruption caused to the system.A power system represents a very large capital investment. To maximize the return on this outlay. the system must be loaded as much as possible. For this reason it is necessary not only to provide a supply of energy which is attractive to prospective users by operating the system ,but also to keep the system in full operation as far as possible continuously, so that it may give the best service to the consumer, and earn the most revenue for the supply authority. Absolute freedom from failure of the plant and system network cannot be guaran- teed. The risk of a fault occurring, however slight for each item, is multiplied by the number of such items which are closely associated in an extensive system, as any fault produces repercussions throughout the network. When the system is large, the chance of a fault occurring and the disturbance that a fault would bring are both so great that withoutequipment to remove faults the system will become, in practical terms, inoperable. The object of the system will be defeated if adequate provision for fault clearance is not made. Nor is the installation of switchgear alone sufficient; discriminative protective gear, designed according to the characteristics and requirements of the power system. must be provided to control the switchgear. A system is not properly designed and managed if it is not adequately protected.Protective gearThis is a collective term which covers all the equipment used for detecting,locating and initiating the removal of a fault from the power system. Relays are extensively used for major protective functions, but the term also covers direct-acting a.c.trips and fuses.In addition to relays the term includes all accessories such as current and voltage transformers, shunts, d.c.and a.c. wiring and any other devices relating to the protective relays.In general, the main switchgear, although fundamentally protective in its function, is excluded from the term protective gear, as are also common services, such as the station battery and any other equipment required to secure opera- tion of the circuit breaker. ReliablityThe performance of the protection applied to large power systems is frequently assessed numerically. For this purpose each system fault is classed as an incident and those which are cleared by the tripping of the correct circuit breakers and only those, are classed as 'correct'. The percentage of correct clearances can then be determined.This principle of assessment gives an accurate evaluation of the protection of the system as a whole, but it is severe in its judgement of relay performance, in that many relays are called into operation for each system fault, and all must behave correctly for a correct clearance to be recorded. On this basis, a performance of 94% is obtainable by standard techniques.Complete reliability is unlikely ever to be achieved by further improvements in construction. A very big step, however, can be taken by providing duplication of equipment or 'redundancy'. Two complete sets of equipment are provided, and arranged so that either by itself can carry out the required function. If the risk of an equipment failing is x/unit. the resultant risk, allowing for redundancy, is x2. Where x is small the resultant risk (x2) maybe negligible.It has long been the practice to apply duplicate protective systems to busbars, both being required to operate to complete a tripping operation, that is, a 'two-out-of-two' arrangement. In other cases, important circuits have been provided with duplicate main protection schemes, either being able to trip independently, that is, a 'one-out-of- two' arrangement. The former arrangement guards against unwanted operation, the latter against failure to operate.These two features can be obtained together by adopting a 'two-out-of-three' arrangement in which three basic systems are used and are interconnected so that the operation of any two will complete the tripping function. Such schemes have already been used to a limited extent and application of the principle will undoubtedly increase. Probability theory suggests that if a power network were protected throughout on this basis, a protection performance of 99.98% should be attainable. This performance figure requires that the separate protection systems be completely independent; any common factors, such as common current transformers or tripping batteries, will reduce the overall performance. SELECTIVITYProtection is arranged in zones, which should cover the power system completely, leaving no part unprotected. When a fault occurs the protection is required to select and trip only the neareat circuit breakers. This property of selective tripping is also called 'discrimination' and is achieved by two general methods:a Time graded systemsProtective systems in successive zones are arranged to operate in times which are graded through the sequence of equipments so that upon the occurrence of a fault, although a number of protective equipments respond, only those relevant to the faulty zone complete the tripping functiopn. The others make incomplete operations and then reset.b Unit systemsIt is possible to design protective systems which respond only to fault conditions lying within a clearly defined zone. This 'unit protection' or 'restricted protection' can be applied throughout a power system and, since it does not involve time grading, can be relatively fast in operation.Unit protection is usually achieved by means of a comparison of quantities at theboundaries of the zone. Certain protective systems derive their 'restricted' property from the configuration of the power system and may also be classed as unit protection. Whichever method is used, it must be kept in mind that selectivity is not merely a matter of relay design. It also depends on the correct co-ordination of current transformers and relays with a suitable choice of relay settings, taking into account the possible range of such variables as fault currents. maximum load current, system impedances and other related factors, where appropriate.STABILITYThis term, applied to protection as distinct from power networks, refers to the ability of the system to remain inert to all load conditions and faults external to the relevant zone. It is essentially a term which is applicable to unit systems; the term 'discrimination' is the equivalent expression applicable to non-unit systems.SPEEDThe function of automatic protection is to isolate faults from the power system in a very much shorter time than could be achieved manually, even with a great deal of personal supervision. The object is to safeguard continuity of supply by removing each disturbance before it leads to widespread loss of synchronism, which would necessitate the shutting down of plant.Loading the system produces phase displacements between the voltages at different points and therefore increases the probability that synchronism will be lost when the system is disturbed by a fault. The shorter the time a fault is allowed to remain in the system, the greater can be the loading of the system. Figure 1.5 shows typical relations between system loading and fault clearance times for various types of fault. It will be noted that phase faults have a more marked effect on the stability of the system than does a simple earth fault and therefore require faster clearance.SENSITIVITYSensitivity is a term frequently used when referring to the minimum operating current of a complete protective system. A protective system is said to be sensitive if the primary operating current is low.When the term is applied to an individual relay, it does not reter to a current or voltage setting but to the volt-ampere consumption at the minimum operating current.A given type of relay element can usually be wound for a wide range of setting currents; the coil will have an impedance which is inversely proportional to the square of the setting current value, so that the volt-ampere product at any setting is constant. This is the true measure of the input requirements of the relay, and so also of the sensitivity. Relay power factor has some significance in the matter of transient performance .For d.c. relays the VA input also represents power consumption, and the burden is therefore frequently quoted in watts.PRIMARY AND BACK-UP PROTECTIONThe reliability of a power system has been discussed in earlier sections. Many factors may cause protection failure and there is always some possibility of a circuit breaker failure. For this reason, it is usual to supplement primary protection with other systems to 'back-up' the operation of the main system and to minimize the possibility of failure to clear a fault from the system.Back-up protection may be obtained automatically as an inherent feature of the main protection scheme, or separately by means of additional equipment. Time graded schemes such as overcurrent or distance protection schemes are examples of those providing inherent back-up protection; the faulty section is normally isolated discriminatively by the time grading, but if the appropriate relay fails or the circuit breaker fails to trip, the next relay in the grading sequence will complete its operation and trip the associated circuit breaker, thereby interrupting the fault circuit one section further back. In this way complete back- up cover is obtained; one more section is isolated than is desirable but this is inevitable in the event of the failure of circuit breaker. Where the system interconnection is more complex, the above operation will be repeated so that all parallel infeeds are tripped. If the power system is protected mainly by unit schemes, automatic back-up protection is not obtained, and it is then normal to supplement the main protection with time graded overcurrent protection, which will provide local back-up cover if the main protective relays have failed, and will trip further back in the event of circuit breaker failure.Such back-up protection is inherently slower than the main protection and, depending on the power system con- figuration, may be less discriminative. For the most important circuits the performance may not be good enouugh, even as a back-up protection, or, in some cases, not even possible, owing to the effect of multiple infeeds. In these casesduplicate high speed protective systems may be installed. These provide excellent mutual back-up cover against failure of the protective equipment, but either no remote back-up protection against circuit breaker failure or, at best, time delayed cover.Breaker fail protection can be obtained by checkina that fault current ceases within a brief time interval from the operation of the main protection. If this does not occur, all other connections to the busbar section are interrupted, the condition being necessarily treated as a busdar fault. This provides the required back-up protection with the minimum of time delay, and confines the tripping operation to the one station, as compared with the alternative of tripping the remote ends of all the relevant circults.The extent and type of back-up protection which is applied will naturally be related to the failure risks and relative economic importance of the system. For distribution systems where fault clearance times are not critical, time delayed remote back-up protection is adequate but for EHV systems, where system stability is at risk unless a fault is cleared quickly, local back-up, as described above, should be chosen.Ideal back-up protection would be completely indepen_ dent of the main protection. Current transformers, voltage transformers, auxiliary tripping relays, trip coils and d.c. supplies would be duplicated. This ideal is rarely attained in practice. The following compromises are typical:a. Separate current transformers (cores and secondary windings only) are used for each protective system, as this involves little extra cost or accommodation compared with the use of common current transformers which would have to be larger because of the combined burden.b. Common voltage transformers are used because duplication would involve a considerable increase in cost, because of the voltage transformers themselves, and also because of the increased accommodation which would have to be provided. Since security of the VT output is vital, it is desirable that the supply to each protection should be separately fused and also continuously supervised by a relay which wil1 give an alarm on failure of the supply and, where appropriate, prevent an unwanted operation of the protection.c. Trip supplies to the two protections should be separately fused. Duplication of tripping batteries and of tripplng coils on circuit breakers is sometimes provided. Trip circuitsshould be continuously supervised.d. It is desirable that the main and back-up protections (or duplicate main protections) should operate on different princlples, so that unusual events that may cause failure of the one will be less likely to affect the other./viewforum.php?f=20继电保护原理发电并将电力供应给用户这就是电力系统的作用。
序号英文全称中文解释1 Directional protection 方向保护2 Distance protection 距离保护3 Over current protection 过流保护4 Pilot protection 高频保护5 Differential protection 差动保护6 Rotor earth-fault protection 转子接地保护7 Stator earth-fault protection 定子接地保护8 Over fluxing protection 过励磁保护9 Back-up protection 后备保护11 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸12 Start up/Pick up 起动13 Breaker 断路器14 Disconnecting switch 隔离开关15 Current transformer 电流互感器16 Potential transformer 电压互感器17 Dead zone/Blind spot 死区18 Vibration/Oscillation 振荡19 Reliability 可靠性20 Sensitivity 灵敏性21 Speed 速动性22 Selectivity 选择性23 Step-type distance relay 分段距离继电器24 Time delay 延时25 Escapement/interlock/blocking 闭锁26 Incorrect tripping 误动27 Phase to phase fault 相间故障28 Earth fault 接地故障29 Through- fault 穿越故障30 Permanent fault 永久性故障31 Temporary fault 瞬时性故障32 Overload 过负荷34 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器35 Timer relay 时间继电器40 Ground fault relay 接地故障继电器41 Recloser 重合闸42 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护43 Soft strap 软压板44 Hard strap 硬压板45 High resistance 高阻46 Second harmonic escapement 二次谐波制动47 CT line-break CT断线48 PT line-break PT断线49 Secondary circuit 二次回路50 AC circuit breaker 交流开关电路51 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器52 Breaker point wrench 开关把手53 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈54 Bus bar 母线; 导电条55 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器56 Bus bar disconnecting switch 分段母线隔离开关57 Bus partment 母线室; 汇流条隔离室58 Bus duct 母线槽; 母线管道59 Bus hub 总线插座60 Bus line 汇流线61 Bus insulator 母线绝缘器62 Bus request cycle 总线请求周期63 Bus reactor 母线电抗器64 Bus protection 母线保护65 Bus rings 集电环66 Bus rod 汇流母线67 Bus section reactor 分段电抗器68 Bus structure 母线支架; 总线构造69 Bus tie switch 母线联络开关70 Bus-bar chamber 母线箱71 Bus-bar fault 母线故障72 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子73 Busbar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关74 Current attenuation 电流衰减75 Current actuated leakage protector 电流起动型漏电保护器76 Current balance type current differential relay 电流平衡式差动电流继电器;差动平衡式电流继电器77 Current changer 换流器78 Current pensational ground distance relay 电流补偿式接地远距继电器79 Current consumption 电流消耗80 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器81 Coil curl 线圈82 Coil current 线圈电流83 Coil end leakage reactance 线圈端漏电抗84 Coil inductance 线圈电感85 Current transformer phase angle 电流互感器相角86 Distance relay; impedance relay 阻抗继电器87 Power rheostat 电力变阻器88 Electrically operated valve 电动阀门89 Electrical governing system 电力调速系统90 Field application relay 励磁继电器; 鼓励继电器91 High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高压电瓷绝缘子92 Option board 任选板; 选配电路板; 选择板93 Oscillator coil 振荡线圈94 Over-Voltage relay 过压继电器95 Power factor relay 功率因素继电器96 Protection against overpressure 超压防护97 Protection against unsymmetrical load 不对称负载保护装置98 Protection device 保护设备; 防护设备99 Protection reactor 保护电抗器100 Protection screen 保护屏101 Protection switch 保护开关102 Insulator cap 绝缘子帽; 绝缘子帽103 Insulator chain 绝缘子串; 绝缘子串104 Insulator arc-over 绝缘子闪络; 绝缘子闪络105 Insulator arcing horn 绝缘子角形避雷器; 绝缘子角形避雷器106 Insulator bracket 绝缘子托架; 绝缘子托架107 Impedance pensator 阻抗补偿器108 Resistance grounded neutral system 中心点电阻接地方式109 Reactance bond 电抗耦合; 接合扼流圈110 Reactance of armature reaction 电枢反响电抗111 Under-Voltage relay 欠压继电器112 Voltage differential relay 电压差动继电器114 Relay must-operate value 继电器保证启动值115 Relay act trip 继电器操作跳闸116 Relay overrun 继电器超限运行117 Longitudinal differential protection 纵联差动保护118 Phase-angle of voltage transformer 电压互感器的相角差119 Zero-sequence current/residual current 零序电流120 Residual current relay 零序电流继电器121 Bus bar protection/bus protection 母线保护122 Breaker contact point 断路器触点123 Cut-off push 断路器按钮124 Gaseous shield 瓦斯保护装置125 Neutral-point earthing 中性点接地126 Internal fault 内部故障127 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点128 Neutral auto-transformer 中性点接地自耦变压器129 Fuse box/fusible cutout 熔断器130 Pulse relay/surge relay 冲击继电器131 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 中间继电器132 mon-mode voltage 共模电压133 Impedance mismatch 阻抗失配134 Intermittent fillet weld 连续角缝焊接135 Loss of synchronism protection 失步保护136 Closing coil 合闸线圈137 Electro polarized relay 极化继电器138 Power direction relay 功率方向继电器139 Direct-to-ground capacity 对地电容140 Shunt running 潜动141 Trip/opening 跳闸142 Trip switch 跳闸开关143 Receiver machine 收信机144 High-frequency direction finder 高频测向器145 Capacity charge 电容充电146 time over-current 时限过电流148 Surge guard 冲击防护149 Oscillatory surge 振荡冲击150 Fail safe interlock 五防装置151 Differential motion 差动152 Capacitive current 电容电流154 Time delay 延时156 Normal inverse 反时限157 Definite time 定时限158 Multi-zone relay 分段限时继电器159 Fail-safe unit 五防161 Unbalance current 不平衡电流162 Blocking autorecloser 闭锁重合闸163 Primary protection 主保护164 Tap 分接头165 YC (telemetering) 遥测167 Fault clearing time 故障切除时间168 Critical clearing time 极限切除时间169 Switch station 开关站170 Traveling wave 行波171 Protection feature 保护特性172 Fault phase selector 故障选线元件173 Fault type 故障类型174 Inrush 励磁涌流175 Ratio restrain 比率制动176 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅利叶变换177 Short circuit calculations 短路计算178 Load flow calculations 潮流计算179 Oscillatory reactivity perturbation 振荡反响性扰动180 Quasi-steady state 准稳态181 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同步182 Protective relaying equipment 继电保护装置183 AC directional overcurrent relay 交流方向过流继电器184 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器185 Annunciator relay 信号继电器188 Carrier or pilot-wire receiver relay 载波或导引线承受继电器189 Current-limiting relay 限流继电器190 Definite time relay 定时限继电器192 Lockout relay 闭锁继电器;保持继电器;出口继电器193 Micro-processor based protective relay 微机继电保护194 Voltage -controlled overcurrent relay 电压控制过电流继电器196 Fault diagnosis 故障诊断197 Back-up protection 后备保护198 Overhead line 架空线199 High voltage line 高压线路200 Underground cable 埋地电缆201 Circuit breaker 断路器202 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁203 Interlock 闭锁204 Trigger 触发器205 Winding-to-winding insulation 绕组间的绝缘206 Porcelain insulator 瓷绝缘子207 Tie line 联络线208 Leased line 租用线路209 Private line 专用线路211 Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端设备212 Economic dispatch system 经济调度系统213 State estimation 状态估计214 Trip by local protection 保护跳闸215 Close by local protection 保护合闸216 Operational (internal) overvoltage 操作〔内部〕过电压217 Sampling and holding 采样保持218 Synchronized sampling 采样同步219 Manipulation 操作220 Measuring/Metering unit 测量元件221 Locus of measured impedance 测量阻抗轨迹222 Differential mode interference 差模干扰223 Output (executive) organ 出口〔执行〕元件224 Overcurrent relay with undervoltage supervision 低电压起动的过电流保护225 Low impedance busbar protection 低阻抗母线保护228 Half-cycle integral algorithm 半周积分算法230 Coordination of relay settings 保护的整定配合231 Reach (setting) of protection 保护X围〔定值〕232 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段233 Percentage differential relay 比率差动继电器234 Electromagnetic relay 电磁型继电器236 Instantaneous undervoltage protection with current supervision 电流闭锁的电压速断保护237 Operating equation (criterion) 动作方程〔判据〕238 Operating characteristic 动作特性239 Harmonic restraining 谐波制动241 Segregated current differential protection 分相电流差动保护242 Branch coefficient 分支系数243 Power line carrier channel (PLC) 高频通道245 High speed signal acquisition system 高速数字信号采集系统246 Busbar protection with fixed circuit connection 固定联结式母线保护247 Fault recorder 故障录波器248 Fault phase selection 故障选相249 Optoelectronic coupler 光电耦合器件251 pensating voltage 补偿电压252 Polarized voltage 极化电压253 Memory circuit 记忆回路254 Unblocking signal 解除闭锁信号255 Power system splitting and reclosing 解列重合闸256 Connection with 90 degree 90度接线257 Insulation supervision device 绝缘监视258 Inrush exciting current of transformer 励磁涌流259 Two star connection scheme 两相星形接线方式260 Zero mode ponent of traveling wave 零模行波261 Inverse phase sequence protection 逆相序保护262 Offset impedance relay 偏移特性阻抗继电器263 Frequency response 频率响应264 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸266 Permissive under reaching transfer trip scheme 欠X围允许跳闸式267 Slight (severe) gas protection 轻〔重〕瓦斯保护268 Man-machine interface 人机对话接口270 Three phase one shot reclosure 三相一次重合闸271 Out-of-step 失步272 Accelerating protection for switching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作275 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析276 Out flowing current 外汲电流277 False tripping 误动279 Turn to turn fault,inter turn faults 匝间短路280 Relay based on incremental quantity 增量〔突变量〕继电器281 Vacuum circuit breaker 真空开关282 Power swing (out of step) blocking 振荡〔失步〕闭锁284 Successive approximation type A/D 逐次逼进式A/D285 Infeed current 助增电流286 Self reset 自动复归287 Adaptive segregated directional current differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护288 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护289 Pilot protection 纵联保护291 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大灵敏角292 Out of service 退出运行294 Waveform 波形295 Outlet 出口296 Electromechanical 机电的297 Magnitude of current 电流幅值299 Traveling wave signal 行波信号300 Measurement signal 测量信号301 Traveling wave relay 行波继电器302 Transmission line malfunction 输电线路异常运行303 Subsystem 子系统304 Positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗305 Negative sequence impedance 负序阻抗306 Zero sequence impedance 零序阻抗307 Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器308 Frequency sensing 频率测量309 Cable relay 电缆继电器310 Under power protection 低功率保护311 Under voltage protection 低电压保护312 Transient analysis 暂态分析313 Voltage sensor 电压传感器314 Zero-sequence protection 零序保护315 Zero sequence current transducer 零序电流互感器316 Shunt 旁路,并联317 Series 串联,级数318 Parallel 并联319 Saturation 饱和320 Free-standing 独立的,无需支撑物的321 Troidal 环形的,曲面,螺旋管形322 Bushing 套管323 Magnetizing 磁化324 Dropout current 回动电流325 Reactor grounded neutral system 中性点电抗接地系统326 Grounding apparatus 接地装置327 Dual bus 双总线328 Thyristor 晶闸管329 Spark gap 火花隙330 Damping circuit 阻尼电路331 Discharge 放电332 Platform 平台333 Grading 等级334 Line trap 线路陷波器335 Field test 实地试验337 Off-position “断开〞位置,“开路〞位置338 Power-angle 功角339 Power-angle curve 功角特性曲线340 Torque-angle 转矩角341 Symmetrical ponents 对称分量342 Constant 常量,恒定343 Coupler 耦合器345 Concussion 震动348 Filter 滤波器349 Analogue 模拟350 Insulator 绝缘子351 Switch cabinet 开关柜352 Rated burden\load 额定负载353 Primary 一次侧的354 Remote-control apparatus 远距离控制设备355 Capacitance 电容356 Capacitor 电容器357 Reactance 电抗358 Inductor 电感359 Internal resistance 内阻360 Blow-out coil 消弧线圈361 Bundle-conductor spacer 分裂导线362 Bundle factor 分裂系数363 Electromotive force 电动势364 Volt-amphere characteristic 伏安特性365 Outgoing line 引出线366 electrolyte 电解质368 Load characteristic 负载特性369 Self-induction 自感370 Mutual-induction 互感371 Induction coefficient 感应系数372 Inductance couping 电感耦合373 Time-invariant 时不变的374 Terminal voltage 端电压375 Non-linear characteristics 非线性特性376 External characteristics 外特性378 Harmonic current 正弦电流379 Pole-pairs 极对数380 Quadrature 正交381 Angular velocity 角频率382 Magnetic induction 磁感应强度385 Armature 电枢386 Peak value 〔交变量的〕最大值387 A mutually induced e.m.f 互感电动势388 The applied voltage 外施电压389 Zero-power-factor 零功率因数390 The no-load power factor 空载功率因数391 Sinusoidal variations 正弦变量392 A lagging power factor 滞后的功率因数393 Equivalent circuit 等值电路394 Capacitance effect 电容效应395 Direct axis 直轴396 Quadrature axis 交轴398 Concentrated coil 集中绕组399 Magnetization curve 磁化曲线400 Residual magnetism 剩磁401 Rated armature current 额定电枢电流402 Series excited 串励403 Self excited 自励404 Shunt excited 并励405 spottily excited 他励407 Electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩408 a retarding torque 制动转矩409 Rectangular wave 矩形波410 Synchronous speed 同步转速411 Electromagnetic brake 电磁制动412 synchronous reactance 同步电抗413 synchronous condenser 同步调相机414 Load shedding 甩负荷415 Black-start 黑启动417 Distribution feeder 配电馈线418 missioning 投运419 Reactive power pensation 无功补偿器420 Continuous rating 连续运行的额定值421 AI (artificial intelligence) 人工智能422 Network topology 网络拓补424 Configuration control 组态控制425 Topological information 拓补信息426 Black-out area 停电区428 Adaptive relaying 自适应继电保护429 Adaptive features 自适应特性430 Phase parison relays 相位比拟继电器431 Directional contact 方向触点432 Protective gap 保护间隙433 Protective earthing 保护接地434 Protective earthing; outer insulation 保护绝缘435 Protection switch 保护开关436 Protective cap 保护帽437 Protective panel 保护屏柜439 Protection device 保护设备440 Protective casing 保护外壳441 Catch net; protecting net 保护网442 Protection system 保护系统443 Protective link 保护线路444 Protective ground 保护性接地445 Protective cover; Protective housing 保护罩446 Protection device; Protective gear 保护装置447 Protective transformer 保护变压器448 Alarm relay 报警信号继电器449 Alarm signal;alerting signal 报警信号450 Admittance relays 导纳型继电保护装置451 Low-voltage protection 低压保护452 Under-voltage release 低电压跳闸453 Under-voltage trip 低电压自动跳闸454 Under-run 低负荷运行455 Under-power protection 低功率保护456 Under-power relay 低功率继电器457 Under-frequency protection 低频保护458 Low-frequency high-voltage test 低频高压实验459 Low-voltage relay 低压继电器460 Low-voltage release relay 低压释放继电器461 Under-frequency protection 低周波保护463 Under-impedance relay 低阻抗继电器465 Conductance relay 电导继电器466 Motor-field failure relay 电动机磁场故障继电器467 Dynamoelectric relay 电动式继电器468 Electric reset relay 电复位继电器469 Power-transformer relay 电力传输继电器471 Power system oscillation 电力系统振荡472 Electric interlock relay 连锁继电器473 Current overload 电流过载474 Self-polarizing relay 电流极化继电器475 Current-balance relay 电流平衡式继电器476 Circuit control relay 电路控制继电器479 Capacitance relay 电容继电器480 Capacity ground 电容接地481 Voltage balance relay 电压平衡继电器482 Circuit control relay 电路控制继电器483 Voltage responsive relay 电压响应继电器484 Voltage selection relay 电压选择继电器485 Power failure 电源故障486 Power-transfer relay 电源切换继电器487 vacuum-tube relay 电子管继电器488 Ohm relay 电阻继电器489 Timing relay; timed relay 定时继电器490 Time pulse relay 定时脉冲继电器492 Directional over-current relay 方向过流继电器493 Directional over-current protection 方向过流保护494 Directional distance relay 方向距离继电器495 Directional pilot relaying 方向纵联继电保护497 Cut-off relay 断路继电器498 Circuit breaker failure protection 断路器故障保护装置500 Open-phase relay 断相继电器501 Earth-leakage protection 对地漏电保护502 Multiple-reclosing breaker 屡次重合闸断路器503 Multi-ended circuit protection 多端线路保护506 Multiple earth 多重接地507 Two-position relay 二位置继电器508 Generator protection 发电机保护509 Generator cutout relay 发电机断路继电器510 Generator protection for negative sequence current 发电机负序电流保护511 Transmitting relay 发送继电器512 Back-spin timer 反转时间继电器513 Auxiliary relay 辅助继电器514 Negative phase relay 负相位继电器515 Negative-phase sequence impendence 负相序继电器516 Under-load relay 负载缺乏继电器517 Back-up over-speed governor 附加超速保护装置518 Induction cup relay 感应杯式继电器520 Induction type relay 感应式继电器521 Induction disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器522 High sensitive relay 高灵敏度继电器523 High-speed impedance relay 高速阻抗继电器524 High-voltage relay 高压继电器525 Power relay 功率继电器527 Transition impedance 过渡阻抗528 Thermal protection 过热保护529 Temperature limiting relay 过热继电器530 Overload relay 过载继电器531 Overload trip 过载跳闸532 Thermostat relay 恒温继电器533 Closing relay 合闸继电器534 Transverse differential protection 横差保护535 Transfer of auxiliary supply 后备电源切换536 Back-up system 后备继电保护537 Delay-action relay 缓动继电器538 Slow-to release relay 缓放继电器539 Converter relay 换流器继电器540 Electromechanical relay 机电继电器541 Biased differential relaying 极化差动继电保护系统542 Discontinuous relay 鉴别继电器543 Transistor relay 晶体管继电器544 Crystal can relay 晶体密闭继电器545 Static relay 静电继电器546 Fast-operate slow-release relay 快动缓释继电器547 Fast-release relay 快释放继电器549 Excitation-loss relay 失磁继电器553 Two-phase short circuit fault 两相短路故障554 Two-phase grounding fault 两相接地短路故障556 Sensitive polarized relay 灵敏极化继电器558 Sensitive relay 灵敏继电器560 Abnormal overload 异常过载561 Abnormal overvoltage 事故过电压562 Above earth potential 对地电势563 Absolute potential 绝对电势564 AC circuit breaker 交流断路器565 AC ponent 交流分量566 AC distribution system 交流配电系统567 Air-blast circuit breaker 空气灭弧断路器568 Air-blast switch 空气吹弧开关569 Air brake switch 空气制动开关571 Air breaker 空气断路器572 Air-space cable 空气绝缘电缆573 Alive 带电的574 All-relay interlocking 全部继电连锁575 All-relay selector 全继电式选择器578 Arc extinguishing coil 灭弧线圈579 Arc suppressing reactor 灭弧电抗器580 Asymmetric load 不对称负载581 Asymmetric short circuit 不对称短路582 Asynchronous reactance 异步电抗583 Asynchronous resistance 异步电阻584 Biased differential relaying 极化差动继电保护系统585 Bi-directional relay 双向继电器586 Blinker 继电器吊牌587 Blocking relay 连锁继电器589 Blowout coil 灭弧线圈590 Bus hub 总线插座591 Bus protective relay 母线保护继电器592 Bus section breaker 母线分段断路器593 Bus terminal fault 母线终端故障594 Bus separation 母线别离595 Bus tie circuit breaker 母线联络继电器596 Bypass 旁路597 Coil factor 线圈系数598 pound relay 复合电路599 Continuous load 持续负载600 Counting relay 计数继电器602 Cut-off of supply 停顿供电603 Cut-out relay 短路继电器604 Dash current 冲击电流605 Data medium 数据载体606 Data processing 数据处理607 Data transmission 数据传输608 Emergency service 事故运行609 Emergency standby 事故备用611 Extinction coil 消弧线圈612 Extinguishing voltage 消弧线圈613 Extra high voltage 超高压614 Fault line 故障线615 Fault location 故障定位616 Feedback 反响617 Feeder 馈电线618 Interlock 连锁619 Intermittent fault 间歇故障620 Interrupting time 断路时间621 Negative direction 反方向622 No-load release 无跳闸623 Off-peak 非峰值的624 Operating load 运行负载625 Orthogonal 正交的626 Rated primary voltage 一次额定电压627 Rated secondary volage 二次额定电压628 Remote controlled 遥控的629 Reserve bus 备用母线630 Rotor 转子631 Sectionalizer 分段断路器632 Self-energizing 自激的633 Sequential tripping 顺序跳闸637 Surge voltage 冲击电压638 Sustained overload 持续过电压639 Symmetrical 对称的640 Fault ponent 故障分量641 Wavelet transform 小波变换642 Object-oriented 面向对象643 Faults recorder 故障录波644 Setting calculation 整定计算645 Topology analysis 拓扑分析646 Expert system 专家系统647 Security 平安性651 Load schedule according to frequency change 按周波减载653 Semiconductor, semiconductor diode, transistor 半导体、半导体二级管、三极管654 Semi-orthogonal wavelet 半正交小波656 Saturation, saturation detection, saturation curve 饱和,饱和检测,饱和曲线657 Relay location 保护安装处658 Coordination of relay settings 保护的整定配合659 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段660 Relay system configuration 保护配置661 Redundancy of relaying system 保护配置的冗余度663 Protection devices, protection equipment 保护装置664 Starting current and returning current of protection device 保护装置的起动电流和返回电流665 Alarm 报警666 Approximation ponent 逼近分量668 B sampling function B样条函数670 Transformation matrix 变换矩阵672 Fault type 故障类别673 Pockels effect 波克尔斯效应674 Wave propagation velocity 波速675 Waveform identification 波形识别法676 Wave impedance, surge impedance 波阻抗677 pensation voltage 补偿电压678 pensation theorem, pensation principle 补偿原理679 Unavailability, failure rate 不可用率,失效率680 Immune to electromagnetic interference 不受电磁干扰681 Abnormal operating condition 不正常运行状态682 Sampling interruption service program 采样中断效劳程序683 Synchronizing by reference parameter vector 参数矢量同步法684 Operational(internal) over voltage 操作〔内部〕过电压685 Manipulating organ 操作单元686 Measurement,measuring unit 测量,测量单元687 Measured impedance 测量阻抗688 Locus of measured impedance 测量阻抗轨迹689 Differential relay 差动继电器690 Differential mode interference 差模干扰691 Distributed capacitance of long line 长线分布电容692 Normally closed contacts 常闭节点693 Normally open contacts 常开节点694 Over reach blocking scheme 超X围闭锁式696 Extra-high-voltage transmission line 超高压传输697 Sustained faults 持续性故障698 Output(executive) organ 出口〔执行〕元件699 Contact 触点、接点700 Capacitor of series pensation 串补电容701 Window function 窗函数702 Differential relay with fast saturated current transformer 带有速饱和变流器的差动继电器703 Single-chip microcontroller 单片机704 Single-phase(three phase) transmission line 单相〔三相〕传输线705 Unit protection 单元式保护707 Low frequency ponent, subharmonic 低频分量,低次谐波708 Low impedance bus bar protection 低阻抗母线保护709 Current traveling wave 电流行波710 Electrical apparatus, equipments 电器设备711 Electrical network, power network 电网712 Voltage waveform distortion 电压波形崎变713 Voltage traveling wave 电压行波714 Operating time 动作时间715 Multiphase pensated impedance relay 多相补偿式阻抗继电器716 Generator, generator-transformer set 发电机,发电机-变压器组717 Protection of generator-transformer set 发电机――变压器保护718 Field failure protection of generator 发电机的失磁保护720 Metallic fault 金属性故障721 Transistor type relay 晶体管型继电器723 Differential protection with percentage restraining 具有比率制动的差动继电器724 Pilot protection using distance relay 距离纵联保护726 Stator ground protection based on zero sequence current 零序电流构成的定子接地保护728 Zero sequence ct 零序电流互感器729 Zero sequence current relay 零序电流继电器730 Mutual induction of zero sequence 零序互感的影响731 Bus bar protection 母线保护732 bined bus and transformer protection 母线和变压器共用保护733 Energy directional relay 能量方向继电器734 Inverse power protection 逆功率保护735 Inverse phase sequence protection 逆相序保护736 Frequency window 频窗737 Frequency ponent 频率分量738 Slight gas protection, severe gas protection 轻瓦斯与重瓦斯保护739 Man-machine interface 人机对话接口740 Weak power end protection 弱电源端保护741 Three terminal line protection 三端输电线保护742 Digital protection 数字式保护743 Digital signal processor(dsp) 数字信号处理744 Double bus bar protection 双母线保护745 Ultra-high voltage transmission 特高压输电746 Trip relay 跳闸继电器747 munication interface 通讯接口748 munication channel 通讯通道749 Mutually coupled lines 有互感线路750 Relay based on transient ponent 暂态保护751 Relay based on incremental quantity 增量继电器753 Heavy load 重负荷754 Relay acceleration after auto-reclosing 重合闸后加速保护755 Relay acceleration before auto-reclosing 重合闸前加速保护756 Main protection 主保护757 Automatic reclosure 自动重合闸758 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护762 Longitudinal differential relay 纵联差动继电器763 Impedance converter 阻抗变换器764 Impedance circle 阻抗圆765 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大灵敏角766 Minimum load impedance 最小负荷阻抗767 Blocking signal 闭锁信号768 Arcing fault 电弧接地故障769 Isolated neutral system 中性点绝缘系统770 Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈771 Healthy phases 非故障相772 Remote terminal unit(RTU) 远方终端773 Power line carrier(PLC) 电力线载波774 Parallel port 并行出口775 Serial port 串行接口776 Clock 时钟777 SCADA 监控与数据采集778 Scan 扫描779 Self-check 自检780 Alarm 告警781 Pulse 脉冲782 Ground-fault of ungrounded systems 小电流接地系统785 Load patterns 负荷形式788 Voltage instability 电压不稳789 Fast response 快速响应790 Dynamic attributes 动态特性791 Telemeter data 遥测数据792 Abnormal state 非常态793 Reverse power flows 功率逆潮流796 Phase parison relays 相位比拟继电器798 Switching surge 开关冲击799 Cascading outages 连锁故障800 Adaptive relaying 自适应继电保护801 Time interval 时间间隔802 Voltage dip 电压下降803 Time-current characteristic 时间-电流特性804 Graded time settings 阶梯型时间配置805 Bus coupler CB 母联断路器806 Carrier Channel 高频通道807 Strap 压板808 synchronization check 同期检查809 arc suppression coil 消弧线圈810 Power System Control 电力系统控制811 Power System Transients 电力系统暂态812 Power System Analysis and putation 电力系统分析与计算813 fault detecting relay 故障检测继电器814 Moving coil relay 动圈式继电器816 fault location 故障定位817 Voltage inception angle 电压初始角818 Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护819 Hidden failures 隐形故障820 Magnetic flux 磁通821 Core 铁芯822 Carrier transmitter 收迅机823 Carrier receiver 发迅机824 Margin 裕度826 Protection criterion 保护判据827 Fiber optical munication 光纤通信828 LED 发光二极管829 Solenoid relay 螺管式继电器830 Short-term load forecasting 短期负荷预测831 Diviation character 偏移特性833 Fourier algorithm 傅立叶算法834 Recursive least square algorithm 最小二乘算法835 Kalman filter algorithm 卡尔曼滤波算法836 Zero drift 零点漂移837 Magnetizing inrush current 励磁涌流838 Zero sequence current pensation 零序电流补偿839 Amplitude parison 绝对值比拟840 Accurate Working Current 准确工作电流841 Accurate Working Voltage 准确工作电压843 Current Transformer Saturation 电流互感器的饱和问题844 Current Differential Criterion 电流差动判据849 Differential Relay with Restraint Characteristic 具有制动特性的差动继电器852 Fault-ponent Algorithms 故障分量算法853 Fiber-Optic Pilot 光纤纵联保护854 Generator Stator Winding Short Circuit Faults 发电机定子绕组短路故障855 Generator Stator Single Phase Earth Fault 发电机定子绕组单相接地保护856 Generator Negative Current Protection 发电机负序电流保护857 Generator Out of Step Protection 发电机的失步保护858 High Impedance Busbar Differential Protection 高阻抗母线差动保护862 Non-Sinusoidal Signal 非正弦信号868 Phase-Shifting Algorithm 移相算法869 Transformer Protection Schemes 变压器保护配置原那么870 Transverse Differential Protection for Generator Turn-to-Turn Faults 发电机横差动保护871 Star 星形872 Delta 三角形873 Close-up fault 近距离故障874 Polar characteristics 极化特性875 Resultant torque 合成转矩876 Induction cup relay 感应杯式继电器877 Static distance relay 静态距离继电器878 Self-polarize mho 自极化姆欧、导纳继电器879 Rectifier bridge 整流桥880 Tower 杆塔883 Mechanism latch 机械锁884 Pneumatic 气动的885 Attracted armature relay 衔铁〔磁铁〕吸合式继电器886 Bi-stable 双稳态887 Shutter 挡板888 Chatter 颤振889 Finger 触点的接点890 Multifinger contactor 多触点接触器891 Contact bounce 触点颤抖892 Terminal board 端子排893 Dislocation 损失、故障引起的混乱894 Disruption 瓦解、系统解列895 Tripping battery 跳闸用蓄电池896 Test-block 试验端子897 Test-plug 试验插头898 Clip-on leads 夹式引线899 Doubled-ended clip-on leads 双头夹式引线901 Timing relay 延时继电器902 Jumper connection 跳线903 Cross-country faults “越野式〞双一样时接地故障904 Polar characteristics 极化特性905 Voltage regulation 电压调节907 Induction-disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器908 Inadvertent energization 过激磁909 Torsional vibration 扭转振动910 Percentage differential protection 比率差动保护。
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142 Communication channel 通讯通道
143 Communication interface 通讯接口
144 Compensation theorem(compensation principle) 补偿原理
145 Compensation voltage(compensating voltage) 补偿电压
43 Arc extinguishing coil 灭弧线圈
44 Arc suppressing coil 消弧线圈
45 Arc suppressing reactor 灭弧电抗器
46 Arcing fault 电弧接地故障
47 Armature 电枢
48 Asymmetric load 不对称负载
76 Breaker pount wrench 开关把手
77 Breaker trip coil 断路器跳闸线圈
78 Brushless excitation 无刷励磁
79 Buchholtz protecter 瓦斯保护
80 Bundle factor 分裂系数
81 Bundle-conductor spacer 分裂导线
54 Automatic reclosure 自动重合闸
55 auto-put-into device of reserve-source 备用电源自动投入装置
56 auto-recosing with self-synchronism 自同步重合闸
57 Auxiliary contacts 辅助触点
6 Abnormal overvoltage 事故过电压
7 Abnormal state 非常态
8 Above earth potential 对地电势
9 Abrupt signal analysis 突变信号分析
10 Absolute potential 绝对电势
11 AC circuit breaker 交流断路器
82 Bus bar 母线;导电条
83 Bus bar current transformer 母线电流变压器
84 Bus bar disconnecting swich 分段母线隔离开关
85 Bus compartment 母线室;汇流条隔离室
86 Bus coupler CB 母联断路器
63 Back-up ssystem 后备继电保护
64 Biased differential relaying 极化差动继电保护系统
65 Bi-directional relay 双向继电器
66 Bi-stable 双稳态
67 Black-out area 停电区
68 Black-start 黑启动
49 Asymmetric short circuit 不对称短路
50 Asynchronous resistance 异步电阻
51 Asynchronous tractance 异步电抗
52 Attacted armature relay 衔铁(磁铁)吸合式继电器
53 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自动准同步
1 A lagging power-factor 滞后的功率因数
2 A mutualky induced e.m.f 互感电动势
3 a retarding torque 制动转矩
4 Abnormal operating condition 不正常运行状态
5 Abnormal overload 异常过载
58 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 辅助继电器/中间继电器
59 B sampling function B样条函数
60 Back-spin timer 反转时间继电器
61 Back-up over-speed governor 附加超速保护装置
62 Back-up protection 后备保护
30 Air-blast switch 空气吹弧开关
31 Air-space cable 空气绝缘电缆
32 Alarm 报警
33 Alarm relay 报警信号继电器
34 Alarm signal;alerting signal 报警信号
35 Alive 带电的
36 All-relay lose by local protection 保护合闸
130 Close-up fault 近距离故障
131 Closing coil 合闸线圈
132 Closing relay 合闸继电器
133 Coil adjuster 线圈调节器
134 Coil curl 线圈
135 Coil current 线圈电流
100 Bus-bar chamber 母线箱
101 Bus-bar fault 母线故障
102 Bus-bar insulator 母线绝缘子
103 bus-bar protection with
fixed circuit xonnection 固定联结式母线保护
104 Bus-bar sectionalizing switch 母线分段开关
146 Compound relay 复合继电器
147 Concentrated coil 集中绕组
148 Concussion 震动
149 Conductance relay 电导继电器
150 Configuration control 组态控制
151 Connection with 90degree 90度接线
105 Bushing 套管
106 bushing type xurrent transformer 套管式电流互感器
107 Bypass 旁路
108 Cable relay 电缆继电器
109 Capacitance 电容
110 Capacitance effect 电容效应
111 Capacitance relay 电容继电器
21 Adaptive features 自适应特性
22 Adaptive relay protection 自适应继电保护
23 Adaptive relaying 自适应继电保护
24 Adaptive segregated directional
current differential protection 自适应分相方向纵差保护
switching onto fault 重合于故障线路加速保护动作
17 Acceleration Trend Relay(ATR) 加速趋势继电器
18 Accurate Working Current 精确工作电流
19 Accurate Working voltage 精确工作电压
20 Activate the breaker trip coil 起动断路器跳闸
112 Capacitive current 电容电流
113 Capacitor 电容器
114 Capacitor of series compensation 串补电容
115 Capacity charge 电容充电
116 Capacity ground 电容接地
117 Carrier channel 高频通道
12 AC component 交流分量
13 AC directional over current relay 交流方向过流继电器
14 AC distribution system 交流配电系统
15 AC reclosing relay 交流重合闸继电器
16 Accelerating protection for
152 Constant 常量
153 Contact 触点
154 Contact bounce 触点颤动
155 Contact multiplying relay 触点多路式继电器
156 Continuous load 持续负载
157 Continuous rating 连续运行的额定值
69 Blinker 继电器吊牌
70 Bloching protection 闭锁式保护
71 Blocking relay 连锁继电器
72 Blocking signal 闭锁信号
73 Blow-out coil 灭弧线圈
74 Branch coefficient 分支系数
75 Breaker contact point 断路器触点
169 Current attenuation 电流衰减
158 Converter relay 换流器继电器
159 Coordination of relay settings 保护的整定配合
160 Coordination time interval 保护配合时间阶段
161 Core 铁芯
162 Counting relay 计数继电器
163 Coupler 耦合器
123 Chatter 颤振
124 Circuit breaker 断路器
125 Circuit breaker failure protection 断路器失灵保护
126 Circuit control relay 电路控制继电器
127 Clip-on leads 夹式引线
128 Clock 时钟