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误置修饰语 (Misplaced Modifier)
• 1.在英语中,修饰语应紧靠它所修饰的词语,如 果放错了位置,就会造成意义上的误解。如: • They argued the subject while I tried to study at fever pitch. • 修饰语at fever pitch 意为“极为兴奋地”, 是一个状语,它修饰的谓语是argued the subject, 而不是tired to study,此句应改为: • They argued the subject at fever pitch while I tried to study.
• 3.不定式短语 • 误:To play tennis well, the racket must be held properly. • 正:To play tennis well, one must hold the racket properly. • 正:If one wishes to play tennis well, he must hold the racket properly.
• 6.代词one 和you用于指代意义时的不同 • If one wants to excel in athletics, you should watch your diet. • 此句应把代词one和you的使用统一起来, 有两种改法: • If one wants to excel in athletics, he should watch his diet. • If you want to excel in athletics, you should watch your diet.
• People have tried to fight against the influence of TV commercials, but it often proves useless. • 代词it 在本句中并不指代前面的单数名词 influence,而是指 to fight against the influence of TV commercials (反对电视商 业广告)的这种努力,因此应将it的意义具 体化,此句可改为:People have tried to fight against the influence of TV commercials, but this effort often proves useless.
• 4.省略性子句 • 误:When only five years old, my father took me to a circus. • 正:When only five years old, I was taken to a circus by my father. • 正:When I was only five years old, my father took me to a circus.
• 下面列举四种形式的垂悬修饰语及两种修改的办 法: • 1.分词短语 • 误:Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eyes can reach. • 正:Looking out of the window, we found the grassland stretched as far as the eyes could reach. • 正:If you look out of the window, you will find the grassland stretches as far as the eyes can reach.
• 在同一句中,代词与其指代的前述名词应 在人称、数、格上保持一致。由于指代不 符或不确而造成的错句在写作中是常见的, 应该注意以下几种情况。
• 1.代词与前述词的人称或数不符 • Students who wish to take linguistics are asked to sign his name on a sheet of paper. • 代词his应改为their, 与前述词students保持复数 第三人称的一致。 • Each member of the board will have an opportunity to submit their own plan. • 代词their应改为his,与前述词each member保持 单数第三人称的一致。
• 3.代词在句中的指代错误 • When he thrust a stick into the rat hole, it ran out and bit him. • 根据本句用词,代词it 在句中指代的只能 是rat hole(鼠洞),而不是rat,由于意义 混淆而造成指代错误,应将it明确改为the rat。
• A car drove down the street decked with ribbon. • 修饰语decked with ribbon是过去分词短 语,意为“用缎带装饰起来的”,用作 street的定语显然是误置了。应改为: • A car decked with ribbon drove down the street.
• 2.修改垂悬修饰语部分,使其在逻辑上符 合主句意义。 • Since we heard a number of amusing stories, our visit was thoroughly enjoyable. • If a person is to remain healthy, a balanced diet is important.
• Hearing a number of amusing stories, our visit was thoroughly enjoyable. • To remain healthy, a balanced diet is important. • 在第一句,状语hearing a number of amusing stories的逻辑主语并非句子主语our visit • 第二句中状语to remain healthy与句子主语a balanced diet在逻辑意义也不一致。因此这两个 状语词组都成了各自句中的垂悬修饰语,在意义 上是错误的,改正的方法有二:
• 2.介词+动名词短语 • 误:On entering the room, refreshments were being served. • 正:On entering the room, I found that refreshments were being served. • 正:When I entered the room, refreshments were being served.
• 5.有时在句中出现同样数格的两个不同前 述词,使后面代词的指代出现模棱两可的 情况。如: • When the chemist added the powder to water, it turned purple. • 代词it可指前面的powder或water这两个 前述词的任何一个,但根据常识,显然it指 的是water而不是powder,故应将it 具体改 为water,句子的意义就正确了。再如:
垂悬修饰语 (Dangling Modifier)
• 垂悬修饰语是指一个句子中同其他词没有 明显修饰关系的成分。一般都出现在句子 的句首,用作状语。形式有分词短语、介 词+动名词、不定式短语和省略性子句等四 种。判断该词组是滞为垂悬修饰语的基本 原则是看它逻辑意义上的主语是否与所在 句子的主语相一致,如不一致,该状语就 成了垂悬修饰语,试以下面二句为例:
• 4.代词在句中的指代不明 • My father is an electrician, but I am not interested in it. • 根据本句用词,代词it在此句中无前述词 可以指代,不能等于father 或electrician。 因此对代词it要作明确的改动:My father is an electrician, but I am not interested in becoming one.
• 如前所述,在大多情况下,垂悬修饰语可 以根据“修饰语的逻辑主语是否即是主句 中的主语”这一原则来判断。但要注意, 当状语修饰语是用以表示对整个主句进行 概括或总结意义时,它本身在逻辑上已具 有独立意义,这时就不要再受制于上述原 则,不能把它看成是垂悬修饰语,可以看 是句子子的独立状语部分或插入语。如:
• 误:Rotten in the cellar, we had to throw away the potatoes. • 正:Rotten in the cellar, the potatoes were thrown away (by us). • 正:As the potatoes in the cellar had r源自文库tten, we had to throw them away.
• Susan told Jane that her dog was in the garden. • 代词her 可指上述Susan或Jane的所有格。 根据作者的意思,此句可改为: • Susan told Jane that Jane's (或Susan's) dog was in the garden. 或:Susan said to Jane, "Your dog is in the garden." • 比较起来,后一句的意义更明确。
• 2.代词与前述词格的不符 • He is the person whom I think deserves the first award. • 关系代词whom的前述词是the person, 在定 语从句中用作主语,故应改为who。 • As a matter of fact, it was her who took the picture of the temple. • 代词her 在“it was ... who...”的强调结构中是 要强调的主语,用主格表示,故应改为she。
• 一般的规则是:用于泛指意义时, 常用he (him, his),用于特定意义时才用you (you, your)。再如: • When a person gets married, you take on new responsibilities. • 此句的改法同上,也有两种改法,即: • When a person gets married, he takes on new responsibilities.(泛指) • When you get married, you take on new responsibilities.(特指)
• 1.修饰主句中的主谓语部分,使与修饰语 逻辑上的主语一致起来。如: • Hearing a number of amusing stories, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit. • To remain healthy, one needs a balanced diet.
• To be frank, I don't think he is the right person for the job. • Generally speaking, girls at this age are more mature than boys. • To sum up, our vacation was a disaster from start to finish.