

The 1920s (1) Modernism

a general term applied retrospectively to the wide range of experimental and avant-garde trends in the literature (and other arts)of the early 20th century, including Symbolism, Futurism, Expressionism, Imagism, Vorticism, Dada, and Surrealism, along with the innovations of unaffiliated writers. Modernist literature is characterized chiefly by a rejection of 19th-century traditions. Modernist writers disturbed their readers by adopting complex and difficult new forms and styles. In fiction, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf attempted new ways of tracing the flow of characters’ thoughts in their stream-of –consciousness style. In poetry, Ezra Pound and T.S.Eliot replaced the logical exposition of thoughts with collages of fragmentary images and complex allusions.

Modernist writing is predominantly cosmopolitan, and often expresses a sense of urban cultural dislocation, along with an awareness of new anthropological and psychological theories. Its favored techniques of juxtaposition and multiple point of view challenge the reader to reestablish a coherence of meaning from fragmentary forms. In English, its major landmarks are Joyce’s Ulysses and Eliot’s The Waste Land (both 1922).

The 1920s (2) Imagism

Imagism: the doctrine and poetic practice of a small but influential group of American and British poets calling themselves imagists between 1912 and 1917. Imagist Movement is a revolt against the sentimental and manneristic (格式化的)poetry at the turn of the century. Led at first by Ezra Pound, and the by Amy Lowell, the group rejected most 19th-century poetry as cloudy(含糊的)verbiage(啰嗦), and aimed instead at a new clarity and exactness in the short lyric poem. The imagists cultivated concision and directness, building their short poems around single images; they also preferred looser cadences(节奏)to traditional regular rhythms. Apart from Pound and Lowell, the group also includes H.D., F.S.Flint, D.H. Lawrence and William Carlos Williams.

The three phrases

1908 – 1909. T. E. Hulme founded a club in London

Basic principles; more discussion, less writing

1912 – 1914. Ezra Pound

1912, the three imagist poetic principles came out

1914, the first anthology of Imagist poems---- Des Imagistes 诗选

1914 – 1917. Amy Lowell No great achievements

The three Imagist poetic principles

1.Direct treatment of the ―thing‖, whether subjective or objective.


2. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation ---Economy of expression. (There must be no explanations, no drawing of conclusions.)


3. Rhythm--- It concerns a breaking away from conventional prosody, the use of free verse and interrelationship between music and verse.


Modernist writers

1. Ezra Pound (1885 – 1972)

---- father of modern American poetry, a leading spokesman of the Imagist movement

Works :

imagist poem: In a Station of the Metro

Cathay 华夏(中国古诗译集)1915

Homage to Sextus Propertius 向普罗波蒂斯致敬1917

Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 休塞尔温莫伯利1920

Cantos 诗章(masterpiece) (containing a total of 117 poems)

the influence of Confucius over Pound (embodied in the ideas of Cantos):

Pound sees in Chinese history and the doctrine of Confucius a source of strength and wisdom with which to counterpoint western gloom and confusion.

To him, the wisdom of Confucianism boils down to one notion: Order and tranquility, from which light shines forth.

Order and tranquility come from enlightened rule, and a salient feature of Confucian enlightened rule is even distribution of wealth and light taxation.

His survey of Chinese history is highly simplistic and idealistic. He sees the rise and fall of dynasties purely as the result of their following or violating the Confucian principle…

The character for the cardinal Confucian virtue, ―compassion‖, opens and informs the whole canto. 2. T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) Nobel Prize winner (1948)

T·S·艾略特的著名长诗《荒原》的副题就是:―献给埃兹拉·庞德,最卓越的匠人‖,该诗曾得利于庞德的亲自修改。He became a British naturalized citizen in 1927.

his famous principle of objective correlative 客观相关物


The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 普鲁弗洛克的情歌1911

Gerontion 小老头1920 Hollow man 空心人1925

Ash Wednesday 圣灰节1930 Four Quartets 四个四重奏1943

The Waste Land 荒原1925 ---the manifesto of “lost Generation”, established Eliot’s position as the leader of “Waste Land Painters”.“Waste land”itself becomes a symbol of the declining western civilization. It is a milestone of the modern western poetry.


Sweeney Agonistes 力士斯威尼The Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会

The Confidential clerk 机要秘书Murder in the Cathedral 大教堂谋杀案

As a literary critic, he has famous doctrine on poets and poetry:the“impersonal theory ”非个性化理论All these would necessarily lead to the emergence of the New Criticism.

Collection of critical essays:

Essays on Style and Order风格及秩序论文集The Sacred Wood神木

The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism Elizabethan Essays

Essays Ancient and Modern After Strange Gods 拜异教之神

3.Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)

An unusual poet in modern American literary history. He was a very successful business man.

To him, a poet lives in two worlds---one of imagination and the other of reality ---and builds bridges between them. All his poems recorded the unending dialogue of imagination & reality.

famous poem:

Anecdote of the Jar 坛子的故事

The Emperor of Ice-Cream 冰淇淋大帝

The Idea of Order at key West 在基韦斯特的秩序的思考

prose writing:

The Necessary Angel 必不可少的安琪儿

volume of poetry:

Ideas of Order 关于秩序的思考

The Man with the Blue Guitar

Parts of a World

Transport to Summer 转入夏季

The Auroras of Autumn 秋天的晨曦

Collected Poems 诗集

4.William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)

Williams worked all his life as a physician. He wrote poems about everyday subjects and the lives of ordinary people, using clear, concrete language. An American poet closely associated with modernism and Imagism. He wrote poetry not because he had to but because he wanted to.

William’s attitude toward Eliot and Pound:He is a friend of Pound’s but resented his broken multi-cultural style.As a matter of fact, he was anti-Eliot all his life. His antagonism to T. S. Eliot dated from the publication of The Waste Land, which, he believed, gave the poem back to the academics. He strongly disapproves of the Pound-Eliot bookish, and intellectual brand of poetry, for he believes that ―localism alone can lead to culture.

His poetics :

1.The source of information -- American poetry must be rooted in America as its fount of inspiration(灵感)and its source of information and subject matter. He believes that ―localism alone ca n lead to culture.‖(民族化同样能产生好的文学)

What he wanted to achieve is to reach the universal plane of meaning through the representation of the local.通过描写本土的状貌来反映普遍意义Life as it is lived is the beginning and the end of the poet’s endeavor. Life is in itself poetry simple and pure. Poetry inheres in the life around us.

2. The language and rhythm-- He feels strongly that poetry must be grounded in everyday experience and in the speech of the common man. It must use the common meters of living speech.

3.The use of image ---He is an excellent imagist poet. To him, Philosophical and metaphysical speculation has absolutely no place in poetry. In Paterson he writes, ―Say it! No ideas but in things‖ ,(思想仅寓于事物之中) which means that don’t philosophize and say it in terms of so me kind of concretization . ( 不要说教,要借助于意象使观点具体化)

poem: The Red Wheelbarrow 红色手推车

Spring and All 春天及一切

long poem: Paterson 佩特森

Prose work: In the American Grain 美国性格

The Red Wheelbarrow

The picture presents common sights in the colorful, lively life.

The wheelbarrow is very common in country life, and rainwater means hope, virility to the crops. The moving chicken are very lively and make one light-hearted.

The picture, with red and white, is very colorful.

This lively, colorful scene makes one light-hearted and cheerful.

The picture conveys a very lively common life. It makes the readers realize that beauty inheres in the lively, common life. Or life itself is poem pure and poem inheres in the life around us.

On the surface level, ―so much depends on‖emphasizes the necessity and importance of these things to farm life . What is the metaphorical meaning?

The metaphorical meaning may be that common life is very important to people. Life is poetic; it can

offer enough material for poetry writing. ?

1. How to understand the ―object‖ and the ―image‖ in the poem ―The Red Wheelbarrow‖ ?

In order to understand the poem, it’s necessary for us to state the writer’s poetic ideas. William Carlos Williams believes that life itself can provide enough material efor poetry writing, and poetry inheres in the life around us. The consensus seems to be that he states his poetic idea in this poem. Then the poem can be understood as the following:

The ―image’ is a quick succession of related images ---―the red whe elbarrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens‖. (the lively, common life; synecdoche提喻)

The poet doesn’t state the ―object‖ directly in the poem. The ―object‖ is subjective. It refers to the poet’s poetic idea concerning ―material for poetry writing‖.

Through this image, the poet points out that the lively common life can provide material enough for poetry writing; poetry inheres in life around us. Poets should make their poetry as lively as life.

2. Appreciate the poem ―The Red Wheelbarrow‖ on the basis of the three Imagist poetic principle

1) The poet directly presents the image in the poem --- ―the red wheelbarrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens‖, and this suggests the lively, common life.

According to the poet W illiam Carlos Williams’s poetic ideas, the poem maybe illustrates his poetic idea concerning ―material for poetry writing‖. He is perhaps comparing ―material for poetry writing‖ to the lively, common life. ―wheelbarrow, chicken, rainwater‖ are very commo n objects in farm life. These things are important to both farm life and poets’ poetic endeavor for life can provide enough writing material. Poets should make their poetry as lively as life itself.

2) Altogether 16 words . No words that does not contribute to the presentation. No explanation.

3)It is written in free verse. What’s more, there is special sound effect in it: the whole poem consists of one sentence which is divided into 8 lines and 4 stanzas. Pause falls between the units of the sentence ,for example: so much depends (P) upon (P) … such unnatural pauses gives the poem a spasmodic (不连续的)sound effect, which represents the actual movement of the red wheelbarrow. the influence of Imagism

1)the imagist theories call for brief language, describing the precise picture in as few words as possible. This new way of poetry composition has a lasting influence in the 20th century poetry.

2)the second lasting influence of Imagism is the form of free verse. There are no metrical rules. There are apparent indiscriminate(杂乱的)line breaks, which reflects the discontinuity of life itself. That is art of the poem. (The poet uses the length of the lines and the strange groupings of words to show how life itself can be broken up into somehow meaningless clusters.)

5.Robert Frost (1874-1963) “新英格兰诗人”诗多以田园生活为题材

He won the Pulitzer Prize four times. He was considered as the ―unofficial poet laureate of the nation‖. In 1961, he was invited to read his poems in the inauguration ceremony of President Kennedy. He was the only poet who once had such an honor.

Poetry Collections:

his first volume —A Boy’s Will (1913)少年的意志

North of Boston(1914) 波士顿以北

“Mending Wall ”修墙

The Wood Pile 柴堆

Mountain Interval (1916) 山间

“The Road Not Taken” 一条未走的路

New Hampshire (1923) 新罕布什尔

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”雪夜林边驻

West-Running Brook (1928) 西去的溪流

A Further Range (1936) 又一片牧场

A Witness Tree (1942) 见证树

writing feature:

He is one of the most popular American modernist poets. The charm of his poetry is that it seems to be natural,direct and simple and the fact is that it is deceptively simple.貌似简单的复杂性

Frost’s poems are New England in their setting.The subjects come from country life of ordinary people.He used plain language, traditional poetics and common symbols to express profound ideas. His innovation is to combine traditional poetic forms (传统英诗形式)with American speech rhythms and vocabulary.

He showed little interest in experimentation in form. But for him, form of poetry is as important as sense . The ordering of sound and sense(诗歌的语调与内容的统一) is one major concern of his career.

His poetry emphasizes modern thematic concern . By writing poem, he managed to construct a ― momentary stay against confusion‖.(暂时逃避现实的混乱)

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

some sound devices

alliteration: (头韵)诗句中相邻的词以相同的字母或声韵开头

The sun sank slowly .


The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain


I like to see it lap the Miles And lick the Valleys up

the sound devices employed

the rhyme pattern in this poem (Vowels and diphthongs)

Winter Solstice冬至---the longest and darkest evening

alone, dark, quiet, cold

Robert Frost was greatly influenced by the Transcendentalist ideas which hold that nature can exercise a healthy and restorative influence upon people’s mind.

Major features of New England Transcendentalism:

3) The Transcendentalists regarded nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God

Nature is the garment of the Oversoul. Therefore it could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. Things in nature tended to become symbolic.


The woods (beyond the borders of the village) sit on the edge of civilization. It is restful, seductive, lovely, deep–-nature

the village (or "society," "civilization," "duty," "responsibility") --human world

the theme——constructing ―a momentary stay against confusion‖

The speaker was in his onerous life journey. The woods is so lovely & fascinating that he had a strong desire to escape from the chaotic society & find refuge in the forest.

Frost was deeply influenced by the Transcendentalist idea which holds that nature can exercise a healthy and restorative influence upon the human mind. So after pausing a little while beside the woods, the speaker got enough energy and virility from the restorative nature. He remembered he had so much responsibilities. He must continue his life journey. His short stay by the woods provides ―a momentary stay against confusion‖.

Some information concer ning ―Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening‖

As a poet, Frost started very late. (His first volume of poetry wasn’t published until he was nearly forty. )The large family was a heavy burden for him. At the same time, He was intensely aware of the

chaos of the modern age. How he wanted to escape from the harsh reality.

American Modernism Novelists:

1.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) 爵士乐时代的命名者和象征

Fitzgerald is generally regarded as spokesman of the 1920s ,the peculiar decade that combined the postwar economic boom and the sense of spiritual disorientation.


This Side of Paradise人间天堂(1920)

The Beautiful and Damned 漂亮冤家(1922)

The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比(1925)

Tender is the Night 夜色温柔(1934)

The Last Tycoon( unfinished) 最后的大亨

Collections of short Stories:

Flappers and Philosophers (1921) 时髦女郎和哲学家

Tales of the Jazz Age (giving its name to the 1920s)

the 1920s---- the Jazz age 爵士乐时代的故事(1921)

All the Sad Young Man 一代悲哀的年轻人(1926) (The Rich Boy—one of his best story)

Taps at Reveille 清晨起床号

The diamond as big as the Ritz 大如里兹饭店的钻石(短篇故事集中的故事)

The Great Gatsby ( two heroes)

it is set in Long Island's North Shore and New York City during the summer of 1922.

hero :

Jay Gatsby

Nick Carraway ( he is both a narrator and a character in the novel )


Daisy Buchanan (her husband---Tom Buchanan)

Theme of the novel:

The novel is the single most profound commentary in American fiction on American Dream. Fitzgerald deals with the bankruptcy of the American dream, which is highlighted by the disillusionment of the hero’s personal dreams due to the clashes between the romantic version of life and the sordid reality.

It is a story of an idealist who tries to recapture his lost love but in vain and is finally destroyed by the influence of the wealthy people around him. Gatsby is the true heir to the American dream. He fails to understand that he cannot recapture the past no matter how much money he makes. Material can’t identify with happiness. Daisy refuses to leave the security of her established position for Gatsby’s adoration and precarious wealth.

the magnitude of The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald’s greatness lies in the fact that he found intuitively, in his personal experience, the embodiment of that of the nation and created a myth out of American life.

Gatsby’s life follows a clear pattern: at first, a dream, then a disenchantment, and finally a sense of failure and despair. Gatsby’s personal experience approximates the whole of the

American experience up to the first few decades of the twentieth century.

Gatsby’s personal life has assumed a magnitude as a ―cultural-historical allegory‖ for the nation. Here lies the greatest intellectual achievement that Fitzgerald ever achieved.

Techniques in the novel

1.first-person point view: using the ―dramatic narrator‖--- Nick Carraway (meaning the narrator is also a character in the novel); Nick is related with all the three groups of characters in the novel. He is a reliable person and makes no quick judgments. His limited omniscience (对故事所知很有限的叙述

者)creates an effect of mystery and suspense.


Gatsby: the country’s history

Daisy: seemingly beautiful American Dream

Tom: commercialization which brought the country only moral depravity

Nick: hope of the country

Theme of his works

Fitzgerald's fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the Jazz Age, in which he shows a particular interest in the upper-class society . His fiction reveals the hollowness of the American worship of money and the unending American dreams. He dealt most with the double theme of love and money. He believed that the wealthy class corrupted the whole of Am society.

American Dream is a popular belief that people can achieve material success through honest hard working in a new world of liberty, equality, chances and promises in America. In this way they can achieve happiness.

American Dream is deceptive because it proposes the satisfaction of all desire as an attainable goal and identifies desire with material.

In the 1920s, the American Dream went bankrupt in the sense that the wealthy people were spiritually disorientated and morally corrupted. The fact that the rich people turned to be more indifferent and careless brought forth the disillusionment of American Dream.

2.Ernest Hemingway (1899 –1961)

His books paint a whole generation---the Lost Generation. He was termed as the spokesman of the Lost Generation. In 1954, Hemingway got the Nobel Prize.

He was a public hero because he acted out the theme of his own books.


The Torrents of spring (1926)

The Sun Also Rises (1926) 太阳照常升起

(for the first time he paints the Lost generation)

A Farewell to Arms (1928)

For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940s)丧钟为谁而鸣

The Old Man and the Sea (1952)

Collection of Short stories:

In Our Time 我们的时代(1925)

Men without Women (1927)

Winner Take Nothing 胜者无所谓(1933)

To Have and Have Not 富有与贫穷(1937)

play: The Fifth Column 第五纵队(1938)

non-fiction: 非小说

Death in the Afternoon 午后之死(1932)

Green Hills of Africa 非洲的青山(1935)

The Old Man and the Sea


Santiago – mankind;

sea – nature and environment;

marlin – purpose of life;

shark –the evil force which control human’s fate

2. Theme

To behave well in the lonely, losing battle with life is to show "grace under pressure" and constitutes in itself a kind of victory, a theme clearly established in The Old Man and The Sea. Though life is but a losing battle, it is a struggle man can dominate in such a way that loss becomes dignity; man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually.

A Farewell to Arms

hero: Frederic Henry heroine: Catherine

The end of the novel: (After Catharine's death, Henry stayed in the room where Catharine is lying) But after I had got them out and turned off the light it wasn't any good. It was like saying good-bye to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain.

The symbolic meanings of ―arms‖:


farewell to war

---he is longing for peace, happiness

2.arms—lover’s arms---love

farewell to love

---the great pain

The typical theme of Hemingway

In one sense, Hemingway wrote all his life about one theme, ―grace under pressure‖重压下的风度, and created one hero who acts that theme out. There is a particular term ―the code hero‖ for his character. The Hemingway hero possesses ―despairing courage‖(绝望中的勇气). It is this courage that enables a man to behave like a man ,to assert his dignity in face of adversity. This is the essence of a code of honor(典型品质), which all his heroes believe in.

In his fiction the nihilistic(虚无主义的)vision of sterility, failure, and death is modified by his affirmative assertion of the possibility of living with style and courage.(与他活出风格、活出勇气的肯定观点相对照)Therefore, he often dealt with war and courage, and with the question of how to live with pain. style ---the iceberg theory of Hemingway(冰山原则)

1/8 of an iceberg is above the water. All of the rest is underneath the water. The same is true with Hemingway’s writing. His sentences only give one sm all bit of the meaning. The rest is implied. One must go very deep beneath the surface to understand the full meaning of his writing.

According to Hemingway, good literary writing should be able to make readers feel the emotion of the characters directly and the best way to produce the effect is to set down exactly every particular kind of feeling without any authorial comments, without conventionally emotive language, and with a bare minimum of adjectives and adverbs. characters and the corresponding works

Nick Adams—In Our Time

Jake Barnes---The Sun Also Rises

Frederic Henry---A Farewell to Arms

Robert Jordan---For Whom the Bell Tolls

Santiago---The Old Man and the Sea

Hemingway’s Code Hero(硬汉形象)

It refers to some protagonists in Hemingway's works. Hemingway defined the Code Hero as "a man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful."

In the general situation of Hemingway's novels, life is full of tension and battles;the world is in chaos and man is always fighting desperately a losing battle. Those who survive and perhaps emerge victoriously in the process of seeking to master the code with a set of principles such as honor, courage, endurance, wisdom, discipline and dignity are known as "the Hemingway code hero".

Lost Generation: Name applied to the disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetes of the years following WWI,who rebelled against former ideals and values but could replace them only by despair or a cynical hedonism(享乐主义). The remark of Gertrude Stein ―you are all a lost generation,‖ addressed to Hemingway, was used as a preface to the latter’s novel The sun Also Rises, which brilliantly describes an expatriate group(旅居作家) typical of the ―lost generation.‖ Other expatriate American authors of the period to whom the term is generally applied include E.E. Cummings, F. Scott. Fitzgerald and Ezra Pound etc.

More information

In some sense, all his life, he lived with war emotionally and continued to write about it in order to relive and forget it. Therefore, he often dealt with war and its effects on people, and with the question of how to live with pain. All his works dramatize this concept: life is dangerous and always ready to defeat and destroy you, but if you keep calm and stand on your set of principles, you may win on your own terms.

Hemingway held a black, naturalistic (自然主义式的) view of the world, saw it as ―all a nothing,‖ and saw life in terms of battles and tension, which was nothingness (虚无) for him.

The Southern Renaissance

Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have emerged a few generations of Southern writers who have all tried to root their works in the south with a view to achieve universal plane of meaning.

William Faulkner (1897 -1962) The most important figure in the Southern Renaissance

He was born into a Southern family with a fairly long tradition in the town of Oxford. His hometown Oxford became the model for his fictional Jefferson town, the seat of his fictional Yoknapatawpha county约克那帕特法县. His own family history found its way into his novels. His family members …He won the Nobel Prize in 1949.

collection of poems:The Marble Faun


Soldier’s Pay士兵的报酬(his first novel)1927

Mosquitoes 蚊群(1927)

Sartoris 沙多里斯(1929)

The Sound and the Fury 喧哗与骚动(1929)

As I Lay Dying我弥留之际(1930)

Sanctuary 圣殿(1931)

Light in August 八月之光(1932)

Absalom, Absalom! 押沙龙,押沙龙(1936)

Go Down, Moses 去吧,摩西(1942)


The Sound and the Fury,

Absalom, Absalom! Go Down, Moses

his famous short story—A Rose for Emily 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花

Special setting: Yoknapatawpha County

The Yoknapatawpha county is a typical small southern county. The Yoknapatawpha stories deal, generally, with the historical period from the Civil War up to the 1920s when the First World War broke out, and people of a stratified society, the aristocrats, the new rich, the poor whites, and the blacks. Yoknapatawpha county is not only a complete and detailed creation of a mythical kingdom, it functions also as an allegory of the South.

Yoknapatawpha saga (Faulkner’s theme)

Faulkner’s works have been termed the Yoknapatawpha saga. He writes about the histories of a number of southern aristocratic families.南方封建贵族家庭In the very rise of these family fortunes, Faulkner sees their inevitable fall. When the same story of the tragic rise and fall recurs in one novel after another, it assumes symbolic proportions. The spiritual deterioration which characterizes modern life stems directly from the loss of love and want of emotional response ---that seems to be one important message of Faulkner’s stories. Yoknapatawpha county is not only a complete and detailed creation of a mythical kingdom, it functions also as an allegory of the South. Its appeal became universal as well as particular.

The Sound and the Fury (1929) 《喧哗与骚动》

The title of the novel comes from a drama written by William Shakespeare.( ―It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing‖—Macbeth)

The main story of the novel is about the family history of the Compsons, who were once the owner of a plantation.

The novel is recounting the death of a family, including some of its members, as well as the decline of the traditional upper-class Southern family. (南方封建贵族家庭的衰败)

The novel takes place in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County and is split into four parts narrated by four characters.

1. Benjy Compson: an idiot

2.Quentin Compson: a student in Harvard, full of imagination, felt modern life unbearable, at last committing suicide

3.Jason Compson: the eldest son; all vices of modern world, empty and meaningless, traditional humanistic values alien to him

4.Dilsey: a black woman servant in the Compsons, a natural woman who had the common feeling and compassion; her response to life and people is natural and intuitive.

Theme of the novel

It is an account of the tragic downfall of the Compson family. The idealized past forms a contrast with the loveless present. It conveys a nostalgic feeling about the past and a strong sense of grief over the family’s deterioration.

Technique in the novel

1. Narration: a new and experimental technique – multiple points of view and unreliable narrator

2. Most parts of the novel were written in Stream-of-consciousness: telling the story by recording the thoughts of the characters. The traditional time order of the novel was totally broken in this novel. No capitalization, no proper punctuations. Most parts are fragments with mistaken information.

Multiple Points of View多重视角

It is one of the literary techniques William Faulkner used, which shows within the same story how the characters reacted differently to the same person or the same situation. The use of this technique gave the story a circular form wherein one event was the center, with various points of view radiating from it. The multiple points of view technique makes

the reader recognize the difficulty of arriving at a true judgment.

Stream of consciousness

It refers to the continuous flow of thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind. As a literary method, it represent such a blending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in the form of interior monologue. It is an important device of modernist fiction, pioneered by James Joyce in Ulysses and further developed by Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner.

Thematic concerns of Faulkner

He lamented the decline of the old South and condemned the mechanized, industrialized society which has dehumanized people. (In his mind, the traditional southerners are prisoners of the past, or of the society, or of some social and moral taboos, or of their own introspective personalities. )

His works were in praise of eternal virtues in human history--- love, pity, honor and self-sacrifice. Faulkner thought that the doom of the South was caused by ill-treatment of Indians and blacks and the way to change the meaningless modern life is to recover the traditional and eternal virtues. Characters and the corresponding works

The Sound and Fury—the Compsons Dilsey

Absalom, Absalom!—Thomas Sutpen

Go down, Moses—Carothers McCaslin

Ike McCaslin Sam Fathers

Light in August—Lena Grove

A summary on his writing technique

1.authorial transcendence (作者尽可能少介入故事)Withdrawal of the author as a controlling narrator:

a writer should observe with no judgment whatsoever and reduce authorial intrusion to the lowest minimum.

2. employing a fallible narrator or multiple narrators (For example, The Sound and the Fury uses four different narrative voices to piece together the story and thus challenges the reader by presenting a fragmented plot told from multiple points of view.)

3. dislocation of the narrative time: 混乱的叙事顺序The most characteristic way of structuring his stories is to fragment the chronological time. He deliberately broke up the chronology of his narrative by juxtaposing the past with the present.(in the way the montage 蒙太奇手法does in a movie. )

4.modern stream-of-consciousness technique: There were a lot of interior monologue in his works.

Writers of the 1930s


While authors who made their names in the twenties continued to produce great works, new forces appeared on the scene. Wall Street crash of 1929 set the tone for the writing /economic crisis/ physical wasteland /sheer despair /the New Deal/ not until WWII that America felt safe again

the features of the writing in this period

1.social involvement

2.revival of naturalism

the scene in various fields of literature

1.A great age of fiction


John Dos Passos,

John Steinbeck

Left-oriented naturalist 左翼自然主义作家: James T. Farrell: Studs Lonigan trilogy

Danny O’Neill pentalogy

Bernard Carr trilogy

John O’Hara

Erskine Caldwell

other novelists

Richard Wright: Uncle Tom’s Children(collection of short stories)

Margaret Mitchell : Gone With the Wind

2.drama: Eugene O’Neill Clifford Odets

3.poetry: New Criticism

John Dos Passos----the leading naturalist of the Depression

an about-face in his political outlook:

He started off writing for the oppressed; his writing were Communist-oriented for a long period. During the latter part of his career, he showed admiration for business, and supported the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

he is remembered chiefly for the following:

trilogy: U.S.A 美国三部曲(his masterpiece)

including: The 42nd Parallel (1930) 北纬四十二度

1919 (1932)

The Big Money (1936) 赚大钱(about the booming twenties)

trilogy: District of Columbia 哥伦比亚特区

his experimental device in novel-writing:

Newsreels 新闻片Biographies人物小传Camera Eye 摄影机眼

John Steinbeck

Tortilla Flat 托蒂亚平地(1935)

In Dubious Battle 胜负未决的战争(1936)

Of Mice and Men 人与鼠(1937)

The Grapes of Wrath 愤怒的葡萄(1939)

The Moon is Down 月落(1942)

East of Eden 伊甸园以东(1952)

The Winter of Our Discontent 我们不满的冬天(1961)

the field of poetry in the 1930s

The New Criticism

1.time range:1920s-1940s

2. members: T.S. Eliot, I.A.Richards, John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, Robert Penn Warren …


1)beginning in the 1920s: the base--T.S. Eliot’s theory of ―impersonality‖ and ―objective correlative‖

2)Receiving further impetus in the 1930s

The first generation of New Critical Poets---the Fugitives(or the Southern Critics)

―I’ll Take My Stand‖ (1930)

Ransom’s book ―the New Criticism‖(1941) gave this movem ent its final historic name.

3)the 1940s: the second generation New Critical Poets : Robert Lowell…

4)in the 1950s and 1960s:the wind of change beginning to blow

4.features of the New Criticism

5.features of the New Critical Poem

American Drama (It was not until the 1920s that American drama began to draw the attention of the critics. )


―Little Theatre Movement‖ began after 1912 as a revolt against the conventions of the commercial theater. They are freed from the conventional theatre and can be as experimental as they like. With them the playwrights came into their own.

1)Eugene O’Neill(1888-1953)

2)Elmer Rice

1930s Clifford Odets

Post-war (WWII):1940s-1960s

(second climax of American drama)

the dominant playwrights are Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee

Eugene O’Neill(1888-1953)

Founder of modern American drama. A Nobel Prize Winner in 1936

In 1916, the performance of his play ―Bound East for Cardiff‖ ushered in the modern era of the American theatre.

O’Neill was no doubt the g reatest American dramatist of the first half of the 20th century. He was the first American playwright to explore serious themes in the theater and carry out courageous experiments in theatrical devices. He came only after Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw in the world of drama.

Expressionism(表现主义)a general term for a mode of literary or visual art which, in extreme reaction against realism or naturalism, presents a world violently distorted under the pressure of intense personal moods, ideas, and emotions: image and language thus express feeling and imagination rather than represent external reality. In the English-speaking world, expressionist dramatic techniques were adopted in some plays of Eugene O’Neill (the Hairy Ape, The Emperor Jones); Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman as well as in the Theater of the Absurd(荒诞派戏剧); in poetry, T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land may be considered expressionist.

It is a German movement in literature and the other arts which was at its height between 1910 and 1925. The expressionist artist or writer undertakes to express a personal vision – usually a troubled or tensely emotional vision of human life and human society. It can be found in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman as well as on the Theater of the Absurd(荒诞派戏剧)

His works:

Bound East for Cardiff---东航加迪夫(ushered in the modern era of the American theatre)

Beyond the Horizon 天边外The Emperor Jones 琼斯皇

Desire Under the Elms 榆树下的欲望The Hairy Ape 毛猿

All God’s Chillun Got Wings 上帝的孩子都有翅膀

The Great God Brown 大神布郎Lazarus Laughed 拉撒路笑了

Strange Interlude 奇异的插曲Anna Christie

Marco Millins Ah, wilderness

Dynamo 精力充沛的人Mourning Becomes Electra 悲悼

Days Without End 不幸的日子The Iceman Cometh 卖冰的人来了

Long Day’s Journey into Night (his best work)进入黑夜的漫长旅程

A Moon for the Misbegotten 月照不幸人

A Touch of the Poet 诗人气质

Elmer Rice:

The Adding Machine 加算机On Trial

Street Scene Left Bank

Judgement Day Dream Girl

1930s: Clifford Odets

Waiting For Lefty 等待老左

Till the Day I Die Awake and Sing! 醒来歌唱Paradise Lost Golden Boy 金童Dramatizati on of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men

1940s:Tennessee Williams (1911-1983)

The Glass Menagerie 玻璃动物园1944

A Streetcar Named Desire 欲望号街车

Summer And Smoke

The Rose Tattoo 玫瑰刺花

Cat On a Hot Tin Roof 热铁皮屋顶上的猫

Suddenly Last Summer 去年夏天突然来到

Sweet Bird of Youth 可爱的青春小鸟

Period of Adjustment 适应阶段

Night of the Iguana 蜥蜴之夜

The Milk Train Does Not Stop Here Anymore牛奶车不再在此停留

Red Devil Battery Sign 红鬼炮兵连的信号

Vieux Carre 维厄卡雷

Arthur Miller(1915-2005)

The Man Who Had All the Luck 鸿运高照的人1944

All My Sons 我的儿子们1947

Death of a Salesman(masterpiece) 推销员之死1949

The Crucible 严峻的考验1953

A View from the Bridge 1955桥头眺望

After the Fall 堕落(about Marilyn)1964

Incident at Vichy 维希事件1965

The Price 代价1968

1960s: Edward Albee The Theater of the Absurd


第一章走进细胞 考点1 细胞是最基本的生命系统 1.两条重要的结论: (1)细胞是生物体结构和功能的基本单位 (2)生命活动离不开细胞(说明了细胞的重要性) 2.生命系统的结构层次 细胞—组织—器官—系统—个体—种群—群落—生态系统—生物圈(从小到大共9个层次) 总结 1.病毒没有细胞结构,必须寄生在活细胞中才能繁殖生存。(病毒无独立性) 2.“细胞是生物体结构和功能的基本单位”这个结论是[正确的] ,但是“一切生物体都是由细胞构成的”这句话是[错误的] ,因为病毒是没有细胞结构的 3.核酸、蛋白质不是生物,但它们是有生物活性的物质 4.不是每种生物都有9个结构层次,一般来说生物越高级,结构层次越多,越复杂。具体问题要具体分析5.高等植物的结构层次中,没有“系统”这个层次。 6.对于单细胞生物,如细菌,一般可以把它归入“细胞”层次,也可以归入“个体”层次 7.最基本的生命系统是细胞,最大的生命系统是生物圈 8.导管、木纤维是死细胞;筛管是活细胞 9.种群,强调所有同一种生物;群落,强调某特定区域的所有生物,包括所有的动物、植物、微生物;生态系统,强调所有生物+无机环境 考点2原核细胞与真核细胞 1.科学家根据细胞内有无以核膜为界限的细胞核 ............,把细胞分为真核细胞 ....和原核细胞 ....两大类 2.原核细胞与真核细胞的区别 类别原核细胞真核细胞 细胞大小较小较大 细胞核 无成形的细胞核,无核膜,无核仁, 无染色体(DNA部和蛋白质结合) 有成形的真正的细胞核,有核膜、核 仁和染色体 细胞质有核糖体 有核糖体、线粒体等,植物细胞还有叶绿体和液泡等 生物类群细菌、蓝藻真菌、植物、动物原核细胞与真核细胞的共性:都有细胞膜,细胞质,核糖体。遗传物质都是DNA. 3蓝藻


初中物理所有章节知识点总结 【第一章机械运动】 1.测量长度的常用工具:刻度尺。测量结果要估读到分度值的下一位。2.刻度尺的使用方法: (1)使用前先观察刻度尺的零刻度线、量程和分度值; (2)测量时刻度尺的刻度线要紧贴被测物体; (3)读数时视线要与尺面垂直。 3.测量值和真实值之间的差异叫做误差,我们不能消灭误差,但应尽量减小误差。 4.减小误差方法:多次测量求平均值、选用精密测量工具、改进测量方法。5.误差与错误的区别:误差不是错误,错误不该发生,能够避免,而误差永远存在,不能避免。 6.物理学里把物体位置的变化叫做机械运动。 7.在研究物体的运动时,选作标准的物体叫做参照物。同一个物体是运动还是静止取决于所选的参照物,这就是运动和静止的相对性。 8.速度的计算公式: 1m/s=3.6km/h

【第二章声现象】 9.声是由物体的振动产生的。 10.声的传播需要介质,真空不能传声。 11.声速与介质的种类和介质的温度有关。15℃空气中的声速为340m/s。12.声音的三个特性是:音调、响度、音色。(音调与物体的振动频率有关;响度与物体的振幅有关;音色与发声体的材料和结构有关。) 13.控制噪声的途径:防止噪声的产生、阻断噪声的传播、防止噪声进入人耳。14.为了保证休息和睡眠,声音不能超过50dB;为了保证工作和学习,声音不能超过70 dB;为了保护听力,声音不能超过90 dB。 15.声的利用: (1)传递信息:例如声呐、听诊器、B超、回声定位。 (2)传递能量:例如超声波清洗钟表、超声波碎石。 【第三章物态变化】 16.液体温度计是根据液体热胀冷缩的规律制成的。 17.使用温度计前应先观察它的量程和分度值。


减数分裂和有性生殖知识点归纳 一、减数分裂的概念 1、范围:凡是进行有性生殖的生物; 2、时期:在从原始的生殖细胞发展到成熟的生殖细胞的过程中; 3、特点:细胞连续分裂两次,而染色体只复制一次; 4、结果:新产生的生殖细胞中的染色体数目比原始生殖细胞中的数目减少了一半。 (注:原始生殖细胞既可进行有丝分裂,又可进行减数分裂) 二、减数分裂的一般过程(动物) 分裂间期:染色体复制 前期Ⅰ:联会、四分体(非姐妹染色单体交叉、互换)减数第一次分裂(Ⅰ)中期Ⅰ:四分体排在赤道板上 减后期Ⅰ:同源染色体分离(非同源染色体自由组合) 数末期Ⅰ:染色体、DNA数目减半 分间期Ⅱ:短暂,遗传物质不复制 裂前期Ⅱ:(对二倍体生物而言,已无同源染色体)减数第二次分裂(Ⅱ)中期Ⅱ:非同源染色体排在赤道板上 后期Ⅱ:着丝点断裂,姐妹染色单体分开 末期Ⅱ:DNA数目再减半 三、精子的形成过程 四、卵细胞的形成过程 五、精子、卵细胞产生过程的异同: 1、相同点:①都是性细胞(配子)②都经减数分裂产生 2、不同点:①卵原细胞两次分裂为不均质分裂(极体均质),精原细胞的分裂为均质分裂; ②1个卵原细胞产生1个卵细胞,1个精原细胞产生4个精子;

③精子的形成需变形,卵细胞的形成不变形。 六、配子种类(只考虑非同源染色体的自由组合,不考虑交换) (1)可能产生精子的种类:2n种 1个精原细胞(2)实际产生精子的种类:2种 (含n对同源染色体)(同一个次级精母细胞产生的两个精子是相同的) 1个雄性个体(含n对同源染色体)产生精子的种类:2n种 (1)可能产生卵细胞的种类:2n种 1个卵原细胞(2)实际产生卵细胞的种类:1种 (含n对同源染色体)(1个卵原细胞只能产生一个卵细胞) 1个雌性个体(含n对同源染色体)产生卵细胞的种类:2n种 七、减数分裂中染色体、DNA数目变化曲线图 有丝分裂与减数分裂曲线的区别: 有丝分裂:起点与终点(染色体或DNA)数目相同; 减数分裂:起点(染色体或DNA数目)是终点的两倍。 DNA与染色体曲线的区别: DNA曲线有斜线(间期复制),染色体曲线没有斜线。 如图,BC段和JK段为斜线,则该图为DNA变化曲线; 曲线起点为A和I,终点为G和P, 则A→G为减数分裂,I→P为有丝分裂,G→I为受精作用。 如图,图中没有斜线,因此为染色体变化曲线; 起点为A和E,终点为E和K, 则A→E为有丝分裂,E→K为减数分裂, 八、通过图像、曲线判断分裂方式、所处时期——三看识别法(二倍体生物) 一看同源→有同源染色体:有丝分裂和减数第一次分裂,无同源染色体:减数第二次分裂 二看特殊行为→有联会或同源染色体分离等特殊行为的是减数第一次分裂, 没有特殊行为的是有丝分裂 三看是否均等分裂→均等:初(次)级精母细胞或第一极体 不均等:初(次)级卵母细胞 九、同源染色体的特点 ①来源:一条来自父方,一条来自母方 ②形态、大小一般相同 ③行为:减数分裂过程中一定两两配对(即联会)


必修一 第一章集合与函数概念 1.1 集合 1.2 函数及其表示 1.3 函数的基本性质 第二章基本初等函数(Ⅰ) 2.1 指数函数 2.2 对数函数 2.3 幂函数 第三章函数的应用 3.1 函数与方程 3.2 函数模型及其应用 必修二 第一章空间几何体 1.1 空间几何体的结构 1.2 空间几何体的三视图和直观图 1.3 空间几何体的表面积与体积 第二章点、直线、平面之间的位置关系2.1 空间点、直线、平面之间的位置关系2.2 直线、平面平行的判定及其性质2.3 直线、平面垂直的判定及其性质 第三章直线与方程 3.1 直线的倾斜角与斜率 3.2 直线的方程 3.3 直线的交点坐标与距离公式 必修三 第一章算法初步

1.1 算法与程序框图 1.2 基本算法语句 1.3 算法案例 第二章统计 2.1 随机抽样 阅读与思考一个著名的案例 阅读与思考广告中数据的可靠性 阅读与思考如何得到敏感性问题的诚实反应2.2 用样本估计总体 阅读与思考生产过程中的质量控制图 2.3 变量间的相关关系 阅读与思考相关关系的强与弱 第三章概率 3.1 随机事件的概率 3.2 古典概型 3.3 几何概型 必修四 第一章三角函数 1.1 任意角和弧度制 1.2 任意角的三角函数 1.3 三角函数的诱导公式 1.4 三角函数的图象与性质 1.5 函数y=Asin(ωx+ψ) 1.6 三角函数模型的简单应用 第二章平面向量 2.1 平面向量的实际背景及基本概念 2.2 平面向量的线性运算

2.3 平面向量的基本定理及坐标表示 2.4 平面向量的数量积 2.5 平面向量应用举例 第三章三角恒等变换 3.1 两角和与差的正弦、余弦和正切公式 3.2 简单的三角恒等变换 必修五 第一章解三角形 1.1 正弦定理和余弦定理 探究与发现解三角形的进一步讨论 1.2 应用举例 阅读与思考海伦和秦九韶 1.3 实习作业 第二章数列 2.1 数列的概念与简单表示法 2.2 等差数列 2.3 等差数列的前n项和 2.4 等比数列 2.5 等比数列前n项和 第三章不等式 3.1 不等关系与不等式 3.2 一元二次不等式及其解法 3.3 二元一次不等式(组)与简单的线性规划问题 3.4 基本不等式 必修三实用性和适用性在高一作用不大,所以高一上学期学必修一二,下学期学必修四五,跳过必修三


八年级数学《数据的分析》知识点归纳与经典例题 1.解统计学的几个基本概念 总体、个体、样本、样本容量是统计学中特有的规定,准确把握教材,明确所考查的对象是解决有关总体、个体、样本、样本容量问题的关键。 2.平均数 当给出的一组数据,都在某一常数a 上下波动时,一般选用简化平均数公式' x x a =+,其中a 是取接近于这组数据平均数中比较“整”的数;?当所给一组数据中有重复多次出现的数据,常选用加权平均数公式。 3.众数与中位数 平均数、众数、中位数都是用来描述数据集中趋势的量。平均数的大小与每一个数据都有关,任何一个数的波动都会引起平均数的波动,当一组数据中有个数据太高或太低,用平均数来描述整体趋势则不合适,用中位数或众数则较合适。中位数与数据排列有关,个别数据的波动对中位数没影响;当一组数据中不少数据多次重复出现时,可用众数来描述。 4.极差 用一组数据中的最大值减去最小值所得的差来反映这组数据的变化范围,用这种方法得到的差称为极差,极差=最大值-最小值。 5.方差与标准差 用“先平均,再求差,然后平方,最后再平均”得到的结果表示一组数据偏离平均值的情况,这个结果叫方差,计算公式是 s 2 = 1n [(x 1-x )2+(x 2-x )2+…+(x n -x )2 ]; 方差和标准差都是反映一组数据的波动大小的一个量,其值越大,波动越大,也越不稳定或不整齐。 【能力训练】 一、填空题:

1.甲、乙、丙三台包装机同时分装质量为400克的茶叶.从它们各自分装的茶叶中分别随机抽取了10盒,测得它们的实际质量的方差如下表所示: 2.甲、乙、丙三台机床生产直径为60mm 的螺丝,为了检验产品质量,从三台机床生产的螺丝中各抽查了20个测量其直径,进行数据处理后,发现这三组数据的平均数都是60mm , 它们的方差依次为S 2甲=,S 2乙=,S 2 丙=.根据以上提供的信息,你认为生产螺丝质量最好的是__ __机床。 3.一组数据:2,-2,0,4的方差是 。 4.在世界环境日到来之际,希望中学开展了“环境与人类生存”主题研讨活动,活动之一是对我们的生存环境进行社会调查,并对学生的调查报告进行评比。初三(3)班将本班50篇学生调查报告得分进行整理(成绩均为整数),列出了频率分布表,并画出了频率分组 频率 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 合计 1 根据以上信息回答下列问题: (1)该班90分以上(含90分)的调查报告共有________篇; (2)该班被评为优秀等级(80分及80分以上)的调查报告占_________%; (3)补全频率分布直方图。 5.据资料记载,位于意大利的比萨斜塔1918~1958这41年间,平均每年倾斜1.1mm ;1959~1969这11年间,平均每年倾斜1.26mm ,那么1918~1969这52年间,平均每年倾斜约_________(mm)(保留两位小数)。 6.为了缓解旱情,我市发射增雨火箭,实施增雨作业,在一场降雨中,某县测得10个面积相等区域的降雨量如下表: 区域 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 降雨量(mm) 10 12 13 13 20 15 14 15 14 14 则该县这10个区域降雨量的众数为________(mm);平均降雨量为________(mm)。 7.一个射箭运动员连续射靶5次,所得环数分别是8,6,10,7,9,则这个运动员所得环数的标准差为________。 8.下图显示的是今年2月25日《太原日报》刊登的太原市2002年至2004年财政总收入完成情况,图中数据精确到1亿元,根据图中数据完成下列各题: (1)2003年比2002年财政总收入增加了_______亿元; (2)2004年财政总收入的年增长率是_______;(精确 到1%) (3)假如2005年财政总收入的年增长率不低于2004年 甲包装机 乙包装机 丙包装机 方差 (克2 ) 31.96 7.96 16.32 根据表中数据,可以认为三台包装机 中, 包装机包装的茶叶质量最稳 定。


初一知识点 第一章有理数 一、正数和负数 1.“+”或没有是正数 “—”是负数 2. 0既不是正也不是负 3. 0 ①占位②分界③没有 4. “—”具有相反意义的量 5. 非负数(正数和零) 非正数(负数和零) 二、有理数 1.整数①正整数1 2 3 4 5…… (性质)②0 ③负整数-1 -2 -3 -4 …… 2.分数①正分数 ②负分数 有理数1. 正有理数①正整数 (符号)②正分数 2. 0 3. 负有理数①负整数 ②负分数 三、数轴 1. ①原点O ②正方向→③单位长度︼ 2. 正数>0,负数<0,正数>负数。 3. 数轴上的点和数是一一对应的。 4. 数轴的正方向一般向右,越靠近正方向的数越大,相反离正方向越远的数越小。 5. 画数轴时一般要先画横线和正方向,其次画零,再根据题意画单位长度。 四、相反数 1. 只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数。 2. a 的相反数是-a 。0的相反数是0 3. a+b=0 a与b互为相反数 五、绝对值1. 在数轴上表示一个数的点离原点的距离就叫做这个数的绝对值。|a| 2. 一个正数的绝对值是它本身,|a|=a(a>0) 一个负数的绝对值是它的相反数,|a|=-a (a<) 0的绝对值是0 , |a|=0 (a=0) 3. |a|=|b| ①相等a=b ②互为相反数a=-b 4. 绝对值具有非负性|a|≥0 5. |a|+|b|=0 则a=0 b=0 6. 正数>0 负数>0 正数大于负数 两个负数,绝对值大的反而小 六、有理数加减法 1.两数相加,同号取同,绝对值相加。异号取大,绝对值相减。 2.a与b互为相反数。a+b=0 3.a+0=a 4.加法交换律a+b=b+a 加法结合律a+b+c=a+(b+c) 5. ①凑零②凑整③相同符号一起④易通分的一起 6.两数相减,减去一个数,等于加上这个数的相反数。 7. a-b=a+(-b) 8.去括号,按有理数加法法则计算。 七、有理数乘除法1. 两数相乘,同号得正,异号得负,并把绝对值相乘。 2. 两数相除,同号得正,异号得负,并把绝对值相除。


1. 基本概念 (1) 数据库(DB):是一个以一定的组织形式长期存储在计算机内的,有组织的可共享的相关数据概念(2) 数据库管理系统(DBMS);是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件,是数据库系统的核心(3) 数据库系统(DBS);计算机系统中引入数据库后的系统构成(4) 实体;凡是现实世界中存在的可以相互区别开,并可以被我们所识别的事物.概念等对象均可认为是实体(5) 属性;是实体所具有的某些特征,通过属性对实体进行刻画.实体由属性组成(6) 码;唯一标识实体的属性集称为码(7) 域;属性的取值范围称为该属性的域 (8) 实体型;具有相同属性的实体必然具有共同的特征和性质。用实体名和属性名集合来抽象和刻画同类实体,称为实体型。(9) 实体集;同一类型实体的集合。(10) 1 :1联系:如果实体集E1中每个实体至多和实体集E2中的一个实体有联系,反之亦然,那么E1和E2的联系称为“1:1联系”。1:N联系:如果实体集E1中每个实体可以与实体集E2中任意个(零个或多个)实体有联系,而E2中每个实体至多和E1中一个实体有联系,那么E1和E2的联系是“1:N联系”。M:N联系:如果实体集E1中每个实体可以与实体集E2中任意个(零个或多个)实体有联系,反之亦然,那么E1和E2的联系称为“M:N联系”。(11)现实世界(现实世界是指我们要管理的客户存在的各种事物.事物之间的发生.变化过程)、观念世界(信息世界)、数据世界 2.数据管理技术的发展阶段 人工管理阶段(数据不保存,系统没有专用的软件对数据进行管理,数据不共享,数据不具有独立性)、文件系统阶段(数据以文件形式可长期保存下来,文件系统可对数据的存取进行管理,文件组织多样化,程序与数据之间有一定独立性)、数据库系统阶段(数据结构化,数据共享性高,冗余少于且易扩充,数据独立性高,有统一的数据控制功能) 3. 数据库系统的特点 (1) 数据结构化 (2) 共享性高,冗余度低,易扩充 (3) 独立性高 (4) 由DBMS统一管理和控制 4. DBMS的数据控制功能 (1) 数据的安全性保护 (2) 数据的完整性检查 (3) 并发控制 (4) 数据库恢复 5. 数据模型的组成要素 数据结构数据结构是所研究的对象类型的集合,是刻画一个数据模型性质最重要的方 面,是对系统静态特性的描述。 数据操作数据操作是指对数据库中各种对象(型)的实例(值)允许执行的操作的集 合,包括操作及有关的操作规则。是对系统动态特性的描述。 数据的约束条件数据的约束条件是一组完整性规则的集合。完整性规则是给定的数据 模型中数据及其联系所具有的制约和依存规则,以保证数据的正确、有效、相容。 6. 最常用的数据模型 层次、网状、关系、面向对象模型 7. 关系模型 ?关系: 一张表 ?元组: 表中的一行 ?属性: 表中的一列 ?主码: 表中的某个属性组,它可以唯一确定一个元组 ?域: 属性的取值范围 ?分量: 元组中的一个属性值 ?关系模式: 对关系的描述。 表示为:关系名(属性1,属性2,…属性n)


数学分析知识点总结 数学分析是数学中最重要的一门基础课,是几乎所有后继课程的基础,在培养具有良好素养的数学及其应用方面起着特别重要的作用。下面是小编整理的数学分析知识点总结,欢迎来参考! 从近代微积分思想的产生、发展到形成比较系统、成熟的“数学分析”课程大约用了300 年的时间,经过几代杰出数学家的不懈努力,已经形成了严格的理论基础和逻辑体系。回顾数学分析的历史,有以下几个过程。从资料上得知,过去该课程一般分两步:初等微积分与高等微积分。初等微积分主要讲授初等微积分的运算与应用,高等微积分才开始涉及到严格的数学理论,如实数理论、极限、连续等。上世纪50 年代以来学习苏联教材,从而出现了所谓的“大头分析”体系,即用较大的篇幅讲述极限理论,然后把微积分、级数等看成不同类型的极限。这说明了只要真正掌握了极限理论,整个数学分析学起来就快了,而且理论水平比较高。在我国,人们改造“大头分析”的试验不断,大体上都是把极限分成几步完成。我们的做法是:期望在“初高等微积分”和“大头分析”之间,走出一条循序渐进的道路,而整个体系在逻辑上又是完整的。这样我们既能掌握严格的分析理论,又能比较容易、快速的接受理论。 我们都知道,数学对于理学,工学研究是相当重要。在中国科技大学计算机应用硕士培养方案中,必修课:组合数学、算法

设计与分析,高级计算机网络、高级数据库系统,人工智能高级教程现代计算机控制理论与技术。山西大学通信与信息系统硕士培养方案中,专业基础课: (1)矩阵理论 (2)随机过程 (3)信息论与编码 (4)现代数字信号处理 (5)通信网络管理:其中有运筹学内容,属于数学。 (6)模糊逻辑与神经网络是研究非线性的数学。 大连理工大学微电子和固体电子硕士培养方案中,必修课:工程数学,专业基础课:物理、半导体发光材料、半导体激光器件物理西北大学经管学院金融硕士培养方案中,学位课:中级微观经济学(数学)中级宏观经济学中国市场经济研究经济分析方法(数学)经济理论与实践前沿金融理论与实践必须使用数学的研究专业有:理工科几乎所有专业,分子生物学,统计专业,(理论、微观)经济学,逻辑学而这些数学的基础课就有一门叫做数学分析的课程!数学是所有学科的基础,可以说自然学科中的所有的重大发现和成就都离不开数学的贡献,而数学分析是数学中的基础!基础中的基础! 正因为如此,我深刻地认识到基础的重要性。经过本学期,我已学习了极限理论,单变量微积分等知识,其中极限续论是理论要求最高的,积分学是计算要求最高的部分。两者均是我学习


第一册 第一章有理数 代数初步知识 1. 代数式:用运算符号“+-×÷……”连接数及表示数的字母的式子称 为代数式.注意:用字母表示数有一定的限制,首先字母所取得数应保证它所在的式子有意义,其次字母所取得数还应使实际生活或生产有意义;单独一个数或一个字 母也是代数式. 2.列代数式的几个注意事项: (1)数与字母相乘,或字母与字母相乘通常使用“? ”乘,或省略不写; (2)数与数相乘,仍应使用“×”乘,不用“? ”乘,也不能省略乘号; (3)数与字母相乘时,一般在结果中把数写在字母前面,如a×5应写成5a; (4)带分数与字母相乘时,要把带分数改成假分数形式,如a×应写成a; (5)在代数式中出现除法运算时,一般用分数线将被除式和除式联系,如3÷a写 成的形式; (6)a与b的差写作a-b,要注意字母顺序;若只说两数的差,当分别设两数为a、b时,则应分类,写做a-b和b-a . 3.几个重要的代数式:(m、n表示整数) (1)a与b的平方差是:a2-b2 ;a与b差的平方是:(a-b)2 ; (2)若a、b、c是正整数,则两位整数是:10a+b ,则三位整数是:100a+10b+c; (3)若m、n是整数,则被5除商m余n的数是:5m+n ;偶数是:2n ,奇数是:2n+1;三个连续整数是:n-1、n、n+1 ; (4)若b>0,则正数是:a2+b ,负数是:-a2-b ,非负数是:a2 ,非正数是: -a2 . 有理数 1.1正数和负数 以前学过的0以外的数前面加上负号“-”的书叫做负数。 以前学过的0以外的数叫做正数。

数0既不是正数也不是负数,0是正数与负数的分界。 在同一个问题中,分别用正数和负数表示的量具有相反的意义 1.2有理数 1.2.1有理数 正整数、0、负整数统称整数,正分数和负分数统称分数。 整数和分数统称有理数。 1.2.2数轴 规定了原点、正方向、单位长度的直线叫做数轴。 数轴的作用:所有的有理数都可以用数轴上的点来表达。 注意事项:⑴数轴的原点、正方向、单位长度三要素,缺一不可。 ⑵同一根数轴,单位长度不能改变。 一般地,设是一个正数,则数轴上表示a的点在原点的右边,与原点的距离是a个单位长度;表示数-a的点在原点的左边,与原点的距离是a个单位长度。 1.2.3相反数 只有符号不同的两个数叫做互为相反数。 数轴上表示相反数的两个点关于原点对称。 在任意一个数前面添上“-”号,新的数就表示原数的相反数。 1.2.4绝对值 一般地,数轴上表示数a的点与原点的距离叫做数a的绝对值。 一个正数的绝对值是它的本身;一个负数的绝对值是它的相反数;0的绝对值是0。 在数轴上表示有理数,它们从左到右的顺序,就是从小到大的顺序,即左边的数小于右边的数。 比较有理数的大小:⑴正数大于0,0大于负数,正数大于负数。 ⑵两个负数,绝对值大的反而小。 1.3有理数的加减法 1.3.1有理数的加法


第一单元章有理数及其运算 复习目标: 1.能灵活运用数轴上的点来表示有理数,理解相反数、绝对值,并能用数轴比较有理数的大小。 2.能熟练运用有理数的运算法则进行有理数的加、减、乘、除、乘方计算,并能用运算律简化计算。 3.学会用科学记数法来表示较大的数,会根据精确度取近似数,能判断一个近似数是精确到哪一位。 4.能运用有理数及其运算解决实际问题。 基础知识: 1。大于0的数叫做正数,在正数的前面加上一个“—”号就变成负数(负数小于0),0 既不是正数,也不是负数。正数和负数表示的意义相反:例如上升/下降,增加/减少,收入/支出,盈利/亏损,零上/零下,东/西,顺时针/逆时针… 2。整数和分数统称为有理数。整数又分为正整数,0,负整数;分数分为正分数和负分数。 3.规定了原点、正方向、单位长度的直线叫做数轴。任何一个有理数都能在数轴上找到唯一的点来表示(注意:并不是数轴上的每一个点都表示有理数,有一些点表示的是无理数例如π) 4。数轴上两个点表示的数,右边的数的总比左边的数大;正数都大于0,负数都小于0,正数总是大于负数。 5。只有符号不同的两个数互为相反数。一般地,a和-a是一对互为相反数;特殊地,0的相反数是0。互为相反数的两个数绝对值相等(绝对值为a的数有两个:a 和—a)。 6.在数轴上表示一个数的点与原点之间的距离叫做这个数的绝对值;正数的绝对值是它本身;负数的绝对值是它的相反数,0的绝对值是 0 ;(绝对值是一个非负数)。两个负数比较大小,绝对值大的反而小。 7.有理数加法法则:(1)同号两数相加,取加数的符号,并把绝对值相加;(2)异号两数相加:绝对值相等时和为 0 ;绝对值不等时,取绝对值较大的加数的符号,并用大绝对值减去小绝对值;(3)任何一个数同0相加仍得这个数。 8. 有理数的减法法则:减去一个数,等于加上这个数的相反数;(减法其实就是加法.) 9.加减混合运算统一看成是几个数的和的形式(省略加号和括号),根据加法的交换律和结合律进行运算。通常:(1)互为相反数相结合(2)符号相同相结合(3)分母相同的相结合(4)几个数相加得整数的相结合。 10。有理数乘法法则:两数相乘,同号得正,异号得负,并把绝对值相乘;任何数与0相乘积为0。多个数相乘看负因数的个数,偶数个则积为正,奇数个则积为负;并把所有因数的绝对值相乘。 11.两数相除,同号得正,异号得负,并把绝对值相除;0除以任何不为0的数,都得0。 12。乘积为1的两个数互为倒数,除以一个不为0的数等于乘以这个数的倒数;(除法其实就是乘法。)乘除混合运算统一化除为乘,再根据乘法法则进行运算。


第十三章内能 本章知识结构图: 一、分子热运动 1.分子热运动: (1)物质的构成:常见的物质是由极其微小的粒子——分子、原子构成的。无论大小,无论是否是生命体,物质都是由分子、原子等粒子构成。 (2)扩散:不同物质在相互接触时彼此进入对方的现象。比如墨水在水中扩散等等。 a.扩散的物理意义:表明一切物质的分子都在不停地做无规则运动。表明分子之间存在间隙。 b.扩散的特点:无论固体、液体,还是气体,都可以发生扩散。发生扩散时每一个分子都是无规则运动的。 (3)分子的热运动 a.定义:分子永不停息地做无规则运动叫做热运动。无论物体处于什么状态、是什么形状、温度是高还是低都是如此。因此,一切物体在任何情况下都具有内能。 b.影响因素:分子的运动与温度有关,物体温度越高,分子运动越剧烈。 2.分子间的作用力: (1)分子间同时存在着引力和斥力,它们是随着分子间距离的增大而减小,随着分子间距离的减小而增大,但是斥力变化要比引力变化快得多。分子间作用力的特点如图:

(2)固态、液态、气态的微观模型 二、内能 1.内能: (1)定义:构成物体的所有分子,其热运动的动能与分子势能的总和。分子动能:分子由于运动而具有的能,其大小决定于温度高低。分子势能:分子由于存在相互作用力而具有的能,其大小决定于分子间距。单位是焦耳(J)。 (2)一切物体的分子都永不停息地做无规则运动,无论物体处于什么状态、是什么形状、温度是高还是低都是如此。因此,一切物体在任何情况下都具有内能。 (3)同一物体的内能的大小与温度有关,温度越高,具有的内能就越多。但不同物体的内能则不仅以温度的高低为依据来比较。 (4)影响内能大小的因素:分子的个数、分子的质量、热运动的剧烈程度(温度高低)、分子间相对位置。 2.物体内能的改变: (1)改变内能的方法:做功和热传递 做功:两种不同形式的能量通过做功实现转化。 热传递:内能在不同物体间的转移。 (2)热量: a.定义:在热传递过程中,传递能量的多少叫做热量。 b.单位:焦耳(J)。


高二生物减数分裂知识点 一、减数分裂得概念 1、范围:凡就是进行有性生殖得生物; 2、时期:在从原始得生殖细胞发展到成熟得生殖细胞得过程中; 3、特点:细胞连续分裂两次,而染色体只复制一次; 4、结果:新产生得生殖细胞中得染色体数目比原始生殖细胞中得数目减少了一半。 (注:原始生殖细胞既可进行有丝分裂,又可进行减数分裂) 二、减数分裂得一般过程(动物) 分裂间期:染色体复制 前期Ⅰ:联会、四分体(非姐妹染色单体交叉、互换) 减数第一次分裂(Ⅰ)中期Ⅰ:四分体排在赤道板上 减后期Ⅰ:同源染色体分离(非同源染色体自由组合) 数末期Ⅰ:染色体、DNA数目减半 分间期Ⅱ:短暂,遗传物质不复制 裂前期Ⅱ:(对二倍体生物而言,已无同源染色体) 减数第二次分裂(Ⅱ) 中期Ⅱ:着丝点排在赤道板上 后期Ⅱ:着丝点断裂,姐妹染色单体分开 末期Ⅱ:DNA数目再减半 三、精子得形成过程 四、卵细胞得形成过程 五、精子、卵细胞产生过程得异同: 1、相同点:①都就是性细胞(配子)②都经减数分裂产生 2、不同点:①卵原细胞两次分裂为不均质分裂(极体均质),精原细胞得分裂为均质分裂; ②1个卵原细胞产生1个卵细胞,1个精原细胞产生4个精子; ③精子得形成需变形,卵细胞得形成不变形。 六、配子种类(只考虑非同源染色体得自由组合,不考虑交换) (1)可能产生精子得种类:2n种 1个精原细胞(2)实际产生精子得种类:2种 (含n对同源染色体)(同一个次级精母细胞产生得两个精子就是相同得) 1个雄性个体(含n对同源染色体)产生精子得种类:2n种 (1)可能产生卵细胞得种类:2n种 1个卵原细胞(2)实际产生精子得种类:1种 (含n对同源染色体)(1个卵原细胞只能产生一个卵细胞) 1个雌性个体(含n对同源染色体)产生卵细胞得种类:2n种 七、减数分裂中染色体、DNA数目变化曲线图 八、通过图像、曲线判断分裂方式、所处时期——三瞧识别法(二倍体生物) 九、同源染色体得特点、判断程序 1、特点:①来源:一条来自父方,一条来自母方 ②形态、大小一般相同 ③行为:减数分裂过程中一定两两配对(即联会) 2、判断程序


杭州拱墅区初一数学函数知识点强化辅导_初一数 学重点难点总结 初中数学是一个整体。初二的难点比较多,初三的考点比较多。如果在初一阶段不能很好的解决,在初二的两极分化阶段,同学们可能就会出现成绩的滑坡。相反,如果能够打好初一数学基础,初二的学习只会是知识点上的增多和难度的增加,在学习方法上同学们是很容易适应的。 杭州口碑比较好的课外辅导机构咨询电话(即日起拨打400免费热线电话有免费试听课,400询电话使用方法:先拨前10位总机号,听到提示音后再拨后几位分机号即可咨询详情): 杭州学大教育-免费咨询电话:400-0066-911转分机10811 【拱墅区】文一校区、拱宸桥校区 杭州精锐教育-免费咨询电话:400-0066-911转分机12339【拱墅区】湖墅路学习中心 杭州纳思教育-免费咨询电话:400-0066-911转分机15048 【拱墅区】湖墅锦绣校区 【招生对象】小学一年级—高三学员 【热门课程】数学、语文、英语、物理、化学、生物、历史、政治、地理、奥数作文阅读 以上的是各个学校的免费咨询电话,课程费用因年级不同、科目不同收费不同,家长如需给孩子提高学习成绩可直接拨打上面400免费电话咨询。 免费预约试听电话:400-0066-911转分机10811

温馨提示:400免费咨询电话使用方法--先拨打前十位,听到语音 提示“请输入分机号码”后按“转分机”后的几位分机号即可。您 可以咨询最近校区、价格、师资等情况! 浏览十个广告,不如一个400免费咨询电话了解快! 那怎样才能打好初一的数学基础呢?(1)细心地发掘概念和公式很多同学对概念和公式不够重视,这类问题反映在三个方面:一是, 对概念的理解只是停留在文字表面,对概念的特殊情况重视不够。 例如,在代数式的概念(用字母或数字表示的式子是代数式)中,很 多同学忽略了"单个字母或数字也是代数式"。二是,对概念和公式 一味的死记硬背,缺乏与实际题目的联系。这样就不能很好的将学 到的知识点与解题联系起来。三是,一部分同学不重视对数学公式 的记忆。记忆是理解的基础。如果你不能将公式烂熟于心,又怎能 够在题目中熟练应用呢?建议:更细心一点(观察特例),更深入一点(了解它在题目中的常见考点),更熟练一点(无论它以什么面目出现,我们都能够应用自如)。(2)总结相似的类型题目这个工作,不仅仅 是老师的事,我们的同学要学会自己做。当你会总结题目,对所做 的题目会分类,知道自己能够解决哪些题型,掌握了哪些常见的解 题方法,还有哪些类型题不会做时,你才真正的掌握了这门学科的 窍门,才能真正的做到"任它千变万化,我自岿然不动"。这个问题 如果解决不好,在进入初二、初三以后,同学们会发现,有一部分 同学天天做题,可成绩不升反降。其原因就是,他们天天都在做重 复的工作,很多相似的题目反复做,需要解决的问题却不能专心攻克。久而久之,不会的题目还是不会,会做的题目也因为缺乏对数 学的整体把握,弄的一团糟。建议:"总结归纳"是将题目越做越少 的比较好办法。(3)收集自己的典型错误和不会的题目同学们比较难 面对的,就是自己的错误和困难。但这恰恰又是比较需要解决的问题。同学们做题目,有两个重要的目的:一是,将所学的知识点和 技巧,在实际的题目中演练。另外一个就是,找出自己的不足,然 后弥补它。这个不足,也包括两个方面,容易犯的错误和完全不会 的内容。但现实情况是,同学们只追求做题的数量,草草的应付作 业了事,而不追求解决出现的问题,更谈不上收集错误。我们之所 以建议大家收集自己的典型错误和不会的题目,是因为,一旦你做


教材结构 第一章信息化基础知识 1、信息化基础知识 2、电子政务 3、企业信息化 4、商业智能 第二章信息系统服务管理 1、信息系统服务管理体系 2、信息系统集成资质管理 3、信息系统工程监理 4、ITIL与IT服务管理、信息系统审计 第三章信息系统集成专业技术知识 1、信息系统集成简述 2、信息系统建设 3、软件工程 4、面向对象系统分析与设计 5、软件架构 6、典型应用集成技术 7、计算机网络知识 第四章项目管理一般知识 1、什么是项目 2、项目的组织方式 3、项目生命周期 4、典型的信息系统项目的生命周期模型 5、单个项目的管理过程 6、项目管理高级话题 第五章立项管理 1、立项管理内容 2、建设方的立项管理 3、承建方的立项管理 4、签订合同 第六章项目整体管理 1、项目整体管理的主要活动和流程 2、项目启动 3、编制项目范围说明书(初步)

4、制定项目管理计划 5、指导和管理项目执行 6、监督和控制项目 7、整体变更控制 8、项目收尾 第七章项目范围管理 1、产品范围与项目范围 2、编制范围管理计划 3、范围定义 4、创建工作分解结构 5、范围确认 6、范围控制 第八章项目进度管理 1、项目进度管理概述 2、活动定义 3、活动排序 4、活动资源估算 5、活动历时估算 6、制定进度计划 7、项目进度控制 第九章项目成本管理 1、项目成本管理概述 2、制定项目成本管理计划 3、项目成本估算 4、项目成本预算 5、项目成本控制 第十章项目质量管理 1、质量管理基础 2、制定项目质量计划 3、项目质量保证 4、项目质量控制 第十一章项目人力资源管理 1、项目人力资源管理的定义及有关概念 2、项目人力资源计划编制 3、项目团队组织建设 4、项目团队管理


高二生物减数分裂知识点 一、减数分裂的概念 1、范围:凡是进行有性生殖的生物; 2、时期:在从原始的生殖细胞发展到成熟的生殖细胞的过程中; 3、特点:细胞连续分裂两次,而染色体只复制一次; 4、结果:新产生的生殖细胞中的染色体数目比原始生殖细胞中的数目减少了一半。(注:原始生殖细胞既可进行有丝分裂,又可进行减数分裂) 二、减数分裂的一般过程(动物) 分裂间期:染色体复制 前期Ⅰ:联会、四分体(非姐妹染色单体交叉、互换)减数第一次分裂(Ⅰ)中期Ⅰ:四分体排在赤道板上 减后期Ⅰ:同源染色体分离(非同源染色体自由组合)数末期Ⅰ:染色体、DNA数目减半 分间期Ⅱ:短暂,遗传物质不复制 裂前期Ⅱ:(对二倍体生物而言,已无同源染色体)减数第二次分裂(Ⅱ)中期Ⅱ:着丝点排在赤道板上 后期Ⅱ:着丝点断裂,姐妹染色单体分开 末期Ⅱ:DNA数目再减半 三、精子的形成过程 四、卵细胞的形成过程

五、精子、卵细胞产生过程的异同: 1、相同点:①都是性细胞(配子)②都经减数分裂产生 2、不同点:①卵原细胞两次分裂为不均质分裂(极体均质),精原细胞的分裂为均质分裂; ②1个卵原细胞产生1个卵细胞,1个精原细胞产生4个精子; ③精子的形成需变形,卵细胞的形成不变形。 六、配子种类(只考虑非同源染色体的自由组合,不考虑交换) (1)可能产生精子的种类:2n种 1个精原细胞(2)实际产生精子的种类:2种 (含n对同源染色体)(同一个次级精母细胞产生的两个精子是相同的)1个雄性个体(含n对同源染色体)产生精子的种类:2n种 (1)可能产生卵细胞的种类:2n种 1个卵原细胞(2)实际产生精子的种类:1种 (含n对同源染色体)(1个卵原细胞只能产生一个卵细胞) 1个雌性个体(含n对同源染色体)产生卵细胞的种类:2n种 七、减数分裂中染色体、DNA数目变化曲线图 八、通过图像、曲线判断分裂方式、所处时期——三看识别法(二倍体生物) 九、同源染色体的特点、判断程序 1、特点:①来源:一条来自父方,一条来自母方 ②形态、大小一般相同 ③行为:减数分裂过程中一定两两配对(即联会) 2、判断程序


中考数学知识点 知识点1:一元二次方程的基本概念 1.一元二次方程3x 2+5x-2=0的常数项是-2. 2.一元二次方程3x 2+4x-2=0的一次项系数为4,常数项是-2. 3.一元二次方程3x 2-5x-7=0的二次项系数为3,常数项是-7. 4.把方程3x(x-1)-2=-4x 化为一般式为3x 2-x-2=0. 知识点2:直角坐标系与点的位置 1.直角坐标系中,点A (3,0)在y 轴上。 2.直角坐标系中,x 轴上的任意点的横坐标为0. 3.直角坐标系中,点A (1,1)在第一象限. 4.直角坐标系中,点A (-2,3)在第四象限. 5.直角坐标系中,点A (-2,1)在第二象限. 知识点3:已知自变量的值求函数值 1.当x=2时,函数y=32-x 的值为 1. 2.当x=3时,函数y= 2 1-x 的值为1. 3.当x=-1时,函数y= 3 21-x 的值为1. 知识点4:基本函数的概念及性质 1.函数y=-8x 是一次函数. 2.函数y=4x+1是正比例函数. 3.函数x y 2 1-=是反比例函数. 4.抛物线y=-3(x-2)2-5的开口向下. 5.抛物线y=4(x-3)2-10的对称轴是x=3.

(1,2). 6.抛物线 2)1(2 1 2+-= x y 的顶点坐标是7.反比例函数x y 2=的图象在第一、三象限. 知识点5:数据的平均数中位数与众数 1.数据13,10,12,8,7的平均数是10. 2.数据3,4,2,4,4的众数是4. 3.数据1,2,3,4,5的中位数是3. 知识点6:特殊三角函数值 1.cos30°= 2 3. 2.sin 260°+ cos 260°= 1. 3.2sin30°+ tan45°= 2. 4.tan45°= 1. 5.cos60°+ sin30°= 1. 知识点7:圆的基本性质 1.半圆或直径所对的圆周角是直角. 2.任意一个三角形一定有一个外接圆. 3.在同一平面内,到定点的距离等于定长的点的轨迹,是以定点为圆心,定长为半径的圆. 4.在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相等. 5.同弧所对的圆周角等于圆心角的一半. 6.同圆或等圆的半径相等. 7.过三个点一定可以作一个圆. 8.长度相等的两条弧是等弧.


高一数学必修1第一章知识点总结 一、集合有关概念 1.集合的含义 2.集合的中元素的三个特性: (1)元素的确定性, (2)元素的互异性, (3)元素的无序性, 3.集合的表示:{ …} 如:{我校的篮球队员},{太平洋,大西洋,印 度洋,北冰洋} (1)用拉丁字母表示集合:A={我校的篮球队员},B={1,2,3,4,5} (2)集合的表示方法:列举法与描述法。 注意:常用数集及其记法: 非负整数集(即自然数集)记作:N 正整数集N*或N+ 整数集Z 有理数集Q 实数集R 1)列举法:{a,b,c……} 2)描述法:将集合中的元素的公共属性描述出来,写在大括号内表示集合的方法。{x∈R| x-3>2} ,{x| x-3>2} 3)语言描述法:例:{不是直角三角形的三角形} 4)Venn图: 4、集合的分类: (1)有限集含有有限个元素的集合 (2)无限集含有无限个元素的集合 (3)空集不含任何元素的集合例:{x|x2=-5} 二、集合间的基本关系 1.“包含”关系—子集 A?有两种可能(1)A是B的一部分,;(2)A与B是注意:B 同一集合。 反之: 集合A不包含于集合B,或集合B不包含集合A,记作A?/B或B?/A 2.“相等”关系:A=B(5≥5,且5≤5,则5=5) 实例:设A={x|x2-1=0} B={-1,1} “元素相同则两集合相等”即:①任何一个集合是它本身的子集。A?A ②真子集:如果A?B,且A≠B那就说集合A是集合B的真子集,记

作A B(或B A) ③如果A?B, B?C ,那么A?C ④如果A?B 同时B?A 那么A=B 3. 不含任何元素的集合叫做空集,记为Φ 规定: 空集是任何集合的子集,空集是任何非空集合的真子集。 有n个元素的集合,含有2n个子集,2n-1个真子集 运算 类型 交集并集补集 定义由所有属于A且属 于B的元素所组成 的集合,叫做A,B的 交集.记作A B (读作‘A交B’), 即A B={x|x∈A, 且x∈B}. 由所有属于集合A或 属于集合B的元素所 组成的集合,叫做A,B 的并集.记作:A B (读作‘A并B’), 即A B ={x|x∈A, 或x∈B}). 设S是一个集合,A是 S的一个子集,由S中 所有不属于A的元素 组成的集合,叫做S中 子集A的补集(或余 集) 记作A C S ,即 C S A=} , |{A x S x x? ∈且 韦恩图示A B 图1 A B 图2 S A


《圆》章节知识点 一、圆的概念 1.平面内到定点的距离等于定长的所有点组成的图形叫做圆。其中,定点称为圆心,定长称为半径,以点O为圆心的圆记作“O”,读作“圆O”。 2.确定圆的基本条件:(1)、圆心:定位置,具有唯一性,(2)、半径:定大小。 3.半径相等的两个圆叫做等圆,两个等圆能够完全重合。 4.①连接圆上任意两点的线段叫做弦,经过圆心的弦叫做直径,②圆上任意两点间的部分叫做圆弧,简称弧,弧用符号“?”表示,圆的任意一条直径的两个端点分圆成为两条等弧,每一条弧都叫做半圆,大于半圆的弧称为优弧,小于半圆的弧称为劣弧。③在同圆或等圆中,能过重合的两条弧叫做等弧。理解:弧在圆上,弦在圆及圆上:弧为曲线形,弦为直线形。 5.不在同一直线上的三个点确定一个圆且唯一一个。 6.①三角形的三个顶点确定一个圆,经过三角形各顶点的圆叫做三角形的外接圆,外接圆的圆心是三角形三边垂直平分线的交点,叫做三角形的外心,这个三角形叫做这个圆的内接三角形。②与三角形三边都相切的圆叫做这个三角形的内切圆,内切圆的圆心是三角形三条角平分线的交点,叫做三角形的内心。三角形的内切圆是三角形内面积最大的圆,圆心是三个角的角平分线的交点,他到三条边的距离相等:内心到三顶点的连线平分这三个角。 (补充)圆的集合概念 1、圆可以看作是到定点的距离等于定长的点的集合; 2、圆的外部:可以看作是到定点的距离大于定长的点的集合; 3、圆的内部:可以看作是到定点的距离小于定长的点的集合 轨迹形式的概念: 1、圆:到定点的距离等于定长的点的轨迹就是以定点为圆心,定长为半径的圆; 2、垂直平分线:到线段两端距离相等的点的轨迹是这条线段的垂直平分线(也叫 中垂线); 3、角的平分线:到角两边距离相等的点的轨迹是这个角的平分线; 4、到直线的距离相等的点的轨迹是:平行于这条直线且到这条直线的距离等于定 长的两条直线; 5、到两条平行线距离相等的点的轨迹是:平行于这两条平行线且到两条直线距离 都相等的一条直线。
