Chapter 4_4


汉英比较与翻译chapter 4

汉英比较与翻译chapter 4
如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的、花儿般的魅力, 也失掉了她脸儿和身段的那种玉洁冰清、苗条多姿的 气质和那苹果花似的颜色——二十六年前这种花容月 貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过艾舍斯特——那么在四 十三岁的今天,她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过 两颊淡淡地有点儿斑驳,而灰蓝色的眼睛也有了岁月 的沉淀。
English: right-extending heavy-tailed like a peacock
This is the cat. This is the cat that killed the rat. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt(麦芽). This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that was built by Jack. …
英语国家沿袭了古代希腊人非常严格和规 范的语词系统。古代希腊人认为,语词系统 与思维系统是相一致的,要表达一个清晰合 理的思想就离不开清晰合理的词形和句法。 而在一个毫无条理的陈述结构中,思想肯定 也是杂乱无章的,而杂乱无章的思想是没有 意义的。英语形合的特征正是在这样一种 背景之下形成的。
与之相反,中国人重直觉,强调意念流, 只要能够达意,词的形式是无关紧要的, 词语之间的关系常在不言中,语法意义 和逻辑关系常隐藏在字里行间。正所 谓‚子曰:辞,达而已矣‛(《论语.卫灵 公》)。(The master said, in official speeches, all that matters is to get one’s meaning through.)





接下来他会怎么做呢?他会不会成功呢?Chapter4Aladdin s love第四章阿拉丁的爱情Judith DeanScene1Meeting the princess遇见公主Five years later,Aladdin had a shop in the market and three market sellers worked for him.The sellers liked Aladdin because he was good to them.The market children liked Aladdin too,because he gave them money when he walked past. Everybody liked Aladdin. Aladdin s mother never called her son a good⁃for⁃nothing now.They had a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things.But only Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee.One day Aladdin heard a noise in the street and stopped to listen.“The Sultan s daughter is coming,”he heard.“Princess Badr⁃al⁃Budur is coming!”Six slaves carried the princess th⁃rough the streets in a litter(轿),and the people stopped to watch.“Princess!Prin⁃cess Badr⁃al⁃Budur!”they called. Aladdin watched when the litter came past him,and he saw the princess s face. She was beautiful,with big dark eyes—the most beautiful woman in Arabia.The litter went past Aladdin,but for some minutes he did not move.Then he ran home.“Mother!Mother!I saw the Sultan s daughter,Princess Badr⁃al⁃Budur,in the street.”Aladdin s face was white.“I must have the princess for my wife!”“But,Aladdin...”his mother began.“No‘buts’,Mother.I love the prin⁃cess and I want to marry her.Go to the Sul⁃tan and ask for me.”“Me?Go to the Sultan s palace?No, no,no,”Aladdin s mother said.“Listen,my son.The daughters of a Sultan do not marry poor boys from the city.”“But we are not poor now,Mother. And we can give the Sultan something for his daughter.Wait.”Aladdin went away and got the fruit from the magic garden under the ground. At that time,of course,he knew it was not fruit,but white,red,green,and yellow jew⁃els.“Take these jewels,Mother,on a gold plate,”he said,“and give them to the Sul⁃tan.”Scene2Journey to the palace王宫之行So the next day Aladdin s mother car⁃ried a gold plate with many beautiful jew⁃els on it to the Sultan s palace.She went into a long room,but when she saw the Sul⁃tan,his vizier(大臣),and all his slaves, she was very afraid.So she waited quietly in the room and spoke to nobody.In the evening,she went back home again with the jewels.Aladdin was very angry with her.“Mother,you must speak to the Sul⁃tan,”he said.“I have no father to do this for me.You must help me—I must marry the princess.I love her!”So the next day,and for many days af⁃ter that,Aladdin s mother went to the pal⁃ace,but she was always afraid to speak.In the end,the Sultan saw her and asked his vizier,“Who is that woman?Why does she come to the palace every day?”The vizier spoke to Aladdin s mother,“Do you want to speak to the Sultan?Yes?Come with me.”The vizier took Aladdin s mother to the Sultan,and she put her head on the ground at his feet.“Get up,woman.Why do you come here every day?”the Sultan asked.“Speak, woman.”“Your Majesty,”Aladdin s mother said quietly,“I have a son,a good young man. He is called Aladdin.He loves your daugh⁃ter,Princess Badr⁃al⁃Budur.He cannot sl⁃eep or eat because of her.He wants to marry her.”The Sultan laughed.“What?Marry my daughter?Your son?”“Your Majesty,these jewels are for you,from my son Aladdin.”And Aladdin s mother put the gold plate with the jewels in front of the Sultan s feet. Everybody looked at the jewels,and the long room was suddenly very quiet. Then the Sultan spoke.“These are very beautiful jewels,”he said.“No man in Arabia has jewels more wonderful than these.Your son is a rich man—a good husband for my daughter.”Scene3Help from the magic lamp来自神灯的帮助The vizier did not like to hear this,be⁃cause he wanted the princess to marry hisson.“Your Majesty,”he said quietly in the Sultan s ear,“my son is a rich man,too. Give him three months,and he can find better jewels than these.”“Very well,”said the Sultan.And to Aladdin s mother he said,“Your son must wait for three months,and then perhaps he can marry my daughter.”Aladdin s mother went home to tell Ala⁃ddin,and the vizier went away to speak to his son.And every day,for two months,the vizier s son came to the Sultan and gave him gold,jewels,and many beautiful things. For two months Aladdin waited hap⁃pily,but one day his mother came home from the market and said,“Oh,Aladdin! Aladdin!The princess is going to marry the vizier s son!I heard it in the market. Everybody s talking about it.”When Aladdin heard this,he was very unhappy.“What can I do?”he thought.He put his head in his hands and thought for a long time.And when night came,he took out the magic lamp and rubbed it... WHOOSH!“What is your wish,mas⁃ter?”said the jinnee of the lamp.“Bring Princess Badr⁃al⁃Budur to me,”said Aladdin.“To hear is to obey.”In a second the jinnee was back with the princess asleep in his arms.He put her carefully on a bed,and then the princess opened her eyes and saw Aladdin.“Who are you?”she asked,afraid.Aladdin took her hand and looked into her eyes.“My name is Aladdin,and I love you,”he answered.“I cannot live without you,and I want to marry you.”Badr⁃al⁃Budur saw the love in his eyes,and smiled.She closed her eyes again,then the jinnee carried her back to the Sultan s pal⁃ace.The next morning she remembered Aladdin s eyes.“There is no love in the eyes of the vizier s son,”she thought.“He thinks only of gold and of jewels.”So the princess went to her father.“I do not want to marry the vizier s son,”she said.“I want Aladdin for my hus⁃band.”Scene4Aladdin s wish came true阿拉丁愿望成真The Sultan was very surprised.“What can we do?”he said to his vizier.“My daughter wants to marry this man Aladdin. He is a rich man;it is true—but who is he?”“Ask him,”said the vizier quickly,“for more of those beautiful jewels,on forty gold plates.And forty slave⁃girls,withfortyslaves.Nobody is that rich.”“Very good,”smiled the Sultan,and said to his slaves,“Bring Aladdin s mother to me.”When Aladdin s mother arrived,the Sultan said,“So!Your son wants to marry my daughter.But first he must give me forty gold plates with jewels.Forty slave⁃girls,with forty slaves,must carry the plates to me.Then my daughter can be his wife.”Aladdin s mother went home and told her son,and Aladdin smiled.This was easy for the jinnee of the lamp,of course,and the next day,when Aladdin went to the pal⁃ace,everybody in the city came out to watch.First came forty slave⁃girls in dresses of gold,and every girl carried a gold plate with wonderful jewels on it.After them walked forty slaves in coats of gold.And last came Aladdin,on a beautiful white horse.“What do you say now?”the Sultan said quietly to the vizier,when he saw all these wonderful things.“Aladdin must marry my daughter.How can I say no?”And the Sultan went to Aladdin and took his hands.“My son,”he said,“you can marry my daughter tonight.”“Tomorrow,Your Majesty,”said Ala⁃ddin.“Because before I marry your daugh⁃ter,she must have a palace—the most beautiful palace in Arabia.”The jinnee of the lamp worked all night,and the next morning the Sultan saw from his window a beautiful new palace, with gardens of fruit trees and flowers.“Wonderful!”he said.“Black magic!”said the vizier quietly. That night Aladdin married Badr⁃al⁃Budur and they lived happily in the new palace.ReadingCheck1.Which sentence describes the appear⁃ance of the princess in Scene1?2.Why did Aladdin s mother go to the Sul⁃tan s palace?3.What did the jinnee of the lamp do in Scene3?4.What s the Sultan s final condition for marrying his daughter toAladdin?。


河南大学外语学院 马应聪
Adverbs are words that describe or add to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence, and which answers the questions introduced by how, where, when, etc. carefully, slowly, then, now Prepositions are words used with nouns in phrases providing information about time, place and other connections involving actions and things.
河南大学外语学院 马应聪
Syntactic rules
(1) a. The hunter fears the cries of the blackbirds. b. The blackbirds fear the cries of the hunter. (2) a. Jack looked up the word. b. Jack looked the word up. (3) *Cries fear the the of hunter blackbirds the. Conclusion: The structure of sentence such as word order can change the meaning. Every sentence is a sequence of words but not every sequence of words is a sentence. Sentence formation has rules, so that we have well/ill formed or (un)grammatical sentences.

中国文化概况 chapter 4

中国文化概况 chapter 4
round, neat, strong, and pointed. The goat hair is soft, suitable for the writing of big characters, while the wolf hair is hard, suitable for the writing of small ones.
How do you understand Chinese calligraphy?
Chinese calligraphy is also called the art of lines.
Calligraphy’s purpose is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate man’s spiritual beauty. It stresses the overall layout and harmony between words and lines.
The Seal Form (篆书)
Soft lines of strokes and upright rectangular shape keep the seal form characters more close to pictography (象形文字).
Each of the characters has a balanced and symmetrical (对称的) pattern.
The Chinese saying “The handwriting reveals the person” (字如其人), is directly related to calligraphy.
Strokes (笔画) of Chinese Characters


Chinese Version
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
English Version
yellow streak
table a plan place a book thumb a lift
motel parliament Thanksgiving

LIKE HUMBOLDT SAID: “The differences in languages are not differences in sounds and signs but differences in world views.”
Zumu (nainai) Wai zumu Grandmother? I played with my girl friend yesterday (?) ANIMALS: As strong as a horse / ox As proud as a peacock As regal as a lion As blind as a bat As wise as an owl Lucky dog
大学英语 跨文化交际
Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers



Chapter 4 Some Days; Never a dull
1、教材地位分析:(Analysis of teaching material) 本课时的学习任务是牛津初中二年级第四单元的阅
读部分,从整个初中牛津英语教材来看,它有代词 的用法和it做形式宾语的用法。这两个知识点都是要 求初中学生所应掌握的。而且从本单元来看,处于 第一课时,为后面的写作任务打下伏笔;从学习内 容来看,它属于一种诗歌形式,对于学生来说,诗 歌是他们第一次接触到,会使他们感兴趣。但不见 得当堂能写,要从本节课起培养他们的情感表达能 力。
2、学பைடு நூலகம்分析:(Analysis of students)
本学习任务的学习者是初中二年级的学生。随着课业的增多, 任务的繁重,他们的心理处于极不稳定的时期,处于典型的 少年转型期,渐渐开始理性的思考问题,同时又没有完全脱 离孩时的童真,他们时而感觉无聊,一切都没有意思,他们 乐于与同龄人交往,在真实语境中愿意表达自己的观点,多 媒体的运用,会激发他们对英语学习的兴趣。
【教学目标】:(Teaching Aim)
知识目标:(The knowledge objective) Important words:speaker,racket,stone deaf,screamer,recite, Din bite,lively,uninteresting. Important patterns:I find it﹍﹍. Keep shouting . There be 名型
; 优可生活 ;

chapter 4知识点总结

chapter 4知识点总结

Chapter 4V ocabulary1. 1 behave-behaviour--- behavioural ( adj.) --- behaviourally (adv.)behaviourism ―行为主义‖—behaviourist ―行为主义者‖2 hurt v. hurt hurt (injure 同义词)3 bully v. --- bullying n.欺凌弱小者;土霸4 violent adj.-violently adv. – violence n.5 help-helpful adj. – unhelpful adj. – helpless adj.6 education- educational (adj.)—educatoreducator ―教师,教育工作者‖ education alist ―教育家―7 medical- medicine n.8 advise v. – advice n.adviser ―顾问‖suggest—suggestion9 conclusion n. – conclude v. concluding (adj.) ―结束的‖10 formal-informal (非正式的) --formally11 communicate v. – communication n.12 accident n.- accidentally adv.13 complain v. – complaint n.14.error – mistake(同义词) mistaken err v.15. counsel v.— counselor16. far—farther / further –farthest / furthest17.persude--persuas ion n. 说服力18.courage (n.) ―勇气‖ courage ous (adj.)―勇敢的;无畏的‖courageously (adv.) ―勇敢地;无畏地‖courageousness (n.)―勇敢;无畏‖dis courage vt.―使气馁; 使沮丧19expect—expected ---unexpected (adj.) ―没有料想到的‖unexpectedly (adv.)20. suffer ( vi.)―受痛苦‖;(vt)―.忍受,‖suffering (n.)―身体或心灵的痛苦, 苦难‖21. guilt( n.)―有罪‖-- guilty ( adj.) ―有罪的‖guiltless (adj.) ―无罪的,‖(= innocent)Phrases1. bad behaviour 不好的行为2. a checkout assistant 收银员3. by accident 意外地,偶然地4. at play 在玩耍5. leave for 前往…6. too… to太…以至于不能…7. feel guilty 有负罪感8. take the underground 坐地铁9. violent behaviour 暴力行为10. pay for 付款11. by mistake 错误地12. in the future 将来13. not… at all一点也不14. be afraid of 害怕…15. search for 寻找16. make an appointment 约会17. be responsible for 为…负责18. share with 与…分享19. belong to 属于20. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事21. persuade sb to do sth / persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事22. advise sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做…… / advise doing sth.23. wait one’s turn 等轮到某人24. apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉/ make an apolpgy to ….25. respond to 响应……26 . none of one’s business 不关某人的事27. if necessary 如有必要的话28. be in trouble 处于困境中29. be careful with 认真,仔细30. in the case of 在…….的情况下31. in this situation 在这种情况下32. be questioned 被审问、询问Paraphrases1.The tree is too tall for the cat to climb.It is such a tall tree that the cat can’t clim b it.2.What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?3.Read more, and you will improve your English.If you read more, you will do better in your English.4.I spent two hours writing the article yesterday.It took me two hours to write the article yesterday.5.It is so hot today.It is such a hot day today.How hot today is!What a hot day (it is today)!6. I don't know what I should do next.I don’t know what to do next.7. What about going to the cinema tonight?How about going to the cinema tonight?Why not go to the cinema tonight?What do you think of going to the cinema tonight?8.Because she was rude,I made the decision to keep the money.She was rude, so I decided to keep the money.I decided to keep the money because of her rudeness.9.The young boy is traveling alone .The young boy is travelling on his own.The young boy is traveling by himself.10.She was so busy complaining that she gave me an extra 20-yuan note in my change.She was busy complaining so that she gave me an extra 20-yuan note in my change. 11.You all seem to be good friends.It seems (that) you are all good friends.12.I found the key accidentally when I was cleaning the room.I found the key by accident / by chance when cleaning the room.13.I managed to save him.I succeeded in saving him. / I saved him successfully.14.I took the underground home yesterday evening.I went home by underground yesterday evening.15. It is a piece of cake for Tom to finish the work on timeIt is very easy for Tom to finish the work on time.16. Beijing is located in the north of China.Beijing lies in the north of China./ Beijing is in the north of China.。

英语读译教程 chapter4

英语读译教程 chapter4

主语his name, 显得新颖独特。
例2. 他想起母亲,才鼓足勇气继续干下去。
Only the thought of his mother gave him

the strength to go on doing it. 原句中的主语“他”,在译文中由抽象名词 thought取代。 4.3.2 使用无主句或主语省略句 例1. 用这种方法去办,听起来有道理。 It sounds very reasonable to do it this way.
例6. there appeared ship after ship.
例7. there occurred sudden revolution. 突然爆发了革命。 例8. there happened at this time, a sad
disagreement. 这时候发生了可悲的分歧。 例9. there sprang from the audience a cry of indignation.
例1. something was said here just now
which should not have been said. 刚才有人在这里讲了一些不该讲的话。 例2. why should the troubles be always put to me? 为什么总把麻烦推给我呢?
例3. the traffic regulation ought to be
பைடு நூலகம்
obeyed by everyone. 人人都应该遵守交通规则。 例1. 我一时想不起他的名字。 His name escapes me for the moment. 原句中的用灵主语“我”在英译时转为无灵

chapter 4 语篇翻译

chapter 4 语篇翻译

例 1 . 近代的上海,十里 洋场, // 自开埠(读 “布”)以来,固然有许 多辛酸的不平等的血泪史, 固然有许多污泥浊水,这 里被成为是“冒险家的乐 园”, // 这里有鸦片,有 荡妇,有赌棍, // 使人纸 醉金迷,乃至使人堕落。 // 可是,上海这座现代大城 市却更有它的另一面, // 它有活力、它聪慧、革新、 进取, // 它敢于担风险, 有竞争意识及机制 (?!), // 这种城市意 识(?!)或风格,使人 奋发,跟上时代,走向进 步。

(2) (试译,仅供参考) Shanghai in modern times was a metropolis crowded with foreign adventurers .// After the port city opened up , it witnessed a history of blood and tears filled with bitterness, inequality, filth and mire, well-known as the “Paradise of Adventurers” for its rampant opium, harlots and gamesters, which induced people to indulge in luxury and even degeneracy. //There was, however, another facet to modern Shanghai noted for its vigor, intelligence, creations and enterprise with a spirit ready for running risks, which formed an awareness of its own and the mechanism of competition. //The city, with this awareness or style, inspired its people to keep up with the times and make progress.

精心整理全套英语专业语言学课程课件,期末考试必备Chapter 4

精心整理全套英语专业语言学课程课件,期末考试必备Chapter 4

1.2 Relation of Substitutability

The ______ smiles.
man student policeman boy girl …..

The Relation of Substitutability refers to classes or sets of words substitutable for each other grammatically in sentences with the same structure.
smiles. yesterday. last week. the day before.

He went there

This is also called Associative Relations by Saussure, and Paradigmatic Relations by Hjemslev.
IC Analysis
Tree diagram
NP Det N V
The girl ate the apple
N=noun A=adjective V=verb P=preposition Det=determiner Adv=adverb Conj=conjunction
2. Grammatical construction and its constituents Syntactic studies from the different viewpoints of the three linguistic schools:

商务英语阅读Chapter 4

商务英语阅读Chapter 4

Text A Product and packages
Text A Product and packages

Maturity Phase
At maturity, the strong growth in sales diminishes. Competition may appear with similar products. The primary objective at this point is to maintain market share and extend the product life cycle as much as possible
Text A Product and packages
complex n. group of connected or similar things 相联或相似的综合事物
e.g. a big industrial complex, ie a site with factories, etc 大型工业联合体(建有工厂等的场地) a sports/leisure complex, ie a set of buildings or facilities for sports/leisure 运动的[娱乐的]综合场所
Text A Product and packages
Text A Product and packages

Growth Phase
The firm seeks to build brand preference and increase market share

• •
sales grow and new competitors enter the market additional demand price competition and additional costs and packages


4.1 ARM处理器寻址方式
• 寻址方式分类——寄存器移位寻址
寄存器移位寻址是ARM指令集特有的寻址方式。 当第2个操作数是寄存器移位方式时,第2个寄存器 操作数在与第1个操作数结合之前,选择进行移位操 逻辑左移3位 作。寄存器移位寻址指令举例如下: MOV R0,R2,LSL #3 R2 0x01 ;R2的值左移3位,结果放入R0, 0x08
4.1 ARM处理器寻址方式
• 寻址方式分类——堆栈寻址
堆栈压栈 SP栈顶 0x12345678 栈底
向上 增长
堆栈存 储区
向下 增长
栈底 0x12345678 堆栈压栈
LDR R1,[R2] ;将R2指向的存储单元的数据读出
R2 0x40000000 ;保存在R1中 R0 0xAA 0x55
4.1 ARM处理器寻址方式
• 寻址方式分类——基址寻址
基址寻址就是将基址寄存器的内容与指令中给 出的偏移量相加,形成操作数的有效地址。基址寻 址用于访问基址附近的存储单元,常用于查表、数 0x4000000C 0xAA 组操作、功能部件寄存器访问等。基址寻址指令举 例如下: 将R3+0x0C作 R3 0x40000000 LDR 为地址装载数 R2,[R3,#0x0C] ;读取R3+0x0C地址上的存储单元 R2 0xAA 0x55 据 ;的内容,放入R2

Chapter 4 (me)

Chapter 4 (me)
English lexicology chapter 4 13
inflectional affixes in English

1. Third Person Singular: "She plays the piano" 2. Past Tense: "She played the piano" 3. Progressive: "She is playing the piano now" 4. Past participle: "She has/had eaten the cookies" 5. Plural: "She has two pianos" 6. Possessive: "Mary's piano needs to be repaired" 7. Comparative: "Mary runs faster than Jack" 8. Superlative: "Mary is the fastest of all"
English lexicology chapter 4
Verbs ending in –d, -de, or –mit, take -sion (as in expansion, decision, omission). Allomorphs also occur among prefixes. Their form then depends on the first letter of the verb to which they will be added. A prefix like im- occurs before p, b, or m (e.g. imperfect, imbalance, immobile); its allomorphs are irbefore r (e.g. irresponsible); il- before l (e.g. illogical); in- before all other consonants and vowels (e.g. inflexible, inexcusable); im-, irand il- are thus allomorphs of the morpheme iner 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

18 mind one’s doing. Do / Would you mind my interrupting You? Of course not. Certainly not. Not at all. 19 din / racket = loud noise 20 slam – slammed – slamming I heard the door slamming in the wind.
There’s my dad, who keeps shouting, And my mum, who breaks things, The baby (who’ll bite you!) And our dog running rings. There’s my sister the screamer And my brother who roars, And a grandpa who’s stone deaf (He’s the one who slams doors).
• Find the words in Column A in the two poems. Then match them with their meanings in Column B A B 1 miles a running in circles 2 terribly b active and happy 3 dull c the person who cries out loudly 4 all right d very 5 lively e shutting with a loud noise 6 slamming f certainly, for sure 7 running rings g the loud noise 8 the screamer h completely deaf 9 stone deaf I a mile is 1,609 metres 10 the racket/the din j uninteresting

第4章 词义的理解与译名的确定

第4章 词义的理解与译名的确定
译文:在20世纪70年代,除了数量有限的电气化路段和 几条较短的线路,美国铁路运输完全由电力传动内燃机 车提供动力。(diesel-electric locomotives也可译作“电力 传动柴油机车”)
分析:此句内容涉及铁路系统,句中的diesel表示机车的基本动力来源是柴 油,electric则说明机车以电力作为其传动方式(其他柴油机车的传动方式还 有液力传动方式和机械传动方式,分别称为 diesel-hydraulic locomotive 和 diesel-mechanical locomotive), 因此,如果把 diesel-electric locomotive 汤为“柴 油一电力机车", 就会从原理上误导读者,使人误以为该类机车既能以柴 油为动力,也能从铁道上方架设的电缆获得电力。另外,在我同铁路部门用 语中,“内燃机车”与“柴油机车”有着同样的指称对象,然 diesel并不对 应汉语的“内燃”, 但 diesel-electric locomotive 却可译为“电力传动内燃机 车”, 这是目的语的语用习惯迫使译者必须做出的变通。
1、专业语境 2、非专业语境 3、不同专业语境 4、如何确定不用语境下的词 汇翻译(重点)
题目:Gasoline Engine Operating Principles ①Most automobile engines are internal combustion, reciprocating four-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary, the two-stroke, and the stratified charge.

英语词汇学——Chapter 4

英语词汇学——Chapter 4

Chapter 4Affixation 词缀法(30%-40%)Compounding 复合构词法(28%-30%)Conversion 转类法(26%)Shortening 缩略法(8%-10%)包括(clipping截短法acronymy 首字母拼音法)Blending 拼缀法(1%-5%)Affixation 词缀法Affixation, also called derivation派生法(derivatives派生词),is the formation of new words by adding affixes to stems.Affixation is the formation of word by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. Prefixation 前缀法Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.Feature: prefixes do not generally change the word –class of the stem but only modify its meaning.Classification: we shall classify prefixes on a semantic basis into nine groups.Negative prefixes否定意义的词缀:a-,dis-,in-(il-,ir-,im-),non-,nu-.Reversative prefixes逆向意义的词缀:de-,dis-, un-. . de-compose ,unwarp.Pejorative prefixes贬义的词缀: mal-, mis- ,pseudo-. . mistrust , pseudo-friend.Prefixes of degree or size表示程度、大小等意义的词缀: arch-, extra- ,hyper- ,macro- ,micro- ,mini- ,out- ,over- ,sub- ,super-,sur-, ultra- ,under- . . archbishop , hyperactive ,superfreeze. Prefixes of orientation and attitude表示倾向和态度等意义的前缀:anti-, contra- ,counter- pro- . . anti-government,Locative prefixes方位意义的词缀:extra-,fore- ,inter- ,intra- ,tele-, trans-. . extraordinary, telecommunication,Prefixes of time and order表示时间和顺序的词缀:ex-,fore-, post- ,pre- ,re- . . ex-professor , foretell ,post-election.Number prefixes数字的前缀: bi- ,multi- , poly- ,semi-, hemi- ,tri- ,uni- ,mono-. .multi-purpose ,semi-naked, tricycle, monorail.Miscellaneous prefixes其他种类意义的前缀: auto- ,neo- ,pan- , vice- . .autobiography ,vice-chairman.Suffixation 后缀法Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems.Feature: suffixes mainly change the word class.Classification: we shall group suffixes on a grammatical basis into noun suffixes , verb suffixes, adjective suffixes, adverb suffixes.Adjective suffixes: It is worth noting that both –ic and –ical can be affixed to the same stem in some cases , but differ in meaning . . economic \economicalCompounding 复合构词法Compounding , also called composition(compounds 复合词),is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems.Words produced through compounding yields 28%-30% of all the new words.The differences between compounds and free phrases show in three aspects:Phonetic features.Semantic features.Grammatical features.Formation of compoundsNoun compounds. Sit-in ,stockholder , up-bringingAdjective compounds. law-abiding , record-breaking ,town-bred , four-leg.Verb compoundsThe limited number of verb compounds are created either through conversion or backformation. Verb compounds in the way of back-formation are formed mainly by dropping the suffixes:-er,-ing, -ion , etc.Conversion 转类法Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. Conversion is a method of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speech.An alternative for conversion is functional shift.The derivational process , in which an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix , is called zero-derivation .Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns , adjectives ,and verbs.The most productive conversion is the conversion that takes place between nouns and verbs. Full conversion and partial conversion are concerned with adjectives when converted to nouns. Full conversion: A noun fully converted from an adjective has all the characteristics of nouns . It can take an indefinite article or –(e)s to indicate singular or plural number.partial conversion: nouns partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. They must be used together with definite articles.Such words as “the poor ”,”the richer ”,”the most corrupt” are all examples of partial.The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of stress.双音节的名词转化成动词会有重音的变化。

英美Chapter 4 浪漫主义时期

英美Chapter 4 浪漫主义时期

Chapter 4: The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期part 1 Historical Background➢Time Span (para.1, p123)1798-1832, English Romanticism, the publication of Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth & Coleridge)《抒情歌谣集》的出版the death of Sir Walter Scott and the passage of the first Reform Bill沃尔特.斯各特去世& 议会通过第一个改革方案➢The romantic era is an age of crisis.浪漫的时代是一个危机的时代。

1.French Revolution (1789) 法国大革命It affected the feudal order of the whole Europe,It aroused great sympathy & enthusiasm in the English liberals & radicals.它影响了整个欧洲的封建秩序,引起了英国自由主义者和激进派的极大同情和热情。

“liberty, equality and fraternity”自由平等博爱two influential books: Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man,William Godwin’s Inquiry Concerning Political Justice两个有影响力的书:托马斯·潘恩的人权,威廉·戈德温《论政治公平》2.“the full swing of English Industrial Revolution” 英国工业革命的蓬勃The capitalist class came to dominate not only the means of production, but also trade and world market. 资产阶级不仅主宰了生产资料,而且主宰了贸易和世界市场。


(3,4) (1,3) (x,y) (7,2) (5,1) (3,2) (x’, y’)
x' x 2 The coord. of the new position: y' y 1 x' x Tx In general, y ' y Ty
(x,y) x=r cos
In Cartesian, x’ = r cos(+) = r cos cos r sin sin = x cos - y sin y’ = r sin(+) = r sin cos + r cos sin = x sin + y cos
Affine transformations preserve lines. Many geometric movements of objects, eg, translations, rotations, and scalings are affine transformations.
Homogeneous coordinates of vertices
Affine Transformations on vertices
An affine transformation is a linear transformation followed by a translation. Its 2D general form is
x' a b x Tx y ' c d y T y
Eg, to rotate 45o (/4 radian)
(2.8, 4.2) (1,3) (x,y) (-1.4, 2.8) (x’, y’) (5,1) (1,1) (0,1.4)

货币金融学 第四章 chapter-4 英文习题

货币金融学 第四章 chapter-4 英文习题

Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 11e, Global Edition (Mishkin) Chapter 4 The Meaning of Interest Rates4.1 Measuring Interest Rates1) The concept of ________ is based on the common-sense notion that a dollar paid to you in the future is less valuable to you than a dollar today.A) present valueB) future valueC) interestD) deflationAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge2) The present value of an expected future payment ________ as the interest rate increases.A) fallsB) risesC) is constantD) is unaffectedAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking3) An increase in the time to the promised future payment ________ the present value of the payment.A) decreasesB) increasesC) has no effect onD) is irrelevant toAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking4) With an interest rate of 6 percent, the present value of $100 next year is approximatelyA) $106.B) $100.C) $94.D) $92.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking5) What is the present value of $500.00 to be paid in two years if the interest rate is 5 percent?A) $453.51B) $500.00C) $476.25D) $550.00Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking6) If a security pays $55 in one year and $133 in three years, its present value is $150 if the interest rate isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 12.5 percent.D) 15 percent.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking7) To claim that a lottery winner who is to receive $1 million per year for twenty years has won $20 million ignores the process ofA) face value.B) par value.C) deflation.D) discounting the future.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking8) A credit market instrument that provides the borrower with an amount of funds that must be repaid at the maturity date along with an interest payment is known as aA) simple loan.B) fixed-payment loan.C) coupon bond.D) discount bond.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge9) A credit market instrument that requires the borrower to make the same payment every period until the maturity date is known as aA) simple loan.B) fixed-payment loan.C) coupon bond.D) discount bond.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge10) Which of the following are TRUE of fixed payment loans?A) The borrower repays both the principal and interest at the maturity date.B) Installment loans and mortgages are frequently of the fixed payment type.C) The borrower pays interest periodically and the principal at the maturity date.D) Commercial loans to businesses are often of this type.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking11) A fully amortized loan is another name forA) a simple loan.B) a fixed-payment loan.C) a commercial loan.D) an unsecured loan.Answer: BAACSB: Application of Knowledge12) A credit market instrument that pays the owner a fixed coupon payment every year until the maturity date and then repays the face value is called aA) simple loan.B) fixed-payment loan.C) coupon bond.D) discount bond.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge13) A ________ pays the owner a fixed coupon payment every year until the maturity date, when the ________ value is repaid.A) coupon bond; discountB) discount bond; discountC) coupon bond; faceD) discount bond; faceAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking14) The ________ is the final amount that will be paid to the holder of a coupon bond.A) discount valueB) coupon valueC) face valueD) present valueAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge15) When talking about a coupon bond, face value and ________ mean the same thing.A) par valueB) coupon valueC) amortized valueD) discount valueAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge16) The dollar amount of the yearly coupon payment expressed as a percentage of the face value of the bond is called the bond'sA) coupon rate.B) maturity rate.C) face value rate.D) payment rate.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge17) The ________ is calculated by multiplying the coupon rate times the par value of the bond.A) present valueB) face valueC) coupon paymentD) maturity paymentAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking18) If a $1000 face value coupon bond has a coupon rate of 3.75 percent, then the coupon payment every year isA) $37.50.B) $3.75.C) $375.00.D) $13.75Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking19) If a $5,000 coupon bond has a coupon rate of 13 percent, then the coupon payment every year isA) $650.B) $1,300.C) $130.D) $13.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking20) An $8,000 coupon bond with a $400 coupon payment every year has a coupon rate ofA) 5 percent.B) 8 percent.C) 10 percent.D) 40 percent.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking21) A $1000 face value coupon bond with a $60 coupon payment every year has a coupon rate ofA) .6 percent.B) 5 percent.C) 6 percent.D) 10 percent.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking22) All of the following are examples of coupon bonds EXCEPTA) corporate bonds.B) U.S. Treasury bills.C) U.S. Treasury notes.D) U.S. Treasury bonds.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking23) A bond that is bought at a price below its face value and the face value is repaid at a maturity date is called aA) simple loan.B) fixed-payment loan.C) coupon bond.D) discount bond.Answer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge24) A ________ is bought at a price below its face value, and the ________ value is repaid at the maturity date.A) coupon bond; discountB) discount bond; discountC) coupon bond; faceD) discount bond; faceAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking25) A discount bondA) pays the bondholder a fixed amount every period and the face value at maturity.B) pays the bondholder the face value at maturity.C) pays all interest and the face value at maturity.D) pays the face value at maturity plus any capital gain.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking26) Examples of discount bonds includeA) U.S. Treasury bills.B) corporate bonds.C) U.S. Treasury notes.D) municipal bonds.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking27) Which of the following are TRUE for discount bonds?A) A discount bond is bought at par.B) The purchaser receives the face value of the bond at the maturity date.C) U.S. Treasury bonds and notes are examples of discount bonds.D) The purchaser receives the par value at maturity plus any capital gains.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking28) The interest rate that equates the present value of payments received from a debt instrument with its value today is theA) simple interest rate.B) current yield.C) yield to maturity.D) real interest rate.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge29) Economists consider the ________ to be the most accurate measure of interest rates.A) simple interest rate.B) current yield.C) yield to maturity.D) real interest rate.Answer: CAACSB: Reflective Thinking30) For simple loans, the simple interest rate is ________ the yield to maturity.A) greater thanB) less thanC) equal toD) not comparable toAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge31) If the amount payable in two years is $2420 for a simple loan at 10 percent interest, the loan amount isA) $1000.B) $1210.C) $2000.D) $2200.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking32) For a 3-year simple loan of $10,000 at 10 percent, the amount to be repaid isA) $10,030.B) $10,300.C) $13,000.D) $13,310.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking33) If $22,050 is the amount payable in two years for a $20,000 simple loan made today, the interest rate isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 22 percent.D) 25 percent.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking34) If a security pays $110 next year and $121 the year after that, what is its yield to maturity if it sells for $200?A) 9 percentB) 10 percentC) 11 percentD) 12 percentAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking35) The present value of a fixed-payment loan is calculated as the ________ of the present value of all cash flow payments.A) sumB) differenceC) multipleD) logAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking36) Which of the following are TRUE for a coupon bond?A) When the coupon bond is priced at its face value, the yield to maturity equals the coupon rate.B) The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are positively related.C) The yield to maturity is greater than the coupon rate when the bond price is above the par value.D) The yield is less than the coupon rate when the bond price is below the par value. Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking37) The ________ of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are inversely related.A) priceB) par valueC) maturity dateD) termAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking38) The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are ________ related; that is, as the yield to maturity ________, the price of the bond ________.A) positively; rises; risesB) negatively; falls; fallsC) positively; rises; fallsD) negatively; rises; fallsAnswer: DAACSB: Reflective Thinking39) The yield to maturity is ________ than the ________ rate when the bond price is ________ its face value.A) greater; coupon; aboveB) greater; coupon; belowC) greater; perpetuity; aboveD) less; perpetuity; belowAnswer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking40) The ________ is below the coupon rate when the bond price is ________ its par value.A) yield to maturity; aboveB) yield to maturity; belowC) discount rate; aboveD) discount rate; belowAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking41) A $10,000 8 percent coupon bond that sells for $10,000 has a yield to maturity ofA) 8 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 12 percent.D) 14 percent.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking42) Which of the following $1,000 face-value securities has the highest yield to maturity?A) a 5 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000B) a 10 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000C) a 12 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000D) a 12 percent coupon bond selling for $1,100Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking43) Which of the following $5,000 face-value securities has the highest yield to maturity?A) a 6 percent coupon bond selling for $5,000B) a 6 percent coupon bond selling for $5,500C) a 10 percent coupon bond selling for $5,000D) a 12 percent coupon bond selling for $4,500Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking44) Which of the following $1,000 face-value securities has the highest yield to maturity?A) a 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $600B) a 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $800C) a 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $1,000D) a 5 percent coupon bond with a price of $1,200Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking45) Which of the following $1,000 face-value securities has the lowest yield to maturity?A) a 5 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000B) a 10 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000C) a 15 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000D) a 15 percent coupon bond selling for $900Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking46) Which of the following bonds would you prefer to be buying?A) a $10,000 face-value security with a 10 percent coupon selling for $9,000B) a $10,000 face-value security with a 7 percent coupon selling for $10,000C) a $10,000 face-value security with a 9 percent coupon selling for $10,000D) a $10,000 face-value security with a 10 percent coupon selling for $10,000 Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking47) A coupon bond that has no maturity date and no repayment of principal is called aA) consol.B) cabinet.C) Treasury bill.D) Treasury note.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge48) The price of a consol equals the coupon paymentA) times the interest rate.B) plus the interest rate.C) minus the interest rate.D) divided by the interest rate.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking49) The interest rate on a consol equals theA) price times the coupon payment.B) price divided by the coupon payment.C) coupon payment plus the price.D) coupon payment divided by the price.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking50) A consol paying $20 annually when the interest rate is 5 percent has a price ofA) $100.B) $200.C) $400.D) $800.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking51) If a perpetuity has a price of $500 and an annual interest payment of $25, the interest rate isA) 2.5 percent.B) 5 percent.C) 7.5 percent.D) 10 percent.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking52) The yield to maturity for a perpetuity is a useful approximation for the yield to maturity on long-term coupon bonds. It is called the ________ when approximating the yield for a coupon bond.A) current yieldB) discount yieldC) future yieldD) star yieldAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking53) The yield to maturity for a one-year discount bond equals the increase in price over the year, divided by theA) initial price.B) face value.C) interest rate.D) coupon rate.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking54) If a $10,000 face-value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $5,000, then its yield to maturity isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 50 percent.D) 100 percent.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking55) If a $5,000 face-value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $5,000, then its yield to maturity isA) 0 percent.B) 5 percent.C) 10 percent.D) 20 percent.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking56) A discount bond selling for $15,000 with a face value of $20,000 in one year has a yield to maturity ofA) 3 percent.B) 20 percent.C) 25 percent.D) 33.3 percent.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking57) The yield to maturity for a discount bond is ________ related to the current bond price.A) negativelyB) positivelyC) notD) directlyAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking58) A discount bond is also called a ________ because the owner does not receive periodic payments.A) zero-coupon bondB) municipal bondC) corporate bondD) consolAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge59) Another name for a consol is a ________ because it is a bond with no maturity date. The owner receives fixed coupon payments forever.A) perpetuityB) discount bondC) municipalityD) high-yield bondAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge60) If the interest rate is 5%, what is the present value of a security that pays you $1, 050 next year and $1,102.50 two years from now? If this security sold for $2200, is the yield to maturity greater or less than 5%? Why?Answer: PV = $1,050/(1. +.05) + $1,102.50/(1 + 0.5)2PV = $2,000If this security sold for $2200, the yield to maturity is less than 5%. The lower the interest rate the higher the present value.AACSB: Analytical Thinking4.2 The Distinction Between Interest Rates and Returns1) The ________ is defined as the payments to the owner plus the change in a security's value expressed as a fraction of the security's purchase price.A) yield to maturityB) current yieldC) rate of returnD) yield rateAnswer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge2) Which of the following are TRUE concerning the distinction between interest rates and returns?A) The rate of return on a bond will not necessarily equal the interest rate on that bond.B) The return can be expressed as the difference between the current yield and the rate of capital gains.C) The rate of return will be greater than the interest rate when the price of the bond falls during the holding period.D) The return can be expressed as the sum of the discount yield and the rate of capital gains. Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking3) The sum of the current yield and the rate of capital gain is called theA) rate of return.B) discount yield.C) perpetuity yield.D) par value.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking4) What is the return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $1,200 next year?A) 5 percentB) 10 percentC) -5 percentD) 25 percentAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking5) What is the return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $900 next year?A) 5 percentB) 10 percentC) -5 percentD) -10 percentAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking6) The return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $950 next year isA) -10 percent.B) -5 percent.C) 0 percent.D) 5 percent.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking7) Suppose you are holding a 5 percent coupon bond maturing in one year with a yield to maturity of 15 percent. If the interest rate on one-year bonds rises from 15 percent to 20 percent over the course of the year, what is the yearly return on the bond you are holding?A) 5 percentB) 10 percentC) 15 percentD) 20 percentAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking8) I purchase a 10 percent coupon bond. Based on my purchase price, I calculate a yield to maturity of 8 percent. If I hold this bond to maturity, then my return on this asset isA) 10 percent.B) 8 percent.C) 12 percent.D) there is not enough information to determine the return.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking9) If the interest rates on all bonds rise from 5 to 6 percent over the course of the year, which bond would you prefer to have been holding?A) a bond with one year to maturityB) a bond with five years to maturityC) a bond with ten years to maturityD) a bond with twenty years to maturityAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking10) An equal decrease in all bond interest ratesA) increases the price of a five-year bond more than the price of a ten-year bond.B) increases the price of a ten-year bond more than the price of a five-year bond.C) decreases the price of a five-year bond more than the price of a ten-year bond.D) decreases the price of a ten-year bond more than the price of a five-year bond.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking11) An equal increase in all bond interest ratesA) increases the return to all bond maturities by an equal amount.B) decreases the return to all bond maturities by an equal amount.C) has no effect on the returns to bonds.D) decreases long-term bond returns more than short-term bond returns.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking12) Which of the following are generally TRUE of bonds?A) A bond's return equals the yield to maturity when the time to maturity is the same as the holding period.B) A rise in interest rates is associated with a fall in bond prices, resulting in capital gains on bonds whose terms to maturity are longer than the holding periods.C) The longer a bond's maturity, the smaller is the size of the price change associated with an interest rate change.D) Prices and returns for short-term bonds are more volatile than those for longer-term bonds. Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking13) Which of the following are generally TRUE of all bonds?A) The longer a bond's maturity, the greater is the rate of return that occurs as a result of the increase in the interest rate.B) Even though a bond has a substantial initial interest rate, its return can turn out to be negative if interest rates rise.C) Prices and returns for short-term bonds are more volatile than those for longer term bonds.D) A fall in interest rates results in capital losses for bonds whose terms to maturity are longer than the holding period.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking14) The riskiness of an asset's returns due to changes in interest rates isA) exchange-rate risk.B) price risk.C) asset risk.D) interest-rate risk.Answer: DAACSB: Application of Knowledge15) Interest-rate risk is the riskiness of an asset's returns due toA) interest-rate changes.B) changes in the coupon rate.C) default of the borrower.D) changes in the asset's maturity.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge16) Prices and returns for ________ bonds are more volatile than those for ________ bonds, everything else held constant.A) long-term; long-termB) long-term; short-termC) short-term; long-termD) short-term; short-termAnswer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking7) There is ________ for any bond whose time to maturity matches the holding period.A) no interest-rate riskB) a large interest-rate riskC) rate-of-return riskD) yield-to-maturity riskAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking18) All bonds that will not be held to maturity have interest rate risk which occurs because of the change in the price of the bond as a result ofA) interest-rate changes.B) changes in the coupon rate.C) default of the borrower.D) changes in the asset's maturity date.Answer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge19) Your favorite uncle advises you to purchase long-term bonds because their interest rate is 10%. Should you follow his advice?Answer: It depends on where you think interest rates are headed in the future. If you think interest rates will be going up, you should not follow your uncle's advice because you would then have to discount your bond if you needed to sell it before the maturity date. Long-term bonds have a greater interest-rate risk.AACSB: Reflective Thinking4.3 The Distinction Between Real and Nominal Interest Rates1) The ________ interest rate is adjusted for expected changes in the price level.A) ex ante realB) ex post realC) ex post nominalD) ex ante nominalAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge2) The ________ interest rate more accurately reflects the true cost of borrowing.A) nominalB) realC) discountD) marketAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking3) The nominal interest rate minus the expected rate of inflationA) defines the real interest rate.B) is a less accurate measure of the incentives to borrow and lend than is the nominal interest rate.C) is a less accurate indicator of the tightness of credit market conditions than is the nominal interest rate.D) defines the discount rate.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking4) When the ________ interest rate is low, there are greater incentives to ________ and fewer incentives to ________.A) nominal; lend; borrowB) real; lend; borrowC) real; borrow; lendD) market; lend; borrowAnswer: CAACSB: Reflective Thinking5) The interest rate that describes how well a lender has done in real terms after the fact is called theA) ex post real interest rate.B) ex ante real interest rate.C) ex post nominal interest rate.D) ex ante nominal interest rate.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking6) The ________ states that the nominal interest rate equals the real interest rate plus the expected rate of inflation.A) Fisher equationB) Keynesian equationC) Monetarist equationD) Marshall equationAnswer: AAACSB: Application of Knowledge7) If the nominal rate of interest is 2 percent, and the expected inflation rate is -10 percent, the real rate of interest isA) 2 percent.B) 8 percent.C) 10 percent.D) 12 percent.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking8) In which of the following situations would you prefer to be the lender?A) The interest rate is 9 percent and the expected inflation rate is 7 percent.B) The interest rate is 4 percent and the expected inflation rate is 1 percent.C) The interest rate is 13 percent and the expected inflation rate is 15 percent.D) The interest rate is 25 percent and the expected inflation rate is 50 percent.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking9) In which of the following situations would you prefer to be the borrower?A) The interest rate is 9 percent and the expected inflation rate is 7 percent.B) The interest rate is 4 percent and the expected inflation rate is 1 percent.C) The interest rate is 13 percent and the expected inflation rate is 15 percent.D) The interest rate is 25 percent and the expected inflation rate is 50 percent.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking10) If you expect the inflation rate to be 15 percent next year and a one-year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond isA) 7 percent.B) 22 percent.C) -15 percent.D) -8 percent.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking11) If you expect the inflation rate to be 12 percent next year and a one-year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond isA) -5 percent.B) -2 percent.C) 2 percent.D) 12 percent.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking12) If you expect the inflation rate to be 4 percent next year and a one year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond isA) -3 percent.B) -2 percent.C) 3 percent.D) 7 percent.Answer: CAACSB: Analytical Thinking13) In the United States during the late 1970s, the nominal interest rates were quite high, but the real interest rates were negative. From the Fisher equation, we can conclude that expected inflation in the United States during this period wasA) irrelevant.B) low.C) negative.D) high.Answer: DAACSB: Reflective Thinking14) The interest rate on Treasury Inflation Indexed Securities can be roughly interpreted asA) the real interest rate.B) the nominal interest rate.C) the rate of inflation.D) the rate of deflation.Answer: AAACSB: Analytical Thinking15) Assuming the same coupon rate and maturity length, the difference between the yield on a Treasury Inflation Indexed Security and the yield on a nonindexed Treasury security provides insight intoA) the nominal interest rate.B) the real interest rate.C) the nominal exchange rate.D) the expected inflation rate.Answer: DAACSB: Analytical Thinking16) Assuming the same coupon rate and maturity length, when the interest rate on a Treasury Inflation Indexed Security is 3 percent, and the yield on a nonindexed Treasury bond is 8 percent, the expected rate of inflation isA) 3 percent.B) 5 percent.C) 8 percent.D) 11 percent.Answer: BAACSB: Analytical Thinking17) Would it make sense to buy a house when mortgage rates are 14% and expected inflation is 15%? Explain your answer.Answer: Even though the nominal rate for the mortgage appears high, the real cost of borrowing the funds is -1%. Yes, under this circumstance it would be reasonable to make this purchase. AACSB: Reflective Thinking4.4 Web Appendix: Measuring Interest-Rate Risk: Duration1) Duration isA) an asset's term to maturity.B) the time until the next interest payment for a coupon bond.C) the average lifetime of a debt security's stream of payments.D) the time between interest payments for a coupon bond.Answer: CAACSB: Application of Knowledge2) Comparing a discount bond and a coupon bond with the same maturityA) the coupon bond has the greater effective maturity.B) the discount bond has the greater effective maturity.C) the effective maturity cannot be calculated for a coupon bond.D) the effective maturity cannot be calculated for a discount bond.Answer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking3) The duration of a coupon bond increasesA) the longer is the bond's term to maturity.B) when interest rates increase.C) the higher the coupon rate on the bond.D) the higher the bond price.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking4) All else equal, when interest rates ________, the duration of a coupon bond ________.A) rise; fallsB) rise; increasesC) falls; fallsD) falls; does not changeAnswer: AAACSB: Reflective Thinking5) All else equal, the ________ the coupon rate on a bond, the ________ the bond's duration.A) higher; longerB) higher; shorterC) lower; shorterD) greater; longerAnswer: BAACSB: Reflective Thinking。

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Chapter 4- the narrator speculates as to which asteroid from which the little prince cameI had thus learned a second fact of great importance: this was that the planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house!But that did not really surprise me much. I knew very well that in addition to the great planets-- such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus-- to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope. When an astronomer discovers one of these he does not give it a name, but only a number. He might call it, for example, "Asteroid325."I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the little prince came is the asteroid known as B-612.This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909.On making his discovery, the astronomer had presented it to the International Astronomical Congress, in a great demonstration. But he was in Turkish costume, and so nobody would believe what he said.Grown-ups are like that…Fortunately, however, for the reputation of AsteroidB-612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume. So in 1920the astronomer gave his demonstration all over again, dressed with impressive style and elegance. And this time everybody accepted his report.If I have told you these details about the asteroid, and made a note of its number for you, it is on account of the grown-ups and their ways. When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you, "What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies?" Instead, they demand: "How old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make?" Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.If you were to say to the grown-ups: "I saw a beautiful housemade of rosy brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all. You would have to say to them: "I saw a house that cost $20,000." Then they would exclaim: "Oh, what a pretty house that is!"Just so, you might say to them: "The proof that the little prince existed is that he was charming, that he laughed, and that he was looking for a sheep. If anybody wants a sheep, that is a proof that he exists." And what good would it do to tell them that? They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child. But if you said to them: "The planet he came from is Asteroid B-612," then they would be convinced, and leave you in peace from their questions.They are like that. One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-uppeople.But certainly, for us who understand life, figures are a matter of indifference. I should have liked to begin this story in the fashion of the fairy-tales. I should have like to say: "Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely any bigger than himself, and who had need of a sheep…"To those who understand life, that would have given a much greater air of truth to my story.For I do not want any one to read my book carelessly. I have suffered too much grief in setting down these memories. Six years have already passed since my friend went away from me, with his sheep. If I try to describe him here, it is to make sure that I shall not forget him. To forget a friend is sad. Not every one has had a friend. And if I forget him, I maybecome like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures…It is for that purpose, again, that I have bought a box of paints and some pencils. It is hard to take up drawing again at my age, when I have never made any pictures except those of the boa constrictor from the outside and the boa constrictor from the inside, since I was six. I shall certainly try to make my portraits as true to life as possible. But I am not at all sure of success. One drawing goes along all right, and another has no resemblance to its subject. I make some errors, too, in the littl e prince's height: in one place he is too tall and in another too short. And I feel some doubts about the color of his costume. So I fumble along as best I can, now good, now bad, and I hope generally fair-to-middling. In certain more important details I shall make mistakes,also. But that is something that will not be my fault. My friend never explained anything to me. He thought, perhaps, that I was like himself. But I, alas, do not know how to see sheep through t he walls of boxes. Perhaps I am a little like the grown-ups. I have had to grow old.。
