Antari DarkFX Spot 510 IP用户手册说明书

For surface mounting
For truss mounting
Service and Maintenance
Important! Smoke fluid residue, dust and any excessive particle residue will degrade product performance, cause overheating and damage fixture. Damages
DarkFX Spot 510 IP is wired to output terminal of DarkFX Drive 4. Each output terminal can connect one DarkFX Spot 510 IP fixture.
Physical Installation Important
weight of fixture. ․ Make sure fixture installed in a well ventilated area. ․ Consider lamp replacement and routine maintenance access when selecting installation
caused by inadequate cleaning or maintenance are not covered by product warranty.
Cleaning ․ Unplug fixture from DarkFX Drive 4 before starting. ․ Use vacuum or air compressor and soft brush to remove dust on components

前 言
感谢您选用深圳市雷赛智能控制股份有限公司 ACH 系列交流伺服系统。本手册提供了使用 本系统所需知识及注意事项。
操作不当可能引起意外事故。 操作不当可能引起意外事故。在使用本系统以前, 在使用本系统以前,务必仔细阅读本手册
由于产品的改进,手册内容可能变更,恕不另行通知。 用户对产品的任何改动我厂将不承担任何责任,产品的保修单将因此作废
本产品的设计和制造并非是为了使用在对人身安全有威胁的机械和 系统中。 用户的机械和系统选用本产品时,须在设计和制造中考虑安全防护措 施,防止因不当操作或本产品异常意外事故。
必须按产品储运环境条件储存和运输。 不得超高堆放,防止跌落。 转运时产品应包装妥善。
通电前应确认伺服驱动器和伺服电机已安装妥善,固定牢固,电源电 压及接线正确。 调试时伺服电机应先空载运转, 确认参数设置无误后, 再作负载调试, 防止因错误的操作导致机械和设备损坏。
应接入一个紧急停止电路,确保发生事故时,设备能立即停止运转, 电源立即切断。 在复位一个报警之前, 必须确认运行信号已关断, 否则会突然再启动。 伺服驱动器必须与规定的伺服电机配套使用。 不要频繁接通、断开伺服系统电源,防止损坏系统。 伺服驱动器和伺服电机连续运转后可能会发热,运行时和断电后的一 段时间内,不能触摸驱动器散热器和电机。 不得改装伺服系统。
伺服电机: 伺服电机:
安装务必牢固,防止因振动松脱。 防止液体侵入损坏电机和编码器。 禁止敲击电机和电机轴,以免损坏编码器。 电机轴不可承受超越极限的负荷。

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在本教程中,我们将使用名为“Caffeine for daytime drowsiness”的示例。
AXIS Q35网络摄像头系列用户手册.pdf_1706146017.9192672说明书

AXIS Q35Network Camera SeriesAXIS Q3517-LV Network CameraAXIS Q3517-LVE Network Camera 用户手册目录关于本手册 (3)解决方案概述 (4)安装 (5)预览模式 (5)配置设备 (6)在网络上查找设备 (6)网页界面概览 (6)图像质量 (7)叠加 (10)码流传输和存储 (11)设置事件规则 (15)应用程序 (16)故障排查 (18)重置为出厂默认设置 (18)检查当前固件版本 (18)升级固件 (18)技术问题、线索和解决方案 (19)性能考虑 (20)网页界面 (22)状态 (22)视频 (23)音频 (33)录制内容 (34)应用 (35)系统 (36)维护 (55)规格 (57)产品概述 (57)LED指示灯 (58)SD卡插槽 (58)按钮 (59)连接器 (59)关于本手册关于本手册本用户手册描述了几种产品。
配置设备配置设备在网络上查找设备若要在网络中查找Axis设备并为它们分配Windows®中的IP地址,请使用AXIS IP Utility或AXIS设备管理器。
福朗盾Furuno FCR-2107(-BB) 2807系列海洋雷达 ARPA操作指南说明书

The purpose of this Operator's Guide is to provide basic operating procedures for this equipment. For detailed information see the Operator’s Manual.Table of contentsHow to select an operating mode (2)Radar mode indications (2)Chart radar mode indications (3)ECDIS mode indications (4)Radar functions (5)TT functions (6)AIS functions (7)Loading S57 chart from CD-ROM (8)Display until and approve until dates (9)Manual chart updates (9)Creating a user chart (10)Notes (11)Route planning (12)Route monitoring (13)Chart alerts (14)Navigation sensors (15)www.furuno.co.jpAll brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.How to select an operating modePut arrow on the operating mode indication and left-click. The choices are Chart Radar, Radar and ECDIS.Radar mode indicationsChart radar mode indications030040050060120130140150210220230240300310320330T une AUTO T rue T CHART RA X-BAND ++12/16Electronic chart area Mouse functionarea.(Current function of left button, scrollwheel, right button)3. Select item's setting.4. Spin the scrollwheel to select desired setting.5. Push the scrollwheel.AUTOMANSelecting automatic or manual acquisition1. Select the TT setting and push the rightbutton.Manual 1003. Set the arrow in the Color box.4. Spin the scrollwheel to select color andpush it to confirm selection.5. Set the arrow in the Size box.6. Spin the scrollwheel to select size andpush it to confirm selection.7. Click the Close button.Activating targets5. Check Enable changes.6. Put the arrow in the Address box. Spin the scrollwheel to select "Addressed to MMSI" or "Broadcast to All" as appropriate and push the scrollwheel. For Addressed to MMSI, enter MMSI of ship in the MMSI input box, in the Vessel window.7 Select message type at Message type box.8. Enter the text of your message in the box below the Channel box.To send the message, put the arrow on triangle to show the sub menu, select Send Message and push the scrollwheel.AUTO MANMax. count Max. range Priority Speed min.Length max.1. Right-click the AIS setting indication to show the AIS filter dialog box.2. At the top of the window, check the types of AIS targets to show.3. Select max. count and max. range of AIS symbols to display.4. Set filtering method (CPA, TCPA or RANGE) with Priority.5. Set min. speed and max. length for displayed target.Detailed target data1. Use the trackball to put the arrow on the desired AIS target in the data box at the right side of the screen.2. Push the left button to show detailed data.To erase detailed target data, put arrow in detailed target data and left-click.Filtering AIS targetsSINGLE xx.xx xx.xx[ Load and Update Charts ] Go backfrom CDROMManual 2) Click the Yes button to load chart. SENC conversionis done automatically and the SENC Convert window appears.3) After the conversion is completed, the window shown below appears.4) Click the Close button to finish.2. Select "Load and Update Charts" from the menu and"from CDROM" from the sub menu.The system loads publisher notes and product list from the CDROM and the "Load or Update Charts fromCDROM dialog box appears.3. Select the chart to load from the "Load or Update Charts from CDROM" dialog box.+Manual chart updateDo the proced u res b elo w to man u ally add o b jects (points, lines, areas, etc.) to electronic charts, to keep themInscribin g new symbolSpin the scroll w heel to sho w Men u/Info/Chart men idance b ox.sh the right bu tton.3. Select Man u al Updates and p u sh the scroll w heel. Select Planning and p u sh the scroll w heel.4. Click the N e w bu tton.OKkn Danger SymbolPLAN NOTES THIS IS A TESTWPT WPT OKAlerts:Alerts:Planned NotesLegs by alertAlerts by legAlerts: 121. Open the Monitor Route dialog box, select route at the information area andNMNMWPT-markAlertsWPTCl i c k R o u t eWPTWPTMemo- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PUB. NO. OSE-35590-C(1011, DAMI) FCR-2107/2807 SER.。
SAFE.fm A5 基本操作指南版本 C说明书

5/17/11關於這本使用手冊當閱讀操作說明時,請遵守這些指導方針:w c Q R&警告:請務必小心遵守,以免身體受傷。
3版權注意事項No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Seiko Epson Corporation. The information contained herein is designed only for use with this product. Epson is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other printers.Neither Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation掇 operating and maintenance instructions.Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original Epson Products or Epson Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from electromagnetic interference that occurs from the use of any interface cables other than those designated as Epson Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.EPSON® is a registered trademark, and Exceed Your Vision and EPSON ME are trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation.PRINT Image Matching™ and the PRINT Image Matching logo are trademarks of Seiko Epson Corporation. Copyright © 2001 Seiko Epson Corporation. All rights reserved. SDHC™ is a trademark.Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo, Memory Stick Micro, MagicGate Memory Stick, and MagicGate Memory Stick Duo are trademarks of Sony Corporation.xD-Picture Card™ is a trademark of Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.45/17/11重要的安全說明565/17/11保護您的個人資料本產品可讓您將名字和電話號碼儲存在產品的記憶體中,即使關閉若您要將本產品轉送他人或是丟棄,請使用下列選單,清除記憶體中的資料。


RADAN5软件用户手册美国地球物理测量系统公司美国劳雷工业公司翻译2004年9月第二章显示、编辑、打印雷达数据 (3)概述General Overview (3)推荐数据处理顺序Recommended Data Processing Sequence (3)编辑文件头Editing the File Header (5)数据显示选项Data Display Options (7)显示参数设置Display Parameters Setup (14)线扫描显示参数Linescan Display Parameters (15)波形显示参数Wiggle Display Parameters (18)示波器显示参数O-Scope Display Parameters (21)其它显示选项Other Display Options (24)交互显示Interactive Display (25)编辑数据Editing the Data (29)显示数据Viewing the Data (29)去除不必要的信息Removing Unnecessary Information (30)保存为单独文件Saving the Selection in a Separate File (35)编辑标记Editing the Markers (36)标记类型 (36)标记数据库选项 (37)打开标记编辑对话框 (38)标记信息浏览 (39)标记编辑 (40)去标记To Delete A Marker (41)加标记To Add A Marker (41)手动修改标记类型To Manually Change Marker Type (42)做图片出报告Generating Displays For Reports (44)打印文件Printing a File (46)第二章显示、编辑、打印雷达数据概述General Overview鉴于处理和解释海量数据需要大量的时间,用户就必须考虑处理程序的必要性。
瑞帝安使用说明书 所有产品

一般警告Â所有维护和燃气转换操作都必须由具备专业资格的人员执行,按照现行法规并根据UNI-CIG 7129/01以及后来的更新内容注册。

Safe Manifold OperationsThe family of Wide-Pattern Five-Valve Manifolds was developed as an added safety feature, uniquely positioning the valves at an increased distance compared to standard designs. Theadded space between the valves reduces the accidental opening of nearby valves due to close proximity . Not only does the valve positioning improve functionality , but it also helps avoid “finger pinching” for the field technicians.The Wide-Pattern Manifolds also feature our patented Pressure-Core ® Stem Seal technology that requires no bonnet adjustment and eliminates leaks that would result in measurement drift and fugitive emissions. Parker takes great pride in extending a five-year limited warranty on our Pressure-Core Stem Seal, far exceeding the industry standard.Product Features:• Unique configuration for “no finger pinching” operation of all five valves • Easy access to both high and low side test / pressure ports • Down or back oriented vent port for safetyWide-Pattern ™ ManifoldsEliminates Finger PinchingContact Information:Parker Hannifin Corporation PGI Division16101 Vallen DriveHouston, TX 77041 USA phone 713 466 0056fax 800 568 9228********************/pgi2M-575Chart Recorder Manifold1/2" FNPT x 1/2" FNPT x 1/4" NPT• Integrated block valves for fewer leak points than “bar” type construction • Down oriented vent port for safety • Compact one-piece design for fast, easy installation • Easy access to both high and low side test / pressure ports • 1/2" NPT inlet connection with 2-1/8" centersEqualizeIsolateVent(2) 1/4" NPT Test/Pressure Ports (on back)1/2" NPT Inlet 2-1/8" Centers1/4" NPT Vent PortOrdering InformationPatented3M-6755-Valve Manifold1/2" FNPT x Flange x 1/4" FNPTM-7755-Valve ManifoldFlange x Flange x 1/4" NPT• Down oriented vent port for safety • Easy access to both high and low side test / pressure ports • 1/2" NPT inlet connection with 2-1/8" centersOrdering InformationEqualizeIsolate(2) PTFE Face Seals on 2-1/8" Centers1/2" NPT Inlet 2-1/8" Centers1/4" NPT Vent PortVentIsolate(2) 1/4" NPT Test/Pressure Ports(4) Instrument Mounting BoltsAdapted for Bracket MountingPatented4M3-5755-Valve Large Bore Manifold1/2" FNPT x 1/2" FNPT x 1/4" NPTM3-6755-Valve Large Bore Manifold1/2" FNPT x Flange x 1/4" FNPT• .375" diameter through bore to minimize gauge line error • Down oriented vent port for safety • Easy access to both high and low side test / pressure ports • 1/2" NPT inlet connectionOrdering InformationEqualizeIsolate(2) PTFE Face Seals on 2-1/8" Centers1/2" NPT Inlet1/4" NPT Vent PortVentIsolate(2) 1/4" NPT Test/Pressure Ports(4) Instrument Mounting BoltsAdapted for Bracket MountingPatented5M3-775Valve ManifoldFlange x Flange x 1/4" NPT• .375" diameter through bore to minimize gauge line error • Back oriented vent port for safety • Easy access to both high and low side test / pressure ports • Flange inlet on 2-1/8" centersEqualizeIsolate(2) PTFE Face Seals on 2-1/8" CentersFlange Inlet on 2-1/8" Centers1/4" NPT Vent Port on BackVentIsolate(2) 1/4" NPT Test/Pressure Ports(4) InstrumentMounting BoltsOrdering InformationPatentedM-5813-Valve Instrument Mounted Equalizer Manifold1/4" FNPT x Flange x 1/4" NPT• .136" diameter through bore to minimize gauge line error• Angled vent valve for ease of operation • Down oriented vent port for safety • Easy access to both high and low side test / pressure ports• 1/4" NPT inlet connectionOrdering InformationEqualize(2) PTFEFace Seals1/4" NPTVent PortAngled Vent(2) 1/4" NPT Test/Pressure Ports(on back)(4) InstrumentMounting BoltsEqualize.136"ThroughBore67Pressure & Process Temperature RatingsTo determine the pressure and temperature rating of your product, choose your body, seat, and then seal. Then use the lowest maximum pressure and temperature rating of the three selected criteria.To determine the low temperature rating, use the highest minimum rating.Parker Hannifin Corporation PGI Division16101 Vallen Drive Houston, TX 77041USAphone 713 466 0056fax 713 744 9897*************************/pgi Parker Hannifin Corporation PGI Division18 Huashan Road, New District Changzhou, Jiangsu 213022Chinaphone +86 519 8980 7258fax +86 519 8980 7212Parker Hannifin Corporation PGI Division11, Fourth Chin Bee Rd 619702Singaporephone +65 6887 6300fax +65 6265 5125Parker Hannifin Corporation PGI Division2620 21st Street NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 7L3Canadaphone 403 291 3154fax 403 291 3292Sales Offices WorldwideYour Local Authorized Parker DistributorParker Hannifin Corporation PGI Division16101 Vallen Drive Houston, Texas 77041phone 713 466 0056fax 713 744 /pgiPGI-WPM Nov 2014© 2014 Parker Hannifin CorporationSafety Guide – See /safety.。
c GSSI软件RADAN地质雷达处理步骤精选

4数据编辑与初步整理RADAN5资料处理RADAN6资料解释7图片制作8探测报告编写IGSSI 地质雷达探测资料处理流程图数据备份,资料整理,资料处理,资料解释 3文件编辑---剪切 4剖面方向调整 5距离归一化 6添加起始里程桩号7剖面水平拉伸、压缩8调整地面时间零点 10时间深度转换2读入数据文件(*.dzt)1打开RADAN 软件 11增益调整12叠加去噪 13背景去除14一维垂直滤波15反褶积 16偏移归位 17希尔伯特变换静态校正 18高程修正频谱分析速度分析19剖面追加 21交互式解释IIGSSI处理软件功能模块介绍基本工具打开数据文件,显示雷达数据剖面。

RAD配置操作手册1、控制器LCD液晶操作面板1.1.1面板介绍POWER 指示灯亮_电源接通.BUSY 指示灯亮_数据正在通过控制器的缓存进行读写调用ATTEN 指示灯亮_电源或盘架松动或接触不良τσ键翻转菜单.ENT 键选择和执行确认.ESC键返回到上一步操作.RAD Disk Array Manual - 1 - Soul Technology Co.,Ltd.菜单 Quick Setup按ENT两秒进入主菜单. 选择 "Quick Logical Drive Install ..", 然后按ENT.这时磁盘的数量和默认的RAID 级别将出现在显示屏上,按▼和▲去选择适合的RAID水平,然后按ENT两秒确认。
初始化结束后,液晶将显示逻辑卷相差信息,包括,逻辑卷编号、RAID水平、逻辑卷的硬盘组成个数、容量、健康状态、SB个数菜单 Viewing and Editing Logical Drives创建逻辑卷按ENT两秒进入主菜单并按向下按键到"View and Edit Logical Drives",并按ENT.按▼和▲选择相应的逻辑标识,按ENT两秒.通过按▼和▲选择RAID水平,按ENT两秒. 将显示没有被占用的磁盘。
RAD Disk Array Manual - 2 - Soul Technology Co.,Ltd.按ENT, 选择▼和▲浏览可用硬盘. 按ENT进行选择或放弃某一硬盘。
当选择完毕相应硬盘后,按ENT两秒,再通过按▼和▲到“Create Logical Drive”, 然后按ENT 两秒执行逻辑卷的初始化。
初始化结束后,液晶将显示逻辑卷相差信息,包括,逻辑卷编号、RAID水平、逻辑卷的硬盘组成个数、容量、健康状态、SB个数RAD Disk Array Manual - 3 - Soul Technology Co.,Ltd.菜单 Viewing Logical Drives and Drive按ENT两秒进入主菜单,按▼和▲到"View and Edit Logical Drives..",然后按ENT.按▼和▲选逻辑卷标识, 选择ENT.按▼和▲到“View SCSI Drives..”,按ENT .按▼和▲查询相关磁盘信息.Deleting a Logical Drive按ENT两秒进入主菜单,按▼和▲到"View and Edit Logical Drives", 然后按ENT.按▼和▲选择相应的逻辑卷, 然后按ENT.按▼和▲到“Delete Logical Drive”,按ENT .按ENT两秒完成删除操作。
Radmin 远程协助工具使用手册

Radmin远程协助工具使用手册2014年03月目录1. RADMIN 3 – 概述 (1)1.1使用简单 (1)1.2最高的安全级别 (1)1.3文本和语音聊天 (1)1.4支持多连接 (2)1.5其它特性 (2)2. RADMIN 3远程控制软件-工作原理 (2)3. RADMIN 3远程控制软件RADMIN VIEWER (3)4. RADMIN 3远程控制软件RADMIN SERVER (4)5. RADMIN 3 -安全性 (6)5.1加密技术 (6)5.2核心安全性 (6)5.2.1 Windows内嵌安全性 (6)5.2.2 Radmin安全性 (7)6. 如何安装和设置RADMIN 3 (7)7. 其他截图 (13)1. Radmin 3 –概述Radmin 是专用于Windows 的最安全、最快速、最受欢迎的远程访问软件解决方案之一,通过它,您可以就像坐在远程计算机前一样,在远程计算机上工作,并可以从多个位置访问远程计算机。
Radmin 完全支持Windows 8(32 位和64 位)、文件传输、多用户文字与语音聊天、Windows 安全、Kerberos 身份验证、所有数据流的256 位AES 加密、远程登录访问、多显示器支持和独特的DirectScreenTransfer™技术。
Radmin 使用现有的TCP/IP 协议—在LAN、WAN 和因特网中使用得最广泛的协议。
1.1 使用简单Radmin 非常易于学习和使用。
我们大多数的客户都认为Radmin 的主要优点在于简易。
1.2 最高的安全级别Radmin 以加密方式工作,所有的数据、屏幕图像、鼠标移动和键盘信号都使用256-位AES 强密钥,每个连接都采用随机生成的密钥。

CNNS网络风险评估系统V5操作说明书深圳市安络科技有限公司电话:86-755-25817188网址: 目录1绪论 (4)1.1前言 (4)1.1.1公司简介 (4)1.1.2产品简介 (4)1.1.3开发过程 (4)1.2使用许可(最终用户软件许可协议) (5)2系统介绍 (6)2.1功能列表 (6)2.1.1具有多于1100个插件知识库 (6)2.1.2 WIN32应用程序客户端 (8)2.1.3 Web客户端 (8)2.1.4分级账号管理 (8)2.1.5扫描策略支持 (9)2.1.6扫描任务采用8种时间调度方式 (10)2.1.7对扫描任务的管理控制 (10)2.1.8智能对扫描的目的机器进行风险等级评估 (11)2.1.9显示存在漏洞的来源 (11)2.1.10提供漏洞的风险等级,描述,补救等详细信息 (11)2.1.11用户日志记录 (12)2.1.12相同账号同一时间重复登陆限制 (12)2.1.13远程智能自动升级 (12)2.1.14智能多协议弱口令检测 (12)3.软件说明 (13)3.1软件思路 (13)3.1.1系统运行结构思路 (13)3.1.2操作思路 (14)3.2工作环境 (15)3.2.1硬件环境 (15)3.2.2软件环境 (15)3.3准备工作 (16)3.3.1系统环境安装 (16)3.3.2系统软件安装 (16)3.3.3启动CNNS网络风险评估系统V5服务 (21)3.3.4配置 (22)3.3.5停止 (24)3.3.6卸载 (25)3.4 Web客户端的功能模块操作说明 (25)3.4.1用户管理 (26)3.4.2任务管理 (29)3.4.3任务分析 (30)3.4.4漏洞管理 (34)3.5 WIN32-GUI应用程序客户端操作说明 (35)3.5.1账号管理 (36)3.5.2任务管理 (38)3.5.3日志管理 (43)3.5.4 策略管理 (44)3.5.5插件信息管理 (48)3.5.6远程自动升级 (51)3.6系统维护 (52)1绪论1.1前言1.1.1公司简介本公司是一家专业从事网络安全研究、产品开发和服务的高新技术企业。
Sarad Radon Vision 操作手册说明书

Setting the clock (initial operation or after battery removal for longer periods)Download the software Radon Vision and the USB driver from our website (www.sarad.de) and install both on your computer.the manual of Radon Vision on our website.Sampling Turn on the display by button (B) and set the slide switch (D) to the right. The first measured results will be presented after four hours (Avg = Average of the whole measurement, 24h = average of the last 24 hours). The display will alternate between temperature/humidity and Radon automatically. The unit records the readings every four-hours. When operated from battery, the display turns off after 30 seconds. Use button (B) to turn it on again. Another keystroke turns on the backlight. If Radon 3concentration exceeds 300Bq/m , the red LED (A) starts blinking (four consecutive flashes each four seconds). To cancel a measurement, shift the slide switch (D) into the left position.Hints for battery and mains power operationThe Radon Scout Home can be operated several months by battery. Here are some tips for a long-lasting battery operation: Use batteries of best quality brand that are especially optimized for long term use and low power consumption.Reduce usage of display and backlight.In case of low battery the red indicator (A) starts blinking, one single flash each four seconds. The measurement continues for a few days but it is impossible to start a new measurement. Remove discharged batteries immediately. Do not dispose batteries in domestic waste. You are legally obliged to return them to the appropriate waste collection centres. The internal clock will be sustained for a couple of minutes during battery replacing. For mains power operation, use always a wall adapter with USB connector. Do not use the USB port of a computer for power supply.Selection of the right place of measurementDo not expose the instrument to permanent shocks or vibrations. Place the unit stationary in that room where you will stay most frequently. Avoid heat sources or radiofrequency emitting devices (e.g. mobile phones, microwave stoves, DECT phones or base stations) in the immediate surrounding of the instrument. The distance from the wall should be more than 25cm (10inches) because the wall itself could be the reason for an increased Radon concentration.Further processing of measured resultsMeasured values of the previous eight years are stored in the instrument (circular memory structure). The measured data can be read through the USB port (C) and shown, exported or printed by Radon Vision. Refer software manual (SARAD website) to findout the complete functionality of Radon Vision. Manual Radon Scout HomeThank you for the purchase of a Radon Scout Home. The instrument hasbeen designed for long-term indoor measurements of the Radonconcentration. The manufacturer cannot guarantee for damages that willresult from use other than intended. Please read the manual carefullybefore operating the unit.Set the slide switch (D) into theleft position (sampling stopped)Unscrew both screws (E) at the rear of the instrument Remove rear panel by slightly tilting on theupper rounding Insert/replace the batteries (AAA/LR6) on the left and right (bottom first – check polarity)03/2020 - SARAD GmbH www.sarad.de 1E D C A BEN。

RevMan5.0使用指南RevMan5.0使用指南-前言Review Manager 5 TutorialRevMan5.0使用指南-前言Welcome to the RevMan Tutorial. This tutorial is designed to give Cochrane review authors an introduction to the process of writing a Cochrane systematic review of a healthcare intervention using RevMan.欢迎使用RevMan指南。
The tutorial does not provide all the information necessary to write a Cochrane review, and does not address other types of Cochrane systematic reviews such as reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies or overviews of reviews. For detailed instructions on how to conduct a Cochrane systematic review of an intervention, please refer to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, available from the RevMan Help menu.这个指南没有提供写一篇Cochrane综述所需的所有信息,也没有探讨其他类型研究的系统综述,如诊断精确性试验(diagnostic test accuracy studies)和综述的评价(overviews of reviews)。
altanium matrix5 用户指南说明书

Altanium Matrix5用户指南原始说明发行:v 1.0 — 2020 年 2 月本产品手册的目的是提供有关安全操作和/或维护的信息。
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首先说明一下控制板上的几个按键的功能圆形按键是一个控制电机运行的按键,可以用它控制开关门,在进入选择菜单选择选项的时候,是表示返回上一个菜单的功能方形按键是确认按键,上下方向按键是选择菜单向上和向下的功能按键英文说明书部分重要翻译大意如下:If powering up the system ex-factory, it will request for the operating Profile (operating standard) to be set. 如果启动出厂时候的设置系统,它将请求设置操作剖面(操作标准)。
Select the Profile that will suit the specific region from the list. With this set, the system will automatically proceed to the Limit Setup Menu. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the setup procedure从列表中选择适合特定区域的页面选项。
If powering up at any stage after this, push and hold the oblong enter button ( ) for two seconds. Select the Limits Menu by pressing the enter button ( ). Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the setup procedure.如果此后转化为在任何阶段,长按长方形按钮(方形)两秒。
限位设置在电机上设置的具体操作是:D5电机在待使用状态按长方形按键2秒,进入主菜单,出现限位设定——1. Setting limits (设置说明书3/12页3.Menu navigation map)再按一下方形按键,进入安装向导——Setup wizard (设置说明书3/12页3.Menu navigation map)。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
RADAN5软件用户手册美国地球物理测量系统公司美国劳雷工业公司翻译2004年9月第二章显示、编辑、打印雷达数据 ........................ 错误!未定义书签。
概述General Overview ............................. 错误!未定义书签。
推荐数据处理顺序Recommended Data Processing Sequence错误!未定义书签。
编辑文件头Editing the File Header ................. 错误!未定义书签。
数据显示选项Data Display Options .................. 错误!未定义书签。
显示参数设置Display Parameters Setup .............. 错误!未定义书签。
线扫描显示参数Linescan Display Parameters ... 错误!未定义书签。
波形显示参数Wiggle Display Parameters ....... 错误!未定义书签。
示波器显示参数O-Scope Display Parameters .... 错误!未定义书签。
其它显示选项Other Display Options ........... 错误!未定义书签。
交互显示 Interactive Display ...................... 错误!未定义书签。
编辑数据Editing the Data ......................... 错误!未定义书签。
显示数据Viewing the Data .................... 错误!未定义书签。
去除不必要的信息Removing Unnecessary Information错误!未定义书签。
保存为单独文件 Saving the Selection in a Separate File错误!未定义书签。
编辑标记Editing the Markers....................... 错误!未定义书签。
标记类型..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
标记数据库选项............................... 错误!未定义书签。
打开标记编辑对话框........................... 错误!未定义书签。
标记信息浏览................................. 错误!未定义书签。
标记编辑..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
去标记To Delete A Marker .................... 错误!未定义书签。
加标记To Add A Marker ....................... 错误!未定义书签。
手动修改标记类型 To Manually Change Marker Type错误!未定义书签。
做图片出报告Generating Displays For Reports ....... 错误!未定义书签。
打印文件Printing a File .......................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章显示、编辑、打印雷达数据概述General Overview鉴于处理和解释海量数据需要大量的时间,用户就必须考虑处理程序的必要性。
推荐数据处理顺序Recommended Data Processing Sequence处理数据文件,建议采用下面的处理步骤。
建议选择临时标记数据库Temporary Markers DatabaseD)线性单位,如米、英尺等等。
编辑文件头Editing the File Header每个数据文件都有一个文件头,用来描述雷达系统采集期间的数据采集参数。
图1 文件头对话框一些参数对应系统的初始信息,不能修改,如天线频率antenna、记录长度range。
文件头参数包括文件名file name、天线频率antenna frequency、记录长度range、发射脉冲信息位置position,通道channel、采样/扫描 samples/scan、位/采样 bits/sample,扫描/单位scans/unit,单位/标记units/mark,介电常数dielectric constant,近似深度 depth。
选择菜单(Edit->File Header)编辑->文件头,或者选择处理工具栏上的按钮。
2.查看和修改文件头的必须信息:扫描/米 scans/meter,米/标记meters/mark,介电常数dielectric constant,信号位置position(ns)。
测量期间必须设置的参数:扫描/秒 Scans/Sec, 米/标记Meters/Mark,记录长度 range,如果不利用测量轮测量,则参数扫描/米 scans/meter就必须进行估计。
介电常数Dielectric Constant,材料不同其参数不同。
3.修改完毕,选择按钮另存为Save As保存一个新的文件。
数据显示选项Data Display Options雷达数据的显示有5种方式:线扫描方式linscan:线扫描方式即数据显示为颜色--振幅格式,依据用户选择的颜色表color table和颜色变换表color transform,把已有的雷达记录信号的一定正/负振幅值投影到特定的颜色上面。
显示增益Display Gains和变换函数Transfer Functions 可以在这个窗口内分别进行,互不干扰。
线扫描加波形图linescan+wiggle三维立方体显示3D Cube:如果三维数据文件打开,此按钮加亮激活,无论该文件是按照三维方式采集的,还是利用软件RADAN软件得到的。
如果用户要拷贝三维文件到另外一个目录,请一定把 *.ind文件也一同拷贝过去。
三维立方体显示3D Cube功能模块需要单独购买软件3D QuickDraw。
显示参数设置Display Parameters Setup在菜单视图->显示选项View->Dsiplay Options命令下,用户可以浏览和修改显示参数。
图2 显示参数对话框用鼠标左键双击图标,打开参数对话框,选择和设置参数。
线扫描显示参数Linescan Display Parameters选择线扫描图标,打开"线扫描参数对话框(图3)",为数据文件创建并绘制一个彩色-振幅剖面图像。
图3 线扫描参数设置对话框颜色表color table:颜色表总共25种,可以选择一个标准的颜色表。
颜色变换表Color Transform:用户可以改变颜色变换表,来增强小振幅信号。