

Chapter 12International Taxation and Transfer PricingDiscussion Questions1.Tax neutrality means that taxes have no (are neutral in their) effect on business decisions. In otherwords, business decisions are driven by economic fundamentals instead of taxes. Such decisions should result in an optimal allocation of resources. However, taxes have the potential to divertthis allocation of resources. Taxes are seldom neutral.Governments often use taxes for social purposes. This is not necessarily bad. For example,countries can use tax breaks to attract business investment, thereby promoting economic growth.Chapter 12 discusses harmful tax competition, a concern of both the OECD and EU. The concern is that some countries (tax havens) use taxes as an unfair competitive tool, depriving othercountries of taxes needed to support their infrastructure and government services. Transactionsare funneled through tax havens merely to avoid taxes; they have no real business purpose.Students should have fun debating whether this is good or bad.2.The types of taxes discussed in the book are:a.Income tax. Tax bases and tax rates vary from country to country. The effective tax rateis what is important, not the nominal rate.b.Withholding tax. These are withholdings on interest, dividend and royalty payments toinvestors.c.Value-added tax. This is a consumption tax popular in Europe and Canada. The tax islevied on each stage of production or distribution based on the incremental value added atthat stage. Companies that pay the tax in their own costs reclaim them later from the taxauthorities. Consumers ultimately bear the cost of this tax.d.Border tax. This is a customs or import duty.e.Transfer tax. This is a tax on the transfer of items between taxpayers.The two most common taxes are the income tax and the border tax.Philosophies of taxation vary with the types of taxes, since ultimately the question is who pays and how much. In the case of income taxes, philosophies vary as to whether income earned outside the country’s borders should be taxed (territorial versus worldwide).3.Tax credits reduce a business entity’s income tax liability dollar for dollar. The purpose of thesecredits in international taxation is to insure that profits earned abroad are not subject to doubletaxation. Accordingly, the country in which a parent company is domiciled will generallyrelinquish taxes on income earned abroad up to the amount of the foreign tax.Tax credits may fall short of their intended results because of how taxable income is definedunder domestic and foreign tax laws. The treatment of expenses is a case in point. Under U.S.law, for example, business expenses attributable to foreign source income must be so allocated in determining the foreign tax credit limitation. Distortions occur when the deduction is not allowed in determining taxable income in the foreign country. The result is usually an overstatement ofthe total amount of taxes paid and excess foreign tax credits recognized. Additional distortionsrelate to national differences in defining income sources and timing differences in the recognition of income and expenses.4.Tax Rate System Advantages DisadvantagesClassical Ease of administration Double taxation of corporateincomeSplit Rate Relief from double taxationprovided at the company level Higher tax rates on undistributed profits reduces the attractiveness of retained earnings as a financing sourceTax Credit Relief from double taxationprovided at the shareholderlevel If tax credit is denied foreign shareholders, investing across national boundaries becomes less attractive5.National differences in tax rates are indeed the least significant determinants of a company’seffective tax burden. The key term here is effective. While statutory tax rates define acompany’s nominal tax burden, this seldom indicates its effective tax burden. Widespreaddifferences in tax administration systems, allowable deductions, rates of depreciation allowances, tax credits, tax treaties, special tax incentives offered by foreign governments, and many indirect taxes (including deficient social overhead services in some low-tax countries) are some factors that affect real tax burdens on MNCs.6.Student responses to this question will naturally vary. Some will argue that multinationaloperations abroad are merely guests of their national hosts. Given the visibility and political sensitivity of their positions, therefore, these firms should fully disclose their earnings picture to local tax authorities and pay whatever taxes are called for. However, others will argue that the competitive position of the multinational corporation will be jeopardized if it does not emulate the tax evasion practices of its local corporate peers. Furthermore, since business ethics are colored by the cultural and social fabric of each individual nation, it is presumptuous for a multinational to impose its domestic mores in an environmental context where they may not be appropriate.7.Transfer pricing is a natural consequence of the decentralization of business organizations.Interactions between units of a decentralized system require the establishment of prices at which goods or services can be transferred among operating divisions. In a purely domestic setting, transfer pricing policy assures (a) a measure of performance that reflects a subunit’s use ofresources and (b) the optimal allocation of enterprise resources.Transfer pricing has assumed a more strategic role in management policy with multinational operations. Many MNCs use transfer prices to (a) reduce or hedge environmental risks, (b)develop favorable tax postures overseas, (c) support the competitive position of selected foreign subsidiaries, and (d) circumvent restrictions on fund movements between national boundaries. 8.(a) Transfer pricing objectives of a multinational company often produce results that directlyconflict with the objectives of a foreign affiliate’s minority shareholders. While the minority shareholders want maximum dividends, transfer prices may be designed to minimize theaffiliate’s income and thus its ability to pay dividends. (b and c) Both domestic and foreign tax authorities are interested in enacting laws and regulations to counteract pricing techniquesdesigned to minimize taxable income. Tax authorities want to claim their fair share of taxes. (d) Managers of foreign affiliates should be concerned because the manipulation of transfer prices destroys the usefulness of subsidiary profits as a measure of their performance. (e) Finally,headquarters managers are vitally concerned with the acceptability of their transfer prices togovernments where they do business. The cost of evoking the wrath of host governments who find transfer prices to be objectionable can far exceed any system-wide benefits that transferprices can achieve. Headquarters should also be concerned if transfer pricing distortsperformance measures because this can cause managers to behave dysfunctionally.9.Considerations that complicate the administration of transfer pricing systems internationallyinclude (but are not limited to) the following:a.Tax considerations -- to minimize its global tax bill, a multinational entity might raise(lower) the transfer prices of goods shipped from affiliates located in low-tax (high-tax)countries.b.Tariff considerations -- to minimize foreign tariffs, a firm can lower (raise) transfer priceson goods shipped to high (low) tariff countries.petitive considerations -- a local affiliate’s competitive position can be improved if itis charged low transfer prices on goods imported from a parent or manufacturing affiliate.d.Foreign inflation -- a parent company may raise transfer prices on goods shipped to anaffiliate located in a highly-inflationary country to minimize local funds subject to thatcountry s inflation.e.Foreign exchange risk -- to minimize foreign exchange risk, a parent may raise transferprices to an affiliate located in a devaluation prone country to move exposed assets to amore stable environment.f.Performance evaluation considerations -- to evaluate the performance of a foreign cost(service) center, a parent company might use transfer pricing to give the affiliate arevenue stream. This would enable the parent to evaluate the affiliate with traditionalprofitability measures.10.Transfer prices are generally based on market price or some variant of cost. Among theadvantages of using market prices are that they (a) encourage the efficient allocation of corporate resources, (b) provide meaningful criteria for performance evaluation, (c) assist in identifying profitable and unprofitable units, and (d) are easy to defend as arm’s-length prices to hostgovernments. Cost-based transfer pricing systems also have many advantages in that they are (a) simple to use, (b) based on readily available data, (c) easy to verify before tax authorities, and (d) easily routinized.The overall competitive and financial position of the MNC is a major consideration ininternational transfer pricing policy. Accordingly, a cost-based transfer pricing system is best from the viewpoint of headquarters management. The flexibility afforded by cost-based transfer prices (i.e., transfer prices can be adjusted by changing the cost base itself or markups on cost) is especially important in helping MNCs to cope with the many environmental risks and constraints which affect their international affairs. However, while cost-based transfer pricing systemspromise greater flexibility, increasing governmental scrutiny of transfer pricing decisions will undoubtedly limit their flexibility.11.An arm’s-length price is one that would have been paid to an unrelated party for the same orsimilar goods under identical or similar circumstances. The United States is not alone inmandating that international transfer prices be based on an arm’s-length price. As the chapter points out, many countries have enacted legislation giving their tax authorities the right toreallocate gross income, deductions, credits or allowances to prevent tax evasion or to moreclearly reflect the proper allocation of income.While the notion of an arm’s-length price provides a conceptual foundation on which to basetransfer prices, it is less than definitive in practical application. Accordingly, application of thearm’s-length principle is far from uniform internationally. Surveys of existing corporate transfer pricing practices reveal a variety of pricing modes often based on professional judgment andapproximation.12.Advance pricing agreements (APAs) are a negotiated agreement between a multinational and ataxing authority on an acceptable transfer pricing methodology. The APA is binding on bothparties for a fixed period of time. The main advantage of an APA is that transfer pricing conflicts can be eliminated or reduced, saving time and money for both the multinational and the taxingauthority. The certainty of transfer pricing treatment makes long-term strategic planning easierfor the multinational. The disadvantage is that the parties are locked in to the agreement, which can be a problem if circumstances change. Of course, time and effort are also needed to achieve the APA.Exercises1.At first blush, Company X promises the better performance as it has a higher pre-tax income.However, a closer examination shows that both companies promise identical after-tax returns. A return on sales of 12.0% yields after-tax earnings of $72 million (12% X $600 million) for both companies. Comparative income statements based on the ratios provided are ($ millions):Company X Company YSales 600600Operating expenses 480528Pre-tax income 12072Income taxes 48-0-Net income7272Thus, it appears that Country X has a 40% income tax rate. Country Y’s indirect taxes are buried in operating expenses. Moral: when comparing company investment performance, focus on after-tax returns.pany X is the better investment because the investor in Country Z is probably not entitled toa foreign tax credit for indirect taxes paid. This is illustrated below.Country X Country YPre-tax earnings $120.00 $72.00Income tax (40%) 48.00 -0-After-tax earnings72.00 72.00Country Z’s investment income:Dividends 36.00 36.00Gross-up forforeigntaxes paid(36/72 x 48 ) 24.00 -0-60.00 36.00Income tax (35%) 21.00 12.60- Foreign taxCredit a(24.00) (-0-)Income tax -0-12.60After-tax return 36.00 23.40a Excess tax credits can be carried back 1 year and forward 10 years.3.There are no taxes paid on these transactions. China and Australia tax corporate income (Exhibit12-2) but the subsidiaries there have no profits. The entire profit is in the Cayman Islandssubsidiary, where there is no corporate income tax.As discussed in the chapter, the Cayman Islands subsidiary would seem to be a brass plate subsidiary with no real work or employment attached to it. Such subsidiaries lack substantialactivities and merely funnel financial transactions through the tax haven country to avoid another country s taxes. The company involved is doing nothing illegal. The issue for the taxingauthorities of Australian and China is whether the company is paying its fair share of theirrespective national taxes. These taxing authorities might tax passive income or adjust the transfer pricing arrangement so that they capture some income tax. These are the implications for thecompany and the taxing authorities involved.4.Subpart F foreign base company income = $4,000,000 x U.S. tax at 35% =- Tax credit for foreign taxes paid($4,000,000 x 17.5%)Net U.S. taxes due $4,000,000 1,400,000 700,000 $ 700,000Students must refer to Exhibit 12-2 for the U.S. tax rate of 35%.5.Value added including tax (4,000 – 2,400) = 1,600 Value added excluding tax (1,600 ÷ 1.175) = 1,362 Value added tax (17.5% x 1,362) = 2386.Classical SystemCorporate income SEK1,500,000- Income tax (28%) 420,000= Net income 1,080,000 Dividend SEK540,000 Income to shareholder SEK540,000- Personal income tax (40%) 216,000=Net income SEK324,000 Total taxes paid:Corporate SEK420,000Individual 216,000Total SEK636,000Country A Country B Country C Country D Royalty paid $20.00Branch earnings $90.00Dividend paid $27.00 $27.00 Foreign withholding tax(10%)2.00 2.70 -0-Net payment to Alubar $18.00‗_‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗$24.30‗‗‗‗‗_$27.00‗‗‗‗‗‗U.S. income $20.00 $90.00 $27.00$27.00 Dividend gross-up(27.00/54.00 x 36) ____________ 18.00 -0-Taxable income $20.00 $90.00 $45.00$27.00 U.S. tax (35%) 7.00 31.50 15.75 9.45 Foreign tax creditPaid (2.00) (18.00) (2.70) -0-Deemed paid(27.00/54.00 x 36) __________(18.00)_____ Total (2.00) (18.00) (20.70) -0-U.S taxes — net 5.00 13.50 ( 4.95) 9.45 Foreign taxes 2.00 18.00 20.70 36.00 Total taxes 7.00 31.50 15.75 45.45Low Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,000 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,000 600 Gross margin 400 700 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200Pre-tax income 300 600 900 Income tax (35%) 105210 315Net income $ 195 $ 390 $ 585High Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,200 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,200 600 Gross margin 600 500 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200Pre-tax income 500 400 900 Income tax (35%) 175 140 315Net income $ 325 $ 260 $ 585 As long as corporate tax rates in both countries are the same, an increase in the transfer price charged by the manufacturing affiliate transfers income from Country B to Country A. The pricing action, however, has no effect on consolidated taxes or on consolidated income.Low Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,000 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,000 600 Gross margin 400 700 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200 Pre-tax income 300 600 900 Income tax (30%/40%) 90 240 330 Net income $ 210 $ 360 $ 570High Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,200 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,200 600 Gross margin 600 500 1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200 Pre-tax income 500 400 900 Income tax (30%/40%) 150 160 310 Net income $ 350 $ 240 $ 590 Where tax rates differ between countries, an increase in the transfer price charged by themanufacturing affiliate transfers taxable income from the higher tax affiliate to the lower tax affiliate. As a result, consolidated taxes decrease by $20,000 and consolidated net incomerises by $20,000.10. a.There are at least three possible transfer prices based on the facts in this exercise. Thefirst is $120, the uncontrolled selling price in Country A. The second is $100, theminimum declared value legally allowed in Country B. The third is $103.20, based onallowing the affiliate in Country A to earn a reasonable (20%) profit on cost. $103.20 iscalculated as follows:Manufacturing cost Operating expenses Transportation costs Total cost per unit Normal profit (20%) Transfer price$ 60.0010.0016.00$ 86.0017.20$103.20($100,000 ÷ 10,000 units)Consolidated income using the three transfer prices is as follows:$120 Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,200 $1,700 $1,700 Cost of sales 600 1,200 600 Gross margin $ 600 $ 500 $1,100 Operating expenses 100 100 200 Transportation costs 160 -0-160 Import duty (20%)-0-240240 Pre-tax income$ 340$ 160$ 500 Income tax (30%/40%)10264166 Net income $ 238$ 96 $ 334$103.20 Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,032 $1,700 $1,700Cost of sales 600 1,032 600Gross margin $ 432 $ 668 $1,100Operating expenses 100 100 200Transportation costs 160 -0-160Import duty (20%)-0-206206Pre-tax income$ 172$ 362$ 534Income tax (30%/40%)52145197Net income $ 120$ 217 $ 337$100 Transfer Price (000s omitted)Country A Country B Consolidated Sales $1,000 $1,700 $1,700Cost of sales 600 1,000 600Gross margin $ 400 $ 700 $1,100Operating expenses 100 100 200Transportation costs 160 -0-160Import duty (20%)-0-200200Pre-tax income$ 140$ 400$ 540Income tax (30%/40%)42160202Net income $ 98$ 240 $ 338b.The three transfer prices have a minimal impact on consolidated income overall.However, it should be emphasized to students that one cannot just focus on the “bottomline.” The exercise points out the interaction of import duties and income taxes. Eventhough varying the transfer price between $100 and $120 has a negligible impact onconsolidated income, the income taxes paid to the two countries vary quite a bit. Themultinational must contend with income tax authorities of both countries and the customsofficials of Country B. The multinational must be able to justify the transfer price to allof these parties.11.Costs as a % of sales price:Operating expenses14%Profit margin 6%Total 20%TP= {[450 X (100% – 20%) – 1.50] ÷ (100% + 5%)} – 1.00= {[ 360 – 1.50] ÷ 1.05} – 1.00= $340.4312.Total manufacturing cost per unit = SEK 401.00Financing cost a % of total manufacturing cost[(7% x SEK45,000,000) ÷ SEK40,100,000] 7.86% 1.Required margin before adjustments:Required margin 8.00%Financing cost7.86%15.86%ernment subsidy adjustment 5.00%3.Adjusted margin in cash terms[(1.1586 ÷ 1.05) – 1] 10.34% 4.Adjusted margin with 60 day terms{1.1034 x [1 + (.07 x 60/360)]} – 1 = 11.63% Transfer price = (1.1163) x (SEK401.00) = SEK447.64Case 12-1The Shirts Off Their Backs1.We believe that wealthy nations have a moral responsibility to help alleviate poverty in poornations. Tax collections in poor countries are part of the solution to alleviating their poverty.Thus, the question of why wealthy nations should be concerned about seeing that poor onescollect their “fair share” of taxes is a moral one.The Christian Aid report lists three reasons why rich countries should be concerned about “tax justice” and help bring it about:a.Levying taxes is critical in alleviating poverty. As countries develop their economies,they need to use taxation to redistribute wealth and bolster public (government) financesto invest in infrastructure which will, in turn, foster economic development.b.Rich countries also lose income through tax avoidance.c.In a world increasingly affected by terrorism, a system of global finance built on secrecycannot be tolerated. After 9/11, the U.S. government acted swiftly to go after terroristfinancing, much of which involved tax havens. These actions show that it is not beyondthe power of authorities to track money around the world.2.There is no doubt that accountants and accounting firms have played a role in tax avoidanceschemes. Are they behaving ethically or stretching the limits of aggressive tax positions? As the case notes, Andersen facilitated Enron’s massive tax avoidance, setting up a global network of3,500 companies to keep from paying taxes. The case cites a U.S. GAO report that found that 60 percent of U.S. corporations with at least $250 million in assets reported no federal tax liabilityfor any year between 1996 and 2000. In 2003, Ernst & Young reached a $25 million settlement with the IRS over aggressive tax shelters that it marketed. In 2006, KPMG paid a $465 millionsettlement after it admitted selling unlawful tax shelter schemes. The anecdotal evidence, at least, gives accountants and accounting firms a black eye.How culpable they are in perpetuating poverty is an open issue. As discussed next in response to question 3, some would argue that accountants are merely responding to the national andinternational rules and systems. However, this argument ignores the ethical dimensions of their actions. Clearly accountants alone cannot solve the problems raised in the case. Greatertransparency is critical, including open information sharing among national tax authorities.International efforts to pry open secret tax haven countries are also necessary. Hurting the ability of developing countries to collect taxes is perhaps an unintended consequence of accountants’participation in tax avoidance schemes.3.In our view, tax planning is not wrong per se, but a natural behavioral response to tax rules inplace and the enforcement actions of tax administrations systems. One observer writes:[R]ules always affect behavior and not necessarily in the way expected or desired by the rulemaker. It is idle to suppose that behaviors will not be affected. Ensuring that unintendedconsequences are minimized and that the intended consequences are achieved is a difficult art. I see no reason why regulations should not be immune to this.I know that the benefits of living in a civilized and well organized society have to be paid for. Iaccept and do not argue against a duty to pay taxes. It is for the properly appointed government to decide how the necessary money should be raised by taxes and thus what each citizen’s share of the total tax bill should be. I recognize that some would say that citizens have a moral duty to pay their properly appointed share of the total. My problem is that I cannot see any justificationfor a suggestion that citizens should so organize their lives as to maximize (or at least avoidminimizing) the share of taxes that they must each pay.In this light, tax planning is not a crime: it is an inevitable human reaction to a particular set ofrules.At some point most people will have changed their behavior to use the provisions of tax law tosecure a benefit of some kind.1If accountants are playing within the rules, then minimizing taxes through proper planning isessentially benign. However, aggressive strategies that operate under the veil of secrecy stretch the limits of ethical behavior in general and accountants’ code of ethical conduct in particular.4.The first three policy recommendations, taken from the Christian Aid report, involve strongerinternational cooperation on the sharing of information.a.Open up the banking secrecy and confidentiality laws that operate in “uncooperative” taxhavens. As the chapter discusses, the OECD is trying to do this, but further cooperativeinternational government actions are necessary to provide transparency over thelegitimacy of transactions funneled through tax haven countries. The veil of secrecy thatoperates in some tax havens prevents governments from automatically exchanginginformation about cross-border income payments.b.Banks and other financial institutions should be required to disclose to relevantauthorities interest, dividends, royalties, and other income that they pay to citizens andcompanies around the world. As this information is shared across countries, theappropriate tax can then be levied by that country’s tax authority.c.Increase the exchange of information among the world’s tax authorities. In particular,increase cooperation and information sharing between the tax authorities of rich and poornations.d.Provide development aid to improve accounting expertise in poor countries. They needthis expertise to audit transfer pricing practices of multinational corporations.e. A unitary tax system (mentioned in the chapter) whereby the global profits ofmultinationals are divided among countries based on the extent of their activities, isadvocated by some. This would reduce or eliminate the need for complex transferpricing to minimize taxes. Each country could tax its share of global profits at the ratedesired.1 Chris Swinson, “Of Tax Rules and Their Consequences,” Accountancy (October 2005): 26.Case 12-2Muscle Max: Your Very Own Personal TrainerThis case raises a number of issues and should be a good vehicle to acquaint students with the many considerations that impact international transfer prices. One issue concerns host government relations, especially with customs officials. The fact that Muscle Max-Australia is being invoiced at two different prices for identical equipment could lead to Australian charges of "dumping" with regard to imports from Malaysia. Invoicing imported machines from Malaysia at the higher Canton price ([A$675 x 1.26] =A$850) or invoicing imported machines from Canton at the lower Malaysian price (A$675) would obviously involve tradeoffs dealing with taxes, competitive position, etc. Students should be encouraged to discuss the costs and benefits associated with such tradeoffs.Another issue relates to who should set transfer pricing policies. Here, affiliate managers appear to have much discretion in setting their transfer prices. The question is whether and under what circumstances this is superior to more centralized decision-making. Students will probably be divided on this issue. Ultimately, the conclusion of which posture is best will relate to management’s philosophy regarding the purpose of transfer pricing. If the purpose is to maximize system-wide results, e.g., minimize global taxes, a case can be made for centralizing transfer pricing policy. If the purpose is to comply with local requirements (legal or otherwise), decentralization may be better.Closely related to the centralization-decentralization issue is the basis upon which transfer prices should be based. Here, transfer prices are based on a cost-plus method. While this may constitute an arm’s-length price and is suited to a centralized management style, it has its limitations. Higher transfer prices paid for the same merchandise could affect Muscle Max-Australia’s local pricing policies with resulting unfavorable competitive effects. The artificially high transfer prices paid for imports from Canton may minimize system-wide taxes, but they must be balanced against lower resulting profit margins which could reduce the company’s local borrowing capacity. Accordingly, some students will argue that market-based prices are better. This approach appears to be more objective and in keeping with a decentralized profit center orientation. Moreover, market-based transfer prices encourage local managers to keep their local prices competitive, are easier to justify to host governments, and in some sense is a more ethically-based price. Even here, however, students can be expected to disagree as to what constitutes an acceptable market-based transfer price.The effect of transfer pricing policies on performance evaluation measures and, ultimately, management behavior also should be considered. The use of a single transfer price for both tax planning and financial control purposes is subject to debate. While the notion of dual transfer pricing systems is logical – i.e., one set of transfer prices for fiscal planning purposes and another for performance evaluation purposes – practice suggests that many firms are unwilling to use such a system because of the cost and time needed to set up and administer it.。

证券交易委员会 (SEC)
世界经济大危后,美国政府决心在立法方面加强对公 司会计的约束和监督。
SEC是根据1934年证券交易法第四条规定而设立,是 掌管证券法规的行政机关,它对证券法和证券交易 法的实施负责,监督和管理实施情况。
• 发行证券必须办理注册手续,且文件申报的内容要向 投资人公布
• 如果由于注册文件提供了失实的内容而使购买者蒙受 损失时,证券购买者可在在规定的期限向证券发行者 追索赔偿
• 与会计有关的规定:要求所有公开募集证券的公司都 必须提供注册报表,包括营业报表,注册证券的种类, 审计后的财务报表
发布《会计原则委员会文告》(APB Statements) 4个。
需要说明的是,这些“文告”并不是会计准 则,而是委员会对一些问题的看法和理论表述。
该委员会的主要成绩是,在1970年发表的会 计原则委员会第4号文告:《企业财务报告依据 的基本概念和基本会计原则》(Basic Concepts and Accounting Principles Underling Financial Statements of Business Enterprises),这个文告在财务会 计的理论探讨方面占有一定的位置,在西方乃 至在我国的会计著作中都时常加以引用。
然而,需要指出的是,SEC依靠民间机构制 定会计准则,并不意味着它放弃了法律赋予的 权力。民间专业机构制定的会计准则,其权威 性是由SEC赋予和确认的。

n 二战失败后,日本的会计实务体系又深受美国会计的 影响,有一种掺合的迹象。
n 尽管在世界范围的会计模式分类中,一般都从发展趋 向把它归入受美国影响模式的国家,但在日本也存在 着传统与外来影响的矛盾,外来影响只能逐步地被接 受,因此:
日本 会计
n 进入日本职业界的人员为了成为注册会计师,必须经过三 个级别的考试。大学和学院的毕业生可免除注册会计师的 初级考试,中级考试包括经济学、簿记、财务报告、成本 会计、商法、企业管理和审计理论,及格率很低。高级考 试为一项技能性的竞争测试,包括笔试和口试,参试者还必 须提交一篇论文,其难度相当大。另外,三次考试合格后,参 加一段时间的实际工作,经注册会计师审查委员会审查通 过,并报大藏省认定后,方可注册登记。
n 第三,在企业和政府的关系方面,企业通过产业界团体和政 府形成相互依存的结构。
n 因此,更为强调会计的宏观服务性,其会计制度由政府有关 机构制定和实施,在满足私人利益同时,也特别注重为国家 整体经济管理服务。
n 政府对会计干预力量较大,充分体现了国家管理职能。
n 因此日本民族痛恨“单 打独斗”,善于相互依靠, 崇尚集体主义,遵守集体 规范,效忠集体利益。
n 所以,日本会计人员非常 注重职业道德,强调对企 业的效忠。
n 根据荷兰学者霍夫斯蒂德对部分国家社会价 值层面的对比分析,
国际会计第4章-1日本荷 兰
国际会计第七版课后答案(第四章) 作者:弗雷德里克

Chapter 4Comparative Accounting: The Americas and AsiaDiscussion Questions1. Public and private sector bodies are involved in regulating and enforcing financial reporting in theUnited States. The Financial Accounting Standards Board is a private sector body that determines U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The Securities and Exchange Commission has the authority to determine U.S. GAAP for publicly held companies, but defers to the FASB. The FASB and SEC have a close working relationship that ensures that FASB standards are acceptable to the SEC. The SEC enforces financial reporting rules for publicly held companies. It actively reviews the filings that companies make. Auditors are the enforcers for non-publicly held companies.Accounting standards in Mexico are issued by the Council for Research and Development of Financial Information Standards (CINIF), an independent public-private sector body patterned after the U.S. FASB. Its authority for issuing Mexican accounting standards is recognized by the National Banking and Securities Commission, the government agency that regulates the Mexican Stock Exchange. The Commission is responsible for enforcing financial reporting standards for listed companies. However, it is unclear how proactive the Commission is in investigating filings that it receives. Enforcement of financial reporting for non-listed companies effectively rests with auditors.Japanese accounting standards are set by a private sector body, the Accounting Standards Board of Japan. The establishment of the ASBJ is a recent development in Japan. Before, accounting standard setting was a government activity. Enforcement of financial reporting effectively rests with auditors. The stock exchange is regulated by the Financial Services Agency, a government body. However, it is unclear how proactive the FSA is in monitoring financial reporting by Japanese companies.Accounting standard setting is a government activity in China. The China Accounting Standards Committee is the authoritative body within the Ministry of Finance responsible for developing accounting standards. The China Securities Regulatory Committee is the government agency that regulates China’s two stock exchanges. The CSRC is also responsible fo r enforcing financial reporting for listed companies. Many question the effectiveness of the Chinese enforcement mechanism.The Institute of Chartered Accountants in India, a private sector professional body, develops accounting standards in India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India, an agency of the Ministry of Finance, regulates India’s 22 stock exchanges and is responsible for enforcing financial reporting rules. However, it is unclear how proactive the board is in monitoring financial reporting by Indian companies.Overall, the five countries vary in terms of private versus public sector responsibility for regulating and enforcing financial reporting. Enforcement is questionable in several countries.The United States has the strongest mechanism for regulating and enforcing financial reporting of the five countries.2. The United States and India are common law countries that have fair presentation orientedfinancial reporting. Mexico also has fair presentation oriented financial reporting because of U.S.influence. In addition, Mexico has inflation-adjusted accounting, in contrast to the other four countries. Japan is a code law country and its accounting has traditionally been characterized as conservative and tax-driven, just like other code law countries (such as France and Germany discussed in Chapter 3.) However, it is moving to fair presentation because of its commitment to converge Japanese accounting standards with IFRS. China is likewise moving toward fair presentation oriented accounting by adopting IFRS as Chinese GAAP. Despite adopting fair presentation principles, one can question whether the Chinese achieve it in application. There is an acute shortage of trained accountants in China and the profession remains undeveloped. The accounting profession is strong in the other four countries, including the “developing” economies of India and Mexico.3.The auditor oversight bodies discussed in this chapter are:a.United States – Public Company Accounting Oversight Boardb.Japan – Certified Public Accountant and Auditing Oversight BoardThe recent establishment of independent auditor oversight bodies in the United States and Japan is in response to recent worldwide accounting scandals. Both represent tightening control over auditors.4. Tax legislation pays a limited role in all five countries, with the exception of Japan. In the UnitedStates, financial and tax accounting are separate except for LIFO. Tax legislation has little influence on financial reporting practices in Mexico. For example, there are numerous differences between financial and tax accounting, such as the calculation of cost of sales, depreciation, and goodwill amortization. Tax legislation has traditionally been one side of the “triangular legal syste m” in Japan, exerting an influence on Japanese accounting standards. However, the influence of taxation is declining with the alignment of Japanese accounting standards to IFRS.Several years ago, tax legislation had some influence in China, but this has waned as China develops a more complete set of financial reporting standards. India, like other common law countries, separates financial and tax accounting.4.This question has been of interest in academia for quite some time. Is accounting expertise anecessary precondition for economic development, or can an economy advance without it? It would seem that an economy cannot advance very far without accounting expertise. But the relationship probably works both ways, just like demand creates supply and vice-versa.The example of China demonstrates the importance of developing accounting (standards, knowledge, etc.). Accounting is a part of the market reform packages in China, so the need has been recognized from the start. Mexico and India have been market-oriented longer than China, and their accounting is more developed. But again, it is apparent in these two countries that accounting supports economic development.6. U.K. standards (Chapter 3) and IFRS (Chapter 8) are said to reflect principles-based standards,while U.S. standards (this chapter) are said to be rules-based. Generally speaking, principles-based standards set forth broad objectives and fundamentals and require professional judgment for their implementation. They are more flexible than rules-based standards and are likely to result in more divergence in practice. Rules-based standards are more specific in their requirements and have more detailed implementation guidance than principles-based standards.They are likely to result in more comparability than principles-based standards, but are said tofoster a “check the box” mentality. The chapter says that U.S. GAAP is “probably more voluminous than in the rest of the world combined and substantially more detailed than in any oth er country.” Thus, one can argue that U.S. GAAP is rules-based.7. The U.K. and U.S. both follow fair presentation accounting, reflecting economic substance ratherthan legal form. Both the U.K. “true and fair” and the U.S. “presents fairly” reflect fa ir presentation. However, the U.K. has a true and fair override –accounting standards can be overridden if necessary to achieve a true and fair view. In the U.S., presents fairly means that generally accepted accounting principles have been followed.8. The most important reconciling item (i.e., the most significant difference between Mexican andU.S. accounting) relates to the use of general price level accounting in Mexico. Strict historical cost is used in the U.S. Two other differences noted in the chapter are (a) Mexico applies the equity method at 10 percent, whereas the U.S. applies it at 20 percent and (b) in Mexico development costs are capitalized and amortized after technological feasibility has been established; in the U.S., they are expensed.9.The bursting of the Japanese bubble economy in the 1990s prompted a review of Japanese financialreporting standards. It became clear that many accounting practices hid how badly many Japanese companies were actually doing. The accounting “big bang” was designed to make the financial condition of Japanese companies more transparent and bring Japanese accounting more in line with international norms.Practice changes include the following:a.Requiring listed companies to report a statement of cash flows.b.Subsidiary companies are consolidated based on control rather than ownership.c.Affiliated companies are accounted for using the equity method based on influence ratherthan ownership.d.Investments in securities are valued at market rather than cost.e.Deferred taxes are fully provided.f.Pension and other retirement obligations are accrued in full.10.Full and complete disclosure of reliable, evenhanded information is necessary to develop a fairand efficient stock market. The “Anglo-Saxon” model of a ccounting (discussed in Chapter 2), emphasizing a fair presentation of financial condition and results, and emphasizing stewardship, also fosters the development of a fair and efficient stock market. Countries with this accounting orientation (such as the U.S. and U.K.) have active, fair and efficient stock markets. There is alsoa legal structure and an effective enforcement of laws and accounting disclosures to make it allwork.China is developing accounting standards with the stock market orientation discussed above. So China is on the right track here –the standards themselves will support the development of a stock market. In addition, investors must have confidence that the standards are being followed,i.e., that the information disseminated by companies is reliable. Thus, good auditing by well-trained accounting professionals is important. China may have difficulty developing anaccounting profession, which would in turn be a hindrance to stock market development. China must also overcome the culture of secrecy developed under communism.11.The chapter mentions a number of examples where Chinese accounting standards are consistentwith world class practices. A selective list of the more important ones are the following:parative, consolidated financial statements including a balance sheet, incomestatement, cash flow statement, and notes.b.Accrual basis for recognizing revenues and expenses, matching, and consistency.c.Purchase method for business combinations with annual impairments test.d.Equity method for nonconsolidated affiliates.e of historical cost.f.Finance leases capitalized.12. The British influence on accounting in India is clear. India has a common law legal system andfair presentation accounting that accompanies it. Like Britain, financial statements must give a true and fair view and there is a strong self-regulated accounting profession. Professional accountants (auditors) are called chartered accountants in both countries. The financial reporting and accounting measurements described in this chapter for India are very similar to those described in Chapter 3 for the United Kingdom.Exercises1. United Statesa.Financial Accounting Standards Board.b.Securities and Exchange Commission.Mexicoa.The Council for Research and Development of Financial Information Standards.b.There is no definitive enforcement agency. However, the National Banking andSecurities commission regulates the Mexican Stock Exchange.Japana.The Accounting Standards Board of Japan.b.The Financial Services Agency for listed companies under the securities law and theMinistry of Justice, when company law is involved.Chinaa.The Chinese Accounting Standards Committee under the Ministry of Finance.b.The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, under the jurisdiction of theMinistry of Finance, regulates auditing.Indiaa.Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.b.Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.2.At the time of writing, the following organizations were linked to IFAC’s website:United StatesInstitute of Management AccountantsAmerican Institute of Certified Public AccountantsNational Association of State Boards of AccountancyMexicoInstituto Mexicano de Contadores PúblicosJapanJapanese Institute of Certified Public AccountantsChinaChinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants3.The question asked for five expressions, terms, or short phrases unfamiliar or unusual in thestudent’s home country. Taking the United States as the home countr y, here are twelve:a.Triangular legal system – A description of accounting regulation in Japan consisting ofthe interacting Company Law, Securities and Exchange Law, and Corporate Income TaxLaw.b.Socialist market economy – Used in China to describe its planned economy with marketadaptations.nd and industrial property rights –Still owned by the Chinese government, privatecompanies acquire the right to use these industrial assets.d.Pesos of current purchasing power – A term to describe general price level accounting inMexico.e.Tax compliance audit report –Mexican auditors must attest that no irregularities wereobserved regarding compliance with tax laws.f.Statement of changes in financial position –the financial statement in Mexico thatcorresponds to the statement of cash flow. However, the statement of changes infinancial position is prepared in constant pesos (adjusted for inflation), while the cashflow statement uses historical cost.g.Seniority premiums –compensation paid in Mexico at the termination of employmentbased on how long the employee has worked.h.Keiretsu– Interlocking giant conglomerates in Japan.i.Guanxi– Relationship culture in China that is based on mutuality and mutual duties.j.B-shares – Shares issued to foreign investors by Chinese listed companies.k.True and fair view – The requirement in India that financial statements present a true and fair view came from Britain.l.Amalgamation – The term used in India for a merger.4. The most important financial accounting practice or principle at variance with international normsis probably the following:United States – LIFO. Driven by tax law considerations, no other country uses LIFO to the extent found in the U.S. LIFO reduces reported earnings. Because older, lower costs of inventory are shown on the balance sheet, the debt to asset ratio will be higher. Companies using LIFO must report so-called LIFO reserves that enable an analyst to convert LIFO amounts to FIFO amounts.Mexico– Inflation adjustments. Most countries in the world value assets and related expenses at historical cost; few countries incorporate inflation adjustments. With inflation adjustments, earnings will be lower and the debt to asset ratio will probably be lower as well. It is unlikely that an analyst will be able to adjust Mexican accounts to historical cost. Of course, such an adjustment is unwise, given high inflation.Japan–Pooling of interests method for business combinations where no party obtains control over the other. The international norm is to treat all business combinations as a purchase.Compared to purchase accounting, pooling results in higher income and lower asset values.Therefore, the debt to asset ratio will be higher. An analyst will be unable to adjust for this accounting method.China– Showing the right to use land and industrial property owned by the government as an intangible asset. China is unusual in the extent to which the government owns land and industrial property. As long as these intangibles are fairly valued, there will be no effect on reported earnings or the debt to asset ratio. However, the analyst must realize that the intangible asset shown on a Chinese company’s balance sheet is a tangible asset on the balance sheets of companies from other countries.India– Pooling of interests method for amalgamations (mergers). As noted above for Japan, the international norm is to treat all business combinations as a purchase. Compared to purchase accounting, pooling results in higher income and lower asset values. Therefore, the debt to asset ratio will be higher. An analyst will be unable to adjust for this accounting method.5. At the time of writing, the following numbers are reported by the World Federation of StockExchanges:The significant number of listed companies in India may be surprising. It may also be surprising that the number of listed Japanese companies matches the numbers for the United States. Another potential surprise is the fact that the Mexican Stock Exchange has more foreign listed firms than domestic listed firms. Students will probably speculate that most of the foreign listed firms in Mexico are from other Latin American countries, a statement that is in fact true. The lack of foreign listed firms in China and India has two possible explanations –either the government does not allow foreign firms to list on domestic exchanges, or companies do not see these stock markets as an attractive place to raise capital. The latter explanation is why there are so few foreign listed firms in Japan.5.A comparison of the countries in Exhibit 4-5 reveals few differences among the United States,Mexico, and China. Thus, all three countries can claim that their GAAP are comparably oriented toward equity investors. However, of the three countries, the United States can probably claim to have GAAP most oriented toward equity investors. The chapter notes that the U.S. has the most voluminous and detailed accounting requirements in the world and that they are rigorously enforced. Thus, the nod goes to the United States.India and Japan both allow pooling of interests accounting, an accounting treatment now at variance with international norms. The treatment of goodwill in these two countries is also at variance with international norms. In addition, Japan’s lea se accounting treatment is at variance with international norms. Thus, Japan seems to be the country whose GAAP is least oriented toward equity investors.6.At the time of writing, the following companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange fromMexico, Japan, India, and China:MexicoAmerica MovilCemexCoca-Cola FEMSADesarrolladora HomexEmpresas ICAFomento Economico MexicanoGRUMAGrupo Aeroportuario del PacificoGrupo Aeroportuario del SuresteGrupo Casa SabaGrupo Radio CentroGrupo TelevisaGrupo TMMIndustrias BachocoTelefonos de MexicoVitroJapanAdvantestCannonHitachiHonda MotorKonamiKubotaKyoceraMatsushita Electric IndustrialMitsubishi UFJ Financial GroupMizuho Financial GroupNidecNippon Telegraph and TelephoneNIS Group Co.Nomura HoldingsNTT DoCoMoOrixSonyTDKToyota MotorIndiaDr. Reddy’s LaboratoriesHDFC BankICICI BankMahanagar Telephone NigamPatni Computer SystemsSatyam Computer ServicesTata MotorsVidesh Sanchar NigamWiproWNS HoldingsChinaAluminum Corporation of ChinaAmerican Oriental BioengineeringChina Eastern AirlinesChina Life InsuranceChina MobileChina Netcom GroupChina Petroleum and ChemicalChina Southern AirlinesChina TelecomChina UnicomGuangshen RailwayHuaneng Power InternationalMindray Medical InternationalNew Oriental Education and TechnologyPetroChinaSemiconductor Manufacturing InternationalSinopec Shanghai PetrochemicalSuntech Power HoldingsTrina SolarYanzhou Coal MiningMexico has 16 companies listed on the NYSE, ranking third after Brazil (35) and Chile (17).This is perhaps surprising given the strong economic links between the United States and Mexico discussed in the chapter. One would expect Mexico to have the most of any Latin American country. Of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, China has the most number of companies listed on the NYSE (20); Japan is second (19); and India is third (10). As discussed in the chapter, the economies of China and India are growing rapidly. The relatively large numbers of NYSE listed Chinese and Indian companies probably reflect a need for capital by their larger companies. That Japan has approximately the same number of NYSE listed companies as China is perhaps surprising. However, the chapter discusses how debt financing dominates equity financing in Japan.8. a. The two major areas of difference are asset valuation and accounting for goodwill. In theU.K., assets may be valued at historical cost, current cost, or a mixture of the two. Whenfixed assets are revalued, depreciation and amortization must be calculated using therevalued amounts. Only historical cost is allowed in the U.S. In the U.K., goodwill canbe impairments tested, as in the U.S., but may also be amortized over 20 years or less.Other differences between U.K. and U.S. GAAP relate to LIFO and the calculation of long-term deferred taxes. LIFO is rarely used in the U.K., but is relatively more commonin the U.S. In the U.K., long-term deferred taxes may be valued at discounted presentvalue. Finally, opportunities for income smoothing are probably greater in the U.K. thanin the U.S.b.Research has documented that U.S. GAAP earnings is systematically moreconservative than U.K. GAAP earnings (see, for example, P. Weetman and S.J. Gray,International Financial Analysis and Comparative Corporate Performance: The Impactof U.K. versus U.S. Accounting Principles on Earnings, Journal of InternationalFinancial Management and Accounting(Summer & Autumn 1990), pp. 111-130).However, many of the accounting principles on which this research study is based havenow changed.Goodwill accounting should result in a more conservative income amount for U.K.companies if they systematically amortize it over 20 years. However, the occasionalimpairments write-downs that U.S. companies will have will result in a lower incomeamount in the year of write-down. The use of LIFO in the U.S. will result in moreconservatively measured U.S. income amount. However, U.K. companies will reportlower earnings if assets are revalued, because corresponding depreciation charges will behigher. The effects of U.K. smoothing activities are unclear, but it seems likely thatcompanies would be more inclined to smooth toward higher earnings rather than lower.On balance, we think that U.S. companies will have somewhat more conservativeearnings amounts, but U.K and U.S. GAAP are converging.9. The chapter identifies the following major changes that have occurred since the Japanese “bigbang”:rge companies must prepare consolidated financial statements, not just listed ones.b.Listed companies must report a statement of cash flows.c.Consolidation is based on control rather than ownership.e of the equity method is based on significant influence rather than ownership.e.Goodwill is calculated based on fair market value of net assets acquired rather than bookvalue.f.Goodwill is amortized over 20 years rather than 5 years. It is also impairments tested.g.Investments in securities are valued at fair market value rather than cost.h.Inventory is valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value rather than cost.i.Deferred taxes are now fully provided.j.Pension and other retirement obligations are now fully accrued.k.Research and development is now expensed rather than deferred in some cases.l.For foreign currency translation, revenues and expenses are now translated at the average rate (rather than a choice between year-end or average rates) and the translationadjust ment is in stockholders’ equity (rather than shown as an asset or liability).10.The chapter identifies the following major changes that have occurred in Chinese accounting sincethe 1990s:a.The ASBE issued in 2006 represent a comprehensive set of Chinese accounting standardsthat are substantially in line with IFRS.b.The ASBE issued in 2006 also contains auditing standards similar to InternationalStandards on Auditing. All Chinese accounting firms and auditors are required to followthese audit standards.c. A cash flow statement is now required.d.Goodwill is impairments tested rather than amortized.e of the equity method is based on influence rather than ownership percentage.f.Consolidation of subsidiary companies is based on control rather than ownershippercentage.g.Foreign currency translation of overseas subsidiaries is based on the primary economicenvironment in which they operate.h.Tangible assets are depreciated over their expected useful lives rather than based on taxlaw.i.Lower of cost or market is now used to value inventory.j.LIFO is no longer an acceptable inventory costing method.k.Finance leases are now capitalized.l.Deferred taxes are now provided in full for all temporary differences.m.Contingent obligations are now provided for when they are both probable and a reliable estimate can be made of their amount.11.12. a. Japan and India allows pooling, while the others do not. Pooling usually results in lowernoncurrent asset amounts and higher income amounts. Goodwill and subsequentamortization is also excluded under pooling. To the extent that pooling is used byJapanese and Indian companies, they are likely to have higher debt to equity and debt toasset ratios. The numerator (return) and the denominators (assets and equity) in the twoprofitability ratios should all be higher, but the effect on the ratio is indeterminate.Liquidity ratios should be unaffected.b.Japan and India both require goodwill to be capitalized and amortized. This should haveno effect on the either liquidity ratio. The amortization will result in a lower amount ofincome going to retained earnings. Thus, the debt to equity ratio will be higher than whatit would be without amortization. The debt to asset ratio will also be higher. The effecton the profitability ratios is unclear. The numerator (income) will be lower than what itwould be without amortization. However the denominators in each case (assets andequity) will also be lower.c.The equity method is used in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparative ratios.d.Price-level adjusted accounting is practiced in Mexico and Indian companies may revaluetheir tangible assets to current values. The result is higher asset values, higher equity, and lower income (because of higher depreciation and cost of goods sold charges), compared to historical cost. The current ratio will be higher, but cash flow from operations to current liabilities will be unaffected. Both solvency ratios will be lower because their denominators (assets and equity) will be higher. Both profitability ratios will be lower. The numerator (income) will be lower and the denominators (assets and equity) will be higher.e.Depreciation in Japan is tax-based, which is normally higher than economics-baseddepreciation. This will reduce income and lower the profitability ratios. The more rapid write-off of fixed assets will cause lower total asset values. Thus, the debt to asset ratio should be higher. The debt to equity ratio and both liquidity ratios should be unaffected.f.LIFO is used in the United States. It is permitted in Japan, but not widely used.Companies using LIFO should have lower income, so lower profitability ratios.Inventory will probably be lower, causing the debt to asset ratio to increase and the current ratio to decrease. Cash flow to current liabilities will be unaffected. With less income going to retained earnings, the debt to equity ratio will be higher.g.Probable losses are accrued in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparativeratios.h.Not all finance leases are capitalized in Japan. Companies will report comparativelylower noncurrent liabilities and noncurrent assets. Income will also be affected, but the amount is probably immaterial. The liquidity ratios should be unaffected. Both solvency ratios should be lower and return on assets will be higher. The effect on return on equity is probably immaterial.i.Deferred taxes are accrued in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparative ratios. j.Some opportunity for income smoothing exists in India. Income smoothing has an indeterminate effect on income in any given year. Therefore it is not possible to know how the profitability ratios are affected. The effect of creating reserves is to shift amounts that would otherwise be in retained earnings into the reserve accounts. Since both of these are in shareholders’ equity, this total is unaffected. Therefore, the solvency ratios are likely to be unaffected. The two liquidity ratios will be unaffected.。

【参考答案:跨期摊配】9.与资产负债表中财务状况的计量直接联系的要素是: ..。
【参考答案:资产 ;负债 ;权益】10.的会计实务体系被公认为当今在世界范围内影响最大的会计模式。
【参考答案:右方 ;左方】14.经济合作与发展组织在会计的国际协调化方面发布的重要文件有()A.《跨国公司行为规范中的会计披露要求》B.《关于在跨国公司投资的指南》C.《外国发行者证券跨国上市的首次挂牌交易的国际披露准则概要》D.《国际会计准则和欧洲会计指令间一致性的考察》【参考答案:B】15.除外,不要求对外公布财务报告,会计报表中对信息的披露要求不够充分。
第四章 国际会计协调化活动

主席委员会制定和决定该组织的目标,由各个会 员(包括会员和准会员)机构的主席组成,下设 四个常务机构:
(1)非洲/中东地区委员会; (2)亚太地区委员会; (3)欧洲地区委员会; (4)泛美地区委员会。
1995年证券委员会国际组织与国际会计准 则委员会(IASC)商定了关于使国际会计准 则(IAS)形成一个会计准则核心体系的计划。 1998年12月底,IASC宣布按协议完成了与4 0项需要解决的议题相对应的已发布的IAS 的修订工作和新准则的制定工作; IOSCO对截至2000年1月IASC这些新制定的 或修订的IAS 2000年版本进行评审;
2.带有浓厚的英国合并会计色彩。 3.《第7号指令》体现了原则性与灵活性的有机
联合国:会计与报告国际准则政府间专 家工作组的活动
1979年,联合国又成立了有34个成员国代表参加 的会计和报告国际准则特设政府间专家工作小组, 小组并同意国际会计准则委员会、国际会计师联 合会、国际自由工会联合会和国际商会派来观察 员。 1982年提交了一份称为《跨国公司行为规范中的 会计披露要求》的重要报告, 要求跨国公司应向 经营活动所在国的公众披露有关组织结构、政策、 业务活动和经营情况的清楚、充分和全面的既包 括财务项目也包括非财务项目的信息,并采取常 规的年报形式。
国际会计课后答案 重点

这种分类的优点和缺点是什么?你能提出其他有效的分类吗?Advantage: Some might argue that measurement, disclosure, and external auditing are three distinct (although related) processes, involving different members of the company. For example, corporate attorneys often are involved in disclosure issues, but seldom intervene in measurement ssues. The Board of Directors works with the external auditors but not necessarily with the comptroller s office. Thus, discussion of accounting requirements and voluntary accounting choices in different jurisdictions is simplified by focusing on the three components of accounting. Disadvantage: measurement, disclosure and auditing are interdependent, and should not be viewed in isolation of one another. A company choosing to disclose as little as possible, for example, may use accounting measurement approaches that reduce the information content of financial statements, and select an external auditor who will be relatively lenient in enforcing accounting requirements. One alternative classification might include accounting (measurement and disclosure), and auditing. A second classification might include financial reporting (annual and interim reporting, regulatory filings) and ad hoc disclosure (press releases, analyst meetings, etc). Any classification is arbitrary, and potentially useful depending on its purpose.优势:一些人可能认为测量,披露和外部审计是三个不同的(虽然相关)流程,涉及公司的不同成员。

国际会计准则理事会(International Accounting Standards Board ,简称IASB)。
IASB的前身是国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards committee,简称IASC),在2000年进行全面重组并于2001年初改为国际会计准则理事会。
从1983年起,作为国际会计师联合会(International Federation of Accountants,简称“IFAC”)成员的所有会计职业团体均已成为IASC的成员。
重组前,国际会计准则制定工作由国际会计准则委员会理事会(IASC Board)承担。
除理事会外,IASC 还成立了咨询团(Consultative Group)、顾问委员会(Advisory Council)和常设解释委员会(Standing Interpretation Committee)三个机构。
咨询团定期开会,与理事会讨论国际会计准则项目中的技术问题、IASC的工作计划及战略,在IASC制定国际会计准则的应循程序(Due Process)以及推动承认国际会计准则方面发挥重要作用。

国际会计答案第一章国际会计的形式与发展第一题选择题1、国际会计的三大课题是(ABC )A 国际物价变动影响的调整B 国际财务报表的合并C 外币报表的折算D 国际税务会计2、现有的国际性会计事务所(会计公司)中所谓的“四大”包括(ABCD )A普华永道B毕马威国际C德勤D永安国际E安达信国际3、跨国公司兴起导致的独特的会计问题是(B )A 国际物价变动影响的调整B 国际财务报表的合并C 外币报表的折算D 国际税务会计4、“四大”会计师事务所的业务扩展与委托人的联系使用的是(A )A 同一名称和同一语言B 不同名称和同一语言C 不同名称和不同语言D 同一名称和不同语言5、国内性质的会计师事务所为从事国际业务而进行的临时协作一般要通过哪些途径联系?(ABC )A 国际性的职业届会议B 双方直接联系C 各国的执业会计师协会下设的国际联络委员会D 各国政府6、我国注册会计师考试的报考者的条件包括(AB )A 具有大专或大专以上学历B 具有会计、审计、统计、经济中级或中级以上的专业技术职称C 有两年的会计师事务所工作经验D 必须是中国公民7、自1994年,我国已允许(ABCD )参加我国注册会计师统一考试。
A 我国大陆公民B 香港居民C 澳门居民3D 台湾居民E 外国籍公民(该国法律允许中国公民参加该国注册会计师考试)8、第一次国际会计师大会举行的时间、地点是(A )A 1904年圣路易斯B 1952年伦敦C 1962年纽约D 1972年悉尼9、1977年于慕尼黑举行的第十一次国际会计师大会上创建的国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的前身是(A )A 会计职业界国际协调委员会(ICCAP)B 国际会计准则委员会(IASC)C 国际审计事务委员会(IAPC)D 国际会计师大会技术委员会10、20世纪70年代国际会计的研究中,悲观主义者的“国别会计”观的主要观点包括(ABC )A 各国会计的差异是各国不同的经济、政治、社会、法律、文化等环境影响所形成,不大可能协调一致。
国际会计 思考题及答案

1.国际会计是如何定义的?国际会计是会计的一个分支,它主要研究企业从事国际间的经营活动所涉及的会计问题,同时通过会计模式的分类和比较研究,协调各国会计准则和惯例,以期建立统一的世界会计报告体系2.会计国际化的原因是什么?第一,国际贸易迅速发展的需要第二,资本输出迅速发展的需要第三,跨国公司经营和发展的需要第四,促进本国经济发展、会计发展的需要第五,会计具有国际化的本性3. 影响会计模式的环境因素有哪些?经济、政治、社会、法律、地理、文化。
4. 缪勒教授对会计模式是如何分类的?1)按宏观经济要求发展会计在这种发展模式中,会计与国民经济政策密切相关,公司的目标要服从国民经济政策。
国际会计课后题答案 版


(知识点5 国际会计协调化和趋同化的国际组)A.正确B.错误【参考答案:B】3.除了中国注册会计师协会需对政府部门进行报告以外,中国注册会计师的管理与的制度是相似的。
【参考答案:金融衍生工具】7.与资产负债表中财务状况的计量直接联系的要素是: ..。
【参考答案:资产 ;负债 ;权益】8.国际会计准则委员会的总部设在,是民间机构。

Chapter 1IntroductionDiscussion Questions1.In the domestic case, accounting is an information service that provides financialinformation about a domestic entity to domestic users of that information. Internationalaccounting is distinctive in that the entity being reported on is either a multinationalcompany with operations and transactions that transcend national boundaries or involves an entiiy with reporting obligations to readers who are located outside the reportingentity’s country of domicile.2.Advantage: Some might argue that measurement, disclosure, and external auditing arethree distinct (although related) processes, involving different members of the company.For example, corporate attorneys often are involved in disclosure issues, but seldomintervene in measurement issues. The Board of Directors works with the external auditors but not necessarily with the comptroller s office. Thus, discussion of accountingrequirements and voluntary accounting choices in different jurisdictions is simplified by focusing on the three components of accounting. Disadvantage: measurement, disclosure and auditing are interdependent, and should not be viewed in isolation of one another. A company choosing to disclose as little as possible, for example, may use accountingmeasurement approaches that reduce the information content of financial statements, and select an external auditor who will be relatively lenient in enforcing accountingrequirements. One alternative classification might include accounting (measurement and disclosure), and auditing. A second classification might include financial reporting(annual and interim reporting, regulatory filings) and ad hoc disclosure (press releases,analyst meetings, etc). Any classification is arbitrary, and potentially useful depending on its purpose.3.Factors contributing to the internationalization of the subject of accounting include: thegrowth and spread of multinational operations around the world, the phenomenon ofglobal competition, the increasing number of cross-border mergers and acquisitions thatoccur almost daily, continued advances in information technology, and theinternationalization of the world’s capital markets.4.International trade involves importing and exporting activities. The major accountingissue associated with foreign trade involves accounting for foreign currency transactions.Foreign direct investment, on the other hand, involves conducting operations abroad.This activity exposes accountants to a new set of issues that run the gamut from having to consolidate foreign currency accounts based on diverse measurement rules to issues ofevaluating the performance of foreign subsidiary managers.5.Students will overwhelmingly argue in favor of harmonization. This is probably a goodstarting point for the course. After they are introduced to the chapters leading up toChapter 8, some may no longer feel that harmonization is necessarily the answer to all of their international accounting problems.6.Recent developments such as the growth and spread of multinational operations,Internationalization of the world’s capital markets, increased cross border mergers andacquisitions, the phenomenon of global competition and financial innovation haveincreased reader dependence on foreign financial statements. An understanding ofaccounting differences and their effect on reported measures of profitability, efficiency, solvency and liquidity are critical if proper decisions are to be made. Internationalaccounting issues have become more complex in recent years for several reasons.Financial transactions are becoming more complex, affecting both national andinternational accounting. For example, the use of complex financial instruments anddeveloping accounting standards for these exotic instruments has been problematic.Global financial markets also are becoming more volatile, leading to large changes in asset and balance sheet amounts (such as related to investments) and major sources of income and expense. The related accounting issues are difficult. The growinginternationalization of business also promotes complexity. Foreign currency transactions and translation have been troublesome accounting issues for years, and are becoming more important as cross-border business and finance increase. Also, differences innational accounting principles potentially are more troublesome as business becomes more international. However, as convergence efforts worldwide accelerate, and more and more companies and countries adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), complexity arising from differences in national accounting principles will decrease.7.Examples of external reporting issues include:a. Does translation from one set of measurement rules to another change theinformation content of the original message?b. Should accounts of foreign operations be translated to parent currency whenconsolidated statements are prepared?c. Which exchange rates should be employed when translating from one currency toanother?Examples of internal reporting issues include:a. Which exchange rates should be used for budgeting purposes?b. Should foreign managers be evaluated in terms of parent currency or the localcurrency of the country in which the manager operates?c. Which prices should one use when transferring goods or services betweenmembers of the multinational enterprise- cost, market, cost-plus or some othermetric?8.Global capital market activities and transactions reach beyond single political or legaljurisdictions. For example, global capital market transactions include the following: (1) an American tourist buying Australian dollars for travel purposes in the South Pacific; (2)a Japanese insurance company buying German government bonds as an investment; and(3) a Nigerian agricultural development project receiving cash subsidies from theEuropean Union (EU).The international equities market is one global capital market. A second such market covers foreign exchange transactions, that is, when one national currency is exchanged into, traded forward, hedged, swapped, or otherwise converted to another nationalcurrency. This market is estimated at hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars per day. The total world foreign exchange market is the largest market on earth. The international bond market is still another global capital market. The bonds constituting this market areunderwritten by international syndicates of banks and are marketed and traded all over the world. Global capital markets are a vital part of the world economy.9.English should be designated as the formal international accounting language. Technicalaccounting terms ( terms of art) do not travel well internationally. Since technicalaccounting terms often have attributed meanings (for example, generally acceptedaccounting principles are neither generally accepted nor principles ), it is difficult orimpossible to translate these terms into other languages and retain their original meanings.In other disciplines, such considerations have caused the establishment of Latin as the universal language for botanical classifications, Italian as the language for specifying the tempo (and other matters of interpretation) of musical compositions, and English as the language of electronic computing. Since accounting is used worldwide, a singleworldwide language for accounting makes sense.Why should English be the worldwide language for accounting? English already hasbecome the language of world commerce and multinational business. Thus, the universal use of English in accounting would parallel a well-established business practice. Also, the accounting discipline was in many respects developed as an offshoot of Anglo-American economics, which means that the language roots of many accounting terms and concepts are English. Among non-English speaking people, English is the mostcommon second language. The vast majority of the world’s accounting literature iswritten in English, and nearly all international accounting conventions and conferences use English as the official language. Multinational corporations generally use English in their accounting and financial operating manuals, as well as for corporatecommunications, without regard to national domiciles. Therefore, the worldwide benefits of adopting English as the universal language of accounting are likely to be greater than for any other language, and the worldwide costs are likely to be less.10.Emerging markets are those whose financial systems are emerging from state dominationthrough a process of liberalization. Developed countries are those with liberalizedfinancial systems. Many people believe that liberalization is highly beneficial to sustained economic growth. Many different classifications of developed versus emerging market countries are used, and often the terms are not defined, although no one correct set of definitions for developed and emerging markets exists.Students should be encouraged to suggest their own criteria as to what constitutes adeveloped as opposed to an emerging market. The emerging market countries are in geographic regions that are generally not highly industrialized. But one cannot generalize here as extensive economic liberalization is taking place in these countries (in some more than in others). For example, entry barriers to foreign businesses, government regulation of banking operations, and credit controls have been eased in many of the countries once classified as “emerging.”11.Privatizations of state-owned corporations have had dramatic effects on global capitalmarkets. Often, the privatized entities are large, well-known companies in which thenational government retains a large ownership interest, and retail (individual, non-institutional) investors often are encouraged to buy shares in newly privatized entities. Asa result, the shareholder base in the market grows dramatically, investors become moreactive market participants, and market capitalization increases.Privatizations also mean that management must now compete in the market place formarket share, external capital and corporate control. In such a world, accounting systems must properly motivate managers to work toward the accomplishment of theorganization’s overall goals in an efficient manner while putting together credibleexternal financial statements that will enable it to secure the necessary capital to financecorporate growth. Many of these external and internal reporting issues are covered in the balance of the chapters in this book.12.Those opposed to outsourcing see it as a threat to domestic jobs and a form ofexploitation by companies engaged in the practice. Some even see it as a moral issue.However, they miss the point of international trade. While outsourcing may reduce jobs in one sector, they reflect differences in comparative advantage, which ultimately makes possible greater employment in other sectors and or lower consumer prices whichincreases real wealth. One need only look at higher education in America. Whereasstenographers in the U.S. may be losing jobs to stenographers in India, more and moreIndian families are sending their children to the U.S. for their higher education,increasing the demand for support services in the higher education sector.A look at Exhibit 1.2 shows that over time, countries with greater exports than importseventually become net importers and vice versa. The importance of internationalaccounting will not diminish. Countries have been trading with each other since antiquity and will continue to do. Even if the volume of trade were to diminish, an unlikely event, the network of trading partners continues to expand globally and with it accounting issues associated with international trade.Exercises1.For steps one and two in which the idea for the Proliant ML150 is spawned in Singaporeand approved in Texas, differences in legal practices regarding rights and compensationschemes for intellectual property development may vary between the U.S. and Singapore as the latter’s legal system has been influenced by the U.K. system. Internat ional taxissues also surface in terms of royalty payment arrangements and their tax consequences in both Singapore and the U.S.For step 4, language communications between Singapore and Taiwan could pose someissues of interpretation. Production in Taiwan raises internal reporting issues such asshould exchange rate fluctuations between the Taiwanese dollar and the U.S. dollar beincorporated into the cost of production or accounted for separately as a non-operatingforeign exchange gain or loss. In evaluating the creditworthiness of the Taiwanesemanufacturer, should the financial statements of the Taiwanese manufacturer betranslated to U.S. GAAP or not. If a ratio analysis is performed, should Taiwaneseliquidity and solvency ratios be interpreted based on U.S. financial norms or Taiwanesenorms?For step 5, should clients in Southeast Asian countries be charged identical prices orshould prices be flexed for differences in exchange rates, transportation arrangements and “facilitating” payments. What legal issues are raised in the case of bribes expected on the part of commercial buyers and how would these payments be treated under the U.S.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?2. A suggested index might look like the following. The instructor should focus on thestudent’s rationale for his or her rating as some students may have more knowledge ofspecific country developments than others and students will naturally exhibit differentdegrees of risk-aversion.Industrialized CountriesUnited States 1Canada 1Japan 1United Kingdom 1France 1Germany 1Italy 1Australia 2New Zealand 2East AsiaHong Kong 1Indonesia 3South Korea 2Malaysia 2Phillipines 1Singapore 1Taiwan 3Thailand 2Latin AmericaArgentina 2Brazil 2Chile 2Colombia 2Mexico 1Peru 1Venezuela 2Middle East and AfricaEgypt 3Israel 2Morocco 2South Africa 1Turkey 2South AsiaBangladesh 2India 2Nepal 3Pakistan 3Sri Lanka 33.The compounded annual growth rate for merchandise exports from 1985 to 2005 wasapproximately 8.7%. The growth rate for merchandise imports was also 8.7% . The comparable growth rates for exports of services was 9.6% over the same 20 year period.It was 9.2% for imports. The outlook for accounting services to travel internationally are very good. Students interested in accounting careers should take note.4.The purpose of this exercise to get students to check out the wealth of stock relatedinformation available on the web. They will probably choose the five whose countriesare most familiar to them. Their exchanges will probably be located in highlyindustrialized economies and which afford access to relatively deep pools of capital. As one example, Luxembourg has long been popular because of its accommodating listingrequirements. However, students should note that the numbers of foreign companieslisted in markets other than the NYSE have been declining. This suggests that manyissuers question the benefits of such listings, and that the benefits of a foreign listinggenerally are greater in the United States. In particular, the U.S. represents a well-established market with strong investor protection. This is especially important in adown economy, as stringent disclosure requirements help to minimize perceivedinformation risk which, in turn, reduces price volatility.5.This exercise will require that students combine certain geographic categories ofmerchandise exports to achieve some comparability with Henekin’s disclosures. It would be interesting to poll students’ ex ante predictions of the correlations and have themponder reasons for any differences they find.Geographic Region Merchandise Exports Geographic Sales for HeinekenAfrica and Middle East 7.9% 12.6%Asia 29.2% 9.1%Europe 41% 65.5%Americas 17.6% 12.7%While correlations between percentage geographic distributions of merchandise exportsand beer sales are closer for Africa and the Middle East and for the Americas, there arebig differences in beer sales and merchandise export patterns for Asia and Europe.Obviously one cannot generalize microeconomic behavior from macroeconomic data.However, some students will be inclined to hypothesize similar patterns given thepopularity of beer consumption around the world. It will be fun brainstorming reasonsfor the observed differences. Might observed differences be due to national differencesin consumer tastes, import restrictions and perhaps the success of national advertisingcampaigns? More important, this exercise should reinforce the notion of environmentaldifferences as explanatory variables.6.The geographic spread of Heineken’s revenue streams suggest that the co mpany isexposed to foreign exchange rate risk. This complicates the process of forecasting thecompany’s future earnings and resultant cash flows. Moreover, the numbers beingreported are the results of a consolidation process. The cardinal rule to remember here is that when exchange rates change, data in parent currency may change even though local currency amounts may not. For managerial accountants, the conduct of foreignoperations raises numerous issues of financial control. For example, which currencyshould be used to evaluate foreign subsidiary performance, the parent currency or thelocal currency? In preparing operating budgets, which exchange rate combination should be used to translate original budgets and subsequently track performance? Whenplanning capital expenditures, how do you factor inflation, foreign exchange rate risk and sovereign risk into measures of future project cash flows, cost of capital estimates andplanned investment outlays? Should capital budgeting decisions be made from theproject’s perspective or a company perspective? Again, this exercise is designed to raise questions that will be addressed in subsequent chapters.7.Issues triggered by Exhibit 1-5 include :a. What criteria are used to determine when a foreign affiliate is to be consolidatedwith that of the parent company? While majority ownership is one criterion forconsolidation, do other criteria exist internationally and why?b. When consolidating the accounts of a foreign affiliate with that of the parentshould accountants first restate the accounting measurement rules of the foreignaffiliate to the reporting requirements of the parent company or should thereporting requirements of the affiliate’s country of domicile prevail? Whichmethod produces the more meaningful information for statement readers?c. When consolidating the accounts of a foreign affiliate should the accountanttranslate the currency of the affiliate to the reporting currency of the parentcompany? If so, which exchange rates should be employed for each balancesheet account? For each income statement account?d. If fluctuating exchange rates produce foreign currency gains and losses duringthe consolidation process, how should these gains and losses be accounted for?8.The ROE ratios for Electrolux based on IFRS and U.S. GAAP was derived as follows:IFRS U.S. GAAPROE 1,763/25,888 + 23,636 1,518/25,057 + 23,5672 2= 1,763/24,762 =1,518/24,3129.For this exercise, we consider information provided by three stock exchanges: TheLondon Stock Exchange, the Deutsche Boerse and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. TheLondon Stock Exchange Web site () provides highly useful information. However, under the U.K. regulatory structure, the Financial Services Authority, not the LSE, is responsible for the admission of securities to official listing and continuing obligations of listed companies.The Deutsche Boerse ()has a 117-page document covering insider trading and required ad hoc disclosure, but nothing in any detail concerning periodic financial disclosures. There is a bar chart that claimed to show the relative transparency of the various Deutsche Boerse exchanges. Without even the most basic frame ofreference, it s hard to describe such a chart as anything but opaque.It might be well to advise students not to investigate financial disclosure requirements for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (www.tse.or.jp). The TSE does not have independentfinancial disclosure requirements. Rather, companies must conform with therequirements of Japan’s Securities and Exchange Law and regulations. The TSE provides this brief summary: Under the Securities and Exchange Law, the registrants are required to file annual and semi-annual reports with the Ministry of Finance, with copies to the stock exchanges where the securities are listed. The financial statements to be included in security registration statements and annual reports must comply with a wide range of formats and contents relating to disclosures prescribed in the regulations. The regulations require both the consolidated financial statements and non-consolidated financialstatements of the registrant. The financial statements prepared under the Securities and Exchange Law and relevant regulations are in major areas equivalent to those prevailing internationally.This summary obviously raises many more questions than it answers. The TSE alsoprovides a flow chart showing which documents are required to be filed, and their filing deadlines, but nothing concerning the required contents of these documents.For an illustrative example, consider the Deutsche Boerse and the London StockExchange. Note that Web sites change continuously. Therefore, the responses shown below are indicative only.Ratings (obviously) will be subjective. Students should be evaluated on the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of their evaluations10.If we divide the total foreign company listings for each region by the total listings for thatregion as one measure of foreign listings, we would obtain the following results: The Americas: 1,174/3,758 = 31.2%Asia-Pacific: 274/2,375 = 11.53%Europe-Africa-Middle-East 1,188/10,383 = 11.4%Student answers to the second part of the question will vary depending on which region of the world they expect to experience the most rapid growth in the years ahead.11.In addition to eliciting a variety of investment strategies, this question should drive homethe connection between accounting information and international investing. Theaccounting issues that will influence country investment allocations will be the extent oftransparency of a company’s accounts, the degree to which its accounting standards areoriented toward investor decisions and the quality of the audit functions in each country. Case 1-1E-Centives, Inc.e-centives, Inc. — Raising Capital in Switzerland1. Possible factors (from Exhibit 1.7) relevant in e-centives decision to raise capital and list on the Swiss Exchange s New Market:•Ease of raising capital (point 3). The Swiss Exchange s New Market has simple listing requirements designed to appeal to small companies. The contrast with the complex,detailed listing and reporting requirements in the United States is striking.•Availability of capital (point 4). Switzerland has a large, well-developed capital market.•Reputation of the exchange (point 5). The Swiss Exchange is well known for providing a high quality, efficient trading environment.•Corporate profile and brand identity (point 6). A listing on the New Market would dovetail with the company s possible expansion into Switzerland by giving it a higherprofile in the Swiss market. While e-centives is interested in expanding into Switzerland, it also is considering Germany and the United Kingdom, which have much largerconsumer markets. Therefore, this is not an overwhelming point in Switzerland s favor.•Regulatory environment (point 7). It is highly likely that e-centives chose Switzerland because its regulatory environment is unlike that of the United States.•Availability of investors (point 9). e-centives might be interested in possible investment from large Swiss pension funds, but it s not likely that such funds would invest in aspeculative, start-up enterprise.2. a. Possible reasons why e-centives chose not to raise public equity in the United States:•One possible reason would be to avoid the complex and expensive process of registering securities with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and keeping up with theCommission’s periodic reporting requirements.•e-centives probably would not satisfy the listing requirements of a U.S. stock exchange (such as Nasdaq or a regional stock exchange).•Management might think that raising money in Switzerland rather than the U.S. might give them an appearance of quality, cleverness, and exclusivity that would not bepossible with a U.S. listing. (Your authors believe that such reasoning is far-fetched, but it s not unknown.)b. Possible drawbacks to not raising capital in the U.S. public markets.•Lack of access to the largest pool of investment capital in the world.•Lack of following by U.S. investment analysts, and lack of access to individual U.S.investors.•Trading volume on the Swiss Exchange New Market is much smaller than on the U.S.exchanges.•Listing in Switzerland does little to establish the reputation or raise the profile of e-centives in the United States.•The degree to which (mostly European) investors in the New Market would be interested in a struggling U.S. start-up certainly can be questioned.3. Advantages and disadvantages to e-centives of using U.S. GAAP.Advantages: U.S. accounting standards are highly credible and well known, which is important to a new company seeking investment capital, and would be much more familiar to the company’s management, outside auditors, and investors domiciled in the U.S. than any other set of standards. Use of U.S. GAAP would eliminate some suspicions of the company trying to put something over on investors by using some other set of GAAP, and U.S. GAAP is accepted explicitly by the Swiss Exchange.Disadvantages: U.S. accounting standards are not particularly well known to investors participating on the Swiss Exchange, who would be expected to know Swiss GAAP, GAAP of other major European markets, and possibly IAS (International Accounting Standards). Compliance with U.S. GAAP is more complex and expensive than compliance with other standards (such as IAS), and the company might see some cost savings by avoiding U.S. GAAP if it isn’t required to use them.4. Should the Swiss Exchange require e-centives to prepare its financial statements using Swiss accounting standards?This is a debatable point. One would expect that investors on the Swiss Exchange would be more familiar with Swiss accounting standards than with any other, and that requiring Swiss accounting standards would make financial disclosures more easily understood toth em than any others. This wouldn’t be true, however, for non-Swiss investors participating on the exchange, and ignores the fact that IAS increasingly are becoming a common language for financial accounting disclosures. Accepting IAS almost certainly would increase the pool of investors that would be able readily to understand disclosures by listed companies, and this would give the exchange a powerful reason to accept IAS in addition to (if not instead of) Swiss accounting standards.5. What are listing and financial reporting requirements of the Swiss Exchange s New Market? Does e-centives appear to fit the profile of the typical New Market company?From the case: The New Market is designed to meet the financing needs of rapidly growing companies Listing requirements are simple. For example, companies must have an operating track record of 12 months [note: not necessarily a profitable operating track record], [and] the initial public listing must involve a capital increase. All of these conditions apply well to e-centives, and on that basis the company does appear to fit the profile of the typical New Market company. The uniqueness of e-centives is in its decision to skip the U.S. capital markets.Case 1-2Infosys Technologies LimitedThis case is designed to get students into reading non-domestic financial statements. Many students will be surprised at the information content of Infosys’ financial statements as the company does not fit the typical stereotype of sub-par financial reporting in emerging markets. Indeed the company illustrates how competitive the world of business has become and the success that accrues to firms that base their futures on innovative thinking and adaptability. Students unused to seeing the report form of balance sheet will find it at odds with the classified balance sheet format that they were taught in class. Other things they will note include but are not limited to: use of a fiscal as opposed to a calendar year, the fact that the financial statements。

FASB和秒有一个密切的工作关系,确保FASB SEC标准是可以接受的。

Chapter 4Internal Control and CashShort Exercises(5 min.) S 4-1 1. Public companies must issue an internal control report, andthe outside auditor must evaluate the client’s internal controls.2. The Public Accountancy Oversight Board oversees theauditors of public companies.3. An accounting firm may not both audit a public client andalso provide certain consulting services for the same client.4. The law imposes stiff penalties for violators—25 years forsecurities fraud and 20 years for an executive who makes a false sworn statement.(5-10 min.) S 4-2 1. Control environment —Top managers must set the “tone att he top” to establish a control environment.2. Risk assessment —Each company must evaluate its ownrisks, based upon its particular line of business.3. Control procedures — Specific procedures are needed for agood system of internal control.4. Monitoring of controls —Auditors can monitor a company’sactions and its financial statements.5. Information system —Accurate information is essential forsuccess in business.Student responses may vary for the descriptions.(5-10 min.) S 4-3 Separation of duties is essential for safeguarding assets. The person who has custody of an asset should not also account for the asset. A person who performs both duties can steal the asset and hide the theft by making a bogus entry in the accounting records.Student responses may vary.(5-10 min.) S 4-4 Electronic Device Objective of Internal Control 1. Electronic sensor for 1. Safeguard assetsmerchandise2. Bar codes 1. Promote operational efficiency2. Ensure accurate accountingrecords3. Surveillance cameras 1. Safeguard assets2. Encourage employees tofollow company policy(10 min.) S 4-5Reitmeier Corp.Bank ReconciliationAugust 31, 20XXBANK BOOKSBalance, August 31 $3,405 Balance, August 31 $2,500 Add: Add:Deposit in transit 500 Bank collection 5503,905 Interest revenue 103,060Less:Less: Service charge (20) Outstanding checks (900) NSF check (35) Adjusted bank balance $3,005 Adjusted book balance $3,005 Reitmeier has cash of $3,005.(5 min.) S 4-6 Aug. 31 Cash (550)Accounts Receivable (550)Collection on account.31 Cash (10)Interest Revenue (10)Interest earned on bank balance.31 Miscellaneous Expense (20)Cash (20)Bank service charge.31 Accounts Receivable (35)Cash (35)NSF check.(5 min.) S 4-7 It appears that the employee has stolen $1,000 (adjusted book balance, $3,600 − adjusted bank balance, $2,600). The adjusted bank balance is the company’s true cash balance, and the company books show more cash on hand. Therefore, the books must be incorrect.(5 min.) S 4-8 McCormick will notice a gap in the sequence of sales receipts for the receipt that Castillo destroyed. This knowledge will lead McCormick to investigate what happened to the missing receipt and what happened to the related cash.(10 min.) S 4-9 1. Paying by check carries three controls over cash:∙The check provides a record of the payment.∙The check must be signed by an authorized official.∙Before signing the check, the official should study the evidence supporting the payment.2. A dishonest purchasing agent could:∙Purchase goods and have them delivered to his home or other location that he controls.∙Approve payment by the company for goods that he spent too much on, and then split the excess with the supplier.Companies avoid this internal control weakness by separating the following duties related to the purchase of, and payment for, goods:∙purchasing goods∙receiving goods∙approving and paying for goods(5 min.) S 4-10A cash budget starts with the beginning cash balance, adds budgeted cash receipts, and subtracts budgeted cash payments. The result is cash available at the end of the period. By comparing cash available to our budgeted cash balance, we can see whether we have cash available for additional investments, or if we’ll need new financing.Student responses may vary.(5-10 min.) S 4-11California Artichoke GrowersCash BudgetYear 2008Millions Cash balance, beginning $ 4 Estimated cash receipts—total 97101 Estimated cash payments—total (95) Cash available (needed) before new financing 6 Budgeted cash balance needed (5) Cash available for additional investments $ 1(5 min.) S 4-12 Ford should report the errors to McGregor because McGregor is Ford’s supervisor, and McGregor is responsible for the errors. If McGregor fails to take action, then Ford should report the errors to the manager of the organization. In any event, outsiders who are relying on ’s financial statements must be made aware of the need to correct the reported net income figure.Exercises(10 min.) E 4-13A computer virus enters program code without your consent and performs destructive action to your computer files or programs.A Trojan Horse is a malicious computer program that hides inside a legitimate program and works like a virus to corrupt your computer files or programs.A phishing expedition can be a Web site that attracts visitors who may be tricked into revealing their account numbers, social security numbers, passwords, or other valuable data. The creator of the Web site then uses the unsuspecting Web- site visitors’ data to stea l from them and for other illicit purposes.(20-30 min.) E 4-14 a. Separation of duties limits the chances for fraud (loss ofassets) and also promotes the accuracy of the accounting records. This allows managers to rely on the accounting records to produce information useful for operating the business.b. Cash is important not because of its amount as reported onthe balance sheet, but because of its effect on a business. All transactions ultimately affect cash. Businesses purchase assets and must pay cash. They make sales and collect cash.All expenses ultimately require cash. Also, cash is susceptible to theft because it is a medium of exchange.These factors combine to give cash more importance than its account balance would suggest.c. Punching a hole through supporting documents reduces theopportunity for fraud. Without this control procedure, a dishonest employee could resubmit documents for payment a second time. The employee could change the payee’saddress and have the check sent to an address the employee controls. Or the employee could arrange to have the second payee split the payment with the employee. Canceling the documents makes it difficult to get approval for a duplicate payment.Student responses may vary.(5-20 min.) E 4-15 a. Miller has access to the cash collected, and he also preparesthe cash report. With access to both items, Miller can steal cash and falsify his cash report to conceal his theft.b. Fisher prepares the purchasing order and also receives thegoods. She can add some items to the purchase order and have these extra items shipped to a location she controls.When the goods come in, she checks the incoming shipment, so there’s no outside party to learn of her dishonesty.c. An external audit normally includes an examination of the client’s financial statements and the underlying transactions.With no examination of these important items, the auditor may reach the wrong conclusion about Mattson’s financial statements. People who lent money to Mattson or bought Mattson stock may make unwise decisions in their dealings with Mattson and lose money as a result.Student responses may vary.(10 min.) E 4-16 Cash payments:a. Strong internal control. There is a good separation of duties.Supervisors request equipment, and the home office purchases the equipment.b. Weak internal control. Supervisors both request, purchase,and pay for equipment with little oversight by the home office.Cash receipts:a. Weak internal control. The accountant both handles cash andaccounts for cash.b. Strong internal control. There is a good separation of duties.Different people handle cash and account for cash.(10 min.) E 4-17 To prevent Moore’s embezzlement, Downtown Flint’s board of directors could have:a. Not permitted Moore to write Downtown Flint Checks.Instead, appoint a board member to write the checks.b. Not permitted Moore to receive cash that came toDowntown Flint. Have cash sent to a lock box at the bank and appoint a board member to get the cash from the lock box.c. Supervised Moore’s work by examining Downtown Flintdocuments such as paid checks.d. Had an audit of Downtown Flint transactions and financialstatements.Student responses may vary.(5-10 min.) E 4-181. b 5. d2. b 6. c3. d 7. c4. a(10-20 min.) E 4-19LeAnn BryantBank ReconciliationNovember 30, 20X6BANK:Balance, November 30 $ 604Add: Deposit in transit 846Less: Outstanding checks:Check No.626 $ 25627 275 (300) Adjusted bank balance $1,150BOOKS:Balance, November 30 $1,197Less:Correction of book error —Recorded $85 check as $58 $ 27NSF check 8Service charge 12 (47)Adjusted book balance $1,150(10-20 min.) E 4-20Tim Van WinkleBank ReconciliationMay 31, 20XXBANK:Balance, May 31 $ 595Add: Deposit in transit 1,7882,383 Less: Outstanding checks (603)Adjusted bank balance $1,780BOOKS:Balance, May 31 $1,882Add: EFT collection — rent 3002,182 Less:Service charge $ 12NSF checks 120Charge for printed checks 9Correction of book error —recorded $290 check as $29 261 (402)Adjusted book balance $1,780Van Winkle’s actual cash balance is $1,780.(10-15 min.) E 4-21JournalDATE ACCOUNT TITLES AND EXPLANATION DEBIT CREDIT May 31 Cash (300)Rent Revenue (300)EFT collection of rent.31 Miscellaneous Expense ($12 + $9) (21)Cash (21)Bank service charge and chargefor printed checks.31 Accounts Recei vable (120)Cash (120)NSF checks returned by bank.31 Salary Expense ($290 −$29) (261)Cash (261)Correction of book error.(10-15 min.) E 4-22 TO: Store ManagerFROM: StudentSUBJECT: Evaluation of internal control and plan forimprovementThere is a weakness in internal control over cash receipts. The cash registers do not keep a record of sales. With no record, there is no way to determine how much cash should be in the cash drawer. This omission makes it easy for the cashier to steal cash and not get caught.To improve internal control, the company should use cash registers that record each sale. The manager can prove the amount of cash in the cash drawer against this recorded amount.(10-15 min.) E 4-23 The main internal control weakness is that the payroll department both prepares and distributes the paychecks. With both duties, a dishonest person in the payroll department can create a time sheet for a fictitious employee and then keep the related paycheck after the treasurer returns the signed checks to the payroll department.To correct this weakness, Tee Golf should have someone other than the payroll department or the shop foreman distribute paychecks to employees. For example, the human resources department, which has no control over the time sheets or the paychecks, could distribute paychecks to the workers.(20-30 min.) E 4-24Cellular Communications, Inc.Cash BudgetYear Ended December 31, 20X8MillionsCash balance, December 31, 20X7 $ 81Budgeted cash receipts:Collections from customers 11,284Sale of assets 11511,480 Budgeted cash payments:Payments for cost ofservices and products $6,166Payments of operating expenses 2,543Investment in equipment 1,825Payment of debt 597Payment of dividends 338 11,469 Cash available (needed) before financing 11Budgeted cash balance, December 31, 20X8 (75) Cash available for additional investments, or(New financing needed) $ (64)Cellular expects to need new financing of $64 million during 20X8.(15-30 min.) E 4-25 1. Identify the ethical issue.You must decide whether it isethical for the auditor not to require the bank to record the loss.2. Specify the alternatives.Require the client to record theloss, or permit the client not to record the loss.3. Identify the people involved. The auditor, the bank, and thepu blic at large can be affected. The auditor’s reputation is on the line. The bank’s financial statements are in question. The public can be affected if the bank issues financial statements that include erroneous amounts.4. Assess the possible outcomes.If the auditors require thebank to record the loss, the auditor will keep its reputation intact. But the auditor will lose the client and also lose the revenue from this large audit. The accounting firm may then be unable to expand the firm as it had hoped to do.(continued on next page)(continued) E 4-25 If the auditors okay the bank’s financial statements even after the bank did not record the loss, the auditor would keep the bank as a client, earn the audit revenue, and be able to expand the firm a s planned. But the bank’s financial statements would report erroneous amounts for the notes receivable. People relying on the bank’s financial statements may suffer losses as a result. The accounting firm’s reputation would be hurt.5. Make the decision.The auditor should require the bank torecord the loss even if that means losing the bank as a client.By sticking to its belief that the bank should record the loss, the auditors’ reputation will not be harmed as it would by okaying financial statements that include errors. It’s far better to lose a client than to lose your reputation.(10 min.) E 4-26 Actual Interest paideffective= each year=$10,000,000 × .07=$700,000interest rate Amount actually $10,000,000 − .05$9,500,000borrowed ($10,000,000)= 7.37%(15-25 min.) E 4-27 Major could be: Copeland could investigate by:1. Writing business checks toherself. 1. Performing the bankreconciliation and examining all checks written by thebusiness.2. Submitting purchase invoicesa second time for duplicatepayment, perhaps altering the mailing address on theduplicate invoice and sending the check to a post office boxthat Major controls. 2. Examining purchase invoicesfor authenticity and comparing invoices to receiving reports to determine that the businessreceived all goods it paid for.Any invoice with a holeindicates it was paid earlier.Calling the suppliers directly to inquire about any questionable invoices.3. Paying suppliers excessamounts and arranging forsuppliers to kick back part of the excess to Major. 3. Comparing the business’sratio of cost of goods sold toretail selling price to the cost-to-retail ratio in the past. Akickback scheme would show up in higher cost figures and a lower profit percentage.4. Making small cash paymentsto herself. 4. Examining all cash recordsand comparing the records to actual quantities of suppliesand other items needed by the business.Student responses may vary.(20-30 min.) E 4-28 Req. 1The Furniture Mart, Inc.Cash BudgetYear Ended December 31, 20X6Thousands Cash balance, December 31, 20X5 $ 140Budgeted cash receipts:Collections from customers 18,527 Issuance of stock 62719,294 Budgeted cash payments:Purchases of inventory items $14,045Payment of operating expenses 2,349Purchase of property and equipment 1,518Payment of long-term and short-term debt 950Payment of dividends 237 19,099 Cash available (shortage) before financing 195 Budgeted cash balance, December 31, 20X6 (150) Cash available for additional investments $ 45(continued) E 4-28 Req. 2Current ratio =Total current assets=$7,776= 1.60 Total current liabilities $4,860Debt ratio = Total liabilities=$11,488= 0.50 Total assets $22,977I would lend $100 thousand to The Furniture Mart because the company’s ratio values are strong. Also, the cash budget indicates strong cash flows during 20X6.Practice QuizQ4-29 cQ4-30 bQ4-31 aQ4-32 dQ4-33 dQ4-34 aQ4-35 bQ4-36 cQ4-37 dQ4-38 aQ4-39 dQ4-40 c ($10,000 + $85,000 − $40,000 − $30,000 −$20,000 − $10,000 = − $5,000; arrange financingfor this amount.)ProblemsGroup A(15-20 min.) P 4-41A The internal control weaknesses in Avant Garde’s system are: 1. Gonzalez controls the content of the invoices. With nosupervision of his work, Gonzalez could have the suppliers overstate their prices and then arrange to have them split the excess with him after Avant Garde pays the invoices.2. Bowden has both cash handling and accounting duties. Withboth responsibilities, Bowden could steal incoming cash and cover her theft by manipulating the accounting records.To correct these weaknesses, Jones could:1. Make the purchase and pay arrangements with the Mexicanartisans who supply Avant Garde’s products. Let Gonzalez ke ep locating new products, but don’t let him arrange for the purchases and payment.2. Jones could assign either cash handling or accountingduties to Bowden and then hire someone else to do the other (accounting or cash-handling) duties. Also Jones needs to perform the bank reconciliation to keep her eye on cash receipts and cash payments.Student responses need not be this complete in their explanations.(10-20 min.) P 4-42A Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Missing InternalControlCharacteristic Possible Problem Solutiona. Competentpersonnel Loss of revenue dueto low-quality work.Allow para-professionals todo only the workfor which theyare qualified.b. Separation ofduties Theft of diamonds— the purchasingagent could havediamonds sent to alocation he controls.Separatepurchasing,approval, andcheck-signingduties.c. Assignment ofresponsibility Lost revenuebecause too manyemployees aremanaging the officeand neglecting theirduties.Assign a singleemployee tomanage theoffice when theowner is absent.d. Separation ofduties Theft of cash. Separateaccounting andcash-handlingduties.e. Internal audit Lost profits andassets due toinefficiency. Reinstate the internal audit department.(20-30 min.) P 4-43A Req. 1Alta Vista ToyotaBank ReconciliationJune 30, 20X4BANK:Balance, June 30, 20X4 $ 9,513 Add: Deposits in transit ($1,060 + $337) 1,39710,910 Less: Outstanding checks —Check No.3119 $ 6323120 1,6753121 1003122 2,413 (4,820) Adjusted bank balance, June 30, 20X4 $ 6,090 BOOKS:Balance, June 30, 20X4 $ 4,665 Add: EFT collection of rent $ 326Bank collection of note receivable 1,701Book error — $1,390 checkrecorded as $1,930 540 2,5677,232 Less: EFT payment of insurance $ 219Unauthorized signature check 903Service charge 20 (1,142) Adjusted book balance, June 30, 20X4 $ 6,090(continued) P 4-43A Req. 2A bank account helps control cash by providing a place for safekeeping. The bank also provides a detailed list of the company’s cash transactions that managers can compare to the company’s own cash records and thereby correct any book errors quickly.The bank reconciliation helps control cash by ensuring that the company accounts for its cash transactions correctly and that the bank and book records of cash are correct. Also, the bank reconciliation establishes the balance of cash to report on the balance sheet.(20-30 min.) P 4-44A Req. 1Varian Engineering AssociatesBank ReconciliationMay 31, 20XXBANK:Balance, May 31 $3,374.22 Add: Deposit of May 31 in transit 16.153,390.37 Less: Outstanding checks ($46.10 +$141.00 + $578.05 + $11.87 +$609.51 + $8.88 + $101.63) $1,497.04Correction of bank error, whichcredited our account for thedeposit of another company 300.00 (1,797.04) Adjusted bank balance, May 31 $1,593.33BOOKS:Balance, May 31Add: Interest revenue earned on bankbalance $ 38.19Bank collection of account receivable 891.17 929.363,185.50Less: EFT (utilities $750, insurance $290) $1,040.00Service charge 10.50Returned check due to unauthorizedsignature 395.00NSF check 146.67 (1,592.17) Adjusted book balance, May 31 $1,593.33(continued) P 4-44A Req. 2 (entries based on the reconciliation)JournalDATE ACCOUNT TITLES AND EXPLANATION DEBIT CREDITMay 31 Cash…………………………………………………38.19Interest Revenue……………………………….38.19 Interest earned on bank balance.31 Cash…………………………………………………891.17Accounts Receivable………………………….891.17 Account receivable collected by bank.31 Utilities Expense…………………………………..750.00Cash……………………………………………...750.00 Monthly rent.31 Insurance Expense……………………………….290.00Cash……………………………………………...290.00 Monthly insurance.31 Miscellaneous Expense………………………….10.50Cash……………………………………………... 10.50 Bank service charge.31 Accounts Receivable ($395.00 + $146.67)……541.67Cash……………………………………………... 541.67 NSF customer checks returned by bank.(10-15 min.) P 4-45A TO: President, Sun Skin CareFROM: Concerned EmployeeIt is unwise to have the employee who opens the mail also grant allowances to customers. Suppose a customer pays an invoice in full. The mailroom employee can steal the customer check and grant an allowance to cover the theft. To correct this internal control weakness, deny the mailroom employee access to all accounting records. Also, appoint a separate employee to grant allowances to customers.Notes:1. Student responses may vary.2. The mailroom employee obviously has access to theaccounting records—to know that a customer has paid less than the full amount.3. It may be necessary to explain to students that themailroom employee must forge the company endorsement on customer checks stolen. This person must also open—and control—a bank account in the company’s name. This may be quite easy.(30-45 min.) P 4-46A Req. 1ReMax WirelessCash Budget20X7Thousands Cash balance, beginning $ 1,200Budgeted cash receipts:Collections from customers ($60,000 × 1.15) 69,000 Receipt of interest 10070,300 Budgeted cash payments:Purchases of inventory ($44,000 × 1.20) $52,800Operating expenses 13,900Purchases of equipment 4,300 Payment of dividends 500Purchases of investments 200Payment of long-term debt 300(72,000) Cash available (needed) before financing $ (1,700) Budgeted cash balance, endingCash available for additional investments, or(New financing needed) $ (3,700)(continued) P 4-46A Req. 2ReMax Wireless appears to be growing. The company expects a 15% increase in collections from customers and a 20% increase in the purchases of inventory. It is also continuing to invest in new equipment, with no sales of long-term assets.(15-30 min.) P 4-47A 1. Identify the ethical issue. Raborn’s ethical issue is whether to use his knowledge of The Salvation Army’s plans and of Rader’s situation to either party’s advantage (or disadvantage). Should Raborn help The Salvation Army buy the land at the lowest price? Should he help Rader sell the land at the highest price? Raborn’s position presents him with a conflict of interest.2. Specify the alternatives. There are several:(a) Let other members of the Salvation Army board ofdirectors know of Rader’s situation in order to help TheSalvation Army buy the land at a bargain price.(b) Disclose Rader’s situation to fellow board members andinsist that The Salvation Army pay market price ($2.2million) for the land.(c) Advise Rader of The Salvation Army’s plans andencourage her to hold out for a high price on the sale ofthe land.(d) Reveal nothing to The Salvation Army’s board or toRader and take no part in the negotiation between thetwo parties.(e) Take a temporary leave of absence from The SalvationArmy board for unspecified “personal reasons.”3. Identify the people involved. Raborn, The Salvation Army,Rader, and Quality Banks.(continued) P 4-47A 4. Assess the possible consequences. Disclosing Rader’sweakened condition to The Salvation Army board may help The Salvation Army buy the land at a low price, depending on the ethical bearing of fellow board members. This would help The Salvation Army and hurt Rader, relative to her ability to sell the land at market value of $2.2 million. Insisting that The Salvation Army offer market price for the land would seem fair to both parties, but that would betray the trust of Rader.And it may or may not sway the board to go along with a $2.2 million offer for the land.Making Rader aware of The Salvation Army’s plans may help Rader get a higher price for the land than she would get otherwise. This would betray the trust of other members of The Salvation Army’s board.Remaining silent would preserve Raborn’s integrity. However, if either The Salvation Army or Rader ever learned of Raborn’s relationship with the other party, they would wonder whether Raborn used the information against them.Taking a temporary leave of absence would preserve Raborn’s integrity and remove him from the conflict of interest. It would also preserve Raborn’s reputation for fairness and the reputation of Quality Bank for keeping depositor information confidential.5. Make the decision. The authors would take the leave ofabsence and hope other Salvation Army board members do not probe Raborn’s “personal reasons.” This way neither The Salvation Army nor Rader can accuse Raborn of using inside information to the advantage of the other party.ProblemsGroup B(15-20 min.) P 4-48B Req. 1Person DutiesBates (or Clark) a, b, d (Accounting duties)Clark (or Bates) c, e (Cash handling)Osborne f (Check writing is a managementresponsibility)Req. 2Duties that should not be performed by the same person:b and cb and ea and fStudent responses may vary.(10-20 min.) P 4-49B Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Requirement 3 Missing InternalControlCharacteristic Possible Problem Solutiona. Separation ofduties Theft of cash bythe cashier.Have a manager, notthe cashier, comparethe cash in theregister with therecord of sales keptinside the register.b. Documents(prenumberedinvoices) Theft of cash andinefficiency.Have receiptsprenumbered.c. Assignment ofresponsibilities Lost sales due todelay of productdevelopment.Assignprogrammers toproductdevelopment only.Assign companyengineeers toredesign thecompany’s soundsystem.d. Separation ofduties Theft of cash. Keep accountingand cash handlingduties separate.e. Properauthorization Lost profits dueto high cost ofmaterials.Authorize oneemployee to makepurchases in theowner’s absence.(20-30 min.) P 4-50B Req. 1Navajo ProductsBank ReconciliationSeptember 30, 20X5BANK:Balance, September 30, 20X5 $ 7,359Add: Deposit of September 30 in transit 2,0389,397Less: Outstanding checksCheck No.1420 $ 9701421 2001422 2,267 (3,437) Adjusted bank balance, September 30, 20X5 $ 5,960BOOKS:Balance, September 30, 20X5Add: EFT collection of rent $ 625Bank collection of note receivable 1,400 2,025Less: NSF check $ 441EFT payment of insurance 340Service charge 25Book error — $4,216 check recordedas $4,126 90 (896) Adjusted book balance, September 30, 20X5 $ 5,960。

CHAPTER 4 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AROUND THE WORLDSUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTERQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSQuestions1.The majority of major corporations are franchised as public corporations. Discuss the key strengthand weakness of the ‘public corporation’. When do you think the public corporation as an organizational form is unsuitable?Answer: The key strength of the public corporation lies in that it allows for efficient risk sharing among investors. As a result, the public corporation may raise a large sum of capital at a relatively low cost. The main weakness of the public corporation stems from the conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders.2.The public corporation is owned by multitude of shareholders but managed by professional managers.Managers can take self-interested actions at the expense of shareholders. Discuss the conditions under which the so-called agency problem arises.Answer: The agency problem arises when managers have control rights but insignificant cash flow rights. This wedge between control and cash flow rights motivates managers to engage in self-dealings at the expense of shareholders.3.Following corporate scandals and failures in the U.S. and abroad, there is a growingdemand for corporate governance reform. What should be the key objectives ofcorporate governance reform? What kind of obstacles can there be thwarting reformefforts?Answer: The key objectives of corporate governance reform should be to strengthen shareholder rights and protect shareholders from expropriation by corporate insiders, whether managers or large shareholders. Controlling shareholders or managers do not wish to lose their control rights and thus resist reform efforts.4.Studies show that the legal protection of shareholder rights varies a great deal acrosscountries. Discuss the possible reasons why the English common law traditionprovides the strongest and the French civil law tradition the weakest protection ofinvestors.Answer: In civil law countries, the state historically has played an active role in regulating economic activities and has been less protective of property rights. In England, control of the court passed from the crown to the parliament and property owners in seventeenth century. English common law thus became more protective of property owners, and this protection was extended to investors over time.5.Explain ‘the wedge’ between the control and cash flow rights and discuss its implications forcorporate governance.Answer: When there is a separation of ownership and control, managers have control rights with insignificant cash flow rights, whereas shareholders have cash flow rights but no control rights. This wedge gives rise to the conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders. The wedge is the source of the agency problem.6.Discuss different ways that dominant investors use to establish and maintain the control of thecompany with relatively small investments.Answer: Dominant investors may use: (i) shares with superior voting rights, (ii) pyramidal ownership structure, and (iii) inter-firm cross-holdings.7.The Cadbury Code of the Best Practice adopted in the United Kingdom led to a successful reform ofcorporate governance in the country. Explain the key requirements of the Code and discuss how it may have contributed to the success of reform.Answer: The Code requires that chairman of the board and CEO be held by two different individuals, and that there should be at least three outside board members. The recommended board structure helped to strengthen the monitoring function of the board and reduce the agency problem.8.Many companies grant stocks or stock options to the managers. Discuss the benefitsand possible costs of using this kind of incentive compensation scheme.Answer: Stock options can be useful for aligning the interest of managers with that of shareholders and reduce the wedge between managerial control rights and cash flow rights. But at the same time, stock options may induce managers to distort investment decisions and manipulate financial statements so that they can maximize their benefits in the short run.9.It has been shown that foreign companies listed in the U.S. stock exchanges are valued more thanthose from the same countries that are not listed in the U.S. Explain the reasons why U.S.-listed foreign firms are valued more than those which are not. Also explain why not every foreign firm wants to list stocks in the United States.Answer: Foreign companies domiciled in countries with weak investor protection can bond themselves credibly to better investor protection by listing their stocks in U.S. exchanges that are known to provide a strong investor protection. Managers of some companies may not wish to list shares in U.S. exchanges, subjecting themselves to stringent disclosure and monitoring, for fear of losing their control rights and private benefits.。
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FASB和秒有一个密切的工作关系,确保FASB SEC标准是可以接受的。
本章讨论的审计监督机构:答:美国公共公司会计监督委员会b .日本——注册会计师和审计监督委员会最近成立的独立审计师监管机构在美国和日本是由于最近全球会计丑闻。
然而,税收下降的影响与IFRS 日本会计标准的一致性。
a. 9。
b. 实践的变化包括以下:c. 答:要求上市公司报告现金流量表。
d. b .子公司合并基于控制而不是所有权。
e. c .附属企业使用权益法核算基于影响而不是所有权。
f. d .证券投资价值的市场,而不是成本。
g. e .递延税是完全提供。
h. f .养老金和其他退休义务应计。
i.j. 9。
k. 中国正在发展会计准则与股票市场取向上面所讨论的。
a. 9。
选择性列表,更重要的是以下几点: b. 答:比较合并财务报表,包括资产负债表,损益表,现金流量表,笔记。
c.b .权责发生制识别收入与费用、匹配和一致性。
d. c .采购业务组合年度减值测试方法。
e. d . nonconsolidated 子公司的权益法。
f.e .使用历史成本。
g. f .融资租赁大写。
a. 练习b. 1。
美国c. 财务会计准则委员会。
d. 证券交易委员会。
e. 墨西哥f. 答:理事会财务信息标准的研究和开发。
g. 没有明确的执行机构。
h. 日本i. 日本会计准则理事会。
j. b .金融服务机构对上市公司在证券法律和司法部,当涉及到公司法。
k. 中国l. 答:中国财政部会计准则委员会。
m. b .中国注册会计师协会根据财政部、管辖调节审计。
6n. 印度o. 印度特许会计师协会。
p. 印度特许会计师协会。
在撰写本文时,下面的组织与IFAC 的网站:美国管理会计师协会 美国注册会计师协会 会计协会的董事会 墨西哥Instituto Mexicano 德康塔葡萄牙日报 日本日本注册会计师协会 中国中国注册会计师协会2。
以美国为祖国,这里是十二: A .三角法律系统——的描述会计监管在日本公司法组成的相互作用,证券交易法律,企业所得税法。
b .社会主义市场经济,在中国使用来描述其计划经济与市场适应性。
c .土地和工业产权,仍属于中国政府,私人公司获得使用这些工业资产的权利。
d .比索的目前的购买力——一个术语来描述一般物价水平会计在墨西哥。
e .税务合规审计报告——墨西哥审计师必须证明没有违规行为观察关于遵守税法。
g .资历溢价——在墨西哥赔偿终止就业基于员工工作多长时间。
在日本h 集团公司——连锁巨头企业。
j·b 股,外国投资者在中国上市公司股票。
k .真正的和公平的观点——印度的需求,财务报表存在一个真正的和公平的观点来自英国。
l .融合——在印度使用的术语合并。
公司使用后进先出必须报告所谓后进先出储备,使分析师将后进先出相当于FIFO 。