
Answers of Discussion Questions for International AccountingChapter 18. Given the increased globalization of the last few decades, can small domestic business survive? What advantage and disadvantages do they have compared to MNEs?在近十几年全球化加剧的情况下,国内的小企业能生存下去么?与跨国企业相比,它们有什么优势和劣势?全球化就是在全球的范围内利用各种要素增值。

国际会计第九版第十章答案10-1交易日会计:(1)交易日:20x1年8月14日借:债券期货投资100,000贷:应付债券期货合同款100,000借:存出保证金10,000贷:银行存款10,000(2)8月30日借:存出保证金400贷:银行存款400借:债券期货投资4000贷:债券期货投资损益4000(3)结算日借:债券期货投资损益2000贷:债券期货投资2000借:应付债券期货合同款100,000财务费用(交易费)600银行存款11800贷:债券期货投资102,000存出保证金10,400结算日会计(1)交易日:8月14日借:存出保证金10,000贷:银行存款10,000(2)8月30日借:存出保证金400贷:银行存款400借:债券期货投资4000贷:债券期货投资损益4000(3)结算日借:债券期货投资损益2000贷:债券期货投资 2000借:财务费用 600银行存款 11800贷:债券期货投资 2000存出保证金 1040010—2会计分录:1(1)交易日借:股票期货期权投资应收款 40,000贷:股票期权投资 40,000借:股票期权投资期权费 2,000 贷:银行存款 2,000 (注意:这时的股票期权投资属于负债类的。
)(2)6月30日借:股票期权投资 4000贷:股票期权投资损益 4000(3)结算日借:股票期权投资 2000贷:股票期权投资期权费 2000借:股票期权投资 3400财务费用(交易费) 300银行存款 5700贷:股票期权投资应收款 40,0002 共获利:6000-2000-300=3700 美元3执行价值低于期权费时,将亏损4执行价值为负值时,选择不执行期权合同10—3(1)发行债券时借:银行存款 100,000贷:应付债券 100,000(2)计提1—6月份的债券利息和互换交易费借:财务费用—债券利息费用 2750贷:应付债券利息 2750 借:应计费用 250贷:互换交易费 250计提7—12月份的债券利息和互换交易费借:财务费用-债券利息费用 2400贷:应付债券利息 2400 借:互换交易费 100贷:应计费用 100(3)20x1年末支付利息和互换交易费借:应付债券利息 5150贷:银行存款 5000应计费用 15010—4(1)20x1年1月1日借;债券投资 20,000贷:银行存款 20.000(2)20x1年末借:债券投资 2,000贷:债券投资损益 2,000(3)20x2年1月1日借:出售债券远期合同应收款 22,000贷;出售远期合同 22,000(4)20x2年末被套期项目公允价值下降借:债券投资损益 1,000贷:债券投资 1,000套期工具跌价:借:出售债券远期合同 1,000贷;套期损益 1,00010—5(1)20x1年10月17日,未发生成本,采用结算日会计,故不作记录 20x1年12月31日:借:购入存货远期合同 600贷:递延套期损益 500远期合同损益 100(2)假设情况一发生借:递延套期损益 500贷:套期损益 500同时,等待机会,转手这项远期合同(3)假设情况二发生借:递延套期损益 80贷:购入存货远期合同 80借:递延套期损益 420银行存款 49700贷:购入存货远期合同 520销货收入 49600。


A负责制定会计准则B培养、管理和保护注册会计师C 负责审查和批准财务会计准则委员会的工作计划D负责为财务会计准则委员会提供咨询意见14.在德国,划分流动负债与长期负债的期限是(A一年B四年C两年D六个月15.日本的《商法》以保护()的利益为指导思想。

[单选题] *A.130万元(正确答案)B.7万元C.3万元D.113万元2、下列项目中,不属于非流动负债的是()[单选题] *A.长期借款B.应付债券C.专项应付款D.预收的货款(正确答案)3、.(年嘉兴三模考)()就是会计在经济管理中固有的、内在的客观功能。
[单选题] * A会计的含义B会计的特点C会计的任务D会计的职能(正确答案)4、.(年浙江省第二次联考)会计人员的职业道德规范不包括()[单选题] *A操守为重、不做假账(正确答案)B爱岗敬业、诚实守信C、廉洁自律、客观公正D坚持准则、提高技能5、企业出售固定资产应交的增值税,应借记的会计科目是()。
[单选题] *A.税金及附加B.固定资产清理(正确答案)C.营业外支出D.其他业务成本6、.(年嘉兴二模考)企业对固定资产计提折旧以()假设为基本前提。
[单选题] *A会计主体B持续经营(正确答案)C会计分期D货币计量7、某企业自创一项专利,并经过有关部门审核注册获得其专利权。
[单选题] *A.15万元B.21万元C.11万元(正确答案)D.18万元8、.(年浙江省高职考)下列项目中,不属于企业会计核算对象的经济活动是()[单选题] *A购买设备B请购原材料(正确答案)C接受捐赠D利润分配9、企业生产车间使用的固定资产发生的下列支出中,直接计入当期损益的是( )。
[单选题] *A.购入时发生的安装费用B.发生的装修费用C.购入时发生的运杂费D.发生的修理费(正确答案)10、已达到预定可使用状态但未办理竣工决算的固定资产,应根据()作暂估价值转入固定资产,待竣工决算后再作调整。

IASC 的定义较清晰,在指明金融工具是“形成个企业的金融资产并形成另一企业的金融负债或权益工具的合同”后,又分别就金融资产、金融负债和权益工具下了定义。
形成收取或支付现金或另金融资产的合同权利或义务,是金融资产和负债的最摹本的特征,以此(合同权利或义务)区别于非金融资产和负债(参阅教术7 2 1),而货币性资产和负债与非货币性资产和负债的区分则是根据这些项目对通货膨胀影响或汇率变动的不同反应而作出的。

国际会计课后题答案版 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】第1章国际会计的形成与发展一、讨论题为什么说市场国际化,特别是货币市场和资本市场的国际化是会计国际化的主要推动力国际贸易和国际经济技术合作,促使会计成为一种国际商业语言。

国际会计答案一二章厦门大学出版社1、讨论题 1.1 为什么说市场国际化,特别是货币市场和资本市场的国际化是会计国际化的主要推动力?国际贸易和国际经济技术合作,促使会计成为一种国际商业语言。
2、 1.2 跨国公司是否在百分之百地推动会计国际化?说明你的观点。
(注意:“会计国际化”大体上与“会计的国际协调化”概念一致,而与国际会计研究中的“国别会计”观点对立)3、 1.3 会计随商业活动的扩展而传播,你同意这种说法吗?从历史发展的进程谈谈你的看法。
4、 1.4 哪些特定会计方法具有国际性质?把外币交易和外币报表的折算引入会计领域,是会计国际化带来的独特问题。
-4- 它与由此引发的跨国企业合并和国际合并财务报表与外币折算相互关联和制约的问题,以及各国的物价变动影响在国际合并财务报表中如何处理和调整的问题,从20 世纪70 年代以来,就成为国际会计研究中既需协调一致但又矛盾重重的“三大难题” 。
5、1.5 你对会计国际化和国家化之间的矛盾及其消长有何看法?会计国际化和国家化的矛盾实际上反映了经济全球化与各国的国家利益之间的矛盾及其消长过程。

Chapter 3Comparative Accounting: EuropeDiscussion Questions1.Regulating and enforcing financial reporting is a government function in France. TheNational Accounting Board (CNC) and the Accounting Regulation committee (CRC) setaccounting standards under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. TheFinancial Markets Authority (AMF) ensures compliance with French accounting rules (forlisted companies). It is also a government agency.Public and private sector bodies are involved in the regulation and enforcement of financial reporting in Germany. The German Accounting Standards Board is a private sector body that develops German reporting standards for consolidated financial statements. However, German law (the HGB) governs financial statements at the individual company level. Enforcement also involves private and public sector bodies. The Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel is a private sector body that investigates compliance and relies on companies to voluntarily correct any problems that it finds. Matters that cannot be resolved are referred to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, a government agency, for final resolution.The regulation and enforcement of financial reporting is in the public sector in the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for setting accounting principles and it also oversees the Czech Securities Commission which is responsible for enforcing compliance with Czech requirements. Some observers question the effectiveness of the Czech system.A private sector group is responsible for regulating financial reporting in the Netherlands. TheDutch Accounting Standards Board issues guidelines on acceptable accounting principles.Enforcement is handled by the Enterprise Chamber, a special accounting court. It rules on whether companies have used acceptable accounting practices, but only after an interested party has brought a complaint. The Financial Reporting Supervision Division of the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets is responsible for enforcing reporting requirements for listed companies.Regulation of financial reporting is in the private sector in the United Kingdom. The Accounting Standards Board determines Financial Reporting Standards. The authority of the ASB is set out in the law. Two groups are responsible for enforcing financial reporting standards, one in the private sector and the other in the public sector. The Financial Reporting Review Panel (private sector) and the Department of Trade and Industry (public sector) can investigate complaints about departures from accounting standards. If necessary, they can go to court to force companies to revise its financial statements.2.Given the requirement that all EU listed companies must use International FinancialReporting Standards in their consolidated financial statements, all five countries follow fairpresentation principles for this group of companies’ financial statements. The differenceamong the countries comes with listed companies’ individu al financial statements and withnon-listed companies. The overall picture is quite confusing.At the individual company level, France and Germany require local accounting standards. Both can be characterized as legal compliance, conservative, and tax-driven. Individual companyfinancial statements in the Netherlands and United Kingdom may use either local requirements or IFRS. However, in either case the result is fair presentation financial statements. The Czech Republic requires IFRS in listed c ompanies’ individual company financial statements, so the result is that they are fair presentation. In all five countries, non-listed companies may use either IFRS or local accounting standards for their consolidated financial statements. As characterized above, the resulting financial statements will be quite different for German and French companies. Czech accounting standards are mostly fair presentation, but there is still some tax influence. Thus, the resulting financial statements can also be different depending on the choice that companies make. Finally, non-listed companies’ individual financial statements must be prepared under local accounting standards in the Czech Republic, France, and Germany. Local accounting standards or IFRS may be used by this group of companies in the Netherlands and United Kingdom.3.The recently established auditor oversight bodies discussed in this chapter are:a.France –Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (High Council of ExternalAuditors)herlands – Netherlands Authority for Financial Marketsc.United Kingdom – Professional Oversight BoardThe oversight body in France is in a government agency, while the one in the U.K. is a private sector body. The Dutch body is an autonomous administrative authority under the Ministry of Finance. They are a response to recent accounting scandals and represent efforts to the tighten control over auditors.4. Tax legislation is a significant influence on local accounting requirements in France andGermany. It is unimportant in the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Tax legislation has limited influence in the Czech Republic. Given that Czech accounting is still evolving, tax law can be expected to fill in areas where accounting standards are missing.5. Consolidated financial statements are the statements of a group of companies under commonmanagement or control. Individual company financial statements are the statements of the separate legal entities (parent and subsidiaries) that make up the group. EU countries prohibit IFRS for individual company financial statements when these statements are the basis for taxation and dividend distributions. They are “legal compliance” countries (see Chapter 2) and individual company financial statements must comply with the law. Other countries permit or require IFRS for individual company financial statements because they are “fair presentation”countries (Chapter 2). Individual company financial statements are not the basis for taxation or dividends. Local accounting standards follow fair presentation principles.6. There is no conclusive evidence linking high levels of legal accounting and reportingrequirements in a country and corresponding high quality levels of financial reporting. It appears that high legal requirements (for example, in France and Germany) lead to a certain amount of professional or bureaucratic inertia and form over substance thinking in financial reporting. Indeed, countries with significant state regulation of accounting and accountants are generally not among the innovative accounting leadership countries. If anything, comparatively high levels of legal requirements appear to depress the overall quality of reporting.7.This quote paraphrases a statement in the preamble to the charter establishing the GermanAccounting Standards Committee. We agree. Private sector initiatives (self-regulation) havebeen more successful than governmental initiatives in developing financial reporting regulations for national and international capital markets.Two noteworthy examples are the Accounting Standards Board in the U.K. (discussed in Chapter 3) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the U.S. (discussed in Chapter 4).Both have been flexible and adaptable in developing reporting standards in response to new circumstances. They are arguably the premier national standard setting bodies in the world. It is also noteworthy that Germany and Japan (Chapter 4) have recently moved to establish private sector organizations.Chapter 8 discusses international harmonization and convergence. There, the work of the International Accounting Standards Board and the European Union are discussed. The EU was not effective in establishing standards for capital markets and has now endorsed the efforts of the IASB.8. Existing French companies’ legislation in the form of the Plan Comptable Général and Code deCommerce have the greatest influence on day-to-day French accounting practices. The two other authoritative sources of financial accounting standards and practices have comparatively modest or sporadic influence.9. The statement is true. The German Accounting Standards Board is a private-sector body likethe FASB (U.S.), ASB (U.K.), and IASB. The process for establishing standards is also similar.Working groups examine issues and make recommendations to the Board. These groups represent a broad constituency. GASB deliberations follow a due process and meetings are open.10.Accounting requirements in the Czech Republic are based on EU Directives. Examples noted inthe chapter are the following:a.True and fair view embodied in the Accountancy Act.b.Required audit.c.Statement of cash flows not a required financial statement (though it is required in thenotes).d.Disclosures of employee information and revenues by segment.e.Consolidated financial statements required.f.Abbreviated reporting requirements for small companies.g.Notes include accounting policies.h.Listed companies use IFRS in consolidated financial statements.The accounting measurements discussed are also consistent with EU Directives, for example, the requirement for the equity method.11.The Dutch Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Justice of Amsterdam helps ensure that filed orpublished Dutch financial statements conform to all applicable laws. Shareholders, employees, trade unions, or public prosecutors may bring proceedings to the Chamber by alleging that officially filed or published financial statements do not conform to applicable requirements.The Enterprise Chamber carries out its mission by determining whether the allegations of deficient financial reporting are true and how material such deficiencies are. Depending uponthe case, the Chamber may require that financial statements be modified or it may seekpenalties through the Court of Justice.The Chamber is composed of three judges and two Dutch RAs. There is no jury. Appeals of anyof the Chambers rulings are difficult, may only be lodged with the Dutch Supreme Court, andare restricted to points of law.12.Britis h financial statements must present a “true and fair view” of a company’s financial positionand results of operations. The intent is similar to the U.S. “presents fairly.” However, the “presents fairly” test in the United States is whether financial sta tements conform to U.S. GAAP.The “true and fair” test in the United Kingdom requires auditors to step back and see whether the financial statements –taken as a whole –result in a fair presentation. U.K. GAAP may be overridden if complying with them wo uld result in an “unfair” presentation. In other words, judgment is exercised in determining whether the financial statements are true and fair. Exercises1. Francea.The Conseil National de la Comptabilité, or CNC (National Accounting Board) throughthe latest Plan Comptable Général and the Comité de la Réglementation Comptable, orCRC (Accounting Regulation Committee). The CNC and CRC are attached to theMinistry of Economy and Finance.b.The Autoritédes Marches Financiers (AMF) for French listed firms. The Division ofCorporate Finance (SOIF) conducts a general review of legal and other filings with theAMF. The Accounting Division (SACF) verifies compliance with accounting standards.The Ministry of Justice is indirectly responsible for compliance with reportingrequirements by non-listed companies through its role in supervising statutory auditors.Germanya.The German Accounting Standards Board for consolidated financial statements.Parliamentary legislation for individual company financial statements.b.The Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (FREP). Matters that FREP cannot resolveare referred to Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).Czech Republica.The Ministry of Finance.b.The Ministry of Finance also has supervisory responsibilities. Audits are regulated by theAct on Auditors which established Chamber of Auditors to oversee the auditingprofession.The Netherlandsa.Dutch Accounting Standards Board.b.Dutch Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Justice in Amsterdam. Financial ReportingSupervision Division of the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets for listed firms.United Kingdoma.Accounting Standards Board.b.Both the Department of Trade and Industry and the Financial Reporting Review Panel ofthe Financial Reporting Council can investigate complaints about departures fromaccounting standards and they can go to court if necessary to force compliance.2. Good arguments can be made that France and Germany have the most effective accounting andfinancial reporting supervision mechanism for publicly traded companies. In France, the Autoritédes Marches Financiers (AMF) is a government agency that supervises the stock market. It is the French equivalent of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Two divisions within the AMF enforce compliance with reporting rules. The Division of Corporate Finance (SOIF) conducts a general review of legal and other filings with the AMF (including the annual report).The Accounting Division (SACF) verifies compliance with accounting standards. The AMF has the power to force compliance with accounting requirements. Germany has a two-tiered system.A private sector body, the Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (FREP) reviews suspectedirregular financial statements that come to its attention. It also conducts random review of financial statements. If companies do not voluntarily change their financial statements, FREP refers the matter to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), a government agency that regulates the stock exchanges (and banking and insurance industries). In both countries, the agencies responsible for compliance are proactive. The responsibility in the Czech Republic is the Ministry of Finance, but there are many questions about its effectiveness. The responsibility in the Netherlands rests with the Enterprise Chamber. However, it isn’t proactive – cases must be brought to it first. The Financial Reporting Supervision Division of the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets is new (2006) but it can be expected to be effective. In the United Kingdom, the Financial Reporting Review Panel and the Department of Trade and Industry investigate complaints about financial reporting practices. It isn’t clear how proactive either o ne is in enforcing reporting standards for publicly traded companies. The United Kingdom does not have the equivalent of the U.S. SEC. In our view the most effective way to enforce accounting and financial reporting rules for publicly traded companies is a through government agency that is proactive in insuring compliance.3. At the time of writing, the following accounting organizations discussed in this chapter werelinked to IFAC s website:FranceCompagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux ComptesConseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts-ComptablesGermanyInstitut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.v.WirtschaftsprüferkammerCzech RepublicChamber of Auditors of the Czech RepublicUnion of Accountants of the Czech RepublicThe NetherlandsKoninklijk Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants (Royal NIvRA)United KingdomChartered Institute of Management AccountantsInstitute of Chartered Accountants in England and WalesChartered Institute of Public Finance and AccountancyThe Association of Chartered Certified AccountantsInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland4.The question asked for five expressions, terms, or short phrases unfamiliar or unusual in thestudent’s home country. Taking the United States as the home country, here are eighteen:a.Duality in individual company and consolidated statements — The idea that the two setsof financial statements may be based on different GAAP, as in France in Germany.b.Social report —Required in France for companies with 300 or more employees itdescribes, analyzes, and reports on matters of training, industrial relations, health andsafety conditions, wage levels, benefits, and other work conditions.panies Act — National law regulating, among other things, financial reporting anddisclosures by companies.d.True and fair override — The idea in the U.K. that professional judgment can override astandard if necessary to give a true and fair view.e.Provisions and reserves — Used to smooth income and often based on tax laws, such asin Germany.f.National chart of accounts — A formal chart of accounts designed for an entire economyand typically used for strong central economic control.g.Secret reserves —Undisclosed and deliberate understatements of assets oroverstatements of liabilities.h.Plan Comptable Général — French uniform national chart of accounts.i.Sworn book examiners — A class of statutory auditors legally sanctioned in Germany toconduct independent audit examinations of companies.j.Statutory auditors —Auditors who are required by law (statute) to audit a company’s financial statements.k.Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Justice of Amsterdam —A judicial institution receiving formal complaints of nonconformance with established Dutch accounting andreporting standards.l.Generally acceptable accounting principles — Accounting guidelines issued by the Dutch Accounting Standards Board in the Netherlands.m.Proportional consolidation —Consolidation technique often used for joint ventures where all assets and liabilities are prorated to the owners in strict proportion to theirrespective ownership interest percentages.n.Legal reserves — Appropriations of retained earnings required by law in most code law countries.o.Determination principle — German requirement for book/tax conformity.p.Parent company only statements —Unconsolidated financial statements of a company controlling other (subsidiary) companies.q.Coupon voucher privatization system - the method used by the Czech Republic to privatize large-scale, government-owned enterprises. Vouchers allowed CR citizens tobuy shares for a nominal price.r.Joint stock companies and limited liability companies - the terms used in the CR for corporations and limited liability partnerships, respectively. Joint stock companies issueshares while limited liability companies do not.5.For each country discussed in the chapter, there are several financial accounting practices orprinciples at variance with international norms. The items below are illustrative only.a.France –Liabilities for post-employment benefits do not have to be recognized andfinance leases do not have to be capitalized. Both accounting treatments are examples ofform over substance and violate fair presentation. The treatment of post-employmentbenefits will understate reported earnings and understate reported liabilities. The debt toasset ratio will be understated. It is unlikely that an analyst will be able to adjust for thisvariance. The treatment of leases understates assets and liabilities, and understates thedebt to asset ratio. The effect on income depends on how much lease payments differfrom the amount of depreciation that would be recognized had the leased property beencapitalized. It is unlikely that an analyst can adjust for this variance.b.Germany - Two different purchase methods are allowed, and goodwill can be treatedseveral ways. The effects on reported earnings and the debt to asset ratio are unclear andit is unlikely that an analyst can adjust for these variances.c.Czech Republic –Goodwill may be written off in the first year of consolidation orcapitalized and amortized over a maximum of 20 years. The international norm is now tocapitalize goodwill and impairments test it each year. If goodwill is written offimmediately, there will be no effect on income compared to the international norm,except in a year where an impairments write-down would occur. The debt to asset ratiowill be higher compared to the international norm. If goodwill is capitalized andamortized, reported earnings will be lower than what it would be under the internationalnorm. As goodwill gets amortized, the debt to asset ratio will increase compared to theinternational norm. Analysts should be able to adjust to achieve “apples to apples”comparisons as long as the effects of the goodwill accounting are disclosed by Czechcompanies.d.The Netherlands - Comprehensive current value accounting. Though only used by aminority of Dutch companies, this microeconomics approach to measurement isencouraged in the Netherlands to an extent not seen elsewhere. Expenses should behigher under current value accounting, especially for cost of goods sold and depreciation.This means that reported earnings will be lower. With higher asset values, the debt toasset ratio will decrease. Generally, the effects of applying current value accounting aredisclosed in footnotes, so analysts should be able to adjust for this variance.e.U.K. – Assets may be valued at historical cost, current cost, or a combination of the two.To the extent that current cost is used, the effects on reported earnings and the debt toasset ratio will be the same as described for Dutch current value accounting. Analystswill be able to adjust for this variance to the extent that the effects of using current costsare disclosed in the footnotes.6. At the time of writing, the following numbers are reported by the World Federation of Stocka Euronext is a merger of the Paris, Amsterdam, and Brussels Stock Exchanges.The London Stock Exchange is significantly larger than the other stock exchanges in terms of numbers of listed companies. It also has more foreign listed firms. However, Euronext has proportionately more foreign listed firms than the other exchanges. Students will probably speculate that most of the “foreign” listed firms on these exchanges are from other European countries, a statement that is in fact true. No data are reported by the Prague Stock Exchange. It is not a member of the World Federation of Stock Exchanges. However, the chapter notes that the Prague Stock Exchange is small.7. The country whose GAAP is most oriented toward equity investors appears to be the UnitedKingdom. Its GAAP is closest to IFRS, which is clearly aimed at equity investors. Under U.K.GAAP, goodwill may be capitalized and impairments tested, the IFRS treatment. LIFO is alsonot permitted, the IFRS treatment. The Netherlands comes in “second,” but Dutch GAAP differs with IFRS on these two issues. The country whose GAAP is least oriented toward equity investors appears to be Germany, with France a close second. Germany has the most differences with IFRS.8. At the time of writing, the following companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange fromthe European countries discussed in this chapter:FranceAir France - KLMAlcatel-LucentAlstomAXACompagnie Generale Geophysique-VeritasFrance TelecomGroupe DanoneLafargePublicis GroupeRhodiaSanofi-SynthelaboSCOR GroupSodexho AllianceSuezTechnipThomsonTOTAL .Veolia EnvironmentGermanyAllianzAltanaBASFBayerDaimlerChryslerDeutsche BankDeutsche TelekomE.ONEpcosFresenius Medical CareInfineon TechnologiesPfeiffer Vacuum TechnologyQimondaSAPSGL CarbonSiemensCzech Republic – None.NetherlandsABN AMROAEGONAerCap HoldingsArcelor MittalBuhrmannChicago Bridge & Iron CompanyCNH GlobalCore LaboratoriesHeadING GroupJames Hardies IndustriesReed ElsevierRoyal AholdRoyal Dutch ShellRoyal KPNRoyal Philips ElectronicsTNTUnileverVan der Moolen Holding United KingdomAbbey NationalAMVESCAPAstraZeneca GroupBarclays BankBarclaysBG GroupBHP BillitonBPBritish AirwaysBritish Sky Broadcasting GroupBT GroupBunzlCadbury SchweppesCarnivalCorus GroupDiageoGallaher GroupGlaxoSmithKlineHansonHSBC HoldingImperial Chemical IndustryImperial Tobacco GroupInterContinental Hotels GroupInternational PowerLloyds TSB GroupNational GridNational Westminster BankPearsonPrudentialReed ElsevierRio TintoThe Royal Bank of Scotland GroupScottish PowerSignet GroupSmith & NephewSpirent CommunicationsTomkinsUnileverUnited UtilitiesVodafone GroupWOLSELEYThe United Kingdom and the Netherlands have the most listed companies from European countries. The United Kingdom has the most, reflecting a common language and financial reporting heritage with the United States. The Netherlands has the second most. The chapter talks about Dutch companies’ long history of international listings and the fact that the Amsterdam Stock Exchange has not been an important source of finance. It is not surprising that Dutch companies would look to the United States for finance. Dutch financial reporting is also aimed at fair presentation, just as the United States (and United Kingdom). There are no Czech companies listed on the NYSE, reflecting the fact that the Czech Republic has only recently become a market economy.9. The role of government in developing accounting and auditing standards is strongest in France.Government agencies are responsible for both activities and government involvement is all-encompassing. The private sector has little or no influence. The government plays the least role in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. In both countries, the private sector is responsible for both accounting and auditing standards. Government influence is strong in Germany, but the German Accounting Standards Board is in the private sector and the German Institute is responsible for audit standards. The government is responsible for accounting standards in the Czech Republic (the Ministry of Finance), but auditing standards are developed by the Chamber of Auditors, a self-regulated professional body.10. The European Commission has set up the European Group of Auditors’ Oversight Bodies(EGAOB) to coordinate the new public oversight systems of statutory auditors and audit firms within the European Union. The EGAOB may also provide input to the Commission on issues such as endorsing International Standards on Auditing and assessing the public oversight systems in individual European countries. These public oversight systems have responsibility for overseeing:•The approval and registration of statutory auditors and audit firms•The adoption of standards on ethics, internal control of audit firms and auditing•Continuing education, quality assurance and investigative and disciplinary systems.At the time of writing, the EU Web site listed four EU countries with an auditing oversight body: •France (Le Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes)•Germany (Abschlussprüferaufsichtskommission – Auditor Oversight Commission)•Ireland (Irish Auditing & Accounting Supervisory Authority)•United Kingdom (Financial Reporting Council)12.a.All countries require the purchase method, so there is no effect on the ratios for thismethod.b.All countries require that goodwill be capitalized and amortized, so there is no effect onthe ratios for this method. Compared to the IFRS treatment (capitalize and impairmentstest), the general effect is: (1) liquidity ratios unaffected; (2) debt to equity ratiounaffected; debt to asset ratio will be higher; (3) both profitability ratios will be lower.c.The equity method is used in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparative ratios.d.Current cost revaluations are allowed in the Netherlands and U.K. This practice results inhigher asset values, higher equity, and lower income (because of higher depreciation andcost of goods sold charges). Both solvency ratios and both profitability ratios willdecrease. The liquidity ratios should be unaffected.e.German and French depreciation charges are tax-based, which are normally higher thaneconomics-based depreciation. This will reduce income and lower the profitability ratios.The more rapid write-off of fixed assets will cause lower total asset values. Thus, thedebt to asset ratio should increase. The debt to equity ratio and both liquidity ratiosshould be unaffected.f.LIFO is permitted in Germany and the Netherlands, but not widely used. Companiesusing LIFO should have lower income, so lower profitability ratios. Inventory willprobably be lower, causing the debt to asset ratio to increase and the current ratio todecrease. Cash flow to current liabilities will be unaffected.g.Probable losses are accrued in all five countries, so there is no effect on comparativeratios.h.Finance leases are not capitalized in France, Germany, and the Czech Republic.Companies will report comparatively lower noncurrent liabilities and noncurrent assets.Income will also be affected, but the amount is probably immaterial. The liquidity ratiosshould be unaffected. Both solvency ratios should be lower and return on assets will behigher. The effect on return on equity is probably immaterial.。

8.3 在业主权益与分期收益的确定方面,最值得关注的重大差异在哪些方面?其协调前景如何?参阅教材,从3个方面进行阐述:1.收益确定的“总括观念”和“当期经营观念” 2.“收益平稳化”问题;3.由于各国的不同法律要求,股份公司业主权益会计中的诸多差异。

国际会计准则理事会(International Accounting Standards Board ,简称IASB)。
IASB的前身是国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards committee,简称IASC),在2000年进行全面重组并于2001年初改为国际会计准则理事会。
从1983年起,作为国际会计师联合会(International Federation of Accountants,简称“IFAC”)成员的所有会计职业团体均已成为IASC的成员。
重组前,国际会计准则制定工作由国际会计准则委员会理事会(IASC Board)承担。
除理事会外,IASC 还成立了咨询团(Consultative Group)、顾问委员会(Advisory Council)和常设解释委员会(Standing Interpretation Committee)三个机构。
咨询团定期开会,与理事会讨论国际会计准则项目中的技术问题、IASC的工作计划及战略,在IASC制定国际会计准则的应循程序(Due Process)以及推动承认国际会计准则方面发挥重要作用。

国际会计学》课后作业一(红色字为答案)姓名:学号:成绩:A. Explain to the concepts below1. International accountingInternational accounting is an area of accounting which study on how to treat specific accounting practice of a multinational company or how to provide information of an entity to non-domestic readers 国际会计是一种研究如何处理跨国公司具体的会计实务以及如何向非国内读者提供主体信息的会计领域。
2. goodwillGoodwill is capitalized as the difference between fair value of the consideration given in the exchange and the fair values of the underlying net assets acquired.商誉是在交易中得到的对价的公允价值与潜在净资产的公允价值之间的差额的资本化价值。
4.direct quoteThe exchange rate specifies the number of domestic currency units needed to acquire a unit of foreign currency. 汇率指定一定数量的国内货币单位获得一个单位的外国货币所需要的数量。
5.indirect quoteThe exchange rate specifies the price of a unit of the domestic currency in terms of the foreign currency. 汇率指定的以外国货币为单位的国内货币单位的价格。

Chapter 11Financial Risk ManagementDiscussion Questions1.Enterprise risk management assesses individual risks in the context of a firm’s business strategy. Risksare viewed from a portfolio perspective with risks of various business functions, e.g., FX risk, interest rate risk, political risk and the like, being coordinated by a senior financial manager responsible for keeping top management apprised of critical risks that could interfere with the accomplishment of a firm’sstrategic objectives and devising risk optimization strategies. The variables that management accountants must track include factors both external and internal to the firm and varies from company to company.2.Market risk refers to the risk of loss due to unexpected changes in the prices of currencies, interest rates,commodities, and equities. It is not confined to price changes. Market risk also includes liquidity risk, market discontinuities, credit risk, regulatory risk, tax risk, and accounting risk. An example of a foreign exchange risk is a situation where an exporter invoices a credit sale to a foreign importer in foreign currency and foreign currency devalues prior to payment.3.An FX risk management program includes the following processes:a.Forecasting the expected movement in the relation between the yuan and your domesticcurrency.b.Measuring on a periodic basis your firm’s exposure to fluctuations in the value of the yuan.c.Designing protection strategies that will minimize losses should the yuan revalue.d.Establishing internal controls to measure your performance in hedging the risk of loss fromchanges in the value of the yuan.4.Translation exposure measures the impact of exchange rate changes on the domestic currency equivalentsof a firm s foreign currency assets and liabilities. It is primarily concerned with currency restatement.Transaction exposure measures the cash flow impact of fluctuating currency values on the settlement of commercial transactions denominated in foreign currencies. Transaction exposure is concerned with acurrency conversion (exchange) process. Economic exposure attempts to measure the impact of changing exchange rates on the future revenues, costs, and sales volume of a multinational entity. It is concerned with the temporal effects of exchange rate changes.Although FAS No. 52 attempts to mitigate concern with translation gains and losses (accounting exposure), it does not totally eliminate it. Companies choosing the U.S. dollar as their functional currency will still use the temporal translation method and report translation gains and losses in period income. Companies designating the local currency as the functional currency will find their asset exposures increased as inventories and fixed assets are translated using current exchange rates. While such translation gains and losses bypass income, the adverse effects of currency fluctuations on a company’s consolidated equity will still exist. This is especially likely where loan covenant and other contractual provisions specify minimum debt-to-equity ratios. This suggests that the issue of accounting versus economic exposure is far from settled.5.The chapter lists 10 specific methods to reduce a firm’s exposure to foreign exchange risk in adevaluation-prone country. These techniques, and possible cost-benefit trade-offs, are summarized in the following table.Methods Trade-Offsa. Minimize cash balances in a. Reduced exposure versusdevaluation-prone country higher business andfinancial risk due to possible "cash-outs."b. Remitting excess cash back b. Same as item a.to the parent company.c. Accelerate the collection c. Reduced exposure versusof local currency receivables possible reduction in salesd. Defer payment of local d. Reduced exposure versuscurrency payables impaired local credit ratinge. Speed up payment of e. Reduced exposure versusforeign currency payables foregone earnings on arelatively cheap creditsourcef. Invest local currency cash f. Reduced exposure versusbalances in inventories and higher transaction costsother assets less prone to and possible mis-devaluation loss allocation of corporateresourcesg. Invest in strong currency g. Reduced exposure versusforeign assets higher transaction costsand possible governmentinterference (e.g.exchange controls)h. Raise selling prices h. Reduced exposure versuspotential erosion ofmarket sharei. Invoice exports in hard i. Reduced exposure versuscurrencies possible reduction insales abroadj. Currency swaps j. Reduced translationexposure versus increasedtransaction exposure ifparent assesses theexposed affiliate aninterest charge in hardcurrency6. A multicurrency transactions exposure report differs from a multicurrency translation exposure report in anumber of ways. First, the transactions exposure report has a cash flow orientation instead of a static balance sheet orientation. It includes off balance sheet items that are executory in nature. Finally, a multicurrency transaction exposure report has a local currency orientation, whereas a multicurrency translation exposure report has a parent currency orientation.7.Derivative instruments are formal agreements that transfer financial risk from one party to another. Thevalue of a derivative is derived from its reference to a basic underlying instrument or variable such as a foreign currency receivable or a quantum of foreign exchange. Thus the value of a forward exchange contract is related to the change in the foreign exchange rate times the notional amount being hedged. An important accounting issue is whether derivatives should receive the same accounting treatment as the basic instruments to which they relate. Specifically, should a derivative instrument hedging a foreign currency asset appear in the financial statements as a foreign currency liability? If so, should its valuation base be identical to basic instruments? Do cash flows associated with derivative instruments have thesame economic meaning as those associated with basic instruments? How should gains and losses associated with derivative instruments be reflected in the income statement? Can and should risks attaching to these financial instruments be recognized and measured?8.Student responses should proceed along the following lines. Pele Corporation, a Brazilian firm, hasborrowed a certain sum of British pounds at 9 percent and is worried that the pound will appreciate relative to the real prior to maturity. To hedge this currency risk, it arranges with a bank to swap the pounds borrowed for an equivalent amount of reals for 3 years bearing the same rate of interest. During the 3-year period, it will make periodic interest payments to the bank in reals, and in return, receive periodic interest payments in pounds. At the end of the 3-year period, it will re-exchange the real principal for pounds at the original exchange rate.9. A futures contract is a commitment to purchase or deliver a specified quantity of a financial instrument orforeign currency at a future date at a price set when the contract is made. It differs from a forward contract in several respects. A futures contract is standardized in terms of size and delivery date whereas a forward contract is tailored to a customer’s needs. Futures contracts are freely traded on organized exchanges. In contrast, there is no secondary market for forward contracts as they are private agreements between two parties. Futures contracts are carried at market values with gains or losses taken immediately to income, whereas profits on a forward contract are realized only at the delivery date. Finally, a party to a futures contract must meet periodic margin requirements. In a forward contract, margins are set once, on the date of the initial transaction.10.Fair value hedges are hedges of a firm’s foreign currency assets and liabilities and firm fore ign currencycommitments. Cash flow hedges are hedges of forecasted transactions such as a future sale or purchase.Net investment hedges are hedges of an exposed balance sheet asset or liability position. For qualifying fair value hedges, all changes in the fair value of the derivative and the underlying item that is being hedged are recognized in earnings. For qualifying cash flow hedges, the change in the fair value of the derivative is recognized in Other Comprehensive Income and recognized in earnings when the hedged cash flows affect earnings. For qualifying hedges of a net investment, changes in the fair value of the derivative are recorded in comprehensive income11.In theory, the term highly effective means that gains or losses on hedging instruments should be shouldexactly offset gains or losses on the item being hedged. In practice, it means that gains or losses on the derivative substantially offset the changes in the value or cash flow of the hedged item. Measurement of this attribute is important. If a hedging instrument does not meet the highly effective test, the hedge is terminated and deferred gains or losses on the derivative are recognized immediately in current earnings.This, in turn, introduces volatility into a firm’s reporte d earnings.12.The notion of an opportunity cost refers to the return associated with your next best opportunity. In thearea of FX risk management, it entails comparing a given risk management strategy with an appropriate standard of comparison. This provides an objective means of assessing the effectiveness of a given risk reduction program. For example, when FX risk management programs are centralized at corporate headquarters, appropriate benchmarks against which to compare the success of corporate risk protection would be programs that local managers could have implemented on their own.Exercises1.Students usually gloss over diagrams without thinking them through. This exercise forces them to thinkthrough each step of the diagram and allows them to better internalize the risk management cycle.Responses might follow the following pattern: Step 1 involves operationalizing a firms strategies intoquantifiable objectives and then identifying developments both external and internal risks that could affect the achievement of these objectives. These risks are measured by the firm’s accountants and quantified in terms of their potential impact on the firm. For example, the firm may have as its strategic objective an increase of 5% of market share in a given country per year given assumptions about the rate of economic growth in that country. The chance that this growth rate may fall short of 5% and the impact of this shortfall for projected sales in that country would be quantified. Response formulation would involve identifying protection strategies to minimize the hit to sales of projected GNP shortfalls such as promotion campaigns to maintain sales or use of alternative sourcing venues to lower sales prices. This strategy would be implemented if projected GNP started to slow beyond a certain cutoff point. The impact of this protection strategy would then be quantified in terms of actual sales relative to forecast sales taking into account the costs of protection. The information contained in risk management performance reports would then be communicated to top management who would be in a position to reaffirm or alter strategic objectives and/or risk identification processes.2.Foreign exchange risk a devaluation of the foreign currency in which an account receivable wasdenominated would cause the domestic currency cash flows to decrease. This would cause current assets to decrease. Alternatively, a revaluation of the foreign currency would cause the account receivable and current assets to increase. Interest rate risk an increase in market rates of interest would cause the price ofa short-term fixed-rate debt instrument being held as a marketable security to decrease. This, in turn,would cause current assets to decrease. A decrease in interest rates would have the opposite effect.Commodity price risk an increase in the price of copper would cause the cost of copper purchases and the resultant unexpired cost of inventories in the current asset section of the balance sheet to increase. A fall in copper prices would have the opposite effect. Equity price risk a fall in stock prices would depress the carrying value of marketable securities (current assets), and conversely.3.The purpose of this exercise is to force students to look at manager ial accounting issues from the user’sperspective. Students may suggest additional information sources with respect to inflation differentials, balance of trade and balance of payments statistics, international monetary reserves, forward exchange quotations, the behavior of related currencies, and interest rate differentials. We recommend that this exercise be assigned to small groups to encourage teamwork. At the time this exercise was prepared, professional forecasters were predicting a rate of 10.5 ecrus to theU.S. dollar.Some groups may contend that exchange markets are efficient and that exchange rate changes are simply random events. Again, they must be prepared to convince management of their case, or at a minimum, identify the consequences of not attempting exchange rate forecasts.4. Current rate Current/Noncurrent Monetary/nonmonetaryExposed assets(PHP):Cash 500,000 500,000 500,000Accounts receivable 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Inventories(LCM) 900,000 900,000Fixed assets 1,100,000 -- --Total 3,500,000 2,400,000 1,500,000 Exposed liabilities:Short-term payables 400,000 400,000 400,000Long-term debt 800,000 --- 800,000Total 1,200,000 400,000 1,200,000Positive/(negative) exposure 2,300,000 2,000,000 300,000 Positive exposure X $0.03 $69,000 $60,000 $9,000Positive exposure X $0.02 46,000 40,000 6,000 FX gain/(loss) $(23,000) $(20,000) $(3,000)5.ILS $ £$ EquivalentExposed Assets:Cash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) 20,000Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 100,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Exposed Liabilities:Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 50,000Owners equity ---- 100,000 ---- 100,000Net exposed assets 260,000 (20,000) (55,000) NIL(liabilities)ILS $ £$ EquivalentExposed Assets:Cash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) 20,000Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 100,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Exposed Liabilities:Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 50,000Owners equity ---- 100,000 ---- 100,000Net exposed assets 260,000 (20,000) (55,000) NIL(liabilities)6.Trial Balance BeforeILS $ £$ EquivalentCash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) 20,000Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 100,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 50,000 Owners equity ---- 100,000 ---- 100,000Trial Balance After(£/$/ILS = 1/2/8)ILS $ £$ EquivalentCash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) (5,000)Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 50,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 40,000 Owners equity ---- 100,000 ---- 100,000Translation loss $(65,000)7. One recommendation might be to reduce positive exposures by engaging in balance sheet hedging, that is, by remitting excess cash back to the corporate parent, reducing the affiliate bank’s outstanding loans, or increasing its deposits in Israeli shekels.. The trade-offs here are potentially negative effects on operations, such as not satisfying loan demand against hedging translation gains and losses. Another option is to increase the pricing of bank services in Israel to provide a profit margin that can offset any FX losses. Again, the effects of such actions on competitive positioning could far exceed the benefits of hedging. A third option is to buy a forward or currency swap to hedge the exposure. Trade-offs include the out-of-pocket cost of the exchange contract versus the reported losses avoided.1.If the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, the translation gain upon consolidation is aggregated with thetransaction loss on the foreign currency borrowing and disclosed as one line item in the consolidated income statement. This figure is determined as follows:Translation gain = Positive exposure X change in exchange rate= NZD3,000,000 x $.10= $300,000Transaction loss =NZD loan balance X change in exchange rate= NZD1,000,000 x $.10= $ (100,000)Aggregate exchange adjustment = $300,000 + $ (100,000)= $200,000If the New Zealand dollar is the functional currency, the translation gain upon consolidation bypasses income and appears as a separate component in consolidated equity. It is offset by the translation loss on the New Zealand dollar borrowing.9.4/1 CD (¥32,500,000 ÷ ¥120) $250,000Cash $250,000(Purchase of CD)Chips (¥32,500,000 ÷ ¥120) $270,833Cash (¥3,250,000 ÷ ¥120) $ 27,083A/P (¥29,250,000 ÷ ¥120) 243,750(To record credit purchase)7/1 CD (¥30,000,000 ÷ [¥120 - ¥110]) $ 22,727FX gain $ 22,727(To record gain on CD investment)Purchases (¥29,250,000 ÷ [¥120 - ¥110]) 22,159Accts. Payable 22,159(To record increase in purchases and related liability accounts owing to yen appreciation) 7/1 Cash (¥30,000,000 ÷ ¥110) $278,182Interest income (¥30,000,000 X .08 X ¼) ÷ ¥110] $ 5,455CD 272,727(To record maturation of CD)Interest expense [(¥29,250,000 x.08 x 3/12) ÷ ¥110) 5,318Accts. payable (¥29,250,000 ÷ ¥110) 265,909Cash 271,227(To record settlement of purchase transaction)10. Journal entries:6/1 CHF Contract receivable $133,333Deferred premium 3,334$ Contract payable $136,667(To record contract with the foreign currency dealer to exchange $136,667 for CHF 166,667)6/30 CHF Contract receivable 1,667Transaction gain 1,667(To record transaction gain from increased dollar equivalent of forward contract receivable; $.81 - $.80 x SWF 166,667)6/30 Premium expense 1,111Deferred premium 1,111(To amortize deferred premium for 1 month)9/1 SWCHF Contract receivable 3,333Transaction gain 3,333(To record additional transaction gain by adjusting forward contract to the new current rate; $.83 - $.81 x CHF 166,667)9/1 Premium expense 2,223Deferred premium 2,223(Amortization of deferred premium balance)9/1 $ Contract payable 136,667Cash 136,667 Foreign currency 138,333CHF Contract receivable 138,333(To record delivery of $136,667 to foreign currency dealer in exchange for CHF166,667 with a dollar equivalent of $138,334 (=CHF166,667 x $.83). The Swiss francs will, in turn be used to pay for the chocolate supplies).11. Calculations:If the premium on the forward contract is considered an operating expense, and the conditions for hedge treatment are met, i.e., management designates the forward contract as a hedge, documents its risk management objective and strategy, identifies the hedging instrument, the item being hedged and the risk exposure, and that the forward is effective both prospectively and retrospectively in hedging the risk, the gain on the forward can be offset against the loss on the payable as follows:Amount paid to settle the account payable on the purchase $138,333Less Transaction gain on forward contract (5,000)Cost of purchase $133,333The $133,000 is what was originally anticipated, CHF166.667 X $0.80 = $133,333.12. Journal entries:The call option is intended to hedge an uncertain cash flow. Accordingly, gains or losses on the hedging instrument would bedisclosed in comprehensive income and reclassified into earnings in the period the sale actually takes place.June 1 Premium expense $28,125Cash $28,125($.018 X CHF 62,500 X 25)August 31 Cash $40,625Comprehensive income $40,625[($.416 - $.39) X CHF 62,500 X 25]Case 11-1Exposure Identification1. Infosys appears to have several exposures as enumerated below.Foreign Exchange RiskPage Value-Drivers88 Revenues/Selling and administrative expenses89 Cash flows from interest/dividend income96 Revenue recognition/LT leases97 Operating income/foreign currency transactions/FA98 Marketing/Overseas staff expenses99 Derivative values100 Lease obligations101 Investment returns102 Segment revenues/expenses103 Dividends to ADS holders142 Penalties on export obligations149 Valuing intangibles150 Export revenuesCommodity Price RiskPage Value-Drivers98 Power and fuel expenses145 Brand valuation147/48 Current cost disclosures149 Value of intangiblesEquity Price RiskPage Value Drivers87 Share capital98 Diluted eps100 Stock option compensation expense103 Convertible preferreds145 Cost of capital151 Economic value-addedInterest Rate RiskPage Value Drivers88 Interest expense89 Cash flows from security investments/interest income97 Gratuity/Superannuation/Provident obligations143 Employee compensation145 Cost of capital149 Value of intangibles.151 Economic value-addedInformation on the company’s risk management policies are contained on pages 108-109 of their annual report which were not reproduced in Chapter 1. We include the relevant information here. Infosys derives its revenues from 51 countries of which 78 percent were denominated in US dollars. To minimize both transaction and translation risk the company:1.Tries to match expenses in local currency with receipts in the same currency.es forward exchange contracts to cover apportion of outstanding receivables.3.Denominates contracts in non-US and non-EU regions in internationally tradable currencies to minimizeexposures to local currencies that may have non-tradability risks.Case 11-2Value At Risk: What Are Our Options?Students should be asked to play the role of the consultant, and will find it to be a contentious issue. Suggested remedies that have merit are:1. The FASB should permit deferral accounting for rolling options which would take the derivative gain or loss on each option to equity until the anticipated event occurs, as opposed to taking it immediately to income. This, however, might encourage companies to game the system, so students should also suggest ways to keep this from happening.2. Another tack would be to adhere to generally accepted accounting principles and record the gain or loss on the derivative in current income as it is marked to market, but to disclose which transactions were undertaken for hedge purposes. Management could also game the system here as speculative activities could be disclosed as hedge activities.3. Another option that students might suggest is to revert back to the earlier U.S. practice of keeping the option off balance sheet and providing supplementary disclosure of mark-to-market accounting. This might be confusing to lay readers, but it would enable analysts to better understand the components of reported earnings.It is clear from the annual report clipping that management will ignore accounting pronouncements when it is in their interest to do so. Analysts must be alert to situations where management departs from GAAP to better reflect the economics of what transpired as opposed to doing so to manage earnings.精品文档,知识共享!!!。
Chapter 11Financial Risk ManagementDiscussion Questions1.Enterprise risk management assesses individual risks in the context of a firm’s business strategy. Risksare viewed from a portfolio perspective with risks of various business functions, e.g., FX risk, interest rate risk, political risk and the like, being coordinated by a senior financial manager responsible for keeping top management apprised of critical risks that could interfere with the accomplishment of a firm’sstrategic objectives and devising risk optimization strategies. The variables that management accountants must track include factors both external and internal to the firm and varies from company to company.2.Market risk refers to the risk of loss due to unexpected changes in the prices of currencies, interest rates,commodities, and equities. It is not confined to price changes. Market risk also includes liquidity risk, market discontinuities, credit risk, regulatory risk, tax risk, and accounting risk. An example of a foreign exchange risk is a situation where an exporter invoices a credit sale to a foreign importer in foreign currency and foreign currency devalues prior to payment.3.An FX risk management program includes the following processes:a.Forecasting the expected movement in the relation between the yuan and your domesticcurrency.b.Measuring on a periodic basis your firm’s exposure to fluctuations in the value of the yuan.c.Designing protection strategies that will minimize losses should the yuan revalue.d.Establishing internal controls to measure your performance in hedging the risk of loss fromchanges in the value of the yuan.4.Translation exposure measures the impact of exchange rate changes on the domestic currency equivalentsof a firm s foreign currency assets and liabilities. It is primarily concerned with currency restatement.Transaction exposure measures the cash flow impact of fluctuating currency values on the settlement of commercial transactions denominated in foreign currencies. Transaction exposure is concerned with acurrency conversion (exchange) process. Economic exposure attempts to measure the impact of changing exchange rates on the future revenues, costs, and sales volume of a multinational entity. It is concerned with the temporal effects of exchange rate changes.Although FAS No. 52 attempts to mitigate concern with translation gains and losses (accounting exposure), it does not totally eliminate it. Companies choosing the U.S. dollar as their functional currency will still use the temporal translation method and report translation gains and losses in period income. Companies designating the local currency as the functional currency will find their asset exposures increased as inventories and fixed assets are translated using current exchange rates. While such translation gains and losses bypass income, the adverse effects of currency fluctuations on a company’s consolidated equity will still exist. This is especially likely where loan covenant and other contractual provisions specify minimum debt-to-equity ratios. This suggests that the issue of accounting versus economic exposure is far from settled.5.The chapter lists 10 specific methods to reduce a firm’s exposure to foreign exchange risk in adevaluation-prone country. These techniques, and possible cost-benefit trade-offs, are summarized in the following table.Methods Trade-Offsa. Minimize cash balances in a. Reduced exposure versusdevaluation-prone country higher business andfinancial risk due to possible "cash-outs."b. Remitting excess cash back b. Same as item a.to the parent company.c. Accelerate the collection c. Reduced exposure versusof local currency receivables possible reduction in salesd. Defer payment of local d. Reduced exposure versuscurrency payables impaired local credit ratinge. Speed up payment of e. Reduced exposure versusforeign currency payables foregone earnings on arelatively cheap creditsourcef. Invest local currency cash f. Reduced exposure versusbalances in inventories and higher transaction costsother assets less prone to and possible mis-devaluation loss allocation of corporateresourcesg. Invest in strong currency g. Reduced exposure versusforeign assets higher transaction costsand possible governmentinterference (e.g.exchange controls)h. Raise selling prices h. Reduced exposure versuspotential erosion ofmarket sharei. Invoice exports in hard i. Reduced exposure versuscurrencies possible reduction insales abroadj. Currency swaps j. Reduced translationexposure versus increasedtransaction exposure ifparent assesses theexposed affiliate aninterest charge in hardcurrency6. A multicurrency transactions exposure report differs from a multicurrency translation exposure report in anumber of ways. First, the transactions exposure report has a cash flow orientation instead of a static balance sheet orientation. It includes off balance sheet items that are executory in nature. Finally, a multicurrency transaction exposure report has a local currency orientation, whereas a multicurrency translation exposure report has a parent currency orientation.7.Derivative instruments are formal agreements that transfer financial risk from one party to another. Thevalue of a derivative is derived from its reference to a basic underlying instrument or variable such as a foreign currency receivable or a quantum of foreign exchange. Thus the value of a forward exchange contract is related to the change in the foreign exchange rate times the notional amount being hedged. An important accounting issue is whether derivatives should receive the same accounting treatment as the basic instruments to which they relate. Specifically, should a derivative instrument hedging a foreign currency asset appear in the financial statements as a foreign currency liability? If so, should its valuation base be identical to basic instruments? Do cash flows associated with derivative instruments have thesame economic meaning as those associated with basic instruments? How should gains and losses associated with derivative instruments be reflected in the income statement? Can and should risks attaching to these financial instruments be recognized and measured?8.Student responses should proceed along the following lines. Pele Corporation, a Brazilian firm, hasborrowed a certain sum of British pounds at 9 percent and is worried that the pound will appreciate relative to the real prior to maturity. To hedge this currency risk, it arranges with a bank to swap the pounds borrowed for an equivalent amount of reals for 3 years bearing the same rate of interest. During the 3-year period, it will make periodic interest payments to the bank in reals, and in return, receive periodic interest payments in pounds. At the end of the 3-year period, it will re-exchange the real principal for pounds at the original exchange rate.9. A futures contract is a commitment to purchase or deliver a specified quantity of a financial instrument orforeign currency at a future date at a price set when the contract is made. It differs from a forward contract in several respects. A futures contract is standardized in terms of size and delivery date whereas a forward contract is tailored to a customer’s needs. Futures contracts are freely traded on organized exchanges. In contrast, there is no secondary market for forward contracts as they are private agreements between two parties. Futures contracts are carried at market values with gains or losses taken immediately to income, whereas profits on a forward contract are realized only at the delivery date. Finally, a party to a futures contract must meet periodic margin requirements. In a forward contract, margins are set once, on the date of the initial transaction.10.Fair value hedges are hedges of a firm’s foreign currency assets and liabilities and firm foreign currencycommitments. Cash flow hedges are hedges of forecasted transactions such as a future sale or purchase.Net investment hedges are hedges of an exposed balance sheet asset or liability position. For qualifying fair value hedges, all changes in the fair value of the derivative and the underlying item that is being hedged are recognized in earnings. For qualifying cash flow hedges, the change in the fair value of the derivative is recognized in Other Comprehensive Income and recognized in earnings when the hedged cash flows affect earnings. For qualifying hedges of a net investment, changes in the fair value of the derivative are recorded in comprehensive income11.In theory, the term highly effective means that gains or losses on hedging instruments should be shouldexactly offset gains or losses on the item being hedged. In practice, it means that gains or losses on the derivative substantially offset the changes in the value or cash flow of the hedged item. Measurement of this attribute is important. If a hedging instrument does not meet the highly effective test, the hedge is terminated and deferred gains or losses on the derivative are recognized immediately in current earnings.This, in turn, introduces volatility into a firm’s reported earnings.12.The notion of an opportunity cost refers to the return associated with your next best opportunity. In thearea of FX risk management, it entails comparing a given risk management strategy with an appropriate standard of comparison. This provides an objective means of assessing the effectiveness of a given risk reduction program. For example, when FX risk management programs are centralized at corporate headquarters, appropriate benchmarks against which to compare the success of corporate risk protection would be programs that local managers could have implemented on their own.Exercises1.Students usually gloss over diagrams without thinking them through. This exercise forces them to thinkthrough each step of the diagram and allows them to better internalize the risk management cycle.Responses might follow the following pattern: Step 1 involves operationalizing a firms strategies intoquantifiable objectives and then identifying developments both external and internal risks that could affect the achievement of these objectives. These risks are measured by the firm’s accountants and quantified in terms of their potential impact on the firm. For example, the firm may have as its strategic objective an increase of 5% of market share in a given country per year given assumptions about the rate of economic growth in that country. The chance that this growth rate may fall short of 5% and the impact of this shortfall for projected sales in that country would be quantified. Response formulation would involve identifying protection strategies to minimize the hit to sales of projected GNP shortfalls such as promotion campaigns to maintain sales or use of alternative sourcing venues to lower sales prices. This strategy would be implemented if projected GNP started to slow beyond a certain cutoff point. The impact of this protection strategy would then be quantified in terms of actual sales relative to forecast sales taking into account the costs of protection. The information contained in risk management performance reports would then be communicated to top management who would be in a position to reaffirm or alter strategic objectives and/or risk identification processes.2.Foreign exchange risk a devaluation of the foreign currency in which an account receivable wasdenominated would cause the domestic currency cash flows to decrease. This would cause current assets to decrease. Alternatively, a revaluation of the foreign currency would cause the account receivable and current assets to increase. Interest rate risk an increase in market rates of interest would cause the price ofa short-term fixed-rate debt instrument being held as a marketable security to decrease. This, in turn,would cause current assets to decrease. A decrease in interest rates would have the opposite effect.Commodity price risk an increase in the price of copper would cause the cost of copper purchases and the resultant unexpired cost of inventories in the current asset section of the balance sheet to increase. A fall in copper prices would have the opposite effect. Equity price risk a fall in stock prices would depress the carrying value of marketable securities (current assets), and conversely.3.The purpose of this exercise is to force students to look at managerial accounting issues from the user’sperspective. Students may suggest additional information sources with respect to inflation differentials, balance of trade and balance of payments statistics, international monetary reserves, forward exchange quotations, the behavior of related currencies, and interest rate differentials. We recommend that this exercise be assigned to small groups to encourage teamwork. At the time this exercise was prepared, professional forecasters were predicting a rate of 10.5 ecrus to theU.S. dollar.Some groups may contend that exchange markets are efficient and that exchange rate changes are simply random events. Again, they must be prepared to convince management of their case, or at a minimum, identify the consequences of not attempting exchange rate forecasts.4.Current rate Current/Noncurrent Monetary/nonmonetaryExposed assets(PHP):Cash500,000500,000500,000Accounts receivable 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000Inventories(LCM) 900,000 900,000Fixed assets 1,100,000 -- --Total 3,500,000 2,400,000 1,500,000 Exposed liabilities:Short-term payables 400,000 400,000 400,000Long-term debt 800,000 --- 800,000Total 1,200,000 400,000 1,200,000Positive/(negative) exposure 2,300,000 2,000,000 300,000 Positive exposure X $0.03 $69,000 $60,000 $9,000Positive exposure X $0.02 46,000 40,000 6,000 FX gain/(loss) $(23,000)$(20,000) $(3,000)5.ILS $ £ $ EquivalentExposed Assets:Cash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) 20,000Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 100,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Exposed Liabilities:Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 50,000Owners equity ----100,000 ----100,000Net exposed assets 260,000 (20,000) (55,000) NIL(liabilities)ILS $ £ $ EquivalentExposed Assets:Cash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) 20,000Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 100,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Exposed Liabilities:Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 50,000Owners equity ----100,000 ----100,000Net exposed assets 260,000 (20,000) (55,000) NIL(liabilities)6.Trial Balance BeforeILS $ £ $ EquivalentCash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) 20,000Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 100,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 50,000 Owners equity ----100,000 ----100,000Trial Balance After(£/$/ILS = 1/2/8)ILS $ £ $ EquivalentCash & due from banks 100,000 50,000 (40,000) (5,000)Loans 200,000 ---- ---- 50,000Fixed assets ---- 30,000 ---- 30,000Deposits 40,000 ---- 15,000 40,000 Owners equity ----100,000 ---- 100,000Translation loss $(65,000)7. One recommendation might be to reduce positive exposures by engaging in balance sheet hedging, that is, by remitting excess cash back to the corporate parent, reducing the affiliate bank’s outstanding loans, or increasing its deposits in Israeli shekels.. The trade-offs here are potentially negative effects on operations, such as not satisfying loan demand against hedging translation gains and losses. Another option is to increase the pricing of bank services in Israel to provide a profit margin that can offset any FX losses. Again, the effects of such actions on competitive positioning could far exceed the benefits of hedging. A third option is to buy a forward or currency swap to hedge the exposure. Trade-offs include the out-of-pocket cost of the exchange contract versus the reported losses avoided.1.If the U.S. dollar is the functional currency, the translation gain upon consolidation is aggregated with thetransaction loss on the foreign currency borrowing and disclosed as one line item in the consolidated income statement. This figure is determined as follows:Translation gain = Positive exposure X change in exchange rate= NZD3,000,000 x $.10= $300,000Transaction loss =NZD loan balance X change in exchange rate= NZD1,000,000 x $.10= $ (100,000)Aggregate exchange adjustment = $300,000 + $ (100,000)= $200,000If the New Zealand dollar is the functional currency, the translation gain upon consolidation bypasses income and appears as a separate component in consolidated equity. It is offset by the translation loss on the New Zealand dollar borrowing.9.4/1CD (¥32,500,000 ÷ ¥120)$250,000Cash$250,000(Purchase of CD)Chips (¥32,500,000 ÷ ¥120)$270,833Cash (¥3,250,000 ÷ ¥120)$ 27,083A/P (¥29,250,000 ÷ ¥120) 243,750(To record credit purchase)7/1 CD (¥30,000,000 ÷ [¥120 - ¥110])$ 22,727FX gain$ 22,727(To record gain on CD investment)Purchases (¥29,250,000 ÷ [¥120 - ¥110]) 22,159Accts. Payable 22,159(To record increase in purchases and related liability accounts owing to yen appreciation) 7/1 Cash (¥30,000,000 ÷ ¥110)$278,182Interest income (¥30,000,000 X .08 X ¼) ÷ ¥110]$ 5,455CD272,727(To record maturation of CD)Interest expense [(¥29,250,000 x.08 x 3/12) ÷ ¥110) 5,318Accts. payable (¥29,250,000 ÷ ¥110) 265,909Cash 271,227(To record settlement of purchase transaction)10. Journal entries:6/1 CHF Contract receivable $133,333Deferred premium 3,334$ Contract payable $136,667(To record contract with the foreign currency dealer to exchange $136,667 for CHF 166,667)6/30 CHF Contract receivable 1,667Transaction gain 1,667(To record transaction gain from increased dollar equivalent of forward contract receivable; $.81 - $.80 x SWF 166,667)6/30 Premium expense 1,111Deferred premium 1,111(To amortize deferred premium for 1 month)9/1 SWCHF Contract receivable 3,333Transaction gain 3,333(To record additional transaction gain by adjusting forward contract to the new current rate; $.83 - $.81 x CHF 166,667)9/1 Premium expense 2,223Deferred premium 2,223(Amortization of deferred premium balance)9/1 $ Contract payable 136,667Cash 136,667 Foreign currency 138,333CHF Contract receivable 138,333(To record delivery of $136,667 to foreign currency dealer in exchange for CHF166,667 with a dollar equivalent of $138,334 (=CHF166,667 x $.83). The Swiss francs will, in turn be used to pay for the chocolate supplies).11. Calculations:If the premium on the forward contract is considered an operating expense, and the conditions for hedge treatment are met, i.e., management designates the forward contract as a hedge, documents its risk management objective and strategy, identifies the hedging instrument, the item being hedged and the risk exposure, and that the forward is effective both prospectively and retrospectively in hedging the risk, the gain on the forward can be offset against the loss on the payable as follows:Amount paid to settle the account payable on the purchase $138,333Less Transaction gain on forward contract (5,000)Cost of purchase $133,333The $133,000 is what was originally anticipated, CHF166.667 X $0.80 = $133,333.12. Journal entries:The call option is intended to hedge an uncertain cash flow. Accordingly, gains or losses on the hedging instrument would bedisclosed in comprehensive income and reclassified into earnings in the period the sale actually takes place.June 1 Premium expense $28,125Cash $28,125($.018 X CHF 62,500 X 25)August 31 Cash $40,625Comprehensive income $40,625[($.416 - $.39) X CHF 62,500 X 25]Case 11-1Exposure Identification1. Infosys appears to have several exposures as enumerated below.Foreign Exchange RiskPage Value-Drivers88Revenues/Selling and administrative expenses89Cash flows from interest/dividend income96Revenue recognition/LT leases97Operating income/foreign currency transactions/FA98Marketing/Overseas staff expenses99Derivative values100Lease obligations101Investment returns102Segment revenues/expenses103Dividends to ADS holders142Penalties on export obligations149Valuing intangibles150Export revenuesCommodity Price RiskPage Value-Drivers98Power and fuel expenses145Brand valuation147/48Current cost disclosures149Value of intangiblesEquity Price RiskPage Value Drivers87Share capital98Diluted eps100Stock option compensation expense103Convertible preferreds145Cost of capital151Economic value-addedInterest Rate RiskPage Value Drivers88Interest expense89Cash flows from security investments/interest income97Gratuity/Superannuation/Provident obligations143Employee compensation145Cost of capital149Value of intangibles.151Economic value-addedInformation on the company’s risk management policies are contained on pages 108-109 of their annual report which were not reproduced in Chapter 1. We include the relevant information here. Infosys derives its revenues from 51 countries of which 78 percent were denominated in US dollars. To minimize both transaction and translation risk the company:1.Tries to match expenses in local currency with receipts in the same currency.es forward exchange contracts to cover apportion of outstanding receivables.3.Denominates contracts in non-US and non-EU regions in internationally tradable currencies to minimizeexposures to local currencies that may have non-tradability risks.Case 11-2Value At Risk: What Are Our Options?Students should be asked to play the role of the consultant, and will find it to be a contentious issue. Suggested remedies that have merit are:1. The FASB should permit deferral accounting for rolling options which would take the derivative gain or loss on each option to equity until the anticipated event occurs, as opposed to taking it immediately to income. This, however, might encourage companies to game the system, so students should also suggest ways to keep this from happening.2. Another tack would be to adhere to generally accepted accounting principles and record the gain or loss on the derivative in current income as it is marked to market, but to disclose which transactions were undertaken for hedge purposes. Management could also game the system here as speculative activities could be disclosed as hedge activities.3. Another option that students might suggest is to revert back to the earlier U.S. practice of keeping the option off balance sheet and providing supplementary disclosure of mark-to-market accounting. This might be confusing to lay readers, but it would enable analysts to better understand the components of reported earnings.It is clear from the annual report clipping that management will ignore accounting pronouncements when it is in their interest to do so. Analysts must be alert to situations where management departs from GAAP to better reflect the economics of what transpired as opposed to doing so to manage earnings.11。
国际会计课后题答案 版


这种分类的优点和缺点是什么?你能提出其他有效的分类吗?Advantage: Some might argue that measurement, disclosure, and external auditing are three distinct (although related) processes, involving different members of the company. For example, coi-porate attorneys often are involved in disclosure issues, but seldom intervene in measurement ssues. The Board of Directors works with the external auditors but not necessarily with the comptroller s office. Thus, discussion of accounting requirements and voluntary accounting choices in different jurisdictions is simplified by focusing on the three components of accounting. Disadvantage: measurement, disclosure and auditing are interdependent, and should not be viewed in isolation of one another. A company choosing to disclose as little as possible, for example, may use accounting measurement approaches that reduce the information content of financial statements, and select an external auditor who will be relatively lenient in enforcing accounting requirements. One alternative classification might include accounting (measurement and disclosure), and auditing. A second classification might include financial reporting (annual and interim reporting, regulatory filings)and ad hoc disclosure (press releases, analyst meetings, etc). Any classification is arbitrary, and potentially useful depending on its purpose.优势:一些人可能认为测量,披露和外部审计是三个不同的(虽然相关)流程,涉及公司的不同成员。

国际会计学课后答案【篇一:国际会计第七版英文版课后答案(第六章)】foreign currency translationdiscussion questions solutions1. foreign currency translation is the process of restating a foreign account balance from one currency to another. foreign currency conversion is the process of physically exchanging one currency for another.2. in the foreign exchange spot market, currencies bought and sold must be delivered immediately,normally within 2 business days. thus a singaporean tourist buying u.s. dollars at the airportbefore boarding a plane for new york would hand over singapore dollars and immediatelyreceive the equivalent amount in u.s. dollars. the forward market handles agreements toexchange a fixed amount of one currency for another on an agreed date in the future. forexample, a french manufacturer exporting goods invoiced in euros to a japanese importer on 60- day credit terms would buy a forward contract to sell yen for euros 2 months in the future.transactions in the swap market involve the simultaneous purchase (or sale) of one currency inthe spot market and the sale (or purchase) of the same currency in the forward market. thus, acanadian investor wishing to take advantage of higher interest rates on 6-month treasury bills inthe united states would buy u.s. dollars with canadian dollars in the spot market and invest inthe united states. to guard against a fall in the value of the u.s. dollar before maturity (whenthe u.s. dollar proceeds are converted back to canadian dollars), the canadian investor wouldsimultaneously enter into a forward contract to sell u.s. dollars for canadian dollars 6 months inthe future at today s forward exchange rate.3. the question refers to alternative exchange rates that are used to translate foreign financialstatements. the current rate is the exchange rate at the financial statement date. it issometimes called the year-end or closing rate. the historical rate is the exchange rate at the timeof the underlying transaction. the average rate is the average of various exchange rates during afiscal period. since the average ratenormally is used to translate income statement items, it isoften weighted to reflect any seasonal changes in the volume of transactions during the period.translation gains and losses do not occur if exchange rates do not change. however, ifexchange rates change, the use of current and average rates causes translation gains and losses.these do not occur when the historical rate is used because the same (constant) rate is used eachperiod.4. in this example, the mexican affiliate s canadian dollar loan is denominated in canadian dollars.however, because the mexican affiliate’s functional currency is u.s. dollars, the peso equivalentof the canadian dollar borrowing would be remeasured in u.s. dollars prior to consolidation. ifthe mexican affiliate’s functional currency were the peso, the canadian dollar loan would beremeasured in pesos before being translated to u.s. dollars.5. a transaction gain or loss occurs when a foreign currency transaction, e.g., a foreign currencyborrowing, is settled at a different exchange rate than that which prevailed when the transactionwas originally incurred. in this case there is an exchange of one currency for another. atranslation gain or loss, on the other hand, is simply the result of a restatement process. there isno physical exchange of currencies involved.6. it is not possible to combine, add, or subtract accounting measurements expressed in differentcurrencies; thus, it is necessary to translate those accounts that are measured or denominated in aforeign currency into a single reporting currency. foreign currency translation can involverestatement or remeasurement. in restatement, the local (functional) currency is kept as the unitof measure; that is, the translation process multiplies the financial results and relationships in thelocal currency accounts by a constant, the current rate. in contrast, remeasurement translateslocal currency results as if the underlying transactions had taken place in the reporting(functional) currency of the parent company; for example, it changes the unit of measure of aforeign subsidiary from its local (foreign) currency to the u.s. dollar.7. major advantages and limitations of each of the major translation methods follow.current rate methodadvantages:a. retains the initial relationships in the foreign currency statements.b. simple to apply.limitations:a. violates the basic purpose of consolidation, which is to present the results of a parent and its subsidiaries as if they were a single entity.b. inconsistent with historical cost.c. presumes that all local assets and liabilities are subject to exchange risk.d. while stockholders equity adjustments shield an mnc s bottom line from translation gains and losses, such adjustments could distort certain financial ratios and be confusing.current-noncurrent methodadvantages:a. distortions in translated gross margins are reduced as inventories and translated at the current rate.b. reported earnings are shielded from the distorting effects of currency fluctuations as excess translation gains are deferred and used to offset future translation losses.limitations:a. uses balance sheet classification as basis for translation.b. assumes all current assets are exposed to exchange risk regardless of their form.c. assumes long-term debt is sheltered from exchange rate risk.monetary-nonmonetary methodadvantages:a. reflects changes in domestic currency equivalent of long-term debt on a timely basis.limitations:a. assumes that only monetary assets and liabilities are subject to exchange rate risk.b. exchange rate changes distort profit margins as sales transacted at current prices are matched against cost of sales measured at historical prices.c. uses balance sheet classification as basis for translation.d. nonmonetary items stated at current market values are translated at historical rates.temporal methodadvantages:a. theoretically valid: compatible with any accounting measurement method.b. has the effect of translating foreign subsidiaries operations as if they were originally transacted in the home currency, which is desirable for foreign operations that are extensions of the parent’s activities. limitation:a. a company increases its earnings volatility by recognizing translation gains and losses currently. in arguing for one translation method over another, your students should eventually realize that, in the present state of the art, there is probably no one translation method that is appropriate for all circumstances in which translations occur and for all purposes thattranslation serves. it is probably more fruitful to have students identify circumstances in which they think one translation method is more appropriate than another.8. the current rate method is appropriate when the foreign entity being consolidated is largely independent of the parent company. conditions which would justify this methodology is when the foreign affiliate tends to generate and expend cash flows in the local currency, sells a product locally so that its selling price is largely insulated from exchange rate changes, incurs expenses locally, finances its self locally and does not have very many transactions with the parentcompany. in contrast, the temporal method seems appropriate in those instances when theforeign affiliate’s operatio ns are integrally related to the parent company. conditions which would justify use of the temporal method are when the foreign affiliate transacts business in the parent currency and remits such cash flows to the parent company, sells a product largely in the parent country and whose selling price is sensitive to exchange rate changes,sources its factor inputs from the parent company, receives most of its financing from the parent and has a large two way flow of transactions with it.9. the history of foreign currency translation in the united states suggests that the development of accounting principles does not depend on theoretical considerations so much as on political, institutional, and economic influences that affect accounting standard setting. it may be morerealistic to recognize that theoretically sound solutions are impossible as long as policyprescriptions are evaluated on practical grounds. without specific choice criteria derived frominvestor decision models, it is fruitless to argue the conceptual merits of competing accountingtreatments. it is far more productive to admit that foreign currency translation choices are simplyarbitrary.readers of consolidated financial statements should know that the foreign currency translationmethod used is one of several alternatives, and this should be disclosed. this approach is moreopen and reduces the chance that readers will draw misleading inferences.10. foreign inflation, in particular, the differential rate of inflation between the country in which a subsidiary is located and the country of its parent determines foreign exchange rates.these rates, in turn, are used to translate foreign currency balances to parent currency.11. in the united kingdom, financial statements of affiliates domiciled in hyperinflationaryenvironments must first be adjusted to current price levels and then translated using the current rate; in the united states, the temporal method would be employed. the second part of this question is designed to get students from abroad to find out what companies in their homecountries are doing and thereby be in a position to share their new found knowledge with their classmates. they need simply get on the internet and read the footnotes of a major multinational company in their home country.12. under fas no. 52, the parent currency is designated as the functional currency for an affiliate, whose operations are considered to be an integral part of the parent company’s operations.accordingly, anything that affects consolidated earnings, including foreign currency translationgains and losses, is relevant to parent company shareholders and is included in reported earnings.in contrast, when a foreign affiliate s operations are independent of the parent s, the localcurrency is designated as its functional currency. since the focus is on the affiliate s localperformance, translation gains and losses that arise solely from consolidation are irrelevant and,therefore, are not included in consolidated income.exercises solutions1. ¥250,000,000 x .008557 = $2,139,250.the difference is due to rounding.。

国际会计准则委员会(IASC)承诺制定的核心准则(core standard)于2000年5月经证券委员会国际组织(I0SC0)认可并向各国资本市场推荐在跨境融资使用后,IASC的声誉空前提高,不仅伦敦证券交易所公开采用国际会计准则(IAS),欧盟还公告至2005年全体企业实施IAS.但是,美国SEC发表声明认为IAS 不是质量最好的准则,言下之意,美国是经济最发达的国家,因而美国FASB的准则是质量最高的。
在此情况下,IASC理事会(IASC Board)于1999年12月决议采纳战略工作组(Strategy Working Party)的未来规划建议,同意重组并投票选出7人组成的托管会提名委员会(Nominating Committee),提名委员会主席为时任美国SEC主席Arthur Levitt.提名委员会在2000年1月7日召开了第一次会议,决定设立由19人组成的托管会(Trustees),其主要职责是筹集资金、任命人员和日常监督。
2000年5月22日宣布选出的托管会成员,其主席为美国联邦储备局前主席Paul A.Volcker.2000年5月24日,IASC成员组织通过了重组决定和新章程(Constitution)。
2000年6月28日托管会任命英国ASB主席David Tweedie为重组后IASC 理事会(IASB)主席,于2001年1月1日起任职。

[单选题] *A.应付利息(正确答案)B.其他应付款C.长期借款D.长期应付款2、某企业2018年6月期初固定资产原值10 500万元。
6月增加了一项固定资产入账价值为750万元;同时6月减少了固定资产原值150万元;则6月份该企业应提折旧的固定资产原值为( )万元。
[单选题] *A.1 1100B.10 650C.10 500(正确答案)D.10 3503、根据准则的规定,企业收到与日常活动无关的政府补助应当计入()科目。
[单选题] *A.投资收益B.其他业务收入C.主营业务收入D.营业外收入(正确答案)4、盈余公积是企业从()中提取的公积金。
[单选题] *A.税后净利润(正确答案)B.营业利润C.利润总额D.税前利润5、企业2018年6月22日一生产线投入使用,该生产线成本740万元,预计使用5年,预计净残值20万元,采用年数总和法计提折旧的情况下,2018年该设备应计提的折旧为()万元。
[单选题] *A.240B.140C.120 (正确答案)D.1486、下列关于无形资产的描述中,错误的是()。
[单选题] *A.企业内部研究开发项目研究阶段的支出应计入管理费用B.购入但尚未投入使用的无形资产的价值不应摊销(正确答案)C.不能为企业带来经济利益的无形资产的账面价值应全部转为营业外支出D.只有很可能为企业带来经济利益且其成本能够可靠计量的无形资产才能予以确认7、下列各项中不应计入“税金及附加”的是()。
[单选题] *A.消费税B.资源税C.城市维护建设税D.增值税的销项税额(正确答案)8、专利权有法定有效期限,一般发明专利的有效期限为()。
[单选题] *A.5年B.10年C.15年D.20年(正确答案)9、企业在使用固定过程中发生更新改造支出应计入()。
[单选题] *A.长期待摊费用B. 固定资产清理C.营业外收入D. 在建工程(正确答案)10、.(年浙江省第三次联考)下列不属于企业事前核算主要形式的是()[单选题] * A进行预测B参与计划C、进行控制(正确答案)D参与决策11、下列属于成本费用的是()。
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国际会计学课后答案【篇一:国际会计第七版英文版课后答案(第六章)】foreign currency translationdiscussion questions solutions1. foreign currency translation is the process of restating a foreign account balance from one currency to another. foreign currency conversion is the process of physically exchanging one currency for another.2. in the foreign exchange spot market, currencies bought and sold must be delivered immediately,normally within 2 business days. thus a singaporean tourist buying u.s. dollars at the airportbefore boarding a plane for new york would hand over singapore dollars and immediatelyreceive the equivalent amount in u.s. dollars. the forward market handles agreements toexchange a fixed amount of one currency for another on an agreed date in the future. forexample, a french manufacturer exporting goods invoiced in euros to a japanese importer on 60- day credit terms would buy a forward contract to sell yen for euros 2 months in the future.transactions in the swap market involve the simultaneous purchase (or sale) of one currency inthe spot market and the sale (or purchase) of the same currency in the forward market. thus, acanadian investor wishing to take advantage of higher interest rates on 6-month treasury bills inthe united states would buy u.s. dollars with canadian dollars in the spot market and invest inthe united states. to guard against a fall in the value of the u.s. dollar before maturity (whenthe u.s. dollar proceeds are converted back to canadian dollars), the canadian investor wouldsimultaneously enter into a forward contract to sell u.s. dollars for canadian dollars 6 months inthe future at today s forward exchange rate.3. the question refers to alternative exchange rates that are used to translate foreign financialstatements. the current rate is the exchange rate at the financial statement date. it issometimes called the year-end or closing rate. the historical rate is the exchange rate at the timeof the underlying transaction. the average rate is the average of various exchange rates during afiscal period. since the average ratenormally is used to translate income statement items, it isoften weighted to reflect any seasonal changes in the volume of transactions during the period.translation gains and losses do not occur if exchange rates do not change. however, ifexchange rates change, the use of current and average rates causes translation gains and losses.these do not occur when the historical rate is used because the same (constant) rate is used eachperiod.4. in this example, the mexican affiliate s canadian dollar loan is denominated in canadian dollars.however, because the mexican affiliate’s functional currency is u.s. dollars, the peso equivalentof the canadian dollar borrowing would be remeasured in u.s. dollars prior to consolidation. ifthe mexican affiliate’s functional currency were the peso, the canadian dollar loan would beremeasured in pesos before being translated to u.s. dollars.5. a transaction gain or loss occurs when a foreign currency transaction, e.g., a foreign currencyborrowing, is settled at a different exchange rate than that which prevailed when the transactionwas originally incurred. in this case there is an exchange of one currency for another. atranslation gain or loss, on the other hand, is simply the result of a restatement process. there isno physical exchange of currencies involved.6. it is not possible to combine, add, or subtract accounting measurements expressed in differentcurrencies; thus, it is necessary to translate those accounts that are measured or denominated in aforeign currency into a single reporting currency. foreign currency translation can involverestatement or remeasurement. in restatement, the local (functional) currency is kept as the unitof measure; that is, the translation process multiplies the financial results and relationships in thelocal currency accounts by a constant, the current rate. in contrast, remeasurement translateslocal currency results as if the underlying transactions had taken place in the reporting(functional) currency of the parent company; for example, it changes the unit of measure of aforeign subsidiary from its local (foreign) currency to the u.s. dollar.7. major advantages and limitations of each of the major translation methods follow.current rate methodadvantages:a. retains the initial relationships in the foreign currency statements.b. simple to apply.limitations:a. violates the basic purpose of consolidation, which is to present the results of a parent and its subsidiaries as if they were a single entity.b. inconsistent with historical cost.c. presumes that all local assets and liabilities are subject to exchange risk.d. while stockholders equity adjustments shield an mnc s bottom line from translation gains and losses, such adjustments could distort certain financial ratios and be confusing.current-noncurrent methodadvantages:a. distortions in translated gross margins are reduced as inventories and translated at the current rate.b. reported earnings are shielded from the distorting effects of currency fluctuations as excess translation gains are deferred and used to offset future translation losses.limitations:a. uses balance sheet classification as basis for translation.b. assumes all current assets are exposed to exchange risk regardless of their form.c. assumes long-term debt is sheltered from exchange rate risk.monetary-nonmonetary methodadvantages:a. reflects changes in domestic currency equivalent of long-term debt on a timely basis.limitations:a. assumes that only monetary assets and liabilities are subject to exchange rate risk.b. exchange rate changes distort profit margins as sales transacted at current prices are matched against cost of sales measured at historical prices.c. uses balance sheet classification as basis for translation.d. nonmonetary items stated at current market values are translated at historical rates.temporal methodadvantages:a. theoretically valid: compatible with any accounting measurement method.b. has the effect of translating foreign subsidiaries operations as if they were originally transacted in the home currency, which is desirable for foreign operations that are extensions of the parent’s activities. limitation:a. a company increases its earnings volatility by recognizing translation gains and losses currently. in arguing for one translation method over another, your students should eventually realize that, in the present state of the art, there is probably no one translation method that is appropriate for all circumstances in which translations occur and for all purposes thattranslation serves. it is probably more fruitful to have students identify circumstances in which they think one translation method is more appropriate than another.8. the current rate method is appropriate when the foreign entity being consolidated is largely independent of the parent company. conditions which would justify this methodology is when the foreign affiliate tends to generate and expend cash flows in the local currency, sells a product locally so that its selling price is largely insulated from exchange rate changes, incurs expenses locally, finances its self locally and does not have very many transactions with the parentcompany. in contrast, the temporal method seems appropriate in those instances when theforeign affiliate’s operatio ns are integrally related to the parent company. conditions which would justify use of the temporal method are when the foreign affiliate transacts business in the parent currency and remits such cash flows to the parent company, sells a product largely in the parent country and whose selling price is sensitive to exchange rate changes,sources its factor inputs from the parent company, receives most of its financing from the parent and has a large two way flow of transactions with it.9. the history of foreign currency translation in the united states suggests that the development of accounting principles does not depend on theoretical considerations so much as on political, institutional, and economic influences that affect accounting standard setting. it may be morerealistic to recognize that theoretically sound solutions are impossible as long as policyprescriptions are evaluated on practical grounds. without specific choice criteria derived frominvestor decision models, it is fruitless to argue the conceptual merits of competing accountingtreatments. it is far more productive to admit that foreign currency translation choices are simplyarbitrary.readers of consolidated financial statements should know that the foreign currency translationmethod used is one of several alternatives, and this should be disclosed. this approach is moreopen and reduces the chance that readers will draw misleading inferences.10. foreign inflation, in particular, the differential rate of inflation between the country in which a subsidiary is located and the country of its parent determines foreign exchange rates.these rates, in turn, are used to translate foreign currency balances to parent currency.11. in the united kingdom, financial statements of affiliates domiciled in hyperinflationaryenvironments must first be adjusted to current price levels and then translated using the current rate; in the united states, the temporal method would be employed. the second part of this question is designed to get students from abroad to find out what companies in their homecountries are doing and thereby be in a position to share their new found knowledge with their classmates. they need simply get on the internet and read the footnotes of a major multinational company in their home country.12. under fas no. 52, the parent currency is designated as the functional currency for an affiliate, whose operations are considered to be an integral part of the parent company’s operations.accordingly, anything that affects consolidated earnings, including foreign currency translationgains and losses, is relevant to parent company shareholders and is included in reported earnings.in contrast, when a foreign affiliate s operations are independent of the parent s, the localcurrency is designated as its functional currency. since the focus is on the affiliate s localperformance, translation gains and losses that arise solely from consolidation are irrelevant and,therefore, are not included in consolidated income.exercises solutions1. ¥250,000,000 x .008557 = $2,139,250.the difference is due to rounding.。