

《专业英语》 建筑翻译题

《专业英语》 建筑翻译题

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings. A wider definition would include within its scope the design of the total built environment, from the macro level of town planning, urban design and landscape to the microlevel of furniture and product design. Architecture, equally importantly, also refers to the product of such a design.建筑学(或建筑设计)是设计建筑的艺术和科学。


建筑也是指像这样设计而成的产品.Architecture is a multi-disciplinary field, including within its fold mathematics, science, art, technology, social sciences, politics, history, philosophy, and so on. In Vitruvius' words, "Architecture is a science, arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning: by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts".建筑是一个多学科领域,包括在其倍数学,科学,艺术,技术,社会科学,政治,历史,哲学,等等。



翻译一The environmental crisis and sustainable developmentIt has been suggested that the publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson in 1962 was the start of the modern environmental movement (Dobson, 1991). However, the roots of environmentalism may be muchdeeper. Farmer (1996) has traced the development of ‘Green Sensibility’ in architecture back to folk buildings and the cult of the cottage through the nineteenth century in the writings of Ruskin, the work of the Arts and Crafts movement to the twentieth century and the organic ideas inModern Architecture. The planning profession could also cite its list of planners with green credentials. Amongst these father figures of the planning world would be Geddes (1949), Howard and the Garden City Movement (1965), and Mumford (1938) with his analysis of the ‘Rise and Fall of Megalopolis’. No doubt other disciplines could legitimately cite their own lists of people with deep concerns for the environment, many of them working long before the term ‘sustainable development’was coined. While it is not the intention to downgrade these fine scholarly traditions, nevertheless, for the purpose of this study,and for convenience, the beginnings of the modern environmental movement will be placed in the 1960s. The mood of environmentalism quickened with Rachel Carson’s analysis of the inevitable damage caused by large-scale and indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Carson’s influence was widespread, affecting pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth, in addition to the stimulus she gave to the development of green politics and philosophy. From the USA, Ian McHarg, the Scottish e´migre´, published his seminal work Design with Nature in 1969, seven years after Carson’s warning cry. McHarg’s ecological thesis spans the disciplines of landscape, architecture and planning: he is one of the founding fathers of sustainable development.McHarg argued that human development should be planned in a manner that took full account of nature and natural processes. Design with Nature in addition to articulating a philosophical position also provided atechnique for landscape analysis and design using overlays, a technique which now forms the basis of GIS, Geographic Information Systems, an important tool for current planning and design. While McHarg was writing in the 1960s, the thrust of his argument still applies today in the twenty-first century. ‘It is their (the merchant’s)ethos, with our consent, that sustains th e slumlord and the land rapist, the polluters of rivers and atmosphere. In the name of profit they pre-empt the seashore and sterilize the landscape, fell the great forests, fill protective marshes, build cynically in the flood plain. It is the claim of convenience – or – its illusion – that drives the expressway through neighbourhoods, homes and priceless parks, a taximeter of indifferent greed’.Small is Beautiful by Schumacher (1974) is another milestone in the analysis of the causes of environmental problems and in the development of green principles. One cause of environmental problems according to Schumacher is the notion that we can continue to produce and consume atever-increasing rates in a finite planet. Schumacher warned that the planet which is our stock of capital is being threatened by overproduction: in effect, the human race is consuming its capital at an alarming rate, endangering the tolerance margins of nature, and so threatening the life support systemsthat nurture humankind. A further landmark in green analysis was ‘The Trage dy of the Commons’ (Hardin, 1977). Hardin argued that if everyone maximized his or her own gain from commonly held property, whetherland, sea or air (the commons), the result would be the destruction of those commons. Where populations are comparatively small the ‘commons’ are not under great threat. With rising world populations, the commons now under threat include the air we breathe, the ozone layer that protects us from the sun’s rays, and the ecological systems that deal with the waste we cause. How far The Limits to Growth (Meadows et al., 1972) for the Club of Rome’s Project on ‘The Predicament of Mankind’ progressed the aims of the environmental movement is problematical. It attempted to plot the depletion of resources and to warn of the danger of exponential growth, to the ultimate destruction of a global environment fit for human occupation. The book has been described as mechanistic and non-scientific. It has also been criticized for overstating the case, therefore damaging the environmental or green cause. To some extent these criticisms have been addressed in Beyond the Limits (Meadows et al., 1992). The Limits to Growth did attempt, however, to study some aspects of the global environment holistically, concentrating on linkages and adopting a systems approach to environmental analysis, all being common features of a ‘green method’.THE ‘SKEPTICAL ENVIRONMENTALIST’The publication by Lomborg, in Danish, of his book, Verdens Sande Tilstand (1998) –later translated into English as The Skeptical Environmentalist (2001) – was a further landmark in the environmental debate. Acc ording to Lomborg’s assessment, conditions on earth are generally improving for human welfare: furthermore, future prospects are not nearly as gloomy as environmental scientists predict. Those working in the field of sustainable deve lopment cannot ignore Lomborg’s thought-provoking analysis, even though most reputable environmental scientists have rebutted his complacent view of the global environment (see Bongaarts, Holdren, Lovejoy and Schneidr in Scientific American, January, 2002). Like Meadows in his Limits to Growth, Lomborg may have overstated his case. Unfortunately, his thesis has given credence to the views of those advocating an environmental ‘free for all’, par ticularly those to the right of American poli tics (see ‘Bush bending science to his p olitical needs’; Guardian, 19th February, 2004).翻译二POPULATIONAn important contributory factor affecting the deterioration of the environment is population growth. According to Bongaarts (2002), Lomborg’s assertion that the number of pe ople on this planet is not ‘the problem’, is simply wrong. The population of the planet was approximately 0.5 billion in the mid-seventeenth century. It was then growing at approximately 0.3 per cent per annum, which represented a doubling of population every 250 years. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the population was 1.6 billion but growing at 0.5 per cent per annum, which corresponds to a doubling time of 140 years. In 1970, the global population was 3.6 billion, with a growth rate of 2.1 per cent per annum. Not only was the population growing exponentially but the rate of growth was increasing. From 1971 to 2000 the population grew to about 6 billion, but the growth rate fell to 1.5 per cent per annum. This change in population growth rate is a significant improvement and means a reduction in the rate at which total world population grows. The population growth rate is expected to fall further to about 0.8 per cent per annum by 2030. Despite this fall in population growth rate, the absolute growth will remain nearly as high as levels in the last decades of the twentieth century, simply because the population base rate keeps expanding: the global population is expected to be about 8 billion by 2030 and to reach about 10 billion by 2050. These global figures mask details of unprecedented demographic change, which are highly significant for the impact they may have on the environment. The world’s poorest nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America have rapidly growing and young populations, while in the wealthy nations of Europe, North America and Japan, population growth is zero or in some cases negative. By 2030, over 85 per cent of the world’s population will live in these poorer nations of the developing world. Three- quarters of global population growth occurs in the urban centres of these poorer nations, and half of this increase is by natural growth within cities. This urban growth in, and rural-urban migration to, the cities of the poor ‘South’ is occurring in a context of far higher absolute population growth, at extremely low income levels, very little institutional and financial capacity, and few opportunities to expand into new frontiers, foreign or domestic. ‘While urban poverty exists and is indeed growing in all cities of the world, it characterizes aspects of the rapidly growing cities of the developing countries. There, urban poverty disproportionately affects women and children; fuels ethnic and racial tensions; and condemns large sections, and sometimes the majority of urban dwellers to a downward spiral of marginalization, social and economic exclusion and unhealthy living environments’(United Nations, Habitat, 2001). Over 1 billion people live in absolute poverty, living on less than $1 per day. A total of 420 million people live in countries that no longer have enough cropland on which to grow their own food, and 500 million people live in regions prone to chronic drought: by 2025, this number is likely to be 2.4 to 3.5 billion people. Clearly, population pressures will induce migratory movements throughout the world, so that in Europe – including Britain –we can expect to see a continuing influx of economic migrants: some – but not all –in this country would see this immigration of young economically active people as essential to sustain our aging population (Observer, 25 January, 2004). Suchpopulation movements will not be without conflict.‘Poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated. While poverty results in environmental stress, the major cause of environmental deterioration is an unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly in the industrialised countries, which aggravates poverty and imbalances’ (UN, 1992b). The cause of the problem does not lie in the poor South, but in the ‘over-consumption’in the rich North: over-consumption being a euphemism for the much shorter and more accurate word ‘greed’, as used by McHarg. Nevertheless, a reduction in population growth rates through education and family planning is of great importance in establishing a sustainable future for humankind: alone, however, it is insufficient. It is worth noting that one child born in Europe or the USA will usethe same resources and be responsible for using the same energy and producing the same waste as perhaps thirty or forty born in less advantaged countries. The problems are ‘increasingly international, global and potentially more life-threatening than in the past’ (Pearce, 1989). Fifteen years on from the time when Pearce wrote those words, global conditions have, if anything, deteriorated. The development of a global environment of quality, in addition to the reduction in population growth in the Developing World, is dependent upon establishing sustainable patterns of consumption and production in the Developed World, which in part is related to the way in which we build and use cities.FOOD PRODUCTIONBarring catastrophe, the global population over the next thirty years will grow from 6 billion to 8 billion people. Most of this growth will be in cities of the Developing World. Bongaarts (2002) believes that the demand for feeding this extra population, will be a g reat challenge: ‘The ability of agriculturists to meet this challenge remains uncertain’. He goes on to say that, ‘. . . the technological optimists are probably correct in claiming that the overall food production can be increased substantially over the next few decades’. This agricultural expansion will be costly. The expansion will probably take place on soils of poor quality, located in places less favourable for irrigation, than existing intensively farmed land. Water – as we read constantly in our daily newspapers – is in increasingly short supply, while its demand grows not only for purposes of irrigation.翻译三CLIMATE CHANGEMost weeks we read in the press, that climate change is upon us and that matters can only get worse. The re is even a ‘suspicion abroad’ that conditions are worse than we think. Recently, official pronouncements reported in the press added to the concern: they have led to headlines such as: ‘End of the World is nigh –it’s official’; ‘Human race is killing the planet says Meacher’; and ‘Risk to the environment poses the same dangers as terror, wa rns Blair’ (The Guardian, March 2003). Scientists are, however, more circumspect. As Pearce pointed out as far back as 1989, ‘. . . there is uncertainty about the nature and effect of these changes to climate. For example, there is uncertainty about the exact trace gas emissions which will enter the atmosphere and the precise fuel mix which will be used in the future. There is also uncertainty about the nature and extent of the ecological changes which will be brought about by pollution; in particular, there is uncertainty about the ways in which the climate will respond, either at a global or in a regional context. There is also uncertainty about environmental thresholds–that is, points at which an environmental catastrophe occurs or where particular processes cannot be reversed. Above all, there is great uncertainty about the ways in which man will respond to any changes to the environment that may occur. Human response to a real or perceived environmental threat may be part of a natural adaptation process and include responses at a personal, institutional or governmental level. The response may range from the small-scale installation in the home of more thermal insulation to a process of mass migration from areas of drought or flooding’. More recently, Schneider (2002) also stressed the uncertainty surrounding the whole vexed question of climate change:‘Uncertainties so infuse the issue of climate change that it is impossible to rule out either mild or catastrophic outcomes’. Temperatures in 2100 may increase by 1.4 degrees Celsius or by 5.8 degrees. The first would mean relatively easy adaptable change: the larger figure would induce very damaging changes. The most creditable international assessment body in this field, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) endorse this range of possibilities so that we could be lucky and see a mild effect or unlucky and get catastrophic outcomes. Since a large body of the scientific community believe that climate change in part is due to human activities, a reasonable behaviour would be for humankind to take preventative measures. As Schneider (2002) points out, ‘It is precisely because the responsible scientific community cannot rule out such catastrophic outcomes at a high level of confidence that climate mitigation policies are seriously proposed.’ U ntil the Scientific community, acting on its research findings, advises otherwise, it would seem prudent to propose development strategies, which reduce, as far as possible, the pressures on a fragile global environment. Here it is intended to continue to advocate ‘the precautionary pri nciple’ as a guide for environmental design: this principle is fundamental to the theory of sustainable development, which advocates a cautious approach to the use of environmental resources, particularly those which result in the pollution of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases.SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTThere seems to be widespread agreement that solving global problems means the adoption of policies and programmes that lead to sustainable development. Sustainable development, however, has many different meanings (Pearce, 1989). The shades of meaning given to sustainable development closely mirror –or perhaps match – the writer’s intellectual or emotional position along the spectrum of green philosophy. There is also a great danger that the concept will become meaningless, or simply be used as another wordy panacea instead of action for dealing with the environmental ills that befall the planet. The pursuit of a sustainable future for the human race in an environment of quality will require the design of effective policies and programmes which directly address the related problems of unsustainable activities and environmental degradation; they must also be politically acceptable in the jurisdiction where they are proposed. If these policies and programmes are grouped beneath the generic term ‘sustainable development’, then that term must have a generally accepted meaning which does not reduce it to an anodyne instrument for political obfuscation. A generally accepted definition of sustainable development, and a good point to begin an exploration of this concept, is taken from the Brundtland Report:‘Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). This definition contains three key ideas: development, needs, and future generations. According to Blowers (1993), development should not be confused with growth. Growth is a physical or quantitative expansion of the economic system, while development is a qualitative concept: it is concerned with cultural, social and economic progress. The term ‘needs’ introduces the ideas of distribution of resources: ‘meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the opportunity to satisfy their aspirations for a better life’ (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). These are fine sentiments, but in reality the world’s poor are unable to achieve their basic needs of life, while the more affluent effectively pursue their aspirations, many luxuries being defined by such groups as needs. There will naturally be environmental costs if the standards of the wealthy are maintained while at the same time meeting the basic needs of the poor. These environmental costs, furthermore, will increase dramatically if the living conditions in developing countries improve, let alone if the aspiration is to bring those conditions in line with the more affluent developed world. A choice may be inevitable: meeting needs therefore is a political, moral and ethical issue. It concerns the redistribution of resources both within and between nations.翻译四SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: OFFICIAL RESPONSESSustainable development was placed on the political agenda in 1987 with the publication of Our Common Future: The Brundtland Report (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). In Britain, the Government commissioned a report by Pearce et al. (1989) called Blueprint for a Green Economy. Pearce suggested ways in which the constraints could be introduced into the economic system of the United Kingdom. Later, the Government published a White Paper called This Common Inheritance, B ritain’s Environmental Strategy(Department of the Environment, 1990). While full of fine sentiment, the White Paper paid little attention to the argument developed in the Pearce Report. Consequently, no new lead was given in this policy area. The environmental movement was given a European dimension when the European Commission published its Green Paper on the Urban Environment (Commission for the Economic Communities, 1990). The early 1990s in Britain saw the publication of a number of official documents addressing environmental issues. Development Plans: A Good Practice Guide (Department of the Environment, 1992a) has a section on Environmental Issues which attempts to show how concerns about environmental issues can be reflected in a Development Plan. It discusses: ‘achieving a balance between economic growth, technological development and environmental considerations’. It does not attempt to define the point of balance, nor does it enter the thorny argument about development versus growth. The section on energy goes a little further, incorporating some of the ideas on energy-efficient urban form that appear in Energy Conscious Planning (Owens, 1991), a report prepared for the Council for the Protection of Rural England, 1992 saw the publication of Planning Pollution and Waste Management, which formed the basis of planning guidance (Department of the Environment, 1992b), while in 1993 Reducing Transport Emissions Through Planning was published: this was a document prepared jointly by the Department of the Environment and the Department of Transport (1993a). The document states that: In recognition of the problem of global warming the UK Government has signed the Climate Change Convention. This calls for measures to reduce CO2 emissions to 1990 levels by 2000. If the transport sector is to contribute to this reduction, there are three mechanisms through which this could be achieved:(1) Through reductions in overall travel demand;(2) Through encouraging the use of more emissions-efficient modes of travel; and(3) Through changes in the emissions efficiency of transport.Item (1) is simply advocating more energy-efficient urban form, and item (3) is also without political pain –it is the straightforward suggestion to improve transport technology. Item (2) was – and still remains – the area with the greatest potential for short-term reduction in CO2 emissions.This course of action, however, causes the most difficulty for a conservative Government with a prejudice in favour of the road lobby and a propensity to support a roads solution to transport problems.Favoring public transport rather than support for the building of more roads has proved equally problematic for the present Labour Government. Item (2) in essencemeans the development of an efficient, cheap and effective integrated public transport system. The development of such a public transport system means the transfer of resources from the car user to those who use public transport. The transfer of resources may take two forms. First, it may mean higher costs for the motorist in terms of petrol prices, road taxes and road pricing: this will make motoring more costly. Second, the transfer of resources takes the more direct form of the development of costly public transport infrastructure at the expense of road improvements. Competition between our political parties means that no Government, of whatever political persuasion, can afford to alienate too many voters. Most of us living in Britain own a car: we use it daily and with it we conduct a long and tender love affair. How many voters in ‘Middle England’ will gladly accept the undoubted pain accompanying any restriction in car use? One simple and effective way in which the car user in this country was asked to pay for the environmental damage caused by too much petrol consumption was through the mechanism of the ‘price accelerator’: this was introduced by the last Conservative Government in the mid-1990s as a clever procedure to increase the price of petrol annually at each budget by an amount in excess of inflation. The Labour Government of 1997 accepted the ‘accelerator’, but as a policy it floundered with the threatened‘petrol strike’ and the blockading of petrol stations in 1999. The Conservative opposition Party denounced the ‘accelerator policy’of the Government, despite having introduced it during their period in office. The public anger about petrol prices threatened the Gove rnment’s commanding lead in the polls, which caused a re-think of a perfectly reasonable, environmentally friendly, petrol- taxing policy. The Labour Government’s declared moratorium on road building soon after coming to power in 1997 has taken a setback with recent announcements for further motorway-widening and other major road-building projects. For those who believe that it is impossible to build your way out of the present traffic chaos these announcements, along with transport plans, appear to weaken the resolve to tackle the apparently intractable problem of strategic transport. The introduction of road pricing in London however – and its apparent success – has made it more likely that this innovation will be introduced more widely throughout the country. A Framework for Local Sustainability (1993) was a response by UK local government to the UK Government’s first strategy for sustainable development. The report was prepared by the Local Government Management Board setting a framework for considering Local Agenda 21 for the United Kingdom: it built upon Agenda 21 signed by 178 nations (including the UK) at the United Nations Conference on Environmental Development, Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It is closer to the Brundtland report than earlier documents originating in the UK, discussing equity in these terms: ‘Fairness to people now living must accompany sustainabi lity’s concern for fairness to future generations’.翻译五POLITICS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTThe meaning of ‘sustainable development’ is largely determined by an individual’s ideological viewpoint. The present Labour Government in this country – and its Conservative predecessor, along with many major parties in Europe, on discovering the environment as a political issue –would consider itself steward rather than master. This vi ew of man’s relationship to the environment and the difficulties the world community faces is shared by the United Nations, the European Union and most of the scientific community, including many in the city planning and design professions. The stewardship perspective is the one that, in the main, has been presented so far in this chapter. It represents the views of those who believe that environmental problems can be solved within the present political and economic system. It is not the only viewpoint. Dobson (1990) distinguishes two diametrically opposed views on sustainability and the environment. The establishment viewpoint he l abels ‘green’ with a lower-case‘g’, while those who believe that sustainability depends on the system being fundamentally changed he describes as ‘Green’ with a capital ‘G’. The literature on the topic however, would indicate a spectrum of greens rather than a strict dichotomy: the ideology of all those shades along the spectrum of greenness is determined by their attitude to the environment. The ‘Green’ ideology or ‘ecologism’ takes The Limit s to Growth (Meadows, 1972) as an axiom: ‘Greens will ad mit that the report’s estimates as to the likely life expectancy of various resources are over-pessimistic and they will agree that the Club of Rome’s worl d computer models were crude, but they will subsc ribe to the report’s conclusion that the days of uncontrolled growth . . . are numbered’ (Dobson, 1991). Green ideology also questions the current dominant paradigm with its foundation in The Enlightenment, science, technology and the objective of rational analysis (Capra, 1985). The Gree n’s world view removes man from centre stage: Green politics explicitly seeks to decentre the human being, question mechanistic science and its technological consequences, to refuse to believe that the world was made for human beings –and it does this because it has been led to wonder whether dominant post-industrial ism’s project of material affluence is either desirable or sustainable. (Dobson, 1990) Ecologism goes beyond human- instrumental or paternalistic care for the natural world, and argues that the environment has an independent value that should guarantee its existence. Green ideology puts forward the idea that a new paradigm is necessary for solving the problems now faced by mankind. Such a paradigm should be based upon holism –a systems view of the world –and interconnectedness rather than the present mechanistic and reductionist view of nature. Two most interesting books – Greening Cities, edited by Roelofs (1996) and Design for Sustainability by Birkeland et al. (2002) – move the tone and content of the discussion of design for sustainable development along the spectrum of greens from the paler tints associated with the establishment view towards the full-bodied saturated hue of Green associated with ‘Eco-f eminism’: ‘Feminist theory delves into the reasons for this marginalisation of people and nature in environmental design. Feminists . . . have explained how physical and social space is shaped by dichotomies in Western thought. Mind, reason, spirit order, public and permanence have been。




内容:1. 基础概念:- 建筑学 - architecture- 结构 - structure- 设计 - design- 施工 - construction- 建筑材料 - building materials2. 建筑元素:- 地基 - foundation- 地板 - floor- 墙体 - wall- 窗户 - window- 门 - door- 屋顶 - roof- 楼梯 - stairs3. 常用房间:- 卧室 - bedroom- 客厅 - living room- 厨房 - kitchen- 浴室 - bathroom- 书房 - study room- 阳台 - balcony4. 建筑样式:- 古典建筑 - classical architecture - 现代建筑 - modern architecture - 摩天大楼 - skyscraper- 山墙建筑 - vernacular architecture5. 建筑工程管理:- 施工图 - construction drawings- 预算 - budget- 进度管理 - schedule management- 资源分配 - resource allocation- 质量控制 - quality control6. 建筑法规:- 建筑许可证 - building permit- 建筑规划 - building regulations- 环评 - environmental impact assessment7. 建筑项目类型:- 住宅 - residential- 教育 - educational- 医疗 - healthcare- 文化 - cultural- 娱乐 - entertainment结论:本文档提供了建筑学专业英语翻译的参考,有助于学生更好地理解和应用相关术语。



法语建筑工程类词汇法语建筑工程类词汇法语中的建筑工程类词汇为以下几种:1、Bâtiment: 建筑,建筑物,包括房屋、大楼等。

2、Architecture: 建筑学,建筑艺术。

3、Ingénieur: 工程师,在建筑工程领域中指负责设计、规划和监督工程的专业人员。

4、Architecte: 建筑师,负责设计建筑物的专业人员。

5、Assistante de construction: 建筑助理,协助建筑师或工程师进行设计、规划和监督工作。

6、Batiment public: 公共建筑,如学校、医院、政府大楼等。

7、Batiment résidentiel: 住宅建筑,如房屋、公寓等。

8、Batiment commercial: 商业建筑,如商场、办公楼等。

9、Batiment industriel: 工业建筑,如工厂、仓库等。

10、Batiment religieux: 宗教建筑,如教堂、寺庙等。

11、Batiment à durée de vie limitée: 临时建筑,如展览馆、临时工房等。

12、Batiment à durée de vie indéterminée: 永久建筑,如住宅楼、商业大厦等。



以下是一些常见的法语建筑工程词汇及其翻译:1、Architecture - 建筑设计2、Bâtiment - 建筑3、Plan - 图纸4、Matériau - 材料5、Concepteur - 设计师6、Entrepreneur - 承包商7、Maçon - 石匠8、Elevage - 建筑支撑9、Murs - 墙壁10、Plafond - 天花板除此之外,还有一些与建筑工程相关的短语和表达,例如:1、Le plan de construction - 施工图2、La construction d'un bâtiment - 建造建筑3、Les détails de construction - 施工细节4、La conception architectural - 建筑构思5、Le design moderne - 现代设计6、La maçonnerie traditionnelle - 传统石匠技术7、Les murs pré-fabricés - 预制墙壁8、Le plafond à poutres - 梁架天花板总之,掌握法语建筑工程词汇和相关的短语和表达对于从事建筑行业的人来说是非常重要的。

建筑工程专业 英语

建筑工程专业 英语

建筑工程专业英语词汇(1)建筑工程专业英语词汇(2)建设,建筑,修建 to build, to construct 充水试验 filling water test 建筑学 architecture 错边量 unfitness of butt joint 修筑,建筑物 building 底圈 foundation ring 房子 house 真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test 摩天大楼 skyscraper 公寓楼 block of flats (美作:apartment 丁字焊缝 tee welding block) 渗透探伤 oil whiting test 纪念碑 monument 充水试验 filling water test 宫殿 palace 内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line 庙宇 temple joint 皇宫,教堂basilica 基础沉降 foundation settlement 大教堂 cathedral 测量基准点 datum mark 教堂 church 稳定性试验 stability test 塔,塔楼tower 排气阀 outlet valve 十层办公大楼 ten-storey office block 角钢angle steel 柱 column 构件 component part 柱列 colonnade 机械损伤 mechanical damage 拱 arch 缩孔 shrinkage cavity 市政 town planning (美作:city planning) 折迭 enfoldment 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证 building 碳钢管 carbon steel tube permission 公称直径 nominal diameter 绿地 greenbelt 预埋件 embedded part 建筑物的三面图elevation 轴测图axonometric drawing 设计图plan 布置图arrangement diagram 比例尺scale 氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 预制 to prefabricate 低合金钢管 low alloy steel 挖土,掘土excavation 热影响区 heat affected area 基 foundations, base, subgrade修磨 polish 打地基 to lay the foundations 砂轮片 grinding wheel 砌好的砖列course of bricks 等离子plasma panel 脚手架scaffold,scaffolding 质量合格证书 certification of fitness 重皮 coldlap 原材料raw material 凹凸unevenness 底板bottom plate 缩口necking down 垫层 cushion 端面 head face 侧壁 sidewall 倾斜偏差 dip deviation 中心线 center line 外径 external diameter 条形基础 strip footing 砂轮 grinding wheel 附件 accessories 管件 pipe casting 型钢profile steel 单线图single line drawing 钢板steel plate 平齐parallel and level 熔渣 slag 两端 two terminals 飞溅 welding spatter满扣 buckle 定位焊 tacking 螺栓紧固 bolton 引弧 generating of arc 1周边 periphery 熄弧 quenching of arc 焊道 welding bead 附加应力 additional stress 坡口 beveled edges 同轴度 axiality 外观检查 visual inspection 平行度 parallelism 重皮 double-skin 随机stochastic 水平方向弧度radian in horizontal 允许偏差allowable variation direction 重直度verticality 成型 molding 水平度 levelness 直线度 straightness accuracy 隔离盲板 blind plate 焊缝角变形welding line angular 氩弧焊argon arc welding distortion 压盖螺栓 gland bolt 水平度 levelness 间距spacing 铅垂度 verticality 有效期 period of validity 翘曲变形 buckling deformation 担任 take charge of undertake 角尺angle square 焊条 welding rod 对接焊缝 butt weld 碳钢焊条carbon steel 母材 parent metal 焊丝 welding wire 法兰密封面 flange sealing surface 熔化焊 melting 夹层 interlayer 钢丝steel wire 表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion 气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding concentration 烘干drying 挠曲变bending deformation 清洗ablution 超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic 制度s ystem examination 焊接工艺welding procedure 压力容器 pressure vessel 相应 corresponding 预制下料prefabrication baiting 手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 排版直径 set-type diameter 焊缝 welding line 手工钨极manual tungsten electrode 中幅板center plate 打底render 测量方法 measuring method 电源 power source 基准点 datum mark 交流 alternating current 跳焊 skip welding焊件 weldment 允许偏差 allowable variation 管壁厚度 pipe thickness 补强板 stiffening plate 对接焊缝 butt weld 开孔tapping 工件壁厚workpiece 对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 飞溅物 splash 角钢 angle iron 沾污 smirch 安装基准圆 installation fundamental 油污 oil stain circle 细锉 smooth file 吊装立柱 hoisting upright column 铣刀 milling cutter 焊接钢管welded steel pipe 氧化膜oxide film 向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 脱脂处理 ungrease treatment] 带板 band plate 棉质纤维 cotton fibre 槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring 丙酮 acetone 环口 collar extension 硫 sulfur 局部变形 local distortion 2焊剂 welding flux 环缝 circumferential weld 顶板 top plate钢板steel plate 拱顶vault 纵向焊缝longitudinal weld longitudinal seam 顶板加强肋stiffening rib 筒节shell ring 对接 butt joint 封头 end socket 胎具 clamping fixture 卷管reelpipe 卷板机plate bending rolls 强度试验strength test 中心支架center bearing bracket 起弧arc starting 椭圆度ovality 穿堂风 draught 等分线 bisectrix 熔合 fusion 搭接宽度 lap width 反面 reverse side 点焊 spot welding 整体 integral 搭接焊 overlap welding 封堵 block up 对称 symmetrically 焊口 weld bond 螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs 医用胶布 medical proof fabric 放料阀 baiting valve 高频 high frequency 液位计content gauge 焊炬 welding torch 芬兰维萨拉 Vailsla OY 美国美科"Met-coil, USA" 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(4) 集中式空调系统 centralized air conditioning system 综合分析判断 comprehensive analysis and 裙房 annex judgement 热源heat source 变压器transformer 平面位置的空间space of planimetric 抽芯loose core position 过道aisle 密封性能sealing performance 三相电容three phase capacitance 机房machine room 节点 timing 芯棒 core rod 专业 "profession or discipline 都可以,要都市规划与土地开发Urban g and Land 根据上下文" Development 连体法兰 coupling flange 社区开发及工业区开发垂直井笼vertical well cage Community Development and Industry Park 变风量variable air rateDevelopment 施工面展开 construction unfolds 开发许可申请Development Permit 违约行为 noncompliance 土地使用变更计划 Land Use Rezoning Plan 合同交底- contract presentation 主要计划及细部计划Master Plan and Detail 管理承包商Management Contractor Plan party 都市计划更新计划 Urban Renewal Plan 工程量work amount 都市设施Urban Design 实施的形象进度progress of 建筑设施Architecture Design implementation 大地工程 Geotechnical Engineering 完工资料as-built documentation 工址调查 Site Investigation 文整 clear-up 现地试验与室内试验In-Situ and Laboratory 审核review Test 汽车式起重机Autocrane 基础工程Foundation Design 深化图纸 deepen drawing 3深开挖工程及建物保护Deep Excavation and 设备配置计划equipment furnishment plan Building Protection 结构预埋配合阶段Structure 新生地及软弱地层改良Reclamation and Soft pre-embedment assistance Ground Improvement stage 山坡地开发与水土保持Slope land 精装修阶段Fine fitment stage Development, Soil and Water Conservation 工程施工阶段Construction stage 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道Shield Tunnel and Rock 工程竣工阶段 Completion stage Tunnel 台钻 Bench drill 大地工程施工顾问Geotechnical Construction 冲击钻Churn drill Consultant 手电钻 Electric portable drill 土壤材料试验 Soil andMaterial 砂轮切割机Abrasive cutting off machine 结构工程Structural Engineering 角钢卷圆机 Angle iron rolling machine 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢管道切断器Pipe cutting machine 骨钢筋混凝土结构 Structures of R.C., 铜管调直机 Copper pipe straightening Prestressed Concrete, Steel, and SRC machine 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开管道压槽机Book joint setting machine 挖挡土结构Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, for pipes Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining 管道压槽机Book joint setting machine Structures for Deep Excavations for pipes 桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强Bridge 角向磨光机 Angle polishing machine Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 电动套丝机 Electric threading machine 钢结构细部设计及制造图Steel Structural 电动卷扬机Electric winch Detail Design and Shop Drawings 电动试压泵Motor-driven pressure test 厂房工程 Industrial Plant pump 工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、手动试压泵 Manual pressure test pump科技工业厂房、一般性厂房Industrial 阀门试压机Valve pressure test device 阀门试压机Valve pressure test device Plants--Petroleum and Chemical, Steel, Power, TDC(F)风管加工流水线TDC(F)air Gas, High-Technical and General Plants ductwork fabrication 环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污stream line 水处理厂及相关管线Environment Protecting等离子切割机 Plasma cutting machine Plants--Incineration Plants, Garbage Disposal TDC(F)法兰条成型机 TDC(F) flange Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and strip shaping mill Piping System 勾码成型机 Forming machine for flange 设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台 Equipment clamp Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating TDC(F)风管加工成型机 TDC(F) duct Platforms fabrication shaping mill 设备基础 Equipment Foundations 多普勒超声波流量检测仪Doppler 厂区一般土木及公共设施General Civil ultrasonic flow detector Works and Utilities of Plants 温、湿度传感器"Temperature, humidity 运输工程Transportation Engineering senor" 运输规划 Transportation Planning 精密声级计Precision sound level meter 停车场设施工程规划、设计Engineering 风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装 Planning& Design for Parking Facilities 置 "Duct air leakage 建筑交通维持计划 Traffic Control & tester, airchamber air leakage testing 4Management during Construction device" 风罩式风量测试仪 Air hood air rate 水利及港湾工程 Hydraulic and Harbor tester Engineering 微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪营建管理Construction Management "Micromanometer , 估价及工程预算制作 Estimates and pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) Engineering Budget Works anemoscope" 营建管理 Construction Management 潜水泵 Submerged pump 工程监造 Construction Supervision 电动弯管机 Electric pipe bender 施工计划 Construction Plan 铜管弯管机 Copper pipe bender 工程进度控管 Schedule Control during 液压弯管机Hydraulic pipe bender Construction 电动剪刀Electric clipper 施工规划 Construction Specifications 液压铆钉钳Hydraulic riveting clamp 环境工程Environmental Engineering 线槽电锯 Trunking electric saw 环境影响评估 Environment Impact 开孔器Tapper Assessment 电动空压机Electric air compressor 环境监测 Environmental Monitoring 液压千斤顶Hydraulic jack 地下水监测系统 Groundwater Monitoring 液压手推车Hydraulic trolley 污水处理厂Wastewater Treatment Plant 焊条烘干箱Welding rod drying box 污水下水道Sewage System 手拉葫芦Chain block 噪音振动防治Noise and Vibration 道(垫)木 Sleeper 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程 Waste Incinerator 转速表 Tachometer 废弃物处理系统工程 Waste Treatment & 电流钳型表 Clip-style ammeter Disposal 压力表 Pressure gauge 共同管道 Common Ducts 接地电阻测试仪 Earthing resistance 管道及附属设施之规划设计 Planning and testing device Design of Common Ducts Structures and 氧气表 Oxygen gauge 乙炔表Acetylene gauge Subsidiary Facilities 对讲机 Walkie talkie 经济效益分析 Economic and Efficiency 文件和资料 documents and information? Analysis 建设单位 Construction unit 财务评估Financial Evaluation 安装单位 Installation unitz 管理维护办法及组织订定Regulation for the 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(3) Management, Maintenance and Organization 送气air supply 电流衰减装置current attenuation 电力复合脂electric force compounded grease 气体延时保护装置time delay 电缆敷设cable laying 熄弧 quenching of arc 电缆槽架 cable channel 成型molding 主干线 trunk line 钢印代号 steel seal 弯头 angle fitting质量分析 quality analysis 剥落处 exfoliation 负责人 principal 银粉 aluminum powder 审批 examine and approve 支持点 supportpoint 补焊工艺 repair welding 拆装 disassembly and assembly 压缩机 compression pump 畅通 smooth 平焊法兰 welded flange 电压等级electric pressure 测试流程图test flow chart 通断实验onoff 5加固措施 reinforcement measure 终端头 terminals 校验 verify余度 remaining 升压 boost pressure 标记牌 notice plate 读数 offscale reading 表册 statistical forms 满刻度值 full-scale value 电缆桥架 cable testing bridge 盲板 blind plate 电机 electric machine压力表 pressure meter 相对湿度 relative humidity 强度 intensity杂物sundries 目测eye survey, visiual inspection 耐压试验withstand voltage test 半径radius 照明器具ligthing paraphernalia 公式 formula 铭牌 nameplate 管路 pipeline 验收规范acceptance specification 严密性leakproofness 接线wiresplice 导电膏 conductive paste 试运 test run 压接 compressionjoint 进线口 incoming line 地上连接 overground 带电 electrified 埋深 buried depth 盘车转子 jigger rotor 接地线 earth wire 二次回路 secondary circuit 说明 description 中心线 center line 分线盒junction box 触头contactor 接地装置earthing deivce 配电power distribution 交叉across 成套whole set 塑料保护管protection tube 楼板 floor slab 塑料带 plastic tape 备件 duplicate part, spare part 防腐处理 preservative treatment 包装 packing 接地极earthing pole 器材equipment 接地电阻测试earth resistance 导线 conducting wire 防雷接地 lightning protection 脱落 fall off 遵守 comply with 规范 specification 避雷网 lightning conduction 电器electrical appliance 引下线down lead 断路器line breaker 搭接焊overlap welding 机械联锁mechanical interlocking 避雷针 lightning rod 碰撞 collision 轻便 portable 镀锌制品zinc coating 断接卡breaking of contact 电阻resistance 配电装置 power distribution equipment 集中接地装置 centralized 串联 cascade connection 干线联接 main line 并列 paratactic 单独 solely 机组 machine set 6。



1 建筑工程专业英语词汇(1)建设,建筑,修建to build, to construct 建筑学architecture 修筑,建筑物building 房子house 摩天大楼skyscraper 公寓楼block block of of of flats flats flats ((美作:apartment block) 纪念碑monument 宫殿palace 庙宇temple 皇宫,教堂basilica 大教堂cathedral 教堂church 塔,塔楼tower 十层办公大楼ten-storey office block 柱column 柱列colonnade 拱arch 市政town planning (美作:city planning) 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地greenbelt 建筑物的三面图elevation 设计图plan 比例尺scale 预制to prefabricate 挖土,掘土excavation 基foundations, base, subgrade 打地基to lay the foundations 砌好的砖列course of bricks 脚手架scaffold, scaffolding 质量合格证书certification of fitness 原材料raw material 底板bottom plate 垫层cushion 侧壁sidewall 中心线center line 条形基础strip footing 附件accessories 型钢profile steel 钢板steel plate 熔渣slag 飞溅welding spatter 定位焊tacking 引弧generating of arc 建筑工程专业英语词汇(2)充水试验filling water test 错边量unfitness of butt joint 底圈foundation ring 真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test 丁字焊缝tee welding 渗透探伤oil whiting test 充水试验filling water test 内侧角焊缝接头interior interior angle angle angle welding welding welding line line joint 基础沉降foundation settlement 测量基准点datum mark 稳定性试验stability test 排气阀outlet valve 角钢angle steel 构件component part 机械损伤mechanical damage 缩孔shrinkage cavity 折迭enfoldment 碳钢管carbon steel tube 公称直径nominal diameter 预埋件embedded part 轴测图axonometric drawing 布置图arrangement diagram 氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel 热影响区heat affected area 修磨polish 砂轮片grinding wheel 等离子plasma panel 重皮coldlap 凹凸unevenness 缩口necking down 端面head face 倾斜偏差dip deviation 外径external diameter 砂轮grinding wheel 管件pipe casting 单线图single line drawing 平齐parallel and level 两端two terminals 满扣buckle 螺栓紧固bolton 熄弧熄弧 quenching of arc 焊道焊道 welding bead 坡口坡口 beveled edges 外观检查外观检查 visual inspection 重皮重皮 double-skin 水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction 成型成型 molding 直线度直线度 straightness accuracy 焊缝角变形 welding line angular distortion 水平度水平度 levelness 铅垂度铅垂度 verticality 翘曲变形翘曲变形 buckling deformation 角尺角尺 angle square 对接焊缝对接焊缝 butt weld 母材母材 parent metal 法兰密封面法兰密封面 flange sealing surface 夹层夹层 interlayer 表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration 挠曲变挠曲变 bending deformation 超声波探伤超声波探伤 ultrasonic ultrasonic testing/ testing/ testing/ ultrasonic ultrasonic examination 压力容器压力容器 pressure vessel 预制下料预制下料 prefabrication baiting 排版直径排版直径 set-type diameter 焊缝焊缝 welding line 中幅板中幅板 center plate 测量方法测量方法 measuring method 基准点基准点 datum mark 跳焊跳焊 skip welding 允许偏差允许偏差 allowable variation 补强板补强板 stiffening plate 开孔开孔 tapping 对接接头对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing 角钢角钢 angle iron 安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱吊装立柱 hoisting upright column 焊接钢管焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 向心斜拉筋向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope 带板带板 band plate 槽钢胀圈槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring 环口环口 collar extension 局部变形局部变形 local distortion 周边周边 periphery 附加应力附加应力 additional stress 同轴度同轴度 axiality 平行度平行度 parallelism 随机随机 stochastic 允许偏差允许偏差 allowable variation 重直度verticality 水平度水平度 levelness 隔离盲板隔离盲板 blind plate 氩弧焊argon arc welding 压盖螺栓压盖螺栓 gland bolt 间距间距 spacing 有效期有效期 period of validity 担任担任 take charge of undertake 焊条焊条 welding rod 碳钢焊条碳钢焊条 carbon steel 焊丝焊丝 welding wire 熔化焊熔化焊 melting 钢丝钢丝 steel wire 气体保护焊气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding 烘干烘干 drying 清洗清洗 ablution 制度s ystem 焊接工艺焊接工艺 welding procedure 相应相应 corresponding 手工电弧焊手工电弧焊 manual electric arc welding 手工钨极手工钨极 manual tungsten electrode 打底打底 render 电源电源 power source 交流交流 alternating current 焊件焊件 weldment 管壁厚度管壁厚度 pipe thickness 对接焊缝对接焊缝 butt weld 工件壁厚工件壁厚 workpiece 飞溅物飞溅物 splash 沾污沾污 smirch 油污油污 oil stain 细锉细锉 smooth file 铣刀铣刀 milling cutter 氧化膜氧化膜 oxide film 脱脂处理脱脂处理 ungrease treatment] 棉质纤维棉质纤维 cotton fibre 丙酮丙酮 acetone 硫 sulfur 环缝环缝 circumferential weld 顶板顶板 top plate 拱顶拱顶 vault 顶板加强肋顶板加强肋 stiffening rib 对接对接 butt joint 胎具胎具 clamping fixture 卷板机卷板机 plate bending rolls 中心支架中心支架 center bearing bracket 椭圆度椭圆度 ovality 等分线等分线 bisectrix 搭接宽度搭接宽度 lap width 点焊点焊 spot welding 搭接焊搭接焊 overlap welding 对称对称 symmetrically 螺旋爬梯螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs 放料阀放料阀 baiting valve 液位计液位计 content gauge 芬兰维萨拉芬兰维萨拉 V ailsla OY 美国美科美国美科 "Met-coil, USA" 集中式空调系统 centralized air conditioning system 裙房裙房 annex 热源热源 heat source 平面位置的空间 space of planimetric position 密封性能密封性能 sealing performance 机房机房 machine room 节点节点 timing 专业专业 "profession or discipline 都可以都可以,要根据上下文" 连体法兰连体法兰 coupling flange 垂直井笼垂直井笼 vertical well cage 变风量变风量 variable air rate 施工面展开施工面展开 construction unfolds 违约行为违约行为 noncompliance 合同交底- contract presentation 管理承包商 Management Contractor party 工程量工程量 work amount 实施的形象进度 progress of implementation 完工资料完工资料 as-built documentation 文整文整 clear-up 审核审核 review 汽车式起重机汽车式起重机 Autocrane 深化图纸深化图纸 deepen drawing 焊剂焊剂 welding flux 钢板钢板 steel plate 纵向焊缝纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam 筒节筒节 shell ring 封头封头 end socket 卷管卷管 reelpipe 强度试验强度试验 strength test 起弧起弧 arc starting 穿堂风穿堂风 draught 熔合熔合 fusion 反面反面 reverse side 整体整体 integral 封堵封堵 block up 焊口焊口 weld bond 医用胶布医用胶布 medical proof fabric 高频高频 high frequency 焊炬焊炬 welding torch 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(4) 综合分析判断 comprehensive analysis and judgement 变压器变压器 transformer 抽芯loose core 过道过道 aisle 三相电容三相电容 three phase capacitance 芯棒芯棒 core rod 都市规划与土地开发 Urban g and Land Development 社区开发及工业区开发社区开发及工业区开发 Community Development and Industry Park Development 开发许可申请开发许可申请 Development Permit 土地使用变更计划土地使用变更计划 Land Use Rezoning Plan 主要计划及细部计划主要计划及细部计划 Master Master Plan Plan Plan and and and Detail Detail Plan 都市计划更新计划都市计划更新计划 Urban Renewal Plan 都市设施都市设施 Urban Design 建筑设施建筑设施 Architecture Design 大地工程大地工程 Geotechnical Engineering 工址调查工址调查 Site Investigation 现地试验与室内试验现地试验与室内试验 In-Situ In-Situ and and and Laboratory Laboratory Test 基础工程基础工程 Foundation Design 设备配置计划 equipment furnishment plan 结构预埋配合阶段 Structure pre-embedment assistance stage 精装修阶段精装修阶段 Fine fitment stage 工程施工阶段工程施工阶段 Construction stage 工程竣工阶段工程竣工阶段 Completion stage 台钻台钻 Bench drill 冲击钻冲击钻 Churn drill 手电钻手电钻 Electric portable drill 砂轮切割机砂轮切割机 Abrasive cutting off machine 角钢卷圆机角钢卷圆机 Angle iron rolling machine 管道切断器管道切断器 Pipe cutting machine 铜管调直机 Copper Copper pipe pipe pipe straightening straightening machine 管道压槽机管道压槽机 Book Book joint joint joint setting setting setting machine machine for pipes 管道压槽机管道压槽机 Book Book joint joint joint setting setting setting machine machine for pipes 角向磨光机角向磨光机 Angle polishing machine 电动套丝机电动套丝机 Electric threading machine 电动卷扬机电动卷扬机 Electric winch 电动试压泵 Motor-driven pressure pressure test test pump 手动试压泵手动试压泵 Manual pressure test pump 阀门试压机阀门试压机 Valve pressure test device 阀门试压机阀门试压机 Valve pressure test device TDC(F)风管加工流水线 TDC(F)air ductwork fabrication stream line 等离子切割机等离子切割机 Plasma cutting machine TDC(F)法兰条成型机 TDC(F) flange strip shaping mill 勾码成型机勾码成型机 Forming Forming machine machine machine for for for flange flange clamp TDC(F)风管加工成型机 TDC(F) TDC(F) duct duct fabrication shaping mill 多普勒超声波流量检测仪 Doppler ultrasonic flow detector 温、湿度传感器温、湿度传感器 "Temperature, "Temperature, humidity humidity senor" 精密声级计精密声级计 Precision sound level meter 风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置 "Duct air leakage tester, airchamber air leakage testing 深开挖工程及建物保护深开挖工程及建物保护 Deep Excavation and Building Protection 新生地及软弱地层改良新生地及软弱地层改良 Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement 山坡地开发与水土保持 Slope land Development, Soil and Water Conservation 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道潜盾隧道与岩石隧道 Shield Tunnel and Rock Tunnel 大地工程施工顾问大地工程施工顾问 Geotechnical Construction Consultant 土壤材料试验土壤材料试验 Soil and Material 结构工程结构工程 Structural Engineering 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构 Structures of R.C., Prestressed Concrete, Steel, and SRC 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构 Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations 桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强 Bridge Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 钢结构细部设计及制造图 Steel Steel Structural Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings 厂房工程厂房工程 Industrial Plant 工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房 Industrial Plants--Petroleum Plants--Petroleum and and and Chemical, Chemical, Chemical, Steel, Steel, Steel, Power, Power, Gas, High-Technical and General Plants 环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线水处理厂及相关管线 Environment Environment Protecting Protecting Plants--Incineration Plants--Incineration Plants, Plants, Plants, Garbage Garbage Garbage Disposal Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping System 设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台 Equipment Supporting Supporting Structures, Structures, Structures, Pipe Pipe Pipe Racks, Racks, Racks, Operating Operating Platforms 设备基础设备基础 Equipment Foundations 厂区一般土木及公共设施 General Civil Works and Utilities of Plants 运输工程运输工程 Transportation Engineering 运输规划运输规划 Transportation Planning 停车场设施工程规划、设计 Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities 建筑交通维持计划 Traffic Control & device" 风罩式风量测试仪 Air hood air rate tester 微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪 "Micromanometer , pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) anemoscope" 潜水泵潜水泵 Submerged pump 电动弯管机电动弯管机 Electric pipe bender 铜管弯管机铜管弯管机 Copper pipe bender 液压弯管机液压弯管机 Hydraulic pipe bender 电动剪刀电动剪刀 Electric clipper 液压铆钉钳液压铆钉钳 Hydraulic riveting clamp 线槽电锯线槽电锯 Trunking electric saw 开孔器开孔器 Tapper 电动空压机电动空压机 Electric air compressor 液压千斤顶液压千斤顶 Hydraulic jack 液压手推车液压手推车 Hydraulic trolley 焊条烘干箱焊条烘干箱 Welding rod drying box 手拉葫芦手拉葫芦 Chain block 道(垫)木道(垫)木 Sleeper 转速表转速表 Tachometer 电流钳型表电流钳型表 Clip-style ammeter 压力表压力表 Pressure gauge 接地电阻测试仪 Earthing resistance testing device 氧气表氧气表 Oxygen gauge 乙炔表乙炔表 Acetylene gauge 对讲机对讲机 Walkie talkie 文件和资料文件和资料 documents and information? 建设单位建设单位 Construction unit 安装单位安装单位 Installation unitz 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(3) 送气送气 air supply 电流衰减装置电流衰减装置 current attenuation 气体延时保护装置气体延时保护装置 time delay 熄弧熄弧 quenching of arc 成型成型 molding 钢印代号钢印代号 steel seal 质量分析质量分析 quality analysis 负责人负责人 principal 审批审批 examine and approve 补焊工艺补焊工艺 repair welding 压缩机压缩机 compression pump 平焊法兰平焊法兰 welded flange 测试流程图测试流程图 test flow chart Management during Construction 水利及港湾工程 Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering 营建管理营建管理 Construction Management 估价及工程预算制作 Estimates and Engineering Budget Works 营建管理营建管理 Construction Management 工程监造工程监造 Construction Supervision 施工计划施工计划 Construction Plan 工程进度控管 Schedule Control during Construction 施工规划施工规划 Construction Specifications 环境工程环境工程 Environmental Engineering 环境影响评估 Environment Impact Assessment 环境监测环境监测 Environmental Monitoring 地下水监测系统地下水监测系统 Groundwater Monitoring 污水处理厂污水处理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水下水道污水下水道 Sewage System 噪音振动防治噪音振动防治 Noise and Vibration 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程垃圾焚化厂兴建工程 Waste Incinerator 废弃物处理系统工程 Waste Treatment & Disposal 共同管道共同管道 Common Ducts 管道及附属设施之规划设计 Planning Planning and and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary Facilities 经济效益分析 Economic and Efficiency Analysis 财务评估财务评估 Financial Evaluation 管理维护办法及组织订定管理维护办法及组织订定 Regulation Regulation for for for the the Management, Maintenance and Organization 电力复合脂电力复合脂 electric force compounded grease 电缆敷设电缆敷设 cable laying 电缆槽架电缆槽架 cable channel 主干线主干线 trunk line 弯头弯头 angle fitting 剥落处剥落处 exfoliation 银粉银粉 aluminum powder 支持点支持点 support point 拆装拆装 disassembly and assembly 畅通畅通 smooth 电压等级电压等级 electric pressure 通断实验通断实验 onoff 加固措施加固措施 reinforcement measure 校验校验 verify 升压升压 boost pressure 读数读数 off scale reading 满刻度值满刻度值 full-scale value 盲板盲板 blind plate 压力表压力表 pressure meter 强度强度 intensity 目测目测 eye survey, visiual inspection 半径半径 radius 公式公式 formula 管路管路 pipeline 严密性严密性 leakproofness 导电膏导电膏 conductive paste 压接压接 compression joint 地上连接地上连接 overground 埋深埋深 buried depth 接地线接地线 earth wire 说明说明 description 分线盒分线盒 junction box 接地装置接地装置 earthing deivce 交叉across 塑料保护管塑料保护管 protection tube 塑料带塑料带 plastic tape 防腐处理防腐处理 preservative treatment 接地极接地极 earthing pole 接地电阻测试接地电阻测试 earth resistance 防雷接地防雷接地 lightning protection 遵守遵守 comply with 避雷网避雷网 lightning conduction 引下线引下线 down lead 搭接焊搭接焊 overlap welding 避雷针避雷针 lightning rod 镀锌制品镀锌制品 zinc coating 断接卡断接卡 breaking of contact 电阻电阻 resistance 配电装置配电装置 power distribution equipment 集中接地装置集中接地装置 centralized 串联串联 cascade connection 干线联接干线联接 main line 并列并列 paratactic 单独单独 solely 机组机组 machine set 终端头终端头 terminals 余度余度 remaining 标记牌标记牌 notice plate 表册表册 statistical forms 电缆桥架电缆桥架 cable testing bridge 电机电机 electric machine 相对湿度相对湿度 relative humidity 杂物杂物 sundries 耐压试验耐压试验 withstand voltage test 照明器具照明器具 ligthing paraphernalia 铭牌铭牌 nameplate 验收规范验收规范 acceptance specification 接线接线 wire splice 试运试运 test run 进线口进线口 incoming line 带电带电 electrified 盘车转子盘车转子 jigger rotor 二次回路二次回路 secondary circuit 中心线中心线 center line 触头触头 contactor 配电配电 power distribution 成套成套 whole set 楼板楼板 floor slab 备件备件 duplicate part, spare part 包装包装 packing 器材器材 equipment 导线导线 conducting wire 脱落脱落 fall off 规范规范 specification 电器电器 electrical appliance 断路器断路器 line breaker 机械联锁机械联锁 mechanical interlocking 碰撞碰撞 collision 轻便轻便 portable 。



法学 Law Study英语 English日语 Japanese信息与计算科学 Information and Computation Science应用物理学 Applied Physics冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering金属材料工程 Metallic Materials Engineering无机非金属材料 Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials材料成型及控制工程 Material Formation and controlEngineering高分子材料与工程 Multimolecular Materials and Engineering工业设计 Industrial Disign建筑学 Architecture城市规划 City Planning艺术设计 Artistical Disign包装工程 Packaging Engineering机械设计制造及自动化Machine Disign,Manufacturing,and Automation热能与动力工程 Thermal and Power Engineering水利水电工程 WaterConservance and Electro-power Engineering测控技术与仪器 Technique and Instrumentation of Measurements电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and its Automation自动化 Automation通信工程 Communication Engineering电子信息科学与技术 Sience and Technology of Electronic Information 计算机科学与技术 Computer Sience and Technology土木工程 Civil Engineering工程管理 Project Management给水排水工程 Water Supply and Sewage Engineering建筑环境与设备工程 Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程 Processing Units and Control Engineering环境工程 Environmental Engineering化学工程与工艺 Chemacal Engineering and Technology安全工程 Safty Engineering工商管理 Industrial and Commercial Management市场营销 Market Management and Sales会计学 Accounting旅游管理 Tourism Management信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and System金融学 Finance国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade食品科学与工程 Food Sience and Engineering生物工程 Biological Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering建筑环境与设备工程、Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程、Processing Units and Control Engineering现代家政学、 Modern Domestic Science运动训练科学系、 Sports Train Science食品营养与检测、 Food Nutrition and Detect国际新闻、 International News体育健康教育系 Sports Health Education哲学 Philosophy马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies逻辑学 Logic伦理学 Ethics美学 Aesthetics宗教学 Science of Religion科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学 Economics理论经济学 Theoretical Economics政治经济学 Political Economy经济思想史 History of Economic Thought经济史 History of Economic西方经济学 Western Economics世界经济 World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学 Applied Economics国民经济学 National Economics区域经济学 Regional Economics财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学 Industrial Economics国际贸易学 International Trade劳动经济学 Labor Economics统计学 Statistics数量经济学 Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学 National Defense Economics法学 Law法学 Science of Law法学理论 Jurisprudence法律史 Legal History宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学 Science of Procedure Laws经济法学 Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学 Science of Military Law政治学 Political Science政治学理论 Political Theory中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and InternationalCommunist Movement中*史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building) 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学 International Politics国际关系学 International Relations外交学 Diplomacy社会学 Sociology社会学 Sociology人口学 Demography人类学 Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学 Ethnology民族学 Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy 中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art教育学 Education教育学 Education Science教育学原理 Educational Principle课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史 History of Education比较教育学 Comparative Education学前教育学 Pre-school Education高等教育学 Higher Education成人教育学 Adult Education职业技术教育学 Vocational and Technical Education特殊教育学 Special Education教育技术学 Education Technology心理学 Psychology基础心理学 Basic Psychology发展与心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学 Applied Psychology体育学 Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports 运动人体科学 Human Movement Science体育教育训练学 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学 Literature中国语言文学 Chinese Literature文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学 English Language and Literature俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学 French Language and Literature德语语言文学 German Language and Literature日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学 Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literature亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication新闻学 Journalism传播学 Communication艺术学 Art艺术学 Art Theory音乐学 Music美术学 Fine Arts设计艺术学 Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学 Film广播电视艺术学 Radio and television Art舞蹈学 Dance历史学 History历史学 History史学理论及史学史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学 Archaeology and Museology历史地理学 Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (includingPaleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史 History of Particular Subjects中国古代史 Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史 World History理学 Natural Science数学 Mathematics基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics计算数学 Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 应用数学 Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学 Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理 Plasma Physics凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics声学 Acoustics光学 Optics无线电物理 Radio Physics化学 Chemistry无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry分析化学 Analytical Chemistry有机化学 Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学 Astronomy天体物理 Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学 Geography自然地理学 Physical Geography人文地理学 Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences气象学 Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment海洋科学 Marine Sciences物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography海洋化学 Marine Chemistry海洋生理学 Marine Biology海洋地质学 Marine Geology地球物理学 Geophysics固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics空间物理学 Space Physics地质学 Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology地球化学 Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学 Structural Geology第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology生物学 Biology植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology生理学 Physiology水生生物学 Hydrobiology微生物学 Microbiology神经生物学 Neurobiology遗传学 Genetics发育生物学 Developmental Biology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology系统科学 Systems Science系统理论 Systems Theory系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史 History of Science and Technology工学 Engineering力学 Mechanics一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学 Solid Mechanics流体力学 Fluid Mechanics工程力学 Engineering Mechanics机械工程 Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation 机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论 Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering光学工程 Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术 Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学 Materialogy材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology 电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学 Physical Electronics电路与系统 Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering 通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置 Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程 Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制 Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论 Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构 Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology建筑学 Architecture建筑历史与理论 Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论 Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学 Building Technology Science土木工程 Civil Engineering岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering结构工程 Structural Engineering市政工程 Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源 Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学 Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程 Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程 Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering 测绘科学与技术 Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程 Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程 Chemical Engineering化学工艺 Chemical Technology生物化工 Biochemical Engineering应用化学 Applied Chemistry工业催化 Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探 Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration 地球探测与信息技术 Geodetection and Information Technology 地质工程 Geological Engineering矿业工程 Mineral Engineering采矿工程 Mining Engineering矿物加工工程 Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程 Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程 Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程 Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程 Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程 Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering 纺织科学与工程 Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计 Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程 Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程 Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程 The Light Industry Technology and Engineering 制浆造纸工程 Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程 Sugar Engineering发酵工程 Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程 Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程 Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程 Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制 Traffic Information Engineering & Control 交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程 Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程 Marine Engine Engineering水声工程 Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计 Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程 Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程 Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程 Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术 Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程 Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering 兵器发射理论与技术 Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程 Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术 Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术 Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程 Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用 Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护 Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程 Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程 Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程 Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程 Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程 Forestry Engineering森林工程 Forest Engineering木材科学与技术 Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程 Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学 Environmental Science环境工程 Environmental Engineering生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering食品科学 Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学 Agriculture作物学 Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学 Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学 Horticulture果树学 Pomology蔬菜学 Olericulture茶学 Tea Science农业资源利用学 Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources 土壤学 Soil Science植物营养学 Plant Nutrition植物保护学 Plant Protection植物病理学 Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control 农药学 Pesticide Science畜牧学 Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖 Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Science动物营养与饲料科学 Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学 Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等) The Rearing of Special-type EconomicAnimals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学 Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学 Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学 Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学 Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学 Forestry林木遗传育种学 Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学 Silviculture森林保护学 Forest Protection森林经理学 Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用 Wildlife Conservation and Utilization 园林植物与观赏园艺 Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治 Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating水产学 Fisheries Science水产养殖学 Aquaculture Science捕捞学 Fishing Science渔业资源学 Science of Fisheries Resources医学 Medicine基础医学 Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 免疫学 Immunology病原生物学 Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学 Forensic Medicine放射医学 Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学 Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学 Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学 Pediatrics老年医学 Geriatrics神经病学 Neurology精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学 Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学 Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology肿瘤学 Oncology康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy 运动医学 Sports Medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health 卫生毒理学 Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学 Military Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学 Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学 Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学 Military Thought and Military History 军事思想学 Military Thought军事历史学 Military History战略学 Science of Strategy军事战略学 Military Strategy战争动员学 War Mobilization战役学 Science of Operations联合战役学 Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学 Science of Tactics合同战术学 Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学 Branch Tactics军队指挥学 Science of Command作战指挥学 Combat Command军事运筹学 Military Operation Research军事通信学 Military Communication军事情报学 Military Intelligence密码学 Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学 Science of Military System军事组织编制学 Military Organizational System军队管理学 Military Management军队政治工作学 Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学 Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学 Military Logistics后方专业勤务 Rear Special Service军事装备学 Military Equipment管理学 Management Science管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering工商管理学 Science of Business Administration会计学 Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学 Tourist Management技术经济及管理学 Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学 Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学 Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学 Science of Public Management行政管理学 Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学 Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学 Educational Economy and Management社会保障学 Social Security土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学 Science of Library, Information and Archival图书馆学 Library Science情报学 Information Science档案学 Archival Science欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。



.' (1)隧道图用缩略语英语词汇D&B 钻炸法(Drill and Blow)TBM 全断面隧道钻掘机(Tunnel Bore Machine)T.H. 上半断面(Top Height)B 台阶(Bench)I 仰拱(Invert)NATM 新奥工法(New Austrian Tunnel Method)RMR 岩体评分(Rock Mental Ratio)RQD 岩石品质指标(Rock Quality Directive)T.I. 临时仰拱(Temporary Invert)CCM 明挖覆盖工法(Cut and Cover Method).' (2)结构图用缩略语英语翻译ALT 交错排列(Alternative)BOT 底(层)(Bottom)BT 弯(Bent)CL 净(保护层)(Clearance)CT 柱箍筋(Column Tie-Bar)EW 各方面(Each Way)FF 远侧(Far Face)Fc 混凝土设计强度(28天圆柱试体抗压强度)(Compressive Strength of Concrete)Fs 钢材抗拉强度(Tensile Strength of Steel)Fy 钢材降伏强度(Yield Strength of Steel)HSB 高强度螺栓(High Strength Bolt)HTS 高拉力钢绞线(High Tensile Strand)HTW 高拉力钢线(High Tensile Wire)IF 内面(Inner Face)NF 近侧(Near Face)OF 外侧(Outside Face)SP 螺旋筋(Spiral) STIR 箍筋(Stirrup)STR 直通(Straight)T&B 顶层及底层(Top and Bottom)W/C 水灰比(Water Cement Ratio)WWF 熔接钢线网(Weld Wire Fence)GWL 地下水位(Ground Water Level)HHWL 最高洪水位(Highest High Water Level)HWL 高水位(High Water Level)HWY 公路(Highway)INV 仰拱(沟、管)底(Invert)LWL 低水位(Lower Water Level) MSL 平均海平面(Mean Sea Level) MWL 平均水位(Mean Water Level) NWL 常水位(Normal Water Level) PC 无筋混凝土(Preplair Concrete) PG 纵坡(Profile Grade) PVCP 塑胶管(P.V.C Pipe) RC 钢筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete) RCP 钢筋混凝土管(Reinforced Concrete Pipe) ROW 路权(Right of Way) RR 铁路(Rail Road) SE 超高(Super Elevation) SL 海平面(Sea Level) SRC 钢骨钢筋混凝土(Steel Reinforced Concrete) SSP 不銹钢管(Stainless Steel Pipe) STA 测站、桩号(Station) T/R 轨道顶(Top of Rail) WL 水位、水平面(Water Level) WWL 警戒水位(Warning Water Level)AFF 粉刷完成楼板面上(Above Finished Floor)CB 阴井(Catch Basin) CL 中心线(Center Line) C-C 中心到中心(Center to Center) COL??????.??? ? ????柱(Column).????CONC 混凝土(Concrete) CMU 混凝土空心砖(Concrete Masonry Unit) CJ 控制缝(Control Joint) CP 控制点(Control Point) DIA 直径(Diameter) DIM尺寸(Dimension) ???.???DN 向下(Down) DRG 图说(Drawings) EA 每个(Each) EL高程(Elevation) (按比例绘制的)建筑的立式图ELVR 电梯(Elevator) ????EQ 相等(Equivalent) ?????EXP 伸缩(Expansion) EJ 伸缩缝(Expansion Joint) FFL 粉刷(装修)楼板面高程(Finished Floor Level) FGL 粉刷(装修)地面高程(Finished Ground Level) FHC消防器(Fire Hydrant Cabinet)FLASH 盖板、遮雨板(Flash)FL 楼板(Floor) FD 地板落水(Floor Drainage) GALV 镀锌(Galvanized) GA 轨距/ 量规(Gauge) GLA 玻璃(Glass) GL 地面高程/ 地基高程(Ground Level) GYP 石膏板(Gypsum) ???JT 接缝(Joint)????KO 预留开口(孔)(Knock Out) MO 圬工(Masonry) R半径(Radius) RD ????????路(Road) RD 屋顶落水(Roof Drainage) RI 放样(Rough In) RM 房间(Room) SNV 卫生纸贩卖机(Sanitary Napkin Vending) SNR 卫生纸收集箱(Sanitary Napkin Receipt) S 南向(South) SPKR 扬声机(Speaker) SPEC规范说明(Specification) ???????SQ 广场(Square) SS??不銹钢(Stainless Steel)???? ??? ???STR 楼梯(Stair) STA 车站(Station)SCR 车站控制室(Station Control Room) ST 钢(Steel) STOR 储藏(Storage) ST 街(Street) SUSP 悬吊式(Suspended) SYS 系统(System) TEL 电话(Telephone) TELENCL 电话箱(Telephone Control) TV 电视(Television) TERR 磨石子(Terrazzo)THK 厚(Thickness) TYP 标准型式(Typical) U/G 地下(Under Ground) UP 向上(Up) VENT通风(Ventilation) VERT 垂直(Vertical) WC 大便器(Water Closet) WT 重量(Weight) W 西向/ 宽度或木料(West / Width / Wood) W/ 含… / 及… (Wit h) W/O 不含… (Without) WD 木料(Wood) WP 工作点(Working Point)(5)土木工程常用缩略语ABUT 桥墩(Abutment) C-C 中心到中心(Center to Center) CCTV 闭路电视(Closed Circuit Television) CONC 混凝土(Concrete) CC 施工契约(Construction Contract) C&C 明挖覆盖(Cut and Cover) DDCs 详细设计顾问(Detail Design Consultants) DIA 直径(Diameter) DN 向下(Down) DRG 图说(Drawings) E 东向(East) EMU 电联车(Electric Multiple Unit) EL 高程(Elevation) EQ 相等(Equivalent) ECS 环境控制系统(Environmental Control System) EXC 开挖(Excavation) EXIST 现有(Existing) EGL 现有地面高程(Exist Ground Level) EXP 伸缩(Expansion) FRC 强化玻璃纤维混凝土(Fiber Glass Reinforced Concrete) FIN 粉刷(装修)(Finishing) FFL 粉刷(装修)楼板面高程(Finished Floor Level) FGL 粉刷(装修)地面高程(Finished Ground Level) FL 楼板(Floor) FDN 基础(Foundation) GC 总顾问(General Consultants) GL 地面高程、地基高程(Ground Level) HOR 水平(Horizontal) HR 时(Hour) ID 内径(Inside Diameter) IL 仰拱面高程(Invert Level) MH 人孔(Manhole) MRT 大眾捷运系统(Mass Rapid Transportation) ML 衔接线(Match Line) MCT 中运量捷运系统(Middle Capacity Transportation) N 北向(North) NIC 契约外(Not In Contract) NTS 不按比例(Not To Scale) PCC 预铸混凝土(Precast Concrete) PRC 预铸钢筋混凝土(Precast Reinforcement Concrete) PSC 预力混凝土(Prestressed C oncrete) RC 钢筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete) RD 道路(Road) SECT 断面(Section) SQ 方形/ 平方/ 正方(Square) STA 车站(Station) TEL 电话(Telephone) TYP 标准型式(Typical) UP 向上(Up)装配式预制precast 安装预应力prestressed 连续多跨Multi-spans continuous 刚构rigid frame 受力load-carrying capability 等截面uniform section 拼接splice 跨越spanning 支架scaffoldings 模板formwork 跨线桥overpass bridge 最优化optimization 三跨three-span 结构优化设计optimum design of structures-program 单墩single pier 主梁girder断面deck/section 边、中跨径side span & middle spin 空心板梁hollow slab beam 工字形箱H-shaped box 板箱梁slab box beam 主梁截面girder section 中等(30~50米)的主跨跨径范围medium range of main span 刚度比ratio of rigidity V形墩V-shaped pier V形斜撑V-shaped inclined strut 与水平线夹角included angle with level lineplan 设计图town planning 城市规划Doric 多利安式Ionic 爱奥尼亚式Corinthian 科林斯式Composite 混合式Tuscan order 托斯卡纳式Gothic 哥特式flamboyant Gothic 哥特式的火焰状饰Romanesque 罗马式barroque 巴洛克式plateresque 带复杂花叶形装饰的rococo 洛可可式building 建筑物arch 拱vault 穹顶ogive 葱形饰;尖形拱顶facade 侧面frontispiece 三角墙,山墙column 柱pilaster 壁柱,半露柱pediment 山墙饰,山花fronton 山墙ground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层(美作:first floor)flat 套(美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft 电梯,升降梯(美作:elevator shaft) fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯lift 电梯(美作:elevator)goods lift 公务电梯(美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦property 物业,资产interest 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司valuation 评估open market value 公开市场价值leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法capital value 资本价值cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)sale proceeds 销售收益on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法floor area 建筑面积title document 契约文书land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同plot ratio 容积率.' site coverage 建筑密度land use term 土地使用期project approval 项目许可planning approval 规划许可commission 佣金permit 许可证business license 营业执照strata-title 分层所有权public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地fiscal allotment 财政拨款grant or transfer 出让或转让the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局infrastructure 基础设施financial budget 财政预算public bidding 公开招标auction 拍卖negotiation /agreement协议&nbsland efficiency 土地效益location classification 地段等级projecting parameter 规划参数government assignment 政府划拨administrative institution 行政事业单位key zones for development 重点开发区tract 大片土地biding document 标书prerequisitioned land 预征土地competent authorities 主管部门construction project 建设项目planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证go through the formalities 办手续comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区reconstruction of old area 旧区改造purchasing power 购买力property trust 物业信托equity 权益cash flows 现金流量appreciation 增值disposition 处置hedge 保值措施income tax shelter 收入税的庇护downturn (经济)衰退wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比)forecast 预测rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法mortgage lender 抵押放贷者vacancy 空房discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型expectation 期望值letting 出租equity reversion 权益回收bad debts 坏帐depreciation allowances 折旧费supplies 日常用品utilities 公共事业设备allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额stamp duty印花税recession 衰退<br>overproduction 生产过剩glut 供过于求high-technology 高科技investment strategy投资策略circulation 发行量entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家coliseum 大体育场,大剧院chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所arena 室内运动场socioeconomic status 社会经济地位amenities 便利设施condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权income bracket 收入档次tenement 分租合住的经济公寓area code (电话)地区代码community 社区assessment 估价downzone 降低区划规模housing residences住宅to build, to construct 建设,建筑,修建architecture 建筑学building 修筑,建筑物house 房子skyscraper摩天大楼block of flats 公寓楼(美作:apartment block)monument 纪念碑palace 宫殿temple 庙宇basilica 皇宫,教堂cathedral 大教堂church教堂tower 塔,塔楼ten-storey office block 十层办公大楼column 柱colonnade 柱列arch 拱town planning 市政(美作:city planning)building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证greenbelt 绿地elevation 建筑物的三面图plan 设计图scale 比例尺to prefabricate 预制excavation挖土,掘土foundations 基to lay the foundations打地基course of bricks 砌好的砖列scaffold脚手架scaffolding脚手架质量合格证书certification of fitness原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc焊道welding bead坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮doubleskin水平方向弧度radian in horizontal direction 成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝welding line中幅板? center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱hoisting upright column焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称:symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge充水试验filling water test错边量unfitness of butt joint底圈foundation ring真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test丁字焊缝tee welding渗透探伤oil whiting test充水试验filling water test内侧角焊缝接头interior angle welding line joint foundation settlement 基础沉降测量基准点datum mark稳定性试验stability test排气阀outlet valve角钢angle steel构件component part机械损伤mechanical damage缩孔shrinkage cavityenfoldment 折迭碳钢管carbon steel tube公称直径nominal diameter预埋件embedded part轴测图axonometric drawing布置图arrangement diagram氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel热影响区heat affected area修磨polish砂轮片grinding wheel等离子plasma panel重皮coldlap凹凸unevenness缩口necking down端面head face倾斜偏差dip deviation外径external diameter砂轮grinding wheel管件pipe casting单线图single line drawing平齐parallel and level两端two terminals满扣buckle螺栓紧固bolton周边periphery附加应力additional stress同轴度axiality平行度parallelism随机stochastic允许偏差allowable variation重直度verticality水平度levelness隔离盲板blind plate氩弧焊argon arc welding压盖螺栓gland bolt间距spacing有效期period of validity担任take charge of undertake焊条welding rod碳钢焊条carbon steel焊丝welding wire熔化焊melting钢丝steel wire气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying清洗ablution制度system焊接工艺welding procedure相应corresponding手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 手工钨极manual tungsten electrode打底render电源power source交流alternating current主入口大门/岗亭(车行& 人行)MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE(FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )2.次入口/岗亭(车行& 人行) 2ND ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )3.商业中心入口ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR.4.水景WATER FEATURE5.小型露天剧场MINI AMPHI-THEATRE6.迎宾景观-1 WELCOMING FEATURE-17.观景木台TIMBER DECK (VIEWING)8.竹园BAMBOO GARDEN9.漫步广场WALKWAY PLAZA10.露天咖啡廊OUT DOOR CAFE11.巨大迎宾水景-2 GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-212.木桥TIMBER BRIDGE‘S13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台ROCK‘SCAPE WATERFALL GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE14.吊桥HANGING BRIDGE15.休憩台地(低处) LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER )16.休憩台地(高处) LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER )17.特色踏步FEATURE STEPPING STONE18.野趣小溪RIVER WILD19.儿童乐园CHILDREN‘S PLAYGROUND20.旱冰道SLIDE21.羽毛球场BADMINTON COURT22.旱景DRY LANDSCAPE23.日艺园JAPANESE GARDEN24.旱喷泉DRY FOUNTAIN25.观景台VIEWING DECK26.游泳池SWIMMING POOL27.极可意JACUZZI28.嬉水池WADING POOL29.儿童泳池CHILDREN‘S POOL30.蜿蜒水墙WINDING W ALL31.石景雕塑ROCK SCULPTURE32.中心广场CENTRAL PLAZA33.健身广场EXERCISE PLAZA34.桥BRIDGE35.交流广场MEDITATING PLAZA36.趣味树阵TREE BATTLE FORMATION37.停车场PARING AREA38.特色花架TRELLIS39.雕塑小道SCULPTURE TRAIL40.(高尔夫)轻击区PUTTING GREEN41.高尔夫球会所GOLF CLUBHOUSE42.每栋建筑入口ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT43.篮球场BASKETBALL COURT44.网球场TENNIS COURT45.阶梯坐台/种植槽TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER46.广场MAIN PLAZA47.森林、瀑布FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL48.石景园ROCKERY GARDEN49.旱溪DRY STREAM50.凉亭PA VILION51.户外淋浴OUTDOOR SHOWER52.拉膜结构TENSILE STRUCTURE53.台阶STAIR54.高尔夫球车停车场PARKING ( GOLF CAR )55.健身站EXERCISE STATION56.晨跑小路JOGGING FOOTPATH57.车道/人行道DRIVEW AY /SIDEWALK58.人行漫步道PROMENADE59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) WATER FALL AND DANCING FOUNTAIN ( ENTRY PLAZA )60.特色入口ENTRY FEATURE61.石景广场ROCKERY PLAZA建筑类词汇(3)建筑工程专业英语词汇建设,建筑,修建to build, to construct建筑学architecture修筑,建筑物building房子house摩天大楼skyscraper公寓楼block of flats (美作:apartment block) 纪念碑monument宫殿palace庙宇temple皇宫,教堂basilica大教堂cathedral教堂church塔,塔楼tower十层办公大楼ten-storey office block柱column柱列colonnade拱arch市政town planning (美作:city planning)营建许可证,建筑开工许可证building permission 绿地greenbelt建筑物的三面图elevation设计图plan比例尺scale预制to prefabricate挖土,掘土excavation基foundations, base, subgrade打地基to lay the foundations砌好的砖列course of bricks脚手架scaffold, scaffolding质量合格证书certification of fitness 原材料raw material底板bottom plate垫层cushion侧壁sidewall中心线center line条形基础strip footing 附件accessories型钢profile steel钢板steel plate熔渣slag飞溅welding spatter 定位焊tacking引弧generating of arc熄弧quenching of arc焊道welding bead坡口beveled edges外观检查visual inspection重皮double-skin水平方向弧度radian in horizontal direction 成型molding直线度straightness accuracy焊缝角变形welding line angular distortion 水平度levelness铅垂度verticality翘曲变形buckling deformation角尺angle square对接焊缝butt weld母材parent metal法兰密封面flange sealing surface夹层interlayer表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concentration挠曲变bending deformation超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器pressure vessel预制下料prefabrication baiting排版直径set-type diameter焊缝welding line中幅板center plate测量方法measuring method基准点datum mark跳焊skip welding允许偏差allowable variation补强板stiffening plate开孔tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 角钢angle iron安装基准圆installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱hoisting upright column焊接钢管welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋centripetal canting pull rope 带板band plate槽钢胀圈channel steel expansion ring环口collar extension局部变形local distortion环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate拱顶vault顶板加强肋stiffening rib对接butt joint胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls中心支架center bearing bracket 椭圆度ovality等分线bisectrix搭接宽度lap width点焊spot welding搭接焊overlap welding对称symmetrically螺旋爬梯cockle stairs放料阀baiting valve液位计content gauge芬兰维萨拉Vailsla OY美国美科"Met-coil, USA"集中式空调系统centralized air conditioning system 裙房annex热源heat source平面位置的空间space of planimetric position密封性能sealing performance机房machine room节点timing专业"profession or discipline 都可以,要根据上下文" 连体法兰coupling flange垂直井笼vertical well cage变风量variable air rate施工面展开construction unfolds违约行为noncompliance合同交底- contract presentation管理承包商Management Contractor party工程量work amount实施的形象进度progress of implementation完工资料as-built documentation文整clear-up审核review汽车式起重机Autocrane深化图纸deepen drawing设备配置计划equipment furnishment plan结构预埋配合阶段Structure pre-embedment assistance stage精装修阶段Fine fitment stage工程施工阶段Construction stage工程竣工阶段Completion stage台钻Bench drill冲击钻Churn drill手电钻Electric portable drill砂轮切割机Abrasive cutting off machine角钢卷圆机Angle iron rolling machine管道切断器Pipe cutting machine铜管调直机Copper pipe straightening machine 管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes 管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes 角向磨光机Angle polishing machine电动套丝机Electric threading machine电动卷扬机Electric winch电动试压泵Motor-driven pressure test pump手动试压泵Manual pressure test pump阀门试压机Valve pressure test device阀门试压机Valve pressure test deviceTDC(F)风管加工流水线TDC(F)air ductwork fabrication stream line等离子切割机Plasma cutting machineTDC(F)法兰条成型机TDC(F) flange strip shaping mill勾码成型机Forming machine for flange clampTDC(F)风管加工成型机TDC(F) duct fabrication shaping mill多普勒超声波流量检测仪Doppler ultrasonic flow detector 温、湿度传感器"Temperature, humidity senor"精密声级计Precision sound level meter风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置"Duct air leakage tester, airchamber air leakage testing device"风罩式风量测试仪Air hood air rate tester微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪"Micromanometer , pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) anemoscope"潜水泵Submerged pump电动弯管机Electric pipe bender铜管弯管机Copper pipe bender液压弯管机Hydraulic pipe bender 电动剪刀Electric clipper液压铆钉钳Hydraulic riveting clamp 线槽电锯Trunking electric saw开孔器Tapper电动空压机Electric air compressor 液压千斤顶Hydraulic jack液压手推车Hydraulic trolley焊条烘干箱Welding rod drying box 手拉葫芦Chain block道(垫)木Sleeper转速表Tachometer电流钳型表Clip-style ammeter压力表Pressure gauge接地电阻测试仪Earthing resistance testing device 氧气表Oxygen gauge乙炔表Acetylene gauge对讲机Walkie talkie文件和资料documents and information?建设单位Construction unit安装单位Installation unit。



建筑学专业英语翻译1.1新建筑时代的文化融合Since the 1990s, China has obviously speeded up its steps to open the architectural field to the outside world. That is fully testified by its extensive adoption of the petition mechanism,introducing international bidding for some important constructions. As a result, visions of domesticarchitects have been expanded, their mentality updated, and a number of prominent masterworks created.The successful bidding for quite a few major projects by foreign architects marks the beginning of China's accession into the international munity in the architectural sector.自20世纪90年代开始,中国明显加快了向世界开放建筑领域的步伐,此事通过中国广泛采纳竞争机制,为一些重要建筑引入国际招标可以得到充分证实。



Just like the country's accession into the World Trade Organization, which originally provoked controversies among some Chinese people who worried aboutabout the fate of the domestic en- terprises, only a temporary sacrifice of domestic architectural sectors can create chances for theirfuture success in ever-increasing international petitions. 正如中国加入世界贸易组织一样,一些中国人担心国企业的命运,只是暂时牺牲国建筑行业,在不断增加的国际竞争中创造未来的成功几会。



建筑工程专业英语词汇(1)建设建筑,修建to build, to con struct 建筑学architecture 修筑,建筑物buildi ng 房子house 摩天大楼skyscraper 公寓楼block of flats (美作:apartment block)纪念碑monument 宫殿palace 庙宇temple皇宫,教堂basilica 大教堂cathedral 教堂church 塔塔楼tower 十层办公大楼ten-storey office block柱column 柱列colonnade 拱arch 市政town planning (美作:city planning)营建许可证,建筑开工许可证buildi ng permissi on绿地greenbelt 建筑物的三面图elevati on设计图plan 比例尺scale 预制toprefabricate 挖土,掘土excavation 基foundations, base, subgrade 打地基to laythe foundations 砌好的砖歹U course ofbricks 脚手架scaffold, scaffolding 质量合格证书certificatio n of fitn ess原材料raw material 底板bottom plate 垫层cushion 侧壁sidewall 中心线center line 条形基础strip foot ing 附件accessories 型辛钢profile steel 钢板steel plate 熔渣slag 飞溅welding spatter 定位焊tacking 弓丨耳弧generating of arc 建筑工程专业英语词汇(2)充水试验filli ng water test 错边量unfitness of butt joint 底圈foundation ring 真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test 丁字焊缝tee welding 渗透探伤oil whiti ng test 充水试验filli ng water test 内侧角焊缝接头interior angle welding line joi nt 基础沉降foundation settlement 测量基准点datum mark 稳定性试验stability test 排气阀outlet valve 角钢angle steel 构件component part 机械损伤mecha ni cal damage 缩孑L shrinkage cavity 折迭enfoldment 碳钢管carb on steel tube 公称直径nominal diameter 预埋件embedded part 轴测图axonometric drawing 布置图arrangement diagram 氧乙炔气割oxyacetyle ne gas cutt ing 低合金钢管low alloy steel 热影响区heat affected area 修磨polish 砂轮片grinding wheel 等离子plasma panel 重皮coldlap 凹凸unevenness 缩口necking down 端面head face 倾斜偏差dip deviation 夕卜径external diameter 砂轮grinding wheel 管件pipe casting 单线图single line drawing 平齐parallel and level 两端two terminals 满扣buckle 螺栓紧固bolt on熄弧quenching of arc 焊道welding bead 坡口beveled edges 夕卜观检查visual in spect ion 重皮double-skin 水平方向弧度radia n in horiz on tai directio n成型molding直线度straightness accuracy 焊缝角变形welding line angular distortio n水平度levelness 铅垂度verticality 翘曲变形buckli ng deformation 角尺angle square 对接焊缝butt weld 母材pare nt metal 法兰密圭寸面flange seali ng surface夹层in terlayer 表面锈蚀浓度surface corrosion concen trati on挠曲变bending deformation 超声波探伤ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic exam in ati on压力容器pressure vessel 预制下料prefabricati on bait ing 排版直径set-typediameter 焊缝welding line 中幅板centerplate 测量方法measuri ng method 基准点datum mark 跳焊skip welding 允许偏差allowable variati on 补强板stiffening plate开孑L tapping对接接头banjo fixing butt jointing 角钢angle iron安装基准圆in stallati on fun dame ntal circle吊装立柱hoisti ng upright colu mn 焊接钢管welded steel pipe 向心斜拉筋cen tripetalcanting pull rope带板band plate 槽钢胀圈cha nnel steelexpa nsion ring 环口collar extension 局部变形local distortion 周边periphery 附加应力additio nal stress 同轴度axiality 平行度parallelism 随机stochastic 允许偏差allowable variati on 重直度verticality 水平度levelness 隔离盲板bli nd plate 氩弧焊argon arc welding 压盖螺栓gla nd bolt 间距spaci ng 有效期period of validity 担任take charge of undertake 焊条welding rod 碳钢焊条carbon steel 焊丝welding wire 熔化焊melting 钢丝steel wire 气体保护焊gas shielded arc weldi ng 烘干drying 清洗ablution 制度s ystem 焊接工艺weld ing procedure 相应corresponding 手工电弧焊manual electric arc weldi ng 手工钨极man ual tun gste n electrode 打底render 电源power source 交流alternating current 焊件weldment 管壁厚度pipe thick ness 对接焊缝butt weld 工件壁厚workpiece 飞溅物splash 沾污smirch 油污oil stain 细锉smooth file 铳刀milling cutter 氧化膜oxide film 脱脂处理un grease treatme nt] 棉质纤维cotton fibre 丙酮acet one 硫sulfur环缝circumferential weld顶板top plate 拱顶vault 顶板加强肋stiffening rib 对接butt joint 胎具clamping fixture卷板机plate bending rolls 中心支架cen terbeari ng bracket 椭圆度ovality 等分线bisectrix 搭接宽度lap width 点焊spotwelding 搭接焊overlap welding 对称symmetrically 螺旋爬梯cockle stairs 放料阀baiting valve 液位计content gauge 芬兰维萨拉Vailsla OY 美国美科"Met-coil, USA" 集中式空调系统centralized air con diti oning system裙房annex 热源heat source 平面位置的空间space of planimetric positi on密圭寸性能seali ng performa nee机房machine room 节点timing专业"profession or discipline 都可以,要根据上下文”连体法兰coupli ng flange 垂直井笼verticalwell cage 变风量variable air rate 施工面展开con struct ion un folds 违约行为non complia nee合同交底-contract presentation 管理承包商Manageme nt Con tractor party工程量work amount实施的形象进度progress of impleme ntation完工资料as-built docume ntatio n文整clear-up 审核review 汽车式起重机Autocra ne 深化图纸deepe n draw ing焊齐U welding flux 钢板steel plate 纵向焊缝Iongitudi nal weld Ion gitudi nal seam 筒节shell ring 圭寸头end socket 卷管reelpipe 强度试验stre ngth test 起弧arc starting 穿堂风draught 熔合fusion 反面reverse side 整体integral 圭寸堵block up 焊口weld bond 医用胶布medical proof fabric 高频high frequency 焊炬welding torch建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(4)综合分析判断comprehensive analysis and judgeme nt变压器transformer 扌由芯loose core 过道aisle三相电容three phase capacitanee 芯棒core rod都市规划与土地开发Urban g and Land Developme nt社区开发及工业区开发Community Development and Industry Park Developme nt开发许可申请Developme nt Permit土地使用变更计划La nd Use Rezo ning Pla n 主要计划及细部计划Master Plan and Detail Pla n都市计划更新计划Urban Ren ewal Pla n都市设施Urban Desig n 建筑设施Architecture Desig n 大地工程Geotech ni cal Engin eeri ng 工址调查Site In vestigati on 现地试验与室内试验In-Situ and Laboratory Test 基础工程Foun dati on Desig n设备配置计戈U equipment furnishment pla n结构预埋配合阶段Structure pre-embedme nt assista neestage精装修阶段Fi ne fitme nt stage 工程施工阶段Con struct ion stage 工程竣工阶段Completio n stage 台钻Bench drill 冲击钻Churn drill手电钻Electric portable drill 砂轮切割机Abrasive cutt ing off mach ine 角钢卷圆机An gle iron rolli ng mach ine 管道切断器Pipe cutt ing mach ine 铜管调直机Copperpipe straighteningmach ine管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes管道压槽机Book joint setting machine for pipes角向磨光机An gle polishi ng mach ine 电动套丝机Electric threadi ng mach ine 电动卷扬机Electric winch电动试压泵Motor-drive n pressure test pump手动试压泵Manual pressure test pump 阀门试压机Valve pressure test device 阀门试压机Valve pressure test device TDC(F)风管加工流水线TDC(F)air ductwork fabricati onstream line等离子切割机Plasma cutt ing mach ine TDC(F)法兰条成型机TDC(F) flange strip shap ing mill勾码成型机Forming machine for flange clampTDC(F)风管加工成型机TDC(F) duct fabrication shaping mill多普勒超声波流量检测仪Doppler ultras onic flow detector温、湿度传感器"Temperature, humidity sen or"精密声级计Precisi on sound level meter 风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置"Duct airleakagetester, airchamber air leakage testing深开挖工程及建物保护Deep Excavation and Building Protection新生地及软弱地层改良Reclamation and Soft Ground Improveme nt山坡地开发与水土保持Slope land Developme nt, Soil and Water Con servati on 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道Shield Tunnel and RockTu nnel大地工程施工顾问Geotech nical Co nstructio n Con sulta nt土壤材料试验Soil and Material结构工程Structural Engin eeri ng 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构Structures of R.C.,Prestressed Con crete, Steel, and SRC 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavatio ns桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强BridgeIn spect ion, Assessme nt, and Rehabilitati on 钢结构细部设计及制造图Steel Structural Detail Desig n and Shop Draw ings 厂房工程In dustrial Pla nt工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房In dustrialPlants--Petroleum and Chemical, Steel, Power, Gas, High-Tech nical and Gen eral Pla nts 环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线Environment Protecting Plants--Incineration Plants, Garbage Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Pipi ng System设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台Equipme nt Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating Platforms设备基础Equipme nt Foun dati ons 厂区一般土木及公共设施Ge neral Civil Works and Utilities of Pla nts运输工程Tran sportati on Engin eeri ng 运输规戈U Transportation Planning停车场设施工程规划、设计Engineering Planning & Desig n for Parking Facilities建筑交通维持计划Traffic Co ntrol &device"风卓式风量测试仪Air hood air rate tester微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪"Microma no meter ,pitot tube, hot bulb (electrical)an emoscope"潜水泵Submerged pump 电动弯管机Electric pipe ben der 铜管弯管机Copper pipe ben der 液压弯管机Hydraulic pipe ben der 电动剪刀Electric clipper 液压铆钉钳Hydraulic rivet ing clamp 线槽电锯Trunking electric saw 开孑L器Tapper 电动空压机Electric air compressor 液压千斤顶Hydraulic jack 液压手推车Hydraulic trolley 焊条烘干箱Weldi ng rod dryi ng box 手拉胡户Chai n block 道(垫)木Sleeper 转速表Tachometer 电流钳型表Clip-style ammeter 压力表Pressure gauge 接地电阻测试仪Earth ing resista nee testi ng device氧气表Oxygen gauge 乙炔表Acetylene gauge 对讲机Walkie talkie 文件和资料docume nts and in formati on? 建设单位Con struct ion un it 安装单位In stallation unitz 建筑工程专业英语词汇翻译(3)送气air supply 电流衰减装置curre nt atte nu ati on 气体延时保护装置time delay熄弧quenching of arc 成型molding 钢印代号steel seal 质量分析quality an alysis 负责人principal 审批examine and approve 补焊工艺repair weldi ng 压缩机compression pump 平焊法兰welded flan ge 测试流程图test flow chart Man ageme nt duri ng Con struct ion水利及港湾工程Hydraulic and Harbor Engin eeri ng营建管理Con struct ion Man ageme nt估价及工程预算制作Estimates and Engin eeri ng Budget Works营建管理Con struct ion Man ageme nt 工程监造Con struct ion Supervisi on 施工计划Con struction Pla n 工程进度控管Schedule Control during Con struct ion施工规戈U Con struct ion Specificati ons 环境工程En viro nmen tal Engin eeri ng 环境影响评估Environment ImpactAssessme nt环境监测En viro nmen tal Mon itori ng地下水监测系统Grou ndwater Mon itori ng污水处理厂Wastewater Treatme nt Pla nt 污水下水道Sewage System 噪音振动防治Noise and Vibratio n垃圾焚化厂兴建工程Waste Incin erator废弃物处理系统工程Waste Treatment & Disposal共同管道Com mon Ducts管道及附属设施之规划设计Planning and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary Facilities经济效益分析Economic and Efficiency An alysis财务评估Fi nan cial Evaluation 管理维护办法及组织订定Regulation for the Man ageme nt. Maintenance and Orga ni zati on电力复合脂electric force compo un ded grease 电缆敷设cable layi ng 电缆槽架cable channel主干线trunk line 弯头angle fitting 录9落处exfoliation 银粉aluminum powder 支持点support point 拆装disassembly and assembly 畅通smooth 电压等级electric pressure 通断实验on off加固措施rei nforceme nt measure 校验verify 升压boost pressure 读数off scale reading 满刻度值full-scale value 盲板blind plate 压力表pressure meter 强度intensity 目测eye survey, visiual inspection 半径radius 公式formula 管路pipeline 严密性leakproofness 导电膏conductive paste 压接compression joint 地上连接overgr ound 埋深buried depth 接地线earth wire 说明description 分线盒junction box 接地装置earth ing deivce 交叉across 塑料保护管protection tube 塑料带plastic tape 防腐处理preservative treatme nt 接地极earthing pole 接地电阻测试earth resista nee 防雷接地light ning protect ion 遵守comply with 避雷网light ning conduction 引下线down lead 搭接焊overlap welding 避雷针lightning rod 镀锌制品zinc coat ing 断接卡break ing of con tact 电阻resista nee 配电装置power distribution equipment 集中接地装置cen tralized串联cascade connection 干线联接main line 并歹U paratactic 单独solely 机组machine set 终端头terminals 余度remaining 标记牌notice plate 表册statistical forms 电缆桥架cable test ing bridge 电机electric machine 相对湿度relative humidity 杂物sun dries 耐压试验withstand voltage test 照明器具ligth ing parapher nalia 铭牌nameplate 验收规范accepta nee specificati on 接线wire splice 试运test run 进线口incoming line 带电electrified 盘车转子jigger rotor 二次回路sec ondary circuit 中心线center line 触头contactor 配电power distribution 成套whole set 楼板floor slab 备件duplicate part, spare part 包装packing 器材equipment 导线con duct ing wire 脱落fall off 规范specification 电器electrical applianee 断路器line breaker 机械联锁mecha ni cal in terlock ing 碰撞collision 轻便portable。



A very long time ago, far away in China, a villager living along the banks of the Yellow River built a simple mud hut to shelter hisfamily. Thousands of years later in the year 1420, the empire’s best craftsmen put the final touches on the ultimate masterpiece of Chinese architecture --- the Temple of Heaven.“Chinese buildings evolved from simple shelters into complex magnificent structures with great swooping roofs, stately columns, and rich detail.”Between this simple mud hut and this amazingly complex structure--- its every detail full with cosmological symbolism--- is a tale of emperors, monks, scholars and genius craftsmen--- a story which explains an architectural tradition of great beauty and flexibility. And to start this story at the beginning, we have to leap back two millennia, to when the brilliant tyrant QinShihuang becomes the first emperor of a unified China.In 1938, an American fighter pilot flying over a remote part of China, spotted giant pyramid-like structures below. In his excitement he took a photo and declared to the world that he had discovered a lost civilization. What he discovered, however, weren’t pyramids, but massive tomb mounds. And the grandest of them all was the tomb of the man who unified China.“Our story begins with the tomb of QinShihuang the first emperor of China, who lived 200 years before Christ.”A brilliant warrior and tactician, he annihilated all his rival states and created the imperial system which survived until the year 1904. And the grandeur of his tomb matched that of his ambitions:For more than thirty years he used 700,000 workers--- probably more manpower than the pharaohs had assembled to built the pyramids--- to re-construct his kingdom in the private underground world of his tomb, with palaces and courts for a hundred officials, rooms containing countless gems, rivers of mercury and candles which would never burn out. They sat you can’t take it with you, but QinShihuang sure tried. “His tomb was guarded by hundreds of terracotta warriors, but just as fascinating were the clay model houses that were found inside his tomb.”Because of their belief that people had to provide for their ancestors in death, the early Chinese buried their deceased with clay models of the structures they depended on in life- granaries, houses, watchtowers and the like. These 2000 year-old models are the only surviving examples of early Chinese wooden architecture, and from them we can see how houses were constructed around the time of the first emperor. These models show a type of wooden house that incredibly can still be seen today.So why did the ancient Chinese build in wood rather than stone, like the ancient Europeans? The availability of wood in the extensive forests of early China was no doubt a major factor. The ancient Chinese did know how to build with stone, and how to use the arch…and they used the arch extensively for tombs, gates and bridges. However they rejected the stone arch for building houses, temples and palaces.To see why we can again find clue from the tomb of the fiest emperor. Archaeologists recently excavated from the tomb a 2000 year-old sword that is still sharp as a razor.The reason it is still sharp is because it is coated with chrome- a fact that may not seem too amazing until you realize that chromium wasn’t invented until 1938- the same year the tombs were spotted by that American pilot.This means is that the ancient Chinese developed incrediblemetal-working skills very early in their history, and so they had metal woodworking tools at a very early date.Stone can be used to fashion and work stone, as early Britons must have done to build Stonehenge. But iron tools were necessary for wood carving and joinery. And with such tools, however primitive, wood construction was much easier than construction in stone.Western cultures began their architecture without iron tools. So they started in stone and brick and continued building with these materials. The Chinese, on the other hand, began building with wood and continued to do so for 6000 years, starting with the basic Chinese house which was first developed on the flood plain of the yellow river.In areas prone to flooding, this structure was raised on pilings. In the central yellow river valley of China it rested on solid platform.Stone bases for each column, twice the diameter of the column, were placed on this platform, then the column raised on top of this.So, the elevation of a Chinese building has three elements: the podium underneath, the columns in between and big roof resting on top of the columns. Four columns form what is called a bay; groups of bays then form the different types of buildings. From the earliest times the Chinese separated the supporting from the enclosing elements of a building. This meant the interior columns supported the roof weight completely, while the walls were just for privacy and protection from the elements.In a country plagued by powerful earthquakes, the Chinese didn’t build solid walls, which could be cracked and rent apart by an upheaval of the earth’s crust, but rather they built flexible structures without using glue or nails. These structures could ride the heaving earth like a boat, shifting and settling back, with the platform acting almost like a raft.Heavy roofs with tiles were supported by columns built of white fir which was four times stronger than steel, and six times more flexible than concrete.It was the beginning of an architecture of great beauty, elegance and practicality.The first feature of a Chinese building that usually impresses a visitor is the elegant, sweeping and seemingly gigantic roof.Western architecture, with its spires and Greek columns - and more recently skyscrapers –usually emphasizes the vertical. And since the introduction of concrete, steel and glass, modern Western architecture has remained a vertical architecture of walls, facades, and invisible roofs. Chinese architecture offers a delightful contrast. The most expressive element is the roof, with its great curving slope, and the emphasis is on the horizontal. The approaching pedestrian can see the whole roof, even as he begins to enter the building.While Europeans built their roofs using a truss system incorporating diagonal beams, the Chinese used a post and beam system; there are no diagonals. The stepped shape allowed for the curvature of the roof. Using this system roofs could be expanded to create buildings of impressive scale.The height of a building has never equaled status in China. In the year 1747, the emperor Qianlong commissioned European missionaries to design a summer palace in "the manner of European Barbarians". The emperor had them build a two-story facade in front of traditionalone-story Chinese halls, because the emperor had no wish 'to live in the air' like Europeans who, as the emperor commented 'must be very poverty-stricken and lack land' to live in such a fashion.Instead of height, the rank and importance of Chinese building is determined by the roof design. One can see that this temple was patronized by the imperial family by the yellow diamond on the roof. Elaborate roof ornaments also denote the importance of a building. The part that looks like the tail of a fish at either end of the main ridge is known as the ridge-devouring beast: the mythical son of the Sea dragon, able to whip up waves and create rain. These ornaments were in fact symbolic fire extinguishers.Along the sloping ridge there might also be a string of smaller animals: nine for imperial buildings, with the number of animals decreasing as the importance of the building decreases. Often found sitting on the corner is this evil prince riding on a hen, which represents a legendary tyrant who was cruel to his people. He is fated to suffer the elements for all eternity.Not just heavy with symbolic meaning, the actual physical weight of a Chinese roof is enormous-around four times the weight of a traditional western tiled roof. Roofs were covered with heavy glazed tiles-typically gray, but sometimes also quite colorful; blue, green, and in the Forbidden City, they are glazed an imperial yellow. The columns that hold these enormous roofs had to be stout. As protection from weather and termites, the pillars were often painted with lacquer or an oil and hemp mixture which had brick dust mixed into it; from this came the custom of painting the columns a bold red color, which later of course became symbolic of good fortune.The heavy tiled roofs would seem to require a dense forest of columns to support them. But the Chinese secret of supporting a heavy roof on only a few columns is ingenious. The columns bear this enormous weight roofs with the assistance of brackets."In western architecture, much of the complexity of a building is in its foundation. In the East, it's in a complicated pyramidal system of brackets and crossbeams designed to hold a heavy tiled roof, and which give it its characteristic curves shape. This ingenious system is called duo gong, and its elements are fundamentally quite simple. It's made up of brackets which sit on top of columns, and into which are fitted crossbeams.They have three parts - the Duo, a block, like a capital, placed at the top of a column. The gong, a bracket placed across the top of the deng, and the spacers between them, called the sheng. "The degree of complexity is wonderful, with brackets locking together like a Chinese puzzle without any nails or glue. With these duogong the Chinese could extend the roof overhand, without having to building more and more columns inside.To extend the overhang even further, the Chinese devised a clever solution. The roof overhang is one end of a kind of see-saw. Its weight is counterbalanced by the weight of the center of the roof, at the other end of the see-saw, on the fulcrum of just one column. This device, called an ang, lets one column to do the work of three, And makes the heavy tiled roof seem to float in mid-air.Heavy roofs create what is known as 'shear stress' . The Europeans built "flying buttresses" to bear the enormous stress created by a cathedral dome. The Chinese on the other hand used brackets at the joints of frames to carry this shear stress down through the brackets and columns into the ground. Increasingly complex bracketing accompanied ever larger, more complex multi-leveled roofs: which came in a myriad of shapes and sizes."A standardized system of architectural measurement was established in the year 1103, with the publication of Li Chieh's Methods and forms of architecture, a treatise adopted throughout the vast, yet centralized, empire.This book defined the basic units of measurement as standardized sizes of the duogong bracket arms. Depending on the size of the bracket was determined the size of every other element in the building: such as the thickness and height of the columns. This standard survived into modern times.These rules of Chinese architecture governed not only the construction of an individual buildings but also the planning of the layout of a town, a temple, or a palace complex. Ancient Chinese Shamans oriented buildings according to the dictates of feng shui, or wind and water a way of determining mystical forces flowing through the earth. The principles of feng shui were turned into rules used to align man-made structures harmoniously with the currents of the earth's forces, known as chi. These rules controlled siting, ground plan, decoration, and even color. Although steeped in ancient Chinese animistic religion, most of these seemingly mystical rules have their origin in a few simple and practical facts about the climate of central China.China is situated in the temperate zone, with a southwest prevailing wind. By orienting buildings to the south or southeast, the Chinese take advantage of the warmth winds and sunshine from the south to provide people living in halls and courtyards with a pleasant micro-climate. Not only buildings faced south but also cities, palaces and tombs.Ancient Chinese shamans found the directions with the aid of a sinan: history's first magnetic compass. The pointer, shaped like a spoon, was made out of magnetic lodestone. It sits within a circle to represent heaven, and on a square plate representing earth.。



专英题型1.短语英译汉2*5=102.短语汉译英2*5=103.句子英译汉4*2+5*2+6*2=304.段落汉译英10*1=105.完形填空2*5=106.单选2*5=107.作文20*1=20A CITY IS NOT A TREE城市并非树形(城市不是树形结构)CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER 克里斯托弗.亚历山大Unit 01Section 1Intensive readingPart Ⅰ不少设计师十分推崇并尝试在设计中结合那些能够反映根本的人类心理、精神需求和文化价值观的建成环境要求。



值得注意的是:他挑出来在下文中进行攻击的8个“树形”规划是二十世纪最受尊重、最富盛名的规划方案的代表,包括勒.柯布西耶基于其建造一个现代城市的理论而为印度昌迪加尔新区做的规划;还包括保罗. 索莱尔的位于亚利桑那沙漠中梅萨市的空想巨型结构。









建筑英语翻译篇一:建筑类英文及翻译外文原文出处:Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering, 1, Volume 10, Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting, Pages 329-342补充垂直支撑对建筑物抗震加固摘要:大量的钢筋混凝土建筑物在整个世界地震活跃地区有共同的缺陷。





















建筑学课程英文翻译素描Sketch画法几何Descriptive Geometry建筑设计初步Introduction of Architecture Design 英语English高等数学A Advanced Mathematics A毛泽东思想概论Introduction of Mao Zedong's Thought 试唱与练声Audition and Singing建筑设计Architecture Design法律基础Legal Basis邓小平理论概论 Intro duction of Deng Xiaoping’s theory建筑力学Engineering Mechanics室内设计Interior Design广告学Advertisement建筑结构选型Building Structure Selection 城市规划原理Principles of Urban Planning 中国古典园林Chinese Traditional Garden专业外语Professional English建筑节能Building Energy Saving建筑物理Architectural physics建筑施工技术经济管理 Architectural Economics 城市空间结构组织Spatial Structure of Urban Space 建筑构造Architectural Construction 工程测量Engineering Surveying中国古代建筑装饰Decorating Art of Traditional Chinese Architecture室内设计发展史History of Interior Design 高层建筑设计原理Principles of High Rising Buildings 体育Physical Education思想品德修养Ideology and Morality of Accomplishment 计算机基础Computer Basic马克思主义哲学原理Philosophy of Marxism阴影透视Shade Shadow Perspective形势与政策 Situation and Policy马克思主义政治经济学原理Principles of Marxism Political Economics FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language色彩Gouache Painting建筑材料Civil Engineering Materials建筑设计原理Principles of Building Design 军训Military Training 西方经济学概论Introduction of Western Economics 中国建筑史History of Chinese Architecture 美术史History of Art计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design建筑结构Building Structure建筑构图原理Principles of Architectural Composition外国建筑史History of Foreign Architecture 建筑美学Esthetics of Architecture建筑防火Building Fire Protection大学生心理卫生Students' Psychological Health 建筑施工Civil Engineering Construction 城市园林绿地规划Planning of Urban Garden and Park 建筑设备Building Equipment洁净建筑设计原理Renovation of Architecture Elevation 宗教建筑发展史History of Sacred Buildings 室内空间设计方法Design method of Interior space 近现代建筑人物与介绍Introduction of Modern Architects 城市经济Urban Economy下面是赠送的保安部制度范本,不需要的可以编辑删除谢谢!保安部工作制度一、认真贯彻党的路线、方针政策和国家的法津法觃,按照####年度目标的要求,做好####的安全保卫工作,保护全体人员和公私财物的安全,保持####正常的经营秩序和工作秩序。







1.Civil engineering –土木工程学Civil engineering is a discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment, including buildings, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.2.Architecture –建筑学Architecture is the art and science of designing and building structures, such as buildings and bridges.3.Planning –规划Planning is the process of making a detailed plan or layout for a project, including determining what resources will be needed to complete the project.4.Surveying –测量Surveying is the process of measuring and mapping the surface of the Earth, including land, water bodies, and buildings.5.Structural engineering –结构工程Structural engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the design and analysis of structures, such as buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure.6.Geotechnical engineering –岩土工程Geotechnical engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the study of soil and rock mechanics, and the design and construction of structures that are built on or in the ground.7.Transportation engineering –交通运输工程Transportation engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that dealswith the design and construction of transportation infrastructure, such as roads, highways, and airports.8.Hydrology –水文学Hydrology is the study of water and its movement on the surface of the Earth, including precipitation, streams, rivers, and groundwater.9.Water resources engineering –水资源工程Water resources engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the study of water resources and the design and construction of structures that manage and distribute water, including dams, reservoirs, and water treatment plants.10.Environmental engineering –环境工程Environmental engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering that deals with the study of environmental engineering principles and the design and construction of structures that protect the environment, such as water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants.11.Construction –建造Construction refers to the process of building structures from design plans and specifications.12.Industrial engineering –工业工程Industrial engineering is a discipline that deals with the optimization of complex processes, systems, and organizations, with the goal of improving efficiency, productivity, and safety.13.Quantity surveying –工程测量Quantity surveying is the process of determining the quantity, cost, and value of materials needed to complete a construction project.14.Building –建筑物Building refers to a structure that is built for a specific purpose, such as a house, office building, or factory.15.Foundation –基础Foundation refers to the part of a structure that is in direct contact with the ground and supports the weight of the structure.16.Reinforcement –钢筋加固Reinforcement refers to the process of adding materials, such as steel bars, to strengthen a structure.17.Retaining wall –挡土墙A retaining wall is a structure that is built to support soil and prevent it from sliding down a slope.18.Roadway –道路A roadway is a paved surface that is designed for vehicles and pedestrians to travel on.19.Bridge –桥梁A bridge is a structure that is built to span a physical obstacle, such as a river or gorge, and provide a safe means of transportation.20.Culvert –排水管A culvert is a structure that is built to allow water to pass under a roadway or other structure.21.Dam –水坝A dam is a structure that is built to control the flow of water and to provide water for human consumption, irrigation, and hydroelectric power.22.Pile –桩A pile is a foundation support structure that is driven into the ground to supporta structure.23.Slab –地板A slab is a flat, horizontal surface that is used as a flooring material or to supporta structure.24.Tunnel –隧道A tunnel is an underground structure that is built for transportation, utilities, or other purposes.25.Asphalt –沥青Asphalt is a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid that is used as a binder for paving materials.以上就是土木工程类英文专业词汇的介绍,这些专业词汇对于在土木工程领域中工作或学习的人来说都是非常重要的。







建筑术语1. ArchitectureDefinition: The art and science of designing and constructing buildings. Translation: 建筑学2. BlueprintDefinition: A detailed plan or design of a building, showing the dimensions, materials, and layout.Translation: 蓝图3. ColumnDefinition: A vertical structural element that supports the weight of a building and transmits it to the ground.Translation: 柱子4. FoundationDefinition: The lowest part of a building’s structure, which supports the weight of the entire building and transfers it to the ground.Translation: 基础5. FacadeDefinition: The front-facing exterior of a building.Translation: 建筑立面6. RoofDefinition: The top covering of a building, which protects it from weather elements. Translation: 屋顶7. BeamDefinition: A horizontal structural element that supports the weight of a building, transferring it to the vertical columns or walls.Translation: 梁8. FloorplanDefinition: A scale diagram of a building’s interior, showing the arrangement of rooms, walls, and other features.Translation: 平面图9. StairsDefinition: A series of steps that allows movement between different levels of a building.Translation: 楼梯10. ConstructionDefinition: The process of building or assembling structures.Translation: 建筑施工建筑师相关术语1. ArchitectDefinition: A professional who designs buildings and oversees their construction. Translation: 建筑师2. Architectural DesignDefinition: The process of conceptualizing and creating a building design. Translation: 建筑设计3. Site AnalysisDefinition: The evaluation of a site’s characteristics, such as topography and surrounding environment, to inform the design process.Translation: 环境分析4. Sustainable DesignDefinition: Design that considers environmental impact and resource efficiency. Translation: 可持续设计5. Building CodeDefinition: Regulations and standards that govern the design and construction of buildings to ensure safety and compliance.Translation: 建筑法规6. Construction DocumentsDefinition: Detailed drawings and specifications that provide instructions for the construction of a building.Translation: 施工文件7. Structural EngineerDefinition: A professional who specializes in designing and analyzing the structural elements of a building.Translation: 结构工程师8. Interior DesignDefinition: The art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a functional and aesthetically pleasing space.Translation: 室内设计9. Building Information Modeling (BIM)Definition: A digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building, used for design and construction.Translation: 建筑信息模型10. Project ManagementDefinition: The planning, coordination, and control of a project, from inception to completion.Translation: 项目管理总结本文介绍了一些常用的建筑术语和建筑师相关术语的英文翻译。

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建筑学专业英语翻译1.1 新建筑时代的文化融合Since the 1990s, China has obviously speeded up its steps to open the architectural field to the outside world. That is fully testified by its extensive adoption of the competition mechanism,introducing international bidding for some important constructions. As a result, visions of domestic architects have been expanded, their mentality updated, and a number of prominent masterworks created.The successful bidding for quite a few major projects by foreign architects marks the beginning of China's accession into the international community in the architectural sector. 自20世纪90年代开始,中国明显加快了向世界开放建筑领域的步伐,此事通过中国广泛采纳竞争机制,为一些重要建筑引入国际招标可以得到充分证实。



Just like the country's accession into the World Trade Organization, which originally provoked controversies among some Chinese people who worried aboutabout the fate of the domestic en- terprises, only a temporary sacrifice of domestic architectural sectors can create chances for theirfuture success in ever-increasing international competitions. 正如中国加入世界贸易组织一样,一些中国人担心国内企业的命运,只是暂时牺牲国内建筑行业,在不断增加的国际竞争中创造未来的成功几会。

We still remember the words sighed out by a participating Chinese group of architects after the first round of review of the designing bidding for the National Center for the Performing Arts. "We admit our inferiority to foreign competitors," they said. 我们还记得一个参与国家表演艺术中心投标的中国团队的建筑师们在第一轮审查之后的叹气。


Paul Andreu, a renowned French architects, finally won the tender of the project. In its following layout improvements and construction, a lot of Chinese architects were involved. Such kinds of interactions and cooperation with foreign architects are undoubtedly helpful for our domesticcounterparts.保罗安德鲁,法国著名建筑师,最终赢得了该项目的投标。



The Water Cube, the National swimming center especially built for the Beijing Olympics, was also the product of cooperation between Chinese and foreign architects. But the designing inspi- ration of the marvelous building originally came from our Chinese architects and it won a prize in the 2004 biennial architecture exhibition held in Venice. This was a persuasive example that Chinese architects, once integrated into international environment, can also come up with world-class works.国家游泳中心水立方,特别为北京奥运会而建,也是中外建筑师合作的产物。



Another example is the Tianjin-based 350 meter-high Sinosteel International Plaza. Chinese architect Ma Yansong overpowered competitors in the competitive international bidding for the building.另一个例子是天津的高350米的中钢国际大厦。


Architecture is a kind of art, which knows no national boundary. The successful tenders for Chinese projects by foreign architects in recent years are mostly the world's fist-class ones. Just artists, modern architects hate to imitate other's works. Creativity and uniqueness are ultimate pursuit for world's top architects and duplication is regarded to be the work of commonplace craftsmen.众所周知,建筑是一种无国界的艺术。




There is no doubt that the beauty of the modern arts, including architecture, is not the synonym for a new, unique or bizarre appearance, but modern aesthetics often contains these elements.毫无疑问,包含建筑学的现代艺术的美,不是新的、独特的或奇异的外观的代名词,但现代美学往往包含这些元素。

The well-known Sydney Opera House the paramount masterpiece among a lot of excellent post- modern architectures. Its new-type architectural style and inspiring shape have received encomi- ums from across the world. The 30-year-oldarchitecture was listed by the United Nations as a human heritage, marking itself as the youngest human heritage among the world’s architectures.著名的悉尼歌剧院是众多优秀的后现代建筑中最重要的杰作。



Over the past decade, hundreds of China’s architectures have been erected with the designs of foreign architects. Among these high-rise constructions, some are worth praising. They include the towering Jinmou Mansion in Shanghai Pudong New Area. The inspiration for the skyscraper comes from the shape of Chinese ancient pagodas.在过去的十年中,数百个由外国建筑师设计的中国建筑耸立起来。



Ren Koolhaas, chief designer of the China Central Television twin towers, like Jacques Herzog, designer of the Bird's Nest, the National Stadium as the venue of the Beijing Olympics track and field items, is a winner of the renowned Pritzker Architecture Prize. The successful connection of the twin towers' heavy cantilevers steel-structure can be a new breakthrough in the history of human architecture.雷姆.库晗斯是中国中央电视台双塔的首席设计师,正如贾可赫尔佐格是作为北京奥运会田径项目比赛扬地的国家体育馆鸟巢的设计师,是著名的普利茨克建筑奖得玉之一。
