对我来说,张国荣的离去意味着我写某种东 西的机会永远都没有了,我很难说明是哪一 种东西,当时写作的时候就像在一个没有边 际、没有岸的海里游泳一样,这种体验在他 逝去后就没有了。 ——林夕
1989年,张国荣在他最巅峰的时刻告别歌 坛。1995年,复出乐坛的张国荣地位变得 超然,他开始向我们展现他那前卫的,不合 时宜的,前无古人,同时也许后无来者的艺 术生命。彻底摆脱作为一个娱乐偶像的束缚, 他开始去触碰别人不敢也没有能力触碰的题 材和领域。
陈凯歌总是不厌其烦地诉说过去,说得听众 都有些厌倦,总是讲他和Leslie第一次见面 的场景,总是提起当年拍完电影后的那个梦, 梦里张国荣穿着戏中的青布长衫,对他说, 就此别过了。他在悼文中写道,他长着一双 只属于繁华旧梦的眼睛……时至今日,人们 总是在指责陈凯歌早已江郎才尽了,但是因 为有《霸王别姬》,陈凯歌在华语影坛的地 位就永远不可动摇。 当我们觉得黎明顶着巨大压力主演的《梅兰 芳》差强人意时,我们不能怪任何人,他尽 力了,但是他没学到梅兰芳的斗志与魄力, 因为他从来没有跟一个时代决绝过——恰恰 从前有过一个决绝的人,演过一个类似的绝 好的角色,只是可惜: 世上已无张国荣。
美故常在于彼岸,人生却度尽 沧桑,辗转在不同的时空里, 是否只残留着一阕残影,独顾 犹然下,何不悲从中来? 如果能为你画上一绺眉,你是 否就会永远的凝视着我?如果 我能为你画上一抹唇,你是否 就会向着我微笑?有什么东西 可以因为努力而留的住?人要 做到什么份上,才能在上帝的 口中得到点滴的甘露?
——视觉艺术家 叶锦添
张国荣曾陶醉地用:“水乳交融,欲仙欲死,姣、靓、型、正!” 来形容舞台带给他的满足感。
很多人把张国荣比作水仙子纳西瑟斯,希腊神话中那个爱上自己 水中的倒影,最终守在岸边憔悴而死的美少年。纳西瑟斯是自恋 的代名词,同时他也代表着艺术。纪德认为,纳西瑟斯是人的自 我,在时间的泉水里发现了映影,这映影,便是艺术,是超自我 的自我。
Summer Romance'87 1987 Romance'87 Hot Summer 1988 Virgin Snow 1988 Leslie '89 張國榮 (側面) (Side Face or Profile) 1989 側面) Salute'89 1989 Final Encounter 1989 Dreaming 1990
他是香港的一代传奇与神话,超人的才华与 品位,充满星光的神采与深入骨髓的魅惑,王族 一般的高贵气质与翩翩佳公子式的优雅风度在演 艺界内外都久负盛名,多次在“最受欢迎艺人”、 “演艺十大红人”、“十大健康形象”、“十大 靓人”等选举中名列榜首。 但是,与舞台上银幕中前卫、风流、狂野、 但是,与舞台上银幕中前卫、风流、狂野、 颓废的多变形象相反,生活中的他,性格传统, 作风低调,谦恭有礼,纯真坦荡,对事业认真, 对工作严谨,对家人负责,对爱情忠贞,对前辈 尊重,对后辈提携,对朋友热诚,对歌迷亲切, 一生大事小节无愧于心,无负于人,具有几近完 一生大事小节无愧于心,无负于人,具有几近完 美的品德。
張國榮 Leslie ("Monica") 1984 ("Monica") 夏日精選 - 全賴有你 (Summer Best Collection - All Because of You) 1985 為你鍾情 (For Your Love Only) 1985 張國榮(迷惑我) 張國榮(迷惑我) Leslie Cheung (Allure me) 1986 Stand Up 1986 張國榮 (當年情) (The Past Love) 1986 當年情) 愛慕 (國語) (Admire) 1987 國語)
About Leslie
Ghost Story
我听别人说这世界上有一种 鸟是没有脚的,它只能够一 直的飞呀飞呀,飞累了就在 风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子 只能下地一次,那一次就是 它死亡的时候。
Days of Being Wild
I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world. A constant flutter in the space above constitutes its whole life.Prostrated with toil and strain, it just takes repose in the wind. Throughout countless nights and days, only once will its body brush the dust of the ground and that's the very time when it bids farewell to the world.
In 2010 he was elected as the reason number one of “loving Hong Kong”
2010年,香港电台“爱 香港的理由”评选结果揭 晓,第一名:张国荣
His song
風繼續吹The Wind Blows On 沉默是金 Silence is Golden 共同度过together 倩ubine
人思 风 生 及 影 生考 云 存 其 片 ”。 , 状 艺 用 。片 透 态 人 中 中射的的国 人出表生文 物一述活化 的股,,积 人中更有淀 生国通着最 经传过人深 历统几性厚 犹文十的的 如化年思京 “的的考剧 戏哲时和艺 梦学事人术
这是一部令人幸福的电影:里面有最 爱的导演,最爱的女主角,喜欢的两个男 演员。曾看到香港一篇评论,将周润发比 作“书”将张国荣比作“诗”。而这部影 片也是“书”与“诗”的完美结合。张国 荣扮演的阿占,一出来便神采飞扬,他在 画上签上自己的名字,头也不回说:: “我是飞天大盗!明天看报纸吧!”青春 与骄傲就这样自然流露。古堡的盗画,舞 池的飞扬。
但是那时的他能一直坚强的走下来,四处寻医吃了不少 药,他常说自己拥有爱自己的那么多人,如此幸运,不 能离去。他的遗书第一个字便是 Depression,而结尾的 「一生冇做错事,为何这样?」更赤裸裸地表达了他的 极度无奈,以及留恋此世与不愿自取生命的意愿。
很多人不解,他什么都有了,为甚么会选择这样的方式 决绝离开呢?唯一的解释就是,在同深入骨髓的病魔苦 苦挣扎了几年之后,我觉得对他的那些“道义上”的指 责是非常残忍非常冷漠的。 关于抑郁症还有许多地方仍存有假说盲点,医学界要破 解它,还待漫长之路。抑郁症固然可怕,但误读误解误 导、无知冷漠歧视更加可怕。
喜欢张国荣那种对朋友、亲人重情 重义的真性情„ 一直以來很想拍一部关于张国荣的故 事„在拍摄『纵横四海』的巴黎街头„ 我想到了一个新故事的序幕„他喜欢这 个序幕,也充满期待,我曾答应过他, 待我了解他多一些,然后他写一个完整 的故事;如今,他随风而逝,我祗能怀 抱著深切的歉意,和一个沒有故事的序 幕。 —— 吳宇森
每个人都会经历这样一个阶段,见到一座山, 就想知道山后面是什么。我很想告诉他,可 能翻过去,你会发觉没什么特别,再翻过来, 可能会觉得这边会更好。
1994年,他主演了《东邪西毒》,这 部电影被称为华语武侠电影的另类高 峰。张国荣以其精湛的演技将欧阳峰 这个杀手角色刻画的入木三分,他本 人也凭此片获得“香港电影评论学会 大奖最佳男主角奖”。
英语 张国荣 PPT课件
人节, 张国荣挥手而去,留
下H无e数lef爱t t他ha的t n人ig用ht,一co生u去ntl怀ess people remember him. 念Within a few days, the world's major news media such
as the associated press and Reuters, Agene France-
His songs His moves His dead
His songs His moves His dead
• 我沉默就是是金我Silence is Golden
• 是共同颜度色过不to一ge样the的r 烟火
• 天倩女空幽海魂阔Ghost Story
Actor: 张国荣 张丰毅 巩俐
It is the only one Chinese film that won the
highest award of the International Film Festival in Cannes(戛纳), France in 1993 called “Palme d‘Or Award(金棕榈大奖)”
Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• 我当爱喜已欢成我往事When love 让ha蔷s b薇ec开om出e 一the种p结as果t
• 孤愛慕独(的國沙語)漠(A里dmire)
Leslie cheung张国荣
Farewell To
In France
46 Cannes Internati onal Film Festival Golden Palm
Happy together
却你 散离 落开eslie
Wherever you goes, you are our Leslie forever„„
…..Cheung could qualify as a monument to pop longevity if he was not still in his glistening prime and if he was not still so damned gorgeous. Any visitor to Hong Kong who mentions his name to a local will hear the same refrain: "Guess how old he is" (as if he kept a rotting portrait of himself in the attic).张仍然处于他闪耀的光辉时期, 他仍然如此要命的漂亮英俊,他已经足以被称作流行文化里长青不老的标 志性人物。任何到香港的游客在向香港本地人提及leslie的名字时,都会听 到同样的回应:“猜猜他多大了?” (仿佛张在阁楼上藏着一副正在腐坏的 自画像)。
By 2010, the famous American media CNN selection "of the alltime greats of 25 Asian actor", Leslie cheung among them.
2010 in August, American CNN held "over the past fifty years is famous the world over five indicators musicians" selection, Leslie cheung was ranked third, is the only on this year's list Asian singer. He did more ,dared more ,and did it his way.
Introduction to Leslie Cheung in English。
Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing, known professionally as Leslie Cheung, was a prominent Hong Kong singer and actor. Born on September 12, 1956, in Hong Kong, he was a multifaceted talent whose impact on the entertainment industry continues to resonate to this day. This essay will delve into his life, career, and enduring legacy.Early Life。
Leslie Cheung was born into a wealthy family in Hong Kong. He attended the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, where he studied textiles. However, his passionfor performing led him to pursue a career in entertainment instead of following his academic background.Career Beginnings。
In the late 1970s, Leslie Cheung returned to Hong Kong and began his career in the entertainment industry. He quickly gained popularity as a singer and released several successful albums. His unique voice and charismatic stage presence captivated audiences, making him one of the most popular Cantopop singers of his generation.Acting Career。
historical backdrop of a country in upheaval. Initially banned in China but shown to
● The period of the Republic of China in Chinese Mainland 中华民国时期
● Early years of the new nation 建国初期
● The period of the "Cultural Revolution" 文化大革命革时期
PPT5: The film starts from the Beiyang government time in 1924 and ends in 1978 after smashing “the gang of four”. The time spans more than half a century. Then I will introduce this film in accordance with the 5 different historical periods. [ˈpɪrɪəd]时期 影片始自1924年北洋政府时代终止于1978年粉碎“四人帮”的伟大胜利,时间跨度 长达半个世纪之多,接下来我将按照这5个不同历史时期来介绍这部电影
Juxian Duan xiaolou Cheng dieyi
Cheng has gradually developed a deep dependence on Duan. Unfortunately, Duan fell in love with Juxian at the first sight. Cheng was so jealous that decided to break with Duan.
每个人都有迷茫的时候, 如果
是很愚蠢的。 ——张国荣
你清楚我吗 你懂得我吗? 你有否窥看思想的背面? ——《侧面》
金像奖颁奖礼上告诉大家:‘喜欢 猫,因为猫是有九条命的,演员也 该如此。” 一个演员的最高境界是 让观众人戏不分。多数刚接触你电
万。 ③张国荣将现金100万港币捐给了“护苗基金”。“护苗基金”是 一个防止儿童受到性侵犯的民间组织。
他生前最后一则新闻是关于捐 款给护苗基金的消息;在生命最后 的日子里,他偷偷给家里的佣人和 司机卡里汇了工资; 他给朋友留了礼物;他给相伴
人们总是孜孜不倦谈论 张国荣的性取向,仿佛因为 他爱了男人就该被嬉笑。 张国荣却大大方方与男 伴唐先生出双入对,得体的
bloody Care!!我始终做我张国荣!!”
小小的磨难镇定从容一一熬过,始终笑傲江湖,连经常攻 击他的媒体也不得不钦佩地说:“张国荣的生命力,简直 异于常人!”但是他以自己的方式让我们了解,什么才是 真正的“英雄本色”。
Although he became a star, the misery of his life was just beginning.
He finally got on the stage after a lot of painful trainings.
Farewell My Concubine (play):
The play tells the story of
Xiang Yu, the self-styled "Hegemon-
King of Western Chu" who battled
for the unification of China with Liu
The End
PPT1: Good morning, everyone! Today I’d like to introduce one Байду номын сангаасf my favorite movies called "Farewell to My Concubine". ['kɑŋkjə.baɪn] 妾;情妇; 大家好!今天我来介绍一部我最喜爱的电影《霸王别姬》
situation that has befallen them, she
begs to die alongside her master,
but he strongly refuses this wish.
Afterwards, as he is distracted, Yu
Know abou t
his song s
沉默是金 Silence is Golden
倩女幽魂Ghost Story
当爱已成往事When love has become the past
愛慕 (Admire)
為你鍾情 (For Your Love Only)
夜半歌声 Midnight
表演形态, 艺术理念, 服装道具,
中国演唱 会的最高 水准,至
He had many friends and many superstars love him.
• 梅艳芳:“哥哥这个人就是心 肠好,他总是帮我,但是很少 麻烦我去帮忙。合作二十年来, 我有心事,他来倾听。我的苦 恼,他来劝解。我受人欺负, 他出面来挡。参加活动,人潮 汹涌,他马上护住我。”
He made me understand, in this world there are people can be dedicated to a clean. 他令我明白,在这个花花世界里 有人是可以执着地洁身自爱的。 ----导演徐克
2010 20
年 位美 歌国 手
Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then t oday I'd like to talk something about Leslie Cheung’s stories.Leslie Cheung nicknamed “elder brother ”is a great artist from Hong Kong, he was born on September 12, 1956, Cheung committed suicide on April 1, 2003. all the gege fans wish cheung were still alive in our world, therefore we can be with his songs films and his smiling face. Form then on, there is no longer fool’s day in the world.Leslie was considered as "One of the founding fathers of Cantopop" and "combining a hugely successful film and music career".In 2010, Hong Kong Radio initiated a survey named “Why you love Hong Kong”at last, he was elected to be No.1 .First of all, let’s talk about his songs.In 1983, Cheung released his first hit song, "The Wind Blows On".In 1984, he released his first top ten hit song "Monica", which became the first so-called "fast" song that won the RTHK Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award.Other Top Ten Gold Songs released by Cheung through Capital Artists included Ghost Story ,Wild Wind, Love in Those Years, When love has become the past.In 1988, he composed one of his most famous songs "Silence is Golden" .Those songs are all very classical in those years.In 2000, Cheung held his last concert series, Passion Tour. Passion Tour included 43 concerts, lasting from July 31, 2000 to April 16, 2001. It was his most disputable, and possibly best concert. Cheung worked at the first time as the art director as well as the singer for the concert.In 2000, Cheung was named Asian Biggest Superstar by China CentralTelevision. Recently, he was voted into CNN's "top five most iconic musician of all time" placing behind Michael Jackson and The Beatles.secondly, let’s talk about some famous films of cheung’s.I'm talking about a lifetime. One year one month one day even one second's less makes it less than a lifetime.——Farewell My ConcubineIf I can not be with you, I do not want to live alone.——A Chinese Ghost Story I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world. A constant flutter in the space above constitutes its whole life. Prostrated with toil and strain, it just takes repose in the wind. Throughout countless nights and days, only once will its body brush the dust of the ground and that's the very time when it bids farewell to the world.——Days of Being WildBut there are some people who are just too proud to jealous.—— Ashes of TimeI lose my way and wander around for a while, but I finally reach iguazu, I feel very sad, I feel like there should be two of us standing here. —— Happy Together When I see the photo in the frame, I beg and pray for your return. And now you are here, let’s start it again alright?—— Happy TogetherLeslie Cheung has won the Golden Palm award、Golden Globe for Best、Best Actor at the Golden Horse Film Festival and so on. Leslie Cheung was ranked the 1st as The Most Favorite Actor in 100 Years of Chinese Cinema in 2005. he is one of the greatest artists in Hongkong, in Asia, even in the whole world.thirdly, let’s talk about cheung’s love stroy.Leslie was bisexual and once said in an interview in Time magazine:"It's more ap propriate to say I'm bisexual. I've had girlfriends. When I was 22 or so, I asked my gir lfriend Teresa Mo to marry me."In a 1997 concert, Leslie openly revealed that Tong was his "most beloved" after his mother. The Hong Kong media eventually accepted the two men's relationship and the tabloid gave Tong the nickname Tong Tong .Finally, let’s talk about cheung’s death.Leslie committed suicide on April 1, 2003. He leapt from the 24th floor of the M andarin Oriental Hotel, located in the Central district of Hong Kong Island. He left a s uicide note saying that he had been suffering from depression. He was 46 years old.April 1, 2003 is no longer just a April Fool's day, Leslie Cheung waved away, leaving countless love his people to use lifetime to miss.Depression! Many thanks to all my friends. Many thanks to Professor Felice Lieh-Mak. This year has been so tough. I can't stand it anymore. Many thanks to Mr. Tong. Many thanks to my family. Many thanks to Fei-Fei . In my life I did nothing bad. Why does it have to be like this?"Leslie cheung is alive in our heart forever.I'm who I am , a firework of larruping color.Thank you for your listening.。
• •
04.Forget what you want to forget I Faye Wong
05.Very loving yourself Edison
1998-02-01 Cantonese Printemps 1998-01-01 Mandarin Leslie across the 97 concert 1997-01-01 Cantonese Red 1996-01-01 Cantonese Often in the heart 1995-12-19 Cantonese Pet 1995-07-01 Cantonese The Greatest Hits of Leslie, Cheung, 1989-01-01 Cantonese Farewell music concert 1989-01-01 Cantonese Side 1989-01-01 Cantonese A ride mood 1989-01-01 Mandarin Salute 1989-01-01 Cantonese In Final Encounter 1989-01-01 Cantonese Jujuezaiwan 1988-01-01 Mandarin Hot Summer 1988-01-01 Cantonese Of Virgin Snow, 1988-01-01 Cantonese Summer Romance 87 1987-01-01 Cantonese Love 1987-01-01 Mandarin Confuse me 1986-10-01 Cantonese Stand up
Musical works
• Lyrics 01. Ghost Story 02. When love is the thing of the past 03. Silence is golden 04. Qianqianquege 05. I 06. Wind Blows 07. Fengzaiqishi 08. Then the situation 09. Homecoming 10. Spent together 11. Starting from zero 12. ThShow the way: the album list | Album details Album Name Released language FOUR SEASONS 2011-04-01 Cantonese I Am What I of Am 2010-03-23 Cantonese The hottest 2009-04-02 Cantonese Most red 2009-04-02 Cantonese Salute (Reissue Version) 2005-03-21 Cantonese In love with Leslie 2004-04 Cantonese BELOVED 2004-01-01 Cantonese All the wind 2003-07-08 Cantonese Crossover 2002-01-01 Cantonese Forever New Song + Best Selection 2001-03-22 Cantonese Untitled 2000-01-01 Cantonese Accompany you to the reciprocal of 1999-10-13 Cantonese 1998-02-14 Cantonese Chinese music celebrities 100Collector's Edition set in 20th century All these years
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He and his lover
April 1, 2003 is no longer just a April Fool's day, Leslie Cheung waved away, leaving countless love his people to use lifetime to miss 2003年4月1日不再仅仅 是愚人节, 张国荣挥手而 去,留下无数爱他的人用 一生去怀念
Know about Leslie
Leslie Cheung 张国荣(12
September 1956 – 1 April 2003),
nicknamed elder brother (哥哥), was a film actor and musician from Hong Kong.
His song
he will always be my hero ,for he still take everything just so no matter who he is. He always have a humility heart.
Leslie has been actived in charity work during his lifetime , and always do his best to help others. He always make contributions to society in alleviating poverty, each year when fans wanting give his birthday gifts to celebrate his birthday , he’d better convert all the gifts into cash to contribute to charities.
Farewell My Concubine
人思 风 生 及 影 生考 云 存 其 片 ”。 , 状 艺 用 。片 透 态 人 中 中射的的国 人出表生文 物一述活化 的股,,积 人中更有淀 生国通着最 经传过人深 历统几性厚 犹文十的的 如化年思京 “的的考剧 戏哲时和艺 梦学事人术
The film with Chinese culture the profound Beijing Opera Art and artists living, with thoughts and life state representations, even through several decades of current situation, reflecting a Chinese traditional culture philosophy thinking. Of the characters experience as " play dream life "
Ashes of Time
Happy Together
He played roles
Whether of dramas, comedy or action movies, he can shape a classic screen image in their own temperament and talent (无论是文艺片、 喜剧片亦或是动作片,他都能挥洒自如,并以自己 的气质和天赋塑造了一个个经典的银幕形象) : 《倩女幽魂》中的宁采臣、《胭脂扣》中的十二少、 《阿飞正传》中的旭仔、 《霸王别姬》中的程蝶 衣、《东邪西毒》中的欧阳锋、《春光乍泄》中的 何宝荣都已成为留名影史的经典角色。
张芳 氏华 国绝 荣代
Leslie Cheung
Miss you much ,Leslie…
In 2010 he was elected as the reason number one of “loving Hong Kong”
2010年,香港电台“爱 香港的理由”评选结果揭 晓,第一名:这里有张国 荣
A few days before leaving the world,he kept telling friends want to live on. He had many friends,and many superstars love him.
Finally, let's end with some pictures of today's report. Let us remember him forever.
沉默是金 Silence is Golden 共同度过together
倩女幽魂Ghost Story
当爱已成往事When love has become the past 愛慕 (國語) (Admire)
為你鍾情 (For Your Love Only) 夜半歌声 Midnight songs
His movie
Under his influence, his fans all together do their best for charity, I think ,maybe this is the best way to memorize him.
His lover: Mr. Tang Leslie's love affairs always used as weapons to attack him, but he is still widely respected and recognized, of course, and his career is on the great achievements.
He left that night, countless people remember him. Within a few days, the world's major news media such as Reuters, Agene France-Presser, was reported, even CCTV " news 30 “reported the news of the death of a Hongkong artists.他走的那晚,无数人 缅怀着与他一起走过的青春年华。几天内,世界各大新闻媒体如路 透社、法新社、美联社等都做了报道,甚至中国中央电视台《新闻 30分》都史无前例地报道了一位香港艺人去世的消息。
Ghost Story
我听别人说这世界上有一种 鸟是有脚的,它只能够一 直的飞呀飞呀,飞累了就在 风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子 只能下地一次,那一次就是 它死亡的时候。
Days of Being Wild
I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world. A constant flutter in the space above constitutes its whole life.Prostrated with toil and strain, it just takes repose in the wind. Throughout countless nights and days, only once will its body brush the dust of the ground and that's the very time when it bids farewell to the world.
Famous as he was, he’s never arrogant .
Once in Cannes International Film Festival ,he failed to be awarded the Best Actor, though nominated for many times. Facing the harsh media, he just said he will go on and never give up, and he thought the best is the next.
"Forever and sometimes do, this love ever lasting," which is adapted from Tang Bai's famous line, give Leslie the elegiac couplet. To the present, Mr. Tang is still living in Leslie's home, he never tarried with love