



《典范英语》(2a-L22)教学参考第一篇:《典范英语》(2a-L22)教学参考全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》《典范英语》(2a-L22)教学参考Kipper’s Birthday 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。









五、课堂教学基本步骤1.导入(Lead-in):观看动画片My Birthday Party片段,引入故事情境观看动画片My Birthday Party片段,引出关于birthday party 的讨论,为进入故事做好铺垫。

(1)教师播放动画片My Birthday Party片段(见课件): First,I would like to show you a video clip.(2)学生观看视频后,与学生互动,并自然过渡到看图讲故事环节:It was Peppa’s birthday.What presents did she get? 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题——《中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法》Did they have a party? Have you ever had a birthday party? Who went to your party? What did you do at the party? It was Kipper’s birthday.Did he want a birthday party? What did they do? Let’s learn the story.2.看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,了解大家为Kipper生日做准备的过程,感受生日聚会的欢乐氛围教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生观察图片了解大家为Kipper生日做准备的过程,感受生日聚会的欢乐气氛。



典范英语2A1目录Lesson 1 Monkeytricks .................................................................................... 3Lesson2 A sinkingfeeling .................................................................................. 4Lesson3 Naughty Children ................................................................................. 5Lesson 4 Itweather ................................................................................... 6Lesson 5 Heypresto! ....................................................................................... 7Lesson 6 Creepy- crawly! ............................................................................. 8Lesson 7 The Little Dragon ................................................................................. 9Lesson 8 The lostpuppy .................................................................................. 11Lesson 9 Newtrees ....................................................................................... 12Lesson 10 TheBand ....................................................................................... 13Lesson 11 Up and down ............................................................................... 14Lesson 12What isit? .................................................................................. 15Lesson 13 The bigegg ................................................................................... 16Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum .......................................................................... 17Lesson 15 The hole in thesand ........................................................................ 18Lesson 16 In abit ............................................................................................. 19Lesson 17 Poorfloppy ..................................................................................... 20Lesson 18 Put itback ............................................................................. 22Lesson 19 The Babysitter ...................................................................................... 23Lesson20 Floppybath ............................................................................... 2.4Lesson 21 Kipper ' s balloon ............................................................................. 25Lesson 22 Kipperbirthday ............................................................................ 26Lesson 23Spots! (272)Lesson 24 The waterfight ............................................................................... 28Lesson 25 Biffareoplane ............................................................................. 29Lesson26 Thechase ......................................................................................... 30Lesson 27 Floppy thehero ............................................................................... 30Lesosn 28 Kipper ' s Laces ............................................................................... 31Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth ......................................................................... 32Lesson 30 The FoggyDay ................................................................................ 33Lesson 1 Monkey tricks The children went to the zoo. They looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals.The seals were hungry. They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were sleep.They looked at the parrots.The parrots were noisy.3They looked at the elephants The elephants were big.They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny.They looked for kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey. Lesson2 A sinking feeling The children were in the pool.Wilma climbed on the duck.“ Get on, ” said Wilma. Wilf climbed on.“ Get on, ” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“ Get on, ” said Chip.Biff climbed on.4“ Get on, ” said Biff. Kipper couldn ' t get on.“ Get on, ” said everyone.Kipper couldn' t get on.“ Get on, ” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty ChildrenTwo children came.They climbed on the furniture.They jumped on the sofa.They climbed up the curtains.They jumped on the bed.They climbed up the tree.They jumped on the flower.5“ Oh no! ” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder. They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net. They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“ What good children! ”said Mum.The children went home. Lesson4It ' swtheeather The children were noisy. Thechildren were silly. The children were messy. The children were untidy.‘ Oh dear! ' said Mrs. May 6‘ it ' s the weather. ' The children were cross. The children were grumpy. "Oh dear!" said Mrs. May."It's the weather.""What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena.She took Dad ' s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum ' s -erianrg.She put it in the bag.7She took Dad w'atsch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage.She put the bag on Dads head.Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand.“ Hey presto! ” she said.“ Hey presto! ” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepy-crawly Wilma had a creepy-crawly. She put it in the bath. Wilma called Dad.“ Get it out,“ Ugh! I couldn't. 8!Wilf called Mum. “ Get it out,“ Ugh! Icouldn't .Wilf called Chip. “ Get it out,“ Ugh! I couldn't. Wilf called Biff. “ Get it out,said Wilf.said Dad.said Wilf.said Mumsaid Wilf.said Chip. said Wilf.“ Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper.“ Get it out, ” said Wilf.“ Easy ! ” saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little DragonThe children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip.9"Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma."I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma."I am frightened," said the dragon. "I am cross," said the princess.She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone.10Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.They couldn 't find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn 't find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn 't find sniff.Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.11Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dogs!aid ev'eryone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week. Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave atree.He put it by the shed. Chip gave a tree. He put it by the stream. Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond. Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.12She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone. He put it in a hole. "A funny tree," said Chip. "A funny bone," said Dad. Lesson 10 The Band Dad played his trumpet. He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park.13Floppy went to the park.The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.The band couldn 't play.‘ What a bad dog! ' said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and downMum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush.She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn ' t see Dad.14She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘ Stop! ' she said.‘ Up and down! ' said Dad. Lesson 12What is it?Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.‘ What is it ? ' said Biff. Biff looked.‘ What is it ? ' she said. Wilf looked.15‘ What is it ? ' he said. ‘ Whaist it ? ' said Wilma. ‘ Is it a frog? '‘ What is it? ' said Chip.‘ Is it a lizard? 'Mum looked at it .What is it ? said the children.‘ It ' s a salamander. ' said Mum.‘ It ' slost. ' she said.The salamander was safe.Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens.They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea .16Kipper went on looking.‘ Look at this egg. ' said kipper.‘ This is too big . 'Kipper looked at the hen.‘ Thisis too big for you . ' he said. ‘ Come and see this. ' said dad.‘ This is too big for you . ' said Mum. ‘ This is too big for me . ' said Dad. Lesson 14 Apresent for MumDad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh.Mum and dad had a party.Mum gave Dad a present.17Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box.‘ What is it? ' she asked.The prese nt got smaller ...............…..and smaller ............ .and smaller.‘ This is for you . ' said Dad.‘ And this for you . ' said Mum.‘ Oh Dad! ' said Mum.‘ Oh Mum!' said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sandBiff ' s spade was no g.oodDad got a big spade.‘ Let me dig a hole. ' he said. Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger … ..18…..and bigger .and bigger, …… ..and deeper …… .and deeper.All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmaein .‘I can ' tits.top' sa i d Dad.The tide came.Dad' s spade was in the hole.Next day ,the hole had gone.Dad's spade was under the sand.‘Let 's dig. 'said Dad.Lesson 16 In a bit‘ Come and help. ' said Mum.Biff was looking at the TV.‘ In a bit. ' she said.19Dad had a job for chip.‘ Come and help. ' he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘ In a bit . ' he said.Kipper ' s room was mess.‘ Come and help. ' said Mum. Kipper was looking at the TV.‘ In a bit. ' he said.‘ What can we do? ' said Dad.Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner. ‘ In a bit.' said Mum and Dad.Lesson 17 Poor floppy Floppy was not well. He lay on his bed.20“ He looks bad, ” said Kipper.Biff wanted Floppy to get well.Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet.Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats, ”he said.Floppy just looked at the cats.He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy.“ Give him some pills, ” she said. Mum took Floppy home.Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.21Lesson 18 Put it back‘ Look at this . ' said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘ Put it back . ' said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘ Let ' s look on the sand . ' said Dad. ‘ Come and see this . ' saidChip.He had a net.‘ Come and see this . ‘ said Mum.She had a bit of wood.‘ Look at this shell . ' said Kipper.‘ This is the best of all. 'The shell had legs.‘ Oh no ! ' said Kipper.‘What is it . '22It ' s a hermit crab . said Dad. ‘ It ' s a crab that lives in a shell.‘ Put it back . ' said Kipper.Lesson 19 The Baby-sitter The baby-sitter came.‘ Go back to bed . ' said Dad.The children came downstairs.‘ We couldn ' t sleep. ' they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight .Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.23‘ What a mess ! ' said th-esitbtearb.y Mum and dad come back.‘ Was everyone good ? ' said Mum.‘ Yes and no . ' said t-hseittbear.by Lesson 20 Floppy ' s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘ What a soggy doggy! ' said Kipper. Biff and Chip dried Floppy.Floppy looked clean.‘ What a good dog! ' said Kipper.24Oh no!Lesson21 Kipper ' s balloonMum and Dad went shopping .Kipper bought a balloon.They went to the supermarket.The balloon went bang.Kipper bought a new balloon.Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘ Kipper ' s balloon ! ' he said.Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away.Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue.Dad got it down.25‘ Oh no! ' said Dad.Lesson22 Kipper ' s birthdayItwas Kipper bi'rthsday.Kipper wanted a party.Everyone wanted to came.Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘ Stop it . ' said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game .But Kipper put the television.‘ Oh no! ' said Mum. ‘ What a mess! The children played with the bubbles.26Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘ Stay in bed. ' she said.Mum had spots.‘ Stayin bed too. ' said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘ what a job! ' said Dad.Everyone got better.‘ Oh no! ' said Mum.Dad had spots.27Lesson 24 The water fightEveryone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said ‘ no! 'Biff got the paddling pool.Kipper filled it with water.Chip pushed Biff in the water. He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘ Stop it ! ' said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh on! ‘ Sorry ! ' said Dad.28Lesson 25 Biff ' s areoplane 1 Biff ' s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good. Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked. Shecouldn ' t find it.She wanted to cry.29She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market.They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy, s'aws a idcaBt.ifHf.Feloppy chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges.The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates.The cat jumped over some clothes.‘ Ga man.Everyone was cross. ‘ What a bad dog! ” everyone said. ‘ What a goodMum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.30There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘ Get back, ' said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked.Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window. ‘ Get said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at Floppy.‘ What a good dog! ' everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28Kipper ' s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn ' t tie his laces. Dad helhpiemd.Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn ' t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him.31Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried •…and tried •…and tried and tried.‘ Hooray! ' said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘ Oh no! ' said Kipper.Lesson 29The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!' said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. no! ' said Kipper.Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.Kipper was upset.‘ Sorry, ' said Biff and Chip. ‘32Never mind, ' said Mum. ‘ Never mind, ' said Dad. ‘I 'm not sad, glad. 'Lesson 30The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘saOidhthneo,ch'ildren.They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn 't see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way, ' said Biff. ‘No, this way, ' said Chip.They sawaida light. Dad.‘it 's Mum!' said the children.33。



典范英语2A1目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks.......................................................................................3Lesson2 A sinking feeling....................................................................................4Lesson3 Naughty Children ..................................................................................5Lesson 4 It’s the weather....................................................................................6Lesson 5 Heypresto! ..........................................................................................7Lesson 6 Creepy-crawly!................................................................................8Lesson 7 The Little Dragon..................................................................................9Lesson 8 The lost puppy ...................................................................................11Lesson 9 Newtrees ..........................................................................................12Lesson 10 The Band..........................................................................................13Lesson 11 Up and down ...................................................................................14Lesson 12What is it?.....................................................................................15Lesson 13 The big egg.......................................................................................16Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum............................................................................17Lesson 15 The hole in the sand.........................................................................18Lesson 16 In a bit..............................................................................................19Lesson 17 Poor floppy ......................................................................................20Lesson 18 Put it back ........................................................................................22Lesson 19 The Baby-sitter.................................................................................23Lesson20 Floppy’s bath....................................................................................24Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon...............................................................................25Lesson 22 Kipper’s birthday..............................................................................26Lesson 23Spots! (272)Lesson 24 The water fight.................................................................................28Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane................................................................................29Lesson26 The chase..........................................................................................30Lesson 27 Floppy thehero................................................................................30Less on 28 Kipper’s Laces..................................................................................31Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth............................................................................32Lesson 30 The Foggy Day..................................................................................33Lesson 1 Monkey tricksThe children went to the zoo.They looked at the giraffes.The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals.The seals were hungry.They looked at the crocodiles.The crocodiles were sleep.They looked at the parrots.The parrots were noisy.3They looked at the elephantsThe elephants were big.They looked at the monkeys.The monkeys were funny.They looked for kipper.Kipper looked like a monkey.Lesson2 A sinking feelingThe children were in the pool.Wilma climbed on the duck.“Get on,” said Wilma.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip.Biff climbed on.4“Get on,” said Biff.Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper coul dn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty Children Two children came.They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa. They climbed up the curtains. They jumped on the bed. They climbed up the tree.They jumped on the flower.5“Oh no!” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder. They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!” said Mum. The children went home. Lesson4It’s the weatherThe children were noisy.The children were silly.The children were messy.The children were untidy.‘Oh dear!’ said Mrs. May.6‘it’s the weather.’The children were cross.The children were grumpy."Oh dear!" said Mrs. May. "It's the weather.""What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena.She took Dad’s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s ear-ring. She put it in the bag.7She took Dad’s watch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage. She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand. “Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepy-crawly Wilma had a creepy-crawly. She put it in the bath. Wilma called Dad.“Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Dad. 8!Wilf called Mum.“Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Mum. Wilf called Chip.“Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Chip. Wilf called Biff.“Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper. “Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy !”saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little DragonThe children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip.9"Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma."I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma."I am frightened," said the dragon. "I am cross," said the princess.She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone.10Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn’t find sniff. Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.11Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dog!’ said everyone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week. Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree.He put it by the shed. Chip gave a tree.He put it by the stream. Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond. Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.12She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone.He put it in a hole."A funny tree," said Chip. "A funny bone," said Dad. Lesson 10 The BandDad played his trumpet. He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the shed.Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park.13Floppy went to the park. The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. The band c ouldn’t play.‘What a bad dog!’ said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and down Mum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad.14She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘Stop!’ she said.‘Up and down!’ said Dad. Lesson 12What is it? Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. ‘What is it ?’ said Biff.Biff looked.‘What is it ?’she said.Wilf looked.15‘What is it ?’ he said.‘What is it ?’ said Wilma.‘Is it a frog?’‘What is it?’ said Chip.‘Is it a lizard?’Mum looked at it .‘What is it ?’said the children.‘It’s a salamander.’ said Mum.‘It’slost.’she said.The salamander was safe. Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens.They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea .16Kipper went on looking.‘Look at this egg.’ said kipper.‘This is too big .’Kipper looked at the hen.‘Thisis too big for you .’he said.‘Come and see this.’said dad.‘This is too big for you .’said Mum.‘This is too big for me .’said Dad. Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum Dad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh. Mum and dad had a party.Mum gave Dad a present.17Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box.‘What is it?’she asked.The present got smaller………..and smaller…….and smaller.‘This is for you .’said Dad.‘And this for you .’said Mum.‘Oh Dad!’said Mum.‘Oh Mum!’said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sand Biff’s spade was no good .Dad got a big spade.‘Let me dig a hole.’he said.Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger…..18…..and bigger …….and bigger,……..and deeper …….and deeper. All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmaein .‘I can’t stop it .’said Dad.The tide came.Dad’s spade was in the hole. Next day ,the hole had gone. Dad’s spade was under the sand.‘Let’s dig.’said Dad.Lesson 16 In a bit‘Come and help.’said Mum.Biff was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’she said.19Dad had a job for chip.‘Come and help.’he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘In a bit .’he said.Kipper’s room was mess.‘Come and help.’said Mum.Kipper was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’he said.‘What can we do?’said Dad.Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner. ‘In a bit.’said Mum and Dad. Lesson 17 Poor floppyFloppy was not well.He lay on his bed.20“He looks bad,” said Kipper.Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet.Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats,”he said.Floppy just looked at the cats.He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy.“Give him some pills,” she said. Mum took Floppy home. Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.21Lesson 18 Put it back‘Look at this .’said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘Put it back .’said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘Let’s look on the sand .’said Dad.‘Come and see this .’ saidChip. He had a net.‘Come and see this .‘ said Mum. She had a bit of wood.‘Look at this shell .’said Kipper.‘This is the best of all.’The shell had legs.‘Oh no !’said Kipper.‘What is it .’22‘It’s a hermit crab .’said Dad.‘It’s a crab that lives in a shell.’‘Put it back .’said Kipper.Lesson 19 The Baby-sitterThe baby-sitter came.‘Go back to bed .’said Dad.The children came downstairs.‘We couldn’t sleep. ’they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight . Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.23‘What a mess !’said the baby-sitter. Mum and dad come back.‘Was everyone good ? ’said Mum.‘Yes and no .’ said the baby-sitter. Lesson 20 Floppy’s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘What a soggy doggy! ’said Kipper. Biff and Chip dried Floppy. Floppy looked clean.‘What a good dog!’said Kipper. 24Oh no!Lesson21 Kipper’s balloonMum and Dad went shopping . Kipper bought a balloon.They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang.Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘Kipper’s balloon !’he said.Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away.Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue.Dad got it down.25‘Oh no! ’said Dad.Lesson22 Kipper’s birthdayItwas Kipper’s birthday.Kipper wanted a party.Everyone wanted to came.Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘Stop it .’said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game .But Kipper put the television.‘Oh no!’said Mum. ‘What a mess!’The children played with the bubbles.26Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘Stay in bed.’she said.Mum had spots.‘Stayin bed too.’said the doctor.Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘what a job!’said Dad.Everyone got better.‘Oh no!’ said Mum.Dad had spots.27Lesson 24 The water fight Everyone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said ‘no!’Biff got the paddling pool.Kipper filled it with water.Chip pushed Biff in the water. He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘Stop it !’said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh on! ‘Sorry !’ said Dad.28Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane1 Biff’s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good. Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane.Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked.She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry.29She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market.They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff.Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges.The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates.The cat jumped over some clothes.‘Got you’ said a man.Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!” everyone said.‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.30There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked.Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at Floppy.‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28Kipper’s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him.31Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried.‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.Lesson 29The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper.Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.Kipper was upset.‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘32Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad. ‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.‘I’m glad.’Lesson 30The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children.They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip.They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ s aid Dad.‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.33。



典范英语2A目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks3Lesson2 A sinking feeling4Lesson3 Naughty Children5Lesson 4 It’s the weather6Lesson 5 Hey presto!7Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !8Lesson 7 The Little Dragon9Lesson 8 The lost puppy11Lesson 9 New trees12Lesson 10 The Band13Lesson 11 Up and down14 Lesson??????What??is??it? ?? Lesson??????The??big??egg ??Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum17Lesson 15 The hole in the sand18Lesson 16 In a bit19Lesson 17 Poor floppy20Lesson 18 Put it back22Lesson 19 The Babysitter23Lesson 20 Floppy’s bath24Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon25 Lesson????Kipper’s??birthday ?? Lesson??????Spots5??Lesson 24 The water fight28Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane29Lesson26 The chase30Lesson 27 Floppy the hero30Lesson 28 Kipper’s Laces31Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth32 Lesson 30 The Foggy Day33Lesson 1 Monkey tricksThe children went to the zoo.They looked at the giraffes.The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals.The seals were hungry.They looked at the crocodiles.The crocodiles were sleep. They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy.They looked at the elephants The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey. Lesson2 A sinking feeling The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the duck.“Get on,” said Wilma.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip.Biff climbed on.“Get on,” said Biff.Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t ge t on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty Children Two children came.They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa. They climbed up the curtains.They jumped on the bed.They climbed up the tree.They jumped on the flower.“Oh no!” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder. They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!” said Mum. The children went home. Lesson 4It’s the weatherThe children were noisy.The children were silly.The children were messy. The children were untidy.‘Oh dear!’ said Mrs. May.‘it’s the weather.’The children were cross. The children were grumpy. "Oh dear!" said Mrs. May. "It's the weather.""What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena.She took Dad’s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s earring.She put it in the bag.She took Dad’s watch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage. She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside.Sheena took her wand.“Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !Wilma had a creepycrawly. She put it in the bath.Wilma called Dad.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't. ” said Dad. Wilf called Mum.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Mum. Wilf called Chip.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Chip. Wilf called Biff.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy !”saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little DragonThe children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip."Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma."I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma."I am frightened," said the dragon. "I am cross," said the princess.She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone. Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn’t find sniff.Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dog!’ said everyone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week. Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree.He put it by the shed.Chip gave a tree.He put it by the stream.Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond.Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone.He put it in a hole."A funny tree," said Chip. "A funny bone," said Dad. Lesson 10 The Band Dad played his trumpet. He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park.The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. The band couldn’t play.‘What a bad dog!’ said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and down Mum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad. She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘Stop!’ she said.‘Up and down!’ said Dad. Lesson 12 What is it? Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.‘What is it ?’ said Biff.Biff looked.‘What is it ?’she said.Wilf looked.‘What is it ?’ he said.‘What is it ?’ said Wilma.‘Is it a frog?’‘What is it?’ said Chip.‘Is it a lizard?’Mum looked at it .‘What is it ?’said the children.‘It’s a salamander.’ said Mum.‘It’s lost.’she said.The salamander was safe. Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens. They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea .Kipper went on looking.‘Look at this egg.’ said kipper.‘This is too big .’Kipper looked at the hen.‘This is too big for you .’he said.‘Come and see this.’said dad.‘This is too big for you .’said Mum.‘This is too big for me .’said Dad. Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum Dad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh.Mum and dad had a party. Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box.‘What is it?’she asked.The present got smaller………..and smaller…….and smaller.‘This is for you .’said Dad.‘And this for you .’said Mum.‘Oh Dad!’said Mum.‘Oh Mum!’said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sand Biff’s spade was no good .Dad got a big spade.‘Let me dig a hole.’he said.Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger…..…..and bigger …….and bigger,……..and deeper …….and deeper.All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmae in .‘I can’t stop it .’said Dad.The tide came.Dad’s spade was in the hole.Next day ,the hole had gone.Dad’s spade was under the sand.‘Let’s dig.’said Dad.Lesson 16 In a bit‘Come and help.’said Mum.Biff was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’she said.Dad had a job for chip.‘Come and help.’he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘In a bit .’he said.Kipper’s room was mess.‘Come and help.’said Mum.Kipper was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’he said.‘What can we do?’said Dad.Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner.‘In a bit.’said Mum and Dad.Lesson 17 Poor floppy Floppy was not well.He lay on his bed.“He looks bad,” said Kipper. Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet. Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats,”he said. Floppy just looked at the cats. He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy. “Give him some pills,” she said. Mum took Floppy home.Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.Lesson 18 Put it back‘Look at this .’said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘Put it back .’said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘Let’s look on the sand .’said Dad.‘Come and see this .’ said Chip. He had a net.‘Come and see this . ‘ said Mum. She had a bit of wood.‘Look at this shell .’said Kipper.‘This is the best of all.’The shell had legs.‘Oh no !’said Kipper.‘What is it .’‘It’s a hermit crab .’said Dad.‘It’s a crab that lives in a shell.’‘Put it back .’said Kipper. Lesson 19 The Babysitter The babysitter came.‘Go back to bed .’said Dad. The children came downstairs.‘We couldn’t sleep. ’they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight .Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.‘What a mess !’said the babysitter. Mum and dad come back.‘Was everyone good? ’said Mum.‘Yes and no .’ said the babysitter. Lesson 20 Floppy’s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘What a soggy doggy! ’said Kipper. Biff and Chip dried Floppy.Floppy looked clean.‘What a good dog!’said Kipper. Oh no!Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon Mum and Dad went shopping . Kipper bought a balloon. They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang. Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘Kipper’s balloon !’he said. Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away.Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down.‘Oh no! ’said Dad.Lesson 22 Kipper’s birthdayIt was Kipper’s birthday.Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to came.Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘Stop it .’said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game .But Kipper put the television.‘Oh no!’said Mum. ‘What a mess!’The children played with the bubbles. Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘Stay in bed.’she said.Mum had spots.‘Stay in bed too.’said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘what a job!’said Dad.Everyone got better.‘Oh no!’ said Mum.Dad had spots.Lesson 24 The water fight Everyone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said ‘no!’Biff got the paddling pool.Kipper filled it with water.Chip pushed Biff in the water.He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘Stop it !’said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water.He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip.Oh on! ‘Sorry !’ said Dad.Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane 1 Biff’s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good. Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked.She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry.She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market.They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff. Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges. The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates. The cat jumped over some clothes. ‘Got you’ said a man. Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!” everyone said.‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked. Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at Floppy.‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28 Kipper’s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him. Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried.‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.Lesson 29 The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper. Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.Kipper was upset.‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad. ‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.‘I’m glad.’Lesson 30 The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children. They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip.They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ said Dad.‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.。



二年级典范英语2a简书The Importance of Early English Education: A Reflection on Second Grade English Textbook 2AIn the ever-evolving landscape of global education, the significance of early English language acquisition cannot be overstated. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become a crucial skill for individuals seeking to thrive in the 21st century. The Second Grade English Textbook 2A, a cornerstone of early English education, serves as a testament to the transformative power of language learning at a young age.The textbook's comprehensive approach to language instruction is a testament to the dedication and expertise of its authors. From the outset, it is evident that the creators of this resource have a deep understanding of the cognitive and developmental needs of young learners. The textbook is structured in a manner that gradually introduces students to the fundamentals of the English language, building a solid foundation that will serve them well as they progressthrough their academic careers.One of the most notable strengths of the Second Grade English Textbook 2A is its emphasis on interactive and engaging learning experiences. The textbook is replete with colorful illustrations, captivating narratives, and a diverse array of activities that encourage students to actively participate in the learning process. This approach not only fosters a love for the English language but also cultivates essential critical thinking and problem-solving skills.The textbook's thematic structure is another key aspect that sets it apart. Rather than simply presenting a series of isolated vocabulary words or grammar rules, the textbook organizes its content around relatable and age-appropriate themes. This holistic approach allows students to contextualize their learning, making it more meaningful and relevant to their everyday lives. Whether exploring the wonders of the natural world, delving into the rich cultural traditions of different countries, or embarking on imaginative adventures, the textbook's themes capture the curiosity and imagination of young learners.One of the most impressive features of the Second Grade English Textbook 2A is its commitment to developing well-rounded language skills. The textbook not only focuses on building a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar but also places a strongemphasis on reading comprehension, writing, and oral communication. This multifaceted approach ensures that students are equipped with the necessary tools to engage in authentic and meaningful language use.The textbook's reading selections are particularly noteworthy, as they expose students to a diverse array of literary genres and writing styles. From captivating short stories to informative non-fiction passages, the textbook's reading materials challenge students to expand their horizons and develop a deeper appreciation for the power of the written word. The accompanying comprehension exercises further reinforce students' understanding of the content, while also cultivating critical thinking and inference skills.The writing component of the textbook is equally impressive, providing students with ample opportunities to express themselves in a variety of formats. From creative narratives to persuasive essays, the writing tasks encourage students to experiment with different styles of composition, honing their ability to communicate their ideas effectively. The textbook's emphasis on the writing process, including brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing, equips students with the necessary skills to become confident and competent writers.Equally important is the textbook's focus on oral communication. Through a range of activities, such as role-playing, presentations,and group discussions, students are given the chance to practice their speaking and listening skills in a supportive and nurturing environment. This approach not only builds confidence but also prepares students for the demands of real-world communication, where the ability to express oneself clearly and effectively is essential.The Second Grade English Textbook 2A also recognizes the importance of cultural awareness and diversity in language learning. The textbook incorporates materials that expose students to a wide range of cultural perspectives and traditions, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the richness of the English-speaking world. This cross-cultural approach not only enhances students' language skills but also cultivates empathy, tolerance, and global citizenship.Furthermore, the textbook's emphasis on interactive and technology-enhanced learning is particularly noteworthy. The inclusion of multimedia resources, such as audio recordings, interactive exercises, and digital learning platforms, allows students to engage with the material in a dynamic and engaging manner. This integration of technology not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the digital landscape that will shape their future.Perhaps most importantly, the Second Grade English Textbook 2A isdesigned to instill a lifelong love for the English language. Through its carefully crafted lessons, engaging activities, and supportive learning environment, the textbook aims to cultivate a sense of enthusiasm and curiosity in young learners. This foundation of language appreciation will serve students well as they continue their educational journeys, empowering them to become effective communicators, critical thinkers, and global citizens.In conclusion, the Second Grade English Textbook 2A is a testament to the transformative power of early English language education. Its comprehensive approach to language instruction, its commitment to interactive and engaging learning experiences, and its emphasis on developing well-rounded language skills all contribute to its success in preparing young learners for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. As educators and policymakers continue to grapple with the evolving demands of global education, the Second Grade English Textbook 2A stands as a shining example of the potential that lies within early English language acquisition.。



典范英语2A目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks3Lesson2 A sinking feeling4Lesson3 Naughty Children5Lesson 4 It’s the weather6Lesson 5 Hey presto!7Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !8Lesson 7 The Little Dragon9Lesson 8 The lost puppy11Lesson 9 New trees12Lesson 10 The Band13Lesson 11 Up and down14 Lesson??????What??is??it? ?? Lesson??????The??big??egg ??Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum17Lesson 15 The hole in the sand18Lesson 16 In a bit19Lesson 17 Poor floppy20Lesson 18 Put it back22 Lesson 19 The Babysitter23 Lesson 20 Floppy’s bath24 Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon25 Lesson????Kipper’s??birthday ?? Lesson??????Spots5?? Lesson 24 The water fight28 Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane29 Lesson26 The chase30 Lesson 27 Floppy the hero30 Lesson 28 Kipper’s Laces31 Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth32 Lesson 30 The Foggy Day33Lesson 1 Monkey tricksThe children went to the zoo. They looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals.The seals were hungry.They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were sleep. They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy. They looked at the elephants The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey. Lesson2 A sinking feeling The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the duck.“Get on,” said Wilma.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip.Biff climbed on.“Get on,” said Biff. Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t ge t on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty Children Two children came.They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa.They climbed up the curtains. They jumped on the bed.They climbed up the tree.They jumped on the flower.“Oh no!” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder. They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!” said Mum. The children went home.Lesson 4It’s the weather The children were noisy. The children were silly.The children were messy. The children were untidy.‘Oh dear!’ said Mrs. May.‘it’s the weather.’The children were cross. The children were grumpy. "Oh dear!" said Mrs. May. "It's the weather.""What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show.Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena.She took Dad’s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s earring.She put it in the bag.She took Dad’s watch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage. She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand.“Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !Wilma had a creepycrawly. She put it in the bath. Wilma called Dad.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't. ” said Dad. Wilf called Mum.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Mum. Wilf called Chip.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Chip. Wilf called Biff.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy !”saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little Dragon The children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip. "Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma. "I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma."I am frightened," said the dragon. "I am cross," said the princess.She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone. Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn’t find sniff. Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dog!’ said everyone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week.Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree.He put it by the shed.Chip gave a tree.He put it by the stream.Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond.Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone.He put it in a hole."A funny tree," said Chip."A funny bone," said Dad.Lesson 10 The BandDad played his trumpet.He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad.Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park. The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. The band couldn’t play.‘What a bad dog!’ said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and down Mum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad.She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘Stop!’ she said.‘Up and down!’ said Dad. Lesson 12 What is it? Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.‘What is it ?’ said Biff.Biff looked.‘What is it ?’she said.Wilf looked.‘What is it ?’ he said.‘What is it ?’ said Wilma.‘Is it a frog?’‘What is it?’ said Chip.‘Is it a lizard?’Mum looked at it .‘What is it ?’said the children.‘It’s a salamander.’ said Mum.‘It’s lost.’she said.The salamander was safe. Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens. They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box. Dad had an idea .Kipper went on looking.‘Look at this egg.’ said kipper.‘This is too big .’Kipper looked at the hen.‘This is too big for you .’he said.‘Come and see this.’said dad.‘This is too big for you .’said Mum.‘This is too big for me .’said Dad. Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum Dad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh. Mum and dad had a party.Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box.‘What is it?’she asked.The present got smaller………..and smaller…….and smaller.‘This is for you .’said Dad.‘And this for you .’said Mum.‘Oh Dad!’said Mum.‘Oh Mum!’said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sand Biff’s spade was no good .Dad got a big spade.‘Let me dig a hole.’he said.Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger…..…..and bigger …….and bigger,……..and deeper …….and deeper. All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmae in .‘I can’t stop it .’said Dad.The tide came.Dad’s spade was in the hole. Next day ,the hole had gone. Dad’s spade was under the sand.‘Let’s dig.’said Dad.Lesson 16 In a bit‘Come and help.’said Mum.Biff was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’she said.Dad had a job for chip.‘Come and help.’he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘In a bit .’he said.Kipper’s room was mess.‘Come and help.’said Mum. Kipper was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’he said.‘What can we do?’said Dad.Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner.‘In a bit.’said Mum and Dad.Lesson 17 Poor floppy Floppy was not well.He lay on his bed.“He looks bad,” said Kipper. Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet. Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats,”he said. Floppy just looked at the cats. He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy. “Give him some pills,” she said. Mum took Floppy home.Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better. Lesson 18 Put it back‘Look at this .’said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘Put it back .’said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘Let’s look on the sand .’said Dad.‘Come and see this .’ said Chip. He had a net.‘Come and see this . ‘ said Mum. She had a bit of wood.‘Look at this shell .’said Kipper.‘This is the best of all.’The shell had legs.‘Oh no !’said Kipper.‘What is it .’‘It’s a hermit crab .’said Dad.‘It’s a crab that lives in a shell.’‘Put it back .’said Kipper. Lesson 19 The Babysitter The babysitter came.‘Go back to bed .’said Dad. The children came downstairs.‘We couldn’t sleep. ’they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight . Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.‘What a mess !’said the babysitter. Mum and dad come back.‘Was everyone good? ’said Mum.‘Yes and no .’ said the babysitter. Lesson 20 Floppy’s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘What a soggy doggy! ’said Kipper. Biff and Chip dried Floppy. Floppy looked clean.‘What a good dog!’said Kipper. Oh no!Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloonMum and Dad went shopping . Kipper bought a balloon.They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang.Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘Kipper’s balloon !’he said. Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away. Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down.‘Oh no! ’said Dad.Lesson 22 Kipper’s birthday It was Kipper’s birthday. Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to came. Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘Stop it .’said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game .But Kipper put the television.‘Oh no!’said Mum. ‘What a mess!’The children played with the bubbles. Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘Stay in bed.’she said.Mum had spots.‘Stay in bed too.’said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘what a job!’said Dad.Everyone got better.‘Oh no!’ said Mum.Dad had spots.Lesson 24 The water fight Everyone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said ‘no!’Biff got the paddling pool.Kipper filled it with water.Chip pushed Biff in the water.He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘Stop it !’said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh on! ‘Sorry !’ said Dad. Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane 1 Biff’s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good. Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked.She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry.She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed. Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket. Mum and Biff went to the market. They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff. Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges. The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates. The cat jumped over some clothes. ‘Got you’ said a man. Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!” everyone said.‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked. Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at Floppy.‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28 Kipper’s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him. Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried.‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.Lesson 29 The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper. Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it. Kipper was upset.‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad. ‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.‘I’m glad.’Lesson 30 The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children. They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip.They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ said Dad.‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.。



典范英语2A目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks3Lesson2 A sinking feeling4 Lesson3 Naughty Children5 Lesson 4 It’s the weather6 Lesson 5 Hey presto!7Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !8 Lesson 7 The Little Dragon9 Lesson 8 The lost puppy11 Lesson 9 New trees12Lesson 10 The Band13Lesson 11 Up and down14 Lesson??????What??is??it? ?? Lesson??????The??big??egg ?? Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum17 Lesson 15 The hole in the sand18 Lesson 16 In a bit19Lesson 17 Poor floppy20Lesson 18 Put it back22Lesson 19 The Babysitter23Lesson 20 Floppy’s bath24Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon25 Lesson????Kipper’s??birthday ?? Lesson??????Spots4??Lesson 24 The water fight28Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane29 Lesson26 The chase30Lesson 27 Floppy the hero30Lesson 28 Kipper’s Laces31Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth32 Lesson 30 The Foggy Day33Lesson 1 Monkey tricksThe children went to the zoo.They looked at the giraffes.The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals.The seals were hungry.They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were sleep. They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy.They looked at the elephants The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey.Lesson2 A sinking feeling The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the duck.“Get on,” said Wilma.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip.Biff climbed on.“Get on,” said Biff.Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t ge t on.“Get on,” said everyone.Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty Children Two children came.They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa. They climbed up the curtains. They jumped on the bed. They climbed up the tree. They jumped on the flower.“Oh no!” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder.They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!” said Mum. The children went home.Lesson 4It’s the weatherThe children were noisy.The children were silly.The children were messy.The children were untidy.‘Oh dear!’ said Mrs. May.‘it’s the weather.’The children were cross. The children were grumpy. "Oh dear!" said Mrs. May. "It's the weather.""What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena. She took Dad’s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s earring.She put it in the bag.She took Dad’s watch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage.She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside.Sheena took her wand.“Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !Wilma had a creepycrawly.She put it in the bath.Wilma called Dad.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't. ” said Dad. Wilf called Mum.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Mum. Wilf called Chip.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Chip. Wilf called Biff.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy !”saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little DragonThe children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip."Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma."I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma."I am frightened," said the dragon. "I am cross," said the princess.She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone. Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn’t find sniff.Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dog!’ said everyone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week.Everyone wanted to give trees.Dad gave a tree.He put it by the shed. Chip gave a tree.He put it by the stream. Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond. Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone. He put it in a hole."A funny tree," said Chip. "A funny bone," said Dad.Lesson 10 The BandDad played his trumpet.He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park. The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.The band couldn’t play.‘What a bad dog!’ said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and downMum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad.She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘Stop!’ she said.‘Up and down!’ said Dad. Lesson 12 What is it? Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.‘What is it ?’ said Biff.Biff looked.‘What is it ?’she said.Wilf looked.‘What is it ?’ he said.‘What is it ?’ said Wilma.‘Is it a frog?’‘What is it?’ said Chip.‘Is it a lizard?’Mum looked at it .‘What is it ?’said the children.‘It’s a salamander.’ said Mum.‘It’s lost.’she said.The salamander was safe. Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens.They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea .Kipper went on looking.‘Look at this egg.’ said kipper.‘This is too big .’Kipper looked at the hen.‘This is too big for you .’he said.‘Come and see this.’said dad.‘This is too big for you .’said Mum.‘This is too big for me .’said Dad. Lesson 14 Apresent for MumDad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh. Mum and dad had a party. Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box. Mum had a smaller box.‘What is it?’she asked.The present got smaller………..and smaller…….and smaller.‘This is for you .’said Dad.‘And this for you .’said Mum.‘Oh Dad!’said Mum.‘Oh Mum!’said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sandBiff’s spade was no good .Dad got a big spade.‘Let me dig a hole.’he said.Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger…..…..and bigger …….and bigger,……..and deeper …….and deeper. All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmae in .‘I can’t stop it .’said Dad.The tide came.Dad’s spade was in the hole.Next day ,the hole had gone. Dad’s spade was under the sand.‘Let’s dig.’said Dad.Lesson 16 In a bit‘Come and help.’said Mum. Biff was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’she said.Dad had a job for chip.‘Come and help.’he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘In a bit .’he said.Kipper’s room was mess.‘Come and help.’said Mum.Kipper was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’he said.‘What can we do?’said Dad. Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner.‘In a bit.’said Mum and Dad. Lesson 17 Poor floppyFloppy was not well.He lay on his bed.“He looks bad,” said Kipper.Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet.Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats,”he said. Floppy just looked at the cats. He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy. “Give him some pills,” she said. Mum took Floppy home. Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better. Lesson 18 Put it back‘Look at this .’said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘Put it back .’said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘Let’s look on the sand .’said Dad.‘Come and see this .’ said Chip. He had a net.‘Come and see this . ‘ said Mum. She had a bit of wood.‘Look at this shell .’said Kipper.‘This is the best of all.’The shell had legs.‘Oh no !’said Kipper.‘What is it .’‘It’s a hermit crab .’said Dad.‘It’s a crab that lives in a shell.’‘Put it back .’said Kipper. Lesson 19 The BabysitterThe babysitter came.‘Go back to bed .’said Dad. The children came downstairs.‘We couldn’t sleep. ’they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight . Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.‘What a mess !’said the babysitter. Mum and dad come back.‘Was everyone good? ’said Mum.‘Yes and no .’ said the babysitter. Lesson 20 Floppy’s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘What a soggy doggy! ’said Kipper. Biff and Chip dried Floppy.Floppy looked clean.‘What a good dog!’said Kipper. Oh no!Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloonMum and Dad went shopping . Kipper bought a balloon.They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang.Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘Kipper’s balloon !’he said. Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away. Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down.‘Oh no! ’said Dad. Lesson 22 Kipper’s birthday It was Kipper’s birthday. Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to came. Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘Stop it .’said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game .But Kipper put the television.‘Oh no!’said Mum. ‘What a mess!’The children played with the bubbles. Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘Stay in bed.’she said.Mum had spots.‘Stay in bed too.’said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘what a job!’said Dad. Everyone got better.‘Oh no!’ said Mum.Dad had spots.Lesson 24 The water fightEveryone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said ‘no!’Biff got the paddling pool.Kipper filled it with water.Chip pushed Biff in the water.He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘Stop it !’said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh on! ‘Sorry !’ said Dad. Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane 1 Biff’s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good.Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked.She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry.She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market.They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff.Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges.The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates.The cat jumped over some clothes. ‘Got you’ said a man.Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!”everyone said.‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked.Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies. Everyone looked at Floppy.‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28 Kipper’s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him. Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him.Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried.‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.Lesson 29 The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper. Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper.Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it. Kipper was upset.‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad. ‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.‘I’m glad.’Lesson 30 The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children.They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home. The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip. They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ said Dad.‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.。



典范英语2A欧阳家百(2021.03.07)目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks3Lesson2 A sinking feeling4Lesson3 Naughty Children5Lesson 4 It’s the weather6Lesson 5 Hey presto!7Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !8Lesson 7 The Little Dragon9Lesson 8 The lost puppy11Lesson 9 New trees12Lesson 10 The Band13Lesson 11 Up and down14 Lesson??????What??is??it? ?? Lesson??????The??big??egg ??Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum17Lesson 15 The hole in the sand18Lesson 16 In a bit19Lesson 17 Poor floppy20Lesson 18 Put it back22Lesson 19 The Babysitter23Lesson 20 Floppy’s bath24Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon25 Lesson????Kipper’s??birthday ?? Lesson??????Spots3??Lesson 24 The water fight28 Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane29 Lesson26 The chase30Lesson 27 Floppy the hero30 Lesson 28 Kipper’s Laces31Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth32 Lesson 30 The Foggy Day33Lesson 1 Monkey tricksThe children went to the zoo.They looked at the giraffes.The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals.The seals were hungry.They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were sleep. They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy. They looked at the elephants The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey. Lesson2 A sinking feeling The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the duck.“Get on,” said Wilma.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip.Biff climbed on.“Get on,” said Biff.Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty Children Two children came.They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa.They climbed up the curtains. They jumped on the bed.They climbed up the tree.They jumped on the flower.“Oh no!” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder. They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!” said Mum. The children went home. Lesson 4It’s the weatherThe children were noisy.The children were silly.The children were messy. The children were untidy.‘Oh dear!’ said Mrs. May.‘it’s the weather.’The children were cross.The children were grumpy. "Oh dear!" said Mrs. May. "It's the weather.""What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena.She took Dad’s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s earring.She put it in the bag.She took Dad’s watch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage. She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand.“Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !Wilma had a creepycrawly.She put it in the bath.Wilma called Dad.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't. ” said Dad. Wilf called Mum.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Mum. Wilf called Chip.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Chip. Wilf called Biff.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy !”saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little DragonThe children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip."Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma."I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma."I am frightened," said the dragon."I am cross," said the princess. She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone. Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.Th ey couldn’t find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn’t find sniff.Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dog!’ said everyone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week. Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree.He put it by the shed.Chip gave a tree.He put it by the stream.Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond.Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone.He put it in a hole."A funny tree," said Chip. "A funny bone," said Dad. Lesson 10 The Band Dad played his trumpet. He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the shed.Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park. The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. The band couldn’t play.‘What a bad dog!’ said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and down Mum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad. She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘Stop!’ she said.‘Up and down!’ said Dad. Lesson 12 What is it? Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.‘What is it ?’ said Biff.Biff looked.‘What is it ?’she said.Wilf looked.‘What is it ?’ he said.‘What is it ?’ said Wilma.‘Is it a frog?’‘What is it?’ said Chip.‘Is it a lizard?’Mum looked at it .‘What is it ?’said the children.‘It’s a salamander.’ said Mum.‘It’s lost.’she said.The salamander was safe. Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens.They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea .Kipper went on looking.‘Look at this egg.’ said kipper.‘This is too big .’Kipper looked at the hen.‘This is too big for you .’he said.‘Come and see this.’said dad.‘This is too big for you .’said Mum.‘This is too big for me .’said Dad. Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum Dad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh. Mum and dad had a party.Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box.‘What is it?’she asked.The present got smaller………..and smaller…….and smaller.‘This is for you .’said Dad.‘And this for you .’said Mum.‘Oh Dad!’said Mum.‘Oh Mum!’said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sand Biff’s spade was no good .Dad got a big spade.‘Let me dig a hole.’he said.Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger…..…..and bigger …….and bigger,……..and deeper …….and deeper. All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmae in .‘I can’t stop it .’said Dad.The tide came.Dad’s spade was in the hole.Next day ,the hole had gone.Dad’s spade was under the sand.‘Let’s dig.’said Dad.Lesson 16 In a bit‘Come and help.’said Mum.Biff was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’she said.Dad had a job for chip.‘Come and help.’he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘In a bit .’he said.Kipper’s room was mess.‘Come and help.’said Mum.Kipper was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’he said.‘What can we do?’said Dad.Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner.‘In a bit.’said Mum and Dad. Lesson 17 Poor floppy Floppy was not well.He lay on his bed.“He looks bad,” said Kipper. Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet. Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats,”he said. Floppy just looked at the cats. He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy. “Give him some pills,” she said.Mum took Floppy home. Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.Lesson 18 Put it back‘Look at this .’said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘Put it back .’said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘Let’s look on the sand .’said Dad.‘Come and see this .’ said Chip. He had a net.‘Come and see this . ‘ said Mum. She had a bit of wood.‘Look at this shell .’said Kipper.‘This is the best of all.’The shell had legs.‘Oh no !’said Kipper.‘What is it .’‘It’s a hermit crab .’said Dad.‘It’s a crab that lives in a shell.’‘Put it back .’said Kipper. Lesson 19 The Babysitter The babysitter came.‘Go back to bed .’said Dad. The children came downstairs.‘We couldn’t sleep.’they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight . Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.‘What a mess !’said the babysitter. Mum and dad come back.‘Was everyone good ? ’sa id Mum.‘Yes and no .’ said the babysitter. Lesson 20 Floppy’s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘What a soggy doggy! ’said Kipper.Biff and Chip dried Floppy. Floppy looked clean.‘What a good dog!’said Kipper. Oh no!Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon Mum and Dad went shopping . Kipper bought a balloon. They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang. Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘Kipper’s balloon !’he said. Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away.Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down.‘Oh no! ’said Dad.Lesson 22 Kipper’s birthday It was Kipper’s birthday. Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to came. Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘Stop it .’said Mum. Everyone came to the party. Dad wanted to play a game . But Kipper put the television.‘Oh no!’said Mum. ‘What a mess!’The children played with the bubbles. Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘Stay in bed.’she said.Mum had spots.‘Stay in bed too.’said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘what a job!’said Dad.Everyone got better.‘Oh no!’ said Mum.Dad had spots.Lesson 24 The water fight Everyone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said ‘no!’Biff got the paddling pool.Kipper filled it with water.Chip pushed Biff in the water.He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘Stop it !’said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water.He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip.Oh on! ‘Sorry !’ said Dad. Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane 1 Biff’s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good. Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked.She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry.She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market.They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff. Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges. The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates. The cat jumped over some clothes. ‘Got you’ said a man. Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!” everyone said.‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked. Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at Floppy.‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28 Kipper’s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him. Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried.‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.Lesson 29 The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper. Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.Kipper was upset.‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad. ‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.‘I’m glad.’Lesson 30 The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children. They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog g ot worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip. They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ said Dad.‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.。



新版典范英语7(旧版6)2 第二篇J /I J * /niqNoisy Neighbours1 Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch 's grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to CarlClutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars -and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum -brum, tootle -toot, bang! Hiswhole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall …but his n eighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum -brum, tootle -toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘Stamps cost far too much money!'he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can 't go on, ' Flinch thought to hfi.mHs e leven shouted it out loud:2 Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carl 's house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him! ' said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to li a house with rats! 'At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and -carefully, carefully -crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy'schimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo! '‘That will get ride of her, he sa'id with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a housewith ghosts! 'Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can't use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaningup. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That 's how I got this great ide a w! aTyake breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast. 'Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh,Carl! Guess what happened last night! '‘I give up, ' said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell. 'Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Lastnight, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise! ' She frowned.‘But the music wasn 't very good! I think they want some new songsto sing! I 'm sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall! 'She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3 Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl 's house.He showed Carl a fistful of m oney. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours! ' he said.‘Anything you say, chief, ' said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.‘Aslong as I can mend cars, I'lbl e happy anywhere. 'Carl went on, ‘I 'mlol ve out as soon as I can sell the house! 'Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy 's house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours! ' he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I hamvye music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house! 'Mr Fli nch went home a happy man - well, as happy as a man like Mr Fli nch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Aths,oboun those noisy neighbours will be gone, too! 'In a few days, Mr Flinch 's neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet - nothing but the no ise of mice scratchi ngin the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Goingalready are you, you pest?'he mutted. ‘Ipity the person who has to live next door to you! ' Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch! ' she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses! 'Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn 't this fun! ' She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy 's bright house and Poppy moved into Carl 's jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy:‘ There ' s no place like home! ' Mr Flinch heard it right through the wall of his house with a towel round his head. …eve n in side his cupboard, even。

典范英语2A 最新最全

典范英语2A  最新最全
She put it in the bath.
Wilma called Dad.
“ Get it out,” said Wilf.
“Ugh! I couldn't. ” said Dad.
Wilf called Mum.
“ Get it out,” said Wilf.
“Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Mum.
Wilma climbed on the duck.
“Get on,” said Wilma.
Wilf climbed on.
“Get on,” said Wilf.
Chip climbed on.
“Get on,” said Chip.
Biff climbed on.
“Get on,” said Biff.
They climbed on the furniture.
They jumped on the sofa.
They climbed up the curtains.
They jumped on the bed.
They climbed up the tree.
They jumped on the flower.
“Oh no!” said Mum.
Biff had a idea.
They climbed up the ladder.
They jumped off the lot.
They climbed on the net.
They jumped off the wall.
Everyone was happy.
Lesson 1 Monkey tricks



典范英语2A目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks3Lesson2 A sinking feeling4Lesson3 Naughty Children5Lesson 4 It’s the weather6Lesson 5 Hey presto!7Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !8Lesson 7 The Little Dragon9Lesson 8 The lost puppy11Lesson 9 New trees12Lesson 10 The Band13Lesson 11 Up and down14 Lesson??????What??is??it? ?? Lesson??????The??big??egg ?? Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum17 Lesson 15 The hole in the sand18Lesson 16 In a bit19Lesson 17 Poor floppy20Lesson 18 Put it back22Lesson 19 The Babysitter23Lesson 20 Floppy’s bath24Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloon25 Lesson????Kipper’s??birthday ?? Lesson??????Spots4??Lesson 24 The water fight28Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane29Lesson26 The chase30Lesson 27 Floppy the hero30Lesson 28 Kipper’s Laces31Lesson 29 The Wobbly Tooth32 Lesson 30 The Foggy Day33Lesson 1 Monkey tricksThe children went to the zoo.They looked at the giraffes.The giraffes were tall.They looked at the seals. The seals were hungry. They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were sleep. They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy. They looked at the elephants The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for kipper. Kipper looked like a monkey.Lesson2 A sinking feeling The children were in the pool. Wilma climbed on the duck.“Get on,” said Wilma.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf.Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip.Biff climbed on.“Get on,” said Biff. Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t ge t on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no !Lesson3 Naughty Children Two children came.They climbed on the furniture. They jumped on the sofa. They climbed up the curtains. They jumped on the bed. They climbed up the tree. They jumped on the flower.“Oh no!” said Mum.Biff had a idea.They climbed up the ladder.They jumped off the lot.They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!” said Mum. The children went home.Lesson 4It’s the weatherThe children were noisy.The children were silly.The children were messy.The children were untidy.‘Oh dear!’ said Mrs. May.‘it’s the weather.’The children were cross. The children were grumpy. "Oh dear!" said Mrs. May. "It's the weather." "What a day!" said Mrs. May. Lesson 5Hey presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena.She took Dad’s tie.She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s earring.She put it in the bag.She took Dad’s watch.She put it in the bag.She took Dad on the stage. She put the bag on Dad’s head. Sheena took a big box.She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand.“Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma. Lesson 6 Creepycrawly !Wilma had a creepycrawly.She put it in the bath.Wilma called Dad.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't. ” said Dad. Wilf called Mum.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't . ” said Mum. Wilf called Chip.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't.” said Chip. Wilf called Biff.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn't .” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper.“ Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy !”saidKipper.Lesson 7 The Little DragonThe children put on a play."I am the King," said Chip. "Fight the dragon.""I am the knight," said Wilma."I will fight the dragon.""I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon.""I am the princess," said Biff."I like dragons."The princess played with the dragon.They played under the tree."I am the knight," said Wilma. "I am frightened," said the dragon. "I am cross," said the princess. She pushed the knight in the pond. "What a good play," said everyone. Lesson 8 The lost puppyMrs. May had a puppy.It was called sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs. May was upset.Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Wilf and Wilma looked.They couldn’t find Sniff.Mum and Dad looked.They couldn’t find sniff. Everyone looked.Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone.Sniff was by the tree.‘What a clever dog!’ said everyone. Lesson 9 New treesThe children went to the park.It was "Give a tree" week.Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree.He put it by the shed.Chip gave a tree.He put it by the stream.Biff gave a tree.She put it by the pond.Wilf gave a tree.He put it by the bridge. Wilma gave a tree.She put it by the swing. Floppy gave a bone.He put it in a hole."A funny tree," said Chip."A funny bone," said Dad. Lesson 10 The BandDad played his trumpet. He played in the house. Floppy banked at Dad. Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad. Dad played in a band.The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park. The band played.Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. The band couldn’t play.‘What a bad dog!’ said Dad. Lesson 11 Up and down Mum and dad went shopping. Dad wanted a book.He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up.Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad.She went up.Mum went down.Dad went up.Dad went down.Mum went up.Mum came down.‘Stop!’ she said.‘Up and down!’ said Dad. Lesson 12 What is it? Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked.‘What is it ?’ said Biff. Biff looked.‘What is it ?’she said.Wilf looked.‘What is it ?’ he said.‘What is it ?’ said Wilma.‘Is it a frog?’‘What is it?’ said Chip.‘Is it a lizard?’Mum looked at it .‘What is it ?’said the children.‘It’s a salamander.’ said Mum.‘It’s lost.’she said.The salamander was safe.Lesson 13 The big eggThe children fed the hens.They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea .Kipper went on looking.‘Look at this egg.’ said kipper.‘This is too big .’Kipper looked at the hen.‘This is too big for you .’he said.‘Come and see this.’said dad.‘This is too big for you .’said Mum.‘This is too big for me .’said Dad.Lesson 14 Apresent for Mum Dad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh. Mum and dad had a party. Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box. Mum had a smaller box.‘What is it?’she asked.The present got smaller………..and smaller…….and smaller.‘This is for you .’said Dad.‘And this for you .’said Mum.‘Oh Dad!’said Mum.‘Oh Mum!’said Dad.Lesson 15 The hole in the sand Biff’s spade was no good .Dad got a big spade.‘Let me dig a hole.’he said.Dad dug a hole . The children helped. The hole got bigger…..…..and bigger …….and bigger,……..and deeper …….and deeper. All the children came.They played in the hole.The water cmae in .‘I can’t stop it .’said Dad. The tide came.Dad’s spade was in the hole. Next day ,the hole had gone. Dad’s spade was under the sand.‘Let’s dig.’said Dad. Lesson 16 In a bit‘Come and help.’said Mum. Biff was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’she said.Dad had a job for chip.‘Come and help.’he said.Chip was looking at the TV.‘In a bit .’he said.Kipper’s room was mess.‘Come and help.’said Mum. Kipper was looking at the TV.‘In a bit.’he said.‘What can we do?’said Dad. Mum had an idea.Biff ,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner.‘In a bit.’said Mum and Dad. Lesson 17 Poor floppyFloppy was not well.He lay on his bed.“He looks bad,” said Kipper. Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet. Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets.“I can see six cats,”he said. Floppy just looked at the cats.He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy. “Give him some pills,” she said. Mum took Floppy home. Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.Lesson 18 Put it back‘Look at this .’said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.‘Put it back .’said ChipBiff put the crab back.‘Let’s look on the sand .’said Dad.‘Come and see this .’ said Chip.He had a net.‘Come and see this . ‘ said Mum. She had a bit of wood.‘Look at this shell .’said Kipper.‘This is the best of all.’The shell had legs.‘Oh no !’said Kipper.‘What is it .’‘It’s a hermit crab .’said Dad.‘It’s a crab that lives in a shell.’‘Put it back .’said Kipper. Lesson 19 The BabysitterThe babysitter came.‘Go back to bed .’said Dad. The children came downstairs.‘We couldn’t sleep. ’they said. Kipper got his books.He wanted a story.Biff was hungry.They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight . Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed.‘What a mess !’said the babysitter. Mum and dad come back.‘Was everyone good? ’said Mum.‘Yes and no .’ said the babysitter. Lesson 20 Floppy’s bathFloppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it .It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home.‘What a soggy doggy! ’said Kipper. Biff and Chip dried Floppy.Floppy looked clean.‘What a good dog!’said Kipper. Oh no!Lesson 21 Kipper’s balloonMum and Dad went shopping . Kipper bought a balloon.They went to the supermarket.The balloon went bang.Kipper bought a new balloon.Dad went to the toilet.Dad saw a balloon.‘Kipper’s balloon !’he said. Dad ran after it.The balloon blew away.Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down.‘Oh no! ’said Dad. Lesson 22 Kipper’s birthday It was Kipper’s birthday. Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to came.Biff put up balloons.Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich.‘Stop it .’said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game .But Kipper put the television.‘Oh no!’said Mum. ‘What a mess!’The children played with the bubbles. Lesson 23 Spots!Kipper had sopts.Biff and Chip had spots, too.The doctor came.‘Stay in bed.’she said.Mum had spots.‘Stay in bed too.’said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping .‘what a job!’said Dad. Everyone got better.‘Oh no!’ said Mum.Dad had spots.Lesson 24 The water fight Everyone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming.Dad said ‘no!’Biff got the paddling pool. Kipper filled it with water. Chip pushed Biff in the water. He grabbed the hose.The had a water fight.Mum got wet.‘Stop it !’said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh on! ‘Sorry !’ said Dad.Lesson 25 Biff’s areoplane 1 Biff’s AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane. Mum helped her.The aeroplane looked good. Biff wanted to fly it.She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up.It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helped.Biff looked and looked.She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry.She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.Lesson26 The chaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market.They got a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff.Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges. The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates.The cat jumped over some clothes. ‘Got you’ said a man.Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!” everyone said.‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.Lesson 27 Floppy the heroA fire engine went by.There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked. Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip.The firemen pushed the door down.Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at Floppy.‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.What a hero!Lesson 28 Kipper’s LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him. Kipper was upset. He told Dad.Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried.‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.Lesson 29 The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper. Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.Kipper was upset.‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad. ‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.‘I’m glad.’Lesson 30 The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children. They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip. They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ said Dad.‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.。



典范英语2a故事续编1In "Good English 2a", we follow the adventures of Biff, Chip and Kipper. After their last adventure in the magic key, they were really excited. But one day, when they were playing in the garden, they found a strange little door at the bottom of the old tree.They had never noticed it before. Biff was a bit scared but also very curious. Chip pushed the door gently, and it creaked open. Inside, there was a long, dark tunnel. Kipper took out his torch and they decided to go in. As they walked along the tunnel, they heard some strange noises. It sounded like something was scratching the walls.Suddenly, a little furry creature ran past them. It was so fast that they could hardly see what it was. Biff was about to scream, but Chip covered her mouth. They kept walking and found that the tunnel led to a big, beautiful underground garden. There were all kinds of strange and wonderful plants.The little furry creature was there too. It seemed to be guarding the garden. It looked at them warily at first, but when it saw that they didn't mean any harm, it came closer. They started to explore the garden together. The creature showed them a special flower that could change colors. They had a great time in the underground garden and when they finally went back home, they couldn't wait to tell their parents about their new adventure.中文翻译:在《典范英语2a》中,我们跟随着比夫(Biff)、奇普(Chip)和基珀(Kipper)的冒险之旅。

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