


现在进行时表将来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8216403809.html,dies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane_____. A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off 2. —Are you still busy? —Yes, I______ my work, and it won’t take long. A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish 3. -What would you do if it _____ tomorrow? -We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready. A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining 4. --- Did you tell Julia about the result? ---Oh, no, I forgot. I her now. A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call 5. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn't stopped ringing. People ____to ask how I am going to spend the money. A. phone B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning 6. I will visit you if father ______ me. A. let B. lets C. is letting D. will let 7. Look out! That tree _____ fall down. A. is going to B. will be C. shall D. would 8. My uncle _____ to see me. He'll be here soon. A. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came 9. " When ______ school begin?" " Next Monday. " A. has B. does C. did D. is going to 10. Every time I _____ there, I will buy him something nice. A. went B. will go C. go D. have gone 11. We won't go unless you ______ soon. A. had come B. came C. will come D. come 12. The air liner from Beijing _____ at 3:00 p.m. A. is about to arrive B. has arrived C. arrives D. is going to arrive


英语中大家对be going to和will(shall)+动词的形式都表示将来意义这个知识点并不陌生。 比如: I’m going to Japan next week. =I will go to Japan next week.我下周将要去日本。 be going to是现在进行时的结构,但是时态表示将来。今天我将要继续分享“am/is/are+ doing”是现在进行时的结构,通常表示“现在”这个时间里“正在”发生的动作。但是表示暂时性动作的动词,通常情况下,可以用现在进行时表示将来。英语中表示暂时性动作,常用进行时表示将来的动词有come,go,arrive,leave,start,fly,die等。 比如: Don’t worry. The train is arriving here soon. 别着急,火车马上就到了。 We’re leaving Beijing for home. 我们就要离开北京回家了。 这种用法所用的动词多是位移动词。所谓位移动词顾名思义就是位置上会发生改变,比如come,go,leave。:进行时表将来的动词需要特殊记忆(开始离开来去到达,start,begin,leave,come,go,arrive) 并且这类词不止能用现在进行时表示将来。 比如: He’s leaving for Shanghai. He’ll leave for Shanghai. 同时现在进行时也可用于某种非位移动词。 比如: I’m meeting you after school. 放学后我见你。

What are you doing next Sunday?下星期天你要干什么? 初中阶段用现在进行时表将来的位移动词和非位移动词汇总如下,同学们可特殊记忆。 接下来我们看一道现在进行时表将来的易错题: The engineer is returning from Hong Kong _____ a few days. A. since B. for C. in D. after 很多同学一看选D,正确答案C。 解析:is returning是现在进行时表示将来。 since是指从...起,一般与现在完成时配合,而且后面跟的是时间点。如since last sunday从上周六起;

一般过去时 过去进行时 被动语态

一般过去时 一、一般过去时的基本构成 1、be动词的一般现在时形式:was , were 2、其他动词用过去式的形式 二、一般过去时的基本用法 1、在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。例如:时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。 Eg ① He didn't finish his homework yesterday. ② We visited the factory last week. 2、表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。因此在这类句子中,经常 使用always,often,once a month等表示事情发生频度的时间状语。 ① When I was a child, I often played football in the street. ② Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome. 那时,布朗一家无论什么时候去,都受到热烈欢迎。 **表示过去经常性的、习惯性的动作也可以用used to do 来表示。(强调现在已经不这样了) Eg I used to get up early in the morning. 3、有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动 作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时。 Eg I didn’t know you were in Paris. 我不知道你在巴黎。 (因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.) I thought you were ill. 我以为你病了呢。 (这句话应是在说话之前,我以为你病了。但是现在我知道你没病) 4、wish, wonder, think, hope等用过去时,作试探性的询问、请求、建议等,而一般过去时表示的动作或状态都已成为过去,现已不复存在。 Eg I thought you might have some. 我以为你想要一些。 Christine was an invalid all her life.(含义:她已不在人间。) Christine has been an invalid all her life.(含义:她现在还活着) Mrs. Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years. (含义:达比太太已不再住在肯塔基州) Mrs. Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years. (含义:现在还住在肯塔基州,有可能指刚离去) 5、用过去时表示现在,表示委婉语气。 ①动词want, hope, wonder, think, intend等。 Eg Did you want anything else? 您还要些什么吗? I wondered if you could help me. 能不能帮我一下。 ②情态动词could, would。 Eg Could you lend me your bike? 你的自行车,能借用一些吗? 6、特殊句型: ①It is time for sb. to do sth “到……时间了”;“该……了”。 Eg It is time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。


时态详解:过去进行时 一、过去进行时的定义 过去进行时主要表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作。如: I was having a talk with Li Hua at that time. 那时,我正在跟李华谈话。 I was watching TV at home last night. 昨晚我一直在看电视。 二、如何理解过去进行时: 大家知道,过去进行时表示说话时正在进行的动作或发生的情况。由此可推知,过去进行时就是表示在过去某时正在进行的动作或发生的情况。如汉语说“我进来时他正在吃饭”,如果“进来”发生在过去,那么“正在吃饭”显然就是过去某时正在进行的动作——也就是说,“进来”用一般过去时,“正在吃饭”就要用过去进行时。 三、过去进行的构成 过去进行时由“was / were + 现在分词”构成。如: Someone is knocking the door. 有人在敲门。 Steam was rising from the coffee. 咖啡冒着热气。 Clouds were flying across the sky. 云彩飘过天空。 注意有些was (were) doing sth不是现在进行时,而是系表结构,其中的doing sth是动名词,不是现在分词。如: Her job was washing clothes. 她的工作是洗衣裳。 Her hobby was growing roses. 她的爱好是种植玫瑰。 Her suggestion was having our conversation in French. 她的建议是我们用法语交谈。 四、过去进行时的主要用法 1. 表示在过去某一点时间或某一段时正在进行的动作。如: I was having a bath when the phone rang. 我正在洗澡,突然电话铃响了。 She was writing letters. I didn’t want to disturb her.她在写信。我不想打扰她。 2. 表示在过去短期内正在进行的动作或存在的情况,这种情况通常不会长期如此。如:


现在进行时表将来全面归纳 一、用法归纳 1. 表示计划或安排 现在进行时表示将来意义,主要用于谈论已经计划或安排好的动作,所涉及的动词有些是表示位置移动的,有些不一定是表示位置移动的,但总的说来,能这样用的动词比较有限,主要有arrive, come, dine, do, drive, fly, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, sleep, spend, start, stay, travel, wear, work等。如:I’m leaving tonight. I’ve got my plane ticket. 我今天晚上就要动身了,已经买好了机票。 I’m meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面。他要带我去看戏。

英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。其实坦白说,如果自己一个人学习英语太孤独,太寂寞,没有办法坚持,好几次都会半途而废。只要你加入到那个群里以后,自己就会每天都能在群里坚持学,坚持不停地说和练,由于是付费群,群里的成员学习氛围非常强,每天的训练度都非常猛,本来很懒惰的你一下子就被感染了,不由自主地被带动起来参与操练,不好意思偷懒,别人的刻苦学习精神会不知不觉影响你,EYC英语微信群(群主vx 601332975)可以彻底治好你的拖延症,里面学员都非常友好,总是给你不断的帮助和鼓励,让你学英语的路上重新燃起了斗志,因为每天都在运用,你的英语口语就能得到了迅猛的提升,现在可以随便给一个话题,都能用英文滔滔不绝的发表5分钟以上对这个话题的看法和观点,想提高英语口语的可以加入进来,It really works very well.


3. 表示命令和拒绝 现在进行时表示将来时, 有时可表示命令或拒绝, You ' re not wearing that skirt to school. You ' re not playing football in my garden. She 's taking that medicine whether she likes it or not. 那药。 即用于坚持要别人做什么事或不做什么事。 如 你不可以穿 那条裙子去上学。 你们不许在我的花园里踢足球。 不管她喜欢不喜欢,她都得吃 现在进行时表将来的用法归纳 一、用法归纳 1. 表示计划或安排 现在进行时表示将来意义, 主要用于谈论已经计划或安排好的动作, 所涉及的动词有些是表示位 置移动的,有些不一定是表示位置移动的, 但总的说来, 能这样用的动词比较有限, 主要有 arrive, come, dine, do, drive, fly, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, sleep, spend, start, stay, travel, wear, work 等。如: I 'm leaving tonight. I 've got my plane ticket. 我今天晚上就要动身了,已经买好了机 票。 I ' m meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面。 他要带我去看戏。 “What are you doing this evening? ” “I ' mwashing my hair. ” “你今晚打算做什么 ?”“ 我 要洗头。 ” I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina ' s birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her. 我真不愿打扰您, 但莉娜阿姨的生日就要到了, 我想给她买点好东西。 2. 表示即将发生 对于即将要发生的动作, 不管是计划好的还是没有计划好的, 通常都可用现在进行时来表示。 如: I 'm just going out to the post office. Back in a minute. 我要到邮局去,一会儿就回来。 Get your coat on! I ' m taking you down to the doctor! 穿好外衣 ! 我这就带你去看医生 — Jim, would you come here, please? 吉姆,请过来一下好吗 ? — OK, I ' m coming. 好的,我就来。 、用法辨析


. 一般过去时、过去进行时 --寒假 Name: ______________ Date:___________ ●Warm-up: 生动有趣的水果习语(一) 在英语中,水果不仅指水果本身,在习语中,它们还有其他的含义. Apple 1.the apple of one's eye意为“掌上明珠,心爱之物”. e.g.: He is the apple of his mom's eye.他是他妈妈的掌上明珠. 2.the Big Apple指纽约(New York) e.g.: The little boy is from the Big Apple.这个小男孩来自纽约. Banana top banana 有“领袖,老板(boss)”的意思 e.g.: He is very happy to be the top banana.他非常高兴当了老板. ●知识点将台

一般过去时: 1.谓语构成-------用动词过去式 以work为例: I /you(你) 其它的单数名词或专有名词He/she/it/worked. )/they你We/you用法2 . last night①表示过去某一时间内发生的动作: The snow stopped , 可与often, always等连用。②表示过去经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态My mother always went to work by bus last year. / I was fat two years ago. e.g.: 3.动词过去式的构成 live---- work---- ①一般在动词原形后加-ed/d: dance---- plan---- -ed: 1②以个元音字母加1个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词加 shop--- try------ iy③以辅音字母加结尾的动词变y为再加—ed: carry---- ) 等 stay----- 注意(: play---- ) ④不规则变化(特殊记忆 4. 常与一般过去时搭配的时间状语 ago ago①与连用: a moment/two minutes/three hours/five days/one week/six months/four years'. . ②与last一起用的状语词组: last time/week/month/spring/year/Monday ③与one/that连用: one/that morning/evening/night/day


过去进行时的用法 一、过去进行时的时间状语 1. when 和while引导的状语从句中,强调某个动作正在进行的过程中时要用进行时态,while 表示一段时间,因此它所引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用进行时态,如: When/While we were having supper, the light went out. 我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了。 2. when用作并列连词时,主句常用进行时态,从句则用一般过去时,表示主句动作发生的过程中,另一个意想不到的动作发生了。如: I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。 二、下面几种情况不用一般过去时而要用过去进行时: 1. 表示过去某一阶段暂时性的习惯动作时。如: Tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week. 汤姆那一周里每天都是六点钟起床。 2. 与always连用表示赞美,厌烦等感情色彩时。如: John was always coming to school late. 约翰上学总是迟到。 Lei Feng was always doing good deeds for the people. 雷锋总是为人民做好事。 3. 用来描写故事发生的情景时。如: It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A PLA man suddenly appeared on the river bank. He wanted to cross the river.那是一个漆黑的夜晚,风刮得很厉害,雨下得很大,一个解放军战士突然出现在河岸上,他想过河去。 4. when作并列连词,表示“(这时)突然”之意时,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when引导的并列分句用一般过去时。如: I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。 We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我们正在外边玩,这时下起雨来了。 5. go, come, leave, start, arrive等动词可用过去进行时表示过去将来的含义。如: I was leaving for Wuhan that day. 那天我正要去武汉。 She was coming later. 她随后就来。 三、过去进行时表示婉转语气(只限于want, hope, wonder 等动词),用以提出请求。如: I was wondering if you could help me. I was hoping you could send me home. 1. 过去进行时的定义


现在进行时表将来教学设计 Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim: use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about future plan correctly. Skill aim: students know how to talk future plans. Important points: 1. the structure of the Present Progressive Tense. 2. Get the students know the different kinds of verbs that used in structure. 3. use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about future plan. Difficult point: use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about the future plan. Teaching Procedure: The telephone is ringing , would you answer it? 电话正在响,请你接一下,好吗? The boy is jumping with joy. 那个小男孩正高兴的跳呢。 现在进行时的结构是be+doing,它的基本用法是表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。 看看下面的句子应该怎么理解呢? 1.What are you doing next Sunday?

下个星期天你打算干什么呢? 2.She is buying a new car next month. 她下个月将要买一辆新车。 3.I’m not waiting any longer. 我将不再等了。 当句子涉及确切的计划、明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动时,现在进行时可用来表示将来。 现在进行时表将来句子中谓语动词分四类: 1.常与瞬间动词连用。比如:come ,go, arrive, leave, start, return等。 The train is arriving. 火车将要进站了。 He is coming back tomorrow. 他明天(将要)回来。 2.常与表示交通方式、行程安排的动词连用。比如:walk, ride, fly, drive, take (a bus, a train) 等。 They are flying to Beijing next week. 他们下周(将)要飞往北京。 3.与表示位置的词连用。如:stay, remain等。 I’m staying at home tonight. 我今晚打算呆在家里。 4.与少数其它动词连用。如:do, have, visit, buy, meet等。


巩固练习 一、完成下列对话 1. Harry: _____ Sarah _____ (come) on the trip tomorrow? Cindy: Yes. She _____ (leave) tomorrow morning. Harry: Do you know what time? Cindy: She _____ (leave) her house at seven o’ clock and will catch the train at eight. 2. Matthew: How _____ you _____ (get) to school? Joe: I _____ (cycle) to school and leaving my clothes behind. My mum _____ (bring) my clothes to school tomorrow morning. Matthew: Lucky you! That seems a good idea. 3. Peter: Where _____ we _____ (go)? James: To the sea. Peter: How _____ we _____ (get) there? James: By car. 二、用所给动词的适当时态填空 1. —Is everybody here? —No. The speaker _________ (come) soon. 2. The patient _________ (get) worse and worse. When will the doctor arrive? 3. My friend Henry ___________ (think) others first. 4. The girl ____ always ________ (leave) things about. 5. —I’m going to the US to study law. —How long _______ you _______ (stay) there? 6. What will you want to be when you ______ (grow) up? 7. Look at the lightning. It _________ (rain). 8. Our English teacher _________ (arrive) in Shanghai in a few days. 9. —Jim is in town for a few days. —Really? Great! I _________ (give) him a call. Is he staying at his Aunt Rosa’s? 10. Put on your coat! I __________ (take) you to see the doctor downstairs. 三、单项选择: 1. —What’s that noise? —Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _______. A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested 2. —Have you got any job offers? —No. I _____. A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am waiting 3. Teenagers _____ their health because they play computer games too much.


过去进行时的用法归纳 过去进行时是英语语法中常用的一种,大家都知道过去进行时要怎么用吗? 特地整理归纳了过去进行时的使用方法,来看看吧。 一、过去进行时的时间状语 1. when 和while引导的状语从句中,强调某个动作正在进行的过程中时要用进行时态,while表示一段时间,因此它所引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用进行时态,如: When/While we were having supper, the light went out. 我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了。 2. when用作并列连词时,主句常用进行时态,从句则用一般过去时,表示主句动作发生的过程中,另一个意想不到的动作发生了。如: I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。 @ 二、下面几种情况不用一般过去时而要用过去进行时 1. 表示过去某一阶段暂时性的习惯动作时。如: Tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week. 汤姆那一周里每天都是六点钟起床。 2. 与always连用表示赞美,厌烦等感情色彩时。如: John was always coming to school late. 约翰上学总是迟到。

Lei Feng was always doing good deeds for the people. 雷锋总是为人民做好事。 3. 用来描写故事发生的情景时。如: : It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. A PLA man suddenly appeared on the river bank. He wanted to cross the river.那是一个漆黑的夜晚,风刮得很厉害,雨下得很大,一个解放军战士突然出现在河岸上,他想过河去。 4. when作并列连词,表示“(这时)突然”之意时,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when引导的并列分句用一般过去时。如: I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。 We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我们正在外边玩,这时下起雨来了。 5. go, come, leave, start, arrive等动词可用过去进行时表示过去将来的含义。如: I was leaving for Wuhan that day. 那天我正要去武汉。 She was coming later. 她随后就来。 . 三、过去进行时表示婉转语气 (只限于want, hope, wonder 等动词),用以提出请求。如: I was wondering if you could help me.


【初中英语】过去进行时完整归纳 一、初中英语过去进行时 1.When I saw her on the way here, he a magazine. A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. will read 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:当我在路上看到他的时候,她正在读一本杂志。在含有时间状语的复合句中,时间状语从句是一般过去时,延续性动词在主句用过去进行时。故选C。【点评】考查动词的时态,本题涉及过去进行时的应用,以及在含有时间状语的复合句中,时间状语从句是一般过去时,延续性动词在主句用过去进行时。 2.— I called you last night, but nobody answered. Where were you then? — Oh, I ____________ my pet dog in my yard. A. walked B. was walking C. am walking D. will walk 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——昨晚我给你打电话了,但是没人接,那时你在哪里?——哦,我在院子里正在遛我的宠物狗。A.一般过去时;B.过去进行时;C.现在进行时;D.一般将来时。根据Where were you then,可知是昨晚打电话那时正在遛狗,所以用过去进行时,故选B。 【点评】考查过去进行时,注意平时识记,理解句意。 3.When we got off the train this morning, it heavily. A. rains B. rained C. is raining D. was raining 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:当我们今天早上下火车的时候,雨下的很大。根据got off和this morning,可知时间状语从句的时态是一般过去时,主句应是过去进行时,故选D。 【点评】考查过去进行时,识记过去进行时的使用方法。 4.—What were you doing at this time yesterday? —I ________on the grass and drawing a picture. A. sit B. sat C. am sitting D. was sitting 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:—昨天这个时候你在做什么?—我正坐在草地上画画。问句用过去进行时,所以答语也应用过去进行时,was sitting。故选D。 【点评】考查过去进行时的用法。注意根据时间状语和上下文来确定句子的时态。 5.—I called you at about ten o'clock this morning. But you didn't answer the phone.


现在进行时表将来 现在进行时表示将来的意义,常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义,这种用法的句 子主语通常为人,学习时主要掌握下列三点: 一、现在进行时表示将来的用法 1.表示对最近的将来确定安排。如: Gina and Cindy are meeting tonight.吉娜和辛迪今晚要会面。 They are going to Shanghai next week. 他们下个星期要去上海。 ——When are you starting? 你们将什么时候动身? ——This Sunday. 本周日。 2.表示没有具体安排好细节的决定或计划。如: I’m not waiting for her any longer. 我不再等她了。 When I grow up, I’m joining the army. 我长大了要参军。 ——What are you doing for vacation? 你假期准备做什么? ——I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong. 我准备看望我香港的朋友。 3.用在时间或条件状语从句中表示将来的动作,强调动作的持续性。如: If I am still sleeping when he comes, wake me up, please. 他来时如果我还在睡觉,请你唤醒我。 When you are passing my way, please drop in. 当你路过我家时,请进来坐坐。 二、谓语动词 现在进行时表示将来的句子的谓语动词主要有下列三种: (1)现在进行时表示将来的句子的谓语动词绝大多数是位移动词,这样的动词有arrive,come,drive,fly,go,leave,travel等。如: I’m going home tonight. 我今晚回家。 We’re leaving for Changsha tomorrow. 我们明天就去长沙。 (2)表示位置的动词如stay,remain和动词do与have(吃、喝)。如: ——What are you doing next Saturday? 下星期六你准备做什么? ——I’m staying at home.我将呆在家里。 ——What are you doing this evening? 今天晚上你准备做什么? ——I’m having dinner at home with my families. 我要与我的家人在家共进晚餐。 (3)一些其它动词。如: My mother is buying me a dictionary soon.


一般过去时 1.表过去发生的事情或存在的状态 eg Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. 2.表过去经常发生的事情 eg I was very thin in my childhood. 3.带有确定的过去的时间状语 eg Did you meet yesterday? He left just now. We often played together when we were children. 我们小时候常在一起玩。 He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now. 他过去经常抽烟,但现在不抽了。 Whenever we were in trouble, he would help us. 每当我们遇到困难,他都会帮助我们。 He said he would wait until they came back. 常和一般过去时连用的过去时间状语有:last night (week ,month , year , century , etc.) , yesterday , the day before yesterday , yesterday morning ( afternoon , evening ) , in 1999 , two hours ago ( one week ago , tree years ago , …)等等。 使用一般过去时,在某种意义上说就是要强调动作或状态发生或存在于过去的某个时候。"过去"的时间概念有两层意思:一是指"现在某个时间"以前的时间;二是指"说话、写文章的那个时间点"以前的时间, 注意:用于某些特殊结构中表示现在: It’s time we star ted. 我们该动身了。 I wish I knew his name. 要是我知道他的名字就好了。 I’d rather you lived closer to us. 我希望你能住得离我们近点。 【注】该用法主要用于it’s time, I wish, I’d rather, if only, as if, as though 等少数结构后接从句的情形,其中有些结构后面的句子还可用一般过去时表示将来: I’d rather you came next Monday. 我宁愿你下周星期一来。 另外表主观想法的虚拟条件句也用一般过去时表示现在: If I had the money now I’d buy a car. 假若我现在有钱,我就买辆小汽车。 过去进行时 1、表示在过去某时刻正在进行的动作 eg At this moment yesterday, I was packing for camp. When I came to see her last time, she was writing an article. What were you doing at eight last night ? 2.用于故事的开头,交代故事发生的背景情况 eg One night, he was typing in his study . Suddenly , a man broke … 主要表示在过去的某个时间点上正在发生、进行的动作。由于它的定义是表示在过去的某个时间点上正在发生、进行的动作,所以,句子常带有一个表示“过去某个时间点”的状语。这个状语可能是短语,词组,或是一个从句。也可能是通过上下文来表达这层意思。 3)(仅限少数动词)表示在过去的未来时间要发生的动作。例如: She told me that she was going to Hainan for her holiday. 她告诉我她将去海南度假。 过去完成时 1、发生在“过去的过去”


知识点总结 1.定义 过去进行时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进行的动作。 2.构成:was/were +doing 3.过去进行时的基本句型 肯定式I was working. He / She / it was working. We were working. 疑问式Were you working? Was he / she / it working? Were we working? 否定式I was not working. He / she / it was not working. We were not working. 4.过去进行时的基本用法 a.过去进行时表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作,常和表过去的时间状语连用,如: I was doing my homework at this time yesterday. They were expecting you yesterday. b.过去进行时可与soon, the next moment, in minutes, minutes later等时间状语连用,表示一个新的动作刚刚开始。如: Soon the whole town was talking about it. c.过去进行时可用来申述原因或用作借口,这种用法常用在口语中。如: -- Have you finished your homework, Mary? -- No, I was helping my mother is the kitchen all day yesterday. d.过去进行时可用来为一个后一系列动作的发生提供背景。如: I hurt my leg when I was riding a bike.我在骑车时把腿摔坏了。 e.过去进行时可表示过去未曾实现的愿望或打算,这时be动词was/were要重读。如: I was writing him a letter this morning and forgot all about it . I was seeing her tomorrow. He was watching the play yesterday, but he was too busy. 5. 一般过去时和过去进行时的区别 (1)一般过去式常表示在过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态(包括过去习惯动作),常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有just now, a moment ago, yesterday, last week(month, year), the day before yesterday及表示过去的时间状语从句。如: I was sixteen yesterday old last year. He worked in a factory in 1986. I met her in the street the day before yesterday. He often swam in the river when he was young. (2)过去进行时表示过去某一段时间或某一时刻正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有,at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week…), at+点钟+yesterday (last night / Sunday…),when sb. did sth等时间状语从句。 What were you doing at seven p.m. yesterday? I first met Mary three years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time. I was cooking when she knocked at the door. (3)一般过去时往往表示某一动作已经完成,而过去进行时却表示动作在持续或未完成。如: I saw you while you were speaking to the teacher. 注意:有的过去时间状语既可用于一般过去时,也可用于过去进行时,但含义不同。如: She wrote a letter to her friend last night.(信写完了) She was writing a letter to her friend last night.(信不一定写完)
