

EVE18650 2000MAH

EVE18650 2000MAH

3.2 Nominal Voltage 额定电压
Discharge:0.2CmA 0.2C 放电(400mA)
3.2 AC Impedance Resistance 内阻
3.4 Discharge Cut-off Voltage 放电截至电压
3.5 Load Voltage 负载电压(33Ω)
4 Outline Dimensions and Appearance 电池外形尺寸及外观
4.1 Outline Dimensions 外形尺寸 See attached drawing for 电池外形尺寸参见“EVE18650(Fig.1).外形尺寸图”。
EVE18650 规格书
Customer’s Name 客户名称: EVE-A004
File 文件编号:EVE-SP-EVE18650-S-001-LF Version 版本: A Date 日期: 2014-11-17
the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise defined, test and measurement shall be done under temperature of25±10℃ and relative humidity of 45~75%.

锂 二氧化锰电池 技术规格书说明书

锂 二氧化锰电池 技术规格书说明书

版本/状态A/0锂/二氧化锰电池技 术 规 格 书电池型号:CR1620编制: 日期:审核: 日期:批准: 日期:客户确认: 日期:版本/状态A/0- 2 -1. 目的1.1 对武汉力兴(火炬)电源有限公司出品的锂电池的产品规格、测试方法进行规范,避免因测试条件、方法的不同引起偏差。

1.2 指导客户正确选择和使用我公司电池。

2. 产品类别和产品型号表13.产品基本特性表2序号 项目 特性1 标称容量*70 mAh (20±2℃时47K Ω负载电阻连续放电至2.0V )2 标称电压 3.0V3 工作温度范围 -20~+60℃4 最大脉冲电流 8 mA5 最大连续放电电流 3 mA6 结构及成分 二氧化锰正极、锂负极、有机电液、隔膜及不锈钢外壳等7重 量约1.3g* 标称容量:数值是在47K Ω负载、20±2℃、截止电压为2.0V 的条件下测得的。

(所测得的容量值会随着放电电流、温度以及截止电压的不同而变化)类别 型号 锂锰扣式电池CR1620版本/状态A/0- 3 -4. 外形示意图及尺寸(尺寸单位:mm )AФ16.0-0.3B2.0-0.25.外观电池的外观整洁,标志清晰,极性标识正确,表面无变形、锈迹、污点及泄漏。

6.特性 6.1电性能表3 序号 项目 测试条件常温一年内性能开路电压 室温 20±2 ℃ 3.0~3.5V 低温 -20±2 ℃ 3.0~3.5V 1高温 60±2 ℃ 3.0~3.5V工作电压 放电负载:30K Ω室温 20±2 ℃ ≥3.0V 低温 -20±2 ℃ ≥2.9V 2高温 60±2 ℃ ≥3.0V放电负载:47K Ω 工作寿命终止电压:2.0V室温 20±2 ℃ ≥1000hrs 低温 -20±2 ℃ ≥600hrs 3高温60±2 ℃≥990hrs6.2性能检验6.2.1每项试验的样品数为6只。



© 2012 EVE R&D center 22 /26
9. 遥控器类
产品用途:遥控电器等 额定工作电流:电视机和影碟机遥控器电 流在3~5mA左右,空调遥控器在6~9mA
2.3.2贮存寿命 低自放电率
测试条件:60度储存, 测试结果:存放到110天后(即换算成常温为5.5年)容量保持率为92%,
持续创新 打造精品 言而有信 团队协作 © 2012 EVE R&D center 7 /26
2.4优良的高低温性能 2.4.1高温
Discharge at 1000mA to 0.8V EVE FR6 E L91
© 2012 EVE R&D center 23 /26
序 号
EVE FR6 ≤1.83V ≤150mΩ
E 公司 L91电池 ≤1.83V 90-150mΩ ≤3050mAh
容量 脉冲性能 (1.5/0.65W, 2/28S)
• • •
测试条件:1000mAh to 0.8v 测试结果:EVE FR6 放电时间:3.2h, LR6 放电时间:0.1h 对比结果显示,EVE FR6绝对容量是普通碱性电池的3倍,且放电曲线非常平滑



锂离子二次电池型号: 454060AP 1000mAh销售部地址:电话:(86)0755-传真:(86)0755-工厂地址:电话:(86)传真:(86)网址:目录●封面 (1)●目录 (2)●适用范围 (3)●引用标准 (3)●产品类型 (3)●产品规格 (3)●外观 (3)●性能 (3)●常规性能 (4)●环境适应性能 (5)●安全性能 (6)●技术和安全要求 (6)●包装、储存及运输 (7)●保质期限 (7)●电池使用时警告及注意事项 (8)●附:产品外形图 (9)1、适用范围:本产品规格适用于能源实业有限公司生产的二次锂离子电池主要性能指标的描述,此此份说明书仅适用于单体电池,用户请务必严格按说明书中的测试或使用方法进行使用,如有不明的事项,请与供应方协商解决。

2、引用标准:GB/T18287-20003、产品类型、型号和外形尺寸3.1 产品类型:二次锂离子电池3.2 产品型号:3.3 电芯外观尺寸(Max): 厚×宽×长(mm)4、产品规格:5、外观表面没有如脏污、严重擦伤、漏液、凹点和变形等缺陷。

6、性能6.1、标准测试条件无其他指定时,按 GB/T18287-2000 标准测试条件。

、65±20%RH(湿度)下进行;如果测试结果与要求条件无关,本规格书中所有的测试均在 23±2℃(温度)则也可以在 15~30℃(温度)、25~85%RH(湿度)下进行。

(潮湿中进行测试会影响测试结果)6.2、测试的手段和仪器6.2.1、测量尺寸的工具用 0.01mm 或更精确的工具来测量尺寸,其量程为 0-200mm.6.2.2、电压表和电流表电压表的精确度为±5mv,其量程为 0-20V;电流表的精确度为当前电流±0.3%.6.2.3、测量内阻国产的内阻仪使用一个(1KHz)的正弦交变电流来规范。

6.3、额定的充电的条件在23±2℃下以恒流 0.5C5A 充电 2.5 小时,最大上限电压为 4.2V.6.4、额定放电条件在23±2℃下以 0.5C 恒流放电至 3.0V 截止.7、常规性能:标准充电定义:在环境温度 23±2℃条件下,对电池以 0.2C5A 恒流充电至 4.2V,然后 4.2V 恒压充电至充电电流小于等于 0.05C5A。

EVE Energy Co., Ltd 锂氧化钙电池产品安全与可靠性数据表说明书

EVE Energy Co., Ltd 锂氧化钙电池产品安全与可靠性数据表说明书

Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Li-SOCl 2) Battery 1/6 Document Number: RD-ER-201401-001Issued date: 3 January 2014PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET1. Product and Company IdentificationProduct Category: Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Li-SOCl 2) BatteryNominal Voltage: 3.6 V Product NameType Lithium (gr .)ER14250 0.31 ER14335 0.43 ER14505 0.70 ER17505 0.93 ER14250M 0.19 ER14335M 0.34 ER14505M 0.52 ER17505M 0.73 ER18505M0.91Supplier’s Name: EVE Energy Co., Ltd Supplier’s Address: EVE Industrial Park, Xikeng Industrial Zone, Huihuan Town, Huizhou,Guangdong, China.Post Code : 516006Emergency Telephone: (+86) -752-2606966 Fax: (+86) -752-2606033Note: The battery is neither substance nor mixture but product and having no risk to life and healthunder normal use or transportation because ingredients of battery is not leaked out by virtue of hermetical sealing with metal case.This sheet notifies possible risk of our battery under abnormal use but mainly aim to provideinformation about ingredients, notification of handling and transportation regulations as a useful reference.2. Hazards identificationThe important hazards andadverse effects of the chemical productNo information available Chemical product – specific hazardsNo information availableOutline of an anticipated emergencyChemical contents are seal in metal can. Therefore, risk of exposure never occursunless battery is mechanically or electrically abused.Risk of explosion by fire is anticipated if batteries are dispose of in fire or heated above 100 degree Celsius. Stacking or jumbling of batteries may cause external short circuits, heat generation, in some case, allowing fire or explosion.Note: our battery is not classified in accordance with the GHS classification.TypeLithium (gr .)ER22G68(BEL ) 0.10 ER32L65(1/10D ) 0.26 ER32L100(1/6D ) 0.44 ER1860 0.07 ER2450T0.13 EF651615(LTC-3PN ) 0.10 EF651620(LTC-5PN ) 0.14 EF651625(LTC-7PN ) 0.19 EF703228(LTC-16PN )0.41SDS-0072 OM-CP-BAT107position/Information on IngredientMaterial CAS# % wt.Lithium metal 7439-93-2 0.13~3.7Thionyl Chloride electrolyte (mixture with organicsolvent)——18~38 Carbon 1333-86-4 1.8~4.2 4.First-aid measuresInhalation If ingredient leaked out from inside of a battery and if inhaled it, move to a place where fresh air is provided. Refer for medical attention.Skin contact If ingredient leaked out from inside of a battery and stuck on skin, wash the contact areas off immediately with plenty of water and soap. If appropriate procedures are not taken, this may cause sores on the skin. Refer for medical attention.Eyes contact If ingredient leaked out from inside of a battery and came into eyes, flush the eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes immediately without rubbing. Take a medical treatment. If appropriate procedures are not taken, this may cause an eye irritation.Swallowing In case of swallowing of battery, immediately refer for medical attention.5.Fire-fighting MeasuresFire extinguishing agent:Dry chemical, alcohol-resistant foam, powder, atomized water, carbon dioxide and dry sand are effective.Extinguishing method:Escape batteries to safe place prevent from ignition by spreading fire.Because of packing material of battery is paper, use water extinguisher, CO2 extinguisher or powder extinguisher as normal extinguisher.Since vapor, generated from burning batteries may make eyes, nose and throat irritate, be sure to extinguish the fire on the windward side. Wear the respiratory protection equipment in some cases.6.Accidental Release MeasuresChemical contents are sealed in metal can. But if the battery is mechanically or electrically abused, contents may leak out. In such case, take action as shown below.Personal precautions: Temporary inhalation of odor and attaching of electrolyte to skin does notcause serious health hazard. Be sure the ventilation and washing out ofelectrolyte quickly.Environmental precautions:Clean up it quickly. Specific environmental precaution is notnecessary.Method and materials for containment and methods and materials for cleaning up:Contain and collect spillage and place in container for disposal according to local regulations.7.Handling and StorageHanding Do not charge, short-circuit, disassemble, deform, heat above 100℃or incinerate.Do not pile up or mingle battery with each other.Do not place battery on metal case, metal plate or antistatic material.In case of multi cell application, replace all batteries to new at once when replacing used batteries.Storage Be sure to store batteries in well-ventilated, dry and cool conditions.Keep away from water, rain, snow, frost or dew condensation.Do not store batteries near source of heat or nozzle of hot air.Do not store batteries in direct sunshine.Take care not to get wet packing by dew condensation when packing is removed from cold to warm and humid condition.Enough number of fire fighting apparatuses should be installed in warehouse8.Exposure Controls and Personal ProtectionThere is no need of personal protective equipment on regular handling and storage. In the event, however, a large amount of electrolyte should be released by mechanical or electrical abuse, use the protection as shown below.Respiratory protection: Mask (with a filter preferably)Hand protection : Synthetic rubber glovesEye protection : Goggles or glasses9.Physical and Chemical PropertiesState:SolidShape: Cylindrical、Prismatic10.Stability and ReactivityStability: Stable on regular handlingConditions to Avoid: External short circuit of battery, deformation by crush, exposure at hightemperature of more than 100 degree C (may cause heat generation andignition), direct sunlight, high humidity.Materials to avoid: Substances that cause short circuit.11.Toxicological InformationInhalation, skin contact and eye contact are possible when the battery is opened. Exposure to internal contents, the corrosive fumes will be very irritating to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.Overexposure can cause symptoms of non-fibrotic lung injury and membrane irritation.12.Ecological InformationPersistence and degradability No information availableMobility in soil No information available13.Disposal ConsiderationsDispose of batteries in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations.For safety precaution, battery should be insulated in proper manner; covering both terminals by tape, wrapping of battery in insulative bag or packing battery in original package is recommended in order to prevent ignition due to short-circuit.14.Transport InformationFor the international transport of lithium batteries, they must comply with these regulations: the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code by International Maritime Organization (IMO), Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) by International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (TI) by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). These regulations are based on the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria.Lithium batteries which meet the requirements of UN38.3 (UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part Ⅲ, subsection 38.3) could be transported by air and by sea as ordinary goods, otherwise should be transported according to Class 9, Packing Group Ⅱhazardous goods.As the published of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, all these regulations have added some new contents to regulate the transport of lithium metal batteries. And they should be complied since 1January 2009. Following the latest changes on Lithium Cells / Batteries shipment as per the 55th edition of IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, the Lithium Battery Best Practice 014 will replace Best Practice 013 and with effect from 1 January 2014.1. For lithium metal batteries, UN ID number is 3090. For lithium ion batteries contained inequipment or lithium ion batteries packed with equipment, UN ID number is 3091.2. The consignment should be fully described by proper shipping name and packed, marked and inproper condition for carriage by air. The consignment is not classified as dangerous under the current edition of the IATA 55th Effective, Dangerous goods regulation and all applicable carrier and government regulations.3. For transported air, Lithium-metal Cells/Batteries shipped as “Not Restricted” Cargo: Must complywith Section Ⅱof PI968-P1970 accordingly; For cells, the lithium content should not be more than 1g; for batteries, the lithium content should not be more than 2g. Lithium content must be marked on the outside of the battery case (marked by manufacturer).4. Each consignment must be accompanied with a document such as an air waybill with anindication. For those Lithium metal cells/batteries contained in equipment, the equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing accidental activation.5.The net quantity of lithium –metal battery(cells),shall not exceed 2.5kg if transport as PI 968,andneed to paste the Li-metal battery marking and Class 9 hazardous goods marking; The net quantity of lithium-ion battery (cells) shall not exceed 5kg if transport as PI 969 or PI 970; andneed to paste the Li-metal battery marking.6.Each package must be capable of withstanding a 1.2m drop test in orientation without damage ofcells or batteries contained therein.7. Lithium batteries which meet the requirements of which could be transported by air, and thebatteries manufactured by EVE Energy Co., Ltd meet these requirements. (Lithium batteries identified by the manufacturer as being defective for safety reasons, or that have been damaged, that have the potential of producing a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit are forbidden transport.)8.Cells and batteries must be protected so as to prevent short circuits. This includes protectionagainst contact with conductive materials within the same packing that could lead to short circuit.9.Lithium –metal battery is applicable to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code(IMDG-Code) Special provision 188 because it corresponds to either case that the cell – lithium content is less than 1g or the battery – lithium content is less than 2g, so it is permitted to transport as Exempted Dangerous Goods when it complies with all requirements of the transport conditions.UN No. Proper Shipping Name/Description3090 Lithium metal batteries3091 Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with equipmentRelated regulations: Following regulations shall be cited and considered.Transportations Related organization / Issue documentsAir transport (by airplane) ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) / TI (Technical Instruction) IATA (International Air Transport Association) / DGR (Dangerous GoodsRegulations)﹡1Maritime transport(by ship) IMO (International Maritime Organization) / IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) ﹡2Land transport (Intra-European) RID (International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail) , ADR (International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)USA / UN USDOT (US Department of Transportation) / DOT 49 CFR (US law)UN: Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods: Manual of Tests and Criteria 5th revised edition Amendment 1 [ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.1]: Part III, Subsection 38.315.Regulatory InformationEnvironment-related law of batteries: EU nations have applicable law in accordance with Directive 2006/66/EC and other some countries, China, Korea, Brazil, some provinces of USA and Canada or so have similar law.16.Other informationReferenceIATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, latest editionNotes on this sheet*1 Dangerous Goods Regulation – 55th Edition Effective 1 January 2014: International Air Transport Association (IATA)*2 IMDG Code -2010 Edition: International Maritime Organization (IMO)This sheet refers to normal use of the product in question. EVE Corp. makes no warranty expressed or implied。



页码:1/15602030PL300mAhSpecification of Li-ion Rechargeable Battery锂离子电池规格书Model:602030PL300mAh/3.7VCustomer Confirmation Customer Name: Customer No.: Comment:Customer Approval:Prepared by Checked by Approved by 肖志军602030PL300mAh页码:2/15兴永恒(深圳)电子有限公司深圳宝安区沙井后亭E-mail:****************Website:TEL:86-0755-********FAX:86-0755-********AMENDMENT RECORDSREVISION DATE ORIGINATOR REASON FOR REVISION A001 2016-6-20602030PL300mAh页码:3/15Content目录1. Scope范围 (4)2. Reference Standard 参考标准 (4)3. Picture of battery电池图 (4)3.1 Picture of single cell 单体电芯图 (4)3.2 Picture of assembled battery 组合电池图 (6)4. Basic of performance 基本性能 (7)4.1 Single cell parameters 单体电芯参数 (7)4.2 Assembled cell parameters包装后电芯组参数 (8)5. Electrical Characteristics电性能 (8)5.1 Normal Test Conditions标准测试条件 (8)5.2 Electrochemical Characteristics电化学性能 (8)5.3 Environment Characteristics环境适应性能 (9)5.4 Safety Characteristics 安全性能 (10)6. PCM Specification PCM 规格 (11)6.1 Electrical Characteristics电性能 (11)6.2 Circuit Diagram 电路图 (11)6.3 Circuit topology Drawing and PIN Explanation电路布线图和焊盘说明 (12)6.4 PCM BOM 保护板物料清单 (12)7. Storage and Shipment Requirement存储及运输要求 (13)8. Warning and Cautions 警告及注意事项 (13)9. Note 声明 (15)页码:4/15602030PL300mAh1. Scope范围This specification describes the performance, testing method, warning and caution of the lithium-ion rechargeable battery.The specification applies to polymer battery supplied by Shenzhen biyate energy co., ltd本标准描述了锂离子电池的性能、测试方法及注意事项。



V7.5A h钛酸锂电池规格书(总9页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Lithium Titanate Battery Specification1.Scope使用范围This specification describes the basic performance, technical requirement, testing method, warning and caution of lithium titanate battery pack. The specification only applies to the battery packs made by Better Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd.本标准规定了钛酸锂电池组的基本性能、技术要求测试方法及注意事项。


2.Product Model产品型号IFR18650-20S5P(18650-1500mAh)3. Product Specification产品技术规格4.Battery Performance Test Criterion 电池性能测试规范4.1 Appearance 外观There shall be no such defects such as scratch, flaw, crack, rust and leakage, which may adversely affect commercial value of battery.电池外观应没有划痕、破裂、污迹、生锈、漏液等影响市场的缺陷存在。

4.2 Measurement Apparatus测量仪器(1)Dimension Measuring Instrument尺寸测量器具The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or more precision scale of 0.1mm.尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.1mm。



History of revision 版本更改历史记录Contents 目录1.Scope 适用范围 (4)2.Adopted Standard引用标准 (4)3.Electrical Characteristics电气特性 (4)4.Battery Performances Test Criterion 电池性能测试规范 (5)5.1 Appearance 外观 (5)5.2 Measurement Apparatus 测试设备 (5)5.3 Testing Condition 测试条件 (6)5.4 Reliability Test 可靠性测试 (6)5.Shipment 运输 (8)6.Storage 贮存 (8)7.Package and Marking包装与标志 (8)8.1 Package 包装 (8)8.2 Marking 标志 (8)8.Protection Circuit 保护电路 (9)9.1 Schematic of the PCB 保护板原理图 (9)9.2 PCM BOM....................................................................................................................................9.3 PCM Parameter PCM参数 (9)9.Outline Drawing 外形图纸 (10)10.Appendix 附录 (11)3.7 Instructions and Safety Requirement 使用说明和安全规程 (11)3.7.1 Recommending Usage推荐使用事项 (11)3.7.2 Hazard Warning危险警告 (11)3.7.3 Warning 警告 (12)3.7.4 Cautions 注意事项 (13)10.2 Quality Evaluation Programme 质量评定 (14)10.3 Environment Protection 环保要求 (14)10.4 Others 其他事项 (14)1.Scope 适用范围This description defines the general requirements for the battery’s rating parameter, electrical requirement, safety requirement, environmental compatibility, test and judgment, usage instructions, safety regulation, quality evaluation and packaging, marking, storage, shipment and handling, which cellular phone battery with 523450AR-850mAh rechargeable battery cell, adapted for Digital products.本规格书描述电池之标称参数、电气特性、安全性能、环境适应性及其实验和判定、使用说明和安全规程、质量评定及包装、标志、贮存、运输等。

4000mAh 7.4V 8.4V聚合物锂电池规格书与使用注意事项

4000mAh 7.4V 8.4V聚合物锂电池规格书与使用注意事项



2、引用标准GB/T18287-2000 中华人民共和国蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范;3、电芯说明4、电气特性189g±1g4.5环境温度4.5.1充电温度:0~45℃4.5.2放电温度:-20~50℃4.5.3存储:3个月内存储在温度:-20℃~45℃,相对湿度:45%~75%,大气压力:70~106Kpa;3个月上存储在温度:5℃~35℃,相对湿度:45%~75%,大气压力:70~106Kpa。

4.6保用期限1年5、标准条件下的电气特性及其试验方法和判定规则5.1标准测试条件温度 20℃±5%相对湿度 60±15%大气压力86~106Kpa5.2测试仪表要求电压表要求:测量电压的仪表准确度不低于0.5级内阻不小于10KΩ/V。





A放电容量5.4.1 0.2C5试验方法:电池按规定充电方式标准充电后,搁置一段时间(0.5h~1.0h),在20℃±5℃以0.2CA电流放电至终止电压6.0V5判定标准;上述试验可以重复循环5次,当循环过程中有一次电池放电时间不小于300分钟,试验时取该次放电容量。

5.4.2 2000mA放电容量试验方法:电池按规定充电方式快速充电后,搁置一段时间(0.5h~1.0h),在20℃±5℃的以 2000mA电流放电至终止电压6.0V判定标准;电池放电时间不小于110分钟。




Product Specification for Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell 锂离子电芯产品规格书Cell Model: WX12I3250电芯型号:WX12I3250Table of Contents目录1. Purpose 目的 (3)2. Scope 适用范围 (3)3.Battery description 电池描述 (3)4. Battery Specification 电池规格 (3)5. Appearance and Dimension 电芯外观尺寸 (5)6. Standard Test Conditions 标准测试环境 (5)7. Performances and Test Method 电池性能及测试方法 (5)7.1 Explanation of terminology 术语解释 (5)7.2 Electrochemistry performance 电性能参数 (6)7.3 Safety Performances 安全性能 (7)8. Shipment 运输 (9)9. Warning and Cautions 警告及注意事项 (9)1. Purpose 目的The specification sheet is designed to build up and improve Co.,Ltd technical documentation so as to instruct production and product shipment and consequently guarantee product quality. At the same time, it is convenient for to confirm product specifications with customers and finally reach an agreement.为建立健全的公司技术资料,确保产品质量,用于指导产品生产、出货。



锂离子电池规格书型号:BL-5c标称: 1000mAh修订履历1、目的对深圳市好远通电子有限公司出品的可充锂离子电池的产品规格、测试方法进行规范,避免因测试条件、方法的不同引起误差。

2、产品类别和产品型号2.1 类别:锂离子可充电池2.2 产品型号高务电池BL-5C/1000mAh3、产品基本特性4、特性4.1电性能4.2 安全性能4.3 环境适应性温度:25±2℃,相对湿度:45±20%(除非另外要求)6、产品责任书消费者必须严格遵守深圳市好远通电子有限公司规格书和文件后面的注示使用电池,由于误用会引起电池过热,发生火灾或爆炸,对于没有按照规格书进行操作所造成的任何意外事故,深圳市慧通天下科技股份有限公司不负任何责任。



















3.5 100 95
单位 串 V mV ms A % ms 个 ℃ ℃ ms mA % 路 V A A 路 V V A A 路 V V

W mW %
VCC≥14V ≤0.1s 输出电压和类型可选 VCC≥14V ≤30V DC 输入类型可独立选为开关接点 或电平信号输入 在线升级程序、上位机或液晶屏 通信,Modbus 协议 液晶屏、智能充电机或设备终端 通信 ≤14V 时,继电器驱动和扩展输 出电压等于 VCC-2V 不含继电器驱动和有源输出
当充电电流超过充电过流告警门限值,且持续时间大于检测延迟时间,BMS 将进入充电过流告警状态,通 过蜂鸣器、上位机、液晶屏和设备终端告知给用户。
当充电电流小于恢复门限值,且持续时间大于检测延迟时间,BMS 将解除告警。 7.2.10 充电过流保护和恢复
当充电电流超过充电过流保护门限值,且持续时间大于检测延迟时间,BMS 将进入充电过流保护状态,禁 止充电机继续给电池组充电,并通过上位机、液晶屏和设备终端告知给用户。
图 4.3 ABMS-EV03-36S 外观图
图 4.4 ABMS-EV03-48S 外观图
图 4.5 ABMS-EV03-60S 外观图 第 3 页 /共 28 页
5. 产品尺寸图
BMS 尺寸图如下图所示(单位:mm):
产品规格书 V1.0 ABMS-EV03 系列电池管理系统
图 5.1 ABMS-EV03-12S 尺寸图
当所有电芯的电压大于恢复门限值,且持续时间大于检测延迟时间,BMS 将解除保护,允许电池组继续给 负载放电。 7.2.5 总压过充告警和恢复



储能型磷酸铁锂电池规格书STORAGE LiFePO4 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS客户名称 (Customer):产品型号 (Type):CF12V80Ah刊行日期 (Issuing Date):Prepared Checked Approved 拟订审查同意1.合用范围 (Product Scope)本规格书描绘了锂离子二次电池的技术要求、丈量方法、运输、储藏及注意事项。

This Specification describes the requirements of the lithium ion rechargeable battery supplied by2. 电池组特征(Battery Group Specifications)Cell电芯Pile Index 成品参数Model规格型号IFP8081230-10AhCapacity容量10 AhRated Voltage标称电压V Internal Resistance 内阻标准≤4 mΩA. 容差 Capacity Difference ≤ 1%Combination Standard 配组标准B. 内阻 Resistance()=1~ 2 mΩC. 荷电保持能力 Current-maintaining Ability ≥ 90%D. 电压~Combination Method组合方式4串 8并 4S8PRated Capacity标称容量Minimal Capacity最小容量()Nominal Voltage额定电压Max. Charge Voltage最大充电电压VDischarge cut-off voltage放电截止电压Charge Current 充电电流5-10AWorking Current工作电流10-20A Output and Input输出端与输入端P+(red) / P-(black)Weight电池重量Dimension 外形尺寸( L× W× H)168 × 260 × 132mm( 不包括外露开关 ) Charge Method Standard 标准5A× 16hrs 合用充电Quick 迅速20A× 4hrs.Operating Charge 充电0℃~ 45℃;32 o F~ 113o F Temperature 适Discharge 放电-20℃~ 60℃;-4o F~ 149o F 用温度Single cell over-charge cut-off voltage单只过压保护值Charge Working voltage 过压开释值 Single cell under-discharge cut-off voltage单只欠压保护值Management Discharge working voltage 欠压开释值Conditions of over-charge andsystem With the high-point voltage reaching the working voltageunder-discharge voltage recovery管理系统极限电压达到开释值过、欠压恢复条件Over-charge cut-off current 过流保护值80AShort-circuit protection 短路保护 Own this ability 具备此功能 Condition for the recovery of over-current Cut the circuit to automatic recoveryand short-circuit protection 过流 短路保断开负载自动恢复护恢复条件单只电芯曲线图 feature curve for single cell3. 技术要求 (Technical Requirements)测试条件 (除特别规定 ) Testing Conditions (unless otherwise specified)温度 Temperature:15~35℃相对湿度 Relative Humidity:45%~75%大气压 Atmospheric pressure:86~106Kpa充放电性能(Electrical Characteristics)NO项目 (ITEM)测试方法 (Testing Instruction)Charging the cell initially with constant current at 0.5C and then要求 (Requirements)1Standard Charge标准充电Rated Capacity with constant voltage at先用 0.5C 恒流充电至,再恒压充电直至充电电流≤Measure discharge capacity with discharge current 1C to2初始容量Cycle Life 3循环寿命cut-off within 1 hour after standard charge.标准充电方式充电后,以1C 电流放电至的容量Measure the capacity after 2000 cycles of standard chargeand discharge at 1C current to cut-off标准充电方式充电后,1C 放电至,这样循环2000 次后电池的节余容量≥80Ah≥80% of RatedCapacity初始容量的80%Storage4Characteristics储藏性能Capacity after 30days storage at 25 ℃ from standard charge标准充电方式充电后, 25℃下储藏 30 天后的容量Capacity after 7days storage at 60 ℃ from standard charge标准充电方式充电后, 60℃下储藏 7 天后的容量Retention capacity≥90%节余容量≥ 90%Recovery capacity≥90%节余容量≥ 90%环境性能(Environmental Characteristic)NO项目 (ITEM)Temperature 1testing高低温测试Constanttemperature 2/humidity恒定湿热性能测试方法 (Testing Instruction)Measure capacity with constant discharge current 0.5C to cut-off at each temperature after standard charge at 25℃ ,Percentage as an index of the capacity compared with 100% at25 ℃25℃下标准充电方式充电后,在指定温度下 0.5C 放电至的容量,并以 25℃时放电容量为基准计算百分率Keep the battery at 40 ℃ and 90%RH for 96hrs将电池放入温度为 40℃,相对湿度为 90%的条件下搁置 96 小时要求 (Requirements)70% at 0℃100% at 25℃96% at 60℃Recovery capacity≥85%恢复容量≥ 85%机械性能 (Mechanical characteristics)NO项目 (ITEM)测试方法 (Testing Instruction)要求(Requirements)Vibration 1振动IFPacting 2Testing碰撞After standard charge, fixed the cell to vibration table and subjectedto vibration cycling that the frequency is to be varied at the rate of1Hz per minute between 10Hz~ 55Hz, the excursion of the vibrationis 1.6mm.The cell shall be vibrated for 30 minutes per axis of XYZaxes.将标准充电后的电芯固定在振动台上,沿X、 Y、 Z 三个方向各振动 30 分钟,振幅 1.6 mm ,振动频次为 10Hz~55Hz,每分钟变化为 1Hz。



History of specification规格书修订记录Date Contents Remarks 2018-05-12First issue A0Content/目录1.Scope/适用范围Page42.Cell Specification/电芯规格说明Page4/53.Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准Page6 3.1Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测Page6 3.2Environmental test condition/外界环境条件Page6 3.3Electrical characteristics/电气特性Page6 3.4Mechanical characteristics/机械特性Page73.5Safety performance/安全性能Page7/84.Cell initial Dimensions/电芯初始尺寸Page84.2Picture of assembled battery组合电池图5.Protection Circuit保护电路5.1PCM parameter PCM参数6.Circuit topology Drawing and PIN Explanation电路布线图和焊盘说明6.1PCM BOM保护板物料清单6.2Assembled cell parameters包装后电芯组参数附录Page9 Page9 Page9 Page10 Page10 Page101.Scope/适用范围2.Cell Specification/电芯产品规格No.Item项目Specification性能1Rated Capacity额定容量3000mAh,0.2C discharging2Minimum Capacity最小容量3000mAh,0.2C discharging3Normal Voltage标称电压3.70V4O.C.V出厂电压 3.80-4.2V5Charge Ending Voltage充电截止电压4.20±0.03V6Discharge Ending Voltage放电截止电压3.0V7Standard charging method标准充电方式0.5C constant current charge to 4.2V,then constantvoltage4.2V charge till charged current declines to≤0.01C,0℃~45℃8Charge current充电电流Standard charge:0.5CRapid charge:1.0C9charging Time充电时间Standard charge:5.5~6.5hRapid charge:1.5~2.5h10Max.Charging Current最大充电电流1.0C(5℃~+45℃)11Standard dischargingCurrent标准放电电流0.5C constant current discharge to3.0V.10℃~+60℃12Max.Discharging Current最大放电电流1.0C(10℃~+60℃)13Operating environment工作环境Charging:0℃-45℃,65%±25%RHDischarging:10℃-60℃,65%±25%RH14Cell Impedance单电芯内阻<45mohm,(4.2V AC1KHz measured)15Dimension of Single Cell单电芯尺寸Thickness Max8.0mmWidth Max56.5mmHeight Max60.5mm3.Picture of single cell单体电芯图Items Description Dimension and SpecT电芯厚度Max:8.0mmW电芯宽度Max:56.5mmH电芯长度Max:60.5mmC Tab间距18±2.0mmB Tab宽度 4.0±0.1mmD顶封宽度 4.0±0.5mmA极耳胶外露Max:2.0mmE极耳长度8.0±1.5mmFig.(1)The Dimension of Single Cell图(1)单体电池尺寸图4.Picture of assembled battery组合电池图Fig.(2)The Dimension of Assembled Battery图(2)组合电池外形尺寸图厚度T 宽度W 长度L 线径Ø线型插头型号Max:8.1Max:57.0Max:63.00.9UL1007/24#XH2.54-2P备注:UNIT 单位:MM5.产品规格及电气参数Product Specification and Electrical Parameters序号Item项目Specification性能1Assembled Mode组合方式1P2Normal Capacity标称容量≥3000mAh,0.2C discharging3Normal Voltage标称电压3.7V4Impedance成品内阻<103mohm,(100%charge AC1KHz measured)5Assembly Dimension装配尺寸Thickness Max8.1mmWidth Max57.0mmHeight Max63.0mm4.Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准4.1Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测There shall be no such defect as rust,leakage,which may adversely affect commercial value of battery.电池外观应没有锈渍、污渍、漏液等影响商业价值的缺陷存在。



聚合物锂离子电池产品规格承认书::JD220768430F(500Ah)品名:品名编制审核批准客户确认签名//日期客户名称//印章签名客户名称总部:北京神州巨电新能源技术开发有限公司Beijing Globe Super Power New Energy Technology Development Corp.地址:中国北京市海淀区上地3街9号嘉华大厦E座206ADD:Rm E-206,Gem Tech-Center,No.9,3rd Street,Haidian Dist.,Beijing,P.R.China 86-10--82783543-816Fax:86-1086-10--82780720-1073Tel:86-10工厂:河北神州巨电新能源科技开发有限公司Hebei Globe Super Power New Energy Technology Development Corp.地址:河北邢台市巨鹿县巨鹿工业园Hebei i Province,P.R.ChinaADD:Industrial District,Ju Jul l u,Xiangtan,Hebe产品规格承认书目录1.适用范围---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22.产品规格---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23.电池性能检查测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24.外观尺寸图------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35.使用指南--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36.其它事项------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47.电芯处理须知---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41.使用范围本规格书仅适用于巨电新能源制造的聚合物锂电池,型号JD220768430F.2.产品规格序号项目规格备注1充电电压 3.65V2标称电压 3.2V出货状态,电压为3.1V~3.3V.3标称容量500Ah容量是指标准充电后,0.2C放电到2.5V截止电压所放出的容量.平均容量520Ah最低容量500Ah4循环寿命≥2000每圈循环是以250A的电流充放到截止电压为2.5V的间歇过程.当放电容量降至初始容量的80%时,所完成的循环圈数定义为该电芯的循环寿命5自放电剩余容量>90%该容量是指标准充电后,在23°C±2°环境下贮存30天,以No.3的条件下所测得的容量.6内阻≤2mohm标准充电后,在AC1KHz条件下测量的交流阻抗. 7最大充电电流1C(500A)8最大放电电流1C(500A)9放电截止电压 2.5V10工作温度放电状态:-20°C~+60°C充电状态:0°C~+45°C贮存状态:-20°C~+45°C贮存电压为3.1V~3.3V.若需长时间存放,每隔90天需将电芯充放电一次.11温度特性60ºC@0.2C:98%23ºC@0.2C:100%-20ºC@0.2C:75%电池标准充电后,在测试温度下搁置4小时,然后在测试温度条件下以0.2C恒流放电至2.0V时所放出来的容量与在标准温度23°C±2°C)放电容量之比12净重约15kg13外型尺寸长:470.0mm Max宽:785.0mm Max厚:23.0mm Max不包括极耳3.电池性能检查测试3.1外观检查电芯表观应完整,不允许有刮痕,褶皱,裂纹,漏液等会导致电芯性能损坏的缺陷.3.2标准测试环境除非特别说明,本产品规格书中的所有测试均在以下环境条件下进行:温度:23°C±2°C湿度:65±20%3.3充放电方法和条件序号项目测试方法及条件1充电电流标准充电电流:0.2C(100A)快速充电电流:1C(500A)2标准充电先用0.2C(100A)恒流充电至3.65V,再用3.65V恒压(精度3.65±0.05V)充电至电流0.02C(10.0A)。

Cellevia полимер锂离子电池 3.7V 500mAh 产品规格说明书

Cellevia полимер锂离子电池 3.7V 500mAh 产品规格说明书

542439542439Specification Approval Sheet Name:Polymer Lithium-Ion BatteryModel: CELLEVIA BATTERIES LPSPEC:3.7V/ 500mAhNumber:Specification Modification Records1.Scope:This specification describes the Product Specification of chargeable Polymer Lithium-IonBattery produced by Cellevia.Any copies are invalid without our company’s approval2.Model :3.Cell parameters Index:3.2 Parameters of batterythe temperature.4.Electronic Characteristics test and inspection:4.1 Standard testing environmentUnless special stated, tests should be done within one month of delivery and thecharging-recharging times is less than 5 times. The following is test conditions: Ambient Temperature: 25℃±0.5℃Ambient Humidity: 65 ±20%4.2 The requirement of measure instrument(1) The measure instrument is passed tested by qualified institute.(2) The accuracy of the size instrument is not more than 0.01mm.(3) The accuracy of multimeter is not less than 0.5%. while measure the voltage, theinternal resistance mustn’t less than 10KΩ.(4) The principal of the internal resistance is 1KHz LCR, the accuracy is 0.2%.(5) The internal resistance is changeable, it varies according to the temperature and thecharging mode. And it is relevant to the PTC and the length and the Capacity of the drawing line.(6) The current accuracy of the battery test system is more than ±0.1%,is obaricallyaccuracy is ±0.5%, timer accuracy is less than ±0.1%.(7) The accuracy of the temperature meter is less than ±0.5℃.4.3 Visual inspectionAny visual inspection defects will affect the electronic characteristics, such as cracks,leakage, and flaw, are not in existence.Notes: The Max. voltage while charging is not more than 4.25V.The Max.protective voltage designed on PCB board should not more than4.3V.5.1 Long Period StorageIf the cell has been stored for 3 month, it should be transfer to a dry and cool environment. Storage Voltage is between 3.6V and 3.9V and the storage conditions as Item matters that this specification does not cover should be conferred between thecustomer and CELLEVIA542439Specification Approval sheet6.Drawing6.1 Assembly diagram(not in scale)Model :LP30adhesive wire black AWG2660wire red (+)AWG265070connector! Danger●Strictly prohibits heat or throw cell into fire.●Strictly prohibits throw and wet cell in liquid such as water, gasoline or drink etc.●Strictly prohibits use leave cell close to fire or inside of a car where temperature may be above60°C. Also do not charge / discharge in such conditions.●Strictly prohibits put batteries in your pockets or a bag together with metal objects such asnecklaces. Hairpins,coins, or screws. Do not store or transportation batteries with such objects.●Strictly prohibits short circuit the (+) and (-) terminals with other metals.●Do not place Cell in a device with the (+) and (-) in the wrong way around.●Strictly prohibits pierce Cell with a sharp object such as a needle.●Strictly prohibits disassemble or modify the cell.●Strictly prohibits welding a cell directly.●Do not use a Cell with serious scar or deformation.●Thoroughly read the user’s manual before use, inaccurate handling of lithium ion rechargeablecell may cause leakage, heat, smoke, an explosion, or fire, capacity decreasing.! Warning●Strictly prohibits put cell into a microwave oven, dryer, or high-pressure container.●Strictly prohibits use cell with dry cells and other primary batteries, or new and old battery orbatteries of a different package, type, or brand.●Stop charging the Cell if charging is not completed within the specified time.●Stop using the Cell if abnormal heat, odor, discoloration, deformation or abnormal condition isdetected during use, charge, or storage.●Keep away from fire immediately when leakage or foul odor is detected.●If liquid leaks onto your skin or clothes, wash well with fresh water immediately.●If liquid leaking from the Cell gets into your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Wash them well with cleanedible oil and go to see a doctor immediately.! Caution●Before using the Cell, be sure to read the user’s manual and cautions on handling thoroughly.●Charging with specific charger according to product specification. Charge with CC/CV method.Strictly prohibits revered charging. Connect cell reverse will not charge the cel. At the sametime, it will reduce the charge-discharge characteristics and safety characteristics, this will leadto product heat and leakage.●Store batteries out of reach of children so that they are not accidentally swallowed.●If younger children use the Cell, their guardians should explain the proper handling.●Before using the Cell, be sure to read the user’s manual and cautions on handling thoroughly.●Batteries have life cycles. If the time that the Cell powers equipment becomes much shorter thanusual, the Cell life is at an end. Replace the Cell with a new same one.●When not using Cell for an extended period, remove it from the equipment and store in aplace with low humidity and low temperature.●While the Cell pack is charged, used and stored, keep it away from objects or materials with staticelectric charges.●If the terminals of the Cell become dirty, wipe with a dry clothe before using the Cell.●Storage the cells in storage temperature range as the specifications, After full discharged, wesuggest that charging to 3.9~4.0V with no using for a long time.●Do not exceed these ranges of the following temperature ranges.Charge temperature range : 0 °C to 45 °C;Discharge temperature range : -20 °C to 60 °C.(When using equipment)Handling Precaution and GuidelineFor LIP (Lithium-Ion Polymer) Rechargeable BatteriesPrefaceThis document of ‘Handling Precautions and Guideline LIP Rechargeable Batteries’shall be applied to the battery cells manufactured by CELLEVIA.Note (1): The customer is requested to contact CELLEVIA in advance, if and when the customer needs other applications of operating conditions than those described in this document. Additional experimentation may be required to verify performance and safety under such condition.Note (2): CELLEVIA will take no responsibility for any accident when the cell is used under other condition.Note (3): CELLEVIA will inform, in a written form, the customer of improvement(s) regarding proper use and handling of the cell, if it is deemed necessary.1. Charging 1.1ChargingCurrent:Charging current should be less than maximum charge current specified in theSpecification Approval Sheet.1.2 Charging Voltage:Charging voltage should be less than the maximum nominal voltage 4.2V, andthe charging voltage upper limited is 4.30V(single pack).1.3 Charging Temperature:The cell should be charged within the range specified in this Specification ApprovalSheet.1.4 Notes:Since charging with constant current or constant voltage, reverse charging isprohibited. In case of the cell is connected improperly, the cell cannot be charged.Simultaneously, the reverse charging may cause damaging to the cell whichmay lead to degradation of cell performance and damage the cell safety, andcould cause heat generation or leakage.2. Discharging Current:The cell shall be discharged at less than the maximum discharge current specified in the Specification Approval Sheet. High discharging current may reduce the discharging capacity significantly or cause over-heat.3. Discharging TemperatureDischarging Temperature should be within the range specified in this Specification Approval Sheet.4.Over-DischargeOver-discharging will cause cell low-performance and function loss. The cell would be in a over-discharged state by its self-discharge characteristic. In order to prevent over-discharging, the cell shall be charged periodically to maintain between 3.6V and 3.9V. 5. Protective Circuit Module5.1 The cell / battery pack shall be with a PCM that can protect cell / battery packproperly. PCM shall have functions of(1) Overcharging prevention(2) Over-discharging prevention(3) Over current prevention to maintain safety and prevent significant deterioration5.2 Overcharging ProtectionOvercharging prevention function shall stop charging if any cell of the battery packreaches 4.30V.5.3 Over-discharging protectionOver-discharging protection function shall monitor the voltage of every cell in the pack, and work to avoid further drop in the cell voltage of 2.9V or less.6. StorageCells should be stored in proper temperature specified in Specification ApprovalSheet.7. AppearanceIt shall be free from any defects such as remarkable scratches, breaks, cracks,discoloration, leakage or deformation .8. Notice△!8.1 Handling of cells:Avoid any short-circuit, it will caused the pole hot and lost electronic functions.Soft packing is very damaged by sharp edge parts such as needles and knives.Avoid cells touch with sharp edge part, when handling and storage.Beside the poles is the sealed edge. Don’t bend or fold dealing edge, for it is a sensitive part.Don’t open the folding edge on both sides of the cells.Don’t bend the tabs, for the tabs are not so stubborn.Avoid mechanical shock to the cells.Don’t put the cells into the heater, washing machine or high-voltage container.Don’t use the charger without any safety guarantee, and recommend you use specified charger.You should immediately stop charging, as cell is overheating, delivery any smell, changed color, distortion etc.Before Children use batteries, adults should explain the usage first.Before use batteries, please read the handling guideline carefully and fully understand.Away from the static-electronic field, while using, charging and storing cells.Don’t put the cells together with metal conductors such as chains, barrette, bolt into the pocket or stored them together.Don’t use metal conductor to shortcut the positive and negative poles.Don’t mis-assemble the positive pole with the negative one.8.2 Notice for Designing Battery Pack8.2.1 Package DesignBattery pack should have sufficient strength and battery should be protected from mechanical shock.No sharp edge components should be inside the pack containing the battery.8.2.2 PCM DesignThe overcharge threshold voltage should not be exceed 4.30V (single pack)The over-discharge threshold voltage should not be lower than 2.9V (single pack)8.3 Notice for Assembling Battery Pack8.3.2 Tab connectionUltrasonic welding or spot welding is recommended to connect battery with PCM or other parts.If apply manual solder method to connect tab with PCM, below notice is very important to ensure battery performance. The solder iron should be temperature controlled and ESDsafe. Soldering temperature should not exceed 350℃. Soldering time should not be longer than 3 seconds . Keep battery tab cold down before next time soldering. Directly heat cell body is strictly prohibited. Battery shouldbe damaged by heat above approx. 60℃.8.3.3 Cell fixingThe battery should be fixed to the battery pack by its large surface area.No sharp edge at the assembling position.No cell movement in the battery pack should be allowed.9.Others9.1 The disassembling may generate internal shout circuit in the cell, which may causegassing, firing, or other problem.9.2 Prohibition of dumping of cells into fireNever incinerate or dispose the cells in fire, for these may cause firing of the cells.9.3 The cells should never be soaked with liquids such as water, drinks or oil.9.4 Prohibit using the cells mixed with different manufactories. Prohibit using new cellsmixed with old ones.▲Special Notice: If the cell isn’t used for a long time, Please Keep the cells in half-charged state, which is keeping them unfully charged or incompletely discharged. Recharge the cells and use half of the power after 2-3months. Store the cells in cool and dry place. It will protect the cell from damage effectively and long-term.10. StatementIf our specifications material, product process or product control system has changed, the information will be transmitted to consumer by way of written with quality and reliability data.。

12.8V150Ah 磷酸铁锂电池组规格书

12.8V150Ah 磷酸铁锂电池组规格书

DATE:2014-07-25 Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery PackSpecificationProduct Name:LiFePO4 Battery Pack Product Specification:12.8V150Ah(26650)Designed Checked ApprovedFei Liu Peng Ren Shijie RenDATE:2014-07-25Directory1. Preface (3)2. Product and Model (3)3. Battery Pack Specifications (4)4.Standard Test Conditions (4)5.Characteristics (5)6.Characteristic curve (6)7.Cautions (6)8. Product Liability (7)DATE:2014-07-251. PrefaceThis specification describes the type and size, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the 12.8V150Ah LiFePO4 rechargeable pack.2. Product and Model2.1 Product: Lithium-ion Battery Pack2.2 Model: 4IFR12.8-150-Y (26650-3.2V-4S47P)2.3 Picture And Output Wire (In order to prevail in kind)Positive output Red one wire with10AWGLength:500±10 mm45A red AndersonconnectorNegative output Black one wire with10AWGLength:500±10 mm45A black AndersonconnectorDATE:2014-07-25 3. Battery Pack SpecificationsItems Standard CommentsNominal voltage 12.8VTypical capacity 150±1Ah At 0.1C discharge rateNormal current 2AMax continuous dischargecurrent5A 5min Discharge cut-off voltage About 10VCharge voltage 14.4±0.1V Charge mode: CC/CV,Use a constantcurrent, constant voltage(CC/CV)please use special lithium charger.Charge current ≤15AInner resistance ≤50mΩBetween positive and negative polarOperation temperaturerangeCharge 0℃~+45℃Discharge-20℃~+60℃When the environment temperature ishigher than 45℃,please pay attention toventilation and heat rejection.Storage temperaturerange0℃~40℃(Capacity 80%)Recommended long-term storagetemperature is 15~25℃Humidity 5%≤RH≤85%Shell material Aluminum alloyWeight 19.9±0.1KgSize(L*W*H)(240±1)*(190±1)*(160±1)mm*2Protection function Over charge protection、Over discharge protection、Over current protection、Temperature protection、Balanced function4. Standard Test ConditionsBattery test must within 1 month after production.DATE:2014-07-25 All test in this specification should be in standard atmospheric conditions: temperature:25±5℃, relative humidity: 65±20%.5. Characteristics5.1 Standard chargeCharge the battery with Lithium ion battery special test cabinet, supply 14.4V voltage, constant-current 0.2C(A) current until current down to 0.02C(A).5.2 standard dischargeDischarge the battery at 0.2C(A)to 10.0V or battery cut off voltage.5.3 Electrical PerformanceTest Items Test Methods Test Standardscapacity retentionrate After standard charge under 5.1specified conditions, store the cells for28 days, then discharge at 0.2C(A )tocut-off voltage.capacity retention rate≥80%Cycle Life 1) standard charge at 0.2C(A),2) rest 0.5~1 h3) discharge at 0.2C to cut off voltage4) rest 0.5~1hrepeat the above steps until 1500cycles.capacity retentionrate≥80%DATE:2014-07-256. Characteristic curve7. Cautions7.1Charging current should be less than maximum charge current specified in the Product Specification,Charging current bigger than recommended current may damage the battery;7.2Discharging current should be less than maximum discharge current specified in the ProductSpecification;Discharging current bigger than recommended current may damage the battery;7.3 It should be noted that the cell would be possible to be at a over-discharged state by itsself-discharge characteristics in case the cell is not used for long time. In order to preventover-discharging, the cell shall be charged periodically to maintain between 13.2V and 13.6V(2month one cycle),Over-discharging may causes loss of cell performance, characteristics, or battery functions;7.4 Please charge the battery within 12 hours after use;DATE:2014-07-257.5 Battery storage environment follow the above conditions and in standard atmosphere, should bewithout strong magnet, no power, no static;7.6 Do not reverse the polarity of the battery pack for any reason;7.7 Do not short circuit the battery pack;7.8 Do not reverse polarity charging;7.9 Do not immerse the battery pack in water or sea water, or get it wet;7.10 Do not disassemble battery;7.11 Do not expose the battery to extreme heat or flame;7.12 Please use special charger for charging;7.13 Do not combine the battery pack in series or in parallel;8. Product LiabilityIt is not responsible for the incident caused by not obeying the specifications. Before using the battery, you should read the specifications, usage instruction and some attentions carefully to learn its application method and areas. If the phenomenon such as error using method or wrong circuit connection, or input power data, working index are inconsistent with the specifications , cause damage to product, load and its accessories, we are not responsible for it.Our company have the right to change the content of specification without prior notice;The final explanation of specification belongs to our company.。



3.6V/5.0Ah 锂离子电芯规格书Specification for 3.6V/5.0Ah Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell电芯型号: 21700-5000mAhCell type: 21700-5000mAhContents 目录1 Preface 前言2 Cell type,Barcode,Color 电芯型号、喷码、颜色2.1 Description and model 电芯说明及型号2.2 Cell barcode 电芯喷码2.3 Cell color电芯套膜颜色3 Nominal Specification标准规格4 Technical requirements技术要求4.1 Cell testing conditions电芯测试条件4.2 Requirement of the testing equipment测量仪表要求4.3 Standard charge 标准充电4.4 Standard discharge 标准放电4.5 Characteristics电池性能4.6 Safety characteristics安全性能4.7 Package schematic diagram 包装示意图5 Cell safety criterion 电芯安全准则5.1 Design and usage of chargers and battery packs充电器和电池组设计及使用注意事项5.2 Safety regulations安全守则6 The restriction for the use of hazardous substances有害物质控制要求7 Contact information联系方式8 Version change record修改记录Note: Jiangxi Far East Battery co., LTD. Hereinafter referred to as Far East Battery(FEB)注:江西远东电池有限公司以下简称远东电池(FEB);1Preface 前言This specification describes the type, dimensions, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the lithium ion rechargeable cell. The specification only applies to 21700 cell supplied by Jiangxi Far East Battery co. LTD.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项,本标准适用于江西远东电池有限公司生产的圆柱型21700锂离子电芯。


文件名称 文件编号
版别 受控号
1 目的
2 适用范围
5.4 安全性能
6 测试方法
6.1 测试环境及仪器
6.1.1 测试环境
无特殊指明,检测的标准条件为:温度:20±3℃,相对湿度65±10%RH, 大气压力:101±10kPa。
版别 受控号
7.3.2 B组检验
从A组检验的提交批次中随机抽取样品,检测项目、顺序、检查水平和AQL参照下表 进行。
6பைடு நூலகம்2.8
7.3.3 C组检验
5.1 8.1

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