


College English Test Band 4

Short Conversation

11.W: Have you finished that painting for the new student center?

M: Just this morning. I’ve been working extra hours all week. You know, the building opens tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?

12.M: Do you sell camping gear?

W: Yes, we have tents, sleeping bags, just about everything you might need, including stoves.

Q: What is the man probably going to do?

13.M: Hi Jenny. Have you talked to Mr. Wright about the new sports program?

W: Well, I contacted his office half an hour ago, and his secretary said he was out for lunch until 2:00.

Q: What does the woman mean?

14.M: Bill says he’s not working so hard on his biology project.

W: But he spends a lot of time in the lab, doesn’t he?

Q: What does the woman imply about Bill?

15.M: I have to say I find the new smoking regulations too strict.

W: Well, they are for everyone’s health. I have no complaints.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?

16.W: Jack asked me to drop off this report. He’s tied up in meetings all morning.

M: I was hoping he brings it in himself. I need to talk with him about it.

Q: Why can’t Jack come in person?

17.M: Should we invite Mr. Smith to join us for dinner this weekend? He’s just come back

from England.

W: You can have a try, but as far as I know, he seldom accepts invitations from his employees.

Q: What can we infer about Mr. Smith?

18.W: This place doesn’t look familiar at all. We must be lost.

M: Yeah, it seems so. Let’s pull in here. While I’m filling the tank, you g o ask the way and get me something to drink, please.

Q: What is the man going to do first?

Long Conversation 1

M: Well, did you enjoy it?

W: Yes, I enjoy it much more than I thought I would.

M: Really?

W: Yes, I don’t usually go to science fiction films. I don’t think they are much better than comics on film, if you know what I mean.

M: yes, sure. And a few years ago, they were certainly like that. But they’ve got a lot better now. W: Yes, and historical films–that’s what I really like. I never miss a goo d film set in the Middle Ages. Oh, and love stores—I never miss one on TV.

M: Funnily enough, I don’t like those kinds of films at all. But to come back to this one, I personally didn’t think it was very good. It certainly wasn’t as good as other science f iction films

I’ve seen/ W: Wasn’t it?

M: No, not at all. Oh, the effects were very good.

W: Yes, I thought they were marvelous, especially the battle in space, incredible.

M: Yes, but I was going to say I thought the acting was terrible.

W: Yes, I suppose Jason was too good to be true. And what was the name of baddy?

M: Cargon?

W: Yeah, Cargon was really evil, wasn’t he? But I suppose that’s what these films are all about—good triumphing over evil. And the characters have to be black and white.

M: Well, ye s, but not always. War of worlds wasn’t like that, for example. Anyway, you enjoyed the film. That’s most important.

W: Yes, I did. Thanks for taking me.

19. What does the man say about science fiction films?

20. What opinion do the speakers share about the film they have just seen?

21. What do we learn about Jason and Cargon?

Long Conversation 2

M: Can I ask you about your evening class? What class do you go to?

W: Car maintenance.

M: What night of the week is it on?

W: Wednesday night.

M: And how long does it last?

W: Well, it's supposed to start at 6:00, but that's a bit of problem because people have difficulty getting through the traffic. So we start at 6:30 and then it goes on until 9 o'clock.

M: And what was your reason for wanting to do the class?

W: Wel, I just bought my first car and I don't know anything about the cars. So I thought it was a good opportunity to learn. I guess most people in the class are in the same situation.

M: Um, and what do you actually do? Do you bring the car along to the class?

W: Yes, we do. And in the first part of the lesson, the first half hour, hte man who runs the class will go though some particular part of the car, and we'll learn about it. And then we spend the rest of the time, actually working on our own cars, the same problem.

M: And how many peope are there in the class?

W: Um, I think 16, but three quarters of them are women. It's quite interesting because the man is obviously used to teaching men. And he always starts his sentence by saying, "Wow, you chaps will know..." And then he stops and says,"Oh, and you women, you ladies, but...er..."

M: Um, sounds funny.

22. What does the woman say about her evening class?

23. Why did the woman want ot attend the class?

24. What do the peopl who attend the class do in the first part of the lesson?

25. What do we learn about the participants in the class?

Passage One

We don't choose friends on the basis of how much money they have, of course, but vast differences can be disturbing to both sides. Erin, for example, is single, and earns a very good salary. Her friend, Pat, a divorced mother of three, is struggling to make ends meet. " We are both frequent theater-goers," Erin explains, " and I'd glady par for two tickets, just to have Pat's company at plays in concerts, but she won't go anywhere unless she can pay her own way.

I hate to go alone, so we both stay home. It all seems so silly." Pat sees the situation differently.

After an unhappy marriage to a man who tried to control her without considering her wishes and feelings, she says, "it's very important to me to carry my own weight. I'm not comfortable in any relationship where all I do is take."

The difficult situation finally changed when Erin moved recently. Pat's children were with their father, so she took a picnic lunchto her friend's new place, then spent the day helping her unpack and get settled.

"I was so grateful," Erin says, "that I persuaded Pat to let me return the favour in my own way with season tickets to our little theater group. I think she's beginning to recognize that she contributes as much to our friendship as I do."

26. What do we learn about Pat?

27. What draws Erin and Pat together?

28. What does Erin do to return Pat's favor?

29. What do we learn about friendship from the passage?

Passage Two

Sun school in the won of Ashbert in England is a day school for children aged 10 to 18. It is based on the value of social equality between students and staff, and has few rules. Sun School believes that the healthy growth of a child is more important than academic success. It offers a variety of lessons and activities for students to choose from and free time for children to follow their own interests. Classes are small, and based on the individual needs of each child. The imetable is fixed, but democratically decided, and students makes all the decisions that affect the school, including rules, the timetable adn accepting or rejecting new stuents and teachers.

Participating in these meetings gives the children an understanding of democratic decision-making and helps them develop their skills of augument and persuation. The most important advantage of the school meeting is that it shows the children that the school is really theirs. They have the right to decide on changes. And the school's success or failure depends on their decisions and their behavior.

Sun School employs no cooking or cleaning staff. These jobs are done by students and teachers. Decorating and simple repairs are also done by the students. It is believed that for the school to truly belong to those who use it, they must take responsibility for its maintenance.

30. What value is Sun Scholl based on?

31. What is characteristic of the school's decision-making process?

32. Why does Sun School ask students to do its maintenance?

Passage Three

Well, to continue, as I mentioned earlier, there is also research that demonstrates that individuals perform worse, not better, on tasks when other people are there. R. W. Harburt did an interesting experiment. He had his subjects learn a finger maze. Thi is a game in which you indicate with your finger the way through a complex system of passages or paths. The subjects who had an audience did worse than the subjects who did alone.

Now how can we explain these very different results? It seemed very confusing for a long time. Social psychologist, John Roberts, finally cleared up the confusion about why people sometimes perform better and sometimes worse in front of an audience. Roberts found that the presence of an audience facilitates what you already know how to do. That is, if you know what you are doing, having an audience helps you do it better. But if you don't already know how to do something, you will probably make some mistakes and you will make mistakes for a longer time if you have an

audience. That's exactly what happened to the subjects who were learning the finger maze.

So, if you are doing well, having an audience increases the chances that you will continue to do well. If you are doing badly, having an audience increase the chances that you will continue to do badly. Roberts cleverly pointed out that when you are first learning something, you are better off working alone than practicing with other people.

33. What did the speaker probably discuss before coming to this part of the talk?

34. When does the presence of an audience facilitate your performance according to Roberts?

35. What does Roberts think is a better way to learn new things?


2008年英语专业四级考试全真试卷及其参考答案SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the.following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation. 1. When is Anne available for the meeting? A. The third week of May. B. The third week of June. C. The eleventh of June. D. The eleventh of May. 2. Their meeting will probably take place in A. London. B. Toronto. C. Mexico City. D. Chicago. 3. When is Eric calling back? A. Thursday afternoon. B. Friday afternoon. C. Thursday morning.

D. Friday morning. Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 4. According to the woman, advertisements A. let us know the best product. B. give us sufficient information. C. fail to convince people. D. give misleading information. 5. In the woman's opinion, money spent on advertisements is paid A. by manufacturers. B. by customers. C. by advertisers. D. by all of them. 6. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?. A. The woman seems to be negative about advertising. B. The woman appears to know more about advertising. C. The man is to be present at a debate on advertising. D. The man has a lot to talk about on advertising. Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation,


Short Conversations 11. W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends? M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child Q: What does the man imply about Kate? 11. She has always enjoyed great popularity 12. M: They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, the cold weather will last quite a few days. W: Oh! We're so lucky, we'll be getting away for a while, and having a holiday in Florida. But let's call right now to confirm our flight. Q: What do we learn about the two speakers? 12. They are going to have a holiday 13. W: Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing several families from the forest fire. M: I really admire his courage. Q: What do we learn about Tony from the conversation? 13. He was very courageous 14. M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night. W: Y ou'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 14. Buy a new washing machine 15. W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled. M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the word load has doubled. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 15. He is not excited about his new position 16. W: I can't decide what to do about the party tomorrow. M: Y ou don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'll be glad to give you a ride if you do. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 16. The man offers to drive the women to the party 17. M: Now if you have any questions about the contract. I'll be happy to answer them. W: Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'd like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it. Q: What are the speakers doing right now? 17. Finalizing a contract 18. M: We are out of paper for the printer. Can you please order some? W: I completed the order form online yesterday and it will be here by noon. I'll let you know when it comes in. Q: What did the woman do? 18. She ordered some paper Long Conversation Conversation One W: Bob, do you know who I saw the other day? Old Jake, looking terribly depressed. Did he get


2016年6月大学英语四级听力新题型样卷 2016年6月考试起将对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整:已经使用多年的的短对话和短文听写题型将退出历史舞台,取而代之的是新闻听力和学术讲座。以下是小编为大家收集的对应2016年6月四级考试听力新题型样题卷,希望对大家有一定的帮助! PartII ListeningComprehension (25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At theend of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the newsreport and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line throughthe centre. Questions 1 and 2 will bebased on the following news item. 1. A) Christmas-timeattacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda's capital.


英语专业四级考试1993年——203年听写原文 1993 Package Holidays Package holidays, covering a two weeks' stay in an attractive place, are increasingly popular. Once you get to the airport, it is up to the tour operator to see that you get safely to your destination.Everything is laid on for you.There is, in fact, no reason for you to bother to arrange anything yourselves.You make friends and have a good time. But there is very little chance that you will really get to know the local people.This is even less likely on a coach tour, when you spend almost your entire time traveling.Of course, there are carefully planned stops for you to visit historic buildings and monuments. You may visit the beautiful, the historic, the ancient. But time is always short.There is also the added disadvantage of being obliged to spend you holiday with a group of people you have never met before. (1994) The American Family The American family unit is changing. There used to be mainly two types of families, the extended and the nuclear. The former included mother, father, children, and some other relatives such as grandparents, living in the same house or nearby. Then as the economy progressed from agricultural to industrial, people began moving to different parts of the country in order to search for job opportunities. These moves split up the extended family. The nuclear family consisting of only parents and children has therefore become far more wide spread. Today’s family, however, can be composed of diverse co mbinations. With the divorce rate nearly one in two, there's an increase in single-parent homes—a father or mother living with one or more children. Blended families occur when divorced men and women remarry and combine the children from former marriages into a new family. On the other hand, there is an increase in childless couples while one in rive Americans lives alone. (1995) Unidentified Flying Objects There are many explanations for why UFOs visit the Earth. / The most popular one is that they maybe visitors from other planets./ To fly such aircraft, their builders must develop different forms of aviation,/because they seem to fly much faster than normal aircraft./ The UFOs, it is believed, must contain scientists/ from other planets who are studying life on earth./ It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth/ and the space visitors may be living amongst us./ But there are also less fantastic explanations available./ Although some sightings of UFOs are difficult to explain, most can be explained quite easily./ In many cases the observers might have made a mistake./ They might have seen a weather balloon or an aircraft./ Or the light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground,/ reflected on to the clouds./ However, the exact cause of many sightings still remained a mystery.


英语专业四级听写50篇 前言 听写在英语专业四级统考中占有15%的比重,是考试的重要组成部分。 说起听写,正在准备和已经参加过英语专业四级考试的同学会说: “我能明白听写的内容,可写的时候就是跟不上!”“短文大意我明白,可是有的语我不 会写。” 这只反映出了问题的两个方面。一是听写速度不够快。二是词汇量不够或词汇掌握得不够准确。这些无疑是影响听写成绩的重要因素。但是,这些不是问题的全部。在从事听写教学及听写问卷过程中,很容易发现学生失分的具体问题: (1)没听懂,没听好,听写速度跟不上,写出的内容断断续续不连贯,学生因此大量失分; (2)有的词汇没听懂,拼写不够准确,这导致听写失分; (3)时态错误导致失分; (4)单复数不准确导致失分; (5)没有注意断句或专有名词,句子开头单词或专有名词错误使用大小写导致失分; (6)没有注意原文冠词的使用,书写时漏掉冠词导 致失分; (7)没有注意单数第三人称形式导致失分; (8)没有注意单数复数名词的形式导致失分。 上述问题的产生有的是缺乏训练造成的,如书写速度跟不上。有的则是语言基础较 差造成的,如听力较差没有完全听懂或没有掌握好词汇。而单复数、大小写、冠词漏写 等则多是粗心大意造成的。 听写部分能提高吗? 当然能!而且提高的空间很大。 笔者从事英语专业基础教学与研究,从一开始所带的教学班参加四级考试超过全国 院校平均通过率28.2个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校平均通过率12.5个百分点开始,所带的教学班在全国英语专业④级统考中通过率始终ito%,平均成绩、优秀率始终名列 前茅。最近一次所带的教学班参加四级统考,又考出了很好的成绩,通过率超过全国院 校平均水平26石个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校13.6个百分点,而且在十几个平行 班中平均成绩是最高的,优秀人数也是最多的。在四级考试中,听写一项的成绩也不例外,每次均位居第一,本项目满分15分,所带班级平均成绩能够达到14分。 是不是学生基础很好?统计表明,和平行班相比所带班级入学时并不存在什么特别 优势。 教学经验表明,听写成功的关键是训练方法和体现训练方法的训练材料。 听写训练过程中无论是老师还是学生都有必要注意以下几点: 二.扭握淤轿肘虚度大纲要求第一遍用正常速



Part II Listening Comprehension Section A News Report One 【话题预测】由college students,sleep,problem,stress,psychological 等词可推断,本则新闻与大学生 睡眠或心理健康有关。 【正确答案】1—2 B D 听力原文 You probably think college students are experts at sleeping, but parties, preparations for tests, personal problems and general stress can wreck a student’s sleep habits, which can be bad for the body and the mind. Texas Tech University is even offering a class called “Improving Your Sleep Habits”. People suffering from sleep loss are at an increased risk from obesity, psychological problems and car crashes. Students who don’t get enough sleep have poor attendance and lower grades. On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off


2016下半年英语四级听力模拟训练试题 (三) Long Conversations 2 MAN: Have a seat, please, Miss Jenkins. WOMAN: Thank you, sir. MAN: Well, I'd like to start our conversation with some questions. Shall I start? WOMAN: Sure. MAN: Can you type, Miss Jenkins? WOMAN: Yes, I can. MAN:

How many words a minute? WOMAN: Sixty. MAN: Hmm. Have you ever learned how to operate office computer? WOMAN: Yes, I have. I worked for two years as a computer operator in a school. MAN: Good. Are you familiar with other modern equipment, the fax machine, printer, and things like that? WOMAN: I don't think there's any problem for me to work on these machines. You know, sir, I've even learned shorthand. MAN: You have? That's good. And you speak foreign languages, do you? WOMAN: Yes. I speak German and French. MAN: Do you speak Italian?


2015年12月英语四级听力原文及答案 Part 1 短对话 Question 1 - M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together last month? - W: Sure. It's actually the most impressive one I've seen on that topic. Q:What do we learn about the speakers? Question 2 - W: Are you looking for anything in particular? - M: Yes. My son is graduating from high school, and I want to get him something special. Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? Question 3 - M: Mike told me yesterday that he had been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery. - W: Really? If I remember right, he had a chance to work there, but he turned it down.

Q:What does the woman say about Mike? Question 4 - W: Would you like to come to Susan's birthday party tomorrow evening? - M: I'm going to give a lecture tomorrow. I wish I could be in two places at the same time. Q:What does the man mean? Question 5 - W: Aren't you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making? - M: Yes. I think I will give them a deadline and hold them to it. Q:What is the man probably going to do? Question 6 - W: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the visitors' parking is? I left my car there. - M: Sure. It's in Lot C. Over that way. Q:What does the woman want to know? Question 7 - W: You look great! Now that you've taken those fitness classes.


- The success of early railways, such as the lines between big cities,/ led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian times. / Between 1835 and 1865 about 25000 kilometers of track were built,/ and over 100 railway companies were created. / Railway travel transformed people's lives. / Trains were first designed to carry goods. / However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day / which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile. / Soon working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail. / Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly. / The railways also provided thousands of new jobs:/ building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks. / Railways even changed the time. / The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished/ and clocks showed the same time all over the country. / United Nations Day (1999) The 24th of October is celebrated as United Nations Day. h is a day that belongs to everyone. And it is celebrated in most countries of the world. Some countries celebrate for a week instead of a day. In many parts of the world, schools have special programs for the day. Boys and girls in some communities decorate a UN tree. In other communities, young people put on plays about the UN. Some libraries exhibit children’s art works from around the world. Schools celebrate with the songs and dances of other countries or give parties where foods of other countries are served. No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN, and the important roles it plays in world affairs. The UN encourages people to learn about other lands and their customs. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world. What We Know About Language (2000) Many things about language are a mystery and will remain so. However, we now do know something about it. First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. No human race anywhere on earth is so backward that it has no language of its own at all. Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many peoples whose cultures are undeveloped but the languages they speak are by no means primitive. In all the languages existing in the world today, there are complexities that must have been developed for years. Third, we know that all languages are perfectly adequate. Each is a perfect means of expressing its culture. And finally, we know that language changes over time, which is natural and normal if a language is to survive. The language which remains unchanged is nothing but dead. Characteristics of A Good Reader (2001) To improve your reading habits, you must understand the characteristics of a good reader.


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2016) -GRADE FOUR- PART ⅠDICTATION Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Now listen to the passage. Think Positive and Feel Positive Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? / Do you react positively or negatively? / The answer may depend in part on whom you’re around. / A study found that negative thinking can be contagious in some cases. / For example, the researchers studied 103 college roommates. / They measured each roommate’s tendency towards negative thinking. / It was found that thinking patterns can be contagious. / Students with a negative thinking roommate became more depressed themselves, / and students with more positive thinking roommates / were more likely to become more positive as well. The second and third readings. You should begin writing now. Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? / Are you confident or insecure in a difficult situation? / Do you react positively or negatively? / Do you react positively or negatively? / The answer may depend in part


2016年12月英语四级听力原文(沪江网校版)2016年12月17日全国大学英语四级考试已结束,本次考试为多题多卷, 本站第一时间收集整理不同版本试题,供考生参考: Section A A 16th century castle in Scotland is close to collapsing after lumps of soils were washed away by floods, threatening its foundations. On Sunday, the castle’s owner John Gordon, 76, was forced to move out his property after the River Dee swept away about 60 feet of land, leaving the castle dangerous close to the river. According to the Scottish Daily Record. Abergeldie castle located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland was built by Sir Alexander Gordon of Midmar who later became the Earl of Huntly. The castle which is located on 11,700 acres was leased to members of the royal family between 1848 and 1970, including King Edward VII and George V. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has issued more than 35 flood warnings covering several regions, as Scotland continues to clean up the after Storm Frank hit the country last Wednesday. “This means that rivers will rise more slowly, but then stay high for much longer.” the environmental agency said. Q1. Why did John Gordon move out of Abergeldie castle? Q2. What happened in Scotland last Wednesday? Section A - 2 Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing, New York, according to Marcia Lynch. Public information officer with Tompkins County’s emergency response department, emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio. And they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department’s assistant director. Crews have managed to provide heat packs and blankets to the miners so that they can keep warm during the rescue operation, Verfuss said. Details about what led to the workers’ being trapped in the elevator went immediately available. The mine, along New York’s Cayuga Lake, processes salt used for road treatment. It produces about 2 million tons of salt that is shipped to more than 1,500 places in the northeastern United States, the rock salt mine is one of three operated by Cargill with the other two in Louisiana and Ohio. Q3. What does the news report say about the salt miners? Q4.What did the rescue team do? Section A - 3 The U.S. Postal Service announced today that it is considering closing about 3,700 post offices over the next year because of falling revenues. Facing an $8.3 billion budget deficit this year, closing post officers is one of several proposals the Postal Service has put forth recently to cut costs. Last week, for
