






Dear David,

1 很高兴你来北京学习汉语。I_______ you’ll come to Beijing to ___________

2汉语非常有用,很多外国人都在学习。Chinese is very_____,and many foreigners___________.

3这对你来说很困难,因为汉语与英语有很大的不同。_____________for you because___________________________.

4 你要尽可能多的记汉语词语。You have to remember __ many Chinese words__ ____.

5 做一些阅读和写作也是非常重要的。It’s also_______ to ____________ and____. 6你可以看电视和听广播来练习听力。You can_________ and___________ to


7尽量用汉语和别人交流。___________ to talk with people ____________.

8 你不仅可以从书本上而且也可以从周围的人来学习汉语。You can learn Chinese_______ from books ________from people around you.

9如果你有问题可以问我。______ you have any questions, please ask me.

10我相信你能学好汉语。__________ you’ll learn Chinese___.

11希望能在北京很快见到你。__________to see you soon in Beijing.












忙碌be busy 注意pay attention to 担忧be worried 给意见give suggestions/advice 锻炼take exercise 至少at least 一周一次once a week

比如such as 熬夜stay up 足够的睡眠enough sleep 接受建议accept advice DearDad (Mum),

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Your loving son/daughter








Wealth and Happiness ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————



选修六Module 1 ⒈lack (1)Lack money/ experience/ time (2)Be lacking in (3)For lack of ①健康问题与不好的饮食习惯及缺乏锻炼有很大的关系。 Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. ②大城市因为缺乏空间建起了越来越多的高层建筑。 More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space. ③由于缺乏睡眠,许多学生无法集中精力于学习上( 一句多译). Many students can’t concentrate on their studies for lack of sleep. Many students lack sleep, which makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their studies. Lacking sleep makes it difficult for many students to concentrate on their studies. Many students are lacking in sleep so that they can’t concentrate on their studies. ⒉advance Adj. 预先的在前的 预付款advance payment 提前做点某事do a little advance planning v.前进发展进步推动,将···提前 →advanced 先进的,高级的, advanced technology /society /courses n. in advance 提前、事先= ahead of time. ⒊In addition 此外,另外=besides, what’s more in addition to 除···之外= apart from// besides There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge In addition , you need to know how long you should stay. Except //except for I cant take my holidays at any time except in August.


. ;. 外研版高中英语单词表必修一 1.academic 学术的adj 2.province 省 n 3.enthusiastic 热心的 adj 4.amazing令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的adj https://www.360docs.net/doc/8514020027.html,rmation 信息 n 6.website 网站;网址 n 7.brilliant (口语)极好的 adj https://www.360docs.net/doc/8514020027.html,prehension 理解;领悟 n 9.instruction (常作复数)指示;说明 n 10.method 方法n 11.bored厌倦的;厌烦的adj 12.embarrassed尴尬的;难堪的adj 13.attitude态度n 14.behaviour行为;举止n 15.previous以前的;从前的adj 16.description记述;描述n 17.amazed吃惊的;惊讶的adj 18.embarrassing令人尴尬的;令人吃惊的adj 19.technology技术n 20.impress使印象深刻vt 21.correction改正;纠正n 22.encouragement鼓励;激励n 23.enjoyment享受;乐趣n 24.fluency流利;流畅n 25.misunderstanding误解n 26.disappointed失望的adj 27.disappointing令人失望的adj 28.system制度;体系;系统n 29.teenager少年n 30.disappear消失vi 31.move搬家vi 32.assistant助手;助理n 33.cover包含vt 34.diploma文凭;毕业证书n 35.in other words 换句话说 36.look forward to 期待;盼望 37.at the start of在……开始的时候 38.atthe end of在……结束的时候 39.go to college 上大学 40.be divided into 被(划)分成…… 41.take part in 参加 42.attitude to/towards 对……的态度 43.amusing有趣的;可笑的adj 44.energetic精力充沛的adj 45.intelligent聪明的adj 46.nervous紧张的;焦虑的adj https://www.360docs.net/doc/8514020027.html,anised有组织的;有系统的adj 48.patient耐心的adj 49.serious严肃的adj 50.shy害羞的;羞怯的adj 51.strict严格的;严厉的adj 52.impression印象n 53.avoid(故意)避开vt 54.hate讨厌;不喜欢vt 55.incorrectly不正确的adv https://www.360docs.net/doc/8514020027.html,pletely十分的;完全的adv 57.immediately立即;即刻adv 58.appreciate欣赏;感激vt 59.admit承认vt 60.scientific科学的adj 61.literature文学n 62.loudly大声的adv 63.wave挥(手);招(手)vt 64.joke玩笑;笑话n 65.summary总结;摘要;提要n 66.respect尊敬;尊重vt&n


外研版英语必修一全一册复习要点(兴义八中唐万芳制) 第一部分:根据单词及词性写出其中文含义 academic adj. previous adj. bored adj. embarrassed adj. brilliant adj. enthusiastic adj. scientific adj. strict adj. amazing adj. amazed adj. embarrassing adj. energetic adj. intelligent adj. move adj. amusing adj. disappointed adj. disappointing adj. nervous adj. organized adj. patient adj. serious adj. shy adj. ordinary adj. partial adj. electrical adj. local adj. attractive adj. fortunate adj. exhausted adj. downtown adj. formal adj. relaxed adj. abandoned adj. unemployed adj. professional adj. manual adj. fascinating adj. gorgeous adj. astonished adj. accessible adj. military adj. definite adj. fantastic adj. independent adj. average adj. sideways adv. frequently adv. similarly adv. pretty adv. loudly adv. incorrectly adv. completely adv. immediately adv. impress vt. disappear vi. cover vt. avoid vt. hate vt. appreciate vt. admit vt. wave vt. sound vi. revise vt. shoot vt. train vt. frighten vt. react vi. expand vi contract vi. exchange vt. afford vt. survive vi. contact vt. starve vi. park vt. approach vt. bother vt. respect vt.&n. add vt. dissolve vt. contain vt. crash vi. log vt. create vt. design vt.


高一英语必修二单词表 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 英文音标词性中文 1 diet ['da??t] n. vi. 饮食,日常食物;照医生的规定饮食 2 fat [f?t] n. 脂肪 3 fit [f?t] adj. 健康的;强健的 4 flu [flu:] n. (=influenza) 流行性感冒 5 rare [re?] adj. 稀少的;罕有的 6 toothache ['tu:θe?k] n. 牙痛 7 unhealthy [?n'helθi]adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的 8 wealthy ['welθi]adj. 富裕的;有钱的 9 rarely ['re?li] adv. 稀少地;极少地 10 proverb ['pr?v?:b] n. 谚语 11 anxious ['??k??s] adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 12 captain ['k?pt?n] n. 队长 13 injure ['?nd??] vt. 伤害 14 injury ['?nd??ri] n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处 15 pain [pe?n] n. 疼痛 16 painful ['pe?nfl] adj. 疼痛的 17 normal ['n?:ml] adj. 正常的;一般的 18 lifestyle ['la?f?sta?l] n. 生活方式 19 head [hed] vi. 朝……方向前进 20 eye [a?] vt. 注视;观看 21 overweight [???v?'we?t] adj. (人)太胖的;超重的 22 lung [l??]n. 肺 23 throat [θr??t] n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子 24 breathe [bri:e] vi. 呼吸 25 pneumonia [nju:'m??ni?] n. 肺炎 26 prescription [pr?'skr?p??n] n. 处方 27 symptom ['s?mpt?m] n. 症状 28 X-ray ['eks?re?] n. X光 29 awful ['?:fl] adj. 可怕的;吓人的 30 insurance [?n'???r?ns] n. 保险


必修五Module 1 ⒉compare (v.)---comparison(n.) 把A 和B比较compare A with B 把A比作/比喻为B compare A to B 比起…,与…相比(作状语) compared with /to 比得上compare with 无与伦比beyond comparison 与…比较in comparison 相比之下by comparison ⒊differ (vi)different(adj.)difference (n.) 在…方面不同differ in = be different in 区分…和…Tell the difference betw een…and..不同于differ from = be different from和某人在…方面differ with sb. on sth. 有影响,使不同make a difference 对…有影响have an effect on=have an influence on =affect =influence It makes a big difference to your life whether you take an optimistic attitude or not. 你是否采取乐观的态度对你的人生有很大的影响。 ⒋common 有很多/有一些/ 几乎没有/ 没有共同点have much(a lot)/everything/ nothing(little) in common 和…一样in common with ⒌lead lead to +doing/n通往,通向;导致,招致lead sb to sp. 带领某人到某地 lead sb to do sth. 使某人做某事,领某人干某事 命题方向:1). lead to + doing/ being done 2).leading to 作定语或状语。 3).含介词的短语动词用在定语从句中,考察句中的谓语动词。 短语lead to 中,to为介词,总结一下“动词+介词to”的常用短语 pay attention to 注意devote… to… 献身于stick to 坚持be used to 习惯于belong to 属于object to 反对get down to开始认真做.. contribute to 为..做贡献pay a visit to 参观;拜访 ⒍difficulty have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing 做某事有一些/没有困难 There is some/no difficulty (in) doing sth. There is some/no difficulty with sth. (注意:difficulty 为不可数名词)have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing 做某事有一些/没有困难 There is some/no difficulty (in) doing sth. There is some/no difficulty with sth. (注意:difficulty 为不可数名词) ⒎attempt attempt to do/ attempt at doing. 试图做…;尝试做… make an/no attempt to do (没有)试图/打算做… at one’s first attempt (to do) 第一次尝试做… ⒏add


高一英语必修一重点词组 Module 1 1.Junior High school 初中 2.Senior High school 高中 3.be far from…离…远 4.capital city 省会城市 5.be amazed at/by 对…感到惊讶 6.method of teaching 教学方法 7.teaching method 教学方法 8.用这种方法:in this way, with this method, by this means 9.Introduce…to…向…介绍… 10.More than+数词:超过 11.More than+名词:不仅仅,不只是 12.More than +adj./v./从句:非常,岂止 13.More than +can/could: 超过某人所能 14.More… than…: 与其说是后者,不如说是前者 15.in other words 换句话说 16.in a word 总之 17.keep one’s word 遵守诺言 18.look forward to (doing) sth.期盼(做)某事 19.be impressed with…对…印象深刻 20.be fluent in 在……(方面)流利 21.speak Chinese with fluency = be fluent in Chinese 流利地说汉语 22.at the start/beginning of 在……开始的时候 23.at the end of 在……结束的时候 24.go to college/university 上大学 25.be divided into 被(划)分成…… 26.take part in 参加 27.be similar to 与……相似 28.sb’s attitude to/towards…某人对某物的看 法 29.summer holiday/vacation 暑假 30.winter holiday/vacation 寒假 31.receive the high school diploma 获得高中的文凭 Module 2 1.make sure 确保,确认 2.It doesn’t matter.没关系 3.first impression 第一印象 4.be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 5.be patient of sth. 能忍受、忍耐… 6.with patience=patiently 耐心地 7.have the patience to do sth. 有耐心做某事 8.be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 9.be strict in… 在……方面要求严格10.be strict about sth. 对某事要求严格 11.can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做某事 12.suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 13.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 14.keep doing sth. 不停地做某事 15.make great progress 取得很大进步 16.I would appreciate it if sb could do sth. 如果……,我将不胜感激。 17.appreciate doing sth. 感激某人做某事 18.admit doing/ sth. 承认做过某事 19.admit sb. to/into/in 允许某人进入 20.scientific experiment 科学实验 21.as a result 所以 22.as a result of 由于…,作为…的结果 23.tell a joke/jokes 讲笑话 24.remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 25.remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 26.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事 27.forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 28.try doing sth. 试着做… 29.try to do sth. 尽力做… 30.regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事 31.regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事 32.喜欢做A 而不愿做B: Prefer to do A rather than do B =Prefer doing A to doing B =Prefer A to B 33.宁愿做A也不做B: Would rather do A than do B. Would do A rather than do B. 34.European countries 欧洲国家 35.State school=public school 公立学校 36.Private school 私立学校 Module 3 1.get on 上(公车、船) 2.get off 下(公车、船) 3.get into 上(汽车、的士) 4.get out of 下(汽车、的士);离开… 5.refer to指的是;参考,查阅;提到,涉及 6.refer to a dictionary 查字典 =look up sth in a dictionary 7.in the distance 在远处,在远方 8.at a distance 从远处 9.花费: It takes sb time/money to do sth. Sb spend time/money on sth. Sb spend time/money (in) doing sth. Sth cost money. Sb pay money for sth. 10.dark red 深红色 11.abandoned farms 废弃的农田 12.long long ago =a long time ago =once upon a time 很久以前 13.be short for …是……的缩写/简称 14.be short of…缺少,缺乏 15.in short 总之;简言之 16.not … any more 不再 17.in the 1920s 在20世纪20年代 18.allow doing sth. 允许做某事 19.out of date 过时 20.up to date 最新的,最近的 21.at a speed of…以……的速度 22.pay a visit to …参观… 23.我可以看看你的车票吗? Would you mind showing me your ticket? =Would you mind if I saw your ticket? = Could I see your ticket? =Excuse me, can I see your ticket? 24.Swimming pool 游泳池 25.wild animal 野生动物 26.be frightened of doing sth 不敢做某事 27.the opening ceremony 开幕式 28.world record 世界纪录 Module 4 1.apartment block 公寓大楼 2.on the second floor在二楼 3.five-storey 五层楼的 4.in the south在南方 5.in the south of…在…的南方 6.in the countryside 在农村 7.be made of…由…组成(能看出材料) 8.be made from…由…组成(看不出材料) 9.put up 搭建;修建;张贴;举起; 提高 10.It has been six years since we last saw each other. 自从我们上次见 面已经有六年了。 11.This is the first time that I have visited your hometown.这是我第一 次参观你的家乡。 12.By the seaside = on the coast在海边 13.It is fortunate for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是幸运的。 14.What is the climate like there? 那里的气候如何? 15.so far 到目前为止=up to now 16.sound like…听起来像… 17.sound as if…听起来好像,似乎… 18.safe and sound 安然无恙 19.high-rise building 高层建筑 20.shopping mall=shopping centre 购物商场 21.get away from…摆脱…… 22.a great many 许多(后加名词复数)


最新外研版高中英语必修一期末复习提纲全套 module1---module6 知识点总结 Module1 重点短语: not far from 离……不远information from websites 网上的消息 write down my thoughts about it 写下……的想法 have fun 玩的高兴give instructions 给出指示in a fun way 以一种有趣的方式 write a description of 写下……的描述in other words 换句话说 have / make an impression on /upon sb. 给某人留下印象 take place 发生take part in 参加by oneself 独自 at first / the end of / the start of 起先/ 在……结束时/ 在……开始时 nothing like 与……不同;没有……能比得上 be different from 与……不同be impressed with/ by 被……所吸引 differences bet ween/ among …… 的差异introduce...to... 把……介绍…… look forward to doing sth./ sth. 期望做……/ 期望…… impress sb. with sth. = impress sth.on /upon sb. 使某人铭记某事 be similar to 与……相似be divided into 被分成…… be separated from 被和……分开mind doing sth. 介意做…… 重点句型 1. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 倍数表达法: ① A + be / V. + 倍数+ as +adj./ adv.原级+ as + B ② A + be / V. + 倍数+ adj./ adv.比较级+than + B ③ A+be / V. + 倍数+ the (size,weight,height,width,depth,lengh) + of + B 2.Would you mind if I did ...? 介意我做......? 3.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms.Shen. called Ms. Shen 是过去分词作短语定语,修饰woman.与修饰词之间是被动关系。相当与定语从句:who is called Ms. Shen. 通常在分词修饰名词时,若是单个分词,则放在名词之前,若是分词短语则放在名词之后; 4. I don't think I will be bored in Ms. Shen's class. 当主句为I / We think ( suppose, believe, expect,guess, imagine) + that 从句时,如果从句中带有否定意义,通常把否定词not 转移到主句的动词前。变反义疑问句时,主句的主语为第一人称时,疑问句应与从句的主语和谓语相一致。否则就与主句的主语和谓语一致。 e.g. I don't think she will come, will she? You don't think she will come, do you? 5. Oh, really? So have I. ① so + 助动词/ 情态动词/ 系动词be + 主语表示“(另一事物)也……” ② so + 主语+助动词/ 情态动词/ 系动词be 表示对上面情况的肯 定。 ③ so it is/was with ...或者so it's /was the same with ... 表示当前面的句子是两个分句,或前一句含有两个或两个以上不同类别的谓语动词,或者既


高中英语外研版新课标词汇表(必修二) 1. fat n. 脂肪(SH2 M1 P 1) 2. fit adj. 健康的;强健的(SH2 M1 P 1) 3. flu n. (=influenza) 流行性感冒(SH2 M1 P 1) 4. rare adj. 稀少的;罕有的(SH2 M1 P 1) 5. toothache n. 牙痛(SH2 M1 P 1) 6. unhealthy adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的(SH2 M1 P 1) 7. wealthy adj. 富裕的;有钱的(SH2 M1 P 1) 8. rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地(SH2 M1 P 1) 9. proverb n. 谚语(SH2 M1 P 2) 10. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的(SH2 M1 P 2) 11. captain n. 队长(SH2 M1 P 2) 12. injure vt. 伤害(SH2 M1 P 2) 13. injury n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处(SH2 M1 P 2) 14. pain n. 疼痛(SH2 M1 P 2) 15. painful adj. 疼痛的(SH2 M1 P 2) 16. normal adj. 正常的;一般的(SH2 M1 P 2) 17. lifestyle n. 生活方式(SH2 M1 P 2) 18. head vi. 朝……方向前进(SH2 M1 P 2) 19. eye vt. 注视;观看(SH2 M1 P 2) 20. overweight adj. (人)太胖的;超重的(SH2 M1 P 5) 21. lung n. 肺(SH2 M1 P 5) 22. throat n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子(SH2 M1 P 5) 23. breathe vi. 呼吸(SH2 M1 P 5) 24. pneumonia n. 肺炎(SH2 M1 P 5) 25. prescription n. 处方(SH2 M1 P 5) 26. symptom n. 症状(SH2 M1 P 5) 27. X-ray n. X光(SH2 M1 P 5) 28. awful adj. 可怕的;吓人的(SH2 M1 P 6) 29. insurance n. 保险(SH2 M1 P 9) 30. questionnaire n. 问卷;问卷调查;调查表(SH2 M1 P 10) 31. drug n. 毒品;药品(SH2 M2 P 11) 32. bronchitis n. 支气管炎(SH2 M2 P11)


必修三知识点汇总Module 1 Europe 重要短语: because of因为 thanks to由于;多亏了 due to/owing to由于 as a result of由于…的结果be covered by/with be known for/as/to make A out of B用B制成A make A into B/be made of work on从事/做…工作;忙于 have…in common refer to参考/指的是/涉及/适用于 have control over/of对…有控制 权 Beyond control无法控制 under control被控制住 out of control 失去控制 in the control of由…控制/管理/负责 lose control of对…失去控制 have a population of有多少人口 little by little渐渐地 in one’s thirties compare A with/and B比较A和B compare…to…把…比作…. compared with/to…与…比较起来 belong to increase(reduce) to/by in terms of根据/从…方面来说/从…的观点in the long/short term就长/短期而言 come to terms=make terms达成协议,和好bring sb. to terms使某人接收条件 be on good/bad terms with sb.与某人交情好/不好be faced with面临,面对 face to face along the coast off the coast在(离开海面的)海岸上 ever since自从/一直 on the one /other hand一方面/另一方面 be located in=lie in=be situated in坐落于There+be/exist/lie/stand/appear+主…有…存在(be)opposite to在…对面,与…相反just the opposite恰恰相反 keep a cool head保持头脑清醒 lose one’s head惊慌失措,失去理智 head for朝着…前进 get into a difficult situation陷入困难的状况get out of a difficult situation摆脱困难的状况save the situation挽回局势 重要句型: 1. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. one of the +形容词最高级+ 可数名词复数最。。。。之一 2. Portugal is to the west of Spain. ①表示位置: A is/lies in/on/to/off the+方向+of B A is located/situated in/on/to/off the+方向+of B ②位置+距离: A is (about)+距离+(to the)+方向+of B in ,on和to表地理方位的区别 (1)表示A在B的范围内(2)强调A和B两地接壤时,用on.(3)A在B的范围之外,两者之间没有所属关系时用to。如:Our school is to the west of the hospital.我们学校在医院的西面。 3. on the coast和off the coast on表示“位于河畔或铁路,公路及海岸等沿线上”;off表示“稍离陆地,在沿岸的海里”。如: 4. 表示倍数的四种句型: 1)This bridge is 3 times longer than that one.这座桥比那座桥长3倍。 2) This bridge is 4 times as long as that one这座桥是那座桥的4倍长。 3)A is … times the size/length/width/height/depth of B This room is 3 times the size of that one.这间房间的大小是那间的3倍。 4) A + v. …times as many/much + n.+ as B The factory has produced 3 times as many cars as it did last year. 这个厂今年的汽车产量是去年的3倍。 语法要求: 一:一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态 资料


【推荐】2020年外研版高中英语必修一(全册)精品教案汇总 第一学期高一英语讲义1 Book 1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 课时1词汇; 课型A(基础);课长30分钟 一、词汇互译 1.____________________ 换句话说 2. ____________________ 期待, 盼望 3. ____________________ 在……开始的时候 4. ____________________ 在……结束的时候 5. ____________________ 上大学 6. ____________________ 被(划)分成…… 7. take part in ____________________ 8. ____________________ 理科 9. ____________________ A 与 B 之间的区别 10. be similar to … ____________________ 11. ____________________ 对…的态度 12. teaching method ____________________ 13. ____________________ 写下, 记下 14. nothing like ____________________ 15. have fun ____________________ make fun of … ____________________ 16. 倍数表达法:

A is three times____________________ B. A is three times ____________________B. A is three times ____________________B. 17. ____________________ 不同于… 18. ____________________ 和…一样 二、词汇运用 1.the differences between A and B 你知道英语和美语有什么区别吗? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.one’s attitude to \ towards sth. (doing sth.) 对于学习英语, 你的态度是怎样的? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.behave oneself/behave badly 老实点! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.be friendly to 他对待别人总是很友好。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.introduce A to B\oneself 首先请允许我介绍一下自己。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6.in other words 你明天不用来上班了。换句话说, 你被炒了。 ______________________________________________________________________________


外研版高一英语必修一Module1期末复习试题及答案 在学生们复习英语的过程中,究竟要做好哪些试题的 复习准备呢?让我们来看看这套试题卷能不能帮助到你! 以下是由X带来的外研版高一英语必修一Module 1期末复习试题,欢迎阅读! 外研版高一英语必修一Module 1期末复习试题 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.—What do your parents __________ (do) on weekends? —My father usually __________ (exercise) in the park,and my mother always ________ (shop) in the they ______ (go) to the movies together. ________ (play) ping-pong quite well,but I haven't had time to play since the New Year. 3.—You are drinking too much. —Only at one ________ (see) me but you. 'll give him the message after he ________ (finish) dinner. 5.—Have you moved into the new house? —Not rooms ________________ (paint).

6.—Will you go to the museum tomorrow? —I will if I ________ (have) no visitors. I was a little girl,my teacher told me that the earth ________ (travel)around the sun. used to drink a lot of tea,but these days I ________ (like) coffee. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.太阳东升西落。 The sun ________ in the east and ________ in the west. 2.李康每天都打篮球。 Li Kang ________ basketball every day. 3.如果 明天不下雨,我们就去公园。 We ________ go to the park if it ____________ tomorrow. 4.他正在等汤姆来。 He ____________ Tom to xxe. 5.我对这个令人失 望的结果很失望。 I'm ____________ with the ______________ result. Ⅲ.单项填空 1.—I've not finished my dinner yet. —But our friends________for us. wait


重点单词 1.fit adj.合适的;健康的;能胜任的;v.适 合,合身;使胜任 I’m quite .我很健康。(回归课本P1) 观察思考 He keeps fit with diet and exercise. 他通过节食和运动来保持健康。 That kind of music fits your mood. 那种类型的音乐适合你的心情。 This coat fits you perfectly but the trousers are too large. 这件外套你穿着很合适,但是裤子太大了。 She is not fit to look after children. 她不适合照看小孩。 归纳拓展 be fit for适合;胜任be fit to do适合干…… It is fit for sb. to do/that...某人做……是合适的 keep/stay fit保持健康 fit one’s deeds/actions to one’s words做到言行一致fit in安排时间见(某人);安排时间做某事;相处融洽;适应 fit on装上;试穿 fit out装备,配备;给……提供必要的东西 易混辨异 match/suit/fit 这三个词都可表示“适合,配得上”,但用法上 仍有差别。 (1)match指两者的“相配;配得上”,指人或物 在品质、颜色、设计等方面相当或相配。 (2)suit常用于指“适合;恰当”,多指符合需要、口味、性格、条件等。尤其用来指衣着的式样、颜色或发式与人相配。 (3)fit多用来指大小、形状、位置等适合及服装合身。活学活用——用fit,suit,match的适当形式填空 (1)These shoes me perfectly. (2)The doors were painted blue to the walls. (3)The climate the old man well. (4)The patient girl is for teaching. (5)No one can him because he is a leading professor in the field of physics. (6)Will Thursday or Wednesday you? 2.anxious adj.焦虑的;渴望的;不安的 Helen is anxious about travelling on her own. 海伦对自己一个人出门旅行感到担心。 She was anxious to finish school and get a job. 她渴望毕业找到一份工作。 The mother waited for her son with anxiety. 母亲焦虑地等着儿子。 归纳拓展 anxiously adv.焦急地;担忧地anxiety n.忧虑;渴望 be anxious about担心,忧虑 be anxious for...渴望得到…… be anxious (for sb.) to do sth.渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that...担心……(that从句中用虚拟语气) be in anxiety非常担忧with anxiety焦虑地 too anxious to do sth.非常渴望做某事 eager/anxious (1)eager指以巨大的热情渴望实现或达到目的,含有积 极向上的意义,有时也指由于其他感情而表现得急不可耐。 He is eager to do that interesting job. 他急于做那份有趣的工作。(有积极的干劲和热情) (2)anxious指热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空 而心情不安,感到焦虑,强调“担心”和“焦虑”,对结果感到不安。 I’m anxious to know the final result. 我急切地想知道最后的结果。(心中焦急) 活学活用 (1)—I wonder if she will show up at the concert. —She will.She is only too to watch the famous conductor. A.anxious B.proud C.interested D.satisfied 解析由句意可知,此处指“她很渴望看到 那位著名的指挥家”,故用anxious。B、C 两项不合题意;D项无此搭配。 (2)My mother always gets a little if we don’t arrive when we say we will. A.anxious B.ashamed C.weak D.patient 解析句意为:当我们说将要到而没到时,母 亲总是有点担心。 3.pain n.疼痛;痛苦;辛苦,努力(用复数);vt.使痛苦;vi.感 到疼痛 观察思考 His broken leg gave him a lot of pain. 他的断腿使他非常疼痛。 She suffers greatly from a pain in the back. 她的背痛得很厉害。 No pains,no gains.(谚语)不劳无获。 We are pained to see such wastefulness. 我们看到这种浪费现象很痛心。 归纳拓展 1
