旅游英语视听说Chapter 7 共19页
《旅游英语视听说》 0 Do You Wish to Travel 课件(31张PPT)

Make short dialogues according to the given situations.
Suppose you are a travel agent. A client is asking about visa application. Make a short dialogue with your partner.
( 请问传真号是多少)?
3 Role-play the dialogue with your partner.
Fill in the blanks.
Agent: Ms. Zhang, our travel agency can apply for your visa to travel to the United States, but first we need some personal __d_o_c_u_m__e_n_t_s__.
A: A group of 20 tourists will leave for the United States. _C_o_u__ld__y_o_u_a_r_r_a_n_g_e__fo_r__th_e_i_r_r_e_c_e_p_t_io_n_?__
( 能请你安排一下接待吗) ? B: My pleasure. Can you fax me the detailed program? A: Certainly. __W_h_a_t_’s__y_o_u_r_f_a_x__n_u_m__b_e_r?__
Fill in the blanks.
旅游英语课件Unit 7 Sightseeing

Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan
Background Information: 5. 世界文化遗产 中国有二十九处世界文化遗产,分别为:明清故 宫、颐和园、天坛、长城、周口店“北京人“遗址、 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙、平遥古城、曲阜孔庙孔林 孔府、敦煌莫高窟、大足石刻、秦始皇陵、苏州古曲 园林、武当山古建筑群、拉萨布达拉宫、丽江古城、 泰山、黄山、峨眉山-乐山大佛风景名胜区、九寨沟 风景名胜区、黄龙风景名胜区、武陵源风景名胜区、 庐山风景名胜区和武夷山风景名胜区。
that Phuket had many troops. Finally the Burmese retreated due to starvation. The two women became local heroines. They received the honorary titles, Thao Thep Kasatri and Thao Sri sunthon from King Rama I.The shape of the symbol is a circle and the circle is surrounded by ka – nok line that shows the bravery of leaders in Phuket province.
Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan
Background Information: 4. 黄山三大主峰 黄山1000米以上的山峰共有77个,其中命名的 有72个山峰(36大峰,36小峰)。黄山三大主峰都在 1800米以上:瑰丽高峰——莲花峰,海拔1864米。 平旷高峰——光明顶,海拔1860米。险峻高峰——天 都峰,海拔1810米。
旅游英语课件Unit 7 Sightseeing

Section A Passage Reading
Section A Passage Reading
Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan
Background Information: 5. 世界文化遗产 中国有二十九处世界文化遗产,分别为:明清故 宫、颐和园、天坛、长城、周口店“北京人“遗址、 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙、平遥古城、曲阜孔庙孔林 孔府、敦煌莫高窟、大足石刻、秦始皇陵、苏州古曲 园林、武当山古建筑群、拉萨布达拉宫、丽江古城、 泰山、黄山、峨眉山-乐山大佛风景名胜区、九寨沟 风景名胜区、黄龙风景名胜区、武陵源风景名胜区、 庐山风景名胜区和武夷山风景名胜区。
Section A Passage Reading
Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan
Background Information: 2. 黄山地理位置
黄山位于安徽省南部,北纬30度10分,东经118度10分,处在 歙县、黟县、太平县、休宁县之间,属于传统意义上的徽州地区, 方圆950平方公里,风景名胜区面积954平方公里。东邻浙江,南连 江西,北与宣城、池州两市接壤。是长江与钱塘江两大水系的分水 岭。 3. 黄山气候
Section A Passage Reading
Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan
Background Information:
旅游英语电子课件Unit 7Trends in the Tourism Industry

Unit 7
Lesson 2416
Linda就旅游新趋势向Prof. Vane请教。 Prof. Vane: No, I don’t think any tourist could make a space travel in the near future. Linda: What else can you predict? Prof. Vane: We will see more and more slow travel. Linda: What does the slow travel mean? Prof. Vane: It means journey by train, boat and bicycle. People would be more interested in the journey itself.
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading
Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 7
Look and Learn
Match the terms with the pictures.
bungee jumping yoga
skiing hiking
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 7
Lesson 1416
A. Match the English with the Chinese.
a. The government decided to improve public welfare. 2. 政府决定改善公共福利。
Unit 7 Trends in the Tourism Industry

Ⅲ Situational Practice
01 Dialogue 1 Booking a Group Tour
W: I’m so happy that you have enjoyed your stay in China. TA: Thank you for your thoughtful arrangements during our stay in China, Miss Wang. W: It’s been a great pleasure for me to be your guide. I hope to see you again in the future. TA: Me, too. Keep in touch with me. W: OK. Don’t forget to share your happy experience with your friends and families. TA: Oh, it’s time to board the plane. Bye. W: See you. I hope you have a safe and happy journey home.
Project Ⅶ Farewell
1 Lead-in 2 Task Description 3 Situational Practice 4 Case Study 5 Practical Writing 6 Knowledge Expanding
1 Lead-in
3. Help to check out. The guide should assist with check-out when tourists
空乘旅游英语视听说教学课件:Check-in and security值机与安检含多个微课视频

• It’s a 5 kilos overweight the free baggage allowance, which will be charge for excess luggage fee.
Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.
And any _c_a_r_r_y_-o_n_s__ ? P: Just one bag.
S: Alright, OK. Here’s your ticket, _b_o_a_rd_i_n_g_pass, your passport and your luggage__la_b_e_l__. And the boarding time is 3 p.m. P: Alright, thank you.And where is the _s_e_c_u_ri_ty_inspection? S: Just go straight and turn _l_e_ft__ there. It’s right over there. P: Alright, thank you very much. S: You’re welcome.
K:Kind reminder 温馨提醒
Here is your luggage tag. Please fasten it on your
luggage. 这是您的登机牌。
You’re boarding at 10:10 AM from Gate 19.
您将于上午10点10分在19号 登机口登机。
值机&安检 Check-in & Security Check
新视野大学英语第三版第一册视听说 Unit 7 听力原文(课堂PPT)

Q1: What speed can an avalanche reach within five seconds of taking off? Q2: According to the passage, under what circumstances may an avalanche occur? Q3: What are skiers advised to do to avoid being caught in an avalanche? Q4: Why does the ski patrol use explosives?
• As long as skiers stay in the official ski areas, they don’t have to worry. “ We control the hazard, so it is unlikely you’ll get caught,” explains Mike, a snow safety expert.” We do that by pressing the snow together to make it more solid, and we use explosives to make an avalanche move or to test an area to see if it is unstable.” This work can be dangerous, so ski patrol members look out for each other and keep the public at a safe distance.
• An avalanche occurs when one entire area or layer of snow slides off another layer below it. When a layer starts to slide, anything on top is carried along, and the avalanche picks up whatever lies in its path as it moves down a slope, including rocks, trees and people. When a person starts to travel across an area of unstable snow, their weight can start a slide.
第七章 unit 7 《新编旅游英语教程》 PPT课件

• Text A
Notes 3.Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) 民航局 4.…, but with a well-reported operator failure just days into the New Year, how will the CAA and other regulators respond and what will be the impact for your business?……但是,如果刚刚进入新年就传来运营商失败 的消息,那么CAA和其他监管机构该怎么回应呢?您的业务 又会有什么影响呢?
disposable adj.
• Text B • The Food Service Industry
Words and Expressions
抵销, 弥补, 分支, 平版印刷
personnel n.
Words and Expressions
advertising n.
广告业, 广告
adj. (新企业或工程)开办阶段的,启动时期的
n. 授予(他人)特许权的公司(或组织)
adj. 整个地区的, 地方的, 地域性的
• Text B • The Food Service Industry
Notes the food service industry 食品行业 specialty restaurants 特色餐厅,风味餐厅
• Text B
• The Food Service Industry
旅游英语 房玉清 Chapter 7

Studying the procedures of how to accept extension request of customers Using all the possible way to solve the problems of customers
Situation I
Chapter Seven
Follow-up Service
Chapter Seven Follow-up Service
In this chapter, you will learn:
how to help the customer to extend the stay at the hotel in English; how to settle the customers’ complaints; how to communicate with customers and get some feedback of the service of travel agency in English; how to write a reply to letters of complaints in English.
Chapter Seven Follow-up Service
Situation II
The manager (M) of a travel agency is talking with Christina (a guide) about how to handle guests’ complaints properly. M: the manager C: Christina (a guide)
Situation I —— Background Information
中职英语 外研版 旅游视听说 Welcome to Our City 课件(34张PPT)

Greeting tour groups is the first step in the work of a tour guide. To guide a tour group successfully, a guide must create a good impression with the tour group members. Therefore, a guide must make full preparations beforehand. Here are some important tips.
Mr. Black: Thank you. I’m sure we will. Li Min: Is everybody here now?
Mr. Black: Yes, everyone’s here. Li Min: Our bus is waiting for us outside the airport. Shall we go now?
● Welcome to China. ● First, let me introduce myself. My name is… ● I hope you will enjoy your stay in China. ● I’d like to introduce our driver to you.
make a dialogue, and role-play the dialogue with your partner.
2378 5-2-6-3-1-7-4-8
1 Re-arrange Li Min’s welcome speech in the correct order
2 Fill in the blanks
旅游英语unit7-L11Face- to -Face Reservation

a.你需要什么种类的房间? b我可以知道你到达和离开的日期 吗?
离开时间 传真号码 确认信 到达日期 预订房间 额外的床 中式早餐
Key sentence patterns
• I’d like to book a room.
• 2)May I know your arrival and departure dates?
• 3) We have single rooms, standard rooms • 4)What type of room do you require? • 5)The extra bed is free. • 6)How much is it? • 7)The rate is RMB¥680 for one night, not including
• (R: Receptionist P: Peter Miller) • R: Good afternoon. Jinjiang Hotel. • P: Good afternoon. I’d like to book a room. • R: May I know your arrival and departure dates? • P: From October 1 to October 8. • R: Ok, wait a moment, please. Let me check the reservation record. • (10 minutes later) • R: Thank you for waiting, sir. We have rooms on those days. What type
旅游服务实用英语unit 7

Today the package tour is one of the most popular tourist products in the tourism industry. Compared with other tourist products, package tours have several advantages. First and foremost, package tours can be money-saving. Secondly, because the tour is arranged by tour operators, tourists can be relieved from many troubles. Moreover, tour operators are often experienced in arranging a tour. They know not only how to save time and money, but also which scenic spots are worth visiting. Thirdly, since people have to pay for a tour in advance, they can calculate the cost of traveling before a tour, and they do not have to worry about how much money to take with them. Last but not least, everything is so well prepared in advance that tourists do not have to spend time looking for hotels and restaurants, or buying tickets. Because of the practical benefits mentioned above, package tours are now attracting a growing number of tourists.
新职业英语旅游英语Unit 7

Unit 7 Seeing off Tourists
旅游 Unit 7 Seeing Off Tourists 英语
Warming-up Reading A Listening Speaking Reading B
7 8
< Back
旅游 Unit 7 Seeing Off Tourists 英语
Reading A
Preparations for the Departure of a Tour Group Bidding farewell to a tour group marks the end of the tour guide’s service. Last, but not least, it is of equal importance to “the greeting” and should be conducted with the same level of efficiency and sincerity. If anything unpleasant happens at the last minute, it may ruin all your previous efforts during the entire tour. The following points are typical of what a tour guide would need to do. First, check the flight tickets. You, and the tour leader, should check and reconfirm the time, flight and number of tickets with the airline one day before departure.
旅游英语教程unit7 PPT

•4 ABC about Tourism: Travel Agency旅行社
Additional Know-how: Check-out Hotel
Part One: Listening Activities
Mt. Lushan庐山
日照香炉生紫烟, 遥看瀑布挂前川。 飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天。
n. 拱门, 牌楼, 牌坊
facade n. 建筑的正面
telpher n. 缆车, 索道
concubine n. 妾, 妃子
• Proper Nouns
Arch of Triumph (Arc de triomphe)凯旋门 Hall of Maitreya.弥勒殿 Hall of Vairocana,毗卢殿 Banruo Hall班若堂 Beamless Brick Hall无梁砖殿 Rena Temple热那寺 Xingyuan Tower行愿楼 Pattra-Leaf Scripture贝叶经 Baishui Pool 白水池 Autumn Wind over the Baishui Pool“白水秋风” Qingyin Pavilion清音阁
旅游英语综合教程(第二版)PPT unit7

• Intercultural differences are common in Chinese and English; people from English speaking countries are not used to Chinese ways of silence. For example, in a lecture, a Chinese speaker seldom asks or answers the audience’s questions directly or fully, or, never gives them the chance to ask questions.
• Perhaps the most obvious example is Japan. The Japanese believe that silence is preferable to conversation.
• Japanese speakers can also put up with a long silence in communication and do not hurry to fill it up with speech.
• Silence has to do with turn talking. It is found that culture-based differences in turn taking are significant. For example, in the United Stated, there is more emphasis on horizontal relationships and a discussion is give-and-take procedure where people take turns in speaking.
《旅游英语视听说》Chapter 7 (2)

3)Being knowledgeable about the checking-out times, hotel services and local attractions is essential. But even more important, are personal warmth, friendliness, and good people skills. 4)When travelers reach their hotel, they are often tired or stressed. The desk clerk’s job is to make them feel truly welcomed and comfortable. So they will make a point of staying at your hotel every time when they are in town. 5)The front desk is an excellent place to start if you are interested in career of hotel management since it allows you to learn about the many different aspects involving in running a hotel efficiently and places you on the front line of customer relations.
following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false.
• 1.__F___ Front desk is different from reservation
Chapter 7 sightseeing 教案

旅游英语课程教案单元课题:Chapter 7 Sightseeing课时:2 时间:2013年11月13日星期三教室:1-613单元授课方式及手段(Teaching Methods):Lecturing; Discussion; Role-play; Multimedia Teaching单元教学目标(Teaching Objectives):1.Acquire knowledge about★words, expressions and sentences used to interpret a scenic spot2.Acquire ability of★interpret a scenic spot in English单元教学重难点(Focal Points ﹠Difficult Points)Focal Pointsmaster the language used for interpreting a scenic spotDifficult Pointsmaster the language used for interpreting a scenic spot教学过程与内容(Teaching Procedures and Content):(第一节课)Step 1 RevisionReview the English names of some sightseeing.大东海大小洞天旅游区鹿回头公园亚龙湾五公祠假日海滩博鳌亚洲论坛兴隆热带植物园Luhuitou Park Dadong Sea Five Officials TempleYalong Bay Holiday Beach Boao Forum for AsiaDaxiao –Dongtian Scenic Spot Xinglong Tropical Botanic GardenStep 2 ExplanationAs a tour guide, you need to introduce the scenic spots when visiting them. But how to introduce the scenic spots while sightseeing ? This is what we are going to learn today. Now we are going to see an example of narration of Xinglong Tropical Botanic Garden. Please turn to page 102. See Task 7, please.1.Listen to the passage, fill in the missing information you heard.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden.Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden consists of mountains, countless hills, hillsides, man-made lakes, ditches and lowlands, all of which cover more than 400(1) hectares.There are thousands of kinds of flora, with 340 thousand plants and 25 thousand valuable tropical fruit trees, forming an ecological agriculture project. Please follow me (2).Most of the flowers are tropical ones. Now, I will introduce an interesting flower (3) to you. Please look at this colored leaf. It has a local name “older and nicer”, because the older the leaves, the brighter th e color.Come this way (4). Please look at the flowers on the branch inlaid with coconut shells. It is a tropical burn.Isn’t it beautiful? It tends to arouse people’s hope for life.Do you know about these fruit trees (5)? Look at the small thorns on the surface, very ugly, just like durian, but they smell sweet, it’s jackfruit.Maybe you are tired (6). Actually, we haven’t even finished one third of today’s visit (7). Many places still have their original forests. Please look at both sides of the reservoir.How lush the vegetation is!Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden has broken from its traditional economic pattern to establish a new concept of “environmental industry” .That is why there is a unique charm (8) among the scenic spots in Hainan.So, all of you will have one hour to visit (9) here by yourselves!Have a good time (10)!2.Conclude the format 景点导游词(介绍)格式Beginning part ①②Body part ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪Ending part ⑫3.Find out the functional sentences used in each partBeginning part: 景点讲解开场部分Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden.上午好,各位。

Text A A Dialogue: Air Travel
Vocabulary and Expressions: Read the text. Find the following words and phrases. Can you get their meanings and properties (词性)according to the context? If you have questions, check the glossary in Appendix III, or consult a d i c t i o n a r y.
1. What are the usual modes of transport for travelling? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of air travel? 3. What is the prodedure of taking a flight? 4. How to book an air ticket online? 5. Which means of transportation suits you best? Why?
• be subject to • gain sb.'s favour • correspond to • cabin • refrigerator • freezer • shower • full-size bed • free-standing house
Text B Reading: Home on the Road: The Recreation Vehicle (RV)
Exercises: II. Activity
• Students are required to fill out the following Visa Application Form and Arrival Card for an international tour.