JBL S4700落地式音箱
发烧音响有问有答问:请问Mission Pilastro报价。
用什么功放推?答:此扬声器的定价大概30万左右,建议用PASS LABS X350推,或者BRYSTON的4B、7B或者14B来推,也可以用MARK LEVENSON 4系列来推。
现有器材:功放.马兰士pm-16;cd机.TEAC 20;音箱.AE100;全套超时空方心铜线材.听音广范,现想升级音箱,心意的有PROAC 50S,PROAC 2000S,B&W CDM 1NT..请推荐。
问:请问BRYSTON 7Bst 和7Bst Pro ,BP-25前级的价钱,有现货吗?答:这套器材全部大概7万元左右,具体要与代理那边联系下才知道有没有现货,他们的电话是,。
问:本人想查询英国ATC音箱的中国(广州市)代理商是谁? 答:他们的代理的电话是,问:我于今年购得森海塞尔HD580耳机一副,望推荐耳放(国产,进口)及讯号线,现看中科颂U5及VHL 102D,不知此番搭配是否妥当。
另外,不知国产的滤波器效果如何望指点一二,平日喜欢听人声和小的作品,如钢琴、小号的小段,听感要求细节丰富,富有音乐感和层次感,对低频要求不高答:耳放可以用英国瑟顿SUGDEN或者意大利的BLUE NOTE的产品。
目录JBL音响系列 (6)JBL 3635 (6)JBL 3677 (6)JBL 3678 (7)JBL 3731 (8)JBL 3732 (9)JBL 4641 (10)JBL 4642A (10)JBL 4645C (11)JBL 4670D (12)JBL 4675C (12)JBL 4675C-4(8)LF (13)JBL 4722/4722N (14)JBL 4732 (15)JBL 5672 (16)JBL 5674 (17)JBL 8320 (17)JBL 8340A (18)JBL 8350 (19)JBL AC15 (19)JBL AC16 (20)JBL AC18/26 (21)JBL AC18/95 (21)JBL AC25 (22)JBL AC26 (22)JBL AC28/26 (23)JBL AC28/95 (24)JBL AL6115 (24)JBL AM4200/64 (26)JBL AM4200/95 (27)JBL AM4215/64 (28)JBL AM4215/95 (29)JBL AM4315/64 (31)JBL ASB4128 (32)JBL ASB6118 (33)JBL BC Series Cinema (33)JBL 3252N和3252 (34)JBL4181 (35)JBL 8281 (37)JBL CBT 100LA (38)JBL CBT 70J (40)JBL CBT 70JE (41)JBL CONTROL 1 PRO (42)JBL CONTROL 100 系列 (43)JBL CONTROL 23 (43)JBL CONTROL 25AV (44)JBL CONTROL 29AV-1 (46)JBL CONTROL 30 (47)JBL CONTROL 300 系列 (49)Control 328C/328CT (49)Control 321C/321CT (50)Control 321C/321CT (50)Control 312S (51)MTC-300BB8 (51)MTC-300SG12 (51)MTC-300RG8 (52)MTC-300T150 (52)JBL CONTROL 5 (53)JBL CONTROL 924C/924CT (54)JBL CONTROL 925 (56)JBL CONTROL 926C/926CT (58)JBL CONTROL 928 (59)JBL CONTROL CRV (61)JBL CONTROL SB210 (63)JBL CSA-2120 2 x120W 音频放大器 (64)JBL CSM-21 (65)JBL CSM-32 公共广播放大器 (67)JBL CSS-1S/T (69)JBL CSS-8006BM 吸顶扬声器 (71)JBL CST-2120 70V/100V 变压器套件 (72)JBL EON 210P (73)JBL EON 305 (74)JBL EON 315 (75)JBL EON 510 (76)JBL EON 515 (77)JBL EON 515XT (78)JBL EON 518S (79)JBL JRX112M (80)JBL JRX112Mi (81)JBL JRX115 (82)JBL JRX115i (83)JBL JRX118S (84)JBL JRX118SP (85)JBL KP610 (86)JBL KP612 (88)JBL KP615 (89)JBL KP618S (90)JBL KS308 (92)JBL KS310 (93)JBL KS312 (94)JBL LSR4312P (95)JBL LSR4326P (96)JBL LSR4328P (99)JBL MDD200 系列音箱 (103)JBL MP510 (104)JBL MRX512M (105)JBL MRX515 (105)JBL MRX518S (106)JBL MRX525 (107)JBL MRX528S (107)JBL PRX400 系列 (108)PRX412M12“两路舞台监听扬声器系统 (108)PRX415M15“两路舞台监听扬声器系统 (109)PRX42515寸两分频扬声器系统 (110)PRX418S18“重低音 (110)JBL PRX512M (111)JBL PRX515 (112)JBL PRX518S (113)JBL PRX525 (114)JBL PRX535 (114)JBL PRX612M (115)JBL PRX615M (116)JBL PRX618S (117)JBL PRX618S-XLF (118)JBL PRX625 (118)JBL PRX635 (119)JBL SRX700 系列 (120)SRX712M: (120)SRX715 (121)SRX718S (121)SRX722 (122)SRX725 (122)SRX728S (122)SRX738 (123)JBL SRX712M (123)JBL SRX715F (124)JBL SRX722F (126)JBL SRX725F (126)JBL SRX728S (127)JBL SRX738F (128)JBL STX800 系列 (129)STX812M 12”两分频,低音反射式,舞台返听/通用式 (129)STX815M 15”两分频,低音反射式,舞台返听/通用式 (130)STX825 双15”两分频,低音反射式 (131)STX835 Dual 15" 双15”三分频,加载中/高音号筒,槽孔式加载低音 (132)STX818S 单18”低音反射式套装选配件 (133)STX828S 双18”低音反射式 (134)JBL VP7212-64DPAN (135)JBL VP7212-95DPAN (135)JBL VP7215-64DPAN (136)JBL VP7215-95DPAN (137)JBL VP7315-64DPAN (138)JBL VPSB7118DPAN (138)JBL VRX915M (139)JBL VRX915S (140)JBL VRX918S (140)JBL VRX918SP (141)JBL VRX928LA (141)JBL VRX932LA-1 (142)JBL VRX932LAP (142)JBL VT4880 (143)JBL VT4881A (143)JBL VT4881ADP (144)JBL VT4882 (144)JBL VT4882DP (145)JBL VT4883 (145)JBL VT4886 (146)JBL VT4887A (147)JBL VT4887ADP (147)JBL VT4888 (148)JBL VT4888DP (149)JBL VT4889 (150)SHURE 话筒系列 (150)Shure Beta 52A (150)Shure Beta 56A (152)Shure Beta 57A (153)Shure Beta 58A (154)Shure Beta 87A (155)Shure Beta 87C (156)Shure PGX1 (158)Shure PGX2 (158)Shure PGX4 (159)Shure PSM200 (159)Shure SLX (162)Shure SLX1 (164)Shure SLX2 (165)Shure SLX4 (166)Shure SM48 (168)Shure SM57 (169)Shure SM58 (170)Shure SM81 (171)Shure SM87A (172)Shure SM94 (173)Shure ULX (175)Shure ULX1 (177)Shure ULX2 (179)Shure ULXP4 (180)JBL音响系列JBL 3635影院次低频扬声器规格频率范围28Hz - 500kHz (-10dB) 频率响应38Hz - 100kHz (±3dB) 额定功率300W分频点100Hz灵敏度100dB @ 1W,1m阻抗8 欧姆低频驱动器(S) 2042H体积(高x 阔x 深) 1168 x 651 x 368mm 净重(每只51kgJBL 3677影院扬声器规格频率范围40Hz - 20kHz (-10dB) 频率响应45Hz - 12kHz (±3dB) 额定功率250W覆盖角度水平:90°垂直:40°分频点 1.2kHz灵敏度99dB SPL @ 1W,1m 阻抗8 欧姆低频驱动器(S) 2035H高频驱动器2416-1号角2373低频-高频-体积(高x 阔x 深) 765 x 651 x 292 mm JBL 3678规格频率范围30Hz - 20kHz (-10dB) 频率响应45Hz - 12kHz (±3dB) 额定功率300W覆盖角度水平:90°垂直:90°分频点1kHz灵敏度98dB SPL @ 1W,1m 阻抗8 欧姆低频驱动器(S) 2226H高频驱动器2425HS号角2342系统组合低频:3678 – HF高频:3678 - HF体积(高x 阔x 深) 1019 x 651 x 292 mmJBL 37313731 三分频银幕线阵列•专门用于后期制作室、VIP 电影厅、审片室•保证了高品质的声音,同时适应了小型放映场所的需要•应用了多项JBL 的专利先进技术•可选择以双功放或三功放驱动•出厂预装及指向调校完毕规格频率范围(-10dB) 30Hz - 20kH频率响应(±3dB) 40Hz - 19kHz指向性因数(Q 10.0指向性指数(DI) 10dB最大声压级125dB @ 1m分频点频率350Hz, [1.2kHz]灵敏度103dB, 2.83V@1m阻抗8 欧姆额定功率LF: 600WM/HF: 150W, [HF:85W]系统组合5641/3732 -M/HF体积(高x 阔x 深) 1600 x 762 x 450 mm 净重(每只) 51.8 kgJBL 37323732 三分频银幕线阵列•可用于最大300 座位的影厅•应用了与4632 一样的先进的技术•可以满足各种预算•可选择以双功放或三功放驱动•出厂预装及指向调校完毕规格频率范围30Hz - 20kHz (-10dB)频率响应40Hz - 19kHz (±3dB)指向性因数(Q) 10.0指向性指数(DI) 10dB最大声压级125dB @ 1m分频点频率350Hz, [1.2kHz]灵敏度103dB, 2.83V@1m阻抗: 4 欧姆额定功率LF: 500WM/HF: 150W, [HF:85W]系统组合3639/3732 -M/HF[4639/3732 - M/HF - T]体积(高x 阔x 深) 1937 mm x 762 mm x 450 mm 净重(每只) 77.9kgJBL 46414641 影院次低频扬声器•性能价格比优越的次低频系统•单460-mm(18英寸)JBL 2241 VGC TM (孔隙冷却技术)2241H低频换能器规格频率范围25Hz - 500kHz (-10dB)频率响应(±3dB) -额定功率600W分频点100Hz灵敏度100dB @ 1W,1m阻抗8 欧姆低频驱动器(S) 2042H体积(高x 阔x 深) 1010 mm x 674 mm x 450 mm 净重(每只) 60kgJBL 4642A4642A 影院次低频扬声器•双460-mm (18英寸)单元•应用了VGC TM (孔隙冷却技术) 2241H 低频换能器•1200 瓦功率,平滑的频率响应规格频率范围(-10dB) 22Hz - 500Hz频率响应(±3dB) -额定功率1200W分频点80 to 100Hz灵敏度101dB SPL @ 1W,1m阻抗4/8 欧姆低频驱动器(S) 2 x 2241H体积(高x阔x深) 762 mm x 1219 mm x 610 mm 净重(每只) 98kgJBL 4645C4645C 影院次低频扬声器•单460-mm (18英寸) 直辐射低频反射式超低音系统•应用了2242 SVG TM (超级孔隙)技术•800 瓦输出功率规格频率范围(-10dB) To 22Hz (no EQ)频率响应(±3dB) -额定功率800W分频点80 to 100Hz灵敏度:1W,1m 97dB (40 - 100Hz)阻抗8 欧姆低频驱动器(S) 2242H体积(高x阔x深) 1010 mm x 674 mm x 450mm 净重(每只) 63 kgJBL 4670D4670D 影院扬声器•4070D 是一宽频带系统,有着出色的动态范围及均匀的覆盖。
JBL Project K2 S5800 三路柜体扬声器系统用户指南说明书
OWNER’S GUIDEPROJECTK2 S58003-WAYFLOORSTANDINGSPEAKER SYSTEM®®3PREFACE4CHAPTER 1 – LEGACY: THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTOF THE JBL PROJECT LOUDSPEAKERS 7CHAPTER 2 – THE PROJECT K2 S5800LOUDSPEAKER:A TRIUMPH IN ACOUSTICS AND TECHNOLOGY 10CHAPTER 3 – UNPACKING THE PROJECT K2 S5800SYSTEM 10CHAPTER 4 – SELECTING CABLE11CHAPTER 5 – AMPLIFIER RECOMMENDATIONS12CHAPTER 6 – PLACEMENT AND SETUP CONSIDERATIONS 13CHAPTER 7 – PROJECT K2 S5800SWITCH OPERATIONS14CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS17CHAPTER 8 – PROJECT K2 S5800CARE AND MAINTENANCE 18CHAPTER 9 – TROUBLESHOOTING AND SERVICE GUIDE 19K2 S5800SPECIFICATIONSTABLE OF CONTENTS2PREFACEThank you for selecting a Project K2 S5800loudspeaker system. It represents the sum total of our research and developmental efforts in sound reproduction over the last half century. We have labored to create a loudspeaker system with no acoustical or elec-trical limitations whatsoever. While the Project K2 S5800loudspeaker is itself a new development, the goal behind it goes right back to the earliest days of the original James B. Lansing Sound Company. But it is your listening pleasure that ultimately determines how success-ful we are in this endeavor. It is solely in the interest of ensuring a perfect listening experience that we ask you to faithfully follow the setup and operation procedures outlined in this owner’s guide.This guide exists for severalpurposes. As your owner’s manual,it contains all necessary back-ground information and detailedinstructions for setting up yourProject K2 S5800loudspeakersystem, including unpacking theloudspeaker, selecting the correctlocation, speaker wire, wiringscheme and amplification, andconnecting it to its associatedelectronics. This information willbe found in Chapters 3 through 7.In addition, we have included adetailed description of ProjectK2S5800 loudspeakers (Chapter 2)so that you may become thoroughlyacquainted with its unique designand technological features.Although physically and materiallyimposing, the setup procedure ofthe Project K2 S5800loudspeakersystem is relatively simple. Westrongly urge you to read thismanual thoroughly before youbegin, and consult it frequentlythroughout the process.Considerations must be made inplacing the speakers; their staturemakes it imperative that youbecome familiar with the entiresetup process in advance.Also, we believe that the historicaland technical information includedwill add immeasurably to your totalenjoyment of the loudspeakersystem. Project K2 S5800is unpar-alleled in the field of sound repro-duction. The story and principlesbehind it are an interesting, inform-ative and fitting precursor to a life-time of musical enjoyment.Please take a moment toregister your product online at. Registrationenables us to keep you posted onour latest advancements, andhelps us to better understand ourcustomers and build productsthat meet their needs andexpectations.3CHAPTER 1 –LEGACY:THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE JBL PROJECT LOUDSPEAKERSOf those few who seek perfection in sound reproduction, only a handful have actually achieved it. The price is always high. It is a rare occur-rence indeed when an individual or group is able to triumph over the constraints of economic and tech-nological reality even once.At JBL, this has happened eight times. In each case, its engineers were told to build the speaker sys-tem they had always wanted to build. Whatever resources were required would be made available. Thus began an ongoing investiga-tion into new frontiers of sound reproduction, beginning in 1950, and continuing to the present day. The products that have resulted from this venture are now known as the JBL Project loudspeakers. Each represents the absolute peak of every technological, material and engineering innovation availableat that time, combined into a single system. They are Hartsfield, Paragon, Everest, K2 S9500/7500 and K2 S5500.The newest models are the K2 S5800 and K2 S9800. Although differing in performance details and physical attributes, each of the Project loudspeakers has shared a common objective: to ele-vate sound reproduction to levels defined only by the limitations of existing materials and technology. And despite a spread of nearly 50 years, all Project loudspeakers have shared many common features – testimony to their foundation on the technology and manufacturing techniques upon which JBL was built.DEFINING THE PROJECTCONCEPTThe Hartsfield began a tradition atJBL that continues today. First, engi-neer a product as close to perfectionas possible. When it reaches thatlevel, it is time to make it better.In 1954, the Hartsfield was signifi-cant in that it represented not newtechnology, but rather a new levelof the all-technical manufacturingapproach pioneered by James B.Lansing some 20 years before it.Like its Project series successors,it was a high-efficiency systemincorporating compression drivertechnology, one combining thequalities of high output, low distor-tion, exceptional stereo imagingand fatigue-free listening. Mostimportant, it was the first consumer-available listening system to do so.In this respect, Project K2 S5800is at once the most advanced andsophisticated loudspeaker in theworld today (save for the ProjectK2S9800) and a speaker whosetechnology is deeply rooted in morethan 50 years of tradition. JBL’spresident in 1954, William Thomas,described the Hartsfield as “...thespeaker system we have alwayswanted to build...the finest compo-nents ever made available to seri-ous listeners.”He went on to describe the processbehind his creation: “Most peoplewho own and appreciate fine soundreproduction equipment look for-ward to the day when they will beable to assemble a system withoutlimitation in just exactly the waythey think it should be done.“Periodically, a manufacturer getsthis same feeling....The science ofacoustics has provided us withbasic principles – available to all forachieving precision reproduction.It is only a matter of incorporatingthese methods into a system design,and then taking every bit of troublenecessary to build a system pre-cisely to the design. It isn't easy, butthat’s the way it is done.”The Ranger-Paragon,JBL’s secondProject system, was the first seri-ous attempt at a reflecting speakersystem, and broke new ground inthe concept of stereo imaging.Essentially two independent full-range speaker systems installed ina handsome curved cabinet nearly9 feet long, the Paragon’s enclosurewas treated as an extension of itstransducers. In essence, the systemhad its own “built-in acoustics.” Inmany respects the Paragon antici-pated loudspeaker developmentsthat would occur years – and evendecades – later.For nearly 30 years, the Paragonremained the most acousticallyviable sound system for the home.Today, along with the Hartsfield,it is still the most sought-afterspeaker in the world.In 1986, JBL introduced a newProject system that retained theParagon’s overall sense of musicalitywhile upgrading its character byincorporating three decades’ worthof continuous development in everyfacet of its design. Its name reflectedthe pinnacle of achievement it rep-resented: Project Everest.For the first time, the rest of thesound reproduction chain – and notthe loudspeaker or its transducers –would impose limits on overall sys-tem performance. Like the Paragonand Hartsfield, Project Everestwas built around compressiondriver technology and addresseda more refined stereo image thanwas previously consideredtechnically feasible.45In order to re-create the extremely high dynamic range provided by today’s audio sources, a new low-frequency transducer was used, incorporating a ferrite magnet, 3-inch edge-wound voice coil, and an Aquaplas™-coated 12-inch cone made of Kevlar®composite, a mixture of Kevlar fiber and pulp material that provides increased rigidity. An EPDM rubber sur-round was chosen for both its flexibility and long life. The Symmetrical Field Geometry™(SFG) magnetic structure mini-mizes second harmonic distortion by providing a uniform flux field that avoids uneven cone move-ment. The rigid cast-aluminum frame is also designed to mini-mize distortion, as aluminum has no effect on the magnetic field. Extensive computer-aided engi-neering and design effort made to develop the optimized port tuning employed in Project K2 S5800has resulted in a significant advance in the concept of state-of-the-art bass reproduction. This proprietary align-ment method offers the best damp-ing characteristics and provides extremely fast alignment, eliminat-ing the typical “bass-reflex” sound of a ported system.All three transducers are built using the most advanced materials and precision manufacturing tech-niques refined from renowned JBL professional sound systems.High power-handling capability results in no limitations on the types of source material. Project K2 S5800 has very high input sensitivity;even a relatively small high-end amplifier can provide full dynamic range without compression.Despite its power and sophistica-tion, Project K2 S5800is a marriage of tradition and technology. It reflects the design, engineering and manufacturing expertise derived and refined through nearly six decades of experience that are the exclusive province of one loudspeaker builder: JBL.678910CHAPTER 5 – AMPLIFIER RECOMMENDATIONSNo single type of amplifier is specified for use with the Project K2 S5800 system. The speakers are highly efficient and will operate adequately with an amplifier or receiver of 70–100 watts. However, the transient response and audio definition of a high-end system such as Project K2 S5800 will pick up all inefficiencies and distortion in an amplifier system. For full-range operation, the Project K2 S5800system can be used with an amplifier/receiver of as little as 30 watts. Amplifiers/ receivers of 100–300 wattswill ensure optimum system performance.There is no effective limit to the power handling capabilities of the Project K2 S5800 loudspeakers when driven by consumer audio amplifiers. No damage will occur when used with high-powered components. Source impedance is an important criterion in selecting an appropriate unit; the selected amplifier(s) should have a very high current capacity and must be capable of driving a low impedance load.For bi-wiring or bi-amplificationapplications, four identical ampli-fiers or two dual-channel units maybe used, although specialized low-frequency and high-frequencyamplifiers offer clear advantages.(If four amplifier channels are used,the high-frequency amplifier maybe up to 6dB less powerful thanthe low-frequency amplifier. Dueto the power versus frequencydistribution of the music, the low-frequency section requires approxi-mately four times the power of thehigh-frequency section.)Project K2 S5800specialist dealerscan recommend amplification tobest suit individual needs. In allcases, the left and right amplifiersfor each section must be identical.Make sure that the input sensitivityof the two amplifiers is equal or thatinput level controls are provided tomaintain the proper low to mid/highbalance. If two identical stereoamplifiers are chosen, each amplifiermay be located near a loudspeakerand drive low-frequency and high-frequency sections through shortwire runs.111213¡Bias Battery:The bias battery supplies constant DC bias to the crossover capacitors, eliminating crossover distortion at zero electric potential. Replace the test battery supplied with your system with a9-volt, 006P rectangular battery as soon as possible. Thereafter, although the speaker will function without the battery, JBL recommends that you replace the battery every two years for best performance. Access the battery by unscrewing the cover. Make sure to observe proper polarity when installing the replace-ment battery.™Network Mode Switch:This switch should be left in the “Normal/Bi-Wire” position unless you are connecting the speaker in a bi-amp configuration using two power amplifiers and an external electronic crossover. Access the switch by unscrewing the battery cover. The switch may be adjusted using a flat-head screwdriver.£HF Trim Switch:This switchallows you to adjust the output of thehigh-frequency transducers to com-pensate for the acoustics of yourroom. The +1dB position increasesthe output, the 0dB position is a flat-level position, and the –1dB positiondecreases the output. Each positionwill affect the tonal balance over awide frequency spectrum. Experimentby placing the switch in each positionwhile listening to familiar programmaterial and choose the position thatsuits your room acoustics and listen-ing preferences. You may find thatafter a few months, once the trans-ducers have settled in, that anotheradjustment is necessary. This isnormal. Access the switch byunscrewing the battery cover. Theswitch may be adjusted using aflathead screwdriver.¢Mid/High-Frequency InputTerminals:For bi-wire or bi-ampconfigurations, connect the speakerwires for the mid- and high-frequencyranges to these terminals.∞Shorting Bars:Leave the short-ing bars in place only if you are usingthe passive single-wire connectionoption described on page 15.Otherwise, remove the bars to pre-vent possible damage to the speakersor your electronics.§Low-Frequency InputTerminals:For bi-wire or bi-ampconfigurations, connect the speakerwires for the low-frequency range tothese terminals.14Figure 9. K2 S5800controls and connections.1516CHAPTER 8 – PROJECT K2 S5800CARE AND MAINTENANCEThe Project K2 S5800loudspeaker system is sprayed in a poly-urethane finish and requires no maintenance other than an occa-sional dusting with a soft, dry, lint-free cotton cloth.The horns may also be wiped with a soft cloth. Treat the surface very carefully to avoid scratching the finish. To remove fingerprints and smudges, apply a small amount of ammonia-free window cleaner to the cloth and gently clean the surface.Never use any abrasive cleaners or chemicals to clean the enclo-sure. If the enclosure becomes perceptibly scratched or other-wise damaged, consult a qualified furniture repair shop.The grilles should never be washed in water, which might cause discoloration or sagging. The grilles may be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner with the suc-tion set extremely low.Should you wish to clean thewoofer surfaces, use a soft, drypaint brush to carefully sweep thedust away. Never use a damp cloth.JBL’s unique Charge-CoupledLinear Definition system is usedfor the crossover network, inwhich a direct (DC) bias current isconstantly applied to the capaci-tors in the network circuit to acti-vate the elements, eliminatingcrossover distortion at zero elec-tric potential.The battery has a life of about twoyears. Even if the battery voltagedrops, the network will continueto function. However, in order tomaintain superior sound quality,we recommend that you test andchange the battery once a year.Note that the battery may leakand damage the holder and otherparts if it is left in the speaker for along period after exceeding thesuggested duration.To access the battery, unscrewthe battery cover at the top ofthe terminal board and remove it.Always use a 9V, rectangular006P-type battery and install itwith the proper polarity.The battery included in theshipped system is for testingpurposes only. We recommendthat you replace it as soon aspossible.All wiring connections should beinspected and cleaned or remadeperiodically. The frequency ofmaintenance depends on the met-als involved in the connections,atmospheric conditions, and otherfactors. Consult the Project K2specialist dealer for specificrecommendations.17CHAPTER 9 – TROUBLESHOOTING AND SERVICE GUIDEProject K2 S5800loudspeakers are designed to provide years of trouble-free service.If you are experiencing difficul-ties, we suggest you check these possibilities before contacting your Project K2specialist dealer for assistance.IF THERE IS NO SOUND FROM ANY OF THE SPEAKERS:• Check that the receiver/amplifier is on and a source is playing.• Check all wires and connections between the receiver/amplifier and the speakers. Make sure all wires are connected, and are not frayed, cut or punctured. No wires or strands should be touching each other or the shorting bars connected to other terminals.• Review proper operation of your receiver/amplifier.IF THERE IS NO SOUND COMING FROM ONE SPEAKER:• Check the “Balance” control on your receiver/processor.• Check all wires and connections between the receiver/amplifier and the speakers. Make sure all wires are connected, and are not frayed, cut or punctured. No wires or strands should be touching each other or the shorting bars con-nected to other terminals.• In digital surround sound modes, make sure that the receiver/ processor is configured so that the speaker in question is enabled.• Switch the speaker wiresbetween the speaker with theproblem and one that is workingcorrectly. If the problem remainsin the same speaker, then thefault is in the loudspeaker. Inthis event, consult your ProjectK2 S5800specialist dealer forassistance. If, however, theproblem has moved to the otherspeaker, then the cause is ineither a cable or an electroniccomponent.IF THE SYSTEM PLAYSAT LOW VOLUMES BUTSHUTS OFF AS VOLUMEIS INCREASED:• Check all wires and connectionsbetween the receiver/amplifierand the speakers. Make sure allwires are connected, and are notfrayed, cut or punctured. No wiresor strands should be touching eachother or the shorting bars con-nected to other terminals.• If more than one pair of mainspeakers is being used, check theminimum impedance require-ments of your receiver/amplifier.IF THERE IS LOW (ORNO) BASS OUTPUT:• Make sure the connections tothe left and right speaker termi-nals have the correct polarity.• In digital surround modes,consider adding a poweredsubwoofer to play the LFE (low-frequency effects) channel ofthe program.IF THE SPEAKERSSOUND QUALITATIVELYDIFFERENT IN ANINDEFINABLE WAY:• Test the batteries and replacethem if necessary.NOTE:The batteries should betested once a year in any event.1819K2 S5800SPECIFICATIONSPOWER HANDLING:300W (RMS)**FREQUENCY RESPONSE:50Hz – 40kHz (–6dB)LOW-FREQUENCY EXTENSION:28Hz (–10dB)SENSITIVITY:95dB (2.83V/1m)NOMINAL IMPEDANCE:8 Ohms CROSSOVER FREQUENCY:800Hz, 10kHzLOW-FREQUENCY DRIVERS:Dual 12-inch (300mm) Kevlar-composite cone woofers (1200Fe)HIGH-FREQUENCY DRIVER:3-Inch (75mm) aluminum compression driver (435Al) in 1-1/2-inch (38mm) throat Bi-Radial hornULTRAHIGH-FREQUENCY DRIVER1-Inch (25mm) pure-titanium compression driver (045Ti) in 0.35-inch (8.9mm) throat Bi-Radial hornDIMENSIONS (H X W X D):49" x 17" x 16-1/4"(16-3/4"with grille)1245mm x 432mm x 413mm (425mm with grille)WEIGHT:185 lb (84kg)per speaker*Trademark of Dolby Laboratories.DTS is a registered trademark of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.JBL and Bi-Radial are registered trademarks of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.SonoGlass, Aquaplas, Symmetrical Field Geometry and Charge-Coupled Linear Definition are trademarks of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.Monster Cable is a registered trademark of Monster Cable Products, Inc.Kevlar and Nomex are registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.Styrofoam is a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.**The maximum recommended amplifier power rating will ensure proper system headroom to allow for occasional peaks. We do not recommend sustained operation at these maximum power levels.All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.JBL is part of the HarmanInternational audio companies, a group with a common purpose:combining technology with a love of music to manufacture audio products that provide new levels of satisfaction, performance and value.To promote diversity and creativity,JBL operates independently in research and development. When it comes to translating the results of these efforts into actual con-sumer and professional products,JBL draws on the full combined strength of the Harman compa-nies, which includes one of the world’s most advanced manufac-turing facilities. The result of this teamwork is that JBL’s renowned excellence in engineering is suc-cessfully carried through to each individual product, regardless of its application or price range.As new audio concepts and tech-nologies are pioneered, the part-nership of JBL and HarmanInternational guarantees that con-sumer and professional audio users everywhere will be able to enjoy their full range of benefits.JBL continually engages in research related to product development and improvement.Because of this, new materials,production methods and design refinements will be introduced into existing products without notice. For this reason, any current JBL product may differ in some respect from its pub-lished description, but will always equal or exceed the original design specifications unless otherwise stated.JBL AND HARMAN INTERNATIONAL®PRO SOUND COMES HOME™JBL Consumer Products©2003 Harman International Industries, IncorporatedPart No. 339519-001A Harman International Company。
SR4704A/SR4706A 舞台返送音箱 111两者均为15寸两路反送音箱,但复盖角度不同。
111SR4731A和SR4732A 基本相同,均为双
12寸低音,但SR4732A 配有超高音,将高频
SR4735A / SR4738A三路全音域音箱
JBL音箱技术参数 Ls系列
• 音箱类型三分频落地式扬声器 • 输出功率 200W • 低音单元 2×200英寸 • 高音单元 50英寸 • 阻抗 6Ω • 灵敏度 90dB • 产品尺寸1117×259×418 • 产品重量 35.6kg/只
• 音箱类型 三分频书架式扬声器 • 输出功率 150W • 低音单元 50英寸 • 高音单元 19英寸 • 阻抗 6Ω • 灵敏度 87dB • 分频频率 2.6KHz,7kHz • 频率响应 42Hz-40kHz • 产品尺寸 493×222×343mm
JBL是全球最大的专业扬声器生产商,从原材料开发、喇叭单元的设 计和生产、音箱的设计和生产一功都能全盘控制在自己的手中。JBL 音箱的服务范围非常广泛,在专业领域上包括了电影院、大型音响工 程、大型流动演出、录音室监听、乐队用的音响 ,以至娱乐场所如迪 士科、歌舞厅、卡拉OK、酒吧……民用方面,从最高级的发烧音响, 以至目前最流行的家庭影院组合……到处都可以看到JBL的身影。
• 产品重量 13.5kg/只
• 推荐功率:150W, • 灵敏度:88dB • 阻抗:6欧姆频率范围 (-10dB):50Hz–40kHz, • 分频点:
2.5kHz,9kHz,24dB/octave • 频率响应(–3dB):85Hz-
JBL Stage 车载扬声器系列说明书
Presentamos el nuevo subwoof er JBL Stage: ¡bajos increíbles a precio increíble!Los subwoofers para automóvil JBL Stage, líderes en precio, se han diseñado para ofrecer una salida elevada, con baja distorsión y capacidad de gestión de bajos hasta una potencia pico de 1000 W. (Disponibles en tres tamaños: 8" (200 mm), 10" (250 mm) y 12" (300 mm), para vehículos de todos los tamaños, desde compactos a limusinas). Estos subwoofers cuentan con conos de woofer de polipropileno, rígidos y muy ligeros, con envolventes de goma de alta calidad para proporcionar alta eficiencia y una durabilidad extraordinaria a fin de complementar del mejor modo posible distintos tipos de amplificadores. Finalmente, algunos de los mejores ingenieros de transductores del mundo dan voz a nuestros subwoofers y altavoces con el fin de garantizar que logramos el sonido emblemático e inconfundible de JBL.CaracterísticasT res tamaños para todas las aplicaciones, entornos y presupuestosM ateriales de la máxima calidad para una fiabilidad extraordinariaP ruebas de fiabilidad estándar de HARMAN A justados competitivamenteJ BL a un precio asequibleHARMAN International Industries, Incorporated 8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, CA 91329 USA © 2017 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. Todos los derechos reservados. JBL es una marca comercial de HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, registrada en los Estados unidos u otros países. Las funciones, las especificaciones y el diseño del producto están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso.Características y ventajasTres tamaños para todas las aplicaciones, entornos y presupuestosWoofer Stage 810 de 8" (200 mm) con gestión de potencia de 200 W RMS y 800 W pico. Woofer Stage 1010 de 10" (250 mm) con gestión de potencia de 225 W RMS y 900 W pico. Woofer Stage 1210 de 12" (300 mm) con gestión de potencia de 250 W RMS y 1000 W pico. Materiales de la máxima calidad para una fiabilidad extraordinariaLos conos de polipropileno y las envolventes de goma, hechos con materiales de calidad para automoción, proporcionan una reproducción nítida y gran durabilidad, tanto si se trata de acompañar un paseo con música como si es hora de darlo todo. ¡Todo es cuestión de bajos! Pruebas de fiabilidad estándar de HARMANLos altavoces JBL se someten a un proceso riguroso de pruebas que destruirían un altavoz corriente. JBL los congela, los pone en el horno, los agita, los irradia con luz ultravioleta y los hace funcionar a máxima potencia durante días seguidos.Ajustados competitivamenteLos altavoces se ajustan minuciosamente para garantizar valores elevados de SPL y distorsión reducida. Esto significa que, al ajustarlos para obtener el sonido de JBL, se tienen en cuenta las especificaciones habituales y las características individuales de cada altavoz.JBL a un precio asequibleEsto es JBL: el altavoz y el sonido que han fascinado a los entusiastas del sonido durante más de 70 años. No hay nada mejor que conducir con el sonido de JBL.Contenido de la caja:1 x Subwoofer1 x Arandela de espumaManual del propietario2x Adhesivos en dos colores con la marcaEspecificaciones técnicas: Stage 1210C apacidad de potencia: 250 Wrms, 1000 W picoS ensibilidad (a 2,83 V): 91 dBR espuesta en frecuencias: 34 Hz – 200 Hz D iámetro de la bobina de voz: 2" (50.8 mm) I mpedancia: 4 OhmStage 1010C apacidad de potencia: 225 Wrms, 900 W picoS ensibilidad (a 2,83 V): 89 dBR espuesta en frecuencias: 35 Hz – 200 HzD iámetro de la bobina de voz:1.5" (38.8 mm)I mpedancia: 4 OhmStage 810C apacidad de potencia: 200 Wrms, 800 W picoS ensibilidad (a 2,83 V): 88 dBR espuesta en frecuencias: 38 Hz – 200 Hz。
JBLJBL3722N(500W)厅长21米内影厅,全频单功放驱动(dsi1000)JBL3732 (500W)同上,价位略高,三分频,双功放驱动(dsi1000)BL4722N (800W)厅长27米内影厅,全频,单功放驱动(dsi2000)JBL4732 (800W)同上,价位略高,三分频,双功放驱动(dsi2000)JBL4675C-(4LF,8LF)1200W多用于超大厅的千人会场,廉价高效,实际厅长可达36米。
或用在超宽厅(宽度大于20米)双功放驱动(dsi4000)JBL5672(1200W),5674(2400W)同上,可用在超大厅,三分频,三功放驱动(dsi4000+dsi2000) JBL4641小厅的次低频,厅长14米内,单功放dsi1000或2000JBL4642A通用大功率双音圈次低频,应用广泛,大中小厅皆可,一只可用在厅长20米以内影厅,再大的影厅就要增加一只了,否则储备不足。
FD-2152MV N]厅长18米以内,两分频单功放驱动,600W.FD-3315MV A厅长25米以内应用,三分频双功放驱动,800W.FD-3415MV可在30米开外的影厅使用,三分频,可选双、三功放驱动,1600W。
JBL L82 Classic MkII 8寸两孔书架扬声器快速入门指南说明书
L82 Classic MkII2-Way 8-in ch (200mm) Bookshelf LoudspeakerQuick Start GuideOverviewFor more information on the set-up and operation of thisproduct refer to the product page on the /specialty-audio/ website. Should further assistance be required feel free to contact customer support at the numbers below.Inside the US and Canada:+1 888.691.4171Outside the US and Canada:+44 1707 668 012Box Contents2x L82 Classic MkII Edition Loudspeakers 2x Quadrex Foam Grilles1x Quick Start Guide (This Document)Placement and Positioning●Before deciding where to place your speakers, survey your room and think about placement, using the illustration as a guide.●Avoid placing the speakers near power amplifiers, heat registers or other objects that generate large amounts of heat.●Avoid placing speakers in humid or dusty locations.●Avoid placing speakers in direct sunlight or other intense light.●Refer to the illustration for distances from walls, between the speakers, and angle to the listening position.●The speakers should be raised so that the tweeter is approximately at ear level.The JS-80 speaker stand (sold separately) can be used to achieve the proper listening height.●Angle the speakers towards the listening position closer to the listeners ears for a stronger center image and away from the listening position further from the listeners ears for a more spacious image.SpecificationsRecommended Stand:JBL JS-80 (Sold Separately)Wiring and ConnectionsIMPORTANT! Wiring Precautions●Ensure that the positive (+) and negative (-) bare wire or spades DO NOT touch each other when connected to the binding posts as this will short out the amplifier channel.●Ensure that the appropriate polarity is maintained from amplifier to speaker to ensure proper phase for both speakers.4 Post Terminals / Dual Sets of Binding Posts Terminal Wiring Options2-Wire ConnectionsBasic single-wire connection from amplifierWe recommend using HF Positive and LF Negative.B-Wire ConnectionsTwo-wire connection from single amplifier Remove terminal straps before connecting.Bi-Amp ConnectionsTwo-wire connection from multiple amplifiers Remove terminal straps before connecting.+-Positive + Red Negative - Black+-+-Positive + Red Negative - BlackControls and AdjustmentsThis speaker features a HF level control that can be used to adjust the HF level independently from the level of the woofer. The default setting of 0dB represents a flat balance between the woofer and tweeter, however in some cases there may be a need to adjust the level of the tweeter.High Frequencies (HF Level) Adjustments●For rooms where the high frequencies sound bright, lower the relative HF level by turning the knob counterclockwise.●For rooms where the high frequencies sound dull, raise the relative HF level by turning the knob clockwise.Harman International Industries, Incorporated.8500 Balboa Blvd, Northridge CA 91329 United States.European Representative: Harman International Industries, Incorporated.EMEA Liaison Office, Danzigerkade 16G, 1013 AP Amsterdam, The Netherlands.UK Business Address: Ground Floor, Westside 2, London Road, Apsley, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9TD, United Kingdom. © 2023 Harman International Industries, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.JBL is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated registered in the United States and other countries.Features, Specifications, and Appearance subject to change without notice.。
JBL Control HST Wide-Coverage 音频扬声器说明说明书
Grille: Aluminum grille, painted to match cabinet color.
Input Connection: Removable locking euro-block 4-pin connector with screw-down terminals for bare wire. Two pins for input and two pins for parallel loop-thru. Max. wire 12 AWG (2.5 mm2).
Enclosure: Fiberglass-reinforced ABS
Attachment: Four M6 points for included U-bracket. Additional M6 insert point provided for adding secondary safety attachment cable. U-bracket must be utilized. Must be mounted on wall surface. Do not mount on pole.
JBL PartyBox 200 使用者指南说明书
2 - 繁體中文
௪ൗj本設備已經過測試,符合 FCC 規則第 15 部分有關 B 類數位裝置的各項限制。這些限制性規定旨在防範 安裝在住宅中的裝置產生有害干擾。本設備產生、使用並可能輻射無線電頻率能量,如果不按照指示 安裝和使用,則可能會對無線電通訊造成有害干擾。然而,按照指示安裝並不能保證某些安裝不會發 生干擾。如果本設備確實對無線電或電視接收造成有害干擾(可透過關閉和打開本設備來確定),使用 者可嘗試採取以下一種或多種措施來糾正干擾: • 調整接收天線的方向或位置。 • 增大本設備和接收器的間距。 • 將本設備和接收器電源線插入不同線路上的插座中。 • 請諮詢經銷商或有經驗的無線電/電視技術人員以獲得協助。
ʃːj • 未經授權切勿更改產品;否則可能會影響安全性、合規性、系統效能,並可能使保修失效。 • 長時間高音量收聽音樂可能會造成聽力損傷。使用耳機,尤其是時間較長時,應避免音量過高。
ᙆѓj包含小部件,可能導致窒息危險。不適合 3 歲以下的兒童使用。
經 Dolby Laboratories 授權製造。Dolby 和雙 D 符號是 Dolby Laboratories 的商標。 有關 DTS 專利,請瀏覽 。經 Digital Theater Systems, INC 授權製造。DTS 和 & DTS 都是注冊商標。DTS Digital Surround 是 DTS, Inc. 的商標。© DTS, Inc. 保留所有權利。 HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface 和 HDMI 徽標是 HDMI Licensing, LLC 在美國及其他國家/ 地區的商標或注冊商標。
JBL Studio 系列 S-CENTER II 3-Way 双5.25英寸中心扬声器说明书
* Dolby and Pro Logic are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. DTS is a registered trademark of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
** The maximum recommended amplifier power rating will ensure proper system headroom to allow for occasional peaks. We do not recommend sustained operation at these maximum power levels. All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
To use the binding-post speaker terminals, unscrew the collar until the passthrough hole in the center post is visible under the collar. Insert the bare end of the wire through this hole; then screw the collar down until the connection is tight. The hole in the center of each collar is intended for use with banana-type connectors.
纪念辉煌的成熟之作JBL TL 260限量版落地式音箱
定 要 记 住
两 只 音箱 的
垂 直 侧板 向 内
倾 斜 的侧板 向外就 对 了
多单 元 多分 频 的 方
熟 悉 J BL 的 用 家 也 许 会 发 现
哪 怕是 体积 小 小 的书架式音箱
t 为
惯 用
好 处 多 多
J BL 喜 欢 采 用 多 单 元 多分 频 的 设 计 方 式
但 就 J BL 6 0 年 的 经 验 多分 频上 面 颇 有造诣
自信 满 满
TL 2 6 0 是 5 单 元 5 分 频 后 倒 相 设 计
分 别使 用 了超高音单元
中音 单 元
中低 音 单 元
低音单元 各
在 3 2 Hz
[ 口Ⅱ互曩 l
特 意 推 出 了 两 个特 别 型 号 的音 箱 作纪 念
是 举世 瞩 目的顶 级 新旗 舰 P
DD6 6 0 0 0
r o
e c
Ev e r e s t
款 便 是 下 面 要 介 绍 的 TL2 6 0
有 着 声 学 上 的 考 量
TL 这 个 系 列 在 外 形 设 计 上 最 大 的 特 点 就 是 不 规 则 能
民用 领域 的的集 大成 者
用 它 来 纪 念 J BL 的 6 0
jblgoessential青春版的使用说明书摘要:一、产品简介1.产品名称:JBL Goessential 青春版2.产品类型:便携式蓝牙音箱3.设计风格:时尚、轻巧、个性化二、功能特点1.蓝牙连接2.音质表现3.便携设计4.播放时间5.防水功能6.语音助手三、使用说明1.开启与配对2.音量调节3.播放控制4.电话功能5.充电与续航6.注意事项四、售后服务1.保修政策2.联系方式3.常见问题解答正文:【产品简介】JBL Goessential 青春版是一款便携式蓝牙音箱,以其时尚、轻巧、个性化的设计风格受到消费者的喜爱。
【功能特点】1.蓝牙连接:JBL Goessential 青春版支持蓝牙5.0 技术,连接稳定,传输速度快,有效距离远,让用户在享受音乐时不受线缆束缚。
2.音质表现:本款音箱搭载了JBL 标志性音效技术,呈现出清晰、饱满的声音,带给用户沉浸式的音乐体验。
3.便携设计:JBL Goessential 青春版体积小巧,重量轻,方便携带,用户可以随身携带,无论户外运动、旅行还是聚会,都能轻松享受音乐。
4.播放时间:本款音箱具备长达12 小时的播放时间,满足用户在外出时长时间欣赏音乐的需求。
5.防水功能:JBL Goessential 青春版具备IPX7 级防水性能,可以在水中浸泡,适合户外游泳、洗澡等场景。
6.语音助手:支持各类语音助手,如Siri、Google Assistant 等,方便用户进行语音操控,实现语音拨号、查询天气等功能。
【使用说明】1.开启与配对:长按音箱的电源键,当指示灯闪烁时,打开手机蓝牙设置,搜索并连接JBL Goessential 青春版音箱。
JBL Studio L系列音箱用户指南说明书
For more than 60 years, JBL has been involved in every aspect of music and film recording and reproduction, from live performances to the recordings you play in your home, car or office.We’re confident that the JBL speakers you have chosen will provide every note of enjoyment that you expected – and that when you think about purchasing additional audio equipment for your home, car or office, you will once again choose JBL.Please take a moment to register your product on our Web site at .It enables us to keep you posted on our latest advance ments, and helps us to better understand our customers and build products that meet their needs and expectations.UNPACKING THE SPEAKERSCarefully unpack the speakers. If you suspect damage from transit, report it immediately to your dealer and/or delivery service. Keep the shipping carton and packing materials for future use. All models include a mounting template and paint shield.PLANNING YOUR SYSTEMFigure 3. This overhead view shows a 6- or 7-channel home theater system arrangement. Left/right rear channels are for a 7-channel system. Center rear channel is for a 6-channel system.NOTE:Figures 1, 2 and 3 show recommended speaker locations. You may also follow these general placement suggestions when installing the speakers in the ceiling.CouchLeft Front ChannelLeftSurround ChannelRight Surround ChannelRight Front ChannelCenter ChannelLeft Rear Channel Right Rear ChannelCenter Rear Channel (above or below TV)JBL Subwoofer (optional)CouchLeft Front ChannelLeftSurround Channel Right Surround ChannelRight FrontChannelCenter ChannelJBL Subwoofer(optional)Figure 2. This overhead view shows a typical home theater system arrangement.CouchLeft Front ChannelRight Front ChannelJBL Subwoofer (optional)Figure 1.THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING JBL2PLACEMENTSTEREOBefore deciding where to place your speakers, survey your room and think about placement, keeping the following points in mind, and using Figure 1,on previous page, as a guide:•For best results, place the speakers 6'–8' apart.•When installing in the wall, position each speaker so that the tweeter isas close to ear level as practical.•Refer to “Home Theater” below if you also plan to use the speakers ina home theater system.HOME THEATERFor front-channel use, place one speaker on the left and another on theright along either side of the television.A center channel speaker should go directly above or below the television and can be an in-wall, in-ceiling or freestanding center channel.For left and right surround channels, place one speaker on the left and another on the right, to the side of or slightly behind the listening area.In 6- or 7-channel configurations, place the rear channel(s) behind the listening position, as shown in Figure 3.NOTE:A JBL powered subwoofer will add impact and realism to bothmusic and film soundtracks. Contact your JBL dealer for recommendations on subwoofer models for your application.Proper placement of the speakers is an important step in obtaining the most realistic soundstage possible. These recommendations are for the optimal placement of the loudspeakers. Use these placement recommendations asa guide. Slight variations will not diminish your listening pleasure.INSTALLATIONThe Studio™L Series in-wall and in-ceiling speakers were designed to be easily installed. However, if you are unable to clearly and fully understand and follow the instructions in this manual, or if you are unsure of your ability to properly install these loudspeakers, please contact your dealer or a qualified installer. TOOLS NEEDEDPhillips #2 screwdriver(Do not use a powered screwdriverof any kind)Measuring tape Utility knifePencilCarpenter’s level Awl CONNECTION TIPSSPEAKER CONNECTIONSWire Length Recommended SizeUp to 100 ft.16-gaugeGreater than 100 ft.12-gaugeTURN OFF ALL POWERBefore completing the installation, you must connect your speakers to your system. First, turn off all audio-system power. Use high-quality speaker wireto make your connections. Use at least #16-gauge speaker wire with polarity coding. Heavier gauge wire is recommended for larger distances. Consult the chart above or your dealer for recommendations. The side of the wire with a ridge or other coding is usually considered positive (+) polarity. Also, consult the owner’s manuals that were included with your amplifier or receiver to confirm connection procedures.Observe polarities when making speaker connections, as shown in Figure 4. Connect each + terminal on the back of the amplifier or receiver to the respective + (red) terminal on each speaker. Connect the – (black) terminalsin the same way.IMPORTANT!Do not reverse polarities (i.e., + to – , or – to +) when making connections. Doing so will cause poor imaging and diminished bass response. Be certain that positive and negative wire strands are completely isolated to avoid short circuits that may damage your equipment.Figure 4.3EXISTING CONSTRUCTION L226C,L228C,LS326C,LS328C1. Remove the plastic paint shield from the speaker frame.2. Determine the correctspeaker location.NOTE:Use the includedtemplate when cutting thedrywall.≥1/2"≥1/2"≥1/2"3.NOTE:Always allow atleast a 1/2 inch between awall stud and the speakercutout or the locking tabswill not be able to swivelinto place.4. Ensure that the drywall or plywoodboard or other appropriate wallboardis at least 1/2-inch thick and confirmthat the board material is capable ofwithstanding the weight of the speakeryou will be installing. Cut the drywall.5. Connect the speaker wires to the speaker.6. Make sure all four locking tabsare properly positioned againstthe locking tab stops that arelocated on the speaker frame (seeFigure 5 below). After confirmingthis, carefully place the frameassembly in the wall and confirmthat there is no more than 1/8-inchplay between the frame and thewall cutout. After positioning thespeaker in the mounting location,back each screw out one full turn(turn counterclockwise).7. Screw down each of the fourPhillips-head screws, alternatingbetween the four screws. Thelocking tabs will swivel into placeand secure the unit to the rearsurface of the wall panel. Hand-tighten with a nonpowered,straight-handle regular screw-driver only. Do not use a socketwrench, a powered screwdriver,a drill or any other powered tool.Confirm that the speaker is firmlyand securely held in place andthat all four locking tabs are firmlyresting against the wall panel.8. Attach the metal grilleand logo, if desired. Figure 5.457. Screw down each of the four Phillips-head screws, alternating between the four screws. The locking tabs will swivel into place and secure the unit to the rear surface of the wall panel. Hand-tighten with a nonpowered,straight-handle regular screw-driver only. Do not use a socket wrench, a powered screwdriver,a drill or any other powered tool.Confirm that the speaker is firmly and securely held in place and that all four locking tabs are firmly resting against the wall panel.L226W,LS326W1. Remove the plastic paint shield from the speaker frame.2. Determine the correct speaker location.NOTE:Use the included template when cutting the drywall.3. NOTE:Always allow at least a 1/2 inch between a wall stud and the speaker cutout or the locking tabs will not be able to swivel into place.≥1/2"≥1/2"≥1/2"4. Ensure that the drywall or plywood board or other appropriate wallboard is at least 1/2-inch thick and confirm that the board material is capable of withstanding the weight of the speaker you will be installing. Cut the drywall.5. Connect the speaker wires to the speaker.6. Make sure all four locking tabs are properly positioned against the locking tab stops that arelocated on the speaker frame (see Figure 6 below). After confirming this, carefully place the frame assembly in the wall and confirm that there is no more than 1/8-inch play between the frame and the wall cutout. After positioning the speaker in the mounting location,back each screw out one full turn (turn counterclockwise).8. Attach the metal grille and logo, if desired.Figure 6.NEW CONSTRUCTIONIf you wish to preinstall a rough-in frame before the drywall is installed, you will need to purchase the correct rough-in-frame kit for your model:Speaker Model Rough-In-Frame KitL226W, LS326W RIF 6L226C, LS326C RIF 6CSL228C, LS328C RIF 8CDetailed installation instructions are supplied with the rough-in kit. PAINTING THE SPEAKER FRAME AND GRILLEStudio L in-wall and in-ceiling loudspeakers can be painted to match any décor. If you wish to change their color, the satin finish on the grille and frame will function as a primer coat. Before painting, install the paint shield (inner section of template in the assembly kit) securely into the recess in the baffle.This will protect the speaker components and baffle from paint residue. Use a high-quality spray paint, and apply a thin coat of color. Be certain the grille perforations remain free of paint. Filling them with paint will diminish the sound quality.NOTE:Gently remove the acoustical foam blanket from the grille before paint-ing. Reattach the blanket after the paint has dried.OPERATIONSURROUND MODESWhen using the system in a Dolby®Digital or DTS®home theater system,make sure all speakers are set to “Small.”When using the Studio L in-wall and in-ceiling speakers in a Dolby Pro Logic®home theater system, make sure the receiver’s center channel mode is set to “Normal.”Some Dolby Digital-equipped receivers/processors offer different setupoptions for each source or surround mode: e.g., CD-stereo, videotape, Dolby or Pro Logic. In each case, follow your equipment’s instructions to ensure that the subwoofer (if you have one) output is turned on and that the speakers are set to “Small” in each mode.6SPECIFICATIONSStudio L L226W L226C L228CFrequency Range (–6dB)30Hz – 20kHz30Hz – 20kHz28Hz – 20kHzRecommended10 – 125 Watts10 – 125 Watts10 – 135 WattsAmplifier Power RangeSensitivity89dB89dB90dB(2.83V @1meter)Nominal Impedance8Ohms8 Ohms8 OhmsCrossover Frequency3,000Hz;2,500Hz; 2,500Hz;24dB/Octave18dB/Octave18dB/OctaveLow-Frequency Driver6-1/2" (165mm)6-1/2" (165mm)8" (200mm)Aluminum cone Aluminum cone Aluminum coneHigh-Frequency Driver1" (25mm)1" (25mm)1"(25mm)Titanium-laminate Titanium-laminate Titanium-laminateExternal Dimensions 8-1/2" x 11"Diameter: 9-3/16"Diameter: 10-7/8"(W x H)(216mm x 280mm)(233mm)(276mm)Mounting Cutout Size 7" x 9-1/2"Diameter: 7-7/8"Diameter: 9-1/2"(W x H)(178mm x 241mm)(200mm)(241mm)Mounting Depth3-9/16" (90mm)4-1/8" (104mm)4-5/8" (117mm)Weight (Net) 3.5 lb (1.6kg) 3.5 lb (1.6kg) 5.8 lb (2.6kg)Studio L LS326W LS326C LS328CFrequency Range (–6dB)30Hz – 30kHz30Hz – 30kHz28Hz – 30kHzRecommended10 – 135 Watts10 – 135 Watts10 – 150 WattsAmplifier Power RangeSensitivity89dB89dB90dB(2.83V @1meter)Nominal Impedance8Ohms8 Ohms/channel8 OhmsCrossover Frequency3,000Hz;2,500Hz;2,500Hz;24dB/Octave18dB/Octave18dB/OctaveLow-Frequency Driver6-1/2" (165mm)6-1/2" (165mm)8" (200mm)Aluminum cone Aluminum cone Aluminum coneHigh-Frequency Driver1" (25mm)1" (25mm)1"(25mm)Titanium Titanium TitaniumExternal Dimensions 8-1/2" x 11"Diameter: 9-3/16"Diameter: 10-7/8"(W x H)(216mm x 280mm)(233mm)(276mm)Mounting Cutout Size 7" x 9-1/2"Diameter: 7-7/8"Diameter: 9-1/2"(W x H)(178mm x 241mm)(200mm)(241mm)Mounting Depth3-9/16" (90mm)4-1/8" (104mm)4-5/8" (117mm)Weight (Net) 3.5 lb (1.6kg) 3.5 lb (1.6kg) 5.8 lb (2.6kg)All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.7owner’s manual are in compliance with technical standards:Laurent Rault。
JBL SSW-2 高性能双12英寸扬声器说明书
MANUAL DEL PROPIETARIOJBL ® SSW-2Subwoofer pasivo dual de 12” de alto rendimiento2GRACIAS POR ELEGIR JBL®Durante más de 70 años, JBL se ha implicado en todos los aspectos de la grabación y reproducción de música y películas, desde conciertos en directo hasta las grabaciones que puedes escuchar en casa, el coche o el despacho.Confiamos en que el sistema JBL que has elegido proporcione todas las notas de diversión que esperas y que cuando pienses en comprar otros equipos de audio para el hogar, automóvil o despacho vuelvas a elegir, una vez más, los productos JBL.Dedica unos instantes a registrar tu producto en el sitio web en . Esto nos permitirá mantenerte informado de nuestros avances más recientes y conocer a nuestros clientes y ofrecerles productos a la medida de sus necesidades y expectativas.Todas las funciones y especificaciones del producto están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso.INCLUIDO1. Subwoofer2. Rejilla3. Manual del propietarioCOLOCACIÓNAl utilizar subwoofers en un espacio delimitado como una sala normal de cine en casa, las reflexiones, las ondas estacionarias y los absorbentes resonantes que haya en la sala generan picos y valles en la respuesta de bajos que varían de forma importante en función de la ubicación de los oyentes en la sala. Un oyente sentado en un lugar puede escuchar un exceso de bajos generados por un pico de respuesta en esa ubicación, mientras otro oyente a un metro de distancia puede escuchar mucho menos a causa de la presencia de un valle en su lugar.Las ubicaciones de los subwoofers dentro de la sala (junto con las dimensiones de esta) también tienen un efecto importante en la generación de estos picos y valles en la respuesta de bajos. La colocación cuidadosa de los subwoofers no puede, por sí sola, compensar todos los picos y valles de la respuesta en una sala, pero sí puede eliminar o reducir de forma importante los valles más importantes.Es importante reducir los valles en la respuesta por toda la sala en la medida de lo posible colocando los subwoofers correctamente, ya que no es posible utilizar la ecualización para compensar estas variaciones importantes en la respuesta. Por ejemplo, utilizar la ecualización para tratar de compensar un valle de 13 dB en la respuesta exige al amplificador aportar 20 veces la potencia a la frecuencia en cuestión. Esto puede suponer que se supere rápidamente la capacidad del amplificador, lo cual da lugar a cortes que degradan apreciablemente la calidad del sonido.Casi en cualquier sala, colocar los subwoofers en las esquinas produce los valles menos pronunciados y los picos más elevados en la respuesta de bajos.Recomendamos encarecidamente instalar más de un subwoofer independientemente del tamaño de la sala. Con un solo subwoofer se obtiene la distribución menos homogénea de bajos en la sala. Al utilizar más de un subwoofer, es posible cancelar algunos de los modos de la sala en distintas ubicaciones de escucha, lo cual proporciona una calidad de sonido más homogénea a bajas frecuencia en3 toda el área de escucha. A menudo no es posible ubicar un solo subwoofer sin que queden grandes valles en la respuesta, que no se pueden corregir mediante la ecualización. Casi siempre, utilizar dos o más subwoofers bien colocados sirve para eliminar estos valles en la respuesta.Puesto que la construcción de las paredes casi nunca es perfectamente idéntica en las paredes opuestas, en la práctica, las soluciones basadas en fórmulas como la colocación de los subwoofers en los puntos de 1/4 raramente funcionan. La mejor solución es realizar mediciones de alta resolución en el área principal de escucha mientras se experimenta con la colocación de los altavoces.Colocar un subwoofer en la posición de escucha y medirlo desde las posibles posiciones de instalación disponibles en la sala, utilizando la reciprocidad acústica, puede ayudar a encontrar más rápidamente las mejores posiciones. Este tipo de mediciones desde las mejores posiciones posibles genera los resultados con el número y el valor mínimo de picos y valles en la respuesta.COLOCACIÓN DE UN SOLO SUBWOOFERCOLOCACIÓN DE DOS SUBWOOFERSLa colocación de dos subwoofers se determina en función de la organización de los asientos de escucha de la sala.Salas con una sola fila de asientos Salas con más de una fila de asientosCOLOCACIÓN DE CUATRO SUBWOOFERSCONEXIONESLos altavoces y la electrónica tienen terminales (+) y (–) correspondientes. La mayoría de fabricantes de altavoces y electrónica, incluidoJBL, utilizan el color rojo para el terminal (+) y el color negro para el terminal (–). Es importante conectar ambos terminales de formaidéntica: el conector (+) del altavoz con el (+) del amplificador y el conector (–) del altavoz con el (–) del amplificador. Si se conectan loscables “fuera de fase”, se obtiene un sonido pobre, con bajos débiles y una mala reproducción espacial en estéreo. Con la llegada de lossistemas de sonido envolventes multicanal, la conexión de todos los altavoces del sistema con la polaridad correcta sigue siendo igual deimportante para conservar el ambiente y la direccionalidad correctos del material del programa.Si se utilizan dos subwoofers SSW-2, los cables de ambos deben tener la misma longitud. Si la respuesta de bajos parece reducida, esposible que haya un problema de fase y que las ondas sonoras de ambos subwoofers se estén cancelando entre sí. Si la respuesta de bajosparece baja, prueba a invertir la polaridad de uno de los subwoofers, es decir, conectar el terminal (+) del amplificador al terminal (–) delaltavoz y el terminal (–) del amplificador al terminal (+) del altavoz.Para utilizar los terminales de altavoz con poste atornillado de la copa de terminales situada en la parte trasera del subwoofer SSW-2,desatornilla la perilla de color hasta que puedas ver, debajo de la perilla, el orificio que atraviesa el poste por el centro. Inserta el extremodel cable pelado por este orificio y, a continuación, vuelve a apretar la perilla hasta que la conexión esté bien sujeta. Si utilizas conectoresde pala, puedes deslizarlos alrededor del poste antes de apretar la perilla. El orificio del centro de cada perilla sirve para utilizar conectoresde tipo banana. Asegúrate de respetar la polaridad correcta. El cable del terminal negativo (–) del amplificador se debe conectar alterminal negativo (–) o negro de la copa de terminales y el terminal positivo (+) del amplificador se debe conectar al terminal positivo (+)o rojo de la copa de terminales.Puesto que el SSW-2 es un altavoz pasivo, solo dispone de conexiones de nivel de altavoz. El subwoofer SSW-2 está diseñadoespecíficamente para usarlo con amplificadores JBL® Synthesis SDA. Se ha optimizado para ofrecer la mejor dinámica yrespuesta en frecuencias utilizando el amplificador JBL SDA-4600, que se ha diseñado específicamente para impulsar laimpedancia de carga reactiva emblemática del SSW-2. El SSW-2 es capaz de funcionar con dos canales de SDA-4600 en modopuenteado.Conecta el receptor principal o la salida de subwoofer de nivel de línea del procesador a la entrada de nivel de línea del amplificadordel subwoofer.Si utilizas dos o más subwoofers, utiliza el número correcto de canales de amplificador (pueden ser amplificadores monobloqueoo multicanal), cada uno de ellos conectado a la salida adecuada del procesador o el receptor. A continuación, conecta losterminales positivo y negativo de cada canal del amplificador a un solo sistema de subwoofer SSW-2.45Longitud del cable Tamaño recomendadoHasta 9 m.Calibre 14 (grosor mínimo)Más de 9 m.Calibre 12 (grosor mínimo)SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASSíntoma SoluciónSi no sale ningún sonido de ningún altavoz • Comprueba que el receptor/amplificador esté encendido y se esté reproduciendo alguna fuente.• Comprueba todos los cables y las conexiones entre el receptor/ amplificador y los altavoces. Comprueba que todos los cables estén conectados. Asegúrate de que no haya ningún cable de altavoz deshilachado, cortado, perforado o en contacto con otro cable.Si la salida de bajos es reducida (o inexistente)• Comprueba que las conexiones con las entradas de altavoz tengan la polaridad correcta (+ y –). Si vas a utilizar dos subwoofers SSW-2, prueba a invertir la polaridad en un subwoofer tal como se describe en la página 6.• Piensa en la posibilidad de añadir un amplificador de potencia aparte para alimentar el subwoofer SSW-2.• Si utilizas un amplificador de potencia con el subwoofer SSW-2, comprueba que la salida de subwoofer del receptor/procesador esté activada. Consulta el manual del propietario del receptor/procesador para obtener más información sobre la configuración correcta del altavoz.Si el sistema reproduce sonido a bajo volumen pero se apaga al aumentarlo • Comprueba todos los cables y las conexiones entre el receptor/ amplificador y los altavoces. Comprueba que todos los cables estén conectados. Asegúrate de que no haya ningún cable de altavoz deshilachado, cortado, perforado o en contacto con otro cable.• Si utilizas más de un par de altavoces principales, consulta los requisitos de impedancia mínima del receptor/amplificador.Si vas a escuchar frecuencias medidas (como voces) a través del subwoofer • Al utilizar el modo Normal, ajusta la frecuencia de corte de la electrónica en un valor de frecuencia menor.ESPECIFICACIONESRespuesta en frecuencias20 Hz – 400 Hz (-6 dB)Potencia máxima recomendada del amplificador1200 W RMS por canalImpedancia8 Ohm nominalSensibilidad93 dB (1 W a 1 m) a 60 HzWoofer Woofers duales con cono de aluminio anodizado negro de 12"/300 mmDimensiones (Alto x Ancho x Profundidad):838,2 mm x 482,6 mm x 389,16 mmPeso por altavoz64 kg6Please visit / for additional language support on the user manual.Veuillez visiter / pour obtenir le mode d'emploi en d'autres langues.Para obter o manual do usuário em outros idiomas, acesse / Ga naar / voor de handleiding in andere talen.Gå til / for bruksanvisning på flere språk.Если вам требуется дополнительные версии руководства пользователя на других языках, посетите сайт / .別の言語に対応したユーザーマニュアルを読むには、JBL にアクセスしてください。
JBL SM400i 4 英寸扬声器说明书
©2006 SoundT ube Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. PN TS-SM400 REV 11.13.06Key Features• BroadBeam ® waveguide technologydelivers a consistent dispersion pattern up to 10 kHz for maximum coverage area per speaker (EASE ™ documented).• One 102 mm (4 in) polypropylene woof-er and one 25 mm (1 in) convex alumi-num tweeter with FerroFluid cooling.• Weatherized components for indoor & outdoor applications.• Patented ZeroReflection ™ enclosure technology for optimal sound reproduc-tion & cabinet rigidity.• Easy access 5-position selectable tap switch for 25, 70.7 and 100 Volt applica-tions with voice coil/4 Ohm direct sim-plifies ordering & inventory tracking.• Iridite-plated aluminum grille with pro-tective powder-coated finish for lasting durability. • Weatherized components for indoor / outdoor applications. Includes a tool-free Stealth ™ u-bracket mounting system for fast & secure installation. Included accessories: Mounting hardware, Euro-block connector, & terminal weather boot.• Vertical and horizontal mounting offer precision aiming for indoor & outdoor applications.• High quality black or white paint finish. Custom colors available.• Optional port plugs are included for added weather resistance.DescriptionThe SM400i is a 4” coaxial, portedspeaker with a low-profile surface-mount enclosure design for indoor/outdoor applications. Mounting hardware is included & features a corrosion- andtheft-resistant Stealth-Bracket ™ for easy & secure installation. Nearly invisible from sightlines, the Stealth-Bracket ™ includes uni-direction fasteners for tool-free, theft-resistant security. SoundTube’s custom-engineered driver and electro-acoustic network deliver high-performance sound in a cost-effective surface-mount speaker design. The SM400i speaker incorporates a 5-position tap switch with voice coil/4 Ohm direct for simplified ordering and stocking. Provided port plugs can be used for added weather resisitance.1 Frequency response is measured in Full space.2 Continuous power rating, EIA-426-B test.3Average over published frequency response range.41w1m sensitivity based on voltage required to yield 1w based on the minimum system impedance.SoundTube continually develops new product innovations and improvements. Updates to existing products without prior notice are an example of SoundTube’s drive for constant improvement.70.7 V Output100 V Output 25 V Output 20w 98.0dB 20w 98.0dB 3w 89w 10w 94.9dB 10w 94.9dB 1w 86w 5w 91.9dB 5w 91.9dB 0.63w 83w 3w88.9dB0.31w 80wApplicationsEngineered with professional gradecomponents, the SM400i delivershigh-quality music and messaging for indoor & outdoor background to mid-level SPL applications. Cost-effective engineering with high-performance sound makes the SM400i speakerideal for applications including retail, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, casinos, museums, trade shows & conference rooms. For applications where additional bass is required, SoundTube’s RS801i 8” subwoofer pro-vides bass down to 40 Hz.BroadBeam ® Wide Dispersion TechnologyMore than 3 years in development, SoundTube’s proprietary BroadBeam ® technology incorporates a high-fre-quency waveguide mated to a 1” convex metal tweeter. BroadBeam ® wave-guide technology delivers a consistent BroadBeam ® dispersion pattern across the upper registers of the frequencyPhase/Impedance ReponseFrequency ResponseBeamwidth (-6dB)Directivity Index (DI)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������spectrum (up to 10 kHz, EASE™ docu-mented). The result is an audio system with fewer speakers, reduced power needs, shorter installation time and cost savings on shipping & labor. Patented SoundTube TechnologiesSoundTube Entertainment is con-stantly developing new technologies that enhance audio product performance. SoundTube Entertainment innovations are protected by multiple U.S. & international patents, which explicitly cover SoundTube dome, enclosure and dispersion technolo-gies. SoundTube Entertainment actively defends its patents in order to protect SoundTube resellers and end users. Technical Data and Specification ToolsTechnical DataSoundTube Entertainment strives to provide complete and effective technical information and data to dealers, engineers and designers. All data are available from SoundTube Entertainment or at .Data AcquisitionAll performance data acquired at SoundTube’s Technical Measurement Center (TMC) are analyzed using a vari-ety of standard measurement techniques, including Measured Length Sequence (MLS) and Time Delay Spectrometry (TDS). Performance, development and data acquisition tools include: Gold Line TEF 20, CLIO, LMS, LEAP, and propri-etary modeling software. EASE™ data are acquired through an automated TEF 20/Outline/EASE™ interface.EASE™ Data – 3-D polar plots. SoundTubeSPEC™ – Proprietary SoundTube speaker placement software.Technical assistance: SoundTube SPEC™ softwareand engineering supportFor quick and easy specification, visit and use SoundTube’s proprietary specification software. For technical assistance, including detailed EASE™ plots, con-tact SoundTube Entertainment directlyPolar Plots ********************************** 435-647-9555 or 800-647-8823. Architectural SpecificationsThe loudspeaker shall consist of a 102 mm (4 in) polypropylene woofer and one 25 mm (1 in) convex aluminum tweeter with Ferro-Fluid cooling.Performance specifications of a typical production unit shall be as follows: Useable frequency response shall extend to 73 Hz (-10 dB, full space, no external equalization). Measured sensitivity (2.83 Volt input, 1 meter) shall be at least 88.5 dB. The speaker shall have a nominal impedance of 4 Ohms and be available for 25, 70.7 & 100 Volt modes with voice coil/4 Ohm direct. The frequency dividing network shall have a crossover frequency of 2.27 kHz with slopes of 12 dB per octave (2nd order) for both low and high pass filters. Rated power capacity shall be at least 20 Watts continuous power (RMS) and conform to EIA-426-B testing. Maximum continuous output at 1 meter shall be 98 dB.The low-frequency transducer shall have a polypropylene cone with butyl rubber sur-round. The high-frequency transducer shall10,000 Hz8,000 Hz4,000 Hz2,000 Hz1,000 Hz500 Hz250 Hz125 HzTechnical data, EASE™ plots, SoundTubeSPEC™ software & product downloads available at Mechanical DrawingsSoundTube Entertainment manufactures a complete line of speakers for:Open-Ceiling • In-Ceiling • Surface-Mount • Outdoor • Sound-FocusingAll SoundT ube products are designed and engineered in the USA.be constructed of aluminum with a propri-etary BroadBeam ® waveguide.Installation and safety attachment for theSM400i shall be by Stealth U-bracket affixed to the speaker chassis via ABS handle with steel insert and come with a safety cable for seismic and safety redundancy. The external wiring input connector shall be a 4-pin, 5 mm Euroblock for 4 Ohm or distributed systems and shall accept from 10 – 22 gauge wire. The system shall be for indoor & out-door applications and shall have a weather-resistant terminal boot covering all wire connectors.The enclosure shall be constructed of injection-molded ABS with optional port plug for added weather resistance. The plugs shall be constructed of closed-cell foam. The grille shall be constructed of iridite-plated, powder-coated aluminum for lasting per-formance in the elements. The SM400i shall include mounting hardware, Euroblock con-nector and weather-resistant terminal boot. The maximum overall cabinet dimensions shall be 245.9 mm (9.68 in) in height by 177.0 mm (6.97 in) in width by 189.7 mm (7.47 in) in depth (including Stealth ™ bracket) The system shall be the SoundTube SM400i with mounting hardware for both low & high impedance applications.SoundTube Entertainment6430 North Business Park Loop Park City , Utah 84098Phone 435.647.9555 Fax 435.647.9666 T oll Free 800.647.TUBE All SoundTube products come with a 5-year limited warranty .。
曾经的Western Electric、Klipsch(杰士)、Altec Lansing及后来的JBL等是最早研制号角的公司,一些古董级号角音箱如AltecA5、604、JBL Olympus 等至今被资深发烧友垂青和收藏。
如它的高频尖锐、缺乏水分始终是很大的缺憾,JBL创始人Jams B Lansing 的多件经典作品在大动态音乐时运用自如,但在高低频的两端延伸、中频粗声上却不甚如人意。
直到后来的声音趋于现代化的JBL 4344才在设计上有了很大改进,虽然少了些早期号角的奇特之处,但声音的平衡性好上许多。
尽管如此,很多音响发烧友,特别是号角死党,都认为直到JBL K2的出现,才真正宣布号角音箱终于实现完美无缺的平衡度和均匀的频率响应。
JBL SSW-2 双低音炮用户手册说明书
用户手册JBL ® SSW-2高性能双 12”无源低音炮2感谢您选择 JBL®70 年来,JBL 一直参与音乐和电影录制及重现的方方面面,包括现场表演,监听室内、车辆或办公室播放的录音等等。
我们相信,您所选择的这款 JBL Synthesis 扬声器能提供您所期待的每一个娱乐细节,并且当您考虑为您的家庭、汽车或办公室购买其他音频设备时,您一定会再次选择 JBL 。
请花费少许时间,访问我们的网站 并注册您的产品。
1. 低音炮2. 网罩3. 用户手册摆放普通家庭影院房间的空间都比较有限,在其中使用低音炮时,房间中产生的回声、驻波和共振都会导致低音响应出现峰值和谷值,至于听众所能听到的低音强弱,则很大程度上取决于他们在房间的就坐位置:一位听众可能会因为所在位置处于响应峰值而听到过量低音,而另一位听众即使只是在几英尺距离之外,但却因为所在位置处于响应谷值而只能够听到极少的低音。
例如,使用均衡设置来尝试补偿 13dB 的响应谷值,这就要求低音炮的功放必须能够在该频率下将功率提高二十倍。