初二英语作文我最喜欢的电影My favorite moviesHello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I??m 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I??m a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies .For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much,because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.初中英语作文:介绍你喜欢的电影初中英语作文:介绍你喜欢的电影I like movies very much. My favorite movie is "Love Me Once More, Mom".This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son?was lost one day and the mother was so worriedthat she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn'tfind him She was very sad and almost went mad. I think itis a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.My birthdayI had my?birthday?last Sunday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I?invited?my friends to the party.At the party, they gave me many small?presents, such as cards, ic books and pens.They sang birthday songs for me. My mother made a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and handed them out. We played games and watched TV?together.We had a good time at the party.My Birthday PartyIt’s July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends toe. They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with them.My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.My birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to e for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday es, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, it’s also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.我的生日是五月六号。
Guess what it is~
Garfield’s a tail of two kitties 加菲猫之双猫记
This is a story of the identity wrong, the protagonist becomes a fat cat that likes eating and sleeping. In the Garfield 1,the Garfield master Jon pursue beauty Liz finally. Now, he packed their bags and bring Garfield came to London, to propose to Liz. The smell of the wonderful food attracted Garfield, so Garfield deserted Jon. The result was wrong to recognize is a named "the prince" royal pet cat that have a dead master's castle. At first, Garfield wanted to clarify the identity, but when the Garfield see the dinner that the steward served. Garfield wasn't moving a step and he thought it was not bad stay in here. In order to the food ,Garfield made the wrong and made the best of it. But to his surprised, the Dargis Earl plotted to remove himself, because the earl wanted to get the castle and the wealthy from Garfield. Later, the prince met Garfield, and they became friends soon and played trick on the earl.
[小学英语作文]喜欢的电影英语作文及翻译喜欢的电影英语作文及翻译My favorite movie is "the Wolf's son rain and the snow", which is an animated film, a mother and son story full of kinship.The main story of the film is that the protagonist "flower" and the werewolf fall in love and give birth to a pair of siblings named "snow" and "rain". The snow is active and active, curious about the world around them,the rain is cowardly and timid, alert and weak, they inherit their father's Wolf constitution, and can become wolves as they wish. The flowers and family kept the secret, quietly living a happy life in the corner of the noisy city.Until one day, the news broke down. His father was killed by death, and he was determined to be brought up in the future, no matter what kind of identity (human or Wolf) he chose. To this end, she took her children away from the bustling but suffocating metropolis and moved to the beautiful, natural countryside. In the hinterland of the local mountains, the flowers have been selected for a centuries-old old folk house, and the snow immediately fell in love with the new home, while the shy rain was slow to adapt. Happily, the most inaccessible mountains give the children a great deal of freedom, the sister and the brother in that is full of snow mountain running wild, free transform the posture of the people and Wolf, feel the unprecedented happiness.But the current situation of life has to be frowned on. The husband saved less and less, trying to be self-sufficient in order to save money. She borrows books from the library to study farming.Gradually snow and rain grew and went to school. The snow has been longing for people's life since then, but the rain is yearning for the life of the Wolf in the mountain, which makes the flowers very unhappy. Finally, the flowers followed the children's choice, let the rain back to the mountain forest, oneself and snow together lead the life of the person.The flowers are in the gap between the man and the Wolf, shaking the two siblings, and the mother who is watching, guarding the brother and sister and trying to raise them.After watching this movie, I learned that all the love in the world is the purpose of polymerization. Only the love of parents is the purpose of separation.我最喜欢的电影是――《狼之子雨与雪》,它是一部动画电影,是充满亲情的母子故事。
50部值得回味的经典英文影片这些都是非常值得去反复品味的经典英文电影,相信对爱电影,想学习英文的伙伴们很有好处.01. Citizen Kane 《公民凯恩》电影史上的里程碑之作,在任何一座褒奖电影成就的凯旋门上都占有显著的位置.电影艺术的“开山之作”,现代电影与传统电影的历史转折点02. Star Wars 《星球大战》一部具有开拓性意义的科幻影片,开创了崭新的电影天地科技因素与精神力量并重,追寻自由和民主的胜利20世纪最为重要的文化事件03. The Lion King 《狮子王》动物界中的《哈姆雷特》,一部探究生命中爱、责任与学习的温馨作品历史上最受欢迎的英语影片迪斯尼公司的巅峰之作04. Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》一部悲壮的、融合血泪传奇的史诗巨片苏格兰人民的追求自由之路在刀光剑影的残酷争战中,缠绵着荡气回肠的铁血柔情05. Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》一部风靡全球近半个世纪的美国故事片一段美丽而忧伤的爱情故事,一首催人泪下的爱情绝唱电影史上三大凄美不朽的爱情悲剧之一,一部荡气回肠的爱情经典之作06. Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》电影史上第一昂贵的电影沉没之船上永不沉没的爱情绝唱一部人类应时时审视自己劣根性的警世箴言一则包融信念、勇气、牺牲和爱的不朽传奇07. Gone With The Wind 《乱世佳人》好莱坞电影史上最值得骄傲的旷世巨片奥斯卡史上一个不可逾越的“至高点”一首人类美好爱情的绝唱,一幅反映社会政治、经济、道德诸多方面的巨大而深刻变化的历史画卷08. Roman Holiday 《罗马假日》一部影响深远的电影,充满了艺术的美感轻松、自然而富有情趣的文艺片一个温馨悦目的浪漫爱情故事一部历久不衰的轻喜剧09. Casablanca 《卡萨布兰卡》一部堪称“教科书”式的经典影片表现二战中男女爱情的惊世之作好莱坞影史上惊险侦探片的里程碑之作10. The Sound Of Music 《音乐之声》好莱坞音乐歌舞片经典中的经典电影史上传颂最广的一部活泼、温馨的音乐电影艺术与娱乐最成功的平衡之作,人类最珍贵的永恒佳品12. Ghost 《人鬼情未了》集浪漫爱情与惊险冲突于一体的现代爱情片在一段生离死别的爱情故事中探寻阴阳相隔的神秘世界,再现了生死不渝的真情境界13. Legends of the Fall 《燃情岁月》充满着温情和阳刚之气的经典之作恍如隔世的成人童话记录西部风光的伟大史诗富有创新求变的“独立电影”精神14. The Bridges Of Madison County 《廊桥遗梦》一部内涵深刻的社会伦理片通过对婚外恋情的探讨和对中年人心理情感的体现细腻地揭示了中年人的伦理价值取向与情感平衡观念15. The Piano《钢琴课》细腻地展现维多利亚时代哑女深邃的情感世界反映女性意识觉醒的佳作16. Music of the Heart 《弦动我心》一部关于女性自我实现的电影一部对孩子教育动容的故事演绎梅尔史翠普关于女小提请教育家加斯帕里的真实故事的倾情演出,曾获11项奥斯卡奖提名17. Far and Away 《大地雄心》一部关于土地的深沉力作,任何人都想拥有土地,拥有了土地就拥有了未来和尊严汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基得曼的定情力作,从它能回忆当时的那段穷小子爱公主的爱情故事18. Rear Window 《后窗》希区柯克悬疑影片的经典之作充分体现了希区柯克影片在艺术性和娱乐性上的高要求电影史上的一颗璀璨明珠19. Ben-Hur 《宾虚》优美绝伦的战争巨片,奥斯卡史上令人瞩目的奇迹经典史诗式的巨著,历史宫廷片的巅峰之作极具时代张力,蕴涵着无可比拟的神圣与深沉的神秘力量20. West Side Story 《西区故事》百年经典的主题与现代艺术的融会贯通美国“街头音乐歌舞片”的经典之作一幕“罗密欧与朱丽叶”式的现代都市爱情悲剧21. All Quiet On The Western Front 《西线无战事》电影史上“最伟大的反战电影”之一早期有声片中的扛鼎之作有力地谴责了帝国主义战争,毫不留情地揭开了蒙在战争头上的“神圣”面纱,表现了极为鲜明的反战主题22. The God father《教父》反映一个家族在困境中生存、在逆境中挣扎、在顺境中力图重生的轨迹一部最具史诗气魄的揭露黑社会明争暗斗内幕的影片一幅气势恢弘的“社会图卷”23. Dances With Wolves 《与狼共舞》多元化地展现文化、历史、种族与和平的复杂主题将写实主义风格与浪漫主义情调融为一体的伟大史诗世界电影史上一部永垂不朽的西部传奇24. The Silence of the Lambs 《沉默的羔羊》一部让人惊心动魄的侦破片一部令人紧张得透不过气来的心理分析片好莱坞最令人激动的恐怖片之一25. Schindler's List 《辛德勒的名单》探寻和讴歌在特殊环境中的人性发展轨迹具有巨大影响的震撼力和深沉而令人痛苦的艺术魅力深具史诗的格局和撼人心魄的情绪力量26. Amadeus 《莫扎特》人物传记片的顶峰之作轰动世界的第一流的视听享受音乐片深刻洞悉人性的经典之作27. True Lies 《真实的谎言》美国90年代动作片经典之中的经典,特技电影的典范一部宣扬美国精神的大片,揭示正义必将战胜邪恶、恐怖主义必将失败的主题28. Dekalog《十诫》)电影史上伟大的经典之作透过世界上最伟大的人生契约引出满含悲悯和质疑的精神命题,探寻现代人是否能称量自己偶在生命的重负29. Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》美国“反智电影”的代表作充满着好莱坞电影回归的保守主义精神展现历史与个人的约定,以小人物的经历透视美国政治社会史的史诗片30. The Shawshank Redemption《肖申克的救赎》一部揭露美国司法黑幕的巨片一幅用友谊和希望描绘的生命画卷寓含人生哲理的喻世之作31. The Beautiful Life《美丽人生》一部处处带着眼泪的经典喜剧片一部令人倾倒的战争温情片拥有温暖的质感,清新、达观,而又生机盎然32. Central Station《中央车站》全世界最好看的电影之一讲述生命的悲欢离合,交织着人生的喜悦和苦痛震撼与隐忍的交错,悲悯旋律下的自我救赎之路33. Dancer in the dark《黑暗中的舞者》一部别出心裁且唯美感性的歌舞片,具有深渊一样的穿透力一部同现实激烈碰撞的质朴而伟大的音乐剧一首关于执着和信念的赞美诗34. Seven《七宗罪》一部具有浓厚哲学意味的警世录电影史上最成功、最具有代表性的心理惊悚片之一用杀戮所进行的道德惩戒将对社会和人生的讽刺暴露无遗35. Train spotting 《猜火车》1996年最令青少年感动,甚至让放浪形骸、孤苦无依的那一部分痛哭流涕的一部电影以备受争议的价值观和自我意识的体现展示着现代青年梦魇般的自我放逐的生活状态36. The Truman Show《楚门的世界》以讽刺的手法向人们展示了被媒体渗透了的世界有力地批判了“媒体万能”的价值观,用类似“乌托邦”的虚拟的完美世界寓意着“笼中鸟”式的生存悲37. Fight Club《搏击俱乐部》一则极具颠覆性质的社会生活寓言一幕以死亡为主题的黑色喜剧一部具有社会警示作用的电影,兼具强烈的世纪末情绪和浓厚的无政府主义色彩38. Taxi Driver《出租车司机》马丁•斯柯西斯的《出租车司机》经典台词:你在和我说话吗?(对着镜子,自言自语)《出租车司机》明显带有“挎掉的一代”的特征。
My Favourite Movie: The Magic of "HarryPotter"As a fifth-grade student, I am fascinated by the magical world created by J.K. Rowling in her series of Harry Potter books and movies. Among them, my favourite movie is "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." The movie captivates me with its exciting storyline, vivid characters, and breathtaking special effects.The movie begins with Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He and his friends, Ron and Hermione, stumble upon a mysterious prisoner named Sirius Black, who has escaped from Azkaban prison and is seeking revenge on Harry for the death of his best friend, James Potter. As Harry and his friends unravel the mystery surrounding Sirius Black, they discover a dark secret that could destroy the wizarding world.What makes this movie stand out from the others is its incredible cast of characters. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, who play Harry, Hermione, and Ron respectively, are exceptional actors who bring their characters to life with their acting skills. The specialeffects are also breathtaking, especially the scenes where Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban prison and the thrilling chase scenes.Apart from the exciting storyline and vivid characters, the movie also teaches valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and bravery. Harry and his friends risk theirlives to save Sirius Black from the clutches of the evil Lord Voldemort, showing their unwavering loyalty and bravery. The movie also teaches us the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it seemsimpossible to win.In conclusion, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is my favourite movie because of its exciting storyline, vivid characters, breathtaking special effects, and valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and bravery. It is a movie that I can watch repeatedly and never gettired of. It has a special place in my heart and I am grateful to J.K. Rowling for creating such a magical world that continues to captivate me even today.**我最喜欢的电影:哈利·波特的魔力**作为一名五年级的学生,我被J.K.罗琳在她的一系列《哈利·波特》书籍和电影中创造的神奇世界深深吸引。
七年级我最喜欢的电影英语作文示例回答如下1:My Favorite Movie in Seventh GradeIn seventh grade, my favorite movie was "The Lion King." This animated film, produced by Disney, captured my heart with its beautiful storytelling and memorable characters. The movie follows the journey of Simba, a young lion cub who must reclaim his rightful place as king of the Pride Lands.One of the reasons I love "The Lion King" is its powerful and emotional storyline. It teaches important life lessons about responsibility, bravery, and the circle of life. The scene where Simba confronts his past and embraces his destiny always brings tears to my eyes. It reminds me that we should never run away from our problems but face them head-on.Moreover, the film's stunning animation and visuals make it a visual masterpiece. The vibrant colors and attention to detail in every scene create a captivating and immersive experience. The African landscapes are beautifully portrayed, and the characters are brought to life with incredibleanimation. I can watch this movie over and over again and still be amazed by its visual beauty.Another aspect that makes "The Lion King" special is its unforgettable music. The film features a soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer and songs written by Elton John and Tim Rice. From the iconic opening song "Circle of Life" to the emotional ballad "Can You Feel the Love Tonight," the music enhances the storytelling and adds depth to the characters' emotions. The songs are catchy, uplifting, and have a timeless quality that resonates with audiences of all ages."The Lion King" also has a diverse and lovable cast of characters. Simba, the young and courageous lion, teaches us about the importance of self-discovery and finding our place in the world. Mufasa, Simba's father, represents wisdom and guidance, while Scar, the villain, showcases the destructive nature of greed and jealousy. The side characters, such as Timon and Pumbaa, provide comic relief and remind us of the value of friendship and loyalty.在七年级的时候,我最喜欢的电影是《狮子王》。
1.《少年维特的烦恼》The Sorrows of Young Werther
3.《肖申克的救赎 》The Shawshank Redemption
4.《Gone with the Wind》飘
《飘》是美国著名女作家玛格丽特?米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说。 讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。
本书通过里梅尔 格列佛船长之口,叙述了周游四国的奇特经历。但仔细体会,却处处揭露着英国社会的黑暗现实,并寄寓着作者的理想。
9.《Cast Away》荒岛余生
我最喜欢的电影 小学英语作文
My Favorite Movie
My favorite movie is"The Lion King".I love this movie because it has a great story,amazing animation,and unforgettable music.The characters are so unique and lovable, especially Simba and Rafiki.The movie teaches important lessons about friendship,family,and courage.I could watch
it over and over again and never get tired of it.Whenever I feel sad or stressed,watching"The Lion King"always cheers me up.
英语作文 介绍喜欢的电影
英语作文介绍喜欢的电影English: One of my favorite movies is "The Shawshank Redemption." This film is a poignant drama that tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongly imprisoned for the murder of his wife and her lover. Despite facing injustices and hardships in prison, Andy maintains his hope and integrity, forming deep friendships with fellow inmates, especially Red. The film beautifully depicts themes of friendship, hope, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit. The powerful performances by actors like Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, combined with the masterful direction of Frank Darabont, make "The Shawshank Redemption" a timeless classic that resonates with audiences all over the world. It's a movie that never fails to move me and reminds me of the enduring power of hope even in the darkest of circumstances.中文翻译: 我最喜欢的电影之一是《肖申克的救赎》。
o 原声英语即真实英语,真实生活中或接近真实生活中人们说的自然英语,如:
o 带领你通过十部非常适合学英语的电影(功夫熊猫、超人特工队、冰河世纪12、怪物史莱克12、海底总动员、美女与野兽、女人领地和老友记),快乐高效学英语;
o 你只需把这十部清晰有趣的电影及其精华句子拿来不断地看、不断地听或跟读模仿即可自然达到全面提升听力、口语和发音水平的目的,节省了大量的宝贵时间;
I've tried the gift you sent to me. I extremely enjoy it. I play it in class to help my students to improve their listening and speaking. Definitely it is amazing. My students love it a million. It has added a lot of ingridients to my class. Words can't express my thanks to you. I also benefit a lot from it. I follow it every day to improve my pronuciation. Thanks again for the efforts you've made. Bless you.
八上课本六单元电影影评作文英语Watching a movie can be a truly immersive experience that allows us to escape from our daily lives for a few hours. 电影可以是一种真正沉浸式的体验,让我们能够逃离日常生活几个小时。
The recent movie we watched in class was both entertaining and thought-provoking. It was a moving story about friendship, love, and redemption. 最近我们在课堂上观看的电影既有趣又发人深省。
One aspect of the movie that stood out to me was the incredible acting by the cast. Each character was portrayed so convincingly that it felt like they were real people. 电影中引人注目的一个方面是演员们的出色表演。
The cinematography and visual effects in the movie were also stunning. The way the scenes were shot and edited added to the emotional impact of the story. 电影中的摄影和视觉效果也令人惊叹。
Moreover, the soundtrack of the movie was hauntingly beautiful and perfectly complemented the on-screen action. The music added another layer of depth to the storytelling. 此外,电影的配乐美轮美奂,与屏幕上的动作完美契合。
学英语最好的电影1.阿甘正传“FORREST GUMP”主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆汉克斯2. 电子情书“YOU’VE GOT MAIL”主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆汉克斯Meg Ryan 梅格瑞安3. 居家男人“THE FAMILY MAN”主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯凯奇Tea Leoni 蒂里奥尼4. 公主日记I.II. “THE PRINCESS DIARIES I II”主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽安德鲁斯Anne Hatthaway 安妮哈德威5. 逃跑的新娘“THE RUNAWAY BRIDE”主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶罗伯斯Richard Gere 理查基尔6。
新岳父大人“FATHER OF THE BRIDE”主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫马丁Diane Keaton 戴安基顿7. BJ单身日记“BRIDGET JONES’DIARY I II”主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼奇维格Hugh Grant 休格兰特08. 奔腾年代“SEA BISCUIT”主演:Toby McQuaire 托比迈奎尔09. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑“Mona Lisa’s Smile”主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶罗伯斯Julia Stiles 朱丽亚斯蒂尔斯Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕等斯特10. 甜心先生“Jerry Maguaire”主演:Tom Cruise汤姆克鲁斯Renee Zelleweger 雷尼奇维格11. 热血强人“Remember the Titans”主演:Danzel Washington丹泽尔华盛顿12. 铁血教练“Coach Carter”主演:Samuel Jackson萨姆尔杰克逊13. 重建人生“Life As a House”主演:Kevin Cline 凯文克莱恩Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁斯科特托马斯Hayden Christensen 海登克里斯滕森14.海上钢琴师“The Legend of 1900”主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆罗斯15.大话王“Liar Liar”主演:Jim Carrie 金凯利16. 单身插班生“About a Boy”主演:Hugn Grant 修格兰特17. 风流奇男子“Alfie”主演:Jude Law 裘德洛18. 妙手情真“Patch Adams”主演:Robin Williams 罗宾威廉斯19.变人“Bicentennial Man”主演:Robin Williams 罗宾威廉斯20. 猫屎先生“As good as it gets”主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克尼科尔森Helen Hunt 海伦亨特21.完美男人“The Perfect Man”主演:Hilary Duff 希拉里荙芙Chris Noth 克里斯诺斯22.婚礼男友“The Wedding Date”主演:Debra Messing戴博拉梅西Dermot Mulroney 德莫特麦隆尼23.男人百分百“What Women Want”主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔吉普森Helen Hunt 海伦亨特24. 老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸“Big Daddy”主演:Adam Sandler 亚当桑德勒25.大鱼“Big Fish”主演:Evan McGregor 伊万麦克格介绍几部学英语的最好的电影Wall Street (华尔街)Night At The Museum (博物馆惊魂夜)When Harry Met Sally (当哈利遇上莎莉)House of Sand and Fog (尘雾家园)Elf (圣诞精灵)A Beautiful Mind(美丽心灵)Apollo 13(阿波罗13)Casablanca(北非谍影)Cast Away(荒岛余生)Legally Blonde(律政俏佳人)philidelphia(费城)Shrek(怪物史莱克)The Fugitive(亡命天涯)Titanic(铁达尼号)1. 幸福终点站.汤姆汉克斯语速适中,而且片子也好看,我觉得很好懂.凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯也同样精彩.2. 女男变错身.推荐你这部主要是因为女主角以前生活在日本,后学的英语,所以发音非常准.而且语速同样不快.另外片子也搞笑男变女,女变男.3电子情缘.汤姆汉克斯和梅格瑞恩的片子,经典电影.同样适合你.4. 诺丁山.不知推荐这一部会不会被骂啊,因为休格兰特的英国口音有些不清楚,但个人实在是喜欢这一部电影,所以一定要推荐给你.5. 闻香识女人.这是一部非常好看的影片.另外阿尔帕西诺是个大嗓门.所以他说英语很慢很清楚.我觉得他的英语最好懂.6. 荒岛余生.还是汤姆汉克斯的,因为这部影片被选入了英文教科书.是学英语必须要看的,因为只有一个人自言自语,所以非常易懂.7. BJ单身日记.蕾妮齐薇格本身的英语发音就非常有趣.本片以日记的形式来讲故事.我觉得很不错.8. 老友记(连续剧)这是必须说给你听的连续剧.因为我很多的短语和口语俚语都是看这部电视剧练就的.可以说是电视版的英语教材《Forest Gump》阿甘正传《Lion King》狮子王《Philadelphia》费城《Shawshank's Redemption》肖申克的救赎《Seven》七宗罪《阿甘正传》、《情归巴黎》、《我最好朋友的婚礼》如何通过看原版电影学英语把思维、文化和语言"泡"来吃学了几十年的英语却不会说,说出来也是老外听不懂的句子,为什么?因为你把语言当成了科学知识来学。
我最喜欢的电影 My Favorite Movie-最新范文
我最喜欢的电影My Favorite Movie我最喜欢的电影—《白雪公主与七个小矮人》I am very happy to have a film class in school. Because there are many people in the film the truth, the church in my daily life encountered anything to be solved. Among them, I like “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, this movie.学校开展了电影课,我很高兴。
The queen in the movie is very jealous of the beauty of snow white. The queen thought three ways to set up the snow white. The first way is to let the servant put her in the forest and kill her. But the servant took pity on her, she let go of the. The second method is to use a poisoned comb poisoned her, was the seven dwarves found and helped her pull out a comb, snow white again. The third method is the queen made a poison apple, lied to the princess to eat a poisonous apple, to poison her. The seven dwarfs have no way to save her. The neighboring Prince snow white to save. They also got married, the queen knew thatafter being alive mad.电影里面的王后非常妒忌白雪公主的美丽。
英语演讲稿My Favorite Movie我最喜欢的电影
My Favorite MovieHello everyone, today I want to talk about my favorite movie, "The Lion King"."The Lion King" is a beautiful and heartfelt animated film that tells the story of Simba, a young lion cub who must overcome many challenges to become king of the jungle. The movie has a great message about勇敢面对困难bravery, self-discovery, and the importance of family and friends.I love this movie because of its amazing characters. Simba is a very likeable character who makes mistakes but always learns from them. He has a great personality and is always there for his friends. Other characters like Mufasa, Pumbaa, and Timon are also very funny and provide comic relief.The music in "The Lion King" is also very enjoyable. The songs are catchy and have great lyrics that reflect the story's themes. I love to listen to the soundtrack and sing along to the songs when I'm in a good mood.The animation in "The Lion King" is also very well done. The colors are vibrant and the characters are detailed and expressive. The movie also has a great message about protecting our environment and respecting nature.In conclusion, "The Lion King" is my favorite movie because of its great characters, music, and animation. It has a valuable message that can teach us all a lesson about life. Thank you!我最喜欢的电影大家好,今天我想谈谈我最喜欢的电影《狮子王》。
最适合学英语的30部经典英文电影一.《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)本片在美播出后迅速走红,引爆了具有轰动性的跨娱乐平台、跨越国际市场的全球青年新文化潮流。
二.《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900)本片讲述了一个钢琴天才传奇的一生。
他会不会为了爱情,踏上陆地开始新的生活,用他的琴声惊艳世界?他将怎样谱写自己非凡的人生?三.《风雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard)贫穷和负面的童年经验,并没有让她变坏或者失去希望,隐隐约约之中,她一直都知道,在她生长的环境之外,其它人所过的,是很不一样的生活。
四.《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)麻省理工学院的数学教授蓝波公布了一道困难的数学题,却被年轻的清洁工威尔(马特·戴蒙饰)解了出来。
五.《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)本片的主题是“希望”,在牢狱题材电影中突破了类型片的限制,拍出了同类作品罕见的人情味和温馨感觉。
the Transformers THREE
• Decepticons (狂派) • They are the enemy of Optimus Prime. • They always fight with Optimus Prime. 霸天虎是擎天柱的敌 人,他们时刻在战斗。
This fised a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. (该电影是用高 科技和特效制作的美 国大片) This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has a series of stories each of which told me to respect anybody who protects us.
几百万年以前,一个被称为 塞伯坦的行星,出现了一群 机器人,他们与生俱来的被 赋予了两个派别:博派和狂 派。他们是高级智能机器人。
• 博派—— 擎天柱(Optimus Prime)、大黄蜂 (Bumble Bee)、 爵士(Jazz)、铁 皮(Ironhide). • All of them are friends of people on the earth.
Millions of years ago, one of the planets is called Cybertron ,where a troop of robots lived. However, they are divided into two groups: Autobots and Decepticons They are advanced robots which are intelligent.
我最喜欢的迪士尼电影:魔法之旅Disney movies have always been a part of my childhood, and one of my favorites among them is "The Sorcerer's Stone," the first installment of the Harry Potter franchise. This movie, based on the popular book series by J.K. Rowling, captures the essence of adventure, magic, and friendship in a way that few other Disney films can match. The story revolves around Harry Potter, an orphan who discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is a wizard. Heis invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his new best friends. Together, they embark on a journeyfull of challenges and dangers, as they try to solve the mystery surrounding a mysterious stone that has the powerto transform the holder into the Master of Death.What makes this movie so special to me is its abilityto transport me to a world where anything is possible. The magic in Hogwarts is both fascinating and terrifying, and the characters are relatable and three-dimensional. Harry, Ron, and Hermione's friendship is a testament to the powerof loyalty and teamwork, and their journey teaches valuable lessons about bravery, courage, and perseverance.Another aspect that I love about this movie is its diverse cast of characters. Hogwarts is a melting pot of cultures and personalities, and each character has a unique role to play in the story. This diversity not only adds depth to the film but also sends a powerful message about inclusion and acceptance.The music in this movie is also breathtaking. The theme song, "Hedwig's Theme," is both haunting and beautiful, and it perfectly captures the mood of the film. The score throughout the movie complements the action and emotional scenes, making the viewer feel even more immersed in the wizarding world.In conclusion, "The Sorcerer's Stone" is not just my favorite Disney movie; it is also one of my favorite movies of all time. It combines adventure, magic, friendship, and diversity in a way that is both entertaining and educational. The film's ability to transport me to a magical world where anything is possible is what makes it so special to me. It is a movie that I can watch again andagain, and it never fails to inspire me to believe in the power of magic and friendship.**我最喜欢的迪士尼电影:魔法之旅**迪士尼电影一直是我童年的一部分,其中我最喜欢的一部是《魔法石》,这是哈利·波特系列的第一部电影。
My Favorite Movie: The Lion KingMovies have always been a source of entertainment and inspiration for me, and among all the films I have watched, there is one that stands out as my absolute favorite - "The Lion King". This animated movie, produced by Disney, tells a compelling story of kingship, family, and the circle of life.The story revolves around Simba, a young lion cub whois destined to become the king of the Pride Lands. However, his uncle Scar plots against him, leading to Simba's exile from his homeland. In his exile, Simba meets new friends and learns valuable life lessons about responsibility and courage. Eventually, he returns to face his past and reclaim his throne, leading to an epic battle between good and evil.What makes "The Lion King" my favorite movie is its powerful message of self-discovery and the importance of family. The film encourages us to embrace our true selves, even when faced with adversity, and to rise above our challenges with courage and determination. The relationship between Simba and his father, Mufasa, is particularlyheartwarming, teaching us about the value of love and respect within families.The music in "The Lion King" is also an integral part of its charm. The songs, composed by Elton John and written by Tim Rice, are both catchy and emotional, adding depth to the film's narrative. "Circle of Life" and "Hakuna Matata" are particular favorites, with their upbeat melodies and meaningful lyrics.The animation in "The Lion King" is also remarkable. The detail and realism in the characters' expressions and movements bring them to life, making the film a visual treat. The vibrant colors and landscapes of the Pride Lands add to the film's charm, creating a world that is both enchanting and believable.Overall, "The Lion King" is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences of all ages. Its powerful story, heartfelt music, and stunning animation make it a moviethat I can watch again and again. It teaches important life lessons about family, responsibility, and self-discovery, and I find its messages relevant and inspiring, even as I grow older.**我最喜欢的电影:狮子王**电影一直是我娱乐和灵感的源泉,而在我看过的所有电影中,有一部电影独树一帜,成为我最喜欢的电影——《狮子王》。
大学英语作文之我最喜欢的电影 My Favorite Movie
大学英语作文之我最喜欢的电影 My Favorite Movie我最喜欢的电影—《白雪公主与七个小矮人》I am very happy to have a film class in school. Because there are many people in the film the truth, the church in my daily life encountered anything to be solved. Among them, I like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", this movie.学校开展了电影课,我很高兴。
The queen in the movie is very jealous of the beauty of snow white. The queen thought three ways to set up the snow white. The first way is to let the servant put her in the forest and kill her. But the servant took pity on her, she let go of the. The second method is to use a poisoned comb poisoned her, was the seven dwarves found and helped her pull out a comb, snow white again. The third method is the queen made a poison apple, lied to the princess to eat a poisonous apple, to poison her. The seven dwarfs have no way to save her. The neighboring Prince snow white to save. They also got married, the queen knew that after being alive mad.电影里面的王后非常妒忌白雪公主的美丽。
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the attractive plot bigan!
One day ,a new teacher came to the boy′s class,came to his life.Not soon,the teacher found the boy with many questions ,for example ,he didn′t know how to get dressed,to calculate and his unhappiness.
A little boy who with study barriers,he did not
like to study,but draw,and made some mistakes oftenly.ALSO,he had a excellent elder brother in the same school,so, his teachers and parents were not pround of him .One day,his parents sent him to the boarding school(寄宿学校),
The ending was a perfect one.They became good friends , The child was going to enjoy his summer vacation.
The teacher drawed for the little boy.
The painting of the boy.
Taare Zameen Par(地球上的星星)
Aamir Khan
阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan
We are familiar with him,because of this
OK,let ′s get to the point
This movie told us :every child is PARTICULAR,we should teach our children with various method,and give them care and true love.
IF you have spare time,please go ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱo see this movie ,you will be moved, I promise
The teacher went to the boy′s house to look for truths.Excitely,he found the boy had a gift for painting ,and his parents′love.
When the teacher got back to the school,he tried his best to help the child ,he made a plant to help him.Thankfully,the boy made great progress,his greads increaced fastly,his skills of drawing improved as well.