



一易混词和词组辨析1.Civil civilian civilized civicCivil是“公民的;平民的;文明的;有礼貌的”;civilian是“未服役的;平民的;平民”;civilized是“使教化,开化;受教育的”;civic 是“市民的;公民的;市政的”。

2.Presume assume resume consumePresume是“以为;认定;推测;假定(为真实)”;assume是“(在未证实之前)假定;以为;假装”;resume是“停顿一段时间后再继续;重新开始;恢复”;consume是“用尽;耗尽;被火或因浪费而毁灭”。

3.Relish abolish cherish finishRelish是“享受;爱好;喜好”;abolish是“废止;废除;革除(战争、旧习俗)”;cherish是“心中怀着;珍爱;抚爱”;finish是“结束,完成”。

4.Multitude altitude latitude attitudeMultitude是“大量”;altitude是“高度”;latitude是“纬度”;attitude 是“态度”。

5.Original initial precedent preliminaryOriginal是“最初的,原先的”,也可用作名词指原物,原作;initial 是“开始的;第一的”;precedent是“先例;惯例”;preliminary是“开端的;预备性的”。

6.Integrated facilitated rectified activatedIntegrated是“使变成一体,使结合在一起”,常和with或into搭配;facilitated是“使变得容易,使便利”;rectified是“纠正;修复”;activated 是“使活动起来;使开始起作用”。

7.Enforce enhance endow entailenforce是“实施,执行”;enhance是“提高(质量、价值、吸引力等);增加,增强,增进”;endow是“给予,赋予;认为......具有某种特征;资助,捐赠”;entail是“使人承担;使成为必要,需要”。





1.relative作形容词时和relevant的区别 relative通常意为“相对的,相比较而言的”;表示相关时,也指的是“涉及到的”,没有说明关系是否密切。

如: She knows some facts relative to the case. 她知道这起事件的一些情况。


如: Do you have the relevant experience? 你有相关的经历吗? Her novel remains relevant today. 她的小说在今天仍有现实意义。

2.remark和comment的区别 remark和comment在意思上比较相近,可以算是近义词,而且都可以作名词和动词。




3. skeptical和suspicious的区别 通过字典上的英文解释,就比较好理解这两者的区别了: skeptical: having doubts that a claim or statement is true of that sth will happen 怀疑某个声明或陈述是错误的,或者怀疑某事不会发生 suspicious: 1.feeling that sb. has done sth wrong, illegal or dishonest, without having any proof;感觉某人做了错事、做了违法的事或者不诚信,但没有任何证据 2.not willing or able to trust sb/sth不相信某人 4. in favor of和in favor with的区别 in favor of有两种意思:1. 支持,赞成;2. 看中,选择 网页上有in favor of sb意为“有利于”的情况,笔者认为应该是in sb’s favor的变形。



同义词辨析1.assess,estimate, appraise, evaluate对客体的重要性形成定论,评估,估算,评价【辨析】estimate [ˈestimeit]暗示评价的主观性和不精确appraise [əˈpreɪz] 表示专业水准的评估,名词appraisalassess [əˈses]表示为确定某物的应税价值而做出的权威估价evaluate [iˈvæljueit]表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值2. assume, suppose假定, 设想,担任; 承担; 接受【辨析】suppose [səˈpəuz]最不正式,表示根据一定证据做出的见解,assume [əˈsju:m] 用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。

3. consistent, persistent【辨析】consistent [kənˈsistənt]表明持之以恒,表明一种好的意志品质persistent [pəˈsistənt]也有坚持的含义,但有时表明顽固不化。

4.create,compose, invent, design, produce, manufacture创造, 创作, 引起, 造成【辨析】create [kriˈeit]指“ 创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物”, compose [kəmˈpəuz]指“ 创作(诗、画、音乐或文章等)”com是在一起,manufacture [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə]强调大规模制造5.evident, apparently.明显, 显著, 明白, 迹象【辨析】evident [ˈevidənt]指明显的有根据,所以表达作者的赞成apparently [əˈpærəntlɪ] 指看起来的明显,但事实并非如此,经常是假象。

6.factors,element, ingredient.因素,要素,因数【辨析】factor [ˈfæktə] 具有数学及解析意味,是一个整体的成分;element [ˈelimənt] 强调这一部分是基础性的,不可或缺的,如元素;ingredient [inˈɡri:djənt]只是表明构成一种混合物的成分。



考研英语二形近易混淆词————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:形近易混淆词A1.adept adoptadaptadeptadj.(与at, in连用) 熟练的;精通的She was adept atthe fineart of irritating people.n.内行;老手adoptvt.收养采取;采用They adopted ourmethods.正式通过;采纳The resolution wasadopted bya vote of 180in favour to10against it.adaptvt.使适应;使适合He adapt ed himselfto the cold weather. Whenhe moved to Canada,thechildrenadapted tothechange very well.2.adoptedadoptiveadoptedadj.被收养的,被采纳的an adoptedchildan adopted adviceadoptiveadj.收养(孩子)的an adoptive mother3.averse adverseaverseadj.(常与to连用)嫌恶的I amnot aversetoadance partyand agoodmeanafter a week's hard work.Theminister is averse to/from flattery.adverseadj.不利的;相反的anadverse decisionAdverse circumstances compelled him to close his business.4affectionaffectation affectionn.友爱,爱情, 影响, 疾病,倾向affectationn.假装, 虚饰,做作5.altitude latitude longitude multitude attitude aptitudealtituden.(海拔)高度At highaltitudesof Tibet itis difficult to breathe.高处The planeflew at analtitudeof20000metres.latituden.纬度,范围, (用复数)地区,行动或言论的自由(范围)longituden.经度,经线multituden.多数, 群众attituden.姿势态度People'sattitudetowards the skyscrape rs varieswidely.看法;意见WhatistheMunicipal Authority's att itude to theproposal ofatunnel acr oss theriver?What's the authorities' attitude towards this discord?aptituden.能力;才能;天资6.angleangelanglen.角;角度a right angle角落;墙角;棱角观点;看法;看问题的角度toconsider allangles ofthe questionTheprofessorangled hisreport to suit the audience he wasspeakingto. vt.转动一个角度toangle a camera带成见地描述(某事)He angles his reports to please hiseditor in chief.用钩和钓钓鱼He iskeen on angling.(与for连用)运用手段获得,攫取angeln.天使守护神仁慈、漂亮的女人7.announce denouncerenounce p ronounceannouncevt.通告;发表,宣布,宣告Thecaptainannounced that theplane wasgoing to land.The government announced that theywould build a new highwayto themountain.denouncevt.揭发;告发;斥责renouncevt.正式放弃He renounced his claim tothe property.宣布断绝关系Herenounced his religion.pronouncevt., vi.发音;发出…音How do youpronounce c-l-e-r-k?宣称;宣告;断言The expert pronounced the picture to bea forgery.The priest pronounced them man and wife.Everyone pronouncedtheparty to bevery good.(常与on,for,against, infavorof连用)〈法〉宣判The judge pronounced sentence on the prisoner.8. annual annulannualadj.每年的;一年一次的an annual eventannulvt.取消,废除(婚姻、契约等) 9.apposite oppositeappositeadj.适当的oppositeadj.相对的,对面的,对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的n.相反的事物10appraise apprisepraiseappraisevt.评估,评价,鉴定apprisevt.通知;告知She wasapprisedofour arrival.The secretarycameto appriseus that the erection of the monster machinehad been successfullycompleted.praisevt.赞美;赞扬;歌颂;赞颂She praised her daughter'shard work.11.apprehensivecomprehensive apprehensiveadj.忧虑的;担心的apprehensive forsb.'s safetycomprehensiveadj.全面的;广泛的;包含内容多的;详尽的The state government gavea very comprehensive explanation ofits plansfor the development of electronic industry.12argumentaugmentargumentn.争论,辩论, 论据, 论点,~(for,against), 意见augmentvt., vi.增大;增加13. ascribedescribe prescribe subscribeinscribeproscribeascribe vt.归因于, 归咎于describevt.描写, 记述,形容,形容v.描述prescribevt.,vi.开药方;处方,命令;规定The law prescribes whatshould be done. What punishmentdoes the lawprescribe for corruption?The doctorprescribed total abstinence.subscribevt., vi.(常与to, for连用)捐款;捐助订购(报纸、杂志等)(常与to连用)同意,赞同inscribevt.(常与in,on,with连用)题写;铭刻Sheinscribedher ownname on the textbook.(常与to连用)题名This book I inscribe tomy old comrades-in-arms.proscribevt.禁止14.assent ascentassentvi.(常与to连用)同意ascentn.上升,(地位, 声望等的)提高,攀登, 上坡路15dissent descent decentdissentvi.(常from连用)持异议;不同意;意见不一致He and Idissented fromeach other in ch oosing a suitablecandidate.descentn.下降;下滑;降下;下来.血统;遗传Hetraces his descentfroman old Norman family.decentadj体面的合适的16. assume resumeconsumepresumeassumevt.假定;假设I assume you always get up at the sametime. 采用;承担to assume newdutiesresume n.摘要, 概略, <美>履历vt.再继续,重新开始, 重新占用, 再用, 恢复consumevt., vi.吃,喝,消耗;消费;花费His old car consumed much gasoline.毁灭;烧毁Thefiresoon consumed the old woo denbuildings inthe neighbourhood.presumevt., vi.(常与that连用)假定;假设;认为Ipresumefrom your speech that you are aforeigner.You must presumeno such thing.当作;姑且认为If a personis missing for7 years, he is presumed dead.(常与to+ inf连用)放肆;擅作主张A servant oughtnot topresume.(与on,upon连用)指望;寄希望于…We must not presume too mushon the reliabilityofsuch sources.17 avocation vocation vacationavocationn. (个人)副业,业余爱好vocation n. 职业;行业天职;使命vacation n.假期Iworkedin a small beachside restaurant du ringthecollege vacation.18authentic authoritativeauthentic真实的:与事实相符并且值得相信、信赖的:an authentic account by an eyewitness.真正的:有着经证实的来源或创作者的;非伪造的或非复制的:an authentic medievalsword.一把真正的中世纪剑authoritativeadj.(形容词)官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的:anauthoritative decree;authoritati vesources.权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的:anauthoritative accountof the revolution.专断的:行使权力的;命令的:the captain'sauthoritative manner.19adjoinadjacentadjourn adjoin v t. 毗连;临近;贴近Ourhouse adjoinstheirs.adjacent adj.(与to连用)相邻的,邻近的adjourn vt.,vi.延期;休会,会议暂停The meeting will be adjournedtillnext Wednesday.20 admireadmiraladmire v. 赞美,钦佩, 羡慕admiral n.海军上将, 舰队司令,旗舰21 adore adornadore vt.崇拜敬爱;敬重非常喜欢He adores the cinema.Sheadores going to thevolleyball match.adorn vt. 装饰She likesto adorn herselfwith je wels.增加…的重要性或吸引力He triedtoadorn hisstorywithalot of lies22.applianceapplicant applicationappliancen.用具,器具applicantn.申请者,请求者applicationn.请求, 申请,申请表,应用, 运用23 alley allyalleyn.小路,巷,(花园里两边有树篱的)小径allyv.结盟, 与...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联,同盟n.同盟国, 支持者24accession accessaccessionn.就职, 就任, 添加, 增加accessn.通路,访问, 入门vt.存取, 接近B1. bull bullybulln.公牛, 粗壮如牛的人,乐观进取的人胡扯;废话bullyvt.威吓;欺侮;以强凌弱He's alwaysbullying smallerboys.2.bandage bondagebandage n绷带bondage n奴役,束缚3.bread beadbreadn 面包4.bumpdump jump hump lump plump pumpbumpn.撞击,肿块v.碰(伤),撞(破), 颠簸dumpvt.倾倒(垃圾),倾卸n.堆存处jumpn.跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳vt.跳跃, 跃过,突升,使跳跃vi.跳跃, 暴涨humpn.驼峰,驼背, 小园丘,峰丘v.(使)隆起,弓起lumpn.块(尤指小块),肿块, 笨人vt.使成块状, 混在一起.plumpadj.圆胖的, 丰满的, 鼓起的vt.突然放下,使丰满, 使鼓起vi.变丰满, 鼓起pumpn.泵, 抽水机vt.(用泵)抽(水),抽吸5.beach breach bleachbeachn.海滨;湖滨;河滩Thelittle beach hotel has a pleasant ambienbreachn.(常与of连用)违背;不履行;破坏inbreachof contractYour company isin breach of the contrac t.bleachvt., vi.使变白Didyoubleach this tablecloth?bead n 珠子,水珠vt祈祷6.bridebribebride n新娘bribe n vt 贿赂7.boom broomboom n.v 繁荣兴旺broomn扫帚8.buffet bufferbuffetn.餐具柜, 小卖部,殴打,打击vt ①连续地打击②搏斗buffervt 缓冲、缓和C1.censor censurecensorn.检查员vt.检查, 审查censurev.责难n.责难2.cession session cessionn.割让, 转让, [律]让与(他人)债权sessionn.(官方机构的)会议,会期,开会期The general session approved the repor tof theinvestigationcommittee.学期;大学的学期3.clash crushcrashclashn.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触the clash of weaponsclash of interestsa clash withthepoliceIfailedtogo to her wedding becauseit clashedwith my examination. 战斗It isbroadcastthat the twoarmiesclashednearthe borderline againbef ore dawn.vi., vt.冲突The enemy armies clashed.(事情)在时间上相冲突It's a pitythe two concerts clash.(常与with连用)(色彩)不协调Thisshirt clashes with your trousers.crushvt., vi.压碎;压坏;碾碎挤压;塞to crush one'swaythroughthe crowd破坏;镇压;压服to crush alloppositioncrashn.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,撞击声,爆裂声v.碰撞, 坠落,坠毁,(指商业公司,政府等)破产,垮台4. classic classicalclassicn.杰作, 名著adj.第一流的classicaladj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的5. clench clinchclenchvt., vi.紧合;咬紧(牙关);捏紧(拳头)Sheclenched her teeth when she wasope ratedon.紧握;抓牢The girlclenched her money in her hand.clinchvt., vi.敲弯钉头钉牢;钉住把(木头)钉牢在一起确定;决定(贸易等);达成买卖或合同Thetwocompaniesclinchedthe deal quickly.The offer of more money clinchedit for her.She agree toundertake the job as t he assistant to the managingdirector.6.coarse hoarse roarcoarseadj.粗的;粗糙的;未精炼的(表面)不光滑的;粗织的coarse cloth粗鲁的;鲁莽的;不礼貌的coarse talkhoarseadj.嘶哑的Hisvoice was hoarse after talking for an hour.roarn.吼声;咆哮声theroar ofan angry lionThe lion gavealoud roar.7.canvass canvascanvasn.粗帆布一块油画布Theyoung artistshowedmehis re cent canvases.canvassn.细查, 讨论, 劝诱vt.彻底检查, 细究, 向...拉票或拉生意,讨论vi.游说, 拉选票8. cannon canoncannonn.加农炮;大炮canonn.教规,宗教法规9.credible credulouscredibleadj.可信的;可靠的credulousadj.轻信别人的10 continual continuouscontinualadj.over andover again;regularbut interrupted;连续的Recentlytheyoungcouplehave continual arguments with eachother for trifles.continuousadj.不断的continuing without stopping;ceaseless continuousrain allday7.collide colludecollidevi.互撞;碰撞;(车、船等)猛撞The two trainscollided.冲突;反对;强烈抵触(with)colludevi.共谋;勾结;串通(with)8. comment commendcommentn.注释, 评论,意见vi.注释, 评论(on)commendvt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐,委托, 吸引9.compel expel propel repelcompelvt.强迫, 迫使expelvt赶走:驱逐或把…赶出去:expelaninvader.排出:从容器里或象从容器里释放:被迫离开;把…除名:expelled the student from college forcheating.See Synonyms at ejectpropelvt.推进,推动驱策repelvt.击退;逐退torepelanattack使厌恶;使反感Hisaccentrepels me.10contemporary temporarycontemporaryn.同时代的人adj.当代的,同时代的temporaryadj.暂时的,临时的,临时性11.contemptuouscontemptibl econtemptuousadj.(常与of连用) 表示轻蔑的;傲慢的a contemptuous lookcontemptibleadj.卑劣的Itwas contemptible of him tospe aklike thatabout a respectable teacher!It was acontemptibletrick totell lie sand playon anold friend!12 confer inferrefer preferdeferconfervt.授予(称号、学位等)on, 赠与,把...赠与,协议v.协商,交换意见(on)The engineers andtechnicians are stillconferring on theunexpected accident.infervt.推断;推知;推论to inferan unknown fact from aknown factI infer fromyourletter thatyou h ave not made upyour mind yet.refervt.,vi.(常与to 连用)涉及;提到针对;有关The new law does not refertofarm land.提交;交付Theshop referredthe complaint tothe manufacturers.prefervt.(常与to连用)更喜欢;宁愿to prefer coffee to tWhich of these two dresses do youprefer?defervt.推迟;延期vt.(与to连用)服从;顺从Do youalways defer toyour parents wishes?13.consequent subsequent consequentadj.作为结果的subsequentadj.随后的,后来的;继起的14 conventionalconvenientconventionaladj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的convenientadj.便利的, 方便的15.confidantconfidante confidentconfidentialconfidantn.知己男友confidanten.知己的女友confidentadj.确信的;有信心的;自信的Peter is confident ofwinningthe post astheassistant tothemanaging director. confidentialadj.机密的;秘密的a confidential order参与机密的;视为心腹的a confidential secretary16.convert divertinvert rev ert reverseconvertvt.(常与into连用)转变;变换to convertan oldhouseinto anew o That building has been converted into a school.兑换I want toconvert someHongKongd ollarsinto American dollars.改变信仰、党派或意见等She managed toconverthim toher opi nion.divertvt.转向;转移A ditch diverted water from thestreaminto the fields.Traffic was orderedto diverttoanother road because ofthe repair of the main road.The governmentis planningtodivert the rivertosupply water tothe tow n.A loud noisefromthe street diverted my att ention.invertvt.置于相反位置;上下倒置The littleboy caught the insectby inverting the cup over it.revertvi.(与to连用)恢复原状;回复;回到(原来话题) (财产等)归复,归还reversevt.倒退;倒转He reversed thecar.翻转She reversed thepaper.改变;使成相反的东西He reversed the judgment and set theprisoner free afterall.17 counselconsul councilcounseln.讨论,商议, 辩护律师vt.劝告,忠告consuln.领事counciln.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会,讨论会议,顾问班子,立法班子18consciousconscientiousconsciousadj.有意识的;神志清醒的He is hurt but still conscious.了解的;察觉的Shewas notconscious of hispresence in theroom.刻意的:故意设计或做的;刻意的:aconscious insult; madeaconscious efforttospeakmore clearly。




1、abundant, plentiful这两个形容词都有“充足的”之意。

abundant a. (数量)充足的,常用于人、物产、资源、雨量等,含有“过多”之意。

Oil is in abundant supply in this country.这个国家石油供应十分充裕。

plentiful a.丰富的,充足的,常用于食物、收获、财产等,不能用于时间、空间、思想等方面。

Eggs are plentiful at this moment.现在鸡蛋很多。

2、accent, tone, dialect这三个名词意思相近,容易混淆。

accent n.口音,指某一地区语言的发音特征;重音。

He speaks English with a Spanish accent.他讲英语带有西班牙口音。

tone n.语气,音调,指说话人的口气或声音的高低、轻重等。

He speaks to his baby in soft tones.他用柔和的语调和他的婴儿说话。

dialect n.方言,土语,地方话,指一个地区人们所使用的语言。

the Yorkshire dialect约克郡方言the Sichuan dialect3、access, assess 这两个词为一组“形近易混词”。

access n.接近,进入。

The people living in these apartments have free access to thatswimming pool.住在这些公寓里的人可以免费地进入游泳池。

assess v.评估(财产,价值)。

I assessed how much it would cost to build a new apartment.我评估了一下建一套新的公寓要多少钱。

4、accommodate, afford, furnish都有“提供”的意思。





1. Accept和Except:Accept是动词,意为“接受”,而Except是介词或连词,意为“除了”。

例如:“He accepted the job offer.”(他接受了这份工作的提议。

)“All students are allowed to participate, exceptthose who are absent.”(所有学生都可以参加,除了那些缺席的。

)2. Affect和Effect:Affect是动词,意为“影响”,而Effect是名词,意为“效果”。

例如:“The bad weather affected our travel plans.”(恶劣的天气影响了我们的旅行计划。

)“The medicine had a positive effecton my health.”(这种药对我的健康有积极的效果。

)3. Principal和Principle:Principal是名词,意为“校长”或“负责人”,而Principle是名词,意为“原则”。

例如:“The principal announced the school rules.”(校长宣布了学校规则。

)“He is a man of principle.”(他是一个有原则的人。

)4. Complement和Compliment:Complement是动词或名词,意为“补充”或“补充物”,而Compliment是名词或动词,意为“称赞”或“恭维”。

例如:“Her new shoes complement he r outfit.”(她的新鞋与她的装扮相得益彰。

)“He complimented her on her beautiful dress.”(他称赞她漂亮的裙子。



考研词汇中易混淆的词整理2●synthe类●synthetic●adj.合成的,人造的●synthesis●n.综合,结合●意思一直搞混●eligible●adj.有资格的●diligent●adj.勤奋的,努力的●lim类●limb●n.肢,膀●limp●v.蹒跚,坡行●quan类●quantitative●adj.数量的,定量的●qualitative●adj.质的,定性的●vs类●vase●n.花瓶●verse●n.诗歌,韵文●phase类●phase●n.阶段,时期●phrase●n.短语,词组,用语●injur类●injure●v.伤害,损害●injury●n.伤害,损害●inect类●infect●v.感染,传染●insect●n.昆虫●ten类●tent●n.帐篷●tend●v.倾向,往往会●indi类●indication●n.表明,迹象● indignation●n.愤慨,愤怒●feat类●feat●n.功绩,伟业●●profi类●profitable●adj.有利可图的●profile●n.轮廓,形象,简介●r类●rip●v.撕开●n.裂口,裂缝●rib●n.肋骨●rid●v.摆脱●mss类●mess●n.脏乱,杂乱,困境●mass●n.一堆,大量,团●exend●expend●v.花费,耗费●extend●v.延伸,扩展●expand●v.扩大,增加●extent●n.程度,范围●ri类●rib●rim●n.边,边缘●adm类●admire●v.钦佩,欣赏,赞赏●admit●v或n.承认●str类●stripe●n.条纹●stride●v.大步走,跨越●strip●n.条,带状物●strap●n.带,皮带●strive●v.努力,奋斗●opti类●optical●adj.视觉的,视力的●optional●adj.可供选择的,选修的●elboate类●elaborate●adj.详尽的,精心制作的●evaporate●v.蒸发,消失●v格若斯●vigorous●adj.精力充沛的,强健的●rigorous●adj.严格的,严厉的●pant类●pant●v.喘息,气喘●pants●n.长裤,内裤●ham类●hamper●v.阻碍,牵制●hammer●n.锤子●v.锤击●sm类●slam●v.砰地关上●slum●n.贫民窟●slim●adj.苗条的,薄的●dedu类●deduce●v.推断,推出●deduct●v.扣除●ph一大段类●physiology●n.生理学,生理机能●psychology●n.心理学●philosophy●n.哲学,哲理●pechou●petrol●n.汽油●patrol●动词或名词:巡逻,巡查●psecute●prosecute●v.起诉,告发●persecute●v.迫害●disgust类●disgust●v或n.厌恶,反感●digest●v.消化,吸收●n.摘要●mari类●margin●n.页边空白,利润●marine●adj.海洋的●比较的系列●comparative●adj.比较的,相当的●comparable●adj.可比较的,比得上的●思拽屋●thrive●v.繁荣,兴旺●strive●v.努力,奋斗●affi类●affirm●v.肯定●affair●n.事件,事物,个人的事●assert●v.断言,宣称●dir●deer●n.鹿●dear●adj.亲爱的●n.亲爱的人●m类●mutter●v或n.小声抱怨,嘀咕●matter●n.事情,问题●rless类●restless●adj.焦躁不安的,得不到休息的●reckless●adj.鲁莽的,不计后果的●ptch类●pitch●n.音高,强度●patch●n.小块,补丁●rench类●trench●n.沟渠●wrench●v.扭伤,猛拽●n.扳手●consist类●consistent●adj.一致的,持续的●constitutent●adj.组成的,构成的●n.成分,选民●ntion●nation●n.国家,民族●notion●n.概念,想法●imtate●imitate●v.模仿,效仿●intimate●adj.亲密的●ski类●skip●v.略过,跳过●skim●v.掠过,撇去,浏览●ski●v.滑雪●wnder●wonder●v.想知道●n.奇迹,惊奇●wander●v.漫步,闲逛●stat类●state●n.状态,情况,国家,政府,州●v.陈述,说明●status●n.地位,身份,情形●statue●n.雕像,塑像●clariy●clarity●n.清晰,明晰●clarify●v.阐明,澄清●o类●oar●n.浆,橹●oath●n.誓言,誓约●oak●n.橡胶树●stter类●shelter●n.避难所,庇护所●shatter●v或n.粉碎,破碎●scatter●v.撒,撒播,散开●t类●tilt●v.倾斜,倾向●tile●n.瓦片,瓷砖●summ类●summon●v.召唤,传唤●summer●n.夏天●pt类●pet●n.宠物●pat●v或n.轻拍,轻打●goa类●goal●n.目标,进球得分●goat●n.山羊●week类●weekend●n.周末●weekday●n.工作日●irr类●irritate●v.激怒,刺激●irrigate●v.灌溉。



英语词汇易混淆的词1.able, capable, competentable为常用词,指具有做某事所需的力量,技巧,知识与时间等,一般下效率无关,用作定语表示能力超出平均水平。

如:A cat is able to see in the dark. (猫在黑暗中能看见东西。

)capable 指满足一般要求的能力,可以是表现出来的,也可是潜在的,搭配是be capable of +doing。


如:He is capable of running a mile in a minute. (他能在一分钟内跑完一英里。

)He is a very capable doctor. (他是一位很好的大夫。

)competent 指“胜任”,“合格”,或受过专业技术等训练的,但不是超群的能力。

如:A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases. (医生应该能治多种病。

)2.aboard, abroad, board, broadaboard 在船(或飞机,车)上。

如:I never went aboard a ship.abroad 副词,在国外或海外。

如:He often goes abroad.board 为动词,上(船,飞机,车)。

如:The passengers are boarding the plane now.broad 为形容词,宽广的。

如:He has very broad shoulders.3.accept, receiveaccept 接受,receive“接到”,“收到”。

如:I received an invitation yesterday, but I didn‟t accept it. (昨天我收到了一个请柬,但并没有接受邀请。

)4.accident, incident, eventaccident事故。

考研精品词汇附录2 《考研英语易混淆词汇》

考研精品词汇附录2 《考研英语易混淆词汇》




如果单纯从数字上推理的话,对于那些通过了六级考试的同学,考研词汇应该是a piece of cake;即使是英语四级水平的同学,以现有的词汇量为基础,再增加1000个左右的单词量也就符合了考研对词汇的要求,而1000个单词对于很多同学来说就相对轻松很多。











31.distinctive 和 distinctdistinctive “有特⾊的”,“独特的”;distinct “清楚的,明显的”; a distinct smell of alcohol on his breath; the distinctive stripes of the zebra.32.dual和dueldual “⼆重的”;dual personality 双重⼈格;dual control 双重管辖;duel “决⽃,竞争”;fight a duel with sb. 与某⼈决⽃;challenge sb. to a duel 向某⼈提出决⽃;a duel of wits ⽃智33.eatable和edibleeatable a. “可⾷⽤的,可吃的”;n. [pl.] “⾷物、⾷品”。

edible a. “适合⾷⽤的,可以吃的”;n. [pl.] “⾷品”。

在指吃的时候⼆者可通⽤:The toast was burnt and barely eatable/edible. 但在其他情况下不⼀样。

If something is eatable, it may be eaten(though it may not be safe or desirable to do so); but, if something is edible it is safe to eat.34.economical和economiceconomic “经济学的,经济上的” an economic survey of Scotland 苏格兰经济调查;an economic blockade 经济封锁;economical “节俭的,经济的”;He’s had to learn to be more economical now that his only income is a small pension.35.evoke和invokeevoke “唤起,引起”;evoke admiration 引起羡慕。



(完整版)考研英语中常用易混淆词汇考研英语易混淆单词(1)adapt vt. 1. 使适应 2. 改编adept a. (与at, in连用) 熟练的;精通的n.内行;老手adopt vt. 1. 收养 2. 采用,采纳考研英语易混淆单词(2)appraise v. 评价appraisal n. 1. 评价 2. 估计,估量praise v./n. 称赞,表扬考研英语易混淆单词(3)appropriate a.恰当的 v.挪用,盗用appreciate vt. 感激,欣赏考研英语易混淆单词(4)dessert n. 甜食;甜糕点desert vt. 1. 抛弃 2. 擅离(职守);n.沙漠,不毛之地考研英语易混淆单词(5)context n. 文章前后关系,上下文contest v. 比赛,争论;n. 竞争,比赛contend v. 争论,竞争考研英语易混淆单词(6)pretext n. 借口,托辞protest v.n. 抗议,反对pretend v. 假装,装作考研英语易混淆单词(7)scare vt. 惊吓;n. 惊恐stare vi. 盯,凝视glare v.n. 1. 闪耀,闪光 2. 怒视,瞪眼flare n. 1. 闪耀 2. (衣裙等)张开3.(感情的)爆发考研英语易混淆单词(8)sparkle vi. 闪耀,发火花spark n. 火花,火星;vi.发火花;vt.引发sprinkle v.喷洒考研英语易混淆单词(9)precious a. 宝贵的,贵重的previous a. 1. 先前的,以前的 2. (to)在……之前考研英语易混淆单词(10)addict vt. 使上瘾addition n.增加addiction n.上瘾考研英语易混淆单词(11)preceding a. 在前的,在先的precede v. 领先,先于,在……之前precedent n. 先例procedure n. 程序,手续,步骤process vt. 加工,处理;n. 1. 过程,进程 2. 工序3.工艺,制作法procession n. 队列,行列proceed vt. 1. 进行,继续(做某事) 2. 发出proceeding n. 1.行动,进行 2. (pl.)会议记录,活动记录考研英语易混淆单词(12)successful a. 成功的successive a. 连续的succession n. 1. 连续,系列 2. 继任,继承(权,次序等) succeed vi. 1. 成功 2. 继承3.接着发生;vt.接替考研英语易混淆单词(13)fossil n. 化石toss v. 1. 抛,扔 2. (使)颠簸,摇摆3.辗转反侧考研英语易混淆单词(14)inhibit v. 抑制, 约束, [化] [医]抑制inhabit vt. 居住于,栖息于inhabitant n. 居民habit n. 习惯,习性habitat n. (动植物的), 产地、栖息地, 聚集处考研英语易混淆单词(15)variable n. 变量;a.易变的variation n. 变化,变动,变异variety n. 1. 多样性 2. 种类various a. 各种各样的考研英语易混淆单词(16)alteration n. 变更,改变alternate v. 交替;a.交替的alternative a. 两者挑一的;n.替换,抉择考研英语易混淆单词(17)convict vt. (以审讯)证明……有罪,宣判……有罪;n. 囚犯conviction n. 1. 深信, 确信 2. 定罪, 宣告有罪convince vt 使确信,使信服考研英语易混淆单词(18)academy n. 学院,协会academic a. 1. 学院的 2. 学术的epidemic n. 流行病;a. 1. 流行性的 2. 传染的考研英语易混淆单词(19)infer v. 推断offer vt. 主动提供;n.提供suffer vt. 遭受,忍受;vi.(from) 1. 受痛苦,患病 2. 受损失transfer vt. 调动,转换;vi. 1. 迁移 2. 转车 2. 转账refer v. 1.(to)查阅,参考 2.(to)提到,引用3.提交,上呈考研英语易混淆单词(20)considerable a. 1. 相当大(或多)的 2. 值得考虑的considerate a. 体谅人的,考虑周到的consideration n. 1. 考虑,思考 2. 体谅,照顾3.需要考虑的事,理由考研英语易混淆单词(21)live vi. 居住,生存;vt.过生活live a. 1. 活的 2. 实况转播的lively a. 1. 活跃的,活泼的 2. 栩栩如生的;ad.快活地,活泼地alive a. 1.活跃的,热闹的 2. 活着的(作表语或后置定语)living a. 活(着)的;n.生计,生活life n. 1. 生命 2. 一生3.生涯,生计4. 生物考研英语易混淆单词(22)exceed vt. 1. 超过,胜过 2. 超出exceedingly ad. 极端地,非常地excess a. 过量的,额外的;n. 1.超过,过多 2.过度,过分excessive a. 过多的,极度的resolution n. 1. 坚定,决心 2. 决定,决议3.解决absolute a. 绝对的,纯粹的dissolve vt. 1. 解除(婚约等) 2. (使)溶解,融化solve vt. 解决,解答salute v. 1. 欢迎 2. 向……打招呼3.敬礼solution n. 1. 解决方法 2. 溶解,溶液soluble a. 可溶的resolute a. 坚决的,果断的resolve v. 决定,决定;n. 1. 解决,解答 2. 决心,决定3.决议swift a. 快速的,敏捷的;ad.快速地drift v.n. 漂,漂流shaft n. 轴,杆状物shift n. 1. 转换 2. (轮或换)班;v. 1. 移动 2. 替换,转换。



考研英语二形近易混淆词l. adept adopt adaptadeptadj.(与at, in连用)熟练的;精通的She was adept at the fine art of irritating people.n.内行;老手adoptvt.收养采取;采用They adopted our methods.正式通过;采纳The resoluti on was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 aga inst it.adaptvt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the cha nge very well.2. adopted adoptiveadoptedadj.被收养的,被采纳的an adopted childan adopted adviceadoptiveadj.收养(孩子)的an adoptive mother3. averse adverseaverseadj.(常与to连用)嫌恶的I am not averse to a dance party and a good mean aftera week's hard work.The minister is averse to/from flattery.adverseadj.不利的;相反的an adverse decisi onAdverse circumstances compelled him to close his bus in ess.4 affecti on affectati onaffectio nn.友爱,爱情,影响,疾病,倾向affectati on5. altitude latitude Ion gitude multitude attitude aptitude"!altituden.(海拔)高度At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.高处The pla ne flew at an altitude of 20000 metres. latitude n.纬度,范围,(用复数)地区,行动或言论的自由(范围)Ion gituden.经度,经线multituden.多数,群众attituden.姿势态度People's attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely. 看法;意见What is the Municipal Authority's attitude to the proposal of a tunnel across the river?What's the authorities' attitude towards this discord? aptituden.能力;才能;天资6. a ngle an gelan glen.角;角度a right an gle角落;墙角;棱角观点;看法;看问题的角度to con sider all an gles of the questi onThe professor an gled his report to suit the audie nee he was speak ing to.vt.转动一个角度to an gle a camera带成见地描述(某事)He an gles his reports to please his editor in chief.用钩和钓钓鱼He is kee n on an gli ng.(与for连用)运用手段获得,攫取an geln.天使守护神仁慈、漂亮的女人7. a nnounce denounce renounce pronounceannouncevt.通告;发表宣布,宣告The captain announced that the plane was going to Ian d.The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain.denouncevt.揭发;告发;斥责renouncevt.正式放弃He renounced his claim to the property.宣布断绝关系He renounced his religi on.pronouncevt., vi.发音;发出…音How do you pronounce c-l-e-r-k?宣称;宣告;断言The expert pronoun ced the picture to be a forgery.The priest pronounced them man and wife.Every one pronounced the party to be very good.(常与on, for, aga in st, in favor of 连用)〈法〉宣判The judge pronounced sentence on the pris oner.8. annual annulannualadj.每年的;一年一次的an annual eventannulvt.取消,废除(婚姻、契约等)9. apposite oppositeappositeadj.适当的oppositeadj.相对的,对面的,对立的,相反的,对等的,对应的n.相反的事物10 appraise apprise praiseappraisevt.评估,评价,鉴定apprisevt.通知;告知She was apprised of our arrival. The secretary came to apprise us that the erect ion of the mon ster mach ine had bee nsuccessfully completed. praisevt.赞美;赞扬;歌颂;赞颂She praised her daughter's hard work.11.apprehe nsive comprehe nsiveapprehe nsiveadj.忧虑的;担心的apprehe nsive for sb.'s safety comprehe nsiveadj.全面的;广泛的;包含内容多的;详尽的The state government gave a very comprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electr onic in dustry.12 argume nt augme ntargume ntn.争论,辩论,论据,论点,?(for,against),意见augme ntvt., vi.增大;增加13. ascribe describe prescribe subscribein scribe proscribeascribe vt.归因于,归咎于describevt.描写,记述,形容,形容v.描述prescribevt., vi.开药方;处方,命令;规定The law prescribes what should be done.What punishment does the law prescribe for corrupti on?The doctor prescribed total abst inen ce. subscribe vt., vi.(常与to, for连用)捐款;捐助订购(报纸、杂志等)(常与to连用)同意,赞同in scribevt.(常与in, on, with连用)题写;铭刻She in scribed her own n ame on the textbook.(常与to连用)题名This book I in scribe to my old comrades-i n-arms. proscribevt.禁止14. assent ascentassentvi.(常与to连用)同意ascentn.上升,(地位,声望等的)提高,攀登,上坡路15 disse nt desce nt dece ntdisse ntvi.(常from连用)持异议;不同意;意见不一致He and I dissented from each other in choosing a suitable can didate.desce ntn.下降;下滑;降下;下来?血统;遗传He traces his desce nt from an old Norma n family. dece nt adj体面的合适的16. assume resume con sume presume assumevt.假定;假设I assume you always get up at the same time.采用;承担to assume new dutiesresumen.摘要,概略,<美> 履历vt.再继续,重新开始,重新占用,再用,恢复con sumevt.,vi.吃,喝,消耗;消费;花费His old car con sumed much gasoli ne.毁灭;烧毁The fire soon con sumed the old woode n buildi ngs in the n eighbourhood.presumevt.,vi.(常与that连用)假定;假设;认为I presume from your speech that you are a foreig ner. You must presume no such thing.当作;姑且认为If a person is missing for 7 years,he is presumed dead.(常与to + inf连用)放肆;擅作主张A serva nt ought not to presume.(与on,upon连用)指望;寄希望于…We must not presume too mush on the reliability of such sources.17 avocati on vocati on vacati on avocation n.(个人)副业,业余爱好vocation n.职业;行业天职;使命vacation n.假期I worked in a small beachside restaura nt duri ng the college vacati on.18 authe ntic authoritativeauthe ntic真实的:与事实相符并且值得相信、信赖的:an authe ntic acco unt by an eyewit ness.真正的:有着经证实的来源或创作者的;非伪造的或非复制的:an authe ntic medieval sword.一把真正的中世纪剑authoritativeadj.(形容词)官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的:an authoritative decree; authoritative sources.权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的:an authoritative account of the revolution.专断的:行使权力的;命令的:the capta in's authoritative manner.19 adjoin adjace nt adjournadjoin vt .毗连;临近;贴近Our house adjoins theirs.adjace nt adj.(与to连用)相邻的,邻近的adjourn vt.,vi.延期;休会,会议暂停The meeting will be adjourned till next Wednesday.20 admire admiraladmire v.赞美,钦佩,羡慕admiral n.海军上将,舰队司令,旗舰21 adore ador nadore vt.崇拜敬爱;敬重非常喜欢He adores the cin ema.She adores going to the volleyball match.adorn vt. 装饰She likes to ador n herself with jewels.增加…的重要性或吸引力He tried to adorn his story with a lot of lies22. applia nee applica nt applicati on applia nee n.用具,器具applica ntn.申请者,请求者applicati onn.请求,申请,申请表,应用,运用23 alley allyalleyn.小路,巷,(花园里两边有树篱的)小径allyv.结盟,与(在血统,性质等上)有关联,同盟n.同盟国,支持者24 accessi on accessaccessi onn.就职,就任,添加,增加accessn.通路,访问,入门vt.存取,接近B1. bull bullybulln.公牛,粗壮如牛的人,乐观进取的人胡扯;废话bullyvt.威吓;欺侮;以强凌弱He's always bullyi ng smaller boys.2. bandage bondageban dage n 绷带bon dage n 奴役,束缚3. bread beadbread n 面包4. bump dump jump hump plump pump bumpn.撞击,肿块v.碰(伤),撞(破),颠簸dump vt.倾倒(垃圾),倾卸n.堆存处jumpn.跳跃,上涨,惊跳vt.跳跃,跃过,突升,使跳跃vi.跳跃,暴涨humpn.驼峰,驼背,小园丘,峰丘v. (使)隆起,弓起lumpn.块(尤指小块),肿块,笨人vt.使成块状,混在一起.plumpadj.圆胖的,丰满的,鼓起的vt.突然放下,使丰满,使鼓起vi. 变丰满,鼓起pumpn.泵,抽水机vt.(用泵)抽(水),抽吸5. beach breach bleachbeachn.海滨;湖滨;河滩The little beach hotel has a pleasa nt ambie n breach n.(常与of连用)违背;不履行;破坏in breach of con tractYour compa ny is in breach of the con tract. bleach vt., vi.使变白Did you bleach this tablecloth?bead n 珠子,水珠vt 祈祷6. bride bribebride n 新娘bribe n vt 贿赂7. boom broomboom n.v繁荣兴旺broom n扫帚8. buffet bufferbuffetn.餐具柜,小卖部,殴打,打击vt①连续地打击②搏斗buffervt缓冲、缓和。



考研英语熟词僻义归纳(下)241. hold “认为”。

242. horizon “眼界,见识”。

243. host 动词,“主办”,替代过去常常使用的“hold”。

而词组“a host of”则是量词,表示”许多,一系列”。

244. hunger for something 名词词组,“对…怀有渴望”。

245. hunt “搜索,搜寻”。

246. ignorance “无知”。

247. be immune to不受…的影响248. impressive普通含义为“印象深刻的,好的”,但如果用于形容建筑物,则是“令人肃然起敬,庄严肃穆的”。

249. in that 连词型词组,表示“在于,因为”。

250. be indulged in something “迷恋于,自我陶醉于”。

251. informed 形容词,表示“消息灵通的”。

252. instant 用于食品饮料,表示“速溶,即食的”。

instant coffee253. institutional这个词的含义类似“systematic”,“系统的,有组织,有逻辑的”。

254. instrument “手段,借助的方法,工具”。

255. instrumental “起作用的,辅助的”。

256. –intensive 中文翻译为“…密集型”,比如“labor-intensive”是“劳动密集型”。

257. interact with “与人交往,交流”。

258. interest “利益,利害关系”。

259. interpret 翻译;解释260. intriguing “引起兴趣的,有诱惑力的”。

261. introduce介绍;引进262. inviting “吸引人的”。

263. item 量词,“一件(商品)”。

264. jump “迅速上升”,可用于写作图表文章使用。


265. just 形容词,“公正的”。



1.affect [ə'fekt]V.影响、假装effect [i'fekt]n.结果、效力V.产生、导致2. illusion [iˈlju:ʒən]“幻觉,错觉”delusion [diˈlu:ʒən]“欺骗,迷惑”3. avert [əˈvə:t]“防止,避免”。

avoid [əˈvɔid]“回避,逃避”4. impel [ɪmˈpel]“推动,驱使,激励”compel [kəmˈpel]“强迫,胁迫,迫使”。

5. complement [ˈkɔmplimənt]“补足(物),补全”,“补足语”。

compliment [ˈkɔmplimənt]“恭维话,赞辞,敬意”;Your presence is a great compliment.承蒙光临,不胜荣幸。

6. council [ˈkaunsl]“议事机构”,委员会;a cabinet council内阁会议。

counsel [ˈkaunsəl]“商议,劝告”;follow sb's counsel close牢记某人忠告。

7. defective [dɪˈfektɪv] (ha ving a fault or flaw)“有缺陷的”。

deficient [dɪˈfɪʃənt](lacking in what is needed)“不足的”;be deficient in欠缺。

8. discreet [disˈkri:t]“考虑周到的,慎重的”。

discrete [disˈkri:t]“分离的,分裂的”9. distinctive [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv]“有特色的”,“独特的”;distinct [disˈtiŋkt]“清楚的,明显的”10.evok e [iˈvəuk]“唤起,引起”;evoke admiration引起羡慕。

invoke [ɪnˈvəʊk]“祈求(神灵)保佑,乞灵于”,行使(法权);The shaman invokes the spirits of their ancestors. If our case fails in the national courts we will invoke the European Declaration on Human Rights.11.infer [inˈfə:]“猜想,臆测”,“推断”;infer a motive from an effect从效果推知动机。




adherence 用于比喻的意思。

例如:His adherencetothestrict letter of thelaw. adhesion 是指物质上的。

这些词都有 next to 紧“挨”的意思。

adjacent “毗邻的,邻近的”,但它们可能并不相互直接接触。

adjoining 和 contiguous 指相互接触,通常之间有一个 edge 或 boundary。

它们都有“the act of entering”的意思。

但 admission 用于公共场合。

例如:The price of admission tothe gallery is £ 5. admittance 不指公共场合,一般指私人的住所。

adopted “收养的,过继的”an adopted son(daughter) 养子 (女 );my adopted country 我所入籍的国家;adopted words 外来语。

adoptive 收“养的”,我们说 adoptive parents ,但很少说 adoptive child ;采“用的”,“假冒的”an adoptive cour age 假充勇敢。

adverse “不利的,反对的”,用于事,不用于人。

adverse weather conditions ;an adverse reaction 。

averse 嫌“恶的,反对的,不乐意的”,常和t“o”一起使用,而且用否定形式。

advise “劝告”(动词) ;advice “劝告”(名词)。

affect “影响”vt. ,它的第二个意思是假“装”, Though she affectes indifference, I knew she was really very upset.effect n. “结果”,“效力”。

vt. “产生”,“导致”,它比“to ca use, to bring out” 更为正式。





1、abide, adhere, conform, comply “遵守”abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。

E.g. I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。

adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。


)E.g. Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。

conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。

E.g. All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。

comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。

E.g. Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。

2、abnormal, uncommon, disordered“反常的”abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。

E.g. His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。


)uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。



alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline

alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和
The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。

diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。

The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于石油的供给减少了。

reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。

He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。

decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。

The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。

decline v. 下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;,衰落。

Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。

He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了我们请他吃饭的邀请。




以下是CN人才小编搜集并整理的研英语有关内容,希望对大家有所帮助!1) a big time:尽兴,高兴的时刻e.g. I had a big time there.the big time:第一流,最高级e.g. Don’t worry, you are in the big time now.2) according to:按照,根据e.g. They were commended or criticized according to their work.according as:随……而定e.g. The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold.3) admit to:承认e.g. I have to admit to a dislike for modern music.admit sb.(in) to:允许某人进入某地或加入某组织、行业e.g. They have admitted me into their club.4) all for:完全赞成e.g. I am all for holding a meeting to discuss it.for all:尽管e.g. They could not open the box for all their forces.5) all in all:总的说来e.g. All in all, it is a success.all in:疲倦,筋疲力尽e.g. He was all in, but he stuck it out.6) as it is (was):照目前的情况来看e.g. As it is, we shall be able to complete our task in time.as it were:可以说,姑且这样说e.g. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.7) as much as:几乎,实际上e.g. By running away he as much as admitted that he had taken the money.as much…as:与……一样多e.g. It is as much our responsibility as yours.8) as well:也,还是……为好e.g. He gave me advice, and money as well.Since you have begun to do it, you may as well finish it.as well as:不仅……而且,除……之外e.g. With television, we see a picture as well as hearing sound.Small towns as well as big cities are being rapidly industrialized.9) at one time从前某个时期e.g. At one time, we met frequently.at a time:每次,一次e.g. You can borrow only two books at a time.10) attach to:属于,归因于e.g. No blame attaches to him.attach oneself to:参加,加入e.g. He attached himself to the group of climbers.11) be a credit to:为……增光e.g. I hope you will be a credit to your school.do credit to:为……增进荣誉e.g. This piece of work does credit to you.12) bear in mind:记住e.g. I hope you will bear in mind all I am saying.have in mind:考虑e.g. Don’t give your confidence to others regarding the plan you have in mind.13) begin with:以……为起点e.g. He advised me to begin with something easy.to begin with:首先e.g. To begin with, we must consider the problem from all sides.14) build up:逐步建成,增强e.g. They are trying hard to build up an independent economy.He went for an ocean voyage and built up his health.build on:以……为基础,依赖e.g. Let’s build on your idea.We shall build on your supporting us.15) by day:在白天e.g. Most of them work by day and study by night.by the day:(指工作报酬等)按日计算e.g. Will you pay me by the day or by the hour?16) can but只好……罢了e.g. We can but try to make him see how unreasonable he has been.cannot but:不得不,禁不住e.g. I cannot but tell her the truth.(=I cannot help telling her the truth)17) come forth:出现,发行e.g. Many new things are coming forth..Do you know that a set of new stamps has come forth?come forward:自告奋勇,提出供讨论They have come forward with an offer to help.The matter was deferred at last evening’s meeting, but will come forward at our next session.18) compare … to比拟(指出其中的相似点)e.g. Man’s life is often compared to a candle.compare … with:把……和……相比(指出其不同之处)e.g. He compared his camera with mine.19) consist in:包含在……中e.g. Happiness consists in good health.consist of:由……组成e.g. The apartment consisted of two rooms and a kitchen.20) end on:两端相碰,正对e.g. The two ships collided each other end on.We shouldn’t place the bicy cles end on.on end:竖着,连续地,不断地e.g. Place the box on end.She often works for 20 hours on end.21) familiar to:某事为某人熟知e.g. There were facts not familiar to me.familiar with:熟悉或通晓某事e.g. He is familiar with English, German and French..22) feel for sb.:同情某人,为某人难过e.g. I feel for you in your sorrow.feel for sth:(用手、脚、棍子等)摸索,寻找某物e.g. She felt under the pillow for her watch.23) for a moment:片刻,一会儿e.g. She was silent for a moment, weighing in her mind the pros and cons.for the moment:此刻、暂时e.g. I cannot recall his name for the moment.24) get down:下去,下来;写下来e.g. The bus was so jammed that I could not get down.Here’s the telephone number I got down for you.get down to:认真着手进行处理e.g. It is no good shirking the job, it will have to be got downto.25) get into trouble with sb.:遭到某人的(训斥等)e.g. Poor Tom is always getting into trouble with the boss.get sb. into trouble:使某人陷入困境e.g. The letter got me into trouble.26) give sb. a hand:帮助某人或参与某人做某事e.g. Give me a hand with the cleaning, please.give sb. one’s han d:与某人握手e.g. She gave me her hand and wished me a good trip.27) go through:检查,搜查;通过,穿过e.g. They went through our luggage at the customs.It took us a whole week to go through the great forest.go through with:把……坚持到底e.g. We should go through with the ex periment now we’ve started.28) good for:有益于e.g. This book is good for your English study.for good:永久地e.g. The lost money was gone for good.29) have a fancy for:爱好,喜爱e.g. She has a fancy for nice clothes.have a fancy that:猜想,认为e.g. I have a fancy that he will come tonight.30) head up:领头;领导e.g. A band headed up the parade.Mr. Jones will head up the new business.heads up:注意,小心e.g. Heads up, now! You can do better than that.31) in a way:在某种程度上e.g. In a way, it is an important book.in the way:妨碍,挡路I will visit you next weekend if there is nothing in the way.32) in black:穿黑色衣服e.g. Arabian women are always dressed in black clothes.in the black:赢利,赚钱New production methods put the company in the black.33) in charge of:负责e.g. Who is in charge of this work?in the charge of:照护e.g. The patients are in the charge of the nurse.34) in hand:控制e.g. There was a little rioting, but the police soon had the situation in hand.hand in:递交,交给e.g. He handed in his resignation in protest against it.35) in one’s honor:向……表示敬意或感谢e.g. The day was kept as a holiday in honor of victory.on one’s honor:用人格担保e.g. We were on our honor not to cheat on the exam.36) in possession of:占有e.g. He is in possession of this house.in the possession of:被占有e.g. The keys are in the possession of the door keeper.37) in spirit:在内心,在精神上e.g. In spirit, at least, these laws were very fair.in spirits:情绪或心情(好、坏等)e.g. He is in poor spirits because of his failing in the exam.38) keep up:继续,保持e.g. They entered into a correspondence which was kept up for almost ten years.keep up with:与……齐步前进,跟上e.g. With their help, he has kept up with the class.39) look about:环视e.g. He looked about him with great interest.look about for:四处寻找e.g. She was looking about for the key she had just lost.40) look up:向上看e.g. He looked up and nodded to me.look up to:尊敬e.g. It must be rewarding to be looked up to by so many people.41) make one’s way:开路e.g. As soon as he saw us, the teacher made his way through the crowd to greet us.make one’s w ay to:向……走去e.g. In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place.。

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1、average, common, general, universal这一组形容词都有“普通”之意。


E.g.The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.



E.g.Windmills are a common sight in Holland.


E.g. She had a confused idea of life in general.总的来说,她对生活非常困惑。


E.g. Einstein’s theory of relativity won for him universal esteem.

2、award, reward, prize这一组词都和“奖”有关。



E.g.The university awarded him an honorary degree.



E.g.They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers.


E.g.The boys competed with each other for the prize.

3、aware, conscious,sensible这一组词都与“意识”有关。


E.g.Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.


E.g.I was not conscious of having made a mistake.我没意识到犯了错误。


E.g.The sensible thing is to leave them alone.明智的做法是不理他们。

4、base,basis, foundation, ground都有“基础”的意思。


E.g.Our mission was over, and went back to our base.


E.g.We wanted to bottom our plan on a solid basis.


E.g.He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work.


E.g.We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground.

5、bewilder, puzzle, confuse, perplex这一组名词都有“困惑”的意思。


E.g.The silence from Alex had hurt and bewildered her.


E.g.The question puzzled me.这个问题把我难住了。


E.g.People are apt to confuse the two issues.人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来。


E.g.Faced with that dilemma, he was perplexed.



















