



缓解压力英文Title: How to Relieve Stress in EnglishIntroduction:In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an integral part of our lives. Dealing with stress is important for our overall mental well-being and productivity. This document aims to provide effective methods to relieve stress and promote a healthy lifestyle. By implementing these techniques, individuals can develop a better understanding of stress management and improve their quality of life.I. Identify the Sources of StressThe initial step in relieving stress is to identify the sources. Some common stressors include work pressure, personal relationships, financial concerns, and health issues. Identifying these stressors allows individuals to address the root causes and find suitable solutions.II. Practice Mindfulness and MeditationOne of the most effective ways to relieve stress is through mindfulness and meditation techniques. Mindfulness involvesbeing present in the moment, observing thoughts and feelings without judgment. Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice that helps calm the mind and relax the body. By incorporating mindfulness and meditation into daily routines, individuals can reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.III. Engage in Physical ActivityRegular physical activity plays a vital role in stress relief. Exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural stress-relieving chemicals, which help elevate mood and reduce anxiety. Engaging in activities like walking, jogging, dancing, or participating in sports can significantly reduce stress levels and promote a sense of relaxation.IV. Maintain a Healthy LifestyleMaintaining a healthy lifestyle can greatly contribute to stress relief. This includes eating a balanced diet, getting sufficient sleep, and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption. A nutritious diet helps to nourish the body and mind, while adequate sleep allows for proper rejuvenation. Avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol helps in maintaining stable energy levels and preventing mood swings.V. Develop Effective Time Management SkillsEffective time management skills can alleviate stress by providing individuals with a sense of control over their lives. By prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and avoiding procrastination, individuals can better manage their time and reduce stress levels. Breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps can also help in preventing overwhelming feelings.VI. Cultivate Supportive RelationshipsBuilding and maintaining supportive relationships is essential for stress relief. Sharing concerns and seeking support from trusted friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional comfort and perspective. Having a strong support system helps in navigating through challenging times and alleviating stress.VII. Practice Relaxation TechniquesRelaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and aromatherapy, can help reduce stress and induce a state of relaxation. Deep breathing exercises involve taking slow, deep breaths in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, allowing the body to relax. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing various muscle groups to promote relaxation. Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils to create a calming ambiance.VIII. Implement Stress-Relief Strategies in the WorkplaceWorkplace stress can have a significant impact on overall well-being. To combat stress at work, individuals can implement strategies such as taking regular breaks, organizing and prioritizing tasks, and practicing stress-reducing techniques during breaks. Additionally, open communication with supervisors or colleagues can help address work-related stressors.Conclusion:Stress is a common part of life, but it is essential to find effective ways to relieve and manage it. By practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical activity, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating supportive relationships, individuals can significantly alleviate stress levels. Implementing stress-relief strategies in everyday life, including the workplace, can lead to improved well-being, increased productivity, and a happier and more fulfilling life.。

话题专项复习 Reduce Pressure(减压)(共16张PPT)

话题专项复习  Reduce Pressure(减压)(共16张PPT)
them to be the top students at school, so most students
wo2rry about their grades, they have to be busy wi3th
their study all day. For adults, nearly all of them fee4l
Firstly, we should face the pressure 6 . Pressure is inevitable (不可避免的) in our daily life, 7 we can’t be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. 8 is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some
From the result of the survey, I think doing sports with classmates is a good way to relax. Because it’s good for our health and it can make us relaxed.
Step 2. Let’s choose the right answer. (完形填空)
Why Do We Have Pressure?
Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious 1 in nowadays. As students, we 2 have to face much pressure, 3 the study pressure, exam pressure, relationship pressure and so on. But how can we 4 pressure? This is the 5 .

压力及压力应对 英文ppt - 副本

压力及压力应对 英文ppt - 副本

What is stress?
Stress : a person’s response to events that are threatening or challenging. Stressors : circumstances and events that produce threats to our well-being.
Stress and Coping
Made by BaoLong Zhang
The phenomenon of stress Good and bad stress Stressors Consequences of stress Coping with stress Learned helplessness Coping styles Keep stress under control
Coping styles
Hardiness: a personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress-related illness, consisting of three components: Commitment is a tendency to throw ourselves into whatever we are doing with a sense that our activities are important and meaningful. Challenge. Hardy people believe that change, rather than stability, is the standard condition of life. To them, the anticipation of change serves as an incentive rather than threat to their security. Control. Hardiness is marked by a sense of control-the perception that people can influence the events in their lives.



Stress 关于压力的英语PPT

Stress 关于压力的英语PPT

In a nutshell, do something to make stress under control. Make stress management into success Let it work for you and strive for a better and balanced life.
Listen to k work in the park, or a relaxing session of yoga or Chinese Tai Chi will do wonders.
Know your limits. If a problem is beyond your control and cannot be changed at the moment, don't fight the situation. Learn to accept what is, for now, until such time when you can change things.
No one can escape from it. But how can we face it?
We need to manage our time well. Shut the outside world for a while Regular workouts
Know Your Limits Have a Good Cry
By doing that, we can reduce the chances to be under unnecessary stress.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself laying on a seaside bench, enjoying the vastness of the oceans.


the body lying down BANDARI music is the Swiss pure notes!
( Bandari light music )
我们现在听的这首就是来自班得瑞的自然之声。 听一首BANDARI的音乐
we now to hear this song is from the BANDARI sound of nature. listen a BANDARI music
coffee conveying the happy mood grapefruit
Calcium is a natural neural stabilizer can stable mood and manufacturing "dopamine“
6 Hot Milk (preferably skim or 1% milk) It is rich in vitamin C
2.泡温泉 瑜伽 Yoga
It makes you more confident, more optimistic.
Don’t overexercise, just relax.
牛 The third 奶 热 3.全麦面包 帮 葡 中 牛 传 暴饮暴食 whole wheat bread 助 萄 的 达 overeating 葡 奶 4.深海鱼类 人 柚 钙 开 1. 香蕉 ( 萄 deep sea fish 睡前2 小时吃点碳水化合物的食物, 体 富 心 是 最 鱼油中的 Omega-3脂肪酸,有抗忧郁作用 柚 bananas 如蜂蜜全麦吐司, 制 含 的 天 好 Fish oil containing Omega-3 fatty acids 造 维 有安眠的效果。 情 然 是 可以调节神经传导,增加血清素的分泌量。 这些不会减压反而会给身体带来更大的负担。 「 生 can be anti depression and increase your serotonin. 绪 的 脱 香蕉富含的生物碱, 脂 is 有安定情绪的效果。 多 素 its will burden to the body. The banana contains alkaloids , Carbohydrate 神 或 conducive to sleep stable mood 血清素是制造幸福感的重要 巴 经 before going to 来源之一。 胺 系 脂 bed to eat. 可以调节情绪并提高信心。 erotonin can create happiness 」 it can also regulate mood and improve confidence. 统 肪 稳 的 酗 定 牛 浓茶 酒 剂 奶 tea

情绪控制与压力缓解 ppt课件

情绪控制与压力缓解  ppt课件

精神系统 Spiritual
行为系统 Behavioral
心智系统 Mental
情感系统 Emotional
生理系统 Physical


缺乏动力和 刺激,枯燥, 单调
难以清晰思 考,身体不 适,不愉快
理解压力 找出适宜的压力水平 运用策略和行动获得适宜压力水平
社会/文化 因素
紧张和压迫感 应激 压力(感) vs. 放松 压力是连续体
内在压力与外部压力 正性压力与负性压力 长期压力与短期压力 生存压力,内源压力,环境
Social isolation Think unrealistically Rigid body Emotional repressed Self-neglect Sensory overload
什么是压力 你的最佳压力水平 如何缓解压力 情绪商数



Complain to your close friends
• We can go out with our close friends and shout all the displeasure out, but we must make sure first that our friends have free time and are willing to help us.
Unfortunately, people oftห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n have too much pressure, so it’s important to learn how to relax. This includes physical and psychological ways.
Women may go shopping while men may do sports. Different people have their own suitable way to reduce pressure.
We should treat ourselves better and make our lives full of happiness!
• Go out to breathe in more fresh air and enjoy the cosy sunshine.
• Sleeping is always a good choice.
• Nowadays, reducing pressure by sleeping has become the most “in” way between office ladies and students.



鲑鱼(连同其他冷水鱼)是个很好的蛋白质来源,细腻 优质的皮肤的基石之一。这些鱼类拥有的ω- 3脂肪酸的是 令你拥有好皮肤的主要原因。专家说,鱼类含有滋养皮肤 所必需的脂肪酸,能够保持肌肤丰满和青春,帮助减少皱 纹。
3、不要眯着眼睛 看书 的时候要戴眼镜
当你不停加班工作的时候,面部肌肉 重复同样的表情,例如看东西的时候 总是眯着眼睛,这样会导致眼角形成 槽状纹停留在皮肤表面。最终,这些 纹会慢慢形成皱纹。你要让眼睛睁大 :如何你需要看书,可以带老花镜, 尽量不要眯着眼睛。出外可以戴上太 阳眼镜,你要知道太阳眼镜不但能够 保护眼部周围皮肤避免被太阳晒伤, 还可以阻止你眯着眼睛。
The solutions
The solutions
Sleeping is always a good choice
Share with your family& friends Do some reading
如果你晚上睡觉都是固定一个方向来睡,夜复一夜会导致 “睡眠线” ——皱纹出现,当你起床的时候,会发现这条 睡眠线会刻入皮肤的表层,永不褪色也无法消退。睡觉经 常一个方向侧着睡,会导致脸颊和下巴出现皱纹,脸朝下 睡觉时会让你眉头紧蹙,同样会出现皱纹。所以,要减少 皱纹,尽量保持仰睡。
Thank you!
in our
• The exam • The keen competition • Interpersonal relationship • The part-time job • Love life • Graduation thesis(论文) ……
The solutions
Remind yourself that this is temporary. I really love the mantra "This too shall pass" because it reminds us that everything — including positive and negative events — is temporary. In a few days, weeks, or years, you will probably get over it. All that matters is knowing that there is a day you will move on and to not invest so much energy in thinking about an event that's temporary.


——他们在取笑我? ——他们有在背后议论我? ——我身上有什么不对劲的地方? ——他们有事在回避我? ——他们在疏远我?
Ⅲ. 强力减压(情绪应对)
冷静下来,认真思考一下刚才自己的感受,对事 情的经过进行简单的分析和判断,发现自 己想法中的不合理成分,并对这种不合理想法进行驳斥:
——他们都很善良,不会取笑我的! ——他们之间有点小秘密也是正常的! ——我很好,没有什么不对劲的地方。 ——他们是在笑与我无关的事情! ——我进门的时候正赶上他们在说笑话! ——他们挺可爱的,总是爱说笑!
或许你很要强,不喜欢把脆弱的一面展示给别人。但是,把所有的抑郁埋藏在心底只会令自己郁 郁寡欢,有时候把你的烦恼跟信得过的朋友聊一聊,这样效果会很好。
I. 你倾诉本身就会让你的心情感到舒畅; II. 与朋友们交换一下近况,你会发现,自己那点事算啥,可 能别人的烦恼比你大多了,从而自己也就觉得没有什么了。
或许,某些带给我们很大压力的问题或事情,或许只是我们认为地将压力夸大:“事情原来并没有 想象的那么糟糕”、“还有很多可以回旋的余地”、“即使是一败涂地,也还有重新站起来的机 会”……
Ⅲ. 强力减压(情绪应对)
No.1 换个角度看问题
当你从领导办公室回到自己办公室,室内的同事们见到你进来,突然放声笑了起来。 由此你可能会怎么想:
当我们面对诸如家庭、工作、社会、环境及内心 的各种改变时,头脑上会把面临的情況进行分析, 作出如何进行自我应对的方案评估。改变,往往 会对我们有所要求。而当这些要求被评估超越了 我们的能力和资源时,我们就会觉得心烦,压力 便会形成。
吃了吗? 以前打招呼
Hello?你好 吗?
1. 家庭压力
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• Sleeping is always a good choice. • Nowadays, reducing pressure by sleeping has become the most “in” way
between office ladies and students. • According to a research, SQ(Sleeping Quotient ) determines whether the
Women may go shopping while men may do sports. Different people have their own suitable way to reduce pressure. We should treat ourselves better and make our lives full of happiness!
Unfortunately, people often have too much pressure, so it’s important to learn how to relax. This includes physical and psychological wthe in more fresh air and enjoy the cosy sunshine.
How To Relax ——Liuang
Working hard is a good habit. Everyone knows that “the more ploughing and weeding the better the crop.” However, if we always work under pressure, we will get anxious more often and may be trapped in a state of sub-health, which may lead to an illness in the end.
we must make sure first that our friends have free time and are willing to help us. • We need catharsis.
Here are some light musics
• will and elizabeth ——Pirates of the Caribbean • The Sounds of Silence ——BANDARI • the apl song ——Black Eyed Peas • cry on my shoulder ——Bonnie Raitt • take a bow ——reanna • pretty boy • valder fields • big big world • u make me wanna ——blue • all rise——blue
result of reducing pressure by sleeping is excellent or just ordinary and it can be measured roughly by a simple questionnaire.
Complain to your close friends • We can go out with our close friends and shout all the displeasure out, but