The Origin of Carnival(嘉年华英文版)

The Origin of Carnival(嘉年华英文版)
The Origin of Carnival(嘉年华英文版)

The Origin of Carnival原产地的狂欢节

Catholic religion in Italy 意大利天主教

Lent 斋

―to put away the meat‖“放下肉”

Become famous in Europe 在欧洲成名

Spread around the world 传播到世界各地Carnival—localization 嘉年华定位

Cologne Carnival 科隆狂欢节

Germany Beer Festival 德国啤酒节

Notting Hill Carnival 诺丁山狂欢节

Spain Bull-running Fiesta 西班牙斗牛运行嘉年华

V enice Carnival 威尼斯狂欢节

The New Era of Carnival 新时代的狂欢节

——Development of tourist resources - 开发旅游资源

& creation industry chains 设计创造的产业链One of the ―three World amusement brand‖“三个世界娱乐品牌”之一Be introduced into China market 引入中国市场

Become a entertainment leader with absolute

advantages 成为一个具有绝对的优势领先娱乐

World Carnival events are professionally organized large scale traditional folk carnivals consisting primarily of: 环球嘉年华活动是有组织的大型专业传统民俗嘉年华主要包括:

Mechanical Rides - from the physically challenging rides of extreme speed and movement to more moderate rides that are enjoyed more collectively by families and groups of friends, to juvenile rides, which in proportion to children’s capabilities and height, provide a similarly exciting experience in a thoroughly safe environment.

机动游戏- 从极端的速度和运动的体力挑战乘坐更是享受了更多的集体家人和朋友组,少年游乐设施,其中按比例儿童的能力和高度,提供了一个同样令人兴奋的体验温和的游戏机彻底安全的环境。

Skill Games –participate in games actively that reward skillful players with attractive and popular prizes in the form of soft cuddly toys.

技能游戏- 积极参与游戏,在柔软的绒毛玩具的形式有吸引力和流行的奖品奖励娴熟的玩家

·Cultural Entertainment –a wide variety of international and Chinese cultural folk entertainment and performances. 文化娱乐- 国际及中国文化的民间娱乐和表演种类繁多。

· Food & Beverage – a broad array of international and Chinese food. Note: World Carnival e vents maintain a strict ―no alcohol served or allowed on-site policy‖ to promote safety and family values. 食品及饮料- 国际及中国食品浩如烟海。注:环球嘉年华活动维持严格的“无酒精送达或允许在现场的政策”,以促进安全和家庭价值观。Super Ferris Wheel

Super Ferris Wheel is a symbol of the carnival rides one. It is 31 meters high and weighs 110 tons, is the world's heaviest entertainment devices, is also the first Ferris wheel near the Bund.


超级摩天轮是嘉年华的游乐设施之一的象征。这是高31米,重达110吨,是世界上最重的娱乐设备,也是第一个摩天轮附近的外滩。Mega Drop 超级跳楼机

Apollo car 阿波罗汽车

Luxury swing 豪华秋千

G-Force Interactive games G力的互动游戏

Active participation games that reward skillful players with attractive and popular prizes in the form of soft cuddly toys

